The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, November 17, 1818, Image 4

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POETICAL. IHOU TUK AMWIIICAN DAILY ADVkR I'lSAH. MR. DENN1E. Ah, who is he that sleepeth here, Where rose nor lilv bloom ? What spot that seemeth lone and dreart What weed-encircled tomb ? I hear tlie voice of answering wo : ** Immortal Dennie sleeps below.” Stranger who treaclett o’er this mound, Kctnember who is laid Beneath the cold, but hallowed ground, Whereon thy foot has strayed: Check not thechrystal otf’rmg dear— The dust of Dennie slumberelh here. Ye virgins, to this turf repair, And deck your poet's urn s Drop on the wreath afl'ection’s tear, Then silently return i Let all your steps be soft and slow— Remember. Dennie sleeps below. Ye sons of song, who hither come, Your hear ts cypress 'twined, On, lay them siient on the tomb— A brother's here enshrined ! No earthly strain should dure to flow: Remember, Dennie sleeps below. Precious Document.—In an < ><f congress printed in 1775, is the following entry, recording one of the most important anil interesting events of the revolution : “ Fridcy, June 16, 1775.—The president informed colonel Washington, that I ho con gress had yesterday unanimously made choice of him to be general and commander in chief of the American forces, and requested that he would accept of the appointment, to which colonel Washington, standing in his place, answered : Mr. President,—Though l am truly sensi ble of the honor done ine by this appointment, yet, I feel great distress from a conscious ness, that my abilities and military experi ence may not bo equal to the extensive and important trust. However", as the con gress desire it, I will enter upon the momen tous duty, and exert every power I possess in their service, and for support of the glo rious cause, I beg they will accept my most cordial thanks for this distinguished testimo ny of their approbation. But lest some unlucky event should hap pen unfat orahle to my reputation, 1 beg it may be remembered by every -gentleman in the room, that I this <lay declare with tin- utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with. As to pay, sir, I beg leave to assure the 'Congress that as no pec uniary consideration could have, tempted meto accept this arduous employment, at the expense of my domestic ease and happiness, 1 do not wish to make any profit from it. I will keep an exact ac count of rnv expenses. Those I doubt not they will discharge, and this is all I desire.” COl.LlbC Toil's SAhh. W^ILLbe sold ut the couri-hoiise in Jackson comity, If on the second Tuesday «n December next, the ™ " following tracts of Lund, or bo much thereof tf illpuy the tax with cost, for the year lol7—viz. Fifty acres ot the second qtu.h.y of up land ; s.x hun dred anti tlui-ty-six of the third quality lying in Jacfcfon countv on the waters of the ucoi.ce, adjoining Parker; fifty acreb of second quality upland m Twiggs county j one hundred & fifty-two and a hall acres 3d quality in said count), returned by Bolar Moon for 1817, tax due £2 48c Fifty aciee’of third quality up land, lying on the Mid dle river <n Jackson county, granted to Dgg, adjoining Hanson, returned b\ Joun Skinner tor 1817 ,urx due 6U cts Two hundred ancle ghi acres thirdqtiuliiy upland,grant ed lo Green, on Moo.e s creek in Jackson c’ty, adjoining Qotts, returned by \V ni. Snmh ior 1817; tax due 8l" I Three hundred and cwo, third quality up land, granted to Gardner and others, lying ou NV ulnut creek ,n Jackson County, ady> Paiker, returned by Allen J. Bridges for 1817, iux due &1 Oo cents. One hundred ana uur >-four acres third quality up land lying ai Jackson county on Sandy creek, grained lo M*- JF.dls, adjoining-Lankford ; one hundred second q lality up land adjoining Lspev on bandy creek, returned by Wil liam Ellington ior 1817; tax due g 19 cents. One hundred and fourteen second quality up land, one hundred and .our ieen and a quarter third quality up land lying in Jackson county on Turkey cieek, adjoining Ben net, gianted to Perkins, returned by Jonathan B. Walker for e gineen hundred and seventeen; tax due £>1 44 cts. 292 1-2 eleventh district W.lkinson ; 292 1-2 tenth dn tnctditto ; 2u2 1-2 th.rteentii district ditto ; 292 1-2 s.xth fl,strict Baldwin, granted to M’tvmsy on Barton's creek returned Dy Wm. Wood tor 1817; luxduc *7 1-4. One thousand acres third quality, granted to Taylor, lying in Libert county, on Broad river ; uigut hundred a- cres itiu’d quality, grained to Taylor, ly.ngin Franklin county on Broad rive., returned oy Edmond Taylor tor eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax out $ 10 10 1-4. One hundred acres quality upLnd,ty .< g«..n Moore’s Creek in Jackson coaiity, adjoining o.n.U., gi anred to Jack, returned by Thus St ret tioi IbD, tax due7U 1-2 cents. Fdtj acres second and hfey ot m Ogletfiorpe coun ty, Jlouu s creek, adjouv...g Harveil, returned by James H. Ponder tor 1817; -Jt cue £2 22 cents. Fifty acres seco id uiu fifty oi third lying in Jackson county on bandy ci eek, granted to Matthews, adjoining Stapler, ie turned by Dempsey Rogers iorl817; uixdue99 c. Eighty acres up land, tli.rd quality, lymg in Jackson County on li.irdaman’s creek, adjo mng Jones, returned by Randal Gmett for 1817; tax due 06 3-4 cents. Sixty-one acres th.rd quality up land in Jackson county on Sandy creek, adjo.mug Keey, granted to Malone, re turned by Absalom Gray ior 1817; tax due 82 cents. One hundred and thirty acres third quality up land in Jackson county on fWdiman’s creek, -djoimng Tedly ; 02 1-2 acres on ii.irdnnan’s creek in said.county, adjoin ing Hammonds, returned by William Smith for eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due one dollar twelve and a halfcent9. One hundred acres second quality up land lying in Jackson county on Turkey creek, granted to Hanson, re turned by Albert wmtei tor the year 1817; tax due, one dollar 89 and a quarter cents. One hundred acres third quality up land lying in Frank- lin county on Flat creek, Cantei berry, granted to Hanson returned by John Nelms for eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due seventy and three quar^er-cents. Two thousand two hundred and seventy-five acres ly* ing in Jackson county on the north Oconee and Curns creek, granted to Wagner and Garrett, adjoining M’Km- nev*s and IVEslang’s land, returned by Jesse Smith for the year eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due, sir dollars fifty-two and a quarter cents. Two thousand one hundred and ninety acres granted to Wagner and llaiisor., lying in said county, on the waters of Curris and Gravcdy creeks, adjoining atlon and D’- J&stang, returned by Jesse Smith as agent for wm. Gilbert fbrthc year eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due Two hundred and sixty and two-thirds acres lying in said county on Hurrican creek, adjoining Pain, return ed by William Hurd for the year eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax clue, three dollars and ten cents. Nine hundred and twenty acres second quality up land, lying in said county on the north Oconee, adjoining Potts, granted to Brown ; two hundred and twenty-four acres third q’ty, granted to Brantly lying in said county onCur- ris creek, aclj’g House, returned by Aaron Springfield for the year eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due, tour lollars sixty-three ami a half cents. Two hun lred acres third quality up land, granted to . ./.is, on the north t>conec in Jackson county, adjoining Barnett, returned by Stephen Potts for eighteen hundred mul seventeen; tn.r due, two dollurs and forty cents. One hundred 1 fifty acres third quality up land, lying n.said county on the Pond fork, adjoining Po.nor, grat ed to Curr.s, returned by Harris Kolb for eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due, eighty cents. One hundred and thirty acres third quality up land ly- g in said county on flurncun creek, granted to May- field, ad/ Pritchett, returned by Henry Cam lor eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due 74 cents. One hundred acre# third quality lying in said county, north Oconee, a<l/g Dickson, granted to York, re turned hy Joseph Hammonds for eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due 70 3-4 cents. Thirty-five acres 3d quality up land Ring in said county on the Pond-fork, adjoining Robertson, granted to M -, Call and M.irbury, returned hy Wm. Hutson tor c.ghieen hundred and seventeen; tax due, 57 1-2 cents. One hundred acres 3d quality high land on the Pond- fork in said county, returned by John Winters agent for John Thoma9 for eighteen hundred and seventeen; ax due, ninety-one cents. Three hundred acres Setrmd quality up land lying in said county, adj’g Williams, granted to walker and others, returned by Samuel Fretwell for eighteen bun dled and seventeen; tar due, §yl 70 cents. One hundred acres 3d quality up land lying in Franklin county', Garrett’s creek, granted to Hillhouse, adjV Paine, returned by John Barber for eighteen hundred and seventeen; iar due, seventy and a half cents. Fifty acres of up land, 3d quality, on Candler’s creek, granted to M’Kmny, adj’g Hulsey, returned by Rob’t Lawry for eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due 69 cts. One hundred acres 3d quality up land lying in Jackson county orv live Walnut-fork, adjoining Horton, granted to Christian, returned by AsaLawles lor 1817; tax 89 3-4 cts. One hundred acres 3d quality up land ly ing in said county, Walnut creek, adj*g Collins, granted to Jhristian, returned by James Davis tor eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due, seventy and three-quarter cents. One hundred and fifty acres, granted to Barker, Allen’s fork, in said county, adj’g Garrisson, returned by Barker for eighteen hundred & seventeen; tax 80 c. One hundred acres 3d quality up land ly ing m said coun ty «m the Pond-fork, adyg Morgan, granted to M*Call and Marbury, reiurned by James Cox for eighteen hun dred and seventeen; tax due, seventy and u halt cents. One hundred and twenty-seven and a halt* acres in said county on the Pond-fork, granted to Karmikfe, adjoining • uckstock, returned by Vincent Thomusson for eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due, onedol’r and 3-4 cents. One hundred and twenty-five acres 3d quality up land said county on Allen’s fork, granted to Jones, adjoining aftl, returned by Daniel Bluckstock for eighteen hun dred and sevemeen; tax due, one dollar twenty-four c’ts. One hundred acres 3d q’ty in said county on the Mul- burv, granted to Bostwicli, adj’g Crews, returned by John Bostwicli for eighteen hundred & seventeen? tar 70 c. Thirty acres 2d q'ty up land ; 123 acres 3d q’ty ditto, granted to Lindsey, lying ;n said'county on the Walnut, adjoining Cruse, returned by William Gideons for eigh teen hundred and seventeen; tax due,-eighty-six c’ts. One hundred acres, said county, granted io M’Dow on the Mulbury, ad/’g Spruce, returned by Lewis Hays for eighteen hundred and seventeen; tux seventy c’ts. o hundred and fifty acres 3d q’ty in said county on the Mulourv, granted to Nevels, adj’g Chamberlain, returned by Mu* k Castleberry for eighteen hundred and sev enteen; tax due, one dollar. Fifty acres 3d q’ty up land m said county on the waters of die Mulbury, aipoming Reed, granted to Yancy, re turned hy Charles Yancy for eighteen hundred and se- cntecu; t.ur due, sixty c’ts. 350 acres 3d q’ty up land ly ing in said county on the Mulbury, adj’g Young and granted to Young, return ed by May Mullins for eighteen hundred and seventeen; r o dollars sixty-nme and a half c’ts. One hundred, 3d q’ty upland, granted to Russel in said county on the Mulbury, adj’g Gresham, returned b) Robert J. M’Knizht for eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due, one dollar seventy-two and a half c’ts. 75 acres 3d q’ty up land, grunted to Jones, said county, nfulbury, adj’g Thompson, returned by John Grizzle for eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax 67 and a half c’ts. 3o0 acres third q’ty in said county on the Appalachy, adj’g Colyer and others, granted to Colter, returned hy Richard Davis for eighteen hundred and seventeen; tax due, one dollar twenty-six and a quarter c’ts. One hundred and thirty-seven acres, of third q’ty land,ly ing on the Appalachy, said county, adj’g Pierce, returned by Gordon Pierce for eighteen hundred and seventeen; tux due, seventy-sex en and a half cents. One hundred acres third q’ty of land lying in said coun ty on the Mulbury, gran ed to Moore, adj’g Young, re turned by Isaac Johnson for eighteen hunored&ycventeen; tax dq^, and a half c’ts. One Hundred acres third q’ty up land lying in said coun ty on Barter's creefc, granted to Barker, adj’g Harper, re turned by James Moore for eighteen hundred & seventeen; tax due, five dollars eighty-one and a quarter c’ts. One hundred and sixty-six acres second q’ty up land on Foster’s creep in said county,gi anted to Williamson, nd/g Guinn, returned by William Thcrmon for eighteen bun dled and seventeen; tax due £4 66 and a half c’ti. One hundred and twenty-three acres up land on Marbu- ; «/’* week, said coun'y, ad/g Owens, returned by Wili am M. Green for eigh.een hundred and seventeen; tax 75 c’ts. One bundl ed and ten acres third q’ty up land on Bare creep in said county, acl/*g Lowry, framed to Pcninyion, returned b) Henry llobgood tor eighteen bundled and se venteen; tax seventy two and a halt c’ts iMr VALUABLE LANDS, To be let for 99 years—renewable forelier. W HEREAS the Congress of the United States, by an act entitled “ An Act regu lating the grants of land and providing for tin- disposal of the lands of the United States, south of the state of Tennessee,” by the twenty-fourth section of the said act, reserved for the use of Jefferson College, thirty-six sections of land, to he located in one body, by the Secretary of the Treasury—and whereas the Secretary of the Treasury did on the day of in pursuance of said act, locate the said thirty-six sections of land on both sides of tire Tombigby river, in the then Mississippi now Ala bama territory ; being township No. ten, range two west, and sections number thirty and thirty one in township number ten, range one west— And whereas the board of trustees of said college, deem it a duty by :.-!l honorable means to promote and carry into ettect the benevolent views of Con gress, by facilitating the interest of the said in stitution, Therefore, be it resolved, that one half of the said thirty-six sections of land be let to lease. 2. Resolved, That the half to be leased shall be sections, No. 1, 3,5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, and 33, on the map of the township, and also section 31, in township ten, range one west of the same map. 3. That tire leases for the said lands shall be for ninety-nine years, renewable ad-infinitum, with an annual rent of one cent. 4. That all leases shall specify the rent agreed on, how and in what manner payable, with a right of re-entry, if the terms of the lease are not com plied with. 5. That all leases shall be signed by the presi dent of the board of trustees of said college. 6. That all leases shall be contracted for by of fering said land in quarter sections, to the high est bidder, under a-notification of the president of the board of trustees of said college, giving information of the time and place, which shall not be less than forty days. 7. That when the river divides any section so the same cannot be leased by quarters, such di visional parts may be leased entire, or by divid ing or uniting them with others, at the discretion of the agent of the board. 8. That no tract shall be leased for less than two dollars per acre, payable in the following manner, to wit: One fourth part to be paid at the time of executing the lea^e ; another fourth part within two years j another fourth part with in four years, and the other fourth part within six years from the date of the lease. 9. That all sums not paid at the time of execu ting any lease; the party leasing shall give bonds with a penalty of double the amount oi rent con tracted for and unpaid. 10. Interest at the rate of six per cent a year from the date of the lease, shall be charged upon the three last payments, if not punctually paid as they respectively become due. 11. A discount at the rate of eight per cent a year, shall be allowed on any of the three last payments which shall be paid before the same shall become due, reckoning this discount always upon the sum which would have been demanda- ble on the day appointed for such payment. 12. At the expiration of seven years from and after the date of any lease, if the whole amount, with interest be nut paid, such lease shall be void with a right of re-entry on the part of the trus tees and their successors, and all sums previous ly paid forfeited to the college, as damage assess ed between the parties. 13. Resolved, That the foregoing rules and regulations be published by the president of the board with his notification of the time and place of sale. B. R. GRJWSON, srr. Conformable to the above regulations, adopted by the board of trustees of Jefferson College, i do hereby declare and make known, that there will be offered to be let to the highest bidder, bv auction, at the town of St. Stephens, in the Ala bama territory, on the third Monday in Decem ber next, the sections of land designated in the above transcript of the proceedings of the board, upon the terms and conditions therein specified. DAVID IIOLMF.S, President of the board of tusrtees of Jefferson College. MONTHLY N0TICE9. A FTER the expiration of nine month, f the date hereof I shall make the honorable the couit of ordinary^ „f p •» county for leave to sell a certain tract r, ! containing 202 t-2 acres, lying and bein'! -H 24th district of Wilkinson county, (now county,) said land drawn in the name If Rodgers, B lloch county, and known bvtl • 272, to be sold for the benefit of the heir r. dy Fugham, deceased. UADER F URClm n‘ adm’r. in right of hisJfl U) - February 7, 1818. W|le - Vj ,NB . mu f ' lt J' s 'f er ^ application, INI made, to the honorable the Inferior - of Putnam county, when in session for 0r( |; purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Ra? Reid, deceased. james February 25th, 1818. in right of his^'f.. ill Ik j^l made to the honorable the' ( INE months aft’e ir ‘iate, application « °" r 'of Unlia,. y, of Washington county, for leave to sell a.' hundred and twenty acres of land, M |joi se Kronur and others, part of the real'\ S J of William IS. Murphey, deceased, sold f or benefit of the heirs and creditors of said * ceased. March 12,1818. Jesse kkoom,adm'f, alsey manniso, jj/ N INE months after date, application aim, made, to the honorable the Inferior Courts Morgan county, when sitting as a Court of A dinary, f r leave to sell one hundred and fifty * cres of land, lying in said county, known by U 313, for the benefit of the heirs of George i/J? son, deceased. 0 * WM * dill, -dm’r. too. davis, AdmV. ,, . „ „ >n lightefbij*i Morgan county. May 13,1818. % PPLIC.Y1 ION will be made a*,'ree»b|jsd 7 4. law, to the in erior court of Putnam com. ty, sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave - sell one hundred acres of land, be the same™, or less, the real estate of William Rvle,dec«. ed, lying on Cedar creek. leo. AiutncROMniE.admV May 26. TVTINE months afterdate, application will ba JJN made, to the honorable the Inferior Court of Putnam county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real estate of Thomas W. Scott, dec’d. sold for the btotl of the heirs and creditors. thomas Kn.rATnicK.admV. in right of his wife. March 24, 1818. N INE months after date, application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary, of Mnrjn county, for leave to sell the real estate of \fj. liam B. W'alls, deceased, for the benefit of tk heirs and creditors of said estate, MATHEW COCHRAMjid'r. March 2. 1817. 450 acres third q’ty up land un Bare creek, said county, udy'g Adkins, granted to Burton, returned by Join. Hurton for e.tfUieen hundred and sevemeen; tax, one dollar fifty and a half c'ts. One hundred and thirty-four acres third q’ty up land in ,ud county on Cedar creek, adj’g I’entecost, granted to Dowel and Others, returned by Stephen Dow el for e.ghteen hundred and seventeen; tax 77 c’ts. IUt) acres q’ty up land in said county, on the Mul- burv, granted to Pott, adj’g Betts, returned by Thad- Petk.ns fore gliteen hundred and seventeen; tax due 70 cts. Lo' No. 262. 1st district, Wilkinson, do. do. 141 do. do. returned by Thompson M’Wire for 1817 ; tax S 1. O .e hundred and twenty seven acres 3d quality land, in Jackson county, adj’g Beauchamp, on the Apalachy, returned by John Doss for 1817; tax due 76 cents. J. M. C. MONTGOMERY, T.C.J.C. NOTICE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in De cember next, pursuant to an order of the honorable the inferior court of Jones county, sitting for ordinary purposes, 101 1-4 acres of land, being ooe half of lot No. 180, in the 11th district of Baldwin, when surveyed, now Jones county, lying within one mile of the Oakmulgee viver, near Tom’s Ford, and belonging to John W. II. Hobson, a minor. jameb lockett, guardian. September 22. JUST RECEIVED. S UGAR, Coffee, Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin Cogniac Bracdy. Also, 20 boxes Paine’ 1 Candles. I/. B. Uoleombe Co. MILL BE SOLD, O N Monday the 30th of November next, at the late residence of Peter Smith, dec’d, in the county of Oglethorpe, nine miles above Lex ington, and near Beaverdam meeting house, on the waters of Cloud’s creek, a part of the per sonal property of the said deceased, consisting of a cotton gin of forty saws, one still of fifty-five gallons, and one mare—The above property to be sold on a credit of twelve months,bond and ap proved security will be required. Also a young iiorse, about three years old, to be sold for cash. Phil. h. bukfokd, adin’r. with the will annexed. October T5. N INK months after date, application will kf made to the Judges of the Iiu’erior Couth of Odw tliorpe county, for an order to sell three !ntt of Ijk), l» mnging to the minors of Dreiul Thornton, dec’d, to wiV Norctssa, Isaac and Dread Thornton. Wiley thornlov, crtiardian. September 7 i^i made to the honorable die Inferior cour'.of Juxf county, for leave to sell the real ed., t e of Je*»e Denn.qaeti WILLIAM FAIUC11ILD, aillll’f. Kept ember i7. N 1 INF. months afte date application will lit made, to the Court of Ordinary of fcjd county, for leave to sell the estate of Grew M’Afee, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs ari creditors of said estate. WILLIAM ARMSTBOXO, adffl'p May 7. 1813. H CRENSHAW A BARROW, AVE received a large supply of Clotla Blankets, Bombazettes. Bombazines,Bin! Books, Rifles, Patent and Plain Fowling Swords, Epaulettes, Sashes, Military Hah »« Spurs, Candlesticks, Coffee Urns, Sit* and Plated Tea and Coffee Setts, Cat Glass.Cit’ die Shades, Cut Glass, assorted. Canton and Nat- kin Crapes, Superfine Hats, Boots. Shoes, Can* skins, Skirting Leather, Sole Leather. Saddles Saddle Bags, Ladies’Saddles, Best PatentI,e r * and Plain Watches, Jewelry, Piano Fortes.Clare onetts, Violins, Flutes and a complete assortmed of other seasonable Goods, which thev trill wholesale or retail on reasonable terms. Milledgeville, October 12. o WILL BE SOLD, N the premises, on the 22d of December next, between the usual hours, two hundred and twenty acres of land, be the same more or less, it being a part of the real estate of Peter Smith, dec’d, sold agreeable to the last will of said dec’d ; it being for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d ; lying and being in the county of Oglethorpe, on the watersof Cloud’s creek, about two miles from Billups’ mill—Con ditions, twelve months credit, with bond and ap proved security. thil. li. RtnToRD, adm’r. October 15. with the will annexed. COTTON BAGGING. S AMUEL GOODALL has i'Jst received a large quantity of Inverness and Tow Bag ging, which will be sold low. RICHARD MORGAN fc SON, H AVE just received from New-York, a gene ral assortment of DRY GOODS, Hardware and Cutlery, which they will dispose of on rea sonable and accommodating terms, by the quan tity or piece. They have likewise received an additional supply of GROCERIES. Oct. 5. GEORGIA, JONES COUNTY. Jones Superior Court, Jtugnst Term, 1818— sent his honor Judge Strong• O N the petition of John B. E. Ellkin, dilitt that he was in possession of an original M for titles given Alexander B. Kenedy and W* H. Kenedy, to the said John B. E. ior lot N* 113 in the county of Jone-', made the 29th nj of November, 1817, cnoditioned to be voidnp^ them the said Alexander ami John H- noaki 11 # and causing to be made on the first t'av of FtbO* ary then next, a good and Sufficient title to M* lot of land, and that h', has lost or mislaid ^ same, so that he cannot find i'„»»()n motion / James Fier s g n> attorney f 01 , {|' e appelant, >tj ?rd<!red, that a copy of said bond be establish in lieu of the original, at the next term of court, unless cause be shewn to the contrary! and that a copy of this rule be published in «** of the public Gazettes of this states once aid®** for six months. A true copy taken from ® minutes, this 20th day of August, ISIS. GREENE WHATLEY C. *• COTTON WANTED. T HE fair market price will be paid I® for Cotton, by Cha. Armstrong, next do* Messrs. Crerfehaw & Barrow. Milledgeville, November«