The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, February 02, 1819, Image 1

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THE REFLECTOR, v> ° " r "" ' , H'my —w™ MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1819. E WAR. ll\tE F.N 13 KEHAt. JACKSON, TO illTHKMT. . Gx'lidei, cast bank of r, tonnerly Negro fort, i m. orrthe 91 h inst. with the brigade of bayonets strong, and reeks, who had join- i few days before, i quart of corn per cattle, which, added tight along would give of meat, determined is sm iD supply to the cordingly having been ibson, quarter master lid sail Ncw-Or- Februarv, with sup- so advised, that two ns were in the bay, and dispatched from Fort boat to bring up a part 1 deeming the prescr ibes would be to pre- d enable me to prose- 1 assumed the com- g of the 10th, ordered slaughtered and issued no quart of corn to each f march to be taken up bring to cross the Flint ry high, combined with urning the boats during lit, 1 was unable to site bank until 9 o’clock 13 tli, when I took :h down the east bank of lace, touching the river ble, looking for the pro ms ascending, and which ugh to meet on the 13th, extra ration to the troops, received a full one of e their arrival at Fort patrols captured three ;md some hidden corn, ‘toe 14th, I ordered the r to this place, whilst I and reached herewith- the Kith. The eligi- s a depot determined ately directed my aid do Gadsden, of the engineer a plan for, and suporin- of, a fortification. His tigabie zeal displayed in order, induced me to 'cn—to which he is j tst- y arrival here 1 iinmc- the boat to the bay for provisions known to be 'ertnin whether the flotil- olonel Gibson, had rcacli- jeh returned on the 10th ng intelligence that no- Jard from the flotilla from In mine, of the 11th of February, from Hartford, I informed you of the means a- dopted to procure supplies, and in my last of the 25th from fort Early, 1 informed you of their situation. To those commu nications l beg leave to refer you. 1 have only to add, that I left fort Fairly for fort .•■'cott, and subsisted my troops on ground p".i«, corn and pork, that I could occasion- illv procure from the Indians, with some pork 1 had on foot, the whole subsistence for man and horse not costing live hundred dollars. Of all the supplies purchased for the relief of fort Scott, and the support of the Georgia militia, not one pound was re ceived until 1 passed fort Scott. 1 said in my last, that blame rested somewhere.— The cause of those failures will in due time be a subject of investigation ; and colonel Brearley has been arrested on the applica tion of general Gaines, Bv som,e strange fatality, unaccountable to me, the Tennessee volunteers have not yet joined me. They promptly lefv.lieir homes, and through the inclement Wea tact with my flank columns, and discover ing movement to encircle them. The pur suit was continued through the Alickusuki- un towns, until night compelled me to en camp my army. The next day, detachments were sent out in every direction, to recon noitre the country, secure all supplies found and reduce to ashes the villages. The du ty was executed to my Satisfaction ; nearly three hundred houses were consumed, and the greatest abundance of corn, cattle, Stc. brought in. Every indication of a hostile spirit was found in the habitations of their chiefs. In the council houses of Kenka- gees town, the king of the AJickasukians, more than fifty fresh scalps were found, and in the centre of the public square the old Red Sticks' standard, a red poly, was erect ed, crowned with scalps, recognized by the hair, as torn from the heads of the un fortunate companions of Scott. As I had reason to believe that a portion of the hos tile Indians had fled to St. Marks, 1 direct ed my march towards that fortress. As advised,l found that the Indians and negroes ther, reached fort Mitchell, where 1 had combined had demanded a surrender of that ordered them supplies, and where colonel Hayne, who led them, met my instructions I to pass by fort Gaines, where they would get a supply of corn, that would enable them to reach fort Scott; but the idea of, starvation had stalked abroad ; a panic ap pears to have spread itself every where, and he was told they were starving at fort Gaines and fort Scot!., and lie was induced to pass into Georgia for supplies. His men and officers, as reported to ine, were willing to risk the worst of consequences, on what they had, to join me : however, they have been marched from their sup plies to a country stripped of them, when every consideration should have induced his advisers to have urged him on to secure the supplies in the buy, and preserve them- sei .es and fort Scott from starvation. I have a hope they w ill join me before J reach St. Marks, or the Miekusuky towns : this wmuld be desirable, us the troops ordered from N’ew-Orieans to protect the supplies have not reached the bay, and leaving gar risons at forts Scott and Gadsden, weakens my force much. The whole effective strength of the regulars, being but 330 privates. In mine, of the 2Ctb ultimo, from fort Early, I stated thu^ despatches, received by general Gaines, on the 19th, from the commanding officer at- fort Scott, induced him to set out that night for fort Scott to prevent its abandonment, Dc. In his pas sage down the Flint he was shipwrecked, by which he lost his assistant adjutant gen eral, major C. Wright and two soldiers (drowned.) The general reached me six days after, nearly exhausted by hunger and cold, having lost his baggage and cloth ing, and being compelled to wonder in the woods four and a half days without any tiling to subsist on, or any clo thing except a pair of pantaloons. I nm work. The Spanish garrison was too weak to defend it, and there were circumstances reported, producing a strong conviction in my mind, that, if not instigated by the Spanish authorities, the Indians h id receiv ed tiie means of carrying on the war from that quarter. Foreign agents, who have been long practising their intrigues and vil. lauies in this country, had free access into the fort. St .Marks was necessary as a de pot, to ensure succor,; to my operations killing one man. and capturing the residue, consisting of one man and woman and two children, and on the evening I encamped, as rnv guide supposed within 12 miles of Su wany. 1 marched very early on the Kith under the hope of being able to encom pass and attack the Indian aud regro towns by 1 o’clock, p. m. but much to m3 regret, at 3 o'clock, and after marching 10, miles, we reached a remarkable pond, which my guide recollected and reported to be 0 miles distant from the object of my march : here I should have halted fertile night, had not 6 mounted Indiana (suppos ed to be spies) who were discovered, have effected their escape ; this determined me to attempt by a forced inarch to prevent the removal of their effects, and, if possible, themselves from crossing the river ; for, my rations being out, it was all important to secure their supplies for the subsistence of my troops. Accordingly my lines of attack were instantly formed and put in mo tion, and about sun set my left flank column, composed of the 2d regiment of Tennes see \0lunteer3, commanded by colonel >yilliamson, and apart of the friendly In dians under colonel Kenard, .ring ap proached the left flank of the centre town and commenced their attack, caused me to quicken the pace of the centre, composed of the regulars, Georgia militia, and my volunteer Kentucky and Tennessee guards, in order to press the enemy in his centre whilst the right column, composed of the 1st regiment of Tennessee volunteers un- ler colonel Dyer, and a part of the friend rhesc.considerations determined me to oc- ly Indians, headed by general M'Intosh, cupy it with an American force. An in- who had preceded me, were endeavoring veutorv of Spauish'property, munitions of to turn his'left and cut off his retreat to the war, •Icc. has been taken and receipted for. Personal rights and private property have been respected, and the commandant and garrison furnished with transportation to Pensacola. Aly correspondence with the Spanish commandant, the evidences under which I acted, and a detailed account of my river. They, however, having been pre viously informed of our force, by a preci pitate rctr ‘at soon crossed the river; where it is believed colonel Kanard with his In dians did him considerable injury. Nine negroes and two Indians were found dead, and two negro men made prisoners. On operations, will be tarnished you as early 1 the 17th foraging parties were sent out, us practicable. Success depends upon the who found a considerable quantity of corn rapidity ol my movements; to-morrow 1 1 and some cable. On the Kith, having ob- shul! m ircli lor the Suw.mey river ; the de-j tained some small croft, 1 ordered general stroying 0! the establishments on which, j Gr.incs a-rois the river with a strong de- will in my opinion, put a final close to t.ichment, and two days provisions, to pur- tbis savage war. 1 sue the enemy ; the precipitancy of their Captiin M'Keever, of the navy, cruiz- flight was soon discovered by the great ing at my request on tliis coast, has been | quantity of goods, corn, &c. strewed thro’ fortunate enough to secure Francis or till- i the sw imps and convinced general Gaines j you with a detailed report of my operations lit Hugo, tils great prophet, and Harnatt-1 that pursuit was in vain. Nine Indians and 1 to the east of the Appalacliicola river. In leaned, an old Red .Stick chief. 1'hey vi- five negro prisoners were taken by our In-j the several communications addressed to ited his vessel under an impression they Ginns. The evidence of the haste with ( you from Hartford,Fort Scott and this place, which the enemy had fled, induced thegen- j 1 have stated the condition of the arirty 00 cral to confine his vcconnoigattce to search my assuming the immediate command ; the for cattle and horses, both of which were | embarrassments occasioned from the want much wanted by the army. About 30 head j of provisions ; the privations of my troops of cattle were procured, but from the re-! on their march from the frontiers of Geor- ports accompany in; general Gaines’, which gia ; and the circumstances which compel- ' 1 due time will be forwarded to you, and led me to move directly down the Appa ll. Q. Division of the South—F&rt St. fcjfccs, Apr,l 26,. 1818. Sir,—I wrote you from Bowlegs’ town, on the 20th instant. On the night of the same dav 1 received the expected despatch from my aid-dc-cainp, lieutenant Gadsden* communicating the success of his expedi tion s and on the same day, as soon as the sick of toy army were despatched down the Suwany river, to be conveyed in the captured .schooner to, St. Marks, I took up the line of march for that fort. I ar rived in this place last evening, perform ing a march of 107 miles, in less than 5 days; lieutenant Gadsden had reached it a lew hours before me. He communicates having found among the letters and papers of Arbuthnot, A twister and Cook, letters, memorials, &c. all pointing out the insti* gators of this savage war, and in some measure involving t ie British government in the agency. These will be forwuided to you in a detailed report, I propose com municating to you as early as practicable. The old woman spoken of in my last communication to you, who promised !o use her influence to have McQueen cap tured and delivered lip, has not been i. ird of. From signs discovered on the po». site shore of the St. Marks river, I am-in duced to believe that the Indian ;■ • r is still in this neighborhood. A detar ' • enfc will be sent out to reconnoitre the coun try, to receive them as friends, if dw «d to surrender, or inflict merited ch; : ; se» ment, if still hostile. 1 shall leave this in two or three day* for fort Gadsden, and after making all ne cessary arrangements for the security of the positions occupied, and detaching a force to scour the country west of the Ap palachian, 1 shall proceed direct for Nashville: my presence in this country can be no longer necessary. The Indian forces have been divided and scattered,cut off from all communication with those un principled agents of foreign nations, who have deluded them to their min; they* have not the power, if the will, of again annoying our frontier. I remain, vkc. .cc. ANDItEW JACKSON, Major-general corn’d. Hon. ,T. C. Cai.unrs, sec'ry at war. //. Q. division of the south—Fort Gadsden, 5th May. 1818. Sir—I returned to this post with my ar my on the evening of the 2d inst. and em brace an early opportunity of furnishing has induced me to appoint several youu men, present, as 2d lieutenants in (lie re giments, who, from personal knowledge and gooil recommendations,! have no doubt the I infor forthwith to the heart of deavor to subsist upon n time, I despatched maj. orps of artillery, to take. . ■ bay, wlioic return on' "‘i prove themselves worthy ; .nd I trust i 23d,’ brought the infor-1 m11 l'! 01 ' 1 ' «? e »BProJ>ation nt the pro- :1 Gibson, with one gun 1‘resi lent. A lat ol their names andI rc- ansports, and others in j k'ments to they are aUached.wtllbe bar. On the same night f,,r ?« hed the adjutant and inspector gen- rmation that no more eril1 ^ • w t m, therefore, apprehen- „ e A >° BE " ^ ma, d. the smaller vessels have r - ?■ S ‘ nc<! lhc nh , ove ’ * *J avc gunboat went to pieces,! the pleasure to inform you that the boat t spoken, ha,I cue foot ofi f! ; om th , c bay has arrived with provision*, —all the vessels had been ,ll „ s0 colonel Gibson, and captain AI-Keever that dispersed them.— of thc 1 * hal1 move to-morrow. • - having made the necessary arrangements with captain Al lveever for his co-opera tion in transporting my supplies around to the bay of Kt. Marks, from which place 1 shall do myself the honor of communicat ing with you. Should our enemy attempt to escape with lis supplies and booty to the small islands, and thence to cairy on a pre datory warfare, the assistance of the navy will prevent his escape le t west wind, had prevail- has fortunately chang- I am now awaiting a (which is expected to :omp]etc eight, days ra ps, upon which I mean to nformation received from ew-Orleans, f haie no Marks is in possession of s governor of Pensacola but n Gall of the 1st infantry, the Indians bad demanded; n an<( provisions, or the i garrison of fit. Af arks of , and that he presumed be given from inability to Spanish government is to keep the Indians at peace have acknowledged their do tins, and are conse- by thc law of nations to to reduce them. Un ration, should I be able, 1 jssion of the garrison as a pplies, should it be found Gen. M’Intosh, commanding the friend- lv Creeks, whehad been ordered to recon noitre the rightbank of the Appalacliicola, reported to me, on the 19th, that lie had captured, witlout the fire of gnn.onehun- dred and eight;’women & children, and 53 warriors of tlx: Red Ground chief’s party, with their cattic and supplies. The chiei and 30 warriors making their escape on horseback, "on of the warriors, attemp ting to escape ifter they had surrendered, were killed b; the general. 'I lie li m. Jo: v C. Camioii.v, sec. of war. //. U- Division tf'.he South—Canp near 1st. Maries, A prim, It; 18. were English, from whom, as they stated, supplies of m tuitions of war, .tic. under late promises were expected. Arbutlmot, a .Scotchman, and suspected as an instigator of this savage war, was found in St. .Marks —he is in confinement util evidences of his guilt can be collected. 1 am, etc. your obedient servant, AN DICE W JAGKSON, maj. can. vamp 14 nine., from St. Marfa, oa march to Sit- many, April 9. liiJH. From evidence furnished me by a Air. Humbly, there is little room to doubt but what one of the duels found slain on the field in advance of the Alickasukian ullag es, was Kcr.hagee. Francis or Ilillis Hu go and llornattlemeid, the prime instigators of the war, have been hung , the latter commanded the party who so inhumanly sacrificed Scott and his companions. Col. Dyer, with the remainder of the Tennes see volunteers, is in the neighborhood, and will unite w 4 .th me to-morrow. II. Q Division of the Sm-th—/ton'.*-? 1 Tor:v, Simony river, April 20,18uf Sir,—My lust communication, dated camp before St. -Marks, 8th of April, and those to which it referred, advised vou of my movements and operations up to that date, and, its 1 then advised you, I marched from that placp on the morning of the 9th. On the evening of the 10th I was joined by the rear of the Tennessee volunteers, alto bv the Indians under general ATIntosh, whom 1 had left at Alickasuky, to scour the coun- trj' around that place. Although the wea ther had been dry and pleasant, and the waters had subsided in a great degree, our inarch might be said to have been through water, which kept the infantry wet to the middle, and the depth of the swamps, ad ded to the want of forage, occasional the horses to give nut daily in great numberi.' On the morning of the 12th, near Econ- tinnah or natural bridge, a party of Indi ans were discovered on the margin of a swamp and attacked by general ATIntosh and about 50 Tennessee volunteers, who routed them,killing tilirtv-seven warriors capturing six men and 97 women aqd chil dren : also re-capturing a white woman who had been taken at (he massacree of Scott. Thc friendly Indians also took some horses, and about 500 heaJ of cattle from the enemy, who proved to be .McQueen’s party. Upon the application of an old wo Sir,—I write y ou at ft.Gadsden, commit- man of the prisoners, I agreed, that if the Spaniards, they Inv- nicating the embarrassments under which Indians; but if irt the l hid labored previous to my arrival at that emv, I will possess it for post, and mydetermination, being then in United -States as uncces- ] a situation to commence active operations, me to hold, to give peace j to penetrate immediately into the centre Jbis frontier, and put a ft-j of the Scminde towns. Aly army marched warfare in thc south. j on the 20th tltimo, and on the 1st of April y dillicult to supply fort 1 was reinforced by the friendly Creek war- Caneiicho, by land, I have ! riors under general ATIntosh, anil a de- lies for that garrison by j tachincnt of Tennessee volunteers, enm- n to the governor of Fen- mandod by tolonel Elliott. Gn the ame interrupts them during day, a mile ini a half in advance ol the an war, l shall view it as | Mickasukianvillages, a small party .of hos- f, and treat it as an act of (tile Indians vere discovered judiciously lo oted to him the propriety circumstances of his iiflbrd- to put down their own enemies, and that our ile negotiating can take the consideration, but, in the provisions must pass to fort »tcr without interruption. eated, on a point of land projecting into :tu extensivemarshy pond, the position de signated, as since understood, for the con centrating of the negro and Indian forces, to give us battle. They sustained, for a short period, a spirited attack (Vom iny ad vanced spy <ompanie», but fled anJ disper sed in every direction upon coming in con- McQueen was tied and carried to the com mandant of St. .Marks, her people should be received in peace, carried to the up per tribes of the Creek Nation, and there provisioned until they could raise their own crops. She appeared much pleased with the^e terms, and 1 set her at liberty with written instruction i to the commandant of St. Alarks to that efleet. Having received no farther intelligence of AlcQuecn, I am induced to believe the old woman has com plied with her part of the obligation. From St. Marks ( marched with 8 days rations, those that joined me having hut 5: this was done under the expectation of reaching this place at that time, founded u[»on the report of myfaithful Indian guide, which I should have accomplished, but for the poverty of my horses and the continu ed sheets of water through which we had to pass. On the morning of the 16th my scouts overtook a small party of Indians, the disobedience of his orders by thc In di ms, not one pound was brought into camp. As soon as time will permit, 1 Shull for ward you a detailed account ol’ the various little affairs with the enemy, iu:cuinp,ein..i with reports of commanding officers of de tachments ; suffice it for the present to add, that every officer and soldier under nty command, when danger appeared, shewed a steady firmness, which convinced me, that, in the event of a stubborn conflict, they would have realized the best hopes of their country and general. 1 believe I may say that the destruction of this place, with the possession of ht Alarks, having, on the night of the lot!, captured the late lieut. Ambristcr, of the British marine corps, and, as represented by Arbuthnot, successor to Woodbine, will end the Indian war for the present ; and, should it be renewal, thc position taken, which ought to beheld, will enable a small party to put it down promptly. I shall order, or take myself, a recon- ivestof thc Appalacliicola, at Pen sacola Point, where 1 am informed, there are a few Red Sticks assembled, who are ted and supplied bj- the governor of Pensa cola. My health being impaired, as soon ns this duty is performed, the positions ta ken, well garrisoned, and security given to the southern frontier (if thc government have not active employment fortne) I shall return to Nashville to’ regain my he alth.— The health of thc troops is much impaired and I have ordered the Georgia troops tl Hartford, to be mustered, paid, & discharg ed. 1 lie general having communicated hi wishes and that of his troops to lie ordered directly there, and reporting that they have plenty ot corn and beef to subsist them to | that point. 1 have written to the governor oi (ieorgia to obtain from the state, then cess ary funds to pay general Glascock’s brigade when discharged, and that the go vernment will promptly refund it. I an compelled to this mode to have then promptly paid. Air. Hogan, the paymas ter ot the 7th infantry, for whom 1 receiv ed, from Air. Brent, an enclosure said to ontain 50,000 dollars, not having reach ed me. From thc information received from Am bristcr and a Air. Cook, who was captured with him, that A. Arbuthnot's schooner was at the mouth of tliis river preparingto sail for thc bay of Tamper, nty aid-de-camp, utenant Gadsden, volunteered his servi ces with a small detachment to descend the river and capture her. The importance of this vessel to transport my sick to St. Marks, as well as to destroy thc means us ed by the enemy, induced me to grant his request. I le sailed yesterday, and I ex pected to have heard from him this morning —lonly wait his report to take up my line of march on my return to St. Marks. ’ The Georgia brigade, by whom I send this, be ing about to March, compels me to close it without waiting for the report of It. Gadsdeu. lachicola river, to meet with and protect the expected supplier .from Orleans. Tfyise were received on the 25th of Alarch, and on the next day 1 was prepared for active operations. For a detailed account of my movements, from that period to this day, you are respectfully referred to the report I repared by my adjutant general, accoinpa- ui-'d with capt. Hugh Young’s topographi cal sketch of the route and distance per-? formed. This has been principally a war ot movements: the enemy, cut oft' from their strong holds, or deceived in the pro- ' lorcign aid, h ave uniformly avoided a general engagement. Their resistance has generally been feoble ; and, in thc par ti d rencounters into which they seem ta been involuntarily forced, the. r ;u- volunteers and militia, under my com mand, realized my expectations. Every privation, fatigue and exposure, was en- ■oiiiuered with the spirit of sokliers ; »o<i linger Was met with a degree of fottktide calculated to strengthen the confidence I iud reposed in them. Gn the commencement oft my operations. I was strongly impressed with the belief that this Indian war had been excited by some unprincipled foreign or private a*- geuts. The outlaws otf the old Rod Stick party had been severely convinced and th<& Semiiioles were tcyo weak in numbers to believe that they could possibly atone main tain a war, with e’ en pat ti il success, against the United Spates. Firmly convinced, therefore, that succor had been procured lrom some qiiarter, or that they had blen deluded into a belief that America dare not violate the neutrality of Spain, by pene trating to their towns, I early determined to ascertain these facts, and so to direct my movements as to undeceive the Indians, After the destruction of the Alickasukian illages, l marched direct for St. Marks.— The correspondence between tnyself aud thc Spanish commandant, in which I de manded the occupancy of the fortress with an American garrison, accompany this.— It h id been reported to me, direct from the governor of Pensacola, that the In dians and negroes, unfriendly to the United States, had demanded of the commandant °f bt. Alarks a supply of ammunition, tqu- nitions ot war, &c. threatening, in the e- vent of a non-compliance, to take posses sion of the fort. The Spanish comqiandant acknowledged the defenceless state of his fortress, and his inability to defend it ; and the governor of Pensacola expressed simi lar apprehensions. The Spanish agents throughout the Horidas had uniformly dis avowed having any connection with yieln- dians ; and acknowledged the obligations of his Catholic majesty, tinder existing treaties, to restrain their outrages against the citizens of the United States. Indeed, they declared that the Seminole Indiana were viewed as alike hostile‘to the Span ish government, and that the will remain ed, though the pon or was wasting,, to in dict merited dgstiaeoent on this lawless