Cherokee phoenix. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1828-1829, April 17, 1828, Image 1

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owy CHEROKEE t: JcfiFO^. PHCEIIX. VOli. I. NEW ECIIOTA, THURSDAY APRIL, 17, 2 828. NO. 0. EDITED BY ELIAS BOUDINOTT PRINTED WEEKLY BY ISAAC H. HARRIS, FOR THE CHEROKEE NATION. At $2 50 if naid in advance, $S in six months, or $8 50 if paid at the end of the year. To subscribers who can read only the Cherokee language the price will be $2,00 in advance, or $2,50 to be paid within the year. Every subscription will be considered as continued unless subscribers give notice to the contrary before the commencement of a flew year. Any person procuring six subscribers, and becoming responsible for the payment, shall, receive a seventh gratis. Advertisements will be inserted at seven- tv-five cent3 per square for the first inser tion^ and thirty-seven and a half cents for each continuance j longer ones in propor tion. SC/® All letters addressed to the Editor, post paid, will receive due attention. IVy JtfAV 0»A AD IiSiJF. GGA. ■pGAG'.Eota TAAf 8 H*Y* JfitfBAa P4c«)a. b©ae JM9ha<&y kta d^p o^JBa &4ota, T(rz TEJSSO-T 8 D6.IA<*Poi a. TCTZ rt>P TotO-A TB DOJAotPota, KT Bt-q. (P0.IB.I P4ota. DTUAotEZ TB yiV peiAitPota, oyAi D.pp o-e.iB.i P4<»a. Givyz (pgr ahOWi»y, wp<v (PO-IB J P4ota TCTZ TEdUQ-iT 8 D0* JAotPota. KTAZ D45P yiv Ah 0»SaBA' u.iR oe.iAc»p<*a. AGENTS FOR THE CHEROKEE PHCENIX. Application has been made to a number Of Gentlemen, in different parts of the Uriit- e 1 Slates, to act as Agents for this work. We hear, as yet, of only the following who fcave consented. Henry Hi hi,, Treasurer of the A. B. 0. F. M. Boston, Mass. O- .io! M. Tracy, Agent ofthe A. B. C. F. M. New York. Pollard & Converse, Richmond, Va. P.ev. James Campbell, Beaufort, S. C. Col. George Smith, Statesville, W. T. Beside® th“ above; Mr. Thos, R. Gold, An itinerant Gentleman, residing lately in TTeov, N. Y. has rendered us much service, end will act in future as our Agent. V».IKUSr-’fte> /MfcCXUHM CHEHOKEE LAWS. [concluded.] JVeio Toicn, Nov. 12, 1624. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That suits which have been appealed from the district courts <o the superior court, incases of debt, the person or persons nonsuited, or a- gainst whom judgment shall be given, such person or persons shall pay a cost <»f six per cent, on the amount of the judgment issued, which per cent, shall be collected fo the benefit of the treasury of the Cherokee Nation; and Be it further Resolved, That any person or persons who may be subpoe naed by the clerk of a court to ap pear before the superior court as evi dence in any case, and such person or person’s refusing to appear and bear evidence, and cannot give any reason able and lawful excuse for not appear ing, he, she or they, shall pay a fine of ten dollars, for the benefit of the ? >erson or persons non-suited or cast n consequence of the want of that persons testimony; and Be it further resolved, That such wit ness attending agreeably to the sum- toons, he, she or tfiey, shall be entitled to fifty cents for each day’s attendance, to be levied off the persons against whom judgment may he issued; and Beit further resolved, That any per son who shall be guilty of perjury or give false evidence in any court of justice in the Cherokee nation, upon conviction, shall he forever disquali fied from being a witness in any mat ter of controversy, and shall also re ceive thirty-nine stripes on the bare back, to be inflicted by any officer or officers on dutv in fhe district in which the offcii *-• or may be com- taitted By order, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t N. Com. Approved-PATII * KILLER, mar!-, A. M'COV, Clerk N. Com. $UJAH HICKS, Clerk N, council. New Town, Nov. 9, 1822. Resolved by the National Committee ctnd Council, That no person or per sons whatsoever shall be allowed or permitted to dig for salt within the circumpherence of half a mile from the salt well of any person or persons who may have obtained salt water by digging under the special permission of the National Committee and Coun cil; Provided, that this resolution shall not extend so far as to deprive any person or persons from digging with in their own enclosures, who may be living within such bounds, and may have settled there previous to the digging for, and the discovery of, salt. By order, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t N. Com. Concurred in by the council, his PATH X KILLER, mark. A. M’COY, Clerk N, Com. ELIJAH HICKS, Clk. N. Council. New Town, Nov. 13, 1824. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That no citizen or citi zens of the Cherokee nation shall re ceive in their employment any citizen or citizens of the United States, or ne gro slaves belonging to citizens of the United States, without first obtaining a permit agreeably to law, for the per son or persons so employed; and any person or persons violating this reso lution, upon conviction before any of th? district courts, shall pay a fine for every such offence at the discretion of the court, not exceeding ten dollars; and the person employed to be remov ed. By order ofthe National Committee, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t N. Com. his PATH X KILLER, mark. ELIJAH HICKS, Clerk N. Com, A. M’COY, Clerk. N. Council. Nero Toicn, Nov. 12, 1822. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That a Register’s office be opened at New Town, and a Regis ter be appointed, whose duty it shall be to record all the advertisements of estray property which may be sent to him by the rangers of the several dis tricts, and each advertisement so re corded, to be set up at a public house at New Town, and the Register shall he entitled to twenty-five cents for each advertisement recorded, to be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of the property so advertised and sold; and it shall be the duty of the several Rangers to transmit a copy of all their advertisements to the Register at New Town, and if there should be no op portunity to forward, by private con veyance, the advertisements to the register, it shall be the duty of the captain of the light horse company when applied to by a Ranger, to send one of his men with the advertisement to the Register; and Beit further resolved, That all es tray cattle, hogs, sheep and goats, shall be advertised and sold bv the the Ranger in the same manner as is prescribed by law for estray horses. By order of the N. Committee, JNO. ItOSS, Pres’t N. Com. his * Approved—PATH X KILLER, mark. A. M’COY, Clerk. N. Council. ELIJAH HICKS, National Com, New Town, October 25, 1824. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That the road from Chat tahoochee river, to May’s ferry on Hiwassee l iver, and also the one to Blythe’s ferry, on Tennessee river, are hereby ordered to be let out in ten shares, to the lowest bidders, to be opened and kept in good repair for the term of five years from the first day of December, 1824, on the fol lowing conditions, to wit: The road to he cut and opened twen ty-four feet wide, clear of trees, and the causewaying to be covered with dirt, togethei with the digeingof moun tains and hills, to be fourteen fleet wide, ~Ienr of rocks, roots and grubs. and the L 'nks of all water course* to be put in complete order, and the road to be divided into shards in the following manner; (to wit:) From May’s ferry to Canausauga river, including One bank and half the width of the bed of the river if required; from Walker’s ferry to Five Killer’s; from Blythe’s ferry to Canda’s Creek, n eluding one bank of said creek; from thence to where May’s ferry road in tersects the same; from them e to the middle ofCannasauga river, to YLin’s mill creek; from thence to the middle of Coosawatee river; from thence to the middle of Talking Rock creek; from thence to the middle of Long Swamp creek; from thence to the mid dle of Etowah river; from thence to the Chattahoochee river; and Be it further resolved, That the un dertakers enter into bond and sufficient security for the faithful pei form ant: e of their respective con tracts, in a penal sum of twice the amount of the sum for which the un dertakers may engage with the Trea surer of the Cherokee nation, and that the Treasurer is hereby authorised and directed to appoint one or more commissioners, to review the roads once in four months, throughout the year, whose duty it shall be, to make ;; report to him of the situation of said roads, and in case of violation on the part of any of the undertakers, that suits he instituted against such person or persons in the courts of the dis trict to which he or they may belong; and in case of forfeiture, the Treasu rer is authorised to let out the share or shares so forfeited. By order of the National Com. JNO ROSS, Pres’t N. Com. PATH X KILLFP, mar!.. A. M’COY, Clerk N. Council. ELIJAH HICKS, Cleik N. Com. New Toicn, Jan. 27, 1824. Whereas, great evil has resulted from the disposition and use of ar dent spirits at bail plays, all night dances and other public gatherings, and in order to suppress this grow ing evil, Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That no person or j or* sons whatsoever, shall vend or other wise dispose of in any manner, ai de spirits at such places, under t'i penalty of having all their liquors was ed; and it shall be the duty ef even light horseman, marshal, sheriff, de puty sheriff and constable, to take cognizance of such offences, and to execute this resolution, and if any of the aforesaid officers being in full pos session of the fact of a violation of this resolution, fail to enforce its penalty they shall, upon conviction, before a- ny of the district courts, pay such a fine as may be imposed upon them by the court, one half to the informer, & the other half to the treasury ofthe Cherokee nation. This law to be and remain in full force from and after the first day of January, 1825. By order ofthe N. Committee, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t. Nat. Com. his PATH X KILLER, mark. A. M’COY, Clerk N. Com. ELIJAH 111CKS, Clerk of N. Council, New Toun Nov. 11, 1824. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That it shall be the du ty of the several marshals, sheriffs, constables and light horsemen, to take cognizance of every violation of law within their respective bounds of dis tricts, and to give information of, and bring to justice, according to law, such person or persons, so offending, and should any of the aforesaid officers, neglect to bring to justice any trans gressor of law, after having been duly informed of sucb transgression, such officers, upon conviction before any of the district courts, shall he subject to pay a fine, to be assessed by the court; the fine not to exceed one hun dred dollars, and not less lhan five dollars: and the officer or officers so neglecting, shall he subject to he re moved from office at the discretion of the notional Council. By order ofthe National Commit JNO. ROSS, lires’t. N. Col.’ 0 * Approved, his PATH X KILLER, mark. A. M’COY, Clerk N. Com. ELIJAH HICKS, Clerk N. Council, New Town, November 11, 1824. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That all free negroes coming into the Cherokee, nation, un der any pretence whatsoever, shall he viewed and treated, in every respect. ,’s intruders, and shall not be allowed to reside in the Cherokee nation with out a permit from the National Com mittee and Council. Bv order, * JNO. ROSS, Prc-’t N. Com. his Approved-PATII X KILLER, mark. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker. A. M’COY, Clerk N. Com. ELIJAH HICKS, Clerk N. Coun. New Town Nov. 11, 1824. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That any person or per sons whatsoever, who shall commit robbery upon another, he. she or they, so oflending, being prosecuted in any ofthe district courts, shall, upon con viction, be subject to such penalty and punishment as the court may impose; Provided, That such punishment shall not extend so far as to inflict death. By order ofthe National Comm ttee, JNO. ROSS, Prer’t. N. Com. his Approved-PATH X KILLER, mark. CHARLES HICKS. A. M’COY, Clerk. a©6G(p<*A c-wy cpotfs. [ASd'cnr 8 pl ambu.] tt ssea, 30 snza, 1823. ifiJcAY D£P dGG*G(M5<*?y D(f AfeWSt; h«acr jwo-t 5 d^p o-otp lpro ay, d<t y<? U6GAPAA D.SP AhlV©iT Ky-lOoSt/l- ..£ h>y, RS.-iCT t,iV o’lIp/iAbt G. Wl-AZ D" ■?u asw©os yivz .is-awotwia TP4<*a. Dr-.ay, GIi J©i*!J©. O-ZokGA. R. rSA, D^P AAdttFoty. tw©, aAJtfPoty ?siV8i. TT SSkP, 12 0-GSX, 1824. *Wty D^P <6GTi(XLdiy Dtf Ah>iv©i; JOGSy GeiAFAkfc SIAGAR GMV&i RAG" GFhAJ® qEfcGTR a.JAAAA SSW©1 Gh/iAr - ota, Gciy Gt, y® Dh>4Ay(T s , D(T PJr4vy r 8, DtT O'ojvu p-4«>vr. tgtz d* ritAAJTP TiP4c»a DIr4Ayoip-ctfa Di>“ Z VPP D?^A TDJ,5«!pinU. Griiyz D^I-' tV”Z O^OTP h$F wUo?I*i*:a GY\ y^,. adz d<t Got-v diwiy; tctz y® aobp AJAAA^) W © 1 UAJJPaty O^WiUWO-A (M.cmfc0-<»A,5 qP ©CTR AJAA“ ?siv©i, ct o’Zi.p* q<ji<r ds\\\& tei.' >&PA«frT; G(»y Tcr-Z AO : 'G'^di'^■OT'a•V , CK‘ WZPJIA DSWvO ATov.! qhMJAWIWO TP-4AA; Coty D^StS, D<f D* i-b, Dtf T«wry ovBatfeyh, d<t O'OJB.J I»4m>.I DotAA DS-SA. G«yz D‘ h'4Ayr Gep^PA^ cptp iiSPofa^PcSia q.n'fT 8 DsWitr qzf^te i*r o-.isp«iajwi«.' oCA. ADZ DtT GvC** JSlvAV, Gt*y DhJWA Toef 8 G0G>5PAW ©PRceo-T 8 DIiMfv<£vI, D" cXfc©, D(f DWI, Dtf T-Trity GTiRo?.!, PS.IB' RAoi>yii P4o?A D^P D*q LS hAA'i dAa* iG ot, Go^y gog^paiSg; GGiyz Dfa>4Ay<r° GOGAPAiSr Goty DiMiWA P4o?.I. ADZ D<f GcS)*r £IrAY TGTZ y® D4P* T’wNdf.I OV1IVO-AZ SVlTolAoI Pdi.I (NAA - G'R.y* 1 (VZfA,& TDTAI«B«:.I*V V, Z, Dtf O'© - A/.4“ T©Zf(«)PG?A GG .IJAAJ* JIiIVST" ?1*4JR GWy.S, G«yz (PAMCufRP _ o»A*V^ 0“TAO-, t,4“ I.otU T4AGT EC.Zf .1 >«>F*4ft?J JGcTO-fr 8 GOG^I JtrT, D«T DlrPi" Iic?.l I*4oi!j KDoiAA Tj0EIii?.l J*4of.l- f*R S-PAr!>. GtrZ SSW D'otSO-Cr DAA D^P JIi-q©o?GAA E(VPJhf<»J. DPAy, , GR JWo?J®. 0-ZoVGA. R. .I VAiPoty ff)IKT. TW©, JAdl?Poty TSWSi. ADZ Dif <r>IrAy DJ5P <*GG(*loTy, D<T Ah-IV©!, I of.I y® <4 f ECvGofAiS'.! ^-1*4 totocf 8 r (khwii okr DZPAfET ye A*WF P-HO-A-JiA D^P DOGO*' d<t jS\v©i. yoocyiiz otr ad d G®» otrV 0 J hCv4”*ia >5SAS1 TEA 0 J AWt >: A Ay, *rz <ru<i.(rja cv^ at, o“Gi*R G«y <v LwU SldVIU AP4*J. 0 J G.R*V* , ‘ . ... ”l*E P4oiJ oM”- «yh G< O'*.. CHIiAtiA D^i •*GT D3P ®I5A» GIi J©oiJ©. 7 CTA< iM>(7 h.^3ie, O-ZokGA, J)* R. -TSA, JA^SFdty D^P 5)11 A. TW©, JAdtfPoiy D^P SSWSi. TT 5Ski.-, 13 O-GSX, 1824. «MrAy D^F AGtO'^cSy, DiT AhVV&4, Lot J RotSfi GWyA DAA Ar<»J D<rA>ii XT SIiO*4of J DIi&IrliA DAA, D<f DI,Et,Iv ijli** Cblr/iA DAAJ6TP; EliMyii TEA AvEP XT IiAcSI*cli.i JIiO-LGo?JA qatiT OT-AC" GhST Ga?Pof.-. TG-Z y DiioTJriiPeta AD GP® Ay cpa ■ Ck<r 8 Rwsaz tpjna m«j tgtm.^ ok Dotvcyy Grisyz TSJAP SfSS<\,JR ©T«JA V-HUR tliweiz O-IiATotJ 1.4- TST4 1 ’ CPJBAA. L«J DAG CTGR- «WAtU DotAA D?^IA. DlrO-LlcSJZ IP I*At«.?*V"’ TP4SJ. CPIiAC=A D^F DeiO-T^y, GI» J © ot J ©, vI’J.lAGT Dv^P Det'(VT-riiy>. tier iv^-ae, ozokiA, cyroecrA. R. rSA, JAdJPoty D^F ©HA. TW©, JAJOPoCy D^P SSIVGi. tt $?£-, 12 cptsx, 1824. (MrAy D^P CrGGO-T'oty, D<T Alt'IVGij Gt, AI*4otJ JAJUGAA. JIAiSJFotyz Gt, y© ©at.1 i*4«j, c«yz SA^i-oTtPdta i,* sag?- o-Gd-ir nobgit. ajbpz ajr.G.o-A* fw.l Jh«q©oiGAA SSSC.AK GOotJ GO- .pT-p cpei-ir 3 . Goiyz SAjaF^pcS-a o^pza amp* A. Got^Z AScS^jotPoTA EIipR A^P DJ?P O-OTP DGA4TT SSvLT. JAJUPoiyZ E4T AkW-lS Dyqra O-TP IiSPotJotPoiAf •PTi z Dhespota G«y jecavo-a dsji g" Aiot.l, D<f T'-Ioty IrGJil CO* PotWhAA q'TP SSS&.AU <jec©<«WO-AZ <l~ 6w.U0- iTF AJKP C.&lC-.lrw. 1, .1 AkVPcSyA TT SSkt- Dcf Goty AiBP ec.oi-* POac»a*V IipRO TP4ofA, TGTZ Gdiy cJ It-ZAfdea TEA SAy DOABTAA, dr; © Dot*' Scs fifrotPct.i, GoCyz S0*Afc<A AiEP JA* dioiyA. i)<f Got*v* ARAy iisacr ws d<jv Mil Dtf D© J1.Z90, Dd' D© JJ;wy.My, Cot4 v ’ GcSy qOmJIO- EIiPR tliee^tcitP 4 tita AiSSP, Drf ssespota G«y A G.OFoBWIiAJl- i'TF G«yi£A M 0-<TAC~ CPOi (P 8 •FBI 8 h-q ia J *1«'■' ol .1. Dl-^jy D^P ^sw&i, GIi J©<k J©, AX.GAGT D^F PI: a. (6I.CT e, (WZ0I GA, DyE©G A. R. k’sA- JAiyputy D$P ®IJA. TWO, JAiSSPoiy D43P S-iW©i. tt SS.G, 25 shza, 1824. rfilrAy D.pp *G-G0*T*y DrfAIrVV©:, R." «C-tr G-Urp PB O'BG'Gd’O-r DO-otEAZ JG” Uot.. J A DGrCkoCB PE G.«A; D<f GotiV” •P*' TA lr©S0*G DPASO-Joiy CPGIr JGUotA-iA WOotB PIi CxcSA; DP Gov*!" }r&S(Mr 55S JI.EdtAAA DGTC5.B PB GofA; Goiy AD ST ChO- l'ot) A A JiSRotA GGASIA J4(S J JBO'h" •PJA. yiiPPZ PS.TBRJA O’/lCrA Gf y S^t oi GJlfof J Aoty JSABlP, G<Sy SC.-JiB*' mPm.J, D(f AotT 3 qC.tfSPdi.t 0-ZA. TE** AA*V*Z TS l«yA ©(fora 1824 DGoIuAP* ota. * ad dag qot?i«a Goty ckza; oyK.q Tc3Wro-a GoB(rR<«a qo*^e?a. dp ^iiaq'r EO P4oia, D<T apilVJwJA GhhGAtcTP'* iSa sgz tqracSPoia, n<r aG'T, d<t su* AS1 Geot<A«p«'a. I,ssz TdaWB-qA Cl«* irROT'a. Lota D<r e*c3 (ie<re ^hwp/ota, D(T ASt,otSLofa, Dtf IiSacr ‘Cu£i tPK A" 0’ip rw 1 ’ iiGo-yifota. Gotyz sso-o- t g* ACO*4cta AD IiSottotj: DO otEA JlPotA* aA aGrfiuitPota c.«T.ota p*v“’ tap even, n^Az D^PBir 5 cveSotSota; ersz jie?m.v* aA ADifhotPotj otyaAAZ Cvottcsa; d* •fASO-aotyz OJ.Ir 3GUcS)AaA aDGrfPotP* ota. DCfftAvlA PB GotBota, E4 K Z T. P OCkfii GcSy PB 0-VoF«K.i; t,X<f G1,4‘’ PG" <Hio?PoiJ DCr-otEiT 8 O-C'O- Ooty IpCIVot'# CvctLoiAi: IrT.© Gt.4'’ DcThotPota I( EyA PB D^F G-otToTJ OkVt.T DoTAot.IA 0 LP' o^aj^b; Gt.xp D«n *Pota jvjsaaz pb d^p GotTota; Gtra'tf D<riio5Pot.; 0*4 s-cj* 1 oty pi? d^p c,dtwj; DtfLOTp* tsa Tq Af 0-AiT 8 PB DfF Get Lota; C.1 PtfhwPeta TGG PB D^P Gott-ota; Ct,” *v^z n«riidtPtR'j carlo pb R4**i» AD GtSW- AJvAy Coty JhQGrtlAA 0-” a o-iiy'fcA Aki P pmk j**a, d<t vn* 0 en/iA di r amPoi a j a<r cplo-l*e.H4 OT-./lCsTs TCTZ Giiy.- .V* qr.f’A^lO TP4" «a 0 bVivsa. c. iwa 0 o.ira i»» 4ota o-o-j? G»ty t#t i*sjsfiaA I'kjvj-p