The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, August 05, 1859, Image 4

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TROUT HOUSE, ATLANTA, GA,, By MRS. J. B. BOYD. * jut 7 3m >EW FIRM. THE undersigned having arrytngor. the huair-V-ru is all jt branete-j. f Oiail * k "* kep PiwkHK’ I'uriapr, Bnggir- aid Hum. ■>* good !.-rm* 14 anybody. We *l*. h* the nerd ami “ <:um!uo4Ui.u*for'Un> S* . „ , h , ii.IO W would MIT to the putrHc that we hT* taken tne our mouth in earnest, and ears a!way? be m ./rtr.cAf n* on ready to serve you; we intend by *'"G’ i„ ou* * ‘"*“• />“& UytlUr, and by *£•;*£*, t . ever tire* tuts*. MKccctaw hreaiat, jt. *•* up w a* sci J> In Mtchtag up for you so be.* “ o, mi j v-ap sou and settle. Suw ii yos mn‘ i tl rfoi „p ton not be tuU-y, ‘■'■[*■<* •[ >* h .i. give us a tire, and if cioae. put your abtaUcr <• v ,,„ an, hotter t.*. you find a untie tiact of iU# \nKRHoLI> 4 JEf KEKS. Very j „ Broirn s Hotel. £ Honey-blade Grass Seed. Jf, n i:ri>< Macon. Ga. A, y vt fbr the sale of the Honey-Wade Hnnrattan C.ra-sj if:,. * .rranted To grow in any climate, and ,und all Price *J CO per bag. apr il-f. siroSgT wood, dealers IN mHiunn.imttu& AT THEIR OLD STAM) 0* 2D, ST. Opposite Bostick & Koin’s. jJAVEnowin at- “*,a >“Te andmt:: se! *ted amortmeat BOOTS AND SHOES, offeerr varirty oft vie arid pattern, manufacMredto ortlrr ITS. mi SSIES,^ HEELED GAITERS AND SLIPPERS, Heeled Slippers & toilers. CHILDRENS’ SHOES OF EVERY STYLE. Also, HATS and CAPS.fe^ or ill Qualities and St j te, A” of which will te wild on reasonac-l* term*.- ■ Thankful for pod iv ,r. tiny incite t hove wbh.rgt pun'M* to rail and examine theirttock before purcfeaei. ag elrewhere. out. 9,185—tf B.AW. WINE! WINE!! WINE!!! , < I CAPES Claret Wine, ranglr g from $S to #l2 per case * FREEMAN'., JUST RECEIVED. AT B. P. MetVOVX a large lot of .''ELK-SEALING CANS, Knives and Fork*. Cartors and Teat Beta. Amo ICC PlTt ‘MEMs, •: heap for CAhil. may 1-ts ___ —i FINE FUBNITOEE. I ( t INK Parlor Setts, Rose L Wood, Mahogany and Georgia Wainot Furniture. .Becret*'ie-and Book Cases, B-m |Ba k Ohm. ’* ‘ Bureau? ot R<\-- W p.Ma -Bofa*,Tete-a-Tete*,Divans, B Soc.ahrs, Ottomans, in Hair ~ : Cloth, Fiuah, Brocatel, Ac. ” *xi ’ ’*'■>3l Arm, Rocking, Nurse, tew ing, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth, Plush.Bro catel,Cane, Split Bot;oni,and every kind of Chairkuowß to the trade. BEDSTEADS. Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahogany, Bea-b, Gum, 0., High, Low, French and Cottage. Wadrobes of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walno and Pise. all Patterns. Tables. Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry,Pint, Extension Folding Leaf, Bqctare, Round, Ac. Mattreoaes of Hair, Cotton, Mors and Patent Spring. Feather Beds, Pillars and Bolsters. Flue Mirrors, common Looking Glasses,Looking Glass Plates, Picture Glass. Window Shades and Mne Cornices. Buckets,Tubs,Dippers, Brooms. Brush Brooms, Feath er Dusters, Foot Ms t ,4c. for sale on the most reason able terms. Lumber tak*n in exchange, or Lumber made up in the suott fashion able st ties of Fum 1 tare to order. We have one of tuelargest Fto'ks of FINE FURNI URE ia the State, and we re constantly manufae ring, and wiahtosell. Cal laud tee us. ‘url4—lw no U’Wn COFFINS. RUSE WOOD, Solid Mahogany, Velvet, Stained, Cheap Vaneered Mahogany Coffins, Also New Style Metalic . Oa -e* ti-.iper.or lo t he old St vies. Old Pattern Metalac Ca-ea at Lower Pricer. _iua *—Sra T . *. o. WOOD. STAVES! MS!! MS!!! At W. J. McElroys, THTRD STREIbT, MACON, GA. <y/>/\ Cooking Stove*. 75 Box and Parlor Stoves.— C-VV Also a fine lot of Grates, comprising the£nesl j and most vxßraD assortmen’ of Stoves ever offered to public, among them the old favorite Iron Witch, war ranted to give satisfaction. Also the Yictcb Coo*, made in Augusta, Georgia. Cheap for Cis* or good Notes. —ALSO,— A well selected assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING 3008S ’ consisting in part of Northern and Sont -ern Woo® Wtßie, Broom*. Brushes. Counter and F athe- Dusters, Lan'erni, Lamps, Steak Dishea, Tea Urns., Chaffing and Bleak Dishes, Ac., Ac. G*s Frrrao done at short notice. Also, plain Ga* ! Fix: ire* for sale. Foacs, Cwtxrs and Tm. Fmrs, of the most appro- I ved Patterns, Robber Hose, Lead, Copper, Block Tin I and Iron Tubes of II s _ev. Steam Y'alves, Whistle*, j Uuages, Cyiender and Water Cocks of ail kinds. Copper Stills, and Copper Plumbing. Tin and SBeet Iron work of all a did*, done I it the very best stylo. Lightning Rods put up at short notice. Notice* ‘On and after this date, all work done to order will be POSITIVELY CASH on delivery, and all accounts due when presenud. Macon,ocfS-rf W. J. McKLROY. New Crockery Store. * Til E Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon ar.<! adjoining conn tiessre reepectfnllv invited to ea.i and examine my stock . of CHINA. GLASb and CROCKERY WARE, nax door to | Mrs. Deamu's on Street. I intend to keep at al ‘ time* a good stock ot Goods, and will sell them as low as they can be bought anywhere In the city. A liberal share of pat ronage < respectfully solicited. June4-r R. R. HUTCHINGS. I*iver|ool A London IrIFEJt FIRE INSURANCE Office 50, Wall Street , New Nork City. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. £2,000,000 or $10,000,000. Paid up Capital. Surplus and lirtwrtesl Funds, FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS: WMOO.OOO Invested in this Country. DIRECTORS IN NEW TORK 1 JAMES BROWN, Chairman. FRANCIS GOTTEN, Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLAY, twi. EUGENE DUTILH, Eeq. JOSEPH GILLARD, Jr., Esq. JOSEPH FOWLER. Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Jr., Esc. ED. K. SANDERSON, Em:. WM. S. W STM ORE, Eq EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD. Esq. Preddent Secretary, ALFRED I'EJ.L. Isq. Counsel of the Beard. A. HAMILTON, Jr. E-q. | AYERS, WINGFIELD A CO., Agent-, t IVAo icill take Fire Risks, only. Macon, Msy ltth —ts CAUTION. ALL person* are eautionol aguirst tredn-g for three sever al noes of hard given by the ntdersisntd to Mr j.E. Harris; two ter *56 each, amt one *: T #4U. ail U-a-ing dare on the 14'n March. ar.d Oue Ih ei-, so and nine and lisil months r-f'er date, for hire of Negro w< man. Klin, alls* Leui- the c .nshhrns-i-rw f'>r which a&ro notes were given hs* esure. >- (ailed, t.y reason c-f tin abduciicn ol bt negro fr m Bl A. Servl< i e y thr ** n ’> , 7 Os Rkj- Harris. I will not naysaid notw hide i compelled to by law June 6—ts. L. F. W. ANDREWS. Sprit*s & Buini)ur Faghionn for * . to the ladies ! Mrs. F". DESSAU, Triangular Block, adjoining Bostick, i Kein § Co.’s Store. C 1 HATEFUL for the very libr at fa-.- J rwn.ige of wliieh she has long l een'he ri-cipleiJ isrtii city and country legs JHWB to arm unee to her patrons, and the Dartk-s generally that she is now receiving her nPRINGand SUMMER Stock, consisting of every description of MILLINERY Dre TrimmiDg Goods, Which for riebnere of malerial, deganee of style, extent and variety.are worthy of attenti.m. For Klk. Uarege and Organdy Hole- Lnora. ManUlls, ami Cloaks. Tm -clling Drees oooda. BntfoMeiiea. MM,„ A Hurl Drewtm Flowers. M reslhnawd Bowset. are all of tbe Terr latew irrrtortatt.ot*. ‘ aud will beeo’d at reasonable priees. fF” A ll order* by mail promptly attended to ■nar 25-ts New Music. TWO HUNDRED PIECES New Popular Music, For the PIANO and oriTAlt,jMtrt*lvd by Jnne 21—ts. J, J. AB. P. RICHARDS. ‘ Tax Receiver. I lion-. toaMK-nncn the name rffrttwrlin I at ILetrext atlSf**? 1 * tor Tax JUrtanmof Uh ! s .Ihe next tlet-tion, January 18M. )an 4.—trie * BUsm 9 Dyspeptic Remed.Vj Htl**’ uyi>e|>tc ,j i.„’ |l).pr|Ulr Iteuae^jr Hit-a’ I>v.p i*lJc Urm.y B l-F Mrwrt* Kcmesly BIIK X>y .ieillc Keuaerty 811-. - U>-p.i>tic Reuirrljr Uil-*’ Uyspsplle Remedy MHtT* Dyprilf Remedy II .s (lie Lnrgert Sale liar ibt l.i.rgnt Sale liar (tie Lmr£e*t Sale liar tile Liirgeit Sale liar the Largest Sale ■ la. the Largest Sale liar the Sale liar She Larger! Sale lla* the Largest sale Hat the Largest Sale Os any Mrelicliee In the World. Os any .Midlrlue In the H orld. Os any M.di.liie In rhe \% orld. Os any Medicine In the World. Os tuiy M.rllrlne in he World. Os any Medtrlmi In Ihc World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os any Meillrlac In the World. Os any Xrsdleliiu In the World. Ot any Medicine its the W orld. 1110,000 Packages 100.000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100.000 Packages lOtI.OUO F'sikagea I*lo,ooo Packages lOO.UUO Packages 100,900 Packages Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia aid South Carolina Sold In Georgia and rnulh Carolina sold in Georgia m.d South Carolina Sold In Georgia si and South Carolina Sold In Georgia aid Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In (Georgia anil South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina 111 Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months, In Kourtrm Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. It Is Warranted to Cure It Is W arranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure le Is Warranted to Cure li is Warranted to Cure It U Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure II is Warranted to Cure If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Dirertions are Followed, If Dircctloi.s a.e Followed. If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions ire Followed, If Directions are Followed If Directions arc Followed, It Directions are Followed, Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case o;f Dys|rpsla Any Case of Dy-pcpsia Any Case o 1 Dysps psla Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liter Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease. Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility. General Debility, General Debility, General Debility. General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, Palpitation, Palpltatio , Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation. Palpitation, Pa I pi tat ton. Palpitation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, * Chronic Dinrrho-a, Chronic Dlarrhna, Chronic Diarrhoea, Cturonle Dlarrhn a, Chronic Diarrliua, Chronic Diarrhn-a, Chronic Dlarrhna, Chronic Diarrhoea, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Gtdc! loess. Giddiness, Giddiness, G id Oil ness. Giddiness, Depress! and Spirits. Depressisl Spirits, Depressed Spit its. Depress! and Spirits. Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depi-cMed Spirits, Loss of Appetite, laws of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of A|>i>etite, Los-; of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Losr of Appetite. Loos of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Pain In Side and Back, l'ain in Side and Back, Fain in Side and Buk, Fain In Side and Rack, Pain In Side and Back Pain In Side and Back. Pain In Side and Back, Pain in Sice and Back. Pain In Side and Back, Pain In Side ami Back, It is Rspcclaliy Adapted to It Is KspeciaMy Adapted lo It is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It is E-pcdally Adapted to It Is Esi>eelaily Adapted to It Is Ks]ie'ially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to Feninlc Complaints; Female Coiupluints; Female ( ampinints ; Female Complaints; Female Complaint ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female C-ouiplalnts ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; It Prod nr cs Rotundity of Form It Prodnres Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Products Rotundity of Form It Produces liMiun ily of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Products Rotundity of Form In Females of a Thin and Sparc Habit. In Females of a Thin and Spare Habit. In Females of a Thin and Spare Ilablt. In Females of a Ttii anti Spare Habit. In Females of a Thin and Spare Habit. In Females of a ‘1 bin and Spare Habit. In Females ot a Thin and Spare Habit. In Ftmalu of a Thin and Spare llablj In Females of a Th.n anti Sparc Habit. In Females of a Thin and Spare Habit. Send a Postage Stamp to the Proprietors tor their Pamphlet on “ Diseases of Stom ach and Bowels.” W. W. BLISS & Cos.. Proprietors, 333 Broad way, New Fork. For Sale in Macon, by ZEILIN A HUNT. ( mid Oil t'lolli*. T/k ROLLS Csrpeti (S'.fevery style sod qualities, of T \)V pestry. Velvet acd 3rnitsel*. Three ply. InwaLi and Superfine Rags nd Mats. Floor Ifil Clot hr of ail widths from X J and to 18 feet, suitable for Halls sod Lining K<- Ml*. Cocoa .end India Matt.) z. lu thi >bove good’ we can show the largest and best sssort rr.eiit ictheCky. House-keei'ereare requested to examine on block, before making their Fa. 1 purchase*. B. F. ROSS A CO., Vaenn. ts Arrh Block, eny greet Just received, j \ LARGE asKOrtuient the Golden Hill Shirts, a t i*rior article. They are well made aid *t tr*i rate, star SJ .sr, E. WINSniP. DISSOLUTION. fpHK Law firm of LOCH RANK 4 LAMAR is dissolved iiTbw. ! All collections of the firm will b laie , n D ? 1i g^^<^Ui Lamur, vUu s ill continue the practice e rtiTsl ‘ oa. loch Ran*. r,4 ,l> JOHN LAMAR. Negroes Wanted. Uon rßiiujr/tfZ&SZ’ Osnaburgs, Yarns, &c. Oik Bal * Osnabuiaa, {HI - in Bale- Yarns, li Bales Macon nc>i MllledgeviUe Sheetings, 10 Bales % Sheetings, 5 Bales Sliipes. Fot sale by AYRES, WIKOHELD 4 CO. 1 | ais-tf _ _ _ 1 Family Flour. I illki I LBS. Knoxville City Mills Family Flour. 15 . O” “(I Bbis. Biram Smith Flout, received and so . *> *9 [Buy**] GEER* FREEMAN ‘ r NEW BOOKS AT Boardmau s Book Store. AMRKICATf ELOQUENCE, in J volumes. A New Cyclopedia of Commerce. Burton's Uyuloprdia of Wit ami Humor. A Handy Book on Property Law. Man upon the Sea, by Goodrich. Romantic passages in South western History. Life Beneath :he Waters. ’ Ihe Hand i.ut uot ttr* Heart, tv V. S. Arthur. VI iloani the Cr-nqu, ror, by Ueir. Sir C. N-.jitr. Doctor Thonr. A newedutm of E.hrar A. Poe's works. The Preacher and the Kine. 1 he Priest and tlie Huguenot LordOforgc Bentriekjry Disraeli. Beatrice t'enci. lebit am! Credit. Major Robert snernran Potter. Douglas Je roldS W it. Belie Briltan on u Tcnr. Lift and ‘nines of Hugh Miller. CruL e of the Betsey. Testim ray of tnc Hocks. Jcffenuni'a Workh. Bulwex> Novel*, complete. Qrotc's KUtnry of Greece. bparrow Gmai Papers Lord Montague's Page, by G. P. R. Jane*. The Three Beauties, by Mrs. h-*uthWurth Ventilation in Amerlc-.n Dweiilnga. Derivation of Fsnifly Nomes. Wisdom. Wit snd Humor. Ntepn towards Heaven. Den's Moral Theology. M izpnh a Prayer iiook. • Rletures In 1 ranee. Holland, Belgium and up wadii iihertt bocues. Also, al I rge assortment of SneFamilv Bibles. _aep 14—tX J. M. IKJARDMAN. New Candy Factory,and BAKERY. ORN AM FNTEDCake.and Plain, supplied to Familie W ed dings and Parties,according to order. ALSO, Candy by the Bo*,(assorted for Merchants,) of the best quality, warranted, and at the lowest prices. Orders for the aboveor for Drurs,Gardenßeeds,Ntt Fru;ts,4c. promptly attended toby J. U. A W. B. ELLIS, novS—tf Cherry Btrevt, Mason, Ga. E, SAULSBURY, W ashingtou lllock, Oppo-lle Lanier Mouse, MACON, GA., fIYAKES pleasure in informing ti- customers and buyers I. generally. That he is now prepared to offer one of the most ehyunt and attractive slocks of FALL AMD WINTER GOODS, For Gent! -men's we*r, that can be exhibited in the city. Con Maul additions of desirable good, will be made by every steamer. He has in hi- er rnl-iv one of the BEST FITTERq SHI I'll OF ,\K\V YORK. HDdc&ii e\vcuteii ordeni be bumC approved ttyle and at ebocUtotice. c.h tl6— CLOTHING. HORACE FITCH & GO.. Having received a very large “ Stock cf Summer Clothing, MADE up exrresaly for the Summer Tntde. of the latest Style, aud of the best gw da, are now rad? to offer great inducement* to any one who may wish to purchase HEADY MADE CLOTHING* We also have a large Stock of ail kinds of Gentlemen's Fur nishing Goods, such us are usually round in Clothing Stores Youth’s and Children’s Clothing. A large Stock of Y outh's and Children's Cloth-ng, algo on band which we are offering very low. TRUNKS, VALISES, BONNET BOXES AND CARPET BAGS. Having in connection with onrStoek of Clothing, fitted up an upstairs room direct')- over tho st >.'e, where at all limes. c>nl> found one of the i-g*st Stock* (to be found in the dry) of all kinds of Trunks, Valises, Bonnet Boxes and <’ar]>ei Hags; and we inveie all who are in want of (my goods in our line vo eallarid examine for then.selves t efure purchasing else where, fur we are Umn<l to Hell ( heap for Ibe Heady ( ash. which we need at all times. j.mejjmi If. FITCH A CO. FREE i EVERYBODY H. E. HOYT A CO.’S New Catalogue for 1859. IT CONTAINS THE Largest List of Fseful, Orna mcnfal jsiml Valuable Gifts EVER PUBLISHED! GttXATKR IkHCt KMXXTs to Aoxnts than ever before <-ff ,-n-d by any other eslabUsluueut iu the Cu red States. Cr*-ater inducemeu'sur; urehssers. who receive with each iiook t GIFT, varying iu value from FimCuntoOki Ht-xr>ato Dollaks. n 33 Tvr JE3 3VT 13 33 IT The Great Southern Ciift Book Store is the only oni. that stands endorsed by the ENTIRE PRESS OP BALTIMORE. Write for a Cfttalogne, which contains a mx explanation and will be mailed free to any address. 11. E. HOYT A CO., mar 4—Sm* 41 Baltimore s?. f Baltimore ,Md- BILLIARD HALLS. (lUK LEATHERS, Wax, Ac., always on baud and so j sale at low prices, bv | s —liUvxwtr. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. FOR SALE ON IMCCftEfHT, T .- r - - rplaMatto. I Max A m . takk formeriy ownwl by T. lb. Holt, six miles rom Americus, on the Muckalce creek, ! containing six huedredand seven acres, two hundred and fifty acres cleared, with all the necessary I uildhizs, negro houses, gin bouse, screw, Ac. The| ‘ace will besoidat a ! on a long credit. Apply to i . M Farfow, at Americus, or to m--atthuplace. JAMES W. GRIFFIN. f?-'i itypaper*copy. Bostick,Keln & Co.^ Having iust retimed from New York, for the Third Time tiii! Season, we are prepared to offer extraordinary induce * u tents in DRESS GOODS, ; As many of them were b m>ht nfter the Jobbing Trade wa* 1 over, aid they will be sold less than tLe cost of Importation. W<- takepleaimre lu showing o r GOODS, and trust to our Prices, and the intetestr I'uurfrlendsandcusloiucrsfor i Success in Trade [ BOSTICK, KEIN & CO. j my 17—ts City Eesidence FOR SALE. fI!H K iHOft deM/alde and beautiful residence in I. tile central ] :irt of the city is now offered for ■ale, on the u.r*>t liberal terms. BHlll! The lot c ifit&ini ne acr *ot ground, surrounded PJfV tis on u I v str mu<l al c., and is improved * ssa ‘^ L In the in >t s itMtanUAl numner. The HousecoetsU|£B* *uare T iO ms with ‘;rep'a<v in mch, with wide p:psu/e through the noddle of the main I ulkiimr,besides bath room, pantry, ivtore* r-ooi and t. iaset, m)1 new and timsued 7n the best style. On the b>tare ull the neecssHry o il building*. Carnage Hoc e, stable, w&Mi bouse chicken house, smoke house. Alto two wells of w*ter. i>nc ot which basin \l a force and L.Tmg pump with lfiOfeet of hose aitached. Also, hydrant and cistern in tiie yard, besides a choice variety of Shrubbery and I* Tuit Trees,all ins Uirifty and nourishing condition. Frf irther particulaisapply to J.O EDWARDS, dec. 17—ts Real Estate Agent. AT 110.71 L AGAfIRT! FLOYD HOUSE, Macon, Ga, THE onderig<B hrvs atnin opened Hie übove H rtel, where he writ be Pleased to see hl forni er custon.erf. and the Traveling I'u‘bic generally. Jail 111 AFb uror Six Hume Omnlbut- will belli prompt aP ISl!f tendance-rk rhea-rival of all tbe tmln.-r. t i convey alH—*- l’a*ei gera t i ar.d from lire ll< Vcl FREE OF CHARGE. M-a:sc in be had on the arrival of all the night tnuus. ! Cliarge* moderate. Trailers and busiueas men will do well to ; make this House their borne during their stay in Macon, it being central. tkT Reference-Call and see 11. I*. lIKUDING. Pro prietor. P. s. Be sure to take the Floyd Horne Omnibus. Jan,7.'s'J.-fl MACON LAMP STORE! INTO. 11 COTTON AVENUE. iniraovEir COAL OIL! A. I. A T PER GALLON. BOLSHAW & HKBZOG. HATS, HATS. wm s T ONfs m h at mm s mm V \ sv; ( Ills. 6. STONE mil., Block. IK Yin attention to thetr Stock of SPRING and BUM | MIR HATS AND CAPS! Tlic following comprise a few of their leading styles; QeuU’ Barri.U Style Silk lists, ** New Orleans style Silk Ilats, Helee ** *• •• Kverett “ “ • ‘■lack. Drab. Pearl, and Fashionable Cassiinert s. Uenta superior Freach Caa-iireres, of all colors ; aid n endless variety of Boys'and Children's Mraw and Leghorn Bat. and Caps. . and LejSeras* i>methin * veT y superior in the way of Straw “•■tentlon to onr stock, and promise to sell as cheap as any l.onse In tlie t ity or (State lUcon. April* ™***** B BTOSIE * MOTTO ’ S2OO Reward. RUNAWAY from the Subextibvron theSoth of hepi. ISSS r n*T bnry D*>e, a very white rr ulsUe. IS n are (Id c * ’ a r>oie or tit on the right sf**e of I.U ts ik. n %bo • bis kueo. and hish'gs below hi? knees arv touted bro j. lie l*-ft on the Car? for Macoß.ayd was l-ut on at vac id or id dial Tod . He wrve a drab velvet cep. a blue KkOxrv aaUor Jacket, a striped hickory fchirt, brown Cotton and Wool pants and black rimes. I believe w*s enticed away by white Rt?cnl,if so, l will pay the above reward tot the retnm of ibeßoyon proof to convict the one v-ho took him < ts. or I will p*y for ti e return us lKy or his confinement in any JaiisothKt 1 get lilm. alleosM and charge* aud a liberal Reward. I-iduiubu*. Od.S-\ lc-hi>.—lf ELIAB HUIJL. FLINT HOUSE. Macon, G-a. IXIKMERIJ known us the Macon Hmi-e, on -- - - Urst Street, opposite Patton, Collins A r ‘o.’s, htta been recently fitted up with a large addition, Rnßl furtheaccoiumodationot Hoarders and tbe Havel- I'- leg I'ulnic. who v ill find it totiielr late re si, if s;,,p- —ft ‘lnk ping a few days in Macon, u> give us a call and see for Urem Wires. Tbe Proprietor thankful tor past favors. Batters him self tnat by strict attention to buainess, he will receive hig share o! public patronage, 1 ussenger* wiahinz to stop at the above house, when arriv ingatthe Itepot wiU ask for its Representative. The table shall not le Inferior to any tat the cl.?tanti*.e of life. Price of Board s For a •ingle meal • jjy Supper, Lodging aud Breakfast ’ I*ls By U:e Day * i vi Single Week ..i.".!!!.!!!*!**’ 8 iu By the Month (Board and Lodging) *o*oo *”- THUSr. H. FLLNT-; Proprietor. SCHEDULE ON THE South-W estern Railroad OVER WHICH PARSES The great New Toik and New ftrleans Malls. Two Dailt Trains nxrwrsN Macon and Columbcs. On and after July 29th. LEAVE Macon at 11 45, p. m„ and 945 a. m.. Arrive in Co lumbus 6.46 a. m., aud S 45, p. m. Leave Columbus, .a. m. and 345 p. ni. Arrive iu Maeou 950a. m. and 918 p. in. ItETWIEIf lIAOOX, ALBANY AND DAWSON. Leave Vacon 1145 p.m. Arrive in Albany £ 28, a. m Lawson 6 00 p. m. Leaye Ailtany SOO, p. m., Dawson 140 p. m. Arriveln Macon • 18. p. m. Tri weekly Accomodation train Down, Monday, Wednea (L>v and Friday. Up—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ’ mv ave 7, 12, a. m., Arrive at Dawson 520 p. m., Albany 4-32, p, m. 4 Leave Albany 6 20, a. m M Dawacn , Arrive at Macon 911 p. in. Trains to Columbui farm a through connection to Mont gomvrv, Albany and Augusta. Knoxville, Wilmington, Sa vannaii,, Mil ledge and Eahnton, I Mail Stagesto and from Ta!lahts*ee,Thomafiville,aiid liain- Dridge. (Src v eonntet daily with regular Trains at Albany.— Alw from Dawson tri-weekly to Cutbbert, Fort Gaines, Ac. llacks run six times a week Fort Valley to Ferrv, Hayiiesville ai.d Hawkinsviile, and tri-weekly to Knoxville, Ue<*rgia. , tor points below Fort Valley eh-mld take the Pay Trains from Savaunah to avoid detention in ! Macon. For other points take either Train. Firt class steamshiis leave Savannah for New York, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Passage in the Cabin #ls; Steerage 46. Through'ricketscan be procured from Rail R-ad Agents at Montgomery, Columbus and Albany via Hawn nab to ISew ’ X2Tvky s t *aniships, in Cabin, as folio Montgomery ■ #26 ; Columbus #2B . Albany #:>4 26. ! VIRGIL PO VERS. Bpt„ CESTSAL BAIL ROAD, CHANCE QF SCHEDULE. OX and after Thursday, July 15th, 1658, the Trains will be rur. as follows: Leave Savannah IJJS P. M. and 11.45 P. M. Arrive in Augusta T.Su A. M. ami 6.30 P. M. Arrive in Macon 11.00 p. M. and 9.00 A. M. Arrive in Milledgcville. 1.00 P. M. I Leave Macon 41... 10.45 A. M.and 10.00 P. M. 1 Arrive in Savannah 7.10 A. M. and 9.30 P.M. 1 Arrive iu Augusta 7.30 A. M. and 6.30 P. M. j Arrive in .ViUedgeville 1.10 P.M. Leave Augusta 15 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. , Arrive In Savannah 7.20 A. M. and 9.20. P. M. Arrive in Macon 9.00 A.M. andll.oo P. M. Passenger.-for points beyond Atlanta, on the Western A Atiastic Kali K-rad. will leave Savannah on the 12.15 train, andarrivein Atlanta at 7.15 Dext morning. Passengers fort Muieilgeviße auu Aatonton will leave by ti-e 11.45 train. | Both trains connect et Macon with the Macon A V eitern ! Ro:td tor Atlanta, and with the South-Western Rail Road to | Albany, Atncricns, 1 olumbugand Montgomery,and atMl’len with tbe Augusta ar.d Savannah Rail Koad for Augusta aad he North. GbO, W. ADAMS, j iuly 30—ts General Superintendent. JIAC OA & WBSTBBN B. HOAD. ON and after n July, trains will tre run as follows; Leav- Macon at 12 night. Arrive at Atlanta 7,15, A. M. Leave Macon ntlO A. 11.. Arrive at Atantk 4.00. P. M. Leave Atlantaat 12 night. Arrive at Macon 7.15 A. M. Leave Atlautaat 11 A. MArrive at Macon 6.00 P. M.” The 10 a. m. train from Macon connects with the Western ! A Atlantic Koad at 8 40, p. in.; connects with the Georgia Koad 12 at night, and Atlanta A West Point Road at 12 5 a. m. The night train will not be run on Sundays. ‘The completion of the Virginia and 1 ennessee Rail Road makes this the most pleasant and direct route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS, Through tickets to which maty be had at Atlanta, for #26 25 including Muae fare, #7 uO, and to New York for #32 00. Further information may be had in relation to ibis Route, on application to the General Ticket Office, Atlanta. July 23—ts. AL* RED L. TYLER, Supt. NEW FURNITURE 7 TMTHE subscriber has just receiv ed, and will continue to receive frnuj the best New York City mann- /jp;£sfe'\x facturers, a large and handsome as i'pwjp?: j sortment cf the iatesi styles of vIS&J’. 1 FrEiYITTXE, CIIAIBS, iC. ) He also manufactures Fusmture cf . the very best workmanship, and at ! the lowest market prices. The ftl i lowing list coi.-prises a part of ihe articles always on hand : Uockingchairs ofevery style, ‘ Parlor chairs, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Cane seat chairs, Office anti Window chairs, Cottage chairs, j Bedsteadsfrom $5 to SIOO, Fide Boards, Wash stands, Corner stands, i Wardrobes, Bales, Bureaux -Mahogany, WalDut and Rose Wood, DiningTibles, Folding and Plain Table*, Centre and Side Tables, Couches,7 runnel! Bedsteads,’ Cradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Book cases, Hat stands, Looking Glasses, Childrens’carriages and cabs, Windowshades, Feather dusters. Curled hair and cotton Mattrasses. j B F. ROkp DHS. WDONALD & VAN GIESEN, XJ3EJ3VTI3TS, Washington Block, Macon, Ga., I ELECTRICITY USED IN EXTRACTING TEETH. McDOYALD'IS Tooth I ‘arte slwsyr on hand and for sa'e. Demists can be .upplled with the finest style oi Teeth a:-1 Gold Foil, Gold and Silver Plate and Wire, Lutbe Fixl lures, Ac . also with any kind of Instruments or Material-on short notice. oct. 16—ts JUST RECEIVED Landreth’s New Crou Turnip Seed of 1858. W HII K PLAT DOTCH TURNIP SEED. >T REI) i'OP RUTA BAOA TURNIP SEED. LARGE GLOBE TURNIP SEJ D. LARGE NORFOLK TURNIP SEED. Kentucky Blue Grass Seed. RESCUE GRASS SEED. IiUCERNE SEE ID. For sale at GEO PA YAK’S Drug and Chemical Store Mncon, Ga., -iuly 30.1858—ts MRS. S. AI DOt r lx\, HAS returned from New York with a h beautiful ass-rriluent of an< * Summer o o O DS, r /A ’ * * ronsistimr of ull tlie NKWIbT and j s 4uont de.Miubit* styles of FRENCH IIATS, Os every variety. Alsomnny rich and fancy articles, beau- [ tiful Erni.roidery, elegant Laces, Pompadore Lace Setta. Hair Ornaments of every - style, Grecian Curls, bide and Back Braids, Wigs, Fans, Ac. Call and examine’for yonrse’ves ! tefrrre pttrenai-ing. as it will lie muen to r our interest. She \ isth-nkful forpast favors, and solicits a fLare of the liberal i patronage of our thriving city aud surrounding counties, mar 75-ts. BOSTICK, KEIN &CO.J “ Headquarters!” MAY! MAY! MAY! BOSTICK, KEIN & CO., Opening I heir 3rd Display sun iss goods! Silks! Silks! Silks! STREET, BRIDAL St. EVENING SttKß„ tisrboflrs Blatk Gros df Rhlae all Widths. Bostick, Crenadine Robes ® Volante?, GreuAdiue Koto a’Double Jupes. Kein Barege Robes 2 Volsntes Robe Tablia Jaconet Kobe*and Junes. & Co M White Gor ds, Xmbrotderion, Lace Mantillas. Bostick, Kein & C 0.,. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, LINEN, DAMASK, SHEETING. ;fl X MATTING, CARPETING. 4c. JACOB’S CORDIAL 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Jacob’s ( ordial Jacobs Cordial Jacobs Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Sale in Macon, by ZEILIN & HUNT. SaYcH E% ’ SPEC IF IC j THAT GREAT 111 MED? THAT GREAT RMIBDY THAT GREAT lti VEDY THAT GKEAT RtVEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT KEYEDY THAT GREAT -RE.LEDY SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCiIEZ’ SPELTWC SANCHEZ SPKTHC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC : THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CUKE the only positive cure THE ONLY POSIT!\ E CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE | THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE I THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE TUE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE i FOR QONORRHIEA A GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA a GLF.BT. I FOR GONORKHCEA A GLEET, j FOR GONORRHOEA A GLEET FOR GOXORRIKKA & GLEIvT. FOR UO.NORRHGCa A GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA A GLEET. SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL. SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR'S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTORS BILL SAVFS A BIU DOCTOR'S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S Bill. i IS EASILY TAKEN I IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN is easily taken HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS No BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE WILL EFFECT A CURE j WILL EFFECT A CURE 1 WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WIU. EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WI f7l LE.-S TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE MORE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PFJiMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY | THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY i THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY , THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY i THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE ’ TE&T ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TFPT ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE Every Druggist and Country Merchant should keep . supply of this valuable Remedy, not only from the prof its that accrue from its sales, but as an act of philan thropy towards suffering humanity. It will be mad* to the especial and pecuniary interest of all Druggist! to purchase by W. W. BLISS & CO., PROPRIETORS, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. For Sale In -p -s Macon, by ZEILIN & HUNT. Fresh Arrivals f /W\ CHOICE Dried Beef Tongues, JL “ f tr ft < tasks new pig Hams. 201 Iba. Cue lr ed Beef. 10*> Fresh Bologna >;iu> a;ea. 20 1-2 bblt. Pick led Beef and Pok, 6 1-2 4% Pigs Heads, ovnet|jing new. In store, ami for sale by GREER|g FREEMAN, arprl—lf JUUUS PETER Has just returned frjm NEW YORK! WITIf A New Slock of Spring Goods! The most compute E.VEB. OFFERED IN MACON! Consisting of Cloths. Cassimer es, Vestingsll ALSO A Great Variety of Gent FaniUhiDg Goods! Silk, merino and coiton Undershirts; silk and linen Pocket Handkerchiefs; silk, LI le. thread and English cotton Half-Hone; linert and jeans Drawers; linen Shirta and Collars; Cravats; Suspenders; Inst reeeivtd at Jt’Lirs Prrna’s. THANKFUL for the lllieral patronage hrrelofntc bestow ed upon me. I assure my friends that no exertion shall be wanting to deaerve a continuance of therr liberality and prefer* nee. Call and examine my Stock betore pu r ebas i lux elsewhere. JULIUS t StE R. I Macon, Oa. Match 11,1*89, Sl—tf SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, N VER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, aad has become an rsi.iMU. ed t\ t, a -Jandard Medicine, known and a; pwv j h.- ail that have used r.f land Dneirrcsortedtowtlh confidence in all the dl- ( • 1 a ifr which it U recom mended. ,: ae . . It has cured thousand, j ; within the last two years who had given up all hope* < :-<f relief. us the numerous un-olic ted certificates I j ‘my posossoo show. • The dose mum be a apt < gjjf ’<* th ■ t-n,ertment of tlm IcdividuaJ taking i’.t Li and used in such quantities as toact geatly ou the t*ow r ;ids. Let the dictates nfp uiJ (9 ; imltonent guide you in the us., of; he L I V ii R IV? e* rVIGOH \TOJt, and it will cure I, iv• r t!o tti-j 11* i ill a . Li iani \|. larks, By|>eprla.| throtile - uunuer CvuipL’ late,? ’iivwntery, Dropsy, ! Sour etnmaoh Hal i -j JSL {** ( osilveno-s, t.'liol if. Oi.iltva, t'ii 1. ioj mms ■ Vlorlu*. t ll.dera lu j font uni. Flaiuieare,! Jsim Jire, F'uiule k\ fuKtrersH's. and maw ( ‘ ‘ used save v as an Ordl na r v I-’ aini 1s 1 ; ‘ifllrlse. it will cure -It K llrlVllAt UK. 1 -J bus thousand* ca * t.;dtyj in tv. fin y niiaii.t s. i,‘i j;\vo or three If a* *.-ooi;f.;ii* ore Itkfi < _ ; .v c lUiicei-oene lit if at- All vhoweit an 5 < riving their testttcoay In its tavor. J i MIS WAT !5 1\ THE MOUTH WITH THE IA YI otIRATOII, AMI stVALLOM Uo'lH TO (i LTI 1.-iH. Pike One Dollar perßetllr. ALEC SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, - OOMIOFMUD FROM | Pure Vcsetahlr Extracts, and put u;> la tiLVtsS ( \‘t>, Air Ti. hi, and will keepiu any t li ntUf. The Family C'athar-f • L- l ill Is a gentle butac . tive Cut hart c widen u„ j (p: ..price r has used in his I prec lcs Jiv re than t-vealyr {yet s. Tli cou.iitntiy lucre s i _ta g demand lrom those i who have 10. g uaed th. ; wwJ ti’tLLA and t:.e sutsfac | tion welch ail . x, re>s in| (regaid to their use. h •> in duced me to place ilumr twlthinthe readi (fall. The profess on weiikuowj ““ tihat (titfereui Calhu’ tics • a,;t ou iliffeivt t portions ot! O [r* e bowels. ’ The FAMILY CA-i (TJI.AMTIC PiCX haA i with due reference to this! (.’ .dl established fact, been | compounded from a vari.'-j (ty of the purest Vegetable j Extracts, whica act alike! . ;>n every {art ot tac ati ! meutaiy canal, and ate! ;etiod nud .afe in ail cases where a Caiharilc is lco ; j** ;ed such ns Do roll ire meat* efthe : (-lof plnea*, Full!* in the itnok mid Loin*,! ;('oatlvenea*, I'aiu and -oreness over Ih e; whole body, fro*, sud- I den co ! d, whi.h frequent-: !ly. if ueglected, end in a ; locgcouisjot Fever. !..*; n/ * .of Aiqietiie, n t'reei in... >e•ooHiDii f ColdJ ;ofr ih- Irodv, Krsi- I le**nr*. li-.-hdache, o ; .vvt-Lln in :he fiend,ail iiilluinuin.ory Dfs. o*-, * .e*. Wuims in Children or Adiiiiu, Hh •tiiiia-; JT ;iism, a gout I’oiUler of Hie Hlood nnd ninny ill--J .ens,t•> which desn is heir, I 100 numerous to mention * CJ <1 n this advertbeinent.— , Dose. 1 to I 1 PRICK no CK\Te. The I Ivor Inti-nrntur and Family Ca Inrlir !Mil* j are retailed by Dm*Kir.t* generally, and sold wholes di-by the j trade ia ail the large towns. S. T. W. SANDFOr.D, Manufactun r. nd Proprietor, 1- 5 Kroadwa , N. Y. R. tailed hr all DrJsrgi-ts. Kohl also i.v ZKILLN .v HUNT GEO. PaA'NF. and iiENAUDi CASTLEN, Macon, jane 17,— LATEST MWS BY MS ran tiiih ffi ;0 all whom it may concern, this is to notify til public JL that ! ISAACS i is at home agnin, and begs to assure his patrons that his Sa ! loon is not. a thir g of a day. Citizens and the traveling public will And their establishment open, not tor the Season only, but all Seasons of the year, aud those ca'ling on us, will at all hours, find our larder sup plied with all the deiieucita that the New York and other market will afford, in the way of eatables and somethin*? good to drink, and six days out of seven, more than can be found in any house in town, E. ISAACS A BSD’. Under Ralston’s Hall, Cherry St. Ills Bill of Fare will every day. Be just the thing for little pay ; And those, who at their place may eat, Will tiud in it all things complete— Andpoing once, they then will know, That IfcA is the PLACE to go. We shall be happy to sec our friends, ensuring them that it will be our uuremittmg care to please in ever) respect, aa we | .latter ourselves, we have done till now. It may rc generally known that we have, to meet the wish ’ es of the Medical faculty. Imported by ourselves, a very nupe rior quality of Pale Brandy, fine old Port, Sherry and Made : ta, possessing all the Medicinal qualities, so much desired by them. Look at this Bill of Fare and choose for yourself: OYSTERS, From New York, Swantiah and Brunswick in the shell orby the measure, raw, fried, .-wed, or in any way you want them. Also, Shrimps and Crabs. AYi!d i ame of every variety, Venison and Beef Stei os, is i Mutton Chops and Vca! Cutlets, j Ham and Egg-, Devil Haul and Deviled Terapins, 11 MOUNTAIN OYSTERS. TURTLE SOUP, Wood-Cock Grouse, I Mountain Geese, Squirrels, f A ild Ducks, Eirh, and every thing that an epicure waiits, can always be had when ta season. Confectionaries & Fruit. ; ISAACS, also keeps constantly on Ir nd a good assortment of Confectionaries, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, CETI2 .Vk: TU c All of wl.ich can be purchased at low prices f..r (’ 1. Be sure ai.d call at. K. IbAAUi IV HHO SAVE FREIGHT AND COMMISSIONS! Cariiart & Curd, /jk SOLS AG INS Felt SCALES. VF UI.L Aiwonment of I*lalorm ar.dCou.iterScuiesnnw In store and for sale at the r prices. NO FREIGHT ADDED. Orders taken fur Railroad. Wmre-li cte and other large ft.-alcs. We will ete them ptoperiy put up. may U—if. C., M. &. W. aud S. W. R. R. G< UANO, will for the present, he transported over the r Cential Kadroad to .V-t-m., or to any .->l3llOll on that and (he Eatonton Koail, in auv quantity, 10 any Consignee, al 00 per ton of 2too pounds, and over the Macon and W e*lern,and South-Weetem Kailioads, or to any station on titer ol these I loads, at tl.Otl per ton of 2.000 pounds, ;>ri- 1 videil eachEaca is na rked wiih consignee', mui.e , tiEG. W ADAMS. Gen’l Sup't C. li. K. ALFRED TV LEU, “ - M.AW.R ViKGIL I‘OWERS, “ •• S. W. R. Feb. 25, c.. 43 Oysters, Game, Ac. C. H. FREEMAN, £ GO, A BE now ready to serve Cutomer* in every etyle of the oaV Uastrunomic art, with FJSii, FLESH, AND FOWL, At th dr Fating Sidoon. Cotton Avem.% Macon. 1 hev ill have supplies of F’ish and Oyster?, by everv train frk*iii the Seaboard, as well as of htuf, U-kine, Ac., from Fulton market. New York, by every ."ttwiiuvr. They have also made arrangemenYs for regular supplies of Chickens, lurkeys. Ac.,from Cherokee (Jeoigiu. and i eimes sec during the season, and solieita call from their fi i.ndsand the puh.ic. nov. U_tf Rare Chance for investment Attention aVXoolla.2l.loß FO It SALE, TDK WELL KNOWN HAIGHT’S STEAM SASII A BLIND FACTOHA . The Building is entirely new, and the Machinery new and ’ of the best quality. It Is a lucrative business and has a sen . est.vhiisliedtrade. The Building and Machinery will b aoio 1 ou liberal terms, with a lot ot lumber, if desired. may* a —u John KNIGHT Copartnership Notice. IHAVR amoetftted with me my lrother, FRANK M. BTOXJI, fur the purpose of continuing the Hat and Cup I J business. The hnriiun will be conducted hereafter under the firm i name aud style of * } ! CHAS. B. STONE & BROTHER, i The underfilled, thank ut for Ihe liberal jiatronaee ex tended to him the part year, would moat respcciluliy solicit I a continuation of it <<>r the new firm. They will keep constantly on hand a superior stock of Hats and Caps, which they will sell as low as any house In the ! Gitv or .-Lite. CHAfc. B. fc> tONE A BKO. April 19. For Sale. ONE of the moat dtrirable resiilcncex in the city, where the auhoonher now resides, corner of Oak and Second Streets. The Lot contains three quarters of an acre, and Is highly I improved with choice vartettesof I’each, Apricots,Grapes anil i Other fruits, and flowers. i The d* i-lllng contains ten Rooms, Closets in six, and Ga? j in all. Terms of payment will he made easy. For particu lar*, enquire of.l DeLoacheor W.ft. Hrantly. If not sold befoi e Christmas, it will be rented to an approv ed tenant. fdec. 14— tfj OKt>. W. ADAMS. ‘ Hair Work to Order. OVER TWO HUNDRED DESIGNS from which to moke aelec ion, by- I apr7 s&wtf. E. J. JOHNSTON * CO. j Macon & Western Rail Road Cos. THROUGH Ticketsfrem Macon, Ga.,to V irginia Springs i and New York. Fore to Yew, ------ @35 25. East Tennereee and V irsii ix Ronto, via Daltf-a Knoxville, Hilonl, Lj nchburg, RuhmoLtl, W asliit trion City Baltimore nid Philadelphia. lan* JO tin A. L. TYLER, snpt. Whitt the papers say. must be true — To buy cheap, come to Cotton Avenue. LARGE IMPORTING HOUSES great” RUSH! Just received, FROM my Factory, anew kind < f Fly Trap, for fifty cents,—warranted to rive satisfaction. Also. TIN WARE! At Wholesale or Retail. Always on hand, a rood assortment ot GNMSSV*, and many articles In Ihe House Furnishing Line. And ail kinds of JOE WORK, DONE TO ORDEK. H. It. BATt HELLKR, Aitt I Macon. April 18. pt HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philadelphia. .4 Bohevolent iMtiln/ion t by Special En dowmtut/or Uie Edit/ of the Sick aud I>is tressed, vjfll ttd with Virulent and Epi demic Disease*. IN times of Epidemics, H is (fit objectf this fnslrtutbm to establish llo?pita&d. to provide Nurses, l’hysiuianai, Cloth log, Fi)**d, MiMnines. Ac . for the sick and deslitufr*, toi:ikt 1 urge t*f th** orj hti:s of *.t d ar.d to mioirter In h ry wy io list rt*Aiefof rs eafflautt,aid ihe heahti ottbe public t laige. it is ike duty of sue l>lr ctors, at such tjiOb'F. t * visit personalty tb* UyecU-d district.-, i*d to provide and execute me ius* t relief. Aua cnu.s j s. .*ot acl members of thi QMmlly enrol their name* on ii j* n.ok*, Miujecl to t*e edied upon to alnnd it* hospllmiii, free**f char^-*-. In he al*.-encc of Epidemic*, the Director* have anthorixed theOofswiting burgeon, ti. gi\ e advice and medical aidlo per wii.s siitftfihrtg under CUKONIO I*> rs a viruieLt cbiniCTer, artaim? trout abuse of the physical E-tai tr*nitoH-ut, ifce effect*of druvF-. kc.. A". * Various . -LlHJitTa wni l K ACIS on the natim and tre&t rnciitof i ’hroiiic by C c?urjrtrc*E, bav tH.*en ft r gratuitot.s distribulhvr, and be eci.t Fr* EE of V ILAKGE loti.e :• flicted. Audrev?, for Reports of treutmeni. Pr. OEOKHE Tl. ftAL IIOFaN, >ur?e* n, Howard No. 2 South Mnth Strei t. PM!ude!t-; ta, Fa- Ly *>rd*-r of the J u rector?. EZRA. i>. IIEAKIWELC, I'cesident. GUO. FA IRCHILi*, Secretary. f>~t. S—i.-ViS—i \* JD r. Samuel Tarver, CKINTLK UES ti r pnctlccof Meiilrinr. Furterj aud / Oh*! I’uikvrs’ Million. No. 11 X in, t! I-t vnlral Rail Road, JcliVrs ni O uuty,Gn. His Foot Office a,Urss -pier's Turn Out .lelTersou County. I’urticular atrnr.tioi* J.ii.l to llif treatment ot Ciirouic Aisii. sc Any male pmonvho isaSliote-l with Dvspepsta, ln.|OUr.C). Involuntary F:n r -ioiis, i-rupay, or flits, may. by a> phingtome, fi;ut reih f. And any ftunrie that fat lUßtcteu with Dj sie,*la. l.iver Complaint Driqisv. Chlotos s. Acii-tit>mia. l’rolsp - .is Uteri, Lesc-i rhmo, Dysno-norriiOßa, or Files, cay. r.v *p viying to me in person or tiy ii'lti r. hud relief. I’e -~ ns liv iuz at a ilistance. by writing a statement oftl.elr erses can have pre*crip-i< ns and Medicine scut to them by Mail. Charges moderate. nw.lS. Ibs£.-lt* OAf-HA'D ULINDfACTOK Theua. zu* dersigneil ia still prepared to manufactuie all kind) i ofWlntioxvNauh,Htlnria, I’unnel Doort i and UHriientry Work to order. Having aiways on 1 Land, the best seasoned and well assorted lumber, he will warrant his work to be of the most jubstantiai&cd 1 durable description. < He will also contract for any lice or style of building ! and execute the sane with all needful despatch. Ordet I reapectfd.iy solicit ed. JOHN KNIGHT. j priS—tf ValuahiC Plantation for Sale. lAM now offering for sale my plantation m Jones County seven miles above Macon, on the Ocniu get-River, cor.- aining 1200 acres ot land. Attached to the place is ?00 acres 9warn p Lauds, (river bottom). Terms one and two years’ credit. Any one wishing to purchase valuable Linda, will do well to coil and examine the above as I am determined to sell, aprit—tf RUBER i -J UN DY. I National Police Gazette. TIIHIB Great .Journal of Crime and Criminal? is in its 12tb t. Year, and is widely circulated throughout the coun*rv— | I? contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, arid appicp • - ate Editorials ou tltcsame, together with information on C - j niinal Mutterss, not to t*e found in any other newspaper, i ! remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their name*and ; the town, county and Suite where thev reside plainly,) To K. A. SEYMOUR, Editor & Proprietor cf the National Police Garelte, ei'rit* d—t.f New York <'itv WAR IN EUROPE! BIT GROCERIES IN MACON! luypyii, i \\TuULD respecttully aoiionrre to iheir irienl*. snd the v V pub ic, that they liwenow in stores very l ir-esm! well selected kUick of GROCERIES to which their altentionts most cotdially invited. The following is a list of the ltaciug articles; *2OO Bags Rio, I-.a£ulra and Java Coffee. 75 Barrels SCG4R, of all qualities. 150 Boxes TOBACCO. *-£OO,OOO CIG.4KS, from $5 to S6O | per thousand. 35 B-rles Ooiabur^. 50 Balesll tGOIXO. 50 Coils Uopc. s*oo Bbls. Liqnor of every quality and kind, from the finest Otard, Diipiiy A Co’s !srand*i,dow-n to Rectified Whisky and in fact every thing that the l'lanter or MeiChoLt can wan nhe line of Groct rii s. Don’t fail to call aid examine thti tote a before purchasing elsewhere. ma> 24 WAR, WAR, WAR! ~ I Is declared against pains of any kind ly OR. A. W. ALLEN’S Southern Liniment! VsSD every bonthomer will be satisfied by using one do lar’a worth, that they have no further usfc for Northern iaiuiuients. For Faofilyttd i'bntation nae it Fae no equal, it cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Ftraina, Biuises, Bums Fresh Cuts, Pains in the Hack or l.imb?. Cholic in Mac or B. ttst, and is the only certain Remedy known for Blind Stag gers in Horses: and every one will fit,d it a saving of time and morey by keeping a supply on h .nd. CERTIFICATES. Bainbbidge, Ga m April 8, *66—Dr. A. W. Allen—Dear Sir—Fruin my knowledge of the ingredients composing your Liniment, and my experience in the sale of it for the last 6 veais, 1 am prepared to say that there is no tetter, and 1 think must soon supersede ail Liniments ol like character. D. J. DICKINSON, Druggist. j ALiJANT, May, 21,1853.—8eing recently severely afflicted with an attnek of Hueuomtima, I procured a bottle of The j Vnove named prepanttion, and wns entirelv relieved from the j house* in a short time, from a fvw applications, j I indte this voluntan statement for the benefit of the* pub- I ‘ic, and from a sense of gratitude to Dr. Allen. It may be, end doubtless is by who have never tried it, called a ; juack medicine : hut if quackery alwave gives as certain and speedy relief as this preparation did, then J am from hence orth a convert to quackery. Unas r Mono as. 11* Prepared by Dr. A. W. ALLEN, Columbus, Georgia. None genuine without the signature and seal of A. W. Allen. For sale by L. L. STROMECKFR & GO., Macon, Georgia. Wanted, a responsible Agent in every Southern town and village. Gaitiosto Eveftbodt.—Don’t use any more Northern Liniment until they have given the Southern Liniment a lair trial sep 10— rRMKAb HAhDKMAS. OVlp O. HfA.SH HARDEMAN & SPARKS. fIIWOE HQOSE£j COMMISSION 1 MEBOHASTS \V ILL continue to give prompt attention at their FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, on the corner of SJ aj’.d Poplar Street,, to ail onxiaen committed to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to ail the Interests of theirfriends and customers, they hope to receive their fuli share he public patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and otherprodn when required. SSf-pianter’s Family Stores,also Bagging, Hope, A, furnished atthe lowest market rates. Macon. A*g I —ts Administrator’s Sale. VGREEARLY to an Older of the Hone rabie the Court of rdmanrof Ct* fod County, (Jfy Teim 1569,) will be sold tefore the t ourt Houre dor in the town of KnoxviiF. within tf'e legal houis < f ssl-• n the FIRST TU£c>l>AY IN UGT>bFR next, the known an*! de sirable PtantHtion belong-i g to ihe estate of Fiaticiß E. Ba c*>ii decM. The Plantation 11- flu the Old Agency Reserve, on th* East ride of Flint River, in paid county of Crawford, containin’ One Thousand Ac •*. n.oieor ie si e five < r lx hundred are c eared and in a high •date of cuhiva i*-u and very proouctivt—the w-odiand is rich Oak and Hickory. ‘I his Plantation conibtnes aavji!.ts4g-K inferior to nunc in this •rct on ot ’he Mate, as to fceal h. oonvcnier ce and fertility, having a good c nifortaMe Dwelling, lcw f am | ed Kcro House s uwUin House, fecrew, Ac. i Terin-—onrHjidtwo years credit, purc: a.-ers giving good aud sufficient ?ec urity. Bold for the purtwi-e of distribution. JEREMIAH C. HARVEY, Ad mV . July Bth, 1858—tds. <i<j bonis non. f. \u\m\ k io., Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga., Offer, a* usual, al Ihrir Old Hand, a Choice As sortment of IAIILY GROCERIES, OF every description and of llie b#t quality, frefh snd r<xxt, beiutt constantly in receipt of new supplies from ; the Northern Markets, j Sur*rs, Spices, Wh'te Fish, I Syrnps, Citrons. Herrings, i Coffee, Green Fruits, in cans. Hams, i Teas. Condiments lard. Sweetmeats, Sauces, Fj< nr. Nii*, < he-*e. Butter, Kairfn*. Xacknvl, Fork, Aid otlierartic’es too numerous to mention, comprising the whole range of Family Grocery supplies. CAMSBSKIAia We particularly invite the attention of dealers and others to our large and complete stock of < andiea. manufactured by , o irselves, of the very best material*, and warranted to retain ‘ their Lardoe'-? and brilliancy, whi e the imported Candies t soon lose tsrtli and f-eeuine worthless. We offer ui. rival.ed inducements to i un iauers, * Cakes, Ornamented &. Plain Os ever>* varkdv. and made of choice materials. Familie** and parties supp led at the&hortfct notice and on the most reasoi.aMe tenns. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh Fish, in their Season. OUR OYSTER SALOON, Will be open for the reception of visitors, where we sbaP /Agv keep C.iujtantly on band duiircihe Fa;; and f -/fV Winter. Frt-sh Oy.tersand - r* / vCJ na,lve *nd imported, ollhe best qualities, and respecttully invite or (lerA Fhlsh shall be faithfully filled. oct#—tf ! CROCKERY STORE. THE i nd*>rriir and tl r t t ihe very iihcral patronage bestowed . i; ui j u i H * season would most ne>pect ■ Sultoilj i • i . ti t atie, at the Old (’rockery* Maud, on TriMt lit* tr, fll <t eit pn* pan 4 to* how as fine a atv*ck of Ghu . G.aa* and I'rockery Y are as *an l e found in the Booth. Avery body la Invited to call and examine my beantifnl assortment of Lining and Teafectts. Some wr?ilch 1 end for sale low. nov. K. K. HUTCHINGS* FINE ARTS. THOSE who desire a perfect likeness in any of the vat ion styles, especially LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS I colored in Oil, and who desire to [*troniie a First Class Establishrncnt, should not fail to call at Pugh's Gallery Tri angular Block. Our Photographs are superior to any produced In Macon, from this fact, we have them colored by Portrait Pointers who stand at the head of their Profession, aid who are the only class of Artists who can color Photographs ss they should be. A mbrotypes in fine gilt cases from 81 OU up. Take the very best style. Fall and see them. dec. 10-ts Porter and Ale. i) A Casks Jeffers’Jug Ale, As\* 10 Casks best London Porter, Just received, and for sale by CREEP, A FREEMAN I ian.7—tf. lilE® 4B CIHMIStiH IS 2xd! aeon, Ga COATES & WOOLFOLK H A\ E a?B da ed trgttl rr and will occtn \ lOl’M. bow leing er,- a o„ *Ub Ha*d.„ lhn r^m •* •*- i , LJU ral am*Mi. jax utsite on when M-kecl . for Ragging, R. pe, (imcpne-s , hLu.l hu ,(>rc att>n i-m. ‘ - /l,r keti*. . W ehopv, I.V pi on p aVtrntioL lo kMiuerr. i 0 m,,, ‘ ti share or patronage. 1,1 1 j N. r.OArrs, . Ja* H. tV,i. r .. T hc Fell ril Tnlan R-<ordrr M> If , Tri - . A Svnv. a-.aUicßepubic-r, A niatau. mT,. • : r : nr.d am. fail fto Inavifiiv) ’ < * w’ 1 ' 1 * STATIONERS WAREHOUSE Wo. 75. John Street, 2V Y W. k 0. K. HERRICK. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS J FOREIGN & DCMESiIS STATIONtfn \\TE vitw prvps’rdmonVrloibetn,! < ” if the cmur'rv, f*U suid c- n t l.u- . g >da in our 1 tie eon prising Ue ii-atna t.,! n , HTAITICS 3NTERY in the- country. We terpetf illy i.-qnc-torl.i tiou * fourstuck. Our i.*w , ILLUSTRATED TRADE CATALOG'-’ will *•** M-nt Free by on :.i i ( jnne it—ly Scrofula, or King’s Evil, L- a constitutional disease, a corruption of t I blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiate weak, and joor. Being in the circulation • pervades the w hole body, and may burst i • in disease on any part of it. No organ is n from its attacks, nor is there one which it n , not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living 4.. ordered or unhealthy food, impure air,*fi!;*, ! and filthy habits, the depressing vices, aid above all, by the venereal infection. ‘\Vhat ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the ctm. stitution, descending “fromparents tochildr unto the third and fourth generationindeed it seems to he the rod of Him who savs, will visit the iniquities of thc lathers up : their children.” Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, m the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor. ruption, which genders in the blood, depress the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com. plaints, but they have far less power to with, stand the attacks of other diseases; coat quently, vast numbers perish by disorda which, although not scrofulous in their uahurt. are still rendered fatal by this taint in tL system. Most of the consumption which dt eimates the human family has its origin (lircctiv in this scrofulous contamination; and man- I destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from a are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous their persons are invaded by this lurking in. section, and their health is undermined hr it. To cleanse it from the system we mustrenovat the blood by an alterative medicine, anti in. vigorate it by healthy food and exera-.. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the m;dicil skill of our times can devise for tins evm where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that hart been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of th system from its destructive consequences, Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only .scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Earnm and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fixt, Rose, or Ertsipelas, Pimples, Pcttuus, Blotches, Plains and Boils, Tumors, Tutu and Salt P.heum, Scald Head, Kixgwoiu, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and MekcukialDb eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Debility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising ekom Vitia ted ok Impure Blood. The popular belief in “ impurity of the blood” is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of thc blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible it contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC are so composed that disease witliin the ranee of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and clear,i* and invigorate every portion of the human orgai ism, correcting its diseased action, and resturiw its healthy vilalities. Asa consequence of ti. • properties, the invalid who is bowed down v v : pain or physical debility is astonished to find E health or energy restored by a remedy at once simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complain of every body, but also many formidable arc dangerous diseases. The agent below named ;■ pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and direction for their use in the following complaints: Costi t ness, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordat Stomach, Kattsea, Indigestion. Pain in and Mori! Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss o/Appt tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaint, arising from a low state of the body or obetrucdoii of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR TUE RAPID CURE OF Coughs* Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that aim-"’ every section of country abounds in persons pnb licly known, who have been restored from alarmiu’ and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over even other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefit* on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED BY UR. Jr C. AYER & CO. LOWELL. MASS. Sold by E. Jj. Stroheeker St Cos., ZeilinA Hunt, Macon, and by-all druggists and deal ers in Medicine everywhere. Ilavilaud, Chichester & Cos., Augusta.(ia.. wholesale agents. 1 J. B. ARTOPE A SON, Manufacturers of and Dealers ot FORHIGI AYD DOTIFSTIt MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES. FURNITURE. SLABS, Jar.. Comer of Brd and Plinnl> MACON, GA. a P J n—ts. BUGGIES man; urn m. FOE CASH! ON Consignment, and must be sold, Two New Top Buggies, price each slls. One New Buggy, (lonerJ *llO. One Second lu.nd Buggy, * I :u. Cal! and examine bei <re purchasing elsewhere, and get l ba jSly , 7—w-H. J. F- WINTER AU FREICH GLASS, All Sizes from 8-10 to 36-44. MIRHOKS and LooHng Glass Plates. Frames, of C.CT Rosewood, Mahogany and For Side by^ Macon, J une 11,1886. Iff J