Cherokee phoenix. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1828-1829, January 21, 1829, Image 3

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Igjwi. 4. ■^r thq community will be a sufficient ipology, 1 hope. Very respectfully, your ob’t. serv’t. CHARLES H. ABERT. Dyspepsia— This prevalent, anti in uiauy cases, terribly disease, arising from a derapgcd stale ol the liver, is characterized by an inordinate acidity of the stomach, and until this be sub dued, tiie process of emaciation goes on with a steady pace, bidding defiance to all the nostrums and palliatives so plentifully prescribed. Having been a severe sufferer, I feel it a duty to others in my case, to communicate a simple, safe, and effectual remedy for the morbid and acid stale of the sto mach alluded to. It is nothing more than a strong tea of wood soot, dramc freely, cold, at the pleasure of the patient. Let the experiment be iy ly made, and if others experience the same happy result as myself, their tes timony may be given to tbo public through the channel of your paper, and prove = an extensive benefit to the com munity.—Daily .Advertiser. MAMMOTH TREE. A correspondent of the N- Vork Morning Qcuiier gives the following account ojf a Wonderful lree, in Buenos Ayres, South America. The circumference at its base, a foot abovb ground, is - Its longitudinal length is Its breadth is - - - The body or trunk of this first Tree, is about 10 feet above ground, out of which there- are four other bodies 70 feet. - 30 - 20 growing, one of which is 30 feet in circumference,-with 13 trees growing out of it each of which is from 25 to 3U feet in girth—and of the height and spread of*a full grown apple tree, and one of 20 feet girth, with 6 trees growing but of it as the last described ones. The other two are of the size of an apple tree, with 5 others grow ing out of ♦mailer sizes—making in all the enormous sain of 30 distinct trees from o:tc trun> or body, an I il "is said to be large enough Jo shade 40 men, un der a vertical sun, laying down round the tree with their horses standing- round outside of them at their bridles length, the end made fast to the feet of ttieir owners or masters. Cobhett.—This extraordinary man, alluding to the number ofhis ‘‘works,” observes,..‘gif such yuung men wish to know the grand secret relative to the performance of such wondrous labor, it is told to him in a few words: be abstinent, be sober, go to bed at «iglit o'clock, and get up at four, the last two being oi’ slili more impor tance than the tvv® former. A full half of s\ll that I have ever written has been written before ten o’clock in the day;,so that 1 have had as much leisure as any man I ever knew any thing of. If young men will but set about the thing in earnest, let them not fear of success: they will soon find that it is disagreeable to sit up, or rise late. Literary coxcombs talk of consuming the midnight oil.’ No oil, and a very small portion of candles, have I ever comsumed; and I am convinced that no writing is so good as that which conics from undei the light of the sun.” Ji Caution.'—A lady, a few days ago, in passing rapidly round the base •f the sky-light on the dome of the grand rbtunda of the Capitol, sudden ly fell upon the glass frames, broke thro’ one of the panes, and was for tunately stopped in her descent by the narrowness of the aperture, and the extension of her arms. She remained suspended in that position for several minutes, 130 feet above a floor paved with stone, till one of the attendants eame to her assistance, her compan ions being too much petrified to give her any aid. We trust this will be a warning to those whose curiosity may lead them to that splendid but danger ous apex.— Washington Chroniele. State Bank of North Carolina.— The Stockholders of this institution have declared that its business ought to be closed, in consequence of its ina bility to pay specie continually, and make dividends equal to the legal in terest; and have consequently called a special meeting, to be held in June next, to determine what arrangement shall he made to that effect. Judge •Ruffin ha* been appointed President. Savannah Georgian. Jin Jlmericanism.—Noah Webster introduces into his new dictionary, as legitimate, the Ameiican coined word, lengthy. “This”—says the American Travellei—“is outrageous, and al most enough of itself to condemn the results of his whole twenty years’ la bor. We should like to know wheth er his reasons for so doing are breadthy and strcngtlly.” Candidates in Pennsylvania.—The papers of this State have nominated only about twenty Candidates for the Governor s chair! A caucus is to be held at Harrisburg on the 4th of March to decide on their pretensions. The Felt Destroyer.—Oil the 13th of November, James Murphy, of Ken- nebunk-port Me. having drank freely, resolved on destroying bis wife. He first heated a Dutch oven lid, and placed it upon her back, as she lay in toxicated upon the floor -He next hro t in an armful of brush and placed it a- bout her; and was just in the act of setting it on lire, when a person came in and prevented him. The wretched woman survived in excruciating pain till the 2d inst., when she expired.— Murphy is committed to jail for trial. Emigrants to Liberia.- The mana gers of the American Colonization-so ciety have resolved forthwith t' 1 charter a ship for the conveyance t< Liberia of from 150 to 200 emigrants who are now impatiently waiting in Maiyland, Virginia, and elsewhere,foi a passage. The Power of Conscience.—The fid- lowing letter was thrown into a gentle man’s store in this city a few- days since, enclosing a $>20 Farmers Bank bill of 1802: “ Accept the enclosed from one who once injured you but who canuH die with a peaceful conscience until Ik- has recompensed you double. Who. when, and where, none but the great God knows,(except one,) and never will until the great day of reckoning.’ Troy Sentinel. Original Anecdote.—At # a wed ding a few evenings since, in this vil lage, after the clergyman bad uni ted the happy pair, an awful silence ensued, which becoming rather irk some to a young gentleman, he cried out, “you need not be so unspeakabl happy.”—Buf. Pat. Large Diamonds.—The number 11 known diamonds, weighing do can;is and upwards, is said to ue no iiio.t- than 19. The two iaigcst ot tucs;; are in the possession of the Royal Family of Portugal. One is slili un cut, and, if we may credit it.e i onu- guese accounts, is the iaigcsi found. It issaidto weigh looucanns, and, supposing it to lose. hail us wci_,nt in cutting, w ould he worth 5,on *,- 800/. There is a small part broken off, which was done accidentally by the man who found it, in the xiiazils, The other diamond, itr the possession of the house of Braganza, is estimated to be worth 3,1)88,000/. Marriage Extraordinary.—On Sun day evening'at Inch iindge, Oou.tty Clare,, the vViuow O’Keiley, j. sl turned on her 95ut year, to a Hearty, rattling young fellow, named M'iNiu- iiiai-a, aged 44. Majority in favor oi the lady, 7u:! A little property was the main inducement to tiie young man a matrimonial adventure, and he has, n is understood, been a good deal dis appointed. Dublin Evening Post. Dear bought Treasures, in the me moirs oi Cion. Miller s service i>t Pe ru, there is a calculation, that the lives of no less than eight millions two hundred and eighty-live thousand In dians were sacrificed in that province alone, in searching for gold and silver to enrich thair tyrannic masters, the Spaniards. The persons thus em ployed, used to be drawn by ballot, arid so severe was their labour, that they were generally killed oll'in the course, of twelve months. Don't be proud.—A sweeper in a Lottery Office, drew the one eighth of #25,000 prize, for which he was to sweep it out. He will now sweep it in. In Wilmington, Del. a full grown mouse was expelled from the stomach of a child about fourteen months old. The parents state that their children had several times discovered nests of young mice, and suppose the infant must have got 1 of them into itsmouth which found its ^ay down the child’s throat. The mouse was expelled by medicine given for worms—its skin was without hair, and transparent. The- following circumstance took place in a neighboring town a short t ime since:—A fellow hearing there was a letter for him in the post-office, accor dingly went for it. On the postmas ter's hnndingftt to him, he frankly •eon- -fessed he could not read, and reques ted the postmaster to open it and let him kn'oiv the conteuts,-which lie very readily did. After getting all the in formation Ire wanted, lie very wittingly shrugged up his shoulders, thanked him for his politeness, and drily observed. When I have some chainge, / // call and take it!”—Mid. Gaz. tkj; o>zqvi'o- KTiiABi/i ts. .j©ea,(TtR'a G-wy eo-eir ©-errs, Ehw* o--<ro~ sswer ewy BEGf 5 i<yw- ©CS./9, *GGO-<r 5 P a©0CvT 5 o®.X <4©h D- «c£y Gwy eo-ef* !T6i).l. ew'ottyu (fcSlrO-'b^e'T I*-R Cr-iGT *' lr^qG JhVVGToi.I^), GoiyZ <6»SF«»E J/iW Ttsy jhseT eh; n© o 3 h/iT.n.i* ) Uc*j- j z oeto-’btSiE ebkr Tcrc-.a.i^, ty«V* JjlvJiy l) s SP dSGT.O-'bwy, Dtf KhAV- ©y, Eh‘Y° DUdtSca SGAX R1VAP SAdSW, e- utyoeyii O'etAOiT’A.i neG.\e<r<>.x<tfE „l5)e&,(P<«..I DZPSty. DffCAjJ Ohi, e<syz i)hK TtfchJ-’ 0*0 TST KSPAJl-a^ O’GGAG- :->Aa P4«iJ. Ooty *ot)P s wsTot.r^ fr 0»i)*V* Ttfsy KT TJVV©To?.I Dtf G- 6ivr x><yb3° Tcro-esy n<r azd»F<*y AGPda- y, rw.ip ?\,uw. nh^iyz *vR, RStSh n/EA r)h(*Sd3 h.lPIrOCIO 10-R 0 J f».aTcrt>a F4(*.i; KTZ TGVITwDa Util® v<-4 i.l, n-’-pofaW’ .91) RAMP S0A1 IrtAJJVV u0tA0P.J.»y. Dfi.lEZ 1G O^ei-KO-.IffTa- •V* db^4ot.l, Drf ERFR EJ1,U OHiATtSM -4 ciJ. TGTZ ya O'tAGr’l.O'- On'P-tfU, .)<f TDhroiKoS.I Dtf ATtSta TSFdf.I«;I«.ot.A .IE(i.-U©dei.Jia Iip-Re hSFd?JotI‘-rn-^, «yii wfji O'G ts DSPA.a-u.4 o“y«Aa 0- cAiy P4« , a. TGTZ yffi d-iot'P ,.rft,0sy uetAOipji^E o^ppsi-.t, D<r Dnr- ditoea, n<r atcsj TSPoTJdCPorji are.e- 9A.1WJ ^P hI-R0 hSI-c®aM)I^St.J, t,4 1 ’- fS.y.1 ir/ivv©;^ utyay p-4«^ Ul-.TGBot.Idfy. jsrs ssas, at j©o?j©, Jixz.r.Miy, c^y.’, 0P8M.1, lr(*SSFop, ©.AT 5 , C«.c3h<P GP O^.'d- Jr, lrII zrpt, tyt.C^, ACTfitZ. Odty J)D VGf.-c.y DOOAOP.Iriiy. GFZ DcS-AcSy-5 ?'1spr, utf go .s-4 ein jwe.Tsf.t P4^a; G-F DlrZ TGrCK0'fy, MIiZ axssvA-y .av>.xiy sz^« -ft jR\v«T L «a P4- u-ii yi- opssiv wcvtz *t»(P tcto-oiy, 1-yz Ur=«i.VJ AXXFuby AGft*y. -Ft z ip»er/^ -Thw©To®.i p4ota; kg a- aU'T’Z a5.cS)(P TGTO-eSy, W&.I1Z -JlXJtVny AG V>ciy. Gsy ss.5,, gip yp, vii, VcStr, so r© cp.uip, to n<iEca«y o’diiip, ©"T-ao.s, o^op- iy, HF.iy, aj, *tz AG-Po&y uetAeir’- ^io?y. juo-zaz svi^j j- VV®Ti».A P4df.A. rC5U ? Jt5GSZ <6- otxn Tcro-e?y, .auz o-o-c jAjjpo*y AGr- ,9y. UtiovV^Gofyin.F^Z -F" JJiWOTut.l T- 4p'.vc.i. Ip.-« ‘j'-rz Jnstr 3 Tcro-0yy,©hyz AAJlKoiy AGPcCy. -FTZ JMV©T«vI>5„ G = y .I l ^.I '.y J.ii tVOTox'.IrS. GP R© o j - ,eip lpiiz av .-„: ( y o j dL ,, ip Tcr-o-osy, SJIOZ UAiSJFoiy AGfcSy. .;ras.i^> s a., iy asqp, tWw, s- wyo, s-PotPO, d»sFs«y. op o-ytose, t- vv«9, JSToiiy, yr-Mp, Riyz AGivsy ne- GAoT’.i&ry. ©t jMvoToea P4<^a.— .a..i gipz exa o-Aiir Tcroesy, ss.v- sz AAdiSi-«y A»K€y. -ft jr- tVo’loCtl P4m.I. RtMS WCXhZ AmXP T- GP’O'OSy, IrllZ Rt.MS O-lWIp ^IAJ!IFc?y AG- f 'jy. J¥>.J.l.5Z -FT JliW®To®.A P4oT.T G^.oOFZ GIILli uipid- 5 TCTO-esy, KCvZ UA- oit. <*y AGVoey. i)-S^9 SS^J, a©oVP-, M,3>, DcSoTSG'jydiy, Jl-yt), T010T, Glr, h(MPy<®J, ol-OES, A- CXo^y. TtEofGZ AGfooy U0LAeipjciy. *•-■«©* AliWOTofwl I«-4c?r.A. ®P GIiZ J.- mc'iT 3 I'troosy, x.ypz aAtCPofy AGV’osy. -i-TZ .XliGUevy^) 1)4^ SSOS JMVSTiAyl p- 4«.a. typ z-rt (Hvirrp jJG*/i<>?yz ■dsdiir’ I'y-o-e-zy, lriiz s® (h,«ip Ax&x-viy auv- &y. KT^IZ JIiW®To5.I^>, a-qAJciy Jh- W«Tor.i^>, S® O^JJZ (fcotiT 5 TGTO-0»y, Sl>- xvvz .lAdUPdiy AGsvey. Ci.l RRP SSJL-, O^JJ, Gh> o 5 ^.!, DhP-03- H'CVh, 55t, Gh, CXt, G!p, GW 0 , <JC*Z- a&yz AG-^doy Devief’jisy. g-Ip ssyi-u 0i 0-Z SVl-r.l XhWOToCJ P4(SJ. StTUR 0 3 ajo- v«ssyz .b^r TGro-esy, kmz ja- jjPtsy AGvay. -ftz vceii Jhw©T<»a. Ttypz <b<xr> Tcro-esy, grz o^jj O^O-G .lAXJroTy AG-rtSy. KIVIZ aSiA.I- 6iy juwotwU.s jtwoTpt.i P4«:a. jj (XZ (pdUlr dioCir TG”-0-esy, C3i.Z ©>JJ 0 5 - O-G .XAviSPeVy AGPooy. Tttv SSOr, KC.., .JPFUfPloiy, Ip«:ri»’ZS, DAWO-pC.I, .xy, O^yv-U, 'tJPVS- up, jod-®o?x», qoircez AGfojy dogag- racay. EOSCP* JltWeTAtf P’4 via. Ir IpIp O'PwJX^lTr’Z X.StiT’ TGTO-GSy, R(PFZ .XAasp^y AGVdEy. croFivz s.i^, at i- mvotmei j*4dc.t. so-a^ *i«ryz o^juip TGro-esy, Tyz uprHJ’i«y o 3 iwip JAasp«y AGfoey. tigz s.’.a '« at- weTt^x P4d?.i. J8}«y GstiiZ'" Tcr-o-esy, a.iJiSFoty Acr- coy. W*t ssjp, jtCMy, DAXh, sew, (pyt- o-^, Dxw4(f«, (rv&w, rJ»y, o^alir>, sA- w.-o, gfz doGAeraay AGfJby. o^u^fx- JhWwTota ux-y (yyi VJiz .AocS' 1 tcto-osy, Giiz .xAasi-cny A«p*y. wt- -UO-^/SZ -FT dliivoroij P4dia. iSh Jl.l- Z TG-O-evy, iSJiZ .lAiHSPciy AGV*!*- y. J<lA.l«y ilh.VOT«.It5 FT XhW®T* ot.t x>-4m..i. ©41 s.Mostrfeaz xtar 5 Tiro— ovy, doGxo-qtjir'z aAiisi'diy aqvcay. SS0L-, tsooy, Glr, Jliot.loty, Gh, A Wop, Wfi.Ii, MAAdty, soth, OH, S-USG- J,aiyz AGV’ocy 1)0GA0y. Gw/yiT 3 s- hw©T*.x P4«a. Giith ayz o>6nr t- tro-esy, ®pz ua&fsey AQip&y. un^- Z -X*T . J GW8T/M I'+MJl. liuy viijt v~ oiiXirO -toour TGTO-GSy, S«Z JAJAl^y A- &Vo%y. aq.u«,y JhvvoTotUA -ft sn- IVOTuta l‘4o"va. DS.MS XiO-Z DAXi*y *- *r Tcro-esy, r-v^z avitdo«y UAMPay AGPooy. Ud- Got-v* iMr.a*rs- <f-ir.ay d^p *ogc~- "Goiy D<r Kipwoy, ph^iy o^gagtpso, 04"| (PtfcX-U^SO JIiW©Toilt AI»r5 USAUny lr- P'F, JlilV ©ToSJ t,.V">Z O- OAGW’C— W*, 0a9(T 0 J Jio®X-UR^ JhlVOTiA.l .1SAU- «y, jeir^oia P4nli <t><fe<r rtto-esy xz- JUi-»£yZ, t r G <JhZ./)6U Iv46i.I AJiJI- ii»i s- piryn-a ueGAex\x|y SAdr<r«-.i, Dd- Oorw- Aotr 3 TGPo*esy ud-l uzasx-diy sgax szru- d-oi.I. I.^z XiSJ-’ lOCdtlO- DhK O-G TS PSPAXl-U (peGAOX’.-ij* i'4«.x, OiS J’Z O^OG- Aer’GO- AdiSP UEfiJiO-yia P4df^I .XUA- Jioiy jiiW®T<»a.&DeGA0<r’a<«E ct- cro-esy ud* jzxjp^y. Tcrz y« scr-©- jipjij ew’pxyii o-et.AorGo.9, nia jmi- ©K0-J9 P4ov^I, 0 J h4TtS;a X'4«.I. 0:e4P- AJI AlOP dhSGUdej P4oT.X (fioiT 3 TfiO-GS* y nd- azasi-efty, ued-(>-^4ttiJ[ kjiwi- ©OTlG/lF4£S;a. OX)GAG(PGO-.9Z J^4"Xi 0 y- J\ TS jeGAfilTV 1 K.I X-4oT.I, l.tV’Z Gt, o^zpa i-4*.i .xcofiiTdia. D<r ooivr jd o-ipyiy, Ji.w©Td?,i* KKP0 DhJlCc 1C Efililt^AJ /51>-4dt.l, G- wy a]v;per,T opro ty, i)<r eo?^ <ie©- crr ji^efirM-.i g-i\ y ih^xhAa. wx-vi- z (pWiPoKi.^n^ loGhwei nt jiiWot- Ivjdia, D.10 1C EfihhoTAa dbP4«vl .91) IrlfZPh .IvjGfi'r’oi.I, G.V^dtyit 1)4 O'G- d"0-.t F4dU W'T-.a4" (pro- SSW®i G^F- RoT-. tkx, siiz.i 13, 182G. 0 h JOdv.IO. SO-GEy. C^ZoT’ u. 59) G-P. .9Dr:yii S-TW.IP IpAJSW, qdiJ- 5 CP1-.TC= 0»AP.I& aPZCvlPdtJI IpVoF. hay. GSMlp IiTF*EG4 M e-G*Mre.l« T'H-l «>ii<Ay (pro-Jioiyi.. P CFA-^^ OoiXFiAacr ^1 di)G/l XJI) K-q. WUP IrSSdTU. JWAGT o G.i Sii uAh/iA IpPR, 1C 0t«y ZbUPtAGZ Aso-W. AJ9Z 0— 4Sf- lrS.XhAF O-dDXIiA.l 0“!i 1-«G. 0 J Aa9- G'm.yii TA./9J" TSfA-T. pw..I- vrop ATuiU *r-(»Ud5)A I.W’ TUhToiATi T- GGOtotP«U«yh 0LE*V* TJtfcT. ^ 27 1828. c, • 'V* A.wqs. G’GdlcSyh CFiaXI.A.IG" IiSPoTG liC.p AIph-TRy. SO GUA’ AlrylfiV. ;c ys SGiO ^,S^1PT iAIpKT Ziv- ;y, DP.Ghth, GirlrZ, 0 GIuTO-Z, Go-y TE- A> SfiT’G UGP, «h\VP PRy, AWG q’E O" Gceqy *yitMC:A«z ^sd-oat Airh- a9&y, D.1G AIrO-^Ic«:E4 M , XG DB hlrliAPT i .y^ {piuididiwo- o-eoaq, t,vr o-n-a dlt<© G!,*l M -VE O'Oja-qT DWtfRT. <FTZ (^Gdfh .I-TEjB-qy, I).1G Gc^ya- DB TGr"«Vl G'E AWG.i Goiy t,.r> T i IV O’hR-q GWKT. t r - ‘V* DjiyRR SM03o®.X .IG.l-yT, I)41- WFdTP Tc9WflE(T> TB(P .IG.iqT. Gt,Z GyjKS JGalj 1SAK XA.5P G«y DIG Ipl<-Ry. t,- *v-z ii y; -q sfics gi, c.yyR smos»au ySAftZ DB4^ XSAE Gt>4“* IiSEJldtr S- h. <CACzZ TJ10 O-J-’O-y. i£Pl J Xh>h44- w* Gdfy.v’ i»ipju4-q Gw* Gy^x-awo-y, ox yw fid3o-r;y. G.yMc-z Tdead-RoiGz is- Jpli4-qy, CSIr/iq S.Mc^oGA. DCZ Sh*V“> G- AiWh ;siph4---iy. D^FW* TB(T 3 DB O^hM- B 04” Da^dSWO- Sh. W’Z DB Dyd-BdCXl- utvy. s.icxz utn© uc?p o^u vesy, tut 5 .XOPE F-URy G«yz Air It TOG CAOS 0-GIid'0 v iiATd?o^oiMyRz cpivx-ny, cqR-qw’z iper uspEf. o^oiwy o a L«d’c?a.v« xsiph4-qy -ft TEZb K.XMS DXlFO-y O^A^CTOJZ 4T TE»S> ipqy. o>Giid-o- o°h-uy. t-v*z db o^jeqy D4 taw ag1‘.ip iDx<r»o-y. yivr dsy- MKO- -FT Ircr VET t,*V* O-'IiMCs; G«y dag- h>pRy oaw* Doioi-y, G,syz ss/ios \v- r-«v* sh, unyz ©so-aopwo-a"’ u«p teou- CrFPTZ SddyiiRSU ©SX^yiiZ, GG«V* T.IP T’O^d'O- Aroo-PC. <FTZ Sh 0 1 CaT-q4‘’, •FTZ TBJ° AiWiT’RJ', Goiyz I-yj.Ii AW* DT- liy GW* APdfcAq Hi (PGIid-O- J AT !P. G.'l, DA4-xy CHS\VWRZ> D4Z GScSTRW*, nd-*) 1 * Gdt>V* A-jlCs DJG OtiP, 0.1, 0 J <L?4qy, (TO 3 - SWOuRW* O J rf®dtW(-Z0- DB GoTW* DdiG^>Gr ®oyX5Ry. 0 J Gfu(WF<n>A-a./» I V K Sh, G- c?yz TGTfft.l DcSJGACT *GF*JdSEy, iSlrA- fidTdiEvPZ Sh iCTfJLA ©UAtJEUR fiTKy. o^de.xyr’zo- <Pd\Bry, d^f dasap Ai«sofA- C=y DdiG^bGr (PZBI'Ry. yw^Z TBiTO 3 - .-vvyR /ascFtR-qj. fz ys Gr\VcS;y4T Dr^ TGTdivI GGTW^yRy, DUG 0 3 F<»SSW’ o 5 oTdi,9o-^, (P04RSjI ip<n>x$0'j) yw GCTW- «yRy, y'hFXJIGT. Stv^z IrcF.TqS llr- /.4-aW*Z 0 J A. ^Do-yii 0-!TZ^9 T.idlUJ-’ K- r u/ihsiT’ Tnri q«-y Do®ap d©ii. c— y.V* RZA!» O^hBO-y ^9«yolW* TS 0-R^.pi5- •V*Z I*R t,.V« OHtl’Ky. AS^Pdty O J 0Bk> Iv- uy. nsi^Miofy sAiy. *x>^ix-viw* db o-aacvaR F.fiso-^9 PRy. Goty jjd o-s- PoiiGw*z, Gciya** hsx. afip sGoiGi^weRiP jsrs Go?y o 3 haffi.9. TGGO-GdCPrF.Iotyh TSFT OBI-SW* ,Th- r.9de.l PR .I.I4?-qT ©h.ISWOPGW* (ryi~0- TRT». (PGAofyh TCF-Gd-y DG^9^TSP\V^9'. Dh RW.l TSJST. .9D n 9Z TGr-,S.'(r J Ty«l«- Poey, TGroT^diurhA iv4m-.i iiipswjse- WTfZ TCy«G«-’ l«R ®WCv.}lIi TlrOi;- W HEREAS my wife F.Lizj.rr.’ni Ear, without any cans' whatever, absent ed herself from my lodgings, all uersoos arc hereby cautioned against harbonng a::d prntpcting nr h*rir,7i’jz any Kai’^ainc op contracts with her; as the sufiscribor is rfi* termined not to he resportsiMe for them. James peth 1 . Cona'wuga, C. N. Jan. 7. 43 6. THE WASHINGTON CITY CHRON ICLE. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PultlLhlied in the City of Washingtort, By llnthvcll tyUstick. rrtH!S Pacer has been established at (he ® Seat of the (ienera'G--'errment, urn. der auspices which the Publishers think fa vorable to the rneQiiragcment of a Pei-iedi- ' devoted, as it is, to (he diffusion ofLite- rarv, Seientilie, art*] useful miscellaneous information. Its object has Vjeen, as t will continueto tie, to promote the cause of Let ters, and to Spread, within its range, a knowledge of all that mav be m'w, hit"!' st ing-, and valuable, irf Science, Literature, ami the Arts, together with the lateyt Fopi e-gti and Domestic InteHigcnce. a party disputations are and shall he sedulous* \v avoided, and notliing will be n t« . d out what, mav tend to enlarge and it• 1 or; -t ihe mind, and improve and benefit the heart. eCfp- A Summary of the Proceedings of Congress will, during the Sessions, be rog£ ularly given. rCT^ The Cnr.oNicr.r, is published every Saturday; and is printed in tl-.e be<t mark- ner, on a large sheet, {imperial size.) Price $3 per annum, or tjj2 50 if paid ad tan co. ICF' Etlitors lvho exchange Av'.th tha Chronicle are requested to give the above a few insertions, and the favor will be id?- ciprocated. TO HOUSE BUILDERS. S EALED proposals will be received, 4 my office, in Coe.sewayte-e, until live first day of February, for the building of a COL 111' HOUSE at New Ecltota, of the following description. 1 he House to he framed, fouV feet by twenty in dimensions, two stories high, lower story ten feet, and the upper story nine leet high, shingled roof of yellow ’ poplar shingles, one stair ease, one door on each side o| the house with plttih batten shutters, two fifteen light windows in each side of the house above and below, also two windows in the end, in the lower story, where the Judge’s bench is to he crCcted.-J- i he weather, boarding of the hnit^e is to be rough, but joirded; the floors ate like wise to be rough. The lower Hoot- to be of square joint, l ot the upper floor tougred and grooved. The platform for the Judge’s bench is to he three lect high, eight fcdt long, and three feet wide, and banistered, steps at earl) end, with a seat the whole length of the platform. There are also <r» be bait a dozen dressed jane benches often or twelve (eel long. The foundation oi’tbe house is to be of good rock jor brick, an'd raised two teet above the ground. The person or persons contracting for the above mentioned building are required to furnish lumber, nails, glass, hinges, locks' and other necessary articles. The lowest bidder is to have the contract, who will he required to give bond and good security lor the latthful execution of the work, in *a workman-like manner, to be completed by tlie second Mondav in October 1820. JOHN MARTIN, Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation'. Nov. 26, 1823. 58 td. HOUSE BUILDER, AND CABI NET MAKER. J S. A\ . AY HITE, from the city of • New York, respectfully inlorms the citizens of the Chcr-kee Nation, that he intends carrvingon the businessofHOUSE BUILDING AND CABINET MARK ING in a manner superior to any that has been done, &. in the most fashionable marts- ner, equal to that of N. York or Baltimore, and Superior to any work of the kind in this part of the Country, lie will work as cheap as any workman, and in a better manner than can be done. Hr has got liogany and materials of the best quality. N. B. He will take apprentices in the above business. Any native who will come with good recommendation, and of steady habits will be received and taught; in tlie above business. Persons wishingto build ran be supplied with a plan and elevation of any house that may be w anting. For further information please apply to Messrs. David Vann and John Ridge. Nov. 12, 1828. S7 tf. $20 HEW ASUS. T AKEN out ol my lot. without my leave, on Cedar Creek, Chattoogy District,■- Cherokee Nation, ett the twenty eighth of October last, one chesnut sorrel n.are a bout tw elve years old, and about fourteen hands and a Half high, blaze face, arid has been cut on the wealhersfor the pistilln, and has a large wart under her left car. f will give the above reward in good proper-. t° an .'’ person who will bring said mar© to me at my residence, abo\ r named. JOEL KERBJ£ 8th Bee. 132*. v-jgfic