The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, August 04, 1818, Image 3

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volume of the History of Great Bri- i688 to 1789, is shortly expected to England from the pen of sir James ill. | "Wilkie of London, is preparing to pub- nitic works of Mr. Sheridan, to which fixed a correct life of the author. chard Hand proposes to publish a Trca- i Art of fainting on Glass, which cor- roneous impression, that the. ancients In the art, and denies that he has lucy Aikin, in London, is preparing for (Memoirs of the Court of Queen KlizA- i biographical anecdotes, ect. ect. ol an "period of English history. ,C1 J.BJt. j'EUUAY MORNING, AUGUST 4. Jbed Wright, the murderer of the Che- ans, who, on the 29th of May last, was and confined by the instructions of the ! of this state, in order that the deter* of the President of the United States rd to the manner in which he should be aid be known, decamped on the night of bit. It will be perceived by the procla- Ithis day’s paper, that Gov. llabun has Ye ward of five hundred dollars for his on. He is supposed to be about tliir- age, five feet eleven inches high, slen- Fsaid to be very active, fair complexion,’ Teyes, and light brown hair. of the. Fhridas.—By ati arrival at a, from Havana, in six days, intelli- l been received, that the Florida® have led to the United States, by Spain. The i Patriot says, “ The account reached the l by the arrival of the Sclir. Mary-Ann, pnnell, who left Cadiz on the 29th May. I received in Charleston from Capt. B. to a Ible gentleman, corresponds with the a- asing intelligence. We could not as* : terms or conditions. We are fur- jrmed that our minister was on the eve bg Spain when the cession took place.” eat of this summer has been excessive lelphia and New-York. On the 28th, |30thof June, the thermometer ranged to 98 ; and on the 12th of July, from 96 (the shade. The mercury in Boston and c, was much higher than in the above bit of the 4th of July at Fort-Hawkins. ( anniversary of our national independ- i successive return of this day strength- virtue, and heigthuns the glory of the I people.—Tune, Hail Columbia. Constitution of the United States, nparts wisdom, it inforces justice and oileration.—Washington’s March. (Presidentof the United States—may ire of his services be in proportion to [to do good— ace lie in our council leads, ; mounts the warrior’s steed ; ; court, the camp, the grove, L by all, and all he loves.—-President's March, [memory of Washington—though our gislature have neglected to erect a ; to the father of their liberties, lie has ! for himself more durable than brass. Eastle. nas Jefferson—the American boast of rfection.—Jefferson's March. Madison—our hearts throb with ins of gratitude at the mention of him ently conducted us through a perilous nay he enjoy all the blessings of do- Iquility arising from a sense of his bred the love of his country by a faitli- ke’of his duties as chief magistrate. Hail to the Chief. [ouncils of the union—whilst they are Jecisive and energetic; may they ever mdivided support of enlightened peo- , and Liberty. rmv and navy of the United States— of feedom, a protection for thejust, •the vicious.—Yankee Doodle, tteinory of our departed heroes who le for the liberty we now enjoy fch posterity to emulate their example. Logan-water. Unfortunate companions in arms who ,te war—humanity demands the ten- nbrance of those who have so re in defence of liberty—their coun- ture herself sheds tears at such a her richest flowers ; let us trans- our affections.—Solemn Dirge. Hicers, military and civil—may they ender themselves worthy of the high ‘itliey are appointed; a wise and lustration of our laws is our only tranquility at home and respect bmsand Liberty. can Literature—the general diffu- Sedge is the best security for the of that high station to which the ! has assigned us among the nations The establishment of free schools to accomplish that important object legislature look to it.—Life juerican fail—“ soft and pleasant beams on the troubled waters, are peauty shed upon the waves of liu- >•”—Rural Felicity. e— 11 Honesty is the best poli- une of virtue is in the heart of the -Speed the Plough. 15. Commerce—a reciprocal co-operation of commerce and agriculture will not only ensure wealth and luxury, but independence and na tional aggrandizement.—Commerce & F'reedom. 16. South America—she has our warmest wish es for her speedy release from Spanish oppresion. The Stranger. 17. The state of Georgia—may her dangers have subsided, and her labors have ceased ; great in herself, she must reach what she aspires to— the fiKst rank amongst the states of the union. Savannah Guards. 18. The memory of our late brother officers, ma jor Wright and lieut. Scott, who were so un fortunately sacrificed in the prosecution of the present conflict with the Seminole Indians—na ture had mouldpd them for nobler services, but fate decreed their destiny—Let us treasure the memory of those whom we so much lament to have lost.—The Republican Dead March. 19. Our savage enemies—may the chastise ment they have recently received teach them to respect the laws of humanity.—Union & Liberty. 20. The Georgia militia.—Yankee Doodle. 21. The World—the celebration of the anni versary of our independence inspires o’U' hearts with sympathy and fills us with love for all men, all alike deserve to be free.—Wife, Children and Friends. Fort of Darien.—The city of Darien is situ ated on the river Altamalia, in this state, 11 miles from its mouth, and 16 from the sea. It contains about 60 dwelling houses and 30 stores, with a population of 300 white inhabitants, and 150 slaves. It stands oil a high bluff, on the north east side of the river, 62 miles s. s. vv. of Savannah. A letter in describing this new and rapidly increasing place, says : 4 ‘ When we con sider the rise of property for the year past, and the extensive rivers, branching out into the heart and vineyard of Georgia, by the rivers Oakmul- gee as far ag Hartford, and Oconee as far as Mil- ledgeville, and the amount of 17,000 bags of cot ton, which came down this river the present year, its rich vicinity, the immense islands for the cul tivation of the long staple cotton—why will it not vie, at no distant period, with one of the most flourishing commercial cities in the United States?”—Sav. Gazette. A Mr. Benjamin Tucker, of Philadelphia, has a “ Leyden jar, so constructed, that a full charge of electricity, can be passed through the system, without exciting any sensation, otherthan a slight twinge—he can produce a perspiration in twen ty minutes.” There are in the city of London, two hundred houses, for the reception of stolen goods, and result of thieves, kept open day and night; all of which are known to the Police Officers, who receive ten pounds a year from each, as hush mo ney. — Light in the. South !—During the short but in teresting conversations we have bad with several gentlemen arrived in the Congress frigate, two facts haye been mentioned, which afford us, the highest gratification. 1. The people of Buenos Ayres, especially, are directing the most diligent attention towards the establishment of a general system of education. 2. They have now in a train of translation, to he disseminated general ly, a selection of the revolutionary and such o- tlier political writings of this country, as may have a tendency to infuse the spirit of the North Americans into the popular mind. This is a ra dical beginning ; it speaks volumes, and is of it self sufficient to place the successful result of their struggle beyond all rational doubt. Delaware Watchman. On the night of the 21st ult. a Mr. Bogus and a lady, were murdered in Edgefield district, S. C. it is supposed, by two runaway negroes, who had been skulking in the neighborhood some time previous. General Calvin Jones, of Raleigh, lately res tored eye-sight to a Mr. Aiken, who iiad been many years blind, by couching the cataracts in his eyes. It is stated, that most of the Spanish troops have embarked from Pensacola, for Havana, and that much harmony exists between the Spaniards and the Americans. By a late arrival at Savannah, from Jamaica, Messrs. Scarbrough &, M’Kinne received sixty- one thousand dollars in specie. The result of the late election in Connecticut, is, that of the whole number of delegates, elect ed to form a constitution for the state, one hun dred and five are republican. and ninety-six are federal. It is stated, tliat pear! has been frequently found in Virginia, especially on the banks of the Potomac and York rivers. A pelican was lately shot in Virginia, and was subsequently exhibited in the Richmond museum, as a curiosity never before seen in this part of the world. A flamingo, a species of water fowl, measur ing six feet high, was shot by a gentleman of Charleston, a lew weeks ago, and has been pla ced in the Charleston museum, for the inspection of the curious. A Dr. Crisp, of London, has accomplished his ui ertakiug of walking 61 miles a day for 17 successive days. There is said to be in Washington city,a native Albiness. Her eyes are of a deep pink, her skin fair, her hair white, long and of a soft silky texture. The Hon. Mr. Eustis, late Minister to the Hague, and family, are among the passengers ar rived at New-York in the Pacifick, from Liver pool. The following toast was given at a celebration on the 4th of July, at Dedham, Mas.—“ Internal Improvement: A speedy union of every Bach elor and old Maid—the greatest of all internal improvements. At Worcester, by Mr. Mann—The old United States, thirteen in number ; who can doubt their union since they have had seven children, added to their family, and again spoken to the nurse. Gen. Putnam.—The conduct of Gen. Putnam, at the Battle uf Bunker Hill, has undergone a ve ry full and impartial investigation by an able wri ter in the Boston Centinel—we have no hesita tion in believing, that he has the most undoubted claims to that heroism and gallantry with which his name has always been associated—The tes timony of the most respectable witnesses—men who shared with him the perils of our revolution ary struggle—wh’o were eye witnesses to his cool and undaunted valor, have set the question at rest, and his fame shines with a lustre more brilliant and glowing from the furnace through which it has passed—The audacity of the slander which denounced this brave and magnan imous soldier, has met with the ignominy it merited—and the hand which was sacriligeously put forth to tear the laurel that bloomed upon the grave of the gallant dead, has been withered and shrunk by the lightning that guarded it.—Times. The Utica Gazette in speaking of the grand canal says, “ it is calculated that the excavation (of this section, from Utica to Seneca river, 85 miles)will be completed, and much will be done towards the construction of the necessary em bankments, culverts, locks, iSj’c. by the 10th of December next. The present appears to be an age of the most curious quizzes—speculations—inventions and improvements—A person in the city of New- York, advertises that he has a patent right for training dogs to the following purposes, viz:— For pumping water—irrigating meadows and gardens—turning the grindstone, lathe, carding and spinning and washing machines—working churns—assisting rope makers—threshing and cleaning grain—cuting straw, tobacco, shingles and dyewood—chopping meat—and for a great variety of other useful operations !—We are all sufficiently acquainted with the sagacity of the dog, but we never before saw a string of such ac complishments within the grasp of his intelli gence !—Charleston Times. Vermillion, of a very excellent quality and in quantity, is manufactured in New York. TO CORRESPONDENTS. “ Ariosto” and “ Amadis” shall appear in our next. “ Amarillo,” “ Patience Sorrowful” and 44 Ta- bitha Tiresome” are under consideration. WHOLESALE GROCERY. T HE subscriber has in Store and arriving, 22 hlids. Sugar, first quality, 32 do. N. E. Rum, 7 do. Jamaica do. (old) 1 do. Whiskey, 62 bbls. do. 100 bags Colfce, 13 qr. casks Malaga Wine, 1 pipe 5'years old Lisbon do. 1 da. Fuyall, 4 qr. casks L. P. Teneriff do. 20 boxes long cork Claret do. 13 half bbls. Fly market Mess Beef, 27 bbls Gin. (excellent quality, and 10 per cent, over proof,) 4 pipes Cogniao Brandy, 10 bbl3. Mackergl, 5 do. Salmon, 12 half bbls. Crackers, 10 boxes Soap, 5 dried Figs, 20 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugar, 3 kegs Virginia old Tobacco, 50 De mijohns, 30 boxes Raisins, 10 do. London Mus tard, 23 do. Shaving'Suap, 5 bbls. Herrings, 5 kegs Split Peese, 5 do Barley, 20 Sury Porter, —boxes Prunes, 36 boxes bottled Ale, 2 bags raw Ginger, 6 do. Almonds, 49 boxes mould Candles, 15 bags Pepper, 80 crates Crockery ware, 95 pieces Cotton Bagging, negro Plains, Carpeting, &c. &c, together with a variety of other articles in the Grocery line. Thi3 establishment is intended, principally, to supply merchants in the country, at wholesale prices ; and will be constantly slip plied, with such articles as belong to this line of business. Merchants are invited to call and see—Those who want Groceries, will find much advantage in purchasing in Milledgeville, as such articles may be sold here cheaper than can be waggoned from Angusta or Savannah. WM. llOWEN. August 1. BILLY WOODL1EF, Barber, W ITH ecstatic delight, now offers his ser vices to the public, in all branches of Ins profession; such as shaving, hair dressing, whis ker making, powdering, curling, twisting, greas ing, Ike. &c. From his long experience in the business, and the unasked for applause of his Par mer customers in Virginia, he flatters himself with succeeding in this place, (so much famed for its liberality) as well as any brother chip. P. S. He may be found on Greene street, at the house lately occupied by Capt. Foot, at the sign of the pole. A PROCLAMATION, By Ills Excellency William Rabun, Governor, and Com mander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof W HEREAS, Captain Obed Wright, late of the Georgia militia, was on the 29th day of May last, arrested and confined fiy the execu tive authority of this State, for a violation of or ders, in the commission of an outrage on the friendly Indians of the Chehaw village, in order that the determination of the President of the United States with regard tothemanner inwhich he should be tried for said offence sfould be known : And whereas I have received informa tion, that the said Obed Wright did on the night of the 27th inst. brake his said arrest, and ab scond from the place of his confinement, and probably from this state : I have therefore thought proper to issue this proclamation, hereby offering a reward of five hundred dollars, to any person or persons, who may apprehend the said Obed Wright, and deliver him into the custody of the Deputy Marshal of the United States, for the district of Georgia, residing at Milledgeville. And 1 do moreover, hereby require and command, all officers, civil and military, to be vigilant and attentive, in endeavoring to apprehend and se cure the aforesaid Obed Wright, if to be found within this state ; and to give all aid and assis tance in their power, to any person or persons, who may apprehend him for confinement, in or der that he may be brought to trial for the crime of which he is charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the State House in Milledgeville, this thirtieth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the forty-third. TV SI. RAM UN. By the Governor. ab. hammond, Secretary of State. - LOST OR MISLAID, A NOTE of hand, given by Abner Locke, for sixty-two dollars and fifty cents, payable to William Adkins, or bearer.—I therefore caution all persons from trading for said note. ELIAS HARRIS. July 29, 1818. NEW STORE. AVINGopenod a Store in Jacob P. Turner’s new building, directly opposite Messrs. Springer, Jones & Co. consisting of a general assortment of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms for Cash, or to punctual customers on the usual credit. , I ! JOHN CAMERON & Co. Sparta, July 4. 18118. H H NEGROES FOR SALE. 1 71 OR sale, a family of Virginia bred Negroes, . consisting of a man, and his wife, and five children—they cati be well recommended. ALSO for sale, an elegant Curracle, and two well broke horses—Terms cash. Enquire of the Printer. Milledgeville, August 3. REMOVAL. T HE Subscriber tias removed his Store to the houseformeriy occupied by Messrs. J. & W. Redding, adjoining J. &, W. Lucas,where he of fers for sale a quantity of DRY GOODS on ve ry accommodating terms for Cash or approved paper. Walter Jones. The POST OFFICE is also removed to the back Room of the same bouse. P. F. JAILLET & CO. A V E just received and now offer for sale Superfine Blue, Black, Green and Mixed CLOTHS; Superfine Blue, Drab, Grey, Vigo- nia and Cotton CASSIMERES ; fancy Silks, Cambrics, Lenoes, Linnen, ditto Diaper, ditto ditto 8-4 Table Cloths, Cotton Towels, Steam loom Maddapolam and Cotton Shirting, Bamba^ zett, Chambray, Furniture and common Calicoes ditto ditto Dimities, Ladies’ elegant White and Black Silk , Hose, Gentlemen’s ditto ditto full and halt ditto ; Brown Holland, Cotton,Bag ging, elegant hall Boots, Morocco and Sealskin Shoes and Pumps, Ladies’ walking Shoes, ditto Morocco Pies, ditto Perry Laces, Colored and Black Morocco and Leather Slippers, Misses Morocco Roan and Leather Slippers, Boys’ Lea tlier and Seal skin Shoes. PATENT MEDICINES. Among which are Opedetdoc, Bateman’s Drops, Medicamentum, British, Castor, and Harlem Oil, Essence Peppermint, ditto Lemon and La vender, Paregoric, Jalap and Calomel, Barks, Glauber Salts, Magnesia, Salt Petre, Nutmegs and Cinnamon. Crockery, Hardware and Cutlery.—Together with a general and excellent supply of GROCERIES. Among which are Brown Sugar, Lump ditto, Cof- iee, Chocolate, Tea, J. and N. E. Rum, Cogniac and Apple Brandy, Rye Whiskey, N. Gin, Lon don Particular Teneriffe, Long Cork Clarret, Malaga Wine, Cordials, &c. July 28. LAW. L UCIUS Q. C. LAMAR intending to prac- ^ tise as aii Attorney at Law, in the several Courts ol the Oakmulgee Circuit, tenders his professional services to the public. lie has ta ken the office in Milledgeville, formerly occupi ed by C. J: M’Donald, Esq. where he may be found when noton the circuit. Milledgeville, July 13,1818, LAW-OFFICE, T HE subscriber has established an office in Clinton, where he may be found at all times when not on the circuit. CHARLES J. M’no.VALD. LOST, « N the 25th ult. near the Caney Head, in Jones county, a Red Morocco Pocket Book, containing eight dollars in different bills, (banks not recollected) and a Note, given to the subscri ber, by John Baker, for one hundred dollars, da ted on the 16th of May 1818, and made payable some time the ensuing fall, and a few other pa pers of small value. A liberal reward, will be given, for the delivery of said Pocket Book and j its contents. I hereby forwarn said Baker, from ! paying said note, to any person but myself, and j any person from trading the same. LENJ. \V. BULLOCK. Jones county, August I. COTTON BAGGING, &c. f lOTTON Bagging, Rum, Whiskey and Mo- ) lases, for sale bv NOTICE. A LL persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing a joint note of hand, made by the subscriber and Seaton Grantland, in favor of Jesse Sanford, due the 1st of May last, as the money has beet, repeatedly tendered for the above note and refused by Sanford—it is probable he will endeavor to trade it as a nota drawing inte- I rest. A. IIANSCOM. Milledgeville, July 28, 1818. CAUTION TO FRIENDS. gT E law is opposed to dealing with negroes vithout a ticket, but merchants by custom selling them articles for their money. I ......-.alt the bad effects of the custom, and in future am determined to let no instance escape. ! without a prosecution however small the article ROBERT RUTHERFORD. ' July 28. J. A xv. T.UCts.