Cherokee phoenix. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1828-1829, February 04, 1829, Image 3

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U mentis of easy Internal com j unuicalioa woiuleriully desigtiod 1>) jlaiivan, and still more tvondeHuliy increased by the wisdom and industry Lfman.' Soon shall we see the vast I r y^ions west of the Mississippi cover ed with a population like our own, 8 ii,| supplied with merchandize from j,flity that will be formed at the inouth efthe Oregon. The rivers will be traversed with steam-boats, and the rocky mountains will be sealed with canals and rail roads, and it would not bo singular, if the merchants of New Orleans should in a few years open a trade with China by the way of Mis sissippi, the Missouri, and the Oregon. [oYal. Intelligencer. Population, <§*c. of the United Stales. A valuable paper on the population •f the United States, in reference to the census of 1830, is published in a Jate western paper. It is calculated, from the known ratio of increase since 1700, when the number of inhabitants was 3,816,450, that at the next cen sus, the number will amount to 12,- 520,500-—giving an addition in 40 years, of 3,604,044. The following facts, are deduced from this esti mate: The population of the United States has,,in forty years, been trebled. Tiie states which in that time have received the greatest accessions of numbers are, New York, Ohio, and •Pennsylvania. That the middle and western non slave holding states, being N. York and N. Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, have,’s space of time, multiplied their people inure than five fold, and contain now m ire than half the inhabitants of the United States. That the southern slave holding states so called, Maryland, Virginia, N. Carolian, S. Caroline, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, have in that period, only doubled, and from nearly half, are reduced to less than «ie t'A d of the whole population. That \» reference to the most im portant points of national policy to protection of American industry, the centre of power has been entirely •hanged. Centreville, (Md.) Dec. 20. A very interesting scant 1 was exhi bited in the Methodist Church on Sab bath day last. Some of the old and conscript fathers of Methodism in the-e parts, determining on a seces sion from the Church as at paesent es- taolished, explained their reasons therefor and in solemn order signed th. ir withdrawals at the altar. The s. cue was an affecting one and drew tears from the eyes of many. It is supposed that the number of Reform -rs that formerly worshipped in the Meeting House in Centra villa amounted to 70 or 83. The whole Ti ithber in society, embracing both parties, is about 130. From the Labanon (Ohio) Star. A day or two since, a j>umplan4ie»fl u ed “loiiubou orj.tO ‘ Sort.'vn adon.- loan, came into our onice, tor in v purpose, as iie said, of * seeing us mu.\c papers." Alter editymg nmi- seii'uinj-iug/y for an .ioji* or two, ex amining me wuiidoi ful apparatus of a printing establishment,-no uiUot needs uy uG s.vili at handling types, oo.ia- tnan accordingly laid lus gCj* paw upon u short i.i ii. Ie pul in lypo lor in* scrtuii in me paper; and nown tu mo led --A j)i'CiuUui Acoulem" into a heap of pi. "vy gosji, says lie', -i did'nt think the (uniat lh: .gs would squash down so darn d easy.' —Now aside from delaying our worn, it the devil [_vve don’t mean Did Nick h. tiselfbu. ihc evil one utuened o (lie o.licej gruru iie, and we p icier to have people who favour ti: vvnu their com pany, keep their lianas, us well as tne capes of tueir >.to,u.s and great-coats, at a proper distance from innUe.r which is put in type-for although it requires some laoour lo s:l up types, it is a very easy tiling to itjisei them LUchfuli County Post. From the Farm).* II aid* EDifED DV A rii-VSIolAW. liUilNb. There are but few uf (lie ‘ills which flesh is hair 'tn," whion are more com mon than burns amt scams: iorjs then any one for tne cure of wiii.di there iias b.-eu a greater verioiy of pro scriptions. Almost every good uu- inan lias her favorite application— it is the best tiling in tiie worla. No. is the case muJt different with physicians and surgeons. Every one presumes lie KuO.vs perfectly well what is the best mi.ihoti.oi i.eating.! burn, though Scaret ly two treat them alike. And though death is not mesi commonly the consequence of Innnt anil seams, yet that even; is no ran. oecUi leuce. And v.l eic the 11 se it by no means dangerous, it is com monly attended with much miser). All this shows very plainly, that v.hh all our knowledge on this subject, we have need to know something more And the subject oi these remarks*>s to introduce to the notice of our read ers an application which tili lately W..S new to us an I is so we prt sum. to many. It is no other than common wheat flour. No other application is to be m,ale 1,1 any ordinary case. As soon as possible alter the the part is to bt; t overed with li. nr shaken upon it from a flour drudgvr, or siited upon it through a coinmon sieve- It i^said that it. gives speedy relief. The operation of dusting over the part is to I e repeated f:t in time to time as the smarting returns. The credit of proposing this remedy to the public is due lo J)r Mi luni Ward, of Manci ester, EngUnd. L il should be found equal lo Ids reeotn- menilation, it will prevent math mise ry ami even death; besides having the recommendation of Icing always :>t hand, reai.iiy applied !\ oi.v ptrson cheap enough anti peril). tly i ltanly. hi w R "d‘k Adventures of a Hog.—Mr. Gideon Lo ig, of Butler eouiuy, ra.sed a .hog w.licit he sold a few weeks s n. e lo Joim Denman, ot ilds lui -hhoihoOtl for Sixty-.dx dollars lie was shortly af terwards offered forty dollars for Ins bargain; but determining to lake it to Cincinnati, he put it on board of a ca nal boat for that place. Oil his route, without his knowledge, the hands on board exhibited it as a show, charging ^ 1-4 cents i'or a sight. When he ai- timl at the city, an immense crowd visited it and paid for tiie sight. Al ien keeping it for some time, he was •ffered $300 for the hog, agreed to take it, and received $150 on the eon- ■tract. Rut it was not to lie delivered •util the ivhole was paid, and whilfl waiting for the balance it was secret ly conveyed away Mr. Denman de termining to pursue the noble animal, embarked oil board a steam boat and followed to Louisville, where he had the satisfaction of finding his hog. It had been.exhibited for some timo to great advantage. Taking possession •f the hog, Mr. Denman descended the river with it several hundred miles, and finally sold it for three hundred and sixty dollars; having realized from it, in all, eight or nine hundred dollars. It weighed twelve hundred and sixty pounds, and in his route Mr. Denman was offered $2500 for it safely delivered in New York. The ■purchaser, if is expected, will under- Jake its transportation to the eastern •ities, to show the Yankees what kind ■fthogs w« raise in Ohio. Tn di.ion says tw o nations of Indians rtisheu into a luiae auil blotiiy wr.t > because two young t appoost s c. then several trim s quart cut u about a grasshopper. '1 lie gi assimppi r es caped and sung iis song of life; but hundreds (lied as vi lims io its siirint* Tne religious paper of the .'.icilio- dist Epis. opat So icty, in Ncw.iork, is extensively patronized; 2uU hands are employed iu tlifs oilice; 25,00./ papers are issued weekly, bi siiit s 11,030 magazines, for adulis, 800;- juvenile nigazi es, and oilier printing. The Winnebago India..s liave set out on their return home liom IN rsi.iiiglon. Two beeves wei e lately brought to the market of Richmond, Virginia, one of w hiih weighed 2193 pounds the other 1304: they were from the valley of Virginia. How to Stoic away Bacon.-Married at Middletown, Conn. Mr. Curtis Bacon, to Miss Ann Slow. The two maxims of any great man at court are, always to keep bis coult tenance, and never to keep bis word. Tbe Waterloo, N. Y. Observer says—“There was committed to our jail, the other day. a couple of young ladies, for the delicate crime of horse stealing.” Missionaries.—Wo are requested to state, from a highly respectable au thority, that any statement, at anv time, inrelatioh to an interference “in regard to the measures of Govern ment,” by the Missonaries employed by tho American Board <sf Foreign Missions, is incorrect, find positively id ucm.vio i.iat, so iu. i.o.ii all) sue., i.ilcrfcitame, tiicy have been especial ly guarded on tout point.—»*uliuml nuCU. A Js’av- Year's Seizure.—We un- tlcrsiuuu that a Bn.iah vessel has keen seized, liom .ut. ooiln, N. ii. B) oar navigation la tvs. i hc cargoes must bo to tne produce ui ihc coun- try, min tiie vessel hi ought among oili er things, lour hogsheads oi horns, out a hnsy bony of an inspector toon iiio liberty oi MiocKiiJg the bout, mid discovered* two ooxes ot Ins.i iuicns uuu saeeling, wiiloli being agaiusi tiit* statute, were seized ana made a lawliil piize ol, and iorliiwilh (.ainedlej lie puonc sto.e.-a'V*. Y. iunq. Snugs i f Conscience.—iVlj*. J. Tay- gart w as eluded a Senator from the v.ouiily oi Coioiiioiaiia, lo the second (.ictiurai Asseniuiy of tiie state oi vjuio.. lie appeared and made the aecessary oatns, and louu Ins seat; in a fe.* days lie became melaiiolioly .viiich soon progressed io insanity, i.. ms uisaiie luV.u.s no uisoiosed iliatlu Was not thirty years ol age when lie uuK oatns oi oilii t* aim ins seal, nd .hat Ins conscience uphraiied him . nu lue couim.snon oi perjury, m l- King an oath to support the Gousiiiu- iion, and at ibe same nioincnl laaiug a s at in vioiation of us provisions. From iilia iusaniij lie never .(.-.covered, a.iu survived us common, cnienl hut a lew months.—Cm. our. Castern Luuniiary.—The portlaiui Argus cun tends i:i,.t the rigid of kuainc. i i porib, ti) c lear io nearly all the lauu mV ol. ed m tne important boundary quesiiun—and lliat this-portion oi IU, Gam should never have detn subinil- ,c;i io tin umpirage. The claim gofs .or a lernioiy ol about lvJ,0Ud squad .nkes—moie than 6,oUj,GU0 ol avnis oi vaiuauie soil, wo.ill a dollar ill acre. Tne uisirki would lomi IfcL lOuiishipS, ol six miles square—and in id or *0 years inigut contain a po,.!)- imiou of uum iuo,UUU to cOu,0Oe ill- iiubumns. i he House of Commons of Nortl|- warohiiti, have been cu,a 0 ed in dij- . assioii upon a bid to compel ti..a>»er!L ..lotav Ians, Meuoiiists and jJuuaardt ■ o oeai arms, or as an equivalenj io pay an exemption ta*. The i) was negatived by a vole oi 59 lo o3. ine person who sometime sinei ,vas in uiuo, rcprcseitimg tuinseki iu; he Hie iieoeemer oi the v.o.iu is.| now in tins my. iie was in a in. ci- nig house ui Christian si. on inuiodav evening last, and auuicsscd ihc < cs- g; egalnni, iinu.iiig knowu ins assumed miss.oil and oIuii .k ic-r. ’1 ms uiot m- iu. cs us s.ili in ne strongly lo iiu lme io the o, in.on, that tins is the si me person warn was tried about a '(car a„o ai tile mayor s > i url in tb.s . uy, ior representing iitmsHl as ihc soil of *jml, and tvomiy to ie,eivo auoiatio.i a..d praise. Several poisons, male and female appeared al Inal lime and gave evident e in court, i , which they acknow It-tlg. d their belief tLot ho was worthy to he worshipped as a Ei- vine .iiessenger i. we tli.uK Ius father ..Iso.—Jnem. Press. London Paragraphs—Mr Beekford he in it* ow ner ol Fonlhill, Ins dueeted his bier upon which ins coffin is lo be canied, to be niaimlao tuicd of eirgant workmanship, by an iipholsH-rtr at Bath, and be placed in his privatea- j.artment as a memento inori. That stupendous work of art, Ibe canal tunnel, Under Standedge, bet- vveeu liuddeislield and Manchester, extends under the ground upwards ol tin , e miles a-ui is 220yards below the surface. The length oi* tlie voyage, through the tunnel and hack again, is six miles and a half. A French soldier, exiled lo Siberia forty yea s ago, has just discovered a iamoml mine, and is appointed Inspec tor General by tbe Russian govern ment. It is said that I lip officer who is se cond m command in the Turkish Ar tillery is a Firm liman, named Dnlhou- sie, formerly n sergeant in the French servi e, and the same who, in 1815, assumed (he command ofStrashurg at the tiim* oftlu* insurrection of the 'nrrisnn of that c ity. e The Viceroy of Egypt lias nirde a present of one of Cleopal^s Needles *o (he King of France. I^TClirmpol lion, one of the F>en- h snvnns In a letter f oin Alexandria In s ine of his colleagues in Paris, expresses a hope that means may he contrived to ie- move til’s nionuniont of antiquity to France. The other obelisk bciongs o England* - 'in.j k/Si- o-y*i is, ic^iy. «&u' 5 yD 1,0."* aOt.tt509W4(niE UOXIE 9- irft u*iu». t»4iiA i’-yi-rfi ioa o-/i^-a<4- iihuw^iE G-.i/S win. O'hJK^ny.izo. U J lii» r SJl ihl+Ahsi'AA l)0U^j»,vW«y.— b|*ipi-*^t«y/i Ay. j-^yii oi»ji..Gr ^.o- ujf’jio} if/, 4.i»j»r*^AvL« xiy. A-a«y«v* qKi>> wei. ji-n-oisyi wv d- n;Su» 'iu L i*„. Ontyei- A.) O Di-lJl VuC |)i*'U CPs|!^. i!*ve,i o-ubl t>-4, O-ciil SOW.l- t Dot).-VS*- J IVi>¥uZ J04Z 'iS<iavJ n DatAr’ S- AR SS oil WIT, yiV 0“0/i(Tl-4 0>h<t, J) *v“*^z o-x-o- ue.icii- ujize«ti-:*r. Oi* y nu IiOTPoitO- WOi. i< 0*^xJ^(T i v 4 Ol.A oi>- a 0^.4 6.4^T. M. MMJIVJt *_'/*.*' JEJi Jc f 1'loiters uj it/uiure, h n unit Ctrl'. ♦ men t. OoTW’z wei, ;c ,5 ,.?y nj* T ! Df.i-z sji.o .-O-iT’T TJ iV SIi/iI 4T 0--y.SoJ^..iy.i/i>y Itb- b. 1X4A/. Ii*rrf* tiOALS 1.*V c-Sii^lT. ^klllil^•^v‘ , ir-a’i' o j t»U4T. .iioa,r**Jt I O-OTF*. ciy, ocf Kifivoy, o, v.. y Ul.ot* a- V* 4cyi.i DC Wi* k- .1, oCr-AlJ'* dvJOC*^- d-oau btosJL tctz O-g/ltcT. .y, UK VK.l OtT-’O- lUol (rd^LA'J tiU 4oi)^l 1 KA«9 .Tl'hfioiy, bll.v (j- i a-TAH/y 'i’.iai’’ <?a:bc-ii.4 i*4oia, OoXyz ./QAlO-l W-iu-WJ l-4oia, Lht Uii't uuli- hG/y anttyiT.cW* . ’icr"/. owy ■ >£r AF0 Orbl-Ai, Oif 4>CI*-/rr5)PAl-, OcX y Ai) ui.of cvvy ikvw ittiiiiovy o j i-Kc»ia L'Am.l. \ 031) l)(T GottV* oMp.ltV*'© *lr^Ty, j!D I,E- OF 11AJ3 atihOovy DodAAJV O'i-H DSJiil;a ‘-^taa ViJftiF, l)iT Oot.V’ DWiGcit, OcvA- anp oiiiiX'S Jaw jyot-a lira, siiiA Ai, i8a3. MA. TO LOT. <blj hf-tlOj Gu JoaJQ. iRK'.ey d^p (Sfitotciy nc Kirwsy o 5 - iPCi- AnVvi Ky.»’ct=a, HUT’ U^i- b ,1-at ha ivy, a Air- omo-a ay i.^u- FlmA, 0(TAir» jaeiOAk’otci/S, 0>tiGG?A/. AMi-ix iry, tiliy aASl- l)ir Wi- l.ii.0- (r 3 o.ia jno.ia i*4«6a ex-a e-ja,», e<f v- iA.n*’ ir.iAlTll 0-0 LAOS’I/O- A JAP u ,oiF 1 (T- 0-*ny eotaor’aoiE JZixs.vo-vS Jae'-iAtota i*'4oi)a. oay au ajlsi extacrir o-oi-ao- (PLO e.icrtpoi'.r. Ooiyz iJoiJ.i AJi5p- LA CKS’ era esaco i.*v* a asp b^oiu, Onyx O J l.\!)SrAS'i OShOotAa G(r aAi- Altl v ii'ta.'.^4 b-iriA. lira, nixz.i xa, ib.8. t AIr5. TOLOT. 1 *^I> Iv^’V]0, Gii JiiiCCJO. Alray D^P (VGAO-Isdcy DiT KlrWey, •ji.veu, jp^lcs pyr.i- jra ts suza, 1827, >dsx^iA . y duties a -.y.A t& o-C/XX, 1825, ev-rr i.-s^i.j uir- JlT..i ibiUG-iA* Win SIiAiViiiPl DJ 1 o-iis- a^> OLA VVJEvici’E TP/S tkOA LW'WA SJii,a, 1828, oay i,»r ibhnA* t. adz on«r wbwy, tct y« e s sp tu»i- IiAX* ev*-i DicaWia, AASP WO-OA 1*-4oVU, i>0-A T.\aj° JiGi-oiiA-Uli., au Dp. its Ttfl- tfO-ir’ WPV1 UlrSE A451- OO-.l/S, DiT CP./a* 0 - <sa crjca*, ed 1 \yp Lur>L^ia Jctoi.r*. iiSFZ SAW R KT TGTJBa t.Of« trJLPit-«A P4<n)a. ftp Tcfeo-A UI- AX Aw boiA TGT- oiiaot- o-^JDa p-4ota. ktj'3 1 jAurra /&y, O-CKPZ A ASP DOtfiiot*? ^y, r-tl- T- «io-a upaxaotF, i,Dtx Aaj'J 1 o j ji a r>4- otsa, wpaz vlp Toeo-A DPwxaap-cAa o- ottV' noeAajTP o'Ji.a Ti*-4csa, kt.iz e«a'* iSy.S TG-FoSAa Ti»4tf*a, TGToiaoP.tO o-na- cs crJca K4Jta. tgsz y« tra-io- \vm aasp croa/S, t- o*\ (y»o:Rott,o-, zyAiii 8-yvvai’, t,^ 6 -.yii D9-T bsac« o-o-Jia aasp wifa y« ai.ii- Coty, DT^i JAWRa Oirh'rfa I*4cKa liSl SAiVLT, e<T Oo'i'V cr. i^0~A, <i<X)f r ‘ 0-- Paxcs Tf'.-au i*4wa. TKvt, s',za 22, 18^8. At ,5. , T0L6T. AL lr^^lO, Gii ,1<9J{.!© ' ^ "A S hereby given (hat some time in the lat- M- ter part «! October last a black man came lo im house, who sajs his name is HAIVBt, and that be heloiigs io a man On Duck riv- • , in *1 onnesser, by the -name o! Joseph M’Cons ei„ This negro is, I should judge, bctvre- n lorty and fifty years old, and u|.- vvaras ol six leet high, square built. The owner is desired to prove his property, pay charges and take lcniawav. The Editor of the Phcenix, and oth er jHii.lors i;i the adjoining states may con fer a favour on the owner by giving pub licity to the above advertisement. • ‘ JOSEPH WAFFORD. Hightower, C. N. Jan. 6tb. 47 4 A PERIODICAL Miscellany, i month; ., each Ni . coiita.niiVd8 O. .avo j.a 6 rx ot lettei i , am; t-n.i r - J vviiii ».nr- Coppur.ate, ami M-vuaj \. ... Engiav.ngSj.tbinnng, at tbeeiiii oah h v o.uiac- li a boa, Cl<0 , agr , v.h<i,ab egani title page ai:d gtntial .m'< \ a .,- a dccK It is now three y< ars since ti,- j u'-.m t c-iioiili Ca art coii.nKncci , ar.c. i * • that a st/ a.utj aequiic*. a j pip. age that has ncvci ban., it >... L- \ h*-cn extemiru t 0 any montiJ. j m th.b counlij. 'i ilo j, a. ma.Le , ( ,li th« cor..nienv.uiient oi im ,aa «c n | been cons(anti) j uuuf* , an,, n L t-i ltnpjovi menti. accij t< o aim < nj. • r. o the original oe-ig., as c.Hta.ftaeci i j. euggr-no , aim exj.( m i c; mu , x , (i< it is the inter.t.onci the pubbshe, t- i. Ibe incr< arte, janonagi v iiioh il; ( . is iccc.virig, by eeri e si oin e, t ( j ( .li j rovc its a^jM-aiance. ami ei.hruKt- i lejcsi. 'J he sluices whence u -t u i am, amus.itg a-tides may be denvei, ■ continually mult j.fvu g w.tL the *tca n.ami whicli the; intr ;c e c- ger.eia! mg caust-s; aiui tiie j.uiiiislie, oi d.e ( l-o.*.s«*sscs every r. (.m ale lacd.ty ior c. . mg i lie best o. oaibest s 1 cti -ns i i for. i . ar.u uomcstic lit. .an provuctionr. The plan of giving ;i of tmerest*: ™ Anienc&n Scenery, acccmranied with a ,* ptoj-i-.att- dcPcr.jA cn, will be coni mod, vv,tii iiiipiovemciits sn the mechanical si <1 l.teraiy deygrunrnts thej.’c ; as e, tie a ',1 appreciation oi such articles has been ex pressed by a very considcj able mimlx of patron3 oi tne Casket, 'i he- love of ucr> * x* tic scenery, | roj.-e-ih »iv : ikMc,ni to, n ay b» r.iauc a n.t ans of j ublic gou.—ccitauJ 1 cf rational Portraits ot distinguished.American: w 11 continue lo be placed in the Ca;- ci, and riif.i a sketch oi rhai actr-r of the. peter, or incuttriU;of his Etc, will be fuinisbc ,- us shall serve to place his v.rtnes jircri inen; y before llie; with a view net less ot justice to the dead, than of an example lo the liv ng. In this depariment, partit s larly, it will be the aim of the pubnshr; : o (fresent such interesting original matter as shah give a new value to this Casket; in iact, permanency to its int- rest. I o the lacts ol biegraph., ih/ descr :*• tioii ol existing scenery, and the of I ast events') will be adued, the instructive iiction ol moral taler; those espcc al'y which arc intended to ihm trate the n ait nersand cu.tom? of paitieular sections f lie u mol!, anil those aie calcu’aied m sti engtiien vj Ukus rese*tiixn,bv e>li 1- uig in proper lighi, vie and it pern • vs ccuisequenc. *, ai; i /t -wng value a : -- lording its ( \vn rich reward. As a n' f lo these presente subjects, all due alk ***- be given to lh* hght i * ailing, t o.-1 , ancc-.ol*, an., these etceteras winch < * .‘tituie the eg. eeaiile melange, of an cat «• )a.ning, an wh cli g ve a k 4 .0 uctaiis ol iact.-, an., .he graver and ie v cre.coiiq.os.lit p, mot a? cssav s. 1 he price of subscript on lo the Ca*' /tv, 2 o lar.s am 50 c» rtf. a ;• rav ii | ai«I in p w vanec, or 3 debars an, 50 cents at tb n • pii ol aear, is scarcely half that dei, ar,. d lor any work cf an cental size in tlw c..- - trv, and it s not th- intention cf the f>i ■ hsber to iiicr/aue that pree, no*,with tf ■»» ing his extra expenddures to cuhav.o® its valite. ^ ith thi. ; brief reference fo ;he coi t -nt* of tiie Casket, and a' renewed am m-cr* that ■Istvpog--aphical e.vecr.tion >h~l be .-.f the tiist kind, and macban cal! uients,generally, such as .hall insure io l a lorvorable recept oh, the p.pblishet ol.eis the work to the public lbr an increased j at* ronage. * Agents at a distance remitting six sub* script;ons, are ent tied to a copy gratis, and 10 per cent, lev c. flections. Con',’ lete seta lor 18.7 an-* 1888, supplied to order. Orders, free cf postage, will meet w <h prompt attention. Persons a( a distance yv.ll lind the mail a safe convpy nnce for nr« dering tlie work and encdos’ng remittance* S. C. ATKINSON, Publisher, No. 113 Chesnut Street, Phdadel; h a. CHEROKEE CONSTITUTION, P in ted in both languages in parallel coiumat, for sale at this G^ce*. THE WASIIIXG TChV CITY CIIRCJ* ICLE. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPF.n, Published in the C (v oftVashington, Ty Ralkicell f {Click. rFVIlS Paper has been established at tl* -®- Seat ol tho General Government, ei* dor auspices which tho Publishers think ; <0 vorahlc to the encouragement of a P-' i cal devoted, as it is, to the diffusion <rfL . > carv, Scientific, ami useful miscellaneous :i formal ion. Its oliject has been, as ,t vv. tl continue to he, to promote the cause 01 Lo tors, and to Sjiread, witlnn its ran**r. a knowledge of a’l that may be n< vv, mu n ■ t» ing, and valuable, in Science, Literat"- anil the Arts, together vvith'the late.-t Fr.-» e gn and Domestic fnlelligence. let -arty disputations are and shall be sedu . ua» ly avoided, and nothing will be admit ed but what may tend to enlarge and int' i s( the initid, and improve and benefit ihft liea-t. JO** A Summary of the Proceedings of CoNonrss will, during the Sessions, be reg ularl* r given. " IQ 1 ’ The Chromcle is published evry* Saturday; and is printed in th- best r ant ner, on a large sheet, (imperial size.) Price J3 per annum, or 4:2 50 if paid advance. 8C7** Editors who exchange with th« Chronicle are requested to give the abev* few insertions, and the favor will be i<» iprocated. LAWS * or trie Cherokee NatioIv. fat the years 1826 1S27, 1828, priirt^ and fa* sale «t tills O&c-vt