Cherokee phoenix, and Indians' advocate. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1829-1834, November 26, 1831, Image 3

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v e ters m*‘ r - !y? .“jcrstan't also that Ins lo tion. SV Im n.pting t° " ,,rk <'P°!‘ ,11S “ l0rS bv%l ‘"C »m ,hat e “ ’ I'rlfSj rcu> «• a !o u.. i of the ink-i'i>» t’- J paring to overcome these last obsta- '*H n u U rrtverni»enl;• agents. VV> un- c | e s, when Gen. Krokewieki sent soi l ri°hc i«sliU in confinement at 7,' General Promtzyhskt to him (0 an* « , * nd “ ’ - *» a M,SS, °" 1 nounco the intension of the Polish ua- lion to submit to its legitimate King. These sentiments were, ho*, ever, not Confirmed by that Chief of the Government, who soon after came in person to the Marshal. He affirmed that the consent of the l)let was ne cessary for such submission. Alter the most urgent exhortations and representatioirs, of the inutility of further defence, and the disasters *’ b} ' *Lf th* Georgia charts, enu- re»* oVC Arkansas or be sent toihe ihmiten- .rrat c t0 , \ rrn 0 f four 3'cars. t»ryf®r ,he (M,“okce, Moses Bo.iistick, ^ not tier G treated in the most t***^.."Tim jail O. Oacioll barb»t« u5 arr esled no» long, OoU»')> injured by r-r.mng a . on the forehead iv.ih a mm- sever* t>*“* ° a certain ivbiie emigrant, ket,j ai t *’*®*jj not worthy to be repealed whose »* w '.'"roiier |„ report him as here, th °“ t ftU le . 1 he object appears threatening,1 >» man into silence, and to be tot*f ( *' e, J as possible io enrol to “induce’ a* n * ‘ them in the man- •-peaceably*. b) \v t * do not here make ner above r late* • c01|Juct 0 f the enroil- in v retb-cuon^ ^ Ucvc they are honor a- mgagenis-'^ , lo Jo%vhat ,* right a. d b lea»en,and " - It is due to to satisfy Wm *r f^; rnuie nt that they nr the ho‘W r o < ; _ 1S co mj.cbed to enrol un- ilntno {[ any wi*h to lie businc8 is in some degree suspen ded, the Ministers ate insulted, laugh ed at, threatened and bunged in efli the French Government has been de tained 2 mo.n atBerlin 1 & his passports discredited? Whether the French gy—crowds throng the streets, with ; Government made an otfieial cwimu- crape hat and arm bands-- some pil- j ideation to the Polish Government laging gunmakers’ shops, others busy | exhorting them to avoid general en- Poland.—We are indebted io tlsfc office of the National Gazette for a slip aimouucing the arrival of the Thomas Seallargood at' Philadelphia on Saturday from Hamburg—loti the land on the 21st September. Ex- in listening to the ardent appeals ol j gagements, to uct moderately and on the tracts are given from the Prussian the newspapers—the theatres-arc i» 1 -1 defen^ivvy because in fivo mouths an in most all closed—this black flag is hoisted in some of tb* main streets— the drum beats houily to aims—the Marseiiaise is publicly sung in tue Palais Royal—the troops of the line are in motion—and to sum up all in which it would inevitably bring with i one significant sentence, tire Ministry it, the General withdrew at ten o' clock in the forenoon. Hereupon, three hours more were granted to General KrokotvirkL within which time he was to announce to the Mar shal his final resolution. As this was not given by one o’clock, the Marshal sent word that hr would give orders to attack Half nn hour more was has been twice defeated on points which it had strongly at heart. M. Casimir Perier and Sebastiam had a narrow escape with their lives on Saturday. The French papers contain an ttb- vention would take place, which would insure the independence of Fo- Giizelte of the 18lit, containing news from Warsaw to the 13th, live* days ifter the capitulation. YVe find no- land? and whether the Pulish ! ‘liing particularly inlciesiug; lurther eminent and commander had not act ed upon this advice, relying upon this promise; and whether it was not their adhesion to this policy which had brought that commander and gov ernment into discredit with the peo ple and produced the internal com motion, disorder and dismissals at Warsaw. To these questions the ministry requested for consideration, but this i *>«<» without» 9 » titf : c ‘. 0 ' y W .ll 'iS i answer benr, given, the Marshal is s ted orders tor the attack. It was ! terrible, and very successful; flags ol Jliu c were sent, but tbev brought j — ~ 1 The attack) . i'aii i only dilatory ftn.Utfctft. DISASTROUS NEA h—t ADD, %vaf ,| , cri .f f ; P0 . begun upon the sftd- the 21st says—W e yesterday reretv- OF'»VAR«AV»! on.l lino oft ntrenclimont, which wa* the Pori* paper* ot Sttmlay and the N-wVo.k Cuuner of Oit. 81. j ^ noint n ftti C bayonet, the Messager des Uiamues <htted Msiudav A l!V • V HVU VUIIIUIII j - v - ’J ~ J stiact of a circular dated Waisaw, i said that they were not to answer Aug. 15, and addressed to the Polish * questions until Monday. T his* rep!' Envoys at Paris. 'This document is I was remarkable, because a moment most affecting and impressive. it j before Perier had said, very crankly, charges the cabinets of England and j that thay were ready to answer any France with bad faith, and adds, that if Poland be again enslaved, ?ts fate innst be attributed to their ‘ hypocrit ical sympathy. 1 ’ The L-M)uou Morning Chronicle i f r r om the *"■* ; l-arried at the point of the bayonet. ttv the British ship Ar kwnght, j enemy .who »n the meantime rc- Iticii arrived last evening, j ceived reinforcements, vi-io ottsly Dundee, on the 24tii September, we j t \ e ( en( \ v< ] the gardens and the *dgcs i. ve been able to obtain from a pas- i ditrdws towards the Jerusalem sender site oiilv late paper en o '^rd ; barrier, and even made our troop** ^-the Dti.uiee Couiior of the 2(>ih~- j way p 0| a niorncnt. hut theai- iviiicii cunt a ms the disasterous idol- : ihnu o r,p c \ A \ X or re<,v h!: they qnick- fit»euce we give below ot the suircn- ; { y scaled the walls t \ the <'i'v, which a",- uf Warsaw lo the llussiaus. h'res- r.t.d n most form =■ b ! do Muh of F r omtl»« Dundee Courier of the 20di Sej,1 fall of wAaivu 'pc capital sit 1 n> * >‘!cn \f\or t vo days of sanguinary surrendered hv capitut quest on upon the spot! V\ hat is eur inference from these facts? it is that both the English and French Governments expected that the Reform Bill woukl have been disposed of in a month or two a 1 details are given of the siege: tl.o Poles and Russians appear to be on the best terms; no proscribing, no executions; tiie word “treason ? uct even mentioned, os was formerly ib<* case, when European slaves fallen §»♦ their attempt to throw oil iko ch«a« ol their tyrants. Part of the Nation al Guards in Warsaw were doing duly together with the Russians. Per sons and property were sale. 1 lie Grand Duke frtichacl htui ainv cdj and taken up his residence in the i ity. Tlic remninder of the Polish army were at Modin. A cessation oi nos- tdilies was to continue lor a luil- mght, till bis iffiptniu! Majesty s de cision would Le bad from bl. Peters- bur O’ 1'ite Glob that most chaste, dc* ; dc!cnee. ; vbirdi b.-• i (XT *r!a\ S a i i \V f*J? h H! i h the Russians cot red Pi | oYloc ! oi**nis, the : * v<r ry thinu J f foiu b.> iv | ,n living cajnu. uiiiratinT is i litul set hi. ftv)l me «tTtcs uf the Ci >J‘>tt Times : pose- 4jf li.t> !*>'»•• The contents of these papers, as •o il hs cm correspondence, are oi the most serious import. Great vYi-in^es at P-jris arc unavoidable. Bui, besides ibo affairs of the north ol Europe, France, it w ould appear, 1,« threatened Snalu, in case the gov- niamlcsto of the Polish dirt they j ^f that country interferes in speak with nidi i( ion id D.c d:ypc-: critical j*vinj*:Dhv’ oi Fittiue and Er»- i gland. The question* of Lalayetlc^'vhKh • tb-» F t ench ('liars- doubtless an* Jntix in <i = - luterrogaiive , , , . . .cent veracious of official organs-- mo.t; ami that they tvoultl then unite | ca!hD(lffGrei , n . Mhc t:8 V.. rut Ml .u save «ml, reward noble & ntltnirn- | ut u „, Kd.Unia! wince bid oleml.VVo Itavt* r« loubl|(hat l'c*i;> ; th „ j^.u-hburg Nirginlan presumes **• »»*«*» «-el . giving such ativu e to j ljie Ui ; be 1IH ,f n8 Hutt he is the leader I ehiml, but lie ongtil m.l to have Hone i o( l||e reh ,„ U((1 among me ,mUcc Sh- •J mdes* he wassure dfhoth the w nl; I1(1 „ „, c !lli8 , v su i i % ,ngly •Si the pow«*r to luildl his promises. jlbjo’bie Hi* advice crippled Poland, and * ’ ’ I'rr^rU l .- bin r .-hr^r. pi'o\*-tl her w oi 51 t *. lulhe !a.s« noswurjuA.'; *. -•.. ^ .-e. •■re*.—.0*- tt*- --jws •d t |> Tbi' progitli'-s ot v.Yor I in-. 1 »p vanchiug ronicst hetw vo r-r. tv dl»t.tnj*-ui^h.fid the I D It; t'cio a..d D >a Miguel. 'flit* •i. and »\* nine !‘ ; -u? 1 ituti^'u'l ,-ves passages T*om a t h*' v'::t l i v C r ’: - • t." ** i * •>’>. Gi» 1 \ r j%€£&:: * — -y. m •< ^ o: *» ?ir: *rna disy *: - v i i f i N. oi vvi. 8tn oi i. ; -t i cd at this olhot . 1 1} a. f j yi t i) tbc town LioJ. oivl % •1 tin l ;«iy req tiihmi' iwgc.l | iGir’ oi v>p.ii ui'Cti re* | nr n-intcrvci tioo, tv< ubt l*»ad <•> “O Vi i d iutohigenro was roce* ^* t | unit ny J.I R run ou Ilte I Ub insUot. of the j n -arly I Oi cavniulation o. tbo city .... liv.. -Jiti. at 81* o'clock, I . '1 . af- i ‘lavs. The !b:0 j . -if cat«enchme ds car 'd j ried by storm, 6,0<X) prisoners and | lOOpiccts’-, were the | of tltcsc two motnorable | , s . *.va!h I *d AIT »it *. > .»t the Court of.Madiid, foim, explain lo imr miiul ihe coin- *m the iuio**' j iMtiifi (hat t deparlurc on t* i0 J plaints M me perishing Boles; arm fri'in ♦ ’t "s'- in* ’?>b , i>* i h ;■» crus-?:c/ of ihc i’yroncc? bv ijm I* t ' ii * troops F &': t:-** *.M.v*sarh # 'c .IfQr'rtk PiHalTR-.S Ok id-ROi’B. Wo now the last act cl lie on *h t ['i’i it ,lll L tl |V A <1^,0 a-j'u ticiuens* ate the cio»e ccmicx » u t c:i I Lo <• ••iii.estb a* /' tunnr 1 n-jii B t■:ftr-- i ‘•'..Deal Sh.ihlho > twins. i tl.c ^ f n: > k '.in i.'Sinr. s. , n \ t A- I'OVf* i i • liii • QC*i> I ilepoit to th* (Jt.n:i.i,i.i«'■«'• 1 KRiKIl AN D I’GRAND. At tlie i’alai. iv ■■ vi uiuL'» a,se:u- .-j .>; i •" r» b.iniicn of a Pa pi o,* 1 0:a ^ Kail-vrsr 1 the trnzedy of Poland. ft l>ns been i bled; the .loumnL ait; reati J ^ . . ‘ . A % * I * i I . . i ill in after piece may possi- on some rlumcnrv oi the i i maul theatre; but the interest to I jT< nr, h;1 we must turn to new cue • W e have ibouc-bt for sonielinie that but sis of indignation are lur-w i inent. There is Miguel, as favora ble a subject for cmistihitional pur gation or expuigation, ns heart could j ine r *sir. but he is nevertheless rf prrs* n oil parts, ami ttieie i* »iui cue - **\ivc la Pol ague!" and *A huj Min.sties.” '1'he black tU;g it. 6 accui l oisted in the Rue ^>i. iMaiioi. h , ^uiimmilb s shop has been tmlctc-u, ; aaU ail the atsci^ccl ou lUv; Dum- r bfJdr^'rtiw dn'.he i """‘‘Nothin* coul.l «„m m the city \ hn* v oi, played ami there -i.liL.o«lu.od Jurin» which the Rns- i the cncmj’* army. Both, there-( "'y .»'■ * s j a .f, ciirriml by ..*»uU all the en- 1 * orc . implored tb • InMcli'iieiit* which had b:*-'n raised Kinperor, and this nrcumsanirr set tbo city ! ill add it tbo Marshal's duty to re- t * r ' Pol'ih Arm.- i ■ib.vfl t,, sir.!., the vengeance u‘ liio sold , , , . , “ a the .:f the! which was excited to the utmost by , I’-rtugal would (.rove the salient point Govern'tent, retired through Praga i sueh an onstinate 111'..'Jldnllimato'ly and* real I v ,*prin^. U " xxt : zaz i isav *;z:; ufL, r..... ^- - -•» maalt living p rl'eet y . persons 1 milled I o the Monarch; the t aad properly wer# respected.” j in COtilonnitV With the _ “The poles .verc retiring upon | ma''<t 1 is gone to cf rVdaTS Aloitiin aitj t'Gckj whore tt is sup- j - ;- V ■ t in?^ o».' • • ^ ^ , n -. n »vho unites tbo prireiples and svmpa- | will bring on the sulijO' t tor Uiscnssion thiiiS of lories and absolutists. Pedro, i in the chamber ot l)tqiutios. s; si c- rs' *1« VOIVll -NT. With lb- Si'LUi ! QMS . tiUit fl WIgLij, 10: K-U 1 ho glorious success ivhi*:;» 01 mined’has bam purchasctl by sc> c-.: ibc Field Marshal himself»‘ J bis bioilier, reprcsciffs tiie constitu tional opinions of Europe and Amcri- ranee n»ul England have* fleets ailed fitr Lisbon to avenge as is Kroko rick, has! upon MigudJ new »<Kl the left «lre»dy «« i ] upon Mix' plainly hinted in papers, to as- . jsist Pedro. W !o -n for some- a j time p haod. that I Azores tr. *-• i, i\«r apt or h ».o In gome days w e I limed they w.mla M**|he «» to ! shall be able to 4 Linui., themsedvosT , account ot those *nt SurV- is Ih.R substance of this fatal i«telli:;ence. L is si ill -aid that the Polus will maintain the struggle.-—j lo 9 *®*- But tb loss of their capital is a fear- j has received a com. is, on on fjl blow, aud mar w » tear, prove fa- ] a, m ant ^ brea?5t. t ,I to their cause: I resigned his powor. 1. VTCST FROM RNG1.AND. | ' ^Ytw^b d Marshal in two Uinie preparing an expedition. The »hT Colosi;... at Philadelphia from | letters signed by Ins Y'V”'! ±,^Yurrection has kiv-rpool, wrings tin* 21st, and ^- pymlmr. This II. S. Uaxett. , a.,u, o. n-, vj| , ?ue |', fleet to Don Pedro, fur: sites the annexed items. 1 he r-mst ho||. I Spain on the »tlie. sate has a largo dw'—lro'is intdligeuco of the kM* ol pcic 4\araaw, reported in the Ne'v ^ oi k j and CiJ;iri#»r, \ut regret to say. is but too , lions Capturc-A letter | “The Lur^on Morning i lorald of the ' threa-uod to pass ifa fliited VV : aiRii\v, Sept. S. (written ?*y | IOtlii says* t. . n , , • • *, in. fnt,** ot Warsaw and inc iu- a Russian,) savs—‘-Polaud is ugo.n 1 1 1 . lclfl f p., ~ in o» so sacred a cause ns t i*t ol I o land, appear to cast a general gloom at I'hiliulelpliiaii'om «tt,.o ., , * , . Fiozk with i.i- «ncU seriou* insurrection has occur- principle Iigs London papers to he leads tnc a. my to i lozkwm , M r ,,leria. The French gov- overcome Liverpool t<> the 22d ' tent ion ol nraittni ^.-.trUecoa, nJMjd d...ta ■ over Wl . |„| y , Be The IT. S. Gazote , »«»««!* h ' s ,r 'l'« r, "‘ T! ’ * . IZr. fled to Don Pedro. ! gal. i » t >;it Ci ii 4t!\tl % cvaic Poissoumcre, anti tweiy wlicre j r f*.«U« ^ we meet c i.:i»u hat bands, unj-u] , irt »5> "*■'« , ‘ , ,iii • r vef ft ..:. w-t.-vt.f.a itwi.b it>i Lne:i.e w ec-pc. s, aud we hoar tue toud duep h Citrus’, curses ot those who made the Revo- • For nu 1 t.t.vri..c , l !i m /-it-u.cmc. Bar- lution against ihoso who h.;vc ihus ru- j .rt*r.f% •d it. Oil Monday r.i. Mauguiu, : *■ u * ? ur.^ it.i, iin- llie Gen. Laiayettc. ami M. Laurence | . t . \ n r L oi a:i JUipiLVenii.r.t ir, tlic iurt^. - . . I'-'g. I'OWH' % i iro kcin.ii.,:> wic Editor, Miuist.-* is must by oveiihrown. ^i. ■ »'m bloiv.;,ij ..aciuctvy , Sleohei's. Perier must be sent back lo retii e- | l ' 0i Gouccnti aung .Sirup t»y Sumui, ment, obs(*uiity, and disgrace*. The Revolution must match; and u war be necessary to assure th»> iiidepei'doucc ol Poland, and the progress ul the Revolution of July, then tve must make war, and sustain war, and de feat all our enemies, rather than the principle of Revolution should be either in France, Poland Belgium, Spain, or Porlu- i cevere m mesc good semimems, *-? 4l ” , . “. ...... ,I disregard the pm tidious iininua- army, and ha* given such muicatioi s , ns wb!< , mar. prUpi, have been oD determination '.a assis* Mignel -lr..8,eH ta it ■’ that the trench government have suhjert to its Dwvful sovereign. On the 5th inst. Field Marshal Cfmnt Paskcwitsch sent a confidential offi-; ovc. the public n-.tnd; hard and imttr rpr to Warsaw, to demand in the'are the complaints against a govern- iwme of his majesty the sniimission | ment, which, hy a single rnamtesta In the Chan.her of Deputies, M. Perier has been defeated — bulb yes terday and on Yiuiisday—signally aud triumphantly defeated. \ uu know xhat the jabberers about poliiics iuid 1- or a vujsip-G.->ition i'cr Ut.*«2r, litna's V ot <t .•t/duuiiu lor cutting C*ioss and Gram, Manning's, i:\6i.i8n mexTS. For iijm1 tViaking oi uon, liutLjit'ta' *, r oi ii*q»iOT euitMits in LurupSj<Si.i<:f/i-* hue si's, bur Extracting sugar or Strop from Gane juice, JJerosfie's, For impiovrinents in Piano For*i’s ixunt/ia’s, I’ or luipruv cmeitis in sails for Ships, Breaking*.*. for Evaporating Fluids, Budwnrlii in i‘uiccell's, Nature and .Properties of the Sugar Pane (concludedj, Remarks on Lotteries. (if the city, and to jTromisc, on the other hand, annuity and pardon.— AVith an infatuation which eannu* be sufficiently deplored, these words of pcare were rejected by the h |dei tiou oi its will, could have raved a brave nation. The latest accounts from Paris represent the state ot the capital as most alarming. i he pub lic feeling is raised to a state cl of the insurrection. On the 6 h. a, j phrenzied hostility against the min.s- 4,y break, the Rnssion a, my advonc- j le r «. on the,r policy towards 1 oland; ed to storm the city- Alter a most j their I’.inds have (alien liom^tod desperate and sanguinary resistance* percent mir soldiers with rare intrepidity, rn • ihuins lvc s masters of four re doubts which lay upon our line of attack, as well as the first line ol entrenchments which surround nr- snw itself, and of which Wnla is a p»*rb*(!t fortress. The task, howev- ^ r, v%as not curled with this*, there icmni**f»d n second line of entrench- lc^nfs, amt a b rDac j mo at round the city* defended by bastions. Great excitement in Petris.—The London Herald of the 20th says;— The express from Paris gives alarm ing accounts of the state of the French capital- The news of the fall of Warsatv seems to have excited among all classes fliere a phranzy equal 1 L 1 ‘i’* !*'/ H>( 5 ib ir>! ICY' I?!* 1 HO iSf l >£ I IBO IS? 11-0 lt>l IMS l‘Ji !9u 19E ib 18T liit 20<^ 201 ili aor Of)«. >10- and inevitably occasion the great stru2?lc which has b^rn gathering du- rjpar sixteen years of .*'t*neral peace?— peace, which has always been ?rain to the ri-hts of the people. We think it will: am! we shall lock to Tyisbon for a revival of that interest* •> hirh bns perished at W arsdyv. If will be Scon by our foreign col umns. that ns soon as the news Dial Warsaw had fallen readied London, the Reform Bill was suffered to take its third reading without anv debate or deiar! to the astonishment of the three kingdoms! A new' proof that the Tories have protracted -that dis cussion for the very purpose of kili- ino; Poland, and thus preventing the possibility of British interference to to that produced by the publication of the Poliguac Ordinances. Men view it as a national calamity; as a I national disgrace, of which coch in- “At four o’clock in the moroin* of! dividual must hear his share. 1 he substance these questions to the M»n- •tlte 1th tbo Field Marshal was pre- j majority of ilm shops are shut -pub- [ i str y. Is it true that a Courier ofj save her, when earl Grey should find himself disembarrassed ot the bill. There is another proof—Lafayette m the Chamber of Deputies put in hundred days were of course Discourses and LccSm-eSbefore Uio A- taken awov bv the cruel and ignorant j mencati ln.-,titute cl iiitir u - Restoration. ' 'te« i ntitlcd to bon- .... * »»?. M . _ !,s anil ,,unions have since the Ite-j 1 " 8 C.m r .am 01 „ volution, applied to re-wear and re- j i ie American Library cf Useful eniov them! But M. Perior h..s re- , Knowledge, fused bts assent, and has pleaded the ! New convcisauons on Lhemisttv. Af iiinncr •mci not Meteorological Observations t:.r Au- ( |Ucstion as one ot liiiatKC aiiu noi oi ^ honor—of poun.'.s, shillings, ami pence, . Tllo J, " W } 10 0 biam £» subicribcrs, a.iJ w and not ol justice or ol natioUjl icoi* ? tbo amount of tlicir snfmeriptiohs, t be inr* 1 Yesterday and Thursday Mai - j ^entitled to the 10th, as a compensation fot shot Soull opposed a project for is- j h * irtroub ‘ e ’ _ > conferring these grades and pensions; \ * but be opposed in WtiU, »nn t IL • monday ii»e 9th day of January Chamber adopted the measure by a t next will be soid to the bigbewt bidder erreat rnoiority. ! * I kt the late residence of Thou. Monroodc- & 'n»*» drums beat to arms! The j ceased, all of the perishable piopcrty be* mobs are assembled i ' * . .* j ed consisting of Horses cows and calves The Place Vendome is tuii Oi eili- Dcds, chairs and ether property. 21S 214 ib 21 L D‘ be zens- There is but one cry, “Live la Pologno!”- u Do\vti w itl> the Min isters!” Patience, and you shall see who is right—Casimir Perier, or. fl p. Q< blMKON VYHIT-fe, Almir ntratori ,\6». I9tli, 1 J 31. 20—4t. CHEROKEE ALPHABET Far eale at tht Office of