Savannah weekly echo. (Savannah, Ga.) 1879-1884, December 02, 1883, Image 3

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(£dw, Savannah. Ga.. December 2.1883. R H. Harden, usineea Manager. £. S. Lawson, Gen, Canvasser and Traveling Agent. ™S PAPEK i A<,' s rt IMn« I tun "-ail f iGSprnoe St. i. where advert tanitf Ouutravts UUJT be made tvr H IN NEW > ORK. barrel thieves are looming up. flie tin ’ orn brigade are organizing Christina* only twenty-three days ofl Santa Cfnus. is thinking of the littl ones. Read our new advertisements care fully to-day. Holiday goods are being displayed ii every direction. The Guard* fair fund now amount! to nearly ?G.OOO. I’li • new o :(S company will soon bi prepared for business. Dock A\ ihiatns, has been Sent up sail <*reek for tine months. Mr. L (» Misch eaux. is no longer connected with the'Echo. A portion of Broughton street is to be paved, in the near future. lot re-ting sermons will lie delivered at ail the churches to-dav. ■ Mine is a high calling.” sav* the ’bell-ringer in a church steeple. The successful physician is one who i> able to hit an ail < n the he id. I hanksgiving day. was a general holiday in and around Savannah. ff any man ■fiend not in word, the *am<' ■- a p if ct man.—[James. t Youthful raslmes* skips like a hare over the meshes of good council. The i*tl unsure the most highly gift'd people about Christman time. S nd y >nr job printing right along to th I'.i tio office. No. ", Jefferson street. H hath ri<du * sufficient who hath etmijoh i,, ? char i able. —[Sir T. Brown. A man - wisdom is his beat friend, folly hi« w rst enemy.—[Sir \V. Tem ple. I he ri-iail liquor deal ■!> of Savanna h, ire warming up. They mean war to the knife. Whit r ui’ioii does the door step bear to the door-mat ?—lt s a step father. The poor turkey has bled and died. .Mrs. J A Sykes, will so in return to the city. He who I'lin conceal his j iys is grea ter th in lie wh • can hide his grief.— [Lavater Quit - a number of m w buildi"gsare being erected in the burnt district, in Yamacraw. Volatility oi words is carelessness in action. Words are tbe wings of action. [Lavater. ‘ Par" Garret’, continues quite sick at his r'si lence, corner of Sims and Wilson streets. Mr. Frank Lloyd, is quite indispos ed at his residence on Anderson street, near W- st Broad. It is our owivvanity that makes the vanity of others intolerable to us.— {Rochefoucauld. Just as we are going to press, our business manager. Mr. R. H. Harden, return .<1 t i the ci tv. Super-’ili 'iis. errors and prejudices are cobwebs continually woven in shallow brains.—[lf Finod - A b.’.o'y . ( Id fashioned, knock down and drag > nt tight occurred at Empire hail, n 'I nd iv iii.Jit last. 'flu advert'-,' ] Jett r li*t in the: Echo, w iII be di-e utinu d tintil further notice, on m e. unt of limited space. Mr. J W. Tn,mips in. of the Jack* «.niv:il I’li, Fremens Journal, call ed ini ■ *ee us on Friday last. F r tie* week ending Friday Nov. f .lrd, th re were 21 deaths in S ivannah. Nine whites and twelve colored. ‘‘The P’ro’liiv by Milton Noble and liis m company at the Theatre last week, was the hit" of the season. I’li■■ street iar companies lose money on every trip th ye mike, and only save thm-'lves iie. ause they make so many trips. f' ■ are mi per* ns more -olicitit etis ab . :t tlr. preservation of rank than thus., wli i had rm rank st all.—[Shen stone. We -Lmild never make enemies, if h 11 1 thei reason, bee- Use it is i hard t • hc : a> e toward them a* we ought.— Palmer. T < t of < »rdi■ ::r\ for the No ve-ul- I t< rm was a Ij oirned ni Tuesday i-'. and will me t for tin ] ’eeemlicr term to morrow. 'f 1 nr.ii* Alabama sling, is hi ing u- . vi rv i xtensiveh in ami around Savannah. by a set of bad boys. It sh'Hiid he stopped le id nevir thick well of a man s in i' • .-tn-i.r mi:i' ■ baract< r. if he was habitually uulaithfui to his appoint ments Emmons. Some sho' m ike’s get "ii their uppers, le -b io eis and g ■ out on strik< s. Other* keep pegging away. Those who stick are b>Hind to last. No sts'e can be more d-’stitue than that < fa person, who when the delights of scuse j is ike him has no pleasures <4 the mind.—[ Burgh. There i» no policy like politeness ; and a g•* d manm ris the best thing in the wo:ld. t tier to get a name,’ or supp y the want of it.—[Buiwcr. P ■ fie. magnet, const.ntlv points to te- obj ct. self; but unlike the magnet, it has no attractive pole, but at ad point* repels.—[Colton. Th es" nee of < very by-gone pain is indeed, m t mo b in m ry as it is th< prophecy which it holds within it*elf oi a pos-ible future like it. —[George Eliot A man should never be ashamed t< own he ha* been in the wrong, which in hut saying, in other words, that he it wiser to-day than he was yesterday.— [ p °P*- ‘ Saved ’ Saved I" cried a murderer dancing around a stump and joyfulh ti uri-liing a paper. ‘‘How so?" asket a companion iu crime. “Hus an innocen man been arrested for your deed?' “Better than that/’ “Have the author itiea withdrawn the offered reward?' Myerson Sells a 53.00 Kid Button Shoe for 52.&0. It will pay you to give them a trial** “Better than that.” “Thon what is it?” “They have put the Connecticut detec tives on my track.” Affectation in any part of our carriage lis lighting up a candle to our defects, and never fails to make us taken notice of, either as wanting sense or sincerity —[Locke. A New York compositor recently hanged himself with a towel. He had waited patiently three years for a fresh one to come into the office pliable enough to form a knot. Nature loves truth so well that it hardly ever admits ol nourishing. Con ceit is to nature what paint is to beauty; it is not only needless, but impairs what it would improve.—[Pope. I pity the man who can travel from Dan to Beersheba, and cry, ’tis ail bar ren—and so it is, and so is all the world to him who will not cultivate the fruits it offers. —[Sterne. Wherever our place, allotted to us by Providence, that for us is the post of duty. God estimates us uot by the po sition we are in, but by the way in which we fill it.—{Edwards. Somewhat so himself: “Can you tell 1 me,’' asked a Cortland man of his tailor, 1 “how you came to gei this coat so ' tight? ’ “Oh, yes, sir. The fact is, you ■ were tight when 1 measured you.” The head truly enlightened will pres ently have a wonderful influence in pu rifying the heart, and the heart really affected with goodness will much con duce to the directing of the head.[ S, Only thrice: “This is the third time; you have called me a liar, sir”’ exclaim- ' ed and excited man. “That so?” replied the aggressor. “Unly three times? Then 1 fear that I have uot discharged my . duty. Easiness grows on people ; it begins in conwebs and ends in iron chains, i 1 he more business a man has to do the more he is aide to accomplish, for he learns to economise his time.—| Ad dison. A horse balked with a man the other day. and he sat there nine hours before the animal moved on. He was a house painter. working by the day, and he would have put in another hour if ne cessary. “1 tell you.’’ slid Poots, “there s an indescribable sense of luxury iu.lying in bed and ringing ones bell for a,valet.” “You’ve got a vaiet ? exclaimed Ports’ friend. “No,” ieplied Poots, “but I’ve got a bell.” Real merit of any kind cannot be con cealed : it will be discovered and noth- ' ing can depreciate it but a man’s show ing it himself. It may not always be j rewarded as it ought ; but it will al- i ways be known. — [Chesterfield. Satire is a sort of glass, w here n be- I holders generally discover everybody’s ■ face but their own ; which is the chief reason for that kind of reception it ; meets in the world, and that so verv few are offended with it.—[Swift Compliments of congratulation are al- i ways kindly taken, and cost one nothing but pen, ink and paper. I consider them as draughts upon good breeding, where the exchange is always greatly in favor of the drawer.—[Chesterfield. “No, said the tramp, “I never meant to come here again. I was heading fur a town loi ly ■»"io i Lnorth of here, but 1 shaped my course by a railway map t got m ih< depot.” They concluded that his excuse was a good one and let him go. ► — There are no bette cosmetics than a severe temperance and pur.ty, modesty and humility, a gracious temper and calmness of spirit, and there is no true beauty without the signatures of these graces in the very countenance.—[Ray. Purge out the lurking distemper tha’ undermines health, and the constitution al vigor will return. Those who suffer from an enfeebled and disordered state of the system, should take Ayer's Sarsa parilla to cleanse the blood, and restore vitality. How often do we hear of the sudden fatal termination of a case of croup, when the young life might have been saved by the prompt use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral ' Be wise in time, and keep a bottle of it on hand, ready for instant use. A tramp reached into the pantry window of an out-of-town house the other night and tried to steal a pound of butter, but it was so strung that it drew him in and whistled for the dog. The tramp vows that he will never tackle any more country butter. A Medical Wonder. Success in the treatment and cure of all diseases, depends entirely upon the medical education, and practical ex perience of the attending physician. And secondly, his willingness to devote time and care on the sick, during their illness, with these elements combined, success is sure in 90 cases out of every 100. ami in this particular, we do not hesitate to present to the public our es teemed friend Doctor?. G. Ginner. He is a skillful physician and surgeon, and a friend of our people. His office is at No. 29 President street. Crand Masquerade Hop. A gr ind Masquerade Hop, will be given at Empire Hall, Tuesday i Night. December 4th. by the Silver Light Club. The affair promises to he the “hit’of the season. Tickets i 25 cents each, which may be had of the foil »wing Committee of . arrangements; Miss. Maxwell, Miss. Curray, Mrs. J. Armstrong and Miss Reed, Committee. N. M. Brown, Chrirman Crand Christmas Celebration at Woodville. A grand Christmas entertainment will be given at Woodville, Monday Decent'- her 24th, by the Sunday school scholars and members of Pilgrim church, Rev. J. H. H. Sengßtacke, Pastor. The pro gramme will consist of music, addresses, 1 a concert. Christmas trees, brilliant illu i ninath ns and the edifice hands tuely ; decorated. Tickets 25 cents, children 15 cents The affair promises to be one i of the grandest affairs ever witnessed at Woodville. Fourth Anniversary. The “Independent Bonds of Love” society, will jelebrate their fourth anniversary at the Savannah Light Infantry ball, Wednesday night, December 12th. The affair is to be made one of the most en joyable of the season. J. McCombs, President, W. W. Walthour, Secre tary. Eleemosynary Association. SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE MUTUAL ELEEMOSYNARY ASSOCIATION OF SAVANNAH GA. OFFICE OF THE SUPREME SECRETARY. Savannah, hov. 24, 1883. A meeting of the Association for the collection of the tenth (10th) assess ment, for the benefit of Edmund Bran ham. deceased, will be held at Delmon ico hall, Huntingdon street, Monday . evening next, at 8, o'clock and every I Monday evening thereafter until further notice By order of the Council Attest: C. H. Ebbs. Supreme Secretary. A NEW SHaViNG SALOON. I take pleasure in announcing to my friends and the public generally, that I have opened a first class Shaving Saloon corner Montgomery and Broughton street lane, where ' will be pleased to have your patronage. A. H. G/ ston, Proprietor. New Clothing Store—A Branch of the “Famous.” Clothing to be positively sold regardless of coat, and no humbug about it. On ac count of the panic in the Clothing trade in New York, we have decided to stop selling at wholesale and offer our entire stock re gardless of cost. Finding our store en tirely too small for this immense stock we were compelled to open a branch store at 173 Congress street, in Lippmans Block, facing the upper end of the market. Cloth ing Buyers are assured that no matter in which store thev buy the same fair dealing as heretofore will 'be strictly adhered to, and promise not only to sell you first-class goods, but cheaper than anybody in the State, and to make assurance doubly sure I we will guarantee every sale made and re fund the money tor every unsatisfactory ! purchase. HYMES BROS. * CO., Proprietors of the Famous New York ' Clothing House, 140 and 173 Congress Street. Quite A Compliment. On Monday afternoon last, about 4:30 o'clock, a well tilled tray ol the finest cream and cake of the season, was sent to the Echo office, by the Ladies Committee of the Bazaar, who were in session at the resi dence of Mrs. M. A. De La mot tn, on Orange street. It is useless for us to say, that such a compliment was not appreciated in the highest; not only by tne editor, foreman, com positors; but the two devils, because of its rapid disappearance. We are at a loss to find words to express our thanks to those noble hearted Christian workers, in the cause ol Christ and the poor Orplmn.-. We will, however, acknowledge that it was one of the best ami highest ap preciated compliments, that has been bestowed upon the Echo, since its inaugurated. THE LADIES BAZAAR. Report of the Committee. The ladies who gave the Bazaar for the benefit of the Orphan Home desires for the information of the public who so generously contributed to the success of the undertaking the following state ment of the receipts and expenditures, and also the net proceeds to be turned over for the benefit of the Home. •“"*' "'oTf: *’ “ • “ Silver -r • iu.75 SQuiP> ’ ‘ “ “Fancy Table ‘‘ “ “ * Wheel of F'onnnc 22.50 “ •* “ “ Rebecca at the W.-il 7.40 “ “ ' Supper Table 10 50 “ “ " Refreshment Table 24.75 “ “ *' Oyster Table 4.40 “ “ ‘ < offee Table 2.70 “ Port Office a< " •* Collection taken up 2.20 “ “ “ “ Sale of tickets at door 44.7 u S 627 20 Total expenses of the Bazaar 187.20 Total amount realized $440.00 The ladi « feel greatful to many kind friends w</o has so materially aided them by donation and otherwise in making the entertainment a success. To ail of whom they return thanks. They desire however to make special mention of the following names : Mr. S. P. Hamilton for a reduction of 53.110 on the price of the watch, Mr. Wm. M. F. Forrester, Richmond, Va., for reduc tion of £6.00 on the regalia, Mrs. Sarah Jane Kales for a donation of one pair handsome mats, Mr. John A. Douglass, for donation of a tin wash set, and the W kekly Echo, for numerous favors. The Pastor, officers, and Members of the Ist A. B. church for the use of the lecture room of the church. Hon. J. 11 Deveaux. for courtesies, Mrs. Sarah Ann Lattimore, of ?«ew York for the donation of a case of Toys. M. A. DeLamotta, Directress. Found After the Fire. In making search through the ruins in Yamacraw yesterday a very curious and supposed to be very valuable iron box was found, aud a large crowd col lected to witness the opening, which, after considerable trouble and the use of an axe, was accomplished. Upon the inside was written on parchment: “Al ways smoke Myers’ cigars; they are the best and cheapest in the city, and you can get them at 35 Whitaker street.’’— Adv. Crand Military Dress Hop. The Colquitt Blues, will give a grand military dress Hop, at Em pire hall, Monday’ night December 1 (itli, for the special benefit of the company. Arrangements has been made fo>-an enjoy able time. Tick ets 25 cents. Lieut. Oscar Coles, Sergt. R. McCall, Cop’l W. M Smith, J. F. Wilson, W. H. D. Reynolds/ and Sergt. G. Carter, committee. Lieut L. C. Edwards, chairman. Grand Hack-Tie and Apron Festival. A grand Neck-tie and Apron Festival, will be given by Solomon Lodge, No. 34, I. O. G. T., Mon day Night, Dec. 3d, at Sturtevant Hall, Liberty street, for the pur pose of raising funds to assist a large number of its members who were burned out by the late Yam acraw fire. Tickets 10 cents. M. Williams, Mrs. P. Linder, Mrs. L. Giles, Miss E. M. Myers, Miss E, Collins and M. Monroe, Committee C. E. Hutson, Chairman. Grand Holiday Hop. Messrs. P. Henry, John Thompson Geo. Wilkey and W. Evens, will give a grand holiday hop, at Empire hall, Mon day night, December 3rd. All the dudes will be on hand, and the proprietors in tend to make it the hit of the season. Tickets 25 cents each. •The mince pie graceth the festive board Masking its juices rare, And the mouth of our baby waters the while He rlewetb the treasure there. The doctor smlleth a wan tad smile * And heaveth a crocodile morn, • And the marble man goeth out Into his yard And polisheth up a stone. And the undertaker mournfully asks ,7'Y bat wttl his measure be?" While the sexton labels a spot ‘ reserved ’’ Under a willow tree," A Few Stray Items Boiled Down. Send us your printing. Buy the Echo regularly Read pur new advertisements care fully to-day Read Messrs. A. R. Altmayer & Co’s., new advertisement in the Echo to-day. Mr. J. Hart’s new East Side store advertisement, will appear in the Echo next week. It will pay you to read the Echo regularly and encourage your friends to do likewise. Henry Miller, the popular Barnard, street grocer, has an immense stock of I line groceries cheap. Please kindly prepare to meet our subscription collector, and newspaper lauvasser to-morrow. Don’t forget the Ecjao office, No. 5 Jefferson street, corner of Bay lane, when you wish some printing done. Myerson sells a S 3-00 Kid Button Shoe for 2.50. Read the new advertise ment at the bottom of this column. Buy your groceries and provisions from Henry Miller, the popular and well known grocer, at 21 Barnard street. The Colquitt Blues are preparing to give a grand entertainment Read the notice in another column of the Echo to-day. , Special attention is called to Mr. M. i Sternberg's, now advertisement, which appears in another column of the Echo to-day. Have you seen the dude ? if not, read Messrs. Chas. Logan & Co s., new advertisement in another column of the Echo to-day. It will pay you to do so, and give them a call. 1 he advice of our friends must be at tended to with a judicious reserve; we must not give ourselves up to it and blindly follow their determination, right or wrong.—[Charron. Sewing Machines For Everybody. M hen you want a good sewing ma chine of any style or make, at prices to suit the times, call on Messrs. Joyce Hunt, at 121 Broughton street, near Bull. Read the new advertisement in another column of the Echo to-dav. Combination Billiard and Pool Table for Sale. A first-class Billiard and Pool Table, with all the necessary attachments, can be purchased cheap at private sale, by applying immediately to Charles Bell, S. W. corner of Ann and Orange Sts., Savannah. As this is a rear bargain, parties desiring to purchase, must not delay, (’all on. or address as is stated above. Fish For Everybody and Anybody. When you wish nice fresh fish and oysters, at prices to suit the times; and at any hour during the day, call at Byrds. No. 181 Bay lane. Fresh fish is being received daily from Fort Pulaski and Cedar Keys. The pat ronage of the public is earnestly solici ted. Country orders will receive prompt attention. Benefit Concert and Festival. A grand benefit concert and festival, will be given at Chatham new hall, Tuesday night. December 4th, by a committee of ladies, of Asbury M. E. church. The enter tainment will be an enjoyable affair and it is earnestly Loped the same will be largely attended. Tickets only 15 cents each. BOOTS B SHOES Neatly and cheaply Made and Repaired BY L. BING. Jefferson Street, near Liberty Masonic Meetings. A EXCELSIOR LODGE No. 1. A. F. 4 A. M .weete at Manonis Hall. St. Julias street, the first an<l third Monday nights in ivh month ' s o'clock. F. H. Williams, W.M. tf. .1. D. Campbell, Secietary. The Workman's and Trades’ Loan Asso- ciation. A few more Shares in tills Assjk-ia, tion can yet be luid by making early application to JOHN ft HAINES, Treasurer, or to J. L. WIIATLv Secretary, 118 Bryan street. Scandal. “What do you think ? ” • I’m sure I don’t know .'J 1 ' •■Don’t tell anybody I ’’ “Oh no ! Oh no ! ’’ “Sombody told me, That someone else said That so and so told them You won’t tell what I said “ •Oh no! I won’t tell, What is it ? Oh dear ! The way that you tel “t. Is realty so queer ! ’’ ‘ Oh yes ! But have patience, I*ll tell you in time. But I have to make it AU fit into rhyme. Now don’t tell anybody Because if you do My secrets, the next ti ns, I’ll not tell to you I ” “I didn’t tell you,did I?’ 1 “You guessid it, didn’t mu ? ” "Guessed what ? ” “Why, that my papa- _ Bought a nice new suit and hat i’nm, APPEL BROS , Cloth fers and Hatters, IC»3 '.’ongres- Street. Savannah, Georgia. George R, Dodge, STEAM DYER! 210 Brougton Street, near West Broad. Ladies and Gents’ Clothing Dyed and cleaned in the best manner. Gents’ Clothing a specialty. Orders left at above number will receive prompt At tention. COMPETITION DEFIED! Full lines of Boots and Shoes, Hats, Trunks and Valises always on hand and at prices that suit the times. Fresh arrivals by every steamer. Special attention paid to C, O. D orders. Come and convince vourself of the Bargains atJJJJJJJ L. W. WORTSMAN, Next door to Solomon’s Drug Store, Savannah, Ga. KROUSKOFF’S WHOLESALE AND DETAIL MILLINARY STDREI Everybody knows Krouskoff’s Store, where yon can find the largest stock in the South, and to suit every body. We offer this week: We shall commence to sell at Retail, our immense wholesale stock at unheared of prices. Any BLACK STRAW HAT in the new styles at Twenty-Five “©Fits. Trimmed Dress Hats in any Style, at prices tu astonish you. Velvets and Satins for dress trimming at HALF price. We also make a Specialty In Crape, Mourning Hats and Bonnets. Remember it is money saved to your pocket to call on S. Krouskoff, Cor. Whitaker & Congress St. Dane. AUCTION ! AUCTION !! AUCTION !!! PRICES, PRICES, PRICES! TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER I WOTS AND SHOES AT THE CENTRAD BOOT > AND SHOE STORE ! Greatest Bargains in the citv. Goods Must be sold to make improvements on store, The whole Stock of BOOTS, gSIdOES TRUNKS VALISES, &c„ to be sold without reserve, commencing this day at the CENTRAL BOOT <! SHOE STORE. J. T. COHEW. j£S>Open every night until 10 o’clock. * Reduced His Price. MR. J. JEFFERSON, the popular arid well-known tonsoria? artist at No. j Whitaker street, has reduced his j price. Shaving reduced from 15 to 10 ’ Cents. Shampooing 20 cents. Other work proportionately. The patronage of the public is earnestly solicited. See his advertisement on the forth page of The Echo. TRUNK LOST. MRS. SARAH BOX, a former resident of Mill Street, lost a large Black Trunk containing Jewelry and Clothing, during the recent tire in Yamacraw. A reward Is offered for the same. Apply on Mar garett. street, second door from Lumber, south side. -AVNE SFAfiJCEIIGINES. V-j-ttcai & Spark-Arresting Engines from 2 to 12 nor-e-powcr, mounted or numounted. Best an-* Utmst£L E r g i n r upwards. Send for • led €'atalogue ro r information and price to Bor A WINS, Box 846, Corntwc, N. Y. i -NEW YORK BAR- —AND— BILLIARD SALOON. —2B South Broad Street, — SAVANNAH, GA, The choicest WINES, LIQUORS and BEOARS, at the Bar. A fine BILLIARD SALOON ATTACHED, with the Improved Combination Collender’s Table. H. B. BROWN A GEO. NEIL, Proprie tors. GROWN & CO., CLOTHIERS, M). lift I’OMHEJS SWF, [S. W. Cor. Jefferson Street,} Invite their friends and the public to ex amine their h indsonte and complete sto ck of -MEN’S, YOUTHS',- Boys’ and children's- Clotha ngl FILL AND WINTER SUITS. LATEST PATTERNS AMD STY LEB ; ALSO GENTS' FIiRMSHINIi GOODS, RATS, . A.S, Etc. Having secured the agency of Messrs. A. RAY MOND * CO., Bro*dw»y, New York, one of tbe largest and most relialde Merchant Tailoring rmtab- Ushments In the country, w® are prepared to take measure* for clothing according to order, and make them up after the latest fashion, guaranteeing a perfect lit. Samples of goods shown at our store. BROWN & ca, No. 195 Congress St., 8. W. Cor. Jefferson. Fine. Musical Sounds. The talk is that L, Fried carries the larg est and best stock of Gents’Furnish ■ j itig goods. j For Underwear, go to L. Fried. To be convinced call and see L. Fried in regard to what he advertises. The cry is go to L. Fried for Shirts, Col. I Jars and Cuffs, Call for the Elephant Overalls at L. Fried.. 1 Overalls, warranted not to rip, at L. Frieds. For Ties, Scarfs, Collars and Cuffs, call a L. Frieds. L. Fried has opened a dandy line of Ties and Scarfs. Bv calling.on L. Fried you will be con vinced in two er three dealings how much vou will have it the future as to your for mer prices. There is no doubt that L. Fried is the Leader of Low Prices in regard to what he .advertises. If you want good value for your money in Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, L. Fried is the place. Try L. Fried for a good fitting Shirt. BARNES’ vatZ BBSTACBART. A first class restaurant has been opened at NO. 14 MARKET BASEMENT, I West side, opposite Ferrill’sj ■Where Hot meals may be had at any time during the day or night, at prices to suit the times. Meals will be furnished to FAM I LIES or PRIVATE PARI lES AT SHORT NOTICE. Board by the Week or Mouth, at reasonable prices. A trial is earnestiv solicited. A good square meal ’Sent*. The best Fish Oysters, Game and Vege tables the market affords. always on hand. William Barnes, Proprietor. DECIDED BT —Royal Havana Lottery.— Class 1144. DECEMBER 4th. 1883. Number for Numl>er. Prize for Prize, with 230 Additional Prizes. 23.000 BALLOTS. 933 PRIZES. SCHEDULE: 1 Capital Prize..s9,ooo 1 Capital Prize 2,000 I Capital Prize 1,000 3 Prizes* $4OO each. 1,200 6 Prizes s2*"' each 1,200 2* Priz"S of $5O each 1,000 651 Prizes »f $lO ex h 0.510 9 Approximations to Ist prize, $lOO each.... 900 9 Approximations to 2d prize $5O each 450 .2 Approximations to 3rd prize, $5O each 100 1 )8 Prizes, as above, being the full number in the Royal Havana, and 2TO Additional Prizes of $5 each to the 230 tickets having as ending numbers the two terminal units of the number drawing the Capital Prize of $9,000.... 1,150 '.433 Prizes, amounting to $25,010 TICKETS $2. HALVES $l, AU Prizes Paid on Presentation. CA.UTION.-See that the name GOULD & CO. Is on your ticket; none other are original or reliable. For information apply to SHIPSEY COMPANY. General Agents. , .1212 Broadway, or 68 East Randolph st,, JiwvrTork city. Chicago, or JOHN B. FERNANDEZ, Savannah. Ga. PATRICK O’CONNELI lor. St, Julian and West Broad streel Opp. Louisa King Association’s Fountain] Careful attenuation given to all work. C. V. BROWN, MANUFACTURER OF Ladies’, Gents & Children’s B©@TS & SMOiS, 57 Broughon Street. Repairing neatly executed. Mrs. K. POWER, Has a large stock of miimi! A hich must he sold by DECEMBER I©, In order to do so goods will be marked so that ladies can buy French Felt Hats at 65c. Straw Hats, new shapes, at 25c. Be-ivers from 35c, up. The best Plumes in the citv for the money. Also a variety of Stamping Patterns, Which will be shown with pleasure any time ex cept Saturday afternoon. 168 Broughton Street. LOOK HERE! GO TOE. A.KXAPP’S FOR YOUR DRUGS. CHEMICALS PATENT Medicines & Toilet Articles- My stock is fresh and select. M y prices moderate. Try Quisisana Ongh Balsam and Chill and Fever Cure, they never fail Prescriptions a «|k>ciiility and promptly at tended u>, day and night. E. A. KNAPP, Cor. South Broad an Jefferan Streets THE (Iff MARKET KESTALRAiNT, OSOAR COLES Proprietor. The City Market Restaurant, No. 9 Market Base ment south aide, is now kept opou day and night, for the purpose of furnishing hot mean at any hour at prices to suit the times. The patronage of the public is earnestly solicited. Fresh Fish, Oysters. Game of all Kinds I and a choice supply of Vegetables, always on hand. Private families and individuals, will be served with hot meals at their residence at abort notice. STYLISH' Is now prepared To repair LOCKS, Scales, Trunks, Scissors azors and Umbrellas. Jell Hanging and Key Fitting a s[«-cialty J. T. BIRD, ....DEALER in.... BIT BOOBS, IllTlili, BOOTS & SHOES, SNffllES, PROVISIOK, LIOI ORS TOBACCO, ETC. Cheap Meats ! A SPECIALITY. Wes 4 ~ -1 e MARKET SQUARE. M. Jor. St. Julian Street, SAVANNAH, GA. Prices paid for Country Produce. Country orders Solicited. Soots and Shoes. AT THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE OF P. TURBERD T 136 Broughton Street, [Between Bull and Whitaker.] Those wishing good reliable 7?oots and Shoes, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as they can depend on fair dealing and courte ous treatment. It’s well known to the trade that I keep the best goods the market of the States affords. Amongst some of the lines I keep the celebrated work of Miller McCullough, and Ober hand gent’s sewed; Chas. Heiser; Hurt & Packard. Having the exclusive sale of ihose gooes no advantage will be taken. I also keep a full line of Ladies’, Misses, and Children’s Boots of E. C. Kurt, New York, Laird, Schober & Mitchell, Phila delphia. A full line of Rochester Work Zeigler Bros., always on hand. A full line of the famous Bay State Shoes. Thankful for many years patronage I ask a continuance of the same. E.O’Hagen and W. T. Farrell will be always happy to wait on their friends- AYER’S Ague Cure IS WABRANteD to cure all cases of ma larial disease, such aa Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint. In case of failure, after due trial, dealers are authorised, by our circular of July Ist, 1882, to refund the money. Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. T A VTTY Claims a specialty, and WAD* I 1A V I J bants, ADDITIONAL HOMB JJIIIIjL/ BTXAD CERTIFICATES and all kinds of LAND SCRIP bought and acid. Large Stock, and HIGHEST PRICES Paid. Dorouwant la sell or buy! K an. write tn A. A. THOMAS, W*skta*t«a. o. «•