Cherokee phoenix, and Indians' advocate. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1829-1834, August 19, 1829, Image 3

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lad been able to make a fire, and it vas manifest that instead of seeking .0 find inhabitants they had hid them* iclves. This, says the Gazette, is al ways the case with English sailor^ who are wrecked on this coast; they take it for grunted that there are no inhabitants but Indians, ready to mur der them without mercy, while in truth there are few or no Indians ci- their on the Labrador coast or on of Newfoundland, and these, far from being cruel, are the mos« inoffensive people on earth, who would perform any olfice of humanity to persons iu distress. DOMESTIC. | Trial of Mrs. Royal.—The trial of ■ Mrs. Royuil, as a common scold, at Washington city, has resulted in her Conviction. Ten witnesses were sworn oil behalf of the piosecution, ; and eight in favor of the prisoner. The National Intelligencer says,— “ fhe examination and cross exam ination of these numerous witnesses decupled nearly five hours. Being at length finished, Mrs. Royall rose and tnade short but a pathetic adress to the Jury, urging them to defend her a- gainst oppression; to prove' them selves the protectors of personal righ ts and liberty: warning them against ■Sanctioning a system of clerical dom ination arid persecution, which, if not checked by the freedom of speech and of the press, and these defended by independent juries, would produce a state of tilings which would endan ger the Judge on the bench, and even the President himself; declaring that this system and this prosecution were part of a general scheme, of which the attempt to stop the mails on the Sabbath was another feature, &e. &e. “The counsel on both sides sub mitted the case without argument, & the jury having retired a few minutes, returned with a verdict of ‘guilty as indicted.” “The defendant then gave security in $10J to appear to answer the judg ment; and the court adjourned at 5 o’ clock. “The bench ungnllantly ordered her to be lucked up until she found bail for her appearance to receive judgement, which was arrested by her counsel; ‘This is pretty country to live in,” said the indignant perse cuted, as she heard the mandate for the incarceration. “It is said she intends to move in arrest of judgment—that the verdict is contrary to the evidence, as it clear ly proved that she is an uncommon scold.” Extraodmary Despatch.—The Steam boat New Philadelphia left Albany on Wednesday afternoon of last week, at 5, o’clock—arrived here at about the same hour on Thursday morning—* landed her pasengers as usual, went round to the railway of the Dry Dock Company, in the East river, discharg ed the water from her boilers, was hauled up on the ways; and, afier the bottom was cleaned and graved, ivas relaunched; her boilers were re- ; tilled, her wood taken in; she was at her accustomed station at the foot of Courtlaiult-street on (he same af ternoon, at a quarter before 5: and at a quarter past 5 was again on her way to Albany. Tho New Philadelphia is a large steamboat, measuring pro* ‘bably 160 feet in length. This des patch evinces, very strongly, the utili ty and efficiency of tho Dry Dock 'railways; and but that custom ren ders even wonders familiar, it might excite astonishment, that a steamboat You Id thus, within 36 hours, traverse a distance of320 miles, and undergo besides, after being hauled up out of ■ber .element, a thorough cleaning on \)rv land.—New York American. for murdering their master wai, his having made known his intention of selling a part of them, and removing with the balance to the County of Rockingham, his former residence. Several of the negroes sent to jail be longed to the neighbors; they had wives at Mr. Bowycr’s which was the cause of their joining in the plot: but the man who procured the gun, and the one who used it, were his own slaves. They acknowe'dged his remarkable lenity and indulgence towards them —having some days before given such as were for sale, notes to procure masters in the neighborhood; hut, they supposed, by destroyed him, they would not have to be separated from their families. Monday William 'Atrocious Murder.—On night the 29th ult. whilst Bowycrs, df Hanover County, Va. was sitting at supper with his wife, his father and brother, he was shot by one of his negroes, who, it seems, had secreted himself in the garden opposite the door, at the distance of about 35 feet, for that purpose. At the fire of the gun, he fell from his ’chair without speaking, and remained stupid and insensible . for nearly 12 hours before he expired. S x ne groes have been examined and sent on to jail; two or three of the principal actors in this horrid plot, having, af ter there appeared strong testimony ©f their guilt, confessed the whole transfi??!Otl. Tbe reasons assigned Tight Lacing.—The Vermont Journal of the 4th of July, contains a communication from Dr. Palmer, which gives tho distressing particu lars attending the death of Mrs. S. of that town, aged 18, which was pro duced by tight hieing, causing an ab scess to form near the pit of the stom ach, which burst internally. Dr. P. obtained permission to open tho body. In the chest, the left lung was shriv elled to the thickness of one’s linger, and its spongy structure destroyed so as to he wholly unfitted for bearing a part in the process of respiration.— There was extensive adhesions of the stomach and liver to the siivrounding parts. Thus was a life fortified, mid as it were, insured hy one of the most vigorous constitutions, thrown away in obedience to the dictates of fashion. The cases of lingering disease, of slowly protracted, yet certain death from this cause, are almost of daily occurence. A physician at Balston Spa lias transmitted to Dr. S. L. Mitchell, an account of a young woman who in the summer was stung ns she said, by a large green grasshopper. In the win ter a tumor appeared at the place and afterwards on the side of the neck. Her physician treated for scrofula with apparent success, for it again disappeared, until July, when it was felt once more at the shoulder—the tumor-abo’it the size of a lien s egg, and with evident fluctuation, when it was opened with a small discharge of unhealthy pus, and along with it a living grasshopper, two inches in length, and breadth proportionate. Savi Gear. Despatch.—Nothing can exceed the speed with which the Rhode Island Legislature despatches iis multifari ous labors. ‘•The Legislature of Rho.l > Island, adjourned on Satuiday last, after a session ot four working days,six hours each. Duriug that time they have passed about 60 acts of a public and private nature, tried several private petitions, investigated the concerns of a Bank, elected nearly 200 civil and military officers; refused to reform the Militia and the laws of suffrage, and left undone quite as much busi ness as they have done. Wo should like to see any Legislature in the country put against this for speed, to say nothing of bottom.” Great Age.—In noticing a celebra tion of the Jill of July, near Raleigh, N. C. the Register States that “Sir. Arthur Wall, now in his 109th year, was particularly invited; he excused himsolt on account of being busy icith his crop,’ but said he would send one ol his hoys, a lad of eighty tivo, with his toast. No toasts, however, were drunk, for there were no intoxicating liquors on the ground. Long before the shades of the evening, the grati fied company, after a day of sober and rational enjoyment, departed for their homes, with improved rational and neighborhood feelings.” f Mr. Owen of New Harmony has passed through this city on his way to‘ Europe. We learn, from him, that lie has been fully occupied since his debate with Mr. Campbell. He re-’ •named turn months after the discuss ion in the city of Cincinnati, prepar ing a w ork, which lie published (herej and which contains a narrative of his voyage to and proceedings in Mexico, and a review' of the public meeting with Mr. Campbell. opponent find relatives, and lie much pleased w ith lus relatives^ Nal. At. was Manumission Society.—The rolor- to cd people assembled on Monrny __ the extent of 800 persons, andparad- ed our city for some hours. Tjie of ficers were most cxtravagantlyjdrcss- ed, in Chapeaus, bands, saslisp and gold lace, &c. many individuals wore broad rich collars, and almost all car ried canes. After fhe parade, they divided into two companies anil dined at separate establishments. About 7 o’clock they formed a great mob near the corner, of Anthony and Church streets, quarrelled among themselves and fought some desperate battles, in which much blood was spilt. The riot continued till near dark—some of the members were taken to the Police office.—JV*. Y. Mercantile. Murder.—A melancholy and dis tressing murder was perpetrated in Ashticld, Mass, oil Tuesday 7tli inst. by a man named Allred Elmer. H# fancied himself commissioned from Heaven to kill three persons, and de rived his warrant, as he says, from the I tth chapter of Revelation. 11 is victims were a child about two years old, and an only soil of Timothy Cat- lin, who was killed on * he spot, and an old gentleman, grandfather of the culprit, who was so severely wounded that there is no hope of his surviving. The child lie killed because it was innocent. The prisoner u'as undoubt edly insane. lie awaits his trial at the next term of the Supreme Court to be held in September next. Cock Roaches.—The Providence Patriot has discovered a method of destroying that troublesome intruder, at once simple and effective. It is as follows: Procure from the apothecary or herb woman a moderate quantity df odoriferous vegitcble called (hat Poke Root: boil it in water until the juices are extracted, arid mingle the liquor with good West India inolases, or if the spirit of patriotism be ex* trnvagant, with molascs from New Orleans;—spread the liquid in large platters or Soup plates, in the kitchen, pantry, closet or wash-house, or what ever apartment may have been the subject of invasion, and (lie enemy will be found slain in heaps, lying by hundreds and fifties, before the fol lowing morning. A gentleman to whom we are indebted for this infor mation, states that he slaughtered 575 cockroaches in a single night, by me'iis of the poke root and Mnlases— that the root which lias been boiled being thrown into a closet, thickly invested hy the enemy, the place was united entirely in a few days, great numbers being left dead upon I ho field. The smell of tho poke root at tracts the cockroach—-he is tempted and eats it—swells incontinently, and perishes almost immediately. It seems that the public discussion bclween’Mr. 0. & Mr. C. had not pro duced any animosity between, these gentlemen; for, w r c are informed,. Mr. Owen called upon Mr. Campbell at his house, at Bethany. Mr. Owen Recuscilalion from death by drawn- ing.—A lad of twelve years of a n e tell into the Canal basin at Albuny on Friday last, & after being under wa ter for fifteen or eighteen minutes, was dragged with a boat hook without any signs of life. The father would not consent to the violent remedy of roll ing on a barrel, &c. but carried him with the face downwards, to Dr, Neilson’s office, who, fortunately be ing at home, had the body immediate ly stripped, placed between blankets, on a mattress, and continually rubbed by seven or eight persons over every part: in about twenty minutes, some signs of life were discovered; the nibbing was continued with a succes sion of warm blankets, for an hour and a half, without any other remedy, except a little warm brandy ami wa ter, as saon as lie could he made to swallow. In two hours lie was con veyed home, and on the following morning was entirely recovered.-— Baltimore Amcricau, July 23. $2,50; w ithout the tea-kettle it is $1, 75. The N. E. Farmer lias done much to promote u spirit of economy and improvement; we trust Mr. Fessen den’s inventions will be as beneficial to himself as his precepts have been to others.—Mass. Journal. SUMMARY. Southern Munujaclurcs.—Col. John E. Calhoun, of pendleton, and Gen. David R. Williams, of Marlborough, South Carolina, have each a Cotton Manufactory iu successful opera tion. In North Carolina there are Cotton Manufactories established at Liucolu- ton, Fayetteville, and Tarporough; which do a pretty extensive anJ pro fitable business. Dr. Le Conte, Of New York, is engaged with some of the Parisian Savaus, in preparing a scientific work on Caterpillars, in (he study of which he has passed 30 years of his life. The Winchester, Virginia, Re publican says:—We saw a gentleman from North Carolino, a few days since, who describes the gold mania in that State as exceeding every thing that had ever before been heard of Bu siness was neglected throughout the week, and even the churches desert ed on the Sabbath, to search for ihat corruptible treasure. Dfi TMV, ®4T WA WE Ah A T? 1829. The Havre packet ship Sully is said to have brought to New York one hundred and thirty-seven Swiss passengers who have w ith them $100,- 009 in gold. They have declined ex changing it in the city, and intend carrying it into the interiour, where it will be expended in the purchase of lands. The price of a passage in the Steam Boots on Lake Erie, from jL'ffnlo to Portland, a distance of lif- ly j,. 1,; s* is only fifty •cents, and from Buffalo ti* Dunkirk, twenty-jive cents. Tl,e At.;J , ‘* cnn Asylum for the Deaf a,.’ 1 * Dumb, Ht Harl ap pears from i,.' eu * rep m t had no different ast less than 2S9 pi,”'Is, fro. parts of the United Js^les. Tho steam boat fare from Ntv ^ ork to Albany is reduced o,’ some of the boats to $1, meals extra, pud hy others to <1 and found. It is said by the French papers that during the Earthquakes in Spain a great many persons afflicted with rheumatism, were cured. Talcing a dram.—The late Rev. Dr. Clarke, a Scotch clergyman, set tled, we believe, in some (own near llie North River, in a discourse to his people on the subject of intemperance, Dh 0 ) «xiiAJcr eyoa iiyp^t. n.ia ns-' acr-v* T.m\v<* n<r ntu*r titko- crvi Dtf IiSU-V* Thl'Kof TlnKS^Eort, Dtf dsu-v 4 Tii-swi* d.niv assy .luxvsy in— |’ < '0'A i-rt nsoty on Gwy s.\i dog®* EJX'T DXAET It-TiS'’T J)ii«s; r® oVIW- yA c«y ntf Miuj. iiTrp.y pg- UR-ay »«y c^y qj*vi4 on tia, lay h£-Ry LSM <TATf J JU DAV.Sfiy iri-ny o > nru e«y>v* Da\v«iET d/ik.:.v* tKWo-r n/.h.ji.y’ igto-uvo-a n/ny cut- niil-i;..-* DO.lRioiET Jj\V(~r* tl - ot’X?.q ya GSWA-e ,X/i/iP O’O-R DJiSXV.OT spxjo cHorvi sfi&.j'VS/ ovis-uz r-.i: EMK'4 f le5)A , r O'VS’H’H*’ my O'.Z h- otr’7.T SSvSjT DgBPl« DW..V* J.VLCttfS air- oi.l DPJ-T 1,*WZ* 1-4T «, , y fj- OMXVPT APo-.XiEJZ l CrZ ax'* WP.1T 4*V* */9.Xyo!.v*^ (yUi: ■ (.- •v (p/irny Gwy-v' 5 o^-iy aw >1.5-1 y a11-0 s v;y ® £)?,z i oc*v* n-.h4-z 0 - wy MiPAr.o? t t nsc?y ij o’oir.n. /M-4.3.I TTWiJ liS.Kr TKoiP Lc . TOT GiSyo bUiV •-11'OTc* 10-^1 lf-V H ACS*! 1 ’ Goiy jitf TIt O.hA V T>li3Z HP.4 O any ai-^to-y 0 ai-,,*>,— pp -.\>y wy-v* luw’oi.ET O'Cm.?/* sFit r 61r ,;.y T, y«y f,<ii: a oj oixy-ay. © jjuotyh - cp ustp Ar<*.i ruwi.pT c.s \ t y^/- 1Ip TipRscr^ n<r tipAs^Eoii, a; r ivny <1.1 W ISSy TfsjEliAPoi >i TSI-T .in IfFik-AJO VC 1 (=^1 I,A3Z TC- Ti Sop-v'-^z r,r.O(T»T owy saj Tcr^yi, 1.0 l-..Vc?.ii nr .y* ui.-i-cr^Gr i-4rS.i i,oiy 04* TCsvLbr^- 1,4, .1 .il.hP Q>- .HcT.i,;, .Urverier yi i»r tcsje.j’s.'IoP t- r.r op.v** c,*»\ y s-a-v’-icr A<s;r- ir\- 12.* T ct, irft.(«\ co yii<i-(TRT ill O'.'IWO-^) IpIiSI-CT GJii«V* CO SGbGTstwt- mat r. ,n- tt!« ,’c.p cpc-.?o*j>* trliT<«..I,A EI*lrWl,BiX J!0 AJ)A TC*OF{S;t% o».v»vo--»ctyn r*e.Rw9.T 'i-cr.irr r.d © D.IOT G.ny.O TST TOPhr.1U.5i DT'.rcii Ociy &RT.0AI|,5 O IiSMMTZ ( r-f-tC ft ,3 y SAJ iiF.erT mvye *tir .o^ac o Jisjk t'C-c-cp. nn cwscsxt ao.’x e: 20 jpy>n 1829. iis.i tspt .issi'crjt di u*e e-KFoii r.y&PSA.l r^Sl-otisAA DiT-erR TEX’oj- *’,*• V*FT n.IG TEasi.ib.y4-* Dyr*(yartaynze-' oiP'S' »-•.<) D4z c esj-c*-* 16 * 10 °* r ‘ p ’rr.'S ezrr TjC ' « v,y h n ' XA! * tfitE S.\jt i & EHi-aU .* )a ’0.ilVVo:y jfp o-ro- gfVyn Ty U .in rrhh- z T.lWop- t.l a dcz C(.i4‘' 1 yn.l SA^J DIiJ5Cb3 CHOriTil G«y .id tspmimj Qtfdy$.yh. oixe- yiv Ky<>iSt*i.^a D4.ayi •v* c,ay v ** ,-f, ct\vc~ Tcr.iyi, TS10-.I-V-* o » vy.iM •v" tssap«..i«v* ^y cV.y p/w -9d AjiP ?y r»r.4tHA tgt^z tepv* * a sos j yGr ao^cr Ahsi'<a\, y/ihr*; c , * o^yiiZo- Tsiry«A ooxvr o s.\ ‘ . J \ 1 V ^ U said ‘ Do you know my bearers the 1 1J i-yeT.iinE otr T*<opzf- * oricin ol the nhrase. ‘ 1 J t..I „ „ I • • ** origin of the phrase, ‘lx:t u- s take a dram.’ I will tell ye. Formerly, the apothecaries weighed and sold ppmts, and the eighth part of an ounce was reckoned sufficient fet a dose. But now, a’.os, he added, in stead ol taking a r’,rachin, men take pp'nts by the ov m e , and by tho half pound, and tbe ’pound.”—N. Y. Ohs. There has been much gratitude ex pressed hy the editors of the Phila delphia U. S. Gazette on account ot the reception of a communication for thru paper written in a fair legible nanei. Those gentlemen do not ap prove of the common mode of jdant- ing “ink upon paper, ‘broad cast,’ as the tanners would say, with the ex pectation that it will yield a gSoii crop of letters.”—JY'. E. Tall. * 'The Methodist Society in the Uni ted States, is making wonderful ad vances in numbers, wcal(h and intel ligence. A Wesleyan University is about to be established in Middle- town, Conn. I he bi.ildings recently occupied by Capt. Partridge’s Mil- itniy School, which lias been discon tinued, will be purchased by the so ciety, for this purpose.—Host. Pall. DA<nv»M'J TI-IT’i o^o-n o^otp i<i-R9 intru G rP. y n I cr r.j9 DTI- JJlAX y .<, L>?-1 -Q0-^11-o o»•*,.. y 0 ■ 1 ./*• l;,ii cwz o-py d>« a r c ;.;; * ^ g <>.<n,u(..B n . "; u ' Ky ’• V ,J. T T C" (• gf f spent three days with his hospitable Mr. Fessenden, the editor of (hat excellent agricultural piper called the N. E. Farmer, lias invented and obtained a patent for a Iamb appara tus. which lias been found very con venient in small families; tea, coffee, oigtgs, oysters, &e. can he prepared hy it, without the trouble or expense of a fire. In taverns anv liquid may he kept constantly hot by it, and In sick ness it can he made to answer all the purposes of a Nurse Lamb. The price of the whole apparatus is hut tkj: 9si. **yiwsi,a ts, 1829. elrP5 D/1.9 1. Dtw&AyCr f-4T, 1)^3 St, OVlW’GofcE O-JSl-odAUoS’. tt r iv DZPJ.J DOXO-X D/iJU DhOW’yZ 1)0.1 DKZPPAcf, Ootyz Tcr<».i miiESGr^ sjuiT-a wp Ttre- XT'y DhcfcOoiy JBP GHi DOO-.I.S. D.IO 1)4 DliGlX'.V* O'AjJGT^ O’OSPot- XtC. TAP.IZS, Gttjyz TG-o?a ai*ypa3*4,i. » ©j, o, h . T4" *lii.I DO to-XV .lyhP D.U, D.IG DO-K-V* qo«.l O^OXO-XV. DIiG-XVcPyi, J|!P nyipj pyi-cr.icr, Dir DriU>h<»E i-y^jp- of-. l&mayh Db ^yocs^tjipo?.!. db o-piiy.icr t>y/iRof dxtpa^ ir, gh<.5 d.o^) d«t nii^iE o-a sspe tup ®bry©- -xs. G^y^oiyii tsio-XoS.i i,g. T.iGivy, ui-yiir.i<*.i #*1,1,. D4i^.l. swyo. OM D.IG ' - •iJiiD ( - ., . no? ^ 7CPZ *y L- ‘ ,T " A *SICn; z p . ZW E*P fce:Zi/.T A^n- c ^ r ^- zsf-o- Diiiiy/iZc- D;-,ei,t4- oaa onn T^cr UMV-Sy TcrPdti,^ , iy ‘‘ r<iP c ^ u ’- 1 0»FAA<?s lift. :,,. , . J C-GA4" st^to-T^x orry^EK ,WHC~’- 0-US1 a X.TtflA QlJJh* £* . y - VMM* T-'l/.cr o«.sxx oje IpK , IA . 4 ' G . i.R^.tj- 1. i-rcPA A . 9Z Tc-irc-r s.\a nc*yn u-i l4 Tfll . T &#u , Mi ! DhKCr^ SAA DC l;e> j DZ suyo „ |(> *-iz c=wy<K/iiO Ai-P ®wy ufjUcT. /X T. crx«j>()-r’ o-s^A.s o.w szasw dmim, ay . I.ZO- Tsr* 0 J hhT4 D.IG -0- sr^Eo Ml TGroPAa* vo.u xw ts i> hhfij G «y pyovco.i Dh yf)rrAi 03,1 DhWI ‘ lAliAAS JiDZ JW-7 IP ° vfu * U * a AE JW®Tc7U,5 SHVKP a I,Mi> h mh ww^a.4 si ^yrcAb^ ts hr . r o . (fo-.i o-y jAxxr dxsp Ghiw* bv.,ks, i *- h-AC.^U CPI.PCr.l OMIVO-.S D4 ”* rs . JiS^IU DFotbnU Drf 4TPP Klri?.n, X.r UD I,S.14^ J<Tj9U0-^ .ilvAXy TCz7...c* [P- GU-v-^yr, /,,» usr , Tnrof . TI{ _ iWVVO-U SIpAP^otE^z DC.R C;p .j ^ liA.4.0 cz .SWA •51.AEPR ©z?r» A»AJtmvi^y h q ® tr ’ T80Pm5E Dll’ q«p TSSffXJ ,%i, A( . , cwy s*AJ J,R TSA«fM! ^y *ft PPP# n „y_ ns; a<«4 .inz .iy«M-G*jj yevT siv- yo tpjjw’o- jcavo-a Dyeu.Rjj db Ctcahf*. S; *.. M.W9 OP THE CHEROKEE NATION, for the years 1 S2f>, 1827 £ 1328 M sale at this office.