The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, July 15, 1859, Image 3

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’ —. Bishops Morris and Ames of the JJjjsl Episcopal Church, hd • very oar. c-teaf* from being killed on a railroad “\ Ohio last week. The train got on a T( 00 tire, before the engineer saw it; an )*’ \il brofce and threw tlie train off into . [lfT . The first passenger car, with about women anti children, turned •torn upward, so that the floor took the ■ the ceilin?- Nearly every seat in 1,5 shivered, the whole forming a confn , ■ nass of fragments. Bome of the passen .pneared with bruised heads and bloody . , D d one lady’s collar bone was broken; [ n0 one was killed, and but few crippled, next aod last car, in which the Bishops l* ere went down about eight feet. . • fell on its side, and being better braced, * v less broken, and none of the passen gers wore in jured. For the Ga. Citizen. For Governor. j fr. Editor: I there no man in Cherokee Georgia, ,stronghold of Joaeph E. Brown,) that n with him in the next race for 1,, vernor of Georgia? Ye*—l think there that nan is Gen. Amiekw Jackbox H ,n*ELL, of Cobb County. He ha* ability, integrity and fiminess enough for the dUtin- post, besides as a professional law vr he i*n cope with the ablest men at the j* r . His moral character is above reproach: Ul .ist. unassuming, and, above all, nutu fjilv polite and agreeable in his manners, lj r would gain friends wherever he went.— ! i- extensively known in Middle Georgia, „here he was born,) ami has as large and luduential connection as any gentleman w!l name has heen suggested for this of- I say, then, that Gt-n. Andrew J. Uuieell is the man to put in nomination for the Chief Magistracy of this State. And further, if he receives and accepts it, Joseph K Brown will not get that 30,000 majority „, confidently expressed in his late speech before the Convention that renominated him. Billy Stallings. Correspondence. Forsyth, July oth, 1839. C*pt. Thoc. Hardeman, Jr: Dear Sir —At a Convention of the Amer ican and Opposition jtarty of the Third Con gressional District, held at this place to dir, vou were unanimously uoummtad as its candidate for Congress. We are pleased to convey the intelligence to y>ifcß3 the representatives of the Conven tion. and trust the unanimity which prevail ed, will induce your acceptance. Believing the harmony evinced in the adoption of our platform, and the selection of yourself as ..ur standard bearer, will be a pledge of our triumph in the approaching election, We remain yours very truly, Signed, A. D. HAMMOND. T. P. STUBBS, 8. H. SAUNDERS. Macon, July 11th, 18,39. Mem Hammond, Stibr- and Saunders: Gentlemen —Your favor informing me of the action of the American and Opposition party, recently held in Forsyth, should have i been answered earlier, but for my absence from the city. While accepting fas I do.) f the nomination so flatteringly tendered me, allow me to say—l do so with many misgiv- i ings as to my ability, (if elected,) to dis- > charge the responsible duties that will de volve upon those who will constitute the next Congress. The signs of the times clearly indicate that the approaching session will be an exciting and stormy one. The North, bent upon power, urged on by an unholy ambition and fanatical zesd. will en ter the halls of our national legislature, pow erful in numbers and resolute in purpose, determined to carry out those measures that will inure to their political strength, though in so doing, they violate the provi- i •ions of our Constitution, infringe upon the ! rights of the States, and leave the South hopeless and powerless. To meet such an array of opposition, the South should be re presented by her oldest and wisest heads, men who knowing the interests and rights of their section, will dare maintain them.— The history of the South has been that of compromise. Attached to the Union for the sake of that Union, she has submitted to injuries and aggressions, until the power that ussuiled her, emboldened by her sub* mission, now boldly asserts and demands that which at one time they modestly insinuated. These aggressions should cease. The day of compromise has past; action, fearless, de termined action, in the maintenance of her honor, and her right, is the oulv hope and salvation of the South. Should Ibe honor 'd by the people of the Third Congressional District with a seat in Congress, I shall act with no party, American, Opposition, or Democratic, that does not recognize and re aped the constitutional right* of those I re present, and he—who for the sake of the unity of his party—should wink at insult and aggression, is unworthy the suffrages of a free and independent people. Hooking upon some of the measures of the present administration as ruinous in their results, and dangerous to the interests of the people, I shall oppose them heartily, zealously.— The wasteful extravagance, the one man power, the mammoth project of a Pacific Railroad, and the Tariff policy of the pres ent Federal Executive, are subject.* of seri ous and bitter condemnation. They are opposed to the principles of a Republican Government, and subversive of the interest and power of the people. Looking at the {‘resent aspect of affair*, a united North, a divided South, a bankrupt Government, well may we ask, “ whither are we drifting ?” Evil* exist that should be remedied, extrav agance that should l*e checked, usurpation that ?hould cease; and though of myself 1 could effect nothing, yet I will heartily co o|H?rate with those of my party who will make effort to remove those causes of com plaint, and restore our Government to her primitive purity and simplicity. I have long since lost confidence in political re solves and party platforms. They are made to be broken and to deceive. We need but one plank upon which to stand, and that is the Constitution. Positioned here, let us abide by its provisions and boldly claim it* guar anties. Ask for nothing more, bo satisfied with nothing leas. This i* the duty we owe onrselvee, and he who falter* in it, is un worthy to represent any intelligent constit uency. Thanking the Convention for the honor conferred upon me, and wishing you individ ually success and prosperity, I * ln - with high consideration, Your obedient servant, T. HARDEMAN, Jn < wainiun Vnir,rules th bum <Jt the people, whatever U.. n w>ia,d sad mitaathropt philosopher* map ay to the c anary. Show them a rod thla* ; M its m*rir* tr clearly <=t moMUated,aa.l they wUI not hesttaU to givs H thalr nxt c ratal patronage. The n ana ■ have already ratified tLe judg ! wnt of a physician, concern in* the riitous of Homxrrea* lliTTwa, u aay be aeen la the immense quaatilies of this medwine that are annually arid ia every section of the land. 11 la aow ncngntied a* grsatlv superior to all other remedies ywdeniaed fur dUewta of the digestive organs, such aediir r®**, dysentery, dyspepsia, and for the vanous fever* that jwe from ..magenmt of those port out of the system.— ii'rtetter'e name u rapidly becoming* hom-eboid world, from M*t to Teiaa, from the shores of the Atlantic tothe Tactic ‘ 7 the article and be satisfied. • J ‘d by ad druggiaU la the world. CEHTBAL RAIL BOAD. Dlj-UNG Commencement at Oglethorpe Unlvev.-i'y. on Toeeday, Wednesday and Thursday ; July l**h. 30lh. A SPECIAL TRAIN will run Utsreaa Macon sad MaooaatSJSO A.M, and reach MllladgevUle 9,1S Rtll*tt*vmat 4.4# r.if-arrlvaatMa oco. w. ai>ams. saraaaat, July 140-lt. Ota. gupt. SPECIAL NOTICES. GREAT JIASS HECTIXG, Os the friends of the “ Southern Baptist Sunday School I'nicn. Ha. Eon--*: At a meeting t.eld la the town of Or.thSert. Ga„ of the friend*of Sunday school.. oa the 0 t iiret., it wai unanimous ly agreed to koid a HASS M EKTLNij, ia Ike town of CTTH BERT, to commence oa Friday befr re the sth Sahhath <a Ju ly. laak, In view of ad vaneing the ihtereatt of Sunday School* ta the South. Rev. li.r. Tusrt, of Perry, wa* appoint,d to preach the Introductory Sermon, ind Rev. J. H Coi.rr, Eaten-on, alternate. A commit lie of *ve were* ppubi ted to ni ak e prepare ion* fcr the mce’lng, and also to invite dis tinguished brethren from a daUn-r. We bare assurances fr>Hi several that they willattt nd,among others isthe Rev. J. R. Grave*, of Nashville. All the frundsof the enterprise are cordially invited toattend, both in Georgia and the adk.ii inz State*. You are regretfully requerted by many friend*, to give this notice a place In the “Citizen,” with two ioae-tion*. The City paper* will please to ropy. XUeow.Jlyath.MH. J. E. SHARPE, Agt. Amone the many reetoralivo. which nature has eupptlcd to relieve the affl erio..* of humanity there It no more favor ile one lor a certain daw of disease* than the “medicinal gum of the U ild Cherry Tree; but however vaisable it la, it* p.,wer to heal, to Mothe, to ret eve, and to cure, is en hmnerd ten fo'd by tcientie and tucieious combination with other Ingredient*. In themselves of vrtrtb. This happy com l inatl n exist* in that ‘ Combination and a form ind.-ed” Cf medicine known aa Dr. \t i-tar'a Da I-am of Wild ( berry. Whose value iu curing lough*. Co.d*. Bronc Lita, Wboop- Ir * Cough. Croup. Art: ma, Pulmonury affection, and incipi ent Consumption!* inrsttTable. lIOM K TJvSTI MON Y. Bosrux, Aorll 18'h, 1864.) No. 4>, Union m. j Ha. frrs W Kowle: ...Paw Mr—Your Invaluable medicine I cun truly ray, ha littrillv iiAUiieJ at fn*m the grave. Lam July I was at taekr-d by a vry rudden cold, which reu.ted in a very se vere Cough. with violetit |*lns in toe side and rhest. 1 be came so much reduced tint my frankly told that I rnn-t die At this erst. i Leard of VVi-tr' Ratwni of Wild Cherry, snd imm< dial. Iv sent for a bottle. Tne effect i ro duced a- indeed wonderful 11. Phyeirtan, one of the m.e reapecutne m-n In Boet'*, v. ho hot prcvlouslv told tnetlivt a cure wa* hopeless, can. In, and I ilformed h ln what I had taken. Me evamlnet the Balaam ai.fl advi-ed tue to c nit nu the use ot it. alure winch i nave continued Pi improve daily ; and the tame Physician who h.d yivi n me up. told me, a few days since, that 1 Blight yet live many year*. Respectfully. MARY LOWE. We CMI cheerfully te.i.iy to the truth of the above etate ment, Mrs. Rowe haring been an Inmate of our tsiully. W. DENNETT, M \KTU A DENNETT. None genuine unless signed I BUTTS on the wrapt er. Prepared tw JETH W. FoWI.K A CO.. Bostor., and lo” sale by Dr. K. L. Strohecker A Cos., and ZeUln A Hunt, Ma r eon. July S-lm THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKES CELEBR ATED FEM ALE PI I.LH. Prejared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Phyai chut Extraordinary to the Queen. This well known med cine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and t ihstnictiona, front any cause whatever; and although a powerful remedy, they con tain nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Married Ladies. It la peculiarly sn ted. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period ith regularity. Tussx Pills havi xkvke bezx kvown to fail, whekk THE Dixzmoss OS THE JSD PACE OP FAUPHLET ABE WELL OMSBTSD. For full parti -ulare, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. N. 11.—*1 and 6 postage stomps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, cnntaiutne 50 pills, by return mail. IF Slid in Macon by Me.nakp X CasTLAs, and by all re sejtat.le DruggL-ts throughout the country. {ap. 1, ot) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. notice. LOST, or mislaid, a Blank Note ngm and hy P. H. Dsuron, and endorsed on ihe I ack by* Uriah Ward. All persons are hereoy cautioned : gainst trading far such note, in the event it may get into the hand* of the dishonest and nnpri’ el ided. The Hiank was intended to te put in Bank this day, Ju.y 13 h Ihs. P. H. DAWSON. Eatotttoi', Oa . July 15 swAw—lm FOR SALE. OK/1 BOXES CANDLES. mOO 0 Ih.zesN.-ap, ltd Boxea Ssfa. 20 Boxes Mustard, 30 Boxes East Powders, 20 Box, > Tea. 85 B xes Pieties, T 5 Boxes Star. h. July It—ts. J. B. A W. A. ROSS Faints, Oils, and Glass. 1 *r ooii pounds purs lead, I O.t FoU 5,i 00 pound- Pure and No. t Zinc. l'X) Boxes Glass, f Barrels OiL AI L KINDS, With alt kinds of Colours. Fo- sale low. by July 14—ts. J. B. A \V. A. ROSS. For Bale. 1 fk/X BOXES CANDY, 100 10 Boxes leaf sugar, 110 Barrels Sugar, 200 Sack.- Coffee. 100 Boxes Tobacco, sjunu Ctgarv, 100 (frews Matches. July ll—ts. J. B. A W A. ROSS. FRESH ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS, b) CASES PR!JITS, do (Sl'ifbtins, *■) Carets PnLtdfil Umiins. 15 do Btripe, 11 ts le-tcned Shirting and 5 FMi*j Omt'Hlie and 3 Cases Prli tel Jac Miets Hnd Sisß Muriins. The above, with every other article usually kept in the DRY COODS LINE, Having been recently purchased in NEW YORK, at the PACKAGE AUCTION SALES, To Purchasers of Goods by the Qi amity, we would say that ±Our Prices will Induce you to Purchase, AS WE ARE OFFRING GREAT BARGAINS! July 14—if. J. B. A W. A. ROSS. FOR SAldi:. ICfhlk BACKS SALT, OIM/ 50 Hit.!-. Moia-se*. •:5 > IU a- 20 Barr :- Lard Ul B .reels Vinegar, 23 1-ozeii b <ms. 25 doe. Shove sand Spa •tOJ dot. Buckets. *.5 dor. Axes. July 14 —ts. J. B. A W. A. ROSS. Osiiaburgs, Yarns, kerseys, &e. Ire o BALES NO. 1 OSN4 BURGS, OU 53 “ “2 1.4 Georgia Kcraets, 10“ Xtacoo Sheering. 5(1 “ “ l>nlling. is “ •*7-6 Shirting, I* “ “ Yrux. For Sa e at Factory Prices by July It—ts. J. B. A W. A. ROSS. BOLTING CLOTH. •/X PIECES of theeelebrated Duteh Anchor Brands oi )(’ Holing Uljth. far sale at New York prices, ty Jnlylt—tt. J. It. A W. A. ROSS. greatTonder OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, PROF. WOOD'S IIAIR RESTORATIVE. Says the St. Lnuis, (Mo.) Democrat : Below, we publish a letter to l*r. Wood, of thi. city, from a gentleman in Maine, which apetka glowingly o* the .uprrior merits of hi. hair ton ic. Sucli evidence n.u-t liave its effect, when coming from a rejixt ie Hitmr. If certificate, are gm-.runtees <-f truth, the Doctor need, no eacon iuma, nor useless puffery from the pre* : Bath, Maine. Jan 50. 1854. Pro'essor O. J. Wood A Go . —Gentler..e : Having my at tenuon called a lew mouths inc* to the highly beneffeta! ef fect. i-f your hair tvrto a'lve. 1 waa induces.: t-■ make applica tion of ii upon mv own hair, which had become quite gray, pro -xblv mr-U iid artii'e ; mv whDkera were of same ebar acti r. S< me three month, since I procured a bottle of ycur hair reap-rati ve, a-d used it. I noon found it wa* proving what I had wished. I und it about twice a week. I have since procured another bottle, of which I have used seme. I can now certify lo the world that the gr.T or white hair has totally disappeared, both on my head aud face, and my hair has resumed it. natural color, and I believe more soft and giowv than tt has been before tor twenty-five year*. lam now aixtv years old : my tood wife at the age of alt) two, has use.! it wit* same effect. Tne above notice 1 deem doe to you for your valuable dis covery. lam assure-1 that whoever wlil right y use. as per directions w 111 not h ve occasion to contra-tict my statement*. I am a citizen ot th - cUv and a resident here for the last fif teen year*, and :-m krown lo nearly evety one bete and ad i lining towns. Aov use von -nay make of the above with mv i.ame al’.scb.d, is al j our erv k*, a* 1 wi.h to j reserve toe CaUties of nature in other- a* well as myself. lamt.-uliv. you.*, A. G. RAYMOND. Ilsi-Ttuoav. Jan 28,1858. WOOD’S HAIR RYhIOKATIVE. Profeasor Wood -I*> ar Sir: Hav’.rg had the misfortune to tow- the lest portion of n-v hair, from tt-e effects --f ‘be yellow fever, in Newtir entisra 18 4. I was induced to make a trial ot y air preparation, and found it to answer as the very thing needed Mv hair la now thick and glossy, and no word, ran exp-ere my obligations to you in giving to the affi cted such a r a-ure. FIN LEY JOHNSON. The undersigned. Rev. J. K. Brsgg. is a minister in regu lar s acting, and |uwtor of the Grthortox Cliurch at RroobarM Ma~. He is a gentleman of great influence and an! vesslly be loved. WM. DYEft. F soon field, January 12. 1355. Profmor Wood—Dear Sir: Hsvli g made (rial of your hair issaoratlve. It rises o r plsaaweta ay that ts . Sects hs* been ex-e'lent in removing Inflammation. dandruff and a ronatant tei-dercv to Itching w th which I hare beeatn.ntjrd from mv chi and old: aal h.-.s also restored my hair, whkh was becMD tn era ~to its •T g'i‘4 1 odor 1 have tis-dno other article with anything like the xsuu-plesaure or pc tit , Yor-rs U tty, J. K. BRAGG. I The Restorative Is put op in bntt'es of s rites, vii: large, I medium and small; the sura': holds holds ha’f a pint, and re rail* for ooe dollar pr’ S-Ntie . the medium holds at least 2fl nev ceat u>ra ir pro, srtlon than the small, retail* at two dollar* per butt e ; the large Md* a quart, 40 per cent more In proportion, and retail* for M o J WOOD A CO.. Proprietors, St* Road wit. Nc-n York, (in the treat .Yew York Wire Railing rsrabii-hment,’ and 114 Market Street. St L"ui*. Mo. Sold *t all Good DureoMTS iso Fawct Goons PVALgas. A. IVT2X7V WASHING MACHINE ha* ju*t been Invented by SR. R. C. CYPHERS Os Mlllrdgvtillv, WHICH will turelv supercede all ether* yet Snvented.- It will wa h quick .lid clean, without teriog off but j tons or Injuring the fabric; lew than l alf the rosp tha I is required In the common say of Washing ; l* eaeily work i <*4. and durable. 1 Oae may be seen at Mrs-rs Wood's Furniture Ware Room* i or at their factory. I shall soon be ready to supply any whi may want them. Ladies, do pot let your prejudices prevent you from tryloi . this New Mach in*— you ha it often been deceived, but *AoJ lIENnY'S Extract Jamaica Ginger. A CERTAIN safe and effectual reme<ly tor Dysentery, r*.. loaffhocv or Livens-, cholera Morlme, Summer Louiplaiu', t.hoiic (Jih ing Pa ns, Four Stomach. Mck aud srrvijo* Hetdachc. pain “r sicknts* of th< stomact. wind iu the rtormchand liowe &, h -letic*. c'smpf. tremore wlu twi chuigr, rea rtckaeav, min'ing-, melancholy *T.d low uees ofspinre, fretting and crying of ii,touts, and for all tew et sffecrioi.* arid nervous dlwaser. Mai fr.or; the damsica jti.ger Ron. in a superior manner, and bei g composed of Ginger, nd ti at alone, carrier rotivictb n at otue totfae mind tfau Intel gent ieople,aato It* effltaev iu all the diseases aboveenutm rated. It is no Pater: or secret mnedv. beirg much used aod t ighly reci-mmenCed ny the Modi- al Faculty. Prepared by ZEILIN A HUNT, I’ruggi-u, Price cO cent* a bottle. M.cju, u*. July 7 N otioo. PERSON'S that ride on the R din* park will plenae tke notice thatthey n usf xot droe off and on the Hack at only me PLACE, and that is next to the Hive*. Some have been driviug off and on a*, at y | lace, and It keeps nte tilling up after th-in all the time. 11. N. ELLS, june 28 lm Administrator’s Sale. AGREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the Court of i irehnarv of Craw so and County, (July Term 1843.) will be sold before the Court House door in the town oi Knoxville, wl'bin tie legal hour- of sal-, in the FIRST TUESDAY IN GOTO BEK next, the well known and de sirable Plantation belonging to the e.-tate of Francis E. Bu tton deed. The Plantation ii-sin the Old Agency Reserve, on the Ea*t -ide of Pilot River, in raid c mnty of Crawtord, containing One Thousand Acer, rnoteor le-a. Sun e five or lx hund-ed sere, are cleared aud In a high state of cultiva tion and very proaucllve —Ihe wsod.and is rich Osk and Hickory. This t lauutioa combines advantages infeiior to none la tit's -crion o’ he Mate, as to health, convenience and teftUity, having a good c lulortable Dwellu g. Lew fram ed Nearer Houses, new gPi House. Screw, Ac. Terms—one aud two fears credit, pure a-era giving good and sufficient ventrity. Soil for the purpo e of and stribuiron. JKKEMIAH C. HAKVEi, Aum'r.. July Bth, 1858 Ids. de !<on‘.s n’ n. TOFARMERa •)/A/k BALB UE4VY Gl St NY BAGGING, >UU 1.0 0 Rei s - “ Dundee Bageing 3JM9 <‘oils Wcchtne Rope, Lio.l “ II >nd spun itopc, 4 0 0 Pounds T wine. Wc offer the at ovuon favorable terms. july :il— tf . J. B. A W. A. ROSS. PROSPECTUS OF “THE FLY-LEAF •— 1859. f|XITE Sub-cil ers of the “Fly la’a'.” are rrganir.ed Intoan A A -ws ia'ioii tor the pro ■ otiou of Southern A uthorsl.lp. The “Leaf.” prin'ed oo good piper, with new type. Ac., will tie isaued Quaiterly—about tue tu'ddie of February, May, August, and NovembuP. TERMS OF SUBBSCBIPTION : The payment of One Dol ar will constitute a person a mem ber of the Association for the year 1853. and entitle him to al the privileges of the -ame. viz: 1. To a copy of the “Fly-Leal” for one year. 2. Toadndsabm toAnmuii concert. S. To contend for Literary Prizes CLUBS. 1. Any person stndlrgF'veDollarswill be entitled to Six Memberships. The “Leal “ w ill be sent to one address, or mnie. If desired. 2 Auv person sending Ten Dollars will be entitled to Ten Copies of the “Leaf.” and the use of ten lines in the advertis ing columns for the year. 8. Any p .rson cin get “ Godev’s Lady’s B .ok ” and the “Fly-Leaf” lor ItSO, y paying 1 iiree i<ol ars. APPROPRIATIONS. The money thus obtained will he t p led : 1. ‘1 o the publishing of the “Fly-Leaf ” 2. To giving an * nriual Conceit free to the. Members. 8. To pre-cure- Prizes to be awarded fc.r the liest production in Prene and Poetry from the pens of the tuemuers ol the A_ Eoctatioß. 4. To enlarge the “Fly-Leaf ’ Library. The Prio-s will tie announced in succeeding numbers of the “Leaf.” |IT For subscription, or intoriEat on, address SeLior Class, “College Temple. Newnan, Ga. N'cwuau, Ga., July 14— Who will Gome First A N D SECURE THE BEST BARGAIN? Selling off at Cost, WATERMANS! UK M ILL SELL HIS ENTIRE STOCK O F SUMMER DRESS GOODS, 811.K3, BEREGEB, TISSUES, ORGANDIES and MUS LIN'S. Alto Mantillas, Talmas, Shawls, Dusters. Ac., strict ly at New York Cost for Cash! Be rage Kolas (or '.',GI, worth 412..'41, Bercge P.obes for *12.- worth *13,00 Beautiful Silks from 10 to 15 dollar*, worth 18 to 20 and liars, aud other good* In proportion. RICH SILK, SIDE STRIPE ROBBS iLT HALF PRICE. ¥ - line. ThißisGol<lenO|iportuni- I MfilPS ty. Avail yourselves of it before it is too late. COTTON AVENUE, MACON. GEO. june 21 ts J. WATERMAN. Great SSO. # a ‘ _ 1000 Stitches per Minute. DECIDEDLY THE BEST SEWING MACHINE of All© Age. Warranted to da all kinds of Sewing Ixyth on fine and coarse fabrics with the GREATEST EASE & RAPIDITY. Call or Bend your order* to the Macon “ Lamp Store/’ Cotton Avenue, near W. W. Park* r A Cos may 30 ts HoLtfHAW A HERZOG, A^eLta. NEW BOOK STORE. Cotton Avenue. NEW 800 KS . Jest received, and f-r sale at the Methodist Book Depository, The Pillar us Fire, or, )*r*elln Uy Bw. J. H. 1. crahmw, author of the Prince oi the House ts Dav’<l. Illueraut bide. I‘allisy the Potter. lininhnxv bile. tiolden t ensor, by Tbos. O. Summ- rs. D. D. Beside a great variety of RELIGIOUS, SCHOOL and : COLLEGE It ‘OKS. Blank Books, State very of every va- ! rioty. All sola cheap for (.ash. Call and see ua. mays JOHN W. BURKE. Agent. : AROMATrcTvALLEY WHISKY. TN tbU a*e of adulterated anl deleterious LiquoTft, It is a J source ofsalisfacUou to be able to iotnduci to public uo- Uce the utxve article—an article ot unquestioned purity, and po*4M*ln? no quAhtiea* xcej* such a* have the moat favorable influence on the human constitution. .. A few rods of anil on the D*<<k* of the Rhine produces the j rr.ipe which wiy fimiruh no wi ere e se. from wlmse joke pro c eds the *\Johai>nisbir*. M rhe choicest wine In the world. I Ase * acres of land In Cuba pr 4nees a Tobacco, the flavor and uualUv of which, when manufactured into cigars, *re in comparable ui*rior to that of the pn-duct of ny other soil. And r.a-roA strip of land in the Parihli of Natchitochee. in LenisUna, has mmi* supplied the world with a super-exce ient article oi feuaC from such Tobacco as cannU be induced to j * it has l-'iwr l>een known that a limited tenl- | torv, h ini? in valley of the Mononitahela river, ,*cluive jw hrinics lorth a Rve of properties s * marked and peculiar that its distillation produces a Whisky of such super.ative charac ter as places it beyond rlva'rv. , By a process rcc-uily disc ivered. nd now known only to my manufacturer, the gratn from the choicest spot of this fa vored lota tty 1* made to yield the AUGMATIC VALLEY WHISKY, with which u>< ther can stand an Ir.s'ant'scomparison. 1 rave r.o appro! ensoui o, being accused of publish n* un warrantable. or even eaargerated e:.coni.mils, to any who will flret subject my Whiskv to test. It 1# now the sta-clatd article at all the llr.-ti law Hotels and Cluf-s In tbeci'y of New York, and wherever it l introduced I it at once assumes its leading pusitlnn, is AWARI'H* THE FALM UF SUPERIORITY, and the dem-nd for it becomes a thing established. Its roedk inai properties are such, that while, iis immediate effects are pleasant slid exercises the happiest per mauea'.inlluence upon the constitution * I have analyied a sample of “1 >aly's Aroma'lc Valley Whis kyand Hod it to be a pure article; of line flavor, and wlth t out any deleterious admixture. New York, JAMES B. CIIILTuN, M. D„C hemlaL State AasAVEz’s OrricE 32 Somerset st.. > 805t0... April 17ih. 1858.1 Wm H Dalt. New Vork 1 have m ce a chemical anal- TsUofyour Am’ atic Valley Whisky, and And it a pure, Ant I kat'ored Rue Whitley, conUtningno injur ous matters ot any kind, and 1 would recommend U as aui able for medical and public purposes. UHAS. T. JAUK&ON, State Assayer. • Wa. H. Dalt :_Ynur Arumalic Valiev Wlilsky is receiv ed. and after cares examination. I find it to be a pure article entirely free from the adulUTjittvyin<jredient to/n quo, I ly used. Yours respectfully, JAS. J. MAPES, Analycal Chemist. gar Consumers can depend upon getting a pure ankle whea they buy the Val ey Whisky, as It is sold by the bottle only U M H. DALY. 7 19 South William New York. Sole proprietor. Sold In Macon by GREER Jt FREEMAN. juoe!4swAw Srn Choice Fruits. JrtTST Received. New Layer Raisins, Languedoc. Mar r U Princes* A ImondA Nweet Cbolc. 1 V Apples, Et Icovjtf] H. BORNE S Sail Road Notice. Macois At Western 12. 11. i Macon, July 11th, 1(5.39. (’ PLK SC NS dedrmuto spend :he Rummer in the Fp Coun try. na prt>cure Tckt"< ta Atljin'a. to jjjo nu! return up til Ojtoter 15 r h, at reduced rate?. . ALFiiKD L. TYLER. J ily 12—ts. hupuiiueiident. SPRI N(i ((ARDENi tne. ICE CiiEAM, AjbWto T WOULD announc •to the public that I have opened ’hat beautiful Grove, near my tesidenc-- as n Pleasure Garde* fur the acc iinuiudvliou of visiters. 1 iiave employed an ex perienced hand In sneli uia'ters. and Ladles at.d (rentlenien visiting the Garden may rely upon being served with this cool ing beverage tn a .-tile not to be euipassed by tny home in tds cite. Open fr< mlO n'rlork a. a til 11 o'rh rk p. m Ladies and Gentlemen who desire to while sway a pleasant, hour of a sultry *ftern..on. will find the SPKINGGARDEN a very pies sal t place of re-ort; and no pain* will be snared by the subscriber and family to make the r visit plearant and agreeable. Parents who desire to fend tfceir ebVdren out w-ith set vant* mav rely upon every atteiui >n b-lnz p.ld th.m. asihe whole wlil be under ihe immediate aupervision of mvse.fand family. jane2 AM'ja BENTON. Fast Presses! New Typo!! LEWIS H. ANDREWS; Pra otic al BOOK & JOB PRINTER, NEAR RALSTON’S NEW HALL, (Ur Staies,) CHERRY ST., MACON, GA. The proprietor is prepared, with the aid of FAST PRINTING MACHINERY A\ II XE \Y TYI K , To exec ute t v e larged or.’er of any 4escr!p‘ioo of work with DItfFATCII, and in a worknnnlike manner, at living rates, FOR. CAHXX . june 16—ts IMPROVED 5-30 QUAKER CITY Sewing Machines! I HAVE just received, and shall continue to keep on hand, a supply f lie above celebrated I.Nli MACHINES. All persons desirous of obtaining a GoOD SEWING MACHINE, At a moderate price, will do well to examine the MitDgtti, HniplifTty, and Burnbility, Os these for FAMILY end PLANTATION ÜBK. They are ea-:ly learned and kept iu order, and every Machine w a it* nt to operate well, For Sale at Plant's Carriage Establish ment Opposite ihe Post Office. W. A ROBINS. I4TAGS..TB WANTED, al Macon, May 17—ts /CONFECTIONARIES of all kinds at Vh< lesaie and R \i tail by C. H. FREEMAN A CO. march 12—ts Cotton Avenue. DESIGNS FOR MONUMENTS -BY PLolot.. E. X-iELTinrtz, \ NEW YOKK. E. J. JOHhTON, A CO., Agent. *ttnelß— tf Macon, Oa. 1859. • 1859. Spring aod Summer Trade! E. J. JOHNSTON k CO., HAVE, in addliion to their former stock received and made recent selections ot WATCHKH, JEWELRY, SILVER and SILVER PLATED W ARE, FANCY’ GOODS, Cutlery, Ac., Ac. Making one of the largest and most elegant assortment of goods to be found iu the Southern cities, aud offered on the most moderate terms. An inspection anel careful comparison of qualities and pri ces, respectfully solicited. ,r Three doors above the Lanier Houbc, Macon, Ga. E. J. JOIIV- rO.Y, G. b. DREAR. apr7— sdcwtr Mill Si Elf ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR FALX AND WINTER STOCK, AT their old Stand. Their Stock courtßl In part of the fol lowing gociia, to which they invite the attention of Merchants and Planters: 50 Bales Gunny Cloth. 200 Coils Richardson Kope. 10)0 Founds baling Twine, 150 Bags Coffee—Java, l’ort Rico, Rio ana Laguira. 10 Chests Black and Green Tea. 75 Barrels ABAC Bugar. 25 “ Crushed and Fowdered Sugar. 6 Boxes Loaf Sugar. I® Hogsheads Flue Fort Rico. 800 .-sacks Liverpool Salt. 100 Sacks Alum Salt. 150 Boxes Adamantine Candles 40 “ Sperm “ 75 Boxes No. 1 Soap. 20 “ Family Toilet Soap. 85 “ Assorted aud Fancy Candy. 125 Kegs Nails. 50 Boxes Starch. 100 Jars Snuff. 50 Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs of Powdoi. 20 Cans LUick-shooting Fowder. 100 Bags Shot. 100,000 Cigars, brands. 50 Boxes Tobacco. 20 Cases Magnolia and Combination Tobacco. 20 Bales < isnatmrgs and Stripes. 5 Cases Homespun, Bleached. 10 Bales Georgia Kersey. 5 “ I'orthcrn “ 15 “ Blankets, all prices 60 Baskets Piper's Heiiisick wine. 75 Cases Ginger aud Blackberry Wine and Brandy. 50 Barrels Rye and Corn Whiskey. 10 “ Extra old tii urbon. 50 “ Gin Rum and Brandy. 10 Casks Madeira, Fort and Sweet Win*. 10 Cases London l'ock Gin. 15 “ linker, au.l Stoughton Bitters. 10 “ Lemon t-yiup. 20 Casks Aleand Porter. 10 Boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Figs 80 “ Assort’ and Pickles So “ Assorted and Fancy Candy. 20 ** Super Carb. Soila. 80 Barrels and Boxes Soda and Butter Crackers, 25 Boxes Herrings. 5 sack- Ashton's table Salt. 5 Cares Ashton's Table Salt. 10 Doz. Well Buckets. 25 Doe. Blue Buckets 10 Nests of Tubs. 80 Doz Wool Hats. 20 Boxes Leveriti Axes. 10 000 Pounds White Lead and Zinc. 100 Barrels Linseed Oil. 10 “ Tanners'and Machine Oil. Also, a flue lot of Thrown Green, Bellow, Prussian Blue, Terra be Sienna, Burnt Umber, Ac., Paints and Varnish, Brushes and Sash Tool*. Macon, Sept. 24. 1859 N. S. PRUMN S CO., Have just received their SECOND SPRINC STOCK FARCY DRYGOODS! FURCHASK.I) by or e of the firm w ithin the last two week*, making their fctock full and c npxete, amoii? them are styles entirely new and very be xutlful. In Dress G-oods, We can show yon an elegant assortment, from the Cheapest tothe Finest Katclc. Mantillas, Misses Talmas. Dus'ers Embroideries, slid in fact almost every:Ling that pertains to our dne of business. N. b 1 lit 1)1)E.\ 4 LO. Maceu, April 26th. ISs9—tf. New Butter. ra o TUBS ami 10 Kegs new Butter received weekly, which *£l we offer lo the rade at New 1 nrk prices, with extieu es added. [mny 26] GREER ft FREEMAN. NO TIC E TO PLANTERS. Having purchased of Mr. Thomas Bagby, Sf his entire interest in the Jak jk Negro Trade, in Macon, I take thts method of Informing those that wish to Purohaso o r St ell Negros, that the business will be continued at the OLD STaND, next door to Messrs. Adams & Reynolds’ Ware House, on I’oplar street, w here they can dud, at all times, a likely lot of Virginia and Maryland Negroes, at fair prices. lill also pay liberal prices for all Yoio g and likely Negroca offered for sale. JAMES O. NOEL. Macon April 7,1859. 3swo6m IWeerscliam I*ipos. WARRANTED GENUINE, for sale by apr 7 sjiwtf E. J. JOHNSTON ft CO MENARD it CASTLEN, sandf and APOTHECARIES, fe Would respectfully invite attention to our Stock of Choice q Unadulterated Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, And all other articles in our line. We feel assured that n * House In the Souih can offer a Stock superior to ours in J denuinesi .and Purity, All officinal preparations are being made in .strict accordance witb the formularies of the United kStAtes* Pharmacopaeia. Our Stock of DEN I AL AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Is full, and we have unequalled arrangements in procuring additional supplies at the shortest notice. A choice selection of Garden, Grass and Yield Seeds, May always be found in our Stock, together with a full supply of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, Ac., Ac. Macon, May IS. ls 9 -ft Hats, Hats! im re CASTS or Bats. All kinds will be sold AT COST to 7 • Mtrchau's pu etas ngby theOra*. July 14—ts. J. B. A W. A. ROSS, nr Jour. A Messenger and Geo-gia Telegraph c-py. ,1. C. E1)WAK1)8, Real Rstate Broker, VIT ILL live prompt aud personal aitentlon to Buying It amtseiliig Lands and cio property. ExsnuuiHg 1 it lee. Ascertaining ihe value of Real Estate. Renting Property, and aP ness )eruining to a general seal Estate Ag-ney. Orru-a in 2d story up siaira, iu Dr. Strohecker's building, oct. 10—t r New Books. rriHE dVALIRR —.l • me>'kwi work. JL Ix‘nl VontaiUriY Pa^re —hr jßmeß. The of Kutwah—Dy W. G. Adam Bede. Exploits of Paul Morphy. Lavenpoit Dour. —by L*-ver— C- mp'ete. Wa —by the author o* “Wild Western Sc<nea.” Popular Geology—new work —by Hugh Miller, liarp of a Thouaar and St r liiEß—a new lot. Love me litt>, Love me Lorg — i new lot. bpotifie*! >[>orting Tour. (3-cd.ey for Jmly. For sale by ,7. J. A 8. P. RICHARDS. CROCKERY, am P vil EVOV B Dhnei.t-Uuijr.7v.3e-’srHs'4ik‘aL'4aV id ‘**&-*' J a GK. Coal Oil and Fluid L^mps, HOME AGAIN. 1 have ju t Returned from Europe where I bought Tlio Xiargcst rib Finest fctock ot FANCY, RILT& WHITE CHINA evtr in this market Also a large stock of common and WHITE GRANITE WARE, Os the best Pat'ern- rim- c me- to this country. I would cab the atti lition of Merchants, to my gmi les m>w on hand, wnich lam sure are preferable toan>tb>ng iu this section 1 h. ve a good stock now on hand of Waiter* in sells, Foal Oil Lamps, Castors, Fluid Lumps, tlolilets. Tumblers, CHINA TEA SETTS, &C„ CHEAP. I have a ffne lot of COAL UIL No. 1, to be h. re in a lew j (lavs All of the above goodsarc offered cheap to inako room i fur stock coming la. [june i'i] R. P. McEYOY. | War, War, War. War! BR¥ COBBSi AT EINSTEINS. HEIKG obliged to repair cur Store, wehave rommenceil a i genera! warfare of externdna’ ion of prices on our Goods I Wc are now selling the tm lance of our Stock of Goods at NEW YORK COST, To make room. Among which will be found a beautiful I lot of French Lice Manta Has* Double Jupe ar and 2 i 4 lounced Silk Robes, Double Skiit and 2 Flounced Varage Robes. Orfandlsf and.)aeonet Double .Tube Rubes, | I'lai i # Figured and griped Silkw, plain and \r ignr*d 15i:iok Mlk, Swiss and Jaconet Collars and Sleeves, Embroidered and Lace ►ett-*. Kid Gloves. Ladies’aud Miaaert Hosiery. Hoop Skirts, Mus lins of Hi l kinds. Men and Boys’ Wear, Bleached and Brown Fhirtings, Irish Linen. Table Damask, I inen Drills aud Farmer’s Satiueits, C'ottonsd-s, 4c. Call and Tee for Yourselves! E. EINSTEIN. June 6-ts, ELEGANT SPUING CASSIIVIERE SUITS! NOVELTIES IN Neck-Ties, Collars, &c. NOVELTIES IN CASSnillltE VESTINGS! SUPERIOR FRENCH BLACK CASSIMERE ; COATS. | Fine Black Cloth Frock Coats ‘ Lisle Thread Shirts, Socks and Gloves ! Auother Lot of Superior KSD GLOVES! Another Lot Superior English COTTON SOCKS ! Drab d’ete Alapacca Limn Coat>! SUPERIOR FANCY MARSEILLES VESTS! j Just received by C. 18. CAIRO. TELEGRAPH BUILDING. April I—tt. SX-XXm’OPS l i VF the BEST MAKE and NEWK>T STYLES. Also, l I SHIR l BUSOM*—a pc* lot just received, ad will De sold low by [June 17] H. BAIRD ON Il.\M) r WHITE LIVEN Dl UK OATB, PANTS AND VEST’S, LINEN DUSTTID4, SKELETON CAKSIMEKE SACKS AND FROCKS, BOYS ALPACCA AND LINEN SACKS, &U., AC., At'.. all ot which will lie sold very low by sane IT c - BAIRD WANTED, a NEGRi > Woman or Girl to do the work of a small f*m ly. Enouire at the store of y J. A. A 8. 8. VIRGIN, iune Btf Cotton Avenue. “Wsir in Europe AND BUTTER DECLINING!! NEW MAY BUTTER, BY STEAMER, WEEKLY, Direct From IHe Dairy. HAVING made arranges ents f. r a supjJi of Kbkmi Fct tkk, to tie received weekly, we are now prepared to furulrh ‘lie trad- and cor miners at pile, at, defv conuietl tjon. Ournmttols “ tliiivk Sales ami small Protits,” and to carry it out, we will sell at Wholesale 25 els per lb. Retail “ * * And guarantee a good an article as any brought to the c'ty. We iuTite all to come tu*d see us, we will do hat wepiomlse may 30 “GREEK & FREEMAN. Tax Receiver. tW“ We arc authorized toarnounce the name ofSterlln | Tnckerasa csndrdare for Receiver ot Tax Returns of Bib at the next election, January 1860. jan 4.—tde STEREOSCOPES. A LA ROE and beautiful assortment of Stereoscopes, with a large number of views of all kinds, for aie, singly or by Ike dozen, at J. M. HOARD* A WU, dec. IT—ts ashingtOß biock. For Sale. MY PI- \NTAT lON situated in the Count le of Bibb rontalus between El-ven and Twelve Hundred Acres ; lies w,ll; is Free Uak and Hickory Land, aud is on v 16 miles from Macon. Stock and . Dotation utensils c iti be purchased if desired. Fax menfr-easy. March26lh, 1860. ts ANDERSON COMER’ Latest Style BLACK FROCK COATS, JI’ST RECEIVED BT O . II . 33 A. In X) . __ jmcJ 7 F A AS , IX large variety. Travelog ai .<i Reticule B* tk tv Le.thei Satchels, Jcc t fur Rule by apr7—s£wtf. E. J. .JOHNSTON Jfc CO. P R E S E RYES, Crackers. Ficklct A FRESH SI PP-Y OK West In'lia Limes, West India Pine Apple, Ginger Preserves, Cup Crackers, ’Chow Chow Pickles, Picallilly Pickles, Cherry Cordial, J ust received at IIEKRY IIOHVKS mayS—lw t'onierliouery. CLiaBOTT’S GRAND WINE. \NOTHER Sop, ]y of that splendid fruity tasting cham pagne nceiveil Try it once, amt .11 other wines are put m the shade. Kur rale at u,ay?-lw HENRY HORNE'S. Matting! Matting! Tis* r. c* iv>U 1 AA PIECES of MATTJNG-V1 widths— very cheap. lUU men 10 BOSTICK, KEIN A CO. P liOS P ECTI ‘S THE SOUTHERN METHODIST, DEVOTED to News, Literature. Molality, Temperance and Knigb n, aid the interests of the Methodist Episeo al Church South, wil 1,,. published weekly, in Macon, Gu , mmcnciug July la, ISM. Rev. JAMES STEWART, M R. Editor. , Assisted by a Talented Bml Experienced Con * of £o inherit Writers. In its NEWS DEPARTMENT the “southern Methodist” wiligive weekly summaries of Forei.n and Domestic News, and. f he Reiigi us ot the world, and particular y of the Sou h. its LITERATURE Will te of the highest order, and of the pi red and m< st nnexcrptlonable ct.atac'er. a chaste morall y will character ze everything that si,ad appear in its colttiinn. It will labor zealousl ft r the general dissemination of Re lig on,and the sal vat on ot si. ners. And it wi 1 ver defend meekly. tti ugh boldt,-. the doctrU-e and usagesof tlieMetho dist Episco; aT Uhurch south. C HfiKTiRV WARE TERMS :—Two Dollars per aur.nm. invatia bly in Advance. NoClun rates allowtd. A commission of 15 per cent al lowed to .11 Ministers, Post M .siersand otner.-, who will aid in living the patera wide tiruilatb.n. A veitisNuenta of general utility, and ci ns stent wi hthe character of the paper, are s. 1. ited and will te inserted at the rales of Oi.c cetti per word tor tor flr.-t lose tiou, and liHif h cewl ier won tor subsequent Inaerdou Pro f s-.onai and business ca ds of four dues • r les,. Five |)„|. 1-fs I >er nnnuin In adtuuee, or $2,3U till Ist of January- Advertisements to appear in the First Xumber mutt be sent in by the First of July, w e respectfully request those who expec("*o become sub set Ittfrs to .-end ns their names heft re the . ate of the tirst Is sue, that we may know how huge mi eddion tostrike off. We appeal part cula ly to the Met It- dis sos M.c n and vi* I ehilty to al t this enter, rz ;—an enterprize that, shall he wot thy of their - jppo t—and cot. lid. ntl> exp, e a liberal res ponse Addiess. JAMES STHVaHT. Macon. Gi. *** Telegrap h and Messenger copy. juru 211 f IIARLESC. KI3BEE. TIIOAIAS H. DAWSON. DAWSON & K 188 EE, Attorneys & Counsellors a. rmr a .a .w -wmr 9 ilatYkiusv Hie and Vienna, Ga. Mr. K. will have entire collections; Mr. D. all litigations, for the present, with assistance ot his partner. They will practice Law, and give attention toanvhusine s that may be intrusted to their management, in the Counties of Pulaski, Lowndes, Dooly, Houston, Wilcox, Brooks, Macon, Irwin, EchoU, Worth, I eltair, Clinch, Berrien, Coffee, Ware, Numter, Appling, Laurens, Lee, Pierce, Twiggs, Miller, Baker, Dougherty. In SUPREME COURT, at Macon, MlUedgviilc, Savannah, and also in adjoining Counties, on special engagement. AND 111 Ft'di'ral Courts at havniinnli. March 1, 1859. y 49 ts BI TTER. Cheese, Tickled Shad. Pickled Beef and Cod | ttsh received waekly. For sale l>v October 9. HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. JUST RECEIVED, Pt-A-DTXD LIFE OF JEFFERSON, Complete in three Vo>" m ” sep 24—If J. M BOAR DM \N. BURIAL CASEST ROSE WOOD, Mahogany, Walnut, Oovered and Plain Coffins. Builders are invited to call and examlcg my itock of Marbleizcd Iron Chimney Pieces, Window Sash and Blinds, Panel Doors, Window Glass, Mahogany Balus ters aid Neyell. B. K. ROSS, marl?—tf Cotton At. Macon. Ga. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES of BEL A WARE. For J mly, 1859. FRANCE, 11 ROAD BE NT $ CO, Mang'rs. o All Drawings under the superintendence of the State Lottery Commissioner. Prizes Paid as soon as Drawn! Grand Delaware Lottery on the HAVANA PLAN I EXTRA CLASS FOUR! To be drawn in Wilmington, Pel., Thursday, July 80, 1859. 25,305 Prizes! - * - - 50.000 Numbers. Prizes Payable in Full, without Deduction! In these Lotteries every Prize is Drawn.’ 3 ■ H Jfca VI JES • 1 prize of $50,000 2 prize of- lz.tUO 2 prizes of- 5,000 2 i rises us - -- -- -- - 9.5 0 2 prizes of-- 2,Uhl 2 prizes of 1 .•’•3O 2 priz-s t.f 1000 10 prizes of 400 10 prizes cf ;j OO 20 prizes * 200 100 prizes - 100 28.11-0 prizes - 8 And 201 Approximaiion prizes ranging from S2O up to $4- 0 23,363 prizes! - - amountlngto - - $331,500 Whole Tickets $10; Ha ves $5; Quarters $2,50. MAGNIFICENT SCHEVSE! GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE $65,000!! GfSAND CONSOLIDATED LOTT£RY OF DELAWARE. Class R. To bo drawn In Wilmington, on Saturday, July 53rd, 1859. j SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 Prize iti ‘.iVO is *65.r00 5 12,600 62 5)0 4 8,225 32,900 6 5.00 30,000 7 3,500 24,000 10 1,700 I‘. 01 10 10 l 10000 2J.1 NJO 194,400 IIS 200 • 39 <SOO 61 150 88.00 6 1 90 5,850 61 61 8.900 4.810 40 192.40 27,01) 20 510.800 32,396 prizes, amounting to ♦I.SQS.OOq Tickets * 0, Halves *lO, Quarters *5, Eighths *2 50. A Certificate of Pa-kage of 20 Wholes, co.ts *299 00 j o. do. 26 Halves, 119 50 1>... do. 26 Quarter*, 74 5 * Do. do. 26 Eighths 87 25 tW~ All orders addressed to France. Buoadbzxt A • o„ Managers. Wiimine*on, Dei , will meet with yrumpiatten tioD and the printed official draw ir gs -s’t as soon as over. R. FRANCE, BROADBEXT 4 CO. July—lm. Managers TARRANT’S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine, prepared in con*om.ity with the analvsis of the waters of tne celeorated Seitzer S;)rtng. t?. Geimany, in * most c inve* ient and por table form. I.a- universally r> ceived the moat Fa vorable recommendations ot tin- M edical pro fession and a Discerning Public, as the MOST EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE Saline Aperient in ute and as being entitled to seeded preference over tbe many Mineral spring Water*, he.dntz Powders, and other similar articles. Is th from i’a compactness and greater effica cy. It may be used w ilh the best effect in alt BILIOUS AND FEBRILE DISEASES, SICE IIEADAOHE, LOSS OF APPETITE, INDIGESTION, AND ALL BIXILAM COM PLAINTS, PECULIARLY INCIDENT TO THE SPRING and SUMMER SEASONS. It Is p iriicularly adapted to the wants of Travelers by Sea anil 1 and. Residents in hot climaies, persons of Se. dentsry s. Invalids and convalescents; Captains us vessels and Planters will fiml it a valuable addition to their Medicine Chets. With those who have used it, It has high favor and Is deemed ‘"llP'A TORPID STATE OF THE LIVER—It renders ! great service in restoring healths- action, i IN GOUT AND RHEI'MATISM—It gives tlis best sat i-faction, abating all lnflamn an tv symptoms, and In many cases- ffeetualtv curing those alllicttd. ITS SUCCESS IN CASES OF GRAVEL INDIOE4- TION, HEARTBURN AND C OaTIVENKBS-Proves it to be a Medicine of the greatest Ai 11)112 OF THE ‘T'IMAi H, AND THE !-ISTRKSB - KNESS SO USUAL DURING PREGNANCY— Yields speedily, and with marked success undo its healthful influence. IT AFFORDS THE OREATEST RELIEF TO THOSE AFFLI- TEW WITH OR SUBJECT To THE PILES— ! Acting gently on the bowels, neutralizing all Irritating recra i ti-us, anil thereby removing all inflammatory teudenciee. IIN FA''T. IT IS INVALt'HLE IN ALL CArES WHERE A GENTLE APERIENT OR PURGATIVE IS KJiQI IRED. ’ It Is In the form of a powder, carefully put up in bottles, to It keep in any c.imate, and mer ly requires water poured up on it to produce adelightful effervescent beversge. Taken in the morning, it never interferes with the avoca tions of the day, acting gently on the system, restoring the digestive powers, exciting a healthy and vigorous tone of the j stomach, and creating an elasticity of mind and flow of spirits i which give zest to every entoyment. It also enables the In valid to en oy many luxuries wiih impunity, from which he I mi st otherwise be debarred, and without which lifelslrkaome al ’Nnmerofis t'estamonlala from pro'esslonaland other gentle men of the highest standing throughout the country, and its steadily Increasing popularity f.r a series of years, strongly gua-antee its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to tbe favorable notice of an Intelligent public. J Prepared and sold. Wholesale and Retail by JOHN A. TARRANT <fc CO„ Dmroonrm, N0.278 Greenwich St„ cor. of Warren, N. Y. Jane 14—ly EVER! BODlf £o© tt£ft£l IF YOU Baggy, Hack Wagon, Jersey Wagon, Plantation Wagon, that will RUN LIGHTER, and LAST LONGER, than atiy you can buy IN THE STATE, go to WOODRUFF A. CO., Griffin, Ga. They keep a LARGE STOCK, and SELL LOW, especially for CASH ! Aprijll-tf. Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, k, \\7 E art* now offering a NEW and SE n l* PIANOS, TT iffu From NunnV %■ Clark, and other maker*, warranted to please. Buitara, Violin*, Flutea. Aceordeone, and all other small In struments kept in our line. strings, Imt ruction books, Sheet Music, Ac. Gold and Silver Watches, Os the moist approved makers. JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES, bilvcr Forks and Spoons, equal to Chin. Watches ,j- Jewelry Repa ired and Warranted apr. 4, ts. J. A. 4 3. S. VIRGIN. WOOD, EDDY & CO S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA.) CAPITA.!. PRIZE $50,000 Tickets only SIOI WOOD, EDDY & C O. Managers, Successors to S. SWAS &. CO. The following Scheme will be drawn by Wood, Fdpy A Cos. Managers of the >pxrta Actdemy lottery,in each of their Single Number Lotteries Jor JULY, 1839. at Augusta, Ga. In public, uncer the feupextatendence of Ccmmissioners. Draws on Saturday , July 2, 1850. Draws on Saturday, July 9, 1859. Draws on Saturday. July 10 1859, :z: ■ Draws on Saturday, July 23. 1859. Z 2 .:Xku.&ei9mS SSJO.9 Draxoson Saturday, July 30, 1859. On the Plan of Single Numbers 50,000 Tickets. Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty five Prizes ! ! Nearly One Prize to every Nine Tickets. MA ONIFICENT SCHEME! TO BE DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN JULY. 1 Prise of $51,000 1 “ of 20. m 0 1 “ of 10,Ot 0 1 “ of 5,t 0 1 “ of 4,(50 1 “ of 3,0 0 1 “ of IJHO ISJ “ of 500 00 “ of 4id> 100 •’ of 800 M 0 * of ISO lto •• of ICO APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prises of J4oft spprox. to f50,000 prise re $1,600 4 “ 800 “ 20,000 “ are 1,2t0 4 “ 450 “ 10,000 “ are 10'tO 4 •* 215 * 5,000 “ are !00 4 “ 200 “ 4,0 t to “ are MK) 4 “ 150 “ 3,000 “ are 600 4 “ 100 “ 5,000 “ 20 are 100,000 5,155 Prizes amounting to $330,000 Tickets slo—Halves <*ii—tjearters SU SO. Remember that every Prize in the above Scheme it drawn, and payable in full without deduction. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates which is the risk: Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, SBO “ It) Quarter*’ 30 “ “ 10 Eighth *• 10 SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTERY. Class INI o. 405, Oruivti Wotlm'sday, July 27, ’59 UN THE THREE KUWBER PLAN. 75 Numbers—l 2 Drawn Bal’ots. NE \RLY 1 PRIZEto EVERY 2 TICKETS 1 Grand Prize cf $38,000. 1 Prize of 810 000! I 4 Prizes of SO,OOO 1 Prizes Ilf 9110 000 ! O Prizes ol $ 1.000 2 Prizes of *50,070! I G Prizes ol $2,000 27 814 Prizes amounting to $513190. TV hole Tickets $10; Halves:*; Quarters Si.SO. in Ordering Tickets or Certificates. Enclose the money to ou.- address for the Tireetsor ileied, on receipt *f which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchaser* can have tickets ending in any sgure they tony designate. | The List of Drawn Numbers and Prises will be senttc purchasers immediately after the drawing. pe>” Purchasers will please write their signature* ’ plain, and give their Post Office, County and State, a 1! prizes of SI,OOO and under, paid lmmrdlate ly after the d-awlng—other prizes at tbe usual time < f thirty days. Notice to Correspondents. Those who prefer sending not set ding money by mail,can use HE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, 1 whereby money for Tickets, in sun.a of Ten Dollars, and up t wards, tan be s.!T us AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE. fr tt) any city or town where they I ave&n office. The money and order must be enclosed in a‘’GOVERNMENT I*OST OFFi'DC STAMPE3> ENVELOPE,” or ihe Express Compa ny uannot receive fhem. Alltiommanicfttiou*strictly confidential. < *rders for Ticket* or Certificates, by Mail or Express to be ; direct* and lo WOOD, FT'DY Sr ro„ Augusta OeofgU. or, WO*D, EI'DY &CO . Atlanta, Georgia, or, WOOD, EDDY & CO., Wilmington, Delaware BUGGIES FOP, CASH! ON Consignment, and must !>e -eld. Two New l’i p Buggies, (lie-each lilt. I* l tne New Buggv, (fancy,) *llO. One Second hand Buggy, *lO. Call and examine t-elore purchasing elsewhere, and get a bargain. ! July 7—w4t. J. F. WINTER A CO. ‘ MARBLE ‘.WORKS! | J. B. ARTOPE* SDK, Manufacturers of and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, FURNITURE, SLABS, Ac-, ! Corner of 3rd and Plumb Sts. MACON, aA. | apj 11—ts. JAMES T. ELLIOTT, Attorney &. Counsellor ai Lim CAMDEN, ARKANSAS, WUI attend to all Business entrusted to him in South Ar a . katisiji. der.lo.nsg._iy MONTPELIER FARM SCHOOL, MONROE COUNTY, GEORGIA. REV. CARLISLE P. (), MAfITIN, PRES. Hl'arMng P M^Mrtin f ha.' , ,L! ! ’' r ’ ,ha ! cel.brsted sat of .loStar trans'errtdt hither his FARM Noplace Id all the South isneses mere fartllti tTon , J r ymu’“ t ’ geStha “ d0e * * b ”‘ e The Fail Session will comm.-toe on the2s hos Jnlv next ror further information address the Fresident at Mont Del tier, Oa. jaay 24 ts Lands for Bale. rHE subscriber desirous of moving V est, is offering for sale his Plantation in County, ( a , containing 1300 acicu a gotd quantity of heivily timbered wood-land, ■tome gotid bottom lnd In cultivation, comfortable Dwelling, Hn House and Screw, Granary, and a Urge number of other huildtnga, every house needed on a farm yard or plantation, with fencing In good order, and Well” and Sminga. The Pja has been remarkably healthy, and lies on Walnut and heckeconnee Creeks. 2 miles from Hopewell and 22 from Ma con. Grain, Stock, Ac., can be bad with the place. Terms to suit the purchaser Address, JOHN A. DAN I ELLY, . Russellville, P.<>.. Monroe Cos., Ga. April Ist, 18M. If. tW Telegraph copy. UNIVERSITY O F LOUISVILLE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. TWENTY-THIRD SESSION BOARD OK TRUSTEES : Hon. JnDies Gnlhrie, President. Win. S. Vernon, lUq., Secretary. MEDICAL FACULTY. BENJ. U. PALMER. M.D.. Professor of the Principles aud Practice of burgerv. J. LaWRENc* SMITH. M.D., Professor of Medical Chemistry and Chemical Pntsiology. ROB’T, J. BRECKINUiDGE, M.D., Pr-jfessor of Materia Medica asd ’rherape'.ilics. TOSHUA B FLINT. M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery. rUKODORE S. BELL, M.D , Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. LLEWELLYN POM ELL, M.D., Profetsnr of OhsUtric Medicine. J. W. BKXr-ON, M.D., Prof-ssor of Anatomy and General Pht sli.l.'gy, at and Dean of the Kacu'ty. S. M BEMIcS, M.D, Profctsorof Medical Jurisprudence and'ary ccienee. D. W. YaNDkLL, M.D., ProLssor of Clinical Medidne aud Pathoiocical Anatomy. ARCHIE C. COOK. M.D.. Demenstrator of Anatomy. The Medical Department of the University of Loalsvlle will enter upon its Twenty-third Session on the first Mon day in November. Lecturespre-lminarv to the r-gular course will be delivered at the University and Marin- Hospital, free ot charge, and will be c mmeuced on the Ist of October. The Dissecting Room wI.J also tie opened at that time. The ses -ion wil! close, as nerrtotore. on the last ot February. Exttn s VC opportunities will be afforded for the study oi Cliuica Midi- ine aud Surgery. Lecture Fees $195 Matriculation - 5 Graduation 2$ Ho.-ibal Free. Fur further particuiars, udd'e^s J. W. BENSON. M D.. iuly 7- Sm Dean of the Faculty, \l.\l VOKK AMI SUiXMH. Ike AnerSran-AtlaDtie Screw Steam<ihlp Co.’s. .'sMk NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS HUNTSVILLE, fabt. Julia A. POST, I 000 TuDb Earthen. MONTGOMERY, Capt. FRED. CKOCKKK. I,o<>o Toas Burthen. WIU leave NEW YORK and SAVANNAH EVERY SATURDAY, PASSAGE sls. The superb accommodations for Passengers on these steam ers are unsurpassed by any Ocean Steamers in the World.— The Saloons anu S re Rooms are elegantly furnished, spa cious and well vent iated. THROUGH RATES OF FREIGHT From NEW YORK to Knoxville. Nash ville, Memphis, Tuscumbia and other place?, incluuing every expense, given when req-fired. Merchandise to the Agent of the Central Railroad, Savannah, will oe received and forwarded FRKK OF COMMISSION. Mark Good* “CAKE AGENT CEN TRAL RAILROAD, SAVANNAH.” Shipier are particu larly requested to forward Billd of Lading by the Steamer, thereby ensuring greater dispatch, and avoiding all delays. lnsuranee may be effected by these Steamers at the Office# of the undersigned at one half per cent, with the best Compa nies. Freights have be reduced by this Line to 8 and 10 cents per foot,and other Goods at proportionate rates. Uf"Freights taken at three fourths of customary ra BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CC. t Savannah, H. B. CROMWELL A CO ,Ga. apr 9—ly 88 West St., cor, of Albany, J. Y. FERTILIZERS! GENERAL AGENCY. THE undersigned respectfully announce to Planters and others interested, that they are constantly receiving di rect from the 1.-lauds and the menufaciurers, the fol lowing most approved Fertilizers now known, all of which have been thoroughly ana Satisfactorily tested, viz: No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Sombrero Guano, Rhode’s Super. Phosphate of Lime, National Fertilizers, Ground Plaster. These articles, which will have our brand, and beguaran teed as genuine, we shall, at ail lime*, be prepared to furnish in any amounts required, and at the lowest price*. The “Su per Thosphate,* and ‘Fertilizer,’ at manufacturers* rates, with expense of transportation addcJ. • Savannah May *2,- ly. PATTEN & MILLER. BROWN 7 S HOTEL Maoon, Ga. E. E. BROWN, PROPRIETOR. HAVING been fully convinced of the exceedingly annoy ing inconvenience* to which the travelling public, p tsa ing over our various Railroads, were constantly subject, the Proprietor determined to erect and fit up, at the most eligible and convenient point, a hotel that would supply every demand and be entirely worth the patronage of the public. He has, after much labor and expense, earned ut his original purpose, having selected a site immediately opposite, and within thirty yards of the Passenger Depot. Persons leaving on the night trains can enjoy, at least, an hour’s sleep, longer here than at any other hotel in the city : an i the table is furnished with the best the country’ affords ; the rooms are comfortably ventilated, and supplied with necessary furniture, and the servants are well trained aud may be summoned at any hour, ile has spared no pains or expense to meet every want, and supply every oon venience, and now every thing Complete, he flatters himself, bis Hotel affords equa ad vantage* t ~ -/ay other in the State. IT Remember this Hotel a immediately opg/oeitethe Pas senger Depot. Macon. Ga., sep 19—ts BELDEN & CO. SHAT HIE AT CuST FOR CASH! 2M o Humbug. \\7E have just received sc extra supply ol Straw Goods 11 courUtiag of Panamas, White an 11 Brown Leghorns, White Senates, Shite aud purple Canadas, For Boys uml infants, every variety of Hats ; and Misses’ Flats of every style. The e goods MUST be sold ss soon as possible, and to CA3H customers we can offer great inducements. may 2 4t BELDKN A CO. TO TRADE TRAVELING AGENTS. \Y T E want 50 to 10.1 young men with * casu capital. f from I * *solo*l 060 purchase our Good-, cons sting of Watches and .lew, Iry, and to dispose of them in ail the cities and towns throughout the United States and Canadas. Some persons who purchase ofua ate making from 5,000 - *10.060 per year, selling at auction. In the various towns and village*. On ihe receipt ofthe Cash, we will send by mail, toany ad dre-s. the following ar'icles, a*samp es of our Goods: 6 Fancy Gold Unger Rings, assorted, for *4 00 6 “ “ “ heuer, lor .... ti uO 6 “ Gent’s Breastpins, assorted, tor 800 6 “ “ “ better, f0r.... 6 (el 6 * Ladies’ “ “ for 4 no 6 “ *• “ “ better for 6 00 6 “ “ “ “ latger t0r.... 9 00 1 Set Cameo Pin and Ear Drops, for S 00 1 - “ •• for 5 00 1 Set rtold-stone Pin and Ear Drops, tor 8 00 1 Set Masonic “ M for • 8 09 1 set Gold Fancy “ “ for 400 1 Set “ for 8 (10 1 PairGoid Richiy Chased Band Bracelets, for. 6 00 1 “ “ for 8 00 1 “ Fancy Cameo Bracelets, for 8 00 1 “ Ladies’ Fancy < ‘riff Hns. for 100 6 Sets Gold Gents’ Bosom Studs, fancy, for 8 00 6 ** “ “ stone set, for 6 00 6 “ S'eeve Buttons, engraved, for 3 00 • “ “ stone setting, tor 9 00 1 Gold Dul-Ie Locket, fancy i snap) tor l GO 1 “ (spring) for 8 00 6 Gold Vess Kooks for 3 to 6 Gold Faucy Watch Keys, tor _ 3 00 1 Large Size Hold Pencil) a-e, for 1 50 l Jiiew Style French Vest Chain, for 2 50 I 1 *• “ “ better, tor 8 00 I 1 “ “ “ larger, for 5 00 I 1 Fancy 8 ilver Watch, open face, for 7 Ort l “ “ Hunting’ use,tor.. 10 00 1 Fancy Gilt Watch, Huntie g Case, for 10 00 | 1 “ Gold Watch, open face, for 20 00 l “ ‘* *’ better, for 26 u< I 1 ** “ “ Hunting Case, *o-. 80 00 j I “ “ for 40 00 Movementsof all tbe Watches described in thiii-t are wab raxted PEP.rzcT ; and we wish it distinctly unden-Ps-d. that lie prices given above re our lowest whole-alt prices to the I rade rid ’1 raveling agents. The retail price wculu l e fiom GO to 100 per cent. htgner. Person ordering anv of the shove nicies, can r-mit theamount direetto us. Write th-iame, i County, and- taw. In a plain hand, 10 prevent n.istakes, and, -■n the receipt 01 the money, tne Goods will be lorwardeo ty i next mail. bTENNKTT A OLINES, Man ulacturers of Jewelry, Importers and Wholesale dea'ersin Watches, juae 28 2m No. 78 Nassau Bt., N. Y. PIANO FOKTETi A.. 11. G-A.LE 00. TAKE pleasure In _>p,—. inviting the attention of Artists, An, • . f'i'-’L'’ ‘.QdHieu-s, and the Public I generally, to SCALE P A ! NO FORTE, just in j J U | jtroduced. The grow, eg desire for a Square a m - Piano Forte that shall approach the Grand in volnme of Sound, and at ft-e same I lime, avoid the ungainly appearance of that three-oornered in strument directed our energies to the production of such a desideratum. Our toll is re warded and we submit the result i without fear of competition. „ . ur our pianos are warranted to irlje entire sati’j action, whether ordered fron us direct, or cold by any or our agents throughout the country ; an I we solicit a continuance ol tliat patronage which we have enjoyed fortb*MM twent y-“Ve t'pnra A. .3. GALE VV M J HneSO wlv I*7 East 12lh St., New York. •ANOTHER WANDERER NEGRO/ ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD! I WILL give Fifty Dolbus fbr the apprehension and safe delivery to me of my nan JOHN, who has been “a wanderer'* for the last twelve months, and an equal amount fur the conviction of any white man who harl-or* him.— John is about 45 years old, of dark complexion, about five feet nine inches high, is stout and muscular, has a very heavy chest, and weighs probably 180 lbs: There is a considerable sized irregular scar ou his I sick, (caused by a fall.) Hut he may be Identified by slight marks indicating the points from which an extra finger (having been attached by a mere cuti cle.) was dipped from each hand during his Infancy. It la probable that Ye is lurking in the ‘ icinity or Macon, but ho may have been decoyed eff to some dlikant a * Apriifll 1R59-tf. (Telegraph copy.) K 0 BUBHKM DH)AP™<^^ 4oo march 13-ts Cotton Avenue,