The People's party paper. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1891-1898, November 25, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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I'' me n t ’ ’■ W ■a M urday> ■ This is Mi must MMhe peo- ■ ■ IMMMKjI fe'K;>a!M<J. It > c." '• ’a* a *.€-\ . • '■:>■■'■' •> : y Mffarty in power, ai.d opens the for fairer methods in elec tions. This campaign will not cease until the people are assured that their chosen representatives cannot be cheated out of office, or until the schemes of the ringsters have so far succeeded that no respect remains for the choice of the people in so called elections. < THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE. During the late campaign those curious Alliancemen who found it proper to support a party which was opposed to their demands, derived some comfort from the assertion that the National Alliance had never , adopted the Omaha platform. That excuse can serve no further. The National Alliance has adopted the Omaha platform. Now, what will brother Moses and brother Everett, etc., do? Will they support the Democratic party, which opposes the Alliance demands, or will they support the People’s party> which is founded on those demands ? Rack up, boys, and answer. Will you stand by the Alliance principles as adopted by your national body ? Or will you remain Alliance Demo crats ? By the way, what is an Alliance Democrat? He is a queer mortal who is ashamed to vote for the party which adopts the Alliance demands, but is proud to wash dishes and pol ish shoes for a party which spits on those demands. He is a curious creature who had rather be kicked in the rear by a party which de nounces the principles he is sworn to support, than to be an honored com rade in the ranks of those who battle for those principles. He had rather have kitchen slops thrown over him twice a dry by city ringsters who lose no cl ance to ridicule and abuse the Alliance, than to sit at the table wtCi Jhy men who fight for its cause. He is a strange man—this Alliance Democrat 1 He believes that the true way to redeem this land is to curse bad leaders and bad laws up to the day of election and to fall in line and vote for these men and these laws. According to his manner of thinking, the way to break up organ ized robbery is to join the band and participate in the theft; the way to whip an enemy is to enlist in their ranks and march under their ban ners ; the way to serve God is to be on the best possible terms with the devil I This is nice morality, and it had many disciples in the last cam paign. Oh, comrade! If you really ever were a reformer, if you ever did be lieve that the Alliance Democrats were necessary to the country, then throw away your false ideas and join the People’s party. You object to the Alliance going into politics. Did you not go into politics for the Democratic party ? How can it be wrong to support a party pledged to your demands? How can it be right to serve a party opposed to those demands ? Be honest with yourself. Get right and stay right, and we will carry your Alliance principles to the grandest triumph this generation has seen. We are getting rid of the time servers, the place-hunters, the cow ards, the hypocrites, the corrupt and the mercenary. May the last one of them leave us and never return. We want men I Men who are not afraid ; men who are constant; men who are earnest; men who fight a wrong because it is a wrong; men who love right as they adore God : men to whom duty is a creed and an inspiration ; men too proud to stoop to meanness, too honest to be tempt ed, too wise to be misled. Give us men like these and we will yet have good laws. T. E. W. Wouldn’t it be well for the Au gusta Democrats to call a meeting of sympathy and offer asylum to their brothers in Buffalo, New York? The heelers of the last named ciiiy committed frauds, which they call “inadvertencies,” and now ask to be allowed to correct the returns and give the office of superintendent of education to the man they cheated out of it, but the matter is in the PEOPLE’S PARTY PAPER, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1892 courts, and it is probable only execu tive clemency will save a lot of them from the penitentiary. Since the conviction of twenty-odd Jersey City election managers last year, it has been demonstrated that even Demo cratic administration cannot always keep such criminals out of jail. The proposition of Representative Boyd, of McDuffie county, to provide school books at public expense, has its precedent in several States West and North, and in the District of Columbia. It is peculiarly appro pr\te in Georgia, where the length of the scholastic term is annually cut down by the demand for the labor of the children in the fields in spring and autumn. The hope of a forty weeks’ school year can never be real ized so long as agriculture remains depressed, for the reason that the children of the farmers can not be spared from the hoe or the cotton picking. And the poverty of the people makes peculiarly grateful any proposition to lighten the expense upon the parents. By this means only can the State, in the present de pressed condition of its great indus try, hope to confer the benefits of school facilities upon its children. The proposition is a good one, and in the great State of Indiana, it is now in the law. As|yet, it must be confessed that if anybody knows how many members of Congress the People’s party elect ed, he has not made it public. There is no reason to doubt that the ten in the present House will be more than doubled in the next. Sibley in the twenty-sixth Pennsylvania, Cannon in the sixth California, six in Kansas, three in Nebraska, two in Colorado, one in Nevada, one in South Carolina, and several others in the Northwest are certain. In Arkansas, Texas and Alabama members were elected, also, but their fate is doubtful, as are those from two Georgia districts. The As sociated Press gives no People’ B party news, and as yet nobody has any reliable information from the country at large. A subscriber writes from Moxley that the People’s party of Jefferson county contemplate a camp meeting, on the Texas plan, to include four days, from December 14 to 17; pro gramme to be arranged later on. Full particulars and name of author ized committees are not furnished this paper. Watch the little yellow label on your paper, and renew your sub scription at least two weeks before time is out. By so doing you will save us the trouble of taking your name out of the galleys and re placing them, and you will save yourself the annoyance of missing a number of the paper. The newly elected legislature of Nebraska contains, on joint ballot, 62 Republican, 17 Democratic and 54 People’s party members. To elect a Senator 67 votes will be nec essary. It is expected that the Dem ocrats will support the People’s can didate, and thus secure his election. The contest for the seat of Repre sentative Morris, of Paulding county, has been withdrawn, but not till the House elections committee had pre pared a report recommending that it be dismissed. The Democratic con testant could not see the absurdity of his action until satisfied of its failure. Friends of the reform movement in Georgia regret the death of Hon. W. J. Pirkle, of Forsyth county. Mr. Pirkle was stricken with paralysis while in Atlanta attending the ses sions of the House ot Representatives, and was carried to his home, near Cumming, some days afterwards. He was a minister of the gospel, and had long been a member of the Baptist church. He was one of the fourteen People’s party members of the Georgia Legislature, respected by all who knew him, and is a loss to the community in which he lived. He leaves a wife and children, to whom the sympathy of many friends will go out. Among the matters upon which the people can be congratulated, be it remembered that those two sweet scented goldocrats of Massachusetts, who paraded as Democrats in the last Congress, George Fred Williams and Sherman Hoar, were defeated Republicans will sit where they sat, and their brief accidental election will be remembered with a smile. But while in Congress, didn’t they bully the other Democrats? The papers are jesting about Mrs. Lease having declared her intention to be a candidate for the Senate from Kansas. This is probably a sheer invention of the enemy. It is to be remembered, however, that the new- ly-elected Attorney-Gen era! of Mon tana is a young, good-looking and accomplished woman. The edu cated, liberal people of the great West seem to have no hesitancy in entrusting w r omen with the responsi bilities of office. Why should they ? The Ruralist, of Huron, S. D., says “it'is wonderful how many are comparing the People’s party move ment with that of the Republican party at its organization. Every comparison, though, is in our favor. * * * Weaver has proven a much more successful path-finder than did Fremont. There is no good reason to feel discouraged over the result. We must at once begin work to capture every con gressional district possible in 1894, and increase our hold on the United States Senate, that we may capture all branches of national legislation in 1896. We are in the right, and right will prevail.” From comment of reform papers on the ballot laws of the different States, it is evident that the placing of full party tickets in parallel columns facilitates voting and count ing. Each party having adopted an emblem or vignett, the voter who wishes to vote a straight ticket simply stamps or crosses once in the square or circle beneath the vignette, and the ballot is read off for all the names under the stamp. The Ventura, California, Unit pokes fun at the decrepid Repub lican party. It says : “What does the little fag end of the Republi can party expect to do in Ventura county, now that the head is cut off and the body chopped into small bits? It might as well crawl into its hole in the ground and pull the hole in after it.” Thus from every part of the country comes the ex pressed opinion that the Republican party has ended its active career. The Democrats, during the cam paign, Gov. Northen at the head, adopted and used Secretary Foster’s figures to show that the financial ar guments of the People were baseless. Now the Democrats say that the na tional treasury is bankrupt, despite the fact that Mr. Secretary Foster declares that such an assertion is without foundation. Meantime, the People will wait for such a- reckon ing as Democratic officials will make when they have the treasury in charge. The frantic appeal of the Augusta Chronicle to the People is, “ Let us be friends.” It is a bad sign for a paper, tracing back an existence for more than one hundred years, to be forced to admit that it has alienated the people among whom it has so long circulated. Its editorial man agement must be bad, a fact to which a general assent will be given. Augusta comes to the scratch with not quite 4,000 persons qualified to vote in her municipal election. She counted 11,000 in her five wards when it was necessary to help Black out. A great effort that! Os 33,- 000 people, 11,000 votes! The Nonconformist, of Indianapo lis, says: “One lesson of the election, if any thing, means that the American peo ple are sick and tired of chawing at the tariff bone. Four years ago they unhorsed democracy and »told high protection to do its warst. They now reverse the proposition. With out an increase of the currency vol ume four years hence will find the producers in no better condition financially, even if the protection bars are thrown clear down. By that time another unhorsing will take place.” The correspondent of The Road, a Colorado paper, writing from New York, puts the great elected and his faithful Dan in close communion. Here is one of his many jokes: “ Dan, that last Tom Collins hits the spot, and we shake hands with the spot. We’ll have a dozen more of ’em and half a dozen porterhouse steaks before we turn in—we don’t care what Frankie says. By the way, Dan, what shall we do with little Clark Howell?” “ Make him grand chamberlain, sire, and let him shove Baby Ruth’s carriage around.” “ Ha, ha! But, Dan, we must do something for our friends the enemy. You know my hang-dog benevolence, ha, ha! I shall send a message to Congress to bring in a bill for a ‘ Refuge for Confirmed Idiots and Demented Suicides.’ We must do something for Teller, Walcott, Jones, Cockerill, Halstead and the rest of ’em who worked so hard for us with out knowing it—ha, ha! ” “And poor old John Sherman, sire ? ” “ Oh, we’ll hang him on a sour ap ple tree.” The boys all over Georgia say that they are none the less determined than when they organized the Peo ple’s party. They are in for four more years or the war, and will yet whip the fight. The Augusta Jubilee. Augusta, as the hub(bub) of the tenth congressional district of Geor gia, held their grand Democratic rally, or jubilee, on last Wednesday night, amid great enthusiasm. It was so characteristic of that gang that I crave space to speak of it. The papers claim that thirty thousand people were on the streets, and say those who do not believe the tenth is democratic should have seen them and learned better. In the possible thirty thousand, all of neighboring South Carolina were present; but they voted heavily in Richmond county in the late national election and are naturally a part of the tenth of Georgia. A large slice of Burke county walked the streets, but by the same logical reasoning, I guess they are a part of the tenth. The daily press says that “enthu siasm reigned,” while any perfectly sober man knows that whisky reign ed. Whisky was monarch of all you could survey. For fear that her sub jects would not have time to become perfectly imbued with her person ality, the city fathers broadened and expanded all her ordinary privileges. The hours of the morning brought her subjects-home more drunk than the famous “ boiled owl;” too full and too independent to even care where they were at. And the parade! A glorious spec- Not very probable, but possibly twenty-five hundred in line, far enough apart to be lost by each other, the procession seemed to be an effort to make something out of nothing. Out of the above possible number, one-third were negroes— and the only thing democratic about them was the whisky they had im bibed. Money was the black man’s consideration. Another third of the number in line were boys under age. This leaves only one-third as possible legal voters. These little boys only followed the footsteps of the bigger boys. A great many transparencies were in the line. On one side, one of them said, “Georgia R. R. Auditing Department,” while reversed it read, “The results is correct.” Now, if that band of men figured out such a con clusion wh’le sober and in a perfectly sound frame of mind, the writer would advise the authorities of the road to immediately employ expert accountants and overhaul the books and accounts of that department, for something is rotten in Denmark. On another transparency came a caricature of the editor of the local People’s party organ. I regret that it was so vulgar, dirty and obscene that decency prevents its description. At the end of the procession came a wagon, in the center of which was a coffin—which the burned. On each end of the coffin sat a man playing cards and drinking whisky from the same bottle. This was Watson’s fonevaA The two men, the cards and whisky represented jubilant democracy. It was such a drunken, wild, sacrilegious represen tation of questionable conception, that it did not take with the people along the line of march. It did not fulfill its intention. No laughter, no comments, but in silence, with only a momentary look, in glided by. I heard repeatedly, “ Shame!” Since that I have heard prominent minis ters say openly, “ Shame!” A transparency labeled “Black and Democracy,” was the only truth that graced the procession. It woke a thousand echoing and re-echoing truths. The gloomiest, stormiest night of this world’s existence, the possibilities of the unknown realm of death, the imaginative picture of purgatory are similes of black, even as black is a synonym of Democracy. After the parade, the portion of the spectators not thoroughly drunk, returned to their homes sadly, so so sadly disappointed. Since then the cry has been : “ Not that I love Watson less, But whisky more.” Diogenes. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 18. Douglas County Speaks. A meeting of the political re formers of Douglas county con vened at Flat Rock Saturday, the 19th instant, to consider the present situation, and counsel together in re gard to the fqturq* Interesting and instructive speeches were made by a number of those present, all taking a hopeful view of the present condition and future prospects. It was con ceded by all that the Democratic party, soon to be in control of all branches of the general government, would have a chance to prove the sincerity of its professions of loyalty to the pedple, and would be held to strict accountability to its promises to afford the demanded relief. We believe this meeting, brought together for free discussion and more perfect organization, is a move in the right direction. Let the reformers in every county in the State hold meetings, perfect their organization, and present a solid front to the en emy. In every State, county and city election see to it that a full ticket is in the field, and by all fair and honorable means go into the canvass to win. Let the work of education go on—sow the State knee deep with literature. Our meeting passed, without a dis senting vote the following resolutions: Resolved, That we view w ith ap prehension and alarm the widespread political corruption prevailing in this country, whereby bribery and in trigue control elections and dictate legislation, thereby endangering the prosperity of the republic. Resolved, That the action of the professed teachers of morals and re- ligion, while repudiating in words said immoral practices, by continuing to vote for parties that ordain and uphold these infamies, become parti ceps cnminis in the rascality by throwing the whole weight of then power and influence in behalf of the plutocrats, monopolists, boodlers and thugs, who control the government in the interest of the few to the pov erty and degradation of the masses. Resolved, That recent events have demonstrated the fact that the party of the future must be a party of liv ing and not of dead issues; it must be a party that has the courage of its convictions; a party that dares to do right for righteousness sake, trusting in Him who rules, not only in the courts above, but in the affairs of men. Resolved, That as citizens of a common country, and members of an universal brotherhood, we pledge ourselves to bring to our political ac tion the same high moral principle we demand in other affairs of life. Resolved, That these resolutions be offered for publication to the People’s Party Paper and the Living Issues. D. M. Allen, Chairman. E. H. Camp, Secretary. From Wilkinson County. We may be slightly disfigured away down here in the off-corner of the Tenth, but we are still in the ring. Guess you are aware of how Black got a majority in Wilkinson county? It was by throwing out three Watson districts which gave handsome majorities. You nor anybody else ever heard of such threats as were made down here. For instance : “If you vote, and you are not registered, we will have you in the chain-gang in less than three weeks, for court meets next week. If you are caught electioneering in one hundred and fifty feet of the polling place you will be prosecuted, and the chain-gang will be your doom. If you vote the People’s party ticket you will get no more rations at my house, and I will have a settlement with you, even if it takes the shucks off of your corn.” The three districts thrown out were signed just like some they counted. We expect to be there at roll-call at the county elections in January. * * * Toombsboro, Ga., Nov. 20, 1892. Screven County. Resource, Ga., Nov. 22. In your issue of 18th instant I see Screven county’s vote in the Novem ber election is pu t down as “ Demo cratic, 1,003 ; People’s party, 1,144.” As one of the election managers and consolidators, I wish to correct the above. The 1,003 represents Les ter’s vote in the county. There were only 852 straight out Democratic votes in the county. The difference between this and 1,003, 151, were votes cast by the Republicans for Lester, his name being printed on the Republican tickets as well as on the Democratic tickets. The Demo cratic vote, 852, and Republican vote, 396, only beat us 107 votes. We expect to carry the county of ficers in January, as the Democrats cannot again carry the Republican vote as they did in October. On with the fight. * * * Black Whisky Party. The People’s party, and all the honest, sober, Christian people, are surely convinced by this time that the above party- have determined to ride into power by any means over the will and wish of the honest toil ing masses. The two late elections show be yond a doubt that a toleration of such proceedings will reduce our children to hewers of wood and drawers of water for such a class as the ring bosses in that Sodom (Au gusta') who placed the whisky man (Black) against Mr. Watson, who tackled the lion in his den and ex posed the evil of drunkeness in the so-called grand councils of our nation. People’s party in this (Tenth) con gressional district, truth, honesty and sobriety prove to the Christian world your cause is right, and it will pre vail in the sunlight of justice. Let each county which has not already nominated its candidates for the different county offices to be elected on the first Wednesday in January in this State, meet at your county site on Saturday, the 3d day of December, and nominate your candidates, and let every People’s party man, to a man, stand to your posh stick to your principle, and see that no undue advantage is taken of your fellow-voter at the polls or elsewhere by the enemy, as our motto is a free ballot and a fair count. The militia districts will also see to the election of their district officers. All good citizens know the importance of having our county and district offices filled 'with con servative men. The foregoing is suggested and written by one of the many in Jef ferson county who became so much disgusted at the conduct of what they thought to be the Democratic party up to the late State election that we have fallen over on the side of the People’s party, finding it to be the God-fearing, honoring and loving consistency, truth, justice, morality and Christianity in all its attributes. Jefferson. What of the Future. Star-Dispatch, of Denver, Colorado. Are the people of Colorado, especially of Lake county, going to be contented and stop with the re cent victory ? If so, it were better not to have made the fight. To dis organize, to lose interest, to not be alive to the situation, and let there come a reversal of judgment at the next election will make it worse for the People’s cause than if we had not gained the victory, for it would then be taken that by the people themselves their principles were con sidered wrong or worthy of little consideration. Already it is talked by the wise heads that the late vic tory was simply an outburse of fa naticism, and the decision will be reversed at the next election. It is true it was apparently as suddefi, as it was a mignty outburst of popular sentiment and judgment against the wrongs the people of Lake county and of the State had long endorsed. But does it necessarily foreclose that the work must be temporary and the decision be reversed ? In the first place this paper will hereafter at tempt to show that this was not a sudden change of views; that the storm has been gathering for years, It will be a revelation to some peo ple in Lake county when they are shown what the people of the county have endured for years, and are enduring. And to this, rather than to fanaticism, may be attributed the later popular uprising. But even if it was sudden, must it necessarily have to go to sleep again? And what is true concerning local inter ests and affairs is also true of the State of Colorado, ar.d the Western States. If Colorado is to be bene fited by the late victory, the people must be awake and realize the real victory is yet in the future. If these Western States will stand firmly by their late decision, and not give up in despair, the people of the nation will hear and give attention to their needs and demands. The key to the situation is in party organization and agitation. Let the time from now till next election bo utilized as a period for enlightening and instructing the people as to the platform of the People’s party. Let it be the time for an educational campaign on political matters. “Agitate, agitate,” is what is what is needed. It is an old saying, possibly by some thought worn out and yet true, and at present specially forceful for the people of Lake county, of Colorado, and of the Western States, that “eternal vigi lance is the price of liberty.” Cleveland gets about 270 votes in the electoral college—not 300 as has been persistently claimed. But t 1 Republicans carried no Western State by big, old-time majorities. The Two Voters. * ' Two men went up with their ballots to f ote; The one was a Christian, the other a bloat. The one carried with him the word of God, The other a license to sell “forty rod.” But the angel above saw with wonder and shame That the tickets they voted read f.x- ACTLY THE SAME. —Vanguard. “The private armies which have ap peared in history were maintained by individuals who had grown so pow erful as to be a danger to the com munities in which they lived, pro ducing a condition of partial anar chy,” writes Thomas B. Preston in the November New England Maga zine. “So, under like circumstances, again to-day we have our private armies. The growth of large per sonal fortunes and corporate power through special privileges, monopo lies or exemptions unthinkingly be stowed upon their possessors by popular government, or frequently procured by the direct bribery of venal legislators, has produced a state of things in which the natural resources of this country have been largely given over as the spoil of the few, or in which favored individuals have received the power through un just tariffs to levy private taxes upon every American consumer. The masses, deprived of the possibility of employing themselves in agricultural pursuits from lack of taste, or in me chanical occupations through want of capital, have nothing to do but to compete with each other for wages daily becoming less with the in creased pressure of population, and hence they begin to murmur. They are approaching -the condition of the slave populations of Rome or the feudal serfs of the Dark Ages. The robber barons of old are paralleled by our great monopolists of the land and transportation and money of the country, and by those manufacturers who have grown fat on special privi leges accorded them by legislation. Is it any wonder that under such cir cumstances institutions like that of the ‘Pinkertons’ should arise, in which poor and desperate men can be found willing to sell their services to their masters of the modern world as did the hired bands of the condot tieri to the Italian despots ?” “ The feudalism of capital is not a whit less formidable than the feu dalism of force. The millionaire of to-day is as dangerous to society as were the baronial lords of the middle ages. I may as well be dependent on another for my head as for my bread. The time is sure to come when men will look back upon the prerogative of capital with as just and severe condemnation as we now look back on the predatory chieftanff of the dark ages.”—Horace Maun* 3