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^ arrftir——1
NO. 14.
Ajf-82 50 if paid ‘in' advance, 83 in six
months, or $3 50 if paid at the end of the
year. :
To subscribers who pan read only the
Cherokee language the price will be $2^00
in advance, or $2,50 to be paid within the
Every subscription considered as
continued unless subscribers give notice to
the contrary before the commencement of a
new year. .<• .. [ f .. f
Any person procuring six subscribers,
and becoming responsible for the payment,
shall receive a seventh gratis. *
Advertisements will be inserted at seven
ty-five,cents.per square for the first insei^
tio'n, and thirty-seven and a half cents for
each continuance; longer ones in propor
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ICPA11 letters addressed to the Editor,
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airy 3 <ra vo*a a d k*i s e u,g£?
Jkxaa tAJkw tr*v» JBtfbaa l4o?a.
b©./ie AhWBAdey ktA v$v (p&<i)sa
*v4o5J, TCTZ TEA?0-<r» 00.1,5 oepoS.1.
TCTZ t»BP T<30*A TB De.T^JEv^j^KT
D»4 O0JBA I-4JeA. D*J*o?iEZ TB yiV
DeJ-Soei-JM, O-yVlT D.0P 0»0.!S.I HiW.
©wyz o»<xr ahoiuidfy, \vf*v« ds*i
bur De.r^^u.
The following persons are authorized to
tfeceiye subscriptions and payments for the
Cherokee Pboeqix, ~ 1 V „• ' V
Henry Hiix, Esq. Treasurer of the A.
B. C; F. M. Boston, Mass.
George M. Trac y, Agent of the A. B.
C. F.M. New York. ! #. -
Rev. A. D. Eddy, Canandaigua, N. Y.
/I^homas. Hastings, Utica, N. Y.
Pollard &. Converse, Richmond, Va.
; Revi Jan^s Campbell, Beaufort, S. C.
„ William Moclttie Reid, Charleston.
S. C.
Col. George Smith, Statesville, W. T.
Rev. Bennet Roberts—Powal Me.
Mr. Thos. R. Gold, an itinerant Gen
tleman. . ;j J, ' A' ' '
‘ 7^ : “ — . ' i T7r r.
JVew Town Nov. 12, 1826.
. •Resolved by the National Committee
sand, Council, That mechanics of the
•Several branches of trade, of good
character and sobriety, and well skill
ed in tlieir respective professions 8 *,'are
hereby privileged and admitted to
come into the Cherokee nation for the
term of four or five years, under the
request s superintendence of su<^ h res-
jpectableindividuals as are interested in
the improvement of the youths of this
country, who shall obtain from the
proper authority a permit for them.
Such mechanics when brought into
the nation, shall'be bound to set up a
shop and carry on their trade regular
ly, for the time permitted, and shall
further be bound to take under their
care for instruction, as many appren
tices as practicable, and to learn them
their respective crafts; and
Be it further resohed, That the dis-
•'triet courts be, and they are, hereby
authorised to bind out such youths,
with the consent and approbation of
their parents or guardians, as may
ply for admission as apprentices toa-
hy of the aforesaid mechanics,? such
mechanics entering into bond arid giv
ing Such person or persons int roducing
them into the nation as securities, that
they will honestly and faithfully, in
struct such appeotices as may be
bound under them, in their trade; and
the mechanics and securities are au
thorised to call upon, and ,it shall be
the duty of any public officer to arrest
and return, any apprentice, that may.
ruin away; and further,! the various
mechanics introduced, under this lavy,
shall be amenable to the authorities
pud laws of this nation, for any offence
. they may commit.
■By order of th« National Committee,
JNO. ROSS, Picf’t N. Committer.
M\JOR RIDGE, Speaker.
A. McCOY, Clerk of <hq N, Com.
,4 & BOUDINOTT, Clk. N. Count
New Town, Nov. 12, 1825.
Resolved by the National Committee
and Council, That all persons who
may be subpoenaed by the clerk of
any of the courts, to appear before a-
ny of the! courts as evidence in any
case', and such person or persons re
fusing to appear and bear evidence,
and.ME?, she or they being unable to
make any'reasonable or lawful excuse
lor not.appearing, such person or per
sons, upon conviction, shall pay a fine
of twenty dollars for every such of
fence, to be collected for the benefit
of the person or persons non-suited, or
cast in ^consequence of the want of
that person or person’s testimony; and
'lie it further resolved, That such
witnesses, attending agreeably to the
summons, he, she or they, shall be en
titled to - receive seventy-five cent s
pel; day for each day’s attendance, in
cluding the time for going and return
ing. and to he levied off the person or
persons against whom judgment may
be issued.. These resolutions to be
considered as amendments to'the
iaw passed Nov. 12th, 1824; and to
supercede the section embracing si
milar cases.
By order of the National Committee,
JNO. ROSS, Pres’t. N. Com.
"| • "4'_\ ' 'bis ,'v ’/
■ - . mark.
A. M’dOY, Clerk N. Com.
E. BOUDINQTT, Clerk N. Council,
New Town, Nov. 12, 1824.
Resolved by the National Committee
and Council, That one hundred town
lots of one acre square, be laid off, on
the Oostenallah river, commencing
below the month of the creek, nearly
opposite to the mouth of Cauna’usau-
ga riyer.' The public square to em
brace two acres of ground, which
town shall be known arid called .Echo
ta; there shall be a main street of
si^ty feet and the other streets shall
be fifty feet wide. ( ' V' * ,t ‘ *
■&B'e it further resolved, That the lots,
when laid off, be sold to the highest
bidder. The purchaser’s right shall
merely be occupancy, and transfera
ble only to lawful citizens of the Che
rokee nation, and the proceeds arising
from the sales of the lots shall be ap
propriated for the benefit of the pub
lic buildings in said town; and
Be it further resolved, That three
commissioners be appointed to super
intend the laying off the aforesaid lots,
marking and numbering: the same, and
to act as chain-carriers, and a survey
or be employed to run off the lots and
streets according to the plan prescri
bed. The lots to be.CQmmenced run
ning off on tfie second Monday in Feb
ruary next, : and all the ground' lying
within the follow’ing bounds, not, em
braced by the lots shall remain vacant
as commons for the convenience qf the
town; viz: beginning at the mouth of
the creek, opposite the mouth of Cau-
nausauga, & up said creek to the mouth
of the dry branch, on w’hich George
Hicks lives, up said branch to the
point of the ridges, and thence in a
circle round along said ridges, by the
place occupied by Crying Wolf,
thence to the river. ’ *■ ’ ' /
By order of the N. Committee,
JNO, ROSS, Pres’t N. Cora.
- MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker.
Vv*.,'\-4& •• .• hi*
, Approved—PATH X KILLER.
• mark.
A, M'COY, Clerk. National Com.
E. BOUDINOTT, Clk. N. Council
a©e&<rdtur ©wy o^otfs. 1 ^
Dfc ATrtfBU.] , ‘
TT SSA, 12 O-LSX, 1825.
«6it.yiy d^p .ftOLo-toey Drf ah.w©i,
3wo-a* Dzpo-iocy, o>eio--i, u<t Dfiieuh
Aerpsoi- Wi»ecuJR vzpo-IoCE R*«h «w-
y ohimjjD<r Jtstyov ssazr wwa-
>5. y<! DZoB®, Dh^© Rotth D-
GAy 0 3 6SPo?y DhWhAP-
OcT G<»y o^hKecrviiyvba, D<r ajjp l-
GV I-15T 0»hMj»(S>J[,5
DZP0-l(>ty. G«VZ D2PO*io?)y IIm'51,
DLMI-wD4<*yu SZP-
4<aa, Drf i-4aa uso-lset, nrf su-
■4®o9tJl«b <JZP0-.L5 &*>y TAJitn AD Klr-
Jiy. Dtf Go®^- D4 ^P ToaiiT- u-
E(VhodO“a t-RT T.ricaii*I-M)X I.e?C!X(w.I-r
Gd®y L/UivirdfcJW®.! JLrfO-J” AP0-0-.
hS; DIiBOBO- T,Ahfr<df?<n)J.
D<f ,4d fifrAy fsaa-iR bhwoi G&y
iurVlIr/TGr DJ6 ®BGT Dh-
SBPI- Dd* Gdey ih\a/S> DMG
ya o>*?gxo®j:a apo-o-, gi.
DhO-i6®I-c*a RuTSKZ AEG,0dIZ-UA G«y
WP E<l.eiMBJlfd5A CPAAGTAv-a, DiT <6t»iT’ 3-
ALhJBS DI1B6VO- APO-O-T, Go®y uo-
saxoby jBcao-f’. tg? d<t .i6s«Xd®y td-
0BpR?dBA*V- ( DZPO-X<)%yZ, Dtf WP Eft.OO*’-
TiA<LA hhJiy f&J y,4 D^p ShAQetyAA,
G&yz 04 D«f Gory ©BIi-
©a/oeiv^jc joprt, D«r j0Wo-ir» dz-
PO'i«!y TDI»MI-d®A AD GFJiy 0-ASPm)A-
Ao5I-(«)A, KEO- a©Po®T./lP»eA TDIid®SO-I-
DP.iy, GliJ©o®J®.
- GP.
r rs^, a\3sp<ay ©hjt.
swye, aA.jei?<ay 3»w®i.
TT SSilx, 12 0-B9X, 1825.
AWiy D^P *G50-T>d®y Drf Afew®!,
TGf“Z y® »SW6i AA43Po?y AiWP fO-^lPoBA
0-BGr4J0-(i®A* T-UAP 9SW©i O’ZPA^Z ©-
d>'r> DSWd^ y® B6t<>5PAiB, G<»yz G,Ir«ao-
<p y.s ao»G?''a40d®i-(»a*v , z o-LGr4so-«»a4»,
Ar<»jr2v<lhi«ABJlU»0 IvR 0 ) AM(i.(riRP«)a,
■RvBoBKoeA. Go®yz Dlrh£0-A DIt>4Ay<r’Z
BGL^PAdt (PTP I»SP<iej(aj-oi)A ®az?40-
^Z TI-4(®a DSWJjT.
DcP AD trtr^iy Gd®y y® O’WAtro-A
G,h>4aO-4r q#}(P B0T>t5PA«B DSWA DSJRA-
<®yu p-4<^»>Kpi J yqoir s a bs bsi
n<r sank sjisoti c.cSsy o>p'|Fce<»s<»A dsjbr-
4A Bh>4Ayir®Z B0B*PAJ!; DJ»hfa YM-
oaa, Gd®y DSJB.BAA, AD WP tG f 'Brfy K-
fp^y <6Kpau*v* ap/ica 12 cpBsfc, 1824,
Dtf G^ JBra Ip©Z? AD TGr<»A Gdiy AD
■5 Ir J\ G V. B.
Dh/iy D^P BBWOlT,
dSBG?’ <6o®A^-a©, O-Zof BA, DyEGGTA,
R.ri’SA, UAJUPoty ©HJ.
fivye, aAdSPoty d s ip »*w©i...
TTsSkb, 12o-bsx, 1825.
dStpAy d^p. *GBo-Bo?y tie ar-w®;,
AP4<a>a a^iwarfA^ t»ac(r» «aa ksi-oSa
0-y J0-Bc9 IiSEAbBA Gtr 0><»B0P I-B O>0G-
0>hF<l*A *0Hy^ 0»45B JCTAA ©ihl-T. S-
IpO-PZ-WP TG?-GG<r« SAA TI*4(*X, Gcty-
Z SSdlr TKJt SARd®A. ©ESG^RZ 0VVO-|)*»
c»A, U4TZ S»vyo«(r RTxSA^ AdBSoCAA A-
<Sty»P BBd®BWO-AR riBo3(TR(»A.
Dtf AD »6IpAy, rfz Gn>y BOGffi JtA J
v/aotaa l*v* AsoAtjkA K4<«a, 4h&d®yz
D©,BA0(r?Jdti-d?iA, <j>arz D0j*dt!y c«)y
(Pha.dep'dCA o’o.ra/ y« DAW.i«>ar5 gl-
TAA(T» fivp JsAvbUy Dtf R<»Sh-
DAAO’O^n Ag’tAhOAdi’J I»4d®a G<»yz
A/lWAd®A* Bl/e?R aEC„WO-AZ D$P TA
Drf AD *lpriy DhKT y® A©ATA 1-4-
dea Gdey D'hE6Gru?y a^iwa<»a* bog®;,
Dtf Gd®y Wl1*< Dtf B04AP«BA, Dtf
aBS-litr Dhh4d!J, Dtf SAA DGGoey y®'©-
ATA TI-4deA, Goeyz DG«ioP, Dtf bd0A4-
oP AAIVAdSA^, Dtf RBdfeA/5 Goiy«9 «&y-
ACS BEA'©.<4. WPAA-Z (peAB^O-A ©SP
dpo- t'<v owi-A i-4dea D0o®c®y hSAcr-^
Z AD «AA Ehr*V* IrABfiKRB Gt^ A^lW-
Ade^J* hi-R© iu Gdey e&,ao-»<»a*v* »s-
&Z DAA Gdey Vr<»A O^O-A.I I-4d®A. o 3 -
jub o s hP<r 9 * «0ay* cp.wb jctaa Dtfh<»*-
deA, Gdey*v*z i^b cPhPiT** tebpb»*ba;
(Peilir’A I-B JdUEC Gt, C,tfUB IrSAA CVdtB-
oBa; Gdey-vz i>b tebpby8?a so-bp aj-
©ir» (Vdetde-i; t.^z DihfdeA Gdiy so-bp AKS 0»AW(T» Gt, EJtoBA) R^?*B^f*Z
DP Ay, i OB J©dBJ©.
: «o-Bi.y.
CP.^, AAdJPdey Dt?P ©ItA.
sw r ye, AAJJ^dey d^p jsw©;. , •
TT 1 *S<B, 12 0-B9X, 1826.
aaAAdey Ty, As^p«tiyz, oaz bwt*?,
Acpdey aipAIp Gdey o»RE©cr«»i-deA d-
0GffideE AAWAoeA#, Gtr Sttfr TKA.
Oil J®dej©, AXBAGT ©HA.
R. r»Af AAJJPoty D^P ©HA.
Between Gens. Gray, Lavidson and
Cocke, late Commissioners of the U-
nited States, and Messrs. John Rose
and Ridge, on the part of the Chero
kee Nation.
Cherokee Agency,
Oct. 4, lb27.
Messrs; John Ross And Major
Gfntlemen:—On yesterday your
letter in answer to a reply made by
the undersigned to yotu s oi the 15tL
u It. w r as received, and we must ex
press our surprise and, regret, that
every point by us laid down in that
letter, is by you considered either er
roneous, or not founded in fact: anu
that even the statements made by
General Gocke respecting what took
place on his visit at New Ecbota iu
July last, should be pointedly contra
dicted. The General is riot versed
in your language, and if he has not
given the words made use of by Major
Ridge, on his introduction to the Com
mittee and Council, he avers he has
given the words as explained to him
by your interpreter.
You have the candour to acknow
ledge, that you .were informed by news
paper reports, that Gen. Cocke and
two others from North Carolina were
appointed by the President, of the li
nked States to hold Councils with the'
Cherokee tribe of Indians, and that
the session of yotir Council was con
tinued for one' day, under an expecta
tion that the General would make
some 1 communication to you on the
subject of his mission; and as he did
not, you thought proper to direct your
Clerk not to furnish him-with a list of
the names of the Committee and Coun
cil. You could not suppose, or ex
pect, that the General, without the
consent or approbation of the other
Commissioners, would attempt to o-
pen a negotiation with you, or explain
the'objects his government was desi
rous to effect by a treaty with the
Nation: it would have been in direct
opposition to the authority vested in
him by his government, and disrespect
ful to those associated with him in
commission. * ■*
Gen. Cocke also avers it is not a
fact that the application made to Mr.
McCoy was on the eve of his depart
ure from Echota; but that it was
made some days before, by his Secre
tary Major Hyndes, and afterwards
by himself; and not until the eve of
his departure was the information re
In our former letter we assured you
that ample means had been afforded us
by the President to defray every ex
pense, and that the supplies were
provided. We use the term every
expense with the design to include eve
ry possible expense; nor should \ye
hive hesitated to employ cooks, or to
have paid the members for their ser
vices fully as much as they receive for
attending at New Echota in General
Council, including the &c. &c. to
which you refer in your letter of the
27th of September. You “assure
us with profound sincerity,” that no
thing is more remote from the inten
tion of wish of the Representatives of
the Nation, than to treat the public
agents of the General Government
with disrespect or contempt.” Com
pare this assurance with your refusal
to attend the call and invitation of
that government; with the language
of your letters to her Representative*
and Agents. Recollect the treatment
of Gov. McMinn, and the Georgia
Commissioners, when they attended
your Council at and near New Echo
ta. You inform us that the Cherokee
Nation for eight years past have per
manently established their sent of
Government at New Echota, where I
every convenience for the accommo
dation of strangers and the Members
of Committee and Council, are p.o-
vided, and conclude, sdould you meet
at the place named k our invitation,
you “would be exposed to the weath
er as a congregated assemblage of
rude people on a hunting expedition.”
In this you are certainly mistaken.
It is true there is no palace for the
reception of a King or Emperor; but
there are four taverns hi the vicinity
of the Agency, and one at it, where all
the Committee and Council can be
well accommodated, and their expen
ses paid by us.
We take leave to call your atten
tion to that part of our letter of the
23d*of September, where xve mention
your establishment of an hr pendent
government. No expression was in
tended to find fault with your Consti
tution, or deprive your Nation of the
•enefit of social intercourse in civiliz
ed life; On the contrary we expect
erelong to see you incorporated with
the American- family, enjoying the
benefit arising from a well regulated
government. Your construction of
our remarks is not supported, when
you seem to suppose ive are disposed
to find fault with your government.
It is useless longer to refrain from
disclosing our knowledge of the object
of your invitation to meet at New E-
( hota. We are correctly informed
that Mr. John Ross has used all ofbia
influence with the Nation to thwart
the views of the United States and
has been mainly instrumental in pre
venting .heir meeting agreeably to our
invitation of the 23d of August. You
remark you have invited our attend
ance, on the day appointed for the
meeting of the approaching session of
the General Council. Can yov i x-
pect this subterfuge will avail, uhc»
you know that yon have predetei min
ed to reject everj proposition that we
are authorised tc male to the Chei o-
kee Nation? Why have you inter
posed to prevent their meeting" us?
Is it necessary to keep the Nation it g-
norapee of their true interest? WTat
objedt then could we expect to attain?
It has also been coramunicatfcd to us,
that Mr, Ross contemplates a trip to
Washington City the Ensuing winter,
and this failure to hold Councils with
the Commissioners of the United
States is to be the ostensible cause of
that enterprise.
Should our views be incorrect that
the Cherokee Agency is the place
proper to transact all business in w hich
the United States are concerned with
the Cherokee Nation, for what pur
pose ard agents employed, and near
five thousand dollars annually expend
ed by the United States in defraying
the expense of that Agency? The
Secretary of War transacts all busi
ness with j our Nation at that place-
We "are not advised that your sfeat of
Government is established for any oth
er purpose, than a place to regulate
your own internal affairs. In this o-
pinion we are confident we shall be
supported by the Department of
Respectfully your ob’t. sefv’ts.
New Echota, Cherokee Nation,
October 11th 1827.
To Generals, John Cocke Geod
L. DaviDson & Alex. Gray. '
Gentlemen:-—We acknowledge
the receipt of your letter of the 4th
iast. We do not deem it essentially
necessary to go over all tlfe different
points on which you have written;
therefore we must be brief.
You W'ish us £o recollect the treat
ment which Gov. McMinn and I he
Georgia Commissioners received from
our Council at this place, we assure
you that it is Well recollected that
they were treated with civility and
politeness by the members of Com
mittee and Council.
And you also state that ‘*there is no
palace for the reception of a King or
Emperor at the Rattle Snake springs*