The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, December 15, 1818, Image 3

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Georgia legislature. SENATE. Monday, November SO. lotion of Mr. Grnntlnnd, Resolved, that vernor he authorised and required to em- ivith an adequate salary to be paitl out contingent fund, a skilful, able, and ex- :ed civil engineer to be known as the sn- rulant of public works in Georgia, who itliout delay proceed to make an accurate of the several navigable rivers in this m ludiug places where canals arc practica- I can be advantageous! v.cut, as well us any vorks of public utility that may be deem- cdicnt, of nil which a detailed report shall le to the next legislature, stating the best t and probable expense of accomplishing ue, together with such maps, charts and igs as may be necessary to a correct under-1 ug of the subject. Tuesday, December 8. , Walker introduced a bill for the purpose ,ing a sum of money by lottery to build a lie Hall in Augusta. . Walker introduced a bill to vest the fee * of the Cemetery or Burial ground in Au- in the trustees of the Protestant Episcopal li in said city. Thursday, December 10. i. Black'shear introduced a resolution an- ling the Governor to appoint two lit ami pro- arsons, to proceed without delay, t’> ascer- pe true head of the St. Mary's river: and, [es.arv, the Governor shall order out a suit- letad'iinent of militia to protect the said udonerfc The resolution was ordered to the table. Friday. December 11. bill to be entitled an act to alter and amend to prohibit slaves from selling rerta.'i com- s therein mentioned, was read the third id passed OUSE (»F REPRESENTATIVES. .1londay, December 7. lotion of Mr. Slieftall. a committee was ed to prepare and report a bill for the ^ the last session, ami to renuii e (lie ongi nation of the whole of it de nova.J The resolution lies oil the table one day, of course. On motion of Mr. Butler, a committee was ordered to be appointed to bring ill a bill grant ing a pension to Major General John Stark. Claim of Beaumarchais.—The House then re solved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Smith of Maryland in the chair, on the hill for the relief of the heirs and representatives of Caron de Beaumarchais. [The magnitude of this claim makes it an im- I'Urtant one, and the long interval of time which has elapsed since the debt was contracted, lias at once tripled the amount of the debt, and involv ed in some obscurity the question of the justice of the claim. In the report of the committee to whom the subject was ref, rretl at the last ses sion, and on which this bill is founded, the mem bers of the committee were unanimous.] (V*i -W33V' Stales will be reduced during the present Con gress. One major general mid two brigadier gen era's only will be retained. It is again rumored tliutgenera! Jacksou will retire to private life. .’lap of Georgia.—We are at length enabled to announce an important acquisition to geogra phical knowledge, in the publication of Sturges’ Map of m*M, through their inattentive herald, Mr. JTudsfaMI ' or perhaps t :on mistaken, amt nothing wrong or mconsiss tent ever appeared n the Journal. Perhaps the editors have a right to think and judge for the public, and may, therefore, give to affairs such coloring as they muv limit proper. I Wish to know whether an editor lias a right to think for the community, and if lie lias, is it not Ins duty to give a correct and impartial coloring to all subjects? ENQUIRE!! DIED, On the 23d of November, at tlic bouse of Col. James ll.tchcock, Morgan county, Mr. Kosvvcll Atk.ns, recent ly from Connecticut, aged21jears. lap of Georgia] which, after many delays an inburrassmcnts, incident to undertakings ol this nature, has been completed. Its elegance and accuracy are such as to vie with any map publish ed in the United States, and does infinite credit to the per-ever ance and enterprise of those who have brought it to its termination. A correct map of Georgia lias been a desideratum ; we have been almost the only state in the Union without one. The imperfect delineations, which have hitherto been presented to our eyes, have only misled us, and instead of communicating know ledge, have but perpetuated error. The rapidly increasing population uf Georgia, the uncommon .... value of the products of its soil, the very great an, l a ” excellent road to the Agency. I ravel- improvement in the face of the country, and its [ eis from above Augusta and Milledgeville, will many navigable waters, have all combined to find this their nearest route. GUNPOWDER. TEA. J UST received a fresh supply of best Gunpow der Tea, by Terondet. Atkison dj' co. Who wish to purchase 500 BALES COTTON. Dec. 15. * TO MOVERS TO T11E ALABAM A. 1 Y Ferry on the Oakmulgee is in complete I order 5 it is 14 miles above Foit Hawkins, make a correct map essential to almost every in habitant. In tins they can now be gratified at a ‘ trilling expense; arid we hope the proprietors! will meet the reward their useful labors entitle them tu.—Georgian. The Slave Trade, on our borders.—The fol- Dec. 15. on Collin Tope. Auction and Commission Business. T jNHE subscribers respectfully inform their _ friends and llie public, in general, that they have commenced the Auction and Commission Business, in the house nearly opposite the Boole- lowing facts (says the Philadelphia Deni. Press) \ Store, on Wayne-street. Business consign. TUESDAY MOKNIXU, DECEMBER 15. ’•'he legislature, it is supposed, w ill adjourn cm Satur day next The members jiave increased tlic.r pay to five j dollars per day. The bill to dispose of the newly ac- j qnired territory from tbc Creek and Cherokee Indians, by j lottery, lias passed belli Houses. Every malcvvliitc per. j son, eighteen years old and upwards, being a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitant of this shite three j years preceding the passage of the act, shall he entitled to one draw ; every male person having a wife, or legiti- I mate child or children, under the age of twenty-one, shall j he entitled to two draws ; all officers and soldiers of live j revolutionary war, w ho are hidigcnt or invalids, and who safe! v of Executor* and Administ rators;I ", C .1 7? '*''7°! 'he Untied Slates, irep ire and report a bill for the greater ! ] ^ ‘ lotvvn draws, and all w.dow, and lam,- I hes ol orphans under the age of twenty-one, one draw J Persons who drew prizes in tlie former land lottery arc j prohibited from partic.pating m the present lottery. irep ire ami report a Dili lor the greats f carriers of goods on hire, by land and Wednesday, December 9. following bills were severally read the 3d d passed: Dilt to authorize the Inferior Court of Lin- nty to transcribe the records of the Su* mil Inferior Courts, and Court of Ordiua- aid countv, into new bound books, bill to authorize the masters, wardens and The following gentlemen were elected by the Legislature on Saturday last, to survey the lands lately ceded to this state by the Creek and Chero kee Indians. Messrs. Win. Watson, Nisby Dob son. Nathaniel Collins, Tim oas Johnson, li Lucky, D. f. M'Neil, Joel Walker, John Allen, s of Mount Vernon Lodge, at Athens, toj " m> Hardwich, 1 iio’s E. Hardee, lottery, a certain sum of money to build * Cunningham, Clem Powers, John Torrance, 5c half. Reconsidered. Rob’t Henry, jr. George W. Johnston. John P. have been communicated from such authority as leaves us no room to doubt their authenticity. It is a common practice at A'ew-Oi leans to send an agent abroad to the West-Indies, and even Afri ca, to purchase a cargo ot slaves. They are then brought to the United States for about one third what they can he purchased at here. So soon as the slave ship arrives olV the Balize, the agent leaves her, and goes in the most expeditious man ner to JMew-Orleuns, where lie gives information lo the proper authority, that a ceitain vessel is in the Mississippi river, said to be bound to New- Orleans, and having on board a certain number ol negro slaves, contrary to the law of the United States. The vessel and cargo are libelled : and the slaves are sold at public vendue, and purchas ed cheap, by common consent, for the account of the original importer. One half of the purchase money goes to the United States, md the other half to the informer, who, as before mentioned, is the agent of the owner of the slaves. Thus, af ter all expenses, negro staves are imported at less than hall what they would cost in the United States. In this way not less than 10,000 slaves have been imported into Louisiana in the year last past. -■ i- ed to their care will receive prompt attention. John II Wright <$• Co. Milledgeville. Dec. 10, 1818. I'll IV NOTICE. KING about to remove to the Alabama tei*» ritorv, all persons interested, are he eby notified, that I have appointed col. R. Blount my agent, who is fully autho ised to transact all my business in Georgia. Dec. 5. Reuben Strange. NOTICE. \ ] INE months after date application will he ^ made to the honorable the inferior court of Wilkinson county, when sitting for ordinary pur* poses, for leave to sell thereat estate of Daniel Kongrev, deceased, for the benefit of the heir’s and creditors of said deceased. Dec.10.1818. William Brune.r,adm’r. bill to incorporate the Sparta Academy, till to incorporate the Hillsboro’ Acade- lasper county. Friday, December 11. to incorporate the town of Dai ien was I third time and passed. Tied acts.— \nact*o authorize the Jus- |the Inferi ir Court of Telfair county, to extra tax for the purpose of building a use in said county. t to alter the time of holding the Inferior 1 the spring term of the Superior Court lunty of Madison, and the spring term of lior Court of Wilkes county, tto incorporate the Union Axe and Fire- la vannali. [to alter and amend the first section of [article of the Constitution, passed last [ta^alter and amend the fourth section of article of the Constitution, passed last Saturday, December 12. flowing bills were read the third time l to prevent assignments or transfers of ) a portion of creditors to the exclusion ■ of the other creditors of persons who de, or who are indebted at tiie time of Inmeut or transfer. | to regulate the practice of medicine ry in the counties of Chatham and [ tn repeal an act, entitled “ An act to amend tneroad laws of this -stat ecu the county of Laurens,” passed December, 1815. I to authorize the Justices of the Iufe- i of M’lntosii county to levy an extra ■ support of the poor, to authorize the Justices of the Infc- lof Emanuel county, tu sell the public ■ county. Ito authorize the Justices of the Infe- lof Jones county to levy an extra lax pose of building a court-house ami jail kilty. Jto alter and amend an act for the bet- |ou of the town of Danielsville in Mad- jto alter anil change the name of Bct- i that of Betsey Duliart. [tu incorporate the Baptist church at i Greene coonty. t amend the road laws of M’lntosii Blackman, Joshua Coflee, John M'Bride, Greg*- by E. Thomas. J. II. Cunningham, Clia’s M'Keii. non, Reuben Neill, Thomas Glenn, C. Garliii"- ton, E. R. Young, Peter L. Livingston, Nivm M'Bride, Elijah F. Callaway, Thomas Clioely. D. J. Black min. John White,' Rob’t Hodges. ‘John A. Rhodes. Edward L Thomas, Dennis Laik, Douglas W. Porter, Cyrus White, Joshua Calla way, Join II. Broadnax, Jethro Darden, Win. Wilkins, Allen Daniel, James Merriwetlier, Wm.j Montgomery, James C. Humphries, Win. Ma-j thews, Win. II. Underwood, R. Kennedy, Hemv Dance, Thomas Wright, Archibald M'lutire, It I \N illis, Randcl Siiellield, Jacob M’Cleudon, S. W. Peat man, Lemuel Gresham, l.'ha's Phillips, Edward Ware, Martin Wood and A. B. Slielic. GEORGIA. J VSPHIt COUNTY. JKKSON ALLY appeared before me, Alexait- e dec Smith, who. after being duly sworn, s iith. that he was in possession of tour promissijv ry notes, drawn by Lewis Graves, for twenty live dollars each, all made payable on the 25th day of December next, or a few days thereafter $ all made payable to this deponent: which said notes are lost or mislaid so that they cannot be found. Alexander Smith* Sworn to and subscribed befme me, this srist day of ,Vuv. 1818. Woody Dozer, y. p. ,1 Hydrophobia.—Dr. Trent, of the city of Rirliiiiiind, Ya. Inis given a long statement ol ; a distressing rase of Hydrophobia, which lias I lately fallen under liis observation. lie con cludes with giving the impressive evidence ol I the effect produced on observers by rases oi I Ibis description :—“This is the fourth rase ■ ofliydropliobia w liieli has occurred here with in eight months. They all ended alike. In I eighteen years’ practice I have never seen or ■ heard of a case in our rity before. 'I’liis ease Was the only one ever seen by me, and I hope will be the last, as it is painful in the •xtreme, to encounter a malady which mocks every effort to deVelopc its nature, or reme dy its ills.” The following very extraordinary case of hydrophobia is given in the Petersburg In telligencer: “One of the most singular rases | *KX Friday night last, from my waggon, half f hyrophobia is mentioned in a tier nan pub- / a mile below Milledgeville, a sorrel mure, SALT. UST received from Darien and for sale, 200 bushels ground Alum Salt. Dec. 14. Isaac Bower. the French language taugo a HE subscriber respectfully informs the <iti» ' zetis of Milledgeville and its vicinrtv, that he has commenced giving lessons in Abner Locke’s mom near the court-house. He will also attend I lie ladies or gentlemen at their rooms, should they prefer it. Dec. 15. [t] J. M G. .Van. STOLE’S Domestic summary.—It is stated that the Che rokee Indians have expressed a willingness to take reservations and relinquish the balance of, ..... their lands to the whites Accounts from the ' ,l< ’ •‘’Have. A gentleman, alter having lieation on this disease, by a Mr. Christian west state that genet ul Ripley is concentrating a considerable military force at Baton Bouge, toas- i mud dog with his sword, tlioughtless- rrtiirned it into the. scabbard. Eight cend Red river and thence to proceed and occu-l y*‘af.s after this circumstance, having a quar- py the country in dispute between the Sabine and! rel with two gentlemen, he wounded them wounds were and soon healed, as is fre- i del Norte. A large military and naval force j both with the same sword. Tl assembled there which is said to be piratical I inconsiderabl in its character. Lieut.colonel Armistead as-jquently the case with those occasioned by the sumes the command ot the corps of engineers bite of a mad dog ; hut again opened, after is! r.'T'* *!?»•« .V.k, lias been introduced in congress to increase the I 1 , 111 * xme scizivt l "Bli liydiophabta and congress to increase the salaries of the four heads of departments to giiOOD each; the attorney-general $3,300,and the post master general g 1,000 1'he governor of S. Carolina has advised the legislature of that state to appropriate $20,000, for the improvement of the Savannah river from August.i to Panther creek. The portrait of Washington, by Sully, from one of Stewart's full lengths, painted by or- leruf the legislature of North-Carolina, has ar- died.’ Declamtion bf Independence.-—The splendid edition of this great nntiunal work, announ ced by Mr, John liinns, of Philadelphia, is at length finished, and its patrons will, we entertain no doubt, he presented with a spe cimen of American manufacture, of advance ment in the arts, and of embellishments, itcrot the legislature id Aortli-l arolimi, has ar- . . j .. . * viuvonmimmui rived in Raleigh A fish thirty feet in length,' ' vl *« eh wiH he. a surprising evidence of our of an uiiknowu genus anil species, has been found I successful progress, l'hc cost uf this plate near New-Lon lon. The Grand Jury of Balti-’ * 8 considerable, and a great length of time more has found bills of presentment against up-! lias been consumed in its completion. The tressional Proceedings. SENATE.—.Yovember 2(i. pnor submitted the billowing resolu- kideration : Resolved, That the com- ! Judiciary he instructed to enquire kdiency «f changing the present Ju- i of the United States, so far as to the gradual diminution of the tium- ^dges who at present compose the art ; for the restricting of the func- [iesof the Judges ot that court to p»e sessions thereof, and the other Btal thereto ; of establishing and [Circuit Court in each state in the providing for the appointment of a kmber of Judges for the holding of OF REPRESENTATIVES. ell moved to rescind the rule of Ich revives the unfinished business asion of each Congress within one ; commencement of that which fol- object of this ruii is to throw [all tiie business brought over from wards of twenty persons, for tlu crime of priva teering under South American Hags, against the commerce of nations with whom our government is at peace. Salt is now selling in Nashville at$10percwt. This high price is in conse quence of the lowness of the river. Upwards of fifteen hundred Africans were earned into Havana in one day (Oct. 29.) A waggon load of colored people taken out of the state of Nen- Jcrsey since the passing of the late law prohibit ing the slave trade, lias been stopped at Reading, Penn, and brought bark to Easter, where the sub- jeet is under legal investigation They were destined, it is said, to the Alabama territory. General Lallemand’s establishments in the pro vince of the Texas, and at Galvezton, have been broken up and dispersed by a body of about 200 Spanish troops The resolution declaring the admission ot the state of Illinois into the union 4 feet 8 or 9 inches high, 8 or 9 years old, small star in her forehead, some few saddle spots, a blemish in her right eye, and very rough shod.— Twenty dollars will fie given for the mare am} thief, or ten dollars for the mare. Nelson ITilson. Jasper county, December 8. 1813. publisher must rest his claims to patronage on the merits of the work, and the attach ment of every American to this great char ter of our liberties ; notwithstanding which, he has considered it his duty to publish the law of the United States which guarantees the integrity of each man’s invention and publication. The editor of the Dcmorcratic Press has found it necessary to take this step, as some persons, availing themselves of his original designs, and knowing that great time and expense were required to fin ish the work, have anticipated him, by fin ishing cheap and indifferent copies of the in strument. It is hardly necessary to say that the people of the United States will not tol erate this surruptitious mode of competition, on an equal footing with the original states, was! , T , V 1 • lead the third time and pas-ed in the House ofl 11 ?! destroying tlicir House of Representatives of the United States on the 24th nit.. -Mr. Burgess, the surviving agent of the American Colonization Society, made a full re port of the result of his mission to the coast of Africa, at a late meeting of the society at Wash ington city. Nine hundred and ninety-five persons died in Charleston during the last twelve months, previous to the first of October, of u'hom 572 were males, and 423 females. Col. Mat hew Lyon, who now resides in Kentucky, has sent a petition to Congress, praying remuneration for his severe sufferings under the sedition law, during the presidency of Mr. Adams. At the time he was prosecuted for a libel, and imprison ed and fined, he was a Representative to Congress from the state of Vermont A letter from Washington city sayq the army of tlio United prospects—it is a kind of larceny of the mind. Original inventions, propositions and projects should be respect ed by civilized nations : it is however, cer tain, that every man of taste, who feels de sirous of possessing and preserving this va luable document, will purchase a copy of the one published by Mr. Binns.—N.V.Nat.Adv. On the 20th ult. two severe earthquakes were experienced at Hayti. COSIHUlllCATKD. 1 observe in your pnper before the last the remark of a “ Voter,”and the reply to it in the last Journal, It would seem that a Voter was right, and that the Journal had before been wrong j and yet we are told that the Journal has always been uioiit. Perhaps th> ed.tors of the Jour nal Ult eu^ftl to hobby over _their %st iacorree; smv NEGROES FOR SALE. \«]1LL be sold for cash, at the market house T Y in Sparta, on the first Monday in Febru ary next, nine or ten likely negroes; composed of men, women, boys, and girls, entrusted to tlm care of the subscribers to sell as agents for an absent friend Persons wishing to purchase will do well to attend, as they w ill certainly be sold. John Lucas, Dec. 14. [tf] John Abercrombie. ~ ANDREW UU'IUtURG, n AS just received and offers for sale super fine blue,black and olive Cloths, blue,black and mixed double mill Cassimere, fine white Flan, ncl, Fine undress Calico, furniture do. fine Irish Linen 4-4 wide. Sheeting do 6-4 do. (5, r, 8, 9, and 10-4 Rose Blankets, 50 pieces India Cotton, 20 dozen negro Stockings, superfine Ginghams, superfine Lonlon Mul Muslin, Gentlemen's and Ladies’ fine silk Stockings, tine 0-4 Cambrics, superfine white MerseiNes, an assortment of Hardware, <^'c. <§ - c. amt will shortly receive fif ty thousand real Spanish Segars. Milledgeville, December 15. [(] SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION SOCIE Ff- r lNHK subscribers to the support of this iiisti ** tution, are respectfully requested to meet a the scHoon-nooM on Friday the 1st day of Jan. uary, 1819, at 2 o’clock, p. m. where tlie consti tution of the society will be formed and its ofii- cers chosen. The liberality of this public liaa been already displayed to its honor, in so irreat a deeree. th if solicitation is hardly necessary. It is however requested, that the subscribers would be general and punctual in their attendance. John Ilill, jun’rr December 1, 1818t NOTICE. T'fnHE subscriber respectfully informs the vo. IL ters of Baldwin county, that lie will be a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns ni the en suing election. Laird Fleming. November 2-4. P ERSONS indebted to me, whose notes wilt become clue by the 25th day of December, (instant) will be sued after that day, without dis crimination or delay, unless they make punctual payment. [Dec. I.J J. T. Turner. X INL months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court, of Jaape" county, for leave lo sell tlie real estate of Jesse Dennis, dec WIU1AM FA inlaim •.J — ',’. * wuiu« lauu'.ttjuuri, adoi’r.