Cherokee phoenix. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1828-1829, December 29, 1828, Image 3

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3; arrived at Newport l>5 minutes be-j aH other articles restored to, constant-| To the undertakers to keep in good rs
tore 5 tills znoruisiif, was di : tamed 17 i P read) to meet Hie attacks ut the j pair the Federal Jloa l.
bp>b .1
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i : i ! V il «) 111
vju.;ui .»ipo;z, : = * \ • eve.ii .g
) «) » *:*, CC I* i II » 11
■ ) 11: ■? » i %>t N'j »e.ii * • r, o-M-
L-vi I » i la * s o! :1st. L M
a ^a ii.ii «. \ Oi tiie i.vjiii*
i ave iiu serious
, heir future progress oa the uenth side
! <d t ir li a j U.! n '.auuuI i -ie Lm-
|'t“ or zS unsiiig i uge beuics of men to
('eruit Ihs at lines, and will u liloulit-
vd!y, by the e Molin'; of tin* s’l.'hi'x,
have u veiy jJO’.vtM'iul lorct* ti the fckl.
at Sen
i,.i »i
fCtK *->
Ij i . ,
V ill'll i ills
baa is o. ‘iiu U tssiaus.
I v . . rural assault on the 7th t ) to-
be r.
fa’lcn into the
li was carried
jp ,o present aspect of a flairs is far
... >;c favo:uhh; to tin; invaders than
, Vi , h : i reason to expect after our late
accounts. Sehumia is still besiege.i
bv the Russians, and in Little Wu!-
l,i >iia the Turkish force has been seat
Tim VUeinainn Zeitung give a Goa
staiitiiioule date of September 25th
which says, that the Porte has give »
an answer to -the lust demands of tli
powers, which lias heiv.i sent to Corfu
anl that it is in substance, that n e
withstan ling the favor of IVoviucnc;
has been shown to his arms hews:
willing to negotiate on the basis men
tioned, arid wished to see the Ambas
sador at Constantinople.
The new levy m Russia had exci
ted great enthusiasm.
We have particulars ol the opera
tions before Varna up to the period ot
its capture. Mines were sprung on
the 3J an'd 4th Oct. under the two
north bastions. Schelder entered, re
pelling four attacks of the Turks.—
jOroer Yrione had made no furtlie*
progress up to Ssj>. 30t!i, 1 i iuce !*.ii-
•jcne of Wirtetnberg had advanced to
Osrnanzijk.] On the 7th, 1 M> sharp
shooters, followed bv a body of trooj s
penetrated into the former bastion
without firing, thcrckillcJail the Turks
in it. while three false attacks were
made on different points. 'The sharp
shooter &c. penetrated into the town
and afterwards retreated wi- h many
Christians who joined them, and spik
ed the cannon in the bastion. 80 wen-
killed and 80*') wounded—the enemy's
joss estimated at 600. Oi the Jib
Jussuf Pacha came i:i to the camp to
tieat and nothing hostile w as attempt
ed by the Turks.—.A’ ). rid.
in tiie mean time, it is said that
Grand Seignior is disposed to negi
tiate with Great Britain and Franc
respecting the adjustment of the af
fairs of Greece, upon the basis of th
Treaty of tiie Gib of duly. Should h
succeed in ridding himself of the em
barrassment arising from tlie Grot *
controversy, bo w i11 be able to dive f
: <«: undivided attention to the Russians
♦ iid thus render the conflict more fo:
midable than it bus hitherto been. Il
Appreciating in some small degre
’be value of that word of eternal truth
vhich ive humbly hope has, bv th
power of God, imparted a spiritu.
ife to our own souls—affected in som
inperfect manner by ilie condition «•
Millions of our fellow men w ho
perishing in moral darkness; and fc:
h!y conscious of the high claim oi' 1 h?
' iod ef our salvation iu all w c possi-s>
two persons engage to unite with 1
• dlicrs who may wish to participate i
,!c pleasure of making up the sum o
o»;6 thousand dollars, for publishing th
\«w Testament of our Lord Jcsi:
Ghrist, in the Burmau language.
'Those who may he disposed to giv<
* lie sum of Fifty Dollars* payable w ith
in ninety days from the lirst of January,
next for the above purpose, asasmai
token of love to perishing sinners, ;f n
of gratitude to him who crownetli th"
year with his goodness, are respect
fully requested to give information ol
t!*e same to Den. Human Lincoln, o 4
Boston. 'Treasurer of the General
i/onvention o{ the Baptist Denomina
tion in the United States for Foreign
Missions, vG.n-—( hr. H atch.
\.e l‘ ei under no uit^her caxiety. in- i
stead of being obliged to watch witii
The stages krre 1 liours and 1 min- the child all tlit; rest ol the night;
•ales from the boat to the Boston line, | when once the snuff is applied we go
cisc-ly, d« diuting IT minutes; uyder
way exactiyil5 hours and minutes. 7 '
liours and d min-
oiaking t!ie I whole trip, from New- ! to rest again, with a feeling of entire
fork to that City, old/ 11) hours and j security, wluoh wc have never had
iT minutes.
tiupta jra cUing.—A gentleman
who left Tbjiidoo 1271 h Nov. Tliursday*
it 1 A. M. diT.r.k tea in I'hiladolpbia
next eveniui; at \ P. M.—After pass
ing the night and next forenoon in that
sty, proceeded on to U ashin ton
vhere he turned < u o days. Return-
»ng he passed from 12 M. to o P. ?>J-
oi Railimore on Vuesdnj-—* r 7 A. .N ! . to
* P. in Philadclohia, on W ednes-
! y 10A.M. to 1 2 a! M. inXew Yoil„
n I hursda) . and arrived heie Friday,
■t half past; *1 I, having been absent «.
I ys and 5 hours.
the least cause to regret.
/ f cost? r's /) i‘ tl (til a ry.—T fi e v « r in«in
‘ the +hncricttn Dictionary of the Kn-
'ish Language in tw o vels. 4lo. is now
•mplelcil. 'The coinmon 12 ;' ii
ictionari; S. as \\ a:ix*r s ^cc. cuutaia |
' round numbers
It is evidence of short-sightedness
when a man rubs out with his nose
what he has wnileu with Ids pi n.—
So, too, when a young lady at her
uecdlc-weik pierces the end of her
nose with her needle, the ptesamp-
»ioil is stlong that she is-mit-sig hied.
Rut when a young gentleman **w iili
spectacles on nose, sluni.des over a
post, or runs against a person whom
tie cannot recognise without removing
uis glasses, his short-sightedness may
well be uuestioned.
rrsrilut on was parent
oral CeSms'et**^ and
athol Octohcif. 1824, that
hoochy to May’s ferry,
o-> f? ■ Jiwass^o river, and also the ore’ to
j Blvih* ’s tV nv on r l'ennrssep river and the
one to Walker’s terr\ on Hieh^t-a^sei* river,
should he let oat to the lowest bidder, for
t he term rtf live yerp“> roinn erieing on the
Is! of l'tecf-inber, 1871, cn the following
conditions, to wit:
The tea to he n;t txverty fottr f rt wide,
clear oi tn - F, ant! the raurway ng to he
eo\ore<t with <:irt, trrr t’.cr with the dijrgirg
of u.ounia ns an*; liiils, to he fourlren feet
wiih', eh ar of it ;•!. . ; ts ai d c i b .
1 iieir l -. nn ? .e 1 nown fo the underfrd'ers
ot tl«t* <t f -j* iit slu .*soi >-anl read that,
thoii* v. ill a c( t • 11!i sioru’i’ apppintrd fo re-
i irw a d road hv the < March riot,
and it‘sa;«! road, or anv i nit thereof. 1 ?■
Imi l not t<* he in the order as ric-erd ed
h\ law, I pio« er.d tr> insthute suit a-
gainst all Uiulertal.ei? ■: 1!ir>sr to have their
: hares in the or«|er ro»*«»i*v d I y ! w.
:\j 1.1 *s .1 hnr
he Auo
The (dan of the Aniericiia Dictmn-
in 1 > i«
58 Gn‘()
7 U.OOi
ry comprt.SK.ii-.Is : l» in * csseoiun j
ulurs oi It
cimipdclc work of th:.'
In tin?* ctvtnologica! ilcuarfmca'
^ O 1
lias tal'a.u great jutins
uc author hku? ^n.,u {
icvclupe the ? aflinltics of FugT.vt
;ords, witji Hie principal languages
etweenthh Atlantic mid the Ganges
In the exhibition of tliase a
ml in trading: moral ideas to their
•rimary sifnsci in physical action or
objects, this work i6 entire!) original
!ii t lit? depart incut of the sciences.
this woi 1
is cm n*!n
w il
Tuovt a"’ o w y jc\3 v. ih-rioty; uy-
d: \e~ irCe.z.i-Jiy. \\:,ii(~zxi>.iy-qe-
x i. i k r. (j o j i o-11 :■: i. ic ^ j -.j -
i i)i> Pi.u: r 7.*..-5r» ayn«,ci.i-
a Tf4iCi. ai\‘ya.
b F.YNCH. N. .V.a
Dee. did 1S.M.
2 I.
A V.T.m V v nvs^\r;p?,
Publish. •! iii the C tv o \Y«- Ilia ;lon,
Dy ftotkirrll Ac J' '/Y/r.
nniHS Paper has l e.*;, Iwd at the
S: at of iiu* tie m ral Hoy erne nt. iii-
i . r y,
tl <\ S !l
o’ 0 y
, D t A.m TS WIT. AJgsifj Oh g-
coy ii'otSSZlf Swi'-il, O-iilts-lw-
ntiXuii:: TL-;vg- r
n-TcVXi -r*
. oft. 1» ; i. I ■
1- UYwToi.IOX
T, it:/. :;.Uui r,y o oroy
0 i OW CsM t-civ s.1-1 .Ih-
04z K r r-rz n.\ < j*.:-
In vai ions ot her i i s-
improvccK nts are
Schwnht.—V* a have an account of
the operations before Schumlu Irom
Sept. 25th to Get. 31, wiii li prove
t!ut they were pressing tiie Turks up
to the latter date in that important
fortress. _Vi attack of the :28th was
repulsed!))' the lire of the Russian
batteries; and 4003 infantry, and 5000
Turkish cavalry, sent out against Gen.
Mabel, oi the Sillistria road, on the
oJ Out. beaten by Gen. Orlovv.
Our latest accounts from the army
ill Lsttle Wallaehia are to the i2Stu
September when Gen. Geisuiar, who
had keen attacked before by the Se-
r.iskinr of Wk! Jin, fell upon him i i the
night, and muted him wbii great loss
hy which victory the tra:ii|iilily of
that province is said to be scoured.
I he ciapiurc of the important fort
ress of Varna by tin? Russ.aus, and
the advantages which they nave gam
ed iu other places over the Turks,
give a someivhat different aspeU to
the controversy between those two
powers. By gaining jmssession of
Varna, the Russians have secured an
important station as it rega.ids their
luture operations. Its situation near
the shore of tiie Black Sea, upon a
jpdi o{ the same name, wui enable
the Russians to keep open die i.der-
coui^c with their troops 0) w\ ler, and
it also commands one of lb? land pass-
Cs hito Turkey, wliivh \vill secure
them the conimanicaticn iu that di
rection. It will also enable them to
head their force more effectually a-
gu;ist Clioumlii, whenever the proper
time arrives for more energetic oper
ations against the latter place, if,
however, the liv>stile powers have or
dered their armies into winter quar
ters, both parties will undoubtedly
spend the time between this an 1 the
opening ol the season, in preparing fo.
a niore desperate congest than has
I' 1 «•> tar been m mifested. " It is sa d
1° be a fixed principle iu the Turkish
lor the Sultan, when !io actu-
a */ takes the field against an enemy,
J lev ° 1 ’ to return to his capita! until he
ha3 dictated a peace. How far ha
vGiH lie able to adhere to this principle,
w..i appear in all probability in the
^urse ct another campaign/ Should
When a Choctaw dies, his friends
set up a number of poles around the
grave, on which they hang hoops,
wreaths, &c. for the spirit to ascend
upon. Around these poles the survi
vors of the family gather each day, at
sunrise, neon, and sunset, i od there
t cost rating themselves, ;;-ul utteriur j
convulsive cries, mourn Gc the deee-ts- |
ed This is continued during 30 or
40 lavs: then ail the ueigiibciing .m*o-
yd f ' assemble, the poles are pulled u»»,
r:nil the mourning js en h ! witii feast
ing, drinking and rreat disorder.
J/w. lie
nousaud v ure.s found in no iin.l s! -
dictionary, unless in wo: ks : rofvS>-
ediy technical.
)f?cts, cssentii
made upon tin; plan of the com n« n
•Vssons. Abridgementsaix* in progress
and will be published with all otLvxi- •
ient expedition. \n ahridgcniimt in !
octavo is intended to hi 1 all: a de r -ul:t:
nd i
(itu.tdaz rz .*.sy, unz
JL (T(,\X Ult.1-4 vl !UU.‘C liSL oi.iot VT,
• r»-..z l’v.A.i _ on «-
lidJKy oli.icr. it.', 5 s , toxy.X CTO-Ho O C-
. ..c oi y y •» : ox b y 11 z t "-iv?/. 111 % no, i.>4 \ y :.
l (. - v oi - oi y l.Jrat'.'ll'T ATa>1 -
oil. iVay ii b'h.rv 1 a a i, ix i... y-
C-Ti S Tl-cx, O uray,
taty/ nu ntoi\a. lav r,j ■ y I-
... z,vra.i c zi’.i.j Ki. ji -
- * . .
y ;
. y:» i
I-ToiZy ,11) UkJTl-‘A«.V, l'~
Ll-iw’ i ia 11 vt-r*\r r^i .run, b-
■ Toiy;» iv. .9.0, b^yu
smaller is inf.;n :c4 as a pronoHnc- j
{*;»_;■ di tion, ry id svhoids,
mil for the count irg h ; i-.
; ’*..)/• . /
‘ 4 1 l
a pronouncing iketier.aiy,
zu; a rinui-
o >(
•er * 'amt(date tor the f ’nio.i.—■
Gov. Duval oi* FIo;ida, gives a very
flattering account in his message to
tin; lei islativc council of that Tcrrito-
• ( i:o; w
4 tie faMiO’.\ing simple remedy, s; >s ! \ r.
the ( harlot; ..vil e Advocate, for !
thnup. is sanetioned bv the ex*»eri-
* , , h .( * *
cnee ».} dehn i;>. tioeilm m, and as will
be seen by t;he following extract,
strongly recommended by him. The
simplicity of the remedy, and the fa
cility oi its apblieation, bespeak for it : .t»5.
a trial. He states that it ‘ has never ,
♦pc&fc 0-1.0^ e-I-ew li4o^CIi
r; a i\.i az yr j rirvA.i ii*t j'.r^i, f.* n ii- i
.,.v rMiSi-iM.iiA *- rt-, n :
i( v rot. ,• I* o-re rtSsoi' . j.z ^'■1.0.1 o- !
• t, «y*Z li H T J »*> Cvl- :
-ry a- i.ji nab, u«yz tst
{ j o 1; *.y 'I SV Dli-UW tfi x HO MU;.'/’ 110.3
ii.'i i) L ^io. 1 j r o, .-.Iy h C'-ti Ik-i-icv’ (h*s-
i I c-x YT a LI. Lr"»' »1»•'-i J>L0-.Yy -
.3. bay«yn I'b c-KWvto Qoxrr
T j a i f . 1 v v y . d 1; 4s © o j n. \v Sj 0 z 1-1-
M!,I\n Z -Toi T 3 vy-iitf^i t-.l-'l KSJIlR.l
I.* r ©y i v V9.v. I/j f.Z »t)li oi s ST*. I) 4”’ •4.
1 , 11S. I . J J 1‘ "I T(r' Z I I i-t" .
Il-(yr S OlUl li B .
.91) S-1YV.IC IifiSvVI) lrCP'^oLh, OH-
ut.volW’ C^CYoiT Ol*.l(~ ( - ;V v .1 Cr 110.’
i be*, ii 1 cl- ns v\ ji’ ■>. y»i 1.c*. -i j
o foCv ou’ Tivrn.u!), o-Kr\Tiy;i n,u-
oi-.iu, ic Zjiuvm- C4,.nit o,*y T<rc*.i-
s;vy o.
ol that pari of the G iitcd States.—
Four years ago, the council assembled j
at Tallahassee, surrounded by In
dians; since when, such has been the
'tidt? of emigration, that it is thought
the • eusus of 1838 will erditlc the
to admissin among the
caused vommiting, vertigo, or any dis-
ry. ol the^ a id projects | tressing symptom, in my experience;
or of two other eminent physicians, ’
who had recommended its use to him.
Of the tficmal use of tvhacco for the j
f Vo?/p.~ Whriy ver children arephrcat- j
ehctl with tin attack of eynant lie tra- :
chcalis fCjroup) 1 direct a plaster cov- j
ered with, dry Scotch sun If, varying in !
size accordiugi to the age of the pa- .
t ient, to he applied directly across;
the top of tbe tlierax, and retained !
there till jail the symptoms disappear. !
The remedy is found to lie alw ays ef- j
fectual applied to the lirst and ;
sccoml stages of the malady. This j
mode of treat Incut was, from preju- •
dice or scepticism, neglected by me,
and, iu one instance, in which, witii |
very coi siderable diificulty, one of
my children was rescued by the or- J
diuary treatment. Rut on being urged •
.\*,* Colds in Si. Prhrshtirgh.—It is
u fact which will startle my readers,
that lv a cold 5 ' is seldom to be heard of
in St. Petersburg!]. 'That anomalous
species of disorder is indigenous to
England, and above all to London.—
It docs an infinity of mischief, and cov
ers many a blunder. In the capital
of Russia; few people complain of
‘-a cold;' and if a person of conse
quence (who has been for a great
Despatch.—The following is r.11 ex
tract of a letter from Captain Runke:
to William /Tileston, Esq. of Boston,
dated ou board the steamboat Benja
min Frant lin, on Frida) morning:—
* D 3 ar Sir: \Ve K ft New York
.Thursday afternoon at 5 minutes past
length of time dying of disease ill un- j to ma ke trial gf the snutT plaster 1 do- \
derstood, or hiuliy managed,) does ac- tennined! to make the experiment, ;
tually kill a victim to the complaint, wlieuevei) the opportunity j resented, j
tin.; candid pliysician d es not, as in 'This vvasajot \vanting;& when called to j
some other capital, attempt to misti
ly the friends, by remarking that fc ‘the
patient was getting better, but -caught
cold and lied.’’ There are, serious
ly sneaking, so few diseases of the
chest, catarrhs, and defluxions, and
feverish colds in the Russian capital,
that 1 was quite surprise*! on hearing
consurn itio.iS quoted as an almost en-
domic com plaint.—Drungilh's Trav
els to St. Pctcrsburgh.
TjKY , V. » ^I'lV
S T> -X r vi V\ i. - ,
I. A4 4 ?Z 1..C
O i l- i'iT.
DCZ C- .V LX j
i: 0^1 fi A 1 j
1: y *>i s 1. - t .1 d c
C pi- rtl^.
no' byaR
i»y 4Wui L. KY r,
HZ/V ,
j%ycLxiiA.ioiy n.i
I. l>.Yl> . iv
C.:Ji KtilO*l';i':uI
1ZZC) It- O- IX.
i \ oi. y ^ P. x t*t. 1 *. r. v
1 .* t. h o- a y,
l. C Z Ir C'-\L-
«s jc -jw-vti-'r-,*'vrrr.v^- <au r :«jasnmasf .-w i. u.
lor auspic'-s vvb.ieh tlx* Piibh-hrts Tiunk in—
> ovaf.k* io tli" * n*oiragf la i>.t of a P -i .' r -
;*at i‘t v.l*-; 1 , as .( is, to tin* oli’rtFii'-n of I
i a I -, Scii'iitihr, ami u-'fid n]i*cF!am-rtis
iC.oi inaluii*. Its okfl rt iar- he-' r, ;i< »t n d
0 >11 iiitif' to i*o, to p' • mot*- tl.o Can r «>f J ♦•>
!•••', a»i«l to srrca»k r ts iai*.go, a
! jM .uk Ago of all that may l o it v\, ittt »* *« s -
iag, and valuable, in Soin.rn. } al< r-t '*;o f
an l the- Ail*-, tog* ;»a r wit}: lat'-.t F-
* :p,n ami Bonn ’•tie !::toil;pyneo. Moic
uni ty •lispulalioii* arc and ?>!.:♦:! he smlult •.!?-
% n\o.and n<vlh;ng w.ll !*•* adniutr-fi
In \ may torn! to 1 tilargo and int* jf-t
♦ ho miml, amt improve an,l t i nt lit tlm
jtgjp A SfVM\r.v o:‘ i!a- Piv.crrdirg^ of 'll, <iui il»g tn« 1’oshioiiS, be rrg-
ula : \v given.
50'-' 'Tiie (bn ONin 1: y til lish; d ovrrv
Sat’.ii<b»\; am! Is printed ini}.-'’ Hr • t man
ner, ou a large rh-H, (u'am.ia! > 70. )—
Prim* >3 per anr.uii., or 0 50 if paid m
iLj-" 12 lit vs vvh.o f\i hanp' uitli the
(dnoniclo ar«- reipieM^d. to give Hi ' above
a low n eitirii:, and tin* ta. orv. dl he n-
t iproeat*-*!.
Q^I^AIJoD propoF.-ds vviil !»c r- v eciv ul, a
f j it.) cilieej ill Cuosew; ■*, e, i;nlil tl-.rt
« av of Feliruary, for the I lidding of a
( OI KT IhU at New Kehota, ol il.o
: t ? 11 o v, . n g d e s c r * j t i 011.
’l'li*' House to he framed, twenty four
feet bv tivcrtv in dimension>, two stories
liigb, lower ?ti.ry t* n feet, and the upj er
story nine feet higli, sb ngied roof <»f yellow
poplar Fbir.gles, c-ne stair ease, one door rn
each side of the hou>e with plain batG-n
shutters, ttvolifteen light wuidows in eaeh
>i»!e of tin* house above and la-low, aiso two
window s in the end, in the lower story,
where the .Judge’s he 11 eh is to he erected.—-
'The weather boarding <-f the house i»
to he lough, hut jointed; ike floors are like-
wise to he rough. The lower floor to 1 e of
senaie joint, hid tin* upj er iloi r tcugucu
and grouted. '1 h<- p’atio* in for ilje Jtu geV
bench i» to he tin. * 1 J» « i high, eipht l'ect
long, ami three h.-et wide, and hanistejeu’,
ti ps at each c-nd, w.lh a seat the whole
lejigih of the platform. 'There arc al o t<»
’i<- I rdf a <f)7.en <lres:.e<l pine hen dies often
cr twelve fi-et long. The foundation of the
house is to be of good rock or brick, ai.d
1 a Ned two feet above the ground.
Tin* person or prisons contracting fv
tii above mentioned budding are required
to f’jrni !j ’ irr.Ler, radv, g’a-s, hinge*', lo*-ks
and other neerFsarv a:tic!es:. 4 li r ‘lowe>t
o;«!der is to have iho contract, w ho wiT. I e
• * piirrd to give liond and good security
lor the fablitul evcc rf the work, in a
woi kuian-likc rrianr.ev, to !»e conq-h-tcd by
tlio secend ARndav in O.g 1« ••!• l^gp.
i reo-urer 01 the (Jhotokce Nat on.
♦V. 2ij, !3ZJ.
38 id.
I> CAB1N;2T MAk-
and covering it well with sniilf) \v«s
directed to b<ft applied to the chest.
The event was must happy; the symp
toms of tracheal irritation, and half
bout twelve years old, and about fourteen
hands ami a half high, blaze face, and has
beta cut ou the weathers for ttie pistdio,
ami lia> a large wart under her left ear. I
. . 1 i 1 r will gA e the above reward in good propci-
ijpi.ig qoitgti, ( eased short 1) nitc* 1, frp^toanv peisoii wiio will bring Faoi mare
t child iell i .it o a sleep, to me at inv residence, above name J.
with gentle perspiration, and by the
next morning:, was fn c from all dis
tressing symptoms. The plaster was
re-applied for a night or two fo!low
ing, and ! then discontinued. Since
*hut time, my family lias boon saved
from a great deal of anxiety and alarm,
?0j which previously they were sub
ject. An we were obliged to keen
Coxe’s hhe syrup, tarter ee\Cjr 9 end
8lh Dec. 13 28.
42. if.
| 1 s. V/. WHITE, f.oni 11„- rily <f
; Cr • New respew.fully in.'01 ms tl»e
j Citizens ol the C hcj.>.*< e Nation, that ho
! intend*
j R« IT.DiNfi AN
j INk in a manner superior to anv that has
bet: a done, iti the fashionable man*
ner, equal to that of N. York oi- Rauiuiore,
and Supenor to an*. n k of tin* kiiul iii
this pa?t of the Country. Il* work as
cheap as any workman, and in a belter
manner than can he done. He has get Ma
hogany and mat* rials of the best quality.
N. Ik He will take ajjpfentices m the
above business. Any native who wdl
come with good r*u- .nmu ndution. ami u‘
steady habits w ill he ret * ivjed and taut lit
in the above fmsincss.
Persons wishing to hu’M can he Ftipphed
'.any house that
"TT¥. r I IT/ he let out to the highest bidder,
▼ V oJi tiie 1st Monday in January, at my
resif < nee in Cooseway tee, for one year, the
two National Turnpikes on tiie Federal
l-t.Uu. Tcinis made known ca the day cf
JOHN MARTIN, Trra’y Ch. Na.
Dec. i’Jth, I8f:8 42. Z;.
with a plan am] rlevaticn of
may be wanting.
- .j
r^or fur her oforn.ation plea-e apidy
.‘iL*sis. o.1 i : ami Jobii
Nov. 12, 1623.
$7 tf.
OF tiif Gherokf.c Nation, for
the years 18 G, 1&27, 1828, -Pripted
aud fzr ta:e at thin OHIcq,