Newspaper Page Text
I now am bunted down like benst of prey.
An armed troop of mercenaries, (Voin Yankee land,
Already scent nty hiding place. All hope is lost—
from allies of much vaunted courage, no help doth come;
In Georgia, our well trained troops have met defeut
Such as given by Wellington on field of Waterloo,
Alabama’s chief has to our cause proved recreant
And Quitman, the gallant \\ estern chief is bound in chains
To answer for allegiance to Don Lopez,
In face of magna charta and the Union’s laws :
Sir Greybeard’s aged limbs are held in durance,
And Sir Walter —our valiaut Coffin Colonel—
Where now is all the aid lie promised me, his Prince,
And where too, is Whiskcrando—the polished Knight,
That once valiant warred on Rio Grande !
And where is Buonaparte, the fierce and puissant chief,
Who plcdgtd himself to stand so firmly to our cause
Till night's pavilion covers all the scene!
for some of these a hempen doom now waits,
A foot or two of cord will close their jugulars,
Or they will ret like sheep in pestilential dungeons.
Hark ! the sound of footsteps ! Who comes there ?
[Mcreurialis entering in trepidation :]
fly nty liege, the enemy is close upon thee,
A moment's pause, and those proud limbs will fetters wear
Which human strength to break will not be able—
Our proud capital is now beseiged by land and sea.
On Southern border bristling pikes do barricade the lines
And Itip Van Winkle Rangers gunrd the Northern shore.
‘Ti# death, inglorious death to stay —to fly
l* but* sorry chance, but life is sweet.
Pruc* :
Alas, my friend, ’lis even now too late to fly.
Tlie niyrinidoms of power are at the door,
Remanding entrance. Oh fate, hard fate,
That leads a prince of royal blood to such a doom
A* that oft made for common malefactors.
Door opens, and the Prince and Mereurialis nre seized by
a guard of soldiers, in the uniform of Uncle Sam, and hur
ried off to prison.]
Scenic 21.—(Charleston Harbor. The Nuvy of the Uni
ted States floating and pennants flying. City in the buck
ground. Troops on shore in the United States uniform.—
Minute guns firing, mournfully. Six of tlie leading conspira
tor* brought out on tho forecastle of the flag ship, dressed in
white caps and gowns and ns many coffins arranged in the
rear. At a given signal Jack Ketch fixes the cords and each
of them pays the penalty of his crimes by being swung at the
yard arm. On the conclusion of this scone, there is one
loud voice raised, from ship and shore, ns the sound ot rush
ing waters —” The Union of the Staten—it must aiul shall
he preferred,” when the curtain falls and the tragedy is
Charleston Ballk.— We notice that Gen. Bailey
very emphatically denies that the Charleston Bank,of which
he is the Columbus Agent, disbursed any money to aid tlie
election of the disunion Ticket of Muscogee. Very well.
But will Gen. Bailey nrrert that the people of Charleston did
not raise fund# for that purpose and have such funds used on
the occasion 1
From the Ncir York Herald. )lass Cnion Meeting, in Philadelphia,
Hmi. John Sergeant, Pro/nlent: 75 Vice Presidents, and
lfi Secretaries.
lion. G. M. Dallas offered the following resolutions, ntid
supported them in an aide address. lie was followed by
*liialt Randall, Ksq. The resolutions are ns follows:
I. Resolved, that the Constitution of the United States,
which was wisely framed for the purpose us establishing a
’■ more perfect Union,” and ‘‘ to secure the blessings us lib
wtv” to unborn generations, bas fulfilled the objects of the
patriots who assembled in Convention in the name and on be
half of the people of the United States, ari l is entitled to the
Veneration Aiul snp|srt of their ‘‘posterity.’’
•*. Tliat in succeeding to the guardianship of Liberty *nd
file Union, which were achieved by the blood of our fathers,
we have inherited an iddigatioti to preserve them untarnished
together; Slid it would he <(ally base to forfeit the national
hi l j ndeuc-, *1 to fail a allegiance to the national Un
J. Th.V- the dfe es the Union Is tt slHetii’icd trust, and
bight to bo dear to overy Amoricnn ; but those citizens nro
-s{K‘oilly it* guardians, who, standing on the spot where In
dr|x ii lenee was diclared, where the Constitution was framed,
and where the Union was rendered more perfect, are ■stimu
lated to its preservation, and find additional motives for the
nerei*oof that pious duty, in surrounding memorials of the
the past; ard here, on the very groun 1 upon which our hc
roie ancestors devo.ed themselves to their country, we renew
t <filename cause, the pledges which they once gave and glo
riiißdv redeemed, of ”our lives, our fortunes, and oxr eacrtd
I. Tliat the Constitution provides that persons “held to
f'fvieeor labor in one State under the laws shcreof, escap
ing into another, shall be delivered upon claim of the party to
whom MK-h service or labor may be due.” For many years,
StJto legislation Contributed menus to carry this constitution
kl provuioti into effect. W hen State legislation was P> p* .ll-
H n duty devolved upon Congress to supply its place, and it
hi. been discharged in confbraiity to fundamental law; and
fie fTHurtmeiits it has adopted are entitled to the 6Uj*|v>rt of
Rilic whole nation.
‘■>. That our c luntrymen nre a law abiding people. They
to chosen representatives in the Congress of the
‘i nited States, {mi.vers of legislation limited by the constitu
tion; and they repose confidence in the acts of a majority
asu inncnstirate with the character of a republican govern
•tiK-iit. When individuals array themselves against the exc
•vUtioH of laws thus enacted, and by so doing trample upon the
fights of the whole people, they are guilty of ut least moral
•treason; an 1 it is the solemn duty of the people to rise up in
*' ,e, r majesty, and by carrying out the regular proceedings of
‘•heir representatives, to vindicate the supremacy and the
’sovereignty of the law.
*'• riiat so much of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania
kirbidsany officers of the commonwealth from giving ef
bc. to any act of Congress respee'.-lng persons escaping from
s'rviee in other State's, and provides penalties for taking cog
-11 Mn c or jurisdiction of the case of any such fugitive, ought
” “ the earliest possible moment repealed.
7- That fnrther agitation of the subject of slavery, which
■ ’’•s heretofore promoted neither the welfare of the slave nor
cause of emancipation, can be productive of nothing but
t-, 3- It has been adjusted by Congress, and with that adjust
it slumM lie permitted, incur estimation, to rest
8- That tlie permanence and ►tabilry of the Union are en-
officious interference of fanatical and disloyal
the North with concerns that do no belong to them,
the counteracting violence of disloyal spirits in the
Mutual denunciations resound from those opposite
tlircaten undiscriminating injury and wrong to
We believe these denunciations to be
’ adojmtfi cause, to be promoted by angry feelings,
n ‘ r due reflation ;to manifest, by their conflicting
“ -’Merits, tending to tlie same fatal results of dissolution
anarchy, that truth resides with neither, and that hostili
,y to execution of existing law must be at variance with
- ‘‘toned reason. We believe that tho series of statutes
‘ l "l at tlie late session of Congress, for the sake of peace,
■° in a spirit of patriotism and judicious coinpro
at they are in no respect a departure from the consti
‘jT"*n,an,l that as it is the obligation, so it ought to be the dc-
of the repulilic manfully^to^BUstainUiem.
ft, “’ h ‘ s “'.v, on the 2?lh ult., by the Ifov. R. Hooker, Mr. T. U.
‘l'mis. t„ u, , .. ‘
A t|' a nd.' n on tlie sth Nov., of Typhoirf Pneumonia, Miss
Htfi ’ ‘ ,t>,ir - s ’ in the 15th year of her age. In her death her nu
rien<i* have but to lament the blasting of the bright pros
iih , awai ‘ed her future life-for with a heart that beat in unison
■til u ? n ndne*e and a mind that opened its petals in the light of
cath n” nots,e ’ we feel assured that though cut off by the frost of
lo y Doom in eternity. “The pure in heart shall see God.’’
■ill® [ r .eds of J. 11. R. WASHINGTON, an
‘uit,U*, h,n f as a Candidate for MAYOR at the en
'“k election. Dec. 7.
, -fudge C. B. COLE, will besupported by many Vo
-23 a ca ndidate for Mayor, at the ensuing election.
cee 7
C3T are authorized to announce J.T. WOOT
ON, as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb Co
at the ensuing election.
WE are authorized to announce WILLIS H.
IIUGIIES, as a candidate for Principal Marshal ,
at tho ensuing election. j ec 7
XW’ W E are authorized to announce JOHN B.
GUMMING, as a Candidate for the office of Mar
shal of this city at the approaching election,
nov 30
C2T WE are anthorized to announce GEORGE
J. LUNSFORD, as a candidate for Deputy Marshal ,
at the ensuing election. (] ec 7
C3T WE are authorized to announce 11. E. RICH
ARDSON, as a candidate for Deputy Marshal , at
tho ensuing election. (] oc 7
JR*) \\ E are authorized to announce J ESSE
MORRIS, as a candidate for Deputy Marshal , at
the ensuing election. j ec 7
Jf-f? W E are authorized to announce J. W.
ADERHOLD, as a candidate for the office of Depu
ty Marshal , at the ensueing election,
nov 30
gr*r we are authorized to announce WARREN
I). WOOD, as a candidate for the office of Deputy
Marshal , at the ensuing election,
nov 30
£3?’“ \Y E are authorized to announce JAMES B.
NELSON, as a candidate for the office of Deputy
Marshal , at the ensuing election,
nov 30
(CP Spencer It iley, Esq., an
nounces himself to his friends and fel
low citizens of 15ibb County as a Candi
date for Receiver of Tax Returns and
would be grateful for their liberal sup
port. Nov. *2.
Gandies, Cordials, Syrups &c.
Picklos, Sauces, Catsups &c.
Family Groceries, Fancy Articles, and
TOYS of every description, the finest assortment in the Ftate,
foreale, Wholesale and Retail.
always on hand, and we are prepared to execute orders in ids line
not to be equalled this side of Paris.
Candy, Cordial, Fyrups and Lemon Fugar, put up with care and
As we manufacture tlie largest portion of our Ftock, purchasers
are sure to get a fresh article, and equal, if not superior to any man
ufactured in the country North or South. Jill hand* of vs being cn
tcrjirisinrr, as iocll as tasty men. and particularly attentive to the JJulies,
we nre determined to contribute our part towards developing the
resources of the country and making ourselves independent of North
ern fabric*. CASH. Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga.
dec 7 37—ts
4i Let those now Write who never Wrote before.
And those who always Wrote, now Write the nv>ro. w ,
JENREE & MILLAR, the celebrated dimeric ten I'cnrnrn,
on their return from New York City and on tlieir way to New
Orleans, have the distinguished honor 1 1 announce to tlie citizens
of Macon, that their apartments for imparting the CIIIROOR.V
PHJC ART, are now open for tlie reception of Pupils and Visitors,
over Mr. Charles Campbell's 1 tore Mulberry Ft.
Tlieir style of Mercantile Writing is bold, free nn.l expeditious, n
dapted to Letters, BilK Notes, Hales, Receipts and finishing Journal
entry, and lie” been rucccsifully taught through tlie principal cities
and t ‘wns in tlie United States, Canada, the West Indies, Jcc.
To tlin Ladies will be communicated a beautiful flowing episto
lary hand, and the one now practiced in the m >st fashionable circles
of the day.
Having had years of experience, they are confident of imparting
their system with marked success. The course pursued is such as to
remove those crumped,stiff and awkward habits which so often re
sult from erroneous instruction, and impart a more elegant and ex|>e
ditious hand in 12 lessons, of from one to two hours each, than is
usually learned in years by tlie old method.
All persons (good judges and critics) are respectfully invited to call
on us, at our Room, where we will lie happy to elucidate by F.jh:b.
iting Upward of 2(10 Spec tonne, explain our principles, and execute
anything that may be called for, whether they wish to avail themsel
ves of our services or not.
Ladies wishing to receive Private Instructions at their residence, or
■onto few Gentlemen wishing to become Teachers, can lie accommo
dated by making immediate application. A bad hand no objection.
Room* open from 9 A. M. to M. from 3 to f*. and from 7 to 10
P. M. Hours of Attendance for Ladies and Gentlemen made known
at our Academy. Reserved hours for Ladies. Arrangement* made
with Hchools on favorable terms. Terms for tlie Course 10 Dollars.
Success Guaranteed.
Specimens of improvement can be sevn at their rooms.
N U Visiting Cards written equal to engraving, at 81 per pack.
J. & M. were presented with Silver medals ill Richmond, la.
which can be 6een at their Room,
dec 7 3< 1
rixnp. business heretofore existing in the namo of Putnam ie I)or-
I ion was dissolved the 30th of Nov*., but. L. F. 1 LIN AM,
dec 7 11. DORION.
TIIE business of Dentistry in nil its
Tranches, will be continued by the undersigned, to
~’■ II IT/ the entire s itisfaction of all.
Macon, Dc-, 7, 1850. [lm] C. F. PUTNAM.
Boot & Shoe Establishment.
XV ITIi X & Kirtland
wotild return their sincere thanks
t he very liberal patronuge
they have received for tho last ten years and they most re
spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. They would
also inform their friends and the public generally that they
are now opening at their New Store opposite Washington
Hull un entire new stock of Boots and Shoes, mostly of our
own manufacture, and which we shall offer ut prices that
cannot fail to satisfy ull who wish to purchase a good ar
ticle at as low prices us the same quality can be purchased
in the City or State. We shall be receiving weekly sup
plies and liope by strict attention to please all who may pat
ronize us. , .
We shall also keep a good assortment, at the old stand,
where one of the firm will remain until nex’ spring who
will be pleased to see our old friends and nil who may favor
us with a call. MIX & KIR 1 LAN P
nov 30
Armstrong is ill Town !
C 1 R. ARMSTRONG, respectfully announces to the
J # citizens of Macon, tlint lie lias returned anil re-op
ened his Rooms, over E. L. Stroheoker’s Drug Ftore,
where thorough instruction will be given in Plain and Orna
ment U Writing ; Double Entry Book Keeping Simplified, and
Drawing, from the most simple to the higher branches of
Mathematical and Isometricnl perspective.
Strangers visiting tho ritv can receive a course ot Wri
ting Lessons in four days. Rooms open ftom 9A. M. tolfl
P. M. nov “
rrto supply the demand for lots in tins new and growing
1 town, there will be another sale, commencing on Y\ cd
n-sday, the 18th day of Dccembernext, at 10 o clock, A M.
The advantages of Oglethorpe as a place of business, arc too
well known to need any recommendation— its location at the
ZL, of Mnd,> the n.0.1 ferule couon .of
Georgia, will, give It a repiJ g bale, of
all the business, which the sale ol /u or , ,
cotton will command—its site is unsurpassed m beauty by
any in this State ; it has contained the present year, a ]opt.-
lation of near 300 persons; at the taking of the P^ 1 * 1
it was 286; not a ease of fever, or serious sickness of any kn
has occurred in the place ; in regard to health, l ‘' l
far, compare favorably with any place, in the fetate. urc 1
sers of lots, can readily obtain materials cither oflum ror
brick, for building—there arc two steam saw mills, rnlll g
two saws each iu full operation, one within two, und the oth
er five miles from the place ; two brickyards have been wor
ked this year aud have made brick of an excellent quality ;
preparations are in progress, for carrying out this business
on a more extensive scale next year.
The early completion of the Railroad to Oglethorpe next
year, is placed beyond doubt. Persons who wish to prepare
for business in this town the next season, will do tvell to at
tend, as this will he the last public sale—the remaining, un
sold and business lots, and a large number oi beautiful lots
for residences, will be offered- E G. CxYBANISfc.
Nov. 23, 35 1
s ls ii©iii& ands ¥11 11 ;
A “ of the Cadets of Temperance will be held
A 011 luuraday Evening, at the New Ilall of Tiniochichi
Hi vision, opposite the Washington Hall. As business of im
portance will be presented it is desired that all of the Mem
h*. p?JI re ? n Uarents wishing to train up their Jioys iu
e at iof “Truth, \ irtue and Temperance” are particular
?o t 0 a ffi e enterprise. All between the age of
am . , arc entitled to be members of the Section.
flec ‘ G. RODGERS, Patron.
Pi a D° Forte Tuning,
BICE tuner and repairer of Piano Fortes
. eii •* r = ans > formerly of New York, would re
s{>eet ully inform ihoso owning itistruments, that he is now
ocated m Macon, and will visit the neighboring towns once
or t w ice a j ear. He has die very best of recommendations
am \\ ill give SIOO if any one can be found to excel him.—
tie pledges himself not to be equalled. He will work cheap
lur those who employ him the most frequently. Tuning
one m the city by the year where there is no repairing,
twice for $5, three times §;(). Charges for repairing will he
made according to tlie work. Orders left at Messrs. Virgins
will be attended to. Nov 16, 185 U 3G-3m
ll 'anted
IMMEDIATELY, one or two first-rate Pattern Mukers, to
whom constant employment and good wages will be giv
en. None hut competent and steady workmen need apply.
novl6 lm ROBT. FINDLAY.
MIRJJja Tallahassee, Florida,
r I T 'IlE Undersigned has taken charge oftheubove Estab-
Jl lishmeut. It has been refitted and furnished with polite
und accommodating servants, and with every convenience
which either tho [dace or the season can afford. He trusts
that his experience us a Hotel Keeper and his general ac
quaintance made during his residence in Macon, will be suf
ficient guarantee to the Travelling Public and especially to
tho citizens of Florida, that he will not fuil to please. Ho
will at least use every reasonable effort to contribute to the
comfort and convenience of those who favor him with tlieir
patronage. S. M. LANIER,
uovlfi iy
r |MIE subscriber having associated with himself, tho Rev.
J- GEOEGE HANCOCK, late Professor of Languages
in the Wesleyan Female College, will open on tlie first Mon
day in January, in connection with the Ilibb County Acade
my, u HIGH SCHOOL, in which will ho taught, all tho
branches of a thorough English and Classical Education.
Prof. HANCOCK will have charge of the Department of
Languages. Prof. J. RYAN, late of tho Liverpool Me
chanic’s Institution, will superintend the Department of
Mathematics. Prof. E. GRIMME, will give instructions in
the French and other Modern Languages.
Hng-lish Department.
Primary (Class, per Scholastic Year $25 00
Pourth.Class, “ K 14 28 00
Third <'lass, “ “ “ 32 00
Second Class, “ w ** 40 00
First Class, “ “ “ 50 00
Classical Department.
Third Class, per Scholastic Year..... S3O 00
Second Class, “ “ “ 40 00
First Class, “ •* “ 50 00
There will be no extra charges, except for tho Modern
Languages, und one dollar from each pupil during the win
ter term.
The instruction in the Mathematical Department, will
embrace every thing usually taught in a Collegiate course,
together with practical Surveying and Engineering, Book
keeping by single and double-entry, principles of Architec
ture, etc.
The institution will he completely re-organized. No stu
dent will he admitted, who does not hear a good character,
und every one guilty of disorderly or jiinmoral conduct, will
he suspended or expelled. Speciul care will be paid to the
moral, as well as *ltc intellectual training of the pupils.—
Suitable Lectures and explanations will accompany each
recitation. Monthly reports will be made to parents and
guardians, of the deportment and progress of ouch pupil.
N. B.—Payments will be required at the expiration of one
half of each term. ,
It j“ A rramrements'will be made to liuv stiuL.iiis from} a
itistiuice, provided with good hoard in respectable families,'at
moderate terms.
Circulars containing further information will be furnished
on application to the subscriber.
P. A. STROBEL,Rcotor.
Macon, Gu., 6th Nov. 1850.
There will ho hut one vocation in the year, commencing
on the 15th July and ending on the 31st August.
Tlie following gentlemen constitute the Board of Trustees:
1 lon. A. H. Chappell, Nathan C. Monroe, Esq., Maj. James
Smith, Col. R. A. L. Atkinson, S. Rose, Esq.
The following gentlemen have consented to act as a Board
of Visitors: lion. E. A. Nisbet, Hon. Washington Poe, lion.
T. G. Holt, lion. G. M. Logan, Gen. J. W. Armstrong, Rev.
W. H. Ellison, D- D., Thomas Hardeman, Esq., Charles
Cumpbe!!, Esq.,S. T. Chapman. Esq., Reverend S. Lan
drum, Dr. W. Lighifoot, Dr. J. B Wiley, liev. R. Hooker,
T. R. Lamar, Rev. J. A. Slmnkliir, Jas-M. Boardmau, Dr.
J. M. Green 11. W. Wise, Esq.,Col. S.T. Bailey, Dr. Not
tingham, end Dr. E. L. Strohecker.
November ‘J, 1850. 33—ts
Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves &
House-Keeping Articles.
Near Scott, Carhnrt & Co’s.
OFFER to the attention of tlieir friends at:d tlie public, a largo
well selected and general stock in tlieir line ; having lieen
selected and bought by one of tlie concern, the goods are all new
mid were laid in expressiy for this market.
We will take tlie liberty to ray, that for variety, our Ftock cannot
be equalled ill tlie Ftate.
We will sell on reasonable terms,giving every usual accomodation.
Copper Work, of all kinds, done with exactness ntid despatch.
Tin Work in all its variety,—Roofing and Job work,done as usual.
A good stock of Tin Ware always cn band. Amongst their stock
will be found Iron of all sizes and kinds, Nails and Nail Rods, Fpikos
Ftcel, Cast, German, Engliih blister and Fpring Steel, flirtings anil
Hollow Ware, Ovens,Pots, Boilers and Cauldrons.
g|j|| STOVES,
j o varieties, some very modern
ANVILS, Vices, Bellows and Blacksmith's Tools, generally. Por
table Forges, Cross Cut and Mill Fanis, and Mill Cranks, Files &c.,
Haws, Planes, Bench Screws, Morticing Machines, Chisels, Ham
mers, Hand Vices and Carpenters’ Tools, generally. Mill Irons, Hois
ting gcrewu, Hand and Jack Fcrews. Plows, Trace, and Log Chains,
Lock and Breast Chains. Axes, Hoes, Agricultural implements, nnJ
nil kinds Plantation Tools, Corn Fhellers, Straw Cutters, Corn Mills,
Spades and Shovels, Fire Dogs, Fendors, Shovel and Tongs and
Housekeeping Articlos, Brass Goods, of all kinds, Ket
tles, Fitters, Paris and Faucets. Fine Guns, Pistols and shooting im
plements generally. Willow and Wooden Ware, Tubs, Baskets,
Trays, kc., kc.
Japanned & Brittannia Ware,
LAMPS, and Candlesticks, English and American Door Locks, Till,
Trunk, and Chest Locks, Files, Rasps, Horse Shoe Nails, Furnaces
for Tailors, Furnaces for heating smoothing Irons, with the usual va
riety of Knives and Forks, Carvers, Pocket Knives, Pad Ixicks and
Brushes of all kinds, llairand Feather Dusters,Cords,
Manilla Rope, Grindstones, &c., kc., kc.
nov9 33—ts
Os all kinds, would rmpectfnlly solicit planters mid
families to give them u cull before purchasing elsewhere,
as they will always keep No. 1 articles.
([oci 29-6 m
Ware-House & Commission Merchants
IN presenting our card to the public, we will stnto that
our best exertions will be given to promote the interests of
our patrons; and from past experience, we hope to he able
to do full justice to all business which may be confided to our
charge • and also hope for a continuance of favors from the
old patrons of Conner & Martin.
Orders for Goods filled free of Charge.
[BT Advance* made on'Cotton in Store or Shipment, at the
usual rates.Xi! T CONNER.
Aug. 50 ts W. W. TAYLOR.
Watches, Jewelry, &e.
GOLD and siver lever, duplex, anchor
and verge WATCHES, gold gnard, fob
vest anc , c li a talai,ie Chains ; seals, keys.
6 harms, ts-e., diamond, ruby, opal, gurnet and.poarl and
other stones set in finger rings ; ear rings, bracelets, neckla
ces, breast pins, studs, collar buttons, sleeve buttons, J-c.
Gold and silver Spectacles, thimbles, pen and pencil cas
es with Brown &. Bagley’s Pens, tooth picks, lockets and
miniature cases, snaps, bracelet clasps, belt buckles of gold
and silver, &c., card cubcs of silver pearl, embossed steel, &c.,
ladies port monies of do. combs of silver, tortoise shell, buffalo
&.C., head dresses, paper mache work stands, desks, port folios
jewelry boxes, &c.
A choice and elegant selection of the above, with a great
many new and elegant articles now on hand and for sale for
moderate profits, for cash or approved credit.
°ct 26 3m E. J. JOHNSON.
Housekeeping Goods.
SIL\ ER Forks, table, dessert, tea, mustard and saltspoons,
butter knives, soup ladles, cups and pitchers, sugar tongs,
gravy spoons, &c. of warranted pure silver.
Silver plated waiters, cake baskets, candlesticks, castors,
snnfters und trays, butter tubs, suit and mustard cups, sugar
baskets, &.c, of new rich and elegant styles.
Silvered and gilt girondole, {rorcelain vaces, lard lamps, &c.
Ivory handle knives and forks in setts and knives extra ;
silver plutcd fruit knives, childrens knives and forks, &.c. nap
kin rings, tea trays in setts aud singly.
Received by lute arrivals and for sale on fair terms by
oct 26 3m E. J, JOHNSON.
UIOR the Y'oung Ones —Buttle doors and shuttle cocks,
F graces, knives and forks, bowls and pilcliers, rutiles,
teething rings, See. for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
GIJNS—A fine lot of superior stub and Damascus
twist Guns,shot pouches, powder flasks, drum bottles
gunning equipments generally, for salo bv
COLT’S Pistols—Allen & Wesson’s do. with a largo
and choice lot of rifle und smooth boro single barrels,
for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
CALIFORNIA Knives—l’en, pocket and bunting do.,
razors ami scissots, &c. of superior quality, for salo by
e. j. Johnson.
CANES —with gold, silver, ivory und other mountings,
cigar cusos, port monuis, dressing cases, &c. on hand
ami fur sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
FINE Violins, flutes and accordeons anew choice lot,
for sale by K. J. JOHNSON.
W LIH EY ORS Compasses, Lund Chains, Mathomuti-
K? cul Instruments Ac., anew supply for sale bv
r |MIE undersigned will continue the YFarelionse and Cm
---1 mission Business, at tho commodious and well known
FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, formerly occupied by Dyson
& Field. The strictest personal attention of both the part
ners will, us heretofore, he given to all business entrusted to
tlieir cure. They respectfully solicit a continuance of the
patronage of tlieir old friends and the public generally.
The y are prepared to make the usual Cash Advances on
all Cotton or other Pitobute stored with them ut the custo
mary rates.
All orders for Groceries, Ragging and Rope, will bo filled
at the lowest market prices.
Macon, Sept. 6, 1850. \ JUI {J*
( A. I> ADA Mb.
*24 —Gin
On 3dxt. between the Floyd House & Post Office.
TIIF. undersigned having REMOVED their
C I Hoot and Shoe Manufactory on 3d Ft., and l*>v
big lately procured a good supply of tho best nu
|****^* r7 *’ ...v ~.>w prrjiureu u; manufacture to or
Inside Cork Roots; Water-Proof Boots;
Quilted Bottom Coots; Nailed Bottom Roots;
Patent Leather Roots; Opera Boots,
Also £hcc and Gaiters ; all warranted of the best stock and
CW" Also, on hand, noma first rate FRENCH CALF FKINF, of di
rect inqrortation, cheap for Cash.
8! Gentlemen nre Invited to call and examine our work, aa wo
arc determined to execute all orders, in a style that cannot be beaten,
Iti this or any other city. We shall aim to give entire satisfaction to
every customer. Reparing neatly done.
ocr 2ts ts ‘ F. P. GARY & CO.
- -Mtflancu v r*>rr*m ics
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Stoves of every kind,
The Richest and Most Fashionable Patterns,
Stove Trimmings and Hollow Ware,
O’ All kinds of Copper, Tin mid Sheet Iron Work, done
at tho shortest notice.
oct 10 30—6 m
m& w o 1 u liM.
Rrciit Rargaius!
Would rcspoctfutly announce to the Citizens ol MACON,
and surrounding country, that they arc nnw opening in the
new Triangular Block, three doors East of Logan's Dry Good*’ Ftoro
2d street, the largest and most attractive stock .>
PI mmmm
SS(®lS 9
ever before offered In this market, which will b sold at prices that
cannot fail to suit the Customer.
Being largely connected in the Fhoc and leather busineps at the
North, their Goods have been manufactured and got up to the host
possible advantage, and with careful reference to this market; and
they venture to say, that in point of elboakce and ocRAtnuTT, their
Ftock cannot be equalled by any house South of Washington.
11l the Ladies Department will be found the most r*rk
and elloaxt styles which have over been produced by the Trade
such as: Fatin and Prunella patent foxed Congress Gaiters; Fatin
and Prunella patent foxed Lace Gaiters; black and white'Fatin, nnd
black and white Kid Party Flippers; Enamel, Bronze, black nnd
white kid French Embroidered Party Suppers —a beautiful article;
Patent Leather Enamel, K id, and Morocco Excelsior Ties ; High and
Jow ctu Morocco and Cloth Buskins and half Gaiters; French Mo
rocco, Lace and Congress Gaiters; as well os the more common vnri,
eties, for general nnd substantial use. Misses, Ciulmish and In
fants wear, in great variety and extent, from the common und sub
stantia’l to the most rich nnd fanciful.
In the Gent K iiii'ii’s Department maybe found a great
variety of French calf stitch dress Boots —among them, an elegant
Broadway article; French Calf St itch Water-proof and fork sole
Boots; French Calf, Peg lm.,dress ai.d winter Boo.s; Patent leather
and Enamel Congress and French strap Gaiters; Cloth patent loxed
nnd Prunella Congress and Lace Gaiters ; Patent leather and trench
calf Taylor Ties nnd Brogans; Patent leather, Morocco, Seal and
Toilet slippers nnd Tumps. Bovs Wear of every description, trom
a French calf, st itched Boot down tolhc most ordinary article worn.
Their stock of Common nnd I!f.avy Wokr consisting of calf, kip,
nnd stoga Boots; calf, kip, Goa, Black and Russet Brogans is exten
sive, and will be sold at small advances to the planter nnd laboring
Their Stock will be kept foil and complete by monthly
arrivals— thus enabling them at all times to furnish an v ar
ticle of Goods palled for bv the Trade. They would. tlieic
fore, reepectfitll v solicit the attention or those shopping to
an examination of their (foods, before making thoir purcha
ses; assuring them that tlieir Goods nnd I rices cangot fail
to please; and pledging the best attentions on the* bohalt.
To those buying to sell again, Goods will be ottered at a
small commission. Believing a scale °f J-ow fnT bfst
suited to the ti nes, their motto will be, “.Small Fronts
and Qiucl* Returns.”
Repairing neatly done ati hort notiu.
Macon. Octo,, 26 liso
TIIE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
the Subscribers, in the business of Hotel keeping, is this
day dissolved. All persons are cautioned against crediting
any one in the name of said firm.
The undersigned will hereafter continue the “Mechanics’
Hotel” on his own uccount and hopes to afford the public
and his friends satisfaction. THO. L. WILLIAMS,
oct 19 ts
,1 AHA Wool Hats assorted qualities,
A-UUI/ 1000 Negro Blankets assorted qualities,
1500 pr. Negro Shoes Superior quality,
200 pieces Negro Kersevs,
for sale by SMITH & OLIVER.
m aaaawam xT
MRS. DAMOFR informs the Ladies
fpfZ. g of Macon and vicinity, that her stock in
U i fw’ill ** ,rt h ,,e is complete for Full Fash
w ith the most desiruhle floods.—
’ ‘ ’ Jf'. As these Goods have been mostly pur
chased in I’aiis, for this placo, thov will
J- 5 * xWfc. C be sold cheaper than ordinary. Ladies
would do well to lake a good look at
‘/ r\ them and compare them wilh other Goods
before purchasing elsewhere. The Stock of SILK nnd
'SII.K, is worth any one’s trouble to examine thoroughly,
o cltl 3m
Ocmnlgec Iron & Brass
rjAHE Ocmulgeo Foundry lias been enlarged nnd furnished with
| new and superior stock of tools, which will enable the subscribe
to furnish work at the shortest notice, in his line, of a su|>erior char
acter, and at prices as low as can be furnished elsewhere. The atten
tion of Milvvrigbts anil Machinists is earnestly requested to examine
this establishment. lam prepared to furnish
from 1 to 60 horse power, for saw mills or other purposes; Screw
Cuttings from 1 Inch diameter to 2 feet, 10 feet long ; Gear Cuttings;
Turning in ull its brandies; Finishing of all kinds of Machinery.
wo are prepared to furnish all kinds of Castings of Iron or flrass; Mill
Oearofall kinds, of the most approved patterns; Bevel, Face and Spur
Gear; Cast-Iron Water Wheels; Gin Gear of all patterns, and sizes to
suit; Cotton Gin work; Press Pulleys; Hand Railings, Fire-proof
Doorsane windows, Ceinetry Railing, Gudgeons, Inks, Mill Spindles—
in fact, work of any description that Is done in an establishment of the
Persons interested in the business are repuested to examine this
concern. CHAS. P. LE\ Y.
OcmtUgce Foundry, l.rt St. below .Vacua .V Western Railroad. I— ts
OAA KEGS Nails, assorted;
J*\j\j 50 “• Ilrads, do.
20 “fine 3d nails;
1000 pounds Wrought Nails;
1000 do. Horse Shoe Nails;
15,000 do. assorted Baltimore Hollow Ware;
Swedes Iron, assorted;
Hand, Hoop and Round Iron;
Nail Rods;
Caot and German Steel;
English and American Blister Steel;
In Store, and for salu by BRAT, C.VRHAUT & CO.
May 14,1850. 12—ts
LAMP, Linseed, Lard and Train oil. “Window Glass and
Putty, Paint Brushes and all kind of Colours for Pain
ters’use for sale by SMITH ts - OLI\ ER.
f'l'Mii.; undersigned still continue their old business, and have at this
A time, one of the largest and best selected stocks of
Groceries ill the State, which they are at all times prepared
to sell on the most favorable terms In JicalOTQ OT Consumers.
In addition to their regular business, they are constantly receiving
consignments of TSNNSSSSS PRODUCE, Uncoil,
Corn, I’ lour, &c, which thev will reJI at the lowest merket
f ... SC/IT, tAivu ,ut boo
April 18,1850. 4—ts
Billiard & Bowling Saloon,
Opposite tlic Lanier House,—Macon, La.
r IMIIS ESTABLISH.MENT has recently been thoroughly
L renovated and splendidly furnished, by the Proprietor,
who has lately purchased and set up two of
Winant’s Superior Billiard Tables,
for tho accommodation of those who are fond of this pleas
ant and scientific pastime.
ILT lie has also refitted his BOWLING SALOON con
taining four good Alleys, with all tho ueedful equipment for
this healthful and invigorating exercise.
ILT His BAR is, as usual, well supplied with the choicest
spiritual refreshments, and in u room separate and distinct
from the other Departments, po that all tastes can be grati
fied, without any unnecessary commingling of the solids
and liquids.
O’ Good order will bo preserved, and every attention
will be given to make his guests feel entirely “at Home,”
whenever they may choose to give him a call. Asa ‘re
treat’from tho cares of business, during the long winter eve
nings, tho Proprietor flatters himself that his visiters may
“go further and fare worse.’
oct 19 [6m] E. E- BROWN.
('t ILT Cornices and Cnrtuin Hands of new styles and rich
A und elegant patterns. For sale by
FOR the Toilet —A choice selection of verv superior
Toilet articles, for snle by E. J. JOHNSON.
FOR Wedding Parties, Ac. —Note paper, envelopes,
wafers,cake boxes, gold and silver leaf, Ac., of choice
and beautiful styles, for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
DAGUERROETYPE Stocks—Plate enses nnd chem
icals, prepared buckskin, paints, brushes Ac. wilh a
few samples of beautiful papier tnaclie and gilt ntorroco book
cases, for sule by E. J. JOHNSON.
1 AA AAA ~,s Cush paid for clean cotton o
1 MAH f linen rugs—l cents per pound, when de
livered in quantities of 100 pounds or more ; and 3J when de
livered in small quantities. For old hemp, bagging, nnd pie
ces of rope, IJ cents, delivered either at Rock Island Factory
orat their store in Columbus, in the South corner Room
of Oglethorpe House.
P. ADAMS, Secretury.
Oct, 26.
IK Half-BarTs No. 1 Mackerel,
O 15“ “ “ 2 “
fresh caught, for sale by SMITH A OLD LL.
1 A CASES Prints, assorted qualities;
I'J J do. Ginghams, do. do.
2 ilo. Law ns, tlu. do.
10 Cases Bleached Goods;
50 Bales Brown Domestics;
Cans, Ivy. Joans, Flannels, &-c. —for sale bv case or piece,
ry cheap at KIBBEE & DICKINSON’S.
July 3d, 1850. 14—ts
Steam Engines & Boilers,
.l.’so, of (Unring and rhaftinT for MILLS,of every description,
Also, Ikons for
Bullock’s celebrated Cotton Press,
KKI*T constantly on hand; the whole of which arc M Jtrruutrd
to be of the best materials and workmanship, and will be sold on
accommodating terms.
Work Shops opposite Presbyterian church, corner fourth and
Walnut Streets.
Macon, April 18, 1850. 4—ts
tm <e> sy olall o
A form their friends and cusiomcrs, that they have moved
their Ftock of DRUGS and MEDICINES to the corner of
the new Brick Building opposite the Washington Hall,
where they will be happy to see all their old customers mid
others that may favor them with a call ; and where they
will keep a general stock of fresh Drugs and Medicines,
Leeches, Perfumery. &.C., and put up Prescriptions with care
and neatness, and ahvavß cive satisfaction.
oct 1 -
O TONS Assorted Pots, Ovens, Bhders, Skillets, in store, and
jU for sale by BRAY, CARHART §i- CO.
sep 11. “®
GOLD Foil, Dentist* Fiße* Mouth Glasses, Ac., far
raleUy E- J JOHNSON.
* nHI.
mmm a
MR. BOSSIEUX will commence his School on
this evening, Saturday 3d November, at 3 o’clock
for Misses, Mastsrs and Young Ladies, for gentlemen
same evenings at 7, 8 or y o'clock as may best suit their
convenience. Mr. B. wi 1 teach those who may desire
the dance Nloftroou and Scottlsch as Taught
and introduced by Cellarius at Paris. He will give les
sons privately if desired, attend Classes at Academies
or in the surrounding county and parents tnay rest as
sured that due attention will be given to the deportment
of their children.
Terms lor all the different dances, §lO for any par
ticular one. §5; waltzing will be taught for $5, and :
lessons given privately it desired.
Cornucopia Jtcstaurai
Copartnership heretofore existing under the name
* of USIIKR &. LANIER, is this day dissolved, by mu
tual consent. The business of this establishment will
be carried on by C. C. USHER, who will use his best
efforts to please all who may favor him with a call,
oct 26 ts CIIAS. C. USHER,
City Lots for Sale.
IPVU one acre Lots in the South Western part of Macon,
near to the contemplated site the S. W. Rail Road;
six quarter and half acre Lots ou Magnolia street, near the
W oslyan Female College, and one Five acre Lot adjoining
Troup Hill, near the new Factory, FDR SALE. For fur
ther particulars apply to * E. E. BROWN. •
July 19, 1850. 17— ts
rri, , THK NEW OMNIBUS, built to order ex
gs£ for the Fwio and Lxxiuit Udviu,
1 now running to and from uadi Railroad
—'r*4C., ‘ Depot. Culls for priraU passengers maJ*
punctually, on notification being made at either Iloune, or our stable.
June 14,1850. 12—ts
Ware*Uouse & Commission
E— WILL continue business at their u -
O \ WAREHOUSE, opposite Messrs. ifvSC-'V —’
Ross k Cos. Cotton .leinue. Grate- ‘
ful for the patronage extended to V, lJilt. ‘
them the past season, they renew the tender oftheir
services to their former patrons and the public, with the assurance
that, as they have no interest, either direct or indirect, In the purchase
of Cotton, their entire attention will be devoted to On: inter
ests entrusted to them.
for Bxooixo, Ropk and other Mhckixmie, will Is:
filled carefully and promptly, and Utu customary advances made on
Produce in Store.
May 24, 1850. 9—ly
THE proprietors are. pleased to announce
to their old friends and tins public gener
ally, that this NEW HOTEL is now open
for the reception of Company.
Having had it erected and fitted up at great expense*cm the most lib
oral, elegant and extensive scale, they confidently expect a gencrou.
patronage. |S. LANIER & SON
June 14, 1850. I*—tf
Instore, aad for rale by” SCOTT, CARJIART & .CO 1
April 18,1850. 4—ts
|r TMIK SUBSCRIBER has Just received an extensiva Hausortinenl of
X the aliovc article, embracing a great variety of price and pattern*
more particularly the cheaper kinds, which will be found the prettiest
and least expensive finish, e*[*ccialiv’ for parlours; Bordering* to match
each style of course. Persons in pursuit of the article will .do well
to callus prices are extreme!v low and no charge for loosing.
March 21, 1850. I—ts
waUTngtok hall.
a j E. 8- ROE IvIlN raspectfritty tnfiiras tho public that.
he has now tho sole charge of tliie old established und well
.HILL known Hotel, which haa recently undergone thorough re
pair, nnd that he will spare no|tainsfor the accomuiodutiou of those
wlio may give him a call. Every department of lire Hall will be under
his personal supervision,and every exertion will be made to keep up
the establishment to the extreme point of noaUwes, comfort and good,
cheer. R. S. ROGERS.
May 31, 1850. 10 —ts
K/\ <5 Vices,4o Bellows,M)00lbs Sledge Hammers
t)U Patent Stocks and Dies, cut from Jto 1( iitch. Just>
received und for sale by BRAY CAUIIAUT, A CO.
.Macon, Sept 13, 1850. 25—ts
4 O BALES Heavy Gunny Cloth;
50 pieces Dundee Bagging;
.1000 Coils Kentucky Rope;
250 ** Russia 18 ply Ropet
1500 Lbs. Twine;
2000 Packs Palt—now In Ftore and for sale In lots to suit purcha
sers, low. kIBUEK & DICKINSON.
Jane 7,1850. 11<—tf
For Sale.
A HOUSE couotalning Four Rooms, with all necessary out
Buildings with an excellent well of Water on the premise*
near the residence of Alex. MeGrcgor. Poeoo*4<>n glveti Itnmediu
tely. B. K. BROWN.
Fept. 18th, 1850. 90—ts
art’s refined and New Orleans Syrup, Soap, Starch and-
Candles. for sale by SMITH rfr OLIVER,
JIT>T RECEIVED a complete assortment fall Style,
Huts and Caps.
firglMl SMI.
jNßffifflSU r r.!E BUBHCRIBF.R has constantly on
A hand a large and well selected assort-
Law, Igedical, School A
{ \ misccllaiH'oiiH BOOKS.
BLANK BOOKS of all kinds; Stalionary In any quantities, (br the
common purp'nwis and pursuits of the time*, os well ns fesr I .eg al, and
Love “doings.” GOLD PENS in profusion from one to a dozen dol
lars, selected to suit any hand, and ‘•match any pi to.*- BONNER’S
MAPS*, Large and Small; Traveller’s Guide* through the States,and a
ven to the Land of Opliier, (vide Major .Noahs’ l<t*tcroichot.) LoriagV
latest GLOBES, with all the well authenticated routes laid down, on
ce pt that taken by the ships of Tarshish ; together with other object#
of Polite Literature, Legal Learning, and Refined Luxury, too mimer
ous to mention ; all! of which he is extremely anxious his ouslotirtfs
should become possessed of, in tAe “■CHii vjy.”
March, 21, 185. J — l|
j A PRS. Cotton Warp, Ingrain and S fly Carpetings,
“I"V7 Just received, and For sale lower than ever known iq
this market, by KIBBEE & DICKINSON.
Macou, July 3d, 1850. 14 —ts
DISSOLUTION.—IThe 1 The copartnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned, is dissolved by mutual consent—to take
effect on the Ist day of September next. Macon, August 50, fBSO.
aug 23 Cl—ts A. W. MARTIN.
i will be continued in the name anil style of CONNER & TAYLOR
at the old Stand—where they will be ready to exert themselves tp
serve all patrons and friends.
aug, 23 22—ts YV.. W TAYLOR
Ware-House and Commission Merchants.
WILL continue Bui- ncs at their
-riro .Proof BuiMing-s,”
AVENUE, Mxcov, Ga.
Thankful for past favors, tha heg leave to say they w ill he con
stantly at their post, and that no efforts shall be spared to advance
the interest of their patrons.
They respectfully ask all who have Cotton or other produce to
Store, to cal! and examine the safety cf their building*, before placing
it elswhcre.
Ci'Stomart Advance.; on Cotton ill Wore or Shipped, cud all busi
ness transacted at the usual rates. 4j
April 25th, 1850 5-*f
t mk -M
~...... m ~