The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, January 12, 1819, Image 4

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POETICAL. Pi.UM Tii E i’ll 1I.AHK.I.F:; IA UNION. WINTER. HARK ! ’(is the requiem of the closing year ! The hollow dingc of Hummer’* reign ha* spoil: Loud howl* tlie tempest to the starUed ear— Deep moans the fetnst o’er autumn’s glory tied. •Tin winter! and I hail the monarch*! reign! 1 love to gaze upon that rugged bnw, When ’neath in frown tlu* slowly pulling rain, Congealing, glitters on those locks of snow. I love, to meet that stern, unaltered eye; Ilove to grasp tiiat cold and icy hand— ToumrU the eiuouttled whirlwinds of the sky, When Winter waves the sceptre of contniuud. Winter, thou coin's! not with a villain’s smile— Thou hring’st, unseen, no keen env i»nmcd dart; Thy cold and i»loodler*> lips are free from guilt— Thv frozen bosom shrouds .1 candid heart 1 KEUGIOUS. ron tiik itLn.M"ron. ON PREACHING. UF. that negotiates between God and man, of every man’s eofiseiente is snapped a- sumler. Note the passing tidings of the times and he convinced. Hut, as was quo ted in the incipient in the words of Cowper, “ -o (lid not Paul. 1 * — - In tne whole of Ids writings and preach ing shew me one jest, and I will consent that it shall be taken for a text and preach ed from till sides shall ache and hurst with laii'ditcr, and even the benches themselves fail. No! he was serious, solemn ami sin cere. lie understood the sacred duties he performed. He was simple in appearance, grave in look, uncomipt in his doctrine, plain in language, firm to his post, faithful to his charge, naturally easy in gesture, mild in reproof, earnest in exhortation, un exampled in forbearance, conscious of tin* awful charge committed to his tru**t, and anxious that his flock might likewise feel MILLEDGEVILLE V)OK-STORE. MORRIS A. GINN, R espectfully inform the public that they have just received, in addition to their for mer stork, from New-York, a general assortment of Books, (and Stationary) in the various branch es of Literature, among w.nirli are Elegant Family Billies, (superb binding) royal, quarto, l)r. Gregory's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, embellished with I >0 engravings, 3v<»ln. do. Dr. Gill's Commentary, London Edition, 9 do. 9 do. Dr. Scott’s Do. do. - - Do. Theological Works, d’Knight on Epistles, Canipliell’s Gospels, Do. Rhetoric, Do. Hieolo^y, Nimeon’s Skeleton*, Pridenux’s Connections, Raley’s Work/i, tru-t. mid |! J ’V Vhil<.«.jp!.y, - - land on Da me Revelation, Theological Dictionary, 3 do (i nctnvn, 7 do. 6 d». ■I dn. do. do. fParC‘House anil Commission Cosiness. | SAWYER & HERRING, H AVING made large additions to their estab lishment, tender their services in the above line. They assure their friends that strict atten tion and punctuality shall be observed in all busi ness entrusted to their charge. They keep large supplies of GROCERIES and FURNITURE for sale at the Savannah prices. Darier. Oct. ‘20. i\ STOVALL & CO. A RE now receiving a large and general assort ment of SLASH .> A BEE GOODS, suited prin cipally to the country trade. They respectfully in vite country merchants to call and examine them, tlicN being bought very cheap, by the package, at auction sales in New-York. They will continue to receive frequent supplies from one of the firm now in that place, whose attention is entirely de voted to the business of buyirtg goods. A liberal 4 do. I time will lie given, if required, to punctual |H»rsous. mrrr , NF ^ STORE. ilirE suhsenher informs the citb/u* » I 111 " cv 11 •■> ’“" l d- vicinity that hfi ^ cd a store the house ow»eri b y ’ ' As G h1 * Mrn'mssadnr, the grand concerns Of judgment and of mere/, should beware Oi lightm ** in his speech. ’ l is pitiful To court a grin, win 11 you should w«»o a soul; To . iv aw a j- st, when pity would inspire Pal It-. t*c exhortation ; and t’artdress Tin* skittish fancy with facetious lal* AY lien scat with God’s commission to the heart! So did not Paul.’* Tin- most sacred, important and arduous task on earth, is the promulgatim. of the go-pel ot our Lord and (Saviour Jesus Christ. Hut it is often placed upon a lev el with mien r duties, and the intent of it is often subverted. It would seem rea sonable tout this duty should be performed by those who were skilled in me service— or rather, at least, that none should per form it but those who wish to promote its best interests. Hut oil this most impor tant point many ditl’erand contend : some think it. s illicient t lot the tau- is published without the atonement—some think that j pu«.l it> practical duties will answer without its doctrines being dissected—and some, that good works aie sufficient without re- peotance. Hat thu-e woo preach the law without the atonement do not fulfil the commandment ol Clnist; those who preach the do. trine of good works without ' epen- t.,; ce, go as far trom tile point as in cither extieine—nodi! the doctrines ol the Hi- bie are not pleached, there is no preach ing at ad the wurds of Ha d to Titno* th\ •• preach the word,’’ have been ju-tly rendered by a late commentator " go pro- ci no. die doctriics■ and they may be thus i.-ude ed, not only without destroy ing tlieir liteial intent, but without de stroying their effects. This inav suffice for the matter which is to be preached. Let us now consider those who are the promulgators ol it, and the via.oiei in winch it. should be done- Hut tie! o e we enter into a discussion of these poiiii... we will first I 'ok it. the office. The pulpit is the bar at which it must be brought. The house of God is ti e s. ire tor the pulpit. Hut, not only are I111U-: - which are set apart f"r llu- pur pose the proper place, hut wherever the gospel is preached it i< the house of God. 'J in . irv hail cav become the house of pi:. . . the humble cottage or die dreary wild* 1 ness inaj become •* the house ot Goii and the v**ry gate to heaven.” The therefore., wherever it is stationed, is due most tlfiii luaf gumd against die en emy , the greatest -uppurter of the truth, and die lightest ornament of its noble cause. H* hold therein the messenger of grace. Tip' viol: ted law he proclaims to universal nm,.. and from its terrors leads tuu mind tu iineive Hie gospel His it, that tliev might help him bear the bur-j^,, , m, 'tionary Biiilc, den, and in’all his conduct acted as became Faber on a messenger of grace to sinful, guilty man. I Massilon Reader, if thou art a minister of the|PJ a,r ’«* gospel, a-k not if tliy neighbor is such an one as either of these characters, but ask thyself. Recollect ttie blessing laid in Dulciicourt on Death, store for those who aie true ami faUltfu' Irifc of the Rev. Thomas Coke husbandmen, and the awtul denunciation 1 pronounced against those who are the re verse. Your friend. PI1IL0L0GUS. t*r f»u the Brophcvies, urinous, Do. Rhetoric, Hunter’s >arred Biography, Benedict's History ol’ tlie Baptists, L. D- 6 HRtll’tOALis, BY J. t*. lit > NON, For publishing in Augusta n newspaper, to he called THE GEORGIA Al)N ERTISER. [XHO'.i (he growing importance ol our mute, I * an( | tlie rapid progress of improvement through all parts of it, u belief ia entertained that an al- t, motto add one to the vehicles of periodical in- telli-enei' already circulated, '■ ill meet that liberal patronage and support usually extended to under-1 Kwt _ ...,..... tnkmzz com lining public utility with individual j |, ;i i,.|, cr i s Dispensatory, enterprise and exertion. In submitting to an en- li ditencd and intelligent coinniniiily proposals lor a now paper, no altc.npl will oe made to nnticipate n.lie fav or oy any extraordinary engagements or lendid professions »Vork: Beaties’ VYorks, (gilt) Newton’s do. Village Sermons, Sturm’s Rcllecuotis, Fletcher’s Works, Methodist Ilyinas, i hoinas' Bructirc ol* Fhysic, Dorsey’s Cooper, Coojhu’s Surgery, Aeeilm’s Cheinisirj, I’lioinpson’s do. Davy’s do. Bell’s Surgery, Caldwell’s Cullen, Underwood on the Diseases of Children, ledieal Companion, i he subscriber is aware that the paper lie puidishes mast and will ho judged ol according to it* merit, and that Us support win correspond with the estimation entertained ol tin ability, candor and correctness with which it may he conducted, independently of any promises mad. prev ions to its ap|ieui'a lie will therefore have- lJo _ p nn g|„, Edinburgh do. yiedieal Dietionary, Bard’s Coinpend, Hchberden’s v-oinmcntarics, Lare.y’s surgery, Boyer on the Bones, vVistar's Anatomy, Anson on Fevers, ivedieur on (iypnirlis, .usli on the .mud, > dn. do. ! do. do. do! 1 dn. ! do. do 1 do. ! do. do. do. line >. 1(1 do. It do. 3 do. 2 do. do. do. ftvo. 2 do. do. 2 do. 4 do. do. 2 do. tl do. do. do. 8\o. do. do. do. dc Augusta, November 2d. nearlyop p( , ? i.eloM ( ;,; r .;r, , 17, B >'H, .tore where he now oR,rs fm merit ol DRY-GOODS, llARIltvfm.^ and >11 OKS, Norlle rn l l,.,' " ' 1 ^ “ and bhis. West India It,mg ' U «, of Goshen Cheese. *• S aeknovvledged rrgj W„„i T * i “ 0B W COTTO.Y,kmdX^S,. ,0 <‘ U ^ Dj= BILLS of F.V MAym 1 .' YV,A J’i» I'll!Indeljil"i, and Providence! for sale! HO MOVERS TO Tjjjf u \TVt.rrynn,l, ( ,y <m , l! ;‘; A 'AllA in der; y„ “ ""W oil an exc ellent road'to || lp ( n 'Liv^n from above Augusta and Millm!?':,, Trat 1111 W I iioi r ■><<•■ _ .., ‘'b-'VlIlPj ^j] crlnshaw harrow, 5 JT W ta received *10 p’s Welch Negro Plains. J| *. 12 complete sets Blacksmith’s'Fools, *20casks ass‘*rte«l Cutlery and Hardware. t» uoxes host Chnmpaiicne \N ine, CO dozen line Call’ Skiiis, |() do* coarse Leather lor negro shoos, 10 »0 pounds ^o!e Leather, 10 dozen I log .•'kins and ddo. Morocco do. 4 silver mounted liitlcs in mahogany oas. s with instruments complete, and extra Fowling Pie ces to lit the sain* 1 stock, A pair plain iu' pistols, ‘2 dozen tine Lancaster Rifles, 30 pair horseman’s Bistols and an assortment of Military Goods, ‘20 casks patent Hoes, ‘20 do. assorted Nails and Brads, 100 pieces worsted and straining Webbing, Saddlers’ Needles, sewinjj JSilks, and a varie ty of useful Trimmings for saddlers, 10 dozen assorted Saddles and Saddle-hags, ‘20 kegs Powder, 50 boxes best Spanish Segnrs, mile hel< 10 do. Tea. Also, an assortment of School j 8 or 9 inbhe Books,and a variety of oilier seasonable articli MiH'dccville, December '22. this their nearest route Dee. 15. CO'AAX TOP • 1 lh hull (tiul L'Oiuiuissinn if rpiiK ,J;' “I""*'"’ X friend- and llu- pu t,|i, |“"™ commeni . d the \n, ii..„ ;, llc i L,' ’ ^t'liej W 1 "' h "^ IV ay lie sireet. [H cure will receive prompt altrnti!!!!"'™' 4 ^ Milledgeville ) Di"mhI:r l a KIGHT < t \N ILL HL SOLD, O \ r prrm - ,nT ' ,i w 4 Jimi iry next, all t|, e p. rhhal*, tnses ,vl Donald lI’Donald. deceased, co •■ s. I logs, (,attie, Corn, Fodder ( niid . h.ild and Kitchen Furniture, Fanning t'w. sold lor the honc'it of Ihc heirs S "DeSb. J<),,V •'•’“O.N.vfi? STOLEN, IV reniara, dial having been regularly brought up to tin: printing busm ss, he irusls he shall oe nine t present to the public a paper worthy their pat ronage ; and it will he his unceasing endeavor not to disappoint, in any degree, the expectation) > who may generously countenance and cucuur- agL his uudertai-ing. .... . lie paper he proposes to publish will hr i a lie ■heGeo oia Auvehtiseu. it will l>e issued in Augusta, toree times awueli, on such days as may best correspond with the arrival and departure ol t.,e mails, and wain such other circ.iui-liinccs as may lend to tender it in .st extei.sively aselul. it will contain tin- latest foreign and done Stic mu lli- -,. ncc .—productions calculated to odvniue Uie ag ricultural, commercial and mechanical .nu resis ol ihc community—essays, original or se c< « j U I J ’ mg to improve tlie murals, correct Hie taste, »r in form tlie judgement of the reader—and su. li pol.n- eal artich s as may he necessary to a iree LX.imma- puulic measures, and which, exempt ironj valteFs l.n Deri iv, apiiear only to have 'die puolic good Curran’s Speech' -, " in i,o .ot;)) as shall j llIU , s 0( . i{mliuciit, lunter ou Blood, Hamilton on Furgatives, v\ lilnn on trie >mii, 1st volurao, Lind on Hot Cluitaies, •lanucl of Botany, . inis on Vlusdes, I’hillip’s .inerulogy, Chayne’s Works, History of England) by Hume, Smollel LAN US *OK SALK. O NE tract containing 179 acres, being the frac tion .Vo. *210; also, fraction .no.‘211, contain- ng 138 acres; also, fraction No. ‘216, containing »9 acre®, all lying on the waters of C-ommissioneni’ •reek, in the county of Wilkinson, ‘27lh district; d°- also, oqr square tract, 6th district, Baldwin, No 66, dn. containing 20J 1-2 acres. Any p *i*son wishing to do. purchase nil) do well to view the lands previous to the 15t.'i of January next, as the suoscriher will do. jdien be* in Milledgeville for the purpose of making iale of said lands. ROBERT KEY. December 17. d' do d. . Jo. l/lio. do. do. 2 dn. iid Bis- 8 8 vo. titMi c party IBglamFs do. Giohon’s Koine, - • Gillie’s Greece, (gilt and plain) .Vladame de Start on the IT« n* a ilevom c, h ~ .darsiiali's Jdle of Washington, >t. Bu re’s studies of Natim . V olney’s V lew «»l tne Lulled .-tato 0 Do. v lews of Empires, Chateaubriand’s 1 ruvtl% Dallas’ Reports, Nations, * _ notice. <r INIlE auhsrrihers wishing to close the husine— of tin firm of Al. Greene K: Co. inform their, friend- that (lie notes and hooks are in the hands of vlr. i’ryor Wright, I' dillodgcville, whose receipts wiil bo pood ; and those having demands will call on him and lie w ill pay them, as soon as collections ran lie made. DAV ID WiUGH F, January4. W.M. HUTCHESON. dr. til.’ ’ ce. V It) the boltint***, of a lion, now the ■ ‘ of a lamb, ami from Ilia lip. e cliee'ihg sound ot "‘peace on "id ooiui w.ll toward man. * 1 lie in l.nt.i lie rc-e-tablislies ; the weak pleased he support- and comforts; ioe wanderer from the Intd to re- ini,In ids up Ins wuundsand cheers ken heart i ins is the task w hich .i and faithful pi • other lias ti> per- ai'.d hai'iip. studied to shew himself • d unto Giiu, he can ••become all in ali men,” in order to gam some. who is approved to this work must i in clear and undeniable prools. Ins o. by having' is own hands pure, whole teiioui ol his life, by pie- d example, coincident and coii- i .' da ! tn;> brethren, do all our niin- ist. " -uj port this i.uaraeter, ami display tlii . _ .,itiait in ti:e pulpit and m ‘private v ik r Would to heaven we could answer d iiifigatany individual til ot see th. iii quit’: toe leierse ? i .some who tread this s.i- sect- no we l).t i e not I. vied i. gc, li .vi leu- and light in tlieir con xcisiti t, a — .ail- in tlieir man- ii. i -. i t»c even in tne morals w ich they preaL.i—I t'l *er se< n "' j trues of plea- su.i tiuii in t o n own hr -ide—lilted . - the pool—tt. tact, a slave to pleasure, and uni only .lonibling alock to others, bin obin.Mllf liow manv carry it still further, and af fect dr tlie pulpit vi bat then hearts are stiangels t. , tod make the sacred desk a t'.cat: w oe'• oi to shew tlieir line |>crsuns an.i displav toe.r oratorical powers. \ xt the mutter. Iii addition to these cm.-, v. )ii'l perhaps you think I have gone far enough) in-tcail of - preaching the will in -e iso. they till the ears of tlieir auditors o ith i.di. icated talcs to please the lai i v , and w.nle souls arc hungry for the bund of eternal lile, tliey are retailing and castingcpitnets of derision on 0 • class ul men.and on another declam- ati ns ol damnation! 1‘lie man who suf- Ki. iuniseif to acttliuuiii the pulpit, by Ins ituhness |.et verts tlie morals of those he shout., instruct—di graces the holy function he has engaged in—and although he may move the ..eak, yet he dues not teach them ; and thu. he is a blind leader 01 the blind. Luder such pi caching, the enemies of the crossure incited to perse cution; the prejudices of strong minds are continued; relaxation of religion follows in toe Uuai t of the believer, and the curb in view. In-li »it, it. content, will la: ... deemr'l In s; calculated t» vender the AbvEi.ti- S |.;., ii.,aocrol ii.vful inlhrn.alion and rational en- Icrlair.ineiil—and the publisher will, with couti- deaev, add hi. belief, that it w ill at no lua ' rontam matter which will he displeasing to its patrons or degrading to liiiii.rll. ... , Terms.—t. The Georgia Anvrrtucr vvill oe nrinlcil three twin s a weet;, «*n a super-ro) a si/-• I ,:i 1 x r , and with a new type, and dcdivered to suh- icriiH-niii thceity, or forwarded by mail, »t «i\dol- IATS a yt ar pay able in advance or on the dclivi ry of the lirst pu|K*r. 2. All sul»sf ri,»ti«Mis will he foroneycar at least, aud will he ebn^idcred an continued where a notice to the contrary is not given. 3. Advertisements will In* inserted at the custom ary rates. .. . * t PERSO.NS who arc good enough lo obtain sniVsrrihers for the Advertiser, will < «>nk r a Favor I i»v transmitting the subscription pa|x rs, *t a list ol) si'gnatuies, .#y the last of January next, that tlu* 4if st paper is-ued in February may be regularly sent to its patu ns. o o mi scriptions will be received at the 1 ost- OiTice in itlcdgevilD. NLU ciOOkib. YTGRT1I wN ROWE having taken the store lorm< rly occupied by North, R‘*wc Go. i,t'Xi door to or. Jadlet’s,*an now ojiening a gene ral assortment oF DRY GOODS k GRl)GLRlES —Also readv made Clothes^ women’s, men s and boys’ Mines' vN atclies, Jewelry, silver Spot ivory and horn t one L ut-glass, Bead*. i>cmm»s, &:c. with many other articles too numerous to re late ; all oF which they will dispose of on tlie most liberal t* rms. t hey have re-commenrcd the man- uFarturing of Tin Ware, having employed the tirst rate workmen, and will he able to execute any or der in that line w ith dispatch. Gutters and con ductors nuv.c and put up at tlie shortest notice. Milledgeville, November24, 1818. Clerk’s Assistant, bmilh’s v' eultli of Notions Do. Moral Sc-nuineuls, Ulivc Branch, RoherUon’s Oharlcs 5th Rollin’s Ancient ilistor Plularcii’s Lives, Works. igilQ. *'P^U1 »r, Loudnll | dlORj Shakespeare's I iay Cheslerlield’s Lett/> C’liildrciiot the A'°. v » Seoltisli Gliiels, By mu g »\ oruvi, Fom Jones, Arabian .Night/ Burns’ W»ir:is Doll Quixote p e rcgrine i tklc, (iii blits, Bindur * Wks, Ossian's Rcnis, viontgonvD s do. Milton’s 'Vorks: Cowptrsdo. GookS ^ oyuges, | * # Riley’? Narrative, P llltc -* Forum's U"Ctur/«'»i> maps A: plate* Hufld’»-*'«l'“"fe tip , Adam’s liomau < I tollhouse’s Alb/»» I ,ateS ' hell, {Junius identities O’Rciley’s G Birheck’s L« vo,, g ,ap„v Do. Gazett A lew <1 a goner 12uio. do. 2 Uvu. do do. 3 do. I 1 Jiao. (! do. 21 WILL HE SOLD O N a credit, at the late dwelling hourcof Sam- ui l i Til«n, in Washington county, on Thurs day 11 th of February next, all the stock of horses, do i ca:| le, hogs, sheep, and goats, household and kilch- D n furniture, and plantation utensils. Bond with approved security will hr required, by R. A. BLOUNT, j ,, ROBERT DIXON, \ omd rs ' Lebanon, Dec. 24. [tils] ~FhE N ATI ON A L R EG I ST E R. 1 a paper which is ptdilished every Sa'urdav. at A the city of Washington, in the district of’Co lumbia, and each number contains sixteen pages octavo, in small but very legible ty|>e. It makes two volumes in tlie year; and every volume is ac companied with a copious Index. The price per q”' I annum is live dollars, payable ia advance. The ' I Public Documents, both foreign ami domestic ; the do ! proceedings of Congress, ami authentic news of every description, are regularly inserted therein, and accompanied by critical and explanatory re marks. Its \ able is also enhanced by occasional reviews of literary works ; and all its sentiments arc decidedly American, independent of all party considerations. For Ibis work, which is well es- tablishcd, regularly published, and transmitted ;; I weekly to subscribers by mail, the public patron- ' i age is rcs|iectfiilly solicited. LAWRENCE, WILSON V CO. do. do. do. do. do. do. do d do. do. (to. do. do. do. do. ftvo. do. do. do. TAKE NOIICE. L OST on the night of the 22d inst. near Mr. | Mifledgeville. Coward Ross's store, in Jones county, a Red I 0 N , .' ri 1 ,l: 7 ni - Hl -'' frora ray s-a fW L KJ mile below 'iiliedgeville, h Inch, 8 or «J years old, a smalt J her forehead, some few saddle spots a |.L her right eye, nnd very rough shod. T»a_ ars will lie given for the marc and Ihief, s-J tars lor the mare. .NELSON \v']l; Jasper county, December 1,1818. n NOTICE. i .1 .VG about to remove to tlie zlabamaj ry, all persons interested are herah, J tlnu have appointed :i. Bloimt ray a J 1. fully authorised to Iran,art ali my I.J Georgia. [Dec.ii.] REUBEN STRA.Sq savvy er Kwmisd G FF ER (or sale the cargo of (he ralioowl gon, (just arrived from .Yew-York; emsfe Ol a general UMorim. ut of Ci scenes, f ro / and Furniture. iyaricn. NorJ NOTICE. V LL persons ind bled to Worraly Rot | ceased, are requested to come lonsarL make immediate payment: and all who hav| claims against said deceased, are requested li sent them for immediate payment. SI'eA.V ROSE, ada'il Dec. 2«. kl.VC'IIEV CL'RLE,< SALT. J UST received from Darien, and for sale] bushels ground Alum Salt. MJec.ll. IS KOR Sale, V .N* elegant II VROL'CHE, with llaraeu | ptetc, by Dec. 29. TF.RONDET, ATKISOX i UR. RiEil.lttl) LE W 1ST I R ESPECTFULLV inlhrms fin:itImuof| cock county, that lit lias |ern'.an ady I liimseil" in Powelbia, and will attend prompt the duties of his profesion. l’owcHon, Jan. 1,1819. CLEAHt;iT LAiNOS TU Hi: 1 ‘I^L hr lentrd at tbeourt-h-’Uie, ia ttiel ▼ ▼ of Milledgeville, the third ^'A'.u^d| thii* iust. to the hisrluM bidder, tin- cleared f on the town common*. Flic term* of rrntiojJ the time For vvhicii the rents shall continue, inadi' known on the day of renting. The i to commence at 10 o’clock. Jan. 2,1819. FR. JF/TCM ulnavvavT 1 7NRO.M Ihc subscriber a nc ? f ro fellow i I. Boh, Formerly the property ol Mr. Prw Washimrtori county. A liberal reward w| I iriven For hi* apprelu usion and delivery to i I JAMES .MARSIWi do. | do. | *V NOTICE. ■JURSFANT to order of the honorable court JT of ordinary of Grounecounty, will be sold to the highest bidJi r, in tlie town of Circcnesoorouirli, •in Hu* tu\«t Fuesday in February next, ‘200 aerrs »»i land, lyin^oii the waters of Ogcchcc, in said coun- ty, adjoin in? Stewart and others ; it bcin? a part [u •- - -- o*.' tin* rt al estate of Alexander Stewart, dec eased, leli;# 10 8el1 ‘ >g h inch nv ; s dev iscd by him to the children ot Eliza-1 -7 belli V' aluer, forsneri) Elizabetli Tally. Noveiui er 20. JOHN WALKER, cusr’n land, \ from the Illinoi?. 1. Anei doles. ‘2 do. of superior quality Parchment, wiin (inu iit of Classical and school Books, 7,11 dispose of at the .New-* ork prices, which thej^ rt . l;i j| a complete assort- tionary, which will be sold on liberal wholesab rnent of “Jh. of decant Globes, T 1 v,ap of Georgia, do. o the L mted Slates, mitli’ . of the four Quarters of the January 5, 1819. tW A liberal allowance made to those who pur lin. rocco Bucket Book, containing about 50 or CO j dollars in bank note s, one half eacle of $5, and notes on the following persons, viz : one on Junies Wicks, one on Charles Garirill, one on Dr. John U w. Happy, three on Nathan F. Ward, and one on! do. lawyer Steele, nil of Monticello; one on Mr. .5’- Bride, of Eatonton, one on Bo|er Allen, of Clinton, id two on J?. II. Gtimmincs, one payable to Wil- i li® Berrv, and the others to myself : the dates and „ j j amounts, together with several other notes, not I k* a , flutters himself iii* profession*! e, l I particularly rccolleted. All persons arc cautioned J w ill U* Found useful, particularly iudssff' 1 8 vo . I u K a ' n(;t trading for any of the above described notes, * ' and the jiersons who gave them, forwamed paying the same to any person but to those to vvliora they | are made payable. A liberal reward w ill he giv- j cn for the picket book and its contents ; and mis information relative thereto thankfully received. SA vPE BROWN. Milledgeville, December 2^, 1810. lolllO. ‘2 d /K0RG1A. JONES COUNTY. EFORE me, Roger Vuicnrthy, one of the jus- .. ...... ._iicvs ol tlie interior court for Bus county, per- 10UN C. 110LCOMHE, iniilly appeared, Naaey Davison, who, being v 11 <G taken die ware-1,"ii-e lately occupied! I)n ,, saitli. that she lias either lost or misluiil a JT. by I lewellin i: Dickin«.in, "tiers his servin/,| e o r hand given to tier by Am * Gulleiie and 111 di FACTORAGE (e CO d •iDSlUN 1 .I Hyflumphrey Cooper, lor two Inmdred and seventy lie i. having Iii) store-houses pat in eompleteordj tor tlie reveption of all kinds of produce, mei^li di7e, kr. .. f. and strict attention will he paicito •..sin' s-, entms'.ed to iris e,tie. Augusta, July JLSl* RECEIVED, O NE hundred liuslieis of Ball, 10 kegss roinhe iiutter, 10 obis. Sugar, 10 hie. 10 eas is Goshen Cheese, 50 pieces superio ness Bagging for sale by Dee. I. H. B. HOLCO'.lltE j GOLDEN BALL TAV riilE subscriber returns nis ^ratctV JL generous public for tlie supp»rt him. lie solicits a continuance of J i in>sc persons wanting board For a will find it lo their interest to call civil and sober are invited to call; disposed, will confer a favor if tlu* rial attention will at all times oe x\. nuks to a jik-rred* on Favor, k or month, him. The ul* otherwise a oy. Spc- idfto ladies. J V> iF.l»JG it EEN, X"f Green & Centre streets, uuti o the Market Augusta Nnvemhe 4. j NOTICE. / ’ fAl IE subscribers will apply t>n»’ enurt of or- JL dinary of Washington couixy >a the 1st don- day in February next, for lett*n °l adminittra- tioh on tne. state of bamucl )ut i, l * ec ' , ,'‘ l ? „ ' It. A BLOUNT, Dccctnhcx iy. ROB l i DIXON. dollai'), hearing il.iie Uie l7lli day ol July, ittlft, liavablc on tin Jotli day ol Deeeml'er following. tier NANCY x DAVISON, mum. Sworn and rubscribod before me, tliis 17th De cember, luiu. . . „ ROGER MACARTHY, J. I. C. ALL persons are cautioned against trading for the above described note, and tlie mnlii rs a- guinst paying it to any person besides my self. tier NANCY ec DAVISON, Dec. 20. raftfit- Jnn. 4. 1l!19. DR. EVANS, R r.SlT.CTFl LLA inform* the inhibit^ ■ iiliedgeville and its vicinity, IhntbeNI, nieneed the practice »f 1’hysn, I wiierv, in tire house lately ooupi'd ej 'J on \\ nyne street.ncarthemurkri. 9(.d practiced nearly thirl)' ya-ors in'pe complicated ease Milledgeville, Jan. 4, 1319. Madison academVi ILL bo open lor die rcie^'« the first Monday o* January, - v I8t9 i rliuo of Mi w • ale 1 gustus Aide,., asenllrm ui w l.~«, - ■ . due;, ion, (a graduate d dc Department under tM^ ^ THE SUHSCRIHERS, O ^FFEB, in addition to tlu* cargo of th(| « r Baragon, the cargo of sloop Bridge-Fort, jusi landed I rum New-York, and the cargo of the sloop Collector, from New-York, now landing; comprising a general ass<»riiuent of Groceries, Bro- visionsand I'urniiure; likewire a few cast s of su perfine Cloths and GasrinuTes, Domestic Goods! trunks ot Sliocs, boxes of Hats, elegant Looking Glasses, China in table and tea s its, crates and j recommended by a gentleman casks of fine Crockery and Glass Ware, repacked , candor and judgement the to suit orders from country merchants. They hour- j fidence. Should the numliero* * ^ ^ ly expect the schooner Lemtlcr, withacurgoof sail. as«i«tants will be employed f'>re * ^ Darien, Dec. 14. SAWYER iV IIERRI.nG. i n «t*n. Terms H Ihiirhly recommended l»«»th ^ argo of the schoon- and of strict moral character. . grntulotp th- . itiznis "f J public, in the acqiirai’i 'S" 1 a 0 !“ ,,, 1 deem entirely wortliy the coni' cued community. The I § *J3j 1 he under the care of 1'“ H ^w,lii| ». taught with fuccc-*s a:;;l im' 1 n ^ ^oil - vearSin tlie stale of ^ Y ^' te „l 1 tr,l STOL* THE VILLAIN. RU N.WVAY from the subscri ber, living ia I'utuain county, Georgia, a likely young mu latto fellow. I le passes uy va rious names when runaway ; his proper name is Dick. His head is destitute of an ear, it Z having been cut off by tlie In dians for stealing a horse. lie took away with him a highly finithed and very excellent rille gun, which he stele. Any person apprehending and securing the above described villain, will do an act ol justice fat which tliey shall be well rewarded, by Nov. 2. LE's ABERCROMBIE. NEGROES FDR SALE. IffTILI. lie sold for cash, at the market-house in I? Sparta, on the first ilonday in February next, nine or ten likely negroes; cumposed of men, « u- men, hoys and girls, i ntrusted to the care of the subscribers to sell as age nts lor an absent friend. Persons wishing to purchase will do well to attend, as they will certainly he sold. JOHN LUCAS, Dee. 14. JOHN ABERCROMBIE. Doc. 6. AllELEDGr.V iLLb ; Ol d* ' i,t I N HE Commission"*7 "!' 1 k e ™iblic,| . cmy are happy * ,p«t 4 zxison, a gentleman ,ne»«2J i. charge ol the m "Ta«4 Denison tied, will have ■alien.)' •ilti. ii'n^G Il()B Jan. 1, 1H19. 1 l ';tui; f T‘* Itr, ’| AN ORDINANCE. ' JT HE cry of mad dogs is again heard n our 3 streets, and tlie terrible eliects to he appre hended from them, is deemed a sufficient reason lot our requiring that all persons within tlie corporate limits of Milledgeville, owning dogs, be required to keep them confined till this ordiuance lie revok ed : and tho Marshal of (lie town is hereby requi red to kill, or cause to be otherwise safely dispo sed of, all dogs that may be found loose within tlie limits of town, unless they are under Bic immedi ate charge of their owners. And any person liutl- iug a dog unprotected as above, is hereby authori zed to destroy them as Bie Marsha) might do. SEABORN JONES, Int. FR. JETER, sec. Jan. 2,1819. f OR j , ILLS on New-York »t ; h (tjj l , 1 y r d sight, by Gl blanks, Neatly printed, for sale at this office- B "'S 11 '' . ,p'4 ■ It, riirevillc. Jan. J, R ^ .. T.7e' (f ^ AT $4 IS ADVASt®, OH f l£A R. rixmiA-rtoNor’ Advertisera'nti uinfer tw o the first time Or £>'» 1 ‘G 0 rfool •“ ucace—longer one. ifft b* tatious will be puhlDhedJw j administrators’ sale » uie property 74 . noBcej•*£*, “ it" an addition of “ b |j c itii* not settled for befo. - I ^ , manta whicb do not h 1- w ill be charged M m -