The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, October 14, 1859, Image 3

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CONSOLIDATED tOTTEBIES of DELAWARE. 1,0 For October, 1859. ■—O | yCfc’, BKOADBKNT \ CO, Mang'rs. ’ “ of Delaware, at it taut mmkm ha\icg t Fi*** *■ BiOADBUiT* A (0.. (t* the .Idu IOU ac.p 1 ant*) * ott-iy Charier lor thaeticomug,*. Malt rail ImprovrmenU lt the Male, to continue for •***2 L r*riity >rar. are i**w dr*i'.g in * jlttlngton. iffHfc'Wtke most Pf lend id *v*r oflVrwd !>!•■ Bonds for one u.ilionof dollar* lives eeit lothe p* Stut**. t the >ayimnt if ail prize*. The r *'* D ptfc*ic. and - , r* t* der ti e ?up*-ruv?!- iIrBCT tM* ,^ir J[ t u P^ t .r>‘ e%lt the attention of the pub'ie o the follow ti did !Scheme** to le drawn darfr g the pro cat month. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! grand CAPITAL Ptltl S7 9,0 00!! GBAND cowsolioated lottery OF DELAWARE. Class 9. _ j rt n Is Wilmington, ou Saturday. r etoUr -., ISM. m. 2 ■ ■ ■-*- wn k: • ;j Number*—l2 Drawn Ballot*. M’LENIID SCHEME. , PllM Fot> o u tra.roe a.\mu 23 mo !*. 33.100 ie.'*o *>. 4 ‘.‘W m.&M 4 itno 20' no 4 louuu lo >.'riU iu.iw 16 i<o 12 ViO HU ldF* I*2 04} 66 3V.500 66 a* SOOO 1* 2l 2* 4*o ■ ;(i lu U AM 3') 41) 15?,+ 0 j6,:D ‘-0 SU.*W ~~Hi ‘l6priws, amounting to t1.23a.0nn “Tlcirtt t.M. Halve*#lo. Quarters 9s. Eighth* 50~ i Certlfcate of Pu'kage of 20 Whole*, cot $316 00 Lm. <1 >. ifi Halves, i r-t oo D'. do. 36 UiU'lera. 7w io Do. ■Jo- Eighth*.. — -.10 so Grand Consolidated Lottery of Delaware, ON THE HAVANA PLAN! EXTRA CLASS SEVEN ! To be dnn in Whittington, I>l., Monday, ort. SI, 1?53. evert other ticket a ikize: I‘ritft Payable in EuU, without Deduction! In them Lotteries retry Prize U Drawn! 1 ,*! of #50,000 1 [>ri t of ........ h.juo Jpiin-*.f 3.1*10 3 1 riies of----- - - - 3,5 0 2 i'Hie of ... ..... *,(X)u J prises of 1 .." 3prii*sef 1000 10 pfires of- SOO 1 prizes of N 20 ........ 2no lu> prues 100 •j.uui prizes - g A id 202 Approximation prizes raiding from #2O up to #P 0. J S.iltiS pri/es! • - amounting in - ■ ,4331500 Wli ‘le Tickets #10; Ha ves #5; Quarters #2,30. Person* who iter ire ned only remit the rik on a package, frr srnieli we wi 1 mill eertiflcate as follows: A Ceiltflcate of Packaee of 16 W holes, coats S'*. Do :o Ik Halves. ** 4H Do do l- Quaiters “ 24 Do do 16 Eighths “ 12 Pri/f4 Paid lin in edi A r *l > affrr Ihf Draulor. XT Ail orders addresardto Frakce. Bhuamcm A Cos., Maflaggnt. Wnwlmton,Del , will with | rouipt at ten tioL, and the printed oAdtl drawfi g-a t a.** sou as over. K. FRANCE, BKOADBEM A f’O. Get 14 lm. Manage rs. CARRIAGE MAKER'S HA RDWA HR 11. /i | \ / \ > Macon. * z/ \ / V. \ Urn , 7 -f \ A. \ ‘ •* / .A / T ✓ \ ‘ u “i “ u "“ .W.* 1 J /To i *.•-> IV . J \ ,** 3 b* a ® */, ,/ \/ & Z ‘ \ % / \Full assortment of Wajjon and Car . riage Maker’s Material for sale at New York prices, adding freight, together with a full assortment of Hardware adapted to the use of Planters, Smiths, Mechanics, &c. For Sale bv NATHAN WEED, oct 14 Macon, Ga. For Sale.—A Bargain! ABOCKSWAY slid HARNESS, nesrlr new. Also* e-oil FAMILY HuRHK. aocustecstd to the City snd very gentle. Apply st this Office. oct 14 KEROSENE OIL,! til! PA T HKD LCTIOS /.V PR It E. -NO VAKI A riO!# tUK THE WIYTEH THE NEW YORK KEROSENE OIL CO. (Estapusmp 1854.) Aimouniv that, having made great improvements in the manufacture of Kerosene, they are now eiutlded to irffer it to the trade al ONE DOLLAR PER GALLON. WHOLESALE. The attention of consumers is respeetfnllv *allel to the subjoined tal.le. the result of a photomemeul exaniinatiiHi. hv Es'n X. Kin, E|-, of New York, * lieiui>L and dated Feb. H, IS4H. j — . I §3’ wuieial. Ltar. > I’ 5 ? ~ 3.! ~ Kcr**seue ... Kerosene - - DLhtiii 2.41V> ,1 #O|A4 It* * amnhene , Cain phene- i.68 1.299 <!’ 4 K‘> Whale oil rSolar I.SV2 >c Ino l-_> no T.ard Oil - Solar - .... lj&ioj 704 v 1 2*>i 17 70 Sperm Oil-- - Solar 2JttCl 870 - ZolZil 4, Hurtling Fluid iLarge Wiek •‘•r * 300 ST 2t* 00 Reliable orders from tin* Trade, Far Mail or Tele srrnph, tilled, on apidieation to Al Ageata, 93 Pearl Street. N. Y. is also to Is- obtained at the Mannfae* turers’ Prices, of all the Wholesale New ) ork I*rug’ gists. Grocers, Camphene and Burning Fluid Manu facturers and Dealers in Lumps. .V B. —KEftOSEyE i* the tmtii’-tnork of the Kcro c HZ Oil (it-, ntui nil permute arc cautiouetl cujainxt unity the sunt tratlc-mark for other oils. oct 14 sw Aw Dm ■UOTHEI WMffitRER NEGRO.’ ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD! I WILL give FiOv Dollar* U r the apprt*ht*n>in and safe delivery to me of my man JHN. who has Immi **a waiwlerer** f*r the hist twelve mouths, and an equal amount , U r the conviction of any white man who hart Hrs him.— j John i® about to years old. of dark complexion. alout hve , feet nine inches high, is stout and muscular, has a very heavy i h-st, and weigh* prolaldy Ij*) llo; Thce is a ennslderah.c ‘/-eti irregular -car on his hack, tea used by a tall.) Hut he muv !e identified hy slight marks indicating the points from “Mohan extra Suffer (having been attach* and by a mere cuti- , v.c. i \*:is c!ipp*i frd: each hand during hi© in aney. It is iab!e that he Is lurking lu the vicinity of Mac*ti. hut he nxav Lave lieeu decoyed off to some distant s*-cthn hv a Mute man: WM-LINGY. . April ?. ISTaU—tf. (Telegraph copy.) i PIANO FORTES! A. 11. OALiE cfc CO. T| AKE pleasure It _ tm.. lnviting the aftentiot* i*t Artist*. *uia we< l^^****, KE3pc*i s, aid tl-e gvnerullv. t.. that lfisji l V^yfl N,cv ‘’ I ' CA, ’ IC ** *• NO FoktTr. ju.t ill J Li J Jt'mluceU. The grow, ingdwiie for a square* m •* s horte that sha I * aipivacli the Grand iu volume of Pout i. and **l tne suine t rue, avoid the ungtmiy appearance • f *hat thrt*e-cirucred In* ‘truwei t. directed our neigi. a to tLe p'od"Ctitn of such a -iffi'lrratH m. Our toil i* rv* aided and *ve submit theresu t , without fear of c*>mpetit!on IIT our pianos are warr nted to give entire satisfaction, m heth* r ordered froai us Gir*cl. or s* dby wiv of our agents tl roughout the country ; and rulhit a cotitinuanee ot that lulfomp which we liave enjoyed lor ih last twenty-five ! years. A. H. <*ALE A CO„ iuneSO wly I‘i7 East liih St . New York. Southern Grown FRUIT TREES For Sale. WM. K. NELSON, ( Formerly of Macon,} RESPECTFULLY inform* I N old friends of Bib\ that having ass*H.iated hi• self with J. P. M.KMINo, of Augns a, ti r th-* p t:p**seof carr>ing on the Gardening ai.u Nursery Ui-ine**. and that thoy now have on their ground* und offer for wile a very large quantity of Grmtted Young Fruit Trees, of extra thrifty growth and supeiior ‘• u ‘ ties. Als >, cverblomuiug ,nd ornamental shruo bery, Alan, Cslawta Grape Cutfuga, Asparagus Koota, Strawberry plants, Ac., Ac. Add ers. _ FLY MING * NELSON, sept tl wlm P I AN 0 S! OF Elegantly carved Rosewood. and all the pla.u varieties juat received, and for rale on the be* tern , by E J. A CO. iF” Old Pianos taken in exchange. npr 7- ftJkwtf Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL person* indebted to THOMAS P. STUBBS. late of Bihb County, deceased, are request*d to make imrr.edi **< Payment. and those Paving cairns aaiu*t hi* estate to present them for payment,'n In ms of the law. Od. ,e. WM. LUNDY. A Jnß dor. CITATION* CIXT'i Days after da*e application will b made to the Or * . , ‘T of Houston County, for leave to sell the real ea u of Jacob Skipper, late ot end Coout v, deceased. JnlyJS.isjj, JIMLft G. t-KIPPKR. _ aug.!. Administrator. FALL OF 1859! HOW RECKIVINO * Yajwffetid Stock, anti trill be told at Price! to Otjy Competition, at iiAIHD’N C'KENi h and American Zinc. For *ale by A *l* St ZllUft * HUNT. 1 SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGOBATOR, NcVER DEBILITATES. IT I* “snpouiulcd eatinly torn, Otims. aist lias Issonie an I ‘■• L laplbhl fa*, t, a H.mdard Mvdit imp, know t, aid ap| itv t>y all that have uscsl i* ( tand is now reported to with u,c,!d,’ I*** ,n ,l ‘’ ‘ I,S iqS j case* far which it is r,tom- U las eared thousand • jwithir, the hat two years given up alii,op*.; W (o, r.lcf, a. the nun.crous n .s, c ,'' '■*" ! 'c:it, slt( f* :my possaSb.ti show ,J h f ; <X K lhstefi.i*nmi. T l iof the inditidual taking It.; _ fat4MtdlaanrVquaaliHea > as io:u-t gt iitlyon lh tuvr _ CC H 1 CD gnideymi In the 1 write, fc e ,V < era jVHiOH.VI'OIi. and It wßlcutv I. Itrrl om- Sg ;i. Isln la . Hi i„„s % t . ‘■cHs. I* yapewsia.; -Chronic ilU.iltiM-a ► milliter Conii-1.-!int jilt sentery. Drop.,! 2J -ual 4 osl ll •- -less, 4 li,,K ie. ( hoirra, tli'ilirra aa (.Httrhns. t Itolera In. Ta ntu m. F Uttiienec,; ;J an■ and ice, Fe*nalr .V cakuesw-. ai <1 BKI) -t* used successfuliv as an Mt h nVo.Vt”m >: 02 ;Medicine. 1. will cur” pIA K IIK \l> V llKy# til *as thoLrvui i|< t*rifv ) ln ™*f n . , . V ‘''l"” 1 '*, il( S: :io or three Tea ***l ls * -r< * t* 1 ComaCDctrinent of t --lUtavor l,# ■“ “ ;-IMug their testimony In IHM (IK tfnli ’'ivn^o" 01 TH WITH THE litTUttl;’ U ’ AM| .ALLOW BoTH TO -I‘rlce One Hollar per Bottle. ALSO SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, OOMI OI NDI-D FROM l-V?’,.- ’ ! ,u * 11 1* b* L.%88 * • **, 4lr 1 1: In. and will Keep in an, 4 limate. <'ethar-( a*icMi|iageiiUehuiae tive Cat hart CWI ien th, ( ptoprict.r has ustd in Lis practice more titan twetriy; (/} tvo.i s. The eouAsmly increns J to g ,|. mand trnm those ‘ the; -J tPtI.L-s and the sjtttsfac tlon wtich a,l express I. ; (ngud t,> their use. liss In “i.?* 1 IU S 111 l* ,aCl ‘ ‘h u,; laittiiu the rescS of all. The profess ,~i a ell know, “■ [Hat different Oalhaitics act ou different portions ot. (the tsjw-ls The FAMILY < A-( iTII kIiTIC PILL has. with drc retei, nee to this, ; well established fact, been C'-iiipouiMlAni fom a \*arf-j C3 :> y of the purest Vegetable JLatrmctA. act aiike, (on eveiy tart of the all* nit-maty can hl, and we. and a* fe iu allca.w wbeit* a Caihartie is ie-) La sutli a- |> #• r # n••• menls >f the Mom. Ii ; :~leeni.,.-.. Pains In llie Back and ludns., QC (Costiveness. Pain and ►•ire ness over i h *•;_.; w hie hod y, fiom sud den cod. which fiequeotv ;ly. if negl-cicd. end in a long coins-,Fever, loss, (of \|,,,elite, n freeie ing heunation f fold: (over tit- hody, Mest lessness Heudat-he, o,* L_ -web lit in the Mend.all Intla tntnuiory His, .-is-; • ;es. \\ onus in 4'hildren or Adnl's, Hhetiina-; -tisin, a great Pm (tier <if the Blood md many de-J lesw sto hi h Kesti is heir, too nunu r,.iis to u.tntiin ■ tD -I u tills am, itucuient.— Dost-, 1 to 3. I 1 PRICK 30 CKMV. The Liver Invizorator and Family 4'aihartie Pills are retailed by Dtuggitlsgenerahv, and sold wholesale b, the (rude in all the large town.. S. T. W. SANDFORM, Manufacturer : ntl Proprietor, 335 Kroadwa'. N. Y. Rt tailed hv all Drnggl ts. Hold alsntiy ZKILIN A HUN OKU. PaYNK. and MENARD A CASTLKN, Macon, june 17.— Prospectus. A XE W AV OK Iv by Emorson Bennett Author of “Ct ABA Jlniri.AXD,’’ “ P,:atcie Ki.oweb “ “Tb* hEFVOEES,’’ •• BI.AVCHE BE*TaASI> “ “THE A HI IST'B Bbibe,” ac., AC., Kutltlel WILD SCIEES £1 Ti IITIS; OR HEROES OF THE WEST -Westwani! the Course of Km pi rr takes its Way. 9 fIAHIS W<*rk, in the only one in book fokx .which for kev- A ►mi years hoa riiiiAU*<l from the |#t*i *i the gifted au thor, who treads now none the [iath once by our own Cooler. It will coiit;iiu gr pbic pi lures or the conflicts of the hardy I'ioneer, mLoa** Blr*lVs and stiugg’es with hUJn uian foe, rival the tales of fiction and the tmgisountvrfeiu of the rniin.c s’age. A Is** thrilling l a*ralivea of tfee daring dted-s the heart-trial, the heroic devtti n and self-denial o f mile a omen, the mothers of the Wed ! Beneath the over arching tore*>ta, hand to Land, and f- t to foot the iiitrepid* adventurer has encount-ie<l iu deadly combat the ruffian desoemdtH-s who made their hauuu ii. the tiackwuods, and his gallant achievements liave thrown a halo of romance over the waving Mairus, the grand <>ld mountains, and the rnujea* tic livers <f the land of the setting un ! N *r a-e these f*ages wmi.Ui giu those gentler scenes make up home life, and whien arc* j*iclurtd with all th* Mill and fideli > fur which the author is pre-eminently distinguish ed, His delineation of Frcmtier character, aid of the eccnery of th-*. Holders, has alwata the acvantage of an accuracy wnich lathe rebuild an Intin ate, person; 1 acqumntance. The worn will be printed ou tine white paper, tn clear open t) lie, and appropriately and beautitully llluatrated by the most skillful artist j. li no., 4 loth. Brice Al/J5 HAkIELIV 4k 00., Futibshers, Mo. t>-ti Chestnut M , Bhiladciphia. CONTENTS: No 1. The Mingo Chief, Ko. 17. A Mother's Courage, *■ 2. The Kentucky Hero, “ Id. The Head Alive, •* Ihe Maid ot Fort Hen- ** iW A ihirlng Exploit, ry, •• JO. HockyMount*in l*eriis M 4. Wrecked r n the Lake “ . The Guerilla tdueen, *• 5. A Leap for Life. M ti Figh with a Bear, •* ti, Love Triumpliant, ** ift. The Haunted Houae. * 4 7. A 1 desperate Encounter ** 24. Bill Lukens’ Run, 44 S, MsdAnn. 44 25. The Faithful Negro, 44 SC The f ramblers Outwit- 44 26. The Back woodman's ted, first Love. 44 10. The daring Scout*. 44 27. The L**t Stake, 4 * 11. A Firht on the Frdrie, 44 28. Adventure of a Col -44 12. The Trapper’s Story, portcur, 44 18. An Duel. 44 29. A Night with the 44 14. The I'oiaoned Bride, Wolves. 44 15. At acked by In ans, 44 SO. Ccl.B*wie of Arkansas 44 16. A Miraculous Escape, I -V. B.—Agents scanted in every part o f the futon and the Canadas, to whom a liberal discount will be allowed. METROPOLITAN MEDICAL COLLEGE 0K THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. WINTER SESSION 1859, 18<>0. Family of Vleiiicine: HENRY A. ARCHER. M. D.. Professor of Theory and l*r;i<-tiiv and Pathology . LKYI REUBEN,M. I>.. Prof, of Physiology andPhy sisalHeience. (j El)RtiE < iRt 18S- M. 1).. Prof, of Obstv-trios and Dis vils*s of Women and < iiildn-n. WILLIAM DURANT. M. D. Prof, of Anatomy and Surgery. HEUMKB M. SWEET. M. I>_ Prof, of Materia Med iea, Therais-utii-s and Botany. FRANK UN lit HJTH. A. M. B.P. 11.. Prof, of tliern istrv. Pharma,*v and Toxicology. IIURAUE P. H EklM AN. A. M., Prof.of Medical Ju nsprttdencc. Fee** am! Fxpeiises. Fees for all the tii-kets to each course of Lec ltires. ?7rt (*> Matriculation Ticket, - -- -- -- -- 500 Examination Fee for Graduation. - - - - -25 t*i 4 i • Uirdulars of the Seventh Annual announce ment of this College w ill Is* sent, and all information promptly given to any parties desiring the same, by addressing * 11. M. SWEET, M. I>.. 18-all of the Faculty. oct 7— 2 w No. 6 Bleeker St. N. Y. S4O 00 PAYS the tuition form full course In the Iron City Col lege, the htgnst, most extensive V patronized and lie* organized Conitiieivial School in the Ciiiud State*. FOI R LARGE HALLS For writing. Commercial Calcnla!lona, Book-KeepiDg and Lecture*. Usual time to complete a fullc mm, from 6 to 10 week*. Every Student, upon graduating, is tu-raoteedlu lie enm fete. t to manage the ticoks of any business, and qualified to earn a Salary of Irom S3OO to 3XOOO. StudenLsenterat any time—No vacation—Review at pleasure. First Premiums for Best Writing Awarded this Institution. The twit and greatest variety ot I citniaiish p in anv Hie Hall in th. I'nion. La found here. tW Minister's Sens rrceiv.d t half price. For full information. ircular. rpeoiioen of Business ami Ori arm ntai Writing, and ► n.lsllial.ed View of the College, nclose five ‘etter etau psto F. vv . .lEN'KINSt. sept 30 wly I'ittshurgh. Fa. TO THE PLANTERS OF GEORGIA. WEST & GODFREY, AUKS rs OF THK Planters’ Association of Ga., ir.'tf continue to represent their friends in the stile of I* roduce ot Snninndh. rmiLANKbULtorihe patronage of the last season, thev 1 take thts. csston t*i Inform the Planter* of oeorgU that they are now read* to wait noon them for the en-ulng S a 5 ,,„ and trust by *trh t and fa thful attention m business, to give universal sa i-site 1-nt” alt who may favor them ei'b er wittk Cons'gnfltent* ott.'ottr n, flour. Bice, Ac, or with ord> rs for the purchase of Family and Plar Litton supplies. \ i; GomaiL-siou on the a tie of Cotton, 30 ceuls per bale, and customary rata s tor other produce. I**A AI ( *1 Ca x 1 , .IAMKiS E. GODEKEY. Savannah. Aug 27,’ >o.—to Jan. L UO. COATES & WOOLFOLK raißflo m cohhissios Sw MERCHANTS.;^! ARE now ami r.ropar* *1 for the iveeptioo of Cotton h V eir .N EW MHEI’KOnF ppo fit** II vrdeman Jk Sp;irki*. We will endeavor to prove curwl v.a worthy of the ('otionage of *ho*i*- who will t*vr us with , h**ir bu-iiii-ss. Lirxrml TAiivaucvi a.u*!e uu c*>itoii whe te hiie.l Mxcoa. ypt.*l. I^>._itf NEW GOODS. ESubeoriberhaving just returned from .1 New York, is now receiving h full stock j of Goods, consisting of STAPLE DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES, BUS, CAPS. UMBRELLAS. Also a, Full Stock ot FAMILY GROCERIES. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices—at the Store formerly occupied by Uoss & Brother. HENRY CLARK. ( nov. 19—ly* • TVrOTICB. k FPI.TCATION will be made to th* Court ot ordinary of llil li Count von the first Mnndav in D cember next, fur leave to *ll the r. al c.-tate of William L., and Sarah O. LeCon*e. m'n. r Children of William Let'oi te. late of Liber ty County, deceased, said real estate being In LU-erty Coun ty, JOSEPH LxOoNTF, Guardian. oct 6"h—6M PUKE Union White Lead. For aa'e hv sept ZXILIN k HUNT. Zeilin <fe Hunt, are now receiving a vey large assortment of GRIGS, IHKMICILS, IASTRI REMS, PERFr mery, &<., wh'ch th*y are Felling for cash at extremely low prices. Wholesale nj Exclusively for Cash, and upon no t.tbvr ternif. Drtiggirts, Phya’c :tns and Medicine Dealeri generally will ana It greatly to tlaar advantage to purchase the r artk ea at the CASH DRUG STORE. aspt SO keromixe ayo core OIE OF superior quality. For sale bv a 4 Z&ILIN A HUNT. S**pt -i, oit ts Macon, Ga. TH4I.Y, SPERM, X EATS FOOT and all other OILS. Tor gale Wy (sept is)] ZEILIN A HUNT. PAINT, Wall. Plaster, Bntshea. Ac.. Jtc. Fois-vUbv - 80 ZEILIN A KUST. DALY’S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY. (From the New Orleans Picayune.) The purity of this Whiskey is certiMed to hv the leading Northern men ot m.iencu, such asDr. Chilton, the notrd New Yoik Chemist. A triend (4 ours, who understand such things, te Is us this “Aromatic'* lea good “Aromatic and as he is reliable, we c.n rifely r, eomuiend this Valley Whiskey to those in need of a good article. DALY'S AROMATIC VALLKY WHISKEY. (From the Crescent.) Not a particle of strychnine in it—the beet e have tasted for many a day. DALY’S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY. (From the Daily True Delta, New Or leans. ) Though not much of a judge, we may say, and we art* endorsed hy tricLiU who are. that the “Aromatic Valley Whiskey,” the vciy toetry of 44 uid Monongahela,” maiiu factureil by Wm. H. l>aly, is unequalled for “Furity” and “Flavor” by any in the n aiket. DALY’ S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY. (From the Memphis Daily Appeal.) It is pronounced by good ludgea to he free Irom ail delete rious orfoieign suhetancee, and con sequel tly it should take THE FI.ACK OK ALL PUIhMNOI’B ADUIXTI UFJi, which eXerCiSe fO unwholesome an influence upon those who use them, where they are con Mimed at all. The noxious beverages that a e generally intended for W’hihkey aie an inipositiin and a C ise. DALY’S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY. (From the Ocoryia Citizen.) It i* a pleasant, unctuous stimulant, peruliarly adapted to the cure of invalids who need a pure tonic, without much of the alcoholic princ'ple. DAISY’S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY. [From the Galveston Fra ) We have no h* pi: at ion in pronouncing it equal, if not supe rior, to any we have ever drank. DALY’S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY. (From the Memphis Daily Kayle *s* Ku~ quirer.) It has been pronounced by the highest scientific ?.nd medi- Cfil authority a pure and bealti y stimulant, entirely free from deieterioiis ado ixture. We call retomniknd It with peiftct <H.nfldence to those who require an alcoholic stimulant kuk medical pi luitsLs. “Italy’s V'alley Whiskey” is superior to Gin, t/’ordial, French Brandy, Fort, and Madeira Wines, and indeed all other varieties ot ppirits which are sold in this mar ket, for not one of them ian be found in a pure state. Ko in telligent plivrc an would have the rashness jo prescribe “Port Wine"or ‘French Bran, y” for a patient, when i r is patent to a’l the world that they are not to be had, except by base compounds, in the Mississippi Valley'. • , I would recommend it as suitable for medicinal and public purposes. (JiIAS. T. J AC’K^uN, htate Assay er, Boston. < It U withoutanv deleteiiousadmixture. JAfe. R.GHILToN, Al. D., New Yoik. Entirely free from adulterating ingredients, so frequently used. i'AiS.J. New York. UT Consumeru can depend upon g4tf*-g a pure nrticle when they buy the Valley W hiskev,it Ua**ld ty the bottle and case only. WM . H. DAJ.Y, 19 h'outh william Street. KewYork Side Fn*prietor- For sale In Vrc-rr tyGl J>FA I* c RKMAN I. T. CARTU UGHT. L. L. JuDMOMIMON. I. T. IjKTWRIGHT & 10.. Produce, Forwardiogr and GOmiSSIOH MERCHANTS, 315 ITorit I'om , AI FiMPI ris, Tenn., I EALILKS in Flour, Bacon, Jjtird, Butter. Cheese, Fish Whisky, Tobacco, Ciyars, Hay, drain and Produce Generally. Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled. Hite A Small, Louisville, K>\ ; Dean A Cl flford, Louisville, Ky. ; Lehman A Do.. Memphis, Tenu.; Gaiiawuv ('amp bell, Memphis, Teon. sept 22 6* # TROUT HOUSE, ATLANTA, Geo., By J. D. GILBERT Jf CO. J ik-pt 32 vAwtf Perfumery. Avery large assortment of Bazin’.-, iY A ** “ “ lz \ •• •• ••'a. Also the most celebrated Hair Oils, Cologne*, Fx*racts, ! Soan. 4c. For sale by _ : i.pt3o ZEILIN * BUNT. MERCHANT TAILORING! WM. R. ARNOLD, i THIRD STREET, FLOYD HOUSE BUILDING, Macon, Creorgia. ( *• en. Has just received a NEW STOCK of Goods in Jr li is line, as follows : Sii.k, Merino, Linen and Cotton fltsjvEff | AND PANTS, ?f, AHt Silk, Merino, White and Colored H r\ AWE HOSE, Tt/VW Silk and other Suspenders, i GENTS’ BLH'K AND COLORED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. GENTS’STOCKS. \LI, COLORS. IN TIES. KlL> \M>(-LOTII OLtiVKStl.iiuil.) MARSEILLES AND LINEN COLLARS—ALL P.VI TEKNS, WHITE LINEN ANH FANCY SHIRTS. SATIN ANI> FANCY VESTINGS. BROAD CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES • of ditto rent Styles and Colors. Thankful t,.r the patronage already reeeiverl, he pledges himself that all orders entrusted to his rare will Is’ exeeitteil with neatness and dispatch. 1,11 l ‘” 1 111 WOOO’S IMIOTOLIMNt (.ALIIIiV I* daily thronged with delighted \ Liter* to fee Us large and beautiful collection ol fine Pictures, cor.s’stii g of PORTRAITS IN OIL, PASTEL, AND AftDARELLE. THE CELEBRATED IMFERIAL PHOTOGRAFIIB. I*L \IN I'HoTtKiRAPHS. DAOUERREi TYrF.S. HALUITYPES. AND AMBROTYPES, also a large and Vieiittliful seleetion of STEREOSCOPE PICTURES. PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS Os anv style or sire, taken eith-rfiom life, or Amhretypes, or Dsguereotypes ot Deceased Person* at pi ice* Uiiii! pivah€ ; aijd sati.sfuclion wurmut.d. AMBROTYPES. I have lxtoly lecelvtd u large lot of tew and beauUiul embmcin* saverai ntw fct>lee which will te furLifched with good pldu:cs*t reasoiuiOle juicts. AMBROTYPES AT ONE DOLLAR. li. L. WOOD, Washinjjjtofi Block, ge pt ]3 ts Opposite Lanier House. MENARD ti CASTLEN, R DRUGGISTS and APOTHECARIES, £ iwm mzz mjm m r 9 • 9 ‘Would respectfully invite attention to onr Stock of Choice q Unadulterated Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, And all other articles in our line. TVe feel assured that n PSjj-jl c House in the South can otfer a Stock superior to ours in Gcnuiiiess and Purity, B All officinal preparations are being made in strict accordance with the formularies of the United States’ Pharmacopeia. Our Stock of DENf AL AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Is full, and we have unequalled arrangements in procuring additional supplies at the shortest notice. A choice selection of Garden, Grass and Field Seeds, May alwavs be found in our Stock, together with a full supply of PAINTS, OIL.Si, GLASS, PUTTY, Ac., Ac. ooan, M*y IS.—W 6 ft SCHOOL WANTED. \\ otmg m m. a graduate of a Southern Oui eg*. a sir nation as teacher in a healthy locality. Hot and refer ence ttiv n. Editor of “Georgia Uitixen.” ect 7tr WANTED! A No 1 \\ II K1.1.W I! U.ll I’ and a goal Bl GOY THIUMhU. lo whoiK gtHnl wsg*s andtei*d\ wi-rk will b- <ivF*ti. None bt pkrr.’ecil v * otter and ttrailt men iu*-d upply. WM. bKKKINF, Ameiicus, Ga. *i t 7 ts All the Novelties in BURNISHING GOODS Very Foxv, Oft 7 at BAIRD’S Wantod Immediately, 1 A O OD Tinners, 16 Roofer* and Job Workmen, can ; L"” have steady employment nd good wages Nu:e but Qrod WofkmenDCrd ap'dy. W. J. Ai< ELllOl'. Macon. Ga.. 51 U4w. For Sale. 1 AA BOXES TANDY. XUI/ 10 hoxnL'&f 110 Burrels Sugar, 200 Buclf t’otfee, 100 Boxes ‘I obfccco, 50UO0 (Jigarv, 100 Gr. ss Matches. July 14—ts. J. H. A W A. ROSS. Fast Presses! New Typo!! LEWIS H. ANDREWS, Praqtical BOOK & JOB PRINTER, NEAR RALSTON’S NESV HALL, (Up Staiks.) CHERRY ST., MACON, GA. The proprietor l prepared, with the aid of FAST PRINTING MACHINERY AX II If E\V T YI'E, To execute the largest order of anv description f work with ltlSl'A'i L'lf, and in a workmanlike manner, at living rates, o n casir. june!6—£ PROSPECTUS OF THE BANNER OF LOVE.! I propose to pitiilish. in the city of Macon, a week- j ly family and religious palx-r. of the aisive title. The religious department will Ik* devoted to the dissemi nation of the doctrines of Uhristinnity as understood hy 1 1 lose who believe that - tool is love,” and that all his attributes centre in this essential and all-absorb ing principle of his nature: and who believe further that, actuated hy this ruling principle, the dispensa tions of the divine economy w ill Ik- so carried out as to eventuate iu the reconciliation of all things to Uod, anti the subjection of all intelligences to the reign of love. In the advocacy and defence of the jH-euliar features of this system of faith, the ettiirt shall Is- to manifest, so far us human frailty Will |K-r ----mit, upon all occasions, that Christian charity w hich “is not easily provoked,” and which “hopoth all things. iK-lieveth all things, endurethnll things.” The design in conducting the Miscellaneous de partment will lie to till it with such matter as shall serve to amuse and Instruct the general reader, while it shall, at the same time, contribute to the maintenance of an elevated standard of morality. The paper w ill also contain a News department, in which will always be found a carefully prepared sum mary of the genera! news of the day, state of the | markets, &c. A specimen ntiinlicr will Ik- issued in a few days, ] and it is ho]H*d that the friends of liberal christiani- i ty will hike an interest in procuring subscribers for the same, anil forward names immediately. The terms of subscription wil be two dollars a year 1 in advance. The size of the paper will be the same as the Daily 1 Georgia t itizen. All communications in relation to this subject may Ik- addressed to me. at Macon, care of L. F. W. An drew*. sept. --Ml It I>. B. tT.AYTt)N. MRS.S, AUDOIN, HAS just returned from New York *ith a Deautifui and well selected ►all mn i V\ interlock. PAKDIAN HA IS Krwß’i&Hi; llßV <*♦ every variety: LEGHORN mud tine T STRAW BONN ETS ; FRE MJ H KI.OWH.Rw; FANCY aud OSTRICH % ylliWHßiirr df FEATHER*: Head Drtss* * ; Riidal / Cy n j wreath* aid Veils; Net and Orec an fin [\ Los Caps ; Oramnent* for the Hair; Miell yji \\ VJg and orn nie tal Tuck (’cml*; Real y JJ Lace Coiffeurs and Veils ; beautiful M Lace Setts and Frcaeh EMBROID ** KKi ; Misses Leghorn, PtUth end Beaver lists: Povs Hats and Caps , 1 rcssTrinitn ngs ; Ze phyr Yarns for Knitting and Linbroid-MV ; Nubea*Op*ni Caps and MuriM st’s W ig* ; Bauds, lb aids and Grecian Curls; Fur l rks ; Mufls and Cuff*. Als-*. a fine asxort ment *f FANCY aIITICLD Wet*dio* s to mention. I**d use call aid examine A r your-el c*s before purchas’rg Tbsiiktiil fr | as* favo** aid so icits a continuat.c*s *f the ‘ume. All orders promptly af n ;rd 10. t*ept. 24 ts FLKTILI ZI'KS! GENERAL AGENCY. riIHE undersigned revpeetfully announce to I’ljuPpih and I others iuicrested. tl a they are cons antly rt*e*4vii g di rect from the Island* and tr ni’h*- m- imfacturers, tlie fol lowit.g moitf Ufiprovtd F* rtilitnt now kt-^vr , all of which have been and oMisiactorily tested, viz; No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Sombrero Guano, Rhode's Super. Phosphate of Lime, National Fertilizers, Ground Plaster. These articles, which will have our brand, and be Kuaran teed am genuine, we s!.all, at all time-, be prepared to lurnisn in any amount* rtfluired. and at the lowest prices. The “Su per Phosphate,’and Fertilizer,’ at manufacturer#’ rates, with expense of transportation adde*. Savannah May 2.- ly. PATTEN A MILLER. ST.CHARLKS HOTEL CAIRO, Illinois. ThD magnificent Hotel Is now flni lied and furnished tor the reception of the travelling public. RA GSDA LE, KIMBER ,j- Cos., Proprietors. sept 2-1 w2tn K l \ BUSHELS DRIED AI’PLES forsnle by i)(I U.H. FREEMAN* UO. marc h lA—tf <Vttor Avefire CITY CENSUS! f IAH E |>opiil:ititm of Maron ij n iw iKgvttni to t *llll twelve i IhottSKiid : this together with Ole Increase nun lew of stmngers virltingiLe city lor the pur|K>-<- of buying k-kkls, has induced the old ami well knot* n fiim of W. W. PARKER, & CO., to buy a much larger stock of STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GOODS than ns ial. w ith the ei(Kc‘at;on of at least doubling their sale, this Fa‘l 1 her have spand no (kslls to please all those in w-nt of the Latest and most Fashionable DRESS GOODS. Their old friends and customers, and that dedraHo mlnori’ ty of new one*, by call, n* in will be convinced that they Lave even surpassed themselve*’his Fa l. ALL LADIES OF TASTE are particularly l*iUr***ted and we hope to see them avail hcinoelvea or the privilege 4 f early Bc'eciionsat PARKER'S. sept 24 dtf nil umM. MR. BURG HARD returned from New York with the fiiieet selection of WATCHES. JEWELRTf . and Fancy Articles ever brought to Georgia, and fhev are now opened and ex posed lor sale at our Heantifal Store qn Cherry Street , Two doors from the Telegraph Building, at the Sign of the 1310- WATCH, Thertifoic we invite all to call and see the latest novelties.— Our selections embrace RICH, RARE AND GORGEOUO STVLES OF ORNAMENTS. PINS. KINGS. BRACELETS, CHAINS, LADIES ENAMELLED A DIAMOND WATCHES, DIAMOND, PEARL. CORAL, CAR BUNCLE ami other full and half sets of Jewelry, some of new design j nst out. We desire to call particular attention to our stock of Watch es, by the celebia ed m ker-*, Cowderoy, lloddel, btoddart, Tobias, Arc , made lu order expre**ly lor us. We have also on baud tlie invaluable Jurgen son aud Nardin Chronometers. A large variety o eb ek*—latest style. Sterling Silver and Plated Tea Setts, Pitchers, Goblets Ac, Musical Instruments of every d/scriptlon. Call and look at our varied stock of VIOLINS. We also call the attention of the trade to our stock of Gr OXj ID FENS, The largest and best selec’ion ever brought to this market REPAIRING Promptly Done and Warranted. MENARD * BURriHARD. sept i8 of the Big Watch. DRY GOODS, Granite Block, Mulberry Street. N. 8. PRUDDEN & CO., (i HATEFUL for thelibc-ral patronage of last your,art- now T prepared to exhibit a large and telect Mock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS! Confident of not being excelled either In beauty, stj le or price. A Choice variety of rich DRESS GOODS VELVET AND SILK ROBES. I1R! >( HE AND BAYADERE SILKS, FUULAKD SILKS. I>ELA IN EA ND M F.I! IN<> R( BES, ROBES DE CH AM BitE, POPLINS. VALENCIAS, DE LAINES. MERINOS. CASHMEfiES! A large variety of SHAWLS, new styles. VELVET & CLOTH CLOAKS*’ and Children’s CLOAKS, TALMAS & SACKS Dress Trlmings, Embroideries If siery. Gloves, EMPRESS HOOP SKIRTS, a *u pel lor article, warranted best quality. Our assortment of Goods for family use is complete Irish Linens, Toweilng?, Napkins, Tablet-loth?, Table Damasl;. Pillow Casing, Sheetings, Cottons, Flannels, and ail the different varie lesof STAPLE GOODS required for ti e trade, which we < ff, r on tlie most, favorable terms. [sept 21 dt I N. S. PrtUDEN <k UO. STILL IN THE TRADE !!! ! DEALERS IN TASHIONA&LE gc DURABLE DRYGOODS. BOSTICK, KEIN & CO. RAVE OPENED FOR THE FALL A WINTER TRADE, A MAMMOTH ASSORTMENT OK USEFUL | and beautiful fancy DRY GOODS, WHICH thy pre eager to expose to the scrutinbncy of the i ladlesaml a diacnminatiuK miblio. Au|we are well pott ed in the largest Auction >alkh in >ew York*and poicha-nd | freely from tm m. wecanalwu>B ffer inducements to buy- I wrs that never fails to convince—lu a word we can afford to fell extkemkly cheap, and still riai/.e faiu, living profits, (.'all and see our AUCTION DRESS BOOBS! SUCH AS Velvet Flounced Rubes, Silk Robes i Yolantes, Byadere and Brothc Silks, Berage and Cashmere Holies, Kmbroidei’ies, [Face Setts, Dress Trimmings, etc., etc. And many ! other styles which ive know you will pronounce exquisite. We woulil Ills,, call your attention to our stoek of Mcrinoes, Bcmbazins, Alpacas and Solid De Laincs—b!l of J.i i in’s best nuilvc. Staple & Family Goods, SUCH AS SHEETINGS, TABLE DAMASKS. PILLOW CASES, LINENS AND COTTONS, TOWELINGS, NAP KINS. FLANNELS. SHIRTINGS, IRISH LIN ENS. TWEEDS FOR BOYS WEAR. JACO NET, SWISS NAINSOOK. AND ( RECKED >ll SLI NS. 11A NDK EK CHIEFS, G LOVES, HOSIERY OF ALL KINDS. AND MANY USEFUL ARTICLES, WE HAVE JUST OPEN ED AND THEY MUST BE SOLD. CURTAINS, CURTAINS, Satin Dina*k*, Worattd Damask*, aril alt Mails of Lace ami .Embioiilcred Cu tains (with the Trimmln**) at low prices. Cloaks, Shawls, and Scarfs, From the mest expensive VKLVET and CLOTH, to a me dium priced quality. CARPETS! CARPETS L We are now prepared to exhibit Velvet. Brussels, S ply In,min. Hemp amt Flax Carpetings, also Hugs’ Malts, Floor Matting and Floor oil Oio’ hs. Give u* a call—we can suit you exactly In every depart inent of our Uuk Wta* and would t e p.eaaed to show you our liooods. BOSTICK, KEIN * CO. Macon, Sept. 24tb, 1639. FOR NEW YORK. FAKE REDUCED, Freight and Passage as Low as ly any other STEAMETIS. Cabin Passage. :::: sls. By tl>e splendid and commodious Side-wheel Steamers AUGUSTA 1.500 tons Capt. M.S. Woodholl, FLORIDA t.SUO “ “ Isaac Crowell, ALABAMA, 1,300 “ “ Geo. K. Sclrenck. And first class Propeller STAR OF THK SOUTH, 1,100 Oapt. Thomas Lyon. . m. These steamships belong m to th* old established and known as the modal ion and fare, cannot be mandtid by experienced, skillful,careful and polite officers JOHN R. WILDER & GALLIF. A gents. Savannah. SAMUIL L. MITCHILL & SON, | July 3—ts Agents, New York. CHROME GREEN, Chrome Yellow, Venetian Red, and all c- loril dry and in oil. For sale by sept 30 ZAILIN HUNT. . 1 J'k/'kOVKR COATS of every style and variety, forcele I XUUcheapby <.nov!7_tf E. WINSHIP. A CAR D 1.. 1 w-nnma, of iht- Uu> firm of IH-iii;in A: \Yn- Unnan. (kiiowti ;) s tlio New York Store) linviii£ mafia eiiffnifenienti* with Mr. Elia* Einstein, would resjiectfully Polieit a eotitiofliince of the patronnoe so liliendlv lestixti'J upon him In his friends and tiie put-lif e-lie rail}. Mu-'.-n. Sept. an d. Fall & Winter Goods ELIAS EINSTEIN’S. WV would re-pectful y fill Ihe attenri nos t i* Ladies and GtnU*men f M*e*n :nd mrr /unding country, to our large and beautiful Hock • f FANCY AND STAPLE B sis €OOIIB f Carpet)*. Clolliln?. Ac. New Styles Silk Rohe*. New Myles le* \ Jupes Brocade, New Si Vita ( ash nacre Robes, New Hiy * Rol*e Tnnlgue, N-*w mv nsK k A-an ftf. Plain ic Fancy coTd(all w<mi)) CLOAKS, CLOAKS. GLOAKS! Jew StvK. j-i k Vilvr*. Stales l-'i-ivtr > l-.ih, ‘ “ “ Laities Cl. 111, “ “ do li 1 ;u*;laus, t\r Styles Dress Tiiinmius. j <>per:i, SL:*k r. Red A White Fla* nela, 1 Cloth . Cas*inieu*s. Kentucky J*m.s m<l >a.t t:tt, * Usoahurgn. k*rs*ys, uni 10-imstlc Go- da of all kind?, always on luc and. Lied, Crib and Negro B ankets. CLOTHING l CLOTH!NC [ A large ttN>orf merit of shirts, Diaw*re&C. CARPETS, CARPETS, Hrustellr-, Three PIJ-, Ingrain, Hearth Hugs, 4c. I arte lot of Embroidery in Edging. lusertings, liaiifls ;hhl Collars just receivi and. SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, Kid. Li-le thread. I eiver and Silk Glove* sud Guubtlctta Hosiery KibUrn.-. Fum i lmilv, Canton Vlaim N, :*lioe-, Fbeetings. aid shirtings, Ac , and everyth!* g that is kpi in a Li ret-Class Dry G*>ds Ilonae. We invite you all to examine our Ovd*. and judge lor youraelvea. ELIAd EiNsJEIN Macon, Sept. 28 1850. PALL GOODS! LARGE STOCK: Cheap Prices and ELEGANT GOODS AT BIS, COLEMAN & BBSS’ “BAZAAR OF FASHION.” WE l-uve now in store and ar • and dly r -. l iving Hie iargeit and inest attrac ive stock of rich, elegant DRESS 3QODS that It has keen our pleasure and privilege to offer to a fash ioualde world. To my that OUR STOCK IS RICH AND GORGEOUS beyond description, is s truth easily corroborated, and noth ing id needed b*. t thos- in wai.t ot the LATEST GEMS to call and see for themslves. Ourtt<-ck of STAPLE GOODS was never be’ore so complete, lyicl w hen we add our CARPET DEPARTMENT, wh;cu dL-iplays evely gr;lo und style, we lire pit-pared to say that ’ OUR STOCK, as a w hde, presents a soc'*e a- vanned h- it U LARGE & ATTRACTIVE. CALL and allow us the pleasure to show y..u i ur slock ROSS, GOLEM A1 T A: ROSS. Cotton Avenue. SeptlG—wlf. Macon. Gs j S” “I'iv.-s.” “Mi‘#sengi-r."aDil “Teligraj ii” copy wtek y* NEW BOOKS • AT Boardman’s Book Store. American eloquence, in 2 volumes. A New Cyclopedia of Commerce. Burton’d Cyclopedia of Wit ami Humor. A Handy Book on Properly Law. Man upon the Set, by Goodrich. Komaut'c passages in south-we&te.rn History. Life Beneath the Watejh. The Hand butmt tiie Heart, by T. 8. Arthur. William the Conqueror, by Uen. Sir C. Napier. Doctor Thorn. Anew edition of Edgar A. Poe’s works. The Preacher and the King. The Priest und the Huguenot. Lord George Beutrick, by Disraeli. Beatrice Cenci. Debit and Credit. Major Robert Mierinan Potter. Douglas Jerrold’s Wit. Belle Brittauon a Tour. Lifeand Times of Hugh Miller. Crui.-e of the Betsey. Testimony of the Rocks. Jetterson’s Works. Bulwer’s Novels, complete. Grote’s History of Greece. sparrow Grass Papers Lord Montague’* Page,by O. P. K. Janes. The Three Beauties, by Mrs. South worth. Ventilatiou in American Dwellings. Derivation of Family Names. Wisdom, Wit and Humor. Steps towards Heaven. Den’s Moml Theology. Mizpah a Prayer Book. Wayside Pictures in France, Holland, Belgium and tp e Rhine. Wild Dhern Scenes. Also, al 4 rgeoasortmentof flneFfimily Bibles. -‘ i J. M. BOA&DMAK. NEW WOT SHOE STORE! M ICO.V, GEORGIA. We are now opening a large and well* j selected stock or Hoot* and rejs ‘it - in Hie Bto eon Second Street, next i • \ Mrs. Dessau’s, i.d nearly O! posite Ma j ‘Vi nm* aid Mechanics’Bank Agencies.— !St-uk hiving be* n purchased by one of our firm direct from the Eastern Manukactukess kor Cash, We can offer great inducements to m Jhose~ieho wish to buy for Cosh. We prefer small profits’n iC*us/<. ilitber than large oneson tune, where the g and aid solvent customers pa> the loss on G *<*ds sold to the doubtful ones. We shall keep cons*amly on hand a gen era! Stock forLADIEN. Mimses’, Men’s, > ouths’, Boys’and Crd dren’a c<r, ami J aho a large st ck for Negrots. We invite all who wish to ptirchare t<* call a> and see us, and we will convince th tt we can and will sell as now as any house in the State. Our worn i guaranteed, and where It fails to give satisfaction, we lepair free of chnrge. AVe respectfully solicit a liberal share of pnldtc patronage. BEARDEN A GAINES. REPAIRING. We have em.loyed experienced wcraneti, and are pre pared to Repair all kinds of work ia our Use with neatne* and desp tch. Match S5, ’s‘J—tt MRIEMfIMGBIFFII AKE NOW RECEIVING THEIR FALL AND WINTER STOCK, VT their old Stand. Their Stock consist in nart of the fol lowing goods, to which they invite the attention of Merchants and Planters: 50 Hales Gum y Cloth. 20) Coils Rkharilsou Hope. 10 H) Hounds LialiiiK Twine, 15d Ih^tJnrt'ce—Java, port *llco, Rio and Laguira. 10 Cheats Black and Green 1 ea. 76 barrels A 11 A C Migar. •25 4 * Cni>hed and i'uwdered Sugar. 6 Ih.xes Loal Mitfiir. 1& Hoghhead* Kibe Fori Rico. BWQ sacks Liverpool Salt. 100 Sacks Alum Sait. 160 boxes Adamantine Candle* 40 “ sjerm “ 75 Boxes No. 1 Soap. ‘2O “ Family Toilet Soap. •35 “ Assorted and Fancy Candy. 125 Kegs Nails. 50 Boxes Starch. l*k) Jars Snuff. 50 Whole, Half and Quarter Kegsot I'owdor. 20 Cans Buck-shooting Howder. 100 Bugs Shot. 100,000 Clears, vaiions brands. 50 Boxes I’oliacco. 20 Oases Magnolia and Combination Tobacco. 20 bales < tonahurgs and Stripes. 5 Cases Homespun, Bleached. 10 Bales Georgia Kersey. 6 “ A oil hern ** 15 44 Blankets.all prices 60 baskets Mi*er’s Heidsick wine. 75 < 'asesGinger and Blacklierry Wine and biuudy. 60 Barrels Kye and Corn Whiskey. 10 “ Extra old Bourbon. 50 44 Gin Hum and brandy. 10 Casks Madeira, Port and Sweet Wine. 10 Cases London l)ock Glh. 15 44 Boker, and Stoughton Bitters. 10 “ Lemon Syiup. 20 Casks Ale and Porter. 10 Boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Figs 80 ** Assorted Pickles. 80 M Assorted and Fancy Candy. •20 “ Super Curb. Soda. 80 Barrels and Boxes Sot la and Butter Crackers, 25 Boxes Herrings. 5 Sacks Ashton's Table Salt. 5 Cafres Ashton’s Table Salt. 10 Doz. Well Buckets. 25 Doz. Blue Buckets. 10 Ne-tsof Tubs. 80 Doz Wool Hats. 20 Boxes Leveritt Axes. 10.000 Pounds White Lead and Zinc. 100 Barrels Linseed Oil. 10 “ Tanners’and Machine Oil. Also, a fine lot of Chrown Oreen, Bellow, Prussian Blue, Terra De Sienua, Burnt Umber. Ac., Paints and Varnish, Brmhes and Sash Tools. Macon, Sept. *24, 1858 SIGNS!I SIGNS!! Tam now prepared to execute all orders in the House Sign and Denotation Buriner* better than ever, and at : lower prices. Every article used in the trade for sa’e. r- Mixed paints for Sale, “©a sept 16 dAw ts HFSHY LOVI. SPICES. MUSTARD, Cloves. Nutmegs. Pepper. Ac., which article* we have teen extremely cniful to select by personal in | at ection ; the purest, freshest and c'ear.est that can be ob tained wliich we shall always keep on hand. Sept 22,'it', ts ZEILIN A HUNT. Macon, Ga. FANS, IN large variety. Traveling and Reticule Baskets, Leather Satchels, Ac., for sale by 1 aprT-siwtf. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. SMALL FRUITS. A s f.r- luiy'ug*p*e! il a'- n'l-w ti I‘ie prodnctii nos BlnrUSHTry, Railw-rry, asl MlrawlM iry Plant'*. i-nr i-v fur I In- r. niiv Ka I :iml So ii-g- f isiki, M’i 1 ’ n--f’ n ly i>i y I -ree, i- r Ii I, utii- i< h.ll -ITtr Ngw Rochelle, or Lawton Blackberry DaMH growing in *av r, ami ih. demand for jlaiita tt-ii Fall •|n ini-es to he unusually targe. WILSON’S ALBANY SEED ling Strawberry D undoubted v il e universally p* j nlar variety In the con itiy. it* ex mord nary *D*. Womlerful i r<Mh c Ivermaa, hhd oilmr go*ui qu illties have placed it at the very bvad of th*- list wherrv* rit ha* lawn t* ste t. pfp>**tally f**r*t j tir •* ses. Having among the e rii*sio procurethis vari ety. und having eu tivated ir morr erpecia! > f-r plants, we shall be abletoolf.r tor aaie iu ifce spring of 16\ OVER ONE MILLION PLANTS TTest planisare now t*eug cuiUvatnd iu the most csreful manner,and one of them will oe worth iiior* tha ■ ad acn of Much as -m* cnrel* ***l y grown an** ng grrs arid we ds. We c ud'Hily invite persons wi>hing i* pir chase to visD our icrounds and examine our m* WE SHALL REDUCE the p*ict of pants in the spring .f lt6o s as t* p ;icm them wHhiit Ue icacu *t all. W*• nave oprr.inenled !a>ely as to ; the iies time of plaLtiug tl e Slrawt erry, and unlit si tat <ng)v f reotniii eiiil ihe irq r ng. Our eeiccii* ii embrace* OYER ONE lll’.M RED VAU! ETIE-, ii.c tiding ail the native and foreign Lines, of any rt j.ue Catalogues sent or* applicaiion, cue I*. sing a stamp. J. K\ X Box 478, lTltsburgi., Pa. . KNv-X, ts Box 478, Pitlsbuigh, p. * # * No Stiawberry plants si ntout before next pr*i.g. SUPPLEMENT TO CA TALOG( E OF SMALL VllU ITS, FOR KALL OK lbo'J AXD M'KIN'G OF 1800. HAV’ING greatly increased o 1 r stock df Plants we arc able, to make a a*ge re iuct.on iu prices. W e ofler htr*Lg, we 1-rooud 1 iai.ts cf the Xeiv Rochelle ; or Loudon Blackberry, at .*> plants lor. o<) 125 plants for. $:o 00 15 “ “ 200 1.0 M) •• * 75 (M 25 “ “ 3UU 5(1*1 * % “ 350 00 50 ** “ 500 lOOXB “ “ (UUtO We are confident that theai •* e r .tes lt* as low, if in.t low er, than ihe same quality of PI nts can te had anywheie:— iHjIiCU ESTLK AND MEWNAK'i TIIOMNLEItt AT TUE SANE. S T 1J A W B E 1! R IKS. The mr*st urdverrr.l y popular variety in the country it Wil son’s Albany Ki pling. Having been am a g the first t*> procure this variety, ami having culti vated if, more especially for plants, we will i e nMe to ofT.-r iu tlie f firing of 18fio OVER ONE MILLION PLANTS FOR SALE. Thete tre now bein g cijltivated in the most carcfui manner, an<t one of the n will be worth more than a dozen of such as hit careie.-blv gr >wu among and weeds. We coid.aliy invite persona v*i>h ng lo puichase lo visit our gr< undi and examine our m* tie *• pr ouc ng Plants. We have experimciiU-d laremv ** •-,. the 1 est time of plant ing the rst.awberiy, Uubcsitann*. ly recon.inei.n We have c nctuded t* reduce the pree <>f ii*e plants<*f the above rtmarkalde Vhriitv, boas to place then* w ih'n the reach of al', and ihad < tfer them in the spring of D*>D. AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: HO plants lor. $ 1 (*) | HMW> plants f.r $ 75 00 •Y> 1 ** •* 500 15 000 - ** 1(10(0 ,250 . “ “ 10 00 I 100 00i 4 * “ S(R Utl Any quantity under one hundred plants. 25 cents p**r A s milar reiiuetlon w il be made on nc .ry all me other varieties in the catalogue. J. KSO.V, B< x 4'S, sept 20. Pittsburg I, i*a. CROCKERY, Coa l Oil ami riuid L^mpg. ly K. V. M<-KVOv pP L4l ' Hoi. 1 11 iii ii ii ill M KCQNt G K. HOME AGAIN. I imveju-t Returned from Europe where I t-oupkt TJao Xjargcst tfc Finest FANCY, BUT & WHITE CHINA ever in this market. Also a large stock of commcx and WHITE GRANITE WARE, Os the bett Put'eiim that come, lo 11lls country. I would call the attention of Mcichants. to my s iinplea n>w on Land, which 1 am sure are preferable to anything ia this rcctloi:.— I li. ve a good ?toek now on hand of Waiter* In Bella, Coal Oil fdinipM, C astor-, Fluid Lamps, Goblets Tumblers, CHINA TEA SETTS. AC., CHEAP. I have a fine lot of COA L UIL bo. 1, to be h. re in a lew da\R All of the above goods are offeretl cheap to ma*- room for st>ck coining in. [june 23J K. P. McEVOY. DU. LITTLE’S VERMIFUGE. In LARGE Bottles and Yials. Nothing else is required to relieve children of Worms; and besides being one of the cheapest and best Vermifuges ever offered to the public. Its fre quent use iu families will save much trouble and expense, as well as the lives of many children—for eight out of every ten cases generally require it. LITTLE’S ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. A certain cure, for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pain in the, liretist; also Croup, Win hi] ting Coughs. Ac., Ac., amongst Children. This is a pleasant medicine to take, producing im mediate relief, and in uine out of teu cases a prompt cure. It exercises the most controlling influence over Coughs and Irritation of the Lungs of any re medy known, often stopping the most violent in a few hoars, or at most in a day or two. Many cases thought to be decidedly consumptive, have been promptly cured by nsing a few bottles. As anodyne expectorant, without astringing the bowels, it stands paramount to all cough mixtures. LITTLE’S FRENCH MIXTURE. This is prepared from a French Recipe (in the forms of No. 1 and 2; the first for the acute, and No. 2 for the chronic stage,) aud from its unexampled success ia likely to supersede every other remedy for the cure of diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Gonorrhoeal, Bleunorrhoeal, and Leuchorrhoeal or Fluor Albns affections. This extensive compound combines properties totally different in taste and character from any thing to be found in the United States Pharmacopccia ; and in point of safety and effi ciency ia not rivalled in America. LITTLE’S RINGWORM & TETTER OINTMENT. FORTIS, No. it. Hundreds of cases of Chronic Tetters, Scald Heads, l and diseases of the skin generally, have been cured ity tills remedy ; aud since the introduction of the No. 2 preparation (being stronger) scarcely a case has been fouud that it will not effectually eradicate in a short time. For the cure of Cancerous Sores and Ulcers it is applied in the form of plasters, and ia almost infallible. In more than twe hundred places in Georgia, and in the Southern States, they are to be had ; and a* there are scamps about who are counterfeiting his remedies, by palming off their own or something else, by using the same or similar names (for no pa tent is wanted or secured amid the absurd patents of the day,) let all be cautioned to look well for the signature of the Proprietor, thus : aud also his name blown into the glass of each bottle All orders and letters to be addressed to LITTLE & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, Macon, Oa For salt* by K. L. Strohecker, Menard & Castlen, Macon, ami by Merchants twnl Drug gists everywhere. Sept ~S ts On the European flan, CITY 0.” NEW YORK. Simile Rooms 50 Cents per Day. City Hall Square, corner of Frakfcrt Street, (Opposite City Hall.) Meals, as they may be ordered in the sp.icioas Refec tory. There is a barber’s Shop and Rooms attached lo the Hotel. N. B.—Beware of Runners and Ilackmru, who ay we are lull. R FRENCH, Proprieto-. August 9, 1859. T)LAI A I\(*, 1 Scroll Sawing, Turning, Carving, 15 racket and Or namental Work. Oct. 16 ts Made to order by T.A O WOOD FOR SALE ON im® €B£B#T - I offer the plantation near Ame. ieus, former lv owned by T. l n,,it i\ mill's riu Auiericun. on the Mockulee creek, ■ containing I *!* humfredand sev.-u acres, two hundred xml fifty “’JE^svaasM.- i Macon. Oct. -tt WCity papers copy. The Driggs’ Patent PIANO FORTE. Ism now ready to linger the oft ret*eatcd question, “Who ‘■lakes the be*! i’ianoh?” I answer, uiiQualifi'*diy, DKIGGS, PA RM ELI! Hi dr CO., of New York. I h*ve . b en tuning Piano* 22 year*, and cinim to understand the iii inonent thomughly. I have been North txprpssly to | a-ovrtain whn ah**t* the bert Pianos. I have >**cn every : nrt ol the loiggs Fuui", and several other celebrated one.-, po->€ss f being mn.le The Driggs’ f Lhih tar excels all • •Il eointwo vwy important lartknltua, vi*: volume i.d s*i-Hiiv.-B *f time. aiHl capacity nr >taywr in tune. TJ mne is priaiueed mm 1* as ja.SHible like the Violin, there i*ci g two sounding hoards convex outward*. The heavy, fr( k plank"', blocks and braces are done away with, *-n a rL;nn her informed ftv s-mnd. The power and swectncan •f€ tone is equal to that of the lieet Grand Piano. The capacity for staying in tune depend* on a newly in vented Ir>n Frame, or bed-plate, which sustains all! he strain i.t is entirely free from the vibratory j#art of the Instru nenr. Th* re isagreat improvement in tne .nanner of put t ngon theStrii g", ttsey not being liable to or to jar i*t t •st ir bearings, and in the arrangement of the dampers, t lie liange*, hammers. Uu'k catch* s. Mid every part of the action B made in a manner that cannot be excelled, ihe following is from Thalleig: , “Mr. S B. kiggs-I have (xamined your new Piur.o F* re. and cordially approve of its system of constiudlon ; Ps l>riu< iples by which great increase *f vibratory power is obtained, being verv simple and jierfeeLfy phiios'Thical. The tone ; * grand and notile. B has greet cajiaiity for sut taiiu-ngthe sound or ringii g. and its volume ol tone, or pow er, i have never heard excelled in depth, purifv. Mid sympathetic sweitness. S. THaLBERG.” Siiniiar certificates have been receive ti from Gotachalk, Strackosch. Miison and many olher cmineui artists. Gi eof these insiruno nts may l*e seen ar Messrs Virgins. \\ e shall be able soon to till orders not only with pi *n'*s. but others of a vey mat. pattern—four large round comers gotldc legs, rotewM>d. 6 octaves, so arranged that idee s can be played on them the fame as on the 7 octave pi ai-**s except on the lower Uise notes. Also. 7 octavo pianos -f the same make and pattern, which we will sell Mirprismgty coeap. The Drig.s piano will le sold at about the one prices as other pianos, atvoiding to finish of case. i have the agency forthe sale of these pianos tor the State of Georgia, t/ruers from any of the State will fce pn inpt.v attended to. O, B. RICE. Direct to Mhcan. sop 20 wtf. TARRANT’S KFFEUVKSOIIKT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and in*pu!ar Medicine, pre;*?red in conformity v ith the auaiysis cf the waters of tne ceiehraied Seitzer spring, in Germaay, in a ihom cahvei-ient and poi table form, has universiily ri ct-ived the most Fa vorable recommendations Medical pro fession and a Discerning Public, ms the MOST EF Kin ENT ANT) AGREEABLE lino A. per lout ill me. and as being entitled to special preference over the many Mineral spring Waters, he dlitz Powders, and other similar articles, b th front its compactness and greater effica cy. It may be used with the beet effect in all DlLlors .VXD FSBRZLn DISEAeUS, SICK HEADACHE, LOSS OF APPETITE, INDIGESTION, AND ALL BIMH.AK COM PLAINTS, PECrUAELY INCIDENT TO THK SPRING and SUMMER SEASONS. Jiis pirticuiarly adapted to the wants of Travelers hy Sea and Land, Resident* in hot climaies, persona of Se dentury Ilabi'F, InvaHik and CouvuDscents; Cai>Ltlns of VttMkld and Planters will find il a valuable addition to their Medicine Che 4a. With these who Lave used it, it has high favor and is deemed imviapcneable. IN A TORPID STATE OF THE LIVER-It renders great service iu restoring healthv action. IN GOUT AND RHEUMATISM -It gives tho best sat Dhtction, :tlla\iug all infiammatory symptoms, and in many curing tin*e attUctid. , n iTB IN OASES OF GRAVEL. INDIGKS -1 JOX, HKAKI BU RW ANI) C.l >^TiV EN Xbb—Proven It. to be a Medicine of the greatest utility. AoIDITk OF THE s ToMA('ll, A N DTHE DISTRFSS INGMCKNEhS SO USUAL DURING PREGNANCY Y'iehls speedily, and with marked euccesa under its healthiul infineme. IT AFFORDS THE OREATEST RELIEF TO THOSE AFFLICTED WITH OR SUBJECT To THE PILES— Aeting gently on the Ih>wclb. neufraii/ing all initatiug secre !ic*ns, and thereby removing all ihtiamniatory Umdencies. IN FACT. IT IS INVALIiBLEIN ALL CASES WHERE A GESTLE APERIENT OR PURGATIVE IS REQUIRED. It i* in the form of a powder, carefully put up In bottles, to keip in any e-imate, and lv requites water pourid up < xi it to produce adeligh'ful *ffervescent beverage. I jiken in the morning, it never in’erferes with the avoca tions of the day. acting gently on the system, restoring the digestive powers, exciting a healthy ami vig* rous tone of the ►tornacii, and creating aa la-ticity ol mind and fli.w of .-pi rite which give ?x si to every enjoyment.. It hlbo enables the in valid to eu oy niauy luxuries wiih impunity, trom which he ur st otherwise l>e debarred, ai.d without which life uirksome and distrts-fing. Numerous <esfaumni its from pro'evsiona)and other gentle men f the high* tt r-tauriing ilinuighout the country, biid its H’eadUy incrca-ing populaiirv fr a si’ries ot yesrs, 4rung!y gna an tee its efficacy ami valuable cbaraiter, and comineLtl it to the fav raMe notice of an inteliiguit public. lTcpan-d end sold. Wholesnk aud Retail by JOHN A. TAKKANTikUL DurooisTS, No. 27SGn.euwich St., cor. of ‘Warren, N. T. pine 14—ly CB WARE — ■u— — I ■—^KMamm sa THE ONLY ARTICLE ISIFffl I MARKET, with in *1 i:\sj; HOME AND EUROPEAN DEMAND. THE rea r on why, is that bv Nature’s own process it re stores the natural color permanently alter the hair be c< grav ; supplies the natural fluids, and thus makes *l grow’ on bald beads, removisail d;mflruff,itching and heat from the sea:p, quiets and tones up the nerves, and tLus i urt*n all nervous headache, ai*d may be relied upon to cure all diseases of the scalp and hair; ft will .-top and keep it from falling off. makes it sorr, ulubsy and beai TiruL,and if used by the young two or three times a week, it will uever fall or become gray ; then, reader, read the following and judge lor yourself: New’ Yokk, Jan. 8, 1858. Messes. O. J. Wool* & Cos., Gentlemen: Having heasi! a good deal about Professor Wood’s Hair Restorative, and inv hair being quite gray, I made up my mind to lay a-ide the ptejudiees which I, in common with a great many persons, had against all maimer of ;*ati*nt ii.ed, and a short time ag> 1 commenced using jour article, to test it for myself. I he result has been so very hatlsfactoiy that. I am very glad I did so. and in justice to you, as well as for the en c n.ragemei.t of others who may be as gray as 1 was but who having rnv prejudice wit ho* t. my reasons for betting it aside are uaWillii g io give your Restorative a trial till they have further proof, and the beet proof beh g ore :lar demonstra tion. I w rite you this letter, which you may show to any such and also direct them to me for further proof, who am in and out of the N. N. Wire R iliug Establishment* everyday. My hair is now its natural color and much improved in appeara&ce every way, l*emg gioasier, and thicker and much more healthy looking. 1 am, vours respectfully. HENRY JENKINS. Cor. Columbia and Carroll St., Brookljn. , Livincbton, Ala.. Ft b, 14,1858. Puor. sV***D —Deaji Fia: Your Hair Restorative has (tone much go<rtl iu tins part ot the country. My hair has baeii slightly diminishing for several years, caused, I suppose, f< m a slight bum when lw as quite an Infant. I have been using jour Ilalr Rest•rutivetor six weeks und I find that I have a finehvad of hair now growing:, alter having used all other remedies known, to no effe* t, 1 think it the m<*"t val uable mneily now extant, and advise ail who arc alfl'ctcd that wav to use your lcmedy, You ran jurMiaii this if you think proper. Yours, Ac , S. W* Middleton. Philadelphia, Sept. 9, 1367. Puor. Wood.—Dear Fir: Your Hair Restorative is proving itself beneficial to me ‘I he front, and also the buck part of my head lost its covering— ws in tact I have used but two half i int bottles of your Restorative, and now the lop cf my heal is well si ud tied with a promising crop of young hair, and Ihe front Dais** redivingit* cncfit. I havo tried other preparations without any i*ei **.£t whatever. I think from my own iK’sonaf recon.mendati ns, I can induce many others to try it. Yours, respectfully, D. U. THOMAS, M. D. No. 464 Vine Street. The Restorative is put in boUlesof three sizes, viz: large, medium, and Miiall ; the tmail holds pint, and re>aileu tor one dollar per to tie; the medium he Ids at lea** twenty jer cent mure in proportion ihau the mall, retain lor two do!* a-B j*er bottle ; the huge holds a qiiart, 40 p r cent more in proportion, and retails tor three doPars ja r bet’le. VdOl’A r CU., Proprietors, M 2 Broadway, N. Y .. (in the great N. V. Wire Railing KtJahiniLcid. ai dli t Mara* t Street. Ft. Louis. Mo. And wld by all Dm gcisth and Farcy Gomw l*> F.A LABS. Get . 7, sui. NEW YORK INI) SAVANNAH. The Amcrkan-Atlantlt btrew Steamship C*.’s. NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS HUNTSVILLE, Cabt. John A. POST, 1 000 Toes Ecrthen. MONTGOMERY, Capt. FEED. CROCKER. 1,000 Tons Burthen. Will leave NEW YORK and SAVANNAH EVERY SATURDAY, PASSAGE sls. The superb accommodations for Passengers ou these Steam era are unsurpassed by any Ocean Steamers in the World.— The Saloons and State Rooms are elegantly furnished, spa cious and well ventilated. THROUGH RATES OF FREIGHT From NEW YORK to Knoxville, Nash ville, Memphis, Tuscnmbia aud other places, including every expense, given when required. Y2T” Merchandise consigned to the Agent of the Central Kai:mad. Savannah, will tie received and forwarded FRKE OK COM MISSION. Mark Goods “CAKE AGKNT CEN TRAL RAILROAD. SAVANNAH.” Shipper* are particu larly requested to forward Bills of Lading by >he Steamer, thereby eus'iringgreaterdispatch. and uvrtißiig all delays. insurance may I* effected by tin se Steamers at the Office* of i Iu- undersigned at one half per cent, wifli the heat Com ta na s. Freight, have be reduced by this Line to Banu 10 cents per foot, and other Goods at proportionate rates. tS'-preights taken at three P-urtUs of customary ra LUIGI!AM, BALDWIN A CC„ Savannah, H. B. CROMWELL A C0.,0a. apjf 1y 86 West St., cor, of Albany, Y. Jersey City MODLB & FUME TVS ■ MV • Corner of (ircen and Maryan Streets JOHN B. FULLER, Prop’r. UroOD MOULDINGS, Beads and Architraves, con stantly on hand, ar.d worked to order. Also PEW CAPS, Kails and Hand Kails, Inside Trimmings of every description. Brackets, Trmscs, and all kinds of Scroll and straight Sawing: House Carving, Ac., 4c. Any desired pattern worked to order at short notice. M OOD TURN ING in all iu branches, plain. Panutlied, and Octagon Jewels, on hand end made to order, lialmteia of all and descriptions, Ac., Ac.. A. Mahogany, black Walnut, < >.,k, Cherry, amt Pine 81 air Kails, sawed or worked to order. The prices marked on ea< h patterned the lookasent to order to any part oi the Crated States ate for cue hundred feet running measure • • _ N. U.—One of the largest stocks of Mouldings and into mings, and greatest variety of patterns, uianu aclurt dPi the very best mater ala, will always be found at this establish merit. Planing w itli lentne*. ami dispatch •ie.mtcasb. JOHN B. FULLER will also manufacture t and give particular attention to O-otliic Work:, For Churches. Public Buildings, irwellmg llouaes, Ac. Win i dow frames, Ac., made to order at short uotree. Round and Square Field Fence, and t\, Also, dealer in IFoora. Sashes and ISliuds. ... , desi-rii tion. iniLU'aclured of the best material, and ° ?“7e“ to stand in any climate. BmKcrs’ Hardware, and 1 every article in lhat hue iuruisheJ at the lowtst cash prices. Marble , Murhleized Iron and Slate Man tles, Terra Cotla, Brackets , Trusses, , Window Cups, ( i'c . 11?“ Deigns aud Drawirgs furnished at khort notice’ — ♦in* _ _ To the Ladies of Macon. MISS C. FIiOTIIINGHAM WILL give instructions, ifdesircJ, in Drawing, Painting in water-colors- Oriental and Grecian Pa!nung, and Vi',,,. K w . , \\ ;j j also copy Coats of Arms iu anew and Wmit l"i. Bhe has taken lodgu gs at the Mint House. wLere specimen* ol b-.r art may besecuaud terms known, oct . ts ’ watches AND JENVELRY REPAIRED an Tpr 7-*sJCIL ! ’ l > K. J. JOHNSTON A O