The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, August 12, 1859, Image 3

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Macon Guards Kt , r pgiiUr matin'? of tl.e Metropolitan ‘. j, 0 f this city on Thursday night, July ” u'.q the rmm? of the corps was ‘•Stn, *- • . ” | |,j a uuanm.oas vote, to t!at o Ikco* Gcatios. .f tpr which the following com missioned .r „ r vkere electe*! aeeordinpto law, before 1 £ Granise, J. P, and two Freeholders: Joel R Griffin, Captain. J) C. Jackson, Ist Lieutenant. X. M Erantlej, 2nd do. 7V. Nfanghiun, 3rd do. J. R Hill, Ensign. W V COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ELECT. \L R. Freeman, Ist Sergeant, ff J. Men&rtf, 2>ii do. £ J. Granin, 3rd do. j £ Wells, Jr., 4th do. S. 1). Phillips, sth do. (j. W. Elk Ist Corporal. R. II Lightiuot, 2nd do. j{ W. Graniss, 3rd do. Wrr. IV. Massey, 4th do. David Craig, sth do. gy order of Company. CHAS. B. OHAYBILL. Secretary protem. COPY OF duster Ptoll q, captain Isaac Holmes’ Company, uuov Guards, in the first Regiment of (korria Volunteers, commanded by Hen rv R- Jackson, ordered into the service of tbe I'nited State- by Geo. IV. Crawford, Got*.rnor of the State of Georgia, under a requisition from the War Department on the fourteenth day ot M j, 18tfi. OFFICERS. I |ar Holmes, Captain—dead. Elijah I- Shelton, Ist Lieut—Maeon. ■’ gjward S. Rodgers, 2d “ —California 4 Win. D. Grirtin. Ist Sergt—Louisiana. John B. Cumming, 2d Sergt—Macon. . John A. McGregor. 3d Sergt—Macon. 7 p,• ter •I Shannon, 4th Sergt—Residence nnknoun. u Edwin Haines, Ist Corporal—Residence* unknown. <i Thomas K. Orcutt. 2d “ —Dead. It) Rich. T. McGregor, 3d ** —Dead. PRIVATES. II Wil=on T. Aderbold, Macon. 12 Jimes A. Abbott, Ga. 1:4 Edward Curd. Maeon. 14 Onan Rutlingham, Dead. l.'i Edward Barnard. New Orleans. j; Peter W. Clayton, Ifead. 17 IVm. J. Cummings, Dead. 18 John Cleeely, Dead, la Rufus Cook. Dead. •jo Wm. Carter. Dead. 21 John IV. Cooper Dead. 22 John R. Candler, Dead. 23 Jamo- Carson, I tend. 24 Wm. Davis, Milledgeville. 2', I-;\no Doming**, Greenville. 26 Wm. English, Ga. 27 John L. Eils, Savannah, :> Elijah Fostor. Dt-ad. 2y Alphous T. Franklin. Dead. :tft Charles E. Flanders. Florida. 31 Alex. 11. Franklin, tin. 32 George A. Grimes, Maeon. :{;{ Lewi- Gee, Residence unknown. .4 Solomon Groce, Dt-ad. 35 Richard VI. Head, Residence unknown, t, Elliot Higgins, “ “ :-7 IVm. Httgb**, Dead. > Wm. A. Haines, Dead, 89 Alexander H. Hawkins, Dead. 40 Simeon Harton, Residence unknown. 41 Andrew K. P. Harris, Dead. 42 David G. Kennedy. Residence unknown. 4-'! Win. King, Macon. 44 John T. Lamar. Sumter Cos., 45 Wilson Logue. Bibb Cos., 48 John Itoughridge, Residence unknown. I 47 John Lane, Dead. 4M Daniel A. Lowe, Death 4!* John MeGonon, “ 50 Seaborn Moore, Residence unknown. 51 James Morton, “ “ 52 Allred B. Me Rees, Dead. Wm. W. Munson, “ 54 Robert K. McCarthy, Residence un known. I 1 •V> Robert Melton, Residence unknown. 56 Thomas J. MeNoilly, Dead. 57 Sanford F. Mennard, Fort Valley, Ga. 58 Thomas J. Moody, Dead. 59 Allen J. Mtdraw, Macon. 60 Alfred A. Park, Dead. 61 Wm. A. Robinson, “ 62 Alex. K. Kalst<n. Savannah, Ga. 63 IVm. M. Ralston, Dead. 64 Marcus Roberts, “ j < 65 Albert B. Ross, Maeon. 66 Caleb IV. Rembert, Dead. i 67 Thomas Sherlv, Alabama. i 68 Sebastian Shaw, Macon 69 Robert W. Snead, Dead. 70 Robert H. Tindale, Macon. 71 John E. Timbtson. Houston Cos. 72 Gilbert E. Thigjicn, Dead. 73 Wm. W. AVotHlail, Deserted. 74 William Walker, Dead. 75 Edward Wood, “ 76 Franklin W. Wright, Dead. 77 Robt. W. Walker. Macon. 78 Timothy D. Wood, “ 79 Claiborn Vaughn, Dead. s 0 A. W. Combs, California. 81 James W Beasley, Dead. *2 Th.>s. J. McCrary, “ 53 Wm. IV. Wright, Four Ditto‘r From Europe, ARRIVAL OF THE NOVA SCOTIAN. Quebec, Aug. 7.—The Steamship Nova Sco tian, from Liverpool, was boarded off Farther Point at nooo to-day. She brings dates to the 27th uIC, four days later than those brought by j the Persia. Liverpool Market.—Sales of Cotton for the three days 44,000 bales—market closed steady. In some cases an advance of id. is re ported. Breadstuff's advancing. Corn declin ing. Provisions declining. Consols qutairt at 95. Fnrllicr by Ihe lota Kc-otiun. - New York, August 6. It was rumored that Napoleon wow’d shortly visit London. The London News intimates that the pro gramme of tlie Italian Confederation, as ar ranged at ViUaffanca, will not he pressed. The French naval and land forces had be gun to leave Italy. Count Presigney had arrived in Paris with assurances that England would giveher adherence to the proposed Congress on con dition of a general and immediate disarma ment. The Parliament was directing its attention to the state of the national de fences. It was stated that France was arming a fleet with rifled cannon. Austria has refused to meet Sardinian representatives in the Conference. The Emperor Napoleon was to make his grand entry into Paris on the 4th inst. It was reported that the French army had bi*en reduced 200,000 men by renewable lrloughs. Carabaldi had a confident al interview with Marmora on tbe loth of July. It i report ed that he lias an army of twelve thousand men, which is steadily increasing. It was further stated that he i going to the Appe nines to gather an army fitly thousand strong, with which to ass< rt aud maintain the inde pendence of Central Italy, under the auspi ces of Modena. The Pope complains of King Emmanuel for having asked foreign assistance to vindi cate the Pope s rights. The Moniteurde Flctle says that Denmark had ceded the Island of St Thomas to Amer ica. The French Bourse* closed flat at 67. 90. Ihe accounts of the wine crop were unfa vorable, the extreme heat of the weather -aviag injured the grapes. A fire had occuiad in Liverpool, destroy ing the North Shore Flour and Rice nulls. Loss £60,000. Latest.—An article in the Paris Monitenr. ‘ n which exceptions were taken to the mill lary and naval expenditures of England, had c *used a decline of 1-4 in the French funds. I ‘itflier by the Nova *otian. New Nork, Aug 8. The T rench and English press are endeav- | J ( rin K t 0 restore the entente rordiale between two countries. England has offered to nc epreaentatives to the Zurich Conference • r ranee will disarm, and France has agreed 0 * general disarmament on land and sea. Later from Mexico Nirr OhleaXS. Augu:-t C —Da'es have been received here from Y. ra Crux to the 28th July, and From the City of Mexico to the 19th July. Gen. Zualoga was marching on San Louis Potosi. with five thousand nun. Ollier troops were coii'-entrating to march against Mat'pv za. Miramcn's troops were concen trating at Rejrenesator. It was reported that a grand movement of some kmd was on foot. Miramon had issued* manifesto, in which In* promises to protect the clergy; declares in favor of a dictatorial government; as-ert? that it is the traditional policy of Mexico to guard against the United States. , Minister McLane was at Truxillo. Only ! the skeleton of the treaty had teen sent to jII ashington—it was not signed. Juarez declines signing the treaty without the ap proval of the Mexican Congress. Ihe authorities of Tehauntepec continue to annoy the Tehauntepec company. The mails by this route will probably be discon tinued soon. A conspiracy had been discovered at the Capitol, on the 11th of July. The plan ol the con.-pirators was to assassinate the Gov ernor, and take possession of the Govern- I aienL From Kaunas. St. Loris, Aug. 8. Accounts from Denver City to the 29th ult. state that there is groat excitement in that quarter in consequence of the discovery , of rich gold diggings near the head waters of the Colorado. At Leavenworth a secret Vigilance Com- I rnittee had been organized to break up the gangs of horse thieves and robbers that infest the Territory. The Committee hung two victims and extorted testimony from others sufficient to disclose all the lamifications ot | the gang, and then disbanded. Extrusive Forgery on (lie Gov eniHient. Ht Loots, Aug. 8. | SBO,OOO of forged Government checks have been discovered at Gamp Ftoyd, and two persons supposed to be implicated in the forgery have be* n arrested. Death of the Harboi: Master.-—Capt. Wm. Cullen, for many years Harbor Master of the Port of Savannah, died near this city yesterday afternoon. — Sai. A vg. 8. SCRAPS. | Good manners are best learned by keeping ! good company; 1 f st good act benefits no one else, it l**ne fita the doer. Never open the door to a little vice, lest a greater one should enter. Harsh words are like hailstones in sum mer. which if melted would fertilize the ten der plants they hatter down. It i- little gain to barter away your hon or and integrity, and divest yourself of mor al courage to gain—nothing. The Late Mr. Stnbbs. On the morning of the fourth instant, our city was shocked by the intelligence, that Mr. T. P. Stubbs was dend. Sad calamity ! By his love and tenderness he hud endeared to himself a devoted wife, and an interest ing family of children; by his energy and perevorenee in noble pur-uits, he had ; made himself an exemplar of the young; | by his many acts of public beneficence, he had endeared himself to every mem ber of the community ; by his thousand ‘ acts of disinterred kindness to the poor, ‘ In* hint erected in the In-art of every one j <>f them a monument to his goodness that will stand as long ns their pulses shall leat; and his memory is every where em balmed, deep in tbe affections of every poor widow in Maeon. “In his death the -poor j of Macon have sustained an irreparable los-.’ “ There will be wailing among the poor now.” “ The poor widows may weep now, I that their friend is gone.” These expres- I sions may now be heard in every public ! place, and in every private circle. Wliat a ; eulogy is tills 7 Honored is the man. above kings and princes, who in his death, has , tributes like these. It was not our pleasure to know Mr. ! Stubbs, personally, hut while we were a j stranger to him. we have the feelings com- ! mon to humanity, and can share a public loss; and ourself a sad child of orphanage ; we know too well how to sympathize with the bereaved and fatherless. We shall in- j dulge a few reflections. Mr. Stubbs, we are told, had never iden tified himself with any branch of the Chris- i tian Church, cor had he ever made any pro- ; fission of religion; but even if he had, these would be but poor indices to point to his condition now. If all that we are told j is true, we assert that he did make the mo-t ‘ public profession of religion that he could , have made. He professed it in his unwav ering belief in the doctrines of the Bible; ■ he professed it in his ready and cheerful re- ‘ sponsc to every call made upon him for ben evolent donations: he professed it by ten derly regarding the cries of the poor ; he professed it by living a life that was irre proachable. \\ hat magic i-* there in a church or in a jtrofr**ion, that will save a * man? We have before our mind now a ‘ prominent man in a certain church, and we -hall draw a comparison between him and Mr. Stubbs. Tlii- man prof<*sse- to be a Christian, and would feel it an insult if this ! were doubt*d : yet, while he is prol*ahlv worth ten times more money than ever was 1 Mr. Stubbs, the latter always gave ten dol j lars, while the former gave one for the sup- j j port of benevolent enterprises. This wealthy i brother is cxrolcs-s about attending Church. ) Mr. Stubbs was a! way- there to fill his seat; j the former has a narrow, contracted soul. that has no tear for the v ailing poor, while j the latter was emphatically the widows’ i : friend ; the life of the former is qnestiona -1 hie, while that of the latter was irreproach- . able. Our wealthy friend will die, sooner or la- ; ter. and although he will leave no monu ment in the hearts of those he comforted, vet he dies with a profession of religion ; | ’ and the preacher, obliged to act tijion these - j professions, will invoke ;he presence of an ! gels to waft the saint to heaven, while the fate of Mr. Stubbs, who was a thousand > times better than ever was this member of the church, is left to Tiugue conjecture, be- j cause, forsooth, he nevet jixhlicly professed religion, and enrolled his name upon the j church book. Other* can think as they plc.-ve—can form whateter conjectures suit them best, blit tee prefer to share the fate of : the man whose death crushes the heart of the |w>or. whose grave is watered by the widow's tears, and who receives his reward from the hand of the widow s God. [Southern Methodist. Tribute of Kenucct. At a meeting of the members of the Macon Bar, held at the offise of Wm. K. deGraflen reid, Eq., on the 4th inst—upon motion of i John Rutherford, Esq., his honor Henry G. La mar was called to the Chair, and T. G. Holt, Jr., requested to act as Secretary. The Chair , man announced the object of the meeting to be ’ to take some appropriate setion concerning the -leath of our prolcssioual brother THOMAS P. STUBBS, K-q. Upon motion of E. A. Nisliet, E|-, the Chair J appointed a committee of three consisting of E. A Nisbet, C. B. Cole and W. K. deGraffeoreid, Ksqrs., to prepare suitable resolutions for the adoption of the meeting. The Committee . through their Chairman submitted the follow ing preamble and resolutions: Only a few days sgo Mr. Stubbs was in onr midst pursuing the routine of a busy and highly | responsible life, with his accustomed, hopeful, i cheerful, and earnest industry. Some of us ! knew not that he was sick—others knew that i he was indisposed, without being dangerously I ill; and all were this morning shocked, with the appalling announcement tkst be died at J | o’clock. Tt is not enough to say that this ! event is painful—it is sad—very aad even in j expressihly sorrowful. This entire community, j at this moment, feels tin- shock as if stricken with paralysis. Next to his weeping family, we, his professional associates, feel it most sen sibly : for none knew him better, or respected him more profoundly, or loved him more sin ; cere'.y. His amiable aud strong character was understood by all classes. Tbe people trusted his ability and integrity as a public man. and his neighbors, especially the poor, mourn bis ] loss ■ boctane, he was kind, liberal, just and j charitable. What he was at h me, in the Oo* som of bis family, it boomcg na not to say, at least not here and now. The bereavement there, and the desolation which it has caused, . too awful even for sympathetic comment ; ad monish to be sib ut. As members of llie Mu cor Bar it is not Dss oar privilege than our du ty, to speak of him. He was in truth our | brother, and it is our pleasure, iu the presence . of his nnburied eorjiee, to declare that he ful filled all the obligations of that peculiar and honorable relation, without money, or influen tial friends, and with but limited education, lie I entered upon a profession, whose honors and i emolument are won only by the best order of minds—<he severest labor, and the purest hon or. Self reliant honest and industrious : cour teous in his intercourse with the Court and the Bar, and competent in skill and learning, for its highest duties ; he stood at the moment of his death, in its front rank. His lucra tive practice, in spite of able and various com petitors, is demonstrative alike of his ability and integrity. Those brief words, are but out lines, yet they express truthfully our estimrite jof our deceased friend. If the occasion would justify it, it would he a lnl>or of love to fill these outlines with the details of a beantifnl character, and the events of an honoralf’e life God has taken him, let us be content, for he or ilereth all things well. Let us not impeach the wisdom or mercy of Him whose Sovereignty is ’ Supreme in Heaven and upon Rarth, but ac quiescing in this inscrutable dispensation, learn j from it that we too hasten to the grave. Iff sot re That by the death of Thomas P. Sttdbs. Esq., we have lost a brother entitled to onr highest respect ns a professional man, and a friend, whom we loved with eordial affection. That our sympathies are hereby tendered to | the family of the deceased. That the Maeon Bar will attend his funeral in a body, and in token of respect to Ivs mf-mo rv. wi!l wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. That fliis preamble and these resolutions )>e presented by the Secretary of this meeting to the 8-iperior tVmrt of Bibb comity, at its next r -gnlar Term, witti our request that they be en l terod upon its minutes. And that t.iie pro ceedings of this meeting be published in all the . r 'ly psf>ers and a copy of the same be furnish ed to the family of the deceased. HENRY G. LAMAR, Clin. T. G. Holt, Jr., See’)*. Macon Volunteer’* Armory Hall, ) August sth, 1859. f f At a meeting held this day, Capt. Smith in the chair; the death of our late honorary Member, Titos I*. Srrjus* was announced. On motion a committee was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings of this corps, on the melancholy dispensation. Resolved. That the Macon Volunteers have , received with the deepest emotions of sor row. the melancholy intelligeneeof the death i of our late beloved comrade in arms. Hon orary Member, Thomas I*. Smuts. His high-souled honor, his ingenuousdisposition, ; . his unbounded generosity, hut especially his j devotion to liis duties as a soldier, have ever endeared him in our affections, and will be cherished in our grateful recollections, con stituting a standard worthy of our imitation. Resolved, In testimony of our deep emo tions of sorrow at the loss of our brother in arms, that we drape our Armory in mourn , ing for the space of thirty days. * Resolvnl, That we mingle our sympathies ! and condolence with the family of the de ceased in tlii- affecting dispensation of Fro- j vidcnce. which has so suddenly’ out off our friend in the full vigor of his usefulness. Resolved, That the foregoing resolutions I** spread upon our minutes, and a copy fur nished to the faniilyof the deceased, and one to eseh of the Gazettes of the city, with a re quest that the same be published. T-TEt’T. Bt'TTS, ) Gamu t. Jones, j lion. Members Coaxf.r. , Williams, ; r ° m “ “ Barnes, I Private Van Gkisex, J A true extract from the minutes. IT.l T . VAN GEISKN, Secretary. Macon Louc.e, No. 5, F. A. M. ) August slh, A. L, 1859. y The Committee appointed in that behalf, beg leave to submit the following report and resolutions, relative to the death of our well beloved Brother, Thomas P. Stubbs, a native ‘ of Georgia, and for the last thirty years a citizen of this place, who died after a short illness on the 4th inst. The deceased wan a man of singular purity and sincerity of char acter. Much good did he do in his dav and generation, and his deeds will live after him. lie never sought public station, albeit his i extraordinary taknts rendered hun worthy ‘ of any post usually awarded to” meritorious ! ambition. He however, acted well his part | in private 1:1b. and none who knew him in his social relations, will soon forget him. Hi* family, the community, and especially the Masonic fraternity, have sustained a great loss by his death, and in testimony of onr re i gret. Be it tiierelore. Resolved, That whilst the hand of Provi dence m this dispensation, has fallen heavily upon us—so heavily as to move all hearts, we, as taught by the bright example of the deceased, submit without murmur, though With deep grief to this decree of God. Resolvoil. That, we lender our sincere sym pathy lota ;h and every member of the house hold so sadly bereaved, and moat fervently do we beseech the Author of all good, to give them comfort and consolation in this their “night time of sorrow and care.'’ Resolved, That the member.* of this Lodge will couform to the usual rules of the Order expressive of respect io the memory of a de parted Brother, worthy and well qualified, often tried aud never found mintin'/. Resolved, That these proceedings he pub lished in the city papers, as a tribute of re spect to the deceased, and that a copy of the same be transmitted by the Secretary to ihe family of the deceased. Mark A. Wixanixn i E C. Ontcß, - (Jotii. T. J. Cater. Franklin *l,oi.k. 1 O. o. K., j August, sth, 1839. j The Comiuittoi* iippoiiiti-d for tliat pur pose ts'g leave to submit the following re |K>rt and resolutions relative to the death of! i our brother, Thomas I‘. Stubbs, who died on the 4th inst. By the inscrutable pnni” donee of God, our Ixdoved brother, Thos. B. Sru nits, has been suddenly removed from the associations of his brotherhood while lie was in the prime of life nod in the zenith of his usefulness. Tn the duties of his profession he was faithful, and bv i 1 . I industry achieved success. In the public i { offices which he tilled he discharged his obligations with fidelity ned zeal. In hi* character as a citizen he was above reproach. In hi* station lie was a friend to the poor. -Tlie widow and the fatherless lie remem bered in tln*ir affliction. In all the rein- ’ tion- ot life he exhibited those generous traits which endeared him to this commu nity. In him Odd Fellowship had a Jiving reality; for his friendship was warm and clasped in its embrace all who lineded his | aid or deserved his sympathy. His charity ! : was liberal, hut unostentatious. J n all these thing* he gave an example worthy of ■ mulatkm, and while we deplore hi-decease we ei.ari-h his memory. -. Ifo it therefore. Rrsidred, That in the death of our brother, i . the Odd Fellows have lost a worthy and ! la-loved member of the Order, and Macon one of her most useful citizens. Resolved, That we ter.der our heart-felt 1 sympathy to his bereaved family : and we pray that God may comfort them in their atHietion. Resolved. That the members of this Lodge will observe the usual rules of the Order expressive of their sorrow and respect for ; a deceased brotlier who worthily filled his place in life. Resolved, That the above proceedings be published in the city papers, and that a copy of the same be transmitted to the family of ! the deceased. R. A. Smith, 4 S. Landrum, > Cfom. H. B. Tbeadm-eix, J SPECIAL NOTICES. Houston County Meeting tr THOM Vb I! IRIE.II IM Auvrlt-ui ud<V position i’uiid tUt* ft rCN lJi? ; tiict, wt are requested toS.iV, will 8 tl, of Hendon Coi.r.ty, at Perryyc'D Saturday t!r |JVh of August . ! All are invited to hear him. | At ilh AtuiD* time uu-.\, tli** American aiul Oppf* it ion party will hoW a me<-tiug to noiuttmte i’andi*t* r<*;>re • j et-nt tli* County in the next I >^lß’at tire M. 1 NOTICE. THE Regular Me,-tings of the MACON BUILDING ik LOAN ASSOUIA- Ii TION, for Payment iuf Dues and Loaning, ’ 1 arc on the Ist Monday in each Month. A. K. FREEMAN, feb 11—ly Soc’j- £ Treas. NOTICE. rpHK Regular Meetings of the 8188 1 COUNTY LOAN ASSOCIATION, for Payment of Dues and LoutiifJg, are on the 2d Thursday in each Month. . j * A. R. FREEMAN, fob 11— ly See’v & Treas. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Silt JAMES CLARKES CKLI-IBR ATKII FEMALE BILLS. Propa*. J front a pr> ri! it ion of Sir ,T. Clarla-, M. I)., Pliyut dan F sirai iiiinan- to the Queen. This well known medicine la no iini>ositiou, lull a sure ami sale retoed) fur Female Dirtieull iea and anj , i cause whatever; and alllimifrli a powerful remedy, lis t con : tain nothing kurtAiklo the colastitutiou. To Married Ladies, It lj peculiarly suited. It will. In a short time, bring on the ; monthly period with regularity. THKSE I*II.LA HAVK NKYKR ItKFTJ KSOWN TO FAIL, WHERE THE DI&EyrION'S ON THE ‘.’Sl I'AI.E or l-Ain-HleEI ALE WELL OKSKKVED. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the amt. N. B.—#l and 6 porlaye stamp enekksed to anyaufi-iriEesl ! aff.-nt, will insure a i.oUle, containing 50 pills, by return mail, t W Sold 111 Maeon bv Mi n atb k C'asill::, and Io all re ..table Drilajilnis In.til tbe eounfry. t 60 Oiygrualei! Bitters. I A <-/nr, if. Why will you snfler ? • ’ pepsin i ii brief but comprehensive term for : th<* ntinicrou disva •■•** whirdi ulfoctthe sloni ! ch, liver, shd in fact the wlmfe human | system. Until Dr. Green dis>vert-d the ! < Oxygenated Bitters medical science was at i fault, and had exhausted itself in fruitless efforts to cure this disease that is always ‘ painful, and frequently a laud affliction. This unique and peouliar comtKiund will as certainly cure the disease as the disease exists. lliul it not this power such testimo ny as follows would not he given in its la v ;, r; j Valuable test nth inp in favor of the O.n/i/e no ted Hitters. ! Having made use <>t the Oxygenated Bit- | ters, prepared hv Dr. Geo. li. Green, of Windsor, Vt., and from knowledge obtain- 1 ed of their efficacy in other eases, we cheer- \ ; fully recommend them the public, believing i ’ they will fully sustain the recommendation | of the proprietor. Wo hope that his valtia- | - Me remedy may bp accessible toall Bit* atflic- ! | ted. SAM’L PIIKLFS, \\ M. UPHAM, U. S. Sn- | atoin from Vt.; J as. P. JSimmuns, t . 8. Ben. from Rhode Island; J. T. Moukitkan. it. | i S. Sen., and formerly Gov. of Jveiituckv ; ! L. H. A HNot.T*. formerly Gov. of Rhode is- ’ land: \VM W oodbuiduk, late (iovernor of Michigan. Its success in severe cases of Dyspepsia, \ ! Asthma, General Debility’ of the ,System, ! ! places it among the most wonderful ‘discov eries in medical science, ami has given it a : i reputation far beyond atiyVeirtialy known for these complaints, in all their various forms, j Frepiired hv Seth VV. Fowh* A Cos., Bos- j : ton, and for sale hv E. L. Stroliecker & Cos., I and Zeilin & Hunt, Macon. Strumous or Scrofulous affections are the ! curse, the Might, the potatoc totof man- j kiud. Tliev are vile and filthy as well ax fatal. They arise from contamination and ! impurity of the Mood, and are to he seen all around us everyday. One quarter of all we meet arc tainted with them, and one quar- \ ter of these die with them : die fooli.-Jily ! too, because they are curable. Ayer's Sar- | saparilla cleanses out the scrofulous corrup- j ( tion from the blood, renders it pure and healthy, and effectually expurges the foul ‘ | contamination from the system. No longer I groan under your scrofulous disorders, since j ! the irresistible Ayer has provided his mas terly combination >f curative virtues that I lie calls Sarsaparilla.— Democrat, Water- ! bury ( V. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS | I laUrasfietf! Hallrasst * ! iflatfrsis*?* ! lot cf superior New and nil raise?, for rale by tbe VIACOM MANut AI.’TUKiMU Ci Mi'ASY. j august 11— 4t mm ATTBAGTIOH. Everybody Read This !!! riIFTF. undertigticd t.nvirc t* Tit \ the Umise. in iT t I JL Mnciri. form roly r*ccjpi lbv -f nir Denton, and will ! iiHve it in good repair by th * lt of Htptcmber, to reecire the | patronage of all who may iel :i wlUini:iiC'>s topivr mt* tbelr j | Cotton. W. A. aIcLA.NE. rinp 12—w2m A Card. A PRACTICE extending ov*rfionrtie. manvof lY them di-taiit from Miu-on, |klß ivftulhM in rayfrefjnefit alienor flroni thin city. Forth** purpon* of afford!me nr re | lime to alt* nd lo my biuines-, lu re and in thi* circuit, I have a>4oclti*d mmy ]nictlc'with t’ol. K. \V. Minin'*,a lawyer of lirff* practice:unl whose r.>itlenco hi Atlanta will a itlori7.i* m* in giving coimtani :tii<l excinwive attention t* all cuNt**s|i;/*i (1 in inv li indrt in Uii-4 cit\. where mv lutcr uKt# are now . t*h more firmly aud tliordugnly identified. Mac .*n, auf 19—tt O. A. iiOCiIKAXE. R. W. SIMMS & 0. A. LOCHRANE HAVING Hhsociatfcd themselves in the practice of the |j*w at Macon an*i Atlanta, will utlend to business in t!ie Revival enuulleH in ilicir circuits respectively. Ofllvc in Macon,near Mechanic'* Hank. aug 12 —If ‘IRAOH B.H9N HU J j Ou the Kiiroiirnn fiaii, CITY Or NK.YV YORK, j Sin*lu Itooins 50 Cents jmt Day. City Hall Sqr.are, corner rs Frakfort Street, (Oppositp City Hall.) Mi ills. :is |l:ov may l'<’ neli'ivil in tin* xpacinUk Itofi’.e , i lon. Tin'll-isa liailicr'sSln>|> ami IJalli Knomsatim-iicA ; lo tin- 11. l. l. N. 11.- Heavarc <f Ittinin-is ami Huckaieu. win. say are lull. H. FHEKI 11. Proprietor. August 9,1859. 11!DEATH TO ALL VERMIN!!! IT itrulv woiiderfpl with wlnt certainty Rat. t Roaches, Mice, Moles, tlrouvid Mice, Ants, Moths, Mos* ! quitces. Fleas, hiltiH <*n Animals, in Fhort every specie* of I Vt riti'ii, are utterly 4e*troyi and ly ‘ (’wiarV’ lint. Hooch, Ac., E\ 4 *riniialor, “t iMlarV’ tr\tcri7iinnior, “< otirV’ hUfctru’ Pim4t*r. fur I once to, tic. THE [only infallible wmcilies known, j C. < -OVICK, (Kd. “Ilirald,”) Lancaster, Wis. ‘‘Wuhigh* IJy recuoninend the Ektur. JVioiu ifraut and providoim are dtsiroviMl aniniillv in firnnl Oouaty *y Venuin, than would [T furious of tlds Hal Killer and Insect Kxtcr., vet a hundret h j art of the value of such prt hirty laid outiu 1 **o<*sat ,M fcxt., would savt ail loss. ’ \\\ CURTIS. (Dru-kii t,) Oakland, Ail. We received the l*o c—care Blikhlev, St. laOuls.—lt gives sat is fiction wherever tried.—lsa **dead ’ every time, ami no mis t•ike. ,, OSH)RN PARSONS. faftoH, Wis. ‘You/ Rat and K<nich Extcr ,is soitl. Jt aivus universal butudaction. , OEoROE UOM*; Oardington, O. “I have been | feltlnrryour FYt. for the last year, ami have not known It to fail in i ! t R. \V KIOH 4*. (Dr iffirUt,) Trov. O. “I Imre sM out all the i Rat, Roach, Ac., Rxt. Tht Rat Killer is In trreat demand.” J 2 Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, New York* ! 2 aJI wholesale 1 ‘ro&r-d* in New York are Agents. j#"WholesaleAseAfi ill all the iarne cities. AlF”l>nirifis*sana Dealer* everywhere teli them. j IW 000 Bo**** sold pvr week in N. Y. alone. 19T !! 0’ wa*e! .!of spurious imiuitioio*. Exsndne each Roy. Rattle, r Pb*k, and take nothiuff hut “('oktah's. * Boxascan te rent by mail. (sntl]ele:.t tode.tiuy the , YertuinMon any pr ni i-es > Hr‘#*j,( ikriaptc I ‘< ku osd das.) by to Dealers. Wholesale AGrursroi: S. C. <U, At.\,A Fit.’ At (Tiarlest* n, Van Shaack A Grierson, \t Savannah. G:t., J. li. Moore >V Go. At Mt.bile, Ala f. C. Du I>. e A Cos. ae§ • lm^ Now is tlie Chance *% urn *yy tII V, i|| lilfi SIMMER CIDTHIK AT At C 1 si ml Less FOR CASH ONIiY, NO IIU M Hl'f H Our policy Is to have a FRESH STOCK Every Season. C. 11. RAIRD, joly 2f> Telegraph Bulldinir. ! SALE OF LAND. ILL be sold on the first Tutsday in October OS® ▼ ▼ nKt, before theComt Housed<ki- in Vy” of Clinton, between the usual hours of sale, F#nr liautii ii sad forty Acres of Laid, I More or le* lyire in .aid county, and adjoininx land, of K. M. mover. Win. Reynohia. and others. Tht laud !• tiood. Oo and tee it. August 4. 1%0.-tds. B. H. QKIIK. Torsoy City MOH & iwlm :ar m m • fitriii)’ of Green un and Alorgnn St rents. JOHN B. FULLER, Propr. UT( OD MOUIidNOS, Bvuth and Architrave*', con ritaiilly on luuul, ai*l Wwrfcetl lo order. Alm> r‘KV\ ) Kail*and Hand luil*, litisiile I riiimiiuts of er> j t!es<r:pli.*it. bracket*, Tru.'stand all kind* of and I Mr.iijtht Hnurc Orving, Ac., Ac. Any detailed palUro w*vk*ito oider at frliort i*oiice. M'OOD TUHM ING in all its 1 lain. I‘annrlletl, and Octacuu I Jewels, vn hand and ninde toord**r. lialu*t* is t.f all .-izet* and descriptions, *Vc , Jfcc.,4tc. Malwgmiy. black Walnut, Oak, Oherry, and Tiuv? Mair Kails, sawed or u oik dU* order. 1 i.e piicc * v.aiked <ii e h p itteni ot Mc books?;**! t to order to any part ot the United State* arc* for one hundred feet running n •‘a.-nre N. b.—one -if the larg**>t stocks of Mouldings and Tlim mine*, am! greatest variety of pattern*, uuuiu aclured* fthe ; \c*rv bfrl iiat*rul-, w ill always lie to and at this e*tahUah nient. I'hr.iinc with ii^atHOs-and dls;iach. Termucash. JOIIN I*. FfiLLEU will also manufacture > nml jfivc particular attention lo Grotliio Work, For Church s, I'iddic ihili*Utigs,i)wrUiU4( U**uses, Ac. Wiu d*w frail Ac., made to order al shoi t not ice. Round and /Square Picket Pence, <IV., j A ho, dealer In Boors. Sashrs ami UHtiils, j < >1 every Ues, ii, m u u'sc'inv.l <>f ihe i est material, and w.i'rat U- 1 toetaiatln any tn. ISn.t.era’ ll.rjwan-. ami | every article In lin-inrmslnvl at 11.-low st oa.di pric-r. Marble, Marblei::vd Iron nail Stale Man Res, Terra Cotta, Brackets, Trusses , Window Caps, tOc. tr- IV.,i; >n9aml Dniwii v f irnlj eil st. In,it u.itk-e- CITATION. SIX’ I Y !>hys nftrr fin* a appltc ifion will he made to the Or dln ary of Houston < Jounty, for leave to sell the real es -1 tiitcol Jacob Hktpper, lteor?Hid t’ountv, deceased. July -2% i>s9. JUNIUS (J. SKU FKK, aug. 2. AdiuiuUtrator. II VKIS V IS I> V mm h£f'f IF YOU - _ wrml.i buy . tl, Rotkaway, ‘ ** Bng-gy, llnr-k Wagon, Jersey Wagon, ’ Plantation Wagon, that will RUN LIGHTER, and LAST LONGER, than any you can buy 11V THU STATE, go to I WOOIFRITFF A CO., Griffix, Ga. They keep a LARGE STOCK, and SELL LOW, especially for CASH ! j April 13. I FOH NEW YORK. FAKK KFAHTVim, Freight and Passage, as Law as by any other ; LUT-J J\. 3VA XG ,*S . Cabin Passage. :::: Sls. 11) the splciuiid aud conurifMlious Side wheel Steamers ! AUUUSTA... 1,000 tons (Jai-t. M. H. Wondhnll, KIiOKIDA, I.noe “ Isaac (Vowell, ALABAMA I,hoo ** “ Oeo. K. Bclienck. And first tin.*.! I’ropellcr STAII OF TUK SOUTH l.bjn <'apt.Thomas Lyon. ; Jjii i>ri!>- lilu-, ft., the mnndoil by experienced, killful, crrefnl and p< life oflk-ers a john it. Wilder a- gali.ib. Agenta, Savannah. SAMUJPC X,. HUTCH tLL & SON, fulyS—lf Amenta, New Tork. SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, i IT i* ctriupoundocl entirely from f luirh, and lit% lw***fmi* mi 1 . I'.TtablislivAl fact, n Standard Me*!!fin<*, known :uid nppn>v- - liy all tiiat have u •< .1 it. i c.iitldence iu all Ui<- i>i.< < I niemleil. ( | It has cured thon.-alidj I v. ho had pivc-u tij’ ali hopes? Uli-otie.trd ,-ertiti* :-.t,-r. II ? | Hu- d.l >■ niiiMt la- a-'apt ) ] the individual takinp i'.| as m act ou tie bow ? the dictates ot y.-i.iJ i use of ihe M V Elt I \ i j will cure hirer l om lat-Ks, II v efieps in ( bummer I'oinpfaiiiis r Sour stomach H.hll-? Sc. I'holern, I'll ilers), In in. i- luuh In • V\ < /Ihlii ••(-., aLd may) ili A i oi v Family? II I K lIL.VOAc 111-: ? in twi-iilv inlnule*, ii( Miouiiiiiiia r.rr inkcnj Vil vt ho use ii art) its favor. J LIVER INViGORATOR. MIX V. v.TFIi I\ THE •IOITH Will I THE lAVMOiIi A'lOK, A .Ii SWALLOW iiui'V. SO GKTHfc.iI. !*ri<— One Dollar per llottlf. A A,.M > SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, (’OMPOUKDiD FKOM Pun* Ye ‘olnl>l* Kxlnch, and pul up in GLASS >ir Tiilu. and will lim*|>tn any iliinnfo. Tli*• Family Cathar-j tive t.'atliart:c wbieii the; pr.iolice mope lh:m tweotyj The conetunUy inerets ; wlio have loop used tiier i tion which all express inj duct’d lin- to place tliem? The protcssiOM well know j act on different ponioDS ot, , The I'AMIIA CA-( with dm- retcrence to tins! conipunndefl from a varle ! Kxtiacts, xvlilcli act alike; incnlaiy canal, aiai arc! where a Cathartic is need-; iinmilm t f the stomach j Ihe Muck ruin Lotus,j , hirraewi ov■ r Ih c tlt-n cold, which frequent-; long corns.* of Fever, lua) ina seinniitiii t f Fold: IcwlMi, llcuduclir-, o J lii:!ainuiaioiy Mi-tens-} oi- tdnllH, liheerr**, Ihe lllootl ami many db-j 100 numerous to aunticn; Hose. 1 to 3. CATHARTIC PILLS. PRICE 311 CENT*. The Liver liivfoofnlnrnnii Family C-alliarilr* Pills are u-iailed !a DruiKit Lst’cntialiy, aud sold wholesale by Ihe ; trade in all the large towns. T. W. SANDFORD. Manufacturei and Proprietor, 33# Rrondwa-. A. Y. Retailed bv all Solti also ny ZEILIN •* HUNT QUO. P.AYNE. and MENARDtSi C'ASTLikN, Macon. June it,— ly.cli. - HENRY’S Extract Jamaica Ginger. A CEUTA IN. safe and e<rqtnl renrady for Dvsentrrv, Mai-Thru- > or f.i'Oeei.c—, < h lera Motbus, Sumner CoinpUiiiihCboii... O'iadhK pains, Four Stomach, hick and all vt>us htcitl.cite, pain or -ickinss or the stomach, wind in th. tomaclianil Isrwe's, In .-teiic-t, c-ainps, nervous imnora araltwilehinjjs. ,-r-a sick near, lainlin-r-. inclan iltolv and low i.urs nfspiriie, fretlinir and etyin/ oi infants, and for ali i. -w el affections and uervous diseases. Mqdt-li ni tin .laloaißt (iitoi.T Rot l, in a atipcrit i u..oilier, anil ct.iopoer# #f (linger. Mill It ii alone, carries com u IP n at me e lolhc mind i fan intelligent people, as to its otUcacy it ail the diseases aboveenumt ruled. It la no Patent or becret remedy, bt-ii g : much used ai ti highly recoinuientiwl by the M .di-ul Eacaliy. Prepared l.y ZEJLIN A HUN I’, 1 ouggi-ls, Price£o conUa bottle. M.e to, Oa. | inly 7 FINE STOCK a a v\ FITtlR undersigned will -gt 1. Ifoin Mac.'*uoi"i h & Sr W Cue M'lks,‘ Ldtt’UtcfilK'VHHEiUr / - 3(/T>Horo-. to Which li Jf W * JX ‘ would invite the attei. A ~l* J *j , tion 1 f puioha-ors. JTis stock wl!l be found at al. >T riJBLE KHU.I/.s Stal lev. B. S. tiKTTON, augi, swiw 2w of BtoulionCom*y,Ky. J. .1. MILLET. j. WAiEKMAN MILLER & WATERMAN i AUCTION AND COMMISSION HEKCHA.ITS, j Macon, - - - Georgia , \Vr IiJL give peitieular alt. nl iou u. the public and private 11 sale of aud property ol ever* dtwct.ptPm, and wilt make prompt returns jor thesunic. RrFKi: r.x rEituissinUTo—4. B. A>* .A. Ross. T. R. Floom. .1. K. Wi ilt-r, L. M., E. Bond, I’resid. ut Manu- I facturer's Bank, Macon, Oa. W M. DaviAson. liaßocbe It Bell, R. Ha’ **rsham A Sons, ltrighain. Halt- win .V Cos„ T l. Walsh, bavaUi.ah, Oa. W. (* Dukes It Son. Chariestt>n. aug 4—l y r ro THE STOCK HOLDERS {Of Ihr Manufacturing Company. nIVIUENDNO.iI of live dollars per share will be paid the Stockholders of this Company (out ol tbe nett earn ings of the Past six months), on and alter tbe 15th of this month, at the Agent’s office in this city. 3 liy order of tbe Board. [aug * 3tJ WM. b. HOLT, Agent. Fresh Arrivals. TEN boxes New Cheese, SOO Fresh Cocoanuts. 5 Bbls S. H. Almonds, 3 “ Brazil Nuts, Ten Boxes Layer Raisins. Ten half boxen Layer, . Twenty Quurio do “ ,‘ Twenty 1 lores French Lemons, ’ Tea “ Nidlv •* Fifteen “ Meownl Orangey sweet. Ju ‘t received and for gale by 1 July .6 QUEER k FREEMAN. JAMES T. ELLIOTT, Attorney &. C'ounellor at (I MI) EX, AE A A XSA S . i A ill attend to all Ru-lmra e.tru-toi to tom .11 South Ar Idnsns. 10.1353—1 v MONTPELIER FARM SCHOOL, MOSEOK CIirXTY, CEltliOIA. RtV. CARLISLE P. B. MARTIN, PRES. HAVING purcliaeei! M..ntp*tk-r, that ceMwatod seat of Itartiing. Mr. Marlin la- treus'erretl U.i,her his FARM si ‘JfOOI. from Henry county. Noplace in all th** S*outh posse sses more fas'.! it ies nr more peculiar advantages than does this for the successful etiuca ; lion of youth. I The Fa!! St ssioii will eon-.-.e, ee on the #Yh of July next, rit fu idler informal ion sd trtss the President at Montpe lier. (la. may ts Lauds lor Sale* 1-aiO acre-*. a emd >l"antily “ ‘!>’ tin ■■•£< • stunt* ototlUAOiuihtmliiicii tnation.con.fortß. lt Dwelling, Gil. House and Screw, Granary. uml a large uuniter of other building*. every li.him* m c’cd on f'!“ >"*■“ !‘ 1: “ ’ w : th fencing in P'SKi or.ler. ami Weil* mid The place has iseii reo.arkaMy healthy, awl lies on Walnut and keefceconnee Crwks. 2 mi!csfront H<*pt*weli uni -2 irciai Ala coil. Grain, Stock. Vc.. can be had with the place. Terms lo suit the purclaer. _ Address, JOHN A. T'ANIEI.t.T, Russellville, IJ.<>..1 J .<>.. Monroe 00., Ga. A* •• *. ts. UNiVFRSiTV 0 F LOUISVILLE M KDir.V L PRRARTMENT. TWENTY-THIRD SESSION HOARD OF TRUSTEES : I li<m. JanK’sGuihiie, IVekUituL Win. S. Yemoil, Secretary. IWS2DICAL FACULTY. . RIN.I. K. PALMER. M.P., Profesrnr of the Principle* and Practice of hurgerv. , . J. J,A ItKXcK SMITH. M.D. Profestor of Medical Chemistry anti Chemical PhtsSology. .... 1 ROli’T. ■!. RKEi'KINKIDGE, M.D., Professor of Mat eria Medica awl Therapeutics. ..... ... JOSIIUA It FT.! NT, M I).. Prof* -or of fllrtc-il Surgery. THFODOKX S. rtKI.L, M.D , Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. UKWKhhVN POWELL, M I*., Prose.-s-n of Oostilric Medici tie. „. , _ , .!. W. !iKNm'>N, M.D., T*rof *r of An atomy nrnt (lone nil pinsioloyv, ami Dean ot the Fami'ty. ,s. M. I.KMISS, M.l>., Pr >f. rof Medical Jurisprudence anti Sanitary Science. I*. W YANDhLI, M.l*.. Prof.tor of Clinical Medicine am! Palf.ologhtl An*.ton,v. ARCHIE C. COOK., M.D., Demons!rater of Anatomy. The M. tl •a’ Department of ti e 1 niv* r ilv of I.Mlrerltte will i ntr upon its ‘l'wenty-U, r,l S. s ion on the lost Mon- Cav in Novcnriiei*. 1 ..etures pre.i-uinai) to t lie regular <om sc V. ill I*,* delivered at the IViver.* it’ ami Ms rim; IP -pita), iris* | oil halve, and will Is comment cd on rite 1 t olio lot., r. ‘the ! pi, .(tine Itis'Bi will alsots* o| enttl al *•*• ‘fine. Those** | ri. n v, ill close, as hentolore. t.n Hit* last id Kelnilary. KxUli js ve otiporlnuities vtid he aflortlid iVr the .tody ot (' lii.ica Mull* ii.e and sure try. Lecture Fees MuLrtt.-nUtiou *: * r * Graduation ”5 IPmptia l Free. For further ! art!fa ais.uitd ess J. VV. II UN SON, Ml*.. (illy 7—3 m Dean of the Facultv. MW VOltK IKB SAVAMAHy Tlie Ancricnn-Atiaotk Strew Steamship Co."s. NKWELEGANT STEAMSHIPS HiTNTSVTLLE, j Cat*!. Jiiltii POST, 1 0041 Thus Unrtlien. MONTGOMERY, (apt. FR?I.CUOC*LR. 1,000 Tuts Bnrlhfo. Will leave NKW YORK and SAVANNAH EVERS SATURDAY?. PASSAGE sls. Th<* HWp‘rbaocommoilatious tor I'.lsspigera on Steam- | 1 oraare uiisurimsM'fl by any Oceun Steamer* in Mu* World.— The Sulooii.s tiid State ltoomu are elegantly fumiebetl, ai.a- I ciouduiui well vtntilatcd. THfiOUSH RATES OF FREIGHT From NEW YORK to Knoxville. Nash ville, Memphis, Tusemnbia aud other I placid, inclnding every expense, given when \ I required. IT* Merchandise cony!gnee! to the Agent of the Central ! KaiJrotid, Savannah, will he received and KRKE i OK COM MISSION. Mark o'*<>d- **CAitK AC ENT CEN j T UAL HA IJjROAI), SAVANNAH.” ShipM*rs arc part Tcu- ‘ i lariy requested to forward lills of Lading by the Steamer, i thereby cHKUringgn-aterdismtieh. and avoiding all dt lays. I Insurance may be etreoted by these Steamers at the OUkes | of the umlen igr.ed at one half p*r cent, witti tli* 1 lesT t'onipa nies. Freights have he reduced by this Line to Band 10 cents wr foot, and other Goods at pnqK>rtiouat.* rates. £ taken atthiee-t< urths of cusbunary ra DKiOIIAjM, BALDWIN V CC., Savannah, 11. 15. CKOMWKJ.I, A CO ,(la. ! aprU—ly S6 r*r. of Allntny. ■>. Y, FEHTI L 1 Z K li B ! GESEHAIt AGEKCY. TIITK undersigne*! nrF])c*.t folly announce to Plan*ers and . others ui!<-rested, that they are constantly receiving. li reet from the Islands and from the nu nufactnrers, the f<*l lowing mi tt approved Fertilizers now known, ail ot which I have been thoroughly and aatishutorily tested, viz: No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Hombroro Guant*, lvht>dp'. Bnpor. L’liospliatoof Limp, National Fortilizors, Ground Plaster. These nrllcUs, wbidi will have our brawl, and be frnnnu toedasgennine, we shall, at alt time-, le j*n }‘:irfl 1o lurm h I in ary amounts required, and at the lowest |rire*. Tho u Sn- I per J’hosphate/ and *1 eitdiz.t fat manufacturers’ rales, with I fipense i's transportation adde Savannah May*,- ly. PATTEN A MILLER. BROWN’S HOTEL Maoou, CrA. E. E. BROWN, PROPRIETOR. n' A VINO been fully con vlnre.i *.f thee* * ett.imciv mnnov litp inconvetiienceat'j xcfu. ti tic travt-Uit.y puhli*:*. !■** nit* r.vtr nnr v.rirat’ Kailr..r>ds, vi-re intlv sitt.ject, tr.e Prej.iictoi dctenmactl t. -r>i! .1, tbt up, at tm. u.* *i clipible nod convcr.-r.t point, h nuiettnst would supply every deman j ini be entiioly worts the patrom've or the public, tie hi.*, *,fvi much lanov nd expense, eurried nt hisoiimnalj'un.nse, m . . U"! * S.t. i;'..lli,*l I ■ and V.*iri;iM Tnittv y&rds of the l’aMeiMtcr Depot. Persons leaving on the night trains can enjoy, :.t least, an hour's sleep, longer here than at any other hotel in ti.c city ; and the t".bl* isfura: d.rd -with the best the country affords ; the rt>'ir.* are rvur. forte nly ver.ulrdui. and supplied with necessary furniture. :mu the servants nr” well trained and may i*e aununon and at any hour. 11c tar spared i .oj aina or to met t every want, aodmppiy even* coßvenlenre. and now every Udiue (Jomplete. he Uattt r. himself; bis Hotel alt* ids euua ad vantages t * *.y other in the ."date. {T~ Remember this Hotel jilrp.mediat&ly oppjeltethc T 'as aetiger Depot. Macon, Ga.. sepl?—tf BELDEN aV CO. SHAT MS A! IT M CASH! IST o Humt>ng. TTTE have juit icceived an extra supply ot ttraw Goods \ ? Cuusistiug ut Panamas, Whltoan 41 Brown Leghorns, White Senates, | Shite aud purple (’anadas, 4 For Bovs and infant* every variety of Hats ; and Misses Flats of every s*yle. The e goods MUST be sold os soon as possible, and to CASH eiistomers we cun offer great induce-• i-nta, may 26 4t UKLDL.N * CO. TO TJRAI>E TRAVELING AGENTS. \VT K v ant 53 ♦> 103yonng®eit with % cash capital of from f ▼ #GQ to #1 Cn ii e ‘. ; h, to purchase our < to< ds tonslsCu goi Wab lies and Jewelry, snd toflls|*o.-<i* of Item in ai! the cities ; j and t'fWiia thro the United Stu tea and Cana this. Some l-eraoLß who purchase ot us are niakii.g fnm 4 ,WlOU> dI(MiU) per year, selling at auction, in tli* vat ions townssutid villages. On the receipt of the Cash, we will scud tv mail, toany ad- the following ariioles, assantp'es of out tiooda: t Fancy Uold tfiuger asM rtcJ, for M 00 ♦ “ “ “ better, ?or (> to ♦J “ 0e t’s r>reastpins, aaaorfed, tor (0 ( “ “ *• better, f0r.... 6 00 j 0 ** Ladies’ ** ** for 4 *io ’ fi 4 * V k * *• biller tor 0 GO , <i , 44 “ *’ *• !a*ger fev ... yK) f l got (\imeo Pln&inl Ear props,.for B 00 t 1 * 44 * 4 for r * • l Set (• old “tone Pin and FTaf Dr-| . lor “” * l Set Masonic “ “ for “ha l setUoidhanev 11 ** for,™ 4 00 l Set ** *’ for •* o*l 1 Fair Gold Richlv Chased Band Bracelets, for 6 oo i 44 “ “ for b no 1 44 Fr.’ay Cameo lira elet>, f'*r .... B'G , 1 4< LadU'f* Kaucj Cuff Fins, I n*‘ , 6 Sets Gold (it nt'’ lJoboui Studs, fancy, for <l(> (■* “ 4 * * 4 blOlic flAllir ... 0 00 1 • “ S'ceve ButtcnN engraved, for G 00 . •i 44 44 stone Nctiii g. for 9 00 , 1 Gold DuUc Lcektr. fat ;y (siipk|ir. . 1 iA) . I 44 44 Dpriiig) for :i 0> j J ii (ibid V>bsll< oks for... 3 CO ! 1 b (ioitl Wab h \iev\ tor..* W 1 Laige M/e Gold Pencil ('ase, for 1 50 L Ktw Style French Vest Chain,for 2 f4> ; 1 4 * 4 * 4 * better, lor Hi 1 44 44 44 larger, for 5 60 • I Fancy * ilver Watch, open face, for 7 !►* : 1 ** 44 Hunting Ca*e, for in (*> I Fancy (• lit Watch. 11 unliDgi’ ise, for 10 00 • 1 1 *• Gold Watch, optn face, for 20 trf) , l 44 *’ . 44 better, for 2T> 0i l 4 * 44 1- “ liunling Case, for. h 0 00 ‘ , 1 44 44 v “ 44 4 * for 10 00 • Movements of all the Watches descii bed inthUliriare wab- • * t:am ei FnugEo’T ; an<l we wih It distinctly undi ivb>od. t hat the pnues ti>eti at*ve are our lowi st wMoieftafe ptices to the | I radt and J r.ivelli g ft,Tents. 1 he retail price would be from ”4) lo 103 per c.nt. Ingner. IVrson ordering sny of the shove nriicl* s, can r* mil the amount direct lo us. Write the i aine, - j County, and Ha*?, in a jdaiu hai <l, tn prevent iLir-hikes, and, on the receipt of the money, the Goods will be forwarded by • livit mail. mTBSNKTT * GUNKS. Manufacturer of Jewelry, Import era art! Wholesale at-al.r- iu Watches, jruu* JF *;m 129 Kioatway. room No.#. N. Y'.g IM ANO FORTES! A. XX. GFATrE eft* CO. fIYAKU pleasure In i __t , luritiiu; the attention ! M. ot Artisa*. Ama ar#r^ fc frnm , eu' ? , ‘i the TubFrc generally, to t hetl'a**; KW HCAt.C D.A- Nt> KoKTK. just ill j U I IliicKlnceil. The grow, ing desire for a Square* a Mano Norte that shall approach Hie Grand In volume of Sound, and at tile same time, avoid the ungainly appearance of Hurt three cornered iit strument. ilirected our energies to the produetbm of melt a ‘ltti'UrotuiH. Our toll Is rev. aided and we submit the re-li t without fear of . “irpetition. nr our pianos are warranted to give entire mtisfactlrn, whethf r ordered front us direct, or sold by any of our agents ti. rough out the founxry ; and we aollcit a continuance ol that patronage which wc have enjoyed tor the last twenty live years. A. H. GALE A (X>„ June 30 wly 107 12th St.. New York. ■ANOTHER WANDERER NEGRO? ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD! I WILL mva-Fitly Dollars for the apprehension ud safe delivery to-me oi mv man JOHN, who Iras been “a 1 wanderer * for the !n*t twelve nrontbs. and an equal amount for the <■ i iirvict.ii*u of any white mm who harbor* him.— John is about 4a years oid. of dark complexion, about live teet nine inches high, is -.tout and muscular, has a very heavy chest, aud weighs probably li* ibe. There is a considerable Sind Irregular scar ou his back, (caused by a tall.) But he rnav be identified ov slight mark, muicaturg the points Irom which an extra huger (baring been attached by a mere cuti cle.) was Clipped from each hand during his intauev. It is ! probable that he is lurking in the vicinity or Macon, but he miv nave been decoyed iff to some distant section by a white man. WM. LUNDY. I _Ag*U Si. 1969—ts. t Telegraph copy.) -| JhihGV KB COATS of every style and variety, foraale J lvlfdiwp h y (novST-tf E. WUioiUF’ land in 11o w to sorted to with • Ji tw-vK far which i! is recom- ! ‘within the hut two years ‘.f relief, as tUh iiuutii.m pos .-how . feet t the temperament, of fatid urw and in suen quantities {judgment guide you in the :VI;OfIAToH. an it 11 A> 11 lni h . Bilious At r h route* lii tHiioca, Ovwniery, lirop 1 * V , (imI Vnmlvosipnh, i hoi Hoi feu , 4 hotoi a lit ti aititU ic* *■, t-1 mule ‘be used succ-'-iuiiv as nil ’ Medici ire. It will ‘(a 1 ? thousands can testify,) )(uo or t h i t’ * IV n- Vit commencement of t- I ‘jiving their testimony in : uic Fill UageiAlobutiu- i tjiopriet< r Juia ua< and in his ?ye*’. (tog demand from those 1 !I<U> and t e s:iti>f;tc (rog ltd to their nae. hs in t within the reach of all. (that dilTvreui Cal hurtles (l he bowels. , Tl!\liTH PILL has. ! ( veil established fact, been 4 i tty ol the purest Vegetable (on every tart of me ali ■iiiMti! ami aiil't* in all cases i (ed. such ai hrmisKr , (?*l<*t‘|iMi‘.*ji, Paint in i (CiHlivcneis, Pain anti (itlle from suil* t (iv. if neglected, end in a | (t f Appellee, a Creep -1 ;<\er ill*'* Ihmlv, ■ wrl ‘hl in the tlcail,all e, \Vor nit in C'liildi't'ii 1 rfUm, i ;;r ut Pm iflrr of 1 - cades to w inch flcsu id lieir, l in this advertisement.— 1 i • No Calomel, Antimony. BU:L'III\G or BMSTntIX; ! HEALTH, STRENGTH and. Long Life. ALI, Cl HABIsK MALADIES SPKKD ILV ,Y rEHMANENTLY CUKKD! Very Low (haryes! Life (wiviny \ c<f~ elablc Remedies /. IAM cDiivif ced,ftom aq ynn Voittcd Experience, that ,-eveii-tentln of all the d>\ that it til lot mankind, grew out >f an il*ii'** of thv S vual Urgant. Hence, unlike any nrher Fhytician. of ancient or hr tk m times, 1 often treat ami cure many old ml lingering n aMies, just by keeping that f.cMnvlew. TH-YdUSaieU or Disease i h*>tepna, l’rt in sSturet llal*its, <*r eels a ? >usc, or Mivsturkitiun, or fr in any other cau-ea whatever, wbttber In old or young, nrc quickly and ! eff dually reindgonded under my ticalii ent, by the ‘nxrth j in and aromatic effects oi niiUt, pleasantand deiigldfti) nai | Und*r my treatment the eshiuded and wcaktneti | t ient D ?ooti rerthftd in sound health, lo his family, f-lcnd.-, hiinnvlf and reeiety. My vumcdieubrac# up tue patient,f<rli |fy Hu* wh .le body, and give tme aud energy to every nerve ! , and muscle of the entire atruclure —Ui*-y are pure Vegetable . ] exlr.ieta hvii tiums. Barks Leaves HJorsoias Seeti.-, ,Vc., ; and in some c-uh.s the sound lietiPh amt strength f c-itaui ’ ! living creature? art trandusttd Into the (totaled body of my . cnfccbUd patient. The moment they are iwedtbey otn ■ mnnee slre gther imr )Le whole ayateni, they equalize the cir I culatiou of the blocd, preincte the action of the Liver and all the secretions and l > no )M><sit*le contingeccy can thev do any lidurv. E. ANuKKWS, M. I>., Albany, N. 1, ! iir’ otto No. M t State Mreet. r. s—Such :us ate in need of treatment, Maould state their cases hilly, and enclose two slamand they will ta* prompt* ’ ly replieii bv return mail, with refertneta to many eminent j ami ilistinguiatdd persdWiin tl* So th< rn States, who have i kintlly |n nnitted n.eth me their names. I IMrect all letters thus: Db. h. ANDREWS, 1 “ulyß ts. Office Xo. M State Street, A Unity, N. Y, HARI.ESr. kiSBSI. TIT tMASH. DAWSON. DAWSON & KIB BEE, Attorneys & Counsellors la. mm 9 Ela\%kiiiNvillc aihU Vicuna, Ga. Mr. K. will have entire rollcetiona; llr.D. hillitigations, for lire present, with assinttMeeot his partner. 1 Titev will practice i,*iw. :i! il give attention to any tnrsiDe-8 that may tv intrusted to their management, in tin t nuirliesot Pulaski, Lowndes, Imnly, Houston, Wilcox, tlro.rks, Mneon, Irwin. Echols, Worth, Icltair, Clinch, I'.crrien, Coffee, Ware, Sumter, Appling, Jjtnreus, Jai*, Pierce, i Twiggs, Miller, l.aker, Dougherty. In SUPREME COUHI. a Mmvn, MiUeNgvUh*. Savannah, j and aiso in aHjuiniag Con lilies, on special engagiment. A N l> ill I’edi'ral ( ourtw at Navmniiili. M-rel, I.IKVJ. y 4 * if t l ‘I'TI* ti. lln *• ;e, Ii k!. .1 Siiad. I*l. Lied Heel and< ml > dshr.*.i*iveilw..,kly. For sole to or iel, I 9. HAKIiKMAN JMIRIFHN. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES of DELAWARE. JPov July, 18&9. i > ! FRANCK, BROADREXTS CO , Mang'rs. j O I A It I>rtiicing* uniter the uuperint netence of the State Lottery Com m Union er. i Prizes Paid as soon as Drawn! brand Delaware Lottery on l lie HAVANA PLAN! EXTRA CLASS FOUR I To Ik* drawn in Wilmington, 1V*1„ Thursday, July SO, V|k*. 25,.Tfi5! - - - - 50,000 Numbers. I'ri-.e* Payable in Fa ft, tri/heart Pedtution.’ In these Lotteries, rery Prize is ihaitn.’ w w si stets sz • m re ‘i m 1 pri r.c of ♦iitk.MOO ?prizeof - - - - * -12,St)tl 2 pri/.oa of L.GdO 2 prizes of ?.5 0 2 prizea of 2 prized of l.f*3d I 2 pri/.t of- 1 D6O 10 prizes of 4tio lo prizes cf - *OO 20 200 100 prizes - 100 25,000 prizes ; And 2oi Approximation prizes ranging from S2O up to $4( 0. 25,8G5 prizes! - - amounting to - s.‘l3l*^oo I Whole Tickets flO; Halve* t*>; Quarters f2,60. magnificent” SCHEME ! nitA N D CAPITAL PRIZE 565 000!! GriAND CONSOLIDATED ‘LOTTERY OF DELAWARE. Class K. T<> be drawn in Wilmington, on Saturday. .TulyJSrd, 1819. SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 P nre *c,.00 L* *r.%.r*no 5 U.,'00 #2 s**o 4 P,2*T> *: y*ho f, 5.611) .'h.UlO 7 !i,a 24..00 Iff 1..H1 ; 10 i.UDU 10000 24.4 rOli 191,41,0 r..i 200 sn.OOO c*i 150 le(.l*io e*i f*o 6.EV* #5 U • •*.! (* 4,-10 10 I*':> I*o 27,i)t0 20 510, *4lO S2p*9ii prizes, anioinitiug to ♦1.209.(4*0 Ticket* #2O, Halve) #lO, Quarters #5, Eighths #? SO. A Certificate of Package ofi’ii Wheh s, cobts 2*’” 00 Do. do. 20 Halves 149 50 Dn. do. ?0 Quarters, 74 50 Do. do. 2fi Eight Its. 97 55 IKW All orders aililre.wd to Fusin'*, IlMOAtm.-st A Cos., Managers, Wilnilngtoii,lie!., will meitwilli promptatton thin, anil tin* priuteil ottleeil drawings *er,t us soon a> over. It. P KAN UK, ItItOADBENT A CO. July—lm. Managers TA l 8t \ X T*S SELTZER APEBIEHT. Thii valuable and popular Medicine, prepared in conformity y-i*h the auai\ i* of the vrator- of The Celebrated :elt *-r spring, in fit-rnj.inv* i • mo-t co*Tvlvr,i üb*t joi tabic inn, l.ui univeriiiri rrCFiinl tfaeibuht Fa vorable rec*iruM*ef:tiaitiGn& ol the Muxlical pr< leiilon and a itiecarjking I'ubl.c, as the M OST :: Y¥ I CIiNN T AN D RE K A BLE ©aii u © A. jz> ©if i © ju. t in we, and as l-ong entitled to si t ial preference over the luai liiaeral : prma Wr.i. r*. **• WN P< • I end cth ■ i,i* art.cliPi th rW trr ns cjiripactnrss and greatet efflea ey. li may be u.-ea w iih the b. st nfrct in .*.l) ntt.tois css r.inrii.E tnssanr*. sick heapache. i.oss or AITETITE, ISDIOESTIC:,-. ASP Al l. KVrU.AIi COW SPRIN3 and SUKHER SEASONS. It is [nrrir.ulsrly uier ted to the wantsr f 1 r.-.velers Pv Pea amt Laud, Resident* in hot climates, |s:r***iisr f s. dcutary llabi s. Invalids and Uonvahscents; Captains o vessels and Planters will liml it a valuable addition to their Medicine Cpe.ts. i With these who have used It, it has high f avorand is deemed i illOlSpOllKlt “v. | i.N A IGRPin STAIR OF THE LI VET.-It render grout service in restoring heahlrv mti. n. ; IN (Pjl* r AND RHEUMATISM—It gives th* he*t -at i-lac:lion, ailiuing ml loflamtnau ry symptoms, and in ni.uiy cases t fleet nail* curing thoc* artiictul. ITS srecESS IN CASKS OF GRAVEL. INDIGES TION'. iIE.M4Ti.UKJf AND I IJ'Tl\ EN'hsS—P ove* It lo L< i Mi dlclrie or the crea*.e.-t utility. AI IDilt OF THE sToil AiH, ANDTHE DTSTRFS®- INGSXUK.NE&S SO I’sUAl. DURING PREGNANCY Vie dss|eediiy, and with marked tucceva under Us healthjul ilrfliicnrr. IT AFFORDS THE GREATEST KFIJEF TO THOSE afflicteW with or subject To the Eilks ACing gently on the bowels, ireutrallrir.g all luitatlng ecrt ti*in>*. and thereby removing all inftammaWry tendencies. IN FACT. IT I INVAI.HKLEIN ALL CASES WIIKKE 1 A GLMil*: APEKIKNT (*'{ !*CRGATIVE iS KJLQL'IRED. j I* is in lire firm of a powder, carefully put up in hetf les. to . kcapln any climate, and mer. ly reguiies w ater pound up* tn it to pror.uo; a delightful tffervesent leverage I akin in tn. morning, it never interferes wit); the aveea ) lions of the day. acting gently on the system, restoring the ! diges ivc powi tn exc.i ing a heattbv and vigorous tone of tlie , st'.iuach, and erealiig an Cast icily of mind and flow ..f spirit# I wltich give rest to every enjoyment. It also enable* ti*e in valiil to en oy many luxuries wiih impui ily. Iron; which he in* *t other* im* bcdebaried, u t J without wtichlileivlrksome ; i and di-tressing. Numerous les'aluouials from fro‘*e?sicnaiand < ther gentie ! min o(the highift standing throughout the country, audita i steadily it.creaiing populatitv far a series ot J'tssrs, strongly guarantee ita cfflcaay and valuable character, aid oomhicnd it to Hit* favorable nbt'c .• of an intelligent public. Prepared and sold. Wholesale and Retail bv J'HN A TARRANT* Jr CO.. lJur-Gonrw. No. 278 Green with .*I.. ci r. of Warren, .4. V. jane 11—ly . Grreat -A^btraction. sso. 1000 stitche3 per Minute DECIDEDLY THE BEST SEWING MACHINE of th.© -Age. Warranted to do all kinds of Sewin* both on fine and cotr*e fldbefes wtth the GREATEST EASE & RAPIDITY. ;j Wt refer to the t.'llowuig puttl, v*m ot these Itutlniica Ira H. Taylor. I l.omaa B. Fife, J, F. Winter. J it. .ioara. tt. C. Grauuiss, Dr.J. J. Milier, John T. Brov.n, Bibb,Co. ISM Reward* [STOP THE THEIFf STOLEN. on Friday last, 1 mile West of Dawson. Ga .by two white men, taafnen unknown, is Negro Ifcy. *. md,:ifeet,or Siticheshigh, spare built, speaks d u,c ‘* ‘ lUt has a downcast look, and keeps In motion w hlle ■— Hass icarovet his right eye, and alee a ** over his regret foot. He turn siied t hrte Uc'h, two upper and one lower, and others have gfown out lull length, in their place. COO will be paid for the delivery of the I alone! ,hievt^l4iU ’ J4U ° FLRYCH ‘ Dawson. Qa.. Jnly. 1059 —ew.kwflt* t ! WOOD, EDDY te CO.’S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! (chaptered BV THF STATE OF GEORGIA.) CAPITAL PRIZE *50,000 Ticketsjjnly S10! WOOD, EDDY & DO. Manasen, SucceswM** s. KWANi ii, EO. The following Scheme will be drawn ‘ey Wood, knnv A Cos. Mm vgers of the Sparta Academy Lotlerv, In eacli of their Single Number Lotteries for ArcsT, tds9. at Augn*ta,Ua. in public, under theauperintetetetf* of Coumatsaioners. Drams on Saturday, August <>, 1859. Drams on Saturday, August 1 •"* lSf*!>. rez^'re'—— re * *re *#* Draws on Saturday, August ‘-iO, 1859. Draws on Saturday , August ‘27, 1859. On the Plan of Single Numbers -50.000 Tickets. Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty five Prizes f ! Searly Oae Prhe t every Mne Tltkets. ■ hr A a HI FI CHN T S CHE ME! TO BK DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN AUGUST. 1 Price of 150,8(0 1 * of •-Mi.OtO 1 t 0 f 10,0(0 1 “ of 5,0(0 1 •• of ** ow ’ 1 of B '°°° 1 .< o, I^*o M •• of tm | “ Bf wJ’l ! too - Os ! 1 (HI “ off 0 ’ ! t .j** •• or Uo AI'I'WOXIHATIOni I'RIZES. (nriuioi ttiiOcpproT. tul&'.OOO price ere fl/dK) 4 *• ti.Hi •• *O,OOB “ cr* I>o 4 .1 250 * 111,004) “ wre VOot* 4 .. *JS •* 5,1 H)0 “ ve 0o 4 ii 2.10 “ 4,1)00 “ are BtH) 4 .< LV) “ 5,001) “ are 000 4 .. 1(H) ‘ “ re 4i)o 5,000 “ 20 are .100,000 i 5,485 Prices amounting to *320,044) Tickets slo—Halves %i— Quarters %i 50. Remnnbrr that every Prize in the above 1 Scheme, is drawn, aud payable in full with,ait | deduction. Certificates of Package* will be sold at the followlnf i rales which is the risk: I Certificate of Package ofl 0 Whole Tickets, ISO 10 Half “ 40 << • 10 Quarter •* 80 it a 10 Eighth “ 10 ! SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTERY. Class ISTo. 465, Dr:t\t * WVtlii’Mluy* AMffNKt ‘H, ’s® ON TH* THR&ESIUWBER PLAN. 78 Numbers—l3 Drawn Ballots. NE ARLY 1 PRIZE to EVERY 2 TICKETS 1 Grand Prize cf $40,000. 1 Prl7*‘ of £19*02! I SPrfcesof 52.000 Prizes of ! i 207 Prizes ol <l-0., Ag Are., rtc.. &e. Ac. 32 396 Prizes amolintlDg to $078.177- WhaU Tickets $10; Halves 5: Qnarters $2.50. * In Orderlo:; Tickets or Certificates. Enclose the money to oar address for the Tickets or dered, on receipt es which they will be forwarded by 1 first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. Tire List of Drawn Numbers and Prires will be sent lo purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers wltl please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. J3 ff- All prises of SI,OOO and under, paid immediate ly after the drawing—other prises at the usual time of thirty days. Notice to Correspondents. Those who prefer sending nit seeding money br mail,can use THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, whereby money for Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars, and up wards, can be sent us AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE. akw!nasfww^i®sw OFFIGE ST A M I* Kl> ENVELOPE,” or the Express Compa ny cannot receive them. All communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Uer: ifioates, by Mail or Express to tie (Unitedto WOOD EDDY & GO., AugtttlaGeorgia. or. WOOD, EDDY & <’G.. Atlanta, Georgia, or, WOOD, EDDY ft CO., Wilmington, Delaware t tjr A list of tlie itumlK-r* that are drawn iroai the wheel, wttb tlie amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, wilt he published alter every drawing, in Hie following papers:— Aume-lji (d0..) Constitutional,rt. Mob,” Register, Aiarh ; rifle Ouzctte, Richmond JUepalch, J'aalding (it’rs.,l tin 1 non and Arm l ork Timet. WANTED, V’ N E< :KO Woman or Girl tn do the work of a small fam Uniiuireatthertm. VI KI.N. juneetf Cott.ui Avenue A. JWKS'W washing machine has just l***n inrrnt*cl hy l)R. U. C, CVPIIERg, (ii Miilrdntllle, IE/ rtICH will surely s-upere ,te alt ethers yet invented Vv Jt writ wall quick end clean, without testing off iut tor.srr lajunng the tat lie ; takes less than tail Ure .-cap that | is required .n the common way of Wahing ; i. eaeiiy wotk | td. and durable. One may ire seen at Messrs. Wcori's Fumilure Ware Rooms. | or at their factory. 1 shall soon be ready to -apply any who . may want them. ; L’ not iet your pr juoicesprevert you from trying this New Machine—you have often Wtt tUceiv od, but shall not be tine time. ‘ [jwte -SO tf] O. 13 IUCE. DAEaY’S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKY. IN this age of adulterated ard .Wet erica* IJquor*. it is a so.nceofSliti-'actlon tote abb to introduce to public no tice th.* above article—an article of ur.questioned purity, and pos-t.-.-ing no qualdlesi veept sucli as have the moet favorable tin the human constitution. A few rrats of on the banks us the Rhine p-oduees the grape which v.iil flounsi. no where e se.frr.m whese juice pro- * ceedsthe “JohamußDCrg,” *he choicest wine in the word. A few acre* of land In Cu uw produces a Total ou, the flavor and quality of which. . hen manufactured into cigars, are in comparable superior to that of lire product of any other soil. And a narrow strip of land in the Parish of Natchitocbee, in Louisiana, lias long -uppdieil the world with usupcr-exccdeuc article nt Snuff, from ructr Tobacco as tamret be induced to grow elsewhere. Tn like manner it has long been known that a limited tenl ’ tory. 1* ieg in the vuli * v of the M-.iiongahei* rivir, exclusive ly brings lortl. a Kye ofpror erties so marked and peculiar that itsdisiiilatinn prodnces a Whisky of such superlative charac ler as places it beyond rivalry . By a process recently disc -vered. 9nd now known only to my manufacturer, the grain from the choicest spot cf this ta verod locality is made to yield the AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKY. ’ w ith which bo ether enu stat u an instant's comparison. 1 t.ave no apprehension ot beug accused of pehlishing n ---warrantahlc, or even exaggerated eucotmuntf, to auy who will first -object n.y Vhiskv totest. It istiow the st icdiud article at ail the fir .tel: *• He tela and Clubs In ttecity ofKewYcrk. and wherever it is introduced it at once assumes it* leading poePiou, is AWARDED TIIE PALM OF SUPERIORITY, andthedemaud for it becorae i a thing established. Its inedu inal proparties are such, that wh'le its immediate i fleets are utaseaut and exercises tl.e iuppteat per inatientintlueLcc upon tire cfiistitution * Ilia ve arratyxeii a rampleof “Da!y' Arnmaf ic Valley Wi ri , ky,” acd tied it to be a , ore article, ot tine flavor, aud wlth ,* out auy delftcricss afinixtur . • New* York, JANIS f.. CHILTON, M. V.. Chem.rt. 1 State Amater's Office. U Som r*wi -t. ) I‘cstoD. April 17th, ]B3S.j ff. 11. DALV.NewYorkr—lliavemadeacheinicalaiial r sis of your An mafic Valley Whisky, miff find It a pure, fine , *avored Her Whid-y. .*; !,tabling noin.iunou* matters of any Kind, aud I would recoil.ruend tt as kui abic for medical and I public purp*. *C . t'HAS. T. JACKSON. State Assayed. Wa. 11. Dali Your Aromatic Valley Whisky is receiv- I ed. ami after careful examlijffioD, J find if to bcapt're artv ’e. ! . ntirelp free from the aiui ‘rating ingredients o friqtorit ly need. Yours rcrptflfnlly, JAB. J. MaPES. Analyaai Chemist. 0C Cor.* can depend upon getting a pure srticle I whl'i they ouyti.e Val'ey'Whisky, as it in sold by the bottle only. WM H. DALY. li l South William it.. New York, fb.lctronietor. Soidin MsCi üby GHEErt ft FREEMAN. )uM24swftw Sin Bail Road Notice. .viacosi A Wfutei-n It. R.i Macon. July 31th, 1859. | I “PERSONS d< -iromto speed tl. Summer In the Up Coun i X try. ran pro un* DJkets to Atlanta, togo and return un til October 15th, at reduced rates. ! ALFRED L TYLER. , July la—ls. Superintendent. NOTICE. [ OST. or mislaid, a Ri.,ok Note signid hy P. H. Dawron. J and ecdrr-ed on the t ack by Uriah Ward. All persons | are hereby cautioned egainst trnding for -uch note, in the i e y^ ul w “**>’ net into the hands of the dishonest and uripriDC’- bied. The H ank w:,s intended to be put in Bank th'a day, r July 13th 1539 f>. H. DAWSON. Ea!outer;. Ga., July IA. swftw—lm Matting! Matting! f Just received Y Alt PIECES of MATTING—aII widths— very cheap. 1100 inch 10 BOSTICK, KFIN ft CO. ; Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, k tvte are now offering a NEW’ and SE- J V V LKCT Stock ot Elegant W r 3 j rIANO.9, j Fran Nunn 8 ft Clark, and other makers*, warranted to pi euse. i Ouitar>. Violins, Flutes, Acoordeons. ar.d all other small In* i kept in our line. Springs, luxtructiou Books, Sheet Gold and Silver Watches, Os the most approved makirs. JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Silver Forks and Spoous, eijuai to coin. Watches $ Jewelry Repaired and Warranted apr ,4, ts. -| J. A. ft 8. S. VIRGIN^