The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, July 15, 1859, Image 4

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TROUT HOUSE, 1 aTJj aNTA ’ By MBS. J. D- BOYD. NKW FIRM. b|bM In Al* It! bTMCkML W ffZ PbftCfuxu’ Carr.*#**, aoA Hum*. t* fcu* J® iSS tiV anyUmy. *e al have the mn ample v fr>yp t niilalloP> Drove Struck. . ,k Ari(ito tfTwouid =*y to the pabße that wt have.*■>?£? s^iiftt?s^^TsawsSSS snssascssr^ ass? VfiwfwSSSSSw „Jt Iw nui. In bet :f TM cos t ; to rwtt wp * rfart tjatvuwr shoulder so the- wheel. give o* > > tonm. <1 4. hoc* of ingratitude you may heftee u*. * \%ry re-pectfuliy, Al'KBlIOLl’ A JEII EBS. *y“ Opposite the PeCssengtr Depot endnrau Brwrnn Hotel- ‘apr 29-ts. Honey-blade Grass Seed. 31. H EED. Harnn, Cia. AGENT for the sale of the Hoeey-cladc Hungarian Grw . >ed. warranted to grow !n any climate. xn.l ttnrd all SiiOf weather. Price !Ou per bag. Hi Sl—tf. strongTTyood, DEALERS IN BOOTS.SMS, LE&TES. EATS&CiFSi AT THEIR OLD frTASD ON SD. ST. Opposite Bostick & Kern's. JJ AVt covin More, a .xrge acd meli selected aasortment BOOTS AND SHOES, of every variety ofetvlesnd pattern, manufactured to order and to euit this market, coasietiiig of BUS, EMTO6MS.y^ HEELED GAITERS AND SLIPPERS, Mines’ Reeled Slippers &. Gaiter*. CHILDRENS’ SHOES OF EVERY STYLE. Also, HATS and CAPS.C^^^ Os all Qualities and *tj!fs All of which will he ooid on naaooabie term*.— ■ Thackfuifor pa-t favor*, they Invite thoee vriahlcgto pup; use to cal and examine their st'<k before pnrchaehir.g elsewhere _oct. . 18S-_tf _S. .V V>. WINE! UINE!! WINE!!! I it CASES Claret Wine, ranging from t to t■ - per caar -fc” ’ Just received and forame <■? aprM-lw. GREEK A FREEMAN JUST RECEIVED. \TKP. MctVOYX alirfelotof SELF-SEALING CANS. Knive*and Forks. f*2L-t'rw **.! Tead Set*. AN ICK PIT( HUN,chp for CASH. I—ts FINE FURNITURE. FINE Far! r Bette, Rose Wood, Mahogany and Georgia Walnut Furniture. Secretaries and Book Cases. Desks and Book Cases. Bureaus of Rose Wo-.p, Ma hoy any and M alcut CTBt i VaS.J ‘ Bofns.Tet-a-Tete*. D van* gOVfh-S ■ ‘-J BociahUa.Ott’ m -is, in Hair . mr~~ u Oioth. Float. Broe-atei. Ac. Arm, Rock:nr, Narse, t r tng, Fartor. Bedroom, Dining, Ba r Cloth, Flash, thr eatel.Caae,Spin Bottom.and every kind of Chairaao>t to the trade BEDSTEADS. Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahogany, Bea*h,Goa e., High, Low, French snd Oetiage. Wadrcbe* of Rote Wood, Mahogany, Wainn and Fine. S*feiof kl Pattern*. Tables. Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Fine, Extension Foidici Leaf, Square, R- uni, *c. Mattresses oi Harr, Cotton. Moss and Patent Spring Feather Be is, Pillars ans Bolsters. Fine Mirrors, common Looking Glasses, Looking Gia* Plate., Picture Glass. Window Shades and ine Cornices. Ec-kets,Tuds, Dipper*. Brooms, Brush Brooms, Feath er Duster:, Foot Ms t ,Ac. for sale on the most reason able terms. Lumber taken in exchange, or Lumber made up in the most fashionable st ties of Fura tare to order. We have one of tjelargest Fto*k of FIN E FUR Ml- URE la the State, and we ire constantly znannfac ring, and wish to sell. Call and tee us. M>rl4—ly T. A 0. WOOD O O FPINS7 ROBB WOOD, BaH4 ¥?.bofsay, Vfhtf, Ptiirfd, Cheap Veneered Mahogany Coffins, Also Sew Style MetcJe Cate* Suferior lo the obi Styles. Ok! Pattern Metalac Cases at Lower Prices. Inns 4—fm T. A. O. WOOD. MS! STOVES!! STOVES!!! At W. J. McElroys, THIRD STREET, 3IACOX. GA. QArt Cooking Stores, 75 Box acd Parlor Stores.- UvU Also a fine lot of Grates, comprising the finesf and Qostrtaisn assortment of Stores erer offered o public, among them the old favorite laox Wrrca, war ranted to give satisfaction. Also the Vicroa Coox, made in Augusta, Georgia. Cheap for Casa or good Motes. —ALSO.— A well selected assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS consisting in part of Northern and Southern Woop Waass, Brooms, Brushes, Counter and Feather Dusters, Lanterns, Lamps, Steak Dishes, Tea Urns, Chafficg and Steak Dishes, Ac., Ac. Gas Frmxo done at short notice. Also, plain Gas Fixtures for sale. Foacx, Cistirx and Wm, Penes, of the most appro red Patterns, Rubber Hose, Lead, Copper, Block Tin and Iron Tubes of all sites, Bieare Valves, Whistles, Guagts, Cylender and Water Cocks of ail kinds. Copper Sti3S\ and Copper Plumbing. Tin and Bheet Iron work of all kinds, done in the very best style. Lightning Rode put up at short notice, iYotice. On and after this date, all work done to order will be POBITIVKIY CASH on delirery, and all account* due when presented. Macon, oc- W. McELROY. New Crockery Store. THE Ladies acd Gentlemen of Macon and ad’.oining couTi ties are respectfully invited to ca.l and examine my stock of CHINA. <LAS> and CRi iCKJLRY WARfekcex d6orU Mrs. liessau's on Second street. 1 intend to keep at ai times a good Mock ofUoods. and will tel) them as low as ihe) ean be bought anyeheie in the city. A Uheral share of pat mcagr is respectfully solicite.l. June *—tf R. R. HUTCHINGS. Liverpool A London LHE_A FIRE INSURANCE Office 56, Wall Street. Xew Xttrk City. AUTHOKiZaD CAPITAL. £2.000,000 or $10,000,000. Paid up Capital. iiir|ilu and Hrwnrj Funds, FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS: #300.00(1 Invested in this Country. DIRECTORS IS NEW YORK.’ JAMES BROWN, hairman. FRANCIS •• TTEN. Detritr Chsirmsn. GBOKOE BARCLAY, BUUCNE BCTIH, E<sj. JOSEPH GILLAKD, Esq. JOSEPH FoWt KR. Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTYN. Esq. ED V. SANDtRBON. Esq. NM. S*. M E i MOKE. Esq. RDWARD M. ARCHIBALD. Feo. Pre-ident Secretary. ALt < EO PELL. Fsq. Counsel of the B ord. A. HAMILTON, Jr . B*q. AYEKB. WINGFIELD A CO.. Agmiia, mo uHU Uike Fire Risks, only. * Maws. May lltk —ts CAUTION. ALL persons are cautioned against trading for three wrer ai note* of hand tiver. by the utderrisMd to Maj. E. Harris; two for AM aacu, aad one for *a aU l*wm ( date on the Utn March. KBS. and .w Ih-ee. mm and aloe and half mouth* after date, fur hire of Ner woman. Ei.ju. aU.a Loui ta—a- the eaaatden-lcc f g which mid aotes woe given hva entirely failed, by reason of the abdnctioa of said negro fr> m my serview by ihe family of M*j. HairU. I wUI not pay said Bor'S ualr I echipellcd to by law. June A—ts. L. F. W. ANDREWS. WAR, WAR, WAR! Is declared against pains of any kind by OR. A. w. ALLEN’S Southern Liniment! AND evsrT So other-*r wßi be mtiaf. ■h* A lar'a worth, tbatimey bavea. Cnimeflts. For Familv acd llactat: r uaett t u It enr RhecnmC.m, Neuralgia. UrtrtC Erwb Cats. Paiaa ia toe Back or LlmM. CholUm Baaat, and lsthe only certain Remedy kcown fr T K'.irtf gass ta Hones: aad every one will Acd Its mvtag of r—tuil mot ey by keeping a supply oc hand. CERTIii'iCATES, bnnaiMt April A “Sd —Dr. A. W. Allen—Dear r—From my koowiedgeef the Ir grwhrnU Comp- sic* your Liniment, and my experience la the mle of it for the last A yearn, lam prepared to my that there 1* no better, and I think meat woa aupentsde an'Li a.racnu of lika character. V. J. DICKINSON. Ahaawt,May, SI. I&sS—Being recently revere!v aWteted wtto aa attack of RheumUism. I procured a bottle of the above named preparation, acd war entirely relieved boa the diaeaee in a toort ttme. from a fcw armiiaaoM. 1 vol uctary eUterr.r.tTr thTl!*n. t of the pob- Hh. andfttmia eae ofgnkUudetoDr. Alien. It maybe. aad douhtlsee Uty many who havr wrw tHed it. raliid a quack mvdicin*; but if •jaackerj alwaye gives a* certain aad M^toV-s^ a -■ rSmUby K. L. STROHICKLRA^co (korjii. WantH, A rmpou*bit la every txmihm u>wn CaCTSOBW EtxxTßOPT—Don't “f “va Northern UaiimntdatU they have gives thebouihara Licuneat a mi* D% iieptic Uemeily, UIIW 11 Bintrdy dues’ y*i> l> * till o’ l>>-pe|>Ur H.liV Ky*lirplr [‘•’“‘“J .I—’ I>T*l” f>*le Kruudy HlS*.’ Py[‘rF** r ItosmertV |llls* Il>r|ie|dlt Uenejr Ulim’ lly.iirplir llrmrdf till**- lJy*}iepilc Urmrrljr Uli-s’ Ujr,p.plif llroirdjf lias the Largest Kale lias Ibe lArgr-t Kale Una tbc largest Kale ILk (hr Largest Kale Hn* Use Largest Kale Ila* (lie truest Kale Has the l.argisl le lias the Largest ‘ale Ila* (He Lait;rst Kale Has (be Kale Os any -Mecllelne In (be World. Os any Mtllciite In (ar W’arhL Os any Medicine in (he World. Os any Mi dieittc in Ihe World. Os any Ml.tulnr i:l Ihe World. Os assy Flrdlelite In Ihe World. Os any Meillt-lne In (he World. Os any Meillelne In (hr World. Os any Mrdtrlnr In (he World. Os any M< ah lnr in the World. IlMt.OUd ParKajjeu IWI.IIiSI Pat kagrs lihmhmi Parkagra IddtHHl Pac kage* IIM.IHM Pav bakes llKl.tkMl Peehagrs lOtMHHt Package* I.MI.GUG Harka^ra lOtl.uwi Parkagn lUU.iftAI Package* Mil In Georgia and Kooth Carolina Koltl In Grori(la anti Kostth Carolina Hold In and Koalh ( aroUna Sold In Georgia and -ouih Carolina Bold In <.iiHr::la anil South Candlna Kold In Georgia ni.d Kauth Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Koltl In <ieor,la and Konlh Carolina Kold In Gtot sis and Konlh Carolina Kold in Georgia anti South Carolina In Fourteen Months. In i'..nrteeii Months. In Fonrteen Month*. In Fourteen Month*. In Fourteen Months. In t-'i-ui-tcen .Months. In Fourteen Months. Iti Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Mouths. In Fourteen Month*. It I* W arvnnted to Core It Is W arrant* il to Cure It Is W arranted to Cure It Is W arrantcil to Cure It Is W arranted to Cure It Is W arranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It is Wa ranted to Cure It Is \\ arranted to Cure St I* \V arrotited to Cure If lMreetion* are Followed, If INrertion* arc Followed. If IHreetions are Followed. It lflreetlons a, e Followed, If Direction* are Followed. If Dlrecllon* are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Dircetions are Followed It Dircetions are Followed, It Directions ore Followed, Any l ase of Dyspepsia Any € ase of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dysjn p-la Any ( ase of D> spcpsla Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any ( ise of Dyspepsia Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, l iver Dl-ease, Liver Disease. Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, filer Disease, Liver Disease, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice. Jaundice, Jamultee, Jaundice, J art ad lew. Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, fieneral Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, Palpitation. Paipltalloi, Palpitation. Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation. Palpitation. Palpitation, Palpitation. Palpitation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrho-a, Chronic Diarrhiea, Chronic Diarrhoea. Chronic IMarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diairhota, Giddiness, G id'll ness. Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Depressed Spirits, Depressed ‘pi lit s, (Depressed Spirits. Depressed Spirit*. Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits. Depressed Spirits. Depressed Spirits, Loss of Appetite, I.o*s of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, I.oss of Appretite . Loss of Appetite, Loss of Vppetiti. Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, lares of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Palo In Side ami Hack, Pain lit Side anil Hack. Pain in Side anil Berk, Pain In Side anil Back, Palo In side and Back. Pain In Side and Hack. Pain In Mde and Buck, Pain in Side and Back, Pain In Side anil Back, Pain In Side and Back. It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It b Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It is Especially Adapted lo It Is Espci tally Adapted Gl It Is E*{iecla!ly Adapted to It Is Espci tally Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Coimpis lots ; Female Complaints; Female Compiaiut ; Female. Complaints; Female Com plaints ; Female Complaints ; Female Complaints; Female Com plaints ; It Produce* itotuudiiy or Form It Produ es Hot nudity of Form It Produce* Eotuudity of Form It Produces ltot tend I• y of Form It Produces itotuiidity of Form It Produce* Itotuudiiy of Form It Produce* llotundiiy of Form It Produce* K it ■■■■< it y of Form It Produces K ituiidity of Form It Produces lloiundity of Form In Females of a Thin and spare Habit. In Female* of a Tlilo and spare Halil-. In Females of a i liln and Spare llobit. In Females of a Tlit.-i and ‘inirt Habir, In Female* of a Tfiln and spare liahit. In Femal-s of a ‘I iiiu and ‘>(wrr Habit. In Kemali-s nt u Tliiu anil spare Habit. In Femali-s eif a Tiiin ami Sparc llablj In Females of a ‘l'llin and spare Habit 111 Females of a Tt.ln and sp ‘re Habit. Scud a Postage Stamp t.i tin Proprietors tor their Pamphlet on -Diseases of Ktom ach and Bowels.” W. W. Bl.lss dt Cos., Proprtrto ■.. J i3 way , New Vork. For Sale in Macon, >v ZFILIN’ a iIUNT. Carpeting and Oil €lo(h. i* A ROLLSi>uj<nro{htv style and qualities, of Ta ‘ll f POT. Vtl vet ar c Bnuw!i. Tire* ply.lngraij and Minerfine Rues and Mata. Flow Oil Cloth* bl ail width* from a y *rd to IS feet, sultabh for Haiti arid Dtnirg Rooma. Cocoa and India &•■• *. In tX above good- we can ahow the largest and best aaeort ment ia the City. Houae-kveienare requested to examine on Stock, before making their Fa', caret as* s. u. r. Ritss * 00.. Macon, act H—ts Arch Block. erry street. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Fhiladelp tiia. .4 Benevolent Institution tsfaUished hj Special En dowment for the Relief of the Sick and Dis tressed, afflicted \citit Virulent and Epi demic Diseases. 1* time* of Epidemic*. it U tie obiect of tbf* Institution to establish Hcapitals, to prov de Nurses. Physicians. Cioth ***• F*e, M-dnanes, Ac . for the aick and destitute, to take ~"t* of the orphan* of decked, and to minister in . *JJ2 way to the rede! of the affinted. and the health ft I* the duty • f the Idredora. at uch ‘■}*’b er * ,J t>aJlj the injected districts, and to provide Sm rtre'Mt. “,-un.erou. phyeWan*. tot act Sfi,^.^.a. r *^. u>g . A * f cltlo3. ueoally enrol their name* 1 ftev of Cm#? *** 10 heealied upon to attend iu hoapitaia, u. J?/ eet ? < l^ Te ,‘ u V‘ I on “ d ton* suffering under ! medical aid lo per caaracter, ****** poweu, m*J- Various KEF- R 1 mk: tiucTSon the t*tn M .„* •—*- BBent of Cfcronle IM-—in-. }-y J-® , nt l^® re tiaat been published so dutrlbnUon. £^^n°Kl h *’ r ? rKKlofeHAKOEu,Uenfflui*£ ™Ua. and U 1 besent Address.fbr Reports of treatment, l>r. GEORfiF R r-, i j HorS, Consulting Stur,:, lioviMAseectufom No L * South Ninth Street. Philadelt h.a, Fa- °“’ i '°‘ * I By order of tie Director*. EZRA D. HEAJtTWILC, President OEO. FAIRCHILD, secret*, y. I : act. 8—1866—1 )* piiOOH OIL CLOTHS dfhU wlctha, jo st received an I -T (br Culyd-tf) B. T. RCSB * C 0.4 I NEW BOOKS AT Boardmans Book Store. \MERICAN ELOQCENCE, In ! volumes. A New Cyclopedia of Commerce. BudoaV Oyclop.dla of Wit ana Humor. A Hardv Book on Property Law. Man upon Ihe Sea, by Goodrich. Roataafc passages in South-western ITldory. lib Beneath die Waters. Tl.e ita> <1 tut n.< the Heart, bv T. K. Arthur. William the Cor.qucror, by Qeh. ir C. Napier, lssi-r Thom. Anew edition of Edgar A. Toe's works. The Treacher and the King. The t’riert and the Uv<ueuoC Lied Get'-ge Ben trick, by LltafaeU. Beatrice t end. Debit and Credit. Mai'* Robert Snerman Potter. Douglas .1 errold’s Wit. Uetie BriUan on a Tour, Life aad Times of Hugh Miller, entire of the Betsey. Testimony of the Rocks. Jeffeiwr,'? Works. Bulwer't Novels, oompb-te. Grote's History of Greece. !• panew Urea* Papers Lord Montague's G. P. K. Janee. Tue Three Beauties, by Mr.. South worth. Ventilation In American Dwellings. Pen—lea of Fsnilly Naans. Wisdom, Wit and llnmor. (Stepstowards tlesveu. Jieu'i M(.nu Tsaulogy. M /p .h a Braver Hook. Wayside Pictures In France, Holland, Belgium and up se Rhine. Wild t it here Scenes. Also, si . rge asMirtment of flneFanillv Bft les. *■-. -.t-tf J. M. Bo.\RDM AN. New Candy Factory,and BAKERY. ORX A MEN TED Cake, and Plain, supplied to Pamilie ■ Weddings acd Parties,according to order. ALSO, Candy by the Box,(assorted for Merchants,) ofthebett qnality,warranted, and at the lowest prices. Orders for the aboveor for Drngs, Garden Seeds,Hnti Fruits, Ac. promptly attended toby J. H. A W. 8. ELLIS, nov*— ts Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. E. SAULSBURY. Washington Block, Opposllc Lutiler House, MACON. GA., TAKES tleasure in informing his customers and buyers | generally, that he ts now prepared to offer one of the most elegant and attractive stocks of FALL AND WINTER COODS, For Gentlemen's wesr, that can te exhibited In thec.ty. C-p slant additions ot deairal ie goods will be made by every 11 - .is In hi- eniplov one of the BEST IT ITK.Rsi -til 111 OF NEW YORK, andean execute ai’ ordersi L** uiiNKt tni itylc ard at ►horiootice. ext I®— CLOTHING. HORACE FITCH & CO., Having received a very large Stock cf Summsr Clothing, MADE up expressly for the Mimnier Trade, of the latest Style, amt of the best gjods. are n w ready to offer -real Inducements to any one who may wish to purchase READY MADE CLOTHING. WeabolitTß a farjre >tock of ail Irinds of 0t emen Fur I iiUhii rs OixxJa, mill as are usually louLd in ClotMng Stom Youth sand Chi dren Clothing. A large Stock of Youth's and Children’s Clothing, also on r and heh we are cffrriT>g very low. TRUNKS, VALISES, BONNET BOXES AND OATtPET BAGS. Having in connection w:th onrStrck of Clothing, fitted up an upstair- room directly over tho sfure. where ai ail times, cat* found one of t he la'g-st Siocar (to te found iuibeci'y) of all kinds of Trunks, V albes. Bonnet Boxes Mid Carpel •ag?: .nd we invete all who are in want, or iy good- in lur ,e toca . and examine for then selves 4 efore 1 uriiiasi- gelsw vrore. f-T we are U.und t” sell Cheap for the Keady Cash which we nerd at all times. _ _ . j .nei .‘im 11. PITCH A CO. FREE ** EVERYBODY H. E. HOYT A CO.’S New Catalogue for 1859. IT CONTAINS THE Lai seNl I.ikt of I ncßil, Oriia nieulal and Ynliiable Gifts EVER PUBLISHED! Gekate* Iswroxa ksts re stun than ever liefore off ered b> any oth-r e-tabh-hmerit in the United Stales. tir-ater mducenu n S'o purchaser*, who receive with each Bonk a GIFT, va-yiog in value from E ivtt Cxnts to Uss HVSI,*ET’ Dollaxs. TL £3 IVI B M 13 E H the Great Southern Gift Book St- re is the okly o.nx that stands end rsed by the ENTIRE PREJtS OF BALTIMORE. ! Write for a Catalogue, which contains a ?x li explanation \ and will be mailed free to any address. H. E. HOTT A CO., mart—sm* tl Baltimore st.. Baltimore ,Md- KILLIARD BALLS. / tl'E 1 EATIIEKS, Wax, Ac., always on band and so Vv sale at low prices, by s-:adv.*wtf. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. FOR SALE ON t®NC CftEBIT. I offer the plantation near Araei k-ns, formerly owned by T. L Holt-six niili-s roni Americua, on the Miickalee creek, containing six h umlretl and teven acres, two hundred and fifty acres cleared, with all the necessary 1 uildiuvs. negro houses, gin house, screw, Ac. TheplacewlU besuldat ahargainacu on a lone credit. Apply to T\ M. Kurlow, at Americus, or to rue at tins place. JAMES W. GRIFFIN. HlMklM.Mf 0TC 1 Bostick,Keiti tV Cos., Having fust returned from New York, for the Third Time thl-S'Ssoii. we are prepared to iffer extraordinary induce ments ra DRESS GOODS, As many of them were b urfct after tlie Jobbing Trade wif over, aud they will be sold les tiian tLe cost of Importation. We take plea* l ire in showing our GG)IH, and trust to oor Price*, ®Ld U*e interest of our friends and cusloiuers for Success in TradeJ BOSTICK, KF.IN .& CO. my 17—ts City Residence FOR SALE. r E r- o-t deelraMe and beautiful residence Iq 1 tbeceutml j :irt .f the city Is now offered for / W J ! “ *ile. on the mt liiferal term.-. WJill The lot c ntA iM ne ju;r- *t ground, frirrounded |R| II ’j al. *\ sir t-?sand al to . and U ‘Hiproved ui the mopt MiifstanUal nnuiner. The I louse eon tains Sa uare rooms wiili fireplace in each, with wide tLrough the middle ot the main • dMing, heaide * tth room, paiitry, store room and c.o**et*-, alt near and fin*abed ’n the tiest etyle t) tai ill tl m aaai out tmlkUnn, Ciifiafß Hoe e, stable, r- ach house chick.u houae, rtmoke houae. Alk) t\ ro wel •* of water, one of which h&a in ii a force aud lift ing Lump ; with ]*V)fett of hiee attac*hed. hydrant and ciatem in * iheynnl. beaidea a choice variety of shrubbery and Fruit Tree.-, all ina thrift? and flourishing condition. F< r furl her j.arlicularb apply to J.O EDWARD* 1 • dec. 17—ts Real Estate Agent. AT HO .YI E AGAIN! FLOYD HOUSE, Maoou, Ga, r nude -sign and has a*ain opened th- above I K *teL wiiere he wil* ievwdt* -eeh ! af rm ‘fe^iM tr A t urorMx H rse Omnibus will N* in pronn tai tendance on the S'-rieal of ail the trains, t • convey PasKei gers t • and frm *be li* te! FREE OF CHARGE. M m sft in he had on the arrivat of all the night train?. f*harge* moderate. ‘I nideraand Piisinew men will do - ell to make this House the r Lome during their stay in Macon, it be ngee tral. rr Reference-Call and ree 11. P. R KDDI Vi. Pro prietor. I*. >. He sure to take the Floyd Hou*e Omnibus. jan.7 MACON LAMP STOREI i IsTo. 11 COTTON AVENUE. IMPROVED COAL OIL! A T S X „ s. PER GALLON. BOLSHAW & HERZOG^ New Music, TWO HUNDRED PIECES New Popular Music, Forthe PIANO anil GUITAR, just received by , Juneg|—lf. -I, J, A S. I’, RICHARDS, Dr. Samuel Tarver, CIONTINUES tbe practice of Medicine. surgery and / Obvteirieaat Parkers’ Mat ion. No. ll>s on tl e Central 11, ■ 1- ‘ i ‘\‘. 11 is Past Office addrvm •pier's Torn Out Jeffers, .n Counly. I’articular attention (Aid tv the treat meet <4 Chronic Disease*. Any mile person who lsalTLoted !'h Dyspepsia, Impotency. Involuntary Emis -iona, Gonorrhoea, Drojey, or 1 iies, mar. by at plying tome, And relief. And any female that it aflLeted with Dyspe, sis. Liver Cum plaint. Dropsy, Chkeost*. Amenorriuca, Prolap to* Uteri. Leocorrhn-a, Dysmenorrhea. or pile*, may. bv ap olytng to me in person or by letter, find relief. Persons liv ing at a distance, by writing a statement of their cases can hare pn.~cilpti-.ns anil Medicine sent to them by Mail. Chance* moderate. nov. 1.1.1858.—1v* LJAMI AND lII.nnFACTdK V.- Thenn 3 dertigned il (til!prepared to manufacture ail ktndi >f\t iniiotvbttkb. Itlinds, I'aunel Door* •nJ ( urprn try Work to order. Haring always on ’.and, the belt leasoned and well assorted lumber, ht will warrant hi* work to be of the moat substantial anc durable £ ascription. He will also contract for any sise or style of baildih. end execute the same with all needful dispatch. Ordei reepcctfuiiy solicited. JOHN KNIGHT prtS—tf Valuable Plantation for Sale. lAM now offering for sale my plantation in Jones County seven miles above Macon, on the Ocmn.gee River, con | mining l*ou acres ot land. Attached to the place is 300 acm -wamp d, (river bottom). Terms one and two yearr redit. An▼ one wishing to purchase v uable Lauda, will do weL to call and examine the above u I am determined to toll. I aprtt—tl ROBERT JCHDT. S2OO Reward. ■*} rNAWAT fre*n the subscriber o the *Bth of Sept.l6S IV mv boy t'avte, ave-v white mulaUe. IS y ars > Id weigh t>* lb*., has a large mole or tit on the right Bt*e of his nrvk, a scur at ove his r.gbt knee, and hlsb gs below hi. knee* are st-ottn! hr •m. He left on the Cars for Maes’, and was out off at the id or ad station. He wore a drab velvet cap. a blu.- Fact “TV Bailor Jacket, a striped hickory shirt, brown Cotton and Wool pants and black r hoe*. , 1 b ‘lievc be w-s enticed sway by seme white Rascal, if so, twin pav the above re ward tor the reiure of ihe B")on proof to convict the >ie vho Gnik him off, or lwl.l p*yfor the return of H -v or hi- confinement 1” any Jaileothat I get ; “asisrs?. tfissZt k^a wll^ FLINT HOUSE. Macon. G-a. INORMERLY known a- the Macon House, on xau r First Street, oppiMte Patton. Collins A Co.'s, uas been recentlv fitted up with a Urge addition, ni||H , for theaccetumtslaUon of Boarders and the travel- ItIIMB lug Public, who will find it to their interest, if stop- piag a sow days in Maoon, to give us a call and see for them selves. The Proprietortliankful tor past ftivors, fatter* him -elf that by strict attention to business, be will receive his-hare of public patronage. Passengers wislilng to stop at the above hottse, when arriv ir.gatthe I -ep< t wiil ask for it* Repreerntatlve. The table shall not be inferior to any in the substantial- of life. Price of Board : Tor a single meal fi .SO Supper, Ixalging and Breakfast 1.16 By the l)ay 1.80 Single t* eeU 8.00 By the Mouth (Board and Lodging) 10.00 lan 4*—tf THOS H. E'I.INT, Proprietor. SCHEDULE QN THE South-Western Railroad OVER WHICH PASSES The great \ew York aad w Orleans Mails. *i:sm nswiini IS Two Daixt Txauts bctwexn Macox asd Columbcs. On and after July 29th. LEAVE Macon atll 45. p. m.. and 9 45 a. m.. Arrive in Co lumbus 585 a. m.. and 8 45. p. m. Leave Columbus, I 4 a. m. *nd3 45 p.m. Arrive In Macon 9 SO a. m. at and 918 p. m. StIVIES MACON, AI.BANT AND DAWSON. ; Leave Macon 11 45 p. m. Arrive ia Albany 6 25. a. m 1 Dawson 6 00 p. m. j Leave Albany 8 CO. p. m., Dawson 140 p. m. Arrive in Macon 918, p. m. Tri-wei-klv Accomodation train Down, Monday, YTednes d#v and Friday. Up—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. | Leave Macon 7, li, a. m„ Arrive at Dawson tSO p.m., . Albany 4 82. p. m. Leave Albany 6 SO, a. m., Dawscn .Arrive at Macon 911 p. m. Tiaim to Columbus form a through connection to Mont ffomerv, Albany and Augusta, Knoxville, Wilmington, Sa vani xh, Mt’led’geville and Katmton, Mail Stages to and from Ta!lahass'e,Thomasvl!le.and Bain bridge, Ac,, connect dally with regular Trains at Aibany.— ’ also from Dawson tri-weekly to Cuthhert, Fort Hacks run six a week from Fort Valley to Perry, HayneaviUe and Hawkinsville, and tri weekly to Knoxville, Georgia. Pascetiger* tor points below Fort Valley should take the l>ay Trains from Angustaand Savaursh to avoid detention In Macon. For other point* take either Train. Fir-1 c!a*- sfteamehios leave Savannah tor New York, on Wednesdays and -aturdays. Pa-sage in the Cabin #ls; Steerage (and. Through Tickets can lie pr>ctiri 1 f: m Ral! R ad Agents at Montgomery, Columbus aid A.limy via f-avrnnah to New York, bv s'ea'n shtpa, in Cabin, as folioi’ kl utgomery #26; Columbus C2o . Aibany 924 25. aag 6 ts VIRGIL PO TKR3. Bupt„ CENTRAL RAIL ROAR, Taggiunkk stiHHsu ‘ng^kiem^jf J* i—ll MS4er. x. Zw. g tf—_ii—m -t CHANCE OP SCHEDULE. ON and after Thursday, July 15th, 1858, the Train* will be run as follows: Leave Savannah 12 ‘5 P. M. and 11 48 P. M. Arrive in Augusta 7.80 A. M. aud 6.30 P. M. i Arrive In Mac. u 11.00 P. M. and 9.00 A. M. j Arrive in Milledgevihe 1 oo P. M. Leave Macoi 10.45 A. M.und 10.00 P. M. Arrive in Savannah 7.20 A. M. and 9.30 P. M. Arrive in Aoguela 7.80 A. At. and 6.80 P. M. , Arrive in Milledgevllle 1.10 P.M. Leave Augusta..” 15 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. Am*e in Savannah 7.20 A. M. arid >'.Bo. P. M. Arrive in Macon 9.00 A.M. and 11.00 P. M. Paetengers for points beyond Atlanta, on the Western A At’*.tie Kail Heart, will leave Savannah on the 12.15 train, and arrive In Atlanta at 7.15 next morning. Passengers fort .ttineugevilie an* aatoutun wtli leave by the 11.45 train. Both train- eenned nt Macon with the Macon A We-tera Road for Atlanta, atl l with the South Western Rail Road to Albany. Americua, < olumbuaand Moutg inery.and at Milieu with the Augusta and Havaonan Rail Road fur Augi'-ta and he North. GkO. W. ADAMS, luly 30—ts General Superintendent. >1 ICON Jt WIXTEBN K. ROAD. ON aid alter u July, trahis will be run as follows: Leave Mvcon at 12 night. Arrive at Atlanta 7.15. A. M. Leave Macon at 10 A. M., Arrive at Atlanta 4.00. P. M. Leave Atlanta at 12 night. Arrive at Macon 7.15 A. M. Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M„ Arrive at Mac.u 5.00 P.M. The 10 a. m. train from Macon connects with the Western A Atlantic Road at 8 40, p. m.; connects with the Georgia Road 12 at night, and Atlanta A West Point Road at 12 5 a. m. The night train will not be run on Sunday-. The completion of the Virginia and Tennessee Rail Road makes this the most pleasant and direct route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS, Through tickets to which may be had at Atlanta, for (26 25 including Stage fare. fi7 00, and to New York for $3! 00. Further information may be had in relation to this Route, on application to the General Ticket Office. Atlanta. July 28—ts. ALFRED L. TYLER, Supt. NEW FURNITURE. THE subscriber has just receiv ed, and will continue to receive from the best New York City mann ‘acturers, a large and handsome *• SEsJgfc : sortment of the latest stylet cf FntMTrRF.. CHAINS, AC. gif* He aiso manufactures Furniture of the very best workmanship, and at the lowest market prices. The fol lowing list comprises a part of ihe articles always on hand : Rocking chairs of erery style, Parlor chairs, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Cane seatchalrs. Office and Window chairs. Cottage chairs, Bedsteadsfrom $5 to SIBO, Side Boards, Wash stands, Corner stands. Wardrobes, Safes, Bureaux—Mahogany,Walnut and Rose Wood. Dining Tables, Folding and Plain Tables. Centre and Side Tables, Conches,Trunnell Bedsteads, Cradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Bock cases. Hat stands, Looking Glasses, Childrens’carriages and cabs, WindowshaJes, Featherdustera, Onrled hair and cotton MaUrassea. B F. ROSR DRS, M'DONAID & VAN GIESEN, DENTISTS, Washiiifftfin Blfk. Martin, G*., ELECTRICITY USED IN EXTRACTING TEETH. M.|lO\ \I.I)'K Tooth Paste Slwnyi j* hand and for sale. Dentist*can be supnlled with the finest style of T**lh, .Iso Gold Foil. Gold and M!v it, ore-. Ac . also with any kind ot Instrument*or Material-on short notice. oct. 16—If FOR NEW YORK. FAKE REDUCED, Freight and, Passage as Low as by any other OTEAMEnS. Cabin Passage. :::: sls. Bj the splendid and commodious Sidc-ulieel Steamers AUGUSTA 1,50 Una Capt. M.B. WoodbulL FL RITA, I.nuo “ “ I-aac rowel 1, \LA HAMA 1,400 “ “ Ge</. R. Scheuck. An 1 first class Propeller OF THE S UTil ( l.luO C'apt. Thomas Lyon. a. a. These steamships belong to the old (• “üb’lshed anc mYffrrj’i I . favorite line, known as the York and bavannah r raK *ll wfiX ny.’ aml in ininfi rt, acm modutlon anc fare, caiinotbe -jEfijS- --m-. excelled. They are com ■ * i re n landed by experienced, •killtul, careful and polite officers PADSLFORD, FAT A CO., • Agent*, Savannah. SAM CEL L. MITCH ILL ,V SON, ts Agents, New York. JUST RECEIVED Landreth’s New CroD Turnip Seed of 1858. WHITE FLAT DUTCH TURNIP SEED. M RED TOP RUT A BAUA TURNIP SEED. LARGE GLOBE TURMP SETD. LARUE NORFOLK TURNIP SEED. Kentucky Blue Grass Seed. RESCUE GRASS SEED. liUCia RN E SEE T>. For sale at UKI> PWIIPS Drug and Chemical Store Macon. Ga„ inly 80.1418.—ts No Calomel, Antimony. BLEEDI VO or BLISTERING ! HEALTH, STRENGTH and. Long Life. I ALL CURABLE MALADIES SPEED ILY & PERMANENTLY CURED: *ar i ’try Low Charge*! I/ift Giving Ytg rtnblt lit met ties.j&B lAM convinced, f-orn .10 years v edic.1 Lxjerbncc. that seven-tenth* of all ibe diseases that; til ct mankind. grow i out of au abuse of the Sexual • rgan-. Hence, unlike any , o'ter Phvticutn, of anch-nt or modern time*, I often t-eat and I I cure many old i.<l lingeiing maladies. jin* by keeping that 1 Let in view. Debilitated or Diseased byatema, fn m secret ‘ I Hah.te. or eels abuse, or Maaturbatlon. or fr in any other I oju.-e.- whatever, whether in old or young, are quietly and ■ -ff. dually rrlnvlfora'ed under my treatment, by the sooth- I i ing and aromatic t (feds or mild, pleasant aid delightful reru- ‘ [ eoles. Uni rmy treatment the exhausted and weakened pa- ‘ ‘lent i< soon In sound health, to his family, f i. ndi>, I himself and-oclety. M y rvtnc die* brace up the pat iect, forth ‘ (y the wh le bodv, and give tone and energy to every ue-vs | ■ind muscle of the entire structure —they are pure Vegetate e ‘ extracts from (Juins. Barks. Leaves. Blossoms, Seeds, Ac., udi>- some cases the sound heaJ'h aid strength of c rtatn . living creatures arc trail*'us* and into the dua-ei hod* of my ‘ ufeclrl- and patient. The moment they are used they com mence strei gthe’ ire die whole syst. m, they equalUe the cir- i culatroo of the bits a. promote ttie action of the Liver and all he secretions, and ty no po sitle can thev do anv Injury. E. ANDREWS, M. D , Albany, N. Y, IF” Office No. Si. State Mieet. P- S —Sud as are in n*ed of treatment, should state their cases tully. and enclose two stamps, and they will t* prf'mt t- i ii replied by return mail, with refeienccs to many eminent i and rti-tingu s-.d i+i*.i.s h the So them States, who have kind.y pern Hod u eto me tinirnames. Direct all tetters thus : ..... Da. E - ANDREWS, July B—ts. Office Ho. 91 State Street, Albany, H.Y. I JACOB’S CORDIAL. 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Planters Take Nonce Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Reinedv And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Sale in Macon, by ZEILIN & HUNT. SANfHCZ’ SPECIFIC THAT GREAT HI MEDY THAT GREAT Ri-MEDY THAT GREAT KtiiEDY THaT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHtZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC THE ONLY POSITIVE CCRE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE’ PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE FOR GONORRHOEA k GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA & GLEBE. FOR GONORRHOEA A GLEET. FOR GONORRHEA & GLEET FOR GONORRHOEA fc GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA A GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA A GLEET. SAVES A BIG DOCTOR'S BILL saves a big doctor’s bill SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL BAV*S A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S 811.1. IS EASILY TAKES IS EASILY T/> KEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN LS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CUKE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WIU. EFFECT A CUKE WITH Lt'SS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WIKI LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WUH LESS TROUBLE MORE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY moke; SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AMI PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AM) PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN hEMEOT THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TEST one package TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE Every Druggist an<l Country Merchant should keep a supply of thu valuable Remedy, Dot only from the prof its that accrue from ita sales, but as an act of philan thropy towards suffering humanity. It will be mada to the especial and pecuniary interest of all Druggists to purchase by W. W. BLISS k CO., PROPRIFTOR3, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. For Sole In ~ - Macon, by ZEILIN A HUNT. Fresh Arrival! 1 All CHOICE D'itd Beef Tongues, i \7 “ 6 < ‘asks new Pig Harrs, 20 Ibe. fne 1 ried Beef, ltd Fresh Bologna bausages. 20 1-2 bids. Pick led Beef and Pork, 4 1-2 “ Pigs Heads, roniettdng new. In store, and for sale by OREER A FREEMAN. i aprr l_tf WAR IN EUROPE! BUT GROCERIES IN MACON! mi imp & mins WOULD respectfully announce to their friends, and the public, that they have now In store a very large and well I selected stick of uROC'EKIKH to which their attention is most cordially Invited. The following lea list of the leaning articles: ■2OO Bags Rio, Lagulra aud .lava ; Coffee. 75 Barrels SUGAR, of all qualities. 150 Boxes TOBACCO. 200,000 CIGARS, from $5 to S6O per thousand. 15 Bales Osnabur^g. 50 Bales RAGGING. 50 Coils Rope. SIOO Bbls. 1.14)1101* of every quality and kind, from the fine t Olard, Dupuf’ dc Co’s Braii4ls,down to Rectified Vt taisky and in fact every thing that I he Planter or Mer chart can wan in the line of Groceries. Don't fall to call and exan ine their i stoca kefore purchasing elsewhere. may 34 I SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGOBATOR, N VER DEBILITATES. IT Is o impounded entirely from Gums, and has become an cst&bliatied fact, a standard Medicine, known and .ij*| rov hc all that have used jt.l i and is now resorted to with cuntdence In all the dis I _ {cases for widen It is recom mended. : QC > It has cored thousand.- 1 .within the last two years who had mvenunaUhopsst , w ’ofrclief. as the numerous un-ottettd ceitittcatrs i> f (*” niy possession show. The dose mast he a ’apt f Jed to the ten neramen* of th individual taking *- ;:n and used in Men quantities as toaet p-ntly on ihe bow i K ;e!s. L t the and c’atcs of y uii Q ijiuLfinent guide you in the use of the LIVER I.V< ;VI(iOII \TtIK and it will cure Liter C m-( tilsinU. Hi i.itts At tacks. I>yl>e|i>i ( t’hrnnlr Ilianh.x-n, summer Complaints,! Oltsenlcry. Dropsy, (s..iir stomach Hs-lift-f 35. I 11 " 1 Corthenest, Chol ic. Cboicrn. Ch -lcrk( mmm ;Vlorlitts. t h.ttrra In fan lu m, FTattttPi'CP.l ’.la Had Ice, Female tA ea k nesses a.d mat/ { ud suer ssfnly man Ordinary Family filC ; Medici... It will .uiv s|< K HEAD tdli mi ?<as thousai.ds cm-. tiaify.) In twenty iniiniles, il( Si ttttnfulls arc lake ( ra eumn.eneemeiit of et tack ‘ ‘ VII who use i artt —■ | lilnj thei- testimony lit ita taror. • * MIX W\T R B\ THE MOUTH WITH THK l\Yi* OKATOH. \M* ‘W ALLoH BoTH To- ... Price One Dtdlnr per Buttle. ALSU SA^FoRD’S family CATHARTIC PILLS, COMIC NP P FROM Pure Vegetable t xtracls ami put up in GLAS 1 * C\- i>, Air TLhl. and wilt keeplu any t limaic. The family C*tlir-( ‘le ill is a eentle hut ac tive ratharie sri icn tin j oyriel, r has ustd in his prdc ie? nur i han uaiyr OOtyeA,. Tlu cnotni|y increis j -lug demand from who have lo * used Iher (PflLL* and the aatir£ic tit.n wi ich il express ii : ■ to the r use. has in duced me to place ihtno t w.tnin tl* reach of all. The pnfe?s on well kuowj ™• til at different Cathartics act on differut portions off A . f the bowels. The FAMILY ( \-j tTH thTIO PILL has. with due reftsieoceto this* (well esuhlished fact, l**rn Conpi'Qadtd from a varle-J t*F of the purest \ egeiabie Extracts, which act alike. Jon every part of the ali mentary canal, and are, (good and anfe in a;leases where a Cathartic is bee*’-} p* (ed such as || era n c e nieiita of the Stomach J (Meeplaew, Patn *n the llack and Loins,; QC ((kMllfcnMi, I aln and NirraeiH over ih es l whole Inxiy, from suu d ii co <l. which frequent-} jly. if ne*tl-cted, end in a long coins *of Fever. |>*’ (es Appellle t a Oeep- t f Fold; ;<ner ilie body. Hwi* leswnew*. Ileadaehe. 01 L. (m efc hi In Ihe Head, all Inllainmaiory iJiseas-; 1 (M, ornwl* vhuarrn ••r kdulfft, Hilt*lima*; arf (lUni 9 agreat P.iiiller of rile and many li A ‘easedto wiiuh tlesii is heir, o.’ numerous to mention ‘ ‘ln advertit einent.— Hone, 1 to 3. PRICK 30 CE\T9. The Liver lavlxorator and Family Cathartic I*ll U are retailea by Druggiels generally, ana sold wholesale t>y tne trade iu all the large towns. S. T. W. SANDFORM, Manufacturer *nd Proprietor, SHft Broad wav. N. T. Retailed bv all Druggists, ►rid also ly Z El LIN A HUM QKO. PAYSB. and Mi£NARL & CAHTLEN, .Macou. jiiLe 17,— LATEST KEWS BY THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. ‘IIO all whom It may concern, this is to notify th publi A tii a.t ISAACS Is at home, and bees to assure his patrons that his Sa loon is not a tiling of a Wav. CitUens and the traveling public will find their establish meet open, not tor the Season only, but all Seasons of th© year, and those ca'ling on us, will at all hours, find our larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other market will afford, in the way or eatables and something good to drink, and six days out of seven, more than can be found in any house in town, E. ISAACS A BRO’. Under Ralston's Hall, Cherry St. His Bill of Fare will every day. Be just the thing for little pay ; And thoee, who at their p.ace may eat. Will find in it all things complete— And going once, thev then will know, That ISAACS, is the PLACE to go. We shall be happy to see our friends, ensuring them that it will be our unremitting care to please in every respect, **> .iatter ourselves, we have done till now. It may r e geuerally known that we have, to meet the wish es of the Medical fa< nlty, imported by ourselves, a very Mipe rior quality of Pale Brandy, fine old Port, Sherry and Made da, posseting all the Medicinal quaduet, so much desired by 1 them. Look at this Bill of Fare and choose for yourself: OYSTERS, From Kew York, Savannah and Brunswick In the shell or by :he measure, raw, fried, owed, or in any way you want them. Also. Shrimps and Crabs. Wild Fame of every variety, a, Vemsnn and Beef Ste: as, mJßkk Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, sSf2*l Ham and Eggs, ‘a Devil Ham and Deviled Terapins. - dL MOUNTAIN OYSTERS, Ai&T TURTLE SOUP, Wood-Cock Grouse, Mountain Geeae, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and every thing that au epicure wants, can | always be had when in season. Confectionaries & Fruit ISAACS, also keeps constantly on h->nd a good assortment of Confectionaries, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, All of which can be purchased at low prices for CASH. Be sure and call at. K. UtAAOt >V liKO SAVE FREIGHT AND COMMISSIONS! Carhart & Curd. Airy* SOLE AGENS FOR FAIRBANK S SCALES. \FULL Assiriment of Platform and Countor Scales now In store sod fur sale at their prices. NO FREIGHT ADDED, enters taken fir Railroad Wsre-h use and other large . Si ca!es. We will see them properly put up. may 11—ts. C., M. 6c W. and S. W. R. R. f 1 UANO, will foe the present, be transported over the \Jf Central Kail road to Macon, or to any Station on that and the Eatouton Road, in any quantity, to any Consignee, at s•’ 00 per ton of 2 100 pounds, and over the Macon and V\ estern. and South-Western Kailtoads, < rto any station on either of tliese Roads, at f 1.00 per ton of 2,00 pounds, pro vided each Sact is n irked with conslgnee'i nau e GEO. V\ ADAMS, tien l Sup’l C. R. R. AL’HIiD TYLIR, “ “ M.AW.R Vi KOTJ. POWERS, “ “ S. W. K. Feb. *5, I: 48 Oysters, Game, &c. C* H. FREEMAN, t CO, ARE now ready to serve Customers in every style of the Gastronomic art, with FISH, FLESH, AND FOWL, at their Fating Saloon, Tottnn Avenue, Macon. They * ill have supplies of Fish and OysU*r>, by everv train from the Seaboard, well am f iWef, Game, Fulton market. New York, by every >t*ner. They have alao made arrangements for regular supplies of Chickens, Turkeys, Ac..from Cherokee Georgia, and Tennes see dur ng the reason, and solicit* callfrum their friends and the public. nov. 19-t s Rare Chance for Investment Attention Moolinnlcß FOR SALE, TOE WELL KNOWN KNIGHT’S STEAM SASH .V BLIND PAITOHI. The Buildtngis entirely new, and the Machianry new aud of the beet quality. It Is a lucrative businers and ha* a well established trade. The Building and Machinery will b sold on liberal terms, with a lotolTnmber, if desired. mavsrt—t uiHK Kimmt Copartnership Notice. I HAVE associated with ire my brother. FRANK M. STONE, for the purpose of continuing the Ha* and ( ap business. ‘I he* bnstn-m will lie conducted hereafter under the firm name aud stvle of CHAS. B. STONE & BROTHER. The undersigned, thauk'ul for the lit-eml patronage ex tended to him tin* pu.-t year, would most respect!uliy solicit a continuation of it ,or the new firm. They will keep constantly on hand a superior stock of Hats and Gaps, which they will sell as low as anv house in the City or state. CIIAS. 15. SIONE A BRO. April ID. For Sale. ONE of the meat desirable residences in the city, where the subscriber now resides, corner of Oak and JSecftid Streets. The Lot contains three quarters of an acre, and is highly improved * Ith clu ice varieties of Peach, Apricots, Grapes and other fruits, and flowers. The d* el ling contain- ten Rooms, Closets In sir, and Gas in all. Terms of piyment will he made easy. For particu lars, enquire of .1 DeLoache or W. 8. Brantly. If not gold before Christn a% it will be rented to an approv ed tenant. [dec. 14—ts ] OK. W. ADAMS. Hair Work to Order. OVER TWO HUNDRED DESIGNS from which to make selnrion, by apr 7 sAwtf. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Macon & Western Rail Road Cos. rIT H ROUGH Tickets from Macon, Ga„ to V.rginla Springs _L and New York. Fare to V York, - - - - - - 8.1.2 21. Eaw TennesM-e and Yi'gi'.ia Route, via Atlanta Dalton, I Knoxville. Bristol, Lynchburg, KUhmond, Washington City. Baltimore nd Philadelphia. tope ‘ll) Im A. L. TYLER, Supt. Osnaburgs, Yarns, &c. Oil Bales fnmabnvg*. o*l 20 Hale, Yarns, 14 B iles Macon and Vllltdgeville Sbeetiugs, 10 Ba'ea K bhectlrga, 8 Stripes, For sale by AYRES, WINOFIELD * CO. u23—tf rs-MAK uiitDXMis. oTiD . ePaaa HARDEMAN & SPARKS B WARE HOUSES^ COMMISSION 1 MERCHANTS WILa. continue to give prompt attention at their FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, on the corner of 8d and Poplar Street*, to All business committed to their charge. With their thanks for past faTors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all the interests of their friends and customers, they hope to receive their fall share he public patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and otherprodn when required. Family Stores,also Bagging, Kcpe, A<~ forniabed at the lowest market rates. Macon, Aag4— ts Family Flour. 5A A A LBS. Knoxville City Mills Family Flour. 1* ,UULI Bbls. Hiram Smith Fmnr, received and so * tin by [may 2JJ GREER & FREEMAN i WMEIMSE m CGMMISSIOI ‘ lL£d merchantsKEJ G- sl ~ COATES & WOOLFOLK HAVE ass cia’ed t ‘grtherand trill been] ythe new FIRE i PRtK>F WaREIIOI SE, now teing erected oppi*;te Mr. srs. Hankaui A Spark’s. Lllteral atlvsnces on Cet” i when asked for. Orders for I tagging, R. [*, Groceries, Ac, have onr f>rmal MtciiU ’ll. We hope, by prorr to buslnee?, to merit a liber i al sh ire o f p itrunage. N. Coat Kb, Ja H. WooLn JbL. The Fe*i*ril Union and - , tri*. A ibviv. and the He pub ic*n, Amrncu?, copy 4 m *uln ands n- 1 . K 1 sto i W. What the papers say, must l>e true— To hity cheap, come to Cotton Avenue. LARGE IMPORTING HCU3ES GRE V F RUSH Jus- re<eis*ed, my Fact r . a net knd f Fly T. p, f r fi cent**, WMrianted u g’\e-a*i*t:.ction TIN WARE! 41 llTiolekiile <r Re-tail. Always on hand, a good assortment of and many articles in the House Furnishing Line. And all kinds of JOB O B, K , BOSK TO ORDER. H. N. BATCH ELLER, Asm Mac .n. April 15. 8t MATS, §ATS7 W^m |||pfo H A" 1 ” gQB r *.* - r ‘ V Her , A , r A |• tins. 11. STONE & IIRIL in ts ton Block. INVITE attention to their Stock of SPRING and SUM MER HATS AND CAPS ! The following comnrise a few of their leading styles: Gents’ iiarii 1. Style silk Hats, “ New Orleans style Silk Hals, Bebee “ “ *• “ F.veivtt “ “ “ Black. Drab. Pearl, and Fashionable Cassimere*. G-nts’ supdtior French Cusei” cres, of all o dors: id an rndless variety of Boys’ and Children’s Straw and Leghorn Hats and Caps. Weals j have s rmething very superior in the way of Straw and I egborns. W. invite attention to onr stack, and promise to sell at cheap as any house in the t i y or State. CHARLES B. STUNK ( BROTHER. Macn, April 21—ts. SOSTICK j KEIN & GO. | “ Headquarters!” MAY! MAY! MAY! BOSTICK, KEIN & CO., Opening I heir 3rd Display OF SHIR DRESS GDIS! Silks! Silks! Silks! STREET, BRI DA L A EVENING SILKS, BistliofTs Blark Gros de Khiue all Widths. Bostick, Crenadine 2 Yotantea, Gieuadine Kobe a’Double Jupcs. Ive in Barege Rohes 2 Volantes Organ de Rohe Tahlia Jaconet Rohes and J upes. & Cos,, White Gords, Emhro'deries. Lace Mantillas. Bostick, Kein & Cos., HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. LINEN, DAMASK. SHEETING, tff i MATTING. CaRPETI NG. Ac. Just received. \ LARGE assr.rtmer.t of the Golden Hill Shirts, a su perk r article. Thty are well made at and lit first rate, mar 2-. 25 E. WINSHIP. JULIUS PETER Ha3 just returned frnn NEW YORK! VITH A New Stock of Spring Goods! The most complete E.VER OFFERED IN MACON! Cbß.-Utiug of Cloths. Cassimercs, Ve stings! ALSO A Great Variety of Gent’s Fiirnfchißg Goods! Silk,merino and cotton Undershirts; t>ilkand linen Pocket Handkerchiefs : ri k, L! le. thread and English cotton iia’f-Hose; liuea and jeans Diawers; linen Shirts and Collars; cravats ; Suspet.deis; lust received stat Julius i’em s. THANKFUL for the liberal patronage heretofore bestow ed mpon ne, 1 assure my friends thst no exeitmu shall be wanting to deserve a continual ce of their liberality and preference. Call and examine m> S’ock before puit ha ine elsewhere. JULIUS /EIER. Macon, Ga. March 11,1859. 51—ts Spriug & Summer Fashions for :■ SE.*W?>w TO Til i: LADIES ! Mrs. F.DESSAU, Triangular Block, mljoining Bostick, Kein Jr Co.'s Store. (2 RATEFUL for the very liberal j>.t- jw A miiage of which she has long t-e. u ‘lit recipiei t from both city and country, ) .-gs VVyd to announce to her patrons, and the Ladies generally that she is now receiving her ‘BRING and SUM vt FR Stock, c inditing of every description of r M IXjXjIKTE XL Y vM|l| Dress Tr'mmirg- Good*, Which for richness of material, elegal cc of stvle, extent and varie y,are worthy of attention. Her bilk, fiaivge and orgaudy Kobe*, Laoes, Mantillas and ‘'teaks, Travelling Dress AfMKia, Im 1 roideriet, KibUms, Mead Dreuses, Flowers, Wreaths and Itoquets arc all of the very late* inu( ortations, and wi.l Ik* so dat reason a de prices. All orders by mail promptly attended to. mar 26~tf FRENCH GLASS, All Sizes from 8-10 to 36-11. MIRRORS and Looking Glass Plates. Frames, of Gill Kcwewood, Mahogany and Walnut. For Sale bv T. A O. WOOD Macon, June 11, 1888. [tf.] DISSOLUTION, rjMiE Law Arm of LOUHRaNE A LAM A R is dissoh ed 1_ by mutual consent. All collection* of the firm will U I In the hand* of John Lamar, who will continue the pnetice o Ijiw as usual. O A L'H HRAN*. may 143 m JOHN LAMAR. STATIONERS WAREHOUSE, No. 75, John Street. N. T. W. & C. R, HERRICK. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN’ “ FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATIONERY. WE are now prepared to offer to the trade, from all parts s*f the coun’ry, a full and complete assortment of ail goods in our line comprising the newest tnd m< st de irable stock of STATIONEHT in the country. We rerpet tfaliy request of bujersan inspec tion of our stock. Our new • ILLUSTRATED TRADE CATALOGUE will he sent Free by Mail on application. June 2S —ly National Police Gazette. THIS Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in its ljts Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country It oontains all the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and apptop.-'. ate Editorials on the same, together with information on C.-'- mlnal Matter*, not to be found in any other newspaper. Hf-Subscriptlon*. $2 per Annum,; *1 for Six Months, to be remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their names and the town, county and State where they reside plainly J To R. A. SEYMOUR, Editor A Proprietor oi the „ National PoUo* Qnxetto, pf* New Tort City. 1 DR.SPROTr? CELEBRATED VEGETAf- OLD ENGLISH ANc American Bitter; Tho only kind in use Free } ALCOHOL Th© World’s Greatest To*’ mm ui Afn-iYmm AND PREVENTIVE Of’ ALL FEVERS INCItENT u The Southern Clin* ’ | MU’ n-liaoh- article - ieti*ca!h t re-,rw> . I ► >g * Ij> nraio.), aud -ouUj-ru t ~r T ? u ml'T.. Mn .rv A ... a.: F. Ml F,, ,U . b ‘UggiMis A’ • g-WFrallv -hri • gi ttes.itfc i- c in ■ ni.ihd fr- m a verv # and , cor rpm'. au emmenUy m.ixr, ! u , , n -t - I nq.rhir. t hg! .n.: I ’WI l e--■ i.n a n'ui.iv uiC agree? M. H tTri, ■ Pur l> \ -r hr txmci ■•“- ‘<• , *k'.. lull) coir pnundeu. ar t tre-.a 1 II ■ the l ul ic lor VA LI A P „ Medicinal Propextie^ j ror prevettioc of ‘'hill i Fever* for'mb ’ A eaki>e>s. Nenous Debt! i Lnui, ir.di ■, *’ he> are initti; tnrahle. - In functloral derangemc u‘a ot the liver and v well a* for Jamndice, Rheumatism, Ucut and t wine qu-nun. MOO, l,! i n* For lad et this preparation's Peon It. rtv j Joes not afir.ig the head. To t hildren ijirraaJd > aud painsof ileotit ion. it !* a wu,i!g.. <w j In full P.u; and Quart Bottle*, at MceLia aadt a. t with full dtraction*. *“'■ . A. Htrley A i'o„ E. H. Grant A Co_ MonUfm. , l> A Oo„ Pemherion. Coli nibus: Harden -i 1 ‘ Oe T. Rogers A Sfon. Aster A vres. J. b 4 y 1 i"‘ ! A. Fils A Son. Horn’s Restaurant, ltrnwv, “ -, C. 11. Freeman A Co„W.M. Ktlm i- “> ! waern * Scrofula, or King’s Evil is a constitutional disease, a carruptior. blood, by which this fluid becomes t • weak, and poor. Being in the circular , pervades the whole body, and mav bur-* - in disease on any part of it. No ores: ■ from its attacks, nor is there one which i-. not destroy. The scrofulous taint is van. ’ caused by mercurial disease, low livi- j ordered or unhealthy food, impure airT and filthy habits, the deprcssiiu.’ vice . 5 above all, by the venereal infection. ivC ever be its origin, it is hereditary in tie stitution, descending “ from parents to childra unto the third and fourth generation ;** J it seems to be the rod of Him who sat. ; will visit the iniquities of the fathers . their children.” Its effects commence by deposition fit® blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, - the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is tubercles; in the glands, swellings; the surface, eruptions or sores. This fotfej. ruption, which genders in the blood, dtprt® the energies of life, so that scrofulous coast tions not only suffer from scrofulous e® plaints, but they have far less power to v-j. stand the attacks of otlier diseases; cm, quently, vast numbers perish by which, although not scrofulous in their Har are still rendered fatal by thistaint in a system. Most of the consumption which t cimates the human family has its origin dim: in this scrofulous contamination; and mu destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, bru and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from i are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are seTofufe their persons are invaded by this lurkii.® 2, section, and their health is undermined but To cleanse it from the system we mustrenoVja the blood by an alterative medicine, and a. vigorate it by healthy food and ezoot Such a medicine we supply in AYER’S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla the most effectual remedy which the m:-da skill of our times can devise for this evgt where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active mnedials that hn been discovered for the expurgation of tin- f i disorder from the blood, and the rescue of tig Sstem from its destructive consequent* ence it should be employed for the care i not only scrofula, but also those orhr affec tions which arise from it, such as Ewmi and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Pm Rose, or Erysipelas, Piscples, PcsTmi Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tnra and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringwoh, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Ite bases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Debilitt, tc indeed, all Complaints arising from Thu. ted or Impure Blood. The popular belief in “ impurity of the blood” is founded in treti, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Th particular purpose and virtue of this .Sareii* rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital Hud, without which sound health is impossible j contaminated constitutions. Ayer s Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC are so composed that disease within the range t their action can rarely withstand or evade ties Their penetrating properties search, and cleug, and invigorate every portion of the human orsK ism, correcting its diseased action, and resur.a its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down vh Sain or physical debility is astonished to find a ealth or energy restored by a remedy at once a simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaiuJ of every bedy, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below nam'd pleased to furnish gratis my American Aimsr.ic, containing certificates of their cures and directum for their use in the following complaints Coitiu ness, Heartburn, Headache arisingfrom daordert Stomach, Sausea, Indigestion, Pain in andilorM Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Aptj tite. Jaundice, and other kindred arising from a low state of the body or obstruct;-* of its functions. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, FOB THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptiw Patients in advanced stages of disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alanmu and even desperate diseases of the lungs by iti use. When once tried, its superiority over evJ other medicine of its kind is too apparent to esetp* observation, and where its virtues are known, tw public no longer hesitate what antidote to easpio* for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our While many inferior remedies thrust upon tw community hive failed and been discarded, t..n has gained friends by every trial, conferred beL-nti on tne afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable b be forgotten. PREPARED BY HR. J. C. AYER A CO. LOWELL. MASS. Sold by E. L. Mrohecker Cos., Z ‘.n A Hunt, Macon, and by all druggists and de: * er* in Medicine everywhere. H ivitand, Chichester & Cos., Augusta, o*-> wholesale sgimts. Nannfattiirrrs. Metlunirs k Inrfnters. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN TO BE ENLARGED! A NEW VOLUME—NEW SERIES TwCommence os Jnly i!d, DtiS- of 416 pag-s. the yearly volun ealarged seri-s. will cuiitHin eight HUJtDRtD AND THIRTY TEu PAGES of valuable rraiir.g mailer, uwfmaa.ui atrccriTe to s'l dawres. rfVUE StTENTIFIC AMERICAN is puVifbed wykly;* A iquarto Form suitable f. r ‘ indirig. and Uie ring e year contains iniormati'.n In regani to ie* O’ Machine y, all branches ,-f Manoiiictunng ITocewe--■ l cnlinrel Implemeota, Erislueer'ng. Mliiwrighrc r-. 1 - • ufa< tare. Uhen.ulr) ;iu I act, alne-it < very indurtrcJ pc = ‘ re.-e-ves more or lew attention in its columns. All l*at-nt claim <officially pahltshed every wee*, ssrei e,l from the Pateut Office ; ands -r Imeatora and Patentees It contains Inform itlon n<4 to be whica no mecna- It , icientor or patentee can da eu OU . | TXFW4*- Asa FAMILY JOURNAL it superior frr tica! utility, since In iia c dtuuns a ill be found Lsriu -1 tical Recipes. ...tire Cart’ul attention will be given, from tune to tine. 4 nods of tie Me’ti, Lumber and other markets. 1 B |r very nuniler will contain sixteen pages and orxVf* csdumns of n otter, with several iil-strati r* of ct ines and other engravings, ctmp'Wngin a*ngi:>>ar'’ JIX IH XBREI) ORIGINAL ENGRAVIS^- With the Es’arged S*eries is presented an oppo tmntf F subscribe not likely to recur rgain for many years. ‘ be like commencing a uea-wore—Vr.i 1, No .. N"'’ r>en l it vour subscriptions without delay, sons to boS* 11 new volume—July :! next. Terms ?*2 a Year—One Dollar for 6 Months- Southern, Western and Canadian money, or Sr amps in kt natp ir for subscription*. Canadian - u ‘ . h j will i lease to reiui; :wenty*aix ceiits extra od eacc jvar A prospectus gving wig, ticnlars of the Indu x ment* for rlnba with r of the paper and a pamphlet of information concerning procuring of Patents may behadgr.tia^sddHsaing Publishers of the Scienriftc Anterior iune 33 37 Park Row, Newl^.^ MASTER’S PATENT 5 Minute ICE CREAM FREEZER. OpprstUn Simple—Resilt fertaU. THE increasing demand, and U><innrivnllod these Freezers prove them to be the very best i Urer m Freezers in uss. Agent forto. Unitod Manufacturer* of Jspannedand PlauiiAed Tin (uZtIS-S*) ZSS Ptmrt Street. Ktn lerß