The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, February 15, 1851, Image 3

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■ cbanlc’s Library and News Room. 1 . aiK l News Room of tlie Macon Mechanic's m crcry evening, except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, , -'rvof Hooks to subscribers and for the reception j ■ ■ lVC p | , r t i,c sum of $ 1 per annum, payable quarterly , person can have privilege of the Library and ’j n j jv, r S3 per annum in advance the privilege Room alone. As the latter will besup- I :!ie . (newspapers from all parts of the Union, it is ex ■J" iu ”! t vv j]| receive adequate encouragement from a S: St } ’ in t c !ligent community. Subscriptions to both ®’ r:ll aU - ihv the Librarian. Rooms open every cve 9bC Sunday. DAVID TOUCH Y, -' n It Secretary and Librarian. ■ !•’. J Dedication of the New Odd Fellows's Hall in this ‘. w j|| take place on Thursday the 20th inst. t Aider will form in procession at the Hall, at It) o - | HI ‘ under the direction of Bro. E. C. Gravuuss, j ■ V ;!U :; i: il. and proceed, through Mulberry anddtJe sts. , ® I!J V <bvterian Clmrch, where an Address will be deliv- rii'c.’E. N’isbel. Returning, the procession will move j ■ to Walnut, up Walnut to 3d, up 3d to Cherry, up j n ' :o and down that street to the Hall- I ’ji dicitorv ceremonies will be performed in the Hall, j H j> ulu } w iit be open to the citizens general s , [S w j]| be provided for the Ladies. ■ resident members of the Order are incited to par ■ . wftli the Lodges in the ceremouies of tine occasion. ■ GEO. PATTEN, 1 B JXO. L JOX KS, B r. P. ST h LBS, (.Committee. 1 J, COLLIXS, { JJ K. C. SHERWOOD, | 1 It. L. WOOD, J ■ jjacoii, February 15, 1851. D I Medical Notice. H v ;;. JOHN O'LEARY, late of Virginia, respectfully sers liij professional services to the citizens of Macon anil iy. orriCEon Mulberry Si. opposite the Lanier House. ( a j) j j 47—1 in ■ FLOYD HOUSE, MACON, GA. ■{,] THOS.WFLLI.VJLS respectfully informs his friends and the pulilic, that he has purchased the lease and furniture j H,j J of the above es.abli hineiit, it sale proprietor, and intends ‘ business Ins strict per onal attention. He will secure polite j ■F e cut clerks and servants, and is determined that the table | HU.shall be supplied with the very best the country ailbrds.— is too well known lor him to say any tiling in regard to j tononis are in line repair, and ihe furniture as good as can be j W iin any House n tiie Stale. Thankful for the liberal patronage j u j„, n the old firm of Buford & Williams, dur ug his former j wall this House, lie pledges him ell'to spare no eli'ort to , satisfaction to both new and old friends. ■Vs 47 ~ 1f CIGARS! CIGARS! ■. ~aa choice Regalia Cigars, viß -Jenny Lind,” ‘•EI Cri- UI.OIH I sol,” “Falcon,” “Minerva,” “La Oliver,” “I.a Nor- j H--U National!. - .” “Diana,” ‘•Program.'!,” “V’ElUa,” “Enrig- ! H’ -n Vorinita,” -Esczlapio,” “Fountain Ora,” See. &c. V 15—3 t * W. S. WILLIFORD, H- ‘ EisA'tts ,a.srx- ■©asns. TWO lIuNDRED CASES of every descrip e. cent less than can be bought in Macon, at any other gstab ■ leb. 13 C El. DEN & Cos. ! UMBRELLAS. 7 ■ i \RCIE assortment of every description, rod at reduced pri ■ U-ts. feb 13 BELDEN & CO. [HIE PIRTKIHH NOTICE. - ill, v iio are i iid ■ ted lo Beblen & Cos. for last year’s accounts, |A most settle ihe same, ay the Ist of March, as they contein ilne and fferen. ar.angetuenls with thei: business in ‘’aeon. WV. BELDEN, “aeon. feb 13 D. W. BELDRN, N. V. Hats, Gaps and Straw Goods. /Y'EAP for Cash or Credit, when they are willing to pay once a I year. Those who do not comply with the above, can have no mut credit at this establishment. leb li BELDEN & CO. CRACKCBS _ £ ,y P,()\FS of Fresh G'nger Cut. 11ALL. ,j vr p f ron , sac- S) tory and for sale by feV ELLS it SON. CIDER! CIDER! | * BARRELS of Champaine Cider. Just received and so; sale by J.) eb 15 C. ELLS &, SON. CANDIES! CANDIES! (ni w\ POt"IDS of Hodgkins’ F.ove ‘LiedCandies. Just rec'd. lUU\7 .n 25 and 50 noundßoxes. For t.ale by feb :5 ’ C.A.NLLS&SON. POTATOES. *ji r.MUU'.LS o’ fine Mercer Planting Potatoes. Just rece ved i)| ! and for sale by C. A. ELLS & SON. feb 5 APPLESj APPLES! 1 k BARRELS of Annies in Store. 000 lbs of dried apples in •i). ne order, ml for sale by feb 15 c. A. ILLS Hz S( )N. GRAND AND BRILLIANT GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. | CLAPS 6. ‘. MORRIS tz CO. Manases. f-cheme 1 prize of $35,000 —1 Prize of $25,000, 1 t' be drawn this day—Tickets only $lO. shares in proportion, i CL.*?,- R. F. MORRIS & CO. Managers Scheme 1 Prize of $35.000 —I Prize of N 15,000. Y.k. Draws on Wednesday, iOili inst. Ticke.s $ l O, shares in J p.'fportion* CLASS . 9. F. MORRIS & CO. Managers Scheme 1 Prize of $3,428 —l I Yize of 8900, &,c. e av.s Th i.Eiby 20th in*;t. 7 ickets SI. shares in proportion. • ‘LASS F. 1). PAINL & CO. Managers Scheme 1 Prize of $65,000—1 Prize of $25,000, I<N $15,000; lof $i0,000; lof 57,805 :10 of $3,500,&c. &c. 1 ui - Saturday, 22dinst. Tickets only S2O. Shares in proportion. ! r tr.le at the Lucky Office, formerly kept by C. B. Patterson Mirth,. Po s toffice. 47 VVM. SiIIVERS.Jr. Agent. S TROUP HILL NURSERY, ’ MACON, GA. Twenty-Five Thousand Fruit Troos. T “fPEP. for sale 2.1,000 Fruit Trees, all of nay own raising and ;* tr i fli ng upon nativestosks —which Ihe following varieties may ■ found, viz: 60 varieties of Apples 50 do Pears, j 40 do, Plums, j 20 do Cherries, 50 do Peaches, 10 do Nectarines, S do Apricots, 2 do Sweet Almonds. ,L ■Go, Crapes. Figs, Raspberries and Strawberries. f ornamental department of my nursery contains abmit 10.000 of S ;rrt ever-tlooming Roses, in more than 150 varieties, besides ■nySiiirubsanJ Evergreens, among which arem nrly all of the la-. *'■ -'iir dunion : also. Dahlias, and a valuable cotkr lion of Greeni’ •h- t’lanis. Prices the same as charged in tin: N- -a - nCS ’ . feb 5 \ Notice. CORONER S SAtE—Tfe* fc'F / ! \ ’ H'l, p sold at the Cosoner’* Hoc* in on. Ti& ( Inn I ’ * > \Tl'i;;).\V. F, iK-'.iary l.oih. ruming Lathe. Paiteri.*. \ \ , r. ; “ r , yj ;CVV ’ -iiiu n. deceased. Sale to comnic eat :1, ■'( ‘.J f ernw I known on the day. ie ; j 15—u * JESSE c r> c The Best Cora Mill I s now offered at the Ocmulgee Cotton Avr p hop-Macon. It is Nicholson'* aud Mai h > g j* llrr s lone 1 1 dt eut. and may seen, on application to th' ulu j|, s ,i£ nP( ] > : ?Pnt of the owners. r. P. LEV* ‘.M. 40—If Grocery and Provision Store. I HE undersigned has opened a <r>C( IERY and FUO ’ l>K>X STORE, in the An e Q f t eco nd street and . n tol ‘ \venue, where ho will be j() , aiwd t 0 serve the ,i ----]!, , Ma^ on , and f r o,u ‘ t . r , v Wllh le best articles in his Ifewv a , US ,° n band ’ and wdl toi lant!v receiving,Candl sos | s , Preße T, R ’ s v ad Catlaps, FrSjjl Mai ; robacco * M / <:k ' r( ’ Pl fclee Fork and Beef, (Fuljg CnSf } m Ul3 I .° f ‘r' ! y 1 A Goshen Butter, Chelgg Cranberries, Ddes, wrents, Salmon Lou-F.s. lrlgh Potatoes. 4-c. Call **l * cb - J. S. GRAYBILL- Photographic Likenesses. j r I “'HE undersigned having opened Permanent Iloonts on I -l Coitou Avenue and second street, and having the ben efit of both Sky and Side Lights, is prepared to execute PIC I’LRES iu a style which lias never before been equalled iu this city. Pictures taken SINGLY or in GROUPS, with equal success and correctness. Now is the time to>ret a GOOD LIKENESS and BEAUTIFUL PICTURE,'*as all will find by giving him a call. X. B. Persons w ishing to LEARN the ART, will now have a chance of being instructed as they should be. Macon, Feb. 8,1851 ts R. L. WOOD sffis&s asr 2s&¥7~ /T MRS. DA3IOUR informs the fiffc f. -j li I°f Macon and vicinity, that her st Pel ,j. llie above line is complete for W 1 ‘ v. ■■ Fashion, with the most desirable G P ! ‘_laA As these Goods huve been mostly uSf chased in I’aris, for this place, they A sn *‘* c * lea P , ‘ r ** ian ordinary. La /y*jl would do well to lake a good look /i \ them and compare them with other Go o j before pnrehasing elsewhere. The Stock of SILK and j STRAW BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS. FEATH- EfiS, EMBROIDERIES, MANTILLES & DRESS-SILK, is worth an v one’s trouble to examine thorough Iv. February 8,1851. Siglit Exchange cn Aev. York. SIGHT EXCHANGE on New York, in sums to suit pur chasers, .'rout the Planters’ Bank of Savannah, for sale by C. F. SMITH, Cashier Merchants Bank. February 1,1851. EXCHANGE. riMtF, subscribers are prepared at all times to purchase time Bills on I New York, Charleston and .Savannah. Sight Checks on Netv York for sale, in sums to suit. Office open from 7 A. M. 8 to P. M. CAKIIART, BRO. & CO. February 1, 1851. ts Fos* Sale, V DOUBLE DRAY, (Northern manufacture,) and an excellent Harness llorse—either will be sold very’ low. Apply to F. W. .VlM.y, or R. 11. Hardaway. Februsry 1.1851. it* dag UERR EOTYPE STOC K. PLATES, Cases, Chemicals, &c. Anew and full supply just re ceived by E. J. JOHNSTON. February 1, IBSD t s lion Chests, Silver Tea Sets and Pitchers. IT'LOOR Oil Clothes, &c., furnished to order at short notice, by Feb - L ts E. J. JOHNSTON. VALENTINUS. I NOR sale by e. J. JOIIN.STON. ? Feb. 1, 2851. u - SILVER PLATED CASTORS. VFew supply of rich and elegant patterns, just received and for sale b >’ E. J. JOIIN.STON. I February 1,1852. ts - Important to Merchants! And others who may wish to make Investments in C ity Property, of permanent value. TIIL subscriber will sell at Auction, on Saturday, the first day of March ilex., the valuable lot of ground No. 5, in square 3b, city of Alacou, known as the old Warehouse Lot, formerly occupied by Graves, Wood & Cos., and nearly op posite llaideiinni Jvi llauiiltou’s new iire-proof warehouse ou Third street. The hHf-acre Lot No. 5, will he divided into six lots of suitable size lor store buildings ; all 10.feei. deep, and va rying with from ‘2.~> to 40 feet on Third street. Terms, one-third cash, and the remainder in one and two years, with interest at ihe rate 5 per cent, peranuum. A plan of the Lots may be seen at the s.ore of Carbart, Bro. & Cos. ■ • SCOTT &, CARHART. February 1, IS6J. if BOUNTY LAND TO SOLDIERS. ■T® l a late Act of Congress, Bounty Land is granted to the officers and soldiers of the war of 1812, and of ihe various wars since 1700. In case of the death of the soldier, to their widows and minor children. The undersigned being permanently located at the city of Washington, and possessing a l borough and familiar acquaintance with the requirements of the Government offices, is prepared to a .lend to procuring Bonnly Land Warrants without delay, and at but little ex pense lo claimants. Lan<r~AYarrains ‘located on the hesf tester# Land, and the Land sold on ihe most advantageous terms. Claims tor Invalid, Revolutionary and Navy Pensions, back pay, lost horses, and every other description of claims against ilie General Government adjusted, with promptness and despatch. Persons desiring information who are or have been in the Army or Navy, w fi forward lo him all the. particulars known of their service, together with a fee of one dollar, and their enquiries will be replied lo by return of mail. Address, (post-paid.) CU AS. C. LUCK IE, Washington City. D. C. February 1, 1851. 45—ts 8100 REWARD. ■ jg AN A WAY or stolen from the subscriber, living in -k*-®’ Richmond county, Ga . a Negro boy MYLO, (he may change bis name.) eighteen years old, square built, dark complected, a pleasant countenance and quick spo ken. lie lias a scar on It is forehead, and if examined, another on the upper part of the thigh or hamjß low tlie bullock. He passed through A!a'in in compa ny will) a while man, who wore a long :•}, and hat light hair. They had two pair of saddjjHggjl and U hot*es. One a sorrel mare, the other a bfiml ‘ l ’ poor. The boy and u like man tfie—ed, and were 1 under.-:.and, .makiotphjfjjlgy t - Florida. 1 have no doubt tlie man would Anv person apprehending 1 lie bov and looJ|| 3i/n the Augusta jail, shall receive one hunt'd in anoiltersaie jail so I rua-, get him..v cm?*five dot, lars. If the whiie man is Imlgetl in f sa'e jail with proof sufficient io convici him, hv Jars. February ], ISSI. 3t L- B- BEAL, mr Tlie Talhiha-ee Senlinel wrgive the above three weekly inset i ions and forward l/ti account lo *he sub scriber at Ang.'sla. Ga. L. B. B. At Hoi/j Again. WAntf tc inform our old f r c public, (bat vvc/'C ig*i established a our old stand i o:i the Avriiue, No I .itoa Building, and opening anew and spleadid astorp,’ .id >.l\cr Vt aD-lics. I ‘hnmqjl'.i.a. J ,{ ■ rs, Gold I’encils, with and without IVns. - ,lvr., *- uiai Forks of riclt patterns. Gold and silver Spfe > , Flatted M’aiters, Castors and Cake Bas kets of n /jd splerdid patterns. Candlesticks, cutlery, and a v /of fancy articles usually kept iu our line.— Gun*. ols, CaWe Bag®, M adding, Caps, etc. An as jortmr e.!’ Vi ind. Brass and Wood instruments. Aceorde onsai'd E : ut o f splendid quality. Clocks of different pat tenis. Clo/f; and Watches repaired and warranted. Piano For; jfl'tom Nunns Clarks. J. Chickerings, A. 11. Gale, lla'/H & Davis's Factories, which will be sold cheap and warned. Guitars, Guitar and Piano music, instruction *j(c. Call and see us. J- A. &- S. S. \ IRGIX. fP ,I<K: 14 38 —tf^ Hew Sale and Livery Stable,§ 4 THE subscriber grateful for oast fhvors, would respectfully inform Ins old patrons arul as many fc? p new ones as possible, that, he has opened an WtrVlf EXTENSIVK SALE and LI VERY ■ ■Mil -Hi ST ABLE, ON SECOND STREET, next door j n Seytoofc* corner —where he will constantly keep on hand for A CHOirriOT OF sadddle axd harness horses. Be will nlsto keep on band for HIRE, Horses mid Car ria ‘CS of all Duds, and will he prepared to send passengers to anv dace, vvhke they may wish to ga on the most reason able terms He is also prepared to keep Horses by the day, week, month or year. His stables are large and airy, and have the advantage of both plank and tint floors, and as the locations central, will be convenient lo persons having bu siness to transact in the city. , , . . He will also keep on hand and for sale, the celebrated A ew Hampshire side spring Plantation M agons, and olso a fine as-ort, lent of BUGGIES.of superior a aJ oliK H Olji'c Cd prices. .•> i Macoo,J anna rv 18, 1851. • L v 100 Dollars Premium. \ PREMIUM of osr hundred dollars will he paid by the suhscri her t* any citizen of the State, who will produce a PRESS for PACKING COTTON equal to the Hiilloch Compound j Lever Press, in point of economy, compactness, strength and : -Jurabthty. ROBERT FINDLAY. T May - 4 9 - ts TO FAM MAKERS. WOVE WIRE, from No. 1, to No. 12. Also Fan Gearing, on hand and for sale by BRAY, CARHART & CO. dec 21 39—ts SSS fig IA- 61 f I SIR i NEW-YORK AND SAVANNAH fSteauiship Line. SSfee WEEKLY. r PUE new and splendid steamers FLORIDA, Capt. Lyon, J- and ALA BAM A, Capt. 'Ludlow, belonging to the NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGA TION COMPANY, on and after the llih inst., will leave •Savannah and New-A ork every Saturday until further no .iee. I hese ships are 1,200 tons register, and unsurpassed in comlort safety and speed. Cabin passage, s'35 —payable iu advance. Address PADDLEFORD, FAY # CO! Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, 184 Front-street, New York. Jan 11 185 L—no4l—l2m. GROCERIES. VPPLEs, Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries, Preserves, Figs, Citron, . Dates, Ginger Preserves, Malaga Grapes, Preserved Limes and Pine Apples, Brandy Peaches and Cherries, Preserved Peaches, Pears and Quinces, Turkey Fig Paste, Nuts of all kinds, with a large variety I °f Candies, English Sauces, such as John Bull tsauce, Worcester, J Harvey and Reading Sauces, Shrimp Sauce, Lobster Sauce, and An chova Catsups of all kinds, Cocoa, Chocolate and Ground Coffee, Sar dines. Pickles, Dried Beef, Beef Tongues and Bologna Sausage, Stew art's Crushed and Pulverized Sugars, Brown Sugars: Teas from the Canton Tea Company, Oliver Soaps, Brown, White and Almond Soaps, Mustard and Curra Powder; now in store, and for sale by January 25, 1851. ts c. A. ELLS fc SON. j HALF Barrels of George Haws’fine Fulton Market Beef; just ‘ r received, and for sale by C. A. ELLS Hz SON. January 25, 1851. 44 ts 1 1 \ A WHOLE, Half and Quarter Boxes of fine Bunch Raisins in I” /’ / store, and for sale by C. A. ELLS & SON. January 25, 1851. 44—ts Dum Vivimus, Vivamus ! THE COTTAGE. Ned White, m G. W, Jones, Randolph St., V / Columbus, Ga., HAVE always on hand Choice WINES, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, CHAMPA [ONE and the best CIGARS in the city; Togethem withe above, they have a Fresh supply of Fisn, Fowl and Wil Game OYSTERS recieved Daily, and to be had at all hours, [Dec. 24] ‘ 43—-ts $lO Reward. or stolen from the subscriber, about three months ago, a Blue Spotted Hound,small size, black ears, and about three years old. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of said dog lo me. JOHN B. CUMMING. January 25. 44 if LIBEL FOR i)IVOECEr~ ARAM IXT A M’KIXXIE, ) Houston ‘Superior Court, vs. !- returnable to October Term. JOHN M’KINNIE, ) 1850. “H"T appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff •**- of liouslon county, that the said Defendant is not tube found in said county, it is ordered that said Lmel be perfected by publishing this order in one of the public Gazettes of the State, once a month for three months, next before the next Term of Houston Superior Court. Chambers, Jan. 23, 1811. JAMES 11. STARK, Judge Superior Court, Flint District. January 25. 1851. 44—3m* @B i, ' v *a Tallahassee, Florida. mtsSn 1 1 II *T r | uIE l ndereigned has taken charge of the above Estab- J lishrnent. It has been refitted and furnished with polite and accommodating servants, and with every convenience which either the place or the season can afford. He trusts that his experience as a Hotel Keeper and his general ac quaintance made during his residence in Macon, will be suf ficient guarantee to the Travelling Public and especially to the citizens of Florida, that he will not fail to please. He will at least use every (reasonable effort to contribute to the comfort and convenience of those who favor him with their patronage. S. M. LANIER, novlfi ly DISSOLUTION. r IM!E co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned I in the Grocery mid Commission Business, under the firm y CiKi/utT & Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual const-;- “ * _ Wc ‘ tlw* bird iiestt. A , Lit 1 n J lUPjr is authorized to adjust all unsettled business. • y” | - ISAAC SCOTT, JAMES D. CARHART Jan. 1, 1851. WILLIAM B. CARHART. “YJOTICE. —All persons indebted to Scott, Carhart It Cos., aro Ax requested to call and settle immediately. Y r EW FIRM. —J. D. Carhart and W. B. Carhart, (of tho old firm of Scott, Carhart & C 0.,) having this day associated with them, J. B. Stow and E. H. Carhart, the Grocery and Commission Business will be continued under the firm of Carhart, Bro. fc Cos. A continuation ofthe liberal patronage extended to the old concern, is respectfully solicited. J. I). CARHART, W. B. CARHART. J. B. STOW. jan 1 [4l—tf] *5. H. CARHART. FLOUR. V variety of brands at the lowest market prices only for Cash. [4l—tf] KIBBLE & DICKINSON. BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS. ’•'/A Anviis. 75 Vices,4o Be Hows, lOOOlhs Sledge Hammers f)\J Parent Stocks and Dies, cot from slo 1] inch. Just recei_£- and for sale hv BRAY CARHART, & CO. r Sept 13, 1850. 25—ts y ..iacoti^£— —— * ——— \ Piano Forte Tuning. . O. B. RICE tuner and repairer of Piano Fortes Organs, formerly of New York, would re- II # I I’ tfcmi those owning instruments, that he is now fpectfu ytn 1 a lU} an d W jl visit the neighboring towns once located in Mac*) jj e ag ( j lO ver y 0 f recommendations or t wice a . ■ ‘aO if any one can be found to excel him.— relnil giu'| to be equalled. Ile will work cheap- He pledges iploy him the most frequently. Tuning e6t lor those ww* i ill. y par where there is no repairing, done in ‘ Charges for repairing will be for $5 tbs mj ‘\ work . ()t(ior % , est at 4 >ssrs fc Virgins matte according t-itho\ Nov 16. 1850 36-3 m will he attendecl to. M MSI EE HOUSE. JHACOIV, GA. j • j%prietors are pleased to nnnounre : ‘'2 , *ld friends and Ibe in::-,pc ei'iier , all’ • k.\*NEW IU 11 1.1. .S 11.> iv Or of Compnnj • V eat on thfi mnst lih _ oral , ek had tt e reeled and 1. d>-< Me „ rt n srn „ mup ratr.irma nt an extensive scale, th . W LA NiEi; .y Bu.\. June !?• J 2 t s I(|| M ) Wool Hats assorted s,\ , JtOOO Negro Blankets asa <^ ,ia . !,lcs ’ g. 500 Dr. Negro Shoes Superior for. 7 ‘ ‘ N *F K ' rsc ”,i.- I ,\ OLIVER. ~ REVOLDTIOrf \ \\ J-nt'thV V lh civ *” notice, that on and at t|( 5 ,late ’ w * a ’ nll sums less than s ‘kS.l SYSTEM and I’nc. ject to particular a Mlars, and over that amo, •: V l ’ BUb * W would yreewenf. \ make early payment T nrncf<t / request those that are i b Macon, Jan. 1,18. V Sr 1 >■* 1 ’ \l. 4 4 X* V FEATHERS. \ IAA Packs Tcnnes . ... . , , . ,Y. Mill T4i V-c Geese leathers for sale for (ash tilyW 1 Vr 7 VI KIBBLE & l)lCK..4sci MASC % & DIBBLE’S NBW\ STABLE. Tl IE troders :: >ce b. \ . c-i>t i-vrv V lost completed t■i ri v SI’LLN D ‘ NEW STABLE on tbo\ J . , \ corner of Mulberry and Iltir Streets, nearly opposite ’ • ir’oj and Horse, where they keep on hand pah. and am.Ll br I KOJUSI . s an ,[ CVO ry variety of Comejanec lor 1 acc<>n their friends and the public. -vt I-* ;S Single Horses and Drove A ° , \ T d) be attended to with the ut most, care and on acconunoda.iA . . r> .. ,Vt? t-erms. A s the Proprietors have but ONE START. L.and \ , v ~ .. , . Van tlicretorc give their per *,„?l Mttulio. to the.r WmL conMcnt „f ----lo giveni'verfial sal'saclioo.V R; . j. , ls „ orsc - 5 cents per day. \ T. M. MASON, March, 21 ISoO ly Wlj LIA M DIBBLE. Tv A S BIN GT 0 k II TTTI , E. S. ROGERS reipectftjiV ‘ P.-r-rK. IJttafonn* the puhlicthnt friTVff he has now the sole charge of th,A las it-u , . , . .. \OM established and wei 1 J£Jsa= known Hotel, which has ri-centiy\ naiTandthat he will spare no painsfof the T r '' n ’ l horo,,p 1 rc * who may give him a call. Every department his personal supervision, and every exerUoti \\i\ ; ma<}e kof the establishment to the extreme point of hccr. \ E. H KGJvr.RS. May 31, 1830. \ / i# —t > Gilt Cornices and Curtain Bands. \Nevv supply of New and beautiful patterns at . Feb. 1. ts E. J. JOHNSTON. c OriFECTie NARY., r |' , IIE following goods just received direct from France: — A BRANDIES and WINES, Prunes in Boxes of differ ent sizes; Preserved Apricots and Prunes, Cherry Brandy and Plum Brandy, and a lot of fine SARDINES, by J. 11. DAMOUR, near Lanier House. Feb. 8, 1851. (jl—4y Oi2L CS 2CQ. CEJ SiU a PAINE & SISMET would most respectfully in form their friends and customers, that they have moved their stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES to the corner of the new Brick Building opposite the ‘Washington Hall, where they will be happy to see all their old customers and others that may favor them with a call ; and where they will keep a general stock of fresh Drugs and Medicines, Leeches, Perfumery. Scc., and put up Prescriptions with care and neatness, and always give satisfaction, oct I Premium Cotton Gins, TA T". TAI LOIt & Cos., Proprietors of the Coi umbus Cotton Gin Manufactory, have Hie satis faction to announce lo their patrons and the Planters, generally, of the Cotton growing region, that they are prepared to supply any number of their celebrated Pre mium Gins. Where these Gins have been once used, it would be deemed unnecessary lor the Manufacturers to say a word in their favor, as thoy feel confident the machines have been brought to such perfection, that their superior per formance will recommend them, in preference to other Gins now in use. For the satisfaction of those who have used me Gjjns, and are acquainted with their rep nmtior vl I'ys need only say, that the First Premiuny have • to them, for the BEST GIN exhibited at the Great State Fair held at Atlanta, Ga.; also, at the Alabama and Georgia and Mechanic’s Fair, held at. Columbus ; and at the an nual Fair of the South Carolina Institute, at Charleston. The Cotton ginned on these Gins received the first Pre miums at the exhibition held at Charleston, S. C. and at every Fair where samples of cotton train them have been exhibited. The Proprietors have in their possession numerous certificates from Claniers, Cotton Brokers, Commission Merchants and Manulactnrers of cotton goods, testifying that the performance of the Gins, and the samples pro duced by them, cannot be excelled by any ever manufac tured. All orders for Gins given either to our traveling or local Agents, or forwarded to the Proprietors hv mail, will always receive prompt attention. Gins will be sent to any part ofthe country, and warranted to give satis faction. N. B. A liberal discount will in all cases he allowed where the Cash is paid, and the Gin taken at the Manu factory. Dec. 14. 38—ly MACON Bent a S Laboratory. ml For Surgical and Mechanical Dcnistrg , and the Manufacture of Porcelain Teeth. On Mulberry Street, opposite the Lanier House. f’T.'-.r'A r^'lo undersigned, having for a long felt the necessity oi an establishment for the manu fiic in re of PORCELAIN TEETH, at the South, lias fiued up a Laboratory adjoining his Dental Rooms, where all Teeth used by him hereafter, will be mnnui’setured to suit the complexion and taste of the particular individual requiring them. By this arrangement, any number can inserted in solid blocks with Gums true to Nature ; thus adding g'eater strength and durability, and presenting a more Iffe-like appearance. Be lias in his possession, certificates from some of the most respectable citizens ofthe Btiiie, who have tried his im proved BLOCK TEETH, expressing their decided prefer, euce for them, over all other kinds. As it is impossible to give more than a vague idea in a single advertisement of the great advantage of block over plain teeth, he hopes those interested will call and examine his speciiunyis. a Go stale that he can now offer greater mduce n “ t ,n J “earn*,*, teeth removed for I'lntes, than any ojf tutiful to my slecpingke/'crn States; nud lie feels confi -1 W ‘Xow.’ bra,,ch will receive s P’ ifßeani, o'f who are now wearing enljie • V . “ .ore. Ifticlo. ’ I'iglit, InaM, Dentist January 18.185 L far.tly -18—ts Watches, Jev&Llry, &c. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. GOL I) find giver lever, duplex, anchor sandf and verge WATCHES, gold guard, fob jggHjgjgpassHnnm,. vest and chatalaine Chains ; seals, keys. Charms, <fc., diamond, ruby, opal, garnet and pearl and other stones set in finger rings; ear rings, bracelets, neckla ces, breast pins, studs, collar buttons, sleeve buttons, J-c. Gold and silver Spectacles, thimbles, pen and pencil cas es with Brown &. Bagley’s Pens, tooth picks, lockets and miniature cases, snaps, bracelet clasps, belt buckles of gold and silver, tc., card cases of silver pearl, embossed steel, ac., ladies port monies of do. combs of silver, tortoise shell, buffalo &c., head dresses, paper inache work stands, desks, port folios jewelry boxes, &.c. A choice and elegant selection of the above, with a great my new and elegant articles now’ on hand and for sale for moderate profits, for cash or approved credit. oct 26 3m E. J. JOHNSON. Housekeeping Goods, SIIA I'.R 1* orks, table, dessert, tea, mustard and saltspoons, butter knives, soup ladles, cups and pitchers, sugar tongs, gravy spoons, &c. of warranted pure silver. Silver plated waiters, cake baskets, candlesticks, castors, snnffersand trays, butter tubs, salt and mustard cups, sugar baskets, &c. of new rich and elegant, styles. Silvered and gilt giroudole, porcelain vaccs, lard lamps, &,c. Ivory handle knives and forks in setts and knives extra ; silver plated fruit knives, childrens knives and forks, &.c. sap kin rings, tea trays in setts and singly. Received by late arrivals and for sale on fair terms by oct 26 3m E. J. JOHNSON. 1?OR the Toilet—A choice seleciion of verv superior Toilet artijles, for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. I-jHIVE GUNS—A lot of superior stub and Damascus twist Guns,shot pouches, powder flasks, dram bottles gunning equipments generally, for sale hv E. J. JOHNSON. CALIFORNIA Knives—Pen, pocket and hunting do., razors and scissois, &c. ofsuperior quality, lor sale by E. J. JOHNSON. Cl \YES—with gold, silver, ivorv and other mountings, 1 cigar cases, port monais, dressing cases, <fcc. mi hand and for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. Violins, flutes and accoideons anew choice lot, for sale bv E. J. JOHNSON. SURVEYORS Compasses, Land Chnia*, Mathemati cal lustrum exits &c., anew supply for sale bv ’ E, J. JOHNSON. BASIL A. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in PLAOM, MPANHNH© & SiOSX TI.V IVsi ME, Stoves of every kind. The Richest and Most Fashionable Patterns, Stove Trimmings and Hollow Ware, MACON, GA. V? 1 I! kinds of Copper, Tin and Sheetlron Work, done at tV* shortest notice. Bort & Shoe Establishment. * * & Kirtlantl would rc turn their sincere thanks w i*.’ very liberal p ilmn jg, W— the)’ have rgeived for the last ten years and they most re spectfully .®mit a con tinuance of the same. They would also infeo'i ther friends and the public generally that they are no” optyniiß ftt their New Store opposite Washington Hall an entire uer stock of Boots and Shoes, mostly of our ow J muniifac.tut', and which we shall offer at prices that cannot fail to satisi • all who wish to purchase a good ar ticle at PJ low prices as the same quality can be purchased in the Utty or State. AVe shall be receiving weekly sup plies and hope by strict attention to please all who may pat roiv’ze us. We shall also keep a good assortment, at the old stand, where ope of the firm will remain until next spring who will be pleased toftee our oaf friends and all who tnav favor us with a call. MLY &. KIRTLANI). uov3o 36—ts Qcimilgce Iron k Brass FOUNDRY, AND MACHINE SHOP. r I*MIE Ocmulgee Foundry has been enlarged and furnished with 1 new and superior stock of tools, which will enable the subscribe to furnish work at the shortest notice, in his line, of a superior char acter, and at prices as low as can he furnished elsewhere. The atten tion of Mihvrights and Machinists is earnestly requested to examine this establishment. lam prepared to furnish STEAIC P]*X SITGrIITSSj from 1 to CO horse power, for saw mills or other purposes; Screw Cuttings from 1 inch diameter to 2 feet, 10 feet long; dear Cuttings; Turning in all its branches ; finishing of all kinds of Machinery. IN THE FOUNDRY we are prepared to furnish ull kinds of Castings of Iron or lirass; Mill Gearofall kinds, of the most approved patterns; Bevel, Face and Spur dear; Cast-Iron Water Wheels; dindearofall patterns,and sizes to suit; Cotton din work; Press Pulleys; Hand failings, Fire-proof Doors tine windows, Ceuietry Railing, Gudgeons, Inks, Mill Spindles— in fact, work of any description that is done in an establishment of the kind. Persons interested iu the business are repuested to examine this concern. CHAB. P. LEV Y. Ocmulgec Foundry, Ist St.bcJoic .Vacpn & Western Railroad. I —ts NAILS, IRON, STEEL AND lIOLLOW-WAKE. 1)/ W\ KEG.S Nails, assorted; USO Brads, do. ‘dO “fine 3d nails; 1000 pounds Wrought Nails; 1000 Wo. Horse Shoe Nails; 15,000 do. assorted Baltimore Hollow Ware; Swedes Iron, assorted; Band, Hoop and Round Iron; Nail Rods; Cast and German Steel; English and American Blister Steel; In Store ; and for sale by BRAT, CARIIART & CO. May 14, 1850. 12—ts I AMP, Linseed, Lard and Train oil. Window Glass and J Putty, Paint Brushes and all kind of Colours for Pain ters’use for sale by SMITH tjr OLIVER. GROCERIES!! rpilE undersigned still continue their old business, and have at this 1 time, one of the largest and best selected stocks of Groceries in the state, which they are at all times prepared to sell on the must favorable terms Dcalors or Consumers. In addition to their regular business, thev are constantly receiving consignments of TENNESSEE PRODUCE, Bacon, torn. Hour, &c, which they will sell at the lowest market price FOR CASH. SCOTT, CARUART It CO. ApfO 18,1854. 4—ts Billiard & Bowling Saloon, Opposite the Lanier House,-—Macon, La. r |WIIS ESTABLISHMENT has recently been thoroughly JL renovated and splendidly furnished, by the Proprietor, who has lately purchased and set up two of Winant’s Superior Billiard Tables, for the accommodation of those who are fond of this pleas ant and scientific pastime. O* Hchas also refitted his BOWLING SALOON con taining four good Alleys, with all the needful equipment for this healthl'til and invigorating exercise. O” llis BAR is, as usual, well supplied with the choicest spirilvrA refreshments, and in a room separate and distinct from the other Departments, so that ail tastes can be grati fied, without any unnecessary commingling of the solids and liquids. O’ Good order will he preserved, and every attention will he given to make his guests feel entirely “at Home,” whenever they may choose to give him a call. Asa ‘re treat’ from the cares of business, during the long winter eve nings, the Proprietor flutters himself that his visiters may “go further and faro worse.’ oct 19 [Gm] E. Ji. BROWN. i llalf-Bar’ls No. 1 Mackerel, 1') 15“ “ 2 fresh caught, for sale by SMITH ft OLIVER. ROBERT FINDLAyT IRON FOUNDER —AND MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines k Hollers, Also,of Gearing and shafting for MILLS,of every description; BARK AND SUGAR MILLS, * Os ‘most approved* si • J Also, Irons for Bullock’s celebrated Cotton Press, CIN GEAR, PLATES AND BALLS, KEPT constantly on hand; the whole of which are Warranted to be of the best materials and workmanship, and will be sold on accommodating terms. rW” Work Shops opposite Presbyterian church, corner Fourth and Walnut Streets . Macon, Apul 18,1850. 4 t s SMITH k OLIVER, DEALERS IN STA-LE DRY-GOODS &. GROCERIES Os all kinds, would respectfully solicit planters and families to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere, as they will always keep No. 1 articles. lfoPl 29-fim CONNER & T il L OR, Ware-House k Commission merchants AT TIIL OLD STAXI) OF CONNER £• MARTIN. MACON, GA. IN presenting our card to the public, we will state that our best exertions will be given to promote the interests of our patrons; and from past experience, we hope to be able to do full justice to all business which may be confided to our charge ; and also hope for a continuance of favors from the old patrons of Conner & Martin. Orders for Goods filled free of Charge. IT Advances made on Cotton in Store or Shipment, at the usual rates. XC Z. T COWER. A "S- 20 ts W. W. TAYLOR. the \ onng Ones—Rutile doors and slmtile cocks .I . graces, knives and lorhs, bowls and pitchers, rattles, teething rings, &.C. for sale bv E.J. JOHNSON MBMill I'VE Ft BSCRUIF.R has just received an extensive assortment of . the above article, embracing a great variety of price and patterns more particularly the cheaper kinds, which will he found the prettiest and least expensive finish, especially for parlours; Bordering* to match each style of course. Persons in pursuit of the article will do well to call as prices ere extremely low and no charge for loosing. JOSEPH JI. BC ARDMAN. March 21, 1850. _ :( - NEW OMNIBUS. THE NEW OMNIBUS, huilt to order ex pressly for the Floyd and Lanifr Horsts, is now running to and from each Railroad farimi l . T 9 Depot. Calls for private passrvgrre made punctually, on notification being made at either Housc,or ourstable. MASON & DIBBLE. June 14,1850. 12 ts 7ATTEN~& COLLINS,” Ware-House & Commission Werehanls, MACON, GEORGIA. WILL continue business at their C O WAREHOUSE, opposite Messrs. ®- npg & Cos. Cotton Avenue. Grate ful for the patronage extended to U iSCTJSj them the past season, they renew the tenderoftheir siitflßSEKflKi services to their former patrons and the public, with the assurance that, as they have no interest, either direct or indirect, in the purchase of Cotton, their entire attention will be devoted to the inter ests entrusted to them. p-p-Ordcrs for Baooino, Uorr and other Merchandise, w illbe filled careftjlly and promptly, and the customary advances made on Produce in Store. May 24, 1850. 9 jy To the Afflicted, as. A. St. STROUD (CONTINUES to devote his undivided attention to the treatment J of Chronic Diseases of every form and variety. He is prepar ed to entertain patients—both white and Mark, for which his charg es are very moderate. Persons wishingtreatment, should note down their age, the history of the case;thcir present symptoms and theco- ! lor of theirhairanOeyes, and in the letter (postpaid) encloses2,so. and on its reception, ho will mail to their address a portion of Med icine, (to last a month) to suit the case. He flatters himself that his long and extensive experience and hisestablsihed snccess in this de partment, of practice, wHV be sufficient guaranty to applicants Postage on a portion of medicines, only five to 10 cents. I'ondtown, Sumpter co., Ga. jan. ll 6m ***Journal it Messenger, Columbus Enquirer, and Times, please copy the above 6 months andforwardthe bills to A. B.F. COLT ’S Pistols—Allen A, Wesson's do. with a large and choice lot of rifle and smooth bore single barrels,! for sale by E. j. JOHNSON. 1 FIELD & ADAMS. FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, MACON, GEO RGIA. r IMIE undersigned will continue the M ttrelionse and fom -1 mission Business, at the commodious ttud well known FIB E-PROOF BUILDING, formerly occupied by Dyson & Field. The strictest personal attention of both the part ners will, as heretofore, be given to all business entrusted to their care. They respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of their old friends and the public generally. I hey are prepared to make the usual Cash Advances on all C otton or other Produce stored with them at the custo mary rates. All orders for Groceries, Bagging and Rope, will be filled at the lowest market prices. Macon, Sept. 6,1850. ‘ JOHN M. FIELD, 1 ( A. B ADAMS. 24—Gin FREEMAN & MACARTHY, MANUFACTURERS OF Candies, Cordials, Syrups &c. DEALERS IN FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, Pickles, Sauces, Catsups Etc* ALSO, Family Groceries, Fancy Articles, aud FAMILY SUPPLIES. TOYS of every description, the finest assortment in the State, fur sa.c. Wholesale and Retail. CAKE THEM MINGS AND ORNAMENTS, always on hand, and we are prepared to execute orders in bis line not to be equalled this side of Paris. Candy, Cordial, Syrups and Lemon Sugar, put up with care aad warranted. As we manufacture the largest portion of our Stock, purchasers are sure to get a fresh article, and equal, if not superior to any man ufactured in the country North or South. AU hands of us en terprising, as well as tasty men, and particularly attentive to the, we are determined to contribute our part towards developing the resources of the country and making ourselves independent of North ern fabrics. jy TERMS CASH. Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. d ec 7 37—ts Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves & House-Keeping Articles. BRIY, CAKIIART k Cos. Near Scott, Carhart Ac Co’s. OFFER to the attention of their friends and the public, a large well selected and general stock in their line ; having beeu selected and bought by one of the concern, the goods are all new and were laid in expressiy for this market. We will take the liberty to say, that for variety, our Stock cannot be equalled in the State. We will sell on reasonable every usual accomodation. Copper Work, of all kinds, done with exactness and despatch. Tin Work in all its variety.—Rooting and job work,done as usual.. A good stock of Tin Ware always en hand. Amongst their stock will be found Iron of all sizes and kinds. Nails and Nail Rods, Spikes Steel, Cast, German. English blister and Spring Steel, Castings and llollow Ware, Ovens, Hots, Boilers and Cauldrons. ■sdh stoves, AND I JO varieties, some very modern- Y improvements. ANVILS, Vices. Bellows and Blacksmith's Tools, generally. Por table Forges, Cross Cut and Mill Sams, and Mill Cranks, Files Jtc., Saws, Planes, Bench Screws, Morticing Machines, Chisels, Ham mers, Hand Vices and Carpenters’ Tools, generally. Mill Irons, Hois ting Screws, Hand and Jack Screws. Plows, Trace, and Log Chains, Lock aud Breast Chains. Axes, Hoes, Agricultural implements, and all kinds Plantation Tools, Corn rihellerj, Straw Cutters. Corn Mills, Spades and Shovels, l ire Dogs, UetMlors, Shovel and Tongs and Housekeeping: Articles. Brass Goods, of all kinds. Ket tles, Sifters. Pans and Faucets. Fine Guns, Pistolssnd shooting Im plements generally. Willow and Wooden Ware, Tubs, Baskets, Trays, &c., Ac. Japanned & Brittannia Ware, LA 11 PI and Candlesticks. English and American Door Locks, Till. Trunk, and Chest Locks, Files, Rasps. Horse Bhoe Nails, Furnaces for Tailors, Furnaces for heating smoothing Irons, with the usual va riety of Knives and Forks, Carver.-:, Pocket Knives, Pad Locks and Razors. Scissors, Brushes of all kinds, llxirand Feather Dusters,Cords, Manilla Rope, Grindstones, &c., Jtc., Ac. 'JV9 33 — 1£ N. OLSI EY & SON, Ware-House and Commission Ilerchants, ff r . —- r ?>y WIL,L continue Busiuei at their • ;j? \T ‘ nf-tri 1 } ‘•FircJProof Buildings,” xtJ&gmimL COTTON AVENUE, Mac ox, Ga. Thankful for past favors, the beg reave to nay they will be con stantly at their |ost, and that no efforts shall be spared to advance the interest of their patrons. They respectfully ask all who have Cotton or other produce to Store, to call and examine the safety of their buildings before plac;n„ it elswhcre. Customary Anv.vtccrs on Cotton in Store or Shipped, and all bun ness transacted at the usual rates. Aptil 25t11, 1850 s —ts “ I Ti’oad mo Step Backwards/’ nr M. S. THOMSON, yi. D., MACON, GEORGIA. 17*011 a period of over thirteen years, it has been the i wince of the undersigned, to present to the people of Georgia, and the surrounding States, the results of the use of innocent Vegetable Medicines, in the treatment andcure ofdisease, as e ::tr. iiscnguished from poisonous substances to w hich from chiUih>K>d, they have been accustomed, and to whose pernicious effects upon the constitution, many ofthem are living witnesses. The success which during this long series of fears, has attended his administrations, has, in many instances, been such, as to over come the most inveterate prejudicesin favor of the aid order of tilings, and to produce instead thereof, a conviction that even in medicine, as in other branches of the physical sciences, now idea* mat he ■ ic ed, and results achieved, that our ancestors would have deemed im possible, but which our potfterity, thanks to the enlightenment oft • coming age, may find easy of accomplishment. This succeds in curing diseases of the most hopeless character afte alolther means had failed.and that too, in many instance:*, mtkout set ingthe patient, lias long been the subject of genera I remark, exhibiting as it does, in bold relief the difference between resxwing a case that has been absolutely abandoned, and siinp’y raising axiofher, ;iit hun dreds of others could cure. Such cases can be pointed out in almost ever- county ?r die where some poor, decrcpid, helpless being, after testing every Ur a! means without avail have sent off, as a dernier re. rt. a descry’ on of their diseases to a distance, in many instances h .. h- ds of n.des, and received back those health remedies that have restored them again to health and to society, to their own astonishment and their neighbors wonder, putting at naught the sro-eis of antagonistic interests, and adding new finger posts at every post office and cross roads, pointing the way the city of refuge. Without subjecting himself to the charge of p.rr, unption, he would yet boldly say, that he firmly believe*that nine-ten: ■Tthr v ---i,■ ct incurable case*in Georgia, are yet w ithin the reach fnv !;c:ne.and ean be cured by pursuing a proper course of medication, with the ex erciscof necessary care and perseverance, on the part of ti.e patient, which in all cases of a lingering character, are of the last importance. The great facilities for this kind of treatment presented in the cheap postage system, has been taken advantage of by thousands who hap pily can indirectly attribute their present good henttli to that nobic spe cimen of liberal government; and there are thousands more who 7,1,; reap the same advantages, by, simply pursuing a similar course. Let the afflicted if he cannot write himself, get his neighbor to do it for him, give a history of his case, age, habits, and symptoms, the same as if talking to a physician. If able and it is convenient, cnclov<* the fee; if not convenient just then, a due bill for the amtum will answer, (this obriates the inconnnienre of making accounts at great distances,) and if not able, pre-pay and mail the letter to his addres when medicines suitable to the case will, he compounded and sent with full directions. The charge tor treatment is only <?5) five dollars, monthly, a sum sufficiently small to obviate the fear of risk to any one, and yet suffi cient to preserve him from loss in his extrusive administrations. This done, call at the post office in a reasonable time, and receive your medicines with as much precision as you would a letter: pre pareand use them as directed, and persevere; rc|*irc progress month ly. or oftencr, as may be necessary, and closely watch the progress of the cure. Having been lone and extensively engaged in the treatment of di eases peculiar to females, he would say that they may avail them selves of his knowledge, with the utmost confidence, in his prudence and that in writing oat tlnir symptoms, they may express themselves with the necessary freedom. In some of the diseases of tbe rcnaland procreative system, the medicines being more costly, the charge will lie increased. Such cases as require persona’ attention, will b treated on libera, terms in tiie city, where the nezcex.ry accommodations can always be had. Those wishing further informaGou in regard to results, will address a post-paid letter to the under&ig ►>, who wUI immediately mail t the applicant such documents as mas disarm doubt. M. S. THOMSON, M D. 1830.,ey 12— ly GILT Cornices and Curtain Bands of new styles and rtcli aad elegant patterns. For sal* by E. J, JOHFSCN,