The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, April 26, 1851, Image 3

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Mayor’s Office, ) Macon, April 22d, 1851. j jj ndKR authority of a resolution of the City Coun- 1 hereby offer a reward of twenty-five dollars for ihe detection of any person, or persons, who have done, ur may ‘ n f uture d°> an y damage to the public Pumps ,° D the city. J. H. R. WASHINGTON. t s Mayor . mAKIUED In this city, on the morning of the 17th, by the Rev. j Shanklin, Rector of Chtist’s Church, Mr. James R. King, of Roswell, to Miss Elizabeth Frances, youngest daughter of the late Oliver H. Prince. Pied on the 21st inst Roderick Leonard, only son ofDr. J. R and Harriet Boon, aged 9 months and six teen days. Then there passed a meteor bright, Quickly it vanished forth from sight, Say was it not a messenger dove, Rearing from Heav’n a message oflore? Was it a flash of indignant ire, Or was it a spark of holy fire ? There is a moral in the meteor ray, >Ti& light and bright as it passeth away, Learn from its fight which is rapid as thought. How fleeting the soul thy Saviour hath bought. —a— ■ n■iiinii Hina—mm—— CONCERT HALL. GREAT ATTRACTION! WEDNESDAY EVENING, April 30. Lcclurc Free. MR. SPENCER respectfully announces to the citi zens of Macon and vicinity that he will commence, on Wednesday evening next, some of the most wonder ful demonstrations of the mysterious influences of an cient and modern days ever witnessed—usually called Magic, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Mesmerism, Biology die. frc. The first Lecture, Wednesday evening 30th inst. will be free. Admission to succeeding lectures, 50 cents. Class Tickets, instructed in the art, §lO. — Doors open at a quarter past 7. Lecture to commence at 8 o’clock. For further particulars, see Programmes of the day April 26. It fMessentrc nil J Journal and Telegraph, Copy It. Powers 1 Greek Slave! THIS world renowned Statue, over which Poets have grown sublime, and Orators eloquent, will be exhibited TWO DAYS ONLY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY , APRIL 28 and 29 AT CONCERT HALL. tIT ADMISSION 50 cents ; Season Tickets $1 ; Pamph l*tf 10 cents. Hours of Exhibition from 9A. M. to 9P. M. MONTPELIER FEMALE INSTITUTE, rpHE twenty first Term of the Montpelier Female Institute, A will commence on Thursday, the sth day of June next This Institution i*airuler the superintendence of the under signed, who resides upon the spot, and devotes a part of his time to Instruction and Lectures. During his necessary ab sence, as Bishop of the Diocese, the Rev. Mr. Bragg has con trol of the Institute. Eight Teachers are engaged for the ensuing Term in addi tion to the .Superintendent, and a thorough education, com bined with retirement, is offered to the young ladies of the Southern States. English in all Its brunches, French, Latin, if desired, Music. Vocal and Instrumental, Drawing and Paint ing are all taught by most competent instructors from England, Germany. France and the United State,. TERMS:—Two hundred and Seventy-five dollars per an num, one hundred and fifty payable in advance, and one hun dred and twenty-five in January. No extra charges except for Books. Station.'ry, Drawing Materials, or Medical attendance. Vacation months, May aud Decemhr. For further particulars, apply to W. S. Wiltifird, Esq. Treasurer of the Institute in Macon, or to Rev. Seneca (I. Brsfg, Montpelier, Monroe county, Ga.—(Post office, Macon.) STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Jr., Bishop of the Dioeese of Georgia. April 26, 1051. 4—6 t JUST RECEIVED P AT MRS. AUDOINE’S, a large and beautiful assortment of French t English MILLINARY GOODS of the latest styles, consisting of Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Silks, &.e. xVlso, a large invoice of Ladies’ and Misses Tyrolese, Oriental Lace and French and English Braid Bos nets of entire new shapes and styles, which she offers,- at unusually low prices. She respectfully solicits a call from her old customers and the public generally, assuring them that no pains will be spared to please all who may be in want of Goods in her line. ppr 26 ts FORKS, SPOOLS, At., of new and ele- IO gant patterns, for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. of fine, medium and common qualities, a large supply at E J. JOHNSON’S. BlLL(tiil) &l TEN PIN RALLS, Cue Leathers, Cards, Backgammon Boards, Chess Men, &c., for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. 1) AZORS. —A full supply of the celebrated Swiss \j Razors ; the best article made, with Strops &.C., for sale by E. J. JOHNSON. “VirATCHWORK, ENGRAVING & JEWELRY RE t Y PAIRED in the best manner and at short notice by E. J. JOHNSON. THE Subscriber returns many thanks for the very liberal patronage he has received the past season, and hopes that having one of the largest stocks in the State to select from, and furnishing fine and good arti cles at moderate prices, will merit a continuance of the •ante. E. J. JOHNSON. TVATCHES. —limiting and Open-Faced, Gold and T T Silver Levers, warranted good time keepers. CHAINS of new patterns with Seals, Keys, J-c., with a full supply of all the leading articles of Jewel ry, Fancy Goods, tj-c., received per late Steamers for •ale by E. J. JOHNSON. $5 REWARD. IOST on Wednesday evening last, somewhere on Cotton J Avenue, a tine pair of .Sky Blue Spectacles set in gold frames w ith gold rivets, without a case. Any peson rinding the same and delivering them to the undersigned. wiU receive the above reward. ROBERT BEASI.EY. April 26th, 1851 3t. NOTICE. THE Subscriber respectfully requests all who are indebted to him, to come forward and pay up. Unless they do so e! onct i he Kill be compelled to abandon the credit system alto ether - Robert carver. April 26th, 1851 It RICH AND BRILLIANT Georgia State Lottery, tor benefit of the Independent Fire Cos. of Augusta D. PAINE U CO.. MANAGERS. Class 16, to be drawn Saturday 26th April. 1 Prize of .$70,000 —1 Prize of $.10,000 1 “ “ 30,000 1 15.000 1 “ “ 7,500 1 “ 5.000 100 u “ 1,750 20 “ “ 1,000 Tickets S2O, shares in proportion. CLASS 17. To be drawn 29th April. 1 Prize of $5,000—1 Prize of SI,OOO, &c. Tickets sl, Shares in Proportion. CLASS 18. Draws Wednesday, 30th April. 1 Prize of $35,000—1 Prize of $25,000. 1 “ “ 15,000 1 *♦ “ 7,500. 1 u “ 5.000 100 “ “ 1,000. Tickets $1(1, shares in proportion, for sale at Shi vers'Lucky Office, near the Post Office, Floyd House Buildings. WM, SHIVERS, Jr. Agent. Drawn numbers Georgia State Lottery, Class 9. 5 72 40 36 15 17 51 27 1 59 10 71 Drawn Number* Georgia State l.otterv. Class 10. 71 7 T 8 35 77 65 30 51 13 58 16 2 24 11 Drawn Numbers Geo. State Lottery, Class, 11. 54 66 8 51 49 72 59 22 43 7 26 30 Drawn Numbers Geo. State Lottery, Class 12. 64 58 34 16 46 55 47 28 10 44 30 60 April 26. From the Cincinnati Globe. Physicians prescribe Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort •nd Tar in the last stages and most hopeless cases of Consumption, after all other medicines have failed, as >t has proved itself to be the most extraordinary medi ral aid in curing that disease. Now this medicine is a * va luable in the incipient stages, 6uch as Cough, Colds, &c., when the Lungs are not too far gone be fore ulceration takes place. It is seldom or ever known *o fail in breaking up the most distressing Cough or told in a few hours time, if the directions are strictly followed. The genuine Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and far, which makes so many wonderful cures, can be obtained at Payne & Nisbet's, E. L. STr.ottECKEa'sand Mcrs rs. Ellis’ Drug Stores in this eitv. fc'ee advertisement in another column. Jm H L. WOOD, DAGUERREOTYPIST, MACON, GA. t&r ENTRANCE FROM THE AVENUE, apr 1# ts RAILROAD HOUSE OPPOSITE CENTRAL R AILRO AD DEPOT EAST MACON. apr 19 ts S. M. LANIER. JAC K fcROWfL ATTORSEI AT LAW, BUENA VISTA. MARION CO., DA. a P f 12 X ly KELLAM & ATTORNEY’S AT LAW & GENERAL LAND AGENTS, ATLANTA, :::::::::::: GA. M ill practice in DeKalb and adjoining counties: and in the Supreme Court at Decatur.—Will also vi sit any part of the country for the settlement of claims 4-c. without suit. IZT Bounty Land Claims prosecuted with despatch. Office on White Hall St., over Dr. Denny's Drutr Store. A. R. KELLAM. M. A. BELL. P. G. ARRINGTON, Attorney at Law and Notary Public, Oglctliorp<>, Jlaeou Cos., Jec H GEORGIA. 38— ts FACTORAGE AND Savannah, 6a< P. YONGE, No. 94 Bay street, Savannah, continues V V to transact a General Commission Business and Factor age, and respectfully solicits consignments of Cotton. Corn, and other produce, He will also attend to receiving and for warding Merchandize.— April 5, 1851 ly JOHN M. MIIJ.KN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. June 28th, 1850. • J4 —ly CITY HOTEL, SAVANNAH,•.•.•.•.•GEORGIA. P. CONDON. Terms: —Transient Boarders, per day, 81,50. Monthly and **rl Boarders iu proportion. apr s—y ©SSOISKIi A. LOOXHRANiSii Slttnrnnj nt Tam, OFFICE OVER BF.LDEN AND Co’s. HAT STORE, Mulberry Street, Maeon, Georgia. NEW FIRM. DR. G. McDONALD would respectfully inform the citizens of Macon, and the surrounding country, that lie has as sociated with him in the Dental profession, Dr. M. J. GAI.LA GER, late of Wilmington. Delaware. Dr. Gallxoer has had many years experience in the Man ufacture of Artificial Teeth, and comes highly recommended for Ins skill and taste in getting them up either in Blocks or Single, with or without Gums, so adapted in sha[>e,size and color, as to suit every variety of case. As they have the advantage of all the new and valuable improvements appertaining to the profession, either patent or otherwise, they feel authorised in promising the people of Georgia, a style of work far superior to any that hasyet been executed in this Country. Dr. Gallagkr has been very successful in the administra tion of Chloric Ether for the relief of pain in extracting teeth, and in the Surgical operations of Hospital, as well as private practice iu New Orleans, Philadelphia, &c. &c. and he pro poses to use it here, when desired, or cases my require it. He has a preparation for filling doubtful teeth, by the use of which many are saved, that would otherwise be lost. Those wishing temporary sets of Teeth, can have them pre pared ani set, as soon as the infiaination from extracting sub sides. adr s—ts THE Undersigned respectfully calls attention ‘"iwiih * ” his present facilities for accomplishing eve- I-LX LT cry rtiina jiertaihing” to Dentistry, in tne most perfect manner; also, to specimens of his beautiful BLOCK WORK. Daily applications are tnaile for BLOCK TEETH in exchange for ordinary plain on s, and those contemplating the use and value of artificial work, will find it their interest to travel hundreds of miles to obtain-‘the best and cheapest.” Any person can have a trial without the least expense, if not entirely satisfied. C. S. PUTNAM, ap s—y Dentist. NOW RECEIVING. SOME OF THE MOST SPLENDID PIAXO FORTIN! EVER offered for sale in Macon, from the cel- I* “iK ebra, ed Factories of J. C. Cliickering and Nunn l I 5? X X• & Clark, warranted superior to any others made in the United States Also, two splendid Harps from J. F. Brown &. Co.’s Factory. The above Instruments are a feast to one’s eyes to look at, and the tone completely captivating. We shall take pleasure to show these Instruments to any that have a taste for tine good*. On hand, Prince Melodions, best article of the kind made ; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Accordeons, Tamborins, Bugles. Cla rionetts. Flageolets, Flutes, and a variety of Brass Instru ments for Bands, kept in our line. Guitar and Violin Strings, Sheet Music for Piano and Guitar, Instruction Books, Sec. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND ©S3©©, Splendid Gold and Silver * Watches, Gentlemen and Ladies’ pat - jcsgfcv terns, Gold Chains, Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles, Gold Pens and Pencils, Goldand silver Spectacles, silver Spoons and Forks silver, ivory and Wood Napkin Rings, silver plated Cake Baskets Castors, Waiters, and Candlesticks—and a variety of FANCY GOOD3,j Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Rags, Pouches, Flasks. Pistols, Sec. All the above articles sold cheap for cash or approved credit. Cloeks and Watches Repaired, and warranted, at short no tice. Give us a call at our old stand, Cotton Avenue. Union Buildißg. J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN, apr 19 ts SHAKSPERIAN ILLUSTRATIONS^ MR. J. C. EDWARD?, of Macon, has been appointed Agent for the above work, and he will attend to any com munication which ntay he sent him from those gentlemen ie this State who may wish to secure a copy, before the Platen are taken out of the United States. The undersigned wouls pledge himself to professional men, planters and others, whosd taste forthe well as the instructive, may lead them todesire a copy of this magnificent Work, that Mr. Edwards will supply them with sets of the Engravings of a very supe rior character, if theirapplicalion is made within a few weeks, as his arrangements with the proprietor give him peculiar ad vantages for this purpose. The prices of the set of Illustrations is SIOO. There are Fifty Numbers, containing in all 100 Engravings. Thirty Numbers, or 60 Engravings, arc complete and ready for de livery. The remaining Twenty Numbers, with 40 Engravings, will be delivered monthly to shbscribers at $2 for each Num ber. D. O. MACOMBER. apr 19 ts DIRECT IMPORTATION OF CUTLERY. THE subscribers have just received direct from Sheffield England, the following . 350 dozen Table and Dessert Knives and Forks of various Patterns, 50 dozen Fine Ivory “ “ “ 25 sets of 51 and 53 pieces do. 400 dozen Pocket and Pen Knives, 60 “ Razors, 50 u Shears and Scissors, Also, Carving Knives and Forks, Steel’s Pallet and Putty Knives, Cook and Butcher Knives, Farrier's Knives, etc. etc. All of which will he sold at such prices as will offer great inducements to our wholesale and retail customers. apr 19 3 BRAY, CAHART & CO. CITY TAX RETURNS. BY order of Couueil, the Books for receiving the Returns of the taxable property in the city of Macon, are now open at the Treasurer’s Office, where the returns must be made be fore the Ist day of July. All who fail to make returns by that day, will be double taxed. apr 19 ts A. R. FREEMAN, Treasurer. A New Article for Mechanics. PATENT Parallel Chain VICES; a lot of all sizes just re ceived aud for sale by BRAY, CAHART & CO. apr 19 3t BOWL AMD SPRINGS.. THE subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have leased the above well known place of resort, and that they intend keeping them during the sum mer season in a style superior to any watering-place in the up count.y. The House will be open and ready for the reception of visitors by the first of June uext. LANIER & USHER. N. B.—Tbere will be a line of Hacks at the Depot at Carters ville at all times, to convey Passengers to the Springs, both from op and down Trains of Rail Road. L. & IT. apr 19 ‘ U’ NOTICE TO BUILDERS. PROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned, the Infe rior Court of the county of Sumter, until the 25th day of May next, for the building of a Brick Court-house, 60 feet long, 40 wide; first story 10 feet high, second story, 14 feet. Tbe Court Room to be up stairs. The Grand and other Jury Rooms Offices, &c„ to be on tbe first floor. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Clerk's Office in Americus. Brick, lumber, and all the material necessary for the erection of said Building, can be had at fair prices, and in any quantity. The contractor will furnish all the material, and finish the said House in a sub stantial aud workman-like manner. ’ WRIGHT MIMS, j. i. c. jas.g. McCrary, j. i. c . JAMES GLASS, j. i. c. JOHN J. HUDSON, j. i. c. HENRY K. McKAY, j. i. c. apr 19 ot PIANOS! PIANOS!! r TMIE subscriber has just received four more of those X tiful PIANOS, made by Knabe k Gaehle, who received the first Premium at the State Fair of Maryland. Some of these beautiful Instruments can lie sold for tbe very low price of 8250, arid warranted in all particulars. Piano Stools and Piano Covers of all kinds always on hand, and will be disposed of on very moderate terms. Call in and examine these Instruments, all you lovers of Music, apr 12 3t S. B. DAY. §lO REWARD. RANAWAY from my service, on Thursday night last, negro BILL, about 5 feet high, 40 years of age, brown complected and the property of B. Rogers. He says he has a wife at Mr. John Ruth- Macon. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me or lodgment in jail so.that I can get him. The Law will be enforced against all persons who are known t harbor sa-:d boy. East Macon, Apr. 12. [lt*] B. WINEHILL. till DAT BARGAINS [?©irl ©AHinlo HAVING purchased of James Seymour his entire Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, HARDWARE, we will make it to the interest of those having the money to buy with,to give us a call before making their purchases else where, as the whole Stock, which is very large and desirable, must be sold in a short time. HARDEMAN &. HAMILTON, apr 12 ‘ 4t Oranges, Oranges. J*A BOXES fine fresh Naples Oranges, just received from *JV/ steamer and for sale by C. A. ELLS & SON, Uniter, BSutter. KEGS selected Goshen Butter, just received and for sale i) by C. A. ELL* & SON, FIRST RATH CHANCE! FOR A CABINET MAKER, WITH FROM SBOO lo 1009 1\ CASH. THE subscriber, who is not a practical cabinet maker wishes to dispose of a profitable business that has em ployed from four to six hands for the last four years, and may be considerably increased, as he wishes to devote bis w bole at tention to bis own particular trade—House and Sign Painting, lie has on hand a good stock of seasoned Lumber—consist ing of pine, poplar, birch and walnut; also mahogany and walnut veneers, turning lathe, work benches, tools, &c. &, — It is the only cabinet making establishment in the place, and a lucrative business may be done by a practical man. Apply to CHAS. S. OLIVER, apr 5-4 t Athens, Ga. GJ IIORGI A, Ttviggs Comity. Where as John VV. Asbill. applies to me for letters of Admin istration on the Estate of Reoniard Hasty, late of saidcounty, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of tlie said deceased to he and appear at my ortice within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any) why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature. Marion, April, 2, 1851. LEWIS SOLOMON, c. c. o. Police. A LL persons concerned, are hereby notified, that ■Lx. the Books for the subscription of stock to the Hous ton Branch Rail Road Company, will be opened on Saturday, the•26th day of April next, in the following places, viz: Macon, Hawkinsville, Perry, Fort Valley, Hayneville, Busbyvillc, Henderson anil Wilua. By order of the Company. JXO. M. GILES, Secretary. Perry, March 19, 1851. m 29 —5t Selling oil* sit C'ost! V CHOICE assortment of beautiful WINDOW . SHADES, French Cornices and Bands forCnr tains; a handsome lot of French and American Paper Hangings, of all qualities; Borders, Fireboard Prints, &c. A rare chance for those about to furnish or renovate their houses, as the Proprietor intends selling out his stock at the lowest possible prices. Call at Mulberry street, uuder the Floyd House, m 29—4 t. * J. B. FREEMAN. FRESH RAISINS. O/ v BOXES fresh Raisins, just received and for sale bv JLV) ap 5 J. S. GRAYBILL. Syrup, Syrup. ‘IT7’D have just received from the factory a supply ofStew y \ arts double refined syrup, for sale by ap 5 C. A. ELLS Si SON- BaCiuou.s Lemon§. kt BOXES fine fresh Lemons. Just received from Steam *.> ) er and for sale by ap 5 C. A. ELLS & SON. potatoksT -i f\l i lIBLS. of Mercer and Yellow Potatoes, in fine order IA/\/ and forsale by C. A. ELLS & SOX. SSO I£G:\VAKI>. STOP THE THIEF. A MAN who signed his name C. M. PRICE, hired -LX. a Horse and Saddle from uson Saturday, March bth. lie has not been heard of since, and we are indu ced to believe that he has stolen the Horse. He was a small man, about 5 feet (5 incheshigh, and wore a slight moustache. Ife had on dark clothes, and we think carried with him a pair of Saddle-bags, lie hi red a dark brown pacing filly with one hind foot white —wild and skittish, and does not trot under saddle, but is quite a fast pacer. She is about 10 years old.— lie rode away a Kentucky quilted black saddle, worth about 15 dollars. | We will give .SSO for the recovery of the mare and thief with evidence to convict the latter, or a reasona ble reward for either. Address. Maeon, Georgia, mar 29—ts MASON <f- DIBBLE, lUmawny or Stolen. ON H ESDAY NIGIIT LAST, my negro man JEFF, aged 35 years, and weighing 180 lbs. left niy premises, for parts unknown, supposed to have been decoyed off by some rascally white men. JEFF’ is a negro of dark complexion. A reward of $ 100 will be paid for the delivery of ihe boy to me, and the arrest of the thief, with proof to convict the latter; SSO forthe delivery of the boy a lone, and S2O for his confinement in any jail in Ga. so that 1 may get him. m 29 lm THOS. BRINCEFIELD. POWDLIi. JI’ST received a large supply of Powder, manufac tured by the Enfield Gunpowder Company, and forsale, wholesale and retail, at the shop of J. W. Babcock, Mulberry st. Macon. lirllaving been appointed Agent for the above na med Company, I am enabled to offer inducements to purchasers who buy te sell again, that are worthy the attention of dealers, who are respoctfully invited to give me a call, W. L. BABCOCK, Agent mar 29. 1851.—4 t [Jour & Mes copy 3t.] TWO HUNDRED CASES of every do ascription, 75 per cent less than can be bought in Macon, at any other establishment. BELDEN & Cos. IP Half-Bar*l* No. 1 Mackerel, O 15“ “ “ 2 “ fresh caught, for sale by SMITH &. OLIVER. GROCERIES!! THE undersigned still continue their old business, and have at this time, one of the largest and best selected stocks of Groceries in the State, which they are at all times prepared to sell on the most favorable terms to Dealers or Consumers. In addition to their regular business, they arc constantly receiving consignments of TLNNSSSES PRO DUCE, Bacon, Corn, Flour, Arc., which they Will sell at the lowest market price FOR C.i.SH. April 18, 1850. 4—ts SCOTT, CARHART &CO. NAILS, IRON, STEEL.AND IIOLLOW WARE. AAA KEGS Nails, assorted; / 50 “ Brads, do. 20 “ fine 3d nails; 1000 pounds Wrought Nails; 1000 do. Horse Shoe Nails; 15,000 do. assorted Baltimore Hollow Ware; Swedes Iron, assorted; Band, Hoop and Round Iron; Nail Rods; Cast and German Steel; English and American Blister Steel; Tn Store, and forsale by BRAY, CARHART & CO. May 14,1850. 13—ts . ’* • { _ BATHING TUBS, SHOWER BATHS AND BATH PANS. A1 LARGE and general assortment of Ready Made Tin- Ware, Cooking Stoves and Stove Trimmings. A large assortment of Hollow Ware, Coal Furnaces, Sad Irons; Fire Dogs, Britannia and Japanned Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, for sale on the most accommodating terms by BASIL A. WISE, Tin Ware Manufactory. Cherry st. Macon; Ca. N. B, Tin Roofing, Guttering or Repairing, done at short notice. apr 5 B. A. \V. SPRING- and SUMMER H111I1S&V. f\ MRS. DA HOUR has just received | anew and splendid assortment of the a- I bove articles consisting of Silk, t.’rape , and Straw Bonnets, Misses and Infant's Bonnets and Flats, Caps. Bonnets, and wide Sash Ribbons, Artificial Flowers, Wreaths and Tabs, Rouclies and illusion Laces, Muslin and Lace Capes. Collars Mantles Shawls and Sacks something en tirely new and pretty, rilk Thread and Lisle I.accs Edgings and Insertions, Black and White Mils and Kid Cfloves. Muslin and Lace short and long sleeves plain andFancy Fans Curls. Gaps and Head Dresses, and a general stock of other Goods, usually kept in that line. Macon; April 4,1851. . FLOlilt ! FI.OUR I f'A BARRELS Premium Flour. Just received and for sale # )U by C. A. ELLS & SON. ICE! ICEH ICE!!! r |’ , HE subscribers thankful for past favours would JL inform their numerous customers and friends that they are now prepared to furnish them with ICE in any quantity at a low price, All orders from the country will be filled without delay C. A. ELLS &. SON. BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS. Patent Stocks ami Dies, cut from j lo 1J inch. OU Just Anvils, 75 Vices,4o Bellows. lOOOlhs Sledge Rammers received and for sale by BRAYCARHART, & CO. neon. Sept 13, 1850. 25—if FLOUR. V variety of braqds at thrlowest market prices ontv for Cash. r\ / KI3BEE & DICKINSON. MAS ON tJ DIBBLE ‘S NEW STABLE. TIIE undersigned have j ust completed their SPLEN DID NEW ST ABLE on the corner of Mulberry and Third Streets, nearly opposite tlie Floyd House, where they keep on hand safe and well broke houses and every variety of Conveyance for the ac commodation of their friends and the public. Single Horses and Drovers will be atteuded to witli the utmost care and on accommodating terms. As the Proprietors have but ONE STABLE, and,can there fore give their personal attention to their business, they feel confident of being aide to give universal satisfac tion. HP Board of Horse 75 cents per day. T. M. MASON, March,2l 1850—ly WILLIAM DIBBLE. Ociniilgec Iron k Brass FOUNDRY, ANI) MACHINE SHOP. ITHE Ocmulgee Foundry has been enlarged and furnished with new and superior stock of tools, which will enable the subscribe to furnish work at the shortest notice, in his line, of a superior character, and at prices as low as can he fur nished elsewhere. The attention of Milwrights and Machin ists is earnestly requested to examine this establishment. I am prepared to furnish STEAM SSL ENGINES, from 1 to 60 horse power, for saw mills or other purposes Screw Cuttings from 1 inch diameter to 2 feet, 10 feet long; Gear Cuttings; Turning in all its branches; Finishing of all kinds of Machinery. IN THE FOUNDRY we are prepared to furnish all kinds of Castings of Iron or Brass ; Mill Gear of all kinds, of the most approved patterns; Bevel, Face and Spur Gear; Cast-Iron Water Wheels; Gin Gear of all patterns, and sizes to suit; Cotton Gin work; Press Pulleys; Hand Railings, Fire-proof lloorsand windows. Cemetry Railing, Gudgeons, Inks, Mill Spindles—in fact, work of any description that is done in an establishment of the kind. Persons interested in the business are repuested to exam ine this concern. CHAS. P. LEVY. Ocmulgee Foundry, Ist St. below A fie on 4- /('extern liailroad. Boot & Shoe Establishment, V Mix & Kii’tlanri xyould return sincere patronage tl..■ y have re yived last ten years and they most respect illy pontinuanca of the same. They woul(rxlso^ v MLtu||jieir friends and the public generally that tin-) ]j|4|mow opening at their New Store opposite Washington A Lai I an entire new stock of Boots and Shoes, mostly of our own man ufacture, and v’hich we shall offer at prices that can not fail to satisfy all who wish to purchase a good article at as low prices as the same quality can be purchased in the City or State. We shall be receiv ing weekly supplies and hope by strict attention to please all who may patronize us. We shall also keep a good assortment, at the old stand, where one of the firm will remain until next spring who will be pleased to see our old friends and all who may favor us with a call. nov 30—ts MIX & KIRTLAXD. ILYSIL A. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in PLMW.MPANNED&BILOOK 17. Y HVf #£ Stoves of every kind, The richest & mo3t fashionable patterns, Stove Trimmings and Hollow Ware, MACON, GA. ILF All kinds of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Work, done at the shortest notice, oct 19 30—Cm Hats, Gaps and Straw Goods- C”T HEAP for Cash or Credit, when they arc willing to pay J once at year. Those who do not comply with the above can have not more credit at this establishment. tel) 15 BELDEN & CO. REMEMBER! TYTH.EX in your extremity that Dr. JI. S. TIIOJI \V NON is still in IMacon, Georgia, and when written to, sends dedicine by mail to any part of the country. Dontgiveup all hope without consulting him. June 7,1850-—ts Si TANARUS, ENGLISH, manufacturer of a assaaas. And every description of Vehicles. (AORNER OF FIRST and MULBERRY STREETS,nearIy _J opposite the new brick Methodist church, Macon; begs leave to tender his services to the citizens, planters and travel lers in this line of bnsincss. Carriages made to order, of. the best materials, in any desired style of workmanship and, warranted to be put up in as good and substantial manner as nothern work, and on the most reasonable terms. £T? p ’Asthe proprietor of this manufactory personally supe rintends the executi in of all work entrusted to him, he flatters himself that he will pe able to give general satisfaction’ to the public, both as to the quality of the work and the prices charg ed. mar 15—ly BJE4T. NEW YORK SAVANNAH STEAM-SHIP LINE. WEESL7.) r pilE new and splendid steamers FLORIDA, Capt. JL Lyon, and ALABAMA, Capt. Ludlow, be longing to the NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,on and after the llth inst., will leave-Savannah and Xew-Youk every Satukday until further notice. These ships are 1.200 tons register, and unsurpassed in comfort sale tv and speed. Cabin passage, $25 —payable ;u ad vance. AddressPADDLEFORD, FAY £ CO. Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, 184 Front-street, New York Jan 11 1851.—n041—12m. TO STOVE DEALERS. - r FVIE subscribers ate prepared to furnish on liberal terms, a I large variety of STOVES and CASTINGS, adapted to the Southern Market. Circulars with Drawings and Prices will b forwarded on request, J AGGER, TPEADWT.IX. ft PERRY, apr s—3m Eagle Foundry, 110 Burns st. Albany. FREEMAN & MIGARTOf, MANUFACTURERS OF Candies, Cordials, Syrups &c. DEALERS IN FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR EIGN AND DOMESTIC Pickles, Sauces, Catsups fcc. ALSO, Family Groceries, Fancy Articles, FAMILY SUPPLIES. TO 7 Sos every description, the finest assortment in the State, for saie, Wholesale and Retail. CAKE TRIMMINGS AND ORNAMENTS, always on hand, and we are prepared to execute orders in hi 9 line not to be equalled this side of Paris. Candy, Cordial, Syrups and Lemon Sugar, put up with care and warranted. As we manufacture the largest portion of our Stock, pur chasers are sure to get a fresh article, and equal, if not superi or to any manufactured in the country North or South. AU hands of us bring enterprising, as well as tasty men, and par tic uiariy attentive to the Ladies; we are determined to contrib ute our part towards developing the resources of the coun try and making ourselves independent of Northern fabrics. EjF TERMS CASH. Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. dec 7—ts FIGS S FI GST “'/A BONES fine Naples Figs. Just received per steamer Al • 71/ abama, and for sale by C. A. ELLS th SON. Mason & Dibble’s Omnibus Line Fare 25 Cts. to all parts of the city. , , WE return our thanks to the travel l‘ng public and the citizens generally, Q-' for (heir liberal patronage, and would inform them that our splendid new onmibusses, with fine teams and careful drivers, will continue to run for the accommodation of the citizens and persons stopping at the Lanier House. Calls left at the Lanier House, of at our Stable, strictly attended to. mar. 15-ts ‘ MASON & DIBBLE. DEALERS IN No. 4 Triangular Block, ‘ A RE now receiving large additions to their present Stock i V for the Spring and Summer Trade. Their stock is now complete, embracing ali the new and im proved styles, and will he sold unusually loir. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully iuvifed to call and examine their Goods. mar 15- —2m CASH STORE. MiW SPUING GOODS. r J''HE SUBSCRIBER is now receivinga large and extensive 1 st >ck of FANCY AND STAPLE DR Y GOODS, suit able for the coming season, among which will be found Rich, Figur'd and plain Black SILKS, Satins, Plain and Printed Tissues. Brocade Pompadour, Embroidered and Printed Barages, Em broidered Labradors, &c. also, a large assortment of Muslins and Ginghams. French English and American Prints. We call the attention of the Ladies to our stock of Damasks. Table Diapers. Damask Napkins and Towels. Iluckabuck Di aper Towelling, 10-4 and 12-4 Linen and Cotton Nhirting, Pillow Case Unen and Cottons. Muslin and Damask for Win dow Curtains,Toilet Table and Piano Covers. Indies’, Misses and Childrens’ Hosiery, a large assortment of the best description. Gents’, Youths’ and Boys’ 1-2 Hose. Gents’ and Ladies’Umbrellas and Parasols, House Papering and Fire Board Prints, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ac. The above comprise only a small part of our Stock. As Cotton is down, we intend to sell our Goods to suit the times, and as we have nothing to makeup for long credits and bad debts, we know we can make it to the interest of those buying with cash to call and see us. KiTCARPETING and RUGS —a good Stock. mar B—3m* GEO. W. PRICE. New Millinery Store. m PMRB. WORKINGTON respectfully in forms the Ladies of Macon and vicinity, that she has received and will open next week, an assortment of spring style Bon nets, Ribbons, Fine French Flowers, &e. Having visited New York, herself, and made a careful selection, she hopes they will not fail to please, and invites the La dies to call and examine. Dress Making and Bonnet Bleaching carried on as heretofore. Store next be low J. 1,. Jones, Mulberry street, up stairs, mar 22—ts FOR SALK, \T A BARGAIN. —Four second hand close Carriag es. and three second hand Buggies, all in good repair, and will be sold at a Bargain, if called for soon. Enquire of FREEMAN & HUBERTS!, or at the corner of Ist and Cherry streets, of D. ToL’i KY mar 22—ts COHFECT!OKARy“ r r , IIE following {roods just received direct from A France:—BRANDIES and WINES, Prunes in Boxes of different sizes; Preserved Apricots and Prunes. Cherry Brands’ and Plum Brandy, and a lot of tine SARDINES, J. 11. DAMOFR, near Lanier House Feb. 8,1851.—1 y. Clear the Track for Baker! NEW OMNIBUS LINE. FARE S3 cts TO ALL PARTS of the CITY. WILLI AIM r. BARER. S” has long cracked a whip in this vi : community for others, begs leave to ; tif' r m his friends and the public that he has purchased a neat and tidy Omnibus, and is now prepared to accommodatepassengerson his own responsibi ity. Ilis omnibus will convey travellers between the Kail Road Depots, the Washington Hall end the Floyd House, andelse where about the city, on application being made to either of these Hotels. ‘■•iSpeed, comfort and safety,” are the princi ples of the new line, and if they are not *Mone up brown,” tlie proprietors’ name is not Baker! A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. in 15-ts W. F. B. To the Afflicted. Sli A. B. STROUD CIOXTINUES to dovotehis undivided attention tothetreat -1 meni of Chronic Diseases of every form and variety.— He is prepared to entertain patients—both white and black, for which his charges are very moderate. Persons wishing treatment, should note down their age, the history of the case; their present symptoms and the color of their hair and eyes, and in the letter (post paid) enclose $2,50. and on its reception he will mail to their address a portion of Medicine, (to last a month) to suit the case. He flatters himself that his long and extensive experience and his establsihed snccess in this de partment, of practice, will be sufficient guaranty to appli cants. Postage on a portion of medicines, only five to 10 cents. Pondtown, Sumpter co., Ga. jan. 11—fim ‘.•Journal & Messenger, Columbus Enquirer, and Times, pleasecopy the above 6 mo. and forward the bills to A. B. 8. ROBERT FINDLAY, IRON FOUNDER —AND MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines and Boilers, Also, of Gearing and shafting for MILLS, of every description; BARK AAD SUGAR MILLS, OF MOST APPROVED PATTERNS; Also, Irons for Bullock’s celebrated Cotton Press GIN GEAR, PLATEN AAD BALLS, constantly on hand; the whole of which are War- IV muted to be of the best matt rials and workmanship , and will he sold on accommodating terms. 2fP* Work Shops opposite Presbyterian church, comer Fourth and IValnut Streets. Macon, Apul 18,1830. 4—ts ■ LANIER HOME, MACOIV, A. THE proprietors are pleased to announce to their old friends and the public generally, that this NEW HOTET, is now open or the reception of Company. Having had it erected and fitted up at great expense, on the most liberal, elegant and extensive scale, they confidently ex pect a generous patronage. June 14, 1850. 12—ts S. LAMER it BOX. The Best Corn Will IS now offered at the Ocmulgee Foundry, on Cotton Avenue, Macon. It is Nicholson's and Marsh's Burr Stone Patent, and may seen, on application to the undersigned, Agent of the owners. c. p. LEVY. Feb. 8, 1851. 46—ts EXCHANGE. THE subscribers are prepared at all times to purchase time Bills on New York, Charleston and Savannah. Sight Checks on New York for sale, in sums to sutU Office open from 7 A. M. 8 to P. M. February 1, 1851. ts CARHART, BRO. kCO. Notice to Debtors and Creditors, GEORGIA, Bibb Comity.——AH persons having claims against Solomou J. B. Groce, late of Bibb county, deceased, will present to the undersigned in . terms of the Law. Those indebted will make pay ment to RICHARD B RITTENBCrRY Admr., m 23—6 w es Solomon B. Grocs, dec,d. * , -v \ ■ \ PATTEN & COLLINS, Ware-House and Commission Merchants, M ACON, GEORGIA. •kg — WILL continue business ■_ jj§ ||f at their WAREHOUSE, op- /jfeivy topA* positu Messrs. Ross it Cos. Cotton Avenue. Grateful for the patronage extended to them the season, they renew thg tender of their services to their former patrons and the public, with the assurance that, asthey have no interest, either direct or indirstt, in the purchase of Cotton, their entire attention will b devoted to the interest* entrusted to them. for Baooino, Ron and other Mxrcuaxwsk, will be filled carefully and promptly, and the customary advan ces made on Produce in Store. May 24, 1850.1 y FLOYD HOUSE, MACON. GA. JL , F THUS. WILLIAMS respectfully informs bis friends (V=isaJ| an< t die public, that he has purchased ilia lease ada furniture of the above establishment, is sale propria tor, and intends to give the business his strict per* onal attention. He will secure polite and competent clerksai. servants, and is determined that the table and bar shall b* supplied with the very’ best the country affords. The Hours istoo well known for him to say any thing in regard to it.— Tile rooms are in fine repair, and the furniture as good as caa be found in any House in the State. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon the old firm of Buford & Williams during his former connection with this House, he pledges lorn sell to spare no effort to give entire satisfaction to both new and old friends. feb 15 ts New Sale & Livery Stable. THE subscriber grateful for past favors, wou.d respectfully inform his many old pa ■ fAilßikj’ trons and as new ones as possible, that h ts - has °i >ene<l an extensii e sale and LIVERY STABLE, ON SEC OND STREET, next door to Seymour's corner—where b will constantly keep on hand for sale a CHOICE LOT OF SADDDLE AND HARNESS IIORSES He will also keep on hand for HIRE, Hoi set arm Carriages of all kinds, and will he prepared to send passengers to anyplace, where they may wish to g j ou the most reasonable terms. He is also prepared to keep Horses bv the day, week, month or year. His stable* are large and airy.and have the advantage ofboth plank and ditt floors, and as the location is central, will be convenient to persons huving business to transact iu ihe city. He wil Islso keep on hand and for snle, the celebrated Aeir Hampshire side spring Plantation II agon*, and also a flue assortment of BUGGIES.of superior quali ty and at r-duced prices. A. (J. MOREHOI SE. Macon,January 18, 1851. 43—ly WASHINGTON HALL a a E. N. ROGERS respectfully informs the pub UY*n lie that he has now the sole charge of this old es ti/jly tablishcd and well known Hotel, which has recently undergone thorough repair, and that he will spar* no pains for the accommodation of those who may give him a call. Every department of the Hall will be under his personal supervision, and every exertion will lie made to keep up tks establishment to the extreme point of neatness, comfort and good cheer. E. 8. ROGERS. May 31, 1856 —ts HARDWIRE, (TTLERV.STOVKS and House Seeping Articles. BRAY, CARHART & CO, Near Scott, Carhart & Co’s. OFFER to the attention of their friends and the public, a large well selected and general stock in their line ; having been selected and bought by one of the concern, the goods are all new and were laid in expressly for this market. We will take the liberty to say, that for variety, our Stock cannot be equalled in the State. We will sell on reasonable terms, giving every usual accom odation. Copper Work, of all kinds, done with exactness and dev patch. Tin Work in all its variety,—Roofing and job work, done as usual. A good stock of Tin Ware always en hand. Amongst their stock will be found Iron of all sizes and kinds. Nails and Nail Rods, Spikes Steel, Cast, German, English blister and Spring Steel, Castings and Hollow Ware, Ovens, Pots, Boilers and Cauldrons. STOVES, COOKING /■~ ~~ 10 varieties, some very V modern improvements. ANVILS, Vices, Bellows and Blacksmith’s Tools, generally. Portable Forges, Cross Cut and Mill Earns, and Mill Cranks, Files &c.. Saws, Planes, Bench Screws, Morticing Machines, Chisels, Hammers, Hand Vices and Carpenters’ Tools, general ly. Mill Irons, Hoisting Screw*, Hanyi and Jack Screws.— Ploughs. Trace, and Log Chains, Lock and Breast Chains.— Axes Hoes, Agricultural implements, and all kinds Plantn on Tools. Corn Shelters Straw Cutters, Corn Mills Spades and Shovels, Fire Dogs, Fetidors, Shovel and Tongs and Housekeeping- Articles, Brass Goods, of all kinds Kettles, Sifters Pans and Faucets, Fine Guns Pistols and shooting implements generally. Willow and Wooden Ware Tubs. Baskets, Trays &c., fcc. Japanned & Brittannia Warej LAMP'S, and Candlesticks, English and American Door Locks, Till, Trunk, and Chest Locks, Fites Rasps, Horse Shoe Nails Furnaces for Tailors, Furnaces for heating smooth ing Irons with the usual variety of Knives and Forks, Carv ers Pocket Knives, Pad Locks and Razors. Scissors, Brushes of all kinds Hair and Feather Dusters Cords, Manilla Rope, Grindstones, See., Lc., &c. nov9 33—ts 9 DALTIMOKE HOLLOW-WARE. ~ TONS Assorted Pots, Ovens, Spiders, Skillets, in store, and for sate by sep 11. 2fi —tf BRAT', CARHART & CO. 1 AAA Wool Hats assorted qualities, IUUU 1000 Negro Blankets assorted qualities, 1500 pr. Negro Shoes Superior quality, 200 pieces Negro Kerseys, for sale by SMITH A OLIVER SDAVID REID, J * y s AND NOTARY PUBLIC, —MACON, GEO. C COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, Ac., for the states J of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, S. Carolina, Florida, Missouri, New York. Massachu setts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana. Illi nois, Arkansas, Maine, Ac. Depositions taken, Accounts probated, Deeds and Mortgages drawn, and all documents and instru ments of writing prepared and authenticated for use and record, in any of the above States. Residence on Walnut street, near the African church. O’ Prune Office adjoining Dr. M. S. Thomson's Botanic Store—opposite Floyd House. Macon, June 28, 1850—lv ENGEL & ETTINGEK, V RE now opening at the stand lately occupied by Joseph Engel, Cherry Street, Macon, a large assortment of CLOTHING, STAPLE AND FAN CY DRY GOODS JEWELRY, WATCHES, I "Ae ts c. which will be bold Wholesale and Ilrlail at rea sonable rates. They will receive weekly supplies of Goods through the season, and ns they have a house in Philadelphia, they will have better facilities than usual for obtaining Seasonable and Fashionable Goods. The public are respectfully invited to give us a call and look at our Stock, before purchasing elsewhere, mar 15—ly E-&. E. ]) I S S o L U T I ON. TIIE co-partnership heretofore existing between the oa dersiunedin the Grocery and Commission Business, under, the firm of Scott, Cxriiart & Cos., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Isaac Scott retiring from the business. Either Tanner is authorized to adjust all unsettled busi ness. ISAAC SCOTT, JAMES D. CARHART Jan. 1, 1851. WILLIAM B. CARHART. “V^OTICE.—AII persons indebted to Scott, Carhart k L 1 Cos., are requested to call and settle immediately. ‘VTEW FIRM.— J. D. Carhart and W. B. Carhart, (of lx the old firm of Scott, Carhart fc Cos„) having this dav associated with them. J. B. Stow and E. 11. Carhart. the Grocery and Commission Business will be continued under the firm o( Carhart, Rro. U Cos. A continuation ofthc liberal patronage extended to the old concern, is respectfully solicited. J, D. CARHART, W. B. CARHART. J. B. STOW. —tfljan v H CARHART. FRESH“BEANS AND New Pickled Pork, for sale by ap 5 J- S. GR AYBILL. New Goods! New Goods!! THE undersigned at the old stand of Russell St Ehrlich, on CottonAvenue.above Ousley’s Ware-House,offers for sale VERY LOW FOR CASH, a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and Clothing, Jewelry, Groceries and alraoet every article suited to city and country customers. As his ‘goods are received at short intervals, they may always be relied upon aa being both fresh and fashionable. Ha inv t * S H to call and see him be fere purchasing 6bawhere. mar K- 3m C,EO. F.TOUCH. DR. ROGERS’ fctAFE ami certain cure for Coughs, cold.-v Croup, Asthma, Consumption of the Lung-, Spitting ol Blood, Bronchitis, Hooping Cough, and ail Pulmonary affections; I-/* A Lovely Young Lady Cured ot Consumption!! The following is Irom the pen of Wm. H. Levi-- son, Esq the distinguised editor of the United States Military and Naval Argus, uuder date New i ork, January iti, 1850. What could be more con clusive? ‘it is seldom we permit ourselves to occupy t space in these columns to speak in praise of anv aiticie in the patent medicine way; that w’hen we see tha,li!e of lellow-creature saved by the use of any medicine whatever, we consider it as our right, if not onr duty, to give a simple statement .l (acts, that others may, in like maimer, be benefit ted. The case which lias induced us to pen tli article was that of a young lady of our acquain tance, who by frequent exposure to the night contracted a Cold which settled on the Lungs be lore its ravages could be stayed. (This occured tvo years ago this winter.) Various remedies were used, but with very lirtie effect or benefit.— Ihe Cough grew worse, with copious expectora. turn, and the sunken eye, and pale, hollow cheek,., told plainly that pulmonary’ disease was doing it* worst on her delicate frame. The family physi cian was consulted, and although he would not ad mit loth? young lady that she ready had the Con sumption, yet he would give no encouragement as to a cure. At this crisis her mother was persuad ed to make use of a bottle of Dr. Rogers’ Com pound Syrup of Liverwort and Tar, and we are happy to state she was perfectly cured in les thaw three mouths by this medicine alone, after even, hope was destroyed. It is useless to comment ou, such a r*>e as this, for the simple truth w ill reach, where polished fiction never can. If any doubt tiie authority of this statement, l°t them call ab. this office.— L. S. .1/ nit ary and Wnvai Argus, 19 Cka'han street, A’. Y. Testimonies of the M. Y, Pres#; From the N. Y. Courier, Aug. 13, 185 b Dr. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort axe Tap. We have heard of several important cute* recent-- ly effected by tins excellent medicinal preparation, and in one instance that came under our observe lion, we can speak confidently. One of our ent-- ployees, who had suffered severely from a long standing cold, during the pa>t week commenced the use o! this medicine, and his Cold has entire ly disappeared. From the New York Minor, Sep. 2, 1850. Liverwort avd Tar.— Of the virtues of IK . Rogers’ Cough Medicines prepared from the above articles, it is needless now to speak; its efficacy iu, speedily curing Coughs, Colds, and other lung complaints, which too frequently, if neglected, re-- sult in Consumption, is too well established iu pub,, he confidence to need eulogy now. From the N. Y. Despatch, Aug. 25, 1849. \V e have heretofore taken occasion to giveonc testimony in tavoro! the curative properties ot Dr. Rogers Compound Syrup of Liverwort aud Tar. and would here repeat the advice already given,, for all persons who are afflicted with Consumption, or any of the premonitory symtoms, to make a trial of Dr. Rogers’ preparation. U*The genuine is signed Andrew Rogers, on. the steel plate engraved wrapper around each hot*, tie. and is sold wholesale and retail, by SCOYIL & MEAD. Sole agents for the State, to whom all orders and applications for agencies must be ad-- dresseil. Sold by, Payne Si Nisbet, Macon, Ga. E. L. Strohecker, <St Cos. “ “ J. H. & VV. J. Ellts, ‘ And by one appointed agent iu every Town t-s Georgia. Jew l>uvld\ or Hebrew Planter, THE CiHUiT REMEDY, For Uout, Pain in the Side, llip % Buck , Limbs and Joints, Scrofula, King's Kiil, II hilt Swellings, Hard Tumors, Stijj Joints and ail fixed Pains whatever. Wheie this Piaster is applied Pain cannot exist. npIIESE PLASTERS possess the advantage of -*• being put up in air-tight boxes—hence tliey retain their full virtues in all climates. Have you friends going to California! fly all means advise them to take along a supply ol this plaster, it may save them hundreds of (JoK lars, if not their lives, as the exposures which thev have to endure in the mines is sure to bring on dik’ ea-e, which might be easily cured by ibe use ot this celebrated plaster, for the want of which mat ny have been obliged to quit their labors and fall inlo the hands of the pysicians, who, by their ex trav-agamly high charges, soon takeaway the hard earnings ot the bravest laboring man. By sleeping in tents or on the ground, Rheumatism, Spinal Dis ease, Stiff Joints, Lame Back or side, and all like disesses, are sure to trouble them, and many time* entirely lay them up, when the simple application o! thi? plaster would give them immediate relief, and enable them to proceed with their labors with out delay. It has been very beneficial in cases of weakness, such as Pain arid \\ eakness in the stomach, weak Limbs, Affections of the Spine, Female Weakness, &c. No female, subject to paiu and weakness in the back or side, should be without it, Married ladies, in delicate situations, find great relief from constantly wearing this Plaster. The application of the Piaster between the shoul ders has been found a certain remedy for (’olds, Coughs, Phthisic, and Lung Affections, in their primary stages. It destroys inflammation by perspi ration. ,1 Voice frotu Georgia. Read the following testimony from a Physician. Gentlemen: —Y’on? Hebrew Plaster has cured me of pains of which I have suffered for twelr years past. During this period 1 labored under a affliction of my loins and side, and tried many r medics that my own medical experience suggest hut without obtaining relief. At length I used y Plaster, and am now by its good effects entir cured. I will recommend the Jew David or brew Piaster to all who are suffering from contr tion of the muscles, or permanent pains iu the t or back. The people of Georgia have but to become • quainted with its virtues when they will resort • its use. Yours, truly, M. W. WALKER, M. D. Forsyth, Monroe Cos, G* To Messrs. Scovil & Mead, New Orleans, La. Jew David's or Hebrew Plaster in Nob Carolina. Messrs. Scovil & Mead: 1 have been tronb with the chronic rheumatism for the last tw# years. On the Ist of July, 1819,1 was so bad ti I could not turn myself in bed, and the pain so vere that l had not slept a wink for six days, this time my attending physician prescribed 1 ‘Hebrew Plasters,’ and it acted like a charm; ti pain left me, and I slept more than half ol the nigi and in three days I was able to ride out. 1 consi er the ‘Hebrew Plaster,’ the best remedy for i sorts of pains uow in use. G. W M’MINN. Hendersonville, N. C. Aug. 16, 1850. Betcare of counterfeits and base imitations! TTThe genuine will in future have the signa* tore of E. ‘Pay lor, on the steel plate engraved label on the lop of each box. Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit of this article is in existence. The genuine is sold only by us, and by our a* gents appointed throughout the South —and no ped lar is allowed to sell it. Dealers and purchasers gen erally are cautioned against buying of any butooi regular agents, otherwise they will be impose’ upon with a worthless article.. , SCOVIL & MEAD. 131 Chartres street, New Orleans, Sole Gene, a! Agents for the Southern States, to whom a orders must invariably be addressed. Sold by Paise & Nisbet, Macou, Ga. E. L. Strochecker, &. Cos. w *• J. H. &, \V. J. Ellis, ** “ Sold at wholesale by Haviland, Keese, & Ci New York, Haviland, Rislev, & Cos. Augusta, Ga*. Haviland, Harrall, & Cos., and P, AlcCoben & Cos, Charleston, 8. C. Cheese, Cheese. BOXES fine English Dairy Cheese, in store and for mH 01/ by ap O. A. ELLS k SOX, Flour, Flour. A A BBLS. Hiram Smith’s premium Flour, in More and ten iv wlt b F c. A. ELI.S & SOX. LAMP; Linseed, Lard and Train oil. Window Glass and Putty, Paint T.iuahes and all kind es Col cur* fer Painter*’ u*e for pale bv SVTTH * etrnpK