The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, September 29, 1818, Image 4

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rOF.TM -AL. . UNPUBLISHED STANZAS. BY U»HB BY HUN. [The following exquisite stanzas weic addressed by Iiord Byron lo his lady, a lew months before their se paration.] TO JESSRV. There is a mystic thread of l.fe So dearly wreathed with alone, That destiny’s relentless kittle At once must sever both or no:.c. There is a form, on which tho tf C e\es Have often ga/eil with fond delight; By day that form their joy suppl cs, And dreams restore it through the night. There is a voice, whose tones inspire Such thrills of rapture in my breast; \ would not hear a seraph choir, Unless that voice could join the rest. There is a face whose blushc* tell Affection’s tale upon the check; But pallid at one fond farewell, Proclaims more love than words can speak. There is a lip, which mine hath prest, And none hath ever prest before ; It vow'd to make me sweeth bios’, And mine—mine only, prest it more ! There is a bosom—all my own— Hath pillow’d oft this aching head; A mouth—which smiles on me alone; An eye—whose tears wit., mine are shed. There are two hearts, whose movements thrill In un son so closely sweet; That pulse to pulse responsive still, They both mint heave or cease to beat. There arc two souls, whose equal How lu gentle streams so calmly run— That when they part—they part! ah, no ! They cannot part—those souls a e one! Vmerirai revolution should disclose every species of greatness ; anil the subject ol this notice, al’>.er toiling with unsubdued res olution against disaster, and smiling upon adversity, fulfilled his destiny by descending to the tomb a great man in ruins. The afflictive spectacle, of his last days smites the heart with sorrow. The friend »l Washington—the companion of his glory ; lie who by bis council turned the tide of bat tle in the most gloomy period of the revolu tion—lie who in the winter of '77. on the i banks of the Delaware, looking on tbc brok- I en army of liberty, beheld at bis word the light of enthusiasm gleam over tin: brow of lining and amplifying tne innocent pie j inist<>rtline—be, in ’83 before the. entrenrh- ran 1.' any means compensate. On the olli- •r band, the most attractive graces of the fo- nale character, are not- the artificial an i showy ones ; but those of a meek and quiet, and of beneficent dispositions, guided by mo ral principle and the discretion ot sound sense; in a word,graces Hie same that oar holy reli gion inculcates and inspires. , In the fair daughters of Eve, domestic ex cellence is the predominating excellence ; in comparison of which, all the ornaments that literature or manners can bestow are as tin sel compared witli the fine gold. ilow much soever woman contributes to re- ures if health and prosperity, yet still more doth VALUABLE LANDS. To he let far 99 years—renewnble). Jrmr ^ If HEREAS the Congress of ti. 0 ;• .’ V » Sutes, by an act wtrtlSl“ A n V, * * luit the grants of taint and providing for ita ’ re t u h;. lands of the United Stales, south of the 11 sec,” by the twenty-fourth section of .the saul, U "" fe ed for the use oi Jeti'erson College, thirtv. s ,v 1C, ’ Kse " land, to be located in one body, bv the SecretT 1101 ’ 1 ^ Preastiry—and whereas the Secretary of tiieW , on the day ol in pursuant- of locate die said thirty-s.x sections uf land nn |Jr Jt k| of the Tombigby river, in the then Mississippi .l*** I llama territory; being township No. ten, uun> J and sections number thirty ami thirty-one in .Ml • - ~ - - — — * - * -• V 1 lowujji number ten, range one west—And vdiereas the bo? | means to promote and carry into effect tiie'bfS 1 '•>ews ot Congress, by facilitating the interest n fX*”l I institution, Therefore, he it re, lived, that one Imr • the said thirty-six sections of land lie let to lease 4 W 2. Resolved, Tint the halt’ to he leased sl» ill i i t.ons, No. 1, 3, 5, 7,9, 11,13, 15, 17, 19,21 03* ^ ~J. 31 and 33, on ihe map of the township,'and^’5 lion 31, in township ten, range one west ofthessm ' 3. That the leases for the said lands shall l lc tv-ninc Wars, renewable ad-inlinitum, w.ih „„ * ground rent of one cent. -n 4. That all leases shall specif, the rent a-reedon t nd in what in.1 oner n .v-ihli- asUi BIOGRAPHY. I incut of York, standing by the side of the jsbe contribute, when she acts the woman, to j father of bis rountrv’and participating Ins j ale viate the pains of adversity. In oursick- | feelings, saw the liberty of that country seal- ness and sorrows she is indeed as “ a ininis- j ed by’ tin* surrender o'f its foes, closed bis teeing angel.”—Wluit heart else is so sympa- life in neglected solitude. On the suininit ol luetic-i \S hat baud else is so soothing S the Chcsnnt Ridge which overlooks thc’val-1 Who waits the sick bed with most care, with ley of Ligonicr; in which tne. c oniine... e- must assiduity, with the most iuexliausubl. ^ # ment of the revolution found him in prosper- {>uticiu*e . Who* in spite m 101 iRiuss j ti»c tennsot the lease arc not complied with.’ it V ; on this lonesome spot, exposed to w in-! frame, foregoes sleep, and patiently endures s. That all huso* shall he signed by t ;, e president 4 tin-winds, as cold and desolating as tl.e tar- a course of.;emitless watchings uf incredible^ board of J gratitude ol’ liis country* died Major J length ? \\ iio, so often cleuRts lit* , ami tne | SaK ii a ndin gunner sections.u>the h Genera) Si. Clair. The iravcllur as In 'pleasures of life, to the needs of a helpless | a notification ol - the presidentof the Iw.-ml of trust^ ®iiH Xion so thesaae ( j V iltu V. Ill lOt/lllll WIMIIUM, wui.i onx • V-.MIIIW- •-»»- icanui l/V VfUill VIS, Mil'll (UViSl* * ' lie Vanity.—If ever any human being was I free from personal vanity, it. must have been | the second Duchess d’Orleans* Cliurlolte-E- llizabetb of of Bavaria. Lift us hear her own words. I neter had a good feat re. My j w7tiih» l sTx\wWrom‘tbrdafo a «“ tte S i yes are small, my nose short and thick, my " ,, ’ u ‘ 1 lips broad and thin, 'l'licse are not materi als to form a beautiful face. Then, 1 have flabby, lank checks, and long features, which suit ill with m.v low stature. Mv waist and * General St. Clair. The travcllor as In pleasures oi lile, to the needs o* a helpless a notification of die president <if thebnani c {passed the place,‘was reminded of the cvlo-1 parent; to the solitary chamber of decrepid dMuiViv'i 11 ,'" Ulno ] brated Roman exile’s reply, *• tell the citi-Jage? It is woman; the well-educated, the 7 . Thai Jvhe.ulJriverdiv Lawlyscctiw i zens of Rome that you saw Cains Marius j enligiiteiied Christian woman.—Cun. CVttntH/. canno. be leased by quav ers, such ilivisioiu I sitting amongst the ruins of Cartharge {is ..Iniosl the rear of that gallant band in go ing to mortality’s last sojourn, but bis Urea j captain lias gone before to provide him I q al ters in the sky. MIS ’EI.YANY THE BUI EE REMAKE Ell. “ When pain and sickness wring the br»»\v, A ministering angel thou.” swirr. I'll*' man who cxjircssctb or feeletli a gen eral contempt for womankind, evinces there by either that bis acquaintance lias been mostly with the baser sort, or that bis hear; is devoid of the common sensibilities of our nature. A satire upon woman.' it is re volting; it is dastardly and brutish. Par ticulars are deserving of the lasli of satire, but not the ilffecics. women, as well as of men, there are the artful and treacherous, the unfeeling and cruel, the misrliievous, tlu disgusting, the abominable. The species, ; nevertheless, is entitled to a high degree of! respect, esteem and love. Dominic,dfiuit whom a more marble-heart- j ed monster never existed, though lie stands der ;—that same and author of GENERAL ST. GLAIR, lie was born in Edinburgh, and came to this country in the fleet commanded by Ad miral Roscawcn in 1755. At an early peri od of bis life, he took up the profession of arms, and served as a lieutenant in the Brit ish army under Gen, Wolfe, at the taking of Quebec. He served during the whole of the French war of lTati. in the course ol which lie was honored with the friendship of Genera Is Wolfe, Murray and Monkton. un der whose directions lie learned the art of war. After retiring from the British army, lie settled in Ligonicr valley, on the seite of lagonier old fort, of w hich he bad been the first coinmamlantd In 1"3. Richard Penn, lieutenant governor of the province, appoint ed him prntlionotury and register and record er for Westmoreland county, which offices. wi.ii others, lie held !.i December, 1775.1 sainted in the Roman'ard V' hen lie rc rived from congress a col \ saint Dominic, the inventor t'omiuission ;u the continental service. Al• ihe hellish inquisition, was confessedly a though this appointment w as w itlunit solicit-1 woman-hater. Of him it is recorded, that ati assum 'd the duties "I | *• he never looked in the face of a woman, or j> - leased entire, or by d.viding- or Uniting tlie'n witG thers, at tUe di-crciion of the agent of tlie Wml. 8. That no ti'act shall he leased for less than ;ivo IA I l.irs per acre, payable in the following manner, to n. One fourth part to he paid at the Ume of executing iV lease; another fourth part within two year*;wwil Idurth part w .thin four years, and Ihe other toGlli m thin six years from the date of the lease. I 9. Th d all sums not p.ul al tiietune of cxecutiwm, I lease: 'lie party leasing- shall bonds w-ith a [snjtV I if double die amount of rent contracted for atul'jS I ^ 1U. Interest at the rate of six percent a year, fmule | i j date of the lease, shall he charged upon the three la I j payments, if not punctually paid as they respccUtdtk. I itty legs arts equally clumsy. Undoubtedly i must ajqicar to lie an odious little wretch ; and had 1 not a tolerable character, no crea ture could endure me. I am sure a p -rsou .mist be a conjuror to judge by my eys that 1 have a grain »f w it.” .Sc'decspeace, a goad cook.—Two gentlemen come due 11 A discount at the rale of eight per cent i I shall he adowed on any of tlie three last payraentirtd slnih he paid before the same shall become due, mka ing this discount always u|K.n the sum which wogjdM 1 been demandahle on the day appointed for sitchpum I 1J At die exp.rati, n of seven years from and aftertit I date of any lease, if the wh-d: amtnint, with iniere^k I not pa d, such lease shall be void, widia right of re«i4j I on die part of the trustees and their successors, and ill uns previously paid forfeited to the college, as i w ere talking ill a culfcc house oi tbc best [assessed between the parlies. liis new station with promptitude and alacri- spoke to one.’ ty. and lie recruited six full ciniipanies, and [p like manner march d them to the vicinity of Quebec by aside the ilex it turned," tin* first *>f tin* next May. In the campaign w hen the first of female forms presented it- of *;ti lie served in Canada, in Company with self before, bint. colon; 1 Wayne, tnitlur rite orders ol generals Thompson and Sullivan, and bis knowledge of tlie i inintry, gained in the previ war. as well as bis military experience, was of es sential advantage to tlie army. In tlie fall of the saute year lie joined General Wash ington in Jersey, and first suggested that memorable russe de guere, which terminated in the capture of the Hessians at Trenton, and wliii li revived the army and the country '77 he enminanded Ticonderoga, which post being untenable by the small forces under his command, was abandoned, which occa sioned a load ol unmerited obloquy to bo thrown upon him at the time. The military tribunal, however, which investigated bis conduct, pronounced, that although lie lost a post lie saved a state, and all the well in formed have since unequivocally approved his conduit. He was in the battle of Bran dywine as a volunteer, not having at that time any command. When the arinv marched southward, he 13. Ite-o'.ved, That the foregoing rule* mid regii'ali*, I hp published by the president of tiie board lunij I fic .tiou of tlie liiuv and place of sale. Copied front the journal of the board. n. n. tiUAvsox,see. Jefferson College, July 38,1813. C jtiai.-mahle to liie above regulations, adopted by 111 I 1) urd of trustees of Jefferson College, 1 do t.eretiyds I clare and make known, that there wiil be uffercdloMl I to tlie highest b dder, by auction, at the town of St Ss phens, in tlie Alabama territory, on tlie third Mniivi j l)ecein':cr next, the sections of land destgnatrd'.nlliti- hove transcript of the proceedings of the board,nponib terms and conditions therein specified. DAVID HOLMS, P.-esalentof t!ic board of trustees of JeffersonCJlcge. Natchez. August 7. ,'j" Tbe foil nvmg pajters are requested to insert tU above once a week until the second Monday sf Uttar | Iter, an l transmit their accounts to White Turpin, tjt- at the town of Washington, Miss, for payment. tor, M lledgeville, (Leorgia, Whig, Nashville, Tertt? I • ,, ... i , • , isee; Alabama Itepublican, Huntsville; llulcvon, S;.S* I , i.lulls, III the lulillllllg nl Will It tonsil ts .ill ipbeits, and Cazette, Mobile, A. T. Xew-Orlean* Chmulf | iiurtal and social excellence. ! ncthod of dressing a beef steak. One of them observed, Unit of all m ip. s, that giv en in the words of Macbeth, when he delib erates on tbe intended death of the king, is the best : “ It' it were done, when ', thcn’twerc well *-!, were done qu.ckl}.” Prudent mu.vims.—Despise tlie vanities of that pride, wlii< li seeks its gratification in it contempt of moral decorum. Never look abut c vou until von arc sc- I cure of tlie ground on wairh you move, | Be content to keep within your station, and to adorn it by the virtues wnieh its du ties require. Suspect the friendship of every one'whose .din e tends to alienate you from those obi i - i alf| N re- 1 < Jv su NOTICE. Woman was •* the last best gift” to man; mo.ldcd out of that part of liis liesli and bone, which lay nearest the heart. And what tho* site was first in (lie transgression? Was siie not. principal, also, in the rest -ration ?— —j . -, u _ ,, , , „ . And when the Divine Restorer, born of a 7ttu-j. v " u "8 l,llia ''' : but that false delicacy which pie- ^ J S0 !}J «t toe lute residence of AV illiain il« J 1 ails among the female sex would nut permit her llec <•’ 1 ' V1 S!5 S county, part ot the property« I Hoiveter, ber attention.-, dec’d. consisting of Horses, lings, CattW, I wlu> WIT. ,i- ...... to disclose her pa.-sion „ . 1 were unremitted, ami she was lavish iu c-.mpli- j HoasehoLl Furniture, Plantation Utensils, «. ... cM.l-imr cii-ltu „f the i , it ‘i it | meiits when opportunity would permit. But the many other articles too te-fious to mention-* ,t sinking spuds I tl. who stood by. and so deeply sy mpa bi/.ed j uftice| . beini , a '] e | icate man . un-xperieuc-d Twelvemonths credit will be given ; purely !.-' • 1 * n S ' I 1 :”.I. ..' ... * ,ls I dSt agonies, umlismayetl by Lie ferocious it, these matters, he was, theref'me, unconscious !♦'» g |Ve ". otes ' vi f' 1 «PP r «» ,c d .ecuritr. All pw- sous having claims agaiiot said estate, are rt' man, wits in poverty and nee,l. they that administered to him ? When the disciples had tied through fear. ply mntrnanres of the murderous throng? IVo- men. Who so alfertionately prepared the em balming spirerv, and were first to visit tie- sacred tomb ? f Vo men. To whom have all (lie after-generations been most indebted for tlie pious culture of infancy and childhood ? To women. Tbe eternal wisdom Inis, if I may use the expression, cast the minds of the tw sexes ill dittc ed to act in “ For contemplation he, xml valor form’d; For softness she, and sweet atu-acdve grace.’ of her meaning; and it remained for the voung lady either to be more explicit or continue in all the torture of suspense. Tbe. former being her choice, site availed herself of a circumstance which happened one dav when they dined toge ther. There were fowls, and a scarcity of plates, >i* tiie young officer had hardly room for his fragment* : which tbe young lady taking tioticu ol, and resolving to seize the present happy um quested to bring them forward properly autlrf I cuted, w ithin the time prescribed hv law. nu.Miv ur.v.v, atlm’r. Twiggs county, August 15. I III, i <131 Mir Iiniiin III HIV ion i , . , • i - .* 1 . , I ,. , ,, li- t . ■ i ment, turned about, and, with an expressive look, re rent moulds, rttrlt being desttn- , „ . , ’ , i t -. ” said, "• J rau, sir, tail t/aur boxes with mine. — a sphere peculiarly its own. |T | ie officer took the hint, and an edaircissement took pi,-tee that evening. was left in Pennsylvania, to organise and fur- The one is destined and fitted for the ward the troops of that state ; m conse quence of which lie arrived at Yorktown on ly a short time before the surrender of the British army. From thenee lie went to the south, with a reinforcement to gen. Greene. Alter the peace be was a member of r n grass, A president of that body, A. in "RH lie w as appointed governor of the thru n irth w, ern territory, in '91 he was again appoint ed a major-general of the army of the Uni ted States, in al! (lie various stations and situations of ids life, after lie became known to general Washington, he enjoyed the cr. pe< ial confidence and friendship of that dis- finguishod patriot. Gen. St. Clair, in liis domestic relations frit the tender sy mpat hies of our nature in their fullest force. In social life he was much valued as a friend . His conversa tion was instructive and interesting enliven ed b_- wit and embellished with science. As a soldier and statesman he possessed a piercing accuracy of mind, and, fearless of censure from the short sighted and pr active, and perilous scenes ; the other the milder:—the one possessing more active courage ; the other more of fortitude, of t"‘- j signation. and of unw variable patience, and more of the benevolent affections. This is nature’s distinctive line, which on the part or the female character can never be overleaped without producing disgust or ri dirulc. Hence it is, that, of affection, none is more displeasing than a woman’s affecting tlie spirit and manners of the other sex. We have a sort of admiration of the heroic intre pidity of the Spartan ladies; of their con tempt oi danger; of the stoical apathy, or rather exultation, willi which they received (lie news of their sons and husbands dying bravely in battle. We admire them as prodi gies, but neither love nor esteem them as women. Ami why is it that the atheistical fair is regarded with surli singular horror? Why is the foul oath, the heaven-daring blas phemy, doubly horrible, in the ear of decen cy. when proreed ing from the lips of women ? Is it because we emit cast the outrage with tlie RELIGIOIS. NOTICE IXE months afterdate, nnnlicathm "ill h made, to the honorable -i Inferior C'uurt I a .IT.V| !of Putnam county, when sitting as a Court* *!'!!" Ordinary, for leave to sell the real c.Utf I Thomas \V. Scott, dec’d. sold for the benett ] of the heirs and creditors. ( T H O M A S KIL P A T It IC K, ail in f. ill right ol his wife- March 04. 1818. sumptuous, he looked to the ultimate result | attributes of timidity, gentleness, delieary rather than to the immediate ronsequrnres j and sensibility, belonging more particularly of liis actions. 'The resources of his mind to the sex. apostrophe on religion. BY DR • II—lUfODK-lbLA YD: Religion ! (( speak only of it as the spirit of it popular government, and as it is polit ically beneficial, of ils higher attributes I am unworthy to speak.) Religion ! V prin ciple unborn and instinctive in tb • human heart—so effective of good—so productive of felicity! That principle which restrains while it consoles the poor—which abases the proud w hilr it det lares the duties of tin* rich. Powerfully impressing as it does the lesson of Christian equality—that the father of th. universe looks with an eye of equal benifi- renre on the w hole family of mankind. Re ligion ! the balm of wounded minds, the re-, fngc of misfortune—w -use gentle hand slopes the path of declining life, and smooths the bed of death—Religion which beams from Heaven tbe radiations of hope, s d'ten- cd through the medium of ttiprcy, even on th y heads of the wretched and the guilty. Ai t this religion, the Pbilosoyliists, tbe fabricators of recent Revolutions, ridicule and persecute—and have confederated their exertions to banish front the Earth. w ere best developed in difficult and adverse circumstances ; and although fortune in some instances scented determined to thwart liis put poses, his rouliu-ss, liis courage and One of the most dcplorative wants in wo man. is the want of heart; the want of gen uine sensibility, of the radical affection of sympathy and benevolence. It is a want. liis penetration, were above her reach j for which neither beauty, nor wit, nor tin- •Providence seems to have designed that the j rty-est accomplishments of person or mind, SANFORD & BETTS, V UE just receiving a general assortment of Fall and Winter GOODS, which they Will dispose of on accommodating terms. Those who inay w ish to purchase Blankets or Cloths will do to give them a call. Sept. 14. None e. A PPLICATION will be made agreeably b A law, to the inferior court of Putnam e“ tn ' ty, sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave M sell one hundred acres of land, be the same :" srt or less, tbe real estate of William Itvle, deceas* ed, lying on Cedar creek. , LEO. ABERCROMBIE,3Ulttf. Mav 2G. „ NOTICE. IXE months after date, application "ill * I made, to the honorable tne Inferior CwH of Putnam county, when in session for oritojff] purposes, for leavt* o sell the real estate ol R™’ [ Reid, deceased. james lssti February 2jtb, 1818. in right of his **,| globe tavern. 3 MIE Subscriber informs the Public, I !_ has removed from the Eagle to the W** l Tavern, at tbe sign of the Globe, on the corB , I of the street leading from the Ferry and the mti I street, opposite the Store of Messrs. P»r'™| Bryce & Co. He thinks it unnecessary • I anything as to accommodation, to those * I know him : Others, if they wish to be well ae p commodated, will come anti judge for then#**”*’" L He has an experienced Ostler, late troin u I northward. C. F.. WILLIAMS 0 *- N. B. An elojmnt Barber lately from I-‘ , ’".i #t is on tbe premises, who will attend on Geam men visiting the Globe Tavern. Columbia, b. O’. Sept. I t t