The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, January 18, 1851, Image 3

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ROBINSON & ELDRED’S wmmM Monday, Tuesday, Weducsday and Thursday. 20th, 21st, 22d and 23d, of January. NOVELTY, TALENT AND ATTRACTION! IMMENSE TRIIMPIIS!! ROBINSON &, ELDRED BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY WILL PERFORM AT MACON ON Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 20th, 21st, 22nd and 2,‘Jd January. * XT HEN in addition to the Talent of the old Company, will be presented to the public Stars of the very first magnitude \V in the’Equestrian and Gymnastical Hemisphere. M and une I OMSK HR( AVER, the beautiful, the elegant, the graceful, the daring, from Franconi’s. Paris, and Astley’s , ,* 1111 u u .... timior of aonearinir. LAVATER LEE, the World-renowned, and his infant Prodigies, have been .r. o,pe„. FRANCETTO BR<OVER, .he mo.l iainpuble p„.l CT.OWX, 8 - k. nt a Pavillion in a roar, is one of the greatest'attractions of this wonderful Troupe, und is admired by all for his ,al uTLJ tb, North ‘and has appeared in all the principal cities of the State of New York, and been everywhere v ‘j| ed as th g Equestrian in the World! Miss HENRIETTA ROBINSON will also appear in her graceful and arts Toother with a host of performers of first rare abditv. The Proprietors would direct the public attention to the CHARIOT OF THE SUN. a magnificent work of art, con i j . u H hu e „ onn ,nis expense, and worthy the attention of all. The Paintings are of the most exquisite character, and * f ’ immortalized the artist who executed them. The Curving and Gilding are of the most massive and beautiful descrip '"l In the stvie and design of the ancient War Chariots of Rome. The Chariot is drawn by twenty beautiful Cream u". 1 U eu. irisoned in the most superb style, and driven by the celebrated DOUGLASS BENIIAM, well know as the l’ri'nce of Charioteers. It conveys the N EM’ YORK BRASS BANI), led Mr. WILLIS, so aptly designated the “Apol- J° it iOIIS OPEN AT 7, P. M. Performance to commence at half-past 7, P. M. ] ADMISSION, FIFTY CENTS: children and colored persons half price. Jan 11 2t. T!it‘ Company will exhibit at Barnesville on tlie 10th, Culloden 17th and For svtli the 18th of January. . many thanks fra prowin? patronage inour I busine**, solicit a continuance of the same the commp year. (Mr itock is equal to any in the country and our facthtn-s are great, lnd c will not spare any eipense or pains to procure every luxury wantedbv our numerous patrons fr0...a1l part* ot the Mate. U hen we tummenced to build up a market here for all the ot the sea bord which now amounts to about SSOOO per month, our motto was and is to po ahead and keep ahead and not he outdone by any one. The people desired such a market and we have been nobly susta.n ----d by our numerous friends and are daily making new ones in all pa rts of the Mate by selling things cheap. Our stock of r amll> Gro ceric*. Fruits, l iquors and Cigars, is larpe and inferior l facilities for getting Shad and Oy-sters is supenor to I SUV one in the State, and we intend to sell them tow. for we hate 4 1 nr 511 men uailv engaped in procuring them and they must be wdd. We visit Savannah every two weeks and will transact any business for our friends, they may wish. V\> art confident no grocery concern in Macon can meet the w i*li e. of the people more fully or on better terms. With attentive, civil and obliging attendance and fair dealing we hope to merit the confidence of all who may favor ns with their pat ronage, with a happy New j, n 4 Mulberry St., near the Washington HaUi^ appm;s. j A bbls. of fin* Hed Apples by last Steamer, for sale by 40 [41 _ t fJ C. A. KI.LS b. BON. POTATOES. bbls. of fin* eating Potatoes, in fine order for sale by is) [tf] .^A._KLWfcJPON.^ FLOUR. \rari*tv of b|andsat the lowest market price* only for Cash. 41 _. tf _ KIBBKF. At DICKINSON. TO FAN MAKERS. WIRE, from So. 1, to No. 12. Also Fan Cearinc. on \V hand and for sale by BRAY, CARHART k n. dec 41 3tl ts Premium Cotton Gins, E t# XAYLOR A Cos., Proprietors, of the Cnl • umbus CoTTot OiN .Manufactory, have the satis faction to announce to their patrons and the Planters, generally, of the Cotton growing region, that they are prepared to supply any number ol their celebrated 1 ke- Mll'M GtSS. . . ... Where these Gins have been once used, it would be deemed unnecessary lor the Manufacturers to sav a word in their favor, as they feel confident the machines have been hmuohtto such'perfection, that their superior per formance will recommend them, in preference toother Gins now in use. For the satisfaction ol those who have used the Gins, and are acquainted with their rep utation. the Proprietors need only say, that the I n:s r Premiums have heen awarded to them, for the BEST GIN exhibited at the (heat State Fair held at Atlanta. Ga. • also, al t ( >e Alabama a,, d Georgia Agricnltira! and Mechanic’s Fair, held at Columbus ; and at the an nual Fair of the South Carolina Institute, at Charleston. The Cotton ginned on these Gins received the first Pre miums at the exhibition held at Charleston, S. ( . and at every Fair where samples of cotton from them have been exhibited. The Proprietors have in their possession numerous certificates from P ant era, Cotton Brokers, Commission Merchants and Manufacturers of cotton goods, testifying that the performance of the Gins, and the samples pro* dared bv them, cannot be excelled by any ever manufac tured. All order* for Gins given either to our traveling or local Agents, or forwarded to the Proprietors bv mail, will always receive prompt attention. Gins will be sent to any part of the country, and warranted to give satis faction. N. B. A liberal discount will in all cases be allowed wherethe Cash is paid, and the Gin taken at the Manu factory. Dec. 14. 38 —ly &% PLANTER S HOTEL. c||yjj Tallahassee, Florida. IMIE Undersigned has taken charge of the above Estab . lishment. It has been refitted and furnished with polite •nd accommodating servants, and with every convenience wftjich either the place or the season can afford. He trusts hi hie experience as a IJotel Keeper and his general ac quaintance made during his residence in Macon, will be suf ficirnt guarantee to the Travelling Public and especially to the citizens of Florida, that he will not fail to please. He will at least use every (reasonable effort to contribute to the comfort and convenience of those who favor him with their pttronage. K LANIEK. twv i6 * y To the Afflicted. S 8 Am B> STROUD CONTINUES to devote his undivided attention to the treatment of Chronic Diseases of every form and variety. He is prepar ed to entertain patients—both white and black, tor which his charg- are very moderate. Persons wishing treatment, should note down their age. the history of the case; their present symptoms and the co tor of their hair and eyes, and in the letter (postpaid) enclose $-.50. nd on its reception,he will mail to their address a portion of Med line, (to last a month) to suit the case. He flatters himself that his 1 °ng and extensive experience and his establsihed snccess in this de partment, of practice, will be sufficient guaranty to applicant*, if Mtage on a portion of medicines, only five to 10 cents. Pondtown, Sumpter co., Ga. jan. 11—6 m ‘.•Journal & Messenger, Columbus Enquirer, and Times, please "py the above 6 months and forwardthe hills to A. It. S. DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned hi the Grocery and Commission Business, under the firm of Scott, Uaehart & Cos., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Isaac ■ s cott retiring from the business. Hithia Partner is authorized to adjust all unsettled business. ISAAC SCOTT, j \MES and. CARHART Jao 1, 1851. WILLIAM . CARHART. OTICE.—AII persons indebted to Scott, Carhart 4c Cos., arc f -requested to call and settle immediately. ’Y'flV FIRM.—J. D. Carhart and W. B. Carhart, (of the old -Lx firm f Scott, Carhart 4c Cos„) having this day associated with t * l£31 ’ LB. Stow aijd E. 11. Carhart, the Grocery and Commission Business will be continued under the firm of Carhart, Bro. & Cos. A continuation ofthe liberal patronage extended to the old concern, r peetfu!ly solicited. J. D. CARHART, W. B. CARHART. J. B. STOW. jan I [4l—tf j 5. 11. CARHART. HIACOM HIGH] SCHOOL., r I'M IE subscriber having associated with himself, the Rev. JL GEOEGE HANCOCK, late Professor of Language* iti the Wesleyan Female College, will open on the first Mon day in January, in connection with the Bibb County Acade my, a HIGH SCHOOL, in which will be taught, all the branches of a thorough English and Classical Education. Prof. HANCOCK will have charge of the Department of Languages. Prof. J. P> VAN, late of the Liverpool Me chanic's Institution, will superintend the Department of Mathematics, l’rof. E. GRIM.VIE. will give instructions in the French and other Modern Language*. • English Department. Primary Close, per Scholastic Year $25 00 Fourth.Claas, “ “ “ 28 00 Third ('loss, “ u “ 32 00 Second Class, ** “ “ 40 00 First Class, “ “ “ 50 00 Classical Department. Third Class, per Scholastic Year $36 00 .Secmiil Olswi, “ “ “ 40 00 First Class, “ ■* “ 50 00 There will be no extra charge *, except for the Modern Languages, and one dollar front each pupil during the win ter term. The instruction in the Mathematical Department, will embrace every thing usually taught in a Collegiate course, together with practical Surveying and Engineering, Book keeping by single and double-entry, principles of Architec ture, etc. The institution will be completely re-organized. No stu dent will be admitted, who dot's not bear a liarsfttSLD#> and every one guilty of disorderly or .immoral conduct, will le suspended or expelled. Special care will be paid to the moral, as well as the intellectual training of the pupils.— Suitable Lectures and explanations will accompany each recitation. Monthly reports will he made to parents and guardians, of the deportment and progress of each pupil. N. B.— Payments will be required at the expiration of one half of each term. IJjT Arrangements will he made to have students from a distance, provided with good board in respectable families, at moderate terms. Circulars containing further information will be furnished on application to the subscriber. P. A. ST ROB EL, Rector. Macon, Cia., 6th Nov. ISSO. There will he but one vocation in the year, commencing on the 15th duly and ending on the .‘list August. The following gentlemen constitute the Board of Trustees: Hon. A. 11. Chappell, Nathan C. Monroe, Esq., Maj. James Smith, Col. 11. A. J.. Atkinson, S. Rose, Esq. The following gentlemen have consented to act as a Board of Visitors: Hon. E. A. Nisbet, Hon. Washington Poe, Hon. T. G. Holt, lion. G. Yl. Logan, Gen. and. W. Armstrong, Rev. \V. 11. Ellison, D. D., Thomas Hardeman, Esq., Charles Campbell, Esq., S. T. Chapman. Esq., Reverend S. Lan drum, Dr. W. Lightfoot. Dr. J. B Wiley, Rev. R. Hooker, T. R. Lamar, Rev.J. A. Shanklin, das- M. Boardman, Dr. and. M. Green E. W. Wise, Esq., Col. S.T. Bailey, Dr. Not tingham, end Dr. E. L. Strohecker. November 9, 1850. 3d—tf Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves & House-Keeping Articles, BRAY, ( Alt HART & Cos. Near Scott, Carhart & Co’s. OFFER to the attention of their friends and the public, a large well selected and general stock in their line ; having been selected and bought by one of the concern, the goods are all new and were laid in expressiy for this market. We will take the liberty to say, that for variety, our Stock cannot be equalled in the State. We will sell on reasonable terms,giving every usual accomodation. Copper Work, of all kinds, done with exactness and despatch. Tin Work in all its variety,—Roofing and job work,done as usual. A good stock of Tin Ware always en hand. Amongst their stock will be found Iron of all sizes and kinds. Nails and Xu it Rods, Spikes Steel, Cast, German, English blister and Spring Steel, Castings and Hollow Ware, Ovens, Pots, Boilers and Cauldrons. ANVILS, Vices. Bellows and Blacksmith's Tools, cenerallr. Por table Forges. Cross Cut and Mill Sams, and Mill Cranks, Files &c„ Saws, Planes, Bench Screws, Morticing Machines. Chisels, Ham mers, Hand Vices and Carpenters’ Tools, generally. Mill Irons, Hois ting Screws, Hand and Jack Screws. Plows, Trace, and LogOhains, Lock and Breast Chains. Axes, Hoes. Agricultural implements, and all kinds Plantation Tools, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Corn Mills, Spades and Shovels, Fire Dogs, I’endors, Shovel and Tones and Housekeeping’ Articles. Brass Goods, of all kinds, Ket tles Sifters, Pans and Faucets. Fine (Inns Pistolsand shooting im plements generally. Willow and Wooden Ware, Tube, Baskets, Trays. &C., itc. Japanned & Brittannia Ware, LAMPS, and Candlesticks. English and American Door Locks, Till, Trunk, and Chest Locks, Files Rasps. Horse Shoe Nails, I umaces for Tailors, Furnaces for heating smoothing Irons, with the usual va riety of Knives and Forks, Carvers, Pocket Knives, Pad and Razors. Scissors, Brushes of all kinds, Hairand Feather Dusters,Cords, Manilla Rope, Grindstones, 4.C., 4cc., 4cc. nov9 33—ts DISSOLUTION. FIAHE business heretofore existing in the name of Putnam &. Dor- J. ion was dissolved the 30th of Nov., last. C. F. PUTNAM, dec 7 H. DORION. THE business of Dentistry in all its ■mSPiSSjjjgA Branches, will be continued by the undersigned, to T J the entire satiffartinn of all. Macon, Dec, 7, IPSO. [ IxtxJ C. S. PUTNAM. 111 &1© llli CHIISB, STOVES, COOKING AND PARLOR, 10 varieties, come very modern improvements. Watches, Jewelry, &c. WHOLESALE A RETAIL . GOL D nnd si ver lever, duplex, anchor ai) d verge V\ ATCIIES, gold guard, fob vest and chatalaiiie Chains ; seals, keys. Charms, tj-c., diamond, ruby, opal, garnet and pearl and other stones set in finger rings; ear rings, bracelets, neckla ces, breast pins, studs, collar buttons, sleeve buttons, J-c. Gold and silver Spectacles, thimbles, pen and pencil cas es with. Brown &. Bagley s Pens, tooth picks, lockets and miniature cases, snaps, bracelet clasps, belt buckles of gold and silver, A-c., card cases of silver pearl, embossed steel, ac., ladies port monies of do. combs of silver, tortoise shell, buffalo ac., head dresses, paper mache work stands, desks, port folios jewelry boxes, ac. A choice und elegant selection of the above, with a great many new and elegant articles now on hand and for sale for moderate profits, for cash or approved credit. oct 26 3m E. J, JOHNSON. Housekeeping Goods, SIIA ER Forks, table, dessert, tea, mustard and saltspoons, butter knives, soup ladles, cups and pitchers, sugar tongs, gravy spoons, ic. of warranted pure silver. Silver plated waiters, cake baskets, candlesticks, castors, snuffers and trays, butter tubs, salt and mustard cups, sugar baskets, ac. of new rich and elegant styles. Silvered and gilt girondole, porcelain vaces. lard lamps, ac. Ivory handle knives and forks in setts and knives extra : silver plated trliit knives, childrens knives and forks, &c. nap kin rings, tea trays in setts and singly. Received by late arrivals and for sale on fair terms by oct 26 3in E. J. JOHNSON. the Young Ones—-Hurtle doors nnd shuttle cocks, ernces, knives and locks, bowls and pitchers, rattles, teething rings, Ac. for sale liv E. J. JOHNSON. GUNS—A li.te lot of superior stub and Damascus twist Guns,shot pouches, powder Busks, dram bottles Bantling equipments generally, for sale bv ‘ E. J. JOHNSON. fJOLT’S Pistols-Allen & Wesson’s do. with a large A. 7 and choice lot of rifle und smooth bore single barrel*, for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. C ALIFORNIA li llives—Pen, pocket and hauling do., ruzors und scissois, Ate. of superior quality, lor sale by E. J. JOHNSON. CNANISN —with gold, silver, ivory and other mountings, J cigar cases, port nionais, dressing cases, ike. on baud and for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. F'ONIi \ i oli>is, flutes and accordeons anew choice lot, for sale by F.. J. JOHNSON. I R\ E i ORS |('ompusses. Land Uliains, Mathemaii cal lustrum ents &c., anew supply for sale bv ‘ E. J. JOHNSON. FIELD & ADAMS, FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, MACON, GEO RGI A. r IMIE undersigned will continue the Warehouse and Com- I mission Easiness, at the commodious and well known I IRE-PROOF BUILDING, formerly occupied by Dvson <SI Field. The strictest personal attention of both the part ners will, as heretofore, he given to all business entrusted to their care. They respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of their old friends and the public generally. They are prepared to make the usual Cash Advances on all Cotton or other Produce stored with them at the custo mary rates. All orders for Groceries, Bagging and Rope, will be filled at the lowest market prices. Macon, Sept. 6, 1850. $ ’l 01 !? A*’ ,^! ELD ’ 1 ( A. B ADAMS. 24—0 m BASIL A. WISE, Xnnufatturer nnd Denier In PLAIN, JAPAN)MED & I3LOOK TIJY WHLRE, Stoves of every kind, Tht,* Richest and Most Fashionable Patterns, Stove Trimmings and Hollow Ware, MACON, GA. ID’ All kinds of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Work, done at the shortest notice. oct 19 30—6 in m tr* wr omn'ioitf *1.44 UU OlUftj&H (heat Bargains! WM. B. FERRY & CO. ‘tTToiild respect fatly announce to the Citizens of MACON, YV and surrounding country, that they are now opening in the new Triangular Block, three doors East of Logan’s Dry Goods’ Store 2d street, the largest and most attractive STOCK ot fj ROOTS & SHOES, over before offered in this market, which will be sold at prices that cannot fail to suit the Customer. Being largely connected in the Shoe and Leather business at the North, their Goods have lieen manufactured and got up to the b'ist possible advantage, and with careful reference to this market; and they venture to say, that in point ;>f kleuance and durability, their Stock cannot he equalled by any house South of Washington. In the Ladies Department will he found the most hare and tcLBOAxi- styles which have ever been produced by the Trade— such as: Batin and Prunella patent foxed Congress Gaiters; Baiin and Prunella patent foxed Lace Gaiter*; black and white! Batin, and black an,| white Kid Party Blippcrs; Enamel, Bronze, black and white kid French Embroidered Party Bmppkrs—a beautiful article; Patent Heather Enamel,Kid, and Morocco Excelsior Ties; High and low cut Morocco and Cloth Buskins and half Gaiters ; French Mo rocco, I,aco and Congress Uniters ; as well as the more common vari eties, for general and substantial use. Misses, Childrens' and In fants wear, in great variety and extent, from the common and sub stantia"! to the most Him and fani itcl. In the tien tie men's Department may lie found a great variety of French calf stitch dress Boots —among them, an elegant Broadway article ; French Calf Stitch Water-proof and Cork sole Boots ; French Calf, Peg Im,dress at.d winter Boots; Patent leather and Enamel Congress and French strap Gaiters; Cloth patent foxed and Prunella Congress and lvce Gaiters ; Patent leather and French calf Taylor Ties and Brogans: Patent leather, Morocco, Beal and Toilet slippers and Pumps. Bovs Wear of every description, from a French calf stitched Boot down tothe most ordinary article worn. Their stock of Common and Heavy Work—consisting of calf, kip, and stoga Boots; calf, kip, Goa,Black and Russet Brogans is exten sive, and will Ik: sold at small advances to the planter and laboring man. Their Stock will he kept full and complete by monthly arrivals— thus enuhling them at all times to furnish any ar ■ tide of Goods called for hvilie Trade. They would, tliere i fore, respectfully solicit the attention of those shopping to | nnexaminntion of their Goods, bdiire making their purcho | ses; assuring them that their Goods and Prices cannot fail ! to please; nnd pledging the best attentions on their behalf. To those buying to sell agHin, Goods will be offered at a small commission. Relieving a scale of t.nw cricks best suited to the li ne*, their motto will be, “Small Profits and Quick Returns.” Jfs?” Repairing neatly done at short notice. Macon. Octo., 20 1850 ; Boot & Shoe Establishment. would return their sincere thanks Til for the very liberal patronage they have received for the last ten years and they most re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. They would I also inform their friends and the public generally that they ; are now opening at their New Store opposite Washington I Hall an entire new stock of Boots and Shoes, mostly of our I own mannfacture, and which we shall offer at prices that cannot fail to satisfy all who wish to purchase a good ar ticle at as low prices as the same quality can be purchased in the City or State. We shall be receiving weekly sup plies and hope by strict attention to please all who may pat ronize us. We shall also keep a good assortment, at the old stand, where one of the firm will remain until next spring who will be pleased to see our old friends and all who may favor us with a call. MIX & KIRTLAND aov 30 —ts m A MRS. DAMOUR informs the Ladi es / ‘<;•&'iSsieof Macon nnd vicinity, that her stock in L a i the above Hue is complete for Fall Fash- Ifll'vW'ion, with the most desirable Goods. — ’ As these Goods have been mostly pur chased in Paris, for this place, they will sold cheaper than ordinary. Ladies would do well to take a good look at ’ ’ ‘ them and compare them with other Goods before w l ,urel, aslng elsewhere. ’l’lie Stock of SILK and STRA BONNKTS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATH ERS. EMBRODERIES, MANTILLES and DRESS SILK, is worth any one’s trouble to examine thoroughly, oclll 3m Oemulgee Iron k Brass FOUNDRY, AND MACHINE SHOP. rpilE Octnulgee Foundry has been enlarged nnd furnished with J new and superior stock of tools, which will enable the subscribe to furnish work at the shortest notice, in his line, of a superior char acter. and at prices as low as can be furnished elsewhere. The atten tion of Milvvrights and Machinists is earnestly requested to examine this establishment. lam prepared to furnish ST2J.IC ££& 31TOI1TS5, front 1 to 60 horse power, for saw mills or other puqioses; Screw Cuttings from 1 inch diameter to 2 feet, 10 feet long ; Dear Cuttings; Turning in all its branches; Finishing of all kinds of Machinery. IN THE FOUNDRY we are prepared to furnish all kinds of < ‘astings of Iron or Brass ; Mill Gear of all tufiis, olthe most approved patterns; lWvel, Face and Spur Cleat y Ca/t-Iron Water Wheels; Gin Gear of all patterns, and-sizes to suit ateStton’ Gin work; Press Pulleys; Hand Railings, fire-proof litjtjfsanelitjtjfs ane windows. Cemetry Railing. Gudgeons. Inks. Mill Spindles in fact, work of any description that is done in an establishment ol the kind. Persons interested In the business are repuested to examine this concern. CHAS. P. GK\ \ . Ocmulgte Foundry, Ist St. beloic Macon A Iff stern Railroad. 1 —ts NAILS, IRON, STEEL AND HOLLOW-W ARE. tk/wv KEGS Nails, assorted; V/Vr 50 “ Brads. do. 20 -fine 3d nails; 1000 pounds Wrought Nalls; 1000 do. Horse Shoe Nails; 15,000 do. assorted Baltimore Hollow Ware; Swedes Iron, assorted: Rand. Iloop and liouud Iron; Nail Rods; Cast and German Steel; English and American Blister Steel: In Store, anil for sale by lIR.VT, CARHART & CO. May 14, 1850. 1 a—t f 1 AMP, Linseed. Lard and Train oil. Window Glass und J Putty, Paint Brushes und all kind of Colours for Pain ters’use for sale by SMITH OLIVER. GROCERIES!! rj’tHF. undersigned still continue their old business, and have at this i time, one of the largest anil best selected stocks ot Groceries ill the Suite, which they are at all times prepared to sell on the most favorable terms to Dealors or Consumers. In addition to their regular business, they are constantly receiving consignments of TENNESSEE PRODUCE, Bacon, Lorn, l-'lour, Are., which they will sell at the lowest market price FOR C.iSll. SCOTT, CARHART &CO. April 18,1850. 4—ts Billiard & Bowling Saloon, Opposite the Lanier House,—Macon, La. ‘’PIUS ESTABLISHMENT has recently been thoroughly A renovated and splendidly furnished, by the Proprietor, who Ims lately purchased and set up two of Winant’s Superior Billiard Tables, for the accommodation of those who are fond of this pleas ant and scientific pastime. O’ He has also refitted his BOWLING SALOON con taining four good Alleys, with ull the needful equipment for this healthful and invigorating exercise. O” His BAR is, as usual, well supplied with the choicest fpiri/nal refreshments, and in a room separate and distinct from the other Departments, so that all tastes can be grati fied, without any unnecessary commingling of the solid* and lit/ it id*. ICT Good order will be preserved, nnd every attention will be given to make his guests feel entirely “at Home,” whenever they may choose to give him a call. Asa ‘rc l treat! from the cares, of bu si ness , v d tiring the long winter eve- T “* sr V ‘i.'vA’-’#’'t**— V-'Il liimeelf that his visiters may \ go farepsn..^jjf ocUS) K. E. BROWN. GlI’.T Cornices and Curtayi 1/ of new styles and rich and elegant patterns. n-’oTsttv'hv U E. J. JOHNSON. I7TOR Ihn Toilet—A choice selection of verv superior Toilet artijles, for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. Wedtliiit? Parties, Ac.—Note paper, envelope*’ wafers, cake boxes, gold and silver leaf, &c., of choice and beautiful styles, for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. D iGUERROETYPE Stocks—Plate cases and chem icals, prepared buckskin, paints, brushes &.c. with a few samples of beautiful papier mache ami gilt innrroeohook cases, for sale bv E. J. JOHNSON. WAITED. IAA AAA lbs RAGS. Cash paid for clean cotton o 1A ‘ linen rags—t cents per pound, when de livered in quantities of 10(1 pounds or more ; and 3J when de livered in small quantities. For old hemp, bagging, and pie ces of rope, 1$ cents, delivered either at Rock Island Factory orat their store in Columbus, in the South corner Room of Oglethorpe House. I). ADAMS, Secretary. Oct. 26. t Half-Bar’ls No. 1 Mackerel, li) 15“ “ “ 2 fresh caught, for salcbv SMITH & OLIVER. ROBERT FINDLAY, IRON FOUNDER —AND MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines k Boilers, silto. of Gearing nnd shafting for M 11.1.5, of every description; BARK A .YD SUGAR MILLS, OF MOST APPROVED PATTERNS’, Also, Irons for Bullock’s celebrated Cotton Press, CrIUT GEAR, PLATES AiND BALLS, KEPT constantly on hand; the whole of which are Warranted to he of the best materials and workmanship, and will be sold on accommodating term*. tIT IVork Shops opposite Presbyterian church, earner Fourth and Walnut Streets. Macon, Apul 18, 1850. 4—ts SMITH & OLIVER, DEALERS IN STABLE DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES Os all kinds, would solicit planters nnd families to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere, as they will always keep No. 1 articles. I loci 20-fim COMER & TAYLOR, Ware-House & Commission Merchants JT THE Os. I) ST.I.V/i OF COX.VEK <S AfjlßT/X. MACON, GA. IN presenting our card to the public, we will state that our best exertions will be given to promote the interests of our patrons; and from past experience, we hope to he able to do full justice to all business which may be confided to our charge ; and also hope for a continuance of favors from the old patrons of Conner &. Martin. Orders for Goods filled free of Charge, O’ Advances made on Cotton in Store or Shipment, at the usual rates, jrj 7. T CONNER. Aug. 20 ts W. W. TAYLOR. At Home Again. ~ friends and Ihe jiublic, that we nre again established a our old stand on the Avenue, No. 3, Union Building, and opening anew and splendid assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Pins, Ear Rings, Gold Pencils, with and without Pens, silver Spoons, and Forks of rich patterns. Gold and silver Spectacles, Plaited Waiters, Castors and Cake Bas kets of new and splendid patterns. Candlesticks, cutlery, and a variety of fancy articles usually kept in our line.— Guns, Pistols, Game Bags, Wadding, Caps, etc. An as sortment of Wind, Brass and Wood instruments. Aceorde ons and Violins of splendid quality. Clocks of different pat terns. Clocks and Watches repaired and warranted. Piano Fortes, from Nunns & Clarks, J. Chickerings, A. H. Gale, Hallett & Davis’s Factories, which will be sold cheap and warranted. Guitars, Guitar and Piano music, instruction books, otc. Call aud see us. J- A. &. S. S. VIRGIN. dee 14 38—ts | W&zrfziifl MILITARY INSTITUTE. Jilv.e Licks, Jf>t- BOARD o’FTISITORS. r l'\lE ADJUTANT GENERAL, together with live fit person., to be _L annually appointed by the Executive, to attend examination* at j*vo| once a. year, according to law. r Afixn.Tt. Incorporated with all the power*, and right* eiexcised by the Trus tees and Faculty ot’ any other College. UOI.. T. F. JOHNSON. General Superintendent. •COL. E. W. MORGAN. Joint Superintendent and [‘rofcssorj o F.n trine*ring and of JVaturai History. •LIEUT. COL. B. R. JOHNSON, Professor of Xutural and Experi mental Philosophy. f.YIAJ. \V. W. A. FOKIIKS. Vrofesssorof Mathematics. RICHARD N. NEWELL, A. M. Professor of .incunt and Modcr- J.anguagrs. JAMES G. BLANK. A. B. Adjunct Professor of Language. REV. J. U. SWIFT, A. M. Professor of F.thies and Belles J.rttrrs. JAMES H. DAVIESS. Esq. Professor of La a - . REV. 11. V. D. NEVU S, A. M. Principal of the Academy. GAIT. C. E. MOTT. Teacher in the Academy. CAIT. W. W. GAUNT. Adjutant of the Institute. •Educated at West Point, tEducated at the Virginia Military Institute. Two hundred and thirty Cadet*, from fifteen different State*, have entered this institution since it \va* organized, in 181*. It is entire ly free from the control or domination of any wet or party, either [*>- litical or religious. Economy in dress, by the adoption of a cheap Uniform, for Winter and Summer, is rigidly enforced. Every studetu is required to select a College guardian, with whom all funds brought or received must be deposited, and no debt must be contracted without the consent of such guardian. An Institution combining the science ofthe West Point Academy and of Polytechnic Institute*, with the classical literature of our lx-st Colleges, adding tin; m.deru languages, and supenidding practical schools of Law and Engineering, nearly realizes the long-frl*. desider* ation of a university able to meet the wants of Western progress—a university where all may select a course of steady to suit their time, means end professional destination. Mr. Dsvitss, the Professor of I-aw. is known is the various Courts ns a practitioner of great ability, varied learning, long ex|H.*n ence and exalted character. Ilis eminent qualifications, the whole some exercise and discipline of the Institute, and the convenient ob servation of the forms of judicial proceeding, oiler unusual induce ments to those who are earnest to achieve distinction as sound Law yers CIVIL ENGINEERING Will he thoroughly and practically taught In the Western Military In stitute—the Professor, Col. Morgan, (sing one ofthe most skillful and experienced Engineers in the United States. All the instruments con nected with that department, have been procured at considerable cost, and are ofthe best quality. The Superintendent takes the liberty of stating that he is now otler ed 375 per month, for competent assistant Engineers. Onenfhisfoi mer pupils receives at this time §2,s<Mi per annum, as Principal En gineer of a Railroad now under construction in Kentucky—whilst others ofthe same class are receiving in different parts of the United States, $2,000, §1,500, or §1,200 a year as Assistant Engineers. Tlie time is rapidly approaching when there will boa great demand forsucli as have been prepared o<r that vocation, at the Western Mil itary Institute. Nothing is hazarded in saying that they ill readily command §1,200 or §1,500 per annum. Every man of observation must see that the gigantic enterprises already proposed, will give birth to hundreds of others, tributary to them. The rapid advancement o our whole country, and the eagerness of our people, for exploring the hidden resources of the new States and the newly acquired territory, will give ample scope for ages to come, to the skill and enterprise ol jthe Engineer, the Geologist, the Mineralogist, the Surveyor and the Architect. Young men who have an aptitude for the Mathematical and Physical sciences will have a wide lield opened to them for enga ging in an honorable, a healthful and a lucrative pursuit, for which they may he thoroughly and practically qualified, in a short time, and usiuall expense, at the Western Military Institute, TEH~MS. In the Academy ... S3O 00 per annum In the College ’ - - - - JO 00 “ For Music and use of Arms ami Accoutrements 3 00 “ • For Fuel - - - - 2 00 “ “ BOARDING can be had in private families, at from two to two anp a half dollars a week. When in Barracks, it is designed to furnish Commons at a uniform rate. Students from a distance will be require ed to board at the Institute, and have no communication with the town, except as allowed by written permits. t'if” The next session will commence on the first of September, and continue ten months. March 21st, I&50. I—tjl—tj WASHINGTON HUTT ME. S. ROGERS re*|ctfully Informs thu publictha he has now the sole charge of this old established and well known Hotel, which has recently undergone thorough re pnir.and that he w ill spare no [tains for the accommodation of those who may give him a call. Every department of the Hall will he under hi* personal supervision,and every exertion will be made to keep up the establishment to the extreme point of neatness, comfort and goad cheer. E. S. ROGERS. >hv 31, 1850. . in—if_, fcpT mlcarthT, I Lave woi ANUFACT , RERS OF iaimies, Cordials, Syrups &c. DEALERS IN FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, Pickles, Sauces, Catsups &c. ALSO, Family Groceries, Fancy Articles, and FAMILY SUPPLIES. TOYS of every description, the finest assortment ia the s tats, for sale, Wholesale and Retail. CAKE TRIMMINGS AND ORNAMENTS, always on hand, and we are prepared to execute orders in hi* line not to he equalled this side of Pari*. Candy, Cordial, Hyrups and Lemon Sugar, put up with earn and warranted. As we manufacture the largest portion of our Sto-:k, purchasers are sure to get a fresh article, and equal, if not superior to any man ufactured in the country North or South. All hands of vs being en terprismg, as icell as tasty men, and particularly attentive to the I Julies. we are determined to contribute our part tow ards developing the resources ofthe country and making ourselves inde[tendent of North ern fabrics. jy TERMS CASH. Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. dec 7 37—If H'T'JIF. SUBSCRIBER ha* constantly on -L hand a large and well selected assort ment of Law, Medicals School A Miscellaneous BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS of all kind*; Stationary in any quantities, for the common purposes and pursuit* of the times,as well as for Legal, and Lore “doings.” (SOLD PENS in profusion from one to a dozen dol lars, selected to suit any hand, and “match any pile.” BONNER'S MAPS, targe and Small; Traveller’s Guides through the Statesnand e ven to the tandof Ophier, (vide Major Noahs’last crotchet.) taring’s latest GLOBES, with all the well authenticated routes laid down, ex cept that taken by the ships of Tarsliish ; together with other objects of Polite Literature, Legal Learning, and Refined Luxury, too numer ous to mention ; alll of which he is extremely anxious his customers should become possessed of, in the vny.” Joseph m. boardmak. March,2l, 185. j—tj Dissolution. —The copartnership heretofore existing he tween the undersigned, is dissolved by mutual consent —Intake elfect on the Ist day of September nsxL Macon, August 20, 1850. Z. T. CONNER. aug 23 23—ts A. W. MARTIN. THE WARE-HOUSE Asn COMMISSION BUSINESS will bo continued in the name and style of CONNER & TAYLOR at the old Stand—where they will be ready to exert themselves to serve all patrons and friends. Z, T. CONNER. aug. 23 52—if IV.. W TAYLOR I “ N. OUSLEY & SOX, Ware-House and Commission merchants. IVILL continue ltusines at their % . feikriraJ Buildings,” COTTt )N AVENUE, Mat os, Ga. Thankful for past favors, the lieg leave to say they will be con stantly at their t>ost, and that no efforts shall be spared to ad vases the interest of iigir patrons. They ask all who have C ottos or other produce to Store, to call examine the safety of their buildings, before placing it elswhere. Cr sTOMARY Advascbs on Cotton in Wore or Shipped, and all busi ness transacted at the usual rates. Aptil 25th, JBSO s—ts MR WISE’S SELECT SEMINARY. r |MIE subscriber having determined to erect anew and A commodious building for the. accommodation of hi? School, will in the meantime, assisted bv Mrs. \Y ise, contin ue the exercises of the next Session, in the room occupied during the past year, commencing 011 Monduy the 6th day of January intst. The department of Music and the Modem Languages, will, as heretofore, be conducted by I’rof., whose supe rior qualifications as a teacher are unquestioned, and whose labors during the past year have given the highest satisfac tion. The rates will be S4O, per Scholastic year, for the ordin ary English branches and Latin Lessons, and SSO for the higher branches; the rates for Music, French, etc., remain ing the same as last year. With this change in the rates, a considerable reduction will be made in the number of pupils admitted, in order that more time and attention may be devoted to such as attend the School. No pupil received for lessiiiue than from the date of emraiice to the cud of the term. U- W r . WISE, jan 4 41—3i 3000 DOLLARS REWARD!! Reulx*n Rich’s Patent, Centre Vent, Water Wheel made entirely of Iron with Iron gates—a gainst Turbine, Hotchkiss and all other Wheels, I WILL give §SOO Reward to any person who will produces a Pa tent Water Wheel, that will do as much business with the st*w quantity of water under any given head from three feet to thirty feet, or 1 w ill give §SOO to any person, w ho w ill produce a Breast Wk.el un der a head of eight feet or less that shall equal it. in saving of v. ater, or 1 w ill give tlie same amount to any one who will product an over shot or undershot.that will last with my w beeland not cot more mo ney sooner or later, or I will give the same Reward to any man who will produce an over shot undershot or Breast Wheel, that will run as steady as my wheel or I will give SSOO to any one who will produce a wheel of any sort or kind (latctitedor not,that will combine to the same extent* cheapness? durability, power, speed or simplicity so easily applied in all situations and so universally applicable to all purpose* ami every location, or I will give §SOO. to anyone, who will produce a Hotchkiss It her that d<>o* not consume fifty per cent more water to do the same Haw mg or Grinding. Those who doubt can visit the Coweta Falls Factory in this city and they w ill we my w heel, driving ail their machinery without a Governor, w here a French Turbine made in the great city of l.ow-l! tailed to do the business at all. Or it they will visit Pleasant Macon's in Macon county* Alabama they* wilt see one of my wheels, onlv 2 fee* 8 inches in diameter,under a head of 9 feet.grinding 0 to ten bu-l. :? of corn per hour. Or in a short time I will show at Winter's Mills i:: this city, one of my w heels 3 1-2 feet in diameter, grinding. 5$ 1. 11 bushels per hour with two pairs of stones. In the State of New Yoi is there are at least 500 ofn / wheels. Grinding, Hawing and Maputo’ taring in a style never ye done by any other. With sufficient head i can turn 5000 Spindles and 100 Looms with OMufsiy wheels hut 2 eet in diameter. Gindrat k On. at t.,e Montgomery works Alabama, who Me manu facturing my vs heel— will execute orders for them, and deliver them in any place South ofthe Potomac, aud furnish directions for put* big them to their wo. k, with model* if required. Post paid letter* addres sed to me at Mo itgomery care of Gindrat 5c Go. or at this place can G. YV. Wmtf/ Kq. will meet with prompt attention. In all . , when the Purchaser is not fully satisfied with the performance o;':ay wheel, the money will be returned. REUBEN RICH. Patentee, from Oswego County New York. Coua March 21st, 1850. J ti i. LLi ® aoa cai siU a PAYNE & NIBBET would most respectfully in form their friends and customers, that they have it e, ed their stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES to the ec• >.(-*• . t the new Brick Building opposite the Washington j, !1, where they w ill be happy to see all their old customer* : others that may favor them with a call ; and where tie will keep a general stock of fresh Drugs and Medi i *s, Leeches, Perfumery. Ac., and put up Prescriptions w tit c vra and neatness, and always give satisfaction, oct I TEXAS LAND CLAIMS. IMPORTANT TO THE HEIRS! r J'MtE legislature of Texas having passed an Act at its late session allowing to heirs of those who were massacred in Texas uti*’ the command of Fannin. YYanl,Travis,Grant or Johnson, du _ years 1835 and 1830, certain quantities of Land—and the ui ■- ed having procured said Acts with full instructions from the I merits how to substantiate the same, is now ready to attend adjustment of any and all such claims of those who may r services. He will obtain the Scrip, locate, survey and sell t if desired, or any [iart thereof. He will attend in person an may desire it, if not too distant from this place. For bis ■ compensation in part ofthe I .and, or money will lie received . also procured the services of an able Agent who resides in 1c that no delay will occur in procuring the Hcrip. All letters addressed to me at Columbus. Ga. will lie atten. without unnecessary delay. MICHAEL N. CLARKE —RKrifRCXCXS — Hon. U. B. Alexander, Alexander McDougald, Esq. James Johnson, Esq. YV. H. Harper. A. J. Robison, Columbus, Ga. The claijns ofthe Mier nnd Santa Fo Prisoners also attended to. Coiumhns.Ga. July 9, 1850. 18 MR. BOSSIEFX will commence Lis School on this evening, Saturday 3d Novemlier. at 3 o’clock for Misses, Mastsrs and Young Indies, for gentlemen saint* evenings at 7, 8 or 9 o’clock as may best suit their convenience. Mr. B. wi I teach those who may desire th° dance Uloffroon and Scotiisc’li as Taught and introduced by Cellarius at Paris. H? w ill give les sons privately if desired, attend Classes at Academies or in the surrounding county and parents may rest as sured that due attention will be given to the deportment of their children. Terms lor all the different dances, $lO ; for any par ticular one, $5; waltzing will be taught for $5, and lessons given privately if desired. >*-=%■ _ ts Piano Forte Tuning. O. B. RICE tuner and repairer of Piano Fortes II # Iff :, “d Organs, formerly of New York, would re spectfully inform those owning instruments, that he is uor located in Macon, and will visit the neighboring towns once or twice a year. He has the very best of recommendations and will give SIOO if any one can be found to excel him. lie pledges himself not to be equalled. lie will work cheap est for those who employ him the most frequently. Timing done in the city by the year where there is no repairing, twice for $5. three times $6. Charges for repairing will be made according to the work. Orders left at Messrs” Virgins will be attended to. Nov 16, 1850 36-3 m City Lots for Sale. r I'MVO one acre T,ots in the South Western part of Macon,. A near to the contemplated site of the S. W. Rail Road; six quarter aud half acre Lots on Magnolia street, near the M eslyan Female College, and one Five acre Lot adjoining Troup Hill, near the new Factory, FOR SALE. For fur ther particulars apply to ]£. E. BRJ>sWN. July 19, 1850. 17 ts NEW OMNIBUS. THE NEW OMNIBUS, built to order, ex presslv for the Fi.oyd and Lasikr Hoist*, i* now running to and from each Railroad **’ T 1 “4<i l * I repot, falls for private pasgrn/rtn made punctually, on notification being made at either House, or our stable. MASON fc DIBBLE. June If, 1650. J2—tf PATTEN & COLLINS, Ware-Hou*c A Commission IVerrhants, MACON, GEORGIA. WILL continue business at iheir mr w ff WAREHOUSE, opposite Messrs. Ross & Cos. Cotton .Irrnur. Grate ful for the patronage extended to them the past season, they renew the tender of their SifiSSSHki service* to their former patron* and the public, with the assurance that, as they have no interest, eilhrr divert or indirect, in the pvrehate of Cotton , their entire attention will ba devoted to the inter est* entrusted to them. for Bassixc. Rope and other MkaciiAXititE. willl>a filled carefully and promptly, and the customary advances made on Produce in Store. May 24. 1850. 9—ly LANIER HOUSE. MACON, A. THE proprietors are pleased to announce to their old friends and the public gener ally, that this NEW HOTEL is now open for the reception of Company. Having had it erected and fitted up at great expense, on the most lib eral, elegant and extensive scale, they.confidently expect a generous patronage. fN. LANIER & SON. June If, 1850; 12—ts 1 AfAfV Wool Hats assorted qualities, Av/Ul/ 1000 Negro Blankets assorted qualities, 1500 pr. Negro Shoes Superior quality, 200 pieces Negro Kerseys, for wile by SMITH &. OLIVER REVOLUTION. W E r^, l* er,f, "lr fi'-e notice, that on and after this date we *- VI .h, cash system „„d r™J all sums less than fifty Dollars, and over that amount, each Bill sub- Jtci Itip'irttruJnr (iffrrnmntt, r7"\Ve would earnestly rrqurst those that are indebted to us to make early payment. KIBBEE &. UCKIKBON. Mncoii, Jan. 18.11. 44 t s MACON HIGH SCHOOL. UJMIF. INSTRU4TORS forthis Institution are now in the city, and JL the Exercise* will commence on the first Monday in Januarv at half-past 8 o’clock, A. M. parents and Guardian* who design to patronize the Institution, will please to leave the names of pupils, either with Prof. G. H. Hancock or the subscriber. **2* W P - A- STROBEL, Rector. Wanted IMMEDIATELY, four or five pood Cabinet Workmen, also a good Turner, to whom good-wages will be paid by ** [‘f J HUGHES, KNIGHT & 0O„ Mulberry SL, near the Market. FEATHERS. “I AA Sacks Tennessee Geese Feathers for sale for Cash only by VERY LOW FOR CASH, 4 complete assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries, with fresh -a V additions cvesy week. KIBBEE A DICKINSON, m 4 41—ts ’