The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, May 05, 1818, Image 4

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POETICAL FOR TIIK REFLECTOR. A HINT OH TWO. Mb. I Tixr.q, YOUR paper oft cloth me invite, To streams oi‘ pleasure and delight; Oft do 1 view your weekly page, Glow with the’ wisdom of a sage ; And then as if to please each heart, A novel theme you do impart.— E’en Maids and Bachelors cln’in a shaft, Of your extreme unwearied care. A maul or two scans still cm baud, That fain some notice would command ; They seem by tho;r persuasive pow’r, To have merit at the eleventh hour; That is, they’ve merit if we trust, To what they say, and own it just. But where’s the heart so fond of guile, As to he jilted by a smile ; Or where’s the head so void of brain, That will not let them plead in vain— Unless they give some better proof, That swains have kept from them aloof; Tor many have as we’ve been told, In modern times and days of old, D.splayed the coquette, and have thus Trepan’d themselves and injured us— Therefore we must a pledge clem, ml, E’re we can take an old Maid’s hand. The Bachelor who seems to lie, Thus bound by sad necessity, Is sure in gaol, and Heaven can tell, If hecan hncihis exit well. The only plan that 1 can see, That wdl restore h.m liberty, Is to g\ve up all love as lost, And bankrupt turn at pla.ntitf’s cost. The Bachelor who owns himself, cho.ce still u lonely eil, From some lew hints iie gave of late, Would fain make out h,s learning great, lie doth his eyes to Heaven bequeath, Or else they’re fixed on earth beneath ; lie’s fond of naiure all beside, The fashion’d icih drawn from his side; And that perhaps he would have sung, Were it not furnish’d with a tongue. lie’s tend oi study, and no doubt, A scolding wife would put him out. ‘.So dreading this the sex he taunts, And calls ail women termagants. But sure he’s wrong, lor where we find, One scold among the female kind, Theie’i two at least we must agree, From this sail vice completely free. Then let me tell him by the bye, To study well the lemaic eye— The contour of the liice pursue, And every gesture keep uiview; To us each feature loo cxpUt.ii, That marks viragoes in the main ; That we may know who to commend, As virtue’s dear and gentle friend. *1 is true I can’t hi> plan, 11 s boldness wounds my Ual’ral— A least tor me lie should not fix it, 1 could .iot take h.s “ ipse ihxu.” bo imts 1 bid a long ad eu, To B.tdi’lors and old Maidens too. Putnam, April 10. OTSOIRAo Phrygillus, Solon and Tryiinn, conforming to the ideas of tlic poets, have given to love an infantile form, Raphael lias represented him in this manner in the history of Psycho, which has been engraved after his designs, by Marke Antony. In the Fiir- SIIEltlFF’S SALE. _ Vni7ILL he sold at the Court-ll,.use in Eaton - V T tun, Putnam county, on the first "1 ucsilay in May nest, between the usual hours, one laigt bav HOUSE, levied on as the property id W m. H.'Hendrick, to satisfy an execution in favor ol Hubert Bledsoe, surviving copartner vs. Win. S. nese palace at Home, lids great artist lias IItiljdl .; ck lJrop c r tv pointed out by Wm. Brown painted love showing Psvclic to the Graces. .... i i..:.. . ... > : n doniitv shcrirt painted love showing Psyche to the Graces, lie is of a red color, which is rellecteu on t three goddesses, and seems to inilame all t at surrounds him. This idea, which Ra phael borrowed from Mosrhtis, is delicate and true in poetry, but does not belong to painting ; which, being essentially imitative, j cannot give a material representation and levied bv B.J. Harvey, former deputy sheritt, and returned to me. WM. VARNER, Sherill. February 23, 1818. SHERIFF’S SALK. » «TILL l>e sold at the Court-House in the town of Monticello on the first Tuesday in KIDNAPPING, kN or about tin * certain 1'linmn looking fellow, about 8a or 40 years old. e, l( | n '"! with an extraordinary gift of the ml, ‘' ei * cannot give a material representation to an v * town m atmiuei uu <.. v»* - * - allegorical idea. It is from forgetfulness ol j -' fa y between theuBuiU Lyurs o f sale,x-03 this principle, that M. Girard has painted' * r, '« 9 .‘I* Land, known bv Lot No. 174, in t e .» *. 1 ... * , I “'ll. .1.<tl iti-nri lit 11 v ivi (lul l. MOW .IclMH-l Psyche receiving the first kins of love ; whose figure, present to tin 1 eyes of the spectator, is supposed to he invisible to her. This fic tion, which is easy in poetry, cannot he em ployed in painting without a supposition, which the real representation of the imagina ry object opposes. M. David, aw are of the distinction, which exists between literary description and re presentations ol natural objects in painting, has felt that the art of personify mg abstrac tions, is as diHi olt to painters as the art ol making a portrait of an individual would be to a ]) iet. lie has them lore represented the m\tiiological fact in a manner purely bistort* FIXE AIM'S. FROM TUK FRANKLIN GAZETTE. A taste for the Fine Arts, an evidence of mental improvement, and a refinement of manners, prevails in the cultivated society of our cities. Painting appears peculiar ly adapted to American genius. The paint ers whom our infant country has already produced, rank with the most distinguished of the present age. Their labors arc placed 17th district of originally Baldwin, now Jasper county, levied on as the property of \\ liite Rossi- ter, to satisfy an execution in favor of Pleasant Hooter vs. said Rossiter, property pointed out by Ed. Paine, plaintiff's attorney. Cor ditions, cash. martin cociikan, Dept, ish’if. March 20, 1313. CLOCK. A WITCH MAKING. t lYPHIAN WILLCOX, having taken into J co-pa tiiersliip Mr. Leonard Perkins, the bodiless will in future be conducted under the firm of WILLCOX ^PERKINS. They have just received in addition to the former stock, a full and complete assortment of gold and silver indent lever and plain H atches of every descrip tion; also chains, seals and keys of the newest t ,il, without recurring to litose allegorical con-1 .,itd most fashionable patterns. The goods ge ceth, to a mixture of reality auiificlion—a ' " ' combination extravagant and repulsive, aim disallowed by the id us of relation, ol'cohe rence, and of conformity, that the mind al ways conceives at the sigiit of beings of the same, nature. \\ e may be assured that nothing is inipos slide to the man, whose genius and whose talents have rendered him tiie restorer of the | a arts in Europe. But 1 doubt whether Ins oiiject had been as interesting, as true, and as beautiful, had he chosen an infantile form i ir the lover ol Psyche. 1 prefer,greatly the more natural idea of representing the lover ol Psyche as an elegant youth. The picture •>f the San nes proves that M. David can ex cel in the representation of the delicate, heau- citol, anil innocent nature of children; hot with how mm h advantage is love here paint ed as adolescent. Could the same expres sion, the same character, lie given to an ui- laiii form ? What justice in the attitude, and in the movement! With what delicate ncrally kept by men of their p ofessiou, arc ton well known to need specifying. They think it therefore sufficient to say, that they have a gene ral asortmeot, and will alford them to their cus tomers as low as they can be had ill the state. Clocks, Watches, time pieces, c^'c. of every de scription repaired ami warraated, and all other ! work in their line executed at the shortest notice and with fidelity. cvikian vwllcox. LEONARD PERKINS. Sparta, March 26. TilE SUBSCRIBERS, U NDER the firm of Scarbrough dj* M'Kicne, (successors to Burua APKiooe Co.) hav ing formed a connexion in business in this they beg leave to oiler their services as genera 1 Commission Merchants. WILLIAM SCARBROUGH, JOSEPH P. M-KiNNE. Savannah, Jan. 24, 1818. aotTcfx ^ ?KIXNE & CO. will make advances on produce lodged with them to be forward- precaution dues love support the arm ol Jed their friends, Scarbrough & M-Kiimo, for sal 'syclie! Love, the brother of the graces, is uimself always graceful. Iiotild the Savannah market nut otter accepta ble advantages, the produce, (at the option of the '• -m\\ of Decani'.), r l ast s h ™ lns ’ asiimii . ■ end the gab. dej, . With three h nr ,' I and a waggon loaded with brandy, intended f l sale; and took with him as an assistant 'i ot Mandly, a free lad of color, spare made' IT*** I 18 vein s old, curly hair, slurp forehead anVfi M looking eves ; his c'otlics 1 am unable to(lescrill Wiggins has but lately returned, without theb * and says that he was killed by the tongue waggon. There are strong circumstances tu' dnee a belief, that he has been sold fo r a s | indeed, 1 entertain not the smallest doubtVf'* 1 He who will behold a fellow-citizen dvprived his liberty, without giving aid to rescue him • unworthy the enjoyment of it himself, |J •* therefore, that 1 otter a reward of tie bund Ja I dollars for such information m will enable ^ to punish the guilty Wiggins, and relieve tk innocent and guttering Mandlv w JOS. F. OICKINSOX. AVinton, Hertford county, N. C. April 5, ijjg 1 PHYSIC. 77TMIF, public are informed that 1 have hi\\v I M_ located myself in this village, as a practf tinner of Medicine—Applications fuade at apt I Glove; ‘s shall be attended to, with that punct a . ality, which the nature of rnv profession renoirv; JOHN G. SLAPPV. Monticello, Geo. Feb. 18. 1818. DOCTORS GLENN A COOK, H AVING associated themselves in tlicpni. r~H_ tice of Medicine, tender their profession, al services to their friends, and the public gent, rally. Their shop is kept in the house furwerlf occupied by J. Craw ford, esq. as an office. 1 NOTICE. ■^7 OTICE is hereby given, that we shall . lN ply to the Inferior Court of Putnamenurs ty. sitting for ordinary purposes, for comnmsinn. ers to divide the estate of Daniel Baugh,deed' ninety days aftei date. DANIEL WHITE, ) , william D.'.icH, 5 aamrg, March 4fh, 1818. ap. llow many must the artist have |"" ner ) wi . l! b<■ forwarded to the northward. encountered in the choice and expression ol ins figures. He could nut design strongly tne contours and muscles of a youthful gnl, y ot the action of the figure required tiicm to he well marked. The details of the torse (trunkj tiie digitati in of the deltoid, and ufliie external oblique muscles, are given vvitli .11 the softness of youth, at the same time p ,s sessiiig all the vivacity which dawning pot amongst the classic productions of the art, j berty bestows on them. All these myol.igi- and, already become the property of posteri-j cal details, have no more swelling than is re- tv, are destined to command the admiration ! to express the movement of the chest, of future times. I Tins part of the body is rich in study, full of AA r e possess few of the master pieces of the | sentiment and truth. The outlines are so art, by wliii h might be iustrueted tbe eye in correc , and the passage from one muscle the harmony of coloring, the correct dispo-l to another, so well extended,gradually p.iss- sition of shades, the truth and boldness of tie-! mg into eat h other ; is so skilfully muiiaged ; sign which infuse life into the canvas ; which j the design is so beautiful and true, that this nii r ht reprove the errors of a too fervid iiua- figure re-unites the elevation of sty le which gination, and chasten the grossness of an belongs to a God, and the simplicity which uncultivated taste. The witcheries of the ) delig.its us in the form of a youth.” pencil are indeed almost unknown to the A- incriran people—yet they exhiuit a lively in terest in its productions, and possess a cor rectness and discrimination of judgement, not surpassed by those enjoy mg superior ad vantages. The critical remarks elicited by tbe exhi bition of Mr. West’s picture of healing in the tempi ',” are illustrative of tliis position. The brilliant reputation of that artist, the acknowledged excellence of the painting, which had received tiie. univer sal suffrage of the English public ; its many striking and masterly beauties, might have commanded and excused a blind and obedient admiration. But while its beauties have been duly appreciated, its defects have been detected and commented on. \Ve allude to no slang of the connoisseur, which, under a jargon of terms and phrases, little under stood, would impose on us a belie! ol pro found and critical knowledge of the subject, SHERIFF'S SALES. O N the fust Saturday after the first Tuesday in May next, will be exposed tu public sale, at tbe iiiarket-liouse iu the town of St. Alary’s, between tbe hours of 10 and 3 o’clock ol that d,.v, tiie following negro slaves, viz. February, Cun.stj Pleasant, Pleasant, Peggy, Sally, Mary, Lydia, Ben, Clary, Sarah, Jack, Francis, Rosaline, Cla ry, York, Kate,*Elsey, Mi a, David, Riner, Jack, Judge, Lucy, Betty, Harriet, Nanny, Sam, Jim, William, Sepin, Pliebe, Dider, Matilda, Amelia. NOTICE. NIIE late firm of William Bowen <§* Co. lias this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Richard, Moses, Crecy, Situs, Lucy, George, ! al 'd tbe subscriber having purchased the entire nr a port in Great Britain or France, and in all instances, for the customary commission, they will guarantee the responsibility of the parties to whom it may be consigned for sale. Augusta. Jail. 30, 1818. NOTICE. ! "N consequence of Mr. Barna M‘Kiim« retir- . ing from business, the subscribers have to an nounce a contemplated dissolution of their con cent, and that all transactions after the first ol next month will be conducted by their successors. Scarbr-ugh & M-Kinne; who they respectfully beg leave to recommend to the same confidence and encouragment, that baa been so kindly con ferred on them. BARNA M’KINNE & Co. Savannah, Jan. 24, 1818. GEORGIA, B VLDWIN INFERIOR COURT. Sitting for ordinary purposes, ,Warch 2,1818. I TPON the application of Sarah Millinder, J administratrix of the estate of William Millinder dec’d. to be dismissed from said ad ministration :—It is ordered, that after six months public notice hereof, has been given, in one of the Gazettes of this state, the ad ministratrix will be dismissed, unle-s cause to 1 he contrary be shewn, at the next term of this court, after the expiration of said notice, to which all concerned will please pay attention. Taken from the minutes of said court. ABNER LOCKE, clerk. KVN AW AY FROM the subscriber tiie firstoC I the present month.a Negro Mu He is about twenty-one vein old, black complected, stoutand well made. A reasonable re* ward will be given to anv per. soil who will deliver tbe sail slave to mv Overseer in Katonton, or commit kill to any jail in this state and give me due notice thereof. Me is probably in Jackson county, U he was raised by Mrs. Ilobsun, of that comity. c. D. STRONG. March 31. o PUBLIC SALE. \ the third Monday (being the 17tli) nf Mat next, will be sold, in front of the store late ly occupied by A. Irwin. Groce &. Co. tbe remain ing stock of Goods of that concern, being a well selected and extensive assortment of every article suitable to country merchants, la. til the dav of sale, great bargains will be girei in any of the Goods on band. The condition will lie for sums under S 160, cash, above g M not exceeding S 300, 90 days credit, above g 510 and not exceeding 8 1000,3 and 6 months, and for sums above 8 i000, 3, 6 and 9 months, fur ap proved endorsed notes, and in order to accommo date as far as possible, country security will (alien approved) be taken. George Hargraves,*) John .11'h'hme, ( William Sims, ( Barna JTR'inne, J Augusta, April 22, 1818. Assignees, I ^ --7 © 1 ■ 7 Lambert, Sticky, Chany, George, Willis, Lucv, interest ol Stoutenburgh and Thorn in this es- Jacob, Oen, York, Bettv, Kata, Lucretia, Vilet, tablishment, will, in future, continue business Cullen, York, Bill, Nancy, Yggy, Jimmy, Simon, on bis owr. account at tbe corner store formerly Jim, Doll, Charles, Ouiius, Jim, Charlotte, Julett, Hector, Lewis, Jett’, Quash, Friday, Joel, Betty, Clary, Eudy, Kane, Jinny, Ned, Sarah, Be', Hec tor, Mary, Bub, Rose, Bl ister, John, Aron, Deay, na, Penny, Riner, Edmund, Daphny, Judge, Din, Peggy, Isaac, Bill, Judy, Lydia, Hue, Quack 11, Sucky, A in k, Nat, Kitty, Sit us, Abram, Daphne, Molly, Paul, George, Beck, Ueeu, Brandy, N iu every society, and which arc the result ol a good taste and sound sense. ' We have selected for our readers, from a Ghent paper, “ Le Vraj. Liberate,” the fol lowing observations on a late painting, by the celebrated David—They contain some Being one hundred and twenty-four in num ber, levied under and by virtue ot an execution formed outlie foreclosure of a mortgage Edward F. Tatnall, administrator John Hamilton, vs. James Williamson, to satisfy said mortgage and cost. Among the above named Negroes, house servants, ivc—l can recommend a number of those negroes tube of tbe most value of anv negroes in this state. Conditions, cash. ISAAC R.VILY, S. C. C. St. Marv’s, 2d March, 1818. very judicious and correct remarks, and be- there arc carpenters, seamstresses, w ashers, ing the only account we have seen of his 1 ‘ ' <> l’svcho and Love,” we have thought they would prove acceptable. “ This picture possesses a merit of inven tion that cannot he too much praised. Il consists in (lie simplicity of the thought; a rare excellence, and too often substituted in the arts by extravagance and complication of ideas. A judicious and well read man, M. David, has represented love not as an in- DOCTOR B. C. EDMODNSON, I AVING purchased doctor Hobson’s stock of medicines, respectfully informs the citizens generally that his assortment is the must com plete of any in the upper part of the state.—He f ant such wns not the lover of Psych-—blit I lias taken a room in tbe bouse belonging to capt. as a youth. It is thus we sec him rfgured Lewis C. Holland, on the north east side of the upon the engraved stones of the highest an-1 public square. tiquity. Those artists who have tullowedj Monticello, April., 1818.. occupied by Capt. A. Borland, where lie offers on accommodating terms, for cash or produce, a few Groceries and a variety of Fancy and Staple Goods suitable for the season. Wishing to discontinue the dry goods business will dispose of his stoi k at the .'Savannah prices, lor cash or a short credit. Persons w ishing to purchase an assortment will find the one ottered low charged and well selected. WILLIAM nO’.VEN. HAT'S, Selling off at reduced prices. TJjnilE subscriber, wishing to close bis business, y will sell at 1 J-luced prices, his extensive as sortment ol Hats, consisting of Ladies’ Beavers of tbe latest fashion, Gentlemen’s superfine Bea ver hats, common and low priced F'ur do. Men’s d Boy’s Wool do. Children’s F’ur and Morocco do. &c. &c. all of which will be sold either at wholesale or retail, much lower than have ever been sold in this place. All persons indebted to tbe subscriber are earnestlv requested to make payment immedi ately ; and those having any demands agaiusl him, to present them for payment. A. HANSCOM. Milledgeville, March 10, 1818. .JOB PRINTING, Of all kinds, done at the Office of the ‘ Uefrctov." HEALTHY SITUATION. THOMAS HUSON. from Charlotte, (V. C.) it has opened a boarding bouse in .larlo-wi county, at Jefferson. Families removing frum tbe low counties, and travellers, mav be ass'iiel of comfort and convenience if they please to call on him. April 20. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. D R. WHITE respectfully tenders his profes sional services to the inhabitants of Mil ledgeville and its vicinity. lie may be found at bis residence third door above Major Howard-- March 30. 1N F<»RMATION WA N I F. D. R. Natb’l St. And », formerly of England, died not long since in the United States, possessed of some portion of property. The ad vertiser hereof is desirous of ascertaining whether the above named gentleman left anv will, and,if so, to whom he bequeathed his property. A'iT information respecting the deceased, 'and tli* particulars above mentioned, may be address'd to the Editors of the National Intelligent' Washington City, and will be thankfully re- elV * cd. . , Editors of newspapers throughout the l p 1 . States w ill perform an act of kindness *> < ,v,u * the above one or two insertions in th- ,r r, ‘ 5 l' Cl ' tive papers. A\ asl ington City. April 16. rUJILISHED WEEKlf* *>* J. IL IIINFS, THKF.E DOLLARS PER V«AR. IV ADVAVefi. Advertisements under one h.ndred words, inseitf-l * first time for 75 cents, cash, i«l<l 5U cents for e..cii 0 nance—longer ones in proptetiou. Every insertion "t t ees not published weekl-, charged as the first. Adman .strators sales of real e-tate advertised for S-tcssn of personal property 8 3—notices to debtors and ereilj* tors § 3—and nme nontlis citations ft 5—ore f-nutis more in every insta'ce, if not settled for when lcil »'f insertion. All let ers >o the editor must he post p.-id-