The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, September 22, 1818, Image 3

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MEDICAL. SCXICATED FOU THE BEFEECTOB. Monticcllo, Ga. May 16th, 1818. *In obedience to the request of capt. yard you an account of the case of Hernia, and an operation for it. me; of both of which his negro | subject. |ht of the 15th of August, 1817, pur- • polite request of that date, I visit- It, and after ascertaining that your engagements elsewhere, peremptori- Dur attendance—that you had very Bade every effort the science of sur- Tord, except the knife ; and after a ation of the case, hnd one unsuccess- ^t reductions, with the assistance of Bpils, (Mr. Brown,) I proceeded to »t’s strength was extremely exhaust- iiffered all the severity of pain corn- cases : and having labored under ine obstruction for a week in conse- |s disease, his abdomen was much he tumor was tender and firm, and ai the abdominal ring to the upper brotum. I made an incision through ^nts from the external opening »' the j to the bottom of the tumor : the found sufficient to prevent inconveni- t hemorrhage. 1 proceeded by suc- plyingthe knife to the tendinous, muscular fibres which presented I sometimes with, and sometimes ectiun. All this I did with incrcas- roceeded inward, constantly look- whicb, as I had only candlelight, fcnsive of not discovering, until 1 rity : but at length, somewhat to [I discovered at the bottom of my ead of the “bare lamina of the pe- I substance of an uniform ami brown- which on farther examination l the substance of the protruded in ch had uniformly and compactly ad- kosculation subsequent te adhesive in- > the containing sac. posed this substance the whole length and with great care dissected the t whole surface of the protruded gut. (rill readily account fur one failure of feer fa.ris. Having now removed all to reduction which had existed in the Imy finger I examined the stricture at Itiu also attempted reduction again ; lit impracticable, I introduced a streiglit the groove of a director, on my finger peat of incarceration, and, by gently handle and making its point the cen- pn I divided the tendinous fibres which tricture, until the aperture would ad- passage to itiy finger. This done, I he protruded porlion of gut,—dressed [in the way most favorable to adhesion' intention, and enjoined supine re- | with the hins a little elevated, for two i the 19th (being the 4th day after the l the sides of the wound having entire- 1 and no sore remaining, except a small ■ denudation,) he finally quit his bed, ) 29th of the same month, in opposi- aaster’s orders, he resumed his labors of gathering and binding fodder, lied free from every symptom of the vhich the operation was performed ! |y observes “ The brilliant progress ry has made in modern times is, pro- ling, only the result of pathological oat is to say, of exact comparisons lal state of our organs with their dif- scs, which may depend on an altera- rtexture, a derangement of functions, " continuity, or a change of situation, hese important results that the most ative methods with which modern fenriched, are deduced as so many methods to which we are also in- Ihe perfection of operations.” ■statement of this case to you, not as pity in the practice of surgery—nor 1 to claim, from the success of inv the credit of great intrepidity and ■or I have, in its performance, only "he present well known improvrifttate There was a period of the ope- Bifficulties of which were much in- he firm and extensive preternatural pichhad taken place) when the most -nay, almost the touch of the knife’s have been fatal to the patient, or at I have rendered gastroraphy necCssa- kriod may, perhaps with some propri- V particular attention of surgeons llamiliar with operations for hernia. |siderations ot due respect, l am MILTON ANTHONY. fetes J.UH. [•UESUAY M(MINING, SEPTEMBER 22. MARRIED, To Milledgeville, oo I'lmrsday evening last, bv the ttev. ■Ivies Greene, Mr. William U. Stone, 10 Miss Eliz.i Lew- s, lie lit of this place. ; DIED, In Morgan county, on rlie 16th inst. of a lingering ill ness, Mrs. Sarah J. Fox, 1 in the 25th year of her age, con- ortof Mr. Richard W. Fox. In New-York, on the 1st inst. Col. Franklin Whartotl, commandant of the U. 8. marine corps. A,t his farm, in Somerset county, Penn. oo the 31st ult. Major-General Arthur St. Clair. —On his passage from Jamaica to Liverpool, M. G. Lewis, the celebrated author, well known as Monk Lewis. Wunted on the Western Waters. -boat company are desirous ofcon- r for a regular supply of Wood, to the use of the steam boats the en- at convenient landing places on Utamaba rivers. The wood must be cut from tlie bodies Of large trees, Igrowth, and well seasoned.—Light pe nrdfered. Persons willing to con- elivery at one or more landings, lr proposals, specifying the rate per ) name of the landing, its estimated Darien, Milledgeville, or.some The proposals to be addressed ei- I Hutchinson, treasurer, at Augusta, |W«yne, Savannah. SAMt'ML HOWARD. pRNKYMAN WANTED. JLLAIW per day will be given for nan, well acquainted with the Saw Usiness. None but good workmen ■September 8 At?G. j. brown. CONGRESSIONAL TICKET. Mr. Hines,—By giving publicity to the follow ing ticket for members of the next Congress you will confer ah obligation on a majority of the Georgia voters : JOEL CRAWFORD, ESC*. John forsytii, esq. IIICUARI) II. WILDE, ESQ,.# JOHN A. CUTHIIERT, Esq. DR. JOEL ABBOTT, THOMAS W. COBB, ESq. * It is not positively known whether this gen tleman will serve if elected ; but his well known probity and the ability with which lie has repre scntetl his state, have inspired his fellow citizens with the highest confidence in him, and if called he will certainly not disobey. J. A company Of counterfeiters have lately been detected in Franklin county, Alabama territory, and two of the men committed to prison. It ap pears that they had counterfeited upwards of 5560,000, on the state bank of North Carolina, the bank of New-York, amt 'the Potomitck bank.— These notes are said to be well executed, and re quire a minute examination to detect the imposi tion. The celebrated Alien Twitty, was con cerned in this manufactory. The Augusta Chronicle of the 16th inst. says “ All, except one, of the convicts who escaped from tliejpeniteiitiary, we are informed, have been taken.”—Burton was arrested in Buncombe county, Nurth-Carolina. At the late Sales of lots in Florence, Alabam- a, 284 were disposed of for 226,411 dollars.— The highest went at 83,500. The average price was nearly 8800 for half an acre of woods. The mail between Georgetown, S. C and Fay etteville, N. C. has been opened three times with in a few weeks past, by the use of false keys. We felicitate our fellow-citizens (says the St Stephens Halcyon) on the flattering prospects which are generally observed, throughout our territory ot abundant crops. Nathaniel Hazard and Samuel Eddy, esq’rs. are elected representatives to congress from the state of Rhode-Island. William Hendricks is re-elected a representa tive in congress from the state of Indiana. Rapid settlement.—The town of Franklin, more than 200 miles up *te Missouri, the centre of which was a cornfield in August, 1817, con tained nearly 200 houses, it is said in a letter from there, in June last!—The country around it is said to be excellent. Ranlcs.—Our astonishment at the extraordinary order recently promulgated by the United States bank, in. relation to the notes of its branches, had not subsided, when the branpli bank at New-York preo'nted us with one still more extraordinary, emanating, however, from the mother bank, in which it is ordered, that no note of the bank of the United States, or its branches, except those which are specially made payable at that office, would, after the 31st ult. be received at the New- York branch, unless the same be tendered in pay ment of debts ciue the United States. These ex traordinary orders have produced a sensation in tlie public mind, which cannot be allayed, without a full and satisfactory developement of the caus es that produced them.—Petersburg Republican. It is stated in an Ohio paper, that the notes on •me half of the Banks, sixteen in number, lately established in that state, are refused to be re ceived in payment of the state taxes. COMMV.VICaTION. GREAT SHOOTING MATCH. On Thursday the 10th inst. the great shooting match commenced near the boundary line be tween Baldwin and Jones counties, for a bet of 81500, which continued three days. The chal lenge was given by Mr. Ueeil of Milledgeville, that he with' two others would shoot against any three in Jones county, the rub in 61, one hun dred yards. The words were no sooner said than he was in a spirited manner, taken up by James K. T. Walton of Clinton. After depo siting the money, they fixed on the day above- mentioned. The three from Baldwin, were Messrs. Reed, Patten and Wooton ; and those from Jones, were Messrs. Mitchell, Weathers and Feagin, all respectable citizens, trho, toge ther with a vast coucourse of friends on both sides, met punctually at the time and place ap pointed. They accordingly commenced ; Wea thers against Patton, Mitchell against Wooton, and Fe&gin against Reed : for the first two days they all performed wonderH, they having struck the cross almost every shot; the third day the Clintonians seemed to be gaining ground, which was supposed to be a finesse of the Baldwin par ty, in order to divert the Clintonians—but it proved quite the reverse, for the Clintonians continued battering the cross every shot, until the number were fired. On counting the shot, it was given up by the managers in lavnr of the Clintonians—Mitchell having 16 shot a head of Wooton, Weathers 10 a head of Patton, and Feagin 3 ahead of Reed.— The Clintonians af ter getting the better of the Baldwin party, (who have been considered and justly merited the name of first rate rifle shooters! challenge the world.'.' THEATRICAL. ffill be performed on Thursday eveiiing next, IN REID A holt’s long-room, “SPEED THE PLOUGH.” AFTER WHICH. “THE WEATHERCOCK.” September 22, 1818. CLINTON THEATRE. Will be represented on Tuesday the 29l/t instant in the Court-house, BY THE CLINTON THESPIAN SOCIETY, “ Hamlet, Prince of Denmark,” A tragedy in Five Acts, by Shakespeare ; after which the Comedy of “ THE MOCK DOCTOR.” September 21. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. \\TALTER JONES, at the post-office, has T T just received in part, his supply of Fall and Winter Goods, which lie will dispose of on reasonable terms for cash or country produce— cosisting of a variety of valuable articles. September 21, 1818. EXHIBITION. r HE subscriber respectfully informs the pub lic, that he has at Mr. Rousseau’s Tavern, a large collection of Natural and Artificial Cu riosities, with some Panoramic Views, amon which are, an elegant sweet toned Organ, to which are attached 8 Wax-Figures of small children, 8 or 10 years old, so wonderfully contrived by machinery that each of them strikes a chime bell in concert with the Organ ; a painting of the Sea-Serpent ; the skin of a snake 21 feet long, commonly called a Deer snake, &c. Admittance for once, 50 cents, children half price. CHARLES ALEXANDER. September 21. R l \VENTY DOLLARS REWARD. ANA WAY on Friday night the eighteenth instant, a negro man named John, about 28 or 30 years of age, five feet live or six inches high, yellowish complexion, streiglit and spare made, lias holes in his ears and commonly wares ear-rings—a remarkable good address, sensible and artfid ; lie w ill probably attempt to pass him self for a freeman, by tlie name of John Edwards —a sailor by profession and has still that appear ance : carried away with him considerable cloth ing. The above reward will be given by the sub scriber to any person who will deliver said fellow to Liiu iu Milledgeville or in any safe jail, toge ther with all reasonable expenses. WILLIAM ROBERTSON September 21, 1818. TO WORKMEN. TERONDET, ATKISON A CO. V RE now receiving from New-York, and dv pening a large anti general assortment of Dry Goods &. Hardware, which they offer for sale, and will dispose of them by the bale, piece, or otherwise to suit purchasers, at a moderate ad vance 5 among which are, Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres, Coarse do. do. White Plains, and Kerseys, Rose, Point and Dtifile Blankets, Flannels, Bombazetts Plain and Figured. Canton Crape Shawls and Scarbs, Plain anil Figured Con- can Nankin and Canton Crapes, White and Black Lace Shawls and Veils, Cinchew and Italian Silks,Cambrics,Calicoes,Moleskin Vesting, 1'ine White Mcrseilles, White Silk Luce, Worked Robes, 7-4 to 3-4 Linen Diaper; Chinese Fans; Men’s Beaver and Dogskin Gbr es, Men’s anti Boys’ Fine and Coars'e Hats, Misses’ Fine Bea ver lints, Straw, Chip and Silk Bonnets, Mu- shair Caps, Dining and Tea Sets Blue China com plete, Fine Large Looking Glasses, Chimney Glasses, Elegant Decanters,Cut Glass,Tumblers and Wind Glasses, Brass and Iron Shovclij and Tongs, Shot Guns, Lancaster Rifles, Thermom eters, Kaleidoscopes, Mathematical Instruments, Surveyor’s Land Chains with Compasses com plete, Pyramids, Plated Castors and Candle sticks, Silver Spoons, Alibastor Time Pieces* Vai ses, Fine Prints in Gilt Frames, India Land scape Hangings, Conversation and Visiting Cards, Saddles, Bridles and Trimmings, with a variety of other articles suitable for the present and ad vancing season. Sept. 1. T INDIAN GOODS. HE subscribers are receiving the following Goods, well Calculated for the Indian trade, viz. ! Bale Gilla Handkerchiefs, *2. do. Sooty Romall do. 1 do. Pulty Putty do. 1 do. Madrass do. 1 do. India Checks, 1 do. Blue Strouds, 100 Gross Quality Binding, 50 Pieces Furniture Calico, 50 do Green and Blue Grounded Shawls Rich Borders, 100 pound Small Beedsall colors, 60 hundred dozen White CutGlass do. 100 Gross Buttons, 40 Dozen Pocket Flasks, Blankets, Scar let, Cloth, 8tc. ail of which they will sell by the piece or bale, on accommodating terms. Per sons engaged in the Indian trade Would probably find it to their advantage to give ns a call. TERONDET, ATKISON &. CO. August 31. T THOMAS WHITE, LENDERS to the public his professional ser vices, as a lawyer, in the several courts of the Ockmulgee circuit. His office is kept in the house one door above Mr. Stubbs’, lately occupi ed as a store by Myles Greene & Co. where he may at all times beTound when not engaged on the circuit. Milledgeville, September 1. ~~ CABINET FURNITURE. T HE Subscribers have on hand some hand some Mahogany Furniture, which they will dispose of On moderate terms. Persons wishing to purchase furniture will do Well to call c,n us, as we intend keepingit constantly on harul, As soon as the boats can ascend tlie river ti e shall have a good assortment. Also a few dorzen Fan cy Chairs. Any orders from this or the adjacent counties will be punctually attended to. MARSHALL 6t SENDERS. Milledgeville, September 5. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. T ’’•HE subscriber wishes to sell his establisb- _ inentin the town of Watkinsville, Clark county, at present, and formerly occupied as a -, .. . , • . u .: Tavern and Store. The establishment consists repair the road from hurt Hawkins to Fort| of fivehalf acve lots in the most eligible part of ^NY person or persons willing to contract to Stoddert, will please to make proposals and send them under seal to the Post-office at Milledge ville or the Creek Agency, on or before the last day of next month, (October.) The proposals must state the charge for each laborer per day, the contractor finding all necessary tools and pro vision ; and the c.iarge per day for a white man to attend the laborers at their work. To accom modate parties, the contract will be divided if desiird. From Fort Hawkins to Fort Bainbridge will form one division; and from Fort Bain- bridge to Fort Stoddert the other. It is expect ed that any person offering to contract will be able to furnish at least six able bodied hands.— The agent for Indian affairs, or his assistant will attend Occasionally and point out the repairs requited. d. b. Mitchell, a. 1. a. September 17,1818. FOUND, V FEW days ago, near Milledgeville, Ten Dollars, enveloped in a piece of leather, which the owner can have by applying at this office. Sept. 22. GLOBE TAVERN. ■ I'lHE Subscriber informs the Public, that he JL has removed from the Eagle to the Globe Tavern, at the sign of the Globe, on the corner of the street leading from the Ferry and tire main street, opposite the Store of Messrs. Purvis, Bryce &. Co. He thinks it unnecessary to sav anything as to accommodation, to those who know him : Others, if they wish to be well ac- coinniodated, will come and judge for theip.selvr-s. He lias an experienced Ostler, late from tlie northward. C, E. WILLIAMSON. N. fi. An elegant Barber lately front London is on the premises, who will attend oa Gentle men visiting the Globe Tavern. Columbia, S. C. Sept. 14. said town, on which there is a newly erected building fifty-two feet long, and txvo stories high ; also an excellent store house, a dwelling house, and all necessary out houses W a tavern; with an excellent garden. The situation is supposed to be as healthy as any in tlie Southern country, and has ol late become a, place of considerable resort for persons from Vho lower country during the summer months—Persons wishing to pur chase are inviteil tocnll and view tlie premises. JAMES L1GO.V, Watkinsville. August 26. SANFORD A BETTS, V RE just receiving a general, assortment of Fall and Winter GOODS, which they will dispose of on accommodating terms. Those who may wish to purchase Blankets or Cloths will do well to give them a call. Sept. 14. NOTICE. W ILI, be sold on the first Tuesday in De cember next, pursuant tu an order of the honorable the inferior court of Jones county, sitting for ordinary purposes, 101 1-4 acres of land, being one half of lot No. 180, in the Uth district of Baldwin, when surveyed, now Jones county, lying within one mile ol the Oakntulgee river, near Tom’s Ford, and belonging to John \V. II. Hobson, a minor. JAMES lockEtt, guardian. September 22. STRAYED OR STOLEN, O N Sunday nigl>' t the l6tli inst. from the camp meeting groijnd in Morgan county, a bright bay Horse. abiOat 4 years old, nearly 5 feet high, has a star in I ,is forehead, short switch tail, shod all round, e.ud some small saddle spots. Who ever will deliver the said horse to me shall be liberal’,y rewarded anil reasonable expenses paid. E. U. JONES. 'filletlgeville August, 2!. BLACKSMITH’S business. 7 fi ’HIE subscriber respectfully informs the pttb- M lie, that lie Inis commenced the Blacksmith’s (Business in the Penitentiary, where the follow ing artiercs will be manufactured upon the most approved plan, to be had on the shortest notice, viz :—Flour Mill Screws for raising mill stones, ditto for oil and fulling mills; Saw Mill Cranks, Inks and Gudgeons for Tub Mills, (warrauted to stand ten years) ; Saw’ and Grist mill irons of alt descriptions ; Plantation and House Work gene- rally, Tavern, House and Waggon Bells. C, Grasshopper and horizontal carriage springs, ma'^eor repaired. Application tobe made ITt the gate for admittance. ISAAC T. Ct’SlllNO. Milledgeville, August 10. Q^/'Cxsli given for old copper and pewter. JOB PRINTING, Of ail binds, done at the Oj/ire of the Reflector- T HE publicare hereby cautioned from trading furtive notes,ejtorted from me bv one James Too), when I was drunk. As I never received any value for them, I am determined never to pay them. The notes were dated the 12th day of August last, and made payable one day after date, four of them were for tw enty-five dollar.- each, anti one for twenty-three dollars. 1 LEONARD CARLTON,