The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, December 09, 1817, Image 3

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motion IV the payment of the troop? || e ,l into the service of tl.u United Stile* from •,t«te of Gcai gin, presented a report wluch s road and ordered to lie on the table.' Thirrsday, December 1. Mr. Heard,from tlie committee appnif.tfd,re- itr l a bill to alter the time of holding the iufe- iurcoorth of Elbert county, which was received ud read the first time. Friday. December 5. On motion of Mr. Sthcks the bill to allow the lerks of the different courts in this state to ap- oint deputies, was recommitted to a select uom- nittee, consisting of Messrs. Stocks, Owemiand Tlr. Owens from the select committee to wham us recommitted the bill to allow the clerk* of he different courts in this state to appoint def ies, reported a bill to allow clerks of the difler- ent courts in this state to appoint deputies, which was read the first time. Saturday. December 6. On motion of Mr. Cuthbert, the House took up the following report, to wit: The committee to whom was referred the petition of Nathaniel B.v con, Report, That on investigation, it appears from the accompaning documents and other evi dence, that previous to the time of the unfortu nate act, for which l.e is now in confinement, the character of Nollianiet Bacon was unblamable ; and that his subsequent conduct has b»cn distreet, honorable *i.J virtuous. The committee AKYply mourn the melancholy fate of this unhappy young man, who, in consequence of one rash act. has been deprived of his liberty, is wasting the bloom of youth in the gloom of a prison ; and must bear even to the grave, the indelible infamy of peniten tiary confinement. But they are constrained to state, that to pardon his offence, or even to miti gate his punishment, is not w ithin the constitution al power of the legislature. To pardon offences, less'than treason oi murder, is the attribute ol the executive. They therefore recommend that I the petition of Nathaniel Bacon be transmitted to his excellency the governor. And the said re port being read, and considerable discussion had on the question to agree thereto, the yeas and mys were required, and vcie—Vcas 45— Nays 13. MILLEDGEV1LLE. TL'KSDikY, nUCBMURlt 9, 5817. LAWS. 1. An act to establish the mode of supplying the vacancies in the Board of Trustees of the U- niversity of Georgia, and to add two additional members to the board already appointed. C. \n act giving time to the sccureties of XV Scott, tax-collector for the county of Camden to .pay the money due them to this state. 3. An act to repeal the seventh section of an act passed the 12th day of December, 1815, and to regulate the Road fines and labor in the county of GIvnn, so far as respects the Islands ol St.Simonds and Jekyl, and for other purposes. 4. An act to authorise the Darien Volunteer Guard to muster in their city on all days appoint ed for battalion or other musters, except those for general inspection, when they shall appear at the general muster ground lor M’Intosh county. 5. An act to compel the Clerks of the Supe rior and Inferior Courts for the county of Glynn to keep their offices w ithin one mile of Brunswick. 6. An act to alter and amend an act entitled an act to impose an additional tax oil pediers and other itinerant traders,” passed Dec. 3,181b. 7. An act to legalize and make valid certain debts of the sheriff of Jasper county,ami his de puties. 8. An act to alterant! extend an act entitled “ an act to prevent boat owners or patioons from permitting boat hands or other negroes from traf- ficing cotton, corn'or other produce, or from con veying the same to market on board the boats ac customed to navigate the river Savannah between Augusta and Savannah. 9. An act to establish the fees for health officer and harbor master for the port of Darien, and al low them the same fees as are allowed the health officer and harbor master for the ports of Savan nah and St. Mary’s. 10. An act to confirm the sales lately made by the trustees of the Richmond Academy of a range of lots south of Walker street, in the city of Au gusta, and to narrow and define the width of said street, and to continue it 80 feet wide, ami sell the remainder of the lots on the said street. 11. An act to authorise an extra session of the Superior Courts in the couuties of Wilkinson and Laurens. 12. An act for the benefit and relief of Joriali Stewart. 13. An act to repeal Ihc second section of 'an act passed the 12th of December, 1816, entitled “ an act to amend an act to incorporate a bank to be called the Hank of the State of Georgia,” passed on the IGtli December, 1816. 14. An act to authorise the Justices of the In ferior Court of Glynn county to levy an extra tax for the purpose of building a court-house and jail in said county, and for other purposes, and to make permanent the site of the same. 15. An act to amend an act entitled “ an act to authorise Russell Goodrich, Nicholas Byers, Da vid Rus.ell, Arthur H. Hanley and John Lowry to open a road from the head of boatable water on Tugalo river, the most direct route to fall into the road at Samuel Thompso- ’s, on Nine Mile creek in East-Tennesse, and to incorporate them into a company by (he name of “ The Unaca or Uuacoi Turnpike Company.” 16. An act to alter and amend an act entitled “ an act to regulate the general elections irk' this state, and appoint the time of the meeting of the general assembly, so far as the same requires all general elections to be held at the place of hold ing the Superior Courts.” 17. An act to authorise the Justices of the In ferior Court of Greenif to levy an extra tax for the purpose of building a Jail in said county. ^18. An act to incorporate the town of Daniels- viile, in the county of Madison. 19. An act for the relief of the Grand and Pe tit Jurors ol Jefferson county. 20. Au act to authorise the Justices of the In ferior Court of Jackson county, to levy an extra tax fur the purpose of building a Jail in said county. l.idicm uYVtt'S.—Extract of a letter from an in. feilige; « gentlemen at Fort Hawkins to the editor, luted December 2 :—“ Captain Stallings arrived here this morning in sgven day* from Fort Scott, and brings letters from Gen’l Gaines announcing a second skirmish with the Indians. The detach ment consisted of 300 men under the command of Colonel Arbuckle. They were attacked about 12 miles from Fort Scott by a party of Fowl-Town and Osouchee Indians, supposed to be about 100, and had one man killed, and two wounded, one dangerously. The Indian loss was supposed to be 8 or 10. They captured some cattle durin the flight, which were retukeu in the towns lying about 8 miles from Fort Scott. The detachment then retreated 4 miles, and threw upbreast works, The effectivo force at Fort Scott is about 800 to 1000 men. No doubt is now entertained of the hostile intention* of the Indians. Capt. Stal lings thinks it is 220 miles at least from here to Fort Scott. A|l this through a pine barren, and mostly new roads, or perhaps none at all.” Bv a gentleman who arrived ill town at a late hour last night, direct from Fort Hawkins, the editor received from an officer of the staff the fol. lowing letter, dated December 8:—“ Captain S. Thomas from the Agency states that a foraging party of 10 or 12 men from Tort Scott had been cut off, and that a constant and tremendous firing was heard during the night in the direction of Fort Scott. This is supposed to have been an attack up on the breast-work thrown up by Co!. Arbuckle, at Four Mile creek. A Mr. Bernards, from-lav down on Flint river, savs one of the settlers in the neighborhood of Fort Gaines has been recent ly murdered by the Indians. On account of the disturbances about there, and on that rout, the ex press dispatched from this place Ins gone by wav of Fort Mitchell, (higher up the Chatahouchy,) and is not expected here before the last of the week. A direct express, however, is expected from gen. Gaines, which will doubtless give a de scisive tone and direction to affairs here. Some of the friendly Creeks, expected to co-operate with the army, have collected at Fort Mitchell, under the command of their distinguished war rior M’lntosh, some of whom it is said will pro ceed direct for Fort Scott, and some join us at the Agency. Major Muhlenburg who sailed iu schooner with about 50 men and considerable public and private property from Fort Montgome ry. (upon the Alabama,) for Fort Scott, near two months ago, and has not been heard of since. It is supposed lie has been lost at sea, or ascending the Apalacha.” tills c untry : to w rite an account of the Life, La bors and Death of that famous writer Thomas Paine, and perhaps, to collect and republish the whole ol' Ids writings complete in a cheap furin, and with some explanatory notes to the Rights td Man particularly. I am here now upon the spot. I have within my reach all the means of correct information. 'There are only Long Island Sound and a very few miles of land between me and the spot where he died. Justice to his memory, jus tice to the cause of freedom, justice to the coun try th»t gave him birth, justice to his friends on both sides of the Atlantic, demand at my hands an earnest endeavor to perform this task in a man ner worthy of the subject. YOVTTti tiAniRS* BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. Mm Hulburd, respect’- 1%/B'RS. Sandwich and It I fully inform the pu JWm> Cabinet.— The following gentlemen cor% pose the new executive department of the govern ment of the United States :—James Montoe, of Virginia, President—John Q. Adams, of Massa chusetts, Secretary of State—William H. Craw- f >rd,of Georgia, Secretary of the Treasury—John C. Calhoun, of South-Carolina. Secretary of War Benjamin W.Crowniushield, of Massachusetts, Secretary of the Navy—William W'irt, of Virgi nia, Attorney General. Mr. Mason is elected a repsesenfative in the present Congress from Massachusetts in the place if Mr. Lloyd, resigned. .4 Printing Press absconded.—The Geneva Ga zette of the 12tli ultimo, informs the public, that on one evening of the preceding week, in the mo mentary absence of the editor, the printing press and the types of the Waterloo Gazette, printed at Waterloo, Senica county, New-York, disa|i- peareil and nothing lias been heard of them since. It is conjectured that their sudden flight is pro perly attributable to a discussion that had taken place between the advocates and opponents of the sheriff of that county.—J\*ut.‘ Register. _ that they intend ipening a school in the city of Augusta, on the first of January ensuing, for the education of young ladies, in the different brandies of useful am! po lite literature. They tiave engaged the Rev. Mr. Shepard to attend to the scientific department of the academy ; and from his extensive erudition and long experience, they flatter themselves that they will be enabled to discharge with ability and faithfulness, the important duties of their avoca tion. Approved masters in music, drawing and other polite accomplish meats will attend the school if required. Useful and ornamental nee dle work will also be taught. Parents and giiar- dians, who are desirous of encouraging the insti tution, are requested to enter their children auiU those committed to their care, previous to (lie opening of the school. The situation of the Aca demy is pleasant ami retired, and at the same time convenient to the central part of the city.—- Terms made known on application. N. B.—They have a pleasant, commodious and healthful situation, three miles from Augusta ; to which place the academy will be removed du~ ing the summer season. VALUABLE LANDS FOlt SALE. T HE subscriber offers for sale on accommoda ting terms, a valuable tract of land in Jack- son county, on the waters of Beach ^Bcar creeks, containing 3323 3-4 acres,by re-survey, granted to John Nevell, and adjoining Lands of Few and others. This body of land is considered worthy tlie attention of Planters, a description of it is deemed unnccesaary, as those inclined to pur chase will view the lands. Mr. Janies Lynea, as agent, will attend at Watkinsville on the 15th day of December next, who will give such informa tion as may be required, and divide the tract iu lots’to suit purchasers.—Apply to tlie subscriber in Augusta, next door below Mr. Casliin’s stole. N. B.—Undisputabiu titles will be given. , II. CHURCH. November 29. COTTON—Augusta30to31 l-2cents; Savan nah 32 to 33 cents. »% Tlie Rev’d William Brantlu will perform Divine Service tiiis Evening in the Representa tive Chamber, at candle light. Runaway Slave’s Register. We have been politely favored with the follow* ng list of officers in the detachment of militia : Brigadier-general, Tho. Glascock ; Colonel, Eze kiel Wimberly ; Majors, Thomas Woodward ami — Morgan; Brigade-Inspector, Franklin C. Heard ; Brigade-Quarter Master, John M. Cooper; Adjutant, Lewis L. Griftin ; Quarter- Master, Nicholas Johnston; Paymaster, Abner Wimberly ; Seargcnt-major, Griffith ; Quar ter-master mnjoi, Brown ; Waggon -master, Win. B. Crowder. Major Thomas G. Walton Aid, and Dr. W. B. Ector, Secretary and Field Aid to the General. Dr. J. G. Slappy, Surgeon, anil Doctors Joshua Wimberly and 'Thomas Ter rel, Surgeon’s Mates. Cavalry—Major, James Lewis. Dr. Richard Lewis, Surgeon ; Dr. Wci- born, Surgeon’s Mate. The Savannah Republican states that four thou sand four hundred and fifteen bales of cotton, and sixty-five hogsheads of tobacco, arrived in Savan nah on tlie 29th ult. from Augusta, amounting to upwards of half a million of dollars. The 55th number of the Edinburg Review, con tains an article on the character and writings of Dr. Franklin, which is, in its spirit, highly flat tering to tiic pride of Americans. The character j istics of this great philosopher’s mind and dispo sition are described with singular felicity and dis crimination. The writer of the article in ques tion appears to have studied the temper and geni us of our country, in that spirit of candor and li berality due to truth—to have fiyrly and fully ap preciated his singularly calm, acute and practical understanding—his philanthropic views—tlie ex quisite justness of his moral tact—his unrivalled powers of observation, and ready apprehension of the fitness of things—that clearness of view with which .•; discerned the true aspect of circumstan ces, both in the moral and natural worlds, and that happy philosophy which enables him, at all times to draw from them the soundest deductions. Mr. Niles, in a late number of his Register, commenting on the navy, says “ It is laughable to see the anxieties of the British about the American navy. The “ bit of striped bunt ing,” haunts John Bull’s imagination like an evil genius, and he thinks it constantly says to him “ we meet again at Phillippi.” But John, unlike Brutus, is very loath to say “I’ll meet thee there.” Cobbett says “ there is one thing, which, if I diave life and health, I am resolved to do while in In Augusta Jail, Anna, who says she belongs to Abisha Kemp, Franklin county, about 27 or 28 years of age. Also, Frank, who says he belongs to James Cawldin, Ogietharpe county, supposed to be about 20 years of age, 4 feet 10 inches high slim made, dark complected, has a scar between his left eye and ear and his big and little toes cut off of the left foot. In Jacksonborough Jail, a man named George, and a woman named Clary, who say they belong to Joseph Bevau, Effingham county. Also, two itegro man who say their names are Larry and Bill, and that they belong to Bcnj. Burrougn, Co lumbia county. They are of dark complection and are stout and well made Allows. In Columbia (S. C.) Jail, Nat and Patience, who say they belong to James M’Ncill, Jones county, In Hartford Jail, a negro man named Liudo who says he belongs to Win. Irwin of Twiggs co. In Savannah Jail, a negro woman named Fran ces, who says she belongs to I. La Roach, Augusta. NOTICE. V LL persons are cautioned against trading for a Note of Hand given by me to Henry Smith, for 8600, dated May 2,1817, as L am determined not to pay said note ; toe property for which it was given having not proved as warranted. EPHRAIM ELLIS. Wilkinson county, Dec. 5, 1817. NOTICE. B ROUGHT to Baidu in coun ty Gaol, on the 18th inst. a negro woman by the name of Se- reeny, says she belongs to Lard Harris, of Putnam county. Her owner is requested to come for ward, pro e his property, pay charges aud take her away. FRED. SANFORD, gaoler. December 4, 1817. MR. JOHN WRIGHT S authorised and him alone, to settle my old business; he has the accounts in his posses sion, and a receipt only from him will be deemed good by THOMAS M. BUSH, who has just re ceived an elegantassorfment of Merino Shawls, with many other suitable and valuable articles. Wanted immediately two or three Waggoners. Milletlgeville,December 4,1817. NOTICE. TILL be sold on Tuesday the 20th January IT next, at the late residence of John Forest, deceased, near Licknor’s creek, Jones county, a good Waggon and Team, a small stock *f Cattle and Hogs, about 6000 weight of seed Cotton, a new set of Blacksmith’s Tools, household and kitchen Furniture and plantation utensils, &c. &c. SARAH FOREST, adrn’r. December 5, 1817. All persons having demands against the above mentioned estate are required to bring them for ward legally authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, and those indebted to make im mediate payment. SARAH FOREST, adm’r. TvYEENTY DOLLARS REWARD. S TRAYED or stolen on the 29th November, near Wm. Jamison’s, in Twiggs county, a chesnut sorrel horse, about 5 years old, 5 feet high, with a star in his forehead, and a scar on his forefoot under his footlock. Also, a small bay horse, 4 feet 7 inches high, has rather a dished face. The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver the above horses to Mr. S. Buffington, Milletlgeville, Mr, Harden, Mari on, or myself near Mr. Jamison’s. CLACKSTON LIGHTFOOT Twiggs county, Dec. 4, 1817. 3t Wi ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ILL be sold at the late residence of Col. Stephen Heard, deceased, in the county of Elbert, on tlie 15th December, 1817, the crop made on the premises, with such other personal property as nas not been previously disposed of. JOHN A. HEARD, adm’r, Nov. 27, 1817. NOTICE. W HEREAS my wife Lucy Shaw, has left my bed and board without any just provo cation.—This is therefore to caution all persons from trading with her on my account, as l am de termined to pay none of her contracts. JOHN SHAW. Jasper county, Dec. 3,1817, THOMAS M. BUSH, iLLal ways have such articles as are wanted IT in this place & in Eatonton. In addition to his present well selected assortment, he lias just received, at each place, au assortment of Cloths and Cassimeres, Woolens generally, Bombazetts and Rattiuets, Linen and Cotton Bed-ticking,Fur* niture Dimities and. Calicoes, Fl ing and Bind ing, Russia Shee*ng, Silk Button*, Cloth and Cassimere Shawls, Wellington Boots, Fine and Course Shoes, Lambswool, Worsted and Cotton. Hose and half ditto, assorted Crevats, Linens, first chop and common ditto, Linen Cambric— with a complete assortment of Fancy Boxes, Trunks of Perfumery, &c. and about 82300 worth of goods suited entirely to the Indian trade, Su gar, Coffee, Cheese, Almonds, and Candles by the box, &c. &.c Milletlgeville, Nov. 25. NO TICE. A I.L persons indebted to tlie estate of Colonel /■.John Lewis, late of Milledgevillc, are requir* ed to make immediate payment. Those who have claims against the said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated without delay. ELIZABETH LEWIS, ex rx. WILLIAM LEWIS,exect’r. Milledgeville, Dec. 1,1817. N E vTVARIETY STORE. ~ TTTTHE subscriber has just opened, at the Stord formerly occupied by Mr. Joseph Stoveall, a fresh assortment of GOODS, of almost every de scription, which will be sold low for cash ; amoim- which aie tlie following articles—Broadcloths^ Cassimeres, Blankets, Flannels, Bombazetts, Silks, Linen, Damask Table Cloths, Cambrics, Furniture, Bandanner and Black Silk Handker chiefs. Superfine Black and Blue Watcrloos, Surtuits and Coats, Linen and Silk Vests, and over-coats ready made. Elegant Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Silver mounted and plated Gig Whips, Brackets, Cigar and Snuif Boxes, Pocket Pistol Bottles. Lathes Gold Matches with Necklace Chains, Silver mounted and plated Chain and Velvet ludispen- sabies, Broaches, Beads, Tortoise shell Combs, Lockets, Rings and Drops. Ladies and Gentle men’s portable LiquorCases, portable Secretaries, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, Looking Glasses, Knives &. Forks. A general assortment of Rook s and Stationary, Wrapping, V* riting and Letter Paper, ike. A general assortment of Drugs and Medicines. Spanish Cigars, Hats, Sugars, Teas, Cheese, &c. ike. &c.—with a great variety of other articles too uUmerous to mention. JOHN HILL, Jun. *«*.Thc subscriber has opened at his Store as above, subscriptions for “ Scott’s Family Bible,” in 6 volumes—the cheapest work ever offered to the public. A copy may be seen at this Store. Milledgeville, Dec. 1. WANTED AT THIS OFFICE^ ,4 S an apprentice to tho printing business, a jTjL hoy of 14 or 16 years of age, of respectable connection*, who can read, write and spell well. Reflector Office, Nov. 19,