The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, August 19, 1859, Image 4

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BOSTICK, KESN& GO., “ Headquarters!” MAY! MAY! MAY! IMTHMEIN&CO, Opening their 3rd Mi-play sun m ns! Silks! Silks! Silks! STREET/ERirAW & EV&N N SUfiS, RUrhors Blati tiros de RUh* * Widths. Bostickt Crmad-ir Rot** • V'dantea. Gn nadine Robe a'Double Jupts. Rein • Barege R< he* J YoTaatc* Orjtaridf K-ilk- TaMia Jaconet Robes and Japes. & C O White Goods. Embroider!**. Lac* Mantilla*. Bostick, Kein & Cos., HOC"** FURNISHING GOOD?. LINEN. DAMASK. SHEETING. lfl I . MAT*! *>'o. CaRPETI NO. Ac. STRONG & WOOD, DEALERS IN IT THEIR rL.I ST AM) 0\ 21), ST. Opposite Bostick & Korn's. y AVE now In Rare,* large and meli aetaeted aaaortmtiil BOOTS m SHOES, ofevery variety ofrtyleanrt pattern, manufactured to onl.r and to suit this market. consisting of BaQTS.KM & A HEELED GAITERS AND SLIPPERS, Misses’ Heeled Slippers & Gaiters. CHILDREN S ’ SHOES OF EVERY STYLE. Also, HATS and CAPS.fEggv or all (Inallllrs and Stjlfs, All of which will he sold on reasonable term*.— ■ Thankful for pa-t favors, they Invite those wishing to pumase lo call and examine theirstock before j un-haeliing elsewhere get, 9. lSr.-e if s.A W. PISE FUSNITHBE. IN I N E Parlor Setts, Be Wood, Mahogany and Georgia W alnut Furniture. Secretaries and Book Case*, P -ska an l Book Cases. bureaus of Rose Woop, Ma- gfeh ■ hogmay and W alnut. WVu i - TV . iciabU-s. Ott mans, in Hair r: —w 3 Cloti. Flush, Brocatel, Ac. St ***■" Arm, Rcirng,Nurse, Sew ing, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth, Plush, Bro eatel.Cane, Split Bottom,and every kind of Chairknow n to the trade. BEDSTEADS. Rose Wood, Wa’not, Maple. Mahogany,Beah, c., High, How, t each and Coti tge. Wadrobes of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Waluu and Pine. Safes of all Patterns. , Tables. Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Pine, Extension gelding Leaf, Square, Round, A". Mattresses of Hair, Cotton, Mors and Patent Spring. Feather Beds, Pillars and Bolsters. Pine Mirrors, common Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Picture Glass. Window Shades and Mne Oornlees. Buckets,Tubs,Dippers, Brooms, Brash Brooms, Feath er Dusters, Foot Ms t ,Ac. for sale on the most reason -4t>le *rmj. I.umber taken in exchange, or Lumoer made np in the *>os, fashionable st rie of Furr tare to order. We have one of tuelargest Pto- k* of FiNE FI'RNI URE ia the State, and we ire constant! g manafac ring, and wish to nell. Call and see ns. —• *- l r. * e win stM's ! sTufts!! mm At W. J. McElroys, THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. QAA Cooking Stoves, 75 Box and Parlor Stores Oyv Also a fine lot of Grates, comprising the fines, and most var!sd assortment of Stoves ever offered c public, among them the old favorite Ikos Witch, war ranted to give satisfaction. Also the Victor Cook, i made in Augusta, Georgia. Cheap for Cash or go<*> I Note*. ALSO.— A well selected assortment of HOUSE FUBNISHDIS GOODS consisting in part ol Northern and Southern Won W arrs. Brooms, Brushes, Counter and Peather Dusters Lanterns, Lamp#, Steak Dishes, Tea Urns, Chaffing r. * Steak Dishes, Ac., Ae. irss Fittino dune at short notice. A so, ptain Gas ires for saie. Fo tea, Cistern and Watt. Ptaps, of the most appr v • Patterns, Rubber Hose, Lead, Copper, Block Tit ; aud iron Tut • ,of at! , ! ies, Strum Valves, Whistles, . G-.sges, Cyiender an,. Water Cocks of all k.udt. Copper Stills, an 1 Copper riumbing. Tin and Sheet Iron work of ail kindi, doDeiDtke v**ry best style. Lightning Rods put up at short notice. IVotice# r On and after this date, ait work done to order will be POSITIVEI Y CASH on delivery, and all accounts doe when presented. Macon, o'<*-*f W. J. McELROY. NEW BOOKS AT Boardman’s Book Store. 4 \L EKICAN ELOQUENCE, In 2 volumes. Am. A New Cyclopedia of Commerce. Burton's Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor. A Hax.dy Book on Property ]^w. Mat. upon the ?*e*, by Go<*dricb. KomanTc paange* in skmth-western History. 1-1 fe Beneath ihe Waters. The Hand hut not the Heart, hy T. S. Artlmr. William the Conqueror, by Gen. Sir C. Napier. Doctor Thorn. Anew edition of A. Poe’s works. The Preacher and the Pni, The Priest and the Huguenot. Lord George Ben trick, by Disraeli. Beatrice Cenci. Debit and Credit. Major Robert Sherman Potter. Doogias JerroM's Wit. Belle Brittan on a Tour. Life and Times of Heeh Miller. GruUeof the Betsey. Testimony of the Rocks .!eßerw.n a Works. Bnlwer's Novels, compute. Wrote’- E istory r.f (,reeve. bparro rv G rasa Papers Lonl SlontriK'ie'r. ihige. t- O. P R. .lanes. *•"">* by Mrs. North worth. YtMiUtios in American D—eliinea Derivation of Family Name* W kxi m. Wit and Humor Steps towards Heaven. LUm s Moral Tlteoloev, Mirpah, a Praver Hook. KkSSi* 1 nCtUr ” ln J ’ Yne *- Holland, Be Ip cm and up WiidN <'hem Scenes. ‘** *‘“‘ jrtme,,t fine Family Bih’es. —— ‘ 4 “ J. M. ROARDMAX. Liverjmol A I.oihloii LIF£ A FIRE INSURANCE - > - sm m „ Office 56, Wall Street, Keep Kork City, j ACT Hutu ZED CAPITAL, £2,000,000 or $10,000,000. i ; um t P L- r 9m * m *"* Kewrud F.mdm ’ H\ K MILLIONS OP DOLLAKS: iOO.OOO Invested i n this Country. MRIPTORS IX NEW fork • JAMES BROWN . hainnati. FRANCIS UuTTU. Depute Chairman UEOKOE BARCLAY. h*,. EUOEN2 DCTILH. Esa. JOSKt-H <• ILLA Rl>. Jr.. Iso. •biSltl'H PrWiER F HAMILTON. J r „ M> k. SANDh.LSOJi. F ’ 1 *ktmore, K % EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD, K>, ALFRED pall. Em a. Hamilton Jr e*> w/,o ,-en^i"£;■’ *co xiJJS; Macon. May llth ts ‘ i>e He*kx. only. , ' KS - s - AiikhiV ,i i Spring and Summer 000u s> A’ J2rt - • FBENC’H HATS, Os every variety. Also many rich and fancy art’r'e., beam tifui Euirn.blervl elegant Lace*. taunt a-1* re Lace retlr. II ~ r Ornaments or every *•} .e, Grecian I uris, bide ami Bark J’ 1 ? ‘ l *, Wlw, Kami, Ac.’ Call ami examine f.rr To true <e, reb.iepiirohasise, as at will bernuen toyoar intertre. >he I*“* fhvore, ar><! soCk'iM a share of the liber:.! imrffvtf *** thnviiij Utv and surmm.drtg c- unfits. OHS. NPDONALO A VAN GIESEN. DENTISTS, UaahiaiftM Block. Macon, G„ 1N extracting teeth i IKIN tl,|)> To-Ail Paste aiwayi * hand and for sale ai*. “tth Che finest style of Teeth’ Wire. Lath* F,” short"natter 1 * 0 tUI “ T Uwlof IfiMnuuenUor MaterUUon • oet.M-tf Bliss! I>ysixj)tic Remedy, Bliu’ uyjpiptlr Itnuerty mi's- :> } ,f, pif crar, ;J ItH-s’ Ij >|jeptt<” IbeHAWjy B'l.i’ pi to Hrmojy If | .-’ D’ AF,yHc Ktiunlj !*• U>spv|Mie llriimiy Iliis*’ RnumSy lill-.*’ !>>*!►- Hriacdy ltli-s’ Ly-i>*e ile.uetljr lias (he Largest Sale lias ilie Largest Sale Ha* the Largest Sale lias tile Largilt Sale lias Uie LargMt Sale Has tlir Lr,'i st Sale Has tlc Larsist Sale Has tlie Laigi st Sale Has the luugist Sale Has kite I,ari;Ct Sale Os any Medicine In t!e World. (if any Mcditlut its Hie World, Os any Mi illciitc !:■ ihr IVurltl. Os any M dit lae In the World. Os any MuMrlue la the WoHil. Os inv mr in tne World. tf any McilK-lne In tile World, tlf any )h - living in Hit World. Os a „y Medicine in the World. Ol any Me. Urine In the World. lOO.OtW P.scWage* 100 OHO Packages IUU.OOU Pi tkagr, 100,1100 Packasu 100,000 Pack cues 100.009 Packages IW.IIWI Packages 1.10,000 Packages IQO.tMiO Packages 100.000 Packnsjt. Sold In Griir.h and South t nroilna -old In Georgia and Mulll Carolina Sold (n Georgia and Sal ll Carolina Sold In Georgia anil ‘-•iiiiil Carolina Sold in Georgia and Sooth ( ar.iiina Soil! In CSeot ..l.t ai.d South Carolina Sold In Georgia anti -outh Carolina Solti In Georgia and Sontli Carolina Sold In GK-ort;ia and Saut li Carolina Solti In Georgia nml South Carolina In Fourteen ‘luullit. In Pnurtet ti .'lontli-. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months, In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Foortriu Months. It is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranttd to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It is W'airanted to Cure It is Warrantee! to Cure It is W arranted to Cure If Is W arranted to • are It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Direr tioiis are Fill lowed. If Directions aie Followed* If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions arc Followed, If Directions arc Folio well It are Followed* If Directions are Followed, Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia I Any Case of Dyspr pda Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of DysjM-psla Any Case- of Iys|-|esla k Any Case of Dyspepsia I * Any Case of Dyspepsia I.lver Disease, Fiver Disease, I.lver Disease, I.lver Disease, I.lver Disease, I.lver Disease-, I.lver Disease-, Fiver Disease, I.lver Disease, Fiver Disease-, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaiuuiie-c, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, General Debility* General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Deblillv, General Debility, General Deblliiy, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation. Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, palpitation. Palpitation, Palpitation, ! Palpitation, Chronic Diarrhrea, Chronic Diarrhcea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrho-a, Chronic Dlarrlura, Chronic- Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic- Diarrhoea, Giddiness, Giddiness. Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness Glddi ness. Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits. Depressed Spirits. Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Spirits, lie pressed Spirits. Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Foss of Appetite, Foss of Appetite, Foss of Appetite, latss of Appetite, Foss of Appetite, latss of Appetite, Foss of Appetite, laiss of Appetite. Foss of Appetite, Foss or Appetite, Palo in Side and linek. Pain in Side and ilaek, Pain In Side and Hack. Pain In Side and Hack, Pain In Side anti Back. Pain In Side and Back, Pnla in Side and Back, Pain in Side and Back, Pain In Sitle and Hack, Pain In Side and Back, It Is F.sjK-elally Adapt. I lo It Is Especially Adapted lo It Is Especially Adapted to It ts Kspeelaliy Adapted to It Is Ks|>eclally Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted lo It Is Es|m-< tally Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Fspee-lally Adopted to Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Fein..!•- Complaints; Femule- Complaint ; Female Complaints; Female Coiuplahits ; Female Complaints ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints: It Produce* Itotuudlty of Form It Produces Itotanility of Form It Produces Itotomil?y of Form It Prodaees liotui.tii y of Korin If Produces Ilotiindl'y of Form It Produces Kotnndiry of Form It Proeluces Itotundiiy of Form It Proeltiee* Itotiun.lty of Form It Produce* Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form In Females of a Thin anil Spare Ihhit, In Females of a Thin ami —pare Habit. In Females of a I'lilii ami —pare Habit. In Females of a Thin atttl —(aic Habit. In Females of a Tiiio anti -parr IfaMt. In Females of a Thin and Sparc Habit. In Females ot a Thin and —pare Habit. In Females of a Tbin anti -part- IlablJ In Frmulrs of a ‘l'llto anti Spare Habit in Females of a Tliin and spire ll..bit. —end a Postage —lamp to the Proprietors tor their Pamphlet on —Diseases of stom ach and Bowels.” AV. W. HU-8 .fc Cos.. Proprieto *, Jt.d Broil dll ay, New York. For Sale in v •* Macon, bj ZKTT.TN A HUNT. CarpHing ami Oil t’ lollis. g}s\ ROLLNCaTetinfsofevary style and qualities, oi T ll)‘r pestry. V.tvetan.l Brussels. Three ply, Incrain andßaperdr.e Rues and Mats. Floor Oil Clothe of all wblthe from % y ard to 18 feet, sultabU or Kalla and Dini tut Booms. Cocoa and India Mattin*. In the above *nods we ta,n t how the laryert and test assort ment in the City. He> f-keeiersare requested to examine ou Stock, before maim* their Fall purch:.'-?. 1. F. BOSS A CO„ Macon, sep Sl—tf Ai ch Block, erry street MACON LAMP STORE! No. 11 COTTON AVENUE. CO A 1 OIL! A. 1. .A. T SIySS PER GALLON. BOLSttAW & HERZOG. schedule qn the South-Western Railroad. OVER WHICH PASSES TUe great New York and Xcr Orleans *!*l!s. !#• siGiVa” ; sirkrttisn rp", V Two Daily Tsains nartrsax Maoow asd Oman. On ami ofler July ‘2.9th. TEAVE M.vnn at 1115. n. a>„ snil 945 .m„ Arrivv ioCo I J unriiiH 5 :t5 a. rn...-.iul S 45, p. ui. Leave Cotumbaa, j 4a. m. atitl 345 p.m. Arrive in Mauiu 9SO a.Ei.a’ ti 913 p.m. nrTWIVS MACON, ALBAN T A NT’ PAWBON. I.B*e Macon 1145 p.m. Arrive in Alt-any 6 25. . m : I'v -vso:, 8 On p. m. Leave ALsinviOO, p. ir P.iwj. nlKlp. m. Arrivein \ M.vsm 913, p. hi. Trt-week:y Ace mndation train P>w, Monday, “Wetlnca 1 3y and Kriiav. Up—^TWe? biy. ‘I hmvdav andSattmlay. i l>eave Mset.n 7, li, a. m.. Arrive at Dawson 520 p.m., Aileuiv 4 ti. p, bi. Leave Ai. any t SO, a. ir Pawaen , Arrive at Macon I 9 11 p. m. Trains to Colamlm* r .im a Oirotigb c pnett'nn to Mont- [ gonwry. A: any an! Ausutia, Knoxville, Wilmington, Sa MiUetlgeville and K.P nton, Mail Stages to and fpnn Ta:iiha.-VK.e,Thim.i-‘vilie,:U!i! Haln hridge. See,, connect daily with regoiar Trains st Albany.— j Also from Lhwsoti tri veekly to CuUla rt. p ort Haines, Ac. Hacks nu six tirue* a ee.k fr. m Foit Valley to Perry. Hay-ie*..lieand liawkinsvilie, andtri-wt-ekiy to Knoxville, lieorgia. I'aws-i g. rator point* below Fort Valiev shcnld take the Py Train* horn Aur'istaaiiil Savannah to avoid detention in ‘■lac- n. For. Th.-r p- : t staked* her Train. Find ctass st.-an.>hlps leave Savannah tor New York, or. Wednesday a and Saturday*. Taasige in tl:e Cabin 115; I Steerage 16 I Tlirteiah Ticket*can be procured from Rail R- ad Ager.t at Montgon ery.f.■■ in bu* and Allany vis Sav .vi.ah toNew Y'-rt, l.y reanj*tii;s, in CaPin. as follci• Montgomeiy 126; Columbus £t. Albany *24 25. _'ut6-tf VIRGIL PO 71KS. Stipt., EUTBAL RAIL SOAP, -rrtstrgrj ; ‘££?*< ; £ j*- CHANCE of schedule* ON and after Thursday, July 15th, 1858, the Trains will be rut. as foliows: Leave S.v e iiah 12.'5 P. M. and 11.45 P. M. Arrivein Auc*t. ... 7.30 A. 51. aud 6.M) P. M. Arrive in Mai on 11.00 P. 11. slid 9.0 U A. M. Arrive in Milledgeviile 1 in P. M. Leave Mac.>f 10.45 A. M.and 10.00 P. M. Anive in Savannah 7.20 A. M. and 9.*0 P. M. Arrivein Augusta 7.80 A. M. and 6.10 P. M. Arrivein Miiieiigevilie 1.10 P.M. Leave Augn-'ta 15 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. Arrive in Savannah 7.20 A. M. ar..t 9.30. P. M. Arrive in Maooa 9.00 A. V. arid 11.00 P. M. Passengers f.-r points tevoiid Atlanta, on t!.e Western A Atlaitic Kail Road, will leave Savannah on ti e 12.15 train, am! arrive In Atlanta at 7.15 next morning. Passengers fort Milledgeviile and katonton wtlilenveb) tne 11.45 train. Both trains c.iiinect at Macon with the Macon A Western Rod for Alianta, and with t‘.e Kail Kna.l to i A!iny. Amerkua, Coluiolu* and Mnntg tnery.and at Miller with the Augusta and Savannan Kail Koad for Augusta and he North. OKO, W. ADAMS, iuly 80—ts General MiperirLudert. >1 \IOY & WESTERS R. ROAD. and tc follows: lativ*} M *con Rt Arrive at Atlanta 7,15. A. M. Leave Macon at 10 X. M.. Arrive at Atlanta 4.0 t, P. M. Atlanta at 12 night. Arrive at Macon 7.lft A. M. Leave AllanLiut 11 A. M., Arrive at Macon SXO I*.M. The 10 a. m. train from Macr.n connects with the Western \£ Atlantic Road &t H p. m.; connects with the Georgia i Uoad 12 at nigUt,uml j\t aiitak West Point Hoad at 12 6a. m. Tho night train will not tie run on Sunday*. The completion of the Virginia and i enaessee Ball Road ! this the most pleamit and direct route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS, Through ticket*to which in&f be had at Atlantr.. for *26 25 ‘ncliHilng j-tate fare, 97 <O. and to New York for*.! 2 hO. Furiherinformatior. oiay Is! had in relation lotlils Route, • on application to the era’ Tirket Otßee, Allan'a. ju.) 2.3—1f. ALFKKI) L. TYLKR,Bupt. ~NEW FURNITUHEr T HR subscriber has just rece*v ed, and rill continue to receive from the best New York City mann- j.’ . I facturers, a large and trandsome si * sortmcd* of the latest styles of ‘fy-'-u ‘/ ITUMTI EE, CHAIBB, AC. He also .nus ictur-s Fi .n.ture r.f the rr j best workmanship, mod at the lowest market prices. The fol- ■H^BSSK j articles always on hand : Rocking chair* of every style, ~ i Parlor chairs, Ji hogany. Walnut, Oak and Cane seat chairs, Office aud Window chairs, Cottage chairs, Bedsteadsfrom *5 to EIO^, Side Boards, Wash stands, Corner stands, Wardrobes, Safes, Bureaux—Mahogany,Walnut and Rose Wood, DimngTables, Poolins <nd Plain Tables, Centre and Bide Tables, Couches,Trunneil Bedsteads, Cradles and Cribs, r .cretarits and Book cases, Hr.- stands, Looking olasses, Childrens 1 carric -es i -m cabs, Windowshades, Feather dusters, Curled hair and co*‘on MUras*s. B. F. ROSS. HA HATS. (Ills. 11. STMIi illiiO.. >Y;tl:iii"loii ftlock. INVITE •It.-htion to their Stock of SPRING t- ‘.SUM MAH HATS ANG CAPS ! The ftYlio* ini? coninri.-v'a few of their leading -tyles: Genu* Harri i . Mik Uctn. w Orieuis style fillk Jfnt?, Hehee 4 ‘ •* “ 44 Ever* tt “ iJJnck. Dra l *. IVarl, ar and Fuslilonuhle CJ'a.imerti. Gf'nt-’ >*i| .*• Freich Ci - i/> errs, of mil colors* Mil ati ! variety of Bt y’aod ChFldrti/a Mww and Hats and (’a| *. e ; i'N * hive * Miiething very roprrior iu the way of ?t*aw and I e^l.orns. U’r ii.vite n*ts nt; ti to nnr U< k. and promihe to fell ap cheap as any 10-u-c i * tiie < i y or Mate. (Ts ARLES R. rSIONE $ BROTHER. Maocn, April2l -ts. Spriiik’ x Summer I'a-liions for 41 AS X © Xl2 i: L A D 3 ES ! IVTrs. F.DESSAU, Triangular Wad;, adjoining lit.stick, Kein Ca.'s Stare. (4 HATEFUL f-r the very HU n.l pit- W rotem >f ivhi.-l In-. lung I'.-en the to mu- to her patron*, :md the Igidi. s geturally licit she is no,, rvcelvlng her IMDQH sPKLVi . •IsriIMKR.M .k, • -tn.g lAlipJllV .r~ of e . eo’dmeriplioa of 3vtxxjH.iiNr3D3mr. A N u jflf Dress Trimmirg Gocd*, Which for riclmess of material, elegance of style, extent ; and varie y.are worthy of attention. Her bilk. Barege ar.d Organ.iv HoU s, La.-es, Mantilla* and t'loak.-. Travelling I Dress iionda, Fnd ries, Hihbons. Head Dresses, Flowers, Wreaths and Bonnets are all if the very latest importation*, j and will be su'd a* reasonable piiees. IF All orden by mail promptly attended to. .liar S5--tf TUOifil All COMMISSION ~ g: MERCHANTS LW Macon, G-a., COATES & WOOLFOLK HAVE n-.s c* t’ed t t) i-rat.d will (Kent v the new FIRE PK‘MK WaKi'lfOlFE, uow telng endwi oppuate Mee r. 11a *• -n *n V liil* rai a**v-iii'v mwlt! when anked for. C*rdf-n* f* r R j* t Groceries A-* , sta ! have our persoaaJ a!t* Ltion. We hepe. 1-v pron p* uUention to buslnes?. to nurit a HUP ul ‘*! ire of p itr ii.age. N. Coatkh, Jar H. Woolfolk. ,* The Fedml Union and Recorde**, Milledgeviile ; Fa tri *. A!>*ativ. ami the Republic n. Anu r.cus copy 4 mmth • ami ft ‘Hd biLV* [o*aylßlv V. k W. FREE <o EVERYBODY H, E. HOYT A CO.’S New Catalogue for 1859. IT CONTAINS THE E.:ii’?rrN4 List of’ I'Npfui, Orna mental mid Valuable Gift* EVER PUBLISIIKB! GaviTiß lsui tsiM* to Askxts than ever before off e-ed hy siiy . tli-r edabil-hroert In the fn ‘ed States. Gr-at* r .ndueeUiCli sto piirrluisers, who receive with earh Ibstk sUIKf, va*yitift in v alue frun Fiitt Cxn js to list Hexnum lI.ri.T.AES. XV E 3VX E JXX B E n The Great fckxilhem Gift Book Stf-re istbe oxlt oxfc that aUmb cad >rd Ov the • ENTIRE PRESS OF BALTIMORE. Write far Catai<vpie, which contains a rptn bxplaxxtion and will be mailed free to any address. H. E. HOYT A CO., mar4—sm* 41 iLßiroore-t., Baliimme .Md- City Residence FOR SALE. f|kll£rot desirable nnd heart*!Ml res'denee in lA*< Xtne central part of the city is now offered for sale, on the (a t lil'ccai terais. ■Bn), TheKeiatiine “lie acre ol xronr and. srrr.nmd.'d WS \:[ ons'lsides, by str.elsand ale,. and is improved in the most substantial manner. The Housecnntair sSs itiare risirns wlih flrvplai-e in each, with wide psssare thronjrh the middle of the main Imildtne, beidf s bath mom, pantry, store nun and closets, all new and finished tn the t est style. ‘)n the I..tare all the ncee-serv out l.alldincs. Carriage Ilor e, uraiile. wash hours- chicken house, smoke house. j wells of water, one of which has in it a force and lifting pump j with l.'Jtfeet of hose attached. Also, hydrant and cistern In ’he yard, besides a choice variety of Shrubbery Fruit Trees, all in a thrifty anil nourishing condition. Foe further particulars apply to J.C. EDWARD!". dvr- 1 - —U Real Estate Agent. i Tax Receiver. _*r “ * h authorised to announce the name of riterUn dsodidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of Bib j (.utility at the next election January,ltdO. )an 4 tde JACOB’S CORDIAL. 10,000 Negroes 10,000 .Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Rentedv And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Halt Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Sale in ; llacon, by ZEILIN & HUNT. | SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC that okeat kimelt THAT GKEAT KI HEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REVELY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY . I SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC BANCII E.7.’ SPECIE !C SANCHEZ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE | THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE ( THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PLOPLK BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE! PEOPLE! FOR GONORRHOEA k GLEET. FOR GONOKRHQCA It GLFE4T. FOR GONORRHtEA A- GLEET. i FOR GONORRHtEA A GLEET FOR GONORKHOiA A GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA A GI.EET. EOR GONORRHtEA A GLEET. SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A lilO DOCTOR’S BILL SAVEiS A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BIIJL, SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN is easily taken 1 IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN is easily Taken Has NO BAD TASTF. HAS NO RAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL effect a cure: WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE’ j WILL EFFECT A CUKE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LENS TROUBLE WII.I LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LENS TROUBLE! with less trouble: MORE SPEEDILY MORE) SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY MORE, SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY | MORE SPEEDILY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN I F.MEDT THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAtiE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE Every Druggist and Country Merchant should keep a supply of this valuable Remedy, not only from the prof its that accrue from its sales, but as an act of philan thropy towards suffering humanity. It will be mails to the especial and iiecuniary interest of all DruggDti to purchase by W. W. 8T.13S & CO., PROPRIETORS, 30’ BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Por —ale In -x* ~ s Mscon, by ZEILIN ft HUNT. Fresli ArrlvaTT 1 lUk CHOIOI D!cd Beef Tongue*, -L \” 5( ‘anks Lew l*;g ifun*-. 201 fluo |'j ed Beef, HID Fresh Hologna Snusriges. JO 1-2 W*ls. Pliilcd Beef :ind Pork, 6 1-2 ** Pigs Heady, fomeitiini new. In store, ft? *1 lor sale l.v GHEE A FREEMAN. ■ r 1 r 1 hi Whitt the papers say, must be true— To buy cheap, come to Cotton Avenue. LARGE IMPORTING HOUSES GREAT RUSH! Just received, IJIROM my Factory, anew kind of Fly Trap for fifty cents,—^warranted to give ratisfaction. Also. TIN WARE! At Wholesale or Retail. Always on hand, a good assortment of and many article* in the House Furnishing line. And all kinds of JOB -WORK, VOAK TO OhltKll. „ H. H BATCHELLEH, iiim j Macon, April 16. ft THE GREAT WONDER OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, PROF. WOOD’S IIAIR RESTORATIVE. S ivsthe St. LouK (Mo.) ’Democrat: Below, we publish a | lt-t-tvr t-> Pr. Woo<i, <,r this city, frotn u gcnilemru in Maine, i which speaks of the superior merits of his hairti n ic. Such evidence must have iu effect, when coiuire from a j reliable source. If certificates are guarantees of truth, the | Doctor needs no encomiums, nor useless puffery frem the i press: Bath. Maine, Jan 00,1556. Processor O. T. Wood A’ Ho.,—Ut-nt!*nien : itavimr my at ! tent.on ceiled a trw menti s since te the liigtdy bf Leticia I ef fects of your hair resto? alive, I v. aalnduced to niakaapplica ; tion <>t U upon nv own hir, which had become quite gray, n o?ably one-ti.i.d white ;in v whiskers were of s 4 me char acter. Some three months aim e 1 procured a bottle of your I hair restoraiiVe, a* and us<*d it. I aooft found it was pro vine what 1 had wished. 1 u.*ed it about twice a week. I have i since pr*cuml .mother bottle, of which 1 have used some. I | can no w certify to the wc.rid that the gr.ev or white hair has 1 totally disappeared, both on my head ami face, and my hair 1 has resumed its natural color, and i bedeve more soft and ; glossy than it has been before fr twenty-live rears. lam j now s \ vyearsold : my rood wife at the age of fifty-two, has I used it with rfiVct. The above notice I deem due to you for yonr valuable dis c ‘Very. 1 :.m assured that whoever wi 1 ri#ht y us*, a> p-r hrecuons, w ill not have occasion to contra lie: niy >tatemeuts. i I am a citizen of th s citv and a resident here for the law flf ! *e’i years, a .dipt known < marly every one h*u* aid ad joining town.-. Auv use you may make of the above wiih my name is at your service, as 1 wbh to ] receive the teauties ot” nature in others a* well as myself. lainirully, yours, A. RAYMOND. Baltimore, Jan *2-1,1858. WOOD'S HAIR RRMOKATiVE. I Professor Wood—Dear Mr: Having had the misfortune to lose the beat portion of my haP, from the t fleets of ihe yellow fever, in NewOr.eansin 18 4. I w :fc s iuduced to make a tual ot your prepara’i >n, and found it to answer s the very thing needed My hair is now th cr ai.d glossy, and no words cau t-xpre.-a my oh igalioneto you in giving to he atti cted such a r -isure. FINLKY JOHNSON. The undersigne<l. Rev. .T. K. Bragg, is a minister in regu ; ’ar s a riding, and pastor of the Orthodox Church at Brookti-Jd Mass. He Da gentleman of great intiueLce and univesally be loved. WM. DYtik. Pbookfiild, January 12, 1868. Profewor Wood—DesirSir: Having made trial of your hair * restorative, it gives me pleasure to say that its i fleets has been -xce’lent in removing Inflammation, dandruff’ and a constant ; ciideney to itching with which I have been troubled from my : ehi.dhood ; and has also restored my hair, which was becom } ing array, to its original color. I have us dno other article , will* anything like the rame pleasure or profit. ! Yonr’ tru y, J. K. BRAGG. The H-atorative is put up in bott’es of 8 rizes, v \v. : large, medium and small; the small holds holds half a pint, ami re tails for one dollar pt-r bottle; the medium holds at least 2q per ceut more In pro* jrtlon than the miaJl. retails at two dollars per bolt e : the large holds a quart, 40 percent more ; in proportion, and retails for ♦*!. O. J. WOOD k CO., Proprietors 312 Boadway, New , York, (in the great New York Wire Railing rstabli-hment,) ‘ and 114 Market Street, Bt. I. uls. Mo. zr~ Solo tv all Good Druggist* and Fancy Goods Dfvi.krs. julyl-3m. LATEST NEWS BY THE ffilTIC TMMPI all whom U may concern, this is to notify th. public ISAACS is at home again, and l>e[rs to assure his patrons that his Sa ham is not a thin* of a ‘ay. Citizens and the traveling public | will find their establishment open, not for the Season only, but all Seasons of tho year, and those caTdig on us, will at all hours, find our larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other market will afford, in the way of eatables and something good ! to drink, and six days out of seven, more than can be found in i any house in town, E. ISAACS A BRO’. Under Ralston’s Hall, Cherry St. His Bill of Fare will every day, Be just the thing for little pay ; And those, who at their place may eat, Will find in it all things complete— And going once, they then will know, That 18AAC8, is the PLACE to go. We shall be happy to see our friends, ensuring them that it will be our unremitting care to please in every respect, as we flatter ourselves, we have done till now. It may :*e generally known that we have, to meet the wish j es of the Medical faculty, imported by our&elves, a very supe rior quality of Pale Brandy, line old Port, Sherry and Made ! ria, possessing all the Medicinal qualities, so much desired by them. | Look at this Bill of Fare and choose for yourself: OYSTERS, From New York, Savannah and Brunswick In the shell or by the measure, raw, fried, rwed, or in any way you want them. Also, Shrimps and Oralis. Wild i ame of every variety, i Vents in and lieef Ste; as, SI utton Chops and Veal Cutlets, w&iAsjk Ham and Eggs. 77 W Devil liatn and Deviled Terapins, ©„ MOUNTAIN OYSTERS, ST TURTLE SOUP, Wood-Cock Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, i Wild Ducks, Fish, and every thing that an epicure wants, can : Always be had when iu season. Confectionaries &. Fruit, ISAACS, also keeps constantly on hand & good assortment of Coiifrctiouariea, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, AH of which can be purchased at low prices for (’ASH. Be ’ire and call at. E. I* A Alta lit IAIUJ Oysters, On me, &c. C. H. FREEMAN, t CO, A liK now ready to serve Oartomera In every style of the il Gastronomic art, with FISH, FLESH, AND FOWL, at their Fating Saloon, Cotton A vent.', Macon. They v ill have supplies of Fish and Oysters, by every train from the Seaboard, as well as of Beef, Game, Ac., from Fulton market. New York, by every >turner. they have also made arraug‘ixienis for regular supplies of ; Chickens, Turkeys, Ac., from Cherokee Georgia, and Tennes see .during the season, and solieita call from their friends and i the public. nov. 19—ts War, War, War, War! O N BftY COOBSf AT EINSTEINS. BEING obliged to repair our Ftom, wc have coinmenved a gent ral warfare of extern,inullun ot prices on our (ioods We nreuow sellmgthetiKlanceofoi r SlockofGoodsat MEW YORK COST, To make room. Among which will be foutd a beautiful lot of French Lace Mantillas, , Double .Tape n* and *2 rJounced Silk Robes, Double t*klit and i Flounced V'aragc hi l*ee. Organdies and Jaconet Double Jute Rot*e- f I'lai i. figured and Striped FI Iks, Plain and b igur.*d Bbck Mlk-J, Swiss and Jaconet Collars and Sleeves, Embroider and and Lace Fetts, Kid Glove** Ladlts’and Mdsco’ Hosiery, lloopSkirt *,Mus lins of id! kinds, Men and Boys’ Wear, j Uloirhcil and Brown Xtihtlrjrs. Iris-h Linen. Table Damask, , Linen Drills and Farmer’s tatiuetis. Coltotuules, Ac. Call aii<l Net* for Yonmlvoi! E. ErXSTEIX. June C -ts. S2OO Reward. RUNAWAY from the subscilberon the 28th of Sept. 1858 i rav boy Davie, a very white mulatto. 18 y are old weigh 9t> lbs., has a large mole or tit on the right side of his j neck, a .-car above Ids right knee, and his legs below his knees are spotted brown. He left on the Cars for Macon, and va-i | out off a 1 the 2d or 3d station. He wore a drab velvet cap, a ! Slue Fact* ry {Sailor Jacket, a striped hickory shirt, brown Cotton and Wool pants and black shoes. 1 believe he wis enticed away by seme white Rascal, If so, I 1 l will pay the above reward tor the return of the Boy on proof to convict the one \7ho took him off, or I will pay for the ret urn of Boy or his confinement in any Jail so that I get him, all costs and charges and a liberal Reward, j Columbus, Oct. 23,168 -ts ELIAS HULL. FLINT HOUSE? Macon. G-a. fROKMERLY known as the A!neon House,on First street, opposite Patton, Collins ,v Co.’s, 6B Las been recently fitted up with a large addition, |l);83 for tlieaccommodation of Boarders and the travel- It'll ing Public, who will find it to their interest, if stop- JBEOiSk (lire a few days in Macon, to give u.-, s cail and Bee for them selves. The Proprietor thankful tor past favors. Hatters him self that by strict attention to business, he will receive hisshare of public patronage, l’aas<ingere wishing to stop at the above house, when arrlv mg at the Depot will ask for its Representative. The table shall not he Inferior to any in the subsiantials of life. Price of 23oard : For a single meal .50 Supper, Lodging arid Breakfast i’j* By the Day ‘ . so Single Week B.\o By the Month (Bo*id and LiKlging) in (to ” TIIOS. H. FUT. Proprietor. FOR SALE ON Loeefi£ofF, ¥ offer tilt pb.ntutii.n near Auit'iicus, formerly ownedi vX. 1 L. Holt, riv miles rom America*. on the Mnekahe creek! antsining six re-veil two limidndl anti fifty acres cleared, with all the necessary ’ ulidines, inero bout*. (Till house, screw, Ac. The plate will he sold at a bargale ami on a long credit. Apply to T. M. Furlow, at Amerlcux, or to me at this place. JA MRs W. GRIFFIN. Macon. Oct, ;t—tf CWUlty paper* copy. Bo*t ick 9 Kein & Cos., Having tost retnrned from New York, for the Third T ANARUS; me this Season, we are prepured to offer extraordinary induce ment a in DRESS GOODS, As many of them were bourht after the Jobbing Trade was over, and they will be sold less than the cost of Importation. We t?ke pleasure in ahowincoiir GOOD!*, and trust to our Prices, and the interest of our friends and customers for Success in TradeJ ’ BOSTICK, KEIN & CO. my IT—ts AT HO.WK AtiAlU! “ FLOYD HOUSE, Maoon, O-a, THE undesigned has aeain opened the abort t.a I S- Hotel, where he will be pleased to see his form er customers, and the Traveling J’ub.ic generally. HH | 111 A Four or Six Horse Omnibus will be in prompt at- W§ j jfj tendance on the arrival of alt the trains, ti oonvey-MW *~ Passengers to and from the Hotel FREE OF CHARGE. M< air can be had on the arrival of all the night trains. Charges moderate. Traders and business men will do well to make this House their home during their stay in Macon, it oeingceutral. r r Reference—Call ami see H. P. REDDING, Pro prietor. , p, b. Be suit to take the FI. .yd House Omnibus. I ! NEW FIRM. T|IHK --hi ai ■• 1 .-. k**vp 1* <-♦ !.*’ Gasriagei*, Buggivi* and Bones. Iv hive on as gooilterm** :t4 anybooy. V\ a- also have the most ample ac* oummoi.ei kmj for Drove Stock. \\ c would rav to the public that we btve taken the b*t lnto our Rvalh in eanacvl, and can always be found * ith our Aar on re tdy to verve y**u; wr intend bv keeping a straight t<>rujue % putting together , and by buckling down clnseto bus liihm, tauccecd or break a trace. We aLuii never tire feilotn* in hitching up for you long as you come \u* to the Uckb g and srttk*. Now it vou ’waJit WMtcay-ow,to not be eatkg. in fact if >o don't wut us to check vj too cbm\ put your sh*uliicr to the heel, give us :*. ah(n% and if you dmi a tingle trace of ingratitude you may halter Very re-pectiully, AlifiKliuLb A JEfr FKKS. Ujyx>site the Pu*seger Depot andneaj I'rmrn’ t Hotel. apr 29-ts. Rare Chance for Investment Attoution Modtartloss FOR SALE, THK WELL KMOWH KMlillT’S KTEAM SASH A BLI\I> F.MTOHA. The Building is entirely new, and the Machinery new and I of the best quality, it is a lucrative business and has a well establishedtrade. The Building and Machinery will b sold .Hi liberal terms, with a Into! lumber, if desired. aiavtit—u JOHN KNIOHT Copartnership Notice. I HAVE awrciated with ne my 1 rother, FRANK M. sT(>X i?, for the purpose* of cf.ntinulng the Ilat ami Lap i business. the busin ss will be conducted hereafter under the firm | name and st vie of j CHAS. B. STONE & BROTHER. The unders gned, thank ul for the liberal patronage ex tended to him the (md year, would most respectfully solicit Ia continuation of it ior tlie new firm. They will keep constantly on hand a superior stock of Hats ! and Caps, which they will sell as low as anv house in the City or State. CHAS. B. SIUiME Jt BRO. April lit. E. SAULSBURY. Washington Block, Opposite Lanier House, MACON, GA., fJIAKES pleasure in intormiug his customers and buyers ; JL generally, that he is now prepared to offerone of the most elegant and attractive stocks of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, , For Gentlemen's wenr, thatcau beexldbitid in the city. 1 Constaut additions of desirable goods will be made by every ! steamer. He has in his employ one of the BKST O TTERS sol l li OF AK\\ YOitK, andean execute ai> oraersi be most approved style and at sliurtnotiie. net 16— TROUT HOUSE, ATLANTA, &A , By MRS. J. D. BOYD. .iune . 8m Honey-blade Grass Seed. ;v. WEED, Hat oii. a. A GENT for thesHeof the Honey-Made Uungaiian Grass im. Seed, warranted to grow in any climate, and stand all kinds of weather. Trice $1 CD per bag. apr 21—ts. New Crockery Store. rjIHE Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon and adjoining coun JL ties are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock of CHINA, GLASS and O ROOKERY WARE, nex door to Mrs. Dessau’s on Second Street. I intend to keep at al times a good stock of Goods, and will sell as low as they can be bought anywhere in the city. A liberal share of pat ’ ronage Is respectfully solicited. June 4—5 R. R. HUTCHINGS. CAUTION. ALL persons are cautioned against trading for three sever al notes of hand given by the undersigned to Ma j. E. Hants; two for #-°,d eaeb, and one for #4O, all bervdng daie on the 14th March. 1859, and due th ee, six and nincandhali months after date, for hire of Negro woman. Eliza, uli*s L ui j >a—as the on- dera i*)n for which said notes were given has entirely i; iied, by reason of the abduction of said negro frt ni 1 myservic- by the family of Maj. Harris. I will not pay said notes unle * compelled to by law. ! June6—tf. L. F. W. ANDREWS. O O F F I IST B . ROSE WOOD, Solid Mahogany, Velvet, stained, Cheap Vaneered Mahogany Coffins, Also New Style Metalic j Cases Superior lo the old Styles. Old Pattern Metalsc Cates at Lower Prices. iune 4—6 m T. A. G. WOOD. SAVE FREIGHT AND COMMISSIONS! i Carhart & Curd. i EOLE FA,RB ' Nk ‘ 8 SCALES * \FULL A i-lmcnt of I’latlorm and Countnr Scales now In store ai.<l for sale at their prices. FO FBEIUHT ADDED. Uixleratakm for Bailroad. Wari-h. use and other large Scales. We will see thtm ptoperly put up. may 11—i.f. C., M. 6l W. and S. W. R. R. { i UANO, will fur the present, be over the VT Central Hn’l-oad to Macon, or to any Station cm that ! ami the Eatnutcn Koail. In nnv quantity, to any Consignee, at $2 0) per tun of i COO poutids, and over the Macon aid Western,and Sonth V\ astern KailroaiD, < rtn any Mation on elttier of these Roads, at iI.OO pc- ton of 2 0(0 pounds, pro vided each Sack Is n f rked with consign* e> nan c DEO. \V ADAMS, Den’l Sup'l C. K. R. AL” KID TYLKR, “ • M.AW.R VIKUIJ, BOWKRS, “ “ S. W. K. Feb. 25, !. <8 F’or Sale. ONE of the most desirable residences in tho city, where the subscriber now resides, corner of Oak and Second Streets. The Lot contains three quarters of an acre, and is highly improved with ch<ice varieties of pu:iCh,Apricots,Grdi>fcs anil other fruits, and floweis. The duelling contains ten Room?, Closets in six, and Gas in al . Terms of payment will be made easy. For particu la r s, enquire of J PtLcmthe or W.S. Brantly. If not sold before Christmas, it w 1)1 be rented t r * an approv ant. ch c. U- M OR>, v\ . ADAMS. CROCKERY STORE. fYTHE i ndersigned thankful tor tlie very liberal patronage JL lestow ed on liim for the rant season would most respect fully- solicit ol the *, at the Old Crockery Stand, m Triangle Block, where he is ; r opart and to show as fine a stock of China, Glass and Crockery V\ :;reas can be found In theS -uth. Every body is Invited to call and examine iny beautiful assortment of Lining and Tea Setts. Rome very rich ’ Fnd for sale low. nov. 20—ts R. K. HUTCHINGS Macon & Western Rail Road Cos. f lIHROCGH Tickets from Macon, Ga.,to \’.rgii.ia Springs 1 and New York. I’are to .Yew York, ----- - En-*t Tennessee uni V lrgh ii Route via ACjMh, Dalton Knoxville, BrUrd, L\ncht>urg, Riclimoi and, W ashirgtou City Baltimore nd Pbi adelphia. A. 1.. TYLER Just received, VLAROE ass< rtinent of the Lulden Ilia a r. perior article. They are well made anl dt first ra'e. mur 2.5 .25 E. WIKMUP. Latest Style BLACK FROCK COATB, JL ST UE< KIVEH r.v C - H . n 33 . June 17 IMotioo, 4 JJs p-rsons are hereby warned, and notified, not to trade IV for am tv made by the undeis'gutd ns principal, and Geo, T. Rodgcs security, for Three Jbuudred Dodarr, dat and June i * h, 1859 jar and due four month?after date, with from date—paj at le to Hayden A Go* lsbv or hearer, as the consult ration of said ncte has raided, aid I eahall not pay the j sa * e unless compelled to do so by la-. I Macon, June2B 3m* .thE!'H HERTZFIELD FRENCH GLASS, All Sizes from 8-10 to 36-44. MIRRORS and Looking Olass Dates. Frames, of Gib Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut. For Sale hv T. & a. WOOD Macon, June 11.18S8. [tf.] STEREOSCOPES, ALA RGE and beautiful assortment of 8b reoscopes, with j a large numlierof views of ad kinds, for.*a e, siuety or bv J the dozen, at J. M. KOARDMAVS, dec. 17—ts __ Washington Block WINE! WINE!! WINE!!! 4 i | CASES Claret Wine, ranging from $3 to # i pt-r cast ” Just received and ft*r.-a e i.y aprfs-1 w. _ GREER A FREEMAN. JUST RECEIVED. A T K. I*. MrKVOY’K alargelotof SELF-SEALING 2V CANS, Kuive. and Forks, Cantors and Teat Sets. Also l( E I*|T('HEHS, cheap for CASH. IIISV l_ll Osnaburgs, Yarns, &c. Oi| tales t >snaburgH. tjU 2u Hale* Yams, 15 B lies Macon and Mil ledge vi lie Sheeting?, 10 Bales % Sheetings, 5 Bales Stripes, For rale by AYlthS, WINGFIELD A CO. u2S—tf Family Flour. fit i|A kA \ LBS. Kuravule City Mill* Family Floor. 15 Bbl.. S tilth Flour, i<- eivtd and to HU by [may 2] GKLH*V FREEMAN Porter and Ale. k) i \ Casks .Jeffers’ Jug Ale, 10 (’asks best London Porter, Just received, ai*d for t*aJa* by </KELK& FREEMAN vu7.—t t. | Negroes Wanted. THE highest cash price will be paid for likely roulra NEGROES. Also for a gang of Plant* lion ham... IF. R. PHILLIPS , East Macon. febSß-tf. Hair Work to Order. OVER TWO HUNDRED DESIGNS Horn which to make .election, bv apr 7 sA-wtf. E. J. JOHNSTON Sl CO. SERVANTS WANTED! VETANTED, for the balance of the year, two good Cook FT and Washerwomen. For such s are capable ami healthy, the highest wsges will be paid monthly. Apply a thU otMc*, July IV—ts. BILLIARD UALI>. CUE FEATHERS, Wax, Ac., always on hand and so sale at low prices, by s— yadnAwtf. . J. JOHNSTON * CO. 1 FANS, IN large variety. Traveling and Reticule Baskets, Leather Satchels, Ac. for sale by i apr 7—sJtwtf. I. J. JOHNSTON & CO. 1 C. 11. FFEM.IN & to., ! Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga., i OlTor, as usual, al (h-ir Old Stand, a Chiiier A*, surlmenl of IAIIILY GROCERIES, OF every description and of the best quality, freth and good, heme eonstaiitly in receipt of new supplies from the Northern Ma-aets, Sugars, Sr ]"■- s, Witte Fish, Syrups, (itrons. llerr.ngs, Ci Ifee, Orven Fruits, in can*. Hams, Teas. Condiments lard. Sweetmeats, Sauces, Flour, Nuts Cheese, Butter, Kui-irrs, Mackerel, l'ork. At and ( therarfie’es too r.un,erous to meution, comprising the whole range o! Family Gre eery supplies. We particularly invite the a!tendon o r dealers and others to our large and eiimph te stock of ( andie*, manu'a.-tured by ourselves, ol tlie very !st materials, and a menu and to retain their harones and brilliancy, whl.e I lie jmjwirted Candle* s sol lose tioth and become wc-rthiess. We osier unrival ed Inducements to purcliasers. Cakes, Ornamented &. Plain Os every varifty, ar.dl lundc oi choice* rratcula’.?. Families And par:le?supplied ai theshorte>t uotkv ami tn the most . r -asotiable teiuis. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh Fish, in their Season. CBR OYSTER SALOON, Willie open for (he reception of visitors, w here we snail f-im _ ki ep constantly on hard dmingibe Fa:! and Winter. Fresh Oyster* ami . muHj.ii native and imported. V / virf’ 0 , the best qua ides and respoetlully invite or ders, which shall Ue faithfully fiile.l. oetv—f WAR, WAR, WAR! Is declared against pains of any kind by DR. A. W. ALLAN’S Southern Liniment! V.s D every Southerner will be sati.-fled by using one do iar’s worth, that they have no futther use for Northern Liniments. For Family and Plantat ion use it has no equal. It cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Strains. Bruises, Bums, Fresh Cuts, Pains in the Back or Limbs, Cholic In Man or Beast, and is the only certain Remedy known for Blind Stag gersin Horses; and every one will find ttasavingof time and money by keeping a supply on band. CEUTIPICATES, xiaixbripge, G*., April 8, *'(i — Dr. A. W. Allen —Dear ! Sir—From mv knowledgeof the ingredients composing yonr Liniment, and n.y expc rience in (he sale of it for the last • ‘eats, lain prepared to say thattherels no better.arrd 1 think must soon supersede a.l Liniments ol like character. D. J. DICKINSON. Druggist. Auuant, May. 21, ISA?.—Being re ‘ utly severely afflicted -vith an attack of Rheumatism, I procured a bottle of the •hove named preparation, and was entirely relieved from the iseasc in a short ume, from a few applications. 1 mrke this voluntarv statement for the l*?n fit of the pub ic, and from a sense of gratitude to Dr. A hen. It may tie, on! doubtless la by many who have never tried it, called a ptack medicine ; hut it quackery alwat s gives as certain and vpcedy relief as this pretetration did, then 1 am from bence orth a convert to quackery. 11>:nkv Mougax. IT Prepared by Dr. A. W. ALLEN, Columbus. Georgia. None genuine withoutUie signature and seal of A. W. Alien. For sale by E. L. STROUKCKhR & CO.. 51 aeon, Georgia. \\ n tiled, a responsible Agent in every Southern town and Village. Caltioxto EvrrtTßODT.—Don’t use any more Northern l iniment until they have given the Southern Liniment a lair t ial er 10— WAR IN EUROPE! BUT GROCERIES IN MACON ! m mur & munis, WOULD respectfully announre to the*r friei da. ami the pul* ic, that they hvenow iribterea very 1 tree ami well selected st*-ck of (iRut'EKIKS to which their atiei tiori is ; most cordially invited. The following is a list of the leading | articles: *2OO Bag* Rio, Laguira and Java C’offce. 75 Barrels $I G AR, of nil qualities. 190 Boxes TOBACCO. *200,000 CIGARS, from $5 to S6O per thousand. 15 Bales Osnahurprs. 50 Bales R AGGIXG. 50 Coils Rope. 800 Bids. Liquor of orcry quality and kind, from the finest Otard, Oiipny A’ Co’* Brand-,down to Rectified W lii*Uy I and in fact every thing thattlie Planter nr Metchant t-aa wan ihe line of Grc rer* ?. Don’t fail to ca> 11 ai.d exan ine thti i totCi before purchasing elsewhere. may 24 ’ HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philadelphia. 1 2 Benevolent Institution established by Special En > dowinent for the Relief of the Sick and Dis tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epi demic Diseases. ? ffN time? of Epidemics, it is the object of this Institution to i establish Hospitals, to provide Nurses Physicians. Cloth j ing. Food, Medicines, dec., for the sick and de&titute, to take ! charge of the orphans of deceased parents, and to mini-ter in 1 every possible way to the relief of the afflicted, and the health of the public at large. It is the duty of the Directors, at such times, t visit personally the injected districts, and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous phyrirlats. not act ing members of the Association, usually enrol ihcir names on its books, subject to be called upon to attt nd its hospitals, free of charge. In the absence of Epidemics, the Directors ha we authorized . the Consulting Surgeon to give advice and medical aid io per sons suffering under CHRONIC DISKASkSof a virulent character, arising from abuse of tlie physical poweas, mal treatment, the effects of drugs, Ac., A. Various KKFORTS and TRACTS on the nature and treat ment of < hronic Diseases, by the Consulting Mirgeon, have leen published frr gratuitous distribution, and will be sent KKKK of Cll ARGKlothe afflicted. Addre.-s. for Reports of *r*atment. Dr. GEORGE R. CAL HOUN. Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa lly order of the Direct ore. EZRA D. IIEAKTWELC, President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary, oct. B—lßsß—l y* TIOMAB HARDEMAN. OVID 0. HARDEMAN & SPARKS. Ikh WAREHOUSES^} COMMISSION’ MERCHANTS WILL continue to give prompt attention at their FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, on the corner of 3d and Poplar Streets, to ail business committed to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all the interests of their friend? and customers,they hope to receive their full share be public patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and otherprodo when required. iarp’ anter's FamilyStores,also Bagging Rope, A ft rnished at the lowest market rates. .Macon, Aug4—tf Administrator’s Sale. VfiREEARLY tn an Older of the HonortWe tbe Court of ordinary of Cvsm ford Count?, (July Term. 1859,) will j be sold before the < ourt House <J°or hi the town ol Knoxville, within lie Icjral houis of sal*. n the FIRST ! TUESDAY IN OCTOBER next, tlie will known and de sirable Plant*!ion bclovtjr’ng to the estate of Frmnc'M E. Ba \>ti decVl. The Fl:if.ta*s>it li* sin the Old Agency Reserve, j on tlie Fast Fide <f Hint Kiver, io mid county of Crawford, i eot.tainiiiff One Thousand Ac €>, more or le *. bon e five cr , i six hundred i c. c-tare cleared and in ;i staff of cultiva i th n and very productive —the woodland is rich Oak and ( Hickory. ’1 his plantation combines acvhi.luges inferior 1o ! none in this *eet;on ot ‘he Mate, as to health, convenience S ! and fertility, having a pood c mfortaWe Dwelling, tow fiam- | | ed Ne*ro Houses, new Gin House*, tcrew, Ac. j Terms—one and two years credit, purchasers civing good | and sufficient sec urlty. Sold for the purpo-e of distribution. , JEREMIAH C. HARVEY, Adm r., ‘ , July Bth, I^*B.—tds. de bonis non. FINE ARTS. fWIHOSE who deaire a perfect likeness in any of the variou A styles, especially LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS ; colored In Oil, and who denire to patronize a First Class Establishnient, 1 should not fail to call at Punk's Gallery Tri angular Block. i ‘)nr Photographs are supe lor o any produced in Macon, front this tact, w#* have themeotorvd by portrait Painters who stand at the head or their Profession, and mho are the only clast* of Artist* who can color Photographs as thev thould be. Ambrotypes in flue gilt case< from $1 00 up Take the very best style, ( nil and MTlht ni. dec. 10—ts Dr. Samuel Tarver, C CONTINUES the practice of Medicine, Surgery and J Obstetric* tit Parkers’ Cation. .No. 11 % on tl e Central Kail Road, Jefferson County,Ga. Hi, I’ -t office address pier's Torn Out Jefferson i onnty. Particular attention |id to the treatment of Chronic Diseases. Any It ate person who tout dieted with Dyspepsia. In.uotency. Involuntary Emis lons, Gonotrhtea. 1 p-|wy, or J iles, nn y. hj at pi tlt gto me, find relief. Altd any female that is attlicted wiin D>,pe;wla. Giver Con plaint. Dropsy. Chloros-s, AmernirLtew, l’rotap sus Ute ri. Lenc rrto*■ i, Dysmenorrhcra, or Pile-, may, hv ap olying to me in person or by letter. End rebec. Petse ns liv ing at a di-lance- by writing a statement of their cases can have preset lpti< ns and Medicine sent to them hv Mail. Charges moderate. nov. 13,1838.-]i* SAhH AND HLIX O FAVTOH Y.-Theu. Jet-signed n stillprepared to macufactui e all kind, of H lndowNash, Klimt*, FaiineS Doors and Carpentry Work to order. Having always on hand, the bejt seasoned and well aaiorted lumber, he will warrant hii work to be of the moat substantial and durable description. He will al*o contract for any ilie or style of bniidir.r and execute the same with all needfui and spatch. Ord.t respectfully solicited. JOHN KNIQHT. prSS—tf j Valuable Plantation for Sale. lAM now offering for sale my plantation in Jones Countv seven miles above Macou, on the Ocmu gee River, c< n ainiugl&tO acres ot land. Attaciied to the place IsSOOacres swamp Lands, (river bottom). Terms one and two years’ credit. Any one wishing to purchase valuable Lands, will do well ; to call and examine the above as lam determined to sell. apr tH-tt ROBERT JUNDY. i National Police Gazette. fTTHIS Great ••. rnaiof Crime and Criminals is in its IS 1 h , Year, and is widely circulated throughout the countrv I’cojttains alUbe Great Triala, Criminal Oases, andappre or ate Editorials on the same, together with information on Cr piinal Matters, not to be found in any other newspaper. , remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their names and the town, county and State where they reside plainly.) To K. A. SEYMOUR. Editor A Proprietor of the National Police Gazette, ar.rta d—tl New York City. JUST RECEIVED Landreth’s New Crou Turnip Seed of 1858. WHITE FLAT DUTCH TURNIP SEED. RED TOP KUTA BAfIM TURNIP SEED. LARGKGLOBK TURNIP SEED. LARGE NORFOLK TURNIP SEED, Kentucky Blue. Grans Seed. RESCUE GRASS SEED. IiUCB RDJ B 58Z133. For sale at ÜBU PAY.Wi Drug and Chemical Store Macon, Ga., July 80,1856.-ts STATIONERS WAREHOUSE. No. 75, John Street, N. V r W. & C. K. HERRICK, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN / FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATIONERY wE a ’ e now pr*pa*ed offer to the trade, ficm *i r-f the coun’rv, a full aud c* mplrtc ntwnnifiit ? goods in our compittf) g tie m west din si ■ tock of 8 T afv TIO TNT ETIY in ll,<- country. W*. ilfy request of bH\n-'v , . ti.,u. fourst.<k. Our ra w ’ “ Pi ILLUSTRATED TRADE CATALOGS will s tent Free hy >lail on spj i cation .iune 21— ly Scrofula, or King’s Evil. is a constitutional disease, a corruption oft)! blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiate weak, and poor. Being in the circulation • pervades the whole tody, and may burst . in disease on any part of it. No organ is <• from its attacks, nor is there one which it n not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variou caused by mercurial disease, low living, di ordered or unhealthy food, impure air,’ tiltife and filthy habits, the depressing vices, 3 ’ above all, by the venereal infection. ’Wha-’ ever be its origin, it is hereditary in tlie tv ’ stitution, descending “ from parents to ehildrt unto the third and fourth generationind, v it seems to be the rc<l of Him who says, >■ j will visit the iniquities of the fathers uty„, their children.” Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of coiTupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depress* the energies of life, so that scrofulous eonstitu. tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with, stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorder-, which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family lias its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people arc scrofulous their persons arc invaded by this lurking in. feetion, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it fr om the system wc must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Suqh a medicine we supply in AYER’S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the nodical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequence?. Hence it should bo employed for the t ore of not only scrofula, hut also those othe- affix, tions which arise from it, such as Eucptivs and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony’s Fibi. Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pcstclm, Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tettik and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Bis rases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Debility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising prom Vitia tkd or Impure Blood. The popular belief in “ impurity of the blood ” is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer s Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find hi* health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and direction, for their use in the following Cotupl.tints: Cottas ness, Heatibum , Headache arising from disorders Stomach, Xausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbt Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss ofAppf tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaint*, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, for tiie rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza. Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump* tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous arc the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues arc known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AIER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Sold by E. L. Stronctt ker & Cos., Zoilintfc Hunt, Macon, and by all druggists and deal er* in Medicine everywhere. Haviland, Chichester & Cos., Augusta, Ga., wholesale agents. J. B. ARTDPE & SON, Manufacturers of and Dealers in FORLIUA AND DOMESTIC MARBLE , MoNniK.vrs, TOMB STONES, i MANTLES, FTTISNITtTKE, SLABS, Ac., Corner of :trd and Pliinil* Sl*. . MACOX, GA. apj 11—ts. CLOTHING. HORACE FITCH & CO., Having recehed a very large Stock cf Summer Clothing, ii \¥ AIIE Tip expresa'y for tie Summer Trade, of the iatrst ’ a*l Style, and of the ties; g >odr. are now reidytaen. great inducements to any one who may wish to purchase READY MADE CLOTHING- We also have a large Stock nf all kinds of Osatleiasa 1“f nlshing Goods, suclt a* are usually iouud in Clothing Sor*s Youth’s and Chi ldren’s Clothing. A large Stock of Youth’s and Children's Clothing, also on hand wit eh we are offering \>try low. TRUNKS, VALISES, BONNET BOXES AND CARPET BAGS. Having in connection with our Stock of Clothin*. fitted P an upstairs room directly over tho store. where at ail C*n be found one of flieufgeflt Stocks (to hefruuHl mUitmjf of ail kinds of Trunks, Yalta*. Bonnet Boxes Hags; and we invetc all who are in want of any foods In o* line to call and examine for theeuskives before purc.air*e. where, for w are bound to Ml ('heap (or ihe lt**aa> ra tnl| i *i Weneed H. FITCH A (X). New Candy Factory,and BAKERY. ORNAMENTED Cake, anti Plain, supplied to Famili Weddings and Parties, according to order. A LEG, Gandy by the Box,(assortec; for Merchants,) of the best quality, warranted, and at the lowest prices. Orders for the abOTgor foi Drugs, Garden Seeds, NtfJ w. 8. BXM. n or_tf Cherry Street, Macon, Ga.