The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, March 08, 1851, Image 3

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8100 REWARD! STOP THE KEN AW AY. AN AWAT from the subscriber, 1 mile north of Grkk-n- V vili.e, on the night of the 2d instant, a mulatto bov panted JOE. He is a bright mulatto, with blue eyes, and black kiuky hair. I conversation lie speaks quick and very’ la? t, but a little excited, he stammers, lie had on, when he left, a Blue Cloth Dress Goat, dark colored Pants, and a black f u r Hat. He took with him a swab tailed Mare, either bay or sorrel, which (rots very briskly, with an old Saddle, with the horn broken off. It may be remarked that he has a full face—is nearly six feet high, or quite, close made, and has a ve rv smooth face ; and is about 21 yaars old. lie may possibly trade the mare, in order to get money to travel on—may he walking or he may be in company with a white man. I will five One Hundred Dollars for his delivery at my house, or Twenty Five Dollars for his confinement in jail so that I may get him. % FREEMAN McCLENDON. Greenville, Meriwether co. Ga. March 6, 1851. jj'Atlanta Kepitblicau, Chattanooga Gazette, Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel, Georgia Citizen, Athens (Tenn.) Post, Knoxville (TenwA Register,Constitutional Union, Rome Courier and Louisvile Journal, will please copy TWICE and forward Bills to the subscriber at Greenville, Meriwether co. Ga. m B—2c TO postmastlrl POST OFFICE STAMPS. THE undersigned, Postmaster at Pleasant Grove, Allegha ny co. Maryland, was the first person in the V. S. who conceived, and undertook extensively f 0 publish, the idea of supplying all post offices with cheap stamps. All stamps made by him are warranted equal or superior to any other that can be procured at the same price, and whenever any are sent out in any way defective or unsatisfactory, du plicates shall be forwarded, on notice, without charge. All who order a set of stumps, with change for dates, at Two Dollars only—(for thirty pieces)—shall be kept in stamps ad libitum. Address “ Poet Master, Pleasant Grove, Alleghany co. Md.” . ‘ Any editor publishing the above, (and this noticej 3 times, and sending a copy of paper, shall receive pay in wood let ter, whenever twice the amount of the Bill is ordered; —or, if preferred, a wood engraving wiil be furnished, to order, or, of an engraved newspaper head —any design, of the value of Five Dollars. m B—3t TORE Hi T. ON the Ist day of April next before the Court House door, will be rented at public outcry, the House and Lot lately occupied by George Vigal, deceased, as a Public House, in East Macon. Terns made known on the day. in B—4t JOHN VIGAL, Executor. Journal &. Messenger copy 3t. Land for Sale, ITORTY FIVE ACRES OF I.ANH —adjoining the lands of Dr. Gor . nun and others, two miles south of Macon, near the South Western Rail Road, about five or .ix acres cleared and the balance tolerably well wooded. On the tract is a double Log Cabin, with two brick chimney*, well of good water, and a never failing branch run ning through it. For further particulars enquire of inarch 1— ts VV. D. WOOD. 4 A, [LMiMMs, (from philadelhhia) ro&vm&sv sv&asm&a&e IN TIIE BITLDINQ LATELY OCCIPIED BY THE COMMERCIAL BANK. March I—ts1 —ts Attonmj nt Tnttt, OFFICE OVER BKLDE.N AND CO’s. HAT STORE, 52Vjx,333i3i'3r ©£,. BRIDAI, Spanish, Evening, and Mourning Fans, a fine assortment at E. J. JOHNSTONS’. Aim for sale for low prices at v. holesale, a large lot of medium and romiiron Fans. Hooks and Eyes, lluffalo Tuck Combs, g.nall plated Buttons, llair Pins, Percussion Caps, Stc. &c. ml Lightning Rod Points. SPR AITS PATENT—Pronounced by Dr. Means, Prof. LeConte. and other scientific persons, equal, if not superior to anything now in use, for protecting houses against accidents by lighting. .As mall supply for sale l>y _ ml K. J. JOHNSTOV. ifoST* ON Thursday evening last, wimcivhcre about the city, a pair of Gold Rimmed Spectacles, with gold Rivets and sky-blue glasses, a superior article. Five Hollars reward will be paid to the finder who will deliver them safely to the undersigned. March 1,1851. 3t ROBT. BEASLEY, Jr. Are there any lingering doubts IN the minds of the people of Georgia, in regard to the superior effi racy of innocent Vegetable remedies, properly applied, over mineral sad Vegetable poisons in the most skillful hands? If there are, a few innK/aeff of a marked and remarkable character, tending to prove the stfirinative of the question, will not be inappropriate. Convulsive Fils Cured! GEORGIA: ) 1 hereby certify that in the spring of 1815 Jasper County. \ my negro girl Charity was attacked with convulsive fits, which continued to increase on her, notwithstanding all the efforts of of our best Mineral Doctors in this region. Deeming the case hopeless with them, I concluded to carry her to Ma con and put her under the treatment of Dr. M. S. Thomson, who traveller medicine some two or three months, which stopped them for about 18 months, at which time they returned with increased vio lence. so severe, indeed, that l and an eminent physician in the neigh borhood despaired of her life. I ‘nder these circumstances the Doctor again advised me to call on Dr. Thomson, which Idid and obtained a pur tins of medicine, which, t am pleased to be able to say entirely cu •reti her. The last she had continued from some 7to it hours or more, ni was very severe, hut they have not recurred since, a period of over ,tliree years. Given undermy hand and seal, this 21st November 1850. WM, JENKINS. Fits cured without seeing the Patient!! Joses Cos. Ga. 7th Feb. 1851. This may certify that my negro woman Martha, ("now belonging to Ferdinand Finney,) was severely attacked with Epilepsy, orconvul •ive fits in 1847, which continued to return every week or two, and •ometime* continued on tier for a week at a time, during which she would have as many as forty or fifty on a stretch, before stopping. In tins state she continued for a whole year, notwithstanding all Dr. Kidley of Hillsboro, could do. Despairing at last of his success, and hearing of the tinpralelled cures effected by Dr. M. S. Thomson of Macon, l concluded to call on him, which I did, and gave him tier symptoms when he prepared and gave me medicine, which in about two months entirely cured her, as she has had none since and is now perfecly healthy, thus adding another to the many cures the Doctor has effected without seeing the patient. TIIOS. M. JOHNSON. Syphilis, Rheumatism and Liver (omplaint Cured without seeing tiie Patient!! Jones Cos. Ga. 21st. Sept. 1850. Dr. M. S. Thomson —Drat Sir: Your success has been such in ’ firing my son of Rheumatism and my negro woman of liver disease, Rheumatism, Syphilis. Sic. that 1 cannot refrain from giving you the ■ *Wdit that is due you, for your skill, and if you think that a statc ■ment of the cases w ill be any use in directing other sufferers, to ‘he proper remedies, the following relation of facts is .at your dis .posil. Sente 14 years ago. mv negro woman Uhody was tak.’n in a lin gering way, supposed to > cau- <1 fr mi Syphilis, treated by herself, whi'Wj on discovering, l put lu r under the care of several mineral B | !‘‘fians,Di. tattle and White of Miliedgeville, especially, who af ter Oereiiriali/.iug her a year or so, left her worse than they found ■tar, laboring in addition under Mercurial Rheumatism. I then apple dto Hr. Woodruff, who treated, and I thought cured h'T,but after a while, she became worse again, so much so that I despaired of relieving her. finder these circumstances I applied to ? “u, and 1 am phased to !„■* able to report, that notwithstanding it ** a long time ago, she has had no return of her disease since, but is “"w doing me vert’ good sort ice. The ease of mv son was one of Mercurial Rheumatism, arising fnini salivation for a fever. After keeping lingering for three or four and getting worse all the time, till his limbs were drawn and ■tifFcned very much; notwithstanding all that weeoulddo, he eontin "tdthui, till we applied to you, when you soon relieved hint, and I *m happy to he able to report that I consider him finally cured, and h been so twelve months. In conclusion, dear sir, go on and prosper, you may have enemies, as n ho that is any account has not, but success in curing such desperate Mses must bear you up, and that your success may be commensurate *ith your merits is the earnest wish of yours truly, GiI.LI B WRIGHT. Th undersigned continues his treatment of all manner of chronic ‘ rir > of disease, through the mail, the facilities of which have been ni| ich enhanced since the introduction of the cheap postage system, *hich will be greatly increased by the recent Act of Congress. afflicted, no matter where they reside, by sending a statement 1,1 the symptom* of their cases in writing, may have Medicines to ‘'nt them compounded and sent, and might count upon receiving it “>th the same certainty that they would a letter. That they can bi rored w-ithonta personal interview and examination, is strange, but ,hat hundreds arc thus cured, is no more strange than true. •n order that all, the poor as well as the rich, may enjoy the bene resulting from hi* treatment, the subscriber puts his terms at the I ''"’ ra te of five dollars monthly, cash or good reference, to all those ” ho are able to pay, and freely and gratuitously to those w ho are not, t.rov ,ded they pay their postage. •'is Infirmary is open for the reception of Negroes; and for other * a *es requiring his personal attention, City accommodations are 1 1( * still continues the treatment of acute cases, in town or in the nntnediate surrounding country, but cannot leave the city to go long ’ Mantes except in cases of most urgent necessity. Being possessed ( °f the latest improvements in surgical apparatus, he is prepa ■T treat fractures, dislocations, &c. in a manner superior to the ■ usually adopted and calculated to succeed in many instances 11 n these would inevitably fail, setters must be post paid and addressed to J-1851.—y M. S.THOMSON, Macon Ca. I HAVE FOUND A BLESSING!! The superior of Quinine and Sarsaparilla. TIIE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF TIIE VGE UR. I.T. HENDERSON’S EUREKA TONIC AND NEPENTHEAN PILLS, a safe, certaffi aim permanent antidote against all forms of the pois onous effects of miasmata, effecting speedy and per manent cures of r CHILLS and FEVER, and all the different varieties of Fevers ; torpid liver, enlargement of the spleen, dyspepsia, dropsy, Jaun dice, and all kinds of constitutional debility and de rangement of the system, are speedily remedied by thesj invaluable medicines. These valuable antidotal remed es were discovered by Dr. I. T. Henderson, and have been successfully tested bv some of the best Phy sicians m the South, and by thousands of other per sons. ” The medicines are wholly Vegetable, and are harm less under any circumstances. The principal ingredi ents are entirely new remedies, used by no other person in any form as a medicine. In malarial diseases, they act as an antidote against the poisonous effects of impure air, and require no pre ceding preparation of the system, as they comprise the t athartio, Diaphoretic, Sedative and Tonic princi ples ; thus accomplishing a desideratum in the treat ment of these diseases, long sought for before the dis covery of these medicines. All who have used (the best remedy here tofore known for intermittent fever,) must say it is neither certain or lasting in its effects. Quinine, in many instances, from febrile excitement and gastralgia, and cephalic disturbances, is inad missible. But the Eureka Medicines cun be used un der any circumstances or condition of the system, vvhore a tonic, purge, or diaphoretic is needed, with the happiest effect. The tonic mildly acts on the how-els, carrying of the nmeo hilli&is matter collected there ; correcting the action of the liver and spleen, and as sisting liatnre to throw of the impediments to a healthy action of the body natural remedies, calling into action suspended / laws; thereby removing the causes w*ase through the natural chan nels of tli^Dooy. All that is asked for the wonderful medicines is a fair trial, which will satisfy all of their unparalelled vir tues. Their fame is built upon their ow-n efficacy, and a comparison with all other remedies is challenged. Physicians are requested to use the Eureka Tonic and Nepenthean Pills, as they would any other tonic, w-illi any previous preparation of the system they please, and they will be convinced that they are superior to Quinine, and the whole catalogue of tonics used as in termittents. Their use is admissible at any time, even when the patient has the highest fever. For sick head ache or obstructed menstruation, they have no equal. For particulars, see tonic directions. Also, Dr. I. T. HENDERSON’S EUREKA PU RII* YING CA I HARTIC PILLS, for cleansing and purifying the Constitution, and establishing a healthy economy in all persons laboring under any form of con stitutional derangement. Also, Dr. I. T. HENDERSON’S OUACHITA ’ LRMIFI GE, the greatest blessing ever bestowed upon the infantile world, warranted to expel worms of every kind and in every case, where they exist in the body. This Vermifuge has proved itself decidedly superior to any other in use. Also, Dr. I T. HENDERSON S NERVE AND BONE LINAMENT, or HEAL ALL AND PUL MONICAL. The use of this astonishing Liniment, has been attended with unparalelled success in all dis eases of man or horse. Fora horse, it instantly cures Corks, Scratches, Chafes, Cuts, W ounds, Splints, Spavin, Stiffle, Swinney, Sprains, Film of the Eye, Whirlbone of any joint, and Distemper. For a man, it speedily cures Rheumatism, Gout, Scrofula, Bums, Scalds, Tetter, Ringworms, Wens, Swellings, Risings, Cuts, Sprains and Bruises, Old Ul cers, Scald Head, Sore-throat, Salivation, Consump tion, Bronchitis, Snake-bite, Sore Mouth, Neuralgia, Piles, Ground Itch, &c. A single trial will sat isly any person of its superiority over any other Lini ment. All of the above Medicines are prepared by Dr. I. T. Henderson, for IKARD, Tl’Bß A CO. sole owners and Proprietors, Farmerville, La., to whom all letters must be addressed, post paid. Agents wanted in every town. For testimonials of the beneficial effects of I. T. Henderson s Eureka Tonic, Nepenthean Tonic and FiUreka Cathartic Pills and Nerve and Bone Liniment, see hand bilis and “Era,” published by Ikard, Tubb &, Cos. which will be found at the agencies. The above medicines are kept constantly on hand and for saie by — I’A VN hi f NEM BIT, Macon, and Mr. DODGE, mar B—y 4^ Yankee clock keys and pendulum rods, for *aieby\ ml E. J.JOIINBTON. The Great Southern Remedy. iuckiasov.s SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN S DELIGHT. PREPARED AMD SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BV W. L- DAVIS & €O. Albany, Ga. r pilE above preparation is put up in Larob Bottles, and offered A to the public as the most highly concentrated Medicine now in use. The success which has attended its exhibition in hundreds of cases has surpassed the expectations of the proprietors, and placed it among the specifics for disease. It is deemed useless to resort to the usual puffing resorted to by the proprietors of patent medicines gen erally, in ihis case, as we are determined to let the article stand or fall upon its own merits All that is necessary to insure its success is a trial of the article. The following certificates speak for them selves: Albany, Ga. July 11, 1850. Mr. Dickinson-—Dear sir: I have used your “Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight,” in a case of Secondary Syphilis upon a negro girl, w hich proved an entire cure of the disease. 1 have also used your Tonic piii*, and have found them an invaluable medicine. P. J. STROZIER. Gadsdes Cos. Fla. July 23d, 1849. Mr. Dickinson— Dear Sir: If any man on earth should be thankful lam that man. My wife has been afflicted for the last fifteen years w'itli Whites; from which she has suffered twenty deaths having tried various physicians, and all remedies which vve could get h IdoY at all appl cable to the disease without any manifest advantage. We conclcdcd to give your Sarsaparilla a trial,and having confidence in Ihe Queen's Delight which was combined in your medicine, we ob tained the medicine, and after using three bottles, I am glad to say that the disease has entirely disappeared, and she is now enjoying the best of health. I have no hesitancy in recommending your prepar tion to all who may unfortunately be afflicted with this distressing ditease as a specific in such cases. Respectfully yours, W. J. HAWKINS. Irwin Cos. Ga. July 20, 1850. Mr. Dickinson—Dear Sir; I have used botli your Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight and Tonic Pills in iny family, and believe they have no equal in the cure of thn se diseases enumerated in your circular.— I have also recommended them to iny neighbors, and have not heard of a single failure of a permanent cure being effected. I take pleas ure in recommending your medicines to those who may require the use of Alterative or Tonic Medicine-. Yours respectfully, January 5, 1851. WM. W. POULAN. DICKINSON'S TONIC PILLS, GREEN SICKNESS, IN ALL ITS VARIOUS FORMS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, DROPSICAL VF’FTC TIONS, AND ALL CASES OF GENERAL DEBILI- The success of these pills in the cure of the diseases above named, has induced the proprietor to offer them to the public. T.ieyare put up in boxes containing front eighty to one hundred Pills; 1 pill being the dose. They are decidedly tiie cheapest and best mid cine of the kind ever offered to the public. The following certificates, which we have selected fr uit bundled* which we have from Clergymen and others* speak for tlie i selves. Price Si per Box. Fortale wholesale and retail, by W. L. DAVISCo. Druggists, Albany, Ga. CERTIFICATES. Quincy, Fla. June st!, 1849. Mr. Dickinson—Dear Sir: I have used your Tonic Pills in my fam ily in one case of Chlorosis, (Green Sickness) w ith the most satis factory result. The case is entirely cured. Your Pill is certainly a specific in such cases. Respectfully yours. 11. WOOTEN. Albany, Ga. April 23d. 1850. Mr. Dickinson—Dearfeir: Justice to you and a wish to relieve those who may be sutleriiig from disease, induces me to give iny ex perience in the use ot your invaluable Pills. My wife had been snf fering for months with strong symptoms of Dropsy, brought on from Hemorrhage, during her late accouchment, which caused her to suf fer severely, and threatened a speedy termination of life. I had re sorted to every remedy calculated to give relief, but could find noth ing to benefit her until she tried your Pills. She is now in fine hwiltli as she ever enjoyed, after using two boxes. Yours respectfully, ANTHONY G. WEAVER. Baker Cos. Ga. March sth, 1850, Mr. Dickinson—Dear Sir: My eldest son was afflicted severely for some two years or more with loss of appetite, violent headache, swel of the limbs and sxnuach, shortness of breath,and in fact his case was truly alarming, for his health bad become so bad that he had entirely lost all energy and was fast sinking to the grave, when you gave me a box of pour Tonic Pills. I took them w itli but little confidence in them—but as a drowning man will catch at straws, I determined to try them, and judge of my surprise when in a few days lie had gained his former vivacity, and his general appearance chang ed for the better, and before he had finished taking the box, his health was completely restored, and he is now red and rosy. You can make use of this in any way you think proper. Respectfully, W. B. MASON. JfgF’Xone of the above Medicine genuine, unless bearing the writ ten signature of g. J. Dickinson. o)“’Thnse wishing the above Medicines should purchase from no Other but the aevertisedagents, a* w nre creditably informed that there is a Pill sold in Florida sot Dickinson's Tonic Pill which is a base countereit. March, 1,1851. W. L. DAVIS & CO. Albany. ‘ Sold in Macon by Payne Sr Nisbet,and at the oilice of the Georgia Citizen. P. S. All communications addressed to W. L. Davis Si Cos. Alba ny, free of postage, wiii be attended to. *a s sinisii css isfi ” NEW lIATIS. VVERY superior article for, sale by J. S. GRA Y BILL. feb 22 EXCHANGE. THE subscribers are prepared at all times to purchase t ime Bills on New \ork. Charleston and .Savannah. Sight Checks on New York for sale, in sums to suit. FJ?* Office open from 7 A. M. 8 to P. M. CARHART, BRO. & CO. February 1, 1851. t s DISSOLUTION. r pilE co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned \_ in the Grocery and Commission Business, under the firm of Scott, Carhart hi Co* is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Isaac Scott retiring from the business. Either Partner is authorized to adjust all unsettled bqsiness. ISAAC SCOTT, JAMES D. CARHART Jan.l, 1851. WILLIAM B. CARHART. “VTOTIC’E.—AII persons indebted to Scott, Carhart & Cos., are j It requested to call and settle immediately. New FIRM.—J. n. Carhart and W. B. Carhart, (of the old firm of Scott, Carhart & Cos„) having this day associated with them, J. It. Stow and E. 11. Carhart, the Grocery and Commission Business will be continued under the firm ot Carhart, Bro. Si Cos. A continuation of the liberal patronage extended to the old concern, is respectfully solicited. j. p. CARHART, W. B. CARHART. J. B. STOW. j an J [41 —tf] H. CARHART. FLOUR. | A variety of brands at the lowest market prices only for Cash. [4l—tf] KIBBEE St DICKINSON. BIaACKSIDZITH'S tools. ,"T/A Anvils, 75 Vices,4o He Hows, lOOOIbs Sledge Hammers t)\J Patent .Stocks and Dies, cut from J lo J t inch. Just received an and for sale by BRAY CARHART, &. CO. Macon, Bept 13, 1850. 25 if LANIER HOLME MACan, GA. TIIE proprietors are plor„’ s Jn announce to their old triends ar v? gener ally, that this NEW’ A, is now ojien for the reception of Company. Having had it erected and fitted up at great expenve, on the most lib eral, elegant and extensive scale, they confidently expect a generour patronage. JS. LANIER & SON. June 14, 1850. ’ 12 ts 1 OHO 00 * Hats assorted qualities, J-vM/VI 1000 Negro Blankets assorted qualities, 1500 pr. Negro Shoes Superior quality, 200 pieces Negro Kerseys, for sale by SMITH & OLIVER. REVOLUTION. WE respectfully give notice, that on and after this date, we a dopt the CASH SYSTEM and Prices accordingly, on all sums less than Fifty Dollars, and over that amount, each Bill sub ject U)particular aiprcement. CtP” We would earnestly request those that are indebted to us to make early payment. KIBBEE & DICKINSON. Macon, Jan. 1, 1851. 44 ts FEATHERS. i A A Sacks Tennessee Geese Feathers for sale for Cash only by lv’U [41 —tf] KIBBEE it DICKINSON. MASON & DIBBLE’S NEW STABLE. TIIE undersigned fiave just completed their SPLENDID NEW STABLE on tho corner of Mulberry and Third Streets, nearly opposite the Floyd House, where they keep on hand safe and will broke horsf.s and every variety of Conveyance for the accommodation of their friends and the public. Single Horses and Drovers w ill be attended to with the ut most care and on accommodating terms. As the Proprietors hn-c bnt ON E STALL E,and can therefore give their per sonal attention to their business, they feel confident of being able to give universal satisfaction. Board of Horse 75 cents per day. T. M. MASON, MKrch, 21 1850— 1 y WILLI A M I >IBBLE. WASH iTGTOiYHALLr r i . E. S. ROGERS respectfully informs the publictliat (••■•tip has now the sole charge of this old established anukvel) .Jk”_!=£known Hotel, which has reFcTiTTv 7 fFbW'rgone pair, and that he will spare no pains for the accommodation of those who may give him a call. Every department of the Hall wißbe under his personal su|*ervision,and every eierr.on will Ims made to keep up the establishment to Ihe extreme point 01 neatness, comfort and good beer. E. S. ROGERS. May 31, 1850. 10—ts MRS. HAMOIIR informs the Ladies of l '* acon vicinity, that her slock in Up gf^s£&li3!l the above line is complete for Winter Fashion, with the most desirable Goods. -i As these Goods have been mostly pur chased in Paris, for this place, ihey will B °hl cheaper than ordinary. Ladies would do well to take a good look at “r n them and compare them with other Goops before purchasing elsewhere. The Stock of SILK and STRAW BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATH ERS, EMBROIDERIES, MANTILLKS & DRESS-SILK, is worth any one’s trouble to examine thoroughly. February C, 1851. _ CONFECTIONARY, r JMTF] following goods just received direct from F’rance:— JL BRANDIES and WINF7S, Prunes in Boxes of differ ent sizes; Preserved Apricots and Prunes, Cherry Brandy and I’lum Brandy, and a lot of fine SARDINES, J. 11. DAMOLit, near Lanier House. Feb. 8, 1851. 40—ly New Sale and Livery Stable. THE subscriber grateful for past favors, would respectfully inform bis old patrons and as many ftf Lh'.nit y new ones as possible, that he has opened an I# w EXTENSIVE SALE and LIVERY MBwMi STABLE, ON SECOND STREET, next door to Seymour's corner—where he will constantly keep on hand for sale A CHOICE LOT OF SADDDLE AND HARNESS HORSES. He will also keep on hand for HIRE, Horses and Car riages of all kinds, and will he prepared to send passengers to any place, where they tuny wish to go on the most reason able terms. He is also prepared to keep Horses by the day, week, month or year. His stuhles nre large and airy, and have the advantage of both plunk nnd diit floors, and us the location is central, will be convenient to persons having bu siness to transact in the city. He will also keep on hand nnd for sale, the celebrated Acte Hampshire side spring Plantation Wagons, anil also n fine assortment of BUGGIES, of superior quality and at r’duced prices. A. C. MOREHOUSE. Muccn, January 18,1851. 43—ly GOLD Foil, Dentists Files, Mouth Glasses, &c., for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. 100 Dollars Premium. A PREMIUM of one hundred dollars will be paid by the stiliscri her to any citizen of the State, who will produce a PRESS FOR PACKING COTTON equal to the Bulloch (‘outpound Lever Fress, in point of economy, compactness, strength and durability. ROBERT FINDLAY. May 24 9 —tt TARE PART Id LA RlO TICE. ALL vvlio are indebted to Relden & Go. for last year’s accounts must settle the same, by the Ist of March, as they contem plate different arrangements with their business in Macon. WM. BELDEN, Macon, feb 15 D. VV. BELDEN, N. Y. The Best Corn Mill IS now offered at the Ocmulgee Foundry, on Cotlon Ave nue, Macon. It is Nicholson’s and Marsh’s Burr Stone Patent, and may seen, on application to the undersigned, A gent of the owners. C. P. LEV Y. Feb. 8, 1851. -46—ts JHF UNO HUNDRED CASFiS of every descrip tion, <5 per cent less than can be bought in Macon, at any other estab* lishinent. feb. 15 BELDEN &. Cos. Hats, Caps and Straw Goods. C'IHEAP for Cash or Credit, when they are willing to pay once a J year. Those who do not comply with the above, can have no more credit at this establishment. leh 15 BELDEN & CO. APPLES! APPLES! -4 BBLP. very fine Northern Apples, for sale by J.S. GR AYBILL. 1U feb 2-2 ONIONS. WHITE and RED. Avery superior article, for saie bv feb 22 J. S. GKAYBILL * - S'..’ Medical Notice. DR. JOHN O’LEARY, ate of Virginia, respectfully 1 offers his professional services to the citizens of Macon and its vicinity. OFFICE on Mulberry St. opposite tbc Lanier House, feb 15 47—1 m () BBIjJ. of Cream Ale, in fine order, for sale by ’ feb 22 . C. A. ELLS & SON. At Home Again. AYE beg to inform our old friends and the public, that we are a jr a j n established a our o r and on the Avenue, No. 3, l nion Building, and opening anew and splendid assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Pins, Flar Rings, Gold Pencils, with and without Pens, silver Spoons, and F’orks of rich patterns. Gold and silver Spectacles, Plaited Waiters, Castors and Cake Bas kets of new and splendid patterns. Candlesticks, cAfclerv, and a variety of fancy articles usually kept in our line.— Guns. Pistols, Game Bags, AVadding, Caps, etc. An as sortment of AVind, Brass and Wood instruments. Accorde ons and A'iol ’is of splendid quality. Clocks of different pat terns. Clocks and AVatehes repaired and warranted. Piano Fortes, from Nunns &, Clarks,.]. Chickerings. A. 11. Gale. llallett& Dts. is’s Factories, which will be sold cheap and warranted. Guitars, Guitar and Piano music, instruction books, etc. Cull and see us. J. A. &. S. S. VIRGIN, dec 14 38—ts m Troup mlOMery, # MACON, GA. Tweatj-Fivc Thousand Fruit Trees. T - OFFER for sale 25.000 Fruit Trees, nil of iny own raising .yml V, native stosks —which the oliowing varieties may j. round, viz u 60 varieties of Apples, 50 do Pears, 40 do Plums, 20 do Cherries. 50 do Peaches, 10 do Nectarines, 8 do Apricot*, 2 do Sweet Almonds. Also, Grapes, Figs, Raspberries and Strawberries. The ornamental department of my nursery contains about 10,000 of the finest ever-! looming Roses, in more than 150 varieties, besides many Shrubs and Evergreens, among which are nearly all of the la test introduction; also. Dahlias, and a valuable collection of Green house Plants. Prices the same as charged in the Northern Nurse rros. ROBT. NELSON, feh 15 47 iy UMBRELLAS. A LARGE assortment of every description, and at reduced pri ces. feb 15 BELDEN & CO. FLOYI) HOUSE, MACON, GA. MTHOS. WILLIAMS respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he lias purchased the lease and furniture of the above establishment, is sale proprietor, and intends to give the business bis strict personal attention, lie w ill secure polite and competent clerks and servants, and is determined that the table and bar shall be supplied with the very best the country affords.— The House is too well know-n for him to say any thing in regard to it. Tiie rooms are in fine repair, and I lie furniture as good as can be found in any House in the State. Thankful for the liberal patronage liestowed upon tiie old firm of Buford & Williams, during liis former connection with this House, he pledges himself to sjiare no effort to give entire satisfaction to both new and old friends. feb 15 47 — ts ~CIGARS! CIGARS!~ A/ W V Choice Regalia Cigars, viz: -‘Jenny Lind,” ‘•ElCri sol,” “Falcon,” “Minerva,” “LaOliver,” “La Nor ma,” 1 - -La Nationalc,” “Diana,” “Programa,” “Y’Elba,” -Enrig ne,” l.a Morinita,” “Esculapio,” “Fountuin Ora,” &c. Str. feb 15—3 t W. 8. WILLIFORD, SUGARS! SEGA US! ‘)A AAA of FINE REGALIA CIGARS. Just received and for OUsUUU for sale by feb 22 C. A. ELLS & SON. PRESERVED CITRON, Dates, figs, prunes eve apples, and MALAGA GRAPES, in store and for sale by feb 22 C. A. ELLS & SON. Sight Exchange 011 Mew York. SIGHT EXCHANGE on New York, in si -ns to suit pur chasers, from the Planters* Bank of -Savannah, for sale by C. F. .SMITH, Cashier Merchant* Bank. February 1, lm JOkcd Reef. VERY article, sale by J. S. GRAYBILL. ORANGES. BOXES offine Naples Oranges. Just received and for sale by I O feb 22 C. A. ELLS hi SON. Photographic Likenesses, r |MI I I ’, undersigned having opened Permanent lioonm on A Cotton Avenue and second street, and having the ben efit of both Sky anjl Side Lights, is prepared to execute PICTURES in a style which has never before been equalled in this city. Pictures taken SINGLY or in GROUPS, with equal success and correctness. Now is the time toiret a GOOD LIKENESS and BEAUTIFUL PICTURE,"as all will find by giving him a call. N. B. Persons wishing to LEARN the ART, will now • have a chance of being instructed as thev should he. Macon, Feb. 8,1851 ts ‘ 1L L. M OOD $lO Reward. STRAYED or stolen from the subscriber, about three months ago. a Blue Spotted Hound, small size, black cars, and about three years old. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of said dog to me. JOHN B. CUM MING. January 25. 44—ts PAYNE & IVI.SBF.T would most respectfully in form their friends and customers, that they have moved their stock of DRUGS and MFBHCINES to the corner of the new Brick Building opposite the Washington Hall, where they will be happy to see all their old customers and others that may favor them with a call ; and where they will keep a general stock of fresh Drugs and Medicines, Leeches, Perfumery. Ac., and put up Prescriptions with care and neatness, and always give satisfaction, oct 1 Gilt Cornices and Curtain Bands. A New supply of New and beautiful pattern* at jt\_ Feb. 1. ts E. J. JOHNSTON. MACOItf Dental Li horn ton. w For Surgical ami Mechanical Denistry , and the Manufacture of Porcelain Teeth. On Mulberry Street, opposite the Lnnier House. Tiie undersigned, having for a long fell the necessity of an establishment for the tnanu- PORCELAIN TEETH, at the South, has titled up a Laboratory adjoining bis Denial Rooms, where all Teeth used by him hereafter, will be manufactured to suit the complexion and taste of the particular individual requiring them. By this arrangement, any number ran inserted in solid blocks with Gums true to Nature ; thus adding greater strength and durability, and presenting a more life-like appearance. He lib.s in his possession, certificates from some of the most respectable citizens of the State, who have tried bis im proved BLOCK TEETH, expressing their decided prefer, euce for them, over nil other kinds. As it is impossible to give, more than n vague idenin a single advertisement of the great advantage of block over plain teeth, be hopes those interested will call and exumine his specimens. He would also slate that lie can now offer greater induce ments to those wishing teeth removed for Plates, than an v other Operator in the Southern States; nnd he feels confi dent that all who patronize him in this branch, will receive entire satisfaction. He is permitted to refer LADIES to several who arc now wearing entire Dentures of his late manufacture. C. S. PUTNAM, Dentist January 18,1851. 48— if BASIL A. WISE, manufacturer and Dealer in (PLAQINI, MPAINIiNIEB) & BLOOK TIJV WARE, Stoves of every kind, The Richest and Most Fashionable Patterns, Stove Trimmings and Hollow Ware, MACON, QA. mr All kinds of Copper, Tin and Sheet Irou Work, done at the shortest notion. oct 19 30—6 m Ocmnlgce Iron & Brass FOUNDRY, AND MACHINE SHOP. r I'M IK Ocmulgee Foundry lias been enlarged and furnished with new and su;**rior stuck of tools, which will enable the sul>scrilie to furnish work at the shortest notice, in his line, of a superior char acter, and at prices as low as can be furnished elsewhere. The atten tion of Milwrights and Machinists is earnestly requested to examine this establishment. law prepared to furnish STBiJ£ & SITOTITSSj from 1 to tut horse Cuttings from 1 inch X \1 10 feet long; dear Cuttings; Tit ruing in all its 1; ■* ‘ ; 1 • q kinds of Machinery. V TRY we are prepared lo furnish of Iron or Brass; Mill • Gear of nil kinds, of the innst aptred patterns; Revet, Face and Spur dear; Cast-Iron Water Wheels; din Gear of all patterns, and sizes to suit; Cotton din work; Press Pulleys; Hand Railings, Fire-proof Doorsane windows, Cemetry Railing, dudgeons, Inks, Mill Spindles— in fact, work of any description that is done In an establishment ot the kind. Persons interested in the business are repuested to examine this concern. CIIAS. P. LI.V \ . Ocmulgee bat!ndry, Ist St. below .Macon 1* h'estern Railroad. 1 ts NAILS, IRON, STEEL AND IIOLLOW-WARE. Di |A KF.dS Nails, assorted; Brads, do. 20 “fine 3d nails; 1000 pounds Wrought Nails; 1000 do. Horse Shoe Nails; 15,000 do. assorted Baltimore Hollow Ware; Swedes Iron, assorted: Band, Hoop ami Round Iron; Nail Rods; Cast and German Steel; English and American Blister Steel; In Store, and for sale by BItAY, CARHART & CO. May 14,1850. 18—ts ]AMP, Linseed, Lard and Train oil. Window Glass and J Putty, Paint Brushes and all kind of Colours for Pain ters’use for sale by SMITH J- OLIVEII. GROCERIES!! r I"MIE undersigned still continue their old business, and have at this JL time, one of the largest and best selected storks ot Groceries in the State, which they are at all times prepared to sell on the most farortihir terms to Dealers or Consumers. In addition to their regular business, they are constantly receiving consignments of TIINNSSSEZ! PRODUCE. Ilacon, Corn, Ilnur, &c<, which they will sell at the lowest market price FOR CASH. SCOTT, CAIUJ ART &CO. April 18,185(1. 4—ts Billiard & Bowling Saloon, Opposite the Lanier House,—Macon, Cia. r rMIIS ESTABLISHMENT has recently been thoroughly X renovated and splendidly furnished, by the Proprietor, who has lately purchased and set up two of Winant’s Supsrior Billiard Tables, for the accommodation of those who are fond of this pleas ant and scientific pastime. BIP llehas also refitted his BOWLING SALOON con taining four good Alley*, with all the needful equipment for this healthful and invigorating exercise. U* His BAR is, as usual, well supplied with the choicest spiritual refreshments, anf in a room separate and distinct from the other lAepartirwnts, so that all tastes can be grati fied; without any unnecessary commingling of the solids and lit/n ids. ILf* Good order will be preserved, and every attention will be given to make his guests feel entirely “at Home,” whenever they may choose to- give him a call. Asa ‘re treat’ from the cares of business, daring the long winter eve nings, the Proprietor Hatters hituself that his visiters may “go further and fare worse.’ • oct ID [6m] E. E. BROWN. I*’ lfalf-Bar’ls No. 1 Mackerel, r) 15“ “ “ 2 “ fresh caught, for sale by SMITH &. OLIVER. ROBERT FINDLAY, IRON FOUNDER —AND MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines & Boilers, .tiso,nj teearmg MILLS,of every description; BARK AND StyAit MILLS** or most tmt(wc> nrmßts; Also, Irons for Bullock’s celebrated Cotton Press, OII¥ E4lt, PLATES AMD BALLS, KEPT constantly on harngtlwt \vh*- of which ar.M amnted to lof the best materials ami workmanship, and will be sold on accommodating terms. ET 5 ” Work Shops opjiositc Presbyterian church, corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. Macon, April 18,1850. 4 ,f mm & TAYLOR, Ware-House & Oommission Merchants AT THE oi.n STAATD OF COJVJFFR MARTHA. MACON, GA. IN presenting our eard to the.public, we will state that our best exertions will be given to promote the interests of our patrons ; and from past experience, we hope to lie able to do full justice to all business which may be confided toour charge; and also hope for a continnunce of favors from the old patrons of Connku A Martin. Orders for Goods filled free of Charge. IT Advances made on Cotton in Store or Shi]Hnent, at the usual rates. Z. T CONNER. Aug. 20 ts AV. AV. TAYLOR. the Young Ones—Hattie doors and shuttle cocks graces, knives and lerks, bowls and pitchers, rallies, tectiling rings, &c. for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. To the Afflicted. ill. Am 1. STROUD CTONTINFES to devote liis undivided attention to the treatment J of Chronic Diseases of every form and variety. He is prepar ed to entertain patients—both white and black, for which his charg es are very moderate. Persons wishing treatment, should note down their age, the history of the case;their present symptoms and the co lor of their hair and eyes, and in the letter (postpaid) enclose $2,50. and on its reception.he will mail to their address a portion of Med icine, (to last a month) to suit Hie case. He flatters himself that his long and extensive experience and hisestablsihed success in this de partment, of practice, will be sufficient guaranty to applicants. Postage on a portion of medicines, only five to 10 cents. Pondtown, Sumpter co„ Ga. j;:n. 11—Gin ‘.'Journal & Messenger, Columbus Enquirer, and Times, please copy the above G months and forward the bills to A. B. 8. (TOLT’S Pistols—Allen & Wesson’s do. with a large J and choice lot of rille and smooth horn single barrels, for sole by E. J. JOHNSON. Watches, Jewelry, &c. • WHOLESALE <f: RETAIL. GOLD and siver I ever, duplex, anchor ver f! e “WATCHES, gold guard, fob vest and chatalaine Chains ; scalp, keys. Charms, ij-c., diamond, ruby, opal, garnet and pearl and other stones set in finger rings ; ear rings, bracelets, neckla ces, breast pins, studs, collar buttons, sleeve buttons, cf-c. Gold and silver .Spectacles, thimbles, pen and pencil cas es with Brown & Bagley’s Pens, tooth picks, lockets and miniature cases, snaps, bracelet clasps, belt buckles of gold and silver, tc., card cascsof silver pearl, embossed steel, ac., ladies port monies of do. combs of silver, tortoise shell, buffalo &c., head dresses, paper mache work stands, desks, port folios jewelry boxes, lc. A choice and elegant selection of the above, with a great many new and elegant articles now on hund and for sale for moderate profits, for cash or approx’ed credit. oct 26 3m E. J. JOHNSON. Boot & Shoe Establishment. Wa Hit & Kirtland would return their sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage they have received for the last ten years and they most re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Thpy would also inform their friends and the public generally that they are now opening at their New Store opposite Washington Hall an entire new stock of Boots and Shoes, mostly of O or own mannfacture, and which we shall offer at prices that cannot fail to satisfy all who wish to purchase a good ar ticle at as low prices as the same quality can be purchased in the City or State. A\ e shall bo receiving weekly sup plies and hope by striet attention to please all who may pat ronize us. \V e shall also keep a good assortment, at the old stand, where one of the firm will remain until nex* spring who will be pleased to see our old friends and all who may favor us with a call. MIX &■ KIRTLAND nov 30 36—ts NEW-YORK AND SAVANNAH Steamship Line. r IMIK new and splendid steamers FLORIDA, Capt. Lyon X and ALABAMA, Capt’ladlow, belonging to the NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGA TION COMPANY, on and after the 11th inst, will leave StVA.VMAii and Nkw-York every Saturday until further no ice. These ships ace 1.200 tons register, and unsurpassed m comfort safety and speed. Cabin passage, $25 —payable iu advance. Address PADDLE FORD, FAY $- CO, Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, 184 Front-street, New York. Jan 11 1831.—noil—12m. WANTED. 1000 Cash paid for clean cotton cr 1” *1 “#* *V*v7 linen rags—4 cents per pound, when de livered in quantities of 100 pounds or more ; and 34 when de livered in small quantities. For old hemp, bagging, and pie ces of rope* 14 cents, delivered either at Rock Island Factory orat their store in Columbus, in the South corner Room of Oglethorpe House. D. ADAMS, Secretary. Oct, 26. Wedding I*nrtie*, A*c. —Note paper, envelop**- wafers,cake boxes, gold and silr er leaf, &c.if ehoic and beautiful styles, for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. TO FAN TI tKI.ICS. NYTCVK WIRE, from No. 1, to No. 12. Also Fan Gears nr,* ou \\ hand aval fur *nU< by BRAY, CAUHAItT t < >. dec 21 3D—tf FREEMAN & MAC ART 111, MANUFACTURERS OF Candies, Cordials, Syrups &c. DEALERS IN FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRIF TION, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, Pickles, Sauces, Catsups Sic. ALSO- I'antily Groceries Fancy Articles, auG FAMILY SUPPLIES. TOYS of rverv description, the fineM assortment iu the Bt;i.‘t, for saie. Wholesale and Retail. CAKE TRIMMINGS A\l) ORNAMENTS, always on hand, and we are pro|>ar;il to execute nailers in liis lino not to he equalledthis side of Ftiris. Candy,, Bjrups and Lemon Sugar, put tip with are and warranted. As we manufacture the largest ;>ortion of our Stork, purchasers are sure to pet a fresh article, and equal, if not superior to any man ufactured in the country North or South. All hands of us being en terprising, as well as tnstn men, and particularly attentive to the Ladies, we are determined to contribute our part towards developing the resources of the country and making ourselves imlependent of North ern fabrics. £*jp” TERMS CASH. Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ca. dec 7 _ 33—ts. Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves & House-Keeping Articles. BRAY, CARHART & Cos. Ne*r Scott, Carhart & Co’s. OFFF.U lo the attention of their friends and the public, a large well selected and general stock in their line ; having been selected awl liouglit by nmt of the concern, the goods are all new and were laidin expressiy for this market. We wilktak* the liberty to say, that fee variety,, ear Stuck cannot be equalled ill the State. We will sell on reasonable terass-gfring every usual accomodation. Cop|K-r Work, of aS kinds, dose with.exactuoss and despatch. Tin Work iu all i3 variety,.—Roofing and job work, done as usual. A good stock of Tin Ware always en hand. Amongst their stock wits fle fVvanrflren of *n sizes and kinds. Nail* and Nail Rods, Spikes Steel. CMC, Genwan, English blister and Spflng Stael, Castings and Hollow Wacey Ovens,Pots r ßoilers and Cauldrons.. STOVES* . gggKjacooKiNG-” PARLOR,- 10 varieties, soiue very modern i AMNUS Vices, Bellows and Blacksmith’s Tools, generally. Por table Forges, Cross Cut and Mill Harris, and Mill Cranks, Files fee., Saws, Hanes. Bench Screws, Morticing Machines, Chisels, Ham mers, Hand Vices and Carpenters’ generally. Mill Iron.;, Hois ting Screws, Uaud and Jack Screws. Plows, Trace, and IgCliain,. j Lock anil Breast Chains. Axes, Hoes, Agricultural implements, and! all kin* Pl.-mtatyon Tbots. Cor Shelters. Straw Cutters, Corn Milt*, Spades and Shovels, Fire Dogs. Fes dots. Shovel and Tj.ngs snd Hotu keeping- Articles. Brass Goods, of aH kinds, Ket tfes, Sitters, Pans and Faucets. Fine Guns, Pistolsand shooting im pUrannts generally. WTtlow and Wooden Ware, Tubs, Baskets, Trays, &c. Japanned & Brittannia Ware, | LAMP:, amit axdb-sticks. English and American Door Locks, Till, Trunk, and Chsst 1 x>cks, Files, Rasps, llor.-e Shoe Nails, Furnaces for Tailors, Furnaces, for healing smoothing Irons, with the usual va riety of Knives and Forks, Carvers, Pocket Knives, Pad Ixx ks and Razors. Scissors* Finishes of all kinds, llnir and Feather Dusters,Cords MaitiffcKopj Gfiti*tones, kc ., kc. Rov9 3,| ts VERY LOW FOR CASH, A complete assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries, with fresh ndihrjnas every week. KIIUIEE k DICKINSON. j-tF 41— if ('x ILT Cornices and Curtain Hands of new styles and ncli‘ N anil elegant patterns. Ftrsulehy ‘f EJOHFSf ;H. BOUNTY LAND TO SOLDIERS. - BY a late Act of Congress, Bounty is granted to the officers and soldiers of the war of 1812, and of the various wars since 1790. In case of the death of the soldier, to their widows and minor children. The undersigned being permanently located at the city of Washington, and possessing a thorough and familiar acquaintance w ith the requirements of tlie Government offices, is pre|iareil to attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrants without jeopardy delay, and at but little ex pense to claimants. Land Warrants located on the best Western Land, and the Land sold on the most advantageous terms. Claims for Invalid, Revolutionary and Navy Pensions, back pay, Inst horses, and every description of claims against the General Government adjusted, with promptness and despatch. Persons desiring information of friends who are or have been in tlie Army or Navy, will forward to him all the particulars known o! their service, together with a fee of one dollar, and their enquiries will lie replied to by return of mail. Address, (post-paid*) CIIAS. C TUCKER, Washington City, D. C. February t, 1851. 45—ts CARPETSr CARPETS ! I I/A PRS. Cotton AVarp, Ingrain and 3 flv Carpetings, Tv Just received, and for sale lower than ever known in thi* market-hy m KIBBEK &. DICKINSON Macon, July Housekeeping Goods, SILVER Forks, table, dessert, tea, mustard and salt spoons, butter knives, soup ladles, cups and pitchers, sugar tongs, gravy spoons, 4,c. of warranted pure silver. Silver plated waiters, cake boskets, candlesticks, castors, snnlTers and trays, butter tubs, salt and mustard cups, sugar baskets, &c. of new rich and elegant styles. Silvered and gilt girondole, porcelain vaces, lard lamps, tc. Ivory handle knives and forks in setts and knives extra; silver plated fruit knives, childrens knives and forks, tc. nap kin rings, tea trays fn setts and singly. Received by late arrivals and forsaTe on fair terms by oct 26 3n E- *l. JOHNSON. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. AKAMINTA M’KINNIE, ) Houston\Superior Court, vs. , r returnable to October Term. JOHN M’KINNIE, ) 1850. IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff _ of iloutilon ciMintv, that the said Defendant is not tube fourdin said county, it is ordered that said Libel be perfected by publishing this order in one of the public Gazettes of the State, once a month for three months, next before the next Term of HoustoaSuperior Court. Chambers, Jan. 23, 184 J. JAMES H STARK, Judge Superior Court* Flint District. January 25. 18&L 44—3nrt