The People's party paper. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1891-1898, August 19, 1892, Image 1

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Peoples P \hty Paper VOLUME I. NEW YORK IN ARMS. THE STATE’S SOLDIERY AWAIT THE GOVERNOR’S ORDERS. Buffalo Officials Ask for Troops, Ae4 They Will Probably be Sent There At Once. New York. August 17. —Just before subset yesterday a message was clicked over the telegraph wires from the head quarters of the national guard of the State at Albany to every armory in this city. It was a general order fro®c Adju tant-General Josiah H. Porter for every regiment in this city to put every mem ber of its companies under arms and to hold them in readiness to proceed at once to the scene of the switchmen’s strike at Buffalo. Men were sent to the rifle rooms, and the clanking of bayonets and the rattle of . mall arms broke the silence of the big buildings. Messages were sent outdo the soldiers of the regiments living near to report for duty without delay. The address books of each regi ment were brought out. and soon the telephone bells were ringing all over the city to connect the men with their officers. Beforo 9 o’clock, uniformed men crowded the cars on the elevated rail roads. They were in unseemly haste. Their movements were like those of soldiers bent on serious business. When they j ached the streets they went in double time to their armories. . In the homes ol most of the soldiers a different scene was enacted. The most of them were men who have to work hard for a living. They parted -.from their wives or their parents and brothers and sisters with hopeful words and en couraging smiles, but the wives and sis ters fell that their relatives -were going away to light. Later in the night the streets were alive with men in uniforms, hurrying to their poets of duty. Meanwhile all New York lay asleep, unconscious that thous ands of dieir fellow-citizens were armed and ready for serious fighting. At tli-e crack Seventh’s army Adju tant Landon sai<l the officers of the regi ment had received orders about 6 o’clock from Adjutant Porter-to hold themselves in readiness to go to Buffalo. All the captains of the companies were notified to have their men ready at a moment’s notice. Several men of each company were ordered at the armory to act as messengers in case further dispatches were received from Albany, calling the regiment to do active service. At the Twenty-second armory every sign portended war last night. A solemn faced sentry stood guard at the door and challenged every passerby without the countersign. The silent armory of the Twenty-second had been transformed into a bedlam within an hour, and the quiet young men of business who fill its ranks into serious-visaged men of war. <l We could move with over 300 men right now,” said Lieutenant Colonel King, “if the order should come. Con sidering the short notice the men had, they have been surprisingly prompt in responding. If they had had any warn ing we should have had 500 men here by this time. I have simply the order of the adjutant-general to assemble and await further orders. I haven’t any idea when we are expected to move, nor to what point. The men will go in heavy marching order and fatigue uniform. Each man will have sixty rounds of ball cartridges and not a smgle blank. We will take 500 men, though the full com plement of the regiment is 625. This in cludes the signal corps.” The entire National Guard comprises 13,500 men. Governor Flower, as com mander-in-chief of the State forces, is in direct communication with the Erie county authorities, and has taken such measures that should the occasion require it there will not be an hour’s unneces sary delay in moving the troops to Buffalo or to any point desired. A dispatch from Buffalo says : “Grand Master Sweeny made seme serious charges against the railroad companies this afternoon. He said they burned many of the cars themselves to gain sympathy. Sweeny also asserted that the switchmen stand ready to aid the militia in preventing depredations. The switchmen are not only not to blame for the acts of disorder that have been com mitted, but thatthey have not sanctioned them in any way. The best proof of this is that there have been none of them ar rested.” That the Erie and Lehigh Valley roads are afraid of an extension of the Buffalo trouble was evidenced yesterday by the fact that the agents of both roads refused to accept perishable freight for through shipment except at the shipper's risk. The officials of both roads admitted that > “JEDq-cx&l tc to None.” it was impossible to get a pound of freight beyond Buffalo. As matters stand now the Pennsyl vania has no direct interest in the Buffalo strike, but if the strike were to extend to the Jersey City yards of the Lehigh Val ley and Erie roads the Pennsylvania men would be as likely to go out as to remain at work. The consequence of a general strike would be simply appalling. The great suburban traffic on all roads, on which thousands defend for transporta tion to and from the city, would be prac tically stopped. The only trains which would have any assurance of safe pass age would be the ones carrying Uncle Sam’s mails and strikers would not dare • disturb those. hore swftcmen go oct. Buffalo, August 18.—At half past 1 o’clock this, [Thursday] morning, the Lake Shore switchmen have just quit work. A gang of them said the;, had been ordered out, and that the Lacka wanna switchmen will follow them in less than half an hour. Seven switch engineers in the South BsjffaJo yard usually working at this hour., are idle. Telephone messages from the eleventh preciret state that men in forty-four East Buffalo Lake Shore yards are also out. Til’s is confirmed by the other railroad men. The New York Central strikers number 150. About an equal number went out from the yards of the Lehigh Valley, Erie,and Buffalo Creok roads. The c ay switchmen on the West Shore road also struck to-day. A sergeant in the Slxty-fith regi ment was accidentally shot to-dxy by the gun of one of his men and died be fore reaching the hospital. There have been several cases of heat pros tration among the troops, the heat be ing very great. Troops continue to arrive. All eo far ordered here Lave reported except one battalion. Whoever selected the time for be ginning the present railway strike has shown generalship of no mean or der. It is the opening day of the fair and er cry railroad coming into <the union depot had from one to five special excursion trains scheduled for the day. It requires five switch en gines to make up passenger trains in the Exchange street stat ion under or dinary circumstances a riel on occasions like the present one twice that num ber would be required to handle the business. Troops are stationed along the tracks of the various lines. They are not yet accustomed to the duty and feeling of nervous apprehension lest they may be obliged suddenly to kill men has not yet worn away. But their laces are earnest. On the great coal trestles and on top of cars the strikers and others keep their look outs and pass their signals. The Facts from Jug Tavern. Jefferson, Ga., Aug. 16. The biggest thing in the way of a rally came off at Jug Tavern Saturday. The democrats had advertised for two week 2 they would have a barbecue and speak ing. General Gordon, Governor Norihen, Tate and Ham were to be the orators of the day. They intended it to be the grandest democratic demonstration ever seen in this section. They did not ex pect any of our speakers and were feel ing jubilant over their expected victory. Caadler, Tate and Hara were on the ground ready to bury the cause of the People. About that time Colonel Hahaffey, the next Attorney General of the State, drove in and every People’s party man knew our principles would be ably and fear lessly delended, and that he could cope with any man they had, notwithstand ing the exalted opinion the Atlanta Journal editor has of himself to the con trary. Tnere were at least 1,000 men present, and any fair minded man there is forced to admit that 700 of them were for the Peop’e’s party. To borrow from the Journal, for which please excuse me, Colonel Mahaffey fairly wiped the earth with Candler, Tate and Ham. If the other side deny this I can prove it by 700 of the 1,000 present, which seems to me is proof conclusive. I never saw a crowd more earnest, sin cere and determined for the cause of rijiht and jusute, and never saw the small crowd opposed to our reform move ment more depressed and disheartened. These are the facts as regards the Jng Tavern meeting without any extra touches or prevarications. R. J. F. Will this pass for good Democratic doctrine? It is a plank in the Nation al Democratic platform of 1856: We declare: “That Congress has no power to charter national banks; that we believe such institution of deadly hostility to the best interests of the country,dangerous to our republi can institutions and the liberties of the People, and calculated to place the business of the country within the control of concentrated money power and above the laws and will of the people; that the separation of the money of the governmen from bank ing institutions is indispensable for the safety of the funds and the rights of the People.” This plank was reaffirmed in 1860, but would be sadly out of placs in the Democratic platform at the present time. ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1892. THE TENNESSEE MINERS. THE MOVEMENT AGAINST CONVICT LABOR RENEWED. Further Collision of Free Miners and Militia may be Avoided by Removing the Convicts. Chattanooga, Aug. 17.—The Chatta nooga “Contingent Army of Tennessee” is now in the field for the protection of the raining properties of the Anderson county coal fields to the number of 620. At the latest ’lnformation they had reached Harriman, seventeen miles west of Oliver Springs, where they stopped for breakfast, expecting to go forward at any moment. The guards in the stockade were reinforced last night by the timely arrival of twenty-eight militiamen from Knoxville, after a ride full of excitement and surrounded by unknown danger en route. All sorts of rumors are current as to the number cf miners who are ready to attack or prepare for some new form of lawlessness. Various estimates are made of the number of these law-break ers, some of the estimates running up into thousands, and the general opinion prevails that the “woods are full of them.” The number may be greatly ex aggerated, but they doubtless have a re serve force which will number fully 20,000 resolute men. inured to hardship and fatigue, many of them veterans of the late war, and should they break out into open rebellion and defy the troops sent to <juell the rebellion, they will prove a very difficult body of men to handle, familiar a- they are with ail the mountain retreats, passes and by-ways. Conservative people think they will not oppose the troops, their main object seem ing to be to cream a public sentiment which will destroy any favor which ex ists towards the convict lease system. Already expressions are common that the lease system must go A special session of the legislature was called last. January for this purpose, but adjourned without action, and the free miners have taken this method to enforce some definite action. The stockade which was last night attacked is four miles from Oliver Spring -, and the troops now enroute for that point are confident that they will meet with opposition, but are determi - ed to face any number of rioters who may come in their way. The miners have taken forcible posses siongof apassenger train and left it stand ing on the tracks while the engine was used by them to transport a crowd of 200 to the scene of their ax tacks. Judge Moon of this circuit, now hold ing court in Jasper, Marion county, near the scene of the Monday attack, madega vigorous charge to the grand jury, sum moned a strong posse and will put forth an effective quietus on the doings of any more mobs in that district. In the county where the trouble now exists the situation is entirely different as the courts are not in session. The commun ity is large'y in sympathy with the miners and processes of law are not avail able. Judge Moon’s address to the grand jury of Marion county was a scathing one, full of fire and determination. As sociated with him is Foster Brown, at torney-general, and his aide, A. H. Trew hitt, and those three will stand like a stone-wall not only to prevent further depredation, but to bring punishment on the heads of all offenders. Knoxville, Tenn., August 17. —Last night the miners at Coal Creek, Jelli co, and Newcomb and other points on the Knoxville and Ohio railroad seized three trains and compelled the train men to take them to Olive Springs. The crowd numbered in all 1,500 men, including the miners at the latter point. The warden heard of their ap proach and when the miners were at least a mile from the stockade abandon ed his post and with the convicts and guards marched a mile to surrender. The miners were led by D. T. Moore, who makes no attempt to disguise the part he took. The guns of the militia men were taken from them and they reached Knoxville about 7 o’clock to night. The wires are cut beyond Clinton and nothing can be heard, but the universal belief is that Coal Creek will be attacked before morning. At least 3,500 men are congregated there, and the miners say they can secure 5,000 men if necessary. The Chattanooga contingent didn’t reach the scene of action at all, al though three trains gave them ample opportunity. They numbered sixty five men and were all day inactive at Harriman, seventeen miles from Olive Springs. It is impoasible now to reinforce Capt. Anderson at the Creek and the whole brunt of the bat tle will fall on Capt. Anderson and his command of 180 men. They have a commanding position on the top of the mountain overlooking the stock ade, are heavily armed and should give a good account of themselves. Nasha’lLLE, Aug. 17. —Governor Buc hanan announces that he does not know what he will do concerning rhe convicts who have been sent back to this city. The Governor inclines to the opinion that the beard of prison inspectors should de clare the lease void, because the lessees claim the authorities do not protect them against mobs and insurrectionists, and they are entiled to be protected in thei working of the convicts. They will not pay for the support of the convicts. Governor Buchamian has ordered the sheriffs cf Knox, Hamilton, Morgan and Andersen, counties to summon assistance and proceed at once&> Oliver Springs to protect property and prevent release of convicts by miners. The troops from C hattanooga are sidetracked at Harri man, but will start for Oliver Springs as soon a-5 possible. The wires to Oliver Springs and Coal Creek are still down. JaSpdh, Tenn., Aug. 17. —The grand jury has returned against the insurrec tionists fourteen true bills, and the at torney-general states that forty more in dictments are certain. 4 Latest advices are that the entire Na tional Guard of Tennessee, except two companies, and several hundred volun tee/s from the cities of Knoxville and Chattanooga are doubtless ere this at the stockade where Anderson’s command is beleaguered. The outcome is unknown, but it is evident that the State in the end will be stronger than the miners in their seggregated union. Out In Kansas. Winfield, Kan., Aug. 15. Recently the plutocratic papers are sending out word all over the country that the People’s Party in this state is is going to pieces, and contain fraudu lent reports of Peoples’ Party meet ings which are little else but a mass of falsehoods. As these reports from Republican papers are copied by the Democratic papers of the South with the evident intention of discouraging the brethren of the South, 1 wish to say to our Southern brethren that the most glaring falsehoods are being paliimd off on the people in the name iof ’ j” h that’ ever disgraced journal - ism. These Republican papers, lea by the Topeka Capital, have persons in’each town in the state whose busi ness it is to manufacture these false hoods and send to their papers. We have exposed many of them and prov ed them to be [the lowest of political liars that ever disgraced this state, but still they continued and we could not tell who until w’e discovered that papers in other states were extensivly copying these falsehoods. It is in the hope of correcting some of these false impressions I write this. For in stance our party head a rally recently at Washington, in this state. No less than 10,000 persons were present, but the Republican press sent out word that the meeting was a failure. At Riley Centre there were over 10,000 people to our rally. It was also re ported as a failure. At Wichita, where there is one of the largest halls in the state, while it would scarcely hold the crowd these same papers reported it at 120 voters and a few women and children. Such is the unscrupulous disregard for truth in Republican papers. What are the facts. Our party is growing every day, and we can give names of many former Re publicans who say they will not vote with that party again. This is more than the Republicans dare do. They constantly make assertions that num bers are going back to their old par ties, but never give names. The fact is, men are not apt to return to a party that are constantly asserting they are anarchists and repudiators of eebts. It is not reasonable that they should. We held our county convention on the 13th inst. This county, Cawley, has 35,000 inhabitahts, and is w’here the People’s Party first orginated as a county movement and which, in the n a xt year spread all over the state. Our convention this year was one of the largest attended; the most har monious and enthusiastic ever held in the county. The Democrats generally have unit ed with us on county and state tickets. There are those w T hoare interested in banking and money loaning, who say they will vote for the Republican can didate as their interest lie with that party. The banks, the money loaners and the corporations generally will lend all their influence to the Repub licans, and they have the united sup port of the railroads. Against this com bi nation is arrayed the majority of farmers and laborers and many of the mechanics, and with this combined help we expect to redeem the state from Republican rule. The Republi cans boast that they have unlimited funds at their command. One hun dred and seventy-five thousand dol lars is ready for use in Jerry Simp son’s district alone. It will be the hottest contest Kansas has ever seen, as the Republicans realizes it is a mat ter of life or death with them. Again I say to the brethren of the South, have no fears of Kansas. We are all right, and gaining ground every day, but w F e are very anxious to know how the movement progresses in the South. J. H. Ritchie. SEVEN HUNDRED MILES DUE NORTH IN HIS NATIVE STATE OF MICHIGAN. Col C. C. Post Giving Republicans the Same Medicine he Dealt to Democrats In Geor gia. i Saginaw City, Mich., Aug. 17. To The People’s Party Paper : Start at Atlanta and run a line sev en hundred miles due North, and if it does not end in Saginaw City it will be because a little of it hang over into Saginaxv Bay, off Lake Huron, in which case it might be a good plan to ’ attach a hock to the line on the chance of catching a muscalonge, a species of fish with which portions of the waters are said to abound. This is only a suggestion, and you are not obliged to do it if you don’t want to. I would like to try my luck with a hook and line if I had time, but .11 have not. . j After speaking here I to Flint . for a speech to-morrow, then to * 1 onia, Ithica and Detroit —all prominent towms or cities, and close my brief trip w’ith a speech at Bancroft in my ' native county of Shiawassee, on the £3. I have already spoken four times in the State, opening the campaign ! in company with Hon. Geo. L. Yapie, ' at Centerville, on the Hth, where we had a good audience on the fair grounds, and where Yapie at least . made a good speech. Y apie was in Congress several years ago as a reformer and Democrat. He proved to be too much of a reformer and not enough of a Democrat, and so did not get the Democratic support next time and staid at home. This year we hope to send him back as a People’s Party man. At the “ old under-ground railway ” towm of Battle Creek I had a fine au dience, and hope I warmed up the moss-back Republicans sufficiently to induce at least a few of them to shed. I told them, among other things, that ii‘they still loved the nigger as they professed to do, the best thing they could do for him was to turn in and help the People’s Party secure a suffi cient increase in the volume of money to bring cotton up to where we could afford to pay a nigger more than fifty cents a day without ourselves coming out in debt to the merchant to do it. Just as I expected, I found the Re publican bosses up here swearing that they are not responsible for anything, because they have not had both houses of congress and the president for such a long time, and I gave them a dose of the same menicine we have been giv ing the Democrats down in Georgia, telling them they had never even tried; that it takes two to make a trade, and that if the Republican Senate could do nothing without the Democratic House, neither could the Democratic House do anything without the Republican Senate, and that therefore the Repub licans and Democrats must have agreed upon the doing of all the evil things that have been done, and the not doing •of all that the people had wanted done. That kind of talk don’t agree with the Republican bosses up here any bet ter than it does with the Democratic bosses down South, but it is the kind of medicine they need, and they will have to take a good deal of it during this campaign. The People’s Party has a full State ticket in the field, headed by a good., able and clean old farmer named Ew ing for Governor. We spoke together Saturday to two thousand people at Haslet Park —a regular good old Alli ance and People’s Party meeting that made me feel like I was at home again down in Georgia. Dr. Bland, of Washington, D. C., was also present and spoke, and gave some valuable facts and figures on railroads, which I am going to try and secure for the benefit of the readers of the Peo ple s Party Paper. The railroad question is much more prominent and ownership by govern ment much more generally acceptable to the people West than in the South. They h" ve had more, and a more gen eral, experience with the evils of the present system, and are anxious for the chance —that is, the reformers among the people are. The pint crats are every where,and the*Northera Republican plate uses exactly the same argument in oppo sition to it that the Southern Demo cratic plute uses—namely, that it would be giving too much power into the hands of the government (by which they mean the politicians) and we meet them with the same argument NUMBER 47 here as there. We say : If yon really believe that government ownership would give more power to the politicifKr® that now run the government, yoca would favor it. You don’t believe You know that it would cut off of the greatest sources from whk-h. comes the corruption fund; that # would take these greatest of ail the cor porate influences out of politics, save fourteen millions of dollars per yaasr now paid by the railroads in attorney fees, which are afterwards charged up to the people and collected with tbe freight rates. That is the reason the politicians and attorneys every when? are opposed to government ownership the railroads. But I must close this and go to caUii my train. Will write again in time for next issue of the paper. C. C. POST,. GEORGIA WEATHER SERVICE. Crop Bulletin by J. M. Slierier, I . Department of Agriculture, The weather conditions of the ' week have been somewhat diver-si In the Northern counties of the hot, dry weather has prevailed wath more than the usual amount of sun shine. In a few localities there have bees light showers but they were, as a rule, very poorly distributed and insuffioieni in amount. The effects of these conditions on crops has been far from encouraging;.. Cotton is particularly in need of rain. There are numerous complaints of sh at ding, and nearly all reports agree that it will be very short. That portion of the crop on gray land has sustained naw damage than any other. There it fe turning yellow and shedding verv badly. The corn crop, which, up to the present time, has Deen uniformly reported as ii? excellent condition, is also suffering for the want of moisture, and in some places it will be rather short. Early' corn is in much better condition te the late crop. ■ bruit is plentiful, but in some sertxw it is of inferior quality, and there ans many complaints of rotating and drcip ing. Peas, potatoes, turnips and other saimli crops aie in good condition. In the middle portion of the State s* more favorable state of affairs exists. There has been more rainfall, and thia., with an average amount of heat sunshine, has proved highly beneficial t-v all crops. Cotton in the Western counties is gen erally in good condition, being nroch > better on red than gray lands, but in the central and Eastern sections the ease crop has stopped growing and rust aaod shedding seem to be quite general. the West section it is opening rapway, picking will probably commence during the coming week. In many portions M the central and Eastern sections picking is already in progress. Throughout this entire belt corn ia jfe fine condition and fodder-pulling fe. al most over. In some portions of tbe Eastern counties corn is firing, but larger portion of the crop is far abovs; the average. During the present sea&ca® there has been a large increase in the corn acreage, and from its flourishrap condition it would seem that an enor mous crop will be thrown upon the market. Fruit, which has been so plentiful io the Western and central sections, about gone. Potatoes, peas, rice and all small crops are doing well. Reports in south-west sections are ifer? only ones who complain of excessrve rainfalls. Here the weather of the past week proved very injurious to eotto®, but it was generally favorable to al* other crops with, perhaps, the exceptrcss of tobacco. In many places excess! w rains fell, which, when followed by heft sunshine, caused cotton to shed greatly. In other southern counties the rainfall and temperature have been about tie average, except in a few places, where there has been too much rain for cot too. Cotton in the south-west is rapidly and picking has become generak Complaints of rust are very numermss this week. It is causing a prematrae opening of the bolls and killing the plant. The entire cotton crop will be very short this season, and some corres pondents state that it will not average more than 50 per cent, of the nsoal yield. The crop will also be short in tbe ✓other sections of the southern tier of counties, but the prospects in the South ern and South eastern sections are encouraging, although there is consid er ible shedding. Fodder-pulling is about over and a fme crop his been saved, and corn, though somewhat injured by the unfavorabfe conditions of the last few weeks, irku still mike an average crop. Tobacco cutting still continues, ar.vtx wph a few exceptions the crop shows u fair average. Boiatoes, field and garden peas, and the small crops, are in fine condition. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 16, 1892.