The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, December 01, 1818, Image 3

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»i ^ been pursued with the zeal am! so important an object, and with h practicable in so extensive and rtaking. The survey of our mnti- nd frontiers has been continued ; where it was decided to erect IVir- te work lias been cq/nmenced and, nees, considerable progress was been otnnliance with resolutions of the the board of commissioners were di- mine in a particular manner the coast therein designated, and to rc- ftion of the most suitable suites tor pots. This work is in train of ex- e opinion of tiie board on this sub plan of all the works necessary to a an of defence, solar as it has been be laid before Congress, in a report er Department, as soon as it can be posterity,'our aflentiort'is irresistibly drawn to the source from wiieiice they flow. "Let us then unite in offering our must grateful acknowledge ments for these blessings to the Divine Author of all good. JAMES MONROE. November 17, 1818. It Is hardly necessary to say that ever since the formation of these institutions, which was more than forty years since, that they have uni versally prospered, and never has the downfall ol one been registered on its annals. Let them speak for themselves.—Let ours have a voice. And if any are yet unacquainted with their utility—if any wish to see a proof of their good effects, let them visit the Sunday Sellout in Milledgeville, and 1 presume to say that every shadow of doubt will be dispelled, and every speculative inquiry silenced. yim.oi.ocus. ity with the appropriations of the treaties have been formed with the of Indians, inhabiting the country saw, and witli the Great and Little of the White river ; with the tribes of Indiana; with the several tribes ]ate of Ohio, and the Michigan ter- with the Chickasaws ; by which re cessions of territory have been made States. Negotiations are now de- the tribes in the Illinois territory, Choctaws, by which it is expected xtensive cessions will be made. 1 tercst in stating that the cessions al- wliicli are considered so important States, have been obtained on con- satisfactorv to the Indians. :w to the security of our inland fron- been thought expedient to establish jt the mouth of the Yellow-stone ri- e iMaudan village, on the Missouri; •uth of St. Peters, on the Mississip pi distance from our northern boun- n hardly be presumed, while such Pntaii.rJ in the rear of the Indian ey w ill venture to attack our peace- nts. A strong hope is entertained asure will likewise be productive of to the tribes themselves; especially in he great object of their civilization, has clearly demonstrated, that inde- vage communities cannot long exist limits of a civilized population. The the latter has, almost invariably, ter- ihe extinction of the former, esp e tribes belonging to our portion of pliere, amoug whom, loftiness ofsen- :d gallantry in action, have been con- To civilize them, and even to prevent ction, it seems to be indispensable that endence, as communities should cease, ic control of the U. States over them complete arid undisputed. The liun- ill then be more easily abandoned, and ill be had to the acquisition aim cul- nd, and to other pursuits tending to e ties which connect them together as (immunity, and to give a new charac- y individual. 1 piesent this subject to eration of Congress, on the presuinp- t may be found expedient and practica- pt some benevolent provisions, having cts in view, relative to the tribes vvitli- tlements •ten necessary, during the present year, in a strong naval force in the wVediter- nd in the Gulf of Mexico, and to semi lie ships along the Southern coast, anil ific ocean. By these means amicable nth the Barbary powers have been pre- r commerdP has been protected, and respected. The augmentation of our ancing, with a steady progress, to- limit contemplated by law. nicate, with great satisfaction, flic ac- ani'tlier state, Illinois, to our Union; rceive, from the proof afforded by the Iready made, til regular progress and mmation of a policy, of which history example, and of which the good effect too highly estimated. By extending ment, nil the principles of our cunsti- r the vast territory within our limits, es and the Mississippi, and its tiuiner- s, new life and vigor are infused into of our system. Jiy increasing tlie states, the confidence of the state go- in their own security is increased, and ;sjr of the national government jirojior- iminished. The impracticability of ‘ated government for this great and 'tion will be more apparent, and lly admitted. I LKSDW MOKMXti, w:CKMItKIt 1. A fire broke out on Knox’s wiiarfi in Savannah, on die* 19th ult. The Savannah papers estimate the losses ottnc rit.zcns bv the contl;.gration at one Inindred thousand dollars. The greatest suiferers are said to lie planters vvlio had produce uth Messrs. Will.unison and Dev filers, I. Baiieile & Go. Kdes and Fotterumi A. S. Savage. The Museum speaking’of the fire, says many remained idle from want of knowing what were good to he done, wh.le o.hers were laudably rolling grind stones .nto die river ive them from being burned. Ir. Alston, an American artist, has returned to his native country, after a succession career in Knglaiui.— has brought out with him, his celebrated painting, on the subject of “ Ei.jah fed by the ravens.” ‘lie Boston Exchange Coffee House, which was lately destroyed by fire, covered twelve thousand seven hundred and fifty-three feet of ground. The light of the tire was seen s.xtv-five miles from Boston. MAUUlIil), On Tuesday evening the l?4«b iiist. liy the llev. Osborn Rogers, Mr. John W. Jones, oi Baldwin, to Miss Sarah II. Harris, of Hancock county. 1MKD, In Washington, Wilkes, on the 8th ult. Capt. Thomas Porter, aged fifty-seven years. !)*• Philip S. Horsey, Pro lessor of Anatomy in the Uni- .-•••! ’Pennsylvunia.d.edat Philadelphia on the 12thult. *NKW goods. N ORTH .$• ROWE having taken the &SV* formerly occupied by North, Rowe § Co. next door to Mr. Jaiilet’s. are now opening .. ,u- neral assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries— Also, Ready Made Clothes—women’s, men’s and boy’s Shoes, Watches,Jewelry,Silver Spoons, Shell, Ivory and Horn Combs, Cut-glass Beads, Books, cjj'c. with many other articles too numer ous to relate. All of which they will dispose of on the most liberal terms. They have recom menced the manufacturing of Tin Ware, having employed the first rate workmen, and will be able to execute any order iti that line with dis patch. Gutters and Conductors made and put up at the shortest notice. November 24 SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION SOCIETY. |MIE subscribers to the support of this insti- Forty true bills for forgcrvjagauistone individual, were i*eiu riled by the Ural id Jury of i he city of Philadelphia, at the last session of the Mayor’s Court. It is said to be intended to reduce the British army 25,000 men, on the return of the troops from France. A bachelor in Flanders is sa.d to have made a will leav ing four millions of Uvres to Bonaparte, and then corn- mined suicide! A Delaware paper asserts that a pumpk.n wasra sed in that state the past season which weighed 185 pounds. Mr. Jefferson is on the bed of sickness, and it is ap prehended by h'.s physicians diat lus useful Lie is draw ing to a ciose. Two lieutenants of the British navy, who were ascend ing the Oronokc, for the purpose of joining the Indepen dents, were murdered by the crew of a small vessel bc- longing to the Royalist party. Shudrach Bond has been appointed Governor of the state of Illinois We may expect, (says the Delaware Watchman) by every arrival, to hear of the reicajcot B"iuparte from j Bi itisli power, by death !—a confirmed hep tit.s, with out exercise, and wiiii irregtilui medical attendance, in climate peculiarly unfavorable to ids ease, v.U pi »b.*b soon consummate the revenge and quet i he ..pprenensio of England,:.ndlier “ Holy” His will r lieve Brita n from an enormous burden of serv ce and ex- penic—but it w, 1 • leave a wc.giu of od tun, that w.ll press like il.e nign.-in.ue ipon thebreasioi every Englishman, who fee la for the churacter of Ids nut.on. The exportation o* slaves, or servants of color, from the state of New-Je ey, .s forbidden (by a law passed Iv tution, are respect fully requested to meet at the school-room on Friday the 1 st day of Jan uary , 1819, at & o’clock, r. m. where the consti tution of the society will be formed and its offi cers chosen. The liberality of this public has been already displayed to its honor, in so great a degree, that solicitation is hardly necessary. It is however requested, that the subscribers would be general and punctual in their attendance. John Hill, jun’r. December 1, 1818. die Legislature of ilia m ite not long since) on penally npi iswiuneut ainard labor, not less NOTICE. P URSUANT to an order of the hon.-ralde court of ordinary of Greene county, will be sold to the highest bidder in the town of Greenes- borough on the first Tuesday in February next, 200 acres of land lying on the waters of Ogcehee, in said county, adjoining Stewart and others, it being a part of the 'eal estate of Alex. Stewart, deceased, which was devised by him to the chil dren of Elizabeth Walker, formerly F.iizabetb. Tally. John Walker, guard"n, November 20. DOW ELTON ACADEMY. I sIIE first term of 1819, opens on the first Monday of January next. In the male and female departments of this academy, are taught all the branches of education, in which instruc tion is usually given in -iuular establishments. November 25, 1818. F. G. Smith, rector. TO SURVEYORS. .A,® ORRIS & GINN respectfully inform sur- .T l voyors, that arrangements have been made in Ncw-York to furnish them, in this place, witii Compasses and Chains, made upon the plan re commended by D. Sturges, surveyor general. Milledgeville, Nov. 30, 1818. Paris, that the le widow ni (ic- fs 2000fine, anil impi than two or more than tour years. It is asserted in a private let er f marriage of Macdonald, v. nerai Moreau, was certain. Letters from the discovery ships under Capt. Itoss, ■ ed August 1, in lat. 7o, 48, north, long 61, 3o, w • ate that the ice was clearing away, and that their p ect oi success was i'.elii marshal prince Itlucher is gradually recovering Ids health. The anniversary of the capture of Cornwallis was cele- orated in Charlestown, (Mass.) on the 18th ult. It is a rule in banking transactions (says the Richmond inquirer) not perhaps generally known, that the first en dorser to a discounted note .s first liable, li would ap pear at first sight, that joint endorsers, joint mes : but it is not so—“ 1 follow y ou,” says the last to the first endorser—“ but for your name, l would nut put mine to the paper—1 endorse it in consequence of the faith 1 pm in your name's being already upon it.” Tins information may be of use to some w ho are w.llmg to be hound tin' half of a note, hut not tor die whole. There are thirty-five banks m the state ot lthode-lsland. I'. S’l’.rVALL N CO. V RE now receiving a large and general as sortment of REASON ABLE GOODS, suit ed principally to tilt- country They spectfully invite country merchants to call and examine them, they being bought, very cheap by tlie package, at auction sales in New-Yark. i'hcy will continue to receive frequent supplies ftotn one of the firm now in that place, wh ise attention is entirely devoted to the business ot buying goods, v liberal time will be given if required, to punc tual persons. Augusta, 2b Nov. 1818. gold ball i aver:.. HE subscriber returns his grateful thanks to a generous public for the support confer red on him. He solicits a continuance of pub ic favor. Those persons wanting board for a. week or month, will find it to their interest to call on him. The civil and sober are invited to call. Those otherwise dispos'd, will confer a if they pass me by. Special attention will at all times be paid to ladies. Jesse 1). Green, X ot'Greene &. Centre-si's, south of the market, Augusta. November 4, SAWYER \ HERRING, kFF r 'R for sale the cargo of the schooner 7 Paragon, (just arrived from New-York) consisting of a general assortment of Groceries* provisions anil Furniture. Darien, Novembct 1C, 1818. l'OUND ,’OMETIME past, between Cag neck anil "y Saumleisville, a pair of Saddle Bags, con taining sundry articles—The o\t tier can get them by paving for this advertisement and applying to Mr. Wesley Forbes above Fat.niton, Putnam county. November 20. O’ FOR SALE, "jrMlE house and lot in the town of Clinton, 3 where the subscriber now lives. There are several comfortable rooms for a family and two excellent stoics with front piazas, well finished, anti every necessary out house. For business, there are no stands in the town to surpass them, being in a most conspicuous part on the public square. Also, two squares of tlie fiist quality ol up land, in a high state of cultivation, vvrtnin 4 1-2 miles of the town. The land is inferior to none in the county ; there are about acres cleared, with every necessary building thereon, anti the balance is well timbered. Any persons wishing to purchase, will call on the subscriber, who lives on the premises in town, where they will be informed of the terms of sale. John Mitchell. Clinton, Nov. SO, 1818. :tl. —It is stated in tlie last Georgia Jour- ne voice” die first blank in tlie land bill : name of Karl).” You will correct by saying tliat there were several Seoul ors opposed tlie first blank. A VOi'Klt. To the F. ai, that “ v rece.vcd il COMVC.V te.iTIOV. To descant upon the various methods of lead ing the mind of man up to its Maker, is a task at once arduous and delightful. God works by means—and from tiie great fountain of life are evei flowing in meandering streams the essence of his love and tlie efficacy of his grace. The word of God which brings life and immortality to light—bis ministers tlie heralds of the gospel —his ordinances the life of the cnurcli, and the Incapable of exercis- j visitations of the Holy .Spirit, all conspire to Lpeak his praise—all combine to proclaim hi- Tirol ity, except for general purposes, —r----- - I government will no longer be dread- I Khiry all are handmaids to tlie great leader and LAND FOR SALE. N the 29th of January next, will he sold at xl, if the house of the late Daniel Kingr. y, doc. in Wilkinson county, three square- of land c at taining 202 1-2 acies each.—Also,a fraction sup posed t» contain about 60 acres, sold to" the ben efit of the heirs of said deceased. William Urunner, tidin'r. November 20. NOTICE. O N Tuesday, 5th January, 1819, will be soldt at the court house in \V ay nesbmo’, Butko county, agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary of said county. 202 1-2 acres ol land, lying and being in tlie 24tli district of Wilkm-oix (nowTwiggs county)—said land drawn in Lie name of Jacob Rodgers, Bulloch county, a-.d known by the No. 272. Hold for the be.ieut of the heirs ol Hardy Fulghain, deceased. Coder Fairchild, adm’r in right of his wife. Burke, November. 5. JUST RECEIVED, 100 Bushels Salt, 10 kegs sup. Buncombe But ter, 10 bids Sugar, 10 bags Coffee, 10 casks Go shen Cheese, 50 ps. superior Inverness Bagging, for sale, by 11■ li. Holcombe «y Co. December 1, 1818. NOTICE. ? r UE subscribers wishing to close the business 3 of the firm of M. Greene df co. inform their friends that the notes and books are in the hands of Mr. Pryor AVriglit, of Milledgeville, whose receipts will be good ; tud those having demands will call on him and he will pay them us soon as collections can be made, which will be by the 10th January ensuing. Dnvicl Wright, Nov. 26, 1818. Ifm. Hutcheson. ese cases of a local nature, and for all urposes for which it was instituted, its dll be cherished. Each government new force arid a greater lrecdom ol in its proper sphere. Other inestima- ges will follow : our produce will be light of souls, to bring us out of darkness, lead us in the light, and to diiect us into tide straight and narrow path which leads to heaven.the summit of our happiness, and the throne of glory. Among the various means used to promote this greut object shall Sunday schools he pass- to an incalculable amount, in articles ^ et * over * n s,,l ’ nce N°- " c believe them to be test value for domestic use and foreign j" S * ,! P towards heaven. ’ ft is with pleasure we notice the rise and pro fess of the .Sunday School in this place. Its Our navigation will, i-. like degree, Tl ; and, as the shipping of the Atlau- will be employed in the transportation . .. t produce of the western country, e- \ u, d °J the sea like.a mans hand its progress, is parts of the United States, which are 'nearly unpurallelled with those in other parts of -mote from each other, will be further 1 ^ lc union. Having been an eye witness ot the sther by tlie strongest tics which mutual I exercises in this school, and being conversant eil t e _ with the Supemitemlunt of tlie same, l have been pinion that this institution is Hi NAWAY, O N the 3lst of July last, a negro man named London, very black, stout and well made ; five feet ten inches high, has a naked forehead and tiie joints ot his big toes remarkably large. Also, an indented servant by the name of lletsey Watson, tall and thin visage, a very blight mu latto high cheek bones and straight sandy hair. It in probable she will change her name, as she has several times done. The sa'd two persons runaway from Daniel Hill of Laurens county, but rise was like the appearance of the little cloud is the property ol FrediickSanford,on conditions, &c. Twenty-five dollars reward will be given o any person who will secure the said It'll nation of this District, it is thought, re- attention of Congress. By the cousti- power of legislation is exclusively he Congress of the United States. In e of this power, in which the people rticipation, Congress legislate in all tly, on the local concerns of the Jlis- his is a departure, for a special pur- the general principles of our system, t consideration, whether an ar- ange- adapted to the principles of our go- nd to the particular interest of the not be devised, which will neither constitution, nor affect the object revision in question was intended to te growing population, already cou- nd the increasing business -if the Dis it is believed already interferes with tions of Congress on great national urnisli additional motives for recoin- s subject to your consideration, view the great blessings w ith which has been favored, those ^hicli we and the means which we |, ..,3t;ss of m do-jn, unimpaired; to oqj- latest enabled to form an an ordinance from Heaven, and that it is a branch of that cause against which the gates of hell will never be able to prevail. Permit me then, through this medium to drop a hint upon this important subject. It is natural to suppose that parents feel most deeply interested in this institution. The rea sons are obvious, but two numerous to be noticed in a brief essay. One however is too important to be passed over. That is, that the first impres sions which a child receives, usually become habitual, for “just as the twig is bent the trees’ inclined.” But some argue that these things may be taught them at home. Upon the same principle a man may all his life time study the map of a country in his chimney corner,but, after alfjiis knowledge will be only founded upon the assertions of others. The mind of man is so curiously framed that it needs a variety of springs to keep it in action. And the means of grace are the best adapted to produce this action, for the great law giver says “ seek first the kingdom’’ of God,and London, so that 1 get him. .Uilledgeville, Nov. 30. Fred'lc Sanford. iiis ri ghteuosness and all thiye things shall be added “ note jou,” JUST RECEIVED, LHTWENTY Bags prime green Coffee, GJdimi- ■ johns Holland Gin, 25 ditto Coguiac Bran dy, (1st quality) 56 doz. Madeira Wine, 30 kegs CVackers, 290 lbs. soft shell Almonds, 10 boxes Iresli Muscatel Raisins, Loaf and Lump Sugar, 8 bbls. Muckarel, Cheese of prime quality—-anti in sto'-e, Lisbon and Fuyall \\ inc. Mustard, Chocolate, Candles, Pepper, Long Cork Claret, Sweet Oil and Port Wine, Porter and Jamaica Rum. Ifm. Huwen. November 30, 1818. WILL P.E SOLD, O N the premises, on the 22(1 of December next, between the usual hour-, two hundred and twenty acres at land, be the same more or lesk, it being a part of the real estate of Peter Smith, dec’ll, sold agreeable to the last will oY said dec’ll ; it being for the benefit of the heirs, and creditors of said dec’ll : lying and being in the county of Oglethorpe, on the watersofl.'loinl’s- reek, about two miles from Billups’ mil>,—( ,m- litions, twelve months credit, with bond, ami ap proved security. mu. it. nt rford, adm’r. October 15. with the will annexed. NOTICE. 7?TTIIE subscriber respectfully informs (lie rtr- JL ters of Baldwin county,'that he w ill be a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns at the en suing election. le.drd Fleming. November 24. NOTICE. F IRSONS indebted to me, whose notes will I. become due by the 25th day of December, (instant) w ill be sued after Coat day, without dis crimination or delay, unless they make punctual payment. [Dec. 1.] J, p. Turner. *„* We are requested to announce Mr. John Harscy, of Jones county, as a candidate for sur- vevor, iu the late purchase lrotn the Creek and Cherokee Indians. Dec. 1. COTTON BAGGING. QAMUEL GOOD \I.L has just received a .Lj larges quantity of Inverness and Tow Bag ging, which will be sold low. I'UR SALE—A BAUGA. 0 NE Tract of LAND, 2d district, Wilkinson county, No. 106, containing 202 1-2 acres. 110 B K RT BA I FORD. ENTERTAINMENT, FOR SALE, I MI AT well established HOUSE OF ENTER- . TAIN MENT, in t the town of Clinton, known by tlie name of the Globe Tavern, with all the necessary out houses belonging thereto— (or comfortable accommodation excelled by none, with two eligible and commodious Store Houses. Also one hundred acres of good land, well tim bered, with improvements thereon, convenient to the town. For terms, apply to the subscriber, on tlie premises, who will give immediate possession to the purchaser. David White. Clinton, .AVremfey 27« B Y Reid Holt, at the Union Hotel, e.i5t MB corner el the State-House square, Millcdge. ville, Georgia. *«* We are authorized to announce Mr. Da vid B. Perryman as candidate for Tax Collector for Putnam county. November 24. \\rE are authorised to state that tnaj. Cyril*- ▼ v M bite ol Jasper county, will be a candi date for surveyor of a district,” in the late pur chase from the Creek Indians. Nov. 14. are authorised to state that William A. Moore of Jasper county, will be a candi date for surveyor of a district in the late pur* ■ lmse from the Creek Indians. Nov. 14 '^\ r H are requested, to announce .Vr. P. Tv. ▼ y Jackson ns a candidate for surveyor of a district in the fate purchase from the Creek Indu atrsv i ytyy.