The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, July 22, 1859, Image 4

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DR- SPROTT’S CELEBRATED VESETABLE OLD ENGLISH AND American Bitters. Tha only kind in use Free From ALCOHOL. THo World’s Greatest Tonic, MIMIC 111 AlTHYffifiC AND PREVENTIVE OF ALL FEVERS INCIDENT TO The Southern Climate riIHIS relief article la sdexnicaliT prt pered at Professor iL Fag's L-’oratory, and K*-UThern Wim mn-1 Hitter* Man atactory. M rargeinery A;., an.! *<-id by the >tßUy Urocera, •ru.’ ‘l'*.., Ac.. generally through tbe South. 11 i. cuMuwiimtwil from a vyo . and valued receipt cf ot IKour iSprutt, an eminently successful and popular Physi. ctei of bhri;pmure England. X nig til) palatable and agreeable U tter, being corr.f-de ed of Purely Vegetable i.x tract*. , ‘~‘o<i!y selected and comwiartoi. an; re -.ddent y tccoiiiiacna ad to the Public for their \ VLI AX IJ Medicinal Properties. For prevention of Chill -1 Keren, for loss of ai-petlt Weakness, Nervous !>,[ L:.iiui, li.dlgtsti >n.l>y.l>ep*ia they are !ndis;*naat.!e. In functional derangements ot the Liver and Kidneys. a* wetl .ft- for ‘ tundtee, Gout and lira eel, they are a .lne qu non. F-.r U.l.Mtbia preparation:* Peculiarly adap-ed ad I** - h id. Toi i. h.rrureej with Coif.’ and pain,of dentition. It i, a a*.thin*- as-anger In fiul Pint and yurt, at 20cent* and One Dollar A. 4> ‘o„ E. P. Grant A Cos.. Montgomery : Hnll Duck* Ca. Pemrierton, Columbus: Hardeman A Onffln, lie” T. Rogers A non. Asher Ayres, J h.A W.A. Kiras C. A. ,11a A Sm, II irn’e Rvlu-ut, Krnrnl Hotel, Greer A Fre-iuan, J. It. Fmau A Cos.. W. M. Ryley A Cos„ all ol Kiu t. So—ls LATEST NEWS E¥ THE ATLANTIC TIMM. rjnua. whom it may cnMtra, this i, to nubl> Ui pn’o.h. ISAACS Is at home and b*-i to aspire bts rn’n n* that Ms Sa loon Is iPititlkii gos *4av. Cluxenaand Hat tra\ei will find Uw;ir e*tnUi-hmnt * s-cn, not or the Soasoa ooly, but all Seasons of the year, and thote raM nm on in*, wiil at ai! h * ur*. tii.d our lar ier ait h alt tfa* deucacU-* that tbe ><*r York fetid other market wL'l afford, in the way of eatables noaacthtn# good to dnnk, and six days out of seven, more than can be found in any feou*e in town, S. ISAACS S. BRO*. Under Ralston's Hall, Cherry St. Hi, Rl ot Fare will everv day. Be Just the tiling f r little pay ; And Umm, who at their place may eat. Will And in it all Itu&pi u-iapieli'-- And going once, they then will know. That ISAACS, la the PLACE to go. Wt shall be happy to sea friends. ensuring them that it ■ill be our unremitting care to please In every respect, as we Batter ourselves, we have done 111! now. it may ;* generally known that we have, to meet tbe wish ea of the Medical fa. nlty, imported by o:ir ves. a very supe rior quai-ty of Pale llnm-ly. doe old Port, Sherry and Slade ria. i>nßsing all the Mri’kiml q amities. so much desired by them. Look at this Bill of Fare and choose for yourself: OYSTERS, From New Turk, Sivai.nah and B-nn*wict in the abeil or by the iuea-ot*. raw, fried, .**!, or In ai.y way you want them. Also. hhr-up-aud Cobs. Wild i ante of every variety, V..|. is .ri and Beef Mu as, hSh, M itt'in Chop* atnl Veal Cutlets, v %MbsOi. H-m aid Egg-. Di vtl Ham atid Deviled Ts r.tplns, wjS* MOUNTAIN OYSTERS, TURTLE SOUP, Wood-Cock Oruoaci, Hounuun i **>. Squirrels, wild ludt, ind ►very UtiiglUt mi epicr.n* w*lus can li *>• k tiad iu MMDO. Coniecticnaries & Fruit. ISAACS, also keeps constantly on h D*i a good Mft-irtmmt off >u fire! i mark**, ORANGES, AFTLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, W'WVS-A. ■ All of which cibfi be pari hated at low price* for 4'A*H. Be •urv a..d caL at. (w l.* VAI e (V MHO SAVE FREIGHT AND COMMISSIONS! i&r CarJhart & Curd. r&C ISOLK AGENS FOR (gj^g|.,FJI R BINk , S SCALES. f Ull, AM- nment of Pia*torm and Co*i’ terttcalf*now \ in tore ai ds ,r ule at ilwir price, NG FREIGHT A I'DhD. enter, tnt.n f>r Railroad it are-h naeand.ilher > large Main*. We w.U see them ptoperly put up. may It—ts. Ca, M. \ W. and S. W. P. R. (J< CANO, will for the present, over the j J ‘eu ,ii I* uiifond t- Maci .or t- iiy MaUon on Hut aud KM'H.t n KodMf. in an% quantity. 10 any * ai 00 fHrf Un of p**ui •.*, an 2 .Ttr the Macon mud ** s and S utL-W ext:ru KalU• -ad*, ortony station on cm er ill thaH; Rod. mi SI.OO per ton of f r^*” vided tmeh omck. i* n r rked wiik consign* e -name f#EU. AIM.MS. Qml npt i; K. R. ▲LrK&D TYLIUR. - “ M.AW.R VIKGIL fUWkiUN - - .W. K. Ftb. 55, £ 48 Oysters, Game, Ac. C. H. FREEMAN, t CO, ARK now ready to h rve Cmtußen In every ttyle of tht j Gaatr- ugiuic art, with FiSII, FLESH, AND FOWL, al their Fating Sfaleon. t' Avent_\ Macon. They a til hav.-supplies of I i*h and uyslvr*. by every train fr-m 11. >*• .1- ■in!, s, sell as. f1„ ts, A^.. fr.ui Fulton market, Ne w Y ork. hy every r-lesmer. ‘I hey have n!*om*de arrangements for reguixr supplies of Chiekei.s. Turkeys,>,ta Chernken Ue-- gia. ate! i ! ace dnenglhe reason.ami solftriT. ealltrv m their fricukand I the puisic. nov. l_lf ! Hare Chance for Investment Attoutioix Mocliaixlos FO ll SALE, THE WELL KNOWN KYKHTM BTKAM B\*H * BLI\P F4FTOKY . The Building Ueßtirriy new, and the Machmery new and j of th. quauiy. Its. a lucrative NvnraiMnaasrii established trail*. The Building at.i Machinery will b sole 1 on liberal terms, with a lot of lumber, if doired. —svS d—n JnHiS KltinitT Copartnership Notice. (HAVE xealol with me ay brother. FRANK M. PTONI, fur Ihe pnrjsra- of crntmiiiiig the Hal and Cap husinew. The h-.udn ss will be cootioctetl bineafter under the firm non at and *J’ te of CHAS. B. STUNE & BROTHER. The underlined, thank'nl for tlie liberal patronage ex tended to him the pa-t year, would most rewpecUuUy solicit a e<,ntii:n.iti..n of it or the new firm. Th y will keep c..n.*tanlly .hi hajid a superior *t>ck of Hats an.! I apa. wiftich they wilt =eh a. low as any hou*e in the Cityur -Uitc. CHA.-. it. SiuNE A BRU. April 1. For Sale. ON 1C r.f tb* fertt rfri-ltncw to cijr, mrh*T* f h** fe.lfecnltr n-.w rktUie, orncr of Oak aad Sec ond Ihe l.of ewit: ins three q- art- re of an acre, and is highly imrrto and UN <-h ice varieties ot Peach, Apilcots,t;rapes and other and fl-wets. ‘he .1 - elli.'g c -Bt.ilii- r.n Room*. Closets in sir. and Gas . in all. Terms of a.vment wil N-ma te easy. For pirucu- j L* -.e ,'i r- of I I>, i. wche -r W. s. Brantly. If ■ 1 1 befo e Chnstn a-, it wtiiheri-M.d t an apprm- 1 ed t.-wis. t.te.. ift U)_ UM.. W. AltAMri. Hair Work to Order. OVER TWO HCNI>RKI> DESIGNS from which to n ake sei.c ion. by apr7 aAwtr. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. | M*anftarers Mevbsnirs k Invfators. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN TO BE ENLARGED! A NEW VOLUME—NEW SERIES, To Commence on Jnly 2d, IhSD. It Read of 415 rg-r, the yearly volunie. enlarged aerW. will contain FIGHT HI NDRfcl* AND THIRTY TWO FACES of valuaMa rea ing matter, useful aad In struc'ive to a 1 d*. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN IspnUWtwl weeklyin ■ Iju.rto Form, suitable f. r i ltnlibg. and the numl-r- for a-ing e year c-mtain* inlormati uin reganl torewfr v nt - n*. Mvenire y, aii branches <4 Jfauufisrturing processes. Agri euHi.o.l i.nptec.r. ts. Eagi iee-'ng. Mil w righting. In.o M.n ufift tore 'hemlstri : iv tart, aim- st very iudtaiiixl por.uit re -etye. more or lea* attention In Itoentumns. All Pat nr claim.i-fflcUny published eveiy week, as report ed Iruin the FateiA l-tfire ; and for In.•-■Uoriand Patentee* It eo-itain. InronuatSon utg to tw olgaire.! elsewhere, and whicT no u.ecna ic , inventor or patentee Can do weil with- , .. A * *. r .^ 1U . L,T -*' , P* J< ALU has no superior for real prac j tied Recipe* 4 “ * lUtw fud Useful Fr-: Cire'cl attentton will be given, from „ ports of tto Meral. Lumber ~1 .gheVSilk.o, , t 0 1 m *’ *° I-very number snllconta n -ixteea pa.,. , columns of n a tier, with ■*■• er.,l 111 strath!, , chines ami. therengravli g*. re rnp Uirg i„ . *!bw^J2lJbJ2 *l\ HHDUD OKIUUL E!GRAYIXkB. With the Estarged Perils is pre-ented an oppo-tnaitv to eubecrlbe no! Hteiy to occur *ci- f- r c .my jear-. It wja be like coameoci g anew wot*—V, 11,No 1. New h. ies Ren tin your subvtriptiol. wnhoutdeiay, soa- to tHgin the new volume—July 7 next. Trrni* ja'J a 1 ear Use Dollar for li Month*. Souther*. Western and Canadian money, or Fore i flic Stamp* taken at per for subwript'ons. Canadian sutsc-it-er will rlease to remittweiity six cent, extra oa each year'* mb -npU, n. to ore .ay p-eh age. A liberal dire u. tto dubs. A j>r*pectas givit tfu I par ticular. ..r the lndncemenrs for club*, with rpet imen c- Ities of taeyqper._ar.da [amphlet of In'orrrxtloo • the procuring of Faki-t, may tw had gratis, by ad ‘resshig „ MCNN A C*>.. , „ Publishers of the Scie.-.’tfic American. ‘“ a 27 Park Row. New Fork. ~ MASSER’S PATENT 5 Minute ICE CREAM FREEZER. OperatfM Simple—Resuit Ceruie. THE Increastag demand, and the unrivaUedtopulariiy of these Freezers j-ro, r them to be the very lest ice Cream Freezer* iu use. Sol* Agent tor the United Mates. „ E. Krrcaril A TO, M.l, i,tacturers of Japanned and Planished Tin Wans, (mar 13—3 m) 2b!t Pearl Street, V York. No Calomel. Antimony, BLEEDING or BLISTERING ! HEALTH, STRENGTH and. Long Life. ALL CURABLE MALADIES SPEED ILY A PERMANENTLY CURED.’ y - Very Low Charges ! Life (1-iting Yrg rtable Remedies lAMconvl H,f om 9 a| v* ar ‘ edic *1 Experience, that leveii'tcnth* of mil tbe disease* that isl c* inaokiiid. gro ru t n t uve of ti e Sexum • rgan- Hence m.l ke o her I > nt>ict n, * f rnnrU m or m ri- n t 1 ol>en am; cip** riiti’iy old -▼.<! lit n a Adies jui by keying tha* fc* ia view. IteMbtat*-*! or 1 iaeaod hasten *, fr* in MerH Ha*bi*r. or peif abwe. or Macturtmtum, or fr m any other cau-ea wkatever, whether in old or y* ung. are quicaly ano • fl ctotliy rrtßvUoraied nnd*r my trean ent, l> tte sooth iiisr and aromatic effects* I mild, plemrmnt tsd deiighiful ml >>. Ind rmy treatmentbe e&hAumt- dat and wpakrned pi { ‘iciit \< too* rest>r* and in .** and keml'h, to his family, f i-nd*. him--e*f n*l drty. My r*a*dkbr4*e up the paiknt*f*rf4- fv thwh leb-* • ,mi and g;t*e ?*•-md energy to cTerv lc*-v aod mu-c e*f tbe entire LucUir —th*T *re pure Yegeiab * xir*ci*lrom ,uu.s. Bark-, leaves, r-10-sotns. Seecr, Ac.. nil sou e Cases tli- sound hemuh m? and sirei-g h of c ftsii i iivii g ertmtur* mie trma**u *1 into the : p*m si bod of m lift ei id patiet t. Ti e mrinen; they ai> ssd tf-ey c m r*.efestn‘ ts he i* g he whole svst* ru, they ejtahie the and * culm* to a of toe b o and, pr*n t-; the act:*?i of the Liver and m> the ferretigls* a:.d yno p* le 00.-.tlngei cy can they <i. .iih jur* . E- A MtWk M. L> . AlUny. N. Y. ZW~ VI, S*mic street. y S—"n as ate la n- td of treatment, should their - t a . -uaj u. id |psp ll r $ | I I*, repii-d by return H4iil, with rt*!e *ncs to many eiiiin*n slid dUlßgttli ed pesfe*ns in ~he them htates, who Lav* kb* ptrn.ißfd u-eto fee tLircanas. Direct all b tters tiius: In E. AM)RKtTS July B—ts. Offu -No. . w tate -tr et, Aibei y. S. Y STATIONERS WAREHOUSE, No. 75, John Street. N. Y. W. & 0. R. HtHRiCK, IWBORTEKS AND DLALhlis IN fO’EiGN &> DiV.iS 1C oTAiIOKEhY. i ft* £ a*,nnv iwipi'ru .. nf**-r t-i th -.oil- fiom H |,r ** . ft',.- Hi, r.. af ll l.i.J cli iWf a- r u.etit ot al g-****i'! our 1a- COOlplUil g l r D< went nil i Mi f irM- H T A TIO 3XT F. n *ST in ll.r O'tu.l ;. V. n,p~ ts j ,q t.-: of U.>. r„n n | <■* ILLUSTRATFD TRACE CA.TALOGUI wtl *• ini Five b, t Up, j Jbik £l —ly HOWARD ASSOC IA ION Philadelphia.. A Benevuferti Institution wUibluhed by Special En dtr&mrht far the Iteluf of the Sirk and Dis tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epi demic Diseases. IN tr.e* of Epidemic*, li lstheoMtf thin Institution t< • - . ii • ‘ • , • .;• N r- !•..•• ■ til ii,m t ‘*f. VI,-an u ts. A’ .f t tiitr .Ifk uhl ftic.tituti-, to Ink barge of tbe t rphvt a• f iwi suwO pvri n - .. Will to mtnii-ter ii ; e’ ftr, pi. 1. nay to ihc rn.vf of tLei.fllntwl, aiihihe healli •if toe public mtlaige. Jtts the duty of the lHrvcur*. at sncl iiiur*. t. vimt perv.inaliytt.i- .uivi.teU Ui-tnct*. and to providi and execute me tis of rvl f. Nun erotia phyeinai.e, aotact mg of The A-M-c:-u!on, neoa.:y tnn-1 their name >n list. -k, 3,'Ujevt to he callek upon to atund Ha liospi'itu.. free of charge. ’ In fce ntmn.'-i? of Kpliletnic*. the Director, have authoriz* theCoo-ulUiig Bnrgoi :.-<■ e dvi<*e and mvolcalaid to per sons suffeili g umler l IIHOIIIO liSiASi> ot a virulen> cnaraorer, arising from almae of the pby.lcal poweae, mal treatmtnr tlie etfevleofiiiugr. Ac., A. Vartou- KEPOKT> and TttACTS on the nature and treat• T.- ntot < ’hnuilc Diiwaaea, by the Coii-ultißg oureer.n, havi bo-n p-atili-'ied f. r tr.tutioi e .tiefribution, and will be rent FIE f i ll AIiUE totheaiflicletl. A (l.:revs, for Report* of tre.itu.enl. Dr.GEORGE K. CAL HOt'N. Oonauttlng N'inieor, Howard Aaaeclation. No. S Soatli Ninth FUrnt. Kl-iladelpMa, Fa- By order of the Director,. EZRA D. HEAK.IWELO, President. GEO. rAXßCHlLD,bectetary. oct. J—la6d—ly-* Dr. Samuel Tarver, Ct'fNTlM'EStle pr.i ■■ f Medicine. Siircery and 1 Hail Road, -iif.i vn t . unty.Ga. ilia I’ -t OfF.c” ail.trearf* pier's Turn Out redFenou oc uiity. Particular attention paid to ike trvalaftentuK ‘ti, L-l.a-awa. Any male person who it:;.- .-.--i !•>;.;-.a. i...: i.UT.y. Involuntary Kiius sii/iis, iionorrii ■a. Dr. pay, cr I, may. by aj ing to me. li:id relief. Aad any P male th..t is adlieted witn Dyspe.wia. taver (J i..plaioC Dr |wy. • hioro- , Amer.iirtnea. Prolap •us t ten, Le-ic >iiui.", “rrhu a. or Pile*, may, by ap oiyi'.g to me iu person •r by lelttr. find relief. I‘erw.ns liv ing at a distance, bv * ritlug a stateaient of their disc* can have presci !p’ i- •■- and Mi.ileine sent to tbem by Mail. C’leirgea moderate. nov. 13, J!A6.—ly* ejAMI AM> Ul.l > D FACTOR V.—Thoon deraignodU gtUlprvpored to manufactuie aii kind, ifw liidnuMsb, It tin tin. Pniinel Doors nd € arpt'r ir > Work to order. Having klway, on -■and the beat masoned and well auorted lumber, he will warrant Ms wort to be of the mostsubatanti&land “mrabie description. Ue will also contract for any aise or style of buildir.. •mi execute the same with all needful dispatch. Ordei respectfully solicited. JOHN KNIGHT. prVS—tf Valuable Plantation for Sale. I AM now offering for sale my plantatb nin Jones County seven miles aboie u aeon, on tbe (Xnei.gee River, con a.niiig acres ol land. Attached to the place is SOU acres - wanip hands, (river bottom). Terms one and two y ears’ credit. Any one wishing tn purchase valuable I-andA will do well to c*i!i aud examine the above as X am determined to sell. aprSS—tf HUBERT JUNDT. National Police Gazette. ratHIS Great Journal of Crime and Criminals ia in its tw I Tear, ami i widely-’rcuixted throughout the countrr - I-contains a!: the Great Trials. CriminilCasea.ndappi<’p-- .te E-litorial.-on tbesjvme, t‘sether with information on 0’ - i iml ! Matters, not to le found in any other newspaper. OrSubacTip*ior.a. per Annum,; 1 for Six Months,tob remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their names am •l:e town, count- and State where they reside plainly.) To R. A. SEY if OUR, Editor A Proprietor of the N alb .rial Police Gazette. ■ pd* d_tl New York City WAR IN EOROPEI BUT GROCERIES IN MACON ! MESS, mup k HARRIS, il ? nri,| re'WUuly juitouini* u.. r • <t* *<l it p.t ic,tl at tl ev h v# now *n -icrt-a irr I <r*ei’d ‘*■ *•* *R*H EMI'S •* mh cb n***uio’ u> *?i ouid .Jly milted. Ihe to* i* i g uLt *t the I- ■ i •JOO Bigs Rio, Laeiitrs* id J;n ('irllPC. 75 Barrels SI'G (R, --I dI 150 Ii sfs TO It AC O. ’200.000 CIGARS, fr n- $5 to ft. per thousand. 15 Title- o<in-dbiir?!t ro Bait* Ragging. . 50 Cods Rope. :;m> IH>ls. B.itirorof even* quality an k rid. IV. in tin fmet Otiivd. l.iiptiv A ( <’* Brandsd.> n u> U> et ti< >i I\ liisikt arid m fact *•’ ery tL r gthat Plan er or Ylcichiu t can * a i the Hu** of Grteerim. I'* n't t* c. U w.*l exafe.ii*> tl ’ -* j xji-rf.a-!nr * *I ctc. n* 9* WAK, WAR, WAR! /. declared aaaiusl pains of any kind hy DR. A. W. ALLEN’S Southern Liniment! V.. D every Southerner will be sail, fed by using on* do :ar*s worth, that they h ive no farther u*e fur Northern l.iuimetit*. For Family are! Plantation use it ha* no r<;unl. It curve fUMumatlsW, Nm algia. Mralus. Biuises, Burris, Freeh Cu’s, Pains in the Beck or Umb*. Cholic In Mac or Ik ass. ard i* the driai-i Remedy known for Blind Mag g--rjln Hirees: andevery one will fleet it a saving of tuueuid morcy by keeping a supply jn h ind. CERTIPICATES. uAivcsiJSiZ, Os., April ?, ’*d —l)r. A. W. Allen—Dear mv kwowledgeof the irigredienta composing your l.iidmeut. and my exp* riet: re In the sale of it lor the last h ,-ajs. lam jivvpuned l. ray tbat there i> no better, aiid X think must soon supersede a.l I uiments of like character. l-.J. Dlf'KlNsuN, Druggist. Ai-nasr. May. 21, IPS?.—Being recently severely afflicted •Oh an attack .if Kl.-umetl-'n. I |r*uVed * liottle of the - v. named prey.snatb .11, aiA wasei.tirclv leiieved from the leva*e In a .In.r: Time, from a few at (nlca.|’ lie. in ke tins votuntar\ statiuftent fur the IwacMof the pub ic. and Iran • sense of grat.tode to Dr. Alien. It may lie. nd dorbJlera is by many who have never tried it, called a , lack medicine; hut If quackery al*a' give* as certain and . .taly mb 1 as tide preparalioo did. tin n 1 am from hrnce •rth a envert to quackery . Hujkx Ifo&G&n. fir Prepared by Dr. A. W. ALLEN,Columbus.Georgia. None genuine without the signal ur* and real of A. W. Alien. Fur sale by E. a., hi ROXiECK F R A (X)„ M aeon, Georgia. M sninl. a rttpotadiae Agent in every ivtUvern town and villa gc. Csi-rtoxto Ei-csviot.—DorY uc* any more Northern Uniment until they have given the Foutlwni Liniment a fair trail *ep Hl— nsus liisMis. ovio . spans HARDEMAN & SPARKS. m WARE HOUSEfisJ AND— CUMMISSIUF MERCHANTS ll’ ILL continue to give prompt n Mention nt their FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, -n the corner of 3d and Poplar Streets, to nil business committed to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfclnessto all theinteresu of theirfrienda and cost-mtrs,:hey hope to receive their full share he public patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and otherprodu when required. fptT Planter’s Family Stores, also Baggier, Rope, A, furnished at the lowest market rates. Macon. Au4—tf Administrator’s Sale. VGRREABLY to an order of the Ifonrrahle the Court of . • rrimaryof Craw fin and County, (July Term 18M.) will be sold before *he court House draw iu the town of Knoxiilte. wi-hintte lesal boms of ml*. *n th* FIRST TVIfKAV IN wCT<IbIK net. the will known anl de *iruble Pl.ntotion helocgi g to the eetste of Francis E. Ba om dic’d. The Plantation li-siu toe Old Agency Reserve, on the Find -ide of F lii.t River. In .abl cocnty of Crawford, eot tainine Owe 1 bouial.d A c-es. n oieor le s. £•• e five or ►ix h ii-ilred ere* are ciesreit and in a high Malt-of eulilra ri'-n :-ml very pmeuetiv, —Ike w*od and is rich Oak and Hkkory. ihi* piuntaiion eoml-ines auvai isgm inferior to none In lids % ct’-on o- hi Male, a* to heal’h. convenience aadfertH ty. hxvir.g ag>*Ml c mforraMt liwellicg. acw fiam eu House., new i,i, JJ. u -. ‘crew. Ac. .. „ rn “ - ’ n ’ al ‘ J tWf> >nres credit, pure* a-ers giving good ana sumcieiAsemrity. }- ,ld f.,rlhe poiiu, eof distribution, turns ~-u O. HARtWIV. Ailtur . J u, y ■* t. IK de lotds non. FRENCH GLASS, .111 Sizes fruiu 8-10 lo 36-44. MIRRORS mud Looking Glass Plates Frame* of rilt Rosewood, Maho*.ny and WaluuT. < * ,M „ . n lfiW , T. ft O. WOOD Macoo, Jane 11.1306. [tf.j Jnst received. A LARGE taw rimer.’ of the Golden llill hblrts, a su perior article. They are well made and fit Ural rate. | mat *9.l} E. WINKHIP. TROUT HOUSE, ATLANTA, GA,, By MRS. J. D. BOYD. * June 7 3iu HEW FIRM. H e .liftllahvay* k;Aj Pixmetons’OHrriupC'P, Horses, to hire <n as good term* as acybocy. w e also have the most aqiple ac coiaajodaiioixß for'i>n>\e Stock. We would rv to the puU'c that we 1 ave taken the bit into mir mouth in earnest, and can always ie found a ilh our Aor rtf - on re tdy to nerve yoa : w- intenrl hr ke|4cg a straight t'neguc. pulUmj t<.gtlhe.r , and by buck Ling dotir* clnmto bus in*-***. t*s succeed or break a trace. We sbail never tirefclyswe in hitcMng up for you so hng you come up to the Uck It g and settle. Sow it you want us to troj-w,to r<*k-a-v*oy* nolbc gutfrj, in fact if you don't want us to check up too cl es , jn-t your akoulder to the a heel, give us a share, and If you fln*i a ingle ttacc ot ingiatituile yon may batter m. Very re.*pecttully, ADEHIIuLI) A JEtF EHtf. Opposite the Passenger Depot andneau. Brown's Hotel. apr 29—if. Honey-blade Grass Seed. M. WEED, Tlucoii, Ga. \GENT for thassle of the Honey-f-lide Hungarian Grass Mrcd. warranted to grew in any diiuate, and jtai ii all kind, of weather. Price | i Id per bag. apr 21—ts. STRONG & WOOD, DEALFRS IN IOOTS,ISiiES. LE&TIER. I&TS & CAFSi AT TUEIK OLD STAND OH 2D, ST. Opposite Bostick & Koin’s. I*l* AUE nowin store.a large aud mell selected assortment BOOTS AND SHOES, of m>ry variety of tyleaud pattern, manufactured to order end to , thl- market. coui*tlng of BITS, BAITERS & SlIS,^ HEELED GAITERS AND SLIPPERS, lliNses’ Heeled Slippers k Gaiters. CHILDRENS’ * SHOES OF EYEKY STYLE, Also, HATS hAPS,^^ Os all (inalltleb and M)les, \ll of which will lie fold on rea-nnahle terms— fe Thankful for pa t favors, they invite those wb-hingto purclas to call ami examine their stock before purehaehing elsewhere oct., 18K<—tf S.iVtt*. WINE! WINE!! WINE!!! 4i v CASES Claret Wine, ranging from SS to *l2 per case ’ J Just received and for.-ae l.y aprgk-iw. GREER A FKEEMAbL JUST RECEIVED. VT n. I*. Ol I t of SELF-SEALING CANS, K nivc- and F'orks, Castors anil Teat Sets. Also ICE PITCH HUH, cheap for CASH. may I—ts FINE FURNITURE. ■ ( ? I N E Parlor Setts, Rose ■- Wood, Mahogany and Georgia Walnut Furniture. Secretaries and Book Cases, Desks and Book Cases. iSwfeS'&fK. Bure-ni* • t Ri-i Wim.[i, Ma- Ykj?* logany and W alnut. ‘ 1 Sofas.Tete-a-Tetes,Divans, Sociables, Ottomans, in Hair -j~Pt *Y sit ‘—w Cloth, Flush, Brocatel Ac. sw “ Arm, Rocking,Nurse, Xew ng, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth, Plush, Bro catel,Cane, Split Bottoin.and every kind of Ohairknowß o the trade. BEDSTEADS. Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahogany, Bea*h, Guo c., High, Low, French and Cottage. Wadrobts of Roae Wood, Mahogany, Wainu and fine. Safes of all Patterns. Tables. Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Piue, Extension Folding Leal, Square, Round, Ac. Mattressesof Hair, Cotton, Moss and Patent Spring Feather Beds, Pillars and Bolsters. Fine Mirrors, common Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Picture Glass. Window Shades and fine Cornices. Buckets,Tubs,Dippers, Broom*, Brush Brooms, Feath er Dusters, Foot Ma t .Ac. for sale on the most reason ible terms. Lumber takenin exchange, or Lumber made up in the ciost fashionable st rles of Furn’ture to order. We have one of taelargest Pto'hs of FINE FUR *f l- URE la the State, and we ire constantly manufac ring, and wish to sell. Call ajd see ns. •nvIA \* TAG WOOD COFFIN S7 UOSE WORD Solid Mahogany, Velvet. Stained. Cheap ‘ Vaneered Mahogany Coffin*, Also New Style Met&lic Superior 10 the olt Style*. Old Pattern M cud sc Cates at Lower Prices. June 4—6 m T. A. O. WOOD. STOVIS! STOVES !! STOVES !] ! At W. J. McElroys, THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. QF\/\ Cooking Bto vet, 7ft Box and Parlor Stoves.- i JVfU Also a fine lot of Grates, comprising the finest nd most VARian a*sortment of Stoves ever offered << mblic. among them the old favorite lans Witch, war ranted to give satisfaction. Also the Victor Coos, uade in Augusta, Georgia. Cheap for Cash or good Votes. —ALSO.— A well selected assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS -on*.sting in part ol Northern and Southern Wood Warbb, Brooms, Brushes. Counter and Feather Dusters Irauterns, Lamps, Steak Dishes, Tea Urns, Chatfl jg and *trak Dishes, Ac., Ac. Gas Fitting done at short notice. Also, plain Gar Fixtures for sale. Fokck, Cistkrn and Wxll Pumps, of the most appro ved Patterns, Rubher Hor.e, Lead, Copper, Block Tin and Iron Tubes of ail sites Steam Valves, Whistles. Guages, Cyieinler and Water Cocks of all kinds. Copper JStiiis, md Copper Plumbing. Tin and Sheet Iron work of all kinds, done in the very be.t style. Lightning Roils put up at short notice. i\olice On and after this date, all work done to order will be POSITIVEI Y CASH on delivery, and ail accounts due when presented. NsmmTM w. J. McELROY. New Crockery Store. fllilE Ladles and Gentlemen of Macon and adjoining conn ; JL tie* are re*pectfully invited to call and examine my stock of CHINA, GLASS and CR< KJKERY WARE.nex doorto Mrs. Dessau's on Second Street. I intend to keep at al time* a good stock ofUoods. and will sell them a* low as they can be bought any-’ here In the city. A liberal share of pat ronage is respectiulli solicited. June 4—ts R. R. HUTCHINGS. Liverpool eV London LIFE A FIRE INSURANCE aim mu a ** .-mv mr m • Office :>, Wall Sheet, New Xork City, j * AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. JG2,000,000 or $10,000,000. Paid up Capital, surplu. and Ktraerird Ftinda, FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS; #BOO,OOO Invested in this Country. DIRECTORS IN NEW YORK : JSMKS BROWN, < 'balrmui. FRANCIS lb TTjIN. Deputy Chairman. GEOKOK BARCLAY,kMi. KUOENE Dt’IILH, E-q. JOSEPH OllXAKlft, -lr.. Esq. JOSEPH K.lWl KK Esq, ALKXAM'KR HAMILTON, Jr.. lUi. ED K. SANDERSON. Esq. WM. S. w KriiOHE, Erei. EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD. Esq. Pre irteot Brcre**rv. ALFkED PELL. K*q. Counsel of the A. HAMILTON. Jr . E*q. I AYEKB. WINOFIELD A CO., Agents, H7io trill take Foe Risks only. lith—tf CAUTION. ALI. persons are cautioned against trading for three sever- j al notes Os bard gin hy ibe uidoreisned to Maj. E. 1 Harris; two for Mb! each, aad one for *4O, all talng dm eon | the I4ui March, lsoil, aid cue th ee. s.x and uineand halt mot th* after .late, t,,r l.ire ff Negro wc inau. Eliza, all .s Loui sa—a- the C iaaiden ion for which said notes were given has entirely ‘alied, hy reason of the abdu- lion of said negro fr. m myrervic-by lie Imnlly of Mkj. Hauls. I will not pay said [ notesunle* ompcllsd to by law. tun* f.- ts. L. F. W. ANDREWS. Family Flour. ffr iYi Vik LBS. Knoxville City Mills Family Flour. IS ; *),tM rtr Buis. Hiram Smith Flour, received and to Is l.v~ [may 26] EER A FREEMAN Whnt the papers say, must be true— To buy cheap, come to Cotton Avenue. LARGE IMPORTING HOUSES great” RUSH! Just received. FROM my Fact* re, anew kind ■ f Fly Trap, for fifty cento, - wmiranud <o give ,a’ 1 sfaction. Also. TIN WARE! At Wholesale or Retail. Always on hand, a god a-soriment ot iiS.'dJS.H’SQ., and many article* in the m House Furnishing Line. And all kinds of JOB -W ORK, DOSE TO ORDER. „ . H. IE. RATt HKLLEK, Awr J Macon, April I*. gt Blis*’ Dyftiieptic Remedy, miss’ oyspepilc Remedy IXIi-*’ I>ys|,|’ 1c Renie.l y lilt,s’ l)ys|H|illr Remedy H.iss’ lY>*|>e|>ttc Remedy Bliss’ I>v*iej>tlc Remedy llil*.’ ltyspejitle Remedy nil*.’ Dyspepilt- Iti-mesly Bliss’ Dyspeptic Remedy Bills* Dyspeptic Itemedy Bliss’ Dyspeptic Remedy lias tile Largest Sale Has ilie Largest Sale Has t tic hm grst Sale lias i lx- Largest .Sale [las tlxe Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale lias the Largest Sale Has the Lnrgist Sale Has the Largest Sale Os any Metlleiiie in tile YVorlU. Os any Medicine in the World. Os any Medicine iu the World. Os any Medieinc in the World. Os any Medltine iu the World. Os any Meiilelue In the World. Os any Medl’ lne in the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os anj Medicine In the World. Ot any Meulelne In the World. 1110.000 PacksgM 101/ 0 X 1 Pa. kage, 100.000 Package* IOO.OUU Package* 100,000 Puekaxes 100.000 Packages 100,000 Packages I*lo,ooo Packages 100.0*10 Package* 100,000 Packages Sole! In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia anil South Carolina Sold lu Georgia and South Carolina Sold lu Georgia anil *oulli Carolina Sold In (ieoigia and South Carolina Sold In Gemgiii and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolluu Soli) In Georgia and South CarSlina Sold In (Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Curollna 111 Fourteen Months. In Fiiurteen Months. In Fourteen Mouths, In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. 11l Fourteen .Months, - In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to cure It Is Warranted to Cure It is YYiii runted to Cure it Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure If Dircrttons arc Followed, If Directions are I-'ollowed, |f Directions are Followed, If Directions a-c Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions arc Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions arc Followed If Directions are Followed, It Directions are Followed, Any Case of Dys|M-psla Any t use of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case ol Dyspepsia Any Case of D> spepsla Any Case of Dyspepsia Any- face of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Liver Disease-, I.iter Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, 1.1 ver Disease, Liver Dlsruse, 1.1 ver Dise nse, Liver Disease, •Inun dice. Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, General Dchlllly, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility-, General Debility, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diaz-rhoea, Chronic Dinn-turn, Chronic Diarrhoea, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Glddl ness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, I.oß* of Appetite. Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, l>nin In Side and Hack, Fain In Slile anil Rack, Pain 111 Side and It icli, Pain In Side and Back, Pain In Side and Hack. Patn In Side and Hack. Pain In Side and Hack, Pain In Side ami Back, Pain lu Side aud Back, Pain In Side and Rack, It Is Kspcdnlly Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It is Fspcc ial ly Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Espct tally Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially- Adapted to Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaints ; Female Complnlnt ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints 1 Female Complaints ; Female Complaints; Femulc Complaints; It Produce* Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form , It Produces Rotundity of Form It Prodttees Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Print lice. Rotundity of Form It Produces ltot unitlly of Form It Produces Rotundity „f Form It Produces Rotundity of Form In Females of a Thin and Spun- Hublt. In Females of a Thin and Spare Habit. In Females of a Thin and Spare Iluhlt. In Females of Tbiti unit Spare 11l Females of a Thin and Spare Habit. In Females of u Thin anil Spare Ilablt, In Female, ot a Thin anil Spare Ilablt. In Females of u Thin ami Spa re liublj In Females ot a Thin und Spare Ilablt. In Females of a Thin uml spare Habit. Send a Postage Stamp to the Proprietors tor their Pamphlet on “ Diseases of Stom ach and Bowels.” W. W. BLISS ikCo., Proprlcto *. 3t>3 Broadway, New York. For Sale in Macon, by ZEILIN & HUNT. Carpeting and Oil Cloth**. rill ROLLS (Jarpctingiofevary style and qualities, of T* OIF pestry. Velvet aud Brussels. Three ply. Ingrain and Superfine Rugs and Mato. Floor Oilcloths of all widths from % y ard to 18 feet, sultmbli tor Halls and Pining Rooms. Cocoa and India Matting. In the above goods we can show the largest and best assort ment In the City. House-keepersare requested to examine ou Stock, before making their Fall purelumes. B. K. ROSS A CO., Ma-rai 21 tf Arch Block, erry street. JULIUS PETER Ha* just returned fr >m NEW YORK! WITH A New Stock of Spring Goods! The Dost compute EVER OFFERED IN MACON! IWnrlstin of Cloths. Cassimeres. Ve stings! ALSO A Great Variety of Gent’s Furnishing Good*! Silk,merino and cotUm FnrieiHhirtu; rllk nd lines Pocket Handkerchiefs ; ri k, 1 i Ip. thread nd English ettuu Half-Hor*'; linen and jeans lUawer*; linen Shirts and Collars; cravxts; Suspenders; junt received at Julius Peter’s. T HAWKFUL for the HWrwl pMtron*e heretofore bestow ed npon n e. 1 tietnire my frenda tlit no exertion shall | be wanting to derervt a contiruamce of their liberality I preference. Call io*d examine my block be*ore fmrduis hngelaewkere JULIUS rEIKR. I lUcon, Ga. March 11,1869. 51—ts NEW BOOKS AT Boardman's Book Store. American eloquence, in 2 volume. A New Cyclopedia of Conmierce. , burton’ Cvnluytilia of \S ll are I lluruor. A Handy liook on Property Law. Man upon the jSea, by Goodrich. Roniant'c passages in South-western History. Life beneath ’.he’ Waters. The Hand but not the Heart, by T. S. Arthur. | William the Conqueror, by Gen. Sir C. Napier. Doctor Thom. Anew edition of Edgar A. Poe'* works. The Preacher and tiie King. The Priest ami the Huguenot. Lord George Bentrick, by Disraeli. Beatrice Cenci. Debit and Credit. Major Robert Snerman Potter. Douglas Jerrold’s Wit. Belle Brittanon a Tour. Life and Times of Hugh Miller. Crui.-e of the Betsey. . Testimony of the Hocks. Jefferson's Works, bulwer’s Novels, complete. Grote's History of Greece. Sparrow Grass’ Papers Lord Montague's Page, by G. P. R. Janes. The Three Beauties, by Mrs. South wortll. Ventilation In American Dwellings. Derivation of Family Names. Wisdom. Wit and Humor. Steps to wards Heaven. Den’s Moral Theology. Mi/.puh a Prayer book. Wayside Pictures in Prance, Holland, Belgium and up .ce Rhine. Wildl ithern Scenes. Also, al 1 rge assortment of fine Family Bih'es. pS4_tr ,1. M. BOAKPMAN. New Candy Factory,and BAKERY. ORN A MENTEP Cake,and Plain, supplied to Familie Weddings and Parties,according to order. ALSO, Gandy by the Box, (assorted for Merchants,) of the best quality, warranted, and at the lowest prices. Orders for the ahoveor for Drugs,Garden Heeds, Nntf fruits, Ac. promptly attended toby J. H. A W. 8. ELLIS, no**—tf Cherry Street, Macon. Qa. E. SAULSBURY, Washington block. Opposite Lanier House, MACON, GA., | rjtAKEH pleasure in informing Ms customers and buyers A generally, that he is uow prepared to offer one of the most elegant and attract! > e stocks of I FALL AfJD WINTER GOODS, For Gentlemen's wear, thatcan he exhibit, and in thecity. Core-tre t additions ot desirable good- will be made by ever) steamer. He has In hi- employ one of the Hi s>T (lI’TTBIU SOUTH OK \E\V YOltK. andean execute ai! ‘rdersi I he mort appioved style and at ebortni tice octl6- CLOTHING-. HORACE FITCH ft CO.. Having received a very large * Stock of Summer Clothing, MAIE up expressly for the Mnnmer Trade, of the late** Style. and of the beet ods, are 11 w re ? *dy to offer 1 great inducements to any one who may wish to purchase HEADY MADE CLOTHING* We also have a large Mock of nil pinds of Gei.t’c meu’ Fur nuhinjc Goods, &udi as are usually loui.d in Clothing Stores Youth’s and Chi dren’s Clothing. A lartfe Stock of Youth’s and Children’s Clothing, also on hand we are offering very low. TRUNKS, VALISES, BONNET BOXES AND CARPET BAGS. Having in connection with onr Stock of Clothing, fitted up an upstairs room directly over tho store, where tat all timet*, c *n be found one of the largest Stocks (to be found In the city) of all kinds of Trunks, \ aliscs. Bonnet Boxes and Carpet Hags; and we lnvete all who are in want of any good’ in *ur line 10 call and examine for themselves t etfoienurclmM’ gels*- where, f*r we are bound t* Hell Cheap for the Ilendy Cash, which we need at all times. . ‘in IT. PTH II & CO. FREE 10 EVERYBODY H. E. HOYT A: CO.’S New Catalogue for 1859. IT CONTAINS THE Largest L.iNt of I spful, Oma i mental and Valuable Gift!* EVER PUBLISHED! \ Grf.atkr Ixhucementh to Agents than ever before off ered by any other establish merit in the United States. 1 Greater imlueemeivs u> purchasers, who receive with each Book a tl FT, varying in value fram Fifty Cents to One Hundred Dollars. ft. £a 3VE JES IVE .H~s X*j JL T. The Great Southern Gift Book Store is the only one that stands endorsed by the ENTIRE PRESS OF BALTIMORE. Write for a Catalogue, which contains a full explanation and will be mailed free to any address. 11. E. HOYT Sc CO., mar 4—Bm* 41 Baltimore st., Baltimore ,Md- BILLIARD BALLS. CIUE I LATHERS. Wax, 4c., always on hand and so j sale at low prices, by s—udit&wtf. E. J. JOHNSTON’ A GO. FOR SALE ON LffHG BREBFF. I offer the plantation near Aniericus, formerly owned by T. 1, Holt, six miles rout Americas, on the Muckalee creek, conminlng six hundred and seven acres, two hundred and fifty acres cleared, with all the necessary ‘ ulklinns, negro houses, gin house, screw, Ac. The place will be sold at a bargain and I on a long credit. Apply to T. M. Furlow, at A mericus, or to ! me at tins place. JAMES W. GRIFFIN. Macon, Oct.9—tf IW~ (Jity papers copy. Bostick 9 Keia A Co.* Having just returned from New York, for ti e Third Time this Season, wc are prepared to offer extraordinary induce ments In DRESS GOODS, j As many of them were bnireht after the Jobbing Trade was over, and they will lie add less than the cost of X m portati on. We tak-pleasure in showing our G* and trust to our | Prices and the imereat of uur friends and customers for Success in Trade \ BOSTICK, KEIN A CO. iny IT—tr City Residence FOR SALE. fIBHI£ rnoet desirable and t*eu'iftt ros’d-lie* it. -.■** JL the central t art of the city is i ow off. red for sale, on the ninal liberal The lot c iiittiiiH • ue t ground. surround and on all sides, hy tflr- ets and ale s. and Wunpoved W*®--**■ in the m-st substantial manner. Ihe Housec n tail sßs uare rooms with tirtp accin each. wth with* through the j mtddhi ot the mam tmilding,besides bath room, pantry. sU-re j room ami c <wet,all new and finished in the host style ‘)u i thr lot are all the neccsury out buildings. Uarr age Hoi i\ j ?tab!e, wash house chicken house, smoke house. A!?ot.'o wells >f water, one of which has in i a for->’ and lifting i-uiup \v,th lMKeet >f hose attached. Also, hydrant and Cls’ern n j they *rd. besides a cholen variety of >hmbfary and Fruit Trees, all in a ihritrv and flourishing condition. For furl her particulars apply to J.J EDWARD**, dec. 17—Ll Real Estate Agent. AT UOTI i: AGA 1H ! FLOYD HOUSE, Macon, G-a, rjIIIE undersign and has a.ain opened the above jncj-J* j JL H >tel, where he wilt he nleased to xeeli sf nm er customers, and the Traveling I’uMic generally, -pdfjiil A Four or Six Horse Omnibus will be in prompt at- HfU jlj tendance on the a p nv*l of all the trains, t convey *&**—*■ Passengers t> aud front the H* tel FREE OF CHARGE. M 1 als can be had on the arrival of all the night trains. Charges moderate. ‘I raders and business men will do -ell to make this House their home during their stay in Macon, it being ce tral. ITT- Reference—Call and see 11. I\ KKDI>I\G, Pro prietor. P. ?>. Be sure to take the Floyd Hou?e Omnibus. Jan, 7. *sl) .-ft MACON LAMP STORE! ISTo. 11 COTTON AVENUE. | 1 IMPIIOVEID COAL OIL! A. 1. OVT si.s o PER GALLON, j BOLSHAW & HERZOG. HATS f HATS, [STONES X| HAT 11 Z M P - R ! U M p|f CPR LANIER |||| M V-'ON Ca - . --.j. .- .. . CIIIS. 6. STUM & BRO., W<<liiiij;toii ISlock. JN VITE attention to i heir Mock of SPRING and SUM HATS AND CAPS! The folio*li ecomnriset few ofthcti leading style*: GeuU BanHU Style Silk Hats. •• New Orleans style Silk Hats, “ Het ce *• •• *• “ Everett “ •* •• “ Black. Drab. Pearl, and Fashionable Cassimeres. Uenta 'i[wrior french Casein ores, or all colors; sod an endless variety of Boys’ and Children's Straw an* Leghorn Hats .end Cap*. W e ala > have something very superior in the way of Straw an 1 1 egt.orns. We Invite attention to our steak, and t romiee to seil as ch ap as any house In the i iy or Mate „ . CHARLES B. SIOBE $ BROTHER. Macon, April it —ts. S2OO Reward. I> UN A WAY from the subscriber on the 28tb of bept. 1358 U mv !•>'▼ Davie, a wry white tnuUttfc, 13 years i Id weivh ,wt 1 a large mole or tit < n the right side of hi* lit. k, a*• abo e his right knee, and his legs l*low hte knees are -rettedbrow . He left on the Cars for Macon, and was put un a. uic hd >r 3d Nation. He wore adr ib velvet cap, a blue I.c. .. oaiior Jacket, hickory shirt, brown Cuttonand Wool pants and black shoes. 1 believe he wis enticed away by seme white Rascal. If so, I will pav the above reward tor tho return of the Boy on proof to convict the one v/ho took him off, or I will pay lor ti.e return of Boy or hi* confinement in any Jail so that I get i.lm. all costs and charges and a liberal Reward. Columbus. Oct.2-3. lrkS—tf ELIAS HULL. FLINT HOUSE. Macon. G-a. known as the Ala con House, on Kino, fctreet, oi*iKs3le Palton, Collins A Co.'s, If jsW has been recently filled up with a large addition, |j;fcg for theaccomnnrfUtionof Boarders and the travel* ing Public, who will find it to their interest, if stop* JBMHb ping a few days in Macon, to give us a call and see for them seixes. The Proprietor thankful tor past favor*, natters him self that by strict attention to business, he will receive his share of Dublic patronage. Passengers wishing to stop at the above house, when arriv ing at the Depot will ask for its Representative. The table shall uot be inferior to any in the substantial> of life. I?rico of Eoard : For a single meal * .SO Supper, lodging aud Brwikfaet 1.25 By the 1 >ay 1.50 Slugle Week S.OO Bv the Mouth (Board acd L"dging) 20.00 tan 22—ts TUGS. 11. FLINT, Proprietor. schedule: on the South-Western Railroad OVER WHICH PASSES The great Hen York and Yew Orleans Malls. i tr'” nr -t: Two Dailt Trains bxtwxkn Macon and Colcuccs. On and after July 29 th. LEAVE Macon at 11 45, p. m., and 9 45 a. m.. Arrive in Co lumbus 6.35 a. m„ and 8 45, p. m. Leave Columbus, 4a. m. and 845 p.m. Arrive in Macou 950 a. m.and 918 p.m. BETWEEN MACON, ALBANY AND DAWSON. Leave Macon 1145 p.m. Arrive in Albany £ 25, a. m Dawson 6 00 p. m. Leave Albany 8 00, p. m., Dawson 140 p. m. Arrivein Miuion 918, p. in. Tri weekly Accomodation train Down, Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Up—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Macon 7,12, a. m„ Arrive at Dawaon 620 p.m., Albany 4 32. p. m. Leave Albany* 20, a. m„ Dawson .Arrive at Macon 911 p. m. Trains to Columbus form a through connection to Mont gomery, Albany and Augusta, Knoxville, Wilmington, Sa vannah, MUledgevill- and Eab ntnu, Mai! Stagesto and from TH!iaha-wee,Thomasville.and Bain bridge, Ac,, connect daily with regular Trains at Albany.— also from Dawson tri-weekly to Cuthtiert, Fort Gaines, Ac. Hacks run six times a week from Fort Valley to Perry, Hayneeville and llawkinsville. and tri weekly to Knoxville, Georgia. Passengers tor points below Fort Valley should take the I >av Trains from A ugustaand Savannah to avoid detention In M aeon. For ot her p< lint s t ake eit her T rain. First class steainshii s leave Savannah tor New Y’ork, on Wednesdays r.nd Saturdays. Passage in the Cabin *ls; steerage t 6 Through Ticket*can he procured from Rap R ad Agents at Montgomery, Columbus and Albany via Savrnnah to New York, by (•‘•unships, in Cabin, as follot Montgomery #26; Columbus *23. Albany *24 25. aug B—if VIRGIL PG ITERS. Supt., CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, gnaeas.isi \ saaiasrs"” ‘ frygiA fi_ Ts -vs ww TT CHANCE OF SCHEDULE* ON and after Thursday, July 15th, 1858, the Trains will be run as follows: Leave Savannah 12.15 P. M. and 11.45 P. M. Arrivein Augusta 7.80 A. M. and 6.80 P. M. Arrive in Macon lI.OU P. M. and 9.(10 A. M. Arrivein Milledgeville lie I’. M. Leave Macon 10.43 A. 51. aud 10.00 P. M. Arrive in Savannah 7.-2 U A. M. and 9.50 P. M. Arrivein Augusta 7.30 A. M. aud 6.30 P. M. Arrive in Miiledgeville 1.10 P. M. Ltave Augusta 15 A. M. and 2.45 P. V. Arrive in Savannah 7.20 A. M. and 9.00. P. M. Arrivein Macon 9.y0 A.M. and 11.00 P. M. Passengers for points beyond Atlanta, on the Western 4 Atlantic Kail Road, will leave Savannah on the 12.15 train, and arrive In Atlanta at 7.15 next morning. Passenger* fori Miiledgeville am! hlatonton will leave by the 11.45 train. Both trains connect at Macon with the Macon A We.-tern Road tor Atlanta, and with the Sonth-Western Rail Road to Albany, Americas, Columbus and Montgomery,and at Milieu with the Augusta and Savannah Rail Hoad for Augusta and he North. 810, W. ADAMS, iuiy 30—ts Genera! Superintendent. U K OX At WESTER* K. ROAD. ON and after n July, trains will be run as follows: Leave Macon at 12 night. Arrive at Atlar. , 7,15, A. M. Leave Macon :.t 10 A. M., Arrive at Atlanta 4.00, P. M. Leave Atlantaat 12 night. Arrive at Macon 7.15 A.M. Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M., Arrive at Macon 5.00 P.M. The 10 a. m. train from Macon connects with the Western 4 Atlantic Road at 8 40, p, m.; connects with the Georgia Road 12 at night, aud Atlanta & West Point P.oad at 12 5 a. m. The night train will not lie run on Sundays. The completion of the Virginia and Tennessee Rail Road makes this the most pleasant and direct route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS, Through ticket*to which may be had at Atlanta, for $26 25 including Stage fare, $7 00, aria to New York for $.'52 00. Further informat ion may be had in relation to this Route, on application to the General Ticket Office, Atlanta. July ALFRED L. TYLER, Supt. NEW FURNITURE? subscriber has just receiv ed, and will continue to receive A gEfev from the best New Fork City manu /fetofMjhX, facturers, a larg*- and handsome a.- aortment of the latest styles of N^SjEm IT tt.MTIRE, CHAIRS, kC. TBBt He also manutactures Fu-initure of (fEksb., the very best workmanship, and at VWfcjSjjg: ~~; the lowest market prices. The fol lowing list coni prist 9 a part of ihe articles always on hand : Rocking chair* ofevery style. Parlor chairs, Mahoxany, Walnut, Oak and Cane seat chair*, Office and Window chairs. Cottage chairs, Bedsteadsfrom *5 to #loo. Side Boards, Wash stands. Corner stands. Wardrobes. Safes, Bureaux—Mahogany, Walnut and Rose Wood. Dining Tables, Folding aud Plain Tables. Centre and fiide Tables. Oouches.Trunnel! Bedsteads. Oradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Book cases, Hat stands. Looking Glasses, Childrens’carriages and cabs. Window shades, Feather dusters. Curled hair and cotton Mattrasses H r ROVJ. DBS. M’DONAID & VPN GIESIN, DENTISTS, Washington Block, .llaeon. (;•>,, ELECTRICITY USED IN EXTRACTING TEETH. Me*! iO\ \I.IVS To tli ! ast* blwhv r hand and f'*rsa’e. Dentist*can be Mlpn.i-d villi the finest stele cl Teelh also Gold Foil, Gold and Sile r P ine hi and Wire. Lathe Fix •tires, Ac , also aiih any kind ot instruments or Material-m. short r,c-:re. oct. 11 ts JUST RECEIVED Landreth’s New Crou Turnip Seed of 1858. WHITE flat dutch TURNIP SEED. >? RED ror *• •• •• . KUTA BAG A TURNIP SEED. LARGE GLOBE TUitMl’ SE>*l>. LARGE NORFOLK TURNIP SEED. Kentucky Blue Gra** Seed. RESCUE (JRASS SEED. LiUCEniVE S23E3D. Foi sale at (JKO PVWPS Drug and Chemical Store Macon Oa. -Inly ao.lSM.—tf MRS. S. AI 1101 I\, ff /y-j, fIAS ret tuned from New York with a I f iii/ijhk beautiful ass rtment of Spring and Summer kySmT goods, J 2 ’ Cons’sting of all the NEWEST and JTU most desirable styles of P FRENCH HATS, Os every variety. Also many rich and fancy articles, beau tiful Em roidery, elegant Races. Com path ,re Laee Sells. Hair Ornaments i l every siyle, Grecian Curls, M te and Bn, k Braids, Wigs, Fans, Jtc Cad and examine f r yoirse ve l efore purchasing, as it will b * much toy our Interest. She isth.nkful forpast flavors, and sollciUasLare if the liberal pa’ronage of our tli riving city and .surrounding counties, mar 25-ts. BOSTICK, KEIN SCO., “Headquarters!” MAY! MAY! MAY! IIOSTIIK, KEli\ & C 0„ Opening llieii* 3rd Display HID MESS GOOES! Silks! Silks! Silks! STREET, BRIDAL c EVENING suns, BistliofTs Black Bros dr Rhine all Widths. Bostick, Crenadine Bobe* 2 Volant®#, Grenadine Kobe a’Double Jupes. Rein Barege Robes 2 Voinntcs Organ o’e Robe Tahlia _ Jaconet Robes and Junes. & Cos„ White Goids, Embroideries, Lace Mantillas. Bostick, Kein & Cos., HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, LINEN. DAMASK, SHEETING, tf| A MATTING, CARPETI NO, te. JACOB’S CORDIAL. 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take N.otice Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Jacob's i ordial Jacob's Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive liemedv* * * %/ And Positive Reinedv Before The People Before The People Before The People In -Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux.* And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Sale in by ZEILIN & HUNT. $ PE € IEIC THAT GREAT KIMED? THAT GREAT RIJIEDV THAT GREAT KhJIEDY THAT GREAT !U V EDV THAT GREAT KM.EDY THAT GREAT RECEDE THAT GREAT KEAiEDV SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ Sl’KtlHO SANCHEZ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPEI IFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIE'iC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CUKE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CUKE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE TIIE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BE!ORE THE PEOPLE FOR GONORRHOEA & GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA n GLEBS’. FOR GONORRHOEA & GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA 4 GLEET FOR GONORRHOEA 4 GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA 4 GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA 4 GLEET. SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL saves a big doctor’s bill SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR'S BliJ, SAVkS A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL IS EASILY TAKEN is easily taken IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY taken IS EASILY TAKEN is easily taken HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE . HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TA'TE has no bad taste HAS NO BAD TASTE Will. EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CUKE WILL EFFECT A CURE MILL EFFECT A CUBE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WIIJ. EFFECT A CUKE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WIKI LF>S TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE MORE SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY .MOKE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TfXT ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE Every Druggist and Country Merchant should keep a supply of this valuable Remedy, not only from the prof its that accrue from it* sales, but as an act of philan thropy towards suffering humanity. It w,ll be mad*> to the especial and pecuniary interest of all Druggist* to purchase by W. W. BLISS A CO., PROPRIETORS, 3<o BROADWAY, NEW YORK. For Sale In ■f x Macon, by ZEILIN & HUNT. Fresh Arrival! 1 l CHOICE Dried Beef Tongues, AIF V/ 5 < new Pig Han >, 201 Ibe. line l*r ed Beef, 100 Freali Boiogua 20 1-2 bbld. Pickled Beef and Poik, a 1-2 *• Pigs Heads, wnuthing new. In fetore, and for sale by GREEK A FREE WAN. aprr I—if fepriug & summer I'asliion* For TO THE LADIES! IvDrs. F l . DESSAU, Tr>angular Block, adjoining Bostick, ‘ Kein 4’ Co.'s Store. (_1 RATEFUL i >r the very* liberal pt- JC ronage of which Hh* l hasb*ng been the recipient from both city aiid country, legs to announce to her patrons, and the Ladies generally that sne s now- receiving her and SUM VI EU Stock, consisting of every description of gr mixiIjINBUY vp|^ Dress Tr'mn>i r g Good*, , Which for rich ness of material, elegance of style, extent i and varieiy, are worthy of attention. Her Mik, Barege and urgandy Kobes, Laces, Mantillas and Cloaks, Travelling Dress Goods, Em roideries, Kibbons, Head Dresses, Flowers, Wreaths and Roquets are all,of the very latest importations, and will beso dat reasonable prices. ttr Atl orders by mall promptly attended to. •liar 2o~tf Negroes Wanted. THE highest caah price will be paid for likely YO OilQ NBOR OKU. Also for a gang of Planta tion hanu— W. B. PBILUF3, Eastllsoon. fcbSß-tf. t SANFORD’S IIVER INVIGOBATOp N VER DEBILITATES. ’ IT is compounded entirely from Gums. andh..i cstaMisneJ fat*., a .-standard Medicine) know*“a, ! by nil that have used i’,f i*#d Gn-.wr. ~ ) rr ’ j cun Mence In ail the dis ( * Cen.e‘3 f , ~ i , , . ! mended. (fit.’ w “ K h nis i l* h®* l cured tUmisamk ‘within the last t.-, wfco had given up ail hope* ( ,***’ fofrelief as ;i,„ . 0 )'•:>- nn-he t , and certißeate* i> ({“ tmy pos on - Ths dose must • apt-f (ed to the ‘ •h- i dieidnal hiking i.f Jar-d used in*-', a* l -act gently or, ihe bow ( iA (eF •<- qua:.?;- Let the and cate- fv ur; Q ’jndgm-i ii , use of ■he LI \ lilt |\. J* JViGOKiTiwJ “ Will cure ). iV s i 41. i- 1 xa ta< k. ny pi* n. |n j - ’|, r „„ j’ j! A:, •utmuer 4’orni>ln|nls,( rf s * Glvkuteis ~ rrh, n -• .f Momtch H.lh'S ZZ )ual * ic. liolern, (li lrrc| HlnrbiM ihf!*'** 11 !- faiitiiiu. UTam .-nee,) J.lauud'lc? t? W m lia and u.a>f ‘i# us<m! s k ■ \ - :^lp Ordinary Family? - vie'iiii ‘ tT I'’ 1 '’ .--Is K IIFADvCMF . J] (ihouuls ‘■'! In tHs-niy iniiiirieM, i!i “ . wu , lr ,i. r ‘ • rxii.fiiH* are tak‘ ) I a eommete 1 p *- \i! who tne it art j —J ; Is ing their t MIX WAT R IX THE MOUTII WITH -r, ( , ;\'ni!!l. vIUK ’ VM * - w I’rice Onn Dollar per Dottle. ALSO - v SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS •'OMI O’ Nil D FROM ’ t Purt* Vegetable extracts and imi m, j,. s. r . C’y-K-, Air Titht. and will keep In any The family Calbar-; *iic Vill is at< tlve Culharie wiich tla ; jpopnct o r h j ‘ ,' l r practice luorcthnu i*euty; (revs. • rhe coiulantly inereis 7 _'J-- demand from i Who have l“r:g Used the; mmj iPILI.- m:d tj( • ’ thin which ail express In j (regird to tiie-r */ ti duetd me to place thetui <witoin the r ,e if The prefers* on well know ( ttbat djfl'erentivi'"s act on different portions 01. ft Dhehowe.- Tt I \HIM CA-i :Tll VhTIC P||, t with de reteitnoe to th:sj (well rstablb.ied fac* j compouucfad fron a varif-7 !tv of the pun>st j Extracts, wltich set alike! (on every parr of u,e 1 meufiry canal, and are! (good and safe in where a Cathartic isaeen-1 (ed.such as lie ran., tneiii. tfthe btomsih (wleeidnes., Pniii, ihe Hack and Loin*.! PC rCowliu-nes. P.l, ..7 Soreness over t h i‘. : u hole ho tv, I den co'd, which frequent-; ply-, if neglected, etui long corns • of Fever, loss! —7. .of Xpnetite, . (■„ ing isensntlon of 4'old: “• ( over lire body gJ. u-ssness iit-.-id.iohc. o>; L__ (Weisht In the Head j : liiiiainiiinioiA lllwns-; • res. Worms in Cbildiwa or Adults. Hheiinia-; .listn, a gre;,, tkeUlnod and many dt-; Jea- * to wl.h h fern too numerous to mentton ; n t;.ls an ■ Dose, 1 la 3. i > I*RH E3O CHAT'. The Liter liiiiioratnran.l Family Cathirlir Pill, ) are rerallen by Druggtsts generally, and sold ti trade in ail the large towns. S. T. W. SAND FORD, Manufacturer and Proprietor. 835 Broadway, N. V Rttailed bv nil Prnggi-ts. frld also Oy ZEILIN 4 HT v’t GEu. payne, mdMenard*castlen, wocen. ; jene 17,— Scrofula, or King’s Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of th* blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and jioor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. Xo organ is fret from its attacks, nor is there one which it mar not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending “ from parents to children unto the third and fourth generationindeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children.” Its effects commence by deposition from th* blood of coiTupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, Lver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depressa the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitn. tions not only suffer from scroftilous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of ali the organs, arise from or are aggravated hy the same cause. One quarter of all our people arc scrofuloui; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system wc must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food aud exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER’S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the msdicai skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those othe” affec tions which arise from it, such as Eacrovr and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pcttpib, Blotches, Blairs and Boils, Tumors, Tettk and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Rinowoek, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dis’ eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Debility, and, indeed, ali, Complaints arising prom Vitia ted or Im pure Blood. The popular belief in “ impurity of the blood ” is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible is contaminated constitutions. Aver s Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find hir health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable ana dangerous diseases. The agent below named i pleased to furnish gratis my American Aimanac, containing certificates of their cures and directioni for their use in the following complaints; Costilt ness, Heartburn, Headache arisingfrom disordere Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morhi Inaction of the Dowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appf tite. Jaundice, and other kindred complaint*, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over ever, other medicine of its kind is too apparent to e*c*P* observation, and where its virtues are known, ta( public no longer hesitate what antidote to for the distressing and dangerous affections of tw pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate- While many inferior remedies thrust upon community have failed and been discarded, tm has gained friends by every trial, conferred bentn on tne afflicted they can never forget, and pu duced cures too numerous and too remarkable be forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. .r. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL. MASS. Sold by E. L. Btfobeck*r & Cos., Zeilin Hunt, Macon, and by all druggists “ e, “ ers in Medicine every where. Haviland, Chichester & Cos., Augusta,U**i wholesale agents. Macin & Western Rail Road Co* rix HROUGH T icke.ts from Macon, Ga.. to Virginia Spimf * A and New York. a-tk 25. Karr to Yew York, -**.*- iiikcn, ga**l Tennessee and Virginia Route, via A . ;t _ Knoxville, Bristol, Lynchburg, Richmond, n asni**g> Baltimore nd Philadelphia. _ r „ _ rn i une noun A, L. TT wp IHfIIUM, jS3 MERCHANTS^ Macon, Gra., COATES & WOOLFOLK HA VE ass elated together and will oejupt o>e m * PKtJOF WAREHOUSE, now being erected oppos-te srs. Hardeman t Spark's. , . ~.. orders Liberal advances made on Cotton when arked “c . f< r Bagging, Kp*s, U roceriea, Ac., shall have our pe attmiliin. . ,Hber* We hope, by prempt attention to bosinesr, to me 11 iF&SSr* H. Woonronk* The Federal Union and Recorder, MiUedge’iw^ u trij r . Albany, and the Kepablican, Amencus, W. &Ld stnd bills to [may 2S ly] New Music, TWO HUNDRED PIECES New Popular MusiCj For the PIANO aid GUITAR,Iust r ceived by June : 1 -ts. J. J. & y * WIgHAK^. p uo* OIL