The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, December 29, 1817, Image 3

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MILLEDGEVILLE. Ti’Rsu.vY, so, 1817. Governor Rabun lias appointed the following entlemen his Aid-de-C:tmps, with the rank of hdonels : —Charles Williamson, Milledgeville s hhvard Hamilton, of Camden ; Edward Harden, 'dward F. Tattnall and Abraham 15. Kanin, Chat- am : John A. Heard, Elbert : Laurens Battle, aid win : Hich’d A. Blount, Washington 5 Geo. Valton, Richmond : James S. Brad well, Liberty ; nd John L. Hopkins, M'lntosli. A’court martial for the trial of Captain Pur- rid^e, of which General Scott was president, ron- :ened at West-Point on the 20th October. The it pronounced the prisoner guilty of certain co-os and specifications, and sentenced him to ie cashiered ; but in consideration of the zeal and M’Severancc he uniformly displayed in the dis- Thc Angus U Herald of the 19th instant, says “ Within the last eleven days, above ten thou sand bales of cotton have been brought to this place in waggons and sold ; the amount of which at the present prices, is about one million of dol lars. From the present price of the articles ve ry little is stored by the planters, and as the sales are generally made for cash, it is easy to conceive what an immense amount is required, and wlmt an immense amount is also found, to enable every seiler to obtain a ready market, for whatever quan tity he may have to dispose of. «■1 view of the progress of the Post-Office De partment.—Increase of the transportation of mails since 179;?, is 6,725,310 miles. Increase of Post Offices, 3,005, The mail is transported in stnges, sulkies, and on horseback, 20,737 miles per day. Divide all the Post roads in the United States into four equal or distinct post routes, on which the mail is carried in stages, sulkies charge of his professional duties, recommended j *m horseback, it will be equal to a travel ol sin! Inm to the elemenev of the President of the l .' times, each week, around the globe ; averaging | States, who remitted the punishment, and direct- *me Post Office for every fifteen miles of Post cd Captain P. to report himself for duty, to the Hoad.—Doston If eekhj .Magazine. senior officer of engineers. The Savannah Republican of the 24th instant, states that the corvette John Adams, brigs Knter- prize and Pronmtheus arrived off Am lia bar on Saturday last. General Gaines is at Point Petre. He is to be present at the taking of Amelia. Spare l)iet.—\ writer in the. Washington City Gazette is calling aloud .‘nr the augmentation and equalization of salaries to the respective clerks in the departments of the government, lie avers that a congressman has said •• yon may count the ribs of the clerks as they walk along, and that the nts were seen going from their houses with tears in their eyes, not! ing being there to eat.” ,?/r. Thomas Cook, admiralty midshipman of An agricultural society has been lately formed ’n Virginia, of which Mr. Madison is president. It has been recommended as one of the regula tions of the society. « that each member of the so- t!ie Hochelort has invented a Life buoy, for the siety be required to make a report of his own, preservation of the lives ot seamen, who may hap- ractice in agriculture and rural economy, to- P en * u * a " overboard at sea during the night. It thcr with that w hich is pursued on three or four | > 3 M » constructed as to contain a quantity of unex arms contiguous to his own, with the results, thati tinguisiiahle matter, which on letting go the buoy here may bo a masripf information on record, re-1 p' mi the stern of the ship, is set fire to, and cou- stive to bad as well as good husbandry. The so-; Ionics to hum for a considerable time above the ’etv have adopted measures for procuring the es- surface of the water, thereby pointing out to the jblislmient of a well conducted nursery, which j I ,er,i< m orcrouard a place of safety, until further - to be commenced immediatelyI assistance can be sent to him. trial was made of it in the presence of admiral Thornborough, President .Monroe.—-The present chief magis-! ca P ts - Dickson, Carteret, linger and Falcon, when Irate of the United States, (says the N V. Chro- j ll 18 represented to have answered the purpose m- Tiicle,) came into office under more favorable au-1 fenoed extremely well, spices than either of his predecessors. The ves- . sel of state had just weathered the storm of war ; • , 13 a remarkable circumstance (says an Eng- all mutinous symptoms had subsided, and the I "* n P a P er 0 undone worth putting on record, that whole crew, with few exceptions, united in bid-j Bonaparte was first stopped in his career in fc’yra, ding welcome to their new commander. Confi- ,. v . il11 Englishman 5 suffered his last defeat at dent of our ow n powers, and conscious of being j . aler loo, from an Irishman, and surrendered respected by the world, the proudest moment of, himself a prisoner, at Rochefort, to a Scotchman. 1 our existence as a nation, was that which saw ano-! tlier patriot and statesman elevated to the highest j According to the table describing the civil state office in the gift of a free people, while he wlio;. Sweden, 344 children at the breast, were due lled us through the conflict which had just termin-j’"o Bu*year .014, smothered by their mothers or ated, retired from the presidential chair to his j” l " 3e s while asleep; and in the following year, .farm, covered with the blessings of iiis grateful j Bic number of innocent victims iv i 1 ' died through -fellow-citizens. No man, except Washington,! fl >is kind of imprudence amounted to 509. L as aver stood higher in the affections of the Ame-1 3-ican people, of all parties, than Mr. Monroe now The frigate Congress, with the American Com- idoes. He has travelled through the country, he- missioners on board, sailed from the Chesapeake -.line acquainted with the people, and knows all heir various wishes ; who then can doubt that bis administration will be crowned with honor and prosperity. The congress of the United States ( avs Mr. files.) appears redly to have met for the “ dis patch ot business.” Never before, perhaps, at so arly a peiiod of the sess on, and in such a time the present, were their proceedings so inter esting as now. A Carlisle (Pen.) paper, states that on the night f the -1th inst. two men took a pot or kettle, nd put some c coal in it, with fire, to prevent the Tost from damaging the plaistering of a room, hat had lately been plaistercd ; the men made hcmselvesa bed on the floor to sleep, which un- ortunately proved t > be their last sleep ; for next urn ing both were found dead. A letter from Natchez to a gentleman in Plii- delphia announces the loss of the Steam-Boat ’elegraph, with a valuable cargo. No particulars 'eregiven in the letter, excepting, that she was ost 00 the Mississippi, and near Madrid. Ms jor Christopher Vande Venter, of the army, a- been appointed by the secretary at war, Chief Jerk of that department, in the place of Mr. eo. Graham, resigned. By the Lexington, K. papers we learn that ledical College attached to the Transylvania „ . the ledical College attached to the Transylvania U- iversity is completely organised and in operation, ’he board consists of five professorships ; and lie several chairs are said to be filled with men f letters and taste. _ A shock of an Earthquake was felt in Nash- ille, ’1 en. on the 10th instant, which continued bout half a minute, and shook violently the bous- s and furniture, arousing many that were asleep, he undulation was from west to east. The legislature of Tennessee have passed an ct for establishing eleven banks In the state, each nth a capital stock of 400,000 dollars ; to be ranches ol the f^tate or Nashville Banks if they an he accepted—if not, to be independent banks An arrival at Philadelphia brings an account of le death of the honorable John rhilpot Curran, e celebrated Irish orator. The honorable Henry rskine, died on the 8th October last. By a recent decsion of the legislature of Ten ssee, the seat of government of that State is moved from Knoxville to Murfreesborough. harles Bullfinch, of Massachusetts, has been ointed architect of the capital of the United tes, vice Mr. Latrobe, resigned. ire at St. John's, JV. F,—A great portion of ill-fated city was destroyed by fire on the ht of 5th ult. which continued five days. Pro ty to the amount of a million of dollars is sup ed to havy beer lost. on the muriiii!; ; of the 4th inst. Mr. Mu! vev, the Spanish consul for Georgia, has arrived in Savannah. On Friday last, Mr. Henry A. Gindrat, of Han cock county, was killed by the burstitf^of a gun which he was in the act of firing. Joseph Bonaparte has offered two millions of dollars tor the liberation of his brother from St. Helena. The government vaults at Quebec, have been robbed of seven thousand dollars in gold. COTTOJW in Augusta, (Dec. 24) 32 1-2 cents. Savannah, the same date, 34 cents. TO COKRESVONIJEXTS. Lines written by a young- iafly on the death oflter friend, communicated by M- will be published moor next. Z.” is under consider:.t on. LAWS OF THE LAST ar-sSiON. (Concluded from Xo. 5.) 21. An act and amend an act entitled an act to make permanent the site of the public buildings ill the county of Twiggs, and for otlie purposes.” 22 An act to quiet the claim of Christian Da vid Lcbey, to the estate of which John Anderson, died seized or possessed. 23 An act to confirm the sales lately made by the trustees of the Richmond Academy, of a range of lots south of Walker street, in the city of Augusta, and to narrow and define the width of said street, and to continue it 80 feet wide, and sell the remainder of the lots on the said street. 24 An act to authorise an extra session of the Superior Courts in the counties of Wilkinson and Laurens. 25 An act to repeal the second section of an act passed the 12th of December, 1810, entitled “an act to amend an act to incorporate a Bank to be called the Bank of the State of Georgia,” passed on the lGtli December, 1816. 20 An act to authorise tiie Justices of the In ferior Court of Glynn county to levy an extra tax for the purpose of building a court house and jail in said county, and for other purposes, and to make permanent the site of the same. 27 An act to alter and amend an act entitled “ an act to regulate the general elections in this state, snd appoint the time ot the meeting of the general assembly, so far as the same requires all general elections to be held at the place ot holding the Superior Courts.” 28 An act to authorise Nathan Bostick to es tablish a ferry across the Ogechce river, on his own land. 29 An act to secure Robert H. M’Rae and Richard H. Long, the cxclasive right and privi lege of running ot a line of stages from Wash ington in the county of Wilkes, to Eatonton in the county of Putnam, via. Greensboro’ in the county of Greene, for the term of 10 years. 30 An act to alter and amend an act, for the better regulation of the town of Monticello, in the county of Jasper, % 31 An act to legalize the proceedings of the 1 Superior and Inferior courts and court of Ortlin ary in the county of Columbia, so far as respects the acts of the Clerk or Clerkcs, performed In deputy or deputies, agent or agents, and to make the same valid. 32 An act for the relief of Benjamin Starrett. 33 To amend the 3d section of an act entitled, an net pointing out the duty of Sherrills ill selling lands in certain cases 34 To authorise the Trustees of Elbert county Academy to raise, by Lottery a sum of money for the purpose of building an Academy in sani county. 35 To raise a tax for the support of Govern ment, for the political year 1818. 30 Prescribing the oaths to he taken by Jurors in certain trials, under the several acts to regu late cscheatc, and to authorise the Judges of (tie Superior courts to adopt the necessary forms of process, and other proceedings to carry said acts into effect. 37 To amend an act, to organize the counties lying between the rivers Oconee and Ocinulgcc, and to form a judicial circuit, so far as respects the time of holding the Inferior courts in Wil kinson county. 38 To authorize the Justices of the Inferior courts of Baldwin county, to select and draw Grand and Petit Jurors. 59 To change the names of Samuel Pain, Jane Pain, Willis Pain and Thompson Pain, to that of Samuel Wood, Jane Wood, Willis Wood and Thompson Wood, Aj*c. and for the relief of Ellen- der Solten, Hampton Wade and Solomon Wade. 40. To make permanent the public Buildings in Morgan county. 41. To incorporate the Steam Boat company. 42. Amendatory of an act to incorporate dit to wn of Powelton. 43. To regulate the admission of Grants in certain cases. 44. To change the times of holding the Supe rior courts in the Middle and Eastern districts. 45. To alter and amend the forty-seventh sec tion of the Judiciary system of this state, ami point out the manlier of filling vacancies in the offices ot Clerk of the Superior and Inferioi courts. 40. To incorporate the town of Lincolnton. 47. To appropriate monies for the political year 1818. 48. For the improvement of Internal Naviga tion. 49. To amend an act for the trial and punish ment of slaves and free persons of color, assent ed to on the 19th December, 1816. 50. I'o authorize the Inferior courts of Bald win and Putnam counties to build a bridge across Little river at or near the place where Butts’s bridge formerly stood. 31. To allow Clerks to appoint Deputies. 52. To alter and amend the Penal Code. 53. To provide for carrying into effect the in ternal regulations of the Penitentiary. 54. To amend an act to authorize .-ames Rous seau to build a bridge across the Oconee river at or near his ferry. 55. To create and establish a fund for the sup port of Free Schools throughout this state. 50. To apportion the Representatives among the several counties in this state. 57. To establish a Mayor’s Court in the City of Augusta and to add an additional number to the City Council. 58. To amend an act, to carry into effect the Penal Code of this state and tli,e Penitentiary Edifice founded thereon. 59. Amendatory of an act to incorporate the town of Louisville. 00. To authorize the Trustees of the Univer sity to execute deeds in certain cases. 6t. An act to alter the names of certain per sons therein named. 02. An act to authorize the Inferior courts of Baldwin, Hancock, Wilkes, Clarke and Putnam counties, to levy an extra tax for the purpose of building bridges and other purposes. 03. An act to authorize the trustees of the Me son Academy in the county of Oglethorpe to fill such vacancies as may hereafiec occur in said board of Trustees. 04. An act, to amend an act of eighteen hun dred and twelve, to incorporate the town of Sau- dersville, in the county of Washington, and to vest certain powers in the Commissioners tncreof. • 05. An act to vest in Jane Ilillis and her heirs, certain property therein mentioned. 00. An act to compel the next tax collector of Chatham county, to cullect the 50 per centum on the stale tax commonly called the irect tux, for the year eighteen hundred and fifteen, and’10, and to compel the next tax collector of Burke coun ty to collect the direct tax due from said couutv, for the year 1816, and to authorize the Governor to appoint some fit and proper person to collect the 50 per cent tax not heretofore collected in the county of M’lntosli. 67. An act amendatory of and explanatory of tlie statute of limitations in this state, passed the seventh of December, 1805, so far as regards Ideots, Lunaticks and Infants, 08. An act to establish certain Ferries therein mentioned. 09. To secure to John Butt, his heirs, &c. the exclusive right of running a line of Stage Car riages between the City of Augusta and town of Milledgeville, via Warreuton, Powelton and Span.;. 70. An act to alter the first section of the 2d article of the Constitution. Runaway Slave’s Register. In Columbia Jail, Lucey, common size, about 18 years of age, says she belongs to Arthur Cheat ham, Louisville. Also, an African fellow, who says his name is Dickey, “and when questioned in regard to his owner and place of residence, seems incapable of answering, repeating uniform ly something like Washington.” In Savannah Jail, Dick, about 16 years of age. 5 feet 5 inches high, says he belongs to William Jones, Burke county. Also, Jim, about 24 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, says he tickings to John Taber of Burke county. EAGLE TAVERN, SPARTA. T HE subscribers beg leave to inform the pub, lie thatthey have purchased that well known establishment the EAGLE TAVERN, formerly occupied by Mr. Win. G. Springer. Possessing locally every advantage to be found in similar es tablishments in the up-country, provided with the best the market affords, trusty and attentive ser vants, and an undeviating determination to please they are flattered with the hope of giving entire satisfaction to their regular boarders and occa sional visitors. TIIOMAS S. MARTIN, • Cll AS, ABERCROMBIE, Jr. Sparta, December 17,5817. NOTICE, V N Election will be held at the Court-House, in tie town of Milledgeville, on the first Sa turday in January next, for an Intendantand four Commissioners, agreeable to law. HARRIS ALLEN, intendant. JAMES ROUSSEAU, - ) JOHN PRIDE, lcom’,*. W,\l. BIVINS, r m December 27. All persons having demands against the Cor poration are requested to present them to the Mar shall,that they may be laid before the board for in spection and payment. ‘ FRED. SANFORD, marshall. December 27. Si RAYCD XIROM the subscriber on the 4th inst. a sorrel MARE, with a swab tail, blaze in her face, and hip-shotten in one of her hips. She left me on the Oieechee, about 10 miles below the Shoals. She had on a saddle plated behind and before.-— Ten dollars will be given to any person who will deliver said mare to Benjamin Marshall, near Bo len's terry, in Baldwin county, or to the subscri ber, five miles from Clinton, on the road leading from Cliulou to ’Turn’s ferry- JAMES A. BOGGS. Jones county, Dec. 27. NOTICE, I D ROUGI1T to the Jail of Baldwin county, ou the 23d inst. a Negro woman named SA LLY, who savs she belongs to George Smith, of Han cock county. FRED. SANFORD,jailor* Milledgeville, Dec. 27. J' (IP, SALE—LOW FOR C ASH, A SECOND handed COACHEE and harness i JjIl. also, a new CARAV AN and harness, fit toy travelling—Enquire of JAMES W. GOODMAN. .Milledgeville, December 29. SADDLERY. D/jT L. WHITE, Market-square. Savannah, if h ;,s ni1 hand and will be receiving, a gen eral assortment, of Saddlery, manufactured by M. W. Morgan. Ncvv-York ; warranted made in the best manner and to suit the market, which are ut tered wholesale and relail, at a small advance form the Nevv-Y ork charges, December 25, L\WYER’S OFFICE. 'MHARLES J. M’DONALD has established an Office adjoining Leroy AL Wiley &. Co. lie will attend the several Courts of the Ocmul- gee Circuit, and Hancock Court of the Western, Milledgeville, Dec. 15. Administrators and Guardians' Sale if V ALL A il L E PRO PERT Y r . /TUMI E real estate of Obcdiah Lowe, late of tho. yf county of Baldwin, in the State of Georgia, deceased, consisting of two squares, to wit, num. hers two hundred and forty-six, and two hundred and sixty-four, each containing 202 1-2 acres, and a fraction number two hundred and seventy- one, containing 114 1-4 acres, all in the filth dis trict of YVilkinson at the time of the survey, now Baldwin county, making the estate in the aggre-- gnte, so far as is r.ow known, 519 1-4 acres, mom or less, will he sold to the highest bidder, at tho Court-House of Baldwin county, in Milledgeville, on the first Tuesday in Februury next, agreeably to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Baldwin county, sitting for ordinary purposes, passed on the 24lh November instant, to'bo sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of^uaid deceased. MAI,. G. WILKINSON. Adm’r in right of his wife Judah, late Judah Lower, ABNER LOCKE, Guardian of Elizabeth and Obedience Lowe, orphans and daughthers of Obcdiah Lowe, dec; Nov. 25, 1817. TO it. HUTCHINGS, SHERRIFF OF .TOM S COUJfTT. S IR. von are forwariied bv me the only admin. istratrix for the estate of Baxter Pool, and Guardian for the children of said 13. Pool, from paying the nionev you receive for that tract of Land, you have advertised for sale, as there is no other person or persons authorised to receive said money, except myself, you will therefore pay it to no person unless you receive a written ordey from me for the money, A. W. STURGIS. December 10. NOTICE. , bo sold on Tuesday the 20th January „v*t, at the late residence of John Forest, ased," near Licknor’s creek, Jones county, a YVa gon and Team, a small stock of Cattle Hugs, about 6000 weight of seed Cotton, a set of Blacksmith’s Tools, household and en Furniture and plantation utensils, &c. See. BARAI1 FOREST, adni’x. leember 5,1817. _ % I persons having demands against too above ioned estate are required to bring them fnr- legally authenticated within tiie time pre- ed by law, and those indebted to make iin. ate. pavment. •* SARAH FOREST, adm’s.