The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, January 05, 1819, Image 2

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! to ftir- till be Jo so, he retired, and is now livin'; in the j and that the fort they still hold arh Dicesvor of "Napoleon, Joes not give rise b lower nation, nml liis fields, and evenlsarv to check the unruly Seminolies.— j tilerdiscussions, the conferences w when* the town stood, is ploughed up hy ! Tims the person appointed to watch over] terminated in a lew days, and the emperor the Americans. The complain of the jthc id" the Indians, having no o- Alexander and the king of ■ rus.-ia will he Erndish iMivernment ucdcctini; them, a I-! ther means of information than from the I in Paris at the eml of the present mouth. • ■ 1 ■ • •••••■• • ■' [Liverpool paper, Oct. '23. ter having drawn tliem into a war with ] parties interested in their destruction, and America : that von, sir, have not kept i seeing Irom time to time, in the American Jour promise, in sending people to reside i gazettes accounts of cruel murders, ijjv. T he polar expedition has returned ; tin lie house in Gorham, in Ontario county,) vernor Massot and earrison he - and bis li'iemls were never aide to obtain by Patriotcrui/,er« after t | • among them ; and that, it they have not committed bv the 'Indians un the frontier i highe-t point nt lalii. nie u m bed some person or persons resident in the na tion. to natch over their interest, they ttleineuts of the United States, he ap prehends the Indians merit all the Ameri- | will soon be driven t * the extremity of the 'can* do to them. Peninsula. You left Mr. I Iambi y to watch Hut let bis majesty’s government ap- over the interest of the Ciee ! - Nation ; but j point un agent, with lull powers to cor- you had hardly left the nation, when he j respond with his majesty’s ambassador at Washington, and bis eves will then lie o- pened as to the motives that infl'icnred American individual', as well as the gov- turned traitor, and was led by Forbes t take the part of the Americans. Mis let ter to me, of which I annex you a copy, will shew volt what length he could go if t eminent, in vilitviugthe Indians, he had the means. It is llamblv &. Doyle who give the Indians all the troubles they expeiience. They send their etnissarie j Too power given me, and the iiistruc- i lions, vieie to memorialize his majesty’s government, as well the governor general j am j the Lower'Cierks. and make them 1 ol the Mavuna ; but if von will be pleas-! b. i v • ine t'owetas, aided bv the Ameri- j vd to lay this letter before his majesty’s j can-, are coming to destroy them: thus I secretary ol state, it will save the n eves - both are put in fear, ari l their fields are neglected, and hunting is not thought of. 1 hav e endeavored to do away this fear, bv writing the chief of the Fowlietta towns, tli'ii they ought to live in friendly terms respectfully, your obedient servant, A. AUBUTIJNOT, C'l'u he continued) lOKKIUN. with their biethren of the lower nation, whose wishes were to be on good terms with them, and not to listen to any bid talks. Imt to chase those that give them from am mg them. 'I v Irtter was answer- . cd from them rather favorably i and I hope j .Inni/nf Occupation.—If the army the talk that was sent the li,g \\ arrior last oc upati oi (observes the Liverpool June, will heal the difference between jcury) is them. Hillisajo arrived in my schooner, Ock- locknee Sound, last June, and was well re. eived hv all the chiefs and others who •o ne to welcome him home; in conse quence of his arrival a talk iva> held, the substance of which was put on paper fir them,and it was sent,with a pipe of peace, to the otner nations. Hillisajo wished to 12 e ist. where they found an impenetrable harrier ot ic**. J iii- is s ml to he the , 7th or lllihfdure to accomplish the project of cros-ing to” polar regions. One pci .-on is said to have purchased no le s than 2<l.(Kill horses that belonged to the army of occupation. To complete the itn-- dan :>rmv and navv. a lew of recruit- i- ordei • ■ ■ I throughout the whole empire, in the proportion ol two ro- c rut- for cverv ot *0 in d '*. I ns tea I o( re cruits, a sum ol money will he accepted. The peasants offbi'irland were ; II si ive- to the noliles, like Ameri' an negroes ; lie emperor of Itussia has lit,crated them. ity of the fir-t, and I fear that a. memo-j About ten thousand houses were lately rial to the governor general would he of 1 consumed hy lire at t mistaiitiunplc. no use. j A considerable and darniiug insurrection Itidorring \ ou to the answer. 1 am, most L said to have broken o it among the pea santry of Norway. Numerous hands were collecting in various pans of the country, (spreading terror and ala. m itnong ail clas- tc A I irg” p irty bail alt rked Cliri-tian i. ] the place of the royal re-id ace. ha: were ■ repulsed. The subjects of complaint on the ] p u t of the populace are, the two groat in- Icpendcnreof the senate, and the mi-oon- uat of him afterwards. The circumstance created considerable excite ment in the neighborhood at the time, hut as no due appeared w hich would lead to a developeuient of the mystery, it had long since sol sided, and t in eirciirnstance is about I wa-almost entirely forgolteli. ) he liiii- I ing of the skeleton, however, led to an eiv- lipiiry wliieli result id. we iinder.-tan.l. in i I di-cove,"V id’ the trail-actio,I, and of the person who perpetrated the act. A in in ! I• v the n line of .Mentor, v. ho kept tiie t iv- t ern at the time that tin • peareil, is ascertained to have perpetrator. .Mentor, who r* fairuida soon after the incrder. 1. Kinrhain, who alter the skeleton 1 pi id" tiie -liockiicg di lli :rih*r wa, llii' ■r il Veal - hrair'll i he withdrawn from France, I j„ ct a;i ] corruption of the king's officers. merely to he kept in a -fate of vigilance upon the confines of the several states nearest to France, the. people of liurope will have little rea-on to thank their sove reign- fora peace s'expensively preserved -—and. with respect to the French, can it j he-aid. tligt the allied powers confide re ally in their attachment to Loui- and the | charter? Are they still compelling tiie thi- po Smith America.—Two commissioners have airived here Irom London to l’eru. on an important mission. They came, li ver the isthmus of Panama, and by the wav of Jamaica. They are said to he the bearers of an exposition of the present - j state of tiie rovali-t cause, in the vice-roy al tv of Peru, since the capture of Chili, is supposed, that they are proceeding Madrid. to point out the critical sittii- , — - , .... . . ., tiou of Peru, and to represent that it would ir man’s affairs, though by liis de-' legitimacy, against which t e inajmitv ol j | J( , C(( , 1( lu C j vl . to the interests of liiimanitv y , that liis 11- - \fter residing in (biund.i. Mentor removed ,i < lliio, mid settled on the the Chagrin river. Aitei the discovery, n requisition made on (be executive id 1 d-i g h\ gov. Clinton, lor ,Mentor, and a niasson :'.” dispatched to ir- re-t him. who p.i--ed tlitoagli this village on turdnv, with the ’idiappy wretch in hi- custody—Huff,Jo f.V, \ ■} paper. from Pensacola for Havana , va9t 7 V " cn " r, ; ri,| "'l to a rendevv J I atrint», south of Campearby «h l>'uag,|, tamed a short time, U,’,,, ! ditionnlly released, and | m ve di it liavin.-—Augusta Chronicle,\ S quick thought.—A f,. w ,, I -"u 1 in i, I,.ring a draft fora f.jJ dollars on one of onr banks ,.J md demanded specie. Nos,J, J done—i uuinher of ha; thousand dollars card, i„ , uni ten and twenty cent pie, -m dl change, which wo ,|J t il ’ | count, were turned. The cemlJ v is found i tied two or three of the bo ' 01 ] tliem all tilled w itli (hj, j thrust bis h in,I into e.vh j jacket and pant’d 'Oils pockets' j turning round to the c i.-i.ier of ol j informed him thai lie did notvvant J I -pe: ie at that time than what he hi j t.'oin the h ers, and desired |,i, # J | w hat vva« 1 Ti and place it to bis ej tlien left the bank.—.V, j', p le 1 )! ill (II IJI* ll % *(*|l 111*'* •moved t •It i son in t’oiiU (i'l-ninl |ua Singular Occui re der win iiern i few d ivs ago with a Now-j fo ndlaiel dog. A hv the name of Jen-1 nine, kins,an liad jn-t been drowned. The t"i derdirart * I t ; • dog to dive, which lie. in st mi I v did. in I dragged up the body of Jen kin.-on. If thi- were all, it would he ; ■om.non occurrence only, as it is we! Uasliingtnn. lire. 1G.—\v e |, | j’ st di.-j t sed of one I irge , Vn Indian tra nient-. Ir.msniiited toCong r i> mention of still m 111 I e itocmnents ypsierJii,-1 consist of, lifs] know n that the. New foiiinlian I dog is fvith- t *r will prevent, jirohabh return to Nas-au with me, hut I prevailed ! 1*reueh. notwithstuudiug their renewed (j on him to stay in the nation am! to keep j deelarations ol liberal .sentiments towardsm them at peace. I regret, sir, to notice , tnat people, to submit to measures ut h it the alfei tion it' - j• i-1 ris n above the wan ted to Cougri portofJudgi* IMaiul. one of the ) smtier- sen; hy the F-x icutivi- to ,4 P.ving nearly tan; ,.l oi( ,[J i he great length of its ill | r.,i puhlie iti'Ui. Secondly, a’letter Poinsett, of So'mli-CarolinJ returv ,:f State. cominuaicaiimJ INI and m il had Im deep, when he again returned to it unhid den, and who proi and laid him hy iii- -i I —St. Louis, Jl. pap■ Li.* long residence in those countri •{ subsequent intelligence tlierefroi GOVKltXMKXT OF t it!'. PVli'KD STATU.- i xrcCTivi:. Ir egged up the body of another | quest ol th« l.’xecntive, such iofl 'd to he tli- broth.'r of t! i ■ ■ other. I re-porting South America and its,™ otrutded him to give. This l et ( e | very long, tilling about 200 folioT Pre-ident—Hi- excellency James Mon-j and'will also he precluded,'by ji sire. It appeared, that lie arrived at Nas- that nation in tlieii hearts revolt sau a short time after I had left it, in Jan- j acknowledgment of the charter uivy. and captain W. being lieie, tdiik disgui charge of him, liis goads and money, pre vailing on the governorto let hi’ii stay with him, until In* went dawn to the nation, gatice ol their principles, but t which was his intention t" do. Of the in"- travagance ol their imprudent' Dev received ot governor Cameron, be had only given him eighty dollars, bv rap- tain \V. a barrel of sugar, a hag of coft'ee, ami i small keg of rum, and tic interpre ter. informed me, that, when IT 'i njoasked f»r an account, captain M . refn.ed it. sav ing, il would he u-eless to 1- the mere Is the progress of despotism to tr()0|l9 oll t | ie ooast „| i b ‘" I"oteeled r And are the ultra rovali.-ts uest t | ie a ,|„ |)tl mi of so * e. plan .tube reprimanded, not lor t'.e ext. ava- j ci | iati()ll . They came in the n to prevent the dreadful consequences I which must attend a disembarkation of j Peru, and to re-1 of recoil- j line of roe, ot Virgiiii \ ice-l're-iilent— D. Tompkins, of x Secretury of st atm. of M Seer”t irv of thi -His excellency Daniel evv-York. :.—Hon. John Q. Ad- •Its. I’rea'nrv—Hon. Win the ex-! ,„ ee tin}; of the municipality of Lima, which j I !• ( r:l " 1 ' "k ‘d *]*eorgiu \Y took place, under the s action of the vice-1 rov. Flic approaching fall of Peru ap- j . . pears evident. It was heretofore supplied pn ions. I lie potentates will no longer in-j ^ jfh f rom chili, and for the last 181 confess that this maintiiinaiice of armies of vigilance, warrants the strongest sii-- -ult the French, hv keeping their armie uimn her territory, but they dare not I ave the French to their own government—thev are -till upprelieiisive that the French do at iii vvlw could not lead. II also mis-1 »"t vet believe, that they have, even in - two ea-es. one of which, he thinks, I Louis and the charter, a government of their own. But whatever may be done with the ar- cun.,ii is crorki'rv. I have made enquiry of hi* ioajr-1 v's ordnance -tore keeper, and be inform- me, the whole wfre deli- lnil ' s the continental powers, we are > j t) t |, a t enuntrv. ver.'d to . .nit.un \V. They are therefore ' ,n,,,t tippieheiisive of the mode in wliieli Xu-1 Hifisuj i. i the quota of British troops may he em- I .mi .1 ed to return llillis 'jo’s warm- ] |'l».ved. Will they he brought hack and e-t .icknnvvled. iieut-. for the verv lianil-' t'umediately di-charged ? We fear not. some oa iiier vou treated him in F.iigland, 1 I hey have been tor three years engaged in a ie begs Iii* lira ver ina v belaid at the j 0,, <* “* tliose tasks, which, as a contem- fo I hi- roval high lies* the prince re- • I'-'rary writer justly observes, more cer- montlis those supplies have ceased. Tiie o.ilv trade that Peru enjoys at present is with the Peninsula, and what that is may | be easilv conceived, when it is known as | a fact, that in London, insurance cannot' he effected on La Yenganz u a Spanish ] 10 gun frigate, returning with the funds of those who consider them no lunge, sale i from present publication. ThiJ | ( oi respondenre between the Sec I State and Don Loui- de Onis.the Jlil | s'puin, from the 2 id of March, toll of November l i-t, inclusive, occui ! bout g-’O folio pages. Fourthly, i pond.mca h tween Mr. Krving’ t| .(CTi't try of War—Hon. J. C. Calhoun. Mini ter nt the Court of Spun, af af South ( aruliii.i. ^ a I iz irro, Spatii-h Secretary Secretary of the Navy—lion. Smith liom the ! tli of Julv, to the 31*t Thoinp-nn. of Vew-York. j gu-’ lm lu-ive, filling more than lot The officers of the Senate. \ . | )c two I 3 0 f nanct* in President— I is ex-ellency Daniel P. I relating to topi.-s of great interest Tompkins of \cvv-\urk. j'-omurv. we shall puhli-h issoona Secretin—Charles Cutts. esq. cf New-;.before they can he puhlishe Hampshire. j wiirre. It wo.'Id appear, from “■ rgeant at \rm<—Moiintjoy liady. ' ' Lord (.'ociii'.me in a frigate of 11 gun- iviib some other vessels, lias arrived in tie l' iglihorhootlof M.irg.uvtta. Ilowa- w, I coined with great rejoicings. iv i supposed, would im nodi.itelv join him. on the 20th of vl -il'**- dll' to : re'l i'*-t« that p' >o live am t. took Iron a vents t ie-, inongst them, t ad o-re to th ■ t llll|, d all liis family well, Old C'anpacliimiceo best respects, and -end out some tai'ilv than any other, must tend to make i the soldiei foi get'th it lie ever wa- a citizen, j How lar a Bi itish soldier ran learn that, species of forgetfulness, will undoubted-. Fo; ■4,1(1 a || t) )e (and 1? he tried. We have every reason to mis-j trust those friends of corruption, who a-- sert daily in the ministerial journals, that 1 ee t slnilI he theirs. At have an agent a- ■at the Ameiicans ;*at i Jiv "ouiulested on tin 1 T o - agent should he nut je-i V go,ern uent. or lie will not bi tt-i't-i to hv tin zettes of (j'l’Oig tell ' 'so uiliolv Indians are continually com- tlie military become a necessary body „.|,i,jt them toii'i Mtue of peace; and who,during the last own lands. session of parliament,boasted of the uti- i/eil hv his ma- ’!■ y u l the s.ddierv in the collection of the revenue. Pei Imps these men mav know \mericniis. In the Ua-1 * l0 “' Ct 1 ' the soldiery have contributed to , the Americans report , ,l|p increase of'the revenue dm mg the pre sent tear. For our own part, we sliould Tim n*g murders on their borders, and ina- alum-t tremble to enquire ; much .more should we tremble to think wliut mav he the employment during the. en uing year, of twenty-five tliousa (I men, piuctisod lor three yrai s in retires ing every senti ment of freedom in France. IM) MKST1C. The .Yni'ii.—At Il'nshiii^ton.— \ line of if.ut! • ■snips nearly finished, and the frame of a frigate ready to put ou the -tucks as Soon is tin* 7 1 i- launched. At eYurfutlc.—A Line of Tiittle Ships building, and die frames of an -t ier 7 I and a Frigate ar • also collecting at tli it place. At Philadelphia.— I’liekeel of a 71 i- 1.)i I. and w il! ie put up early in the spring ; the (rimes of unoflmr 7 1 and Frigate are also roll 'cling it thi- place. At .Wit’ Turk.—Aline of Battle ’-hips ami iucon-ider dole torn ir !- of two T fn, tin" incursions into the state. These are itions tending to irritate the Anieri- veriinient against the poor Indians; luring the time I wa- in the nation, was only one American killed, and lie. with two dhers, ware in the art of] f timing off cattle belonging to Bow leg, I Congress.—It is reported tlia* upon the chi’*f o r Sinvanv, whereas three men and braking up ol t ie congress, the allied so-; a civ were killed last June, bv a party of yereigns will publish a joint declaration,I A aerican cattle stealers, while in their 1,1 which they will express tlieii* deteriuin-, jui'iting eatnps. The hoy they scalped. ‘Hi"u to omit nothing in their power i 71 is laid,Mu’ set up in tht ea tlic stock in'--, mi I in. d.'po-itcd there. At Host ni.— File keel i.f fra nc’ coll 'cle i. and i* to I•. spring. Tin: frames of .mother 7 1 and a (at bis post. Frig'll': are al-o coll >'"t-"l there. At Portsmouth. .V ll.— t he keel of a 7! i. I lid. tiie frame is collected, and will he set up tiie n-xt season. .Material- for mother 74 and Frigate are also collect ing there. I)oor-keeper—'lonrv Tim Theojj'ners of the l/nuse if Hepresrntatives. >p .Mker— Ion. Henry tin. ol' Ky Clerk—i ho:iris Daugherty, esq. Sergo mt it \rms—Thomas Dunn, Door-keeper—Thomas Cl ixton. JI'DICIAItV. The Supreme Court of the United States CullM-t- lit' Chief Justice—John Marshall, of Vir- gsuia. Associate Justices. Hu-brod AV.isliingtoii, of irginia. William Jobiisoii. of South Carolina. Broekliul-t Living-ton, of New-Jersey. Thomas foil.', of \ irginia. Gabriel Duvall, of Joseph Story, of .Massachusetts. Attorney General—Willi un Wirt, of Va. llll'I.OMATK'K coin s. Minister I’lenipotentiury at London— lion. Ilicliard Kush, of HeruisvIvani.i, at hi- post. Mini-tor Plenipotentiary at Pari-—lion. Albert Gall atin. of Now-lurk, now in London, for the purpose of negotiating a com iiercinl treaty. Miui-ter Pleiiipotoiitiary at Madrid— lion. George W. Lrving, of .M.i-s ichiiseU-. i yesterday mule, by t!ie House of ] sent Itives oil the Pre-id, nt ,,f t h c"-. that soinetldii. is vet wan ; complete the chain ot information- ! I I lie trials at Baltimore, on char ! I'tracv, eye. it appears, have ended although it i- as notorious as mm that extensive depredations have ! made from that port on foreign —on the commerce of frieiaUr « ] ol course, tor we ate at war wuh j tio:—though the p-ivateei's lie | wliarves,and t ; .e -pocio brouglitinli j i- iqieril v depn-ited in the liai ks: tli jnry lor thi' di-trict of Mary land, il ly and earnestly enquiring into lac i not been able to identify those irh otli'iiil against the laws, and implic 1 chr,iacter ot their countrv. Till: presumed since none have been cm AW. Xaiimtl History. iitid one ot Bowleg’s head men wa- killed jn *-t. lohii’s rivet in Julv. ilia bac.kwimd G- o ;iaiis. and tho-e resident on the hol der- -4' the l.' uatiou. are cootitiil.allv elite.,.i.; it,'and driving off cattle. They <iu e, in some instances, made settlement* —and particularly nil the Choct ihachv ri- Ter, vvliere e consi.lerahle number have de*r* n led. Hv t •• treaty with Great Britain, the Aaie i an- were to give un to the Indian* render the general peace permanent and prosperous. The king of France’ cation of the convention was expected ai \ix-l.i-l'!)appeiie, on tlie lath iiisti It i* reported that the muuarchs will gives con j President's Glass.—During a vi»it, a few ■ ratifi-' eVfM, 'ugs ago, to tin: mamif .etory of M ssrs. ! PckevvelPs and Pago, vve wore muchgrati- i ul by a sight of tin* splendid equipage of] 1 gl i-s, intended lar .Mr. Monroe's sideboard siitiition and military organization to Gor-I ^ ro!1 't'G ot a lull set of decanters, wine- j many. A marriage is talked of between I the grand duke Michael and a princess of Pi ti-sia. A congress of ministers of the smaller powers will beheld in Bavaria.I under 'oe presidency of the count tie | dill'. vs nil 1 tumblers, ot various size lot models, exhibiting a brilliant spe- V' it ma . have been taken li mu them due- Mon’gelas. It has been stated in a verv ing the war, and place them un the same di-iinguisiicd diplomatic circle, tlnit there footing they were in 1811. It app-mr* ll:ls a confercnre relative to the I'ol- thev have not done so ; that Fort Gaines, to.ving questions :— 1 he repress! m ol the Oil tin* l hutalioocliv, and Camp draw ford.' piracy ol the Harharv powers; the crea- OU the Fii'it river, are Ijotli on Indian ter- j Mon of a protectmato ol the north ol Ger- i'itoi v that was not in no.session of tin* 1 many, ol vviiicli the king ot Prussia is to be A leri'-atis in 1811. They si'i: f aifnl th 4, bef iie any aid i* given bv the lv:g- li-li gover incut, they wiM no longer he in jiO'-essioii of anv ter itory. ’1 wrote la-t January to liis exceilenn the lionoriihle Charles Hagnt, respiutiug tiie encroachments of the Vinoricans, a- I XVi«- infiirn.e.l In' the copy of a let'er liom tiie right honorable earl Bathurst, handed me hv his excellency governor Caineroii that liis maje-t v’s ainha--ador had i eceiv - ! quires ol hi* august allie*. that cd order* to watch over the iuleiest of the Indians. Since my retain here. 1 have received of Mr. Moodie, of Charles ton, an extract of a letter from the lion- o able Charles B igot, tnat the expense of p • tage is so i o.isiderahle, that any fur ther communication*, "f the same nature, must he sent by private hands. N ,'imen of double Hint, engraved and cut hv J.uixlelle. This able arti-t has displayed lii- hest manner, and the arms of the L’, States, on each piece, have a li ,e effect. The gl is- itself must either have been s darted w ith great cure, or tin: spirit •<! proprietors mist have made considerable pi'' I uoly in their art, for vve seldom liavi any samples so perfectly pellucid and frei from tinct. I pon the w hole vve think tin. present service equal, if not superior, ti the elegant decanters pre-enled to th, President when li the bead ; the differences between iSpain and her colonies : the disputes between Bavaria and Baden. Many persons still believe, that the emperor Alexander lias , burg Ia-t year, listened to the complaints of Napoleon, and ] !’ allor.l* us n mn-t sen has expressed a wish to h .ve iiitn removed j that the p itrioti: litu t” Ciisiiii. under llus-ian sugerinteinlaiice. I w " i ile 'rr itiii.- itimi I ity ot Mr. Aloiiro.*, giv e us the opportunity of being known E.vtruonlinurtj discovert/.— tor- have b i n received within a I two iii tlii- i itv, giving un aecouoj exiiMordin.irv di-rovii", in tin: History of o :r couulrv. which taj Mini-ter I'lenipotcntiarv at Stockholm— '» of St. Lo' Va**iint * , * Iusivcly denim,st rating t lie i.ic.t oi a •Miiii-'ler I’lenipotenti irv ut St. Pi ter-- r M having at -oine re to jaeiioJ| bur—I KuiUeorge U',i-l.i„glon Uainiihidl. V 1 "' 1 lhi,l '"intry. Me > bjow t of fentio-sc*:—(inform . i m „f bi* arrival Mom two h tt.u- from -r::.vl men at iii- post has re n he,I (I, ■ oiled .'tat-s.) ^portability ■ :I1| Minister Plenipotentiirv to the Nether-1 olll ' r P n .rs that m w rearli |. m ,|* Vac mt. " t cerning t!:i- vary curin'!* met.—Afl Foreign Jlinist vs. resident near the Uni- E.vtract of a letter. j‘i't received I ted States. , city.from St Linus. Missourit<Q From Great Britain—His excellency j “A curious subject cd Glia’' 1 t.agot. ' I now agitating the medical nnl * from France—His excellency Hyde de j members ol our good tow n. A bmiall N'oivdle. * * i distant about g’d miles, on the river I I'roui Pro—i.i—lli- exc'.'llciny Frede- mark, lias been di-'o.crc.l. rick Ureiilim. ' | great number of grave-, markedt'J| From Spain—lli- excellency Louis di and toot -tone, none ol which **J*| Onis. From the NctUevlands—Iii- excellcnc_ Viscount de (Xuaheek. From Portugal—His excellency Corre, ess j de Saerra. The above ministers are all in •en j Washington. i rom Kiis-ia—His excidlency INditika. - 'i 1‘ to he at Aix-la-Ch'ipelle on hi- ro iti to th" Tlic new Austrian minister to the ( ni- ommi'iioa- l, Witrhillgj [ liouaparte ; the I i-t dates was in; j F.iigland, m iking prep r itions p> embark j ! for America. I through Pitts- i ted St ties has l j er of th it pow II, ■rsiins, worthy ul credit, confhleutlv | to the world, as profe ieuts in some of the j ite, that the einpc or Alexander has can- j most delicate bran,die- of m tnufirtures :| il a note to he given in, in which he re-j a- regards cloth, iron ware, and tlw* com- we consider ouri apel rar,Is cloth, iro'n vv. mon j I'oJuctious in gla-- long e-lahlisbed ; we may upon increiising this reputa tion, by tli “ addition of the hr inch ol'chrvs- since such a man as Janies Moo nlight tie conducted from the island olTst. 1 reputation Helena to a more healthy place. His inn- nowc jesty, it is said, insist* upon the moral ne- ee-sity of acting with mure consideration towards a man, whom sovereigns have ] roe iooks to Pittsburg for this article, treated with upon u footing ot equality, and who is allied to one ol them. Accor ding to these same report-, the emperor of a- no pei son goes from thisdirert to \\ a-h- j Bu-sia adds, that Ids Im i,unity and red',-! li-hed a fey, r* ek- since of the skeleton ol iligtou, how am 1 to he able to comply with i giou* principles actuate him to consider it ] a man supposed to have be n murdered, In* desire ? Thus lie will he kept ignor- j 11 ’I'-Hy to rcijuire. that Napoleon should no j having been discovered in openin a nt «.f the situation of the poor Indians, j lunger remain in an island where he must road not far from Geneva. Thc and the eiicroncliiiieiitsdaily made on their j in! dliby perish. I lie result ol this demand, •* t»v the American settlers, while lie j "hi.di appears to be supported by the enr- ■a.iy he told hv the American goveruiiient. peror of Austria, is not yet known. If that no encroachments have been made.' tkc note ot the emperor of Kassm, iu fa- feet in length. 1'hegiavt-are lial tint smooth-tones ; and the h*ml®'l point to the east. Tl.e subjects ' tomb- are di-coven ,1. upon rakn | | the earth that cover- them, (the t the grave not exceeding Ki in'.'hes)| f 'i t form, though ttie ] rocc-s ri'iidi'l'- it impn.-ilile to nht'itl ;lll l spu'dinen of bon '-. I he he* s Lilliputians are -tr mgelj ili-p 1 ' 0 ) 1 ^ to tlu'ii tiny frame-, iiiejuv of the ordinary -i/.''. a "'' 1 ‘ 1C 'j deiitlv tho-e of pel on- "I lliatttjl I lie thigh bone ;iho :t the tht*. I uglh of y our tliimib, au l Ihr 1 th 'frame rar, Iv exce, ting three J ire lo.-t in the maze < i i-,>ii_;ecti'rcj -oiiio argue that this must h'^*' couuti'V wlii'di Gidllv er ii-itt‘,1."jl ul I Latest from Pensacola —A gcntlrmr.ti r d this city w ho loft l’ensacrd i tin* i-'tli iust. informs us. that 600 ,''|>:itii-!> troop-, ,les- tiucil to garrison that place, were momeiit- ly expected from the Havana. A number ol strange-ail bad been reported off the Hay, and were sii|iposed hv -ome to he Fat- riot privateers, waiting to intercept the j contend, that it is he ran * orb risks from the Inn raged populace, who. in the p 1 * -ion. burled grains of-sand at ht> head; others, with ns inuea tlic receptiiaj JIurder trill out."—Our readers will pro'.utily recollect seeing an account p lo ne w road not far from Geneva. The person murdered was said to be a gentleman from New Jersey, who was travelling into this ome weaker tri'-'j* ^ transports in which the above force had j children embarked. Large purchases of real os-1 who, living from destruction, tate, in and about Pensacola, had been made ] pledges ol their love to t ,e I by our citizens, under tiie impression that pursuers. But then il I* n I the Floridiis were ceded to the United -avage never u .estlie ntes el f i>f ■itates. As none but subjects can legally j ver liis enemy, and !■'*’ ol aii '*® hold afreebol l under tin: .'pmi-h govern- wilUngto t ike much pain* ... the inent, great losses will no doubt be stis- j nml position of the ‘'. t |\l»i l lined bv such persons as have ventured j " horn lie had juit ev , u _ . 1 • 1 - Be it as It in a) ■ oimiry with a considerable sum of monev | 11 (his premature speculation. Our ill-1 vengeance. uboHl 8 yews siuee- lie put up at a put)»’dormant also adds, that tin* report of go- passing strung