The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, October 13, 1818, Image 3

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DOMESTIC. am 1—For ten days past we hav pearancc and hostile attitude c. had'lor some time been colleci- rtics, in the neighborhood of tin lack Warrior, where not mon ks past they killed three white negro woman. It having been as- le officer commanding the military ntv, that serious apprehensions ed lor the safety of the citizens, collected a small force, and pur- ns (who had first assembled within the town called t uskaloosa) and them about ten miles below the est of the river, where they had r a swamp, and on approaching y, which- was returned by the In- ding themselves overpowered by ty of numbers, retreated with the i'tc men killed and one wounded, ty Indian ; the Indians also fled, n their part, as was supposed, of lied or wounded. It is supposed hundred Indians, men, women ravelling towards the Mississippi; the part of the whites were not y strong. It is said there are a jians aboie, on the Black Warrior, Cahabs, who do much mischief r hostile. The inhabitants are in 'tion, leaving their farms and col ies, in order to defend themselves. I that, when our informant left sufficient force had collected to ture the whole body of Indians oubt was entertained, that if they ;telv fled, the expedition about to '.suit in the destruction of the . Stephens Halcyon, Sept. 26. explore the .Missouri.— We are good authority, that government to send an expedition, under the Long, of the corps of engi ne the head waters of the .Missouri, y scientific characters; so that a information necessary to form a e of this interesting river may be c expedition, we hear, is to depart , where a steam-boat is preparing e, which, it is thought, will consid- te the business, it is said that is well qualified for the com- ingtun City Gazette. linois.—The convention assembled constitution and state government of Illinois, having completed the ’hich it met, has dissolved itself by ithout day. ing are some of the leading provr- new constitution, which we copy -askia Intelligencer: lor is to be elected quadrennially, I'UhsDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13. ELEC I'KIN RETURNS FOIt I HE LEGIS^A t UKE Putnam, William E. Adams, Senate ; Henry Branham, Irby Hudson, Benjamin Williams,and- Kli S. Shorter, Representatives. . Hancock, Eppes Brown, S.—John Abercrom bie, Ed. B. Brooking and Isaac Birdsong, It. Morgan, Wm. Gill, S.—Lewis Bandy, Hiram Russaw, Charles Matthews and Nath’l Allen, It. IPilkes, Matthew Talbot, S.—’! * . Wooten, Thomas Wingfield, Major Henderson and John son Wellborn, It. Jasper, Jarre! Beasly, S.—John Martin, John Rivers, Asa Ragan and John Robinson, It. Richmond, V. Walker, S.—Geo. Walton, A. Rhodes, sen. and II. M’Tyre, R. Chatham, Alfred Cuthbert, S.—F. S. Fell, M. Sheftall and Edward F. Tattnall, It. Greene, Oliver Porter, S.—Thomas I. Moore, Thomas Stocks and Robert Rea, It. Jones, John S. Zachary, S.—John Bayne, Ab ner Wimberly, Hardy Herbert and T. White, It. Laurens, David Blackshear, S.—Lunceford C. Pitts, R. [The two other candidates received an equal number of votes.J Liberty, John Stephens, S.—John E. Fi-ases and Daniel M. Stuart, It. M’lntosli, Allen B. Powell, S —James Spald ing mid William It. M'lntosli, It. Montgomery, Nathaniel R. Mitchell, S.—Da vid Chambers, It. Striven, James Blackmon, S.—Roger M’Kin- nie and Thomas Golding, It. Washington, Thomas B. Rutherford, S.—John Moore, Thomas Pace and Joab Pinson, It. Warren, Elisha Hurt, S.—Edwin Baker, Jack S. Davenport and John Lewis, it. Wilkinson, John Hatcher, S.—John T. Fai child and Joseph Ross, It. Clarke, Tlio. Mitchell, S.—White Rosscter, Burton, ami Parker, It. Madison, Samuel Groves, S.—James Ware and Nathaniel Williford, It. Ugletlwrpe, Geo. Hudspeth, R.—John Town send, Burwell Pope and Gilmore, It. llructn, John Vanbrackle, S.—Thomas H. Har den, It. Bullock, Samuel Lockhart, S.—John Burnett, It. JiJJinghnm, Jesse Scruggs, S.—Harman El kins, K. The mystery unveiled.—Not long since, a con siderable stir was mude about the non-arrival of H OHEXSIIAW A: HARROW, AVE received a large supply of Cloths, Blankets, Bomhazcttes, Bombazines, Blank Books, Rifles, Patent and Plain Fowling Pieces, Swords, Epaulettes, Sashes, Military Hats and Spurs, Candlesticks, Coffee Urns, Silver and Plated Tea and Coffee Setts, Cut Class, Can dle Shades, Cut Glass, assorted. Canton and Nan kin Crapes, Superfine Hats, Boots, Shoes, Calf skins, Skirting Leather, Sole Leather, Saddles, Saddle Bags, Ladies’ Saddles, Best Patent Lever and Plain Watches, Jewelry, Piano Futtes,Clari- onetts, Violins, Flutes and a complete assortment of Other seasonable Goods, which they will sell at w ho'esale or retail on reasonable terms. Milledgeville, October 12. John II. Eaton, esq. is appointed by the gov ernor of Tennessee to the senate of the United States, vice George W. Campbell appointed min ister to Russia. Damages were lately recovered at a court in Newark, Ncw-Jersey, by col. Ogden, of Thomas Gibbons, late of this State, for publishing an *• in famous libel,” to the amount of 8 5000. It is reported that an attempt has been made to assassinate young Napoleon. His chamber was entered by ruffians, who aimed a poignard at hiS breast, which ouly wounded him in the arm. Dr. Robert Hare, late professor of chemistry and natural philosophy in the college of Wil liam and Mary, in Virginia, was, on the 1st in stant, elected professor of chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania, in the place of Dr. Coxe, lately appointed professor of Mateira Mcdica. A great riot is said to have taken place among' the workmen on the great northern canal, nearl . ... „ , White-hall, New-York. Many broken legs and ?«>«, Hats, best quality, Gentlemen’s and Ladies result. The Green- Coarse aml tine l5lloes and S!,oetees * Morocco T NEW GOODS. HE subscriber has just received, in addition _ to his former supplv, a large quantity ot FALL AND WINTER GOODS, among which are Superfine Cloths, Casimeres, Coarse Cloths, for negroes’ wear, Bombazettes of various colors, Flannels, Rose, Duffle and Point Blankets, Lin- fractured skulls were the result, me ureen mountain hoys and the Irish laborers, could not agree.—»V. 11. Sentinel. Religious Intelligence.—The number of stu dents connected with the theological school at Princeton, N. J. during the last winter session, was 55 ; since the last annual report, 14 have been licensed to preach. The Baptist connection in the United States is in a flourishing state, the number baptized the preceding year is 12,270.—The Methodist missionary societies have 89 missionaries on for eign stations,and in the West Indies alone they have 18,938 members of their communion ~ ^ dTedT^ 7 Near Monticello, in August last, Mrs. Mary Brewer, aged 100 years. In Columbia coun- Bootees, Wellington Boots, a great variety of Children's Shoes and Bootees, .all which makes his assortment very general. It will be well worth customer’s attention to call and judge for themselves. He also has a Store Room to rent, in the north end of his tenement, by the year or month, and possession given, if immediate appli cation is made. JAMES FLEMING. Milledgeville, October 12. . 3t Baldwin Superior Court—September Term 1818. Present the Honorable John M. Dooly. r*NHE Grand Jury of the county of Baldwin I are gratified to state, that they have nii pre sentments to make. The committee appointed by the last Grand Jury, to examine the state of the county funds, having failed to do so, they re- nrewer, ageu ivu years. in i/oiumota coun- ,i,_ , i J ,, i .. commend to your Honor, the appointment ot tile ty, a short time since, Mr. Charles Shaw. At _ •’ w-n * „ u,.*i,„..r,.,.,i .. .. ,,, . tol owing gent cmen: viz. vV ilhams Kutneitord, Greensburgh. P. on the 18th ult. Mrs. St. Clair, . » °r., , , c , ,,, , vv;ii.„... j. „ „ o, ... • ’ Francis Smith, Joseph Stovall, Charles William- relictot tne late general St.Clair. In Phila-I .> *. . ’ iii- ,y. .. i i son and »V illiain Gngg, to examine the state ot delphia, on the 22d ult. James Milligan, esquire. ®. . f , 9 s ’ ., 1 I ,■ .1 . °i-it - the countv funds, and report to the next Grand comntru ler-general ol the treasury ol U. 8. pre- V .ri r. . . . , . 1 . “ - .. ... ' Jurv. The Grand Jury cannot take leave ol his vious to the adoption ol the present constitution. „ * , i ix i -.i * • . , • 1 J ) Honor Judge Dooly without expressing the high sense they entertain of the ability with which he has presided, and recommend that the above be published in the Milledgeville papers. Xacliariah Lamar, Foreman. Charles Williamson, Isaac Bower, II'itHams Rutherford, Joseph Stovall, THEATRICAL. Will be performed, on Friday evening next, IN TUG 1.0X l. ROOM, AT THE UNION HOTEL, HT TUE THKSI'IAN SOCIETY, “ THE BLIND BARGAIN,” A Comedy in five acts. To which will be added, by particular request, the Farce of 44 The Lying Valet.” Tuesday, OctobeV 13. WALTER JONES, M the Post-UJJice, « AVING just received his full and entire sup- 11 ply of FALL AND WINTER GuODS, l general Jackson's dispatches at Washington city, J* i. P'y FALL AND WINTER GuODS, until an annual salary ot gi v i ng an account of his Indian campaign, tiie otters them lor sale on the most accommodating capture of Pensacola, and the trial ot Arbuthnot , i . . , i . .• and Ambristie, all of which were nut into the dges, elected by a joint ballot o post . ollic e at Fort Hawkins,directed to the sec- ol the general assemby, to bold 1^ at wttl ,_ At this office the dispatches were ntd 1834, and therealtci duung i, na i| e j an j ;t seems arrived at Washington in j due time; but owing to some blundering person I in the post-office at Washington, they were sent court is to be established, ennsist- Tliis provision is to enable the | itself of any accession of talenlsl receive, prior to the period, in fur* 1the land, instead of the war-office, and there rnent judiciary. The judges re- ual salary of R1000 ; they- form a I governor, and have an equal voice} of all bills with the governor, assembly is composed of a sen- j f representatives. The senators j the people quadrennially. They rs of age, and have resided one ntry previous to their election, of the house of representatives nnially, and must be -21 years of eral assembly is to sit biennially, inlay in December. A lieutenant be elected quadrennially, having ■fications that the governor is re- ess. Is speaker of the senate, and the government in case of a vacan- 7 of governor, until another is e- lified. and coroners of the sccral coun- bicnnially. The first election is n the third Thursday in Septem- persons over the age of 21 rcsid- at tin-adoption of the constitil- vention, arc entitled to vote at n and at subsequent elections, six nee in the state is necessary government is to be at Kaskaskia, n this manner : the next legisla- on the general government for fight of pre-emption, for not more laced on the shell lor future consideration. Af ter remaining there two or three months, and a great noise made about them, they were discov ered by the persons who transact the business of the land ollice. We have taken notice of this af fair, because we were applied to and named in se veral letters from the general post-office and war- otlice, to gentlemen m Milledgeville and Savan nah. We were applied to in consequence of having mentioned that vve had seen the docu ments alluded to ; and their non-arrival induced the conjecture that they bad been taken from the ollice into winch ttiey were put. A demand of terms, lor cash, produce, or good paper, consist ing of the following articles : viz. super. Super fine Blue, Biack, Brown and Bronze Green Cloths; do. Casimeres; 2d quality Blue, black, Uiuy and Bronze Green Cloths and Casimeres ; Coarse Blue, Black, Brown, Olive, Gray, Drab and Green Cloths ; do. Casimeres ; Salisbury Flannels, Red, White, Yellow and Green do. Green Baize, Blue Brock Cloth, Bombazettes and Bombazines, Irish Linens and Diapers, Russia do. German Sheetings, Russia Duck, Doulas Cot ton Checks, Welch and common White I’lanes, Rose, l’oint and Duffle Blankets, Stcem Loom and Cotton Shirtings, Coarse and Fine llumhums, Silk and Call V elvets, Striped and Plain White Jeanes, Cossa Cord, Vestings, Dimities,Furniture do. Striped .lackonet Muslins, do. Robes, Canton and Italian Crapes, Plaids and Striped Northern Homespun, Silk, Cotton, Casimere and Negro Shawls, Bandanna, Cotton and Silk Haudker- chiets, Curtail! au-1 Dress Calicoes, Laces, Rib Samuel Buffington, tVitliam D. Jurratt, James Boykin, Francis Jeter, Marlow L. Prior, James C. Hawkins, Thomas Clowers, John Myles, John Pride, Thomas Ford, lit ties Holt, William Grigg, Francis Smith. A true copy taken from the minutes. T. H. KENAN, C. S. C. 11 OR. CHRISTOPHER IlORSON, ESPECTFVLLY informs the citizens of course, was made of us how we obtained them, bons, Black and White Silk Veils and Shawls, The gentleman who furnished us with a co- Silk, Cotton and Worsted flosery, Leno Muslins, py of the trial, committed no military offence. W orsled Binding, Bed-ticking, Brown Holland lie made a transcript of the proceedings merely I and Platillas, Gentlemen’s Fine Hats, Romm and fur his own satisfaction : and when he put us in I Castor do. Morocco Caps, Ladies’ »nd Gentle- possession of them he particularly enjoined on us men’s Boots, do Shoes and Slippers, Coarse do. not to publish them, as he wished the publication F * ' ' 11 1 ' ’ ' 01 L F to come first from Washington.—Sav. Itep. A letter from Fort Gadsden, dated the 31st of August, cays’* the hostile Indians ate in a state ol starvation ; the warriors are raising the corn which was buried in the ground, and which of course was not destroyed by our troops, and seem determined to recommence the war in the fall. The wife and family of the prophet Francis are among the prisoners: two of his daughters are t.M ...c-cmm.u,,, „uc..,»,c 4 very, iiitoresting young ladies, and speak very than one section of land east n°od English, as in fact the whole family do ex- ciple meri(li<in,on the waters of iver, which will he north of I lie that have been made. If Con- e the grant, then commissioners nted by the legislature to make the such grant. And, if the grant legislature may then fix it where of slavery is settled ; the slaves French are secured as they were gc of government.- The legal and lures of negroes brought into the o this peiiodarc made good—theii ree, females at 18, males at the age tract hereafter entered into be nd a white person, in the nature , is to be valid for a longer period The introduction of negroes in- rvf is tolerated until 1825. ion of the general assembly is to skia, on tlio first Monday in Oc- Wadsworth, captain of the U. ependence, is appointed to the United States corvette John York. cept the mother. The eldest, when lifer father went on board the Thomas Shields, shortly after wards followed, supposing her to be a British ves sel. Before she got along side, however, she discovered the deception,.pushed off and ef fected her escape. The youngest and most beau tiful is caressed by all the officers for having sav ed the life of a Georgia malitia man, whom her countrymen had taken prisoner and were about to put to death, when this modern Pocahontas, finding entreaties vain, declared her determina tion to save his life or perish with him : she vvas successful, and the man was preserved.” Launch.—The Georgia steam boat company’i new steam boat Altamalia, will be launched from the ship yard of Messrs. Pritcliard and K.nox to morrow morning, at half past nine o’clock. Charleston paper, 2d inst. The United States schooner Firebrand, cap tain Cunningham, has arrived at the Havana, to demand the release of the American prisoners at that place. The national honor would be com- promitted if one citizen of this country even, was suffered to languish in the dungeons of an JVirice or Potentate on earth.— Times owling Pieces, single and double barrel, Starch, Copperas, Cut Nails, &c. &c. together with a number of useful articles. The subscriber will barter Goods for two or three thousand yards of Homespun, black or blue stripes, thick wove, 7-8 yard wide, fur which he will allow 33 1-3 cents per yard. Milledgeville, October 12. St NENV STORE. ’’I'MIE subscriber having taken the stand JL north west corner of the Public Square, op posite the Post-Office, respectfully informs the public, that lie has just received from New-York a handsome assortment of readymade Clothing made in the neatest style, and of the latest fash ion ; also a good assortment of the finest quality, Cloths and Casimeres, together with a general assortment of DRY GOODS and Fine Cutlery, w hich will be disposed of on accommodating terms. sam’l good all. Milledgeville, October 12. Jasper countv, that he has recommenced the practice of medicine, ill the town of Monticello, and any call within the line of his profession will be promptly attended to. He will occupy the shop formerly in the occupancy of Dr. R. C. Shorter. Monticello, Oct. 1 FOR SALE] 7 SMI AT valuable tract of land, containing five I hundred acres, on which the subscriber re sides, adjoining Griggs, Harvey, and others, on Cedar creek. There is, on the premises, an ele gant two story brick dwelling house, a good kitch en, gin house, and other necesssry buildings, to gether with an excellent spring. Any person wishing to purchase can have particular's by ap plying to ANDERSON COMER. Jones county, October 7. 4t GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. ' OR sale, the tract of land whereon I live, containing by a late resurvey 705 1-2 acres, about 150 acres in cultivation, a good peach or chard, a small apple orchard, a machine house large enough for the reception of 200,000 weight of seed cotton, with a 40 saw machine, which oes by water. The situation is healthy, being well watered by a creek and a number of good springs. The land is generally level, and of a good quality, and not more than ten acres on the tract hut what is tenable land. The buildings are tolerably good for the back country; the dwelling house is large, with three fire places, the kitchen good and convenient. The purchaser can be ac commodated with perhaps one or two hundred barrels of corn, on the premises, and if sold soon one or two hundred bushels uf wheat, some stuck of different kiiuls, viz. sheep, cattle and one hun dred head of hogs, also some good house furni ture, among w hich are a Boston made brass clock cased with mahogany, a secretary, book case, side board, walnut table, &c.— Possession could be had shortly. There are few better situations in the up country. J. M. C. MONTGOMERY. September 27. LOST, Y ESTERDAY,on the road between this place and Ford’s mill, a number of Notes of hand, made payable to the subscriber, amounting to' a- bout 8 ‘500. A liberal reward will be given to any person who will deliver the said notes at this Office. J. r. COLES. Milledgeville, Oct. 13. H RICHARD MORGAN S. SON, AVE just received from New-York, a gene ral assortment of DRY GOODS, Hardware and Cutlery, which they will dispose of on rea sonable and accommodating terms, by the quan tity or piece. They have likewise received an additional supply of GROCERIES. Oct. 5 M c NEW BOOK, he STATIONARY STORE. ORRIS & GINN respectfully inform the (public that they will receive in a few weeks an extensive assortment of Books in eve r ry branch of literature, and Stationary of all kinds, which they will dispose of liberal terms at their Store opposite the Post Office. Country merchants are invited to call. Milledgeville, Oct. 1°. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE, H AVING taken the Ware-House lately occu pied by Flew el I in fk Dickinson, oilers his services in the FACTORAGE AND COMMIS SION LINK. He is having his Store-Houses pet in complete order for the reception of all kinds of proauce, merchandize, 8tc. occ. and strict at tention will be paid to all business entrusted to his care. Augusta, (Geo.) July 1. jCT^Subscribcrs to Nicholson’s Encyclopedia aie requested to 1 at the Post-Office, in Mil- ledgeville, and receive their copies.