The People's party paper. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1891-1898, June 17, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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S»6 A MONTH 11> A LA. loc consul Milton, ex amination and medicine. Whale email sum to Insure good health and happiness. W rite for free *jmptom book. COPELAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 315-316 Kisor Bldg., Atlanta. Ga. ■■ —— SPECIAL NOTICES. tinder this head small notices without display will bv inserted at the rate of one cent per word for one insertion (each initial and fig ure counting as one word). Eight cents per word pays tor iO insertions; sixteen cents per word for 26 insertions (6 months); twen ty-five cents per word for 52 Insertions (1 year). No notice less than 20 words or 6 linos accepted. Every notice must be paid for in advance in full for the time ordered. WAR NEWS—Keep posted. Good as any daily printed. Send $1 for N. Y. World (every other week) and P. P. P„ both for 40 weeks. IJow York World every other day, 24 pages a Week, and P. P. P., both for 40 weeks (nearly a year for just one dollar. Don’t miss this bargain AGENTS WANTED for new Cotton Book. It figures the I6ths and i'Oths. runs from 3a to ICc, the most complete cileul&tor ever pub’lshed; Al«o, for “History of War In Cuba”, and the “Beautiful Life of Francis E Wl lard” written by her private secretary. Circulars frea. J. L. Nichols & Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Now York World, thriee-a-week, every other day, all the news of the world, fresh and in time, for 40 woelfs with P. P. P.. both for on© dollar. You just can’t do without it. Agents wanted to sell Tires, Macintoshes, Belting and Rubber, Free samples. P. O. 1371, New York, ‘ 404. Special rates on any reform paper in lots of 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100 to one address from now to Oct. 10, or Dee. 81. Write for them. BARGAINS—By mall ICO best liver pills 25cts For weak people 100 Iren Tonic and Nerve Pi’.ls fiCcts Refer’nce, thia paper. S. J. Mc- Knight, Dalton, Ga 41.2 QAM PI !■ c °P ies different loading vAliirLl. newspajHTs and magazines sent to any address upon receipt of 10 cents to pay for mailing. American Sob><-ripti»u Xg-ncy, 663 Arch street, Indianapolis. Ind. Mention this paper. BIT F?f< absolutely cured. For free sample 1 ILliiJ •ddresg 11F3MIT Co.. Dept. **' F ‘ l% ’ Chlc -W- LIKE INSURANCE POLICIES bought for CB?h. T. J. WILLISON, <s7 Blymyer Building Cincinnati, O, 454. Write Free Scholarship At once to GA, BUSINESS COLLEGE flecon. Ga. Ac tut 1 Business taught. R R. Fare and Position guaranteed. Open to both sexes. THE GERARD, WEST 4-ITH STREET, Between Broadway and Sixth Avenue. SELECT FAMILY HOTEL, CENTRALLY AND DESIRABLY LOCATED. Absolutely Fireproof and Modern. EUROPEAN PLAN, SI.OO DAY AND UP. AMERICAN PLAN, §2.00 DAY AND UP. Coolest Snd Best Ventilated Hotel in New York, 415 Great Portrait Offer. By special arrangement with the Southern Art Association of this ciiy. w«- have secured a contract for the making of 1(X) first class crayon portraits 16 inches by 20 inches (three fourths life‘-size.) . Ordinarily an artist would charge §lO for a single crayon portrait but our contract allows ns to offer the People’s Party Paper for one j ear with the picture for the very low price of ♦♦♦♦♦♦<> * ♦♦♦ ♦ Only 681.99 t Th© artists guarantee satisfaction or your money back—-that’s fail- and honest. Surely you have some photograph, til -type, ambro type or dagui rrotype of yourself or some loved one you wish odargod to hang in your home. This is your chance—don’t let it pass, for as soon as 190 are made the Association reserves the right to withdraw the offer and charge the full price. Remember These Points "Write your name and address on back of picture so as to prevent confusion and possible loss. It will take two weeks to complete the portrait aittr we receive your order. These are not chcap-john pictures but are mounted on canvass, ready for framing and first-class in every way. We cannot send by mail, hence send your express address. V/o can’t pay the express charges which are usu ally not over 50 cents. It will not bo framed by us. • Send a good likeness, for the artist cannot make a good crayon from a poor picture. Enclose §1.99 with your picture. If yon are already a subscriber, send the paper to some friend or your time will > •• extended. NOTICE —As this oh m-is such a liberal one that we bt lieve the full 100 will be spoken for inside of 80 days—henco a few days delay may mean its loss to you. Send us a club of 10 annual subscriptions at 75 cents each u-lub price) and we will send von ONEPORTK/JT ABSOLUTELY FREE. Ai>o Cotton World 1 year to . ach of the club. Fin close photograph :th your list. NATIONAL PAPER CLUB, Atlanta, Ga. W'ANTE! >—A- ent ; for “Gladstone. His Life and Public Services,” by Thus. W. Hand ford. A wonderful story of a glorious career. Over SOO large radiant pages, lot) superb, rare engravings. Richest, biggest, best and only endorsed “Glads u-nn book” published. Only $1.50. Commis-• .7) j‘r cent. Credit given. Fri'ighl paid. Ont di tree. Drop all trash and ch;ii-.,.( »; imm.h v.-i th the only true and good ‘‘Gl.-ul: teuc book.” Address The Dominion CoHpaxy, Dept. 36, 052-336 Dearborn street, Chicago. , 4U<S 2p riuiii Lunds Wanted. The Atlanta Heal Estate Exchange (a reliable concern of this city- P P. P.) wants Georgia, Alabama and Texas farm lands lyinfc near the railroad. They will list your property free of any cost ard charge but a small com mission if » sale is effected. The Ex change in securing new settlers from all parts of the country. State the number of acres, quality of land, what it raises, how much etc. Mention the P. P. P. when writing. ts Stand Ip to Them. The freight payers and tax payers the business men and the mudsillers, had better lino up to redeem Texas and break the shackles from themselves and their children. Texas is a great and productive state, but the fusion which has been entered into between the so-called Democratic leaders and corporate greed, is eating out their vitals. Every school community should produce a man or woman to stand up for the people and show up the rotten ness of the present system of govern ment. —Southern Mercury. It Says the New York Journal: Direct legislation is no longer merely desira ble, but it has become essential to the safety if not the continued existence of the A few years ago the rep system was iu decay, now it is dead and stir.keth.” Give the people the right to make fheir own laws and they will become interested in having good laws. SKETCHES OF CANDIDATES. B. M, Zattler, the People’s Party candidate for State School Commis sioner, is a descendant of the Salzbur gers of Ebenezer, Effingham county, and a native Georgian. He was educa ted at the county academy at Spring field and at the Lutheran college at Newberry, S. C. On the secession of Georgia in Janu ary, 1861, he left college returned home and joined the Oglethorpe Light In fantry of Savannah-Bartow’s Compa ny—and went to Virginia. The Com pany became Cdmpsny B df the fa mous Sth Ga. Regiment, and with it he participated in the first battle of Ma nassas, the Seven Days battles around Richmond, at Thoroughfare Gap and Second Manassas. At the last named ho was severely wounded and perma nently disabled, and for the remainder of the war served as Government Agent for the collection of the produce or tythe tax. At the close of the war he returned to his father's farm in Effingham and assisted in finding subsistence for t-e family and making a crop. In the fall he took charge of Guyton Academy and the following year was elected a Principal of one of the public schools of Savannah then being organ ized where he continued’till 1873, when he was elected Superintendent of the public school system of Bibb county. He organized tho schools of the county under the new system, which embraced also the city of Macon, and continued with them for twenty-two years. Being a man of practical sense he had more or less to do with every detail connec ted with the establishing of the schools and making the system the model of tho State. Especially did his practical ideas show themselves in the planning and equipping of school buildings and nowhere in tho United States can there be found more admirably arrang ed and better furnished school houses. When Gov. Northen went into office ho was endorsee’ by the leading teach ers of the State for the appointment of State School Commissioner and there was a general surprise among the teachers that he was not appointed. In 1894 he retired from active school work and removed to Atlanta. In religion he is a Baptist, having joined that denomination in 1863 and is at present a deacon in tho First Bap tist church of Atlanta. He is at present engaged in the school text book business and like the other candidates on the P. P. state ticket was placed there by the Party without seeking or solicitation on his part. Pingree Won’t Down. Pingree is a bully boy with a glass sys. He’s the nightmare of the Repub lican party. They don’t know what to do with him. He’s the bull in the China shop of corporation privileges. A combination forms to raise the price of asphalt for paving the streets of Detroit. He slips off to Trinidad or seme other place and brings back a company ready to furnish asphalt at one-third of the price asked by the trust. It grits its teeth and swears, but can do nothing. The legislature passes a law about the sale of mileage books at two cents a mile. The Michi gan Central refuses to obey it and says, “What are you going to do about it ? ” Pin gree as a private citizen offers them money for such a ticket and brings suit because they retuse, and, unlike most suitors, instead of getting on his knees, he brings them to theirs. And now, worst of all, he’s actually called the legislature together to reme dy the inequality of taxation, and he suys: “In violation of the spirit if not the letter of these provisions of the consti tution, laws have been passed from time to time by which railroad compa nies, express companies, telegraph and telephone companies, now owning ac cording to their e worn returns, at least one-third of the property of this state, arc required to pay only about one twenty-sixth of the taxes levied for state, county, and municipal purposes, leaving their just proportion of public expenses to fall upon ths farmers, la borers and manufacturers and other property owners of the state.” Now this is rank confiscation. It’s opposition to special privileges, and every one knows our civilization is built upon special -privileges. The Re publican machine has tried to down him, but he’s bigger than the machine. Ho don’t talk much, but ho acts. Iv’a well to keep your eye on Pingree. He’s a bad, bid man and the people love him.—Eltweed Pomeroy. The Omaha Exposition. In tho Government building there) will be in operation a miniature mint, I or coin press, striking off souvenir ra-d --als commemorative of the Trans-Mis- Exposition at Omaha. Com posite photography has been utilized in making the die for one side of the medal. A corps of competent judges was appointed in each of ths Trans- Miisissippi states, who selected from the number of beautiful women within their respective boundaries, two of the fairest. Photographs of these were sent to aa eastern photographer by whom a composite picture of the forty four beauties has been produced. Tho result aptly illustrates the best and strongest type of western young wo manhood. On the obverse side of the medal will appear an Indian in the act of spearing a buffalo. The two illus trations will be a sufficient indication of the strides that civilization and cult ure have made in the West during the last fifty years, The referendum has every principle of reform in it. It disposes of delegat ed power, and places the veto in the hands of tho people. It divposes of ju dicial tyranny and makes constitutions unnecessary.—Citizen and Country. THE PEOPLE’S PARTY PAPER; ATLANTA, GEORGIA; FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1898. 7vß if A ( ?Ww) w"* 9 * v( s ) it ’"'a (a) /a . -(t . 20 II x _ HARBOR OF SANTIAGO DE CUBA Tho entrance to Santiago harbor is as narrow and sinuous as a woodland creek and is supposed to bo mined. From the entrance to the head of tho bay, where tho city is situated, is about six miles, affording a spacious anchorage, Tho figures show the depth in fathoms. The Honor Roll. Below will be found a roll of well known, active Populists who have shown their interest in the present campaign by sending in largo lists of names during June: their hearts are in the reform work and that their neighbors as well as Populists every where may know what they are doing we take tho liberty without their knowledge of enrolling them on the People’s Party Paper honor roil: V. A. Stuart, Murray Co,, Ga. S. J. Mcknight, Whitfield Co., Go. L. O. Jackson, Decatur Co., Ga. J. H. Traylor, Troup Co., Ga. M. L. Palmer, Floyd Co., Ga. A. J. Calhouu, Montgomery Co., Gs. V/. A. Torrence, Baldwin Co., Ga. J. C. Moseley, Haralson Co, Ga. G. M. Tuggle, Gwinnett Co., Ga. G. W. Crappes, Clay Co., Ga. J. M. Gilbert, Wilkes Co., Ga. Dr. W. A. Thomas, Laurens Co., Ga. J. A. Grant, Banks Co., Ga. H. C. Cannon, Mitehell Co , Ga. H. A. Jobnsey, Bartow Co., Ga. C. H. Lord, Oconee Co., Ga. W. M. Tankersley, Bulloch Co., Go. J. F. Durrett, Carroll Co., Ga. D. E. Gary, Emanuel Co., Ga. J. J. Weaver, Laurens Co., Ga. A Good Man Gone. Editor Walter J. White, of the Wrightsville Record, died in Atlanta a few days ago after a short illness at the ago of 43 years. Editor White was born in Harris county and early in life entered tho newspaper field. Since the spring of 1891, he had been active in the reform field and practi cally died in the harness fighting the battle of the people. His genial, lova ble nature won him scores of friends who always found him a “true blue.” His widow and 3 sous will continue the Record at Wrightsville. The reform movement in Georgia has lost a valua ble worker. In a Quandry. Two brothers from a North Missouri county appeared one morning at the portals of the St. Joseph insane asylum, one of them to be incarcerated there as a patient, tho other having him in charge as far as tne asylum. They were dressed very much alike, and the casual observer on the train would not have detected signs of insanity in cither. When the keeper appeared each insisted that he bad brought the other. ... he asylum manager was in a quandary. He chatted with his visitors until a late hour, and then locked them up in a room together. Then ho telegraphed tho authorities at the town where tho brothers lived : “Two men from your town arrived today both dressed alike; one calls himself Bill and talks about constructing an air line to the moon; tho other goes by the name of Dave and advocates the nomi nation of Bryan in 1990 Which shall I keep?”—Macon It • publican. Here is a Good One. The Independent, O'Neill, Nehr., had in double column headlines, over its war news in a recant issue, the follow ing words: “Now glory to the Lord of Hosts, on whom our nation leans, and glory to our bravo Jack Tars who took the. Philippines And glory to cur commodore who grandly woo the day, and set Old Glory’s stars and stripes above Manila bay. Go ring the bells and fire the guns from Maine to Golden Gate, for Dewey his the Philippines and Uncle Sam pays the freight.” Clow Denver Loses. Tho Denver Times says that Denver loses 330,900 a year by reason of the arc lights being less candle power than the contract. But that is one of the beau ties of private operation of the plant. Such cities and towns as their plants are not favored with such rob bery, and are therefore denied the op portunity of helping to make the rich still richer. Denver is doing well in thus proving the beauties of private operation of public utilities. Denver is progressive. Dees business on the lat est, ideas 1 Some old fogie cities own their plants aud it costs less than halt what Denver pays. These are times in which big prices are what the peo ple want to pay. A ruler is no less a ruler because he is elected The people should bo their own rulers instead of electing others to rale over them. THE POPULIST WORLD. Happenings of Interest in the Party All Over the Union. The Maine state convention met June 2 with 104 delegates of which only 4 favored “co-operation.” A strong platform was adopted declaring against fusion; favoring governpient money ; opposing bonds and banks of issue; favoring direct legislation r,a a cardi nal, tenet; favoring election of Presi dent, Vice President and Senators by the people ; government ownership of natural monopolies, etc. Prof. L, C. Bateman declined gubernatorial nomi nation which was accepted by Mayor Robert Gerry of Ellsworth. Delegates to the National Convention were se lected. Prof. Bateman’s position re garding Chairman Butler was in every sense endorsed. Florida Populists in state convention, May 31, at Ocala selected delegates t:. the National Convention July 4 and elected F. 11, Lytle of Stanton as state chairman, A. P. Baskin of Anthony as Secretary, and A. W. Weeks of Ocala, as Treasurer of the Bt’ite Executive Committee. News from Florida is en couraging. Arkansas did herself proud in the Populist Convention :> f June 2, when Buzz Saw Morgan was nominated so. governor. Sovereign, the labor leader was removed as national committee man because of his fusion stand anil the People’s Party of Arkansas has now cleared its skirts of the last taint. North Carolina Democrats slapped Butler last week so hard that the lick could be heard all over the country. By false representations, a majority of the recent Populist convention were induced to favor co-operation and a preposition was thereon submitted from the Populists to the Democrats. The Democrats declined' with thanks and instructed their state committee to en tertain no propositions in th© future And now the Caucasian (Butler’s pa per) is roassing the Democrats lor re fusing to “co-operate.” Butler’s star has set. In lowa, tho Populist State Conven tion on Juno 2, put out tne following ticket: Secretary of State, R. M. Dan iels, of Warren county. Auditor, C. A. Wickes, Decatur county. Treasurer, A M. Hutchinson, Pottawattamie coun ty. Supreme Judge, L. H. Weller, Chickasaw county. Attorney General, J A. Lowenberg, Wapello county. Clerk of Supreme Court, Alli Reed, Muscatine county. Railroad Commis sioner, Joseph Ash, Polk county. Chairman Wcsks, tho leader of tho bra/o 47 who walked out of the fusion convention of ISU7 and successfully kept up the middle road organization through its many trials presided. Then© was a largo attendance and much eutnusiasm. Three new mem bers anti'fusionists were elected on tbo national committee. A good sound platform was adopted denouncing fu sion, favoring government ownership, and direct legislation and opposing bonds. Chairman Weeks and Secreta ry E cker were re-elected. Many dis gusted fusionists were reported as coming back to the fold, Minnesota Populists of th© sth Con gressional District discarded fusion on Junel, bf refusing to hold over and meet with the Democrats and Free Silver Republicans. Hun. T. J. Caton was nominated for Congress. Bryan Democrats and the gold Democrats have buried the bloody hatchet and are now united. Georgia Populists would do well to renumber that despite all the free sil ver gas on the part of the Atlanta Con stitution and the office hunters, when tho state executive committee was re organized, a chairman was selected in lion. Fleming dußignon, a gold bug. T‘i:s shows how shallow was the Dem ocratic friendship for silver in 1896. ; Anything and for anybody just to hold the offices. Alabama Populists under Chairman! Crow© will wage a tierce battle this summer. Congressman Howard and ocher prominent Populists vrill stump tho state during July. Tliat it Would. American railways haul theatrical troupes for one cent per mile for each person, but they will not carry soldiers for lass than two cents per mile. Great is the patriotism of corporations. Ic might be better if the Government— the people—owned th© railways— Citizen and Country. MEETING NOTICES. Henry County Meeting. A meeting of the Populist Executive Com mittee of Henry county is hereby called to meet at McDonough June 22nd, at 10 o’clock, a. m. Every member of the committee is urged to ateeud. W. H. Bryant, Cbm. White County Meeting. The Executive Committee of the People’s Party of White county is called to meet at the Court House in Cleveland on the first Tues day in July next by ten o'clock, a. m. to ar range matters concerning nominating a Rep resentative, Senator and county officers. AU Populists of the county are requested to meet as there is business ot importance to attend to. W. J. Humphries, Ohm. Heard County Mass Meeting. The Populists of Heard county are requested to meet in mass meeting at the court house on the Ist Tuesday in July at 10 o’clock a. m- Object of meeting to name a ticket for county officers and Representative and other import ant, business. Hon. John 11. Traylor of Troup county has promised to address tho propio at said meeting. J. E. Mooty, Chnin. Whitfield Meeting. The Populist of Whitfield county will meet at Dalton July 2nd to elect a couty chairman and delegates to 7th congressional convention and nominate a county ticket. The counties of Murray and Gordon will meet with us here same day to nominate a State Senator. S. J. McKnight, Chm’n. Schley County Meeting. By order of the Exeoutivo Committee tho Populists of Schley county are requested to LU'.'t at the court house in Ellaville Wednes day July 20th at lo o'clock a. m., to nominate a candidate for representative and county offices and any other business that may come before tho convention. A full attendance is very essential. T. F. Rainey, Chm. P. A. Murray, Sec’y. Fifth Congr<!'Mionnl District Convention. The Fifth Congressional District Convention of rhe People's Party for the purpose of nom inating a candidate to represent the people of the District in Congress will bo held in the Senate chamber, Atlanta, Ga., on Thursday Juno 23rd at 11 o’clock a. m. Let each county in the dist rict have a full delegation present. J. T. Davenport, Chairman Ex. Com. Peoples Party Fifth Con gressional District. P. S. All papers friendly to us in tho dis trict please copy. Fike County Meeting. The Populists of Pike county will meet in convention ai Zebulon on Saturday tho 2nd day of July, 1898, by 10 o’clock, a. in., for the pur pose of nominating county officers and traus aeting any other business that may come be fore the convention. All Populists in said county are requested to attend said convention and wo hereby invite all others who are in favor of reform to meet with us. W. P. Holmes, Chm. C. L. Butler, Sec. July Ith Meeting. Populists of Randolph county will have a rally on July 4 at the court house in Cuthbert, for the purpose of nominating a representative and county officers. All voters of Randolph county who believe in the principles of the People’s Party and subscribe thereto uro in vited to participate in these nominations, There will Lo speakers of note invited to be present with us and address us on this occasion 1 o which addresses every body are cordially in vited. July the 4th being the natal day of our country and the birth day of our party, is an tzpportun? time for the assembling of al! true ]>.n riots in the commemoration of those two great events—th© former declaring tho inde pendence of our forefathers from British tyr anny; the latter declaring tho freedom of the industrial classes from financial slavery. H. C. Newton, Chairman. J. B. Watson, Secretary. Bartow Meeting. All Bartow Populists are requested to as semble in mass meeting at the court house on thu 3rd Saturday, 18th day of Juno, 18!>S at 10 o’clock, a. m., to nominate candidates for the Legislature and for all county offiiccs. We cordially invite all < itiz< ns having the courage of honest convictions to unite with us in a noble and zealous effort to restore the Govern ment to the great aud good common people for whose general welfare our fathers instituted it. Clarence Dodd, Chm. P. 11. Laiiey, Sect’y. Fikv County. You are requested to meet at the court house in Zebulon on Saturday, the 2nd day of July to transact such business as may come before the meeting, and to nominate a candidate I'oi’ the legislature and county offices. Populists of Pike county next Monday is the Democratic primary, have nothing to do with it. W. P. Holmes, Chm. A Plain Case. If you owe a man ten dollars and he offers to take your note without inter est, wouldn’t yon consider yourself x blooming idiot to ask him to take a note with an interest clause instead? Americans stand ready to take Uncle Sam’s plain notes in shape of green backs. Gage, Morgan and Belmont, the agents of the Rothschilds, insist that bonds (interest bearing bonds shall b*e Issued.—Mercury. It is a blessed period in a woman’s life when a dear little stranger conies driving down ( out of cioudland to '— make its home in her j S heart and call her mother. Yet the ma-*/ zl jority of women ap proaeh this time with fear and misgiving both for themselves and the expected little one. The mother’s \\3 heart fore bodes some n weakness or imperfc ction in the /a baby while the worn- J I anly nature fears its J own sufferings; and per ,/J ‘ J haps a little spice of vani about her figure makes 4"V her dread that its attrac- (y % h-a\ contour uiay be de- T \ stroyed by maternity. ’k T,/ as a matter of fact when a woman is in per- Z’/^/ tcct health and condi \ n* tiou, motherhood should / serve to enhance ■A accentuate her phy- j sical attractiveness. ICv- Fj ery expectant mother lari should know and avail herself of the health-giving, nerve-toning properties of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription. It gives specific strength and endurance to the organism of maternity ; promotes thorough, healthy, constitutional vigor and recuperative energy. It makes motherhood safe and comparatively com fortable; insures the baby’s perfection and preserves the mother’s buoyant spirit and womanly attractiveness. Mr-.. Elizabeth Hull, 27 Merrick Street, Paw- I tucket. R. 1., writes. •*] have taken Dr. Pierce’s , Favorite Prescription and cannot speak too well I of it. I have had fifteen babies, and always hail a bad time. Sometimes I had to have two doc tors. I began taking your ‘ Prescription ’ I July, and in September 1 gave birth to two little | girls, and I never had such an easy time. I had no doctor, and was a >t in pain half of the time as before. My weight is about two hundred pounds. My twins when born weighed ten pounds each. They are fine girls, now feur months old.” In many cases where constipation is one of the aggravating causes of disease, Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets should be used in conjunction with the “ Favorite Prescrip- , tiun.” They are the simplest and moat perfectly natural laxatixe ever invented. HOT ITEMS. Short Clippings From The Citizen and Country. ’ How much is a million dollars? The J people get. lost when they touch big figures. That is why the article pub llshed elsewhere in this issue, entitled s ‘ One Million Dollars,” is so valuable t Dr, Taylor is a forceful writer and edits - the Medical World in Philadelphia. • His reform articles are always pleasing and profitable. Read this article, and ‘ then say what you think about million aires. Ben Tillett is a famous labor leader in England, and his declaration is that “The whole of the burglars in [ the United Kingdom steal less than i one millionaire.” Do you believe it? The Ottawa Free Lance said in May 1395: “Canada has had a sickener of , boodle exposures within the last four t years, and still there’s more to follow. It would seem as if a lengthy lease of power makes mon too confident and t laxness follows. Certainly the tenden- > cy towards political immorality in Can -1 ada has been alarmiug. There must • be a thorough cleaning or the credit of the country abroad will be impaired.” The political party then in power has been punished by dismissal, bnt “a thorough cleaning” has not followed. 1 There ia greater corruption now than . then. The only remedy is Direct Leg -1 illation. Tho people must have power s to check corrupt legislation. Rev. C. A. Eaton, Toronto, said in The Globe, April 10: “More than half the people of Canada belong to some • Christian church. How does it happen i that corruption in politics has long been accepted by the cteetorate as the natural and normal thing? It surely is and there has not been that out spoken opposition to wrong by speech ■ and deed which the New Testament de mands of its followers.” That is true; and a confession of fault or failure is - the first step towards remedy or suc cess. Mr. Eaton rightly adds: “A re ligion which does not make a man a , different and batter citizen may be Christian in form but not in reality.” The nations are disappointed with the results of representation and an initiative and referendum law is be- I ’ coming a necessity everywhere. The! t Outlook, January, 1898, said: “Accord ing to Tho London Spectator the rep-e --sentative principle is 4n danger on the European continent. In Germany it t shows itself powerless to restrain the emperor; in Italy it produces groups ■ insteap of parties, in France it checks > neither corruption nor treachery; and in Austria it has been suspended by a race conflict so severe that there has ' been no maintenance of the parliamcn i tary order indispensable to discussion. In any one of these countries, says The Spectator, Parliament may, as a gov erning body, break down at a day’s notice. Yet it makes haste tc add, the desire for liberty is not dying out, and the populations are advancing iu intell igence. The nations are only disap pointed with the results of representa tion.” Farmers should rejo ; ce over their ad vantages and opportunities. It is their privilege to work from 6 a. m , to 9 p. -n , every day, and when the produ :t of During the coming campaign, hundreds of patriotic YOUR PAPER reformers unable to personally talk ■with thinking citizens who are not now allied with the People’s Party PAID FOR. will send a complimentary subscription to a friend. If you are receiving the P. P. P. rogu’arly, you need have no hesitancy in taking it from the post effi :o and reading it. Wc send out no duns and you therefore owe the P. P. P. not a penny. Soma friend has paid for a subscription to your address trusting you will read tho paper and pass it to some neighbor. If you desire to continue your paper, b.-foro the time expires you can remit directly to this office and the I'. P. I’. will take pleasure in adding you to its large list of readers. No paper is ever sent out unless paid for in advance, henee no bill will be sent you. Peoi’i.h’s Party Papeb, A’lsi ta, Ga. The State Executive Committee wants at each post SEWD 5 N office three volunteers true and tried who will attend to the distribution of literature during the coming eam- YOUR LIST. paign. These names are needed now and should bo sent in at once on a postal card to the Secretary. The names of good warkers are especially desired in the following counties : Baker, Bibb, Bryan, Calhoun, Chatham, Coweta, Camden, Charlton, CorTee, Douglas, Deeatur, Dcdgc, Dougherty, Ethols, Fannie, Fulton, Hart, Heard, Houston, Irwin, Jasper, Jones, Lee, Lumpkin, Macon, Monroe, Montgomery, Muroogee, Madison, Miller, Mitchell, Oconee, Pulaski, Putnam, Quittaau, Rabun, Rich mond, Randolph, Schley, Spalding, Terrell, Troup, Taylor, Telfair, Towns, Twiggs, Upson, Ware, Webster and Wilcox If your county appears in tho above list the committee needs more volun teers at once iu your county. In these counties there are hundreds cf active Populists who will volunteer in the campaign. Three can be used at each post office, therefore don't wait but send in your nemo today on a postal Austin, Sac. P. P. State Ex Com. “A Pure Democarcy.” In response to frequent and urgent requests for a complete and convenient work on the subject of Direct Legislation Wo have secured a book on this subject entitled ‘‘A Pure Democracy” which covers the ground more systematically and thoroughly than any of the high-priced books that have been issued, if explains the various forms of government. It show s the progress towords free govern ment. It shows th© nature and charneter of the ‘kniericun form of irovcrnment and the intent of its founders. Jt shows that the founders of this government did not in.end to establish a democracy, nor to give the people any voice in public affairs. It shows how political parties were formed fur the purpose of accomplishing what the form ol government was not intended to aeeompHsh. It showshow and why the party system has bc< n a failure. It shows how what lias rot been and cannot be accomplished by party organization can be accomplished by direct jcur mrion. It explains fully the operation of tho initiative und referendum, and considers and d’- i;.-o of the various <-bj . ;ions that have been urged against it. 'j’ho scope of the book u shown by tho following list of topics treated: Government, Forms of Government, Source of Power, Development of Free Gvoernment, The Origin of Political Parties, The Failure of Party Organization, | The Cause of Failure, ; The Disadvantages of Republican Form of Government, This book should bo placed in the hands of every intelligent man. To facilitate its • i<»l u- we have pur the price so low that any person can buy ii, and that friends can circulate ii w : ,‘ ly. Every county commit o r sliould put out at least 100 copies before July 1. It will educate rapidly on our strongest plank. • PRICES: One copy by mail, postpaid 5 COHtS. Ten copies by mail, postpaid 50 Cents. Thirty copies by mail, postpaid $ I .00. Alldr .,. PEOPLE’S PARTY PAPER, Atlanta, Qa. i their labor is ready for the market, all they havo to do is to deliver it. Tha i burden of fixing the prise is borne by wiser men. Joseph Leiter is a noble , man ia aisguise. If farmers had kept . their wheat over winter, its price would not now be considerably more than a I dollar, and workingmen would not now ( be compelled to pay fifty per cent ! higher for their bread and flour. Farm ers ought really to rejoice that they , are not responsible for this outrage, i and doubtless they do. When toilers pay more for bread, they, of course, . can pay less for other produce of the ! farm, and buy less of it, but after all, 1 a clear conscience, is worth more than ( gold. Rejoice, ye farmers everywhere. New York has a crack regiment , called the “Seventh.” Its members , are from the upper ten crowd, and . when the recent call for troops was considered, 1063 out of 1067 of its mem j bars voted not to respond. Their reply I is that they “do not wish to mix in the . ranks with social inferiors,” but tha . colonel eays the regiment “will con . tinue to furnish officers and soldiers” I for the army. Officers spawned in such , au atmosphere can never be patriots, but the lesson was, doubtless, needed. The “social inferiors” of New York snobs will net be as ready hereafter to ! enlist as patriotic defenders of a conn . try which is really controlled by con . temptible cowards such as those in the Seventh Regiment ot New York. The real defenders of a country are those 1 who own a home—aud only a home— s with loved ones in it to patriotieall’ 1 defend. i - Won't Take It. i J, R. Steiner offers to donate the ’ Twin City Guardian to the city of St. ■ Paul, together with his services as i manager one year free of charge if de • sued, provided said city will establish ; a municipal paper. This proposition > I will save the city ever 8115,000 yearly •; if accepted. The only thing to pre- ■ ■ vent it is the politician. The Guardian ■. is whooping it up for municipal ewner- J ship, and a league composed of busi- I nets men was organized there a few 1 days ago. The world is moving right i along, I Many a man has to be silent on the money question because the money power has the ability to ruin him. Xew Era I’oiiitcrs. 1 A political party should be the rer vant and not the master of .the men who support it. The party slave io usually the most hopeless kind of a slave, because ho is one unwilling to ba free. Manhood is more tnan money, but this nation gives more protection to money than tc manhood. When the country needs his servico no lU4& has a right to plead that he is I too busy, to render the s rvlce, and the country now needs the service of every man who is opposed to inj.tstiae and corruption. A polit’cal party is not an idol to be worshiped, but a tool to do work with. When a tool will not do the work for which it wj,s designed the proper thing is to throw it away and gel an other. How TO isECUBE A PuBE DEMOCRACY, Direct Legislation*. . Every Man His Own Pi.atfobm Makes > Possibility or Reform, , Objections to Direct Legislation. Political Parties Under Direct Leg islation, Public Advocacy of Measures, Enforcement of Laws. 3