The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, October 20, 1818, Image 3

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WS' )AV MOKNINU, UUTOHKR30. j communication would have been I in our last, but by some accident it aid.] ke*,—With perfect astonishment I dis- I attempts are made to justify the despo- * vliichgeneral Jackson at New-Orleans, ‘ t’ensacola exercised over our con- rid laws, and thi* too contrary to or- he secretary of w ar Is it possible that in this enlightened age, and in ountry, in which we bow to no superior vs. advocates can be found to justify linable conduct ? The usurpations ol omwell and Uonaparte, if we would page of ancient or modern history, ai/ar examples, and the mischiefs bro’t 1 by their ungovernable avarice and vould admonish us to guard our con- ad laws from the unhallowed touch of Who is prepared to say, that even at ^ns it would not have been preterable i the majesty of our laws, and permit- tisli army to reap the rich harvest ol id « have rioted in their promised and ■ward of Beauty and Booty, and the Wve possessed himself ol a strong hold, ■he could not have been dislodged, the kvestern country, than for our laws to lisi egarded ana trodden under foot by ‘ ‘spot ? Who has the daring aft'ron- I forth before the people of Georgia, at it would not have been more honor Conducive to the interest of our coun- ermanent security of our citizens, to ritted’the Indians to lay waste the fron- . state and of the Alabama territory, ind plunder our citizens, and scalp the children, than for this despot to dis brs, violate a treaty with Ferdinand the to have executed Arbuthnot and i who were aiding the Indians to conti- 1 muwacers r Let the merchant and citi- Imatron and virgin of New-Orleans—the i women and children on our frontier Ithose questions, and I am content with lision. I have been surprized to find that Ions intended to justify such conduct nd their way into your paper, but there ndeperident press which will be a friend ople, and even take the bull by the horns [amparit lion by the beard, which fearless qucuces, will expose the unlawful acts i unshaken by the smiles or frow ns of ay 1 not for the encouragement of such lent disinterested printers repeat the ein- lnguage which has been already Used, go on ;” “ be boldyou have struck Tiich must enlighten our good country - i them from wandering; “ go on,” a- ’and let your light so shine in the gh'ted,igDorant minds of our“ good citi- lt they may give their assent to that cor- I maxim, tliat it is better to sacrifice l and the country, than to defend them jtk-ti of law and constitution. CONSTITUTION. embers to the State Legislature. , Micajah Henley, senator ; William in. & f. W. Murray, representatives, jia, John Foster, S—W. B. Tankersley, [Avery and M’Gruder, R. iWiley Thompson, 8—John A. Heard, "en and James Welch. H. V, Milton, S.-'-M’Dnnier and James Files, S—William Turner, R. i Joseph Thomas, S—Hugh Brown and [one, R. i Hugh Montgomery, S—James Coch- I Liddell and David Witt, R. ,Tho. W. Harris, S—Elisha Farnell, pi Robison, K. Pliny Sheffield, S.—J. B. Stewart, It. Sional Election.—John Forsyth, 7206: ‘I, 681b; John A. Cutlibert, 6741 ; lord, 6534; Tlios. W. Cobb, 6288; |t, 6200 ; R. II. Wilde, (not a candi- Iteturns have not yet been receiv- i counties of Tattnall, Telfair, Frank- fan.. finer., attached to the Spanish lega- ‘ at"New-York from Bordeaux, anu is Df despatches from the Spanish go- their embassador at Washington [Evening Post says, “ it is almost cer- Is gentleman brings out a treaty from Madrid, ceding the Floridas to the 58. The fact is mentioned in the a letter from France, by the vessel r. M. arrived.*' fcd in a Mobile paper, that Col. Kin B I orders frtfm Washington, to deliver »,and its dependencies, “ to any Span- uthorized to receive the same by the bister, Don Onis, the captain-general ana, or by the late governor Masott DINNER TO OfiN’L WILUAV MTNT09II. The distinguished Indian cliiet, general M’ln- tosli, arrived here a few days since. The citi zens of Augusta desirous of manifesting their gratitude for the important services tendered by this celebiated warrior on various occasions, but particularly in the recent conflict witli the Semi- noles, gave him a public dinner at the Globe Tavern on Thursday last. At 3 o’clock, P. M. adeputation from the coun cil, the citizens and the military, waited on the chief and conducted him to the Globe. As he approached a band of music struck up n national air—he was then received and conducted into the drawing-room by brigadier general Glascock, and presented to the citizens. Dinner was soon announced, and the chieftain of the forest, was ushered into the dining-room, with a flourish of music. The evening closed pleasantly ; ami Jin original Anecdote.—A gentlemen of the bar, in a neighboring county, in easy circumstan ces ami pretty good practice, had rendered him self somewhat remarkable, by his attempts in the way of matrimonial speculation. V maid somewhat advanced in years, residing some miles distant in the neighborhood, hearing of the lawyer’s speculating propensity, that his charac ter was unexceptionable, and his situation in life tolerably good, resolved upon making him her husband. She hit upon the following expedient : She pretended suduenly>>to bfr jfaken very ill, and sent for the man of the I aw to'draw her will, lie attended for tliat purpose. By her will she devised 10,0001. in bank stock, to be divided a inong her three cousins, some thousands in bonds ami notes to a niece, and a vast landed estate to a favorite nephew. The will being finished, she gave the lawyer a very liberal fee, and enjoined DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. T HE co-partnership heretofore existing in this place, between Peter and Peter F. Jail- let, was dissolved ou the fist inst. by mutual consent. All persons who have claims against said concern will please present them to Peter Jailiet for settlement, and those who are indebt ed are earnestly requested to make early settle ment with him. Cash, cotton, homespun, corn or fodder will be received in payment of any debts due said concern. PETER JAILLET, PETER F. AAILLET, October 15. NOTICK. \ LL persons having claims against the estate of David I). Fc.lps, late of Putnam coentv, , ...... ,... „ <CIJ ,,„ clal lcc , uuu ciijuiucu. will present them (duly attested) to the subscri be repast being finished, “the friend of the secrecy upon him for some pretended purposes—| bers for settlement; and all those indebted to the white man” was reconducted to liis lodgings. | thus precluding him from an enquiry into her re- estate, are earnestly requested to make early ‘ ‘ 1 payment to them—An attention to this notice is particularly requested. FA I. BY FF.LF3, eXct’X C. R. WALLER, CXCt’r. Putnam county, Oct. 15. The personal appearance of M’lntosh is pre- al circumstances. Need I mention the result? possessing—we may say, it is dignified. His { In a fortnight the lady thought proper to be again features are strongly marked ; entirely devoid of restored to health. The lawyer called to con- the wild, unmeaning stare of the savage. In his j gratulate her on her restoration—begged permis- eye you read an equinanimous & steadfast purpose .ion to visit her which was politely given. Af- of soul, which seems alike to look above the frowns and blandishments of fortune. We have seen him in the bosom of the forest, surrounded by a band of wild and ungovernable savages— W e have seen him, too, in the lirawing-room the civilized walks of life, receiving that meed of approbation which his services so justly merit. In each situation we found him the same, easy and unconstrained in his address, and unilonh in his conduct. The following Toasts were drank on the occa sion. General Glascock presided, supported by George Adams,esq. and col. Montgomery. 1. The United States—may they always ex tend their friendship to our red brethren. 2. Union and friendship between Indians and Whites of America. 3. Those who fought by our side during the late war between Britain and the United States. 4. The chastisers of the Seminolean robbers during the late expedition. 5. Our distinguished guest, general Wm. M’ lntosh, and his fellow-warrior. ter a short courtship the desired oiler w as made, the bargain was concluded, and ratified by the priest. The lawyer’s whole estate by his wife consists of an annuity of sixty-live dollars ! The above may be relied on as a fact.—New-York pa. Botannical.—An interesting letter from I)r. Mitchell, informs us of the arrival in New-York of the date-bearing palm-tree, in high preserva tion ; as well as of the Teckona Teek, or Asiatic oak, the finest timber in the world for ship builiF ing. The doctor recommends highly the cul ture of dates in the southern parts of the United States.—llaleigh Minerva. Deaths in New York for the week ending the 19th of September, one hundred and one. Cotton was selling in Augusta, on the 14th inst. at thirty and a half cents. A Flint.—The meeting of the legislature will : afford our subscribers and patrons at a distance, 6. General Andrew Jackson—the lover of his vvho are in arrears, an opportunity of transmit- country—the friend of man. ting money, which we earnestly request may not This toast elicited the following patriotic effu-! be neglected. Those residing]n other states are sion from vice-president Adams, which was re- j informed that the mails are not considered very ccived with six cheers and an enthusiastic burst {unsafe. of applause:—“ It was the splendor ol his ac-j The Editor of the Reflector sincerely requests hievements at New-Orleans that enabled us to this agents and the post-masters generally, to ex close the British war with glory.” amine the list of papers sent to their respective _ . r ,. A OL.t_ !N I offices ; and should any be found that are direct- General Glascock.--1 he object of the day -, e d to persons who have moved away, died, or may it prove beneficial, and have the designed I w |,os subscriptions will not prove patronage, in- effect to unite by a stronger tie our red brethren .formation of the facts will be verv thankfully re- and ourselves, and shew, we have not deceived, j ceived. Colonel Montgomery.—AVilliam II. Crawford, the friend of our red brethren. George Adams, esq.—Perpetual peace between WILL BE SOLD, O N the premises, oo the 22d of December next, between the usual hours, two hundred and twenty acres fif hind, be tlie same more or less, it being a part of the real estate of Peter Smith, dec’ll, sold agreeable to the last will of said dec’d ; it being for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d ; lying and being in the county of Oglethorpe, oil the waters ofClouil’ft creek, about two miles from Billups’ mill—Con ditions, twelve months credit, with bund and a[k> proved security. PHIL. II. RUKFOKD, adm'r. October 15. with the will annexed. the United States and the Creek Nation—one native ally is worth two foreign. Judge Reid.—Howard !—the tears of white men have testified their love for his memory— their sorrow lor his misfortunes—their deep ex ecration of the wretch, who, in defiance of all justice, could perpetrate so foul a murder. Mr. Mitchell.—The memory of general James Jackson. General M’lntosh.—The scalping knife ; may it be forever buried against Americans ; my right arm in support of the United States. Captain George Kennedy.—The conquerors of Florida; may the energy of our administration preserve what our army have so gloriously ac quired. Captain W. B. Cantelou.—The memory of Logan, the fiieud of the white man.—Chronicle. The Aurora of the 28th ult. contains the fol lowing remark relative to the arrest of colonel BrearTy : “ General Jackson added another charge to those of general Gaines, involving a dis ciplinary question, arising out of the previous charges; but when it was brought before the court, it was unanimously rejected ; and general Jackson approved of the whole proceedings of the court, of which the rejection of his own charge formed a part; and very justly and mag nanimously, because lie was satisfied that the original error was iu general Gaines himself.” | been informed by a gentleman lately th, that the celebrated Seminole chief ied a short time since, at his resi st. Augustine. Ce.—Persons wishing to enter lands [Office in this place, are informed that Register and Receiver will be re- | in .November next, to the Cahaba : no applications will be received Saturday the 7ffi of November next A detachment of the U. S. infantry, consisting of about two hundred men, under the command of Major Bird, left Baltimore on the 1st inst. destined to join the army in Florida. Mr. Irvine, an agent of the United States, has arrived in the Ornntmo, and was very respectful ly received by Bullivar, the supreme chief. On the death of Plants.—Mr. Brisscau Mirhle the French naturalist, who has published a work on the emigration of plants, has also written an essay on the death of plants that contains a va riety of new matter. The age of many trees now in foliage according to this writer is almost incredible. He says there are Chesnuts on Mount Etna at least four thousand years old. That ma ny of the Yews in Surry in England, were stand ing in the time of Julius Cwsar, ami are at pre sent two yards in diameter. The Cedars on Mount Lebanon are three thousand years old. The age of trees lie calculates from the number of concentric layers of libers which constitute the moss of the wdod. The herbaceous plants which we call annual died of old age considerably within the term of a year. In the herbaceous plants we call bien nials, only leaves make their appearance in the first year. These generally die away when the winter comes ; in the spring a new foliage, the forerunner of the flower stem is evolved. The blossom soon-appears ; this is followed by seed, after which the biennial dies in the same way as the annual. In the herbaceous plants called perennials, the parts exposed to the action of the light and air perish every year after they have seeded ; but the root survives in (he ground, new stems are thrown up in the following spring, and blossom .and seed is again produced.—Pet. Intelligencer attended to, MARRIED, In Hanover county, Virginia, on the 4th inst. Seaton Grantland, Esq. senior editor of the Geor gia Journal, to Miss Anne Tinsley, youngest daughter of Col. Thomas Tinsley, DIED, On the 7th inst. near Raleigh, N. C. David Stone, Esq. a gentleman of great erudition, and who hail filled every honorable appointment which the state could bestow, having presided ver it as governor, been a member of both Houses of Congress, had at two different periods a seat on the bench of justice, and was frequently in the state legislature.” Lat dy in New-Lon lion, General Jedediah Huntington, an officer o the revolution. At Pittsburg, on the 17th ult. Major Pentland of the U. .S. army. COMMUNICATED. DIED, at Bonavista, on the 13th inst. after Four days severe illness, Master Parish Carter, the on ly cliiid of Col. Farish Carter, in the seventh y ear of his age. Even at this early age this child had frequent and forcible impressions of a future State. His inquiries on important subjects evin ced a degree ol reflection that could have been expected but from mature minds. This precosi- ty of intellect, combined with the native suavity of his disposition, rivetted his parents’ affections upon him. But nothing is too strong for the re lentless arm of death. It has severed the child front Ins parents, and left them in a state of al most inconsolable grief. “ (leaven gives us friends to bless the present scene, Resumes them to prepare us for the next.” Ware-House £5 CommissicmBusincss. SAWYER $ HERRTJVQ, H AVING made large additions to their es tablishment, tender their services in the a- boveline. They assure their friends that strict attention and punctuality shall be observed in all business entrusted to tlicii charge. They keep large supplies of GROCERIES 8t FURNITURE for sale at the Savannah prices. Darien, October 20. MORE GOODS. T IIE subscribers have just received their Fall and VI inter supply, which is very general, and are offered on the lowest and most accommo dating terms. Amongst which are, Gentlemen'^ and Ladies’ Cloaks anil Comforts, Scarfs, Tip pets, Neckbands, Shawls, Cuff Gloves, together with a variety of seasonable Dresses. Also Cloths, Coating, Plains, and Negro Linens. Al so a large supply of Blankets, atiorded extreme ly low, six barrels superior treble battle Itifla Powder, Northern Cheese, See. &c. NAPIER & ECTOR. Eatonton, October 14 tC7* Call and see. . WILL HE SOLD, O N Monday the 30tli of November next', at the late residence of Peter Smith, dec’ll, in the county of Oglethorpe, nine miles above Lex ington, and near Beaverdam meeting hqjise, on the waters of Cloud’s creek, a part of the per sonal property of the said deceased, consisting- of a cotton gin of forty saws, one still of fifty-five gallons, and one mare—The above property to ba sold on a credit of twelve months, bond and ap proved security will be required. Also a vonng horse, about three years old, to be sold for cash. PHIL. II. BUKFORI), Rllin’r. with the will annexed. October 15. NEW HOOK & STATIONARY STORE. M ORRIS & GINN respectfully inform, the public that they will receive in a few weeks an extensive assortment of Books in eve ry branch of literature, and Stationary of all kinds, which they will dispose of on liberal terms at their Store opposite the Post Office. Country merchants are invited to call. Milledgeville, Oct. 12. MUSIC TAUGHT. P GALLAHKtt returns liis sincere thanks q to the citizens of Milledgeville, for the patronage and support he has experienced, since his arrival amongst them. The general satisfac tion liis method of instruction has given, in other parts of the United States, where Tie has taught the Piano Forte, has been highly gratifying to his feelings, and is happy to find it has been the case (with few exceptions) since his arrival at the scat of government of Georgia. His being at a very early age placed under some of the greatest mas ters—men whose compositions have drawn forth the admiration of the enlightened and refined of all Rations—his experience in Europe as a per former, at a variety of the most brilliant and ele gant public anil private concerts, and also in most of the piincipal cities in the United States— There are at present gentlemen in Milledgeville, who must acknowledge the enthusiastic applause he has been often honored with, at musical exhibi tions where they have been present. Such ad vantages, he trusts, give him no small claim iliscet-ning public. The inhabitants of the sur rounding country, who tnay feel disposed to give their daughters that part of a polite education, (which never fails to make innocence and beauty shine with additional lustre) will find the expense quadruple less than by sending them to remote distances from their homes. Another great satis faction is, that they can visit them, when they may express a wish to do so. He will also give lessons to a few young gentlemen, on the violon cello, clarionet or flute. Applications made at the Office of the Georgia Journal or at t)ie Office of the Reflector will be Milledgeville, Oct. !fP, NEW STORE. *TMIE subscriber having taken the stand on the X north west corner of the Public Square, op posite the Post-Office, respectfully informs the public, that he has just received from Ne w-Yorlc a handsome assortment of readymade Clothing made in the neatest style, anil of the latest fash ion ; also a good assortment of the finest quality, Cloths anil Uasimeres, together with a general assortment of DRY GOODS and Fine Cutlery, which will bedisposedof on accommodating terms'. sam’l gqodall. Milledgeville, October 12. JOHN C. 1IOLCOMUE, TT AV 1NG taken the Ware-House lately occu- IX pied by Hewcllin & Dickinson, ollfers Ids services in the FACTORAGE AND COMMIS SION LINE. He is having his Store.Houses put in complete order for the reception of all kind* of produce, merchandize, &.c. &c. and strict at tention will be paid to all business entrusted to his care. Augusta, (Geo.) July 1, NOTICE, 7 JJNIIE subscriber being about to decline the P Saw Gin business in this place, now ofli-iu for sale his entire Stock and Tools, consisting of two complete sets, which will be sold separately or together. He has on hand two forty Saw Gins and one of fifty, which will be warranted perfect i;\ every respect. The whole will be sold low, it immediate application bo made. A. J. BROWN. MUkdgeville. Oct. 20. RICHARD MORGAN k SON, H AVE just received from New-York, a gene ral assortment of DRY GOODS, Hardware and Cutlery, which they will dispose of on rea sonable and accommodating terms, by the quan tity or piece. They have likewise received an additional supply of GROCERIES, Qct. 5?