Cherokee phoenix, and Indians' advocate. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1829-1834, December 03, 1831, Image 1

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GW V CHEROKEE puoanx 3 if & 0BIAIS' i;->V((UTl . ami* w v SV. xww zoacosx., SAETOEi^o jBaaaaasffi ram isr.M# .u— nnTifraai m w JU ufi *’3 9 *# I VS BOUDINOT, Editor. j ed to strike iter. ‘Change,’ I added, ^ " i niNTtv uttat-YM ; that part ol your plan. The whole JOH T OAHOY; | of to morrow is at your disposal; I r _ I-„a'.rt in ationcp, $3 m six promise to do to-morrow all you • V u* » 1>»‘‘‘ »“ Ue enJ ortUe j wi . h ’ • Well, y I will 1 you are in the right, have the cab iolet stationed Give me your word that you • fosubscribers wl j° V]£. e w Xh< . ^ >o0 |iiear. Give me your word that you CberoUee language i i ^ t witU - u U|e | nil! obey me, for that >3 your last re in advance, or w , j source.’ I took her hand and answer* y** T .\ bsC nnt»on will he considered a< .| VY ;ij ,[ 0 a || y 0U wish, and in the • “.•nued uules* subscribers gwe notice to maimer y OI| wish it.’ Tins promise itinued unless su * , o n g ncp)11 ^ n t tt ! a manner yon wish «u i »«■ cc contrary bslore tlie c made her easy and we sepnrut »..* car, a.. -^^^leriUr. j f KcJinDg the payment, j On the next day, when hia wife a i" n ve a seventh gratis. came she was accompanied by her '‘""-^ul d; , , |U . r . Poit paid, will rec.ive due attention. , - , . . , . „.„,. 0 ,i „r t!'? ni<*ht was • nsss them over. At length appliea- by any of u., am m that s.lual.ou we • mg; it P, ou '^ of ra * Utu e de coln -1 lion was made by his Inend. to Mr. " ere to pass almost an hour Su j ex remewy dark, 3^11^ j Bruce, .ml through him to Sir Ro- .nd three quarters struck at last. ‘1 plole m that part M the _ i;(fi ^ WiIgon and £ apU , in Hutchinson, Vo aid in his escape Irom France, and they all cordially assented. u The r oad to Belgium, by Valen ciennes, was specially assigned to the English army, and it was there fore chosen for my escape. They only vvaiu live minutes, but 1 must speak to 15onneviMe,’ said Madam* do Lavallclle. She pulled the bell, and the valei de chamber came in; plote ... ...«v ; — Germain. 1 walked with difficulty; M. Baudus went on mofe rapidly, ami it was not without trouble that 1 could keep up with hiia. I soott left one c loow v.iin aside, inspered a le v | my shoes in the mire, but 1 was, nev- vords *o him. nod elded a! >mk ‘T ike j ertbeless obliged to keep on. We £.aw care that the chairmen be at their gendarmes galloping aionj, who were * v i i n ' 'Mi'., '. \. v.’ sh said to me "it is time to dress.’ A prxj« ot my iiHiiu was divided! gendaruies galloping along, wno were 1,4 co, - , r 0, 1,1 undoubtedly in search of me, and ! as«ed no wore than two days to finish never imagined that 1 tv a* so near j their preparations. I received very ....... ui hit ..him, was cuviiioa them. Finally, after one houwalk, particular instruction concerning my oT hv n S.treen and formed « shot of fatigued to death, with one shoe on dr«s: no ■u.tacbms, an Lngltsb w.g, dressing closet. In less than three and one off, we armed in the Rue de ; my beard shaved very clean, alter ° i i 'let ... ts .■ omnlete. | ! Grenelle, near the Rue de Bac. | the manner of thee.,car. of that na- pulled the hell. ‘Adieu.’ she said, where M. Baudus stopped for a me-j tmn; a jrpat ce,t with the button.-of 1 . .1 * y 1, « Li~ 1 i h n.rlia i l-Jiiat-rta* 1 h#» rn or 1 at111 n l a it r* tt# 5>*-i TV Vr -4 D* d V y Z fp tf ' h . i l' w 4 , d«i j £»< b 1 If k !S tact y uui n il { ? * v/ Hc.iu v uuuaui emu uj u utv.ui a the highest story, in most cases our first steps were dark passage you will wrong. It was looked upon a* very your right, and at the accessary to get my coat made by a — 7 Ti .„#• uuu idkt-ii m iivi n-.ittui. «» •» niiDiai ea u»*{ «l<l uceu i iihipu. i nr ^ ^ TwSw-v tb petticoat. v 1 his is quite «uf&> | turnkey was heard: Emile flew behind , i >n * l! *’ ,° 1 T .A* t T* y »v emm,’ ghe said, to disguise you com- j { j lfl arreen, the door opened; I pass , 0 \ n0l ]f 1 R \ 1 **J h4.«A- pletcly.’ She th*?n sent my daughter j j* |rr j u, en mv daughter, and lastly,< [ nert " 11 ® r ! ’’ r . 17 -7 / t? ~Y* \ J -- --- ~j - a, o*yA u^i» o*■»» a J . , i ii i ^ irx, .I . A ' * i J bottoui of which is a pile of wood, btoji tailor oi an Erglieh regiment; but he . to the Window, and addml in a lo ' I Madame Du.o.t. Alter hovmg cros- 1 H would want my measure. My friend •ijiu**, 'srL i o# j \ 0-. v« , . t stviuoi oi P ,p(1!,e y ^ C . i , i^ted the pa-s.igc. oriiM'i ,i l h lo ‘ ,r . r |'hi« was no other than the hotel of j Stanislaus took it with fine white pa- r.iz oje 9- , .i.-|«»U8t ic *ea j , u ,fl p 1 pijna e • . Q | the ri-gisn-i n»g i oom • "a* 9 t ! ic D ike of Ri« helieu, the Minister ! per, and instead of the notches that I his was no Ollier man im: UUIVI VI KJ imjisiou* luutx K unit vxmir jju- i . : p - . . the D ike of Ri« helieu, the Minister per, and instead of the notches that i,„ going o.H von will lake hold oi | lfr ,. d at „.e same nmn «o r.,t. my ^ F.rcigu Affair.. the tailor, are accustomed to make, Josephine s arm 1 ukc care to vva.k f, J0 t and lu stoop Icar the leather, of | r ,/ J aH j us u - p „, ln f irf , ; «ml. : he wrote ,n. it, 'length oj arm. breadth . Ha, ve.v slowly: awl when yoJ i-rii»* the my bonnet shoul.i , at h at the top of, - , talkitnMo the porter. \ of the ircatt.’ &r. in s fine nea> ii„nd i U, b" re«..term« S",\ ! he Aoor \ . 1 *wce f . ; decl, but, on rats- ^ ^ ^ ^ h|f ^ 0 J of h| , j aild cal rie d it bodily ios: mvse y- • if** lUTKENHC XCroUNT Of,/ ESCAPE OF LtvALLIO Th. , . 'fi.^ i London) ALhaui3<ai contains a l on iuv clove* and cover your face lyith , i#vi«w ol this recently p hlished j niy l a *IWe« chief. I had some thought j j/ J]n9 ;r S r.f Count LnvalUu* wi u *u j of p*iUmc om n vail but iiiifiirtunai eiy- lv iitm.dli Tin m st ini¥»'»«ting j ! have m t been accustomed to v*eai lice apa five lunike liv imusdii * *» - ' ' ”'7 ” ' . . . , r coming in . L*r ; of i'iei wo;k is >hK authen - te ear-; one wken I corn*- here, it theretore kerchief tc vu win di it oonloitis of ike extra-jot no use to think of it. Take great j ur mv o-ciia vy **capa of Lavallntte throygh j care, when rou pass * * .^tj^roxis’ heroii’al s»?lf-dov*-! *eliich nr»» very low, urnle. the doors, not to break the j feather* of vour bonne f , :*r then all ti* >f MadltDe LrsvaBtt*#- . 'fie trial oi’ L .val!«!ie ' is w*ll i would hr lost I always find ih- k • v i; i*uJ th'U^'i * varv line *nd j turnkev* in the re*isteriui? room, and |Vv ,j / | a ■j'T to u tv fiii of ibije-^it, 'the jwiior generally bands m- to my wi U 'vt f • JTilintid j* w* are to soacy, j chuir, which const mtly tio.* -s near p • u it uvvr, with y*Juy ot i»r inter j ‘he entrance door; hut tbi« f inse it . • IV wem up 111 lor; tniivt .JWW. , I W *■ J ‘ iTJ » mv i . e, ami i\ .e^ " a, ~; reached the place that had been <lc-| Bre3»on to buy me another gr* at ddiigiiU r to piace herself s „ r p )fA( j to nu . \ scarcely there, jeoat at an old clothe# shop, and v-i,g h d. i ne cuii.l. However, u j, rn j the rustling of a silk* j naturally obliged to measure i* on Igilt h-AKt: and the J a,,or ff(nvn . \ jVlf myself gently taken bv j hi»st B. He vva* however tail and . lie stairs oflits apart- ^ ^ vm alH j pushed into an apart-i thiu, so that in Itsa than ibity-ekht h \va.y on liie leA hand, , r,r tvhioh was itnme- hours I had two coats neitner r.f came up f o partieula s. It wiJ onlv woe*, ad i.v^ic uf fMr Ion haii e^4 d ^d. ev! w m . b it a fn.v hours of !tf» u c,» -d t# ui-ii, ui* wife li:*s ? uiimosc.t la* ^. jjad by which s-.e kopftd to fs noi -s- ap. - ■^v w"f« earn* ut six o'clock «• ,* with me. Shu biy ifht -viih h**i a r <lio*i M idnuLmi#;vtie V* .^n vv* wa n alone, sue said ‘it aurf^is kut too certain that v ° ‘tav > to linpo; we mail, the.'*? «*e- u> id inc x f ». d stpirease- Th ere 7<»U wi.'l he •• i, alter a sliort time, by M ^a*i- ,ias. nh;i fvill I ••ad v e* to the cn .no- let, and erill acquaint you wdi) the hid t »kv:ii an everlasting leave of hei husband It has been that suy i daughter and I cubbed alnod; me lat* . . j.v we scarcely dared u< sign. I st (d ice when* sou are »o remain con ; J;< ^ 1 r0ftC j lt .* (he end of the room. A # ,|rd. Af J « rfrards let Gad s will *- 11'*'*? »> * III iSj/ tw \»fv* j » • J i xi.ib a1 *.; reached the place that had been de-1 Bresson to buy me another gr* at lg lor IW\ llullgiller *0 pint I* heisel. | t x_ T . ^- «nnr/>olr r.t nr» olrl .’.iothpa »!mn nrwf uue on my left h- too\ a.v rigid CCMUlUg doiv ^ ^ M - ni- nl which was on me leri hand, | |t ^ ur ^ the door of which was ioime-! hour* 1 had two coats neither of On the j which could he of any service to me. on! t had no boots, ami i which the following word* were writ- turns were unless I ten: ‘Make no noise. Never open j procure me & pair. 1 __ vour window hut in the night, wear ; to put oil a pair heEuginx to iL. Bus* slippers ol list, and wait with po~ son, they wi it 1 at >€*isi . vv u inches : tience.’ Next to this was a bottle i lougei limn my foot'; 1 could sea: .e- j of excellent claret, several volumes j Iv walk in them, a.:u wo all laughed : of Maliere and Rabelais, and n ha^k- Much ai the awkward fuure 1 cut. nm v. iibmit hii.J.;,n« : dia(e|v shut upon mc - * On th. and pulVi.ig his hand mi my arm, said, ^ drswer* l found a paper, os f • -te, *yo:i are going avv ay cariy, j , • i _ r.n.,,wur. i\riu nisdcinuf.’ flc* *pj>t*sred much jfitci- d. ami undoubiewiy ihjugnt, *iy wiic :ii our sp-ei uin- •ii coni riving f<y w as ton oil ’ . , », •! i " . . - ; st containing sponges, perfumed soap, . . ml. Al-«-r*rarJ._ 1*1 U- I » - 1 .u.ukey .u. ih*r. u.y *nJ, ... a | , j ^ [ nii n ,i , he little uten- " n - - ’ "7 d, ‘ a .''- ‘ r ‘ ' 1 i lar*.< arm ch.f -ml ... a »,.aoi. so uar- | ,, f * a „ cllt | emaIt ', dressing l>< ,! yo; —at.e;..m U v mo vmr , r()1¥ , , n », he <au k. ep la. on. ,| e |icate attention, ami tbc m ’ n l. • w »sl» t * lef*l your pulse. ' eiT , th . . of two ormrs, uiio ol .ron , __ , u.„ ma.)p i your r ¥*«dl, now feel mine. Does it tlenote ! hi slighest emotion?’ I could per- r the keys of two oo'U “On the 1 yth of January, IbiG, at 8 o’clock in the evening, 1 a; i^st. took leave ol niy kind trieuds. were all very much affected, a, d U«> HI il/Uuj w r u j* ^ ^ , . i r B . :l..r, <«k« * rBSuIt.tif'O, aotl thu |. ivc that .ho *f a, in n Inch frvrr B„t above all things,’ she added, ‘let At •« ox unnum - ,» enl - 7 . , , -- , hand writing of the note made me j particularly myself, whi was bars, and the other towards me outer ?ficg( , (hat mv hosts combined with them with so little hope ol erci part, a lid which is ca lilt’d thO tllSt . i • „ r.inlin:* *»] cm n I i «. i .v I I’-nm tiomtit * • wicket. This man looked at me guess, that mv hosts comumeu uu» juirw w.iu »i» mi their most generous fueling clegaiu ijig them again, and refined mauners. But why wusj “Alter 1 ha 5> see- U .v«i45 1 wi’^ to you. •’*- . . . * ,-U. k )».. shall *o out <1. :-..^ m i... IU.I fire «ray lo our f«*W. that n<v 'U:!#us 4'ci accompanied hr io? | vould be our ium. «« i, Yo'.i .h.ll .l«p into mv .Bd n i -She tl.en callo,' my d.ugh.or, and r>,. r. which «ill cr y vou 'in th. .aid to h.-r. ‘I.s.en atlrntirely child, g - ^ St. Pvteri, iv'hr# y*u will-to what I am going to siy to you lor fi i j BauHu* with a cabriolet, who!? shall make you repeat it. I shall id embraced, Xt tr tilicu .....H.., . - ■ -, . , .. - , i n the hotel for Foreign Aflairs / j Messrs. Bresson and Buudus br . ut ■ay right hand between the baia, ^to ^ never gef x n the Duke de Rich- 0 ir to ihe corner of the Roe de h.e- ’noile, where I found again the laiib- ful Chasseuon with bis cabricier In going to my destination we pass^o kl ii Carousel. 1 cotBd not lielp snuiiug without opening his doors. I passed j my right hand between the bais, to ^ j 1#( j never ge0 n the Duke de Rich- n ie to ibe corner show him i w ished io go out. * * e |j e u. M. Baudus was indeed at- ti rnd, ai last, his two keys and ^ e tac-.hed to that department, but in a got out. . : very indirect manner. I could not “At last l slow y reached the *® gt j j iavc inspired any interest in the king. a ft>» and went into the chair lhal | Besides, in that case, it would be when 1 passed so near the numerous ” _ ‘ 1 along the ratlings and vv^ieii t saw the t«u... -n i - c> -i i ^d filled, as f had - . stundiiiR ncxtihe vel.icie, w.u. a^..-, fairi w ( 10) ilio various political j reason to imagine, with pe«?le en- • 1 li.taaaJ in W ami Inoketl at h.r | registering room take care to i/.ee , SIX paC e. from litem, t*mora- , Changes that had taken place in *•’' in iiMuce H*r manner was calm, I yourself o»i my left hand. i he jailor h |., atu j \ in eyes hxed on me. A ! p rance> had once been himself pro- ^ hRrvd.ce firm Sh# ipp^red is accnstomcd to offer me his arm on violenl j C5rPC of agitation began to j fCribed ^ a nd found safety in the vir- s# -Oiivmepd #f tilt* suc*'i»ss #f her that side, and I do not choose to take j my astonishmfut. f J j tuoU 3 resolution ot others, had con- 1 hTtU «.L Urn* before 1 it. When ive are out of the .r.t. |o ^ were dialed tovvardi the sen-1 #ftntcd to , ive protection . M?da»e dtred to reply -I look# ], however, tn thf whole as u m id umlertak- & i '41 BauHu* with a c*Wriol#t, whoil shall make you repeat it. ‘ step, ami went into tne cnair j Besides, in that case, it would be ; when ( passed so i *.JI r #,ida.-r yo i to * ret. eat he ha» ge a wav this evening at seven ock U;• gln|}( j a var d ortwo distant. But no | mgr0 natura i t0 pardon me.” I entries stationed p. v tred for V ii» am! where you may instoad o» eight, you must walk behind t . bnirm; n , llD servant w ai there. My j The fact was, that the Treasurer 0 f the l uiheries, a a* -.* without danger • favorable me. because vmi know the doors are j dau ^ |ter ail( | uxe old woman remained for (he Department of Foreign Af- place lighted up, : ^^ v i,Heaving Fmve.’ 1 narrow; but when we enter the long • stant]i|1R m xt the vehicle, with a sen- | fajr ^ wll0 , j n the various political j reason to imagine • j ...i i ^ rarp to i 1 ** ice 1 • iHtmova- i, nr l .mI.-hm nine** in mcrt»d at not oem** l mi L | i that guardhouse nrnv not stare in mv it... I wis at last obliged to tall hei s#; but she interrupted m# at the first n - , Li avc , >6) „ H«nl b, s«vm ? . ‘I **••» he«r .f no oh,t« 7 »• ^7 3X’ i'hP ch 1.1 re - isrtisus i know it will succeed, understood me wellI? Ihe " j r i r.., t that God st»pp*rt« me!’ * * peatfd the in.»ruction «v,th i-ond^rfd “What vrill tlicv do.’ l said. *wli*n. ex* - ti»E»». * ’ , tUr discover llta.'l am foue? These ; “Dinner was brought up. J«s» ** , ] • f j. *. r up, m t ,age, will thev we were going to sit down to table an ITt ^mselves and perhaps old nurse of ours, Mnd,:oe Dutoit, ^ ., 1 * ? x 1 «. af z m*<r on, but 1 who had accompanied Josephine, «— -t.* F " r "'", *'"ri sunu saw wy i ronvul- useful to us, the poor woman anly nd- i.ttaare snd th. L\ to our confusion. Sh, mi e lU lo.c s.vr .moatt.BCC that « j bc f S kr present-* ol mind at the si S ht of ^itatsher. that l l tll ,„ u i 8 e: but wh.t was to be lent raged at not being able to seize me, while I was not more than fifty yards from them. “W# stopped at a house in the Rue due Beider, nenr the Boulevard; then I t«ok leave of my friond Chas- senon. As ! walked slowly up U, e stairs, l was surprised at meeting nrate, ana r**aay , try’s nuwKct, nii© uw su “ 1 .i iircsson nerseu uruu^u% ...... ,t air CIS*, then p«ss to my risthi h ind. j ' ards pi, prey. It nlm« 31 sceD)Cd : ibeal; and the husband soon alter path that these impertinent gendarmes «r .. m( . j held that musket in “J ■ him a visit‘Open only half vour -“•r-; ' ran. At the first emotion, at M' 8 | gutter*,’he added,‘and read; if you Mademoiselle Dunbourg There Ur.t noise 1 was resolved to seize ■(• calch s co y, thrust your head when would have been too much danger in felt as if 1 possessed the strength of; c0 h into this closot.’ 1 had ask- our appearing to know each other. In men-and I would most certainly foP 6 s0iue beer, to quench the I afterwards learned that she was *'L,ve killed xvhoever had attempted to itbirstt , )at !m | tormented me for the go.og to Mr. Dupu s my reporting , 3 I „ j, on mo. Th.s terrible situ*. | , alt month . ‘You cannot have any. .judge, who lived on the second floor l*v Iltin . J j « ; t*ii ««/] entnp oil* i ni Inn hnimft* fifl nr#e i ^ (onnil another. c»a v vnuwiiiivu lliV g !▼ | length, and with great severity. At the lodgings of Capt. Hutchin- iianatiance tliat ,va ‘ ".'f 7 j her present ol mind at the sight of found another.' l Th7 chair mm-i hones 6 ofwhich "had been thrown at son he met Sir Robt. Wilson and Mr. „ »t# her, that I ought .1 . dis»uise - but what was to be I felt myself rawed. J i 1 ' n r t w_ (ioor. A neighbor, Bruce; and after some consultation, 1 to all objections. 1 of d2w? The first object was to make ed through the great eourt, > | the « J that the woman who con- it was determined that they should •nt for a few minutes, at the end o rtone^ m «,nings, and Kmilc getting out turned to ‘. h . c wl, °. too poor to buy chic!:- start the next morning at 8 o’clock. winch, continued thu. r VVeU.^«, K^Xrm alow but firm vice proceeded to theres,had’in her j After counting every hour of night. II do as you please, wsnt to succeed, permit me at least to make onr* observat ion. ca 1 rioR‘1 is too far o(T. I shall he scarce ly none whet mv flight WiB t *’ sno ' #rcil, Rmt 1 shall most undoubtedly no •topped in the chair, for near an hour is leqiiired to go to the Rue dcs St. P. ter* I cannot escape on foot uth r um u> in * -iv®. p , *nn childishness Sit down to table, j facing the Rue de i arlay- no cniHiismiffSB. , t nva |; 0 «( 0 here entered into a ca- but do not eat; hold your tongue, and j Lnvai.eiio nrrt keep this smelling bottle to your nose In less than an hour you will ho in the. brielet driven by Count Chassenou; and, during the dr^ve, he changed his female attire for a livery. In the 0P “Th[., which, to all appear-1 Fa,,burg St Germabh he met his , ncc the last of my life.! frinad Baudus, and joined him as ser- W.-U terrible. The bit* gtopoej m j v:,m 1 bouse an outlaw, and informed against her You shall have as much sugar and refreshing syrups as you wish, but nobeer? ’ In this concealment a thousand in teresting circumstances occurred. jvhich all tend to heighten the inter red in van? . ! * r tht> narrative' but we must F. ter* I cannot escort! "» :ont _ ,i,r ,i« non ward was uttered “It was eight o'clock in the even- jest ol t /our clothe*,’ This reflation seem-j our threats, Lavall#tte observes- “l hfeard six #’clock strike. T immediately set about my toilet, and, at eight o’clock precisely, I found Sir Robert Wilson in the street, dressed in his full regimentals, and scaled io a pretty gig. Mr. Hutchin. son soon appeared on horseback^ aifcf