Cherokee phoenix, and Indians' advocate. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1829-1834, July 03, 1830, Image 3

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tssppfdl^pemsmats*asm tats*m 11 1 1 The last Nashville Banner contains edi torial remarks on the Indian bill. Al though we widely differ from the editor in regard to the design and effects of the bill, yet we arc pleased to notice his wonted li" berality. We are also glad to find tha* the determination ofthe Cherokees to bring their case before the Supreme Court meets •with his approbation. We will merely CHEROKEE PHOJESTtX AH) INDIANS* ADVOCATE. when lie expressed himself, to his family, that, “before a week more hail rolled round, he should stand a monument to the heavens and the earthV’ A little son tv.ns now engaged to ac- company him & watch his movements. All noticed his melancholy and droop ing appearance, at times, which con tinued their worst susperiollfifi On say that if the highest judicial tribunal j CruEy mentioned, lie visited one of in the land will not sustain our rights and 1 § 0 ^ mines otH fur^mjlanl h;oin his treaties, we will give up, ah J quit oirinur"! ^ 0USl! > accompanied bjMiis little sou -- inurings. j About sun down, they set out on their , return homo, \vke» they Had proeecd- j ed part of the way. he iiienlioned to his son that in? wanted him logo hack lo liic mine and bring his’pipe, j which he' had f . r :<u,, r, to bring along.” i The child returned jk> the mi,*' l'..r (he ]iij .*. h 11 not folding it, fi turned lo the s■ - .ii. whore lit; had loft his fa- , (her, hut no! finding him, hr spread the aia; in ai llie mines, when all turn ed out i.i pursuit of (lie deceased. ! 'wy couiitiiied the search until a- b i iL miditiglil, with torches &e. i:i 1 e» cry direction; but rvlunietl without loidiig he object of their pursuit.— Kiidy in Ac morning, the search was iDOBXJGSTIC. Lightning at se a—Loss op the I Boston Packet,—The following in-! foresting account of the loss of the j Boston packet, and hazardous escape i of her passengers is taken from the ; Boston Daily Advertiser of VVcdnos- i day.—-J\T. Y. Obs. Sailed from Charleston on the even ing of May 18, hound to livorpool.— Lat. 29, 31, long. 63, 46, Tuesday, 26th of May; at half past 10, p. m sharp lightning. At 11, heavy thunder and sharp lightning; the second (lash i struck the ship, burst the main royal 1 from the gaskets and burnt it, knocked 1 down the steward, and Isaac Hopkins, i n sailor, filled the ship full of electric j fluid, aud set the ship on lire, immedi ately cleared the main and after! . .... - . , . hatchways, to get at the lire, heaving ! 1)0 u ’ ( '^ !,h,! l v ve llis , s ? n ’ the cotton overboard, cutting holes in | j. 1 u .' u cr . n a . pretence scut Iwn the deck, and plying water in every direction, hut all in vain: the cotton in the main hold was on (lie, fore and aft, on both sides, burning like tinder.— Cleared away the boats and got them out, part of the crew and passengers j n f r ,,p * cril,et1 ' 'V 10 at work, keeping the fire downas i ,!,ou, l . 1,n ?, yen™ ofage. and has Jeft a much as possible, by drawing and !:cav- j lnr r SV ,a ' n,| y of Ipg water, hut all to no good purpose ! 1 lie Co, ' 0,1Rr s !n '"" sf u ' ns fu " for before we could gel the long boat , the ship's side, the fire had ( - v ’ " 10 *o- capcwr». oirvs dvu» o-otp/tzu tdiO jjtiiiu4 tctz o j c<r ,»5qp- *i>o-. Govy&yn Tcr^ji I-cB.i y® owy SJX‘H^OUO~4aiJi. TCTZ SI»I-Cr4*a x,. 0-0- OOTPAA B©, n«r *4«.a CPDDTPSoa Hi DVt&T, LoD.I y« cyess o 3 a»p4^).a svi-it. o j Pi l yiPo5Jiyi, o-etc— LiAf.I DIiGWy O a CHK l D^(n'..I ht-HO I‘RT. U.f’JhV 3 COLOT-A ©“luTo?.!—O^.o irT Dii* O’h TC'ewiy. .so coyovs ir.i-i, n.i.-i-reii n«, slz o-er-.ies^iA.i too- ijiyo?.\ xcr- Ay, DAVUhoZA I)hZ>I!©oF MiT.. ADZ C WP (PIp/lTotlili. EG.OT’JiRoSiI- *V* Dl.ffny, TCTZ SPIi"H’?o?.I. ILmJ J- emv.y, i.ot.i sn<2 luiit g\s5P4w)..i yc, liif LoJ.I LfiSUc.W* CrvU-4cV.I. ©ZPTM* 3 - otyii se&^oe.i, DhcJrii*v- 3 2 pi. £©(?.,} 0-- !w'H= <FT 3 0-Z 44Aa«y O’tvRJ SOP«S«A- s?.i. ci,«yi n; BKLa-lsOS i-irAS-qa- A. ii..*.iAS err 1 .vs^i.or.A.T'V-’. (rpity- .IW’oiyii Dd 1 U<PA<P OmtO-Tw.l. cn.vyoAy/i mjxr ns wot sy ^vi-.v y— 6’.to- O'Ac’n: Tsi4.vy.u-a* tor o*y.v iisycVE^iisr.a-T. tspt, c*?y*v» d.iz- 0“ Coi'l” UR IiCO GNtuyii TLF- IiF.R—I.dtvl ya W-<AWD4kJ, DiT Vtie5- Ptu'.I S5 It-TCi.IRT—no' I.oi.l TSiT’Cr- itw* 4M-4.S.I—fp.iwyoiivr. on wf.6?iv- ot.i, U4 •:yon vTct-.wv’ ©hrsvot* .t — id renewed and a little before sun rise lie j nrin-ujys cdiy Tcridt.v.i* tcpz rtspn- was found hanging o« the ptoj.M'iing j o.ut.i ne v-\rjia'>>r oiuirc- ssic-r, t- !imb of a tree, on the steep side of th\> l ivy -;o j ai Typ-cracr pet. mountain, and with hickory bark a- round his neck, dead. It appears!, T.iowy Tc=pcrT .i.cir, t-Adiw- that lie had matured his plan of es-! u ’lcrv.i a (i p tTPA^i SGcSry, 0- s j? a a ! <nyo>i.T 5 w;y .nycuv-T.i no o-T’jijt.i* n»r «a-» a a it t(vfcta.i^> for liis pipe; in (lie mean while lie j o>r:o(ra oir e 1.0-rii IiEoj 3 .klj^ nr:or’ turned into the thickets of the wood o^F.ocra o-SA'y ipmi, .ii y- and pursued his way to the side of the ; «y trw: CoTy PSPALo-y, jp*a.Ttc,. uj) mountain, where lie carried his fatal rpr oUiFRA^ ictajo j t ;w?yz ••csolution into execution in (lie man- j JAO-oetrz g-u.w (EoVX.msz jhidr n^i, puipusr., C(1 | JOf |.. 0 f (j 10 deceased on Satur- over , .... .... 1IU11| burst through the docks and out the j “U h an 3 m S larboard side in the ship. The flames raged with such violence, and consumed the vessel so rapidly, that nothing could he saved from the wreck. We got out about forty gallons of wa ter, and provisions sulfi dent, on a short allowance, to keep (lie passengers and crew alive for three weeks. Almost every tiling else, even the money AJtfSIrJ’ 5 RA Jt.AAJW.Tt!’, R.O &.AA5- WvliTT, SStfiXP UYAdr. .-JD hSJUU AJ.«- 03*’ na. EhCT-V 1 ’ GO-W UG or osjib a i.^if I).1 - ^UhGU'y DIiCvIpUZ 0-IiE©G'.9 ©ZfiT 5 IrS- O&JJci'Uhy, SD IpSOOaGlI R'Ty, aoASc.tA.9 TuSSaP DS-a PlroiT-aa/ia m.GWy Idpr- y. . scrw 'KT'OTVia 0 J ii.ics oor 5 wa n- watches, and clothes were destroyed. : naocST Dhcachciyh GiiA ic swo* tjs- At 3, a. m. the main and mizen masts 1 ItCdT.i de crojuaa. G«y>v“» .80 nso-vi-a Were burnt ofi‘ below deck, and the ; AJ.-st..r> dvia nirnwy. jurists fell i:i the water. At half- j J)ux c.oi^ (r’iD.aTc'ccii o^o-od- pns j 3. the passengers and crew were | Dhowy. iiviyn j.e *aorcADViop all in the boats; the flames had then j— ( ir\.a<f«wtyii tg'-a.i. yoft reached the forecastle, and the ship o'-Aaor^yh gic-ezadV, icsA.vyw’ .*>y. was one complete flame of lire, fore j se-vVovyu oxAtrtR o-n Iipe.ia- u- and aft. All on hoard exerted them- iicovy—sA-vvyz cropaoi. 'nvz nsr selves to the utmost to save the ship, 1 cro-won-T? o j ii'i*v my^-a gg-ji *toi : - put without avail; three hours had oticb. sgtw^d Dhowy o-o-udm Ex changed one oT the best ships that cv- j tr’xv.tfts, saz c O'EScr.i nv^i .’stn^ioF d,- .er floated, to a complete volcano, and jysjua o&sjra.i, A.itA’H ,\y cagc.inr cast twenty-three persons adrift onjO Joa*Gwy. c«y Jiii gmd Di.Gwy, the open ocean. The cabin passen- d«t cOzyGr*/' Ay<®JtMop joati’ .iviio- gers were Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, I /ia^, «<f sMdS»5a &cs\u p* a.\ii./i.a*, and servant; Dr. Wiliam Boag, and ! c&z d?-t *siiop jug^assaa. cpaagta- his sister Miss Anseila Boag, of rnnii- chester, Eng.; Mr. Niel M Niel, and Mr. Sami. S. Osgood. When they em barked on board the boats, it was raining violently, and tlie sea was running very high, Miss Boag, the on ly lady passenger, died the next day, Wednesday, from fatigue, and was buried on the following day with the church service. We remained in the boats near the fire of the wreck for two clays, and at 3 o’clock, p. m on Thursday, were taken on board the | ©wy <101-;. brig Idas, Capt. Burnaby, of Liver- ] seikUu l pool, N. S. from Eemerara, bound to j o r»z Halifax, and were treated with every ! o* v- kindness ind attention. After bein; on - ohit.... board the brig two days, we 0*11 in \y< with the brig Camillus, Cnpt. Robert: kg- Edes, who was good enough tonflerj us passage to Boston, and ree( i'*-d f.r . us on board his ship. The ship w is ! 1 insured, to the amount of $"20 0.10 at ! two offices in Boston. Admiral.Cof fin, after landing from the brig Cam'll lus, authorised his to present yiiRoP J'I'll UR 1! A ■ oiS.G'EZ lrpR, fr rA .1 - ,t.iz; *s.ipt.a^z jy im>u du z d pr; fimy AS.ii'o.aA pzy. i,«v-z cjy.Mcs, o-y<T- ©<ir-t yw a sea as o»E«irr..); n ,rz t.z; r 5 AK^J'-Siiio-y. r>iT di.c u,&. my gave a verdict of “ Sid due ; ©*v’ s.Mc^oT.i j.y tT-Gipy, no" of^ivm.i n© ”—,V. C. Spec. i nsi DtAA pr ayzi MoTtc-y, ntf c-z.o AEZUA-y GOIttfli B© JOTAO'JI*, CW’Z T- ys. r <.lory AyGPsy /,o- .iatit* G«y as- .ia*y D<r iis; Tir^T-a,! <r>A4-iy tr- iT’oT-v 1 wju r>y.vwr.f P4oT.i ,i,A4-ay a«yz DiiGaoRy oxn i»iiy.Mc~y stivei. y (f&a goz ssvvg; DuTsa o-ny nioiiMy o^g-ji no CEi-i-ioy Dd* zsr^iy uiiso.w, 0*GJT 0*.IGA-1 00- AJIW’ZO- TPoVLOy G- i oiyZ IiO- C^dtDGI- TT TKA Ky.IP Dir©0*y i Dcf G<V’ O^Odr dlPIiO-loiEy ..IS<?pr’ Dtf j do-sa-u u<r .ieo ants no" aToSja *yepA i DiT IiSl A Tot) A 0 3 .l*rTofA^ (SoWZ 'l F o'i A - I o- DW’ IfSWot 1)c" 0-JiJFAoTA TSI.O-FAiS'A.- ! oF C°LhFP TPhOvJ TSS-Uft SAA Tyi I)A- G D5W4 0-FhyA HIT IcIiEOIS AA(5Z li- <lo?A G^yov.-V* O'&yWAOA li-PA TSSJ” 0- ZC G^TAt y\Y‘V TElP EC,SZA liP-I- TSS- ! J- 3 ToT.I '<yyer.l>R M4Z 8T.0-F <1«F TS.l- j WO OEGGTA GoVy GO TO-A St 1H" I r.a gayz gtioToG cpcy^ TCir> *o-es o- j a mrseuAT o-a as-te avstuu ewy.s I TSAW *h$y AG&Gut&a .Ml AGf’RA 1)3- dcyii cn** 1 h. s ii r p Tcrw’Z e^^z .aw of a a TcvXJAR^ A Ay EX VO A I)Ii KWA O'GVV IilrSW.'T- tC'Cv niiTAStA* PRT D4Z DyC- •I'A-oOM TP4T Ini’ liyiiRWTofA TP4T AA- z ic?y*v*pp nyiii'AoEA &y pf.vat. TS1-T TJWoF ASIT’RA TGP.WOPotA AD nycjMi nEU?8t\F tsht 3 tgi otaap- «A Dll' J>n AGJ’RA TtshFS G-V’ 0 FA.i>'l- A4“» ,»y A«y.3iry i.irstotawiz rtAAA J'.ycr-SU A* DPR 5FIV.C O.'A’R n.IG OG-I AAA DiTIiG Pd* oM. <J i\U" V. it- srMoTt.a no ni-..>t':r«y « »y.v» ns; ~is a a st.i.w col 3 t , 1S30. SI. ’SI U.IA. Ah REzroF, ;l s^vyn" 3 *y. n *.\Ay HE 11E GWy* OA5A GCTCUA DV-1 IA1V- iSiE, AJoFZ SAW if 3 JF.G.WOA, .EWSS T- oScrt.VAJ-TP A..yP DSAAc®A<«):..y, H4Z (K l- 40-V'*. GA.y AU A'J«STiJ° RA .AJi.r 3 Li SLA — GcSy (JicV p TlrAFii'S TSPT—•TC~L- i.4o> CEd-JAur 3 TIpAF^A*. A A *V* O-OALW’o lrPR OhZ T AJJP *.'i P DoTSo8, op o yt-ti, 1 yyvTr-ay c-c?x • o- A. AD IiSJiSi). 8UPT—OI-JAW” li-PR 6EhddWA-:.y - ’ ajj ) yzi (.!' y. vvt a. *yu Diiffwy Mp*f.ia. * W Jli&ovLt-, C-G A AT. *i- ■i .'/It -Li-4 A hi-IV 0 PR G,i y-vi: gu.'j i> iisr'DhS- .14 '.A : ?PI*d5A ■AoiJJ' 3 © G«y^ Tfcch FSiV*Z hSA'V* 3 B© JiAiW 3 TCchFS. Dll IIVVYcSiAhA. A.D Adl?P Lh<TBW0-dL ©EA^^lOvG S1V- yo. ©SP h.©^T 1830. Dh OIiESCTA* AJ^P UhiKJI SLJJ JA- T!p . CPGd'diA JAT(P 0»ft5JSmqA AJaStiT* ra, Goiyz ©yAFj-ay ad i»sji5<*iy. G.Uy 0-iS5,1A C~Ah(?AS DhGWy nil (Gtj-f- FAA SoSLif 3 Gh.MS F.«yh Woi LI.A- oja* 3 ^r-^z Jreic ksviwajsa/5 ©y^-a 3 saa »r,Ayh © hy^-rsl q&- Gh.MS Do" IiVAyRI- A&F AAotAP SAA. I'll A OOR O 3 1: iG S L CThAGUli DI» SoSliT 3 T^lAP SAA *PJrA*a Dd" a.yjJW« SL G L CTI-Eop-Wh-n yw G«y ©I.(~ SliV- .•5-a.i ohMAJf.j* ewy ojbaa (=Ah0, G<S y FiAIii p JVA S S WWiT t ,1A4-Ty S LJ.1 J.VTfl”. G-Ir yp. O - iSi-o (i.i >' IiTiii.i - .'P..v?'lA A, Do" o- Capt. Mackay $500.” with :k for Suicide i. On Friday the 4th iust. j • :> i-hy.iG- ;■ G T •• S' ii PR 0'G*A K M- : • < " 2. A «o* y - li .-h II i'r-o* A1AA- ! t'.y. . y adFiV EliP.i -TO.Oi Iii)o3 CHOF- i ; "■ t a a . i li'lZ \JP Jh-aCoVLAA IlIiG-.Vy Do" JE- f,PA 0 hdo 0-hfil-EX. GrTy*V**yh GofiV’ i ZG-r^IF Oli CArh. UTZ Ky*FAE IXT li'S- IhytPAT. A-tlAC?" AA.IGT' .\GF.S1AFT, ! Do" OGA I I'V.'A ©y hF4LT. adz vvt rcrid'y tdxsfoP Tcro.r’.aA* Mr. John Smalley of Bracket town, j omseGrA Dhawy Dd 1 oiii*v" aps/iga. Burke County, committed suicide ; • l«v.i goctdr, Dd" oophn.aA i'4- by hanging himself with hiokory bark'] c?.i niiho?AA,>TEMvot5r)A(^A*. across the limb of a treo in the woods. 2. <tw«v**yh ,ioL^rn.c?.t p4A)A Gir- The circumstances as related to us A dvia, Dd 1 og A5iiy Tcrtiry *- by the Caroner were, that 'the«4c- y, «wd*yji ;.p.?tp<?Ac£.i* os^a. ceased had for some years sutfered adz auway m-k AdtyjTP Ti3»up rs- from a bruised knee, which had ejfecl- ppj9v-a\vo, xhUPAiVAyi, Oh^-Top. se ed his whole nervous system. For .*yii*LE&,opoj,ft^w*oiGAJOJRRA*L- some weeks past it had been oliseived h.a^iT, bo/ie^z jiiaa* oesFo>. ir- that he appeared strange and rnelan- dryhzo sgtait 3 ^GerjiTtSiA Go?y sha.- choly at times, but not tih about a ! a:pc.ta nrf bsac owy.i daoT-rnid?®. o j - week hefore his death, did bis family uajipit^z pp bsac, G<$yz aolo*v* d- ^itertain fears of his suicidal intention, iiicwy o&hvt^s bovie, d 0 " D4 aij? a o- ?. T-.M/i &4T C OXift? J.VX-T9 Dh GUT- * I.u.jj* S AT OV.h.IA ADct y Ii TSI T i C~- S'-A Do’ Ii-CSSWA-G Do" holy S Wife U Do" t r . ysv\A G..vy iisr 3 tg j 3 a,i d«t rallsvv- A-0 Gd»*V» hSACr C-'Or’A.I EIiG-A 1 ’ Dh jVlF s: y PRT Dd’ JAMS sysC.AR *. n.IRf F.» iiLTiV’ h-v 3 o*or 3 sze*y D4 t.*)"' goiN" ShJjftl.i L.ToT- DOIO-Ijop DhAXo® Fo-yh PI : SLCKLoUi.T 1)4 A FovA JJJl.MTcS A ILLO-LL l-> 4 L PALM FT G®ty«V 3 0-AX1 doALMop D- AO D4 G‘DFALA«V v ’ PF AXLO-iTT ycVA 4- Lo"*V’ >!)0“S Fwl JhC-r’T PFAT'.tV’Ayf» SL- C-T’AE G.Vy.e (hAKVoTAAoT- Ir-'rZ.GP TSlM tcp.u hs.ur G«y ad ADA.yh rti-r e- .r 0-EJ' 3 0 v Td?A DIuV S Si OiHYUyU lrf 3 S AD Irlr.lTot AoF JVloF TSsy PRT IrSA T- Go?y O'ovX-TAA DhAS.-O O’liO4AToTA.X AAtT.VA- A* DiT A^lcVy hS.IDA AJtSP AyC'M TS- 1-U VVA.I.5 DR^FA” G«y TEXT 3 .a A Aliy-i- ©AL.M.I TP1RA PET GiSyZ ©liSFAlh'l- jc Gay.r«Th ©ryaor 3 .iar*m a G»vy o - OA^Z DOLO-LtAC. TCTtiJJcTA Olt.'lTA.-I P- IiT GA y.,!Z O-r’h.CI, DiT ©I.CT O-OAiTFRA P4iTA 0*OR Al) ^P G<i?y I.CcAcVr.I ihoTT 3 DXLO'LAm'A Dd* AECv-lGdoLA.I s V10«y Of/lFRAdiyii P4<AA 0*0-R AT’TALTiAP <T’- Ii.aWh DhM(X;0-di’ TGTcAyh Cwy hSFdiL- IiA-KiG RyhAOPLIidlA G«y tc?yh AI\».l .SfAFcAPedA LovA.V* iW? 1 tT"poiP«J TGTZ ?yOAO-dL TST 3 D4^Z AiyO-AIiA’ 3 TSJ 3 T- GfJ?yh Gory hSFJJLO'JL LJtAA^oVyh ,i>y- e^P^A ©“CAiV'Ayh GiSLImPdCA AASL- 0-T’T TLGr»t;MfdiA4 A d*yh ©otf 3 9AJ»TP- ovPdSA rhiCV UPALaA* D*GIiE/tA e®P- ©, TKAoWh ASU'WI AA* 97. fT 3 A KP- otET FTBT 3 cF«V 3 TC“.-ST 3 S.'l J.ltT Foiyh SI- • RFSiV 3 li4rS.,| JrST’yD DAO if, qLtf nXL- ota ©,y uh ora ivy ir nypG'A- Ayji liO'J'.ir'O- DXF&LBAtV* (PiTAdtA (VCv- RA SFIiEMoF lf ;:z O-A JVF E C/XLO-LA *y uoxj’o- iiSAoiy.h Gily '.yo.v; yi,p- rrA P4dvA iiSAdiyii yi per A P4ofA i © yi>3”A4iGT Do’ GA-V" ApySiTA i\Tciy 1C O'-’leV 3 *AOTO-t.IovAoip..v.T Z>l‘Vyii CE- ZJ.-4 DypcrAcr prt ir.otyii g-pcea a::- oSLO-TAA O'dl^ IfCcJA r.*V’«l«.-A ©8Ad?.I IiSAhA yiipfi-“A P4 t.I O-CJT.-'.l hf=TPT SAA JiSAotyv RiV' 3 <1 ■.?.?,I ywLfwjo To T,. .IdEA s SZ 0 3 hE©frA«V M, diyii ft '[AC! SIiOt.A- A4d?.i F«yr. nyporA-v du t.xprt j.- d?AAyii day tgr’MT .l.. ■.i-a.I - .d- 4^Z A FA A PGT’A Girh SyotJrGA- IiT. ©, cay tst ©e7.i:4 sivyn ;yc-G a- ifiu.jy FAyh O'G.GV’ ye: i: s yxpct.»- •V* PR AMT or Adi E DU IUVTA J y AT cay ii-qaa IicsakpsoIof TCTotyu yoio- i j 3 DheqAtr-'i FAyii i.y wayza P4- Ji.i icAyu hLo" o'lo-L.i a: nn GXJ’O-T dSATM** yOLO-L.IAA ©O-E T ^A'S ©TFDAyh ©GLO-XAET F-Vyi, SI RI-'A** I) XT 3 A A J.SFoTAAE VAaiAAAAI. A.CF D4 ©GPfFEM yuF.rAy i ©csZiOf, swyo AAH : ©e:A,RS'IL Ad'EAAy J,'PA«5AAy: P4A.I DO C-ZAJ.1E, Olr-oO, OFF, LUVh, JAXA3, CV .4, A .VI h, D.YWOAM, SAT 3 , CfA’ACry r>, Cf^LhSL, IrVFP. ©, IiS.I .Ml JGMRA DhSliG O' OFJFC^A- iV’.SZ -Ve?r iMUOTAZT, DR LCrFLh. ewy AAJSFAy ajr-as. © t,.r TCiiu-vivi, T.ifftvy ic.-v 3 sa.t TT.T-y I) qhJJGA-ilT DfiCVlih AhiVOy 0*h- EGG'Afr n o" 7 y z .a f t t b r oV a 13 t t r y a \ - T 4oOI 3 r nyaTFAit-T TJCWy Dd 1 T.3EM- AG- TP.y^TI'Aot'T TI.r-oLA' 3 AP5*ZMFT A- AORA C liEWaWT OoTX11A A G~ A"" A V Ii G- :»•«*' JhEYiVfVuI C'liJT TSAGffAGT Cz-JACZ CHAXIiAACrA* 3 Dy,l-'-lcT- SlC-tdCET O G-AA'’- C'u DOl-iir.aoF RWA TPE.l.Hr TSLC'TA- rr Do" LET TLF.bFRT PSTAF.lCr OGA DOFhtRloF GIp* D.7A OGA pyii J.VLAoT .. h^-lM D0LO-oot T 4.V.IA'"ay©Dt 4 •-iO-oL J:'AW "JorV.ICr Ir^oVA TyjTT.'.t.; Do’ Ti.yU'VLt-A- 3 Tirsc-vl- O-TAA* 3 4F»i- doVct.I Ttrsc-fp s’.r-S IiVAA.C A”, 'I TT 3 TP- ye VL.idtA .iy.\L o-gaa 13 iptfrlip de ■\ypGTA P4T LSI-J. TAGWy I.A' 3 RWA- a^z 0 3 b-crA ipro’AdtvT vssr 3 m-emo’aa titrz ruyinaa.i a erz i-yocv. -vy cu* 4 GOFIiEX-cTA Dd'OdoA” TER Ih,«'.’iA* 3 A- rdt.a Ry.'F rd?Acr tsstapoTa it.*ar Tt'li ,’, V PdCA D4 ,"Z (T'flOT Ah- Joo- LT 3 T Tyo-©AAd?y ZA"’.SZ A.VF AADirO- ,'lop AJoiLT 3 ! A, I SUMS 'I yO-OoTA.'. CT .III- IpMTcF .1,1 J A T X 3 tin EC.Gl.V-4A 8.4-TT I. y TLA RA It A z yw rr- S05 \Ip c.I-]i'^F4<'F IpcSW-T-oi ET TOPA' 3 - A'r,:z Iiaa-'-ia 13 ‘.y.-y-.r’ datad d 3-4‘V 3 CHhoF 0-VARGA GAy Z DIV. IiF-U' I jEc. a oCvP.icr CuTy tj’lvet dy>fa- (r.,4 LA- 3 Z-e Lyo-fidtlh AP J.3L PT P<y- f.'Adt.IG" Ciayz iLA.I Ip Re r’ .4P 1 S* ft TtsH'4o> Tcrz r; (rMha.i iva:i- 3t-- Tdf.TA- 3 r.GlO-'LdiPdiM irdSAA* 3 A'-IG L 1.^1* PdF.I LCTAA-* GtS JS0J..iy Ii SMAT IpT- dtSTdFAT C~ L O-X A c,T A T (lay.r VSilT 3 Rlp- .a-TT S04 APdIA TSFT 1 ToCLf'oTAfiA TS PT usaj 1 ! I. v :iOA t3 ovy i>p.yno o.v w-f.t ©vyuA^Airr ne* BRyi-Ave Tv.^i.dDA- hA hSAA* 3 TyI-crA RASh 'JSTRT OV *©- IiES TSCrAoty T<rz Ardf.I Py^RFdiL- df.iGr sguat TAfi.vyr o* Dkt- 4oF .4 A J ATT 3 TWA,RET ADZ GAA‘ 3 hD- T’MoF T 1)0.1 op DGffl 3 IiE.'T’T q LCroLC?- avvt’A home Pui-ALdfA uy cayz Sh» ©PRT L.IRAAD TDG.IoT- OO-CF 8Hi 11- nRdtyii G^CvGLyi.iovyh her.a- <4 1)4 Gdi>yA* 4 hSI n,r.O-T’T IrZdFP TGSH- iSdiAMM 2»V* h-ZdSP OdSlJ’T Hi XAtfPRT IiSAGT TGtPAA Ir^^O TJ01V# Ii^fPT DIi fLP* ShdoT Add-US DB 0b. Of thi. Candidates in CooSeewaytee, We liavc been requested to insert the -follow irfg; nanu s for the Council. For the Committee.' ELIJAH HICKS* JOHN RIDGE. JOSEPH VANN. For the Council. JESSE HALF BREED,' WAT IE WHITE PATH, CAEDE HEE, JOHN NECOWEE, JAMES FOSTER, 1)E SAM DA SKE, GEORGE FALLEN, HARRY DOWNING, COO LAII CHE. The following persons arc Candidate^ for the General Council, to represent tnte District of Etower for the next session*.* For the. Committee. DAVID VANN, OLD FIELDS. For the Council. JOHN REAMER* C! JULIO, BEAN STICK, SOFT-.SHELL-TURTLE,- • JOHN FIELDS. WALKING STICK. - The following persons are candidates fop the Genera! Comic 1 in Ahmoliee District* Foy the Committee. LEWIS ROSS, THOMAS FOREMAN. For the Council. GOING SNAKE, DOO-SU-U O L\-IU JAMES FOREMAN, joiin watts, Mi.j. JAMES MARTIN, GEORGE Bl’tLER. The following is a list ofthe names ig candidates for the next General Council tot represent Cliickamauga District; For lltc Committee. JOHN BALDRIDGE} JAS. BROWN, JAS. STARR. RICH. TAYLOR, jraiji* ueLAervidiy. daf neio-tdiy—two «sp<?dty'\ UMVe-y—tya'ji, tx, jztyz di,A DOLAera^y- d^f D6Lo-t’j?y—a a. Dcaas^ay^y'if.- .ihvvey—jessp, s^ct'vl, yen:, oc.s, T»XS,1SZ. IrS-TS POLAOT’.IcVy. dap noto-Tdiy—c.y.T, JtvzDdiy. so il., (VGM.IZ. v MhW®y—oF©GSd?a, iiMs-sr-oT-, Cvol'lp, KT.I^, SZ^dy, SGGidiy, eux» i,y. rw- 3 ^) rxi»r.A«T 3 .idiy. ■ n„>P DOLO-Xoty—SSW, SJG.P Ce V.sit v ' <u. ahwsy— D!p4, ETiJ°j GIp, dsms, w* an. afiFjiy, xs.tjy. TAKEN 1 UP- 1 >Y Thomas Gann, a small sorrel Poney' 3 with white spflts on the legs and belly^ about 12 years old. Also two colts -fib' her, one a year old, and the other voting. Any person owning said mare and colts are required to come and prove oronrjtv. qav charges and take them away"? ,T , 3 0*l isen 10—tf. Mouse Town, 3d June 1880s Mr. John Marlin, Sir—-we stood bound {q you for a permit for Samuel M’Junkit^ iherefore tills is to inform you, that we can no longer stand foi him, as his conduct ft such that we do not feel a willingness to bw ' cund for his future behaviour, tlierefoifr will feci ourselves no longer bound ftF him, , JESSE bushyhead* THOMAS FO R EM AN 1 *, JAMES FOREMAN. —.— * - CASTINGS T TTF. SnUseviber has for sale a quantity nfC-VSTIWOS, ofohr,«ct /.very d es * crintion; lie will sell low for JCI? c ash or lie will receive Hides, Deer skins,and all kinds of Furs in exchanx- 3 for (hens: JNO. F. WHEELER. Nov. tft, 1P20. C ON ST1TUTON of -Hie cherokff. nation for saIFE HE WE'. NOTICE. * A ll persons indebted to llw Estate of t!m Cmnn 'ate of Aquohee District deJ* censed arc. requested to malce irrmediatlS pavrnent. And those who have claims av . ainst said Estate are requested to present 'bem properlv attested within twelve months from this date, agreeably to tttfe laws of the Cberok* 3 ' 3 Nat-m 3 . JOHN TIMSON, RODB1N VUSRAT. jnministralo'riPl Aouoheo District, June 2d, 1830. s-tr.-