The People's party paper. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1891-1898, March 13, 1896, Image 1

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The Peoples Party Paper VOLUME V. E. M. Bass & Co,. Atlanta, Ga., the Leading Dry Goods House of the South, will fill your orders On day received. -A A We had the pleasure of meeting many of the People’s Party, I IXfi i 1 S t— J BITS ffl fr-> I r*®C I during your convention in our city. We wish now to come in closer V y I 1 I /OV/V/lllMwl 1 L X CL/CL/| tQ uch whh your wives, sisters and other lady members 7 ' of your families. We Wish to sell them all the goods they need in the dry goods line, promisirg them better values than they can get in any store in any city. We quote you a few prices Sf nd us your orders, with postal notes, bank check or by express, and when you get the goods if they don’t come up to your expectations return them without delay to us and we will refund your money. We will pay express charges one way on all orders over slo.oo. LININGS AND FINDINGS. Best Skirt Cambrics mada -34 c Gilbert’s Best Silesiag - 9 c Best Qaality Percalines - 10 c Best Bunch Bones only - 5 c Best Antifiber Chamoise - 15 c Best Patent Hook and Eyes 4 c Best. Linen Grass Cloth • 9 c Best Hair Cloth - . 10 c Best Linen Canvas - - 15 c 3 Yds Best Bone Casing - 5 o 4 Yds Best Velveteen Binding 8 c DOMESTICS. Best Yd Wide Sheetings - 4Jo Good Yd Wide B ; eachings- 4|o Yd Wid Fruit of the Loom - 7-Jo Yd Wile Lonsdale Bleaching 7J-0 B*st Lonsdale Cambril - 9 c Good 10-4 Bleached Sheetings 15 o Bast Quality Tickings - 10 e Best Quality Apron G nghams 5 c Best Quality Dress Ginghams 5 o Best Qaality Prints Made - 5 c Now if you need anything in black or colored d*ess goods, silks, trimmings, laces, embroideries, gloves, handke. chiefs, underwar, hosiery, art goods, linings findings, umbrellas, parasois cor-ets. wash dress goods, pins, domestics, millinery or men's furnishing goods, don't fail to order them from us. State plainly what you want and «e will give our persenal attendee to filling your orders, and will sell you as cheap as rs you were here in person. Try us once. E. M. BASS & COMPANY z E. M. BASS & COMPANY. Atlanta, Georgia. Prosperity and Decline. PROSPERITY AT THS SOUTH. The Chattanooga Times sharply and effectively rebukes those dema gogues who have been making poiit ical capital by preaching calamity and ruin to the Southern people. “We affirm,” says the Times, “that the people of the South, taken as a whole, are better off right now than they have ever been since or before the civil war. They are better con ten’ed, they are more hopeful, they are saving more money, they are less in debt than ever before.” And it cites agricultural reports, assessment returns and industrial statistics in proof of its assertions. The Times makes out its case against the mon gers of discontent. These disturbers of peace and progress always nave an easy time of it. Prosperous peo ple do not boast, but move a'org quietly and contentedly. Failure is ever noisy, is ever seeking to shift the blame for the results of its own incapacity to a general condition of evil. Then, to >, no one is as rich or as happy as he thD ks he deserves to be. All are therefore more or less inclined to lend a sympathetic ear to denuncia if ns of ex sting con ditions and tc promises of better HAVING REMOVED FROM No: 49 Peachtree Street to KEELY COMPANY’S I beg to announce to my friends and to the nvny patrons of Atlanta that I will now be prepared o meet any and all demands mmy line. I can be sou din the Basement at Keely Co.’s a"d wi’h a stock of Carnets, Mailings, Ruas, Curtains, Poles Etc.. That Will P.ease The Public 1 I will carry a stuck in the future that will be a credit to the Carpet Business, and will spare no pains to i lease the public in every particular Call and see me. Rrp KEELY CO.’S Basement - - Entrance Through the Store. . X . X JL ; ATLANTA, GEORGIA. BLACK DRESS GOODS .50 36 in All Wool Serges 25c .50 36-in All Wool Henriettas 25c SI.OO 46-in Imperial Serge - 390 81 25 46-in Silk Finished Hen- rietta., a beautiful cloth, special 590 81.00 46 in Sicillian for- 49c 81 25 46 m Figured Sicillian 59 > .50 40-in Figured M (hairs 25c 81.48 46 in Fr’ch Bairrity Cloth 690 BLOO 40-in Storm Serge for 39c 82.00 50-in Fine Sicillian • $1 25 COLORED DRESS GOODS. .25 36 in Mixtures for- 10c .25 36 in Gray and Browns for 9o .65 40 in Mohair Fancies 250 .75 40 in Fancy Dresdens 390 81.25 48-in Fanov Mixtures 59s .50 36-in All Wool Serges 250 .50 36-in All Wool Henriettas 250 81 00 46-in Imperial Serges 390 81 25 Silk and Wool Matures 590 81.48 Silk and Mohair Mixtures 75c times, however vague. The better times are coming, but they are not hastened by filling the air with lies about the intolerab’e evils of the present and by filling the hearts of men with despondency.—New York World. OUR DECLINE IN ANIMAL WEALTH According to Government official reports the farm value of the horses, cattle, mules, sheep and hogs in the United States was in January sl,- 727,167,735, or more than seventeen times the total of the late bond issue and twice the total bonded debt of the nation. Bat we seem to be growing stead ily poorer in this species of property. During the year 189a the total num ber of horses declined 4.5 per cent., mules 2.3 per cent., milch cows 2 2 per cent., oxen and other cattle 6 6 per c nt., sheep 9.4 per cent., and hogs 3 per cent. lu aggregate value the farm animals are worth $91,520,- 000 less than they were a year age, or about 5 per cent less. And this decliue has been going on steadily for several years, so that our wealth in farm animals in January, 1896 is 3'1.4 per cent—or nearly one-third— less than it was in 1893 though we “EQ PAL EIGHTS TO ALL ; SPECIAL PRIVILEGES TO NONE" ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1896 TO OUR FRIENDS: SILKd! SILKS! SILKS! 39c Printed Chinas for- 190 650 24-in Chinas, all shades 390 65c 24-in Dresden Chinas -39 j 81 00 Chammellon Taffsttas - 69 > 81 25 Black Satin Duchesse 75c 82.00 Black Satin Duchesse 980 50c Black Surah Silk -25 c 81.25 Black Brocade and Satins 75c 81.48 Ail S Ik Grosgrain 89c 81.25 Pesin Stripped Taffetas 75) 81.25 Blk Brocade Grc.DeLoudre7sc Read Carefully our prices. Many goods are cheaper than most m rchants can buy the same goods. If you are running a store, com- and see us ai dwe wilt save you i< money, as we wholesale thousands of dollars of merchandise weekly Order your spring hats from us. Our styles are the la'e-n and prices the lowest Remember, we want your trade, but don't wint you to keep our goods unle-s the' plea e you. We buy and sell strictly lor the cash, and can save you money on every purchase. have some millions more of popula tion to provide for. The oppression of the beef com bination and its discouragement of the raising of food anima s account in part for the falling off in cattle, sheep and hogs. The widespread introduction of mechanical traction amounts for the decline of horses and mules in number and p-ice. But so long continued a decline in the number and value of all farm ani mals must have other causes worth searching out. There is work here of a pablicly practioa ly kind for the Agricultural Department to do.— New York World. Mr Editor:—l enclose two clip pings from the editorial columns of the New York World. One about the great prosperity of the Sou-.h, and the other calling attention to the great falling'off in value o 2 farm animals, the latter is the truth, hut the former is just the reverse. Now, to prove the great prosperity, I killed a nice beef and seat it around the country to sell and in the evening the man le urned giving me 22 cents and the beef, minus a few pounds. Hard wo’king men stood around the wagon hungry, but had no money, wanted to bny on credit. I tried to I SPECIALS, > Tassar Silks for-- 9c : i Best Qaality Spool Silks - lc ) B -st S'lk Twist, per dozen - 5e i > B st Embroidery Silks, Skein lc ) 25c AU Silk Mitts for- 190 i 50c AU Silk Mitts for- 25c , i 25c Chemisettees for- 5 ) 75c Silk B Its, Silver Buckles 25 3 390 Side Combs for- 15e. j SIOO Trilby Hearts and Chains 25c o 8100 French Woven Corsets 39: sell a horse but faile I and the merch ants told me there was no one who could buy it—it could not be sold for money, as there was none here. History repeats itself. Nero fid dled while Rome was on fire. Louis the XVI was chasing a moth around the Tuileries while the mob wai forming in the streets of Paris, and Grover Cleveland, at a Cabinet din ner, shoots pellets at paper dicks on a lake in the center of the table, and is dined by another Cabinet offi ser who plays the buffoon with an agri cultural dinner, while the body poli tic are in the greatest distress, chil dren filling premature graves for the want of both food and clothes. Land and all pertaining thereto shrinking in value caused by the gold standard, which is con raction, the bane of ag riculture. Jost think of a Jefferson or a Lin coln miking such harlequins, of themselves. “O, tempora; O, mores.” A Farmer. Plymouth, Ml. For the government to shut off the coinage of one of two moi ey metals is like a man with one leg cut off, you jut him on a crutch.— R' berta Correspondent. COUNTERPAN< S $1.25 114 Counterpanes for 693 81 50 12 4 Counterpanes for 980 83.00 12 4 Genuine Marsailles Counterpanes, a beauty, for 81.69 CORSETS 81.00 Extra L mg W fist Corset 49 •, 81.00 R & G Corsets for 75c 8125 Tnomsou’s glove fitting Corsets for-- -98 c 82 00 P. D Corsets for- 8125 All Corsets at Cut Prices. From Hancock County. E litor People’s Party Paper: We have had quite an exciting time for several days in “Hancock County at the late term of the Supc rior Court.” Che Grand Jury recommaniid the enfjicement of the new road lav. Tne board of road and revenues were preparing to put the lav in force, but they soon saw that it would be almost impossible to do sc without involving serious trouble The people were fully determined that no such chain-gang system of working the roads should be stuffed down their throats. The board has set aside the new law and will now adopt the old. Undar the law it took the recommend»tion of three Grand Jury before it could become a law. The last J try was packed for this specifl; purpose, no doubt. Any man witn two good eyes cou'd see it when the Jury was organiz-d. We have in Hancock what is known as professional Jurors, who are on hand at every term of Court. W< know of mon who have bee i drawn almost continuously at every term of Court f >r the past f ur or five years. Sometimes to make it a little spicy they will pose as a bail ff Tais class __ ° r NUMBER 2C>. E. M. Bass & Co., Atlanta, Ga., ask you to read th er prices promising to fill your orders on ,day received. MENS’ FIXINGS 1 500 Uni sundried Shirts - 25 o 1 i 81,"0 UTilaundried Shirts - 49 > 81 00 Negligee Shirts for- 49 : 'i 25 Fast black Seamless Sox 10c 125 c AH linen Handkerchiefs 10c ; 81 50 Very fine Walking Canes 980 I'B3 50 Fine Silk Umbrellas - $l4B j $1.50 Suits Underwear for- 75c ; 81.00 Scrivens’ Elastic Seam Drawers - - -75 c Ladies fast bla ik TT-a»'e - 5o Mases’ Fast B a >.k II >ee - s<> Ladle-*’ Seamless Hose - 10" M's»es’ Seamless II >se - - 10 s 39 ■ Ladies’ Silk fini«hed Hose 19 ■■ • 8100 Percale Sh rt W fists --19 c . soi-Unlauudried Waists - 250 I z 81.25 Percale Sairt Waists -75 c; $1.50 Percale shirt Waists -98 c j js2 00 Percale Shirt Waists - 8125' ; These ; n all colors. of men had their fail share of ap pointments as road overseers so they coaid loot the county treasury the whole year round. This road lav was pissed by a D m cratic Legisla ture, but their own men were about to revolt. The People’s Party of llincock is going to g*t a hump on herself this time. Many other substantial re cruits are joinin’ our ranks daily. We will soon reorganize and elect a new executive committee for the en suing two years. Strong men will be placed in the field. Hon J F Copeland and Hon. J W. Waller are already spoken ot as suitable candidates from ihe Twen ieth Sena tor! d District. They are men of high standing and unimpeachable characters, neither of wh >m the oombmed element of the Democratic i ring san beat with an honest ball >t and fair count. I heard a Democrat say the other day that M'. 3 ack had rover been elected and that Mr. Wa'son was hones’ly elected in 1892, io 1894 and in 1895, and that tie Democratic party knew it, and that it was by the most damn ible and coirup methods of a few men in Hancoik and Kichm nd counti s by which MILLINERY. Ladies’ Black Sailors - - 100 Ladies’ Fiat Hats for- -19 c Ladies’ Assorted Shapes - 19a A 1 styles of Flowers, bunch -25 c All Si k 4 inch R bbon -19 c 10c La lies’Vests for-- 3£c 20 - Lad es’ Ves s for- -10 s 25" Ladies' Vests for- -15 c 50c Ladies’ V**sts for- -25 c 81 00 Ladies’ Fine G 'wns - 490 $1 50 Ladies’ Fine G ,wns -75 c 75 ■ Ladies’ D-awers - -39 c SI.OO .adies’ Drawers - - 49a $1 00 Ladies’ Cbetn'se - - 490 $1 25 L »des’ Chemise - -75 c Kmbroideries worth 15c for- 5i ; Kmbroidertea worih 2’l for- 10c : Embroideries worth 39 for- 190 Mr. Watson was ke it out of Con gress. I was surprised a‘ this acknowledgment, coming from the source it d d. Rex. Troup County. The members * f the executive co nmittee of the People’s Party of Troup county are requested to meet at the court house in LaGrange at 10 o’clock a. m., Saturday, Ma-ch 21. A full attendance is desired. And as the meeting is one on which much depends for the success of the People’s Party in the county, every one who is in sympathy with the reform cause should meet with us. J Gordon Jones, Ch’m’n. Address, Please. F. P. Jones sends subscriptions to I'he People’s Party Paoer for him self and H. V Jones, bu: fails to give his post * slice. Will some friend kindly infoim us where to send their pacers? It is n-ither the coinage of silver nor the grvenba k that is driving gold outof the country. Mil ionaires carry out and spend more gold in Europe thun we produce, and inter est and dividends on British invest ments take out $201,000,000 more annually.— Dublin Transcript.