Newspaper Page Text
A Serious Affray.—On Monday evening last, one of
the attaches of the mail omnibus, of the name of Ralston,
made a desperate assault, at the Central Rail Road depot.
East Macon, on Mr. Baker, the driver of the new omnibus,
in the course of which, two pistol shots a ere fired at Baker
at short distance, without hitting him. The latter drew a pis
tol also upon the body of Ralston, and burst a cap, after winch
he used the instrument sharply over the heal of his antago
nist. Ralston has since decamped. The difficulty we pre
sume has arisen out of the omnibus competition which now
exists in this citv, and is very discreditable to the parties con
cerned. For fear of further and fatal consequences, the civil
authorities, should at once regulate the belligerent spirit which
prevails, if the omuibus proprietors cannot do it.
Macon Machinists.— lt is gratifying to learn that the
genius of our Mechanics and Manufacturers is beginning to
be j ustly appreciated at a distance from home, as has long been
the case at home.
For example, our enterprising townsman, Robt. Findlay,
Esq. has just contracted with a wealthy company in Burke
county, to erect a couple of steam engines and mill work, suf
ficient to run two gangs of saws, at a point near the Ogechce
river, not far from the 90 mile station of the Central Rail
Road. The object of the company—Messrs. Murphy, Inman
A Cos. is to saw lumber for the Savannah and other markets.
This they will float off by the river, when practicable. The
mills are to be ready for operation next October.
Latest from Europe.
The Steamer Cambria arrived at Halifax on Friday mor
iilng last with four days later advices from Liverpool.
Cotton Market firmer than before though prices remain
unchanged. Sales of the week 60,000 Bales. Diffiulty
between France and England has been adjusted. Greek
difficulty still unsettled and serious results apprehended.—
The Cuban affair created quite a sensation in the British
Parliament. Ireland is excited about the Rent Movement.—
France is quiet. The French Electorate Law has passed by
n large majority. The King of Prussia is recovering from
Ins wound. Xo iad.catious of a rupture between* Austria
and Prussia.
Liverpool Markets.
June 6th.—The demand for cotton in the early part of
the week was active but towards the close it became quiet
mid speculation was partly suspended, owing to the quantity
offered exceeding the demand—buyers have gained a slight
The Committee’s quotations are for fair Upland and Mobile
7 Jd, fair Orleans 7gd. Stock on hand 530,000 bales.
Tew Mexico.—'John Monroe, Civil’and Military Governor
ofXew Mexico has it seems been trying to make a State out
of that Territory, aln California. By proclamation the peo
ple were called on to meet on the Bth of May, to elect Dele
gates to a Convention to be be held at Santa Fee on the 15th
May for the purpose of forming a State Constitution and ap
plying for admission, as a State, into the Union! Maj.
Neighbors, sent from Texas to organize Santa Fee county as
a part of Tex vs, has returned without being able to effect his
purpose !
Now, here is more trouble brewing, in consequence of the
delay of Congress to pass the Compromise Bill and settle this
\otl Blintlin?.—This bold, iade pendent and racy writer
!•* yet confined in prison where he was put, by hard swearing,
on the alledged charge of participation in the Astor Place Ri
ots, iu New York. Ilis time will be out on the29th day of
September, when “Ned” will be himself again. In the mean
while, he continues to edit and publish one of the most pun
gent, witty, unique and able Journals on the continent of
America. The way he gives it to evil doers of cverv pie-bald
visage is a caution to hypocrites and rascals. Success, we say.
to ‘'Ned” and his “Own.”
Mayor's Office, )
MACON', June 25th. 1810. $
In oleiLencc to the general wish,and with the ho; of executing
a part of the system of public mourning, which the committee of
arrangements have been pleased to adopt commemorative of the death
of the illu*tri"iis and lamented CALHOUN, I hereby respectfully re
quest the etc res and places of business, tie closed on the fourth proxi
mo, and that the citizens generally abstain from all secular avocations
during the day.
The programme of the Committee of arrangements herewith sub
joined, will inform the citizens of the public ceremonies of the day.—
it remains for a grateful and affectionate people, in whose service Mr.
Calhoun lived anti died, to pay suitable honors to his memory.
The following is the Programme adopted by the Committee of Ar
rangements. for the ceremonies of the 4th proximo, in honor to the
lamented Calhoun. The Processsion will be formed in front of the
Lanier House, at 11 o’clock. A. M. under the direction of Major Gen
i ral James YV. Armstrong, Chief Marshall, and Brigadier General
Coleman and Hugh T.Powell, Assistant Marshalls:
Battailion of Volunteers.
Orator and Clergy.
Mayor and Council of the City of Macon.
Gox’ernor and Ex-Governors of Georgia.
Members and ex-members of Congress.
Judges Supreme and Circuit Courts.
Judges anti officers of Bibb Inferior Court.
Civic Societies of the City of Macon.
TIP” The City papers will please copy.
June 28th, 1850. 14— Jy
’dayxp ntip f g m Wm
i y LMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, See.. for the States of
V Alabama, Louisiana, .Mississippi, Texas, Tennessee,
Kentucky, \ irginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Flori
<la, Missouri New \ ork. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Penn
sylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, &.c.
Depositions taken, Accounts probated, Deeds and Mort
gages drawn, and all documents and instruments of writing
p.* pared and authenticated for use and record, in any of the
above States.
Residence on Walnut street, near the African church.
O’ Public Oitice adjoining Dr. M. S. Thomson's Botan
ic Store—opposite Floyd House.
Macon, June 28, 1850. ‘ 14—ly
VI.L persons are hereby warned against trading for one note of
hand given by the undersigned on the Ist day of January’ last to
Eh Jenkins, for the sum of §2OO, payable Ist January next. The
consideration for which the said note was given having failed, lain
d'-termined not to pay the same unless compelled by law.
June 28th. 1850. 14 —3t
A Mocking Bird Stolen.
OTOLEN from a private bou.-e, la-4 night, a fine singing Mocking
O Bird. The owner will pay a good reward for the recovery of it,
and the detection of the thief. Apply at THIS OFFICE.
June 27th. 1850. 14 —ts
VLAD who can come well recommended to attend store. Apply
Macon, June 28th, 1850. 14—It
('ll EMBERS, GRIFFIN, 21st June, 1850.
IjVYR certain providential causes, made known to me by the peti
. tion of a large and respectable portion of the Bar of the Ftint
District, and others—
It isordere.l, that the next ensuing Term of Bibb Superior Court do
stand adjourned over from the First Monday in July next to the Sec
r rid Monday in the same month; and, that this order be published in
the Gazettes of the city of Macon. JAMBS* H. STARK,
11—2 t [Judge Sup. Court Flint Diet.
Valuable City Lots.
j'HE following valuable City laris are offered on reasona
ble terms. Lot No, Square 87, (improved) adjoining E
• - Johnston and Ayres. No. 7, Square 82, adjoining Airs. F.
Sims. Nos. 1 and 2, block 5 (acre lots) on College street.
I - ractional lot No. 2, block 8,3 and 4, block 10 (acre
in the rear of L. Cowles. DAVID REID, Agent.
June 21,1840. 13—ts
LMGS, Raisins, Prunes. Oranges, Lemons, Pickles, &c
* &c. For sale, second door below* Lanier House, by
June 12, 1850. 13—ts M. L. GRAYBILL.
Encourage Home Manufacture.
4 SOD A WATER can now be supplied in bottles,
put up with care, and with such Syrups as may be
desired. The machinery is now in complete order.—
fkpf-s4. Hotels and families can now* have a cheap and re
freshing beverage, by applying ON THIRD ST.
fgrn house.
.CS3I Orders from the Cf untry attended to.
A’/ Soda \\ ater kept also on draught at reduced price.
N.B.— Empty bottles taken in discount.
June 18th, 1853. 13—2t*
Cotton Avenue, next door below Ross & Cos.
OPEN from 10 A M. to 10 P. M. daily, Sundays excepted.
detached and fitted up for their comfort in a neat and plea
sant style. H. C. FREEMAN.
June 21st, 1850. * 13—it
CRACKERS, —Soda, Butter. Pic-Xic and Lemon, fresh.
h or sale, second door below Lanier House, by
_ June 12 > 1850. 13—ts 51. L. GRAYBILL.
P ULTON MARKET BEEF—A superior article, for
sale, second door below Lanier House, by
| June 21, 1850. 13—ts M. L. GRAYBILL.
I r r'OBAOCO.—“Harry of the West,” “Boston” and “Four
I JL Aces,”
John Anderson 5c Co.’s fine cut, and
E. G. Goodwin &, Brothers smoking.
Cigars, a fine article—for sale, second door below Lanier
House, by M. L. GRAYBILL.
June 21,1850. 13 t s
Pert Wine ~~
OF a superior quality, the pure juice of the Grape, parti
cularly suited to invalids, and all others who desire a
genuine article—jnst received by J. H. DAMOUR.
June 21,1850. 13 ts
■ ‘ ~X~ Druggists and Jlpothettries.
3 >j . VCy-ltU a | THIS sparkling and grateful beverage
1 11 ; jvVjp jl 1 can now be bad, fresh from the Foun
{ | I tain, in all its purity and as cold as ice
7- U * ,) fi! I can make it. It is good in allaying fe
f ver and thirst, and it is considered the
height of gentility to drink it from the
- -AviU’ ForsTAix.
June 14, 1850. 12 o m
State Licensed Druggists.
THE undersigned calls public attention to the above
notice,and would say that they are prepared to fill or
i ders for any quantity of Drugs, Chemicals, Surgeon’s
Lyirx Instruments, Medicine, Chests, Perfumery, Soaps, Gar-
Jfgk-A den Feeds. Lemon Sugar, Vermin Poison, and every
llrri thing else that should be found in a regular Drug Store.
June 14.1850. 12 —ts
iIA/ 1 KEGS Nails, assorted;
•ZAm) 50 “ Brads. do.
20 u fine 3d nails;
1000 pounds Wrought Nail?;
1000 do. Ilorst: Shoe Nails;
15,000 do. assorted Baltimore Hollow Ware;
Swedes Iron, assorted;
Band, Hoop and Round Iron;
Nai! Rods;
Cast and German Steel:
English and American Blister Steel:
In Store, andforsale by BRAY, CARHART k CO.
May 14,1850. 12—ts
! /'AORX SHELI.ERS, Straw Cutters, Grain Cradles, Scythes, Culti
: V_V vators, Sub-Soil, Ditching and Tum Ploughs; all of the best qual
! ity—for sale by ~ BRAY, CARHART k CO.
June 14, 1859. 12—ts
the NEW OMNIBUS, built to order ex
presMy for the Floyd and Lanier Houses,
is now running to and from each Railroad
, <Ai , Depot. Colls for prirate im.*snipers made
punctually, on notification being made at either House, or our stable.
June 14,1850. 12—ts
200 [link CI’DA MOLASSES,
In store, aadf.r sale by SCOTT, CARHART S; CO.
April 18,1850. 4 —ts
BOARD AT THE FLOYD HOUSE will be Fifteen Dollars per
month from the first day of June; and the Table shall be second
j to none in the South. S. BUFORD.
June 7, 1850. 11 —ts
100 Dollars Premium.
4 PREMIUM of one hundred dollars will be paid by the subeeri-
U\ ber to any citizen of the State, who will produce a PREVS
FOR PACKING COTTON equal to the Bulloch Compound
Lever Pres?, in point of economy, compactness, strength and
durability. ROBERT FINDLAY.
| May 24, 1050. 9 —ts
.11 AC ON, GA.
1 TIIE proprietors are pleased to announce
to their old friends and the public gener
-1 ally, that this NEW HOTEL is now open
f >r the reception of Com; any.
Having had it erected an 1 fitted up at great expense, on the most lils
eral. elegant and extensive scale, they confidently expect a generous
patronage. 8. LANIER It SON.
June 14, 1851). 1- —
doors below the Laxier House, where he will keep con
-1 stantly on hand all articles in the above line. JVotr or. hand —
Choice May Butter, Fulton Market Beef and Tongues, Fine Cheese,
Crackers Cod Fish, Canton Ginger. Figs Raisins Prunes, Oranges,
Lemons I’ine Apples Cigars, (very fine , Pickles, Kc.&ic.
June 7,1850. H—y
OA BALES OSNABURGS,Eatmton,Waynman’sMills Flintßiv-
)l I er and Cedar Sin a Is;
30 do. 3-4 7-8 4-4 5-4 10-4 Shirtings and Flieetings;
| 6 Cases Bleached Homespuns;
10 do. Checks, T cka and Stripes;
25 Bales Yarn?, assorted nund” rs;
Just received and for sale by KIBBEE &. DICKINSON,
June 7, 1050. 11—ts
r U'iiE subscribers are receiving, weekly, fresh additions to their
JL stock of seasonable Goods in the above line, which will be sold
| cheap by piece or retail.—.Yoic just received.
j 5 Cases small figured light Prints;
5 do. Prints, English and American, do.
2 do. Printed I-awns;
French Muslins, Barrages, plain and fig’d Swiss Muslins, Nansook
i and Jaconet Muslins, English Cambrick. Toil He India, Linen
i Lustres, Laces, Edgeings, Inserting?,Trimmings, Buttons, Stc. See.
Macon. June 8. 1850 11—ts KIBBEE St DICKINSON.
*•* AAA LBS. White Lead, in 25, 50 and 100 lbs. kegs;
; V* v* 200 gallons Linseed Oil;
100 do. Spirits Turpentine;
100 Boxes Baltimore Glass, assorted;
Putty, Red Lead, Venetian Red. Chrome Gum;
Chrome Yellow. Litharge,Terra De Sienna;
Chalk, Whiting.Copal and Japan Varnish. &c. Sec.
For sale on favorable term.-, by KIBBEE Sc DICKINSON.
Macon. June 7.1850 11—ts
iCi~ BALES Heavy Gunny Cloth;
1 _ • ) 50 pieces Dundee Bagging;
1000 Coils Kentucky Rope;
250 - Russia 18 ply Rope;
1500 Lbs. Twine;
2000 Sacks Fait—now in Store and for sale in lots to suit purcha
sers. low. KIBBEE k DICKINSON.
June”, 1850. 11 —ts
40 lllids. Sugars,
5 Boxes Loaf do.
25 BMs. Crush’d and Poxv’d do.
! 25 do. Clarified do.
10 Casks Vinegar;
2.000 Faleratis;
Se da. Potash;
Pepper. Fpice, Ginger;
For sale, with a great variety of other good* in tins line, very low.
June 7, 1850. 11—ts KIBBEE it DICKINSON.
NTTH.EN in yoar extremity that Dr. 31. S. THOMSON is
\ \ stiil in Macon. Georgia, and when written to, sends
I Medicine by mail to any part of the country.
Pont give up all hope without consulting hint.
June 7, 1830* 11—ts
“1 \ TF. arc requested to state, that for the convenience of the pub
| \\ lie the Change Bills of John G. Winter will be redeemed at
par. at the Office of WM. B. JOHNSON.
May 20 1850. 9—ts
Ware-House & Com mission Merchants,
WILL continue business at their
j m WAREHOUSE, opposite Messrs.
; p.\wsw-'’ Ross & Cos. CUUm .leernu. Grate- Ip^'iakraH")
ful for the patronage extended to
them the past season, they renew the tender of their
services to their former patrons and the public, with the assurance
that, as they have no interest, either direct or indirect, in the purchase
of Cotton , their entire attention Will be devoted to the inter
ests entrusted to them.
disorders for Bagging, Rope and other Merchasmse, will be
filled carefully and promptly, and the customary ad\anres made on
Produce in Store.
May 24. 1850. 9—Jy
40 Bbls. N. O. Syrup,
35 do. Molns-o?;
25 Packages Mackerel;
25 Boxes Family Soap;
25 do. Star Candles;
20 do. Mould do.
10 do. Sperm do.
20 do. Starch:
JQ AGq 1 B RXiO T 1 PI S Q .
CW. PARKER, would respeetfullv announce to the
• citizens of Macon and its vicinity, that he has taken
Macon Daguerrian Gallery,
A few doors below the Lanier House, where he has just
received a stock of Fancy Cases, of all sizes, and is prepared
Uptake whole size miniatures. Ilis prices vary from §3 to
Macon, .June 14, 1850. 12—ts
IN introducing this medicine to the people of the United States, for
sale, the proprietors beg leave to submit the following statement
of Dr. de Grarlenried, its discoverer and inventor:
The undersigned frankly states that he has prescribed this medicine
for the last twenty-two years, in all forms of Acute and Chronic Rheu
matism, with a success unparalleled in the annals of of medicine; and
he has no hesitation in saying, that it is decidedly the most valuable
remedy ever yet discovered for the relief of this most painful and dis
tressing malady.
His note-book contains upwards of three hundred cases, in which it
has been used withiD the above named period, and in no single
instance lias it come to his knowledge, of its having failed to effect a
cure when persevered in. Many of the cases were from four to ten
years standing; and what may appear yet more remarkable and extra
ordinary, is, that when the patient has been once relieved, the disease
is permanently cured, remains so, not a solitary instance having been
reported to him of its return.
All he would ask for this remedy is a fair, impartial and patient
trial, for the results be entertains no apprehension.
Up to the time of this discovery, the undersigned had well studied
the origin, progress and character of this disease, and is well assured,
had consulted every author on its treatment, who had written or been
translated into the English language, and had used all the remedies of
any notoriety then in vogue with the profession, with however, very
rarely any relief to poor suffering humanity.
It has baffled the skill and science of the most eminent Physicians
and Surgeons of our own, and of every other country. But the un
dersigned flatters himself that bis remedy tvfll cure this most painful
disease, when all others have failed, and that be shall have been an
humble instrument in the bands of God, of relieving the human family
cf a vast amount of suffering.
Dr. E. L. de Graffenried —Learning that you are about
to manufacture for the public, your valuable Rheumatic Lin
iment, I take pleasure in stating that I believe it one of the
most valuable remedies ever ysed for that common and most
distressing disease, having witnessed its effects upon a ne
gro man of mine, who had been afflicted for four years, un
til almost every joint was enlarged, and the body otherwise
emaciated. By the use of four cr five bottles, in three weeks,
he was relieved entirely from pain.
Columbus, Ga., Gct.'24, 1849. A. Iv. AYER.
Columbus, October 30, 1849.
Dear Sir—About the first of April last, I came to Colum
bus to get medical assistance, and was advised to call on you
as having a remedy that would afford me speedy relief. I
was taken down in January last, with a violent attack of
Rheumatism in nearly all my joints, so badly, that I could i
not pull off ray shoes without aid ; nor could I ascend or de- !
scend steps, cr pull off my clothes without assistance. My
right arm and hand were nearly useless ; the fingers con
tracted and swollen; the right knee swollen and stilFoued,
so that I could not bend it but very little. Up to the Ist of
April, I was all the time iu suffering and pain ; I rubbed
with your Rheumatic Liniment my limbs three times, and
w*as the next morning enabled to descend a long flight of !
steps, without aid of crutch or stick, and back to my room—l
could also bond my knee and bring it up to the chair, which
the previous day, I could not have done if my life had de
pended on it. 1 could also use, open and bend my fingers,
which was an impossibility the day before. I rose iu the j
morning from my bed entirely relieved of pain. I used one
bottle and an eight ounce vial of your Rheumatic Liniment, j
and in ten days, I was relieved. I would net have been in
the condition which 1 had been ten days before l called on
you, for any amount of money that could be given me ; for
what is life worth when in constant pain and misery ! I
consider your Rheumatic Liniment, the most valuable me J- !
icine in the world. 1 am, dear sir, vour friend,
Columbus, Nov. 1, 1849.
Dear Sir—My negro woman Patience, a cook, had a stiff
neck from a painful Rheumatic affection, for six or seven
years, and could not turn her neck except with the body. I
was induced to purchase a bottle of your Liniment, which
was applied in August or September of 1848. One bottle
entirely relieved her and she now has the use of her neck as
well as ever she had ; and up to this time it hils not return- i
Philadelphia, Feb. 1. 1850. i
Dr. de Graffenried—Dear Sir: Having been afflicted, for ,
some time past, with a severe attack ol Rheumatism. ••<! ’
having heard of the wonderful effects of your Rheumatic j
Liniment, I was induced to try a bottle of it, and after three j
days. I was so much relieved as to be able to leave the house ‘
and attend to business. 1 have perfectly recovered from the ‘
disease, and would cheerfully recommend the Liniment to :
all those who are afflicted.
GEORGE HOOD, 27 Powell st.
Columbus, Ga., Oct. 13, 1849.
Dr. E. L. de Graffenried—Dear Sir: Agreeable to your
request, I give my testimonial as to the virtue of yrur Lini
ment in the cure of Rheumatism. Being attacked in one |
joint of my finger, last winter, with acute Rheumatism, ar.d
having used many of the u tin urn be red prescriptions for its ,
cure, with but little benefit, l made application of two bottles j
of your Liniment, which I am happy to say relieved me in a
very short time. I can recommend its use to all persons af
fected iu like manner.
Very respectfully, F. S. CHAPMAN.
I can testily to the efficacy of Dr. de Graffenried’s Rheu- ‘
matic Liniment in the case of Mr. F. S. Chapman, as it came |
under niv immediate observation.
Oct. 13, 1849. R. A. M ARE, M. D.
DearSir —Some time in January last, Mrs. McKee was
taken very ill with Inflammatory Rheumatism iu her shoul
der joints, extending to her elbow joint, and arm, which dis
abled her from using her arm almost entirely ; and from the
pain, want of sleep, and great restlessness, for not less than
six weeks, I was induced by my friend, Mr. Luke Reed, to i
call on you for a bottle of your Liniment, and by using half ,
the battle, she was entirely relieved, and the relief was man- !
iiest or sensible after three or four rubbings. lam of opinion ;
it is one of the most valuable remedies that has ever been dis- :
covered for Rheumatism : that is, from my own knowledge, j
and that xvhich 1 have heard from others.
Dr. E. L. de Graffenried. 11. C. McKEE.
Columbus, Oct. 19th, 1849.
Dr. de Graffenried —Dear Sir: I take pleasure in saying, I
have a boy who was so badly afflicted with Rheumatism, j
that he could not raise his hand to his head, and had nearly
lost the use of his arm. I used the fourth of a bottle of your I
Rheumatic Liniment, which relieved him entirely. I con- ;
sider it a most valuable -remedy for the cure of Rheumatism. !
Jones’ Hotel. Philadelphia. March 3d, 1850.
Col. A. I>. Ragan —Fir, it affords me great pleasure to be able to
bear testimony to the efficacy and virtues of Dr. de Grajfcnricd's j
Rheumatic l.inimeut.
I have been sorely afflicted for the last six years with what I believ
ed to be, and what eminent Physicians of this city pronounced, Rheu- i
matic gout, for several winters past I have been confined to my room
ar.d bed nearly all the time. In January last, I had an a rack as violent
if not more so than usual, which prostrated me for about three weeks;
on your recommendation I commenced the use of this Liniment. |
(With I must confess but little faith.) Its etlects were astonishing
and decidedly beneficial from its first application. In a few days my i
back, wrists and ankles were entirely relieved (and so continue) of all
the soreness and pains, and the swellings reduced, with the use of
less than one Kittle. I have been iu the discharge of my ordinary
business ever since.
I consider it an extraordinary, and decidedly the most efficacious
remedy for this disease, which I have ever met with. And most cheer
fully recommend its use to all who may be afflicted with it.
Respectfully Yours, N. W. BRIDGES,
Jones’ Hotel.
Baltimore, March 30, 1850.
Dr. de Gr ijfenried —Dear Fir. for the last twelve years, 1 have sut- ;
feree very severely with the Rheumatism, having been nearly one ‘
fourth of the time confined to my bed by it. I have had the best rned- j
leal aid to be found in various cities in the United States, with little or I
no benefit. I have also tried innumerable strongly recommended ,
remedies, which have failed to effect a cure. 1 spent the last summer
at the White Butphur and Hot Springs in Virginia, to little purpose.
After my return home, I so far recovered, as to be able to walk about a
little. About six weeks since, I had a severe attack which again con- j
fined me to my bed. I was in great pain and scarcely able to move my |
limbs, when a friend of mine called and informed me that you had (its- ;
covered an infallihU remedy, and had cured many, and amongst them, !
one of my friends, and showed me a letter from him stating tbo fact, j
1 was induced to try your Rheumatic Liniment, and take pleasure in ,
informing you that in less than twenty-four hours from the first appli- j
cation I was perfect's free from pain, and continue so up to this time, j
I am now able to attend to business, and fondly hope all those afflict
! ed, as I have been, may be as speedily relieved, as 1 have been with
your medicine. Wishing you all the blessings you deserve dear sir,
Your grateful and obedient Servant,
Columbus. Ga., Oct. 20. 1849.
Dr. de Gr of tuned —Dear Fih, I take pleasure in giving you the
particulars of iny affliction by, and relief from Rheumatism. During
the spring of 1044 I was afflicted with a very severe attack of lntlam- i
matory Rheumatism. I employed all the most celebrated remedies j
then known and used in similar cases, aided by medical advice, until l
September. 1845, with no satisfactory result whatever. I was then
induced, by a rheumaticV'qun intance, to try your Liniment, a* some- j
thing new, and which had cured him; and in one month from the [
j time I commenced the application. I xx as well, and clear of the Rheu
matism as I ever was, and have continued so to this time.
Yours, Truly, L. C. MORTON.
For sale at Payne & Xisbett’s Drug Store. Macon, and by Agents
. in all the principal cities and towus in the Untied States. Price 35
per bottle—none genuine xvithout the signature of the discoverer on
the side label ol” the bottle, and across the cork.
dc GRAFT EXRIED k Cos.. Proprietors.
Columbus, June 14,1859. 1? —ly.
THE undersigned is now prepared to furnish BROWN’S TATENT
The Press of all Presses —upon terms that cannot fail to satisfy
all reasonable men. Planters who desire to put up their Cotton in
packages larger and more compact than can possibly be done by any
other Press now in use, and at less exioense, are invited to call and ex
amine the Mo-lei of Mr. Broxvn’s invention, and obtain an explanation
of its wonderful merits. CHARLES P. LEVY,
May 9, 1850. 7—lm f Ocnulgee Foundry, Cotton Arens
THE co-partnership heretofore existing betxveen the undersigned.
in the business of Hotel keeping, xvas dissolved, by mutual con
sent. on the 29th inst. All persons indebted to the late firm will settle
with E. F. Rogers, who will also attend to the settlement of all claims
against the house. E. S. ROGERS,
Macon. May 31,1850. ‘ 10— ts
\i miI.HTON’ il 1 !, L.
ri i Ei S. ROGERS respectfully informs the public that
[* * * be has now the sole charge of this old established and well
■ ■ known Hotel, which has recently undergone thorough ro
pair.and that he will spare no pains for the accommodation of those
who may give him a call. Every department of the Hall will be under
his personal supervision, and ex-cry exertion will be made to keep up
the establishment to the extreme point of neatness, comfort and good
ch€er - E. F. ROGERS.
May 31, 1850. iq—if
THE firm of ST7FOXIS Sc ’WZZ.Z.ZASI3 is dissolved by
mutual consent, and those indebted to the firm will plea -?: walk
up to the Captain's Otf.ce and settle with F. Buford, who alone is au
thorized to settle the same. F. BUFOBD,
May 17, 1350. a—3t
r I'MIE subscriber will continue the House on his own hook, in all
X its branches. This House is undergoing a thorough repair.—
With Bells and ex-ery conx-enience that can possibly add to the com
fort of its numerous patrons, and hop:* for a continuance of the un
paralleled patronage receix-ed by the Lite firm. S. BUFORD.
May 17, 1850. B —ts
w a shWs tW ha Cl
U’ A.C. MOREHOUSE having purchased the interest of Thos.
-dxhhi. A. Brown, in the above establishment, the business will
hereafter be carried on under the firm of
who xx*ill be happy to serve tlieir friends and customers on the shortest
notice and in a satisfactory manner.
fJMIE undersigned having sold his interest in tbc Washington Hall
1 Stables to Mr. A. C. Morehouse, xvouid solicit for the new Con
cern, a continuance of rlie patronage so liheraily bestoxved on the old
firm of Brown k Hiflris. THUS. A. BROWN.
April 4, 1850. 2 ts
coTTois 1 eiiffir
l f. TMim & Si
Hu E now in successful operation one of the most extensive
and complete Manufactories of COTTON GINS in the South.
The materials used are of the best quality. The machinery is all new
nnd constructed on the most approved plans for the manufacture of
Cotton Gins.
The machinists and workmen employed in the establishment are
skillful and experienced ;n the business; and they have made such
improvements in the mechanism and construction of the Gins that
they feel certain, in every case, to furnish a Gin which xriil perform
admirably well, and give the purchaser entire satisfaction.
C U” dRDERs? can he sent to E. T. Taylor i, Cos. by mail, or con
tracts made xvith their Agents who are trnx-elling through the countrv.
GINF will be sent to any part of the c >untrv, and in all cases war
ranted to perform well.
Persons addressing the Proprietors by mail, will direct their letters
to Columbus, Ga..
A sample of Cotton, just as it came from one of their gins, manufac
tured tor a planter of Muscogee conntv. can !>e seen at the office of the
“Georgia Citizen,” Macon, to xvhich the attention of Cotton Brokers
and Planters is inx-ited. N. Ouslev J; Fon are agents in the same
place, for the sale of these superior Machines.
Columbus, March 2 1st. 1850. 1 1 y
THE nndcnJgncd have just completed their SPLENDID
NEW STABLE on the corner of Mulberry and Third
Streets, nearly opposite the Floyd I louse, xvhere they keep on
hand safe a:,b xveli. ctioke houses and every variety of
Conveyance for the accommodation of their friends and the
Single Horses and Drovers will be attended to with the ut
most care and on accommodating terms. As the Proprietors
Itave lint ONE STALL E,and can therefore give their per- ■
sonal attention to their business, they feel confident of being 1
able to give universal satisfaction. [T?” Board of lfor?e 75 !
cents per day. T. M. MASON,
March 21,1850. WILLIAM DIBBLE.
Ociiiulgee Iron & Brass
Ocmulgep Foundry has been enlarged and furnished with a 1
X new and superior stock of tools, xvhich xviil enable the subscriber j
to furnish work at the shortest notice, in his line, of a superior char- I
acter, and at prices as low as can be furni died elsewhere. The atten- :
tion of Milwriglits and Machinists is earnestly requested to examine
this establishment. lam prepared to furnish
S-rSi-lC ill |
from 1 to 60 h rse power, for saw milts or other purposes; Screw ;
Cuttings from 1 inch diameter to 2 feet, 10 feet long ; Gear Cuttings; ;
Turning in all its branches; Finishing of al! kinds of Machinerv.
we are prepared to furnish all kinds ofi Castings of lrm or Brass; Mill
Gear of all kinds, of the most approved patterns; Bevel, Face and Fpur
Gear; Cast-iron Water Wheels; GinGearofall patterns,and sizes to
suit; Cotton Gin work ; Press Pulleys; Hand Railings. Fire-proof
Doorsane windows, t'emetry Railing, Gudgeons, Inks, Mill Spindles—
in fact, work of any description that is done in an establishment of the !
Persons interested in the business arc repuested to examine this j
concern. CHAF. P. LEVY.
Gentalper Foundry, Ist St. Weir .’fieon J- Wcstnm Railroad. I —ts
DR. JAMES WEAVER. (Memphis Tenn.) proposes to perform all
Surgical Operation of every description, and is well prepared
xvith all necessary instruments to perform ex-erv description of opera- I
tion that ts performed in any of the northern cities. He operates sue- |
cessfuliv on all a flections of the eye. as we!! as all other cases, and j
xviil insure a cqje in all cases of cross-r ye, (strabismus) and will guar
antee success iu every case of Club or Reel-Foot, (loxartbni*) or con
tracted tendons in any portion of the system causing dfformitv.
Testimonial.—The following is given as one of many certificates of
successful operation which have been furnished Professor Weaver f
by his patients.
From the Memphis Enquirer, Jan. 30th 1850.
Club or Fool Cared.
Mn. Editor— Dear Fir: Please publish the following case in your
valuable periodical, that those who may be laboring under a similar !
deformity may know where to obtain relief. My feet were both reel- j
ed or clubbed from birth, the toes turned inwards, the bottoms turned ;
backwards, and the tops forward, which thr- xv me on the outside of my ,j
feet, on xvhich I walked up to the time of the operation. There was *
a large lump on the outside of each too 1 , where I rested the weight cf ,
my body in xx-nlking. I applied to Professor J ames Weaver, of Mem- ,
phis, Tenn. xvho is distinguished for hi? surgical skill, and on the 28th
day from the time of the operation, he put straight shoes on my feet. •
they being straight before uje and flat on the bottoms. I can now i
xvalk on them very well and am improving daily and expect in a short i
time to run and jump equal to any neighbor. There is no pain atten- ‘
ding the operation but xvhat can be easily stood by any one. and dur
ing the whole operation there is scarcely any blood lost, and no sores
or inflamation, as most persons might suppose. There is hardly any
sumthat xvouid induce me to exchange my straight feet for the crrk- |
ed ones I had six weeks ago. I would advise all persons who are la- i
boring under that deformity, to call cn Dr. Weaver, who will cure 1
them xvith certainty.
March 21st. 1850. [l —tf]
IF prepared to purchase clean Linen flemp or Cotton England xviil !
pay 3 1-2 cents per pound, for 100,009 pounds, delix-ered at the j
Mills, on tlie Chattahochee River, (three mites above Columbus) in j
quantities of not less than 100 pounds.
Merchants and Traders in the surrounding country, xviil do well to j
draw the attention of their customers to the advantage of saving their !
Rags, and exchanging them for their gtod? and wares.
Cash xviil alxvays be paid for them at “Rock Island Factory.” By
order of the Board.
Columbus, Ga. March 21st, 1850. ]ji —
Job work
Eicuted with Neatness, and Despatch,
TXHE advantages of this new POWER PRESS, and its superiority
A over all others, are as follows:
The power applied is multiplied 440 the Lever ami Eccen
! trio puliy, that is. one hundred pounds power applied to the Lever |
will evert a force 24.000 pounds on the Cotton. The whole top of
i the tale box is open to receive the Cotton, and it may be put as near
! the Lin House as is desired. It is three times as powerful as a screw j
: of 18 inches diameter, that has a nine inch pitch of thread with the
! same length of Lever, and of course the horse has to walk but one- .
1 third as far, for the reason that a lever is required but one-third as Ion?
to do the same work. And further, the Press follower descends with
much greater rapidity at the commencement of the operation, when
but little power is required, whith shortens the distance travelled by .
the horse, iu proportion to the increased velocity of the follower at ;
the star.
This Press can be made very compact, and equally powerful, by j
using the w heel and axle, and can be so modified as to answer any ;
purpose where a Press is necessary for manufacturing or domestic
i purposes. For Cotton it requires one-fourth less work to build, and
j three-fourths less workto raise, than the screws, and if a cast iron Eo
centric wheel is used it will not be much over half the tcork to build
as a screw. For Pressing Cotton, Tobacco, Kemp, Hay,fcc. it cannot j
1 be excelled. There is one-third less timber in this Press than in the i
screw, audit is certainly the cheapest ever built.
The whole cost of the Irons win not exceed $45, which may be had
ofC. H. Levy, of Macon, who is tire only person aulbosited to furnish
them. This sum is exclusive of freight and the cost of right to use
the Press. If the Eccentric wheel is made of Iron, the cost wfil be
10 or sls more for the Iron work, but it will materially lessen the
cost of labor on the wood work of the wheel, and w ill be the cheap- ,
est in the end. Any good Mechanic can construct the Press from the
drawings and specifications which will accompany each right.
I shall sell a single right at S2O, which sum can be sent by mail at j
inv risk, provided the fact of sending is certified to by the Postmaster
of the place where the I?tt. ris mailed. Eaeh right w ill be accompa
nied by an engraving and a fall description. s > that any mechanic will ‘
be able to build the Press. Any communication*, post-paid, trill be :
punctually attended to. A. I). BROWN.
Clinton, Jones County, April 2d, 1850.
This will certify that we witnessed, at the plantation of Mr. Wil- i
liam Johnson, in this county, the performance of a Cotton Press re- :
cenik'invented and patented by Mr. A. I). Dhows, of tins place, and
can. with confidence, recommend it to the public. Its great power, !
convenience and simplicity of structure, renders it, in our estimation. j
eth best that we liavp seen. It packs downward, which we deem ve- j
ry essential; can be placed as near the lint room as desired, andean be |
easily covered in and made very durable.
Griswold, I Thomas Hl-nt, i
Eo ratio Bowes, j Josa. Parrish.
April 2d. 1850. 6 —ts
fgrS h a tsTca ps7
■J 814 & Straw Soods.
\\ E have now on ham Land are receiving weekly direct from our
* * own Manufactory 181, Water Ft. N'. York the latest Spring
Style of MATS, which will be sold whole Sale and retail for Cash, or :
good credit. BELDEN fc CO. j
Macon, March 21, 1850. 1 ts
fiftf 3 ] THE undersigneil having opened a Boot and |
* j Shoe Manufactory in the Floyd Horn. Range. i
\ Mulberry Sf-,\vouM respectfully inform the gen
tiejuen of Macon and vicinity, that they are now ■
prepared to furnish any kind of Boot or Shoe, at
the shortest notice, and in a style that annul be excelled in this or any j
ether city. Having selected our workmen, we are confident of being !
able to give entire satisfaction to those that may favor us with a call! !
The following ST\ IJ2S of Boots will be manufactured, and war
ranted to be of the best workmanship and material, viz:
Inside Cork Boots; Water-Proof Boots;
Quilted Bottom Boots; Nailed Bottom Boots;
Patent Leather Boots; Opera Boots ,
and Gaiter* will be made to order.
VST Abso, on hand, some first rate FRENCH CALF SKINS, of di- .
rect importation, cheap for Cosh. F. P. GARY S: CO. i
April 25th, 1850. 5 ts
Ware-Housa and Commission Herchants. !
/T*** - -'’ “ ‘-A, c> ntinue Busines at their
‘’Pire.Procf Buildißffs,'’
Thankful fur past favors, the beg leave to say they will he con
stantly at their post, and that no efforts shall be spared to advance
the interest of their patrons.
They respectfully ask all who have Cotton or other produce to
Store, to call and examine the safety of their buildings, before placing i
it elswhere.
Custom art Advances on Cotton in Store or Shipped, and all busi
ness transacted at the usual rates.
Aptil 25th, 1850 5 ts
Manufacturing Company.
interest ofG. Roberts in the above company has passed into
JL the hands of John G. Rankin and the company of Simons, Hot- i
lick i: \ aughn into the hands of Win. Hurlick—who bis associated
himself with Atkinson & Rankin oftbe Georgia Mxrbie Manufacturing
Cos. The business will .hereafter be carried on by Atkinson, Rankin *
& Hurlick. All .lebts due the concern ami liabilities against the same t
since the first of June will be settled by them.
We are prepared to do an extensive business: our marble is excel
ent—and we are determined to offir work at prices which will keep
Northern mirfcle from the state. Examine our marble and prices. ;
r work is all done at the mills. Address.
Harnagevillc, Cherokee Cos. Ceo.
I ‘IIE SUBSCRIBER a* constantly on
hand a large and well selected assort
ment of
’lexical, &
f P Aliscellaneons BOOKS.
BLANK BOOKS of all kinds; Stationary in any quantises, for ihe |
common purposes and pursuits of the times, as well as for Legal, and ;
1 />ve “doinjs.r GOLD PENA in profusion from one to a dozen dol
lars. selected to suit any hand, and “-match any pile.* 1 BONNER'S .
M.41*8, Large and Small; Traveller's Guide* through the; c
ven to the Land of Oph:*r, (vide Major Noahs’last crotchet.'! L .ring's
latest GLOBES, with all the well authenticated routes laid down, ex
cept that taken by the ships of Tarshi-h : together with other objects
of Polite Literature. Legal Learning, and Refined Luxury, too numer
ous to mention ; alii of which he is extremely anxious his customers
should become possessed of, in the ‘'usual wap,”
March, 21,1850. I—ts
“Labor Conquers Everything!”
Opposite the Lanier House, Macon, Georgia.
IT is a fact w orth noticing that TEETH inserted in a proper manner
on Gold Plates, are now more appreciated than artv other
article of ornament or convenience; and our present facilities fr their ‘
manufacture, iu any Color, Form or Style,
Os late we have been extracting over one hvxdrfd teeth per
wees, in preparing mouths for Plates and from the apparent satisfac
tion daily evinced by our patrons in this branch, we hazard nothing
in saying, that til who are many way destitute of teeth, can be ben
efited more than tf* times the necessary amount of expense.
Applications from the country or any part f the State, are
respectfully solicited. C. 8. PUTNAM.
May 31, 1850. 10—3 m ,U! ;
„ all tinds of LEGHORN & STRAW
COXNITS Bleached , Altered , and
/*9a 2 rimmed to the Latest Style, bv
~~ ‘.'-Jq at her reside ace, Walnut Street
/ o- 1 xocr ittce Pp McCcupsicr’* Cmcs.
May, 2d, 135° 0— 3m
Beauty and Economy Combined.
(naxu-un) has trox its asbr* mitts with all it*
THE subscriber most respectfully inf. >rms his customers and the pub
lic generally, that his establishment has been re-built, and can
| now be found on £3^”COTTON AVENUE. TTest of the Washington
I Hail. ff -Z where he is fully prepared to execute in the best manner, ail
the various branches of DYEING , RENOVATING, acd RE
PAIRING all kinds of Ready-Made Clothing, and’ Dr usees.
Shawls Bonnets, and all sort- of Fancy Goods damaged by n*e. La
dies and gentlemen will please label all articles sent to this establish
Goods from all parts of t he State #cr.t es before, shall receive prompt
attention, and forwarder back with care.
Factories mid others haring wary filling to color, will find it to their
interest to test the virtues of R „ establishment. Persons wishing
Homespun dyed, will please observe, for black the warp must be pur
ple or blue; for brown a copperas cclc-r, and for green the warp must
be white.
CiF Cash must be paid on the delieery of Goods. $
Ladies, by caking at his establishment, will always find spam
! mens of his workmanship on hand.
April 18, 1850. 4—sm
r PHE uaders'Encd still Contin ;e tbeir oM business, tnd have at thta
! X time, one of the largest and be-f selected “-tocks of
Groceries in the Slate, which they are at all times pret-ared
, to soli on the most / .• rrc\ - terms to Sealers or Consumers.
In additrmto their r> g-ibir Jcismces, tirgy are constantly receiving
! C'oru. Finer. Arc., which they will sell at the hxasr market
April 18, 1850. *.—tf
| Trsr received 0X33 HUXI/JISD DOZSX Lenten,
t) Sarsaparilla, and GiuFer
Opposite Istnier /fount.
April 18, 1250. 4 —ts
On Consignment.
*) AAA BUSHELS Tennessee Corn. Al*% V.'istsr's
I Filalr Mills 4i Faacy* ? Floor.
May 24, 1850. 9—lt PATTEN t COLLINS.
I’~nMntc , .ion in the beautiful Art of Wax Flower Making,
. will be given at a low rate, to a Class of yonng Ladies,
who may desire it, at the residence of a Lady in this city,
who is every way qualified to impart a practical knowledge
of Ihe accomplishment, in a very few Lessons. For further
particulars, apply at the office or the Georgia Citizen.
Macon, June, TANARUS, 1850. u 11 ts.
S. & R. ?. HALL,
Attorneys at Laic,
Macon, Gcoreia.
PRACTICE in Bibb, Crawford. Houston. Upson, Monroe, Macon,
Dooly, Tw iggs. Jones ami Pike counties; and in the Supreme
Court at Macon. Decatur,Talbotton and Americus.
tlP"*- > rricE over Scott, Carjiart S: Co.'s Store.
April 4. 1850. 2—ly
Attorney & Counsellor at Law.
office mvlbersvsteet. xearlv oi“fo;ite Washington
March 21,1850. I—l v
Steam Engines k Boilers,
A so, of Gearing and shafting far MILLS, of every;
or most approved patterss;
Also, Ir.oss por
Bullock’s celebrated Cotton Press,
KEPT constantly on hand; the whole of which are Warranted
to be of the best materials and er-rrl man ship. ard will be sold on
j accommodating terms.
t~F~ Work Shops opposite Prcs'yUri.zn -hsreh. corner Enrth emd
! /I a/a at Streets.
Macon. April 18,1850. ts
“ I Tread no Step Backwards.”
71. S. TIIOHSOI. JI. D.,
a period of over thirteen years, it has been the prevince of
. the undersigned, to present to the people of Georgia -nd the
surrounding States, the results of the use of inn .. . ‘ in the treatment ami cure of disease.?.* -u-r,].,. ul . .
from poiaotxim sulntances, to which from eh 1dh0..! t j-- Ny ■ feta
accustomed, ami to whose pernicious ulhcu u : -.a tlie c.
| many of them are living Witness*; j.
I The success which during this long series of years. I.ns attei-t-d
j his administrations, has, in many been such, :'.a i . over
come the ror>* inveterate prejudices in favor of the oU ord-rof ;n ~
! and to produce instead thereof, a conviction that even in anxUritv- ~rs
in ether branches of the physical sciences, new ideas may be ad- aß
| ed, and results achieved, that-our ancestor* would have’ .loomed ito
i possible, but which our ts-rerit.v, thanks to the eulighientncnt of m
| coming age, may find easy of accmopltriiaaenr.
This sue;eds in curing diseases of the most h vpeless character aft-f
j another means had failed, ami tha* too, in mam instances, seer
i ingthe patient, has long been the subject of general remark, eihibnm*
I as it does, in bold relief the difference between r.3storinga ca*e that
; has been olsWntrty r.bandoox, and amply raising anoth* r. tha. hun
dreds of others could cure.
Such cases can be poir-ed out in aim st every county in
where some poor, decrepid, helpless king, after tevtiri * V orv
; means without avail hive sent off. as a d* m;er a de ii.t n
of their disease- to a distance, in many instances hundre-te of mile*,
and received back those health restoring remedies that hue restored
them again to health and to society, to th ir own asti nortinrent awl
their neighbors wonder, putting at naught the sneers of aatav.-m-sti
interests, and adding new finger posts at every pest office and
roads, pointing the way the city of refuge.
\ % ithout subjecting himself to the charge of presumption, he would
yet boldly say, that he firmly believe* that ihe called
incurable cases in Georgia, are yet witten the reach of uWi- ; ..c and
can be cured by punning a proper coukc oftih Ucati n. with the ex
erciscof necessary care and Fe-severance, on the „-irt of the pan cm.
woich in ail cases of a lingering character, are of the last iaiportan-e
Tlie great ficilities for this kind of treatment presented in the ch to
[wsstage system, has been taken advantage of bv uU who bare
piiy can indirectly atuibute their present good health to tim noble T
---cuuen of Überai gorernmem; and there are thousands more who m*,
renp the same advantages, by simply pursuing a similar course. Let
| tl,e a ™cted if he cannot write himself, get his neighbor to do it for
bun. give a history of hi- case, age, and symptoms. Use sune
as it tilting to a physician. If able and it is convenient, enclose
the fee: it no: convenient just then, a due bill for the amount will
answer, (thU ohr. Ues Ue tor one cnisnee of making accounts ut great
distinct*,) and :f**r Mr, pre-pay ari mul the tetter to his address,
when roetiicines suitable to the case will be compounded aad sent
with full directions.
The charge for treataaete is only (*si five and Hars. moothlv. a sum
sufficiently small to obviate the fear of risk to any and vet suffi
cient to preserve him from loss in his extensive administrations.
Tins dom-. call at the post office in a reasonable time, aad receive
! with as much precision as you would a letter ; pre
pare and u-e them a*directed, and persevere; report progress month
ly, cr oftencr, as may be necessary, and closely watch the proere4 of
the cure. * *
Having been lung and exteuevciy engaged in tlie treatment of dig
I - nses Peculiar to fenwks, he would sav that they niav avail them
selves of hi? kn-.wle.lge, with the ut**t confidence, in hi* pmdeM
and integrity, so that in writing out their symptoms, tbev nwv extresv
i themselves with the necessary freedom. In some of ihe disei4 s of
| the renal and procreative system- the medicine* be tjig more costlv the
charge will be increased. - ’
Such case.** reyirir* fttwonal attention, will be treated on liberal
tetad” ‘ Wke ** tJ<! n€ceasa - r >’ accommodations can ahrayn
, n t 0 results, will address
a tetter to the uni._rs.gned, v ho wul mime Uately mad to
the applicant such documents a* m ist di<nrm doubt
Macon. R
THE SUBSCRIBER hasja4 received an extensive asesr.rtmem of
the above amefc. embracing a great variety of price and patterns
more porticularly the cheaperkin.!s, which will be foundthe prettiest
an.l least expensive finish, especially for parlours; Bordering*, to match
. each style of course. Pers-jos in pursuit of the article will do well to
: call as prices are extremely tew and no charge for loou rre
j fcMUQ. iosmi *•
1 BBUJ ’ Whisker.
XJ\J 100 do. Baltimore do.
100 - do. Phe'ps’ Gttr,
75 - do. Rum.
1 AIM, 10 Bbfc*. Old Facttly Rvc Whirkey. c r-" rt *>
Just race %-vci and f>r -ate *y - tCCTT. C ASH kE ’* CO
j Arul I?. 1?5".