The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, February 02, 1819, Image 4

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-v Literary Intelligence. Law Intelligence. PROM THE MW YORK EYEXUTO TOST. *♦ MILteDGEV^LLT: BOCK-STORE. MORRIS A; GtKW, R ESrECTFCLLY inform thepuHio that they have iu*t received, in addition to their for mer *tnck,' from Ncw-York, a general ssrortmenl Mayor’s Court.—At tlie late Mnyni *- ! of Books, (and Stationary) in the v»riou3 braueii- Cuurt canto on fur trial, cause of Maurice, e* of Liternuno, ou nce »mch arc ^ ^ JBr. T1IK FARMERS MAGAZINE. Proposals fur publishing in the city of F.ilcigh.a new periodical work, to be en titled “the Farmers Magazine,’’contain- ^ , U1 itfg Essays and intelligence relative to inspectot o( Oi’, vs. Judif, a vender, which, i Elegant family F iblor, (suj*-.b on. mey Agriculture and the Rural Arts. Con-' strange as it may seem,turned ontlieques-j Dktionhrv of Art- and I ducted by Calvin Jones. .M. 1). Member 1 tion, whether it whale is a fidi ? To sup- cmbriils 1 -'.Iwirhis0e'n*rnvinz», of the Agricu'tural Society of North-Caro- port the negative the learned Dr. Mitchell; nr. Gii;'s Commentary, Lon.tuu Edition, lina, of the College of Physicians and was sworn, and a number of persons notj i *r. Stott’s do. - * Surgeons of the University of New- so learned: while, on the other side, a : Bo. do. - * York, Ac. ! number of witnesses equally respectable, I. The work will be published in mint- testified that they had alwavs been accus-' Cam'.C ir'« G bers, containing 70 to 80 pages, large octa- • turned, during their whole lit es, to consul-* oo. Rhetoric, - vo size, one number, as nearly as practi- er every inhabitant of the great deep, and 1 Do. Tlnolooy. cable, every two months, stitched in col- i w hich could not live on land, as fishes, and 1 'nueo.n’s b c.leton«, ored paper. Six uun.bers will makea vol- the whale amongst the rest. It consumed ' Usmecuoiu, unte of between four and five hundred nearly three da vs in settling the question ; |j' 0 v',i ... pages, which will be furnished with a title all the sellers ol oil being one wav off Lclsad o» Ijht’ine Revebtira, page ami copious tabled reference. The ' swearing; and all the buyers anotlier : I Burs » T.i>i.ical Dictionary, paper shall be gootl, the type fair ami and p rltaps the jurv might have been puz- '‘' "■a'* iV'i v .n E, the mechanical execution neat. It will zled until this time, had not the .learned ‘ *7' l * : ' be deliveted at the ]tost office covered ami Dr.Mitchell unfortunately quoted the first _ directed. I chapter of Genesis in support of his opin-! pt 0 . Rhetoric, II. The price will be three dollars a ion. *Tlte doctor remarked, that it is here tlm t r’s rj' r.-K: _r , Year paid-in advance, or on the delivery of said, that >• God created great whales, and Benedict’s Hist ry of me d ; •!=•=, the first number : four dollars if paid af- 1 every living cieature that movet’i, which ter the delivery ol the second number and the waters brought forth abundantly within the year, &. five dollars it paid after from which he inferred that tlie wltale was theendofthe year. Prompt or advance a separate creation from fishes. This put payments are nevertheless at all times de- ‘the other side upon the same track; who I if .e -mors, inandable. This condition will continue found a (ext in the old testament, which yt. id. o i-c;:- to operate upon each years subscription states that •• Jonah was in tiie bolly of the during the whole course of the publication, fish three days and three nights,"’mid | ' Jtsobject is to make punctual payments in tlie new." that •• Jonah was t.irce- tilt interest of all parties. days iu the whale's belly.” ratling the Cooper" > .-•trg.-ry. III. All persons subscribing, cr author-; tw o together they proved that a whale was ;>'• Cb-m,«t. izing their names to be sent, oc receiving a fi-li, according to scripture authority. J o. the work, will be considered pennanent Besides, they said, that the doctor’s text. i ; Vi. ■ub'C’ibers. and r.o Magazine will be dis-* if it proved anv thing in tiie case, wou’d ( .; , . cuiur, continued without written directions and prove too much : for it would equally c . t i tithe tiie pa/ment of arrears except at the op- • prove that a wltale is not a •* living crea tion of the publisher. tore.” Finally the jury hv their virdict 1\ . The publisher will ensure the sate- decided that a whale is a fish. Sir Joseph ty of all monies transmitted to him o.n ac- Banks, ue are told by the facetious I’eter coout ol the work throng ! the Post-Oriices Pindar, once made an experiment, to by sub.-criber* and P ..t Masters. provi-J- i*fy himself whether fleas were not lob- I. ed the la’ft r forward it immediiitciv oi. -ters. by b. iling them tosee if tliev noultf u ’’ GOLDEN PALL TAVERN. j MEC1IA!B 11 fE *ub*criin>r r turns hii cratriul thank, to a TIROftSM generous public for ttie support conferred on . him. He solicits n continuance of public faTfr. 1 licsc jtersons wanting board for a week or inomb, -.Till laid it to t)s> ; r interest to c:t!l on him. civil and arc invite*! to call; those otherwise deposed, *ili c .nf.-r a favor if they pass by. Spe cif I attention will at all tim-s be paid to ladies. JKfiiiE D. GREET, Green & ( .'entre streare, south of tlie Market '» f *v.‘in : t* 4. ^ ebnary wnf, • building, in it*- r to be of brick, ty by .16 in nidth- Mr. A rm on, •Klontieetlo. ; J an. tB—j: It ure-Uouse ana Commission linsuies. T i <0 W\ 7 ‘d'ij SAWYER A HERRING, ;Mtilcdjeviii,. ora t coicWtc^ G in a ■ lar.e addition, to L's ircta’c- | f “ "h ' l r *iippli.‘dn-ilfkcom.m n \V| S' c* in id • l;i li'hm nt^tcn Jv r •thcir vmrcs in tlie above* do jiiae. I h v a«h:rr»» tlir*ir iri« t'.nt strict aitcn- i ci 1 * :i. n and punctu&titv «bali tx nL’servcd in all bus:- cJ j I eiKni«vd lu Uiciruhai do J supplies ol i.i KOCk'Ji!L*5 ;u»d l salt* at tin oavannal. ParicnOuf. tO. Jpn. 19— ■ j J F.KO >m.T 'i }>*■■,■ keep larcc 3 O^T cn 1^ vr.r..b% v -, rr ^ , « now ■ nr • i-nc istow^ij s»y P*«i it or I \ now lirr ; note \ tirn ai! script ion, 1 *’ ilkliR it. •ourt « n Dj iii), * the Rev. l Uvin. u- 1 'Vnriis, s’ t.’oras, (silt) l. l. n. 1*. STOVALL oV: CO. RE -,»• rect-' 1115 a large and eencral assort- .ta.y n y r.t meat .>1 St.AsO.' AtiLEGOUU',suited pnn-i J n - *'• do ; . really the country trade. They R-spcctfmly in- ; j die’ ,it. c.jui.i:t incichaats to call and exanntie ’‘ tla. ' do 1,. , ytr ,anr tery cheap, by the psdii’.v. at rfARH * <i" u a, : .-a » in New-York. Titty wilt continue ' doji, receive iVcipKid sitpiJii* front ooeafUte firm j the Bar ;a panic d ' . .1 ill Uiat pi.iiv, wa rs.- attention isjbtinl.v d - t-.<I n ,.... a i; u«.ot Ent..-naknijt'3 d " 1 d 1. tint ttsii,. ,s oi nuyiag goad*. A buerel jnt" -•'J.idu.v in in; Wwnof CBmw.g'J de I tiie, vciii iiiit . pared, ^punctual ■ t B • where ever, An.i - nNo-.euucr go. 1 i ,x . mmodatian of inch a, «j«6 t „ i * ^ .»..str ctistoia. “ PROPOSALS, | TL BIN I ON " .*•■’ •" - b m Stbtfa^ tad thj w ■ ‘ Tf --t Uey haveji4| ft *, fj i n ... ‘..•-•ir cug-L-jin. ri . . , BBBTCIIERfcoftxm YB. 1 ilAXNU.N, C a:.!oo, Jar. li ! Ear: !. I...-: .a Aegusta a iv wsp-per, to be called 1 7 -7 -—— 1 iHE GKUiiGlA advertiser. ; Jg 57ty.11.!;... wmg -rtuwe > our state. 1^) scr.ber’sprtm. 5 e,... I aiiciJ. 1 .- i. :»iv;; r- _rts?o: i:Aprt »ciucnt intouv'. |-, Kr. 4»t .nr»i n . - .. CVfJ< r.U ^artsoi it, a L>x.aci is cnterLuocd tr*ut an icinpi to add. out to the Vcl.idt.-5 cl' |»eri- diual •Aio-,v!.:e already circulated, v. dimcci tliut noerai and sa 2 -p**rt usnaaly c^tcadui t:» under- twines comuiiiinx public utility wan rndividuai .ante rizc ami c.\ ed and it. ut In suuuuUin; t : vin.uuiiity i>copos i hatcher's lii^pcnsaury, | E*Unburst) do. •nl Oiru »narr, Bardh Cornet, lleblxTdon s Con:m?nt ir ’s N’jrj; ry. : (Ml t:R* h 1 ; h the »rn;. scr.bcr'!* prem.:e>l • ' - • j a br jht >nrr'i IJ„., C » 4 , T< .- j ° 7 l ~ | bmlt, a white m.rk on i^e Mrr VaJT » -hcu.der-eight it,;, - ‘ :u “ •’ '• » supp -'J be >b,.4] .! • .rd, v\ e$: Tnag^gll ' " . 1 borrf to the s.v, n 3T aj tn ~ -eve heal ve reward, or «m stimay ' 1 b£ him ee tliaakfuL't rtethd. -O.itfu I ■ .i.e . rsv I>. Jinuarr ly],. (>K. HiUilARD Ltffj TirU.Yb. its cuiimig int' theii Itantls. lo Po*t,turit red; but, the result disappointing yy;? ,ars masters, receipts will be returned the se- his expectations, lie is made bv the poet . " j: , A, atomv, n ft vers. \v SL A I E OF If&Uitbi.t. By hi* i \ctii ;,ry William dabat, Gvvcrn>r ar. 1 commander ia chid* o:‘ tLt* Army and A - .y ui t.iis si.»£e, anti of the dihtia ij‘, A l'RUCLA WATIOX. HHREAS lbavc, asdirvctci in and by an actor* the General Asseni. ly of this state, i on the tcutn or Febreary, c-nc thousainl ivven hundred and>ety-nmc, tntitk i *• aa act to regu late (Be elccti T*. and toa&r-*. iat t:.v time of the me*.tine of tik? assc. :ukoy,'’ ex.\mii.- ed and counted up ell the vote* .riven t; the several condiilatety al the election he'd on .dec lay t*sc b urtn of January ia«:aut. f.r a Keprese- ativc t represent thin state in the iicu?e<e' iiti>rcs^Ltuii\. « of the Cor.^r- «? vl* tlie United btat» *, until the tiiird of March nt \t, and als > f.r a Kcpn Kuiative t - represent this state m the Hr csc <i jlepr-.sentn- df<* :f the C jurress of tr.e t ailed States, far two years, from and al'erthe third day af r xt. in t t *€ p.ace of the hen. J mi F r«y?‘. eiteted t 1 the Se nate of thr L’nited States, fr in whicu it ajv i pears ibat r'ol-eft Harm Heid, K« ]. has t.v highest number of votes f r each vacancy: Acd w. ect-ai it is provided oy the act ab. ve muntioned •• that n:> tvr# n si.,dl be tlrctcd a Kaprosontstiw coml iiiail followir.g, anil to sub^criders •*u ti» exclaim-, peevishly, ilrtimation of the anidUiit received will be •* Fleas ara no\ i^bst-r-. d r (h?ir souis.*’ made on the cover of thetr next Mapa*. A report ot this tunny trial is prepar- »n.e.«»r a receipt will be returned by mail t»g by Mr. Sampson, one of t:ie couu.-el if required. ' j for the plaintiff*, and will shortly upnear. V. Howt Masters who undertake to pro cure «ut>*cnt>ers and collect >ub-cription vnone? will be allowed ten per cent, upon all mottie* they remit, p^ ovidetl the tttmtey Is sent fiee ff i»'stjge ai.ti immetliaiely alter coming to ham). VI. Postage will be paid bv the publish- <: on single letters inclosing three tlollur, P a •i upwards, but v.ill not be paid by him ii< anv other case. Ml. The publication will commence whenever the number of of subscriber* shall be considerable enough to justify toe Utiderfnkihg. MU A> writers al wavs desire to know who are their readers, the names and res idence ol sob-cribers will be given iu tlie first volume. The institution of an agricultural Socie ty in N'irtli-C'aroliiia and the patronage i f ha* preferred to the contemplated work t.i'e btoujlit these proposals before the puolic. The first number of the Maga- z,. c. be-ides other matter, w iil contain the coi stiiiRioti of the Society, a list ot the oliiter* \ members and the prize subject*. ’tye work in its progress w.ll contain such 'elections front recent publications as »liall setup'adapted to our .ttuation and circumstances : and original communica tions, particularly those made to the Socie ty, and the transactions of that body, lle- sules Agriculture, the Magazine will ent- tr -)‘ SI ’ K ia brace the whole circle of domestic econe- ; ^ ^ r i) r '. my : and a few pages will be occesi molly • , re tboojht p - .... • ,...... - devoted to other branches of science, to n -i. uncydN.iru.. • t ; - rt po itical economv and to popular tnedi- Raym-oc iletd. l'*:. .* d‘:.y • t.-d W .: c ; no " thi, ,tat« in tbe H ; < oi rtrpn-vnlutoe* l th, Works of this kind, besides the valua- C ”'^” f' he I'-'-'i «a;d d» turd ^ in the vear one tl>HUu:^i fc , ia‘K‘.1 ar 1 bie \nfor utiotl they impart, are useful by e ; _,-e i h-:,. J ,V .-.t . ex . • tquiry. f "e quantity of raetl- aibreioid: Ami ab tan - ic surgical knowledge has quadru- hi, acceptance . «. .. . -•• rti ■* ■p! the United Mites since the first time tin.ueJ oy law. ai.d r. . t v s. • ■* publication of the medical Repository. ® 5 > are o. .-m.J -y tg.- a.t a.-.v, twenty vear* ago ; aud t e samfe may <>o ' ; done tor Agriculture. M e *.'a:l add be- yo 'd calculation to t ie value -f our co m- trv if we increase its prinfacts to a per- fonttable extent and dulv economise their t)se and expenditure : our love for it will b ro.nni. nsurate with it* capability of aJ- dinz :o our wealth and of multiplving our e jovme ts, and not the lea-t of these wilt be the gratification afforded to our Sc f-es»eem by the successful applications o. ar: and science. Sound patriotism is . , inseparably allied t > Agricultural improve ment. In the beliel that this work xi ill be useful to the nation and to indi*id- t.i » it bespeaks the patronage of subscrip tions aud communications. (r>-Subscriptions will be received bv a : l the&i|*A*osters,most of the Printers and BooKsMlers.and many of trie Physi cians in Virginia, the t arclinas ami Geor gia. and bv vyiou* other gentlemen in tiin*e staliSaad in 'lersuessee ami Ala bama. / f Do. l’nii.-l*. ’ - lluiiter *?u t-lcod, H.i;ui.: .! 0.1 Pur.-auv, ■1 .... 3*10. 1st 1 Lind sn Hot L i mates, Manuel of Botany, •iinis Muscle#, P.Tiliip’s ’ linerjI r y, Cr.aync*# >» crts, set. ’ ~ - J'. GioO«>u*s Iva ato, Gills* *- Gretcv, (p!t an. » jtney*# \ iew oi' tne L - D >. N i.'v.-; ot* iainpirv*#. Chafcauoriamr# l raw*# \ sVttG'i Law oi .N’ati l»>. Moni N.aiuntn: Olive Brands ilohort#*)** Charks . Rdhu*- HUn iVituruu*< L'.vt.*, oris C?i»0 f. Lj;i.i ’D t.< ■?n ike = pear-.'*5 t i iv S i’htsc^riieia** Leit-.rt Chiidrc-n • •! t'«. A e*: Scout# S N • .^n >| d) J pnviou« i il * i ly reman ti j j to the print !n: »'• tsui do to pres, at to tiie pu do n Uii,*e : and it wui •: r '’L’h-. £tiu?{ aiia win be jud^.-d ot‘ r. i.* up.r.u and its suppori wul r.. m e?’.iinatiob eatcrtai&ed gi Uie 1 cix k c* r Hintr, that h 1 i&spttm . -. . ■ rr ctae## "*U» it auv l , 3 F.>«neitcs, and wdi . vJ. iaa-. r ... ’ly li s.ay \ r .’.ais, -s iUu^ | the duties o his protessi;a it# appearuicc. lie "lii t .t reiere aarc- j Pnueltos, Jzn. l t 1S19. i.i-it na\in^ been recuiariy truu^ui up >in; ixisin ", ne trusts tic si .a a i>e aaie WILL BE riny their pat- | f~\\ Tue^Lj t e I5th d ? of U: ; i ■> di« Vu; - uicc aiiu^* taievi jt nwt i c, tfij expectations ot J i.untriiance and cuCour- .vtv.’.u’i*n, - V/ the tov. n rt' M '-'t’tteilrVVKM No. 1 j, lJ : .h d.s’ric:. • >ip-..v. Un jper) under th$ inci mbra.-ct y K» j late dt J.^pe:* countv. '1 eras* su SC5 to puou?h Will be called I tf.e day or sale. T i*EK*. || w.u Lt itsucd 111 | ' IIEXBY PDfJEj •.’fl’sucii Udjs as nwy j j^j> iy. Li«; arrival aaii li.part-jrc oi ■■■ —-* ■ iri "U.i «J-.i utrier circumAaaccs a# i ■ NOTRE. > j Jt ’.v Utui i • r.iidvr it m-.’St extensively Ust.’ul. it IIF.5 ttr having .n • -.vific* ntaitit .• latest t.^reum n »<i aoai-s;ie ialtibr j J ET-B four^I oy ar — ; t'.. u. :r^.. ruutx.rvriai aiid iitce'..aaicai uiU.-re$tJ ot j p -t -t, ?he owner :srem!r?t*id jt • taec !iu. jsai .—v-saw, on^uua or seiecuu, teort- jf.p tl’.is advertisefnea to i rpiove- i;.«. luorai*, correct tr.e taste, or in- j u!ee .iwjv. 1 ae book c *.&.!* I ;in ’.v ; i i- ' ot uie real r—?;»d sue a pot»ti- : u *«l tliree toouskin*! dollars, avis . c luuck? m ty tx* neces-ary to a tree txaimna- j pe-s. ‘1 c s'!b^cri«r Lves near ■ i tion j* • m’- tic measures, and which, exempt irom j ruin county, Gecr^u. S i: state three year# D.xt pre*?edir.; his electiDc, aad paid his tax regularly .i>iric^ ..iat time/* aini tj at •*oo c-*rara.«*iv'u snail issue te lor nay s*jca S’.’L * ’ ekvtd, until fatisiact ry \ rvv: i* produced, tna: tno tax ot' inch jx rs a iut# r* :u regularly p.xi i Bvr a» arorviiit.’.u.HU’d,' aud that he f.a? actually had i\l» jiices* the residence herein pres**ribcdand turtiwr Ni?.ts •• that iu cuA* any persou duly u vt^d. neinr i:» Buns’ Worws, t;us state, and nouhed there t in the a*.ynvr here- I>\n i^uixotte, in directed §»iail ut in twenty das and* it-out .( Perouru.e Picui alter suvn iwiidcatMn. sir- Gd t>ias, C-*; pa: y - r -Tity. ««ispcar ouly tonuve the pa olio . xpi cj :.i *u.w. l»i inort, its contents wid De suen snail a j ; te dev:ucd calcuiaUid to render the Adveuti- d-»' *kr a pap.rot' u^-.t'ul intbruxatioa an-d rational en- c. U rtamm-at—a .id the publisher w-jl, with conff- ui , •i’.ih e, add r.i- be tier, tliut it a.ll at n.* time contain >.» * matter which wid t*e displeasing to its patK-ns or w*.' d.jcradmu f hi*u«vl!’. Q’z! 1— 1. it-.- Georgia Advertiser vnl] be d-j printed Lirvo tun:? a week, on a super-royal su».d oo I paper, and with a new typr, aad delivered to suo- i. - ribers city, or i rwarded by aiait. at sixdol- C ’ i i.»rs a v*.ar payable in advance or vn the d*.livery do j ot tht’t.rst \ e.j *»r. Qj I C. AU subscriptions will be i* ren? year ?: least, mo ! at:d wii^ce c<Hi«*dc/ciias cvotinik a where a a tree ao 11** the contrary isnetpiven. do j ;i. A ivcrti eiiicsts will te inserted a? the cn-tom- n*j j.Tx rau-«. a FtliloO'r who a^^oed cnwi^h to obtain v . * ^ * *y transiaittiaf L'.e s joscripci -a p ap- r«,«or a J#:*o d si.ti-fur-*. :vA. n-t ot* January next, t.eit ihe do ; !»jst pope r Msii'd ai b c.iranry ru-y lk. re^ulaxijr s«.nt d% j to it* patrv*,5 do ! x/* ?u ^ fir ti'»» will be received nt tV <o P:s> d > * 0&* e in Ml ^vulc. Bra j SALl. « J L'-'T rr^cived fnx Dun, n uush m groued .Ai-n. Salt. Dec. 14. I5U NOliCK. B EING a oc(t jr;»-:ve: uj ry. all per- . <#: zy that l ha\e appointed .. A. bray authorre*i tv’rract 4 Gei r.*A. (De* . KiTw^BD I-till svLL, i N tVratl’OC tJV IfUB C'.Cir!•-■?, hn ' a. !3—J- U0LLAH3. r .* t. tfi< s, l -<n' mill lit. sold O Y *.. it ut- late dwv.aaz lot u (IL-.u, m Ua*cee c -i-a c'-ootr. CCfU^C L. \ ■ L-Vture* WlJI 1 4 ..atiauiitus. R.'inai Anu .Jiue aJ toed . ’..tli ’ 'Jf. , aLU p iaR r aliva OtcDAtS. cd k-.-Qatv wifl ce * iv. A. .,1.0 .n r. / UOREili OiAw.i, > -] at—tv-, a; the Sta:e*Hc-u«e .n t .VCvI'y-uilj. day c*»' J .muafj. and m tne forty-third year o o: UK w ited Suites . tax arc:tvcr, « d . Jcn ili <** 5L oil 1 uj ^VrFK l, maddi’. at> L.e car_^ c; u^escb<*«'r. 2 d V-r v r PAra^oo, toe c;x$o oi ?. p Bhdgv-i ort J C\ . ;us. ,an.-d ir':a 4 H«-Ur», ^ u* cargo o. u. J a* si'-A.-p* t_viFetor, tV ui .VbW-\vi*, i.ahding at. WiSk.c m: s r:#.a? a rul assort mer.t vl* GrqM* nvKTrv R*”™ ot* the presen* ubi.nrrift^ He is about 5 r’ e: 10 i hes M| . n.ected, tolerably b r.y i. l- ige, with it c-eek beats: • >n£ue, ai^i r - di'ubi fc a «r-jn ‘ ny pe.*»n *; any appreaeell , known by tr.e n -■eci INi 4 a.nd at car’s I s erprcyd ! in Uie r.i \i ‘terchs- c.i'it o - <l . r* 11 (neiulty of tl.e .a** will 1* rij( v person applet t~ \ , u»^ l»pi to die i or secure b*r.» in r ci ) : T.m a^A.n io» * Jmty r VB.V Fv -he Go 'K HA •! •! ^ L». * • HOOTS AND SU*)c.S. l.LINltTOS x: HINDS, hv. * :t .-i a.. I .* T t^ie tv l-acozv« *. i, , -* .a-, i . .. wriv.1 have b#.a v!cvt.Ma.M put ip a’ tv ■t mvnufa,. t. .-Ic*. to $u:t thi. mj-i-t, j_> tt.-Ah vwJtKUat , \ ry >a;vU sv. . tcr-..» ■ - :r ta arc re . ul Auzujta. Jaruarr 1 ’ i.‘. 4 **-.v LAM Ur';ilh. I *! RA\IT.R Jc APa iit R MATiTTNVS. attornws at law, hav::>r ft-; J thuPivcA* :.n ^ Ur.dtz L v e:r pr »ervi»M< to L*. x.tirctt**-, Hanc.vk. They »nii likewise xtrchd ’a.e super:’ r courts m the comities ci Jc».:s, Jasper, G«x‘w, Pu;iU’-m ard ilaMwm. bpctftJ, Janiiarv 19, l ’19. 4 -*t he l tu’.eui Ot Lie 5i’Oi* Olt VILLAUN. UG.VA'.V Aiir-aM.^si 1 ^ ii NOTICE. tTTHETlF VS the vren? arpeintei Ft c -Oknussiooc rs to e xxniae e r.rxy i»'«vs and ->.r .ixMiments, where:/ they gnht be eoabied rep-'rt to the next Grand Jury thfi* «ituati -c-. m e county inves* a:N I . whereas justices of’ the peace. K i.ect r«, xc o;*y have «- jik.- returns to make to . i* v,sl%- .T»a*. r. He poises -y v j.- s ur.nea nmxway: uam:;s D;cw. His aufile *n car, it -R? TO 1 Life. ALABAMA. . 1 i - • -i _ d-.r: it .51-t *i- * a.v .c k .'ft ilawivir -. and * iaa ex^cdral r»Xtti t» t-*' Aftncy. Fraveil: rs •»m aMve Aa^us a u:.*.l ui lu*- ui their uearem route. .. Kv. ii. COUJ.S TOPE- I* Aiutio i mill Cjsjmission Business* ‘..'kr.jen n-fpfc '.mUT . ‘-■u t 1 e.r ;■:* .U.1 the j*..'-. u -■ ler. .•... : have | irr.jual tOBau’-i a t.u>. NO liUF- T-*r- *• 11.. , . -u ?S br tr ia- ( ta vx H* VVi,n. .VVriray Vr.iver>i:y.—A Urvv;r-.:v, ap..n a verv e -. ale. was estabii* .- cti la-t vear a( Cbrt*ti&na, in Nor wav. It cnnUi:-s twenty pr„f;.’*sorsh’t[vs : bu: it i- a tinaMUiKe somewhat singular, and diffievi: te he explained, that although j and vet-h* to b*.*-, with ti; clerk* tiiere are prote«vr.Uip* for Greek, Hr- J r- . ti-» ;« a v.a-v. that tL.« ,r u-~«tel a bv< w, ai d for the modern lango.tgej. there ' ’ r .itiisKH is no PioteiMr for the Latin.—Tz?. Int. ! : \V'-’ ; ’N? co^aa; *$k *• - • . .ikoneiJfu *1. oe retael is now preparing a com- u q . u c.r. {.•te edition of the works of Mat! .me de ' ’ diaos tor «tt line a t’-Kav ir wiihhiai a hictiy evi ar. j very excetie.Tt ViAe pci, wruca ftr : Anypers-xi »^d ’ccun.Tj Ihe sulxia. wiM d> aa xcc ot ^istice : idoJce wvJ rewxniekl, ox LEO. ABERCROMBIE. .NEW SJORE. rTVIE «• • r rrmv the ci: ’ Mi!- I Icdzvvi'k'. sad it. VKiiity, that be . a* oper!- :- ; x»jie I -. i- wj r>usi2ies5 c id tbdf ■ icuse neany street, tk w.ii re>;«iive p: a:ttotico. * JOiiv H. WRIGHT k. CO. MiUetfefhl!#, IAcca’ser IU- T O STULEN. h •/*«'- N rridarc A.I ast, n o rev rrirzn : 1 lir>JlS , ■Ilk ... . •uvdieriJe, a* -r.'.imr.'. M-r! ^ , . ijft hi^b, £ rr o VTjf> c!i a «o’!l m t tmk.awt^zJ Cjh- ri*w few iiidfe .j'itS Dkio:- ... r .-; rit. awl very tagfa.M. i"*.’ 0 - Stael.—Tbepabli.-atic.n will^ake place in f the coarse ul ,m next year, and v»i!i con- tainmany productions rot bef>rc prior-!. ’ JUtlN U. tlOLUUal.lE, . IIAY1 \r. ta :em tbe !atrijr .vet; ■ • t II ov I feweifci ri Dirtinsa,Oder* :a..nK« m <L- EAC I'ORAGE * COMMISSION Ll>: Be b haviac to* ltorv-.' «<e« pat ia covapfete trA-e aitkindaoif prxis... useivhao- 4in, see. to. aaigffict .ttentica will be paA to ail )i#cxa Ktnatedtobacarc. Asjra’v, Jaij 1- t roewd Is .u-h - - tr i to co-a.'iy with Use i^i’ict- i Jcrv. WMS. RUTBERTORD, C. WD.Ua SOV. JOSEiTI srov.vLi.. .’unn 5?, 13V>. 4 JUST ARRIVED, V XD tv v liadnr, iVnu the whooiher \>wA« kins, UX> ijjartkf supcrtkse F! cr, TO barrel* dl> barreli^ork, (Xew-Yurk laspecti ^ 1300 \fo«!ds. a few pipe* Uofttti Guv. (*•- JL i- .u . : . any! Ilf VKiUilv, uV- - , * ea in toe V4W» oml ky major Howanl, ar. vril be p«B*e «*»»»» ‘ , r-artv ot' to '-A-.r. H. B. II r:. re >IC co-» Uts fee the mMe. WII.5U.'. . »; yrv, wnerv udw ocV s* :’.w «aie rviwral xss rt- Jiiperc iu’.y, - - • - mv. wnerv m-i *t DRV-GOOD^ HARDWARE* ROOTS a - i Slid ~ - ' ; xa-i t ols. West bd a KiHo, hi ca#k* best cnaiity nVn Cheese. Tee *anBe?t fiirof* tn’efellf U’rrwififS * - DR. K.ENNON rrxryDF.RS hi* peotWR'isal - nr--:* tre r i ,vaibe«*. iu ..tjaue*, ia* „Pa-,.w.. A • :uw»oe«P»m»m co'n.i?- fM M»«h « i*,. mv- .*rrd XT’ Waited to purcho*., seed at tr- in.l-tavinj tx.cai .a -yJjao-wu ij — ywili L'OnO.N, »*ltir.'a U Bj>.- . Ro*ycreea. Dvyiri- LTMAV.jea’r. . ~ ~~r‘ BILLS ofEXCHAyCE «»Ji.w-Y >rk,! Mtf i r-- ba, -• thrj raiddFrtiiod ProvAnce, fc.- rede. D- . a’- nkriLL K- vSA it die tr vn cf C'ri Val dzrvvS. - . AoVvW • 1 V* I’D ,4otO u FUR SALE. vKwjartvjMd a few biVtapenJ Hjm» > Q" 1 reasonable lenrn, a likely, bealthy toon SAWYER & HERRING. Datieq, .’a*, P, j, S X ,, vrv horn eegro wootio, r^orred to be .n | rrreifen*. h-aue cr Sekl erob E»{-i ie U thj j Itrffcg Jan?. J-of | rr*t r= »hj o» Rarv :< trxv. i le lot*, in *aai iay,ot Be. HLVNi is OKatas, Jaiu W