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. BOUDINQTT, Eorror.
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b e S se s PHUENTX. ‘
* The following persons are authorized to
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Lherokee Phoenix.: .
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oG -“ Y o TRI N Y >
o 'Gvoli GE}‘?‘:L%&,SSR’!’H, S&ate’svmo, W. B
I Wieraan M. Com shville "Pen.
RBl Moo B Poval My
i Mr, Tros. R. Gowrp, (an itinerant Gens
Hlemany): - ; !
pduremian; Austin, Mohile Ala,
P Rf.]e\:*. Cxyavs Kixeseury, Mayhew, Choc
taw Nation, §
G“Ca;;f. Wiruisym Roeerrsoy,; Augusta,
xeorgial y ;
Fsom the "Western Luminary.
JMr. Skillmbin~-On the—day -of
this inst. T witnessed the death-bed
sgene’of Mr, “a. iy n2ighbor for
near 30 years. *“Hle'was what is usu
ally termed a Moral Man. He lived
respected i his neighborhood; was
buoiane, affectionate and honest.—
Hisword was as good as ' his bond to
all who kanew him. He was indus
trious aud economical, and his circum
stances comfortable; his family cred
fable. Hewas temperate and char
itable; he"was friendly to religion;
fns wifc and daughter were-professors,
and he frequently had preaching at
his house. He was naturally a man
of benevolent feclings, and his conduct
Was in union with his feelings, no
‘man miore willing than he was, either
with his personal attention or his
purse. (And the writer of this essay
is free to acknowledge himself his
flfebtor,‘ in both these respects.) He
doaned his money at legal interest,
when 10,12 or 25 per cent. was giv
‘&n in his neighborhood.
. He twas in friendship with all who
Imew him; he discharged the duties
of father, brather. husband and neigh
bor, with uniformity; and his conduct
was of such a charaeter as to put ma
ny professors of religion in the back
ifound. He never made a profession
of religion; but gave his assent and
eonsent to all the leading. truths of
christianity. He was, in fact, “Al
most a Christian.” T was witli liim
luring bis last days; and althoigh I
jave witnessed many - deafh-bed
cenes, this was of a different charac
er from any I ever witnessed before.
L B TR e oot e T TO G T
[have thrown the prominent occur
.rences of that day into anarrative.-
! On the—day of——, Mr.-.—— de
‘parted this life. On the morning o
that day I visited him. He was. m
the possession of his senses, but evid
eutly near_eternity. He knew me,
and when T asked him ‘how he did
this morning,’ he answered, ‘S—— |
shall die, and I am not prepared to
die.” . This declaration excited my
feclings, and a pause ensued. In a
few moments the subject was a
gain mentioned by him ‘in the same
words, ‘I am not prepared to die.’—
Believing, from his manner, that he
wished to converse with me on the
subject of religion. I endeavored te
comfort him, by presenting some of
the gracious premises and doctrines
of the gospel to him in my fecble and
plain manner. He appeared to ob
tain ro comfort. His wife (a pious.
woman) requested prayer. ‘He lis
ened with profound attention, after
he conclusion of prayer he remark
d, ‘l'cannot pray: my Saviour has
elt me, and I cannot pray.’ After a
solemn pause, his affectionate wife,
leaning on the side of his bed—com
menced a conversation' with him on
the subject of religion. Her language
and manner was impressive. She
dwelt «n the gracious promises and
doctrines of salvation by Jesus Christ
and feelingly and affecticnately urged
the necessity of his im_mediately 6n
bracing the proffered mercy. He
listened to her with the most solemn
attention. To myself, and T believe
to ali the company, it was loud
preaching. After a short pause, he
threw his arm around her neck, in the
most affectionate manner, and in a
ciear voice utterred the following
sentence: ““Ah! my dear, for nearly
thirty years have you thus affection
ately urged me to attend to this mat
ter, but-I have put it off, and still
PUT IT oFF; and now I have sinned a
way my day of grace, and I am given
Ip.” Turning his face to the wall,
he adided, “my Saviour has given mie
up.” Mute with astonishment, the
company gazed on each other, until a
groan of anguish burst from the heart
of his wife, and was re-echoed by all
present. T rémained with him; and
after soine time renewed my endeav
ors to comfort him. [ told him that Sa
tan, the grand enemy, would endeav
or to persuade us” that our Saviour
had left us. But the Saviour was al
ways present, and that the sly sug
zgestions of Satan ought not to be be
lieved. His reply was, “my Saviour
has left me.” ,
His Physicians came, and ol that
friendship and medical skill could ad
vise, was tried to save him. He
grew worse. About 12 o’clock the
physicians teft him. Between 2 and
3 o'clock he.had an interval of com
posure, when his wife urged him to
pray. He calmly replied, “I can
‘not pray.” She asked him if singing
' would discompose him. He replied,
“not at all,” & twice repeated “Fare
well vain world,” “Farewell vain
world,” without concluding the line,
His wife added, “I am going home:”
(the hymn Beginuing with that line
was sung.) lis wife then asked him
if he could not pray now. He said
he would. Every breath was sus
pended, and in his usual tone of voice
(when in health) he uttered the fol
lowing words: “God Almighty, have
mercy on a poor sinner, just about to
plunge headlong into Hell.” -He
paused. His wife, /kneeling by his
bed-side, asked him if he could” pray
no more. He answered “I cannot
say another word.” ~ Another hiymn
was sung, in which the words oceur
red, «f hope to praise him after
death.” His wife then asked him if
he did riot hope to praise his gracious
Saviour after death? He shook his
head, ard looking‘ his wife affection
ately in the face, answered, ““I cannot
say I .do.” Tn a little time, a violent
spasm seized him, which evinced the
rapid approaeh of his disssolution.—
’ After perhaps an hour’s struggle with
the grim monster, he revived a little
~and bid his family and neighbors fare
well. A weeping relative begged me
to converse once more with him a
bout his eternal prospects. I did so,
but still got answers all agreeing to one
point; he had no hope & was unviilling
to die. A pious neighbor came in a
few moments after I had ceased to
converse with him, and asked him
some questions on the same sabject,
and be gave similar answers. After
sun-set I left him, and about 12 ¢’
clock at night he died.
Some months ago, the Rev. James
Armstrong preached at Harmony,
near the Wabash. Whena Doctor,
at that place, a professed deist or in
fdel, called on his associates to ac
company him, while he attacked the
| Methodist, as he said.—At first he
asked Mr Armstrong if he followed
preaching tosave souls? He answered
in the affirmative. He then asked
Mr Armstrong if he ever saw a soul?
No. If he ever keard a soul? No. If
he ever tasted asoul? No. Ifhe’
ever smelt a soul? No. If he ever
felt a soul? Yes, thank God, said
Mr Armstromg. Well said the doc
tor, there are four of the five senses
against one, to evidence that there is
no soul. Mr Armstreng then asked
the gentleman if he was a doctor of
medicine? and he also answerd in
the afirmative. He then dsked the
doctor if he ever saw a pain? No.
Ifhe ever heard a pain? No. Ifhe
ever tasted a pain? No. If heever
smelt a pain?—No. If he ever felt
a pain? Yes. Mr Armstrong then |
said there are also faur ocnees egainet |
one to evidence that there is no pain,
and yet, Sir, you know there is pain,
and I know there is a soul; The Dr.
appeared confounded, and walked |
off .
To the Editors of the Georgia Journal.
GenTLEMEN—The Literary Cadet
and Statesman, published in Provi
dence, Rhode Islaad, has the following
“The Georgians, not content with
the grip which they have put upon the
land of the exiled Creeks, are now a
bout seizing the possessions of the
Cherokees. Georgia now eclaims all
lands south of a hne drawn from Su
awana Old Town to Six’s, on the
High-tower, and down that River to
the chartered line of Ceorgia and Ala
bama, under the pretence that it was
once the boundary between the Chero
kees and. Creeks, and that the new
boundary has never been acknowleds
ed by the United States. On the oth
er hand, the Cherokees allege that the
lize claimed by Georgia, was neyer
agreed upon or acknowledged by the
two nations of Indians. The Creeks
at one time claimed to that line, but
the Cherolees also claimed to a line
far south of it; and the only boundary
ever agreed upon between them, as
fixed, in a spirit of compromise, half
“way betweep the two claims.” .
“It would be policy in the Ceorgi
ans to rest contented with what they
have. Justice may not be further out
raged with impunity, even in the case
of the poor Indian, and they who have
trampled upon Indians’ rights and Indi
an hospitality, may at last find an end
to their encroachments.” . :
Now all the material allegations in
the above extract, are nothing more or
less than downright misrepresentations
and false assertions. The line never
has been in dispute between the
Creeks and Cherokees within. the
memory of the oldest inhabitants of the
country, white or red, nor has there
ever been a compromlise. Buf the
line has alwavs been known to run as
Georgia now contends, frem the Su
awana Old Town, on the Chattalioo
chee, by the Hightowef trail, to Six’s,
until the Creek Chief Mellntosh, hav
ing married a Cherokee wife, influenc- ‘
ed his tribe to permit the Cherokees
Lo run a line further south. And such
is the notoriety of these facts, that
even the Cherokees do not pretend (o
deny them; ‘and so sensible are they of
the right of Georgia, that they have
not the faintest hope of holding the
land in question, and are quietly mov
ing off them. Indeed Ido not Lelieve
even the officious intermeddliug of our
eastern step brothiers can inspive them
Lo a contention. = But such is the spir
it of jealousy with which the mass of
the New Englaad people look on any
prospect of our acquiring strength,
and such the unblushing effrontery with
| which they disseminate misrepresenta
tions, that they never lose au opportu
nity of reviling us, and detracting from
our just claims, without regarding
whether they effect their object
through the medium of fact or fiction.
One word for their warning. We
know our rights, and we will protect
them; and should Rhode Island be so
foolishly quixetic s to volunteer her
self in resisting them, we will make
her feel her own intrusion in matters
which concern her not. She may
know we give as little heed to her
threat as we know she should receive
credence for her slanders, '
: ; HENRY.
“Now all the material allegations” of
Hexry, “are nothing more or less than
downright misrepresentations and falee as.
sertions?? The line %as been in dispute be_
tween the Cherokees and. Creeks, within
the memory of hundreds ofthe inhabitants of
this country, 'This fact is known not only
by the Cherokees, but by many whites,—
The atrangement was made precisely ag
“We s{agsiiin a forinor nassbam -2t
“surprising that no honest-and libera! man
canspeak in favour of oppressed Indians,
without arousing the wwar-lile spirit of
Georgia? without being charged with mis.
representations and falsehood? If an edi
tor ef'a newspaper undertakes to defend the
rights of the Indians, “he is icnorant of the
nature of Indians,” is the ery, as thoush it
was their nature to be scandalized, misre.
presented, and abused. sit agreeable to
their nature to have' their rights trampled
upon by a horde of robbers and vagabonds,
(we mean our intruders) and to have every
avenue of justice elos2d against them? We
can give Hexry a very sati: factory answer
why some of the Cherokees have moved
from the frontier into the interior of the na.
tion—it is hecause they wish to avoid per
sonal collisions with their neighbours, and
to save what little property they possess,.—
It is a notorious fact, that many, who, pre
vious to the settlemment of Carrol county,
were in decent cireumstances, have lately
moved in with shattered possessions. One
of these, we will mention his name, Rich
ard Scott, declares, that he has lost not less
than 150 head of cattle, which were forci
bly taken away by some of the citizens of
the aforesaid county. He was unable to
recoverthem on personal application. This
istot a solitary instance,
; Quem‘es.—"——\Vhy have the politicians and
writers in Georgia, of late become (we will
not say ‘foolishly’”) “Quixotic?”® Have
they ever evinced themselves a brave peo
ple? How did Georgia distinguish herself
in the late war, particularly in the Creek
war? sit becoming for a great, magnani
mous, and brave stgfe to evince such a wor
likee spirit as is manifested by Georgia?
i’ Frem the Missionary Herald.
Extract§ from a letter of Mr. Kingsbiry,
% dated Janudry 28, 1829.
Tn the last number of this work, p.
‘ 121, some paragraphs from a com
~munication of Mr. Kingsbury were in
serted, showing that.the attention of
the Choctaws had been arrested by
the preaching of the Gospel, and giv
[ing ground to hope that many had ex
perienced it converting influences.—
Additiong]l extracts from the same
communication will be msereted here,
showing what advances the Choctaws
have made in morals, and in acquiring
ihe comforts and conforming to the
practices of civilized society. A few
brief statements on this subject were
V O.&.An IH.‘-.:‘ O, 80‘
givgn in the pumber for February,
The introductory remarks, upor
the manner in which bol, the friends
and opposers of missions are inciincd
te regard what is said concerning [n«
dian improvement, are deserving’
[ special attention.
Improvement in morals.
There is a propeusity both among’
the friends and the opposers of mis<
sions, to judge the effects of the Gose
pel and of the progress of improves
ment among the Indians by a faloo
standard. Instead of comparing those’
who have been instructed and w hose’
condition has been meliorated, yitly
what they formerly were, they are
compared with what is found i civile
ized and Chiistian lands. Hence if
is, that the ardent friends of missions,
while reading missignary journalg
written with perfect accuracy, form
deas of an enlightened and improved
state of society far beyond what is res
alized by the missionaries. Hence it isy
also, that opposers of missions, judging’
altogether from external appearances,
are quite disgusted with the uncoutly
manners and unseemly costeme of
those natives of the forest, whese pies
ty of heart, and whose propriety of
deportment, under “all the cirenrhe
stances of their situation, would coms
mand the respect of every discrimine
ating and vnprejudiced mind, -
To form a correct estimate 8f wiio?
the Gospel, with its meliorating and
civilizing attendants, has accomplishr
ed for the Tudians, we must conpare
the present state of those wio have iy
some degree Lecn hronght undor s
wiinence with their Jormer condition,
Judging by this standard, it may bg
fairly doubted whether the past eight
years have witnessed, in aiy portion
of the civilized werld, a grealer ims
provement than hes been realized
in the civil, moral, and religious staie’
of the Choctaws. T would not infim
ate that all the bappy changes that
have taken place in- this nation have
been ‘the ‘direct resuli of missiona~
ry labors. Eulightened” chicfs have
taken the lead in the work of reforme
ation, and it is throngh their influencey
that some of the most important
changes have been made. Dut we
believe those chiefls esteem it no less
a privilege than a duty; to lay their
honors at the foot of the cress, “and to
ascribe whatever of good they have
doue for their people, to the cniight+
enivg and sanctifying influence of (he
, I will now give a few particulars,
in proof of what is stated above, res
specting the progress of improvement
among the Choctaws. Bight years
ago habitual intemperance prevailed,
from one end of the land to the other,
In the space of two munths, ten Ins
‘dians in this district alone, lost their
lives by whiskey.. At this time ine
tempérance within the nation is hard
ly known. Tn July last I attended the
distribution of the annuity to two dis
tricts, on which occasion” there were
‘from 4,000 to 5,000 Indiens—men,
women, and children. They were to
gether four days, and not an intoxicat
-ed one was seen, until'after the bu
siness wasclosed. Some whiskey had
been secteted at a distance from the
place, the law prohibiting the
ntroduction of it into that part of the
nation was not to go info cffect wntif
15 days from that time, some, after
leaving the place, obtained it, and
became intoxicated. Fhe Choctaws
have not al lost their appetite for
whiskey, nor is it to be supposed that
a majority of them ave restrained from
intemperanee by the force of moral
principle: but so sensible had they he
come of the destructive effects of thie
vice, thata law, prohibiny entirely
the introduction of whiskey into {he
nation as an article of traflic, was
proposed by the chiefs, and obtained
dn almost universal support ina ceny
eral council of the warriors. In this
part of the nation, this law has been
sustained for more than tive years, ᏣᎳᎩ ᏧᎴᎯᏌᏅᎯ ᎯᎠ ᏂᎦᎿᏧᎬᏩᎶᏗ.