The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, January 12, 1819, Image 3

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, (D.) Dee. -H.—A man nv j of whom Vranee and England can furnish [isli cabinel before they VentuvcJl to make 1 obinson was indicted, tried , example*, lint his discourse indicated a j the first of the evnerimeats which were to tmpl of passing a counterfeit I fine perception nf circumstances, such as, develope it in the end, and to produce i > tc, upon the Farmer's Bank the sportsman has of the game which he f Delaware, and thereupon 1 pursues. Sometimes he related the politi- bv the court to pay a line cal and military events of his life in a very be imprisoned and kept in so* interesting manner ; he had somewhat of ment for the space of three Italian imagination in narratives which al- I that lie should forever wear lowed of gaietv. Vet nothing could Iri- made of scarlet cloth, sewed umph over inv invincible aversion of what t of garment, on the back I perceived in him. 1 felt in his soul a shoulders, of at least six inches ] cold sharp-edged sword, which froze the L ;1 that it should be the duty of wound it inflicted : l perceived in his un- )!c within tiie state, as often as derstgnding a profound irony, from which * the said Robinson in the state | nothing great or beautiful, not even his ih badge, to apprehend him and own glory, could .-scape : for he de-pi.,ed Spartans offered his name to Leonidas f | ei | ltten counti , s „ ivt . Jui |« Weid a ma . jlo.e some justice of the peace the. nation whose suffrages he wished, and I shall be happy to see justice done to the j„” itv 0 f upwai «ls of twelve hundred vote- complete parliamentary supremacy. Those , you mention in Massachusetts as preced ing the stamp act, might be the first visi ble symptoms of that design. The pro position of that act in 1764, was the first here. Your opposition therefore preceded ours, as occasion was sooner given there' than here. And the truth 1 suppose is, that the opposition in every colony began, wherever the encroachment was presented j to it. This question of priority is as the | jinquirv-would be, who first, of the 300' 1 on prool thereof made, order no spark of enthusiasm was mingled with merits of all. bv the unexceptionable utn- sonie other constable, to give | his desire of astonishing the human race. j pi rage nf dates and facts: and c-pe- Robinsnn, ten lashes on his I was once at table between him and the | cially from the pen which is proposed to be well laid on ; and if any con- ’ Abbe Saves—I examined the figure of Bo- j employed in it. Wice should refuse or neglect naparte with attention ; but whenever he I rejoice indeed to learn from you that | should be indicted, and fined discovered that mv looks were fixed upon Mr. Adams, retains the strength of hi tless than twenty dollars, nor him, he had the art of taking away all ex- memory, his faculties, his cheerfulness, -e hundred dollars, with costs, pression from his eyes, as if they had been j and even his epistolary industry. Thi- turned into marble. His countenance last is gone f-iim me. The version lias On Friday the 4th inst. about was then immoveable, except a vague smile | been growing on me for a considerable e neighboringtownshipsforin- which his lips assumed at random t.» inis- time, and now. near the close of 75. i* be- partv. The signal for the pro- lead any one who might wish to obsci ve i come almost insuperable. I ain much tic- given on Frenchtown niouu- ‘ the external signs of what was passing bilitated in body,and mv mind sensible or. •as answered by all the horns | within. His figure at that time was thin the \vane;still however i enjov good health rs, comprising a circuit of 40 I and pale, and rather agreeable; he has and spirits, and am as industrious a read me space of 15 minutes. The now grown fat, which does not become | er as when a student at college—not of progressed towards a centre! him. As his stature is short, and his waist! newspapers, these I have discarded. 1 wnship ; shooting and driving j very long, he appeared to much better ad- relinquish, as I ought to do, all intermed- ;ore them, until the circuit be-j vantage on horseback than on foot. In ! ling with public affairs, committing inys-'lf 11 to use guns with safety : the every respect it is war,and only war whick cheerfully to the watch and care of tho then attacked w ith bayonets ; suits him. nd of poles, clubs, pitchforks. success, that nearly 300 deer, olves and 11 foxes were killed, jted that 500 deer. 10 bears escaped, together with a iof smaller animals. The ex- attended with circumstance 5 MISCELLANY. Mil. JEFFERSON. “ Blessings brighten as they fly.” The late serious illnes of Mr. Jefferson. * and the apprehensions for the event,have . , . . evinced the affectionate solicitude of the tingto hunters, and closr-d. as , fr(Hn Majrlc to Louisiana. Win,, eat mirth, lenn.pnjier. | he shall cease to live on earth, the recol- „ ,TTT „ , .„ .(lection of the great space he once filed | v ,l- i, »• ••• • Brookneld, Mass, were killed , with honor to himself and glory to his | ft f,;'"" ‘‘^'ia’!' 1 j : ^en by 1 ,e m ® n j country, will press on our grateful and sad ; :e killed i44i ; then at anoth- y, car t 8 that solemnizing feeling which we ! pi.,,,,, ■* for whom, in my youth, I have watched | and cared. M lien 1 contemplate the immense ad- j vances in science, and discoveries in the j arts which have been made within the pe- j riotl of my life, 1 look forward with con fidence to equal advances liv the present generation: and consequently will be. as much wiser than we have been, as we than i our fathers were, and they then burner- of witches; even the inataphv-ical contest. to III. it. a former letter, will probably end in ment, bv dealing the" mind of ne thousand to the bushel. killed 16428—making in all j „^„ce wi.en we faC^^iikHn ^ ^ j and uuintel 1 igiblc jar- which were killed m the | more —Samuel Adams is no more—Patrick! 3 **, , , . .. r at ee weeks. It was supposed to i Henry is no mor e—Washington is no ^ me the pow- ♦c K.i.-iaoi J b of cum mu mating b- letter with m\ ^ • x\ 41 ■’•ends* as imlustriouslv as heretofore. 1 >\ e rejoice with no common joy that s l ... . . . . . • . , t tv J a n .• * /• J J . "►ill still claim with them the same p ace Jefferson still lives to see us in a S™ ! th v will ever hold in mv allecti m / and e sTAEt's FRENCH revolction | ,neas “ rc turough his agency and influence) ^ is U1 j ( i(j ,; n ' ce ,. itv ar „| p | e IERK.-I once conversed with !* a " d incorporated nation, in peace suro ia ^ uie v , u 0 f „ iy reaiest Hi s j with aH the world, progressing silently | an j r s ,„. ct . * 6 TH JKFF'.RSON. HARACTERS. father's house, in 1759. re mean, his com a greenish hue ; lie maintain- i , r. t absurd propositions with a I do well. and safely to greatness, an example to o- ther nations, and a praise to them that Air. Bern \y a terhouse, <' The following letter would not have j T> ur ,.k„„ <• , been given thus early to the public, but for! n $ ives. “ ' 13 ' ,r the reiterated solicitations of judicious! •• l ,, ‘ omis,: u ,,l, s file «>( V ii'gi- frientls, whose language have been—•* let; , lia '• 1 " c entuo a • fuss the I iIIhw- the people see their benefactor while he ; '’h” sl,, . 2 > 11 document, dated in tit yet lives to enjoy their gratitude: they: > <*nr 1621. it has been recently re- liaxe admired Inin in the energy of health,' published iuVirginia, and as it is il- | while clothed in their highest honors, and] lustrative as .,.j| t| lP simplicity as laboring, with others, te provide a shelter j of the ne,cessi> ,,(■ j| l0 .,t the p. - for the genet ationa who are to come alter | riod in which ikvHs written, it will h- him ; let them now see him near the close ,-ead with soincf' . l|1( , re t li an ordina- ot Ins honorable career, reposing in the rv interest: ... bosom of his affectionate family, support* ' r , „ ..ling with dignity his protracted years, and London, Aug, ,-.l u lP21.—VVe send A person who wore powder in ctUy ,'m"" g f ° r ““ S “' tcacher ~'• M clothes were neat, and his “ ea * 1 • . had nothing in it familiar I AV e now live in 8,1 era remarkable for :ich had the air of conviction ; easily belie'c that at the be- jhe revolution lie had adopted "rtain ideas upon the equali ses as well as of ranks, caught in the course of Ins "d with which his envious vous character was delighted There was something mys- manner, which caused an un r to hover about i:i the midst gible terror which the govern- imed. He never adopted the ipularitv then generally in use London, Jiug, "j you in this ship m Widow and eleven tor V ives t|, # people of Virginia. 'There h t |, been si#i i-.l care had in the L-lioiccvtlicm, for then- of ruling carried him without I scrutinizing historical events, and the me- J hath not any one of tli m been reccir Aingyish himself from others, I [’ ts <d public men. luo bundled years ed but upon good coiriiendations. Ii oment when equality in eve* I'?'«'»"» e a P. 9ed *“">« ."“f csistence as case they cannot be prea nt ly macrie, desired. The most indecent *: n S llsl ‘ colonies ; and it is about forty W( . desire that they may h nut in seve In d rved as a lever for the subver- I st ,ice we *n>ou ainne a- a natinn ; yet it ril | hnuselinldcri that ha-e wives till al order. There was a kind ls remarkable that there were some they can be pn.vided of eish-uids in founding crime upon im-1 " ht, ‘ labored unremittingly tor our il| . e fiItv inori which are an homage paid to the intimate ! P uhl . ic , £ 00li 111 ,lur c'-bmial state, whose , f))||1P ... * " 1 ‘ C1 al ‘ igious opinions with morality, i deeds have not y et dignitied tlie pages of i inll)ll ,!.i.E. lord ant tein * V" m 1 " S .. onceived the idea of 1 <' ur history ; ami others, during this short l * nn " aUU an " “ aaul Pr be carl ol in honor of the supreme be-!P e ''»d uur nitional existence, who bniitliamptoniRiid crlain woitliv gen- himself. doubtless, with be- i touched the secret springs ol great events, tlcmcn, who takinjinto tlieir considr- «t his political ascendency on ! and vet their characters, through neglect, ration that the [dotation ran never nged according to Ids own remain in a. shade_ of^ambiguity, waiting flourish till families, P planted and tli nse have frenuentl v done who i t‘ ie illustration 0 ol historical trutii. respects of w ives iiuh liildren fix tlieir The sentiments here expressed by our people on the soil, 'kcrefoi-e have eri litirnl nntrinrrti are noon,lent. Th«rI vp „ tl , |S f ai begilHlin f„ rt |,e reilll ose liave frequently done who to seize the supreme power., ^occasion of this impious festi- political patriarch are important ught himself of walking the is like a “ horsing those charges , t is 01 , leri , 1 r to claim pre-eminence over i h rejt he, o h t. Mr. JUlerson has here, in a t) t evct , y l1lan that m T j 0S them give i* and from tliafc moment he ' master!v manner, nut to rest a question! . .• . .. m.iiiiun rih sS'it of the moment atid ! that might have agitated us herelifter.- and of the resources of the man were not r the enierprize RTE, in 1797, had no power, en highly worthy of est em ; e seen monsters of ferocity ; al iiii^iii na*c a^iiaicu nci rami 5^ . . , . _ •> »• who first began the American revolu-; best leal tobacco for en, ,,f tlieni. • • " - Thoiigli wc are desirous\ )a t the mar riage he free according t t|, e i aw - of nature yet we would nnl|, aV e these maids deceived and maivd to ser vants but only to sueh freer, n or ten ants as have means to maii\; n them. We pray you therefore to be^bers of' . r , - - , „ r n them in this business not if .i-r-inir pulse to the ball of the revolution. I well j „ t against their vt !s » h liAvn iupfl iiimt* siirh PYnrPS- ! • tiori will never again be a question for dispute. iVnnticello, .March 3, 1818. Dear sir.—I have just received your fa vor of February 20, in which you observe hing in the effect which Bo- j that Mr. Wirt, in page 47, of his Life of ced on me, that could bring I Patrick Henry, quotes me as saying that collection either the one or “ Mr. Henry certainly gave the first im- gooii perceived, in the differ- (ties which I had of meeting » stay at Paris, that his cha- hot be defined by the words r of individuals of whom w r e ledge. Such a being had 1111 refore could neither feel nor by; he was more or less than st of character, his under language, were stamped with an unknown nature, fused feeling that no emo- art could act upon him. Ili an being as an action recollect to have used some such expres sion in a letter to him ; and am tolerably | certain that, our own state being the sub- monlvuse; be was neither ject under contemplation, I must haveu- ent, nor gentle, nor cruel, af- *ed it with respect to that only. M he- C -r =_.!? • <• .1 — ther he has given it a mure general aspect, 1 cannot say, as the passage is not in the page you quote, nor, after tnumbling over much of the book, have [ been able to find it. In page 417 there is something like it. but not the exact expression ; and even there it may be doubted whether Mr. Wirt bad his eye on Virginia alone, or on all the colonies. But the question, who commenced the revolution ? is as difficult fellnw creature. He docs j as that of the first inventors ol a thousand ■ban lie loves ; fur him noth- 1 good tilings. For example, who first dis- jimself ; all other creatures | covered the principle of gravity ? Not The force of his will consists ! Newton ; fur Galileo, who died the year I it y of disturbing the ealeu-! that Newton was born, had measured its [ I'WKXTY DOLLARS REM AKl). In Pulaskisnperiorcourt, Oct. ter j is 18, Jolin A. Williams, ) vs C DIVORCE. » ,T sster Williams, j 1 1HR Sheriff having returned the pro,, j, . the above case, that the deR-tidaiR .s , t be found m this county—On motion ot' T,,, ., W. Harris, attorney for the plaint If, :t ,s OR*!,, that the defendant ilo appear at the next su]*, rottrt to beheld on the fourth Monday in A next, in said county, to answer in said libel i that a copy of th.s rule he published .11 one 01 V gazettes of this state, once a month for J man It Congressional Klectinn.—Retu 1 overgeneral Milton. Counterfeit fifty dollar bills on the Ma rine and l ire Insurance Company of Sa vannah, are in circulation. The plate and signatures are much like the genuine, but the paper is very bud, and the complexion much lighter and not so high sized. A society composed of young ladies, (a Tict highly honorable to the fair sox.) cal led tho *• Industrious Circh-.” has been es tablished in Savannah, for the purpose of clotliing such poor children ns attend, regu larly, Sunday schools, free school- church. The representatives of ten banks in Ken tucky lately met, and voted, unanimously, to recommend to tlieir respective institu tions, to suspend the payment of specie for notes. This (says the National Iriielligen- is stopping payment by wholesale. On Friday last (says the Savannah Re publican 4th inst.) an election took place, by the Directors -if the State Bank, for Di rectors and Cashiers for the Offices of Dis count and Deposit to be established in the towns ot Greenesliorough and Eatouton : Greenesbarnugh Branch—Messrs. David Terrel, T. W. Grimes, Nicholas Lewis, T. Greer, John West. John Houghton. T. I. Moor .directors. Nlaj.F.C.Heard,cashier. Cutout,on — Messrs. John I. Smith. Tho. Uoxey, W Flournoy, W. W. Williams, \. llaywanl. I. Hudson, W. '.ben rombie, directors, Mr. John Hudson, cashier \ stage-driver lias been committed to jail in Fayetteville, N. C. on a charge ol robbing the United States’ mail. The total number of persons belonging to the methmlist persuasion, in the. United States, in I<’18,is estimated at 229.5^7. of whom 190,477 are w hite, and 89,150 black. The statement puolished a few weeks <t- go, of the American and British commis sioners having found the fort built by the Americans at Rous’s Point (ailing on the Canada-ide of 45, is contradicted in se veral of the northern papers. Captains Morris and Porter, of the U. S. navy, passed through Darien a short tiin. since, on their way to Amelia Island. A number of citizens of North-Caroima have organized themselves into an Agricul tural Society, and chosen Gov. Branch president ex-officio. A man in London has made five hundred pounds bv the human teeth, gathered at the fiel I of Waterloo. Treaty with Spain.—On the 22d of Dc- ce ,r.,-r, the 1'resident ratified the treaty concluded at Madrid, in 1002, between the '.’lilted States and Spain, but the ratification of which, by Spain, lias been withheld un til recently. T his treaty (says the Nation-, al Intelligencer) provides lor the settle ment, by the arbitration of commissioneis, and in the most unexceptionable manner, of claims, prior to the year 1802, of the citizens of Spain and of the United States, respectively, for losses sustained by the depredations of citizens of the two govern ments. prior to tiie year 1802. The claims for spoliations by French Privateers carry ing their prizes into the ports of Spain, during the same period, and which have been ever since the subject of negotiation, are not pro' ided for. 1 hey are, howev er expressly reserved, and the existence of the claims thus distinctly recognized. Public Lands.—By a report from the Land Office, in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives, it appears that the amount due to the United States for purchases of the public lands north west of the river Ohio, is £7,290,-HID.—- The lands sold prior to the year 1812, have been paid for, or have reverted to the Uni ted States, because the period of original credit, and the extension of time for pay ment, (three years) have expired. The whole amount of sales during the interme diate period have been 14,447,675; and there have been received, by the United States, 8,615,055 dollars.—-AW. lnt. The proposition to authorize the people if the Alabama territory to form a state government, nnd for its-admission into the 1 lion. was yesterday under discifssion in the Senate." The bill proposes that the members of the Convention shall be ap portioned according to the present territo rial apportionment, and that the Cnn/.-n- iinn shall assemble at Huntsville on the 1st Monday in July next. The population, ac- certified ropy of the census, " Tt is rumored (says the National senger) that Mr. Forsyth, of t'a n Senate, is <" be appointed Minister at Mail-id Wa cannot pret-.H to know anything on this j subject. We believe, however, that such I an appointment would be highly acrepta- ' '<• to the country. Mr. F’s political ca reer. though short, has been marked In in telligence, vigor and activity ; and by con- stant zeal fur the honor and permanentin- terests -f the country. Both in his pub lic and private character, lie unites great gravity with spirit and firmness. In Con gress. his attention has been mure particu larly direit-'d to those objects which affect >mr foreign relations ; and the situation which l-e long held as chairman of the r.-uir* mittee of the House, of Representatives, | charged with that branch of our aftairs, has rendered him familiar with the whole his tory of our foreign policy. Under all the I circumstances, we do not believe that our I business with Spain, requiring as it proba bly does, address, talents end firmness, could be entrusted to better hands. .Yartli-Carolina.—Upon the whole I think the session of the Legislature just closed, one of which the people have rea son to be proud. Though a great deal of good has been left undone, still much has been done. We cannot expect that the icy feelings of a niggardly economy and elec- tionceringjealousy will all of a sudden give wav before the fervor of patriotism and state pride. It would be perhaps asking too much to expect that the magnanimous step of the st-rte of Georgia, in raising the sala ries of her public officers 50 per centum, I1011II be emulated here. But 1 do not despair of seeing the day when North-Car* rolina will do justice to herself. 1 hope to see atonr elections support given bv die people to men who will act fearlessly and liberal!' as legislators; and not to’thosc loubting. trembling populnrity-hunters.wfc® ;uin suffrage*, paradoxical as it may s .-eifi, by pitil'-d arts which the people themselves lespise. The radical reform of our state character m isi be made at the polls. There the people have every thing in their poor- • : nnd 1 trust they will, before long, be- n to choose men wiio have independence, talents and integrity enough to vote for the L'eneral welfare and glory, and not with the contemptible view of securing that seat for tin? next year which they are the present one disgracing!—llaleigh .Minerva. Fictitious distress.—We are now (says di New-i ork Columbian) blest with peach ud prosperity—the earth yields oer fruits in abundance, and no distress is felt exc ept by imprudent persons who have pushed t icir credit too fir. The honest and indus- trio s part of the community suffer some inconvenience and loss by d^- distracted •! ite of the currency ; but such men as a- - oid the bank mania have little to fear by nese adverse times. Truly “wrevhed i* that poor man who hangs on ban,'ring ••-ors.” p The broeh of Rob Roy's wife, the Scof- tisb amazon, has been given to Walter S. ott, The following is an extract from a news paper of 1754—•• Edinburg, Feb. 0. 1754. ■ esterdav was executed here, pursuant to his sentence, Robert M'Gregor, alias Camp bell, alias Rob Roy, for ham sucken and forcible abduction of Scan Key, heiress of Edenbellj’. Tie acknowledged the justice ot his sentence, died seemingly penitent tor his crimes, and declared himself of the hurch of Rome. Immediately before he was thrown off, and while at his devotions on the ladder, some of the populace cried out '• a pardon i a pardon !” which made aim start up and look around him ; where upon the magistrates ordered him to be py from the minutes. tillVV B Jan. 1. (■ \itl)XER, clerk. “otism ; he is an able chess human race is the opponent poses to give check-mate. Jepend as much on tliequal force in the descent of gravid bodies —! I* AX.WV AY from the subscriber, somet. me a. Who invented the Lavnlseriau chemistry: ! It- bout the latter end of last month, o: the 1st n* »•** **.> '>-•'”“ i ,-, by “r parattiry discovery Ot the latent l!^ at .— ptecled, tolerably bonv and straight made, long gazette* 01 -ordina to a certified ropv ot the census Old that such publication tie deemed amicons.d; . 5 , .. , 1 - -red as sufficient and legal service. laid before the benntc, was, some month 1 do hereby certify that the above ts a true co-y;o. found to lie 67,000 souls, and has since creased by emigrations in a surprifing de- Ve. The sales of public lands in the ybama territory have been very exten- ri' am | are estimated already to have a- J10 'teil to ten millions of dollars. Dur ing V, last year, it is believed the sales ih' exceeded four millions of dollars in that ttkjtQrv alone.—vVal. lnt. he is deficient, as on the ta-1 Who invented the steam-boat? Was it possesses. Neither pity, 1 nor religion, nor attacli- ea whatsoever, could turn in his principal direction, mterest what the just man irtue; if the end were good, ce would be noble, hat 1 heard him speak, I his superiority } yet it had o that of men instructed or tudy or society,such as those Gerbert, the marquis of Worcester, New- combe, Savary, Papin, Fitch, Fulton ? The fact is, that one new idea leads to an other 5 that to a third, and so on through a course ol time, until some one, with whom no one of these idnas was original, combines all together, and produces what is usually called a new invention. 1 sup pose it would be as difficult to trace our revolution to its first embryo. We do not know bow long it was hatching in the Brit- vis.tge, with liitfh check ; he lias a smootl tongue, and no doubt will endeavor to deceive a* nv person who may apprehend him. He is some times known bv the name ol Proctor ; he i» a rood hand at cards.’ It is expected he is now lurking in the vicinity of this place. All persons art* hereby cautioned not to harbor «a.d negro, as the penalty of the law will be rigidly enforced.. A- ny person apprehending said negro and deliver ing him to the subscriber living in Milledgeville, or securing bun in wiinc sate jail, so that l get him again, shall revive the above reward T7M. BQIBBTSON. Jan. J. • Geneq Jackson is said tube on his way to the st* „f government. We are gja'd to hear it though we understand his visit has notht). to do with his vindication ; hut relates e*hy to his settlement with the war depattient.—Washington City Gaz. Wondeipl memory.—There is notv a pauper in fie i'hiladelphia Alms-House, who can r«te the whole of the New Tes- tafljeut, u9a Jcgioaing to enj, MARRIED. O11 \Ye.lne-»duy the k?9th of December, by ThfV in-j Siierrer, esq. Mr. Solomon 11. Murphev to • Elizabeth M’Clendon. On Thursday iheSOtli December, Mr. Samuel Clark, to liss latiUla .Mains • NOTICE. r HK subscriber having n possession a POCK?' K T-UOOK, found by an Indian, two mites east of tlie Coosevwattee river, in ihe Cher<Aee nation, the owner is requested to come and pay for this advertisement, the property ..t.d take it away. The book contains between .wo and three thousand dollars, and some wr.t'en pa pers. The subscriber lives near Catomon, Put. rum county, Georgia. • BUCKNER COoK. Jan. 9. 2-tt MILL BE SO’ldT" O N Tuesday the loth clay of March next, in i he town of Mom iccllo, one square of land, i, No. 10, 1.>ili district, formerly Raldwin, now Jas per) under the incumbrance of Isaac Mill,dec’d, late of Jasper county. Terms made known on .lie day of sale. HENRY PEDDY, guard’n. Jan. 10. tds COMMITTED. ”1^0 the Milledgev lie jail, on Friday last, ancs JL gro woman named .MATILDA, who says t»hu belongs to James G»ace, of Jasper countv F. SANFORD, J.ulor. Jan. 12. 2-3t EUR SALE”, O 'n reasonable terms, a likely, healthy coun try born negro woman, reported o lie an excellent house or field servant. Enq« ii e ct .lii# nfficc. Jan. 9. : Office of Discous* and Deposit,') Milledgeville, 24th December. 1 Bio. J A GREEABLY to a resolution or the- Board of Diiectorsof this date, notice is hereby g.v. en, that Wednesday in every week s the day for offering notes for discount at tins office; and in future, no note will l>e received which is tender ed on Thursday the discount day. EDWARD CARA’, Gash’r. December ?4- 2-2 ON CONSIGNMENT, # O NE trunk and 2 boxes best northern Shoes, 4 casks of Sicily Madeira Wine, low lop cash. Apply to JOHN C EASTER. Jan 12. -~3t NINE month, afler date application w II loj made to the court of ordinary of J ne. county, {or leave to sell pun of uac' Xu. 53,1 J-hd.s-.rict, ivine on the waters of Fall creek, in s. 9 - Aty. JOHN UBNDF.RSOK, ” Jop- I® S-w 9 *