The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, August 26, 1859, Image 4

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BOSTICK, KEIN&GO., “ Headquarters!” MAY! MAY! MAY! BOSTICK. KEIX & CO., Opening tlieir 3rd Display SHE! MISS B009S! Silks! Silks! Silks! STREET, BRIDAL & EVENING Siij&S - f BUrhiT*- Black Gras de ail Wifitls, Bostick* C renadine Holts ! Volantca. UraitfiM Kobe a’Double Jupes. Ke in Barege TUbes 2 Volsrtes Organde Rot* Tablia Jaconet Robes and & Cos,, White Go,” d*, imbrolderlefl, LftM Mantillas. Bostick, Kein & Cos., HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, LINEN, DAMASK, SHEETING, if, < MATTING. CaRI ETI NO. St. STRONG & WOOD, DEALERS IN BIBTS, SIES, LEATHER. IATS & H&fS, AT TULIKOLD STAND OX 2D, ST. Opposite Bostick & Kein’s. J J AVE nowin store,a large and mell selected assortment BOOTS AKQ SHOES. of every variety of style and pattern, manufactured to ordvr and to suit this market. consisting: of BOOTS, GlfllS k MnSv HEELED GAITERS AND SLIPPERS, Misses’ Heeled Slippers k Gaiters. CHILDRENS’ SHOES OF EVERY STYLE. Also, HATS and CAPS,4&||j^ Os all (Yoalitieg and Styles, All of wtib’li willbe sold on reasonable term*.— B Thankful for pa-t favors, tl.ey invite those wishing to punhaae 1 to all and exariiue their at- -, k before purdxaebiug elsewhere, net. !>, ISSa—tf P. *W. ‘ FINE FURNITDBE. If I N E Parlor Betts, Rose Wood, Mahogany an J Georgia Walnut Furniture. Secretaries and Book Cases, jaSi. ——— Desks and lie ■ Cases. Bureaus of Rose Woop, Ma liogany and Walnut. v Soft 3, Tete-a-Tetes, Divans, r wSyi ‘ ji Soc able*, Ottomans, in Hair > sf™V ‘wr~~ \j Cloth. Flush, Brocatei Ac. ** S’ ’ ’"t* Arm, Rocking,Nurse, tew ing, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth, Plush, Bro catei, Cane, Split Bottom,and every kind of Chairknows to the trade. BEDSTEADS. R°*e Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahogany,Beah, Gum, 0., High, Low, French and Cottage. Wadrooes of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Watnu and Pine. Safes of •!! Patterns. • Tables. Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Pine, Extension Folding Leaf, Square, Round, Ac. Mattresses of Hair, Cotton, Moss and Patent Spring. Feather Beds, Pillars and Bob-tiers. Fine Mirrors, common Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Picture Glass. Window Shades and Mne Cornices. Buckets.Xubs,Dippers, Brooms, Brush Brooms, Feath er Dusters, Foot Ma 1 .Ac. for sale on the most reason able terms. Lumber taken in exchange, or Lumber made up in the *>ost fashionable strtes of Furn tore to order. W e have one of t aelargest ks of FINE f U R NI UREia the State, and we ire conatantl j manufae ring, and wish to sell. Caliaudsee ns. is—iv ▼ . * a wooti MS! MS!! STIVES!!! At W. J. McElroys, THIRD STREET, MACON. GA. QAA Cooking Stoves, 75 Box and Parlor Stoves.— OUv Also a fine lot of Grates, comprising the finer! and nnsl VARiaD assortment of Stoves ever offered o public, among them he old favorite Iron Witch, war ranted to give satisfaction. Also the Victor Coog, made in Augusta, Georgia. Cheap for Casa or good Notes. —ALSO, — A well selected assortment of HQUSE FURBISHING GOODS consisting in part of Northern and Southern Wood Wakes, Brooms, Brushes, Counter and Feather Dusters, Lanterns, Lamps, Steak Dishes, Tea Urns, Chaffing and Steaa Dishes, Ac., Ac. Gas Fittisi) done at short notice. Also, plain Gas Fixtures for sale. Foece, Cistern and Well Puxra, of the most appro ved Patterns, Rubber Hose, Lead, Copper, Block Tin and Iron Tubes of all sises, Steam Valves, Whistles, Guages, Cyleader and Water Cocks of all kinds. Copper Stills, and Copper Plumbing. Tin and Sheet Iron work of all kinds, done in the very bestatyie. Lightning Rods put up at short notice. IVotiee. *” On and after this date, all work done to order will . be POSITIVEIY CASH on delivery, and all accounts due when presented. Msccn, oc* b-t> w. J. McRLROV. NEW BOOKS —AT — Boardman’s Book Store. ELOQUENCE, in 2 volumes. A New Cyclopedia of Coo-merce. Burton's Cvelopedis of Wit arei Humor. A Handy Book on Property Law. Man upon the Sea, by Goodrich. Romani c pshuage* in South-western History. Life Beneath ihe Waters. 7,HL H4cU but hi* the Heart, by T. S. Arthur, y I’-I’ UO th CoLqeeror, by Oeii. Sir ©. Ka;*it-r. I>od>r Thom. • Anew edition of E<i*rar A. Pw’j works, l ne Preacher anl tbe Kin*. ? tii* riuzurnfrt. Lord George Bentr'icA, by inaraeii. Beatrice CencL l>*bit and Major Hooert Potter. !’ tifiaa JerroUT? Wft. Belle Biittanon a Tour. Life and Time, of Hugh Miller. rube of the Betsey. Testimony of the Rocks. Jefferson s Work*. KulweFs Novel*, complete. Grote s History of Greece. Bpam-w Grass Papers p - R - Janes. * r ‘- Southworth. Vwttbttea m American I>weiliii*a. Dnvauon o f Family Same*. XVMai ota. Wit and Humor. Stefmtowards Heaven. Den’s Mom; Theology. MUpah, a Fmyer Book. e Kidn? 4 * Plcturea lu F ™>ce. HoUand, Belgium and up WiidN < t hern Scene*. 1 “* ane family BiUe*. — — J. M. BOARDMAN. liivcrjMMil A: Lontlon HREJNSURANGE Office 50, Wall Street, Xew Xork City. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, £2,000,000 or $10,000,000. s n>u mid hftrnfd Fund*. J l !’ E MILLIONS OF DOLLARS: SM>©,o©o Invented in this Country. DIRECTORS IX SEW TURK ■ JAMES BKOV. S, ‘ hairman. FRANCIS Ci TI ES. Deputy Chairman. GEUKIiK BARCLAY, lj. ECOESE DrriLn. Esq. JOSEPH OIL LARD, Jr., Esq. JOSEPH FOWLER. L-d- ALE.YASDER HAMILTON, Jr„ E*n. ED L. SANDERSON. E-j. WM. s. W*TMORE. Esc, EDW ARD M. ARCHIBALD, Ew,. Cou^l*^ cre lJ u ' y ’ ALFRED PELL Esq. Counsel of the n,rt. A. HAMILTON, Jr.. Esq. TT'7 WINOUBLI’ Si CO., Affl'Dls Who mil take Fir e JiM* on), Mw,May Uth— ts twa/. s, OIIUJ. MRS. S. AIIDOUIW, f( t Aew York wlth a Rnd Summer o O O D Sj ’ A “ Consisting of all the NEWEST most desirable styles of T arM * FRENCH HATS, variety. A Iso many rich aqd fancy art ides, lieau titui Eumruidery, elegant Loivs, pompadore Lsoe Setu, 1 tair ILo of every style. Orecian I urls, Side and Itsk *f > - Fana, S’- Call and examine f.,r yonrse'ves *® •* will ** tnuen to )our interest. She ar ' d soH’ t* * soar; of the liberal Inar^tf f oar Ulnvin * city aud surroundingcounties. DRS. M’DONALD & VAN GIESEN. DENTISTS, Washington Blork, Bmh, G„ ELECTRICITY USED IN EXTRACTING Teeth tint. Tooth Paste aiway. jn band and for sale 1 Dentists can be euppded with the finest style of 1 *lso QoM roll. Gold and Silver Plate and WireJlatteK*’ ! tWhSlie wlu ‘“J , *0 o( *—■—>*/ Bliss’ Dyfticptic Remedy, Blits’ iiysprpllc Itnnfdy H: i-x Dysprp>le Kfinrely lilt .s’ I>ys|>eptl Hrmriljr ■t.Ks>* Oy-pejule Hrwuay lsti>’ l>r:v|ittr Kenedy nils.’ Ilyyprptle Kemtdy Hlls.’ Dn|*pHr Keinetly miss’ Uysprptic Ktuiedy Bliss’ i)y-;plIc lirnifily Bll.V Dyspeptic Knnrdy Ilns the Largest Sale Has t!e Laigest Sale Has (lie Lai nest Sale Has (lie Idii'gtsl Sale Has the luirgisd Sale Has the Largest; Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Sale lias tin- Larg-st Sale Has the Largest Saie Os any .Meriii-lue in the World. Os any Meillelne In the World. Os any Medicine in tlic World. Os any Medicine in llic World. t>f any Kedkiiif In the \\ 01 lit. Os i ny MrdUhu’ In the World. Os any MedKlne In t re World. Os any Mrdidae in the World. Os any .Medicine in l!e W orld. Os any Medicine In the World. 100.000 P.irkign • jihi.UOO Packasti lotMIUO i*,-liß-. a HID.OOO Pnckngi'i 10-1,000 Packages lOO.OOit PaeKsgei 10.i.-HRI Putkngrs I'KA.OOO Packages Packsgei 100,000 Paekagu Bold In Georgia and South Carolina Sohl In Geor.:U nntl Soutli Caroilna Sold In Uetn.ia and S nh Carolina Sold In Georgia and soulh C arolina Sol.i In Gionila ami South ( arolina Sold In Georgia anti S.,itl Carolina Solti In Georgia nntl ‘o-tlh Carolina Solti in Georgia and Stmlh C arolina Sold In (jeorjin nntl South Carolina Sold In Georgia and Soat.i Carolina In Fourteen Months. In Kanrteeti Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Mouths. In Fourteen Monties. In Fourteen Months. Io Fourteen Months. Io Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. It is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It is U at ranted to Cure It I* Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure ll is Wat ranted to Cure It Is \\ arratiled to Cure St Is Warranted to Cure If Directions arc Followed, ff Directions arc Followed, If Directions are Followetl, If Directions a-c Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If i>l reel Inns arc Followed, If Directions arc Followed If Direetlons are Followetl, If Directions are Followetl, Any Case of Dyajn psla Any Casern” Dyspepsia Any Case ot liyspepsla Any Case of Dy-j M-ii-la Any Case- of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dys,re-psla Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case- of Dyspepsia Liver Disease, Liver llitrno, Liver IMsease, Liver Disease, l.iver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver IMsea-e. Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Jaunt! ire, •fa undlce, Jaundlre, Jaundice, Jaundiee, Jauudiee, Jaundice, Jaundiee, Jaundice, Jaundice, General Debility, General Detiiilly, General Dehllllj-, General Dehlilty, General Dehlilty, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation. Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation. Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Chronic Dlarrhtea, Chronic Dlarrheea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhtea, Chronic Dlarriitea, Chronle Dlarrhtea, ( liionic Diaii'iiti a, Chronic Diarrho-a, Chronic Dlarrhoi-a, Chi-onic Diarrhs*, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Gidtliness, Giddiness, Giddiness. Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Depresseei Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Loss of Appetite, laiss of Appetite, Loss of A)>]>etite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite. Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, l’aln In Side anal hack, Pain in Side and Hack. Pain In Side and li.ek. Pain in Side and Back, Pain in Side and Back. Pain in Side and Bark, Pain in Side and Back, Pain in Side and Back, Pain In Side and Mack, Pain in Side and Back, It U Kspeelally Adapted to li is Kspci tally Adapted to It Is KsprtialEy Adapted to It is Especially Adapted to It is Especially Aiiapteil Io It is Especially Adapted to It is Esjici lally Adapted to It Is Espceialljr Adapted to It is Especially Adapted to It is EsjK-eially’ Adapted to Female Cainpialnts; i'Vmnlr Complulnts ; Female Complaints ; Fi inale Couipialnts; Female Complaint ; Female Com plaints ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female < ompia'nts ; Female Compluints; It Produces liotundity of Form It Produces liotundity of Form It Produces Itolumlily of Form It Products Rotundiiy of Form It Pi’oduccs Rotundity of Form it Produces liotundity of Form it Produces Itotnndlty of Farm It Printitee Kotuimlty of Form it Produce* liatundlty of Form It Produces liotundity of Form In Females of a Thin and Sparc Habit. In Females of a Till a and Spare Habit. In Females of ‘l'tiln ands Haliit. in Females of a T'i.i.i kittl Spare Ilabli. In of a T hin tint spare- lEaliil. In Femal-s of a T hin and Spare Habit. In Females tit u Thin and Spare In Females of a Thin ami Spare Ilabl j In Females of a Thin and Spaee Habit In Females or a Thin amt Spare IL.hit. Send u Postape Stamp to the Proprietors for their Pamphlet on •* Diseases of Stom ach anti Bowels.” W. W. BLISS A To.. Proprietors. .too Broadway, New York. For Safe in Mar-on, bj-ZFILIN A liUNT. t'arpeliiis :inl OiS Cloths. 60 ROLLSCar; of every otylc atid qualities, ol T Three ply. Innaiß and t-nperSne Rugs Dd Mats. Floor OUCh-tht ofall widths from Xy ad to 18 feet, sultabli or Uails ami Pin: nt R<-tms. Cocoa arid lrdia Matting. In the above goods we ran show the largest and best assort ment in the City. llonse-keeßsrsare re quested to examine on block, before making tneir Kali purenao- -. B. K. BOSS A CO., Macon, eep 21—ts Arch Block, erry street MACON urn stohe : KTo. 11 COTTON AVENUE. COAL 07l ! A. 1. m T SXySS PER GALLON, j BOLSHAW & HEBZOO. SCHEDULE QH THE, South-Western Railroad. OVER WHICH PASSES The *re*t New York and New Orleans Halls. Two Drilt Tkaixs B.rrwrrx Macx> aSD Colcnrcs. On and ojler July 29 th. T j 31,1 45 P- u>~ and 45 a. m.. Arrive in (V KJ iunibnssjs a. m., and t 45, p. m. Leave Cnlmnbus. 4a. in. ands 45 p.m. Arrivein Muon aSO dSIIB p. in. BXTWSEN MACON, aLBAXT ARI- DAWSON. Inave Macon 1145 p.m. Arrive In Albany S 25, a. m Dawson 6 Oup. m. Leave AihanySOO, p. m., Dawson 140 p. m. Arrivein Macon 918, p. in. Tri-wtekiy Accomodation train Down, Mr.iday, Wednes dv aiiu Friday. Cp—l uesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Macon 7, It, a. m.. Arrive at Dawson 5 20 p. Albany 4 S2. p, m. Leave AJ-ny C 10, a. m., Dawson , Arrive at Macon nil p. m. Trains to Columbus form a through connection to Mont gomery. A1 bany and Augiuta, Ktiogvilie, Wilmington. Sa vannah. Miilnlgeville and Eatcnton, Mail .Stagesto and from rioge. Ac,, connect daily with regular Trains at Albany.— Also from Dawson trf-weekly to Cuthbert, Fort Gaines, Ac. Hacks run six Limes a week fre-m Fort Valley to ferry, HayueavUie and liawkinsidlie, and triweekly to ‘Knoxville, Georgia. tor points Mow Fort Valley should take tl.e a ay Tr&iQs from Augusta and Savannah t4> avoid dtrUtulicn in -!acc*n. For other points take either Train. First class sUaiT:>hii H leave Savannah tor New York, on Vedr.c dava and tAturdaye. in the Cabin sls; steerage *<{>. Ti r-u: Ticketsemn prricured from UA! K-ad Agent* ?t uiery,(kiiuubtifl ai.d Albany via ?*avaj nah to New xork, by at earn-hip*, in Cabin, as foltox’ Klotiigomery ♦*26; OwottbM *23. Albany f*24 25. VIRGIL P 0 TERB. Supt., CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, XRRRvgctU! CHANCE; of SCHEPUhE. OB N and after Thursday, Ju y 15th, 1858, the Trains will be run as follows: Leave Savannah 11.15 P. M.and 11.45 P. M. Arrivein Augusta 7.80 A. M. aud 6.30 I’. M. Arrive in Macon 11.00 P. M. a:.J 9.00 A. M. Arrive in il iiiedgeville 1 on T. M. Leave Macon 10.45 A. M. and 10.00 P. M. Anivein Savat:nah 7.20 A. M. and 9.30 P. M. Arrivein Augu-ta 7.30 A. M. and 6.30 P. M. Arrivein MilledgeviUe 1.10 I*. M. Leave Augusta 15 A. M. and2.45 P. V. Arrive in savannah 7.20 A. U . and 3.30. P. 11. Arrive in Macon , 9.00 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. Passengers for points beyond Atlanta, on the Western A Allaitlc Kail Koad, will leave Savannah on the 12.15 train, and arrive In Atlantaat 7.15 next morning. fort MilledgeviUe and Estonton will leave by tne 11.45 train. Both trains connect at Macon wltn the Macon A Western Road for Atlanta, aud with the South-Western Rail Road to Al!<auy, Americas. Columbus anti Montgomery, and at Millen with the Augusta and Savaunan Rail Koad for Augusta and he North. GkO. W. ADA Jit*. Inly 30—ts General Superintendent. XI ICOX & WESTERN R. RO ID. ON and alter n July, trains will be run as follows: Leave M .con at 12 night Arrive at Atlanta 7.15. A. M. Leave Macon nt 10 A.M-Arrive at Atlanta 4.00. X’. M. Leave Atlactaai 12 night. Arrive at Macon 7.15 A. M. Leave Atlantaat 11 A. M., Anive at Macon 5.00 P. M. The 10 a. in. train from Macon connects with the Western A Atlantic Road at 8 40, p. in.; connects with the Georgia Road 12 at night, and Atlanta A W est Point Koad at 12 o a. in. The night tram will not be run on Sundays. The completion of the Virginia ami Tennessee Kail Koad makes this the most pleasant and direct route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS, Through tickets to which may be had at Atlanta, for 126 25 including Stage fare, 17 00, andtoNew Vora fort-32 bO. Further information ciay be hud in relation totLis Route, on application to the General Ticket Otftce, Atlanta. jui> li— tf. ALT KEb L. TTLEK, Supt. NEW FURNITURE. fMtHE subscriber has just receiv- Jr ed, and wifi continue to receive from the best New York City mnnu fac'urers, a large and handsome as VKfijfirM* : sort.nen t of the latest styles of y HEMTI KE, €H JIaS, Jt{. ]|§| tie also manufactures Pminitnre of the very best workmanship, and at the lowest market prices. The fol lowing list comprises a part of ihe articles always on hand : Rocking chairs of every style, Parlor chairs, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Cane seat chairs, Office and Window chairs. Cottage chairs, Bedsteadsfrom |5 to SIOO, Side Boards, Wash stands, Corner stands, Wardrobeg, Safes, Bureaux—Mahogany,Walnut and Rose Wood, DiningTablea, Folding and Plain Tables, o*utre and Side Tabb-s, Coaches, Trunnel! Bedsteads,'* Cradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Book cases, Hat stands, Looking Glasses, Childrens’carriages and cabs, Windowshades, Feather dusters, Curled hair and cotton Mattrasses. B. F. ROPS. HATS, HATS. bL EMPORIUM wM fins. B. STOXE &BR O.. ___ / INVITE attention to their Slock of SPRING and SUM MEP. HATS AND CAPS ! The fullowirig a few of theii leading etyles: Gent.’ Barii-la Style Silk Hals. ’’ New Orleans style Silk Hafs, * “ “ *• “ F.icrett “ “ •* “ Black. Drab, Peer!, ard E’aehionable Csssimcrc*. tJenU’ sopetlo- French” ire*, ot all colors: si and an rmiles, vartaty of Bov.'and Children’s Straw and Leghorn Hats and Oars. iVe also hove - tmef tong very superior in the way of Straw and Leghorns. We iuvite attention to our *to< k. sud promite to ceil ar I cheap as any hour, in the < By or State. CHARLES B. s'!ONE BROTHER. Macon, April2l-tf. ■Sprius & Summer !'a<Jiionti lor H ** X-m. m T O TII i; It A (> 3i: S ! F l . DESSAU, Triangular Block, adpedning Bostick, Kein dj” Co.’s Store. / 4 RATEFUL for the very lila-ral pat- ju IK ronagi- of u l;!i h-l.c In,- “Kg l-,--n : in- smSJ. r. i ipicotfrom both city and country. Eegs to announce to her jiatrons, and the Ladies generally that !.* :* now receiving her sPKJNGand SUM M fll Stock, com-Uting of every de-script:, .a of MirjiiireEiiY. vSul Dress Trimmirg: Gccd, Which for richness of material, elegance of style, extent and varie'-y,are worthy of attention. Her feilk, Bun*ge ar.d urjjundy K >l“s Lace*, M iiitillas and t’loaks, Ires* tioocU, Kmhroideries, KiMxms, Head Dresses, Flowers, Wreaths and Boquets are all of the very latest iin| orlations, and will beao'drt reasonable prices. I4f~ All orders ‘y mail promptly attended to. .liar 25~tf ffiSEIOSSE AID COHMIEI9 IZc, MERCHANTS'SI. Macon, O-eu., COATES & WOOLFOLK HAVE ass PHUUF WAKKHOLSE, now4eing treciea oppoa.te Att* *rs. Hardeman % Spark’s. Litn mi us on Cfctt/m wher a*ked for. Orders f‘-r Vnurziiig, K pe. Groceries, Ac., sLail have our iMjrsonal attention. We hope, by prompt attention to busiaers, to nikrit a liber al *h ire of patrfjiiage. N. Coates, JaS H. Woolfolk. * *•* The Feder.U Union and Recorder, MUledKeville; Fa tno*. Albanv. and the Republican, Americas, copy 4 m nth and send blur* [tnaytMy . v. Jk W. FREE < EVERYBODY H. B. HOYT & CO.’S New Catalogue for 1859. IT CONTAINS THE meiital and Valuable UiitN EVER PUBLISHED! Gekatfr Ixiccinm to Aoexts than ever before off ered bv any other establishment iu the UiuKHi Staler!. Greater mducemeii * to pim-hanerv. wi-o receive with ew-h Book a GIFT, varying in value from Fin Y Ckxts to Gsx HcxbßEn -. n 33 3VE E 3VT BEH the Great Southern Gift Book Store is the only oxk that stands endorsed by the ENTIRE TRESS OF BALTIMORE. Write for a Catalogue, which contains a rcu explanation :>.nd will be mailed free to any address. H. K. HOYT 4 CO., mar 4—3m* 41 Baltimore s’... Baltimoie ,Md- City Eesidence FOR SALE. f|7HK most desirable and beautiful residence iu UM, 1 the central part of the city is now offered for sale, --n the most lilKrrai terms. 4Bf . 11 The lot contains one acre ot ground, surrounded on ail sides, by streets and sd et g, and U improved in the most substantial manner. The House contains 3 souare rooms wiih fireplace in each, with wide passage through the middle of the main building, besides bath room, pantry, store room and closets, all tew and finished In the best style. ‘>n 1 the lot are all the necessary out buildings. Carriage Hoc. e, stable, wash house cbickrn bouse, smoke house. Also tv'o wells of water, one of which has in it a force and lifting pump with ISOfcet of hose attached. Also, hydrant and cistern in . the yard, besides a choice variety of Shrubbery and Fruit ’ in a thrifty and flourishing condition. For further particulars apply to J.C EDWARDS. 1 dec.!,—tf Rea | Agent. 1 Tax Receiver. Tueh to announce th* name of tjterlin IW k*ras a candidate for Recciverof Tax Returns . f Bib county at liie (text eiyctipu Januaiy.iseo. (an 4. to* JACOB’S CORDIAL 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Reinedv a/ And Positive Reinedv J Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Sale in Macon, by ZEILTN & HUNT. SAYCIfEZ’ SPECIFIC THAT GREAT JUMF.I Y THAT GREAT 1(1 MEDV THAT GREAT lti UEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY SANCIIEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCiIEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SASCHIZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CUKE THE ONLY POSITS E CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE BEFORE THE PIXIPI.E before the pEon.e BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE , BEFORE THE PEIOPLE BEFORE THE PF.OPJE FOR GONORKIKEA & GLEET. FOR (KINOKRHCEA K GLEBS’. FOR GONORRHfEA k 01. FIT. FOR GONORRHCEA A GLEET • FOR GONORKIKEA A GI.EI.T. iOR GONORKIKEA A GLEET. iOR GONORRHCEA A GLEET. SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL -SAVES A BIG DOCTOR'S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVIS A BIG DOCTOR’S BIIL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG IjOCTOR’S BILL IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN is easily taken IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE WIIL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE: WILL EFI EXT A CURE WILL EIFEUT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFEX.T A CURE WILL EFFECT A CUKE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE Will! 1.E.-S TROUBLE WITH LESS trouble: WITH TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE < MORE SPEKDILY moke: speedily MORE SPEEDILY moke: speedily MORE SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY j AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN tEMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACK At: E TEST ONE PACKAGE TEIcT ONE PACKAGE Every Itrnggist n l Country Merchant should keep a supply of this valuable Remedy, not only from the prof its that accrue from its sales, but as an act ot philan thropy towards suffering humanity. It will be mad to the especial aud pecuniary interest of all Druggbili to purchase by W. W. BIASB & CO., PROPRIETORS, 363 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. For Sale In Macon, hv ZEILTX & HUNT. i Fresh Arrival! 1 I Wi CHOICE Dried Beef Tongues, JL* * vr 5 Casks new pig Hams, 203 lbs. fine Dr ed Beef, 103 Fresh Bologna Sausages. IU 1-2 bbls. Pickled Beef and l’ork, 612 “ Pigs Head.-, something new. In store, and tor sale by GREEK* FREEMAN arprl-Jf What the papers say, must l>o true— To buy cheap, conic to Cotton Avenue. LARCE IMPORTING HOUSES GREAT RUSH! Just received. FROM my Factory, anew kind -f Fly Tran, fur fifty cents,--warn: nted to give eat refaction. Also TIN WARE! At Wlioleaale or Retail. Always on hand, a good assortment of and many articles iu the ‘ < House Furnishing line. And all kinds of { JOB W ORK, ; JfONH TO ORDER. AM. V AT ’ HKLL ™- I THE GREAT WONDER Or THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, PROF. WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Sayithe St. Louis, Democrat : Below, we piiMinh a . letter to l*r. Wood, of tUn* city, irom a fftiitleman in Maii*e, which uka glowingly of Uu- superior merits of jiU Irairt-.n ----j ie. ftndi evidence must have its effect, when coming from a reliable source. It’ are guarantees >f truth, the , l>octor needs no encomium*, u;r useless puffery from the ] press : ; Lath, lfalne, Jan 20, lSjfi. I Professor O. .T. Wood fc (To.. —Ueutlen.en : ilaving my at i tention called a tew mouths since to the highly beneficial ef fects of yoar hair resto relive, I was induced tomake applies* ! Hon H upon my own hir, wh : ch had become quite pfOlbly oue-thiid white; tuv whiskers were of s-.iue char acter. Some three months since i procured a bottle of y*ur | Eair rest*>rative, and used it. I soon found it was juovii g , Wluit I bad wisjed. 1 u>ed it about twice a week. I htve since procured another bottle, of which 1 have used seme. I ! cau now certify to iha world that the or white tmtr has ! totally oiaappeared, t*oth on my head ami fare, find my hair has resumed its natural cdor. and 1 believe mere, soft and glossy than it has been before f#r twenty five years. lam f now sixty years old ; my *ood wifeat the age ofwty-two, has us*d it with same effect. The above notice I deem and ie to you for \ our valuable d's ; overv. lam awsured that whoever will tkbt y u?r, as per directions, will not haveoecasion to contra lict mv .'t* tempi its. I am a citizen of th'3 city and a resident here for the Iks* ts ; teeu ) ears, and am known to nearly every one here and ad joining towns. Abv use you may make of the above with my name attached, is at your service, as 1 wi.-h to ] reserve ; the beauties of nature in others as well as myself. I amt rally, yours, a. (t RAYMOND. IValtimouk. Jan 23,18A8. WOOD'S HAIR RIhIOKATiVE. j Professor Wood - Dear Mr: Having had the misfortune to i lose the best portion of my hair, from the effects t*f *he yellow fever, in New Orleans mIS 4, I was induced to make a ti*l ot your prepare*lon, and found It to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now tb : c* ami glossy, and no words ran express my obligations to you iu giving t’* * he afflicted such a ; :r am re. FINLEY JOHNSON. The undersigned. Rev. J. K. Rragg, is :i minister iu regu lar standing, and puatorofthe Orthodox Church at Brook ti- Id Mass. He isa gentleman of great influence ami univesally be loved. WM. DYER. Brookfield, January !2, lb5S. . Professor Wood—Dear Sir: Having made trial of your hair restorative, it gives me pleasure to say that its effects has been excellent in removing inflammation, eland iu ft’ and a constant tendency to itching with which I have beeQ troubled from my chi dbond : and has also restored my hair, which was becom ing gray, to its original color. 1 have us and no other article ! with anything like the tame pleasure or profit. YoLrstru’y, J. K. BRAGG. The Restorative is put up in bott’ee of 3 r>i/.es, viz : large, medium and small; the small holds holds half a pint, ami re tails for one dollar j*e r bottle; the medium holds at least 20 j per cent more in pm r jrtion than the email, retails at two dollars per bott-e ; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent more ; in proportion, and retails for $-1. O. J. WOOD &, CO., Proprietors, 312 Bead way. New York, (in the great New York Wire Railing rstabli-hinent,) and IU Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. I JJf ’ Sold by all Good Druggists and Fancy Goods ? | MB. LATEST NEWS BY THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. ‘I To all whom it may concern, thU is to notify th: public 1 til it ISAACS Is at home ag;Jn, and bees to assure his patrons that his Sa loon is not a thing of a day. Citliens and the traveling public will dad their establishment open, not tor the Season only, but all Seasons of the year, and those ct'ling on us, will at ail hours, find our larder sup- I plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other ] market will afford, in the way of eatables arid something good i lo drink, and six days out of seven, more than can be found in ! any house In town, E. ISAACS & BED’. Under Ralston’s Hall, Cherry St. His Bill of Fare will every day. Be just the thing for little pay ; And those, who at their place may eat. Will find in it ail things complete— And going once, tiiey then will know. That ISAACS, is the PLACE to go. We shall be happvtosee our friends, ensuring them that it will tie our unremitting care to please in every respect, as we Hatter ourselves, we have done til! now. i It may tie generally known that re have, to meet the wish i es of the Medical facnlty, imported by ourselves, a very supe- I rior quality of Bale Brandy, fine old Port, Sherry andMade rim possessing ail the Medicinal qualities, so much desired hy them. Look at this Bill of Fare and choose for yourself: OYSTERS, From New York, Savannah and Brunswick in the shell or by ’ the measure, raw, fried, rwed, or in any way you want them. Also, Shrimps and Crabs, Wild 2 arue of every variety, ** Vents--in and Beef Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, Hum and Devil Ham and Deviled Terapins, -tywu MOUNTAIN OYSTERS. *3w TURTLE SOUP, Wood-Cock Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and every thiiigthat an epicure wants, can always be had when in season. Confectionaries &. Fruit, ISAACS, also keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of I’/onfectionaries, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, All of which can he purchased at low prices for CAtsH. Be sure arid call at. K. ISAACS A HltO Oysters, Game, Ac. C* ♦ FREEMAN, t CO, A RE now ready to serve Customers in every style of the Gastronomic art, with FISH, FLESH, AND FOWL, at their Fat ing Saloon, Cotton Avene - . Macon. They will have ssipplica of Fish and Oysters, hy every train ! from the Seaboard, as well as of Beef, Uame, dec., from Fulton market. New York, hy every Meaner. They have also made arrangements for regular supplies of Chickens, Turkeys. Ac..from Cherokee Georgia, and Tennes see during the season, and solicits call from their friends and ! thepubiic. nov. 19—ts War, War, War. War! ON 9R¥ GOODSI AT EINSTEINS. FI KING obliged torepriir our Store, we have commenced a > fcemral warfare of cxtcnninatiou of prices on our Ooods We are cow selling the balance ofour Stock ofGondsat NEW YORK COST, To nuke room. Among which will be a beautiful lot of t rench Lace Mantillas. Double .lupe and J Flounced Filk Robes, Double iskiit tutli Flouuctd Oarage Robes. Organdies and Jaconet Double .lube Rubes, i'iai l. Figured and Striped bilks. Plain ands igmed Bibi k bilks, Swiss and Jaconet Collars and Sleeves, Embroidered and Lace Setts, Kid Gloves Ladies'und Misses’ Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, Mus lins of all kinds, Men and Boys’ Wear, I Bleached and Brown Shirtii gs, Irish Linen, Table Damask, j Linen Drills and Farmer’s Satinet!. <s Cottonaik-s, Ac. j Call and Sec* for Yourselves! E EINSTEIN. JuneC-tf. 8200 Reward. H UNA WAY from the subscriber on the 28th of Sept. 1858 , my boy Davie, a very white mulatto, 13 ytars old J neck, a scar above his rfcht knee, and his legs below his knees are spotted brown. lie left on the Cars for Alacon, and w%* , put off a* the 2d or 3d Station. He wore a drab velvet cap, a , blue Factory Sailor .Jacket, a striped hickory shirt, brown i Cotton and Wool pants and black shoes. 1 believe he whs enticed away by seme white Rascal. If so, I will pay the above rewaid ior the return of the Boy on proof to convict the one who took him off, or I will pay for the return of Boy or his confinement in any .Tail so that 1 get him, all costs and charges and a liberal Reward. Columbus, Oct. 23, ltsS.—tf ELIAS HULL. FLINT HOUSE. ATaooh, Gn. nOHHIKLY known as the Macon House, on . JD First Mru t, opposite Patton, Collins A Co.'s, fT/.gjg lias been recently fitted up with a large audition, for the accommodation of Boarders ana the travel- ]|||H mg Public, who will find it to their Interest, if stop- JHMWM ping a few days in Macon, to give us a cal! and see for them selves. The Proprietor thankful tor past favors, Hatters Idm selfthat by strict attention to business, he will receive his sliare of public imtrunage, passengers wishing to stop at the above house, when arrlv ingatthe i)pot will ask tor its Representative. Tl.e table shall not be inferior to any In the substantial* ot life. Price of Soard : For a single meal $ .80 Supper, Lodging am! Breakfast 1 j By the Day Single Week 8.00 By the Mouth <Board and Lodging) 2u U) lan M—ts TIIOS. _fl. FLlN’rPruprietnr. , ’’’for sale on tOS CREDIT, I offer the phiiitution near Ameiicus, forineriy owned bv T. L. Holt, six mile* rum Americas, on the Mnckalee creek, ■ containing six hundred and seven acres, two hundred and fifty ■ acres cleared, with all tlie necessary buildings, negro bouses, gin house, Screw, &c. The place will be sold at u bargain and on a long credit. Apply to T. M. Kurlow, at Americas, or to meat this place. JAMES W. GRIFFIN. Macon, Oct. ‘J —tf BW city jiapers copy. Bostick, Kelli A Cos., Having just returned from New York, for the Third Time this Season, we are prepared to otter extraordinary induce* menU in DRESS GOODS, As many of them were bought after the Jobbing Trade was j over, ami they will sold less than the cost of I m portation. We take pleasure in showing our GOODS, and trust to oui Prices, and the Interest ofour friends and customen for Success in TradeJ BOSTICK, KEIN & CO. I | my 17—ts AT HOME ACAl.'l ! FLOYD HOUSE, Maoon, Ga, THE undersigned has again opened the above w,* - Hotel, where he will be pleased to see his form- EnTfl er customers, and the Traveling Public generally, ■m A Four or Six Horse Omnibus will be in prompt at- j ii tendance on the arrival of all the trains, to convey Passengers to and from the Hotel FREE OF CHARGE. Mialscan be had on the arrival of all the night trams. Charges moderat*. Traders and business men will do well to make this House their home during their stay in Macon it > beingeentrai. nr Reference—Call and see H. p. REDDING, Pro rf', r Be sore to take the Floyd House Omnibus. i I jau.i. ffi'.-tt * ] NEW FIRM 5 * * * v carrying on the biiflftLc±i iu all its brant he *. We vi a’.} always ke*p Ph;‘-tfut’ Oar rages, Buggies and iioreca, lu hire on as good t*m’ as anybojy. e also have the mosi omi-le ac commodations fi> r iTove Stock. We would ay to the public that we have taken the bit into our m uth in earnest, and can always 1* found with out hor rtft# on l evly to nerve y. if ; we intend rv keepil if a strjght tongue, pulling together, itnd t>y bm kling dkrwn chute to bus ln**sa, to succeed or break a fra*, c. We shu.l never tire feWtt** j in htlcMng ut* for you * long as to.i come m to the lid l g anil st ttle. Now it you want usto wag-em, to ro A~;-t*u;y :imi imtbeswMry, in fact if You don’t want us to check vp to*> i fwf, i>il vuur tdiouldcr to the “ heel, give us a share, and if you dud a.ingle heetof ingratitude you may hotter u. Very re pecMuiiy, ADELHoLD.t JKrFEKS. Oji/x>site the Passenger Depot amtnenji Brown a Hotel. npr29-lf. . Copartnership Notice. I IIAVK associated with me my brother. FRANK M. BTONt, for the purpe-se of the Hat and Cap Undaesß. ’ The bnsin**sß will te conducted hereafter under the firm name aud style of CHAS. B. STONE & BROTHER. Tli? uodere’gued, thank ul for the liberal patronage ex temied to him the pa-t ye •r. would mi>t reapectnuiy solicit a continuation of it or the atw firm. They will keep constantly on baud a superior <tock of Hats and Caps, which they wil td! as low a- anv hous- in the City or state. OHAb. B. Si ONE *x I>RO. Anri! 1. E. SAULSBURY. Washiuglun ISUx-k, Oppusi;<- Lanier House, MACON, GA„ f JIAKES pleasure in informingh!s customers and buyers Jl. geuerelly, that he Is now prepared tooflerone of the most eleg.Aiit a.rid attractive stocks of FAIL AND WINTER GOODS, For GenUemen’s we*r, that can be exhibited in the city. ConstaLt additions of des.rabie goods will be made by everv steamer. He has in his emptoT one of the REBT CITTKRw SOL TH OF Kh\V VOHli, andean ext cute ad orders! he mod approved style ana at ehortnotice. octlfi— TROUT HOUSE, 0A.,, By MRS. J. D, BOYD. june 7 3m Honey-blade Grass Seed. ‘A. WEED, Ha< ou, Cia. VGENT for thei.le of the Honey-Made Ilungailan Gras* heed, wananted to grow in a1 ! v tlimate, uud it: and ail kinds of weather. Price $ 1 00 per bag. a( r it—ts. New Crockery Store. TH K Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon at.d adjoining conn ties are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock of CHIN A, GLASS and CKoORERY WAKt. nex doorto i Mrs. Dessau's on Second Street. I intend to keep at al times a good stock ofUoods, and will sell them as low as they can he bought anywliere In Hie city. A liberal share of pat ronage is respectfully solicited. June 4—“ ft. R. HUTCHINGS. CAUTION. VLL persons are cautioned against trading for three sever al notes of hand given by the nndersUned to M*j. E. Harris; two for each, and one for #4O, all bearing dale on the 14ih March, 1539, and due th ee, six and nine and halt month;* after date, for hire of Negro woman. Eliza, a!i <s Loui sa—a<the cons!dt*nt*laa for which ?ni(! notes were given has entirely tailed, by reason of Ibeabduction oi said negro fri m my service by the family of Maj. Harris. I will net pay said notea unle'£compelled to bylaw. June b—ts. L. F. W. ANDREWS. COFFINS. ROSE WOOD, Solid Mahogany, Velvet, Stained, Cheap Vaacetad Mahogany Comas, Also New Style Metaiic Cases Superior to the old Styles. Old Pattern Metalsc Case.- at Lower Prices. lone 4—6 m T. .V. G. WOOD. SAVE FREIGHT AND COMMISSIONS! fCarh art & Curd. SOLE AGENS FOE IfilSif’ FAIRBANKS SCALES. A FULL Assortment of ]*latiorm and Counter Sca’es now in store ai.d for sale at their prices. NO FKEIGHT ADDED. Orders takin for Eailroad. Ware-house and other large Scales. We will see thtm properly put up. may 11—ts. C., M. 6c W. and S. W. R. R. CIUANO, will for the prei*ent, be transported over the JT Central Kail road to .Macon, or to any Station on that and the Latent* n Road, in anv quantity, to any Consignee, at $2.00 per t-n ot 2( 00 pounds, and over the Macon aid W estern, atid South-Wet4ern K&altoad*, or to any Station oil either of these Iloads, at £L.OO per ton of 2,OiU pounds, pro vided each Sack is n srked wirh consignee’! name GKO. W ADAMS, Ueu’i dun’t O. R. R. ALKKJCD TYLER, “ - M. AW.R VIRGIL POWERS, “ “ S. W. K. Feb. 25, Sf. 43 For Sale. ONE of the most desirable residences in the city, where the subscriber now resides, c iruer of Oak and Second Streets. The Lot contains three quarters of an acre, and Is highly improved with choice varietiesoi Pc.iCh, Apricots,Grapes xml other fruits, and flowers. The dse'.llng contains ten Rixims, Closets in six, and Gas in all. Terms of payment will be made easy. Fur particu lars, enquire of.l. DeLoacbe or W. S. Brantly. If not sold before Christmas, it will he rented to an approv ed tenant. idee. 14—tf] GEO. W. ADAMS. CROCKERY STORE. rpil E undersigned thankful lor the very liberal patronaee JL bestowed on him for the past season would most respect fully j*>litU a coni muance of thetaiae, at the Old Crockery Stand, on Triangle Block, where he is prepared to t*how afu,*e a stock of China, Glass and Crockery Ware ;is can be found in the South. Every body U invited* to call and examine my beautiful assortment of Dining and Tea Setfc*. Some vervricn nd for sale low. nov.2<>—tf K. K. HUTCHINGS - Just received, V LARGE assortment of the floMen Hill whirls, a s- I .crier article. They ar, well made ar.d fit first ra'c. mar 93 .25 E. WINSHIP. Latest Style BLACK FROCK COATS, JCST RECEIVED BY C . II . 33 zliud. jnnelT Wotioo, VI.L p-rsor.s are heretiv warned, and notified, not to trade lor a m te made hy the nnders'gutd a |>r'.uc!| al, and Geo. T. llodgessecurity, for Three Imi.dred L><> urs, dattd June lfi'h, 1W ai <j due four month- af'.er date, with intetst frjm date— payat le to Hayden .V Goi L-liy i r nearer, as the consWiratti in of said note has failed, and I saha’l not lay the -a i e unless cunipelied to do so hy law. Macon. June V 8 —Sm* JOSEPH HEKTZFIELD FRENCH GLASS, All Sizes from 8-10 so 36-14. MIRRORS uud Looking Glass Plates. Frames, of Gilt Roj>cwood, Mahogany and Walnut. For JSale bv T. A O. WOOD Macon, June 11,18.58. ftf.] STEREOSCOPES. A LA ROE ami beautiful assortment of Stereoscopes, with ii a large number of \ lews of all kinds, for sale, singly or by the dozeu r ut J. M. BOARDMAN'B, dec. 17—if Wadiington Block JUST RECEIVED. AT H. P. McKYOVH. a large lot of SELF-SEALING . CAMS, Knives and Forks, Castors and Teat Sets. Also It F. PITC IIEIIS, cheap for CASH. tI.HV 1— ts Osnaburgs, Yarns, &c* Cik ia.s''snaburgs. O* * 20 Bales Yams, 15 Bales Macon ami MUledgeville Sheetings, 10 Baits K Sheetings, 5 Bales otriiies. For sale by AYRES, WINGFIELD A CO. U2B—tf Family Flcmr. j jil/k LBS. Knoxville City Mi^sFamtly Floor. 15 “U Bbli. Biaim 8 olth Flour, reteived and ?o HU by {may 2] CELT OS: FREEMAN Porter am! Ale. Cask s Joffers’ Jog Ale, mm ® * 10 Cask* best London Porter, Jol received, and for eaJe by GKEI It A FR EE MAM vu7.— it. Negroes Wanted. f highest cash price will be paid for likely Jl YOI7NQ NEGROES. Also for & gang of Plan* tion haniw. IE R. PHILLIPS , i^tM&ruo. fehSß-tf. Hair Work to Order. OVER TWO HUNDRED DESIGNS from which to make selection, by apr 7 sAwtf. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. SERVANTS WANTED. WANTED, for the lalarce of the tear, two go and Cook and Washerwomen. For such ns are capable and healthy, the highest wrges will be paid monthly. Atply a this office, July Is—ts. Hare Chance for Investment Attention MeoliAnlos FOR SALE, THE WELL KNOWN KNIGHT’S STEAM SASH A HUM) FACTORY. The Building is entirely new, and the Machinery new and oftheliest quality. It is a lucrative business and has a well e -:tab!Lsbedtrade. The Buiiding and Machinery will b Bold on literal terms, with a lot of lumber, if desired. | may 4 d—tt JOHN KNIGHT “BOOK BINDING. Ar 9 t>^? iT 1500 Ks made to order for Courts nod Count! Ig Houses, and the numbera printed on the page* without extra charge. Magazines, Music and Law Books Bound in neat and cheap styles. DAVID FOSP 5 , . . ~ Cot. Sd and Cherry Streets, feb. 4—ts Over George T. Rogers A bon Matting;! Matting! 1 All riECES of MATTING—aiI wtdths—very cheap. .1 AftF mchlO BOSTICK, KEIN A CO. billiard balls. CUE LEATHERS. Wax, Ae., always on hand and to sale at low prices, by s-:i(ls*wtf. X- i. JOHXbTON * O). j C. fI.FKEMM & CO., Cotton Avenue, ETacon, Ga., Offer, as usual, at fh"ir Old Maud, a Cheiee \.. surlmriit of utiily bitm ismx Oi* every description and of the h**! quality, frvi-h and ; good, beiiig constantly in receipt of new sapphks fjorn the Northern Munt-ts, Sugars, S; YYh ie r itdi. S’ rnps, Cit!na. Herritigs, C file, Gr-en Fniltx, in cans TuA C n fimetrtJ l ard. ISiveetmcatg, Faroes, I .ur, ! Nuts, rhc'se, But cr, I Hai ins. Mackerd, 1 rk, 1 A* and otherart?c'es too numerous to mention, coprl>!n? the whok range, til Kauuiy Onwy supplies. YVe particularly invite the aitention ot dealers ar.d others to our large and cmplrte arr<ck *! Candies, tnunfschiml by J ours*lve*s o f the very lysst materials ami *arrant(.u to rets m 1 their Jiarune-s and luiliiarcy. wide the imported * ton lote both aud l*ecoaue woctldeas. We offer uuri\*aLcd to purchasers. Cakes, Ornamented 6c Plain I Os every v-.irii tv. nhd n :ule oi choice material!. FsiniMc? and panics Mipp.icii ai liie shortest notice ami ou the must terms. Oysters, Grabs, Shrimps, Fresh Fish, in their Season. OUR OYSTER SALOON, j WUlbe upen for tbc rrcvpllon of visitors, where we ...*!! ’ step con-t:ui'ly on haiid durii.griic Fad Mid gfpdw Winter. Frt-sh Oytcr an ; , r*l Y\ Fish, native and i.-i.r tted. JOjSl. V J o lthe li>t qualifies, ami retla-ctlully invite or i ders, which shall tie fukhfuliy filled. nets —ts WAR, WAR, WAR! U declared against pains of any kind hy DR. A. W. ALLEN'S Southern Liniment! V,D every Southerner vrill he sati.-fied hy using one do iar's worth,that U,ey have no further use for Northern I Uliimeuta. For Kamilv and TUntatiou use it has no equal. I It cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, htrains, Bn.ises, Bums, 1 Flesh Cuts, Pains iu the Back or 1 imt. Cholic in .Man or IC-ast, and is the only certain Remedy known for hlii and Mag gersln Holies; and every one will find its saving of tuueaud taorejr hy keeping a supply on hand. CERTIFiCATES, naiNßCiiKiE, Ga.. Aprils. ‘h6 Dr. A. W. Allen—Dear Hhr—From in v knowledge of the ingredients composing your ‘ Llnin.t-nt, and my exp- in the sale of it for the last 6 years, I am prepared to say that there As no belter.aini 1 think must soon supersede a i Liniments of like character. D. J. DICKINSUN, Druggist. Ai.bakt, May. 21,1853.—8eing recently severely afflicted with an attack of Rheumatism, I procured a bottle of she above mined preparation, and was entirely relieved from the lisewsein aeiiort time, from af.w appitcaiions. I mr-ke this voluntary statement for She !eiu-f of the pnh ic, and from a sense of gratitude to Dr. Al eu. it may be, . and dmiMless is hy many who have never tried It, called a juack medicine ; hut ii quackery always gives as certain and speedy relief as this preparation did, then I am from f;< nce orth a convert to quackery. Kju<hy Mobuak. ffjf Prepared by Dr. A. W. ALLEN, Columbus. Georgia. None genuine without the signature and seal of A. W. Allen. For sale by E. L. STROiiECKFK A CD.. Macon, Georgia. Wanted, a responsible Agent In every Southern town and village. Cauiiohto Evzkvbodt.— Don’t use any more Northern 1 TJnlraent until they have given the Southern Liniment a farr trial rep 10- WAR IN EUROPE ! BUT GROCERIES IU WACOM ! MB JIMP & UK vyoUID respectfully announce to their friends and tht T T puljiic, that they h*venow in itore a very d w ell selected stork cf OROl'i'hllS lo which Hieir atrejttinn in*>et cordially invited. The follvu icg It n hut ot the leacii articles: ‘2OO Bugs Rio, I.asrulra aud Java Coffee. 7-Y Barrels SI G 4R, of all qualities. 150 Boxes TOBACCO. •JOO.OOO CIGARS, from $5 to S6O per thousand. 15 Bales Osnabtirars. 50 Bales BAGGIX6. 50 Coils ISftpe. 300 Bols. of even- quality and kind, from the finest Otar<l. Diipiiy Ac Co’s ICraiils,down toßectfied Whisky ami in facteverythingthatthe Planter nr Mcichait can wan i i:e iiucol Unmini. Jun’t fail toe*ll ai.d e. ihti tdtex before purchasing elsewhere. may *4 HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philadelphia. A Benevolent Institution established, by Special En dowment for the Belief of the Sick arid Dis tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epi demic Diseases. IN times of Epidemics, it is the obiectof this Institution to establish Hospitals, to provide Nurses, Physicians, Cloth* :ug. Food, Medicines, fcc., for the sick and destitute, to take charge of the orphans of deceased parents, and to minister in every possible way to the relief of tbe afflicted, and the health of the public at largre. It is the duty of the Directors, at such times, U visit jertknaily the injected (iiatrUrts, and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous } h>>lci&Ls,xol act ing members of the Association, usually enrol their names on its books, subject to be called upon to attend its hospitals, free of charge. In the ak-ence of Epidemics, the Directors have authorized the Consulting Surgeon to give advice and medical aid lo ner- suffeiing under CHRONIC DlfcjEAfcfcSof a virulent character, arising from abuse of the physical powers, mal treatment, the effects of drugs, Ac . A. Various REPORTS and TRACTS on the nature and treat ment of < -hroinc Diseases, by the Consulting Mirgeon, have bee published f r gratuitous distribution, arid wiil be ecid FivEE of CHARGEtothe afflicted. Address, for Reports of treatment. Dr. GEORGE R. CAL HOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa lly order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEAP.i WELC, President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. OCt. 3—1868—1 y* TliollAH H A RDtbM AS . OVID O. SFAkI HARDEMAN & SPARKS. HOUSES^ OOMMISSIOJP MERCHANTS A\J ILL continue to give prompt attention at their II FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, i on the corner of 8d and Poplar Streets, to all business j committed to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all theinterests of theirfriends and customers, they hope to receive their full share . he public patronage. Liberal advances made on Ootton and otherprodn when required. Family Stores, also Bagging, Rope, At ‘urnished at the lowest market rates. MacOu, Art 4—ts _— s Administrator’s Sale, VGR EEARLY to :in order of the Hor.crable the Court of Ordinary of Crawford County, (July Term. lT&y. 1 ’will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Knoxville, within lie kval hours of sal°, n the FIRST TUESDAY JN *#CTOI§EIt next, the well known and de sirable Plantation Le’org 1 g to the estate of Francis E. Ba (•on. decM. Tljc Plantation n**in the Old Agency Reeme, cn the East side of Flint River, in raid county of Crawford, cotitafninc One Thousand A e?ee, moieor le ” e fl e or ; .s ix hundred : cres are c.eared awl in a high rta-c of cultiva !kn, and vary productive —Jhe wcd;am! w rich Oak and Hickory. ‘lbis i iantation combines aawr.taM mfciior to i none in this action o! he >tatc% as- to health, convenience and fertility, having a good cm fort aide Dwelling, tew fiam -Ni Nerro new Gin House, fccrew, Ac. Term*—one and two years credit, purchasers ftvißC good anil sufficient security. i?old ttAr the purpo eof diptribuuon. JEREMIAH (J. HARV EY, Adiu’r.. j July Sih, 1958. ids. de hotiis mn. FINE ARTS. FIIiiOSE who desire a j>erfcct likeness in auv of the vaiiou A styles, espechilly LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS colored in Oil, mid w ho desire to patronize a First Class Establishment, should not fail to call at Pugh's Gallery Tri angttlar Block. Our Photographs are supe ior o any produced in Macon, from thi* fact, we have them colored by Portrait Painter* who stand at the head ot their Profession, arid who are the only clacs of Artists who can color Photographs aa they should !•. Anibrotypes in tine i:ilt rases fruu ll.UOup. Take the very best style, i’all and st’Mhein. dec. 10—ts 13r. Samuel Tarver, Ct 1 INTiNU ES t):c practice of Medieiue, and / fifigelricsat Parkers’ Mr.Sion. No. il‘c on ti.e Oentral Rail Road. Jefferson o#unty,Ga. His Post Office address spier’s Turn Out Jefferson County. Particular attention paid to the treatment of Chronic idaeases. Any male person who is atlbcted with Dyspep.ia, lim.dency. Inve.hinuiry Ini'* ‘buis, O >norrhu‘A, Dropsy, or Piles, may. by ai piling to me, 11 1 relief. And any fenisiettmt is sffitetett wiin Inspepsla. Ltver Co.npialut. Dropsy. Ch!oros*a, Aoienoirnoa. prolap sus Uteri. Lena >rrbre i, DymnewonrlMr*. or Piles, may, by ap oiyiog to roe in person rs by letter, find reber. Peisons liv ing at a distance, by w riting a sfalement of their cases can have prescr IpOens and Medicine sent to them by Mail. Charges mcierate. now. SS.lßsß._Jv* SASH AIV l> BI.IMUACTOK h .—Theun. deriigned U itillprepared to manufactuie all kind* ofniudouMiaii, Blinds, I’unuel Door, and Carprnlr) Work to order. Having aiwaya on hand, the best seasoned and welt assorted lumber, be will warrant bis work to be of the most substantia! and durable description. He will also contract for arty size or style ofhniidit.. and execute the same with all needful and spatch. Ordet respect full v solicited. JOHN KNIGHT. prSS—tf Valuable Plantation for Sale. lAM now offering for sale lay plantation m Jones Countv never) miles above Macon, on the Oemm/ee River, con arnin* 1200 acres ot land. Attached to the piac i? 300 acres Lanus, (river bottom). Terms one and two years’ credit. Any one widliing to purchase valuable Lands, will do well to call and examine the above as 1 am determined to sell. apr &—ts ROBERT JUMPY. National Police Gazette. rpias Great and Criminals ia in its lith aw * !k wld*ly circulated throughout the conntrv— ♦ l Le Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appiop/* ate CAmlals on the same,'Whether with information on Uri nunaFMatters, r<H to be found in any other newspaper. Subscriptions. $2 per Annum,: $1 for SJx Months, to be j remitted by Subscritjers, (who should write their names and the town, county and State where they reside plainly,) To R. A. SEYMOUR, Editor A Proprietor ot the National Police Gazette, anrt4 d—tt New York CTitv. JUST RECEIVED Landreth’s New Cron Turnip Seed of 1858. WHITE FLAT DUTCH TURNIP SEED. RED TOP RUTA BAGA TURNIP SEED. LARGE GLOBE 1 URMP SEED. LARGE NORFOLK TURNIP SEED, Kentucky Bine Grass Seed. RESCUE GRASS SEED. XiTJOBXIM'XI SEUX}. K P4Y AK-N Drug mid CbenUcwi Store j Mxcun, Ga., July 30.18M—tf 1 STATIONERS WAREROJ3E No. 75, John Street, N Y w. & g. k. mmi IMFOSTKP.S, AND l-i.ALEIi I\ J FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATIONERY U't a>v now jin-iyvvi * ofiv-r ioib* tmii- tun ;iU s • OT.'r, . f.,ii ,:.U e milvte g(K>cs In our Lne ct>n priu.g tie RcweaS *Ld ii H w STATIOHEUv \ ‘^VS’S£*. y, 6PE£ t '*” ILLUSTRATED TSADB CATALO''-rrt l-inr'S ’*l e!ltFr *'V Mali oa j,j.i c [lul _ Scrofula, or King’s Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of • blood, by which thß fluid becomes ntuij/ weak, aud poor. Being in the ‘ irculatu,.’’ 11- pervades the whole body, and mat burst ’ U in disease on any part of it. Xo oigau L from its attacks, nor Ls there one m huh it r ‘ not destroy. The scrofulous taint is caused by mercurial disease, low livinc dT ordered or unhealthy food, impure air’t;'’ and filthy habits, the depressing’ vices,’a; . 1 above all, by the venereal infection. H\v'’ ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the u stitution, descending “from parents toehildr's unto the third and fourth generation it seems to be the rod of Him who s a vg TANARUS) will visit the iniquities of the fathers’ up, their children.” 1 Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, m the lungs, liver, and internal organs, i tentri tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and m the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cot. ruption. which genders in the blood, the energies of life, so that scrofulous eons tit u. tions not only suffer Irani scrofulous com. plaints, but they have far less power to with, stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorder which, although not scrofulous in their natur,- are still rendered fatal by this taint i:i tl.i system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin dirteth in this scrofulous contamination; and man destructive diseases of the liver, kidnevs, bnm and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from oi are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrolulom their persons are invaded by this lurking iir section, and their health is undermined hv it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in. vigorate it by healthy food and emd-.. Such a medicine we supply in AYER’S Compound Extract of Sarsajiarilk the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this even where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com. bined from the most active remedials that hav, been discovered for the expurgation of tliis foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, tut also those othe- affee. tions which arise from it, such as Kkuptbb and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony’s Fiat, Hoke, or, Pistild, Blotches, Plains and Boils, Tumors, Trrm and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Df eases, Dropsy - , Dyspepsia, Debility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising prom Vitia ted or iMruiiE Blood. The popular belief in “ impurity of the blood” is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade mem Their penetrating properties search, and cl ran.” and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-tlav cumplainu of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named ii pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and direction! for their use in the following complaints; Costa* ness. Heartburn, Headache arisinyfrom disorders Stomach, Nausea. Indigestion, Pain in and Horbt Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss ofAppf tite. Jaundice, and other kindred arising from a low state of the body or obstructioa of its functions. Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. tiou, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous arc the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by it* use. ‘When once tried, its superiority over ever)’ other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust uixm the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER A CO. LOWELL, MASS. Sold by E. Ij. Stroheeker & Cos., Zeilin & Hunt. Mneon, and by all druggists and deal ers in Medicine everywhere. Haviland, Chichester & Cos., Augusta, Ga., wholesale agents. J. Jsos. Manufacturers of and Dealers in FOBLIG.t A\D UO.IIESTIC MARBLE MONUMENTS. TOMB STONES, MANTLES, FUKNITURE, , SLABS, &r., Corner of 3rd and fMiiuii* Sis. MACON , GA. apj ll—ts. New Candy Factory,and BAKERY. ORN AM ENTEDCake, an 1 Plain, supplied to Families Weddings and Parties, according to order. ALSO, Gandy by the Box,(a*!orte<! for Merchant!,) eftbebest quality,warranted, and at the lowest prices. Orders for the above or fur Drags, Garden Seeds, Nuts Fruits,Ac. promptly attended toby J. H. A W. 8. KLLIB. novfi—tf Cherry Street. Macon. Oa, CLOTHING. HORACE FITCH & CO., Having received a very large Stock of Slimmer Clothing, MADE up expressly for the Summer Trade, of the Jateß Style, and of the best good*, are now ready to offer £reat inducements to an y one w io may wish to purchase READY MADE CLOTHING. We aim have a large Stock of sill kinds of Gentlemen's Fur niching Goods, such a* are usua 1 y !< uni in Clothing Stores Youth's and Children's Clothing. , A huyre Stock of Youth’* and Children'* Clothing, also on band which we are offt-ring very low. TRUNKS, VALISES, BONNET BOXES AN P> CABFIIT BAGS. Having in oonnedion with our Sleek ot Clothing, dried up an upstairs room directly over tho store, where at all time*. ’ cn be found one of the largest Stocks (to be found in the city) of all kinds of Trunks, Valise*. Bonnet Boxes and Carpet Bags; and we invete all who are la want of any goods in our , line to call anti examine for thems-dvee before purchasing eise where. for we are bound to Bell Cheap for the Heady i Cash, which we heed at all times. 1 jimeSta H. FITCH * VO.