Newspaper Page Text
~ Tlie Report of the Committee of 33.
Ti ;< Committee was to have reported Thursday
I but haviftg detailed a sub-committee to re
,nornl f t ’ at 9 o’clock, there was not time for the main
1, “- t .L to report to the Convention before the
V;*’' 1 ,!!, (l s the mail of that day. We have, howev
n° loci'od from a d*Jugate, the following synopsis
tT ; he understands will be the substance of said
] ‘T'tlic rwlmission of California was Constitution-
Ijilt as the admission of new States fc is a matter
: V Jl-Cirtm with Congress, the exercise of that dis
!;n!i t*v Congress in this case was “injudicious.”
01 V, | the Hills organizing New Mexico and
I t~,ii as Territories, were not unconstitutional.
II The Texas boundary Bill is according to pre
ah'iit. and is constitutional.
ith The report will proclaim, in unmistakeable
tho.doctrine of non-intervention, on the part
('lnlrrcss, with tlie subject of slavery, in the District
,* (Vhifiibia and in the Territories, though no vl
llntafiiin will he laid down.
‘ . it |i. A perfect unabated confidence now in the
intention and determination of the Northern States
l fho General Government to execute the Fugi
tive Slave Law, will be expressed.
* (ith. A declaration of the principles which are to
eoiitroi the great National Union Party of tlieUni
t, ,i States, to be called the Constitutional Union
forty, “ill he promulgated.
V H verv Man. —The editor of the Pittsburg
ykruiricle says: ‘Talk altout enjoyment of wealth ;
it never can he enjoyed ! An abundance is a heap
inisCry. A man vvho owns :>Jiouse, a small farm,
:i small wife, a leg dug/ a cow, tvfo or three fat
did a’ dozen children, ought to be satisfied. “ If he
ain’t lie never can hit.’
MAV Oit Al, TV.
T IIE friends of J. 11. It. WASHINGTON, an
nounce him as a Candidate for 31 WOK at the en
siling election. Dee. 7.
M l A I Cl PA L.
Mr. Editor :—'The following Ticket will be sup
ported for Mayor and Aldermen at the approaching
■Municipal Flection, by men of all parties.
For Mayor.
. t o r Aldcr mc n .
r G. B. GOI.K,
Gil AS. A. ELLS-,
We are authorized to announce L. S. CllEli
irv as a.candidate for First Marshal , at tlie ensu
ing flection. Dec- 14 38 to ‘
13F WF are authorized to announce WILLIS 11.
11l GIIFS, as a candidate for Princijm/fi Marshal.
. at tin* ensuing election. dec 7
/’if’ W F are authorized to announce .offiN fTT*
’ l MMING, as a Candidate for the office of Mar-
Mud of this city at the approaching election,
lxiv 30
S3U M.F arc authorized to amiounce GEORGE
J. LI N-Sh t >li 11, as a candidate tor J deputy Marshal.
•it the en-uingelection. dec 7
SS3U A Fare’ authorized toatmomice JL F. JHClf
*A|B>S’ as a cjimYjjiuten &xMJcpuly Atfu*rM
the ijAixtirng election. . . dec 7
\\ F are authorized to announce JFSSF
MORRIS; as a candidate for Deputy Afarshal, at
tlie ensuing election. dec 7
XP A F are authorized to announce J. \\.
ABEL HOLD, as a candidate for the office of Depu
ty Marshal . at the ensueing election,
in iv 30
XP M L arc authorized to announce WARREN
* it. \\ < tOD, as a candidate for the office of Deputy
| M'rshul, at the,ensuing election.
3k nv :> >
Ik I3f W K are authorized to am.ounce JAMES B.
‘ N, as a candidate for the office of Deputy
Marshal, at the ensuing election.
- iiov 30
AM W F arc autlmrizcd to amiounce ZAGH A
II \d I!’ >L< >M< >N, asa candidate for Deputy Alar
•dmt. .-.t the ensuing election. dec 14
XM A F are authorized to announce the name
*l. \\. Sl IAW, as a candidate for Deputy Alar-
Mod. at the ensuing election. dec 14
Premium Cotton Gins.
Ri LOR Cos., Proprietors of the Col
i’ims Cotton (Jin Manufactory, have the satis
■ti !'"ii to announce to their patrons and the Planters.
fh’iitTitily. o| the Cotton growing region, tliat they ate
p r * par‘Mj to supply any number of their celebrated Pke
!t M (itNs.
tore these Gins have been once used, it would be
‘‘ 7, U| >tieresary for the Manufacturers to sav a word
‘V: I>lvor ’ a< ” {| 'Py f** e l confident the machines have
’ 1 ‘rnitylit to such perfection, that their superior per-
inti -e win recommend them, in preference to other
h’ i'. 11 7 Il3 ®* For the satisfaction of those who
, “ M , flie Gins, and are acquainted with their rep
"n. lie I roprietors need only say, that the First
,;i'v" , '’; n 7 ; ve I>eer * awarded to them, fir the BEST
(j” ,: ' ll,o< :it , ' lO Great State Fair lieid at Atlanta,
. tll<? Alabama and Georgia Agricultual
l . 1,,111^, S held at Columbus ; and at the an
° tSotiUi Carolina Institute, at Charleston.
* i ” these Gins receiver the first Pre
cvpr -'p ‘ 10 cx G<biticHn held at Charleston, S. C. and at
W. !*!!\ w here samples of cotton from them have
Proprietors have in their possession numerous
at ies | ro!n /'lnnters, Cotton Brokers, Commission
tl „: C 7 ants anJ Manufacturers of cofon goods, te.-iif/ing
tlutol'i r ' nrin ‘ ir,ce °f the Gins, and the samples pro
hitei ie,n ’ Ciinn °f he excelled by any ever manufac
,Gcal’ i° r f ers Gins given either to our traveling or
“ill r ,” n * ? ' or f° rvvar ded to the Proprietors bv mail,
loarr".^ S reco ‘ ve prompt attention. Gins vviil be sent
.’ pirt ol the country, and warranted to give satis
<m. • °
. l * ,eru ) discount will in all cases be allowed
so Ie Gash is paid, and the Gin taken at the Manu
‘ Dec. 14. 38—ly
The Dedication Exercises,
( \ vv Hall of Tomiclilhi Di-
V 7
’ Zvi Mfe - ance , will takrSolace on Monday evo
ning next, at 7}rfa|ock. An Address
will be delivered by Rev. SYT.VA-
NltS I.ANDHt M, Brohup of the Order.
*V.\£ The public, generally, ate resect ful-
V-AScT Jy united to attend. By orUfijr
‘ JOI,N S - RLLS ’ “> B ePro>lt
— — l 3S-IN.
§ &2T C£D ££ C£3 LMi Q
. STOLEN or Ranaway from my Plantation
f 111 Twiggs Cos., 14 miles south-east ftom Ma
• [ffii COll > a negro Girl named C’ltaney of dark com
; flexion and if not stolen is making her way
hack to Macon, where she may be lurking a-
Gir| °- ,t ’ as purchased her from a Trader. Said
be tv-,* U< t . ! ' ;irl,ci,la r marks recollected. Any person will
fc ‘r r" I 'i y rPWar ded that wid arrest said Girl and confine
T r . 41 7 r relurn her to me at my residence.
{ o., Dec 14. ‘4tj JCSI.VII WALL.
OCP Spencer Riley, Esq., an
nounces himself to his friends and fel
low citizens of Bibb County as a Candi
date for Receiver of Tax Returns and
would be grateful for their liberal sup
port; ‘ Nov. 2.
C3T WE are authorized to announce J. T. WOOT
ON, as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb Cos.,
at the ensuing election.
Mechanic’s Society of Macon.
officers anil members of tlie Mechanics’ So-
A ciety ol Macon, are hereby notified that a spe-
Md cial meeting will he held on Saturday evening De-,
1 cemhor 14, at 7 o’clock, at the new Temperance Hall’
V over,he JtJ \velry store J. A. &S. S. Virgins. A gen’
‘* enil attendance is earnstly requested, lly order of
the President.
Dee - 14 - 11 DAVID TOTCF.V. Secretary.
At Home Again,
WE beg to inform our old
F.” friends and the public, that FT & Ts!
we are again established a our old stand
on the Avenue, No- 3, 1 niou Building, and opening anew
and splendid assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold
Chains, Pins, Ear Rings, Gold Pencils, with and without
Pens, silver Spoons, and Forks of rich patterns. Gold and
silver Spectacles, Plaited Waiters, Castors and Cake Bas
kets of new and splendid patterns. Candlesticks, cutlery,
and a variety of fancy articles usually kept in our line.—
Guns, Pistols, Game Bags, Wadding, Caps, etc. An as
sortment of Wind, Brass and Wood instruments. Accorde
oAs and Violins of splendid quality. Clocks of different pat
Clocks and Mutches repaired and warranted. Piano
Fortes, from Xruins & Clarks, J, Chickerings. A. 11. Gale,
wiiich^vv4.B v bgjK>ld cheap and
warranted. Guitars, Guitar and Piano music, ffTsTruction
hooks, etc. Call and see us. J. A. &S. S. VIRGIN,
dec 14 3g ts
Attorney at Law and Notary Public,
Oglethorpe, iHacoii Cos.,
dec 14 GEORGIA. 38—ts
JSa stoles “ieT
ROM the stable of the Subscriber in Jetferson Cos., Ga.
. on the night oil the Bth iust.. a pair of Black Boh Tail
Ponies, each having the left hind foot White and a spot in the
forehead and on the nose. Said ponies are between seven
and eight years of age stoutly formed ; the smaller one has
rubbed his mane and tail a good deal. 1 will (rive a liberal
reward for them and also for the thief.
Jefferson Cos., Ga. Dec, 11, 1850. 38-ts
IMMEDIATELY, one or two first-rate Pattern Makers, to
whom constant employment and good wages will he giv
en. None hut competent and steady workmen need apply,
uov 16 lm ROBT. FINDLAY.
Candies, Cordials, Syrups &c.
Pickles, Sauces, Catsups &c.
Family Groceries, Fancy Articles, and
TOYS of every description, the I'neet assortment in tlie State,
for saie, Wholesale and Retail. ■
alwavsonhS|HßßlßMMltt£t >re d t 0 execute orders jn his line
<. i
n/r 11. ri.
■ it.-.- t - 1 r- -! in lin-H
r,ir s.ny, cs irr/M
we are detenniill
resources of the col
cm fabrics.
dee 7 “ I
‘* Let those now Write who never V'/rote before, A
And those whoalwavs Wrote, now Write the inorrt
rl',\lUi!'i X 311 LEAR, the tetrbratnl .Inuricnn /’<n/i r n,
on tli ir return from Xew York City and on their way to N\v
i trlenns. have tin; distinguished honor to announce to tlie citizens
of Macon, that their apartments for imparting the UIIIUOLItA
I’IIIC AKT. are now open tor tlie reception of Pupils and Visitors,
over Mr. Charles Campbell's store Mulberry ft.
liieir s'vie ot Mercantile \\ riting is boa), free and expeditious, a
dapt.'d to Letters, Bills, Notes. Sales, Bceeipts and finishing Journal
entry, and lias been successfully taught through the principal cities
and towns in the United States. Canada, tlie West Indies, &c.
To the Ladies will be communicated a beautiful flowing episto
lary hand,and the one now practiced in the most fashionable circles
of the day.
Having Itad years of experience, they are confident of imparting
their system with marked success. The course pursued is such as to
remove those cramped, stitF and awkward habits which so often re
sult front erroneous instruction, and impart a more elegant and expe
ditious hand in Ig lessons, of front one to two hours each, than is
usually learned in years by the old method.
All persons (good judges and critics) are respectfully invited to call
on us. at our Room, where we will he happy to elucidate by F.ikib.
tUng I'pteirl of gOO S/Krim os, explain our principles, and execute
anything that may be called for, whether they wish to avail themsel
ves of our services or not.
Ladies wishing to receive Private Instructions at their residence, or
som • few l.'ontlemon wishing to become can lie accommo
dated by making immediate application. A bad hand no objection.
Rooms open from 9 A. M. to M. from 3 to 6, and from 7 to 10
P. M. Hours of Attendance for Ladies and Gentlemen made known
at our Academy. Reserved hours for Ladies. Arrangements made
with Schools on favorable terms. Terms for the Course 10 Dollars.
Sucre.*# O:ior:tn Uni.
Specimens of improvement can be seen at i.Tmr rooms.
N. B. Visiting Cards written equal to engraving, at $1 £et-P*?Y.
-• M. were presented with Silver medals in Richmond, \’a.
whic-li can he seen at their Room.
dec 7 37—t f
Boot & Shoe Establishment.
• % Ti i x & Kirtlau <l
would return their sincere thanks Tw v
for the very liberal patronage
they have received for the last ten j ears and they most re
spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. They would
also inform their friends and the public generally that they
I are now opening at their New Store opposite Washington
Hall an entire new stock of Boots and Shoes, mostly of onr
own manufacture, and which we shall offer at prices that
cannot fail to satisfy all who wish to purchase a good ar
ticle at as low prices as the same quality can be purchased
in the City or State. We shall be receiving weekly sup
plies and hope by strict attention to please all who may pat
ronize us.
We shall also keep a good assortment, at the old stand,
where one of the firm will remain until nex* spring who
will be pleased to see our old friends and all who may favor
us with a call. MIX & KIRTLAND.
nov 30 3*s—tf
Armstrong is in Town !
CK. ARMSTRONG, respectfully announces to the
• citizens of Macon, that lie lias returned and re-op
ened his Rooms, over E. L. Strobecker’s Drug Store,
where thorough instruction will he given in Plain and Orna
mmtal IVriliM<r; Double Entry Book Keeping Simplifier!, and
Drawing, from the most simple to the higher brandies of
‘Mathematical nod Isenielricol perspective.
Strangers visiting the citv can receive u course of Wri
ting Lessons in four days. Rooms open ftom 9A. M.tolO
!’• M. nov 23 ts
r supply the demand for lots in this new and growing
X town, there will lie another sale, commencing on Wed
nesday, the 18th day of December next, at 10 o’clock, A. M.
The advantages of Oglethorpe as a place of business, are too
w'ell known to need any recommendation —its location at the
terminus of Railroad, in the most fertile cotton region of
Georgia, will necessarily give it a rapic! growth—-it will have
all the business, which the sale of 70 or 80,000 bales of
cotton will command—its site is unsurpassed in beauty, by
any in this State ; it has contained the present year, a popu
lation of near 300 persons ; at the taking of the present census
it was 286; not a case of fever, or serious sickness of any kind
has occurred in the place ; in regard to health, it will thus
far, compare favorably with any place in the State. Purcha
sers of lots, can readily obtain materials either of lumber or
-brick, for building—there are two steam saw mills, running
two>aws each in full operation, one within two, and the oth
er five miles from the place ; two brickyards have been wor
ked this year and have made brick of an excellent quality ;
preparations are in progress, for carrying out this business
on a more extensive scale next year.
The early completion of the Railroad to Oglethorpe next
year, is placed beyond doubt. Persons who wish to prepare
lor business in this town the next season, will do well to at
tend, as this will he the last public sale—the remaining, un
sold and business lots, and a large number of beautiful lots
for residences, will be oficrid. E. G. CABANISS-
N'ov. 23. 35-—lt
sis iFi®min. milli.
BEL, Rector.
Macon, Ga., 6th Nov. 1850.
I here will he hut one vocation in tlie venr, commencing
on the 15th July and ending on the 31st August.
The following gentlemen constitute tlie Board of
Hon. A. 11. ('hnppell, Nathan C. Monroe, Esq., SYluj. Jairifl
Smith, Col. R. A. L. Atkinson, S. Rose, Esq.
The following gentlemen have consented to act asa Boaiß
of Visitors: Hon. E. A. Nisbet, l ion. Washington Poe, I lofl
I. (j. t roll. lion. G. M. Logan, Gen. J. W. Armstrong,
A. H. Ellison, D. D.,Thomas Hardeman, Esq., Charltl
Campbell, Esq.,,S. T. Chapman. Esq., Reverend S. Lull
j drum, Dr. W. Lightfoot, Dr. J. B Wiley, Rev. R. Hookel
j T. R. Lamar, Rev.J. A. Slianklin. .Jas- M. Boardrnan, 1)9
J. M. Green IT. W. Wise, Lsq., Col. S.T. Bailey, I)r. Nol
tingham, win) Dr. E. L. Strohecker. I
November 9, 1850. 33 |f I
Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves &|
House-Keeping Articles, I
Nea-rScott, Cariftrrt-4t410’. . I
tojfhe attention of their friends and tin; pVglic., a lorcl
V/ “(deselected and general stock in their line ;
selertedjjfnd bought by one of the concern, the goods are all mfl
andjSCte laid in expressiy for this market.
will lake the liberty to say, that for variety, our Btock c;imfl|
be equalled in the Btafe.
e will sell on reasonable every usual
Copper Work, of all kinds, done with exactness and despatch.
Tin Work in all its variety,—Roofing and job work,done ns
A good stock of Tin Ware always on hand. Amongst their
will he found Iron of all sizes and kinds, Nails and Nail Rods,
Steel, Cost, German, Knglish blister and Spring Steel, Castings
Hollow Ware, Ovens, Pots, Boilers and Cauldrons. °
csd&a STOVES,
; l Jg|§|COOKING
• * and
I—--- ■■ -JM 10 varieties, some very modern
ANVILS’, Vices, Bellows and Blacksmith's Tools, generally. Por
table Forges, Cross Cut and Mill fains, and Mill Cranks, Files &c„
saws, Planes, Bench Screws, Morticing Machines, Chisels, Ham
mers, Hand Vices and Carpenters’ Tools, generally. Mill Irons, Hois
ting Screws, Hand and Jack .Screws. Plows, Trace, and Log Chains,
Lockand Breast Chains. Axes, Hoes, Agricultural implemcnlMraaM
all kinds Plantation Tools, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters.
Spades and Shovels, Fire Hogs, Feodors, Shovel and
Housekeeping- Articles, Brass Coods, of all kimilHl
ties, Sifters, Pans and Faucets. Fine Cons, Pistolsand
plemonts generally. Willow and Wooden Ware, Tubs,
Trays, &c.., &c.
Japanned & Brittannia Ware, H
LAMPS, and Candlesticks, English and American Poor Locks,Till,
Trunk, at.d ( host Locks, I*i!c.s, Rasps. Ilorsc Shoe Nails, Furnaces
for Tailors, Furnaces for heating smoothing Irons, with the usual va
riety of Knives and Forks, Carvers, Pocket Knives, Pad Locks
Razors. W
Scissors, Brushes of all kinds, Hairand Feather Dusters, cJrd
Manilla Rope, Grindstones, &c., &c., &c. 7 ’
nov *> 3rf-tr
GOI,I) Foil, Dentist* Kilts, Mouth Glasses, f or
sa ‘ e b y E. J. JOHNSON.
Ware-House & Gommission Merchants
IX presenting our card to the public, we will state that
our best exertions will lie given to promote the interests of
our patrons ; and from past experience, we hope to be able
to do full justice to all business which may be confided to our
charge ; and also hope for a continuance of favors from the
old patrons of Conner & Martin.
Orders for Goods filled free of Charge.
tT Advances made ou Cotton in Store or Shipment, at the j ;
usual rates. _rj “ ’ I ‘•
15. T C ONNER. j
Aug- 70 ts W. W. TAYLOR.
V MEETING of the Cadets of Temperance will he held
on Thur*day Evening, at the New Hall of Timed;ichi
Division, opposite the Washington Ilall. As business o! im
portance will be presented it is desired that all of the Mem
ber he present. Parents wishing to train up their Boys in
the Path of “Truth, Virtue and Temperance” are particular
ly requested to aid the enterprise. All between the ago of
12 and 20, are entitled to be members of the Section,
dec 7 JAS. G. RODGERS, Patron.
Piano Forte Tuning,
O. B. RICE tuner and repairer of Piano Fortes
ff $ i ff and Organs, formerly of New York, would re
spectfully’ inform those owning instruments, that he is now
located in Macon, and will visit the neighboring towns once
or twice a year. He has (he very best of recommendations
and will give s>loo if any one can he found to excel him. —
He pledges himself not to be equalled. He will work cheap
est for those who employ hint the most frequently. Tuning
done in the city by the year whe e the'e is no repairing,
twice for $5, three times $6, Cha.ges for repairing will he
made according to tho work. Orders left at Messrs. Virgins
will be attended to. Nov 16, 1850 36-3 m
business heretofore existing in the name of Putnam &. Dor
_L ion was dissolved the 30th of Nov., last. C. 8. PUTNAM,
dec 7 11. DORION.
THE business of Dentistry in all its
branches, will be continued by the undersigned, to
4 A—I—I—r the entire satisfaction of all.
Macon. Dec, 7. 1850. [lm] C. 8. PUTNAM.
frSU’ 1 z
tOULia Tallahassee, Florida.
r IWIE Undersigned has taken tlie above Est<Jj
n-n'liUed-JWWnioishetl with poTirif
and accommodating servants, and with every convenience
which either the place or the season can afford. lie trusts
that his experience as a Hotel Keeper and his general ac
quaintance made during his residence in Macon, will he suf
ficient guarantee to the Travelling Public and especially to
the citizens of Florida, that he will not fail to please. He
will at least use every reasonable effort to contribute to the
comfort and convenience of those who favor him with their
patronage. S. M. LANIER.*
novl6 1 y
rpilE subscriber having associated with himself, the Rev.
X GEOEGE HANCOCK, late I’rofessor of Languages
in the Wesleyan Female College, will open on the first Mon
day in January, in connection with the Bibb County Acade
my, a HIGH SCHOOL, in which will be taught, all the
branches of a thorough English and Classical Education.
Prof. HANCOCK will have charge of the Department of
Languages. Prof. J. RYAN, late of the Liverpool Me
chanic’s Institution, will superintend the Department of
Mathematics. Prof. j]. GRIMME, will give instructions in
the French and other Modern Languages.
English Department.
Primnry'jClass, per Scholastic Year Oft
Fourth Class, “ “ “ 28 00
Third Class, “ “ “ 32 00
Second Class, “ “ “ 40 00
First Class, “ “ “ 50 00
Classical Department.
Third Class, per Scholastic Year s3fi 00
Second Class, “ “ “ 40 00
First Class, “ “ “ 50 00
There will he no extra charges, except for the Modern
Languages, and one dollar from each pupil during the win
ter term.
The instruction in the Mathematical Department, will
embrace every thing usually taught in a Collegiate course,
together with practical Surveying and Engineering, Book
keeping by single and double-entry, of Architec
ture, etc. -\\ v
The institution will be completely re-org,x\ v ized. No stu
dent will he admitted, who does not bear a (\Vxl character,
and every 011 c guilty of disorderly or pinmor.. conduct, will
be suspended or expelled. Special care will belaid to the
moral, as well as'lie intellectual training of CI.V-pupils.
Suitable Lectures and explanations will accompany each
Monthly reports will he made to parents and
deportment and progress of each pupil.
<1 at t lie e\ jiira 1 e-n ■
Watches, Jewelry, &c,
GOLD and siver lever, duplex, anchor
and verge M ATCHES, gold guard, fob
vest and chatalaiue Chains ; seals, keys.
( harms, j-c., diamond, ruby, opal, garnet and pearl and
other stones set iu finger rings; ear rings, bracelets, neckla
ces, breast pins, studs, collar buttons, sleeve buttons, tj-c.
Gold and silver Spectacles, thimbles, pen and pencil cas
ts With Brown &, Bagley’s Pens, tooth picks, lockets and
miniature cases, snaps, bracelet clasps, belt buckles of gold
and silver, &.c., card cases @f silver pearl, embossed steel, &0.,
ladies port monies of do. combs of silver, tortoise shell, buffalo
&c., head dresses, paper rnac-he work stands, desks, port folios
jewelry boxes, tc.
A choice and elegant selection of the above, with a great
many new and elegant articles now on hand and for sale for
moderate profits, for cash or approved credit.
oct 26 3m E. J. JOHNSON.
Housekeeping Goods.
SITA EE Forks, table, dessert, tea, mustard and saltspoons,
butter knives, soup ladles, cups and pitchers, sugar tongs,
gravy spoons, &c. of warranted pure silver.
Silver plated waiters, cake baskets, candlesticks, castors,
snuffers and trays, butter tubs, salt and mustard cups, sugar
baskets, &c. of new rich and elegant styles.
.Silvered and gilt girondole, porcelain vaces, lard lamps, & c.
Ivory handle knives and forks in setts and knives extra ;
stiver plated fruit knives, childrens knives and forks, sc. nap
kin rings, ten trays in setts and singly.
Received by late arrivals and for sale on fair terms bv
oct 26 * 3m E. J. JOHNSON.
the Yonug Ones—Buttle doors nml shuttle cocks,
Uraces, knives and lorks, bowls and pitchers, rattles,
teething rings, &.c. for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
[.NINE GUNS—A fine lot of superior stub and Damascus
l twist duns,shot pouches, powder flasks, drain bottles
running equipments geuerallv, for sale bv
V --X , . , K. J. .101(1 NSON. . -
CJOLT’S Pistols—A lieu <& Wesson’s do. with a lar<re
J and choice lot of t ide and smooth “bore single barrels,
for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
(and A Ll!’ OR VIA Knives—l’en, pocket anil hunting do.,
J razors ami scissois, OUc. ol superior quality, tor stvln by
tUVX LS—with yold, silver, ivory and other mountings,
J cigar cases, port tnonais, dressing cases, &.c. on baud
and for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
■ Violios, flutes and uccordeons anew choice lot,
i for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
SIR V El ORN Compasses, Land (’bains, Mathemati
cal Instruments c., anew supply for sale bv
‘ K. .1. JOHNSON.
undersigned will continue the Warehouse and Com-
I mission l*nsiitess, at the commodious and well known
FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, formerly occupied by Dvsox
N- Field. The strictest personal attention of both tlie part
ners will, as heretofore, be given to all business entrusted to
their care. They respectfully solicit a continuance of tlie
patronage of their old friends and the public generally.
They are prepared to make the usual Cash Advances on
all Cotton or other Produce stored with them at the custo
mary rates.
All orders for Groceries, Bagging and Rope, will be filled
at the lowest market prices.
Macon, Sept. 6, 1850. $ J I OII , X M ’ FIKLI >’
1 t A. B ADAMfew
: 1> ( • ■
ulenis from a
t hand. S.Mil.’ first ruto Fit KWH CAM’ BKIXB, of t |j.
, importation, cheap for Cash:
l S'” <■ 'iit !< -lufti .'iro invited to call and examine our work, as wo
,v®f'to'/vccutf all orders, hi a h/i i that cannot be beaten*,
l l is,,r:,n -V otliereity. We shall aim to give entire satisfaction to
■[’ 1’ customer. Heparin” neatly dune.
V t ~ l} ,r F. P. GARY & CO.
- IstC'^
Ma'pfarlnrpr and Dealer in
puwmampawwi© a slooxs
I Stovls of every kind,
and Host Fashionable Patterns,
at)'! I follow Ware
WWsfz ACON ! G A .
‘ ip: "’ r ’ T::l ’ >'i” ’ Lot W„ r l,
llllSlllllllß i 30 —fim
I “ 7;Y1
.■ ■ ■ ■- Hfl •
; / ■ ;V.
f; 1 ” I ■> l"r lii.- an.l
.iiidp 1,,,;,^.
“i -tii i it..■( .i
1 •’ 11 ‘b t i .'i i..\ and Ii
;, . ml - n calf, kip.
’ ‘ ‘ ‘ 111,1 “ 111 l>c a! small a
I IIf■ ir Slock will he kept
arrivals thn.- enahling tiiem
Goods called for b> the TrSHH
le.-pei Hull v solicit the at tri; 1 1
ail examination of their Goods, b
f e ‘ s ’, asp| H ing them that their Ooods
op ease; and piodging the .best
“\r e ® l, T‘ n p t 0 again, Goods
‘ 1 . com, me:don. Believing a scale of
i fines, their motto will he, <4 fn
ai LJQ’iJck J
Repairing nea: ly done a!*’ iiort n -.lice. M
Mace„, octo., id )f t 0 M
f ■&mg% v% yx
a a Uilx**
to the Citizens of 31” A COX
: ry. tint they are now opening in the
lr,ors East of IsipanV !)rv Good*’ Store
Hjt.lttrartivu STUCK
TIIE COPARTNERS]!IF heretofore existing between
(he Subscribers, in the business of Hotel keepiug, is (his
day dissolved. All persons are cautioned against crediting
any one in the name of said firm.
The undersigned will hereafter continue the “Mechanics’
Hotel” on his own account and hopes to afford the public
and his friends satisfaction. TIIO. L. WILLIAMS,
oct 19 ts
1 IHin Wool Hats assorted qualities,
J UUU 1(100 Negro Blankets assorted qualities,
1500 pr. Negro Shoes Superior quality,
‘JIM) pieces Negro Kerseys,
for sale by SMITH & OLI\ ER.
MRS. DAIIOVR informs the Ladies
/ijg : i of Macon and vicinity, that her slock in
a l ,ove hne is complete for Fall I'ash
ion, with the most desirable Goods.—
M : WMt As these Goods have been mostly pnr
*'sLf chased in Paris, for this place, they will \
V*fc. £ he sold cheaper than ordinary. Ladies
would do well to take a good look at
‘/ / I them and compare them w iih other Goods
before purchasing elsewhere. The Stork of SILK, and
SILK, is worth any one’s trouble, to examine thoroughly,
ocltl dm
Ocniulgcc Iron & Itrass
7pm: Ocmulgoe Foundry has t&en enlarged atid- furnished with
■Jb.'ncw and superior-stock of took*. which 4*iW o*u We the subscribe •
, to furnistr work at the shortest notice,- in his litre, of a superior char
acter, and at prices as low as can Ire furnished elsewhere. The atten
tion of Miiwrights and Machinists is earnestly requested to examine
this establishment. lam prepared to.furnish
from 1 to 00 horse power, for saw mills or other purposes; Screw
Cuttings from 1 inch diameter to 2 feet, 10 feet long ; Gear Cuttings; .
Turning in all its branches ; Finishing of all kinds of Machinery.
we are proj>arod to furnish all kinds of Castings of Iron or Brass ; Mill
Gear of nil kinds, oftlie most approved patterns: Revel, Face and Fpur
Gear; Cast-Iron Water Wheels; Gin Gear of all patterns, and sizes to
suit; Cotton Gin work; Press Pulleys; Hand Kailimrs, Fire-proof
Doors ane windows, Cemetry Railing, Gudgeons, Inks, Mitt Spindles—
in fact,-work of any description tlrat is done in an establishment ot the
Persons interested in the business are repuexted to examine this
concern. ( HAH. P. LEVY.
Oemulgee Fount! re. Ist St. bcioir .Muon -V n'cxtern Kaitroail. I—ls
,)/ w\ KEGS Nails, assorted;
20 “fine 3d nails;
1000 pounds Wrought Nails;
1000 do. Ilorse Shoe Nails;
15,000 do. assorted Baltimore Hollow Ware;
Swedes Iron, assorted;
Band, Hoop and Round Iron;
Nail Rods;
L’n.-t and German Steel;
English and Auferican Blister Steel;
In Store, and for sale by BRAT, C.VRIIART k. CO.
May 11,1830. 12—ts
J- AMP, Linseed, Lard and Train oil. Window Glass and
J Putty, Paint Brushes and all kind of Colours for Pain
ters'use for sale by SMITH <■!’ OLIVER.
TlAjik undersigned still continue their old business,and have at tins
JL of the largest and best selected stocks ol
Groceries in the State, whjcb they are at all times prepared
to sell on the moot ftrorable terms to Dealers or Consumers.
In addition to their regular business, tliev are constantly receiving
consignments of TENNESSEE PRODUCE. Bacon,
Cot'll, 1 lour, AtC.,.which they will sell at the Unreal market
April 18, 1850. 4 —ts A
Billiard & Bowling Salted
Opposite llie Lanier Lou
! !o ,A S °P sri BUllaa Tables,
■•, ,1 known i ,o< ' a,lon °f those who are fond of this pleas.
| JlM,ha, he
, Aty ih'”- hit a,so refitted his BO A LING SALOON con-
Tour ileys, with all the needful equipment for
jnhis healthful and inviiroratino exorcise.
ftj J 1 is “BAR is, as usual, well supplied with the choicest
*/ri/tal refreshments, and in a room separate and distinct
Irnm the other Departments, so that all tastes can be grati
fied, without any unnecessary commingling of the suht/d
and lit/it ids. 1
.jM Good order will he preserved, and every attention
will be given to make his guests feel entirely “at Home,”*
whenever they may choose to give him a call. As a‘re-
from (lie cares of business, durinjr the loitjf winter eve
nings, the Proprietor flatters himself that It is\isiters may
*'jX.b fitrlher and fare worse.’
{('in] E. E. BROWN.
GIL I Cornices and Curtain Bands of new styles and rich
und elegant patterns. For sale hv
tho Toilet—A choice selection of very superior
I oilet articles, tor sale !>v E. J. JOHNSON.
W edtliti” Parties, Arc. —Note paper, envelopes
9. wafers, cuke boxes, gold and silver leaf, &e., of choice
and beautiful styles, lor sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
1 “1 I'iRROM V PI 1 ] stocks—l’late cases ami chent-
B -* IC!l| G prepared buckskin, paints, brushes &c. with n
tew samples nt henntjfulpapier maclie uml gilt tm.rrocc. book
!!!!°"’ sa,e b - v . E. J. JOHXSO.V
100 000 AGS. Cush P ai, l for clean cotton o
I \J\Jn\J\J\J linen rags—4 cents per pound, when de
livered in quantities of [OO pounds or more : and 5* when de
livered in small quantities, tor old hemp, hugging, and pip.
ces of rope, IJ cents, delivered either at Rock Island Factory
°l 9 \ t ,‘ le I lr store ‘ Columbus, in the .South corner Room
or Oglethorpe House.
Oct, 20. I>- ADAMS, Secretary.
I Ilalf-Bar'ls Xo. 1 Mackerel,
l ft 15“ “ 2
fresh caught, for sale hy SMITH & OLIVER.
f A CASKS Prints, assorted qualities;
1 5 do. Ginghams, do. do.
2 do. Lawns, do. do.
10 Cases Bleached'Goods; ‘•.■>- ■ *■-'■■- §§
50 Bales Brown Domestics;
Caps, Ky. deans, Flannels, Ac.—for sale by cisg orj wT**
Steam Engines k Boilers,
of Gearing and shafting for MILLS, of erery denrriptian ■ i
if-**-, fM c R’ tCE P; L 1
liters and
:in ;r c be where.
Hfo. 1 articles.
F 23-Gr.i
]\TR. BOSSIEUX will commence Lis ScJtoei ■.
I*l this evening, Saturday 3d November, at 3 o’cl<*
for Misses, Masters and Voting Ladies, for geniisiftt
saint’ eveitinjfs at 7. 8 or U o'clock as may best suit tlf
convenience. Mr. 11. wi ! teach those who may t'osn
the dance Tloilroot* anti £cttsvcH as Tatifflß
and introduci'd by (Vilarius at Paris. II? w ill give les
sons privately if desired, attend Claeses at Academies
or in the surrnityilmo cniiusv and parents may re:ta ; -
surid that tine allentirn will be yivett to the deport men-
Terms !or all the diffl renf dances, $lO ; for any par
ticuhtf one, .$5; waltzinj; will lie for §'s, an
lessotts iriven privately if desired.
novi y
Cornucopia lloNfsiurnf,
Adi) ixma 310332,
(.'opartnersiiip lieretofitre existing ;;n !er tit? r.-ame,.
of USHER & LANIER, is tlt is day dissolved, by mu
tual consent. The business of this establishment will
he carried on by ('. C. USHER, who will use his bc-st
effort* to please al! who tnav favor him with a call,
oct 28 ts * CNAS. C. USHER,
City Lots for Sale,
r one acre Lois in the South Western part of Macon,
-1- near to the contemplated site of the S. W. Rujl fio.ui;
six quarter and half acre l/rts ou Magnolia street, nea. the
WesJyan Female College, and one l'ive acre Lot adjoining -
Trottp liill. near the new Factory, FOR SALE- For fur
ther particulars apply to E. E- BROWN,
duly PJ, 1850. ’ H—ts
TIIK NEW OMNIBUS, built to order ,
prosly for the Ft.ovn and F.xssrß Hot -
/fZjritW *s now running to and frotn e-.v h Rajlro-t i
■, Depot, tails for pr irate passengers aetrle
punctually, on notitkatiorr being madeut either House,orouf stable.
June 14,1850. 12—ts
IVart‘-llon<it; & Coututisxioii Merck s? ,
Wild, continue business at their
VYARKHOUSE, opjvvsito Messrs. —& ~
l' ,,s s X: t’o. ('atton .‘lccnnc. Grate- h?:" (
ful for the patronage extended to ‘
them the past season, they r>aiAv the tender oft heir SSSEifiSc?:,’ :
services to their former patrons ami the inihlic, w ith the assuror!
that, a* they have no interest, either direct or imlireet , in ‘be pvreb- ■
of Cotton, their entire attention will lie devoted to the inr :
ests entrusted to them.
SPgr'Orilers-for IlAuntsc, Rofic and other Mkrciisxiusk. wild- ■
filled carefully and promptly, and the customary advances made
Produce in Store.
.May 24, 1850. Af 9 —sy
II <A.
n are ph ascii to at:nf>t!?e’
“'^© r “Id friends and the public gcucr
that this MAY Hi TKLis
reception of
1 r;: i. . ■ ‘ ‘
■ ■
i r.
WsF I ■
:, AR- .'^^22T-ACZI3IZT
! - ; | Vnviis. ?.', Vi.-,. Id lie !),>■■■
” n 1 •’'••lit k, and |>ie,. •■BIB
r-e.*iveil ami for sale bv j,, Sept Id, ijM";;-’
j | it- l: ‘.id'.:’ I.’- avy <;.,nve|.BHH|
l->’ ; ... ,
ttl.KI i ‘oils Koiitncky |;,,, H . ; ‘
- 50 “ E'tssia ir<j,|v Rom'; WBm
l.lrs. Twine;
- 000 Sait—now in Store and
sers, low. i-, k^H
June 7. 1850. ■
For Sale!
\ HOUSE couptaining Four Hoorn?,
Huildings with an rlhcclktit well of
near thyvsidence of Alex. .McGregor. pr-- t J
arl s refined ami Xevv Orleans biyrup, i
Candles, for sale by SMITH
* > lilts and Gaps.
JHHHHHHPP” r | ’.’ _ a
1 j a ‘MsmMm
JKu j
’ i ■"'■ ‘ Vi'. :• •( >ks . ■
- 1 ’ • - - .
V:. i.....
I • - .....
. : ‘ > • . >.- aif
” ‘ ■ ■ ■ ’ ■ ■ ,
V-rr’,. •;!. i-. : .
‘/ and, an •
f known i
3d, jp',o WCRINSON.
* 14—es
. ■ :■■-¥ -.k.k’— dkd*
ts m 7 T - gowner!
ShhHHL _______ A - y - martin.
||||gj■r•>>fon■. and friends. .
23 22— t s z * T.
-- - H ‘- u TAVI.OR
Bre-HonM and Commission Merchants.
” IbL continue Cosine* at their \f
‘We.Proef Buildings,” jL^Jlp
xzsaswwi t'iimv AVENUE, Maeos, Ga.
Thankful for past favors, (ho bog leave to av th m - .
stanlly at their post, and that no efforts shall be srmrt l tl f COr ~
the interest of their patrons. H TC!I to a ‘*vaoc<s-
Tliey resfk rtfidly ask all who have Cctt-x or a
Advaxces on Cotton in Store or Shi™-,
ne r tran-arted at the usual rates. nap -and all bun,
Aptil 2jih, 1850