The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, December 09, 1817, Image 4

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POETRY. ' LESBIA HAT I# A BEAMING EYE.. AIM—*' «OiU CBEIHA.” lesbia hath » beaming eye, ... Hut no one knows Tor whom it beameth, Right and left its arrows fly, lint who they aim at no one dreameth. Sweeter’t is to gaze upon My Nora’s lid that seldom riie* ; Few her looks, but every one Like undissembled light surprises. Oh, my Nora Creina dear, My gentle bashful Nora Creina— Beauty lies. In many eyes, But love in yours my Nora Creina. Leshia weara a robe of gold, But all so close the nympth hath lac’d it, Not a charm of beauty’s'mould Presumes to stay where nature plac’d it— Oh, my Nora’s gown forme, That floats as wild as mountain breexes, Leaving every beauty free To sink or swell as Heaven pleases. Yes, my Nora Creina dear— f Sly simple, graceful Nora Creina— Nature’s dress ts loveliness, The dress you wear, my Nora Creina! Lesbia hath a wit refin’d, But, when its points are gleaming round us, Who can tell if they’re design’d To dazzle merely or to wound us f Pillow’d on iny Nora’s heart. In safer slumber love reposes f Bed or peace—whose roughest part, Is but the crumbling of the roses— Oh, my Nora Creina dear— My mild, my artless Nora Creina— Wit, though bright, Hath not the light That warms your eyes, my Nora Creina. MISCELLANY. ORIGIN OF THE TERMS WHIG & TORY. 1. This year (says Hume, hist. Eng. 1680) is remarkable for being the epoch of the well known epithets of Whig am! Tory, by which and sometimes without any material differ ence, this island has been so long divided.— The court party reproached their antagonists with their affinity to the fanatical convcntic- lers inScotlan.l.wlio were known by the name of Whigs : the country party found a resem blance between the courtiers and popish ban ditti in Ireland, to whom the appellation of Tory was affixed. And after this manner, these foolish terms of reproach came into public and general use ; and even at present; seem not nearer their end than when first in vented. . 2. Mr. Laing takes no notice of the term Tory,—but of Whig, he gives the following as the origin :—Argyle and Lothian had be gun an insurrection in the Highlands, and so forth. The expedition was termed the Wliig- amores’ inroad, from a word employed by these western peasants in driving horses; and the name transferred in the succeeding reign to the opponents of court, is still preserved and cherished by the whigs, as the genuine descendants of the covenanting Scots.* 3. Bailey, in his dictionary, gives the fol lowing :—Whig (Sax.) whey, butter-milk or very small beer,—again,—A whig—first ap plied to those in Scotland who kept their meetings in the fields, their common food being 8our-miIk,f—a nickname given to those who were against the court interest in the times of king Charles and James II, and to •uch as were for it in succeeding reigns. With regard to Tory, he says,—a word first used by the protest.ants in Ireland, to signify those Irish common robbers and mur derers, who stood outlawed for robbery and murder; now a nickname to such as call themselves high church men, or the partizans of the Chevalier dc St. George. 4. Johnson, again, has—Whig (Sax.) 1. Whey.—2. The name of a faction,—and as to Tory, he supposes it to be derived from an Irish word, signifying a savage.—One who udhers to the ancient constitution of the state, and the apostolical hierarchy of the ihurch of England—opposed to a whig. Torbhee is the Irish appellation for a per son who seizes by force, and without the in tervention of law, what,'whether so or not, he alleges to be his property. 5. Daniel Defoe, in No. 75 of vol. vii. af his review of the British nation, 1709, gives the following history of these terms :—“ The word Tory is Irish, and was first made use of in Ireland, in the time of Elizabeth's wars there. It signified a kind of robbers, who being listed in neither army, preyed in gene ral upon their country, without distinction of English or Irish. In the Irish massacre in 1641, you had them in great numbers, assist ant in every thing that was bloody and vil- lanous, and particularly when humanity pre vailed upon some of the papists to preserve protestant relations; these were such as chose to butcher brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, and dearest friends and nearest re lations,—and thes) were called Tories. In England, about the year 1689, a party of men appeared among us, who, though pretended jirotestants, yet applied themselves to the ru in and destruction of their country. They quickly got the name of Taries. Then; real godfather, who gave them the name, was Ti- tua Oates ; and the occasion as follows : The author of this happened to be present. There was a meeting of some people in the city, up on the occasion of the discovery of some at- tept to stifle the evidences of the witnesses, (about the popish plot) and tampering with Bedlow and Stephen Dugd Je. Among the discourse, Mr. Bedlow said, he had letters from Ireland, that there were some Tories to be brought over hither, who were privately to murder Dr. Oates and the said Bedlow. The doctor, whose zeal was very hot, could never hear any man talk after this against the plot, or against the witnesses, but he thought he was one of these tories, and called Utmost every man who opposed him in dis course—a Tory ; till at last the word tory be came popular, and they owned it; just as they do now the name of ‘higflycr.’ « A? to the word Whig, it is Scots. The use of it began there, when the western men called Cameronians, took up arms frequent ly for their religion. Whig was a word used in those parts for a kind of liquor the west ern Highlandmen used to drink, the compo sition of which I do not remember, but so be came common to these people who drank it, These men took up arms about the year 1681, being the insurrection at Bothwell Bridge. The duke of Monmouth, then in favor here, was sent against them by king Charles and defeated them. At his return, instead ofthanks for his good service, he found himself ill treat ed for using them mercifully. And Lauder dale told Charles, with an oath, that the duke had been so civil to the whigs, because he was a whig himself in his heart. This made it a court word, and in a little while all the friends and follower* of the duke began to he called whigs ; and they, as the other party did by the word tory, took it freely enough to themselves.—Edinburg Magazine. medicinal. • For a further account of the term “ Whigamure,” see Burnet, an quoted in Johnson’s dictionary. f In different parts of Scotland the term whig is (till commonly applied to a sort of sour liquid which is ob tained from milk or cream. The whig is taken from cresm after it has been collected six or eight days for a kirning, and is drawn off by a spiggot from the bottom of the cask or can.—It is also taken from sour ipilk, when in a coogu lated state, or what the Scotch call lappert milk, being merely the thin watery substance which is separated fi-om the curd on atirring it about. The whig, both of sour milk and cream, is extremely tart to the taste. It is not, so far as we know, used in any way for food by the common people. Might not tills term have beeq first applied to the covenanters, in derision of their auitere manners and unpalatable opinions ? A man of 40,000 francs. The following is taken from a French pa per : “ A provincial footman put into the lot tery of St. Sulpice, gained a prize of 40,000 livres, took leave of his master and came to Paris, not to place out his money to advan tage, but to spend it. He hired a superb ho tel, purchased horses and a carriage, clothed his numerous domestics in a livery, played high, and kept an excellent table. lie was universally feasted and entertained; and every where in the best houses, nothing was talked of but the generous stranger. Stran ger indeed ! He was known by noboddy.— Generous too, for he had his purse full of mo ney, and paid every account that was present ed to him ; but so freely did he disburse and pay that at the end of the year he had noth ing left. At last he announced, that lie would dine at home, and at two o’clock precisely. Two o’clock strikes, dinner is served, no guest appears. He calls up his coachman, his laquies, his cook, and his valet de chain- lire, lie makes them a signal to sit down at table with him. They are at first astonish ed, and then start difficulties in complying; he insists, they obey ; they chat, and when the champaigrie begins to establish familiar ity, he says to them, “ my comrades, you have thought me agreat man, I am only a va let de chainbrc like yourselves. I gained a prize of 40,000 francs; 1 have nothing more; I go to resume my livery. Adieu.” This said, he got into a Diligence and arrives at the house of his old master, who delighted at seeing him again. “ 1 expect to hear that you have laid out your money well;” said he to him ; “ very well; for 1 have eaten it!” “ Eaten it 1” “ Yes ; and that in the space of a year. I wished to see what was the life of a man who has forty thousand hvres a year; have done almost every thing they do; I have procured all their enjoyments !” “ Is it rpally so ?” “ Really ; there is nothing wonderful in that—belmld me satisfied ; i shall he much better if you will take me into your service.” “ Very willingly, if your ex pertinent has cured you of the desire of richui.’ Perseverance—It is not generally known that the extraordinary persei* ranee which was the feature most remarkably displayed in Timour's character during a fifty years continued series of battles, was edited first by a better cause than encouraged Robert Bruce to similar exertions. “ I once,” said Timour, was forced to take shelter from my enemies in a ruined building, where I sat a- lonu many hours. Desiring, to divert my mind from my hopeless condition I fixed my observation on an ant that was carrying a grain of corn larger than itself up a high wall. I numbered the efforts it made to accomplish this object. The grain fell 69 times to the ground ; but the insect still persevered, and tbs seventieth time it reached the top of the wall. This sight gave me courage at the mo ment ; and I have never forgotten the lesson it conveyed.—London paper. Tacitus says “ an early marriage makes us immortal. It is the soul and prop of em pire. That man who resolves to live without woman, and that woman who resolves to live without man, are enemies to the community in which they dwell, injurious to themselves, destructive to the world, apostates from na turc, and rebels against heaven and earth.” “ Wit is but nature to advantage diest; What oft wax thought, but lie’er to well express’d.” ON THE ADVANTAGES OF GOOD TEETH. I trust that some remarks on the advantag es of good teeth, and the inconveniencies ui bad ones, as well as a few hints fur tl. *.• pre servation, will not he unac ceptable to the ge nerality of your readers. A former number of your useful miscellany bestowed merited praise on certain celebrated dentists of your city ; hut these artists are within the reach of but a small portion of the community ; and after all, the prevention of an evil is far better than its remedy. It is certain that no part of the “human face divine” is more pleasing to the eye than a re gular and white set of teeth. And let Puri tanism or austerity say what they will, it is a virtue in us to endeavor to appear amiable and agreeable in the eyes of others. We cul tivate beauty in flowers ; we admire it in birds ; we praise it in horses and dogs; and shall we he indifferent to itin our own species? This would he the heigth of ingratitude to the bounty of nature, w'hich has planted in the human breast so livelya sensibility toper- sonal beauty. Let us not then perversely thwart her benign purpose. Besides, teeth that are decayi n and neglected are sure to occasion disagreeable breath : and although we may be carries about exciting admiration, we certainly ought to avoid giving offence. If the care of teeth is important as it re spects others, it is much more so as it respects ourselves. When in a state of decay they arc apt to cause troublesome and obstinate tooth aches, ami sometimes painful affections of the head, ulcerations and weakness in the eyes. When the jaw teeth are lost, and we are consequently unable to perforin the use ful office of masticating our food, we are ex posed to the long train of diseases produced by indigestion, besides being deprived of hall the pleasure of eating, Tne loss of teeth, moreover, always more or less affects the speech. It surely behoves us to guard against whatever may in the smallest degree injure this nbble character istic of our species. A clear and distinct utterance adds no little to the pleasures of familiar conversation. To an orator it is in dispensable. If any thing else is watning to inculcate at tention to the teeth, it is tiiat certain Euro pean travellers have considered bad teetii a national defect in the United States. I am far from admitting the justice of the reproach, as a general one ; but on the contrary have thought that, on comparing an equal number of Americans and Europeans in some of the states, in this particular, the advantage would be with us. Yet, in as much as some local habits and individual cases may have induced illiberal foreigners to say that of all which was applicable only to a few, we owe it to ourselves to take away from European arrogance even this pretext of our inferiority. Injuries to the teeth are caused principally by heat, tartar, scalling and scurvy in the gums ; though sometimes no doubt their un soundness is hereditary, in which case the only remedy is to he found in the art of the denliet. To avoid the ordinary causes of de- ay> the'following easy rules would common ly be efficacious. 1. Beware of drinking or eating any thing very hot.—No one thing besides lias dime so much injury to the teeth as hot tea, hot'coffee and hot soups to which so many people ac custom themselves. The use of hot drinks has been known, when suddenly adopted, to produce a sensible effect on the teeth in a few weeks. 2. Clean the teeth twice a day, with a brush, in the morning and on going to bed. Water alone, thus frequently used, will com monly be sufficient to prevent the accumula tion of tartar, which is ever forming on the teeth, and which, if neglected, sooner or later destroy them. But, as in particular in dividuals, andat particular times, this remedy may not prove sufficient. 3. Once a week, or fortnight, or month, as occasion requires, use some weak alkali, which combined with the acid substance on the teeth, makes it more easily separate A yield to the operation of the brush. Substances that will answer this purpose are always at hand, such as charcoal, wood ashes, soap & cliajk. They should, however, be used spar ingly, as the daily application of them may act upon the teeth themselves as well as the tartar which encrusts them. 4. Whenever the gums threaten to leave any part of the upper teeth exposed, make use of Peruvian bark as tooth powder.—Tinc ture of myrrh, table salt and charcoal are al so useful ip preventing the scurvy of the ins. As this, however, is not always a local dis ease (perhaps never with persons attentive to cleanliness) theonly effectual remedy is to re store a healthy temparament to the whole system. 5. Never use the teeth for cracking nuts or other hard substances. A large part of the animal tooth has irritability and sensa tion, like the other bones, and experiences the same mischievous effects from exposure. Above, it is protected by the gums ; below, by a bony encrustation of peculiar hardness, commonly called the enamel. Whenever ei ther of these defences are removed, the con sequence is pain, disease and decay ; and the enamel is more carefully to be guarded, because when once destroyed it can never be replaced. I sincerely hope, sir, that such of your ,. e(u ders as now have good teeth may so profit L lie foregoing rifles as to preserve them tn „i,| age, for old age will ceme in spite 0 f their teeth ; and that those to whom this advice has arrived too late may inculcate its obser vance with their children until habit shall nake it easy and agreeable.—Port Folio. Administrators and Guardians' Sale of . VALUABLE PROPERTY. "4HE real estate of Obediah Lowe, late of th* _j_ county of Baldwin, in the State of Georgia deceased, coasts ting of two squares, to wit, num.’ bera tym hundred and forty-six, and two hundred and sixty-four, each containing 202 1-2 acres and a fraction number two hundred and seventy! one, containing 114 1-4 acres, all in the fifth dig. trict of , Wilkinson at the time of the survey, now Baldwin county, making the estate in the agne- gate, so far as is now known, 519 1-4 acres, inure or less, will be sold to the highest bidder, at the Court-House of Baldwin county, in MilledgeyiNe on tly> first Tuesday in Februury next, agreeably to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Bald win county, sitting for ordinary purposes passed on the 24th November instant," to be sold* for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deCelSeiJ ’ MAL. G. WILKINSON, Adm’r ifi right of his wife Judah, late Judah Lowe. v ABNER LOCKE, CLiardian of Elizabeth and Obedience Lowe, orphanl and ilaughthers of Obediah Lowe, dec. Nov. 25, 1817. T LAW. HE subscriber offers his professional services as a Lawyer to the citizens of the seveial counties in the Western Circuit generally, parti j r.ularly those of Hancock, Jones, Jasper, Put} am and Baldwin, in the Ockmulgee circuit. SOPIIOS STAPLES. Sparta, Nov. 18, 1817. , NOTICE. T HE subscriber will be a candidate for Receiv er ot Tax’Returng for Baldwin county, at the ensuing election. JOHN JETER. Millegeville, Nov. 19. NOTICE. T HE subscribers hereby announce that they have extended a branch of their business ta Augusta, to be conducted by Mr. James Wood- row, under the firm of James Woodrow Sf Co. and are now opening, at the Stora formerly occu pied by Adam Hutcheson, e3q. an extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS and HARD-WARE, imported in the ship Georgia and other recent ar rivals from Britain, which will be sold at a mode rate advance fur cash,produce,nr approved paper. ANDREW LOW & Co. Savannah, Nov. 1. DR. VANIIEDDEGHEM, FROM FRANCE, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Hi Augusta and its vicinity, that he has estab lished himself in this cityy where lie intends pur suing the PRACTICE of MEDICINE, in its va rious branches, and flatters himself that he will be enabled, from his knowledge and experience, to render general satisfaction. He may be found when not engaged in his professional services, at the house of Alessrs. Tardy & Bnuyer. November 15. WARE-HOUSE. MIE subscribers having associated themselve* in business, under the firm of Dickinson Starnes, oiler their services to their friends and the public in general, in the COMMISSION and FACTORAGE LINE. 'IhcAVare-Houseisen- tirely,detached from any building of fire, and on a good construction, immediately in the rear of Cosbv Dickinson’s large new building, and oppo site the centre of the upper squares—where every attention will be given to render general satis faction. COSBY DICKINSON, EBENEZER STARNES. Augusta, Geo. Nov. 4, 1817. l-4t NOTICE. A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary for Baldwin county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, one third of an acre LOT in the town of .j/illedgeville, on Hancock street, the property of Henry Johnston, deceased, sold for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. A. F. BY1NGTON, admV. November 12,1817. NOTICE. W ILL be Sold at the plantation of Drury R*. gers, all the personal property ot Benjamin Rogers, deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle and Hogs, and many other articles too tedious to mention. Sale to be held on the 24th of Decem ber next. Terms of sale made known on the davof sale. DltURY ROGERS, adm’r. November 12, 1817. Tl JOB PRINTING. HE Office of “ The Reflector,” is furnished with materials for executing, in a style of un usual neatness, Books, Pamphlets, Cards, Blanks, and Job Printing of every description ; orders for which will bo thankfully received and punctu ally attended to. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BT J. B. HINF”, * AT TIIREE DOLLAitS PER YEAR,.UC ADTAWC*. Advertisements under one hundred words, insei ted the first tune for 75 cents, cash, and 50 cents for each contin* nance—longcrones in proportion. Every insertion of no* tices not prSl shed weekly, charged as the firxt. Admin istrators sales of real estate advertised for g 4 cash— of personal property g 3—notices to debtors and credi tors j*. 3—and nine r.nnlhs citations g 5—one fourth more in every instance, if not settled for when left for publication. 0O* The law requires land and negroes belonging tn testators and intestates, to be advertise,! sixty days -, ]ier* ishable propery, forty ; notices to debtors and creditors, six weeks; and citations for leave to sell estate, (monthly? mine months. Letters to the editor must be post paid.