The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, November 18, 1859, Image 3

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SPECIAL NOTICES. Tax Receiver. WK are authorized to announce j\Tl the nauie of Stkrmm Tucker, o fßd*b Comity at the ensuing election in January ISGtX jan 4, ’sD—tde Tax Collector. irs WE are authorized to announce Cakt. Wm. Bosk as a candidate lor fax Collector of Bibb County at the en guinp election in January next oct 20—swAiwtde THE PHiETON. THIH fftylff of cazriageia now becoiun* vrrr fashionable „ tkr o* ‘b* ll tbe Crock. Wo- X Cos., bar. ■ .t received at their NEW DEPOSITOR T. la At lan la, u* ,/thf guest PHjrTus* er brought Mouth ; It took th* pre miaaktlkt New Jersey Stale Fair, an.l It u ow ofrml for a! ■ at a low price. They hare, alao. a beautiful light Pa jrr. a ,t their Repository la Orifiln, Oa. Now la the note If you wiatoneof the** beautiful ear.iage*. wtlorlw PLANTATION WAGONS >OW la the time to set the very beat X 4 or • borne wayoa that • —■ to America, with heavy Iron Axle., an-t all tk to.brt selected auJaeaaonttl three >ear* before It i worked. Woodruff* Oo.,GriSa. Ua., are Billu* orders t-> Plaiittre la nearly all paru of the State, and can supply any L’ Ulier of them a* abort notice, either from (itifip or fro u the Fac lory North. Alreul oat third of the dr.U U a tvetl by u.n.g pro* wagon*. _ hoviawhw The Airy and Tasty “ Brett,” Called by the unsophisticated in ob6cure place* tlie • I'liwton.” This convenient Falling Top Carriage, hat. long been in use in fashionable places,an,i are not prefer •d tjecanse they “are lighter” than the Coaeh, Ult nuipiv iwc.iuee people differ in taste, and their idea* us -tyle and eonyenk nee. The subscribers are daily expectiag anew arrival of hawlaonie -BRETTS.” We do not pretaud tliat these Carnages have taken a premium, but they doabttosff would, were they put in competition, a ith any llnng offered for sale in Atlauta or Griffin. Pur riia-ers desirous of purchasing ona of these elegant Carnages with a splendid Harness, would find it greatly to their advantage to buy in Macon, a mart admitted by all diseriiiuualiug |a-r*ons to be the best lilt tee rgia. Hie a—<'riti tent of the undersigned ia unrivalled for stria and durability. We receive only from the ,-aiebrated aafahliahmewta Every thing is mu i anted and the press* will )■# made satisfactory. j I >r<iers Liken for new work, and repairing done at abort aotiee, by superior Mechanic*. J. C. THORNTON X CO. At Plant’* t rid Stand, opposite the Post Office, yB. Any of our customers wishing PLANTA TION WAtiONS, with “Iron Aalea.” proportioned to the weght they are designed to carry, and of umlw-r sufficiently seasoned, can at any time order them through us. from the best Establishment*, in Phila delphia, New York or Hartford, by the payment of a irtfling commission. The Horae* and Mulea used in theae wagon*, will “save nothing in the draft” a* they are forced to draw the whole load. J. C. T. X CO. MYSTIC HOURS, BY hEO. A. REB.n.IT, YI D. Ihl paiea. neat I? mu., doth—Price p1.2.V IvjiW Ihsik gives an account of remarkable -Spir itual Manifestations” tliat liave oeeurred in tha expend*-- ~f Ire. UanaaM. It is well known that the I>r. has for many year* been ona of the l**st malkiwi this age ba produced; an I this truthful record of his wonderful exuerien ees cannot fail to interest all who read “Mvsnc Horan.” Many persons of the higliest respectability, who have sat with the fir. at his seances, have kind ly permitted their names to appear in the work a Witnesses of these truly extraordinary proofs that the soul lives after death: *• From the laright stars, or from the viewless air, Spirit, sweet spirit; if thy home he there. Answer nte! answer lue!” It is pre-eminently a Imok of facts, not of thories. Among the contents are found: Early Remi liscenee*. Spirit Visitation. Mother’s Message. Itoubts Removed. Visit froniChilde Harold. Mr. Curtis and his Spirit Wife, Circle with Editor*. Ir. Gardner's letter. Prof. Hare’s Heath, The Ayr shire Poet. The Messenger Hird. Mysterious Visitor. Alilsdt Lawrence's ComninaicalHin. The Is reded Ta ble. Kbctris Lighta.Bouton Investigating Committee, Cornelius Winne’s Rones, c mimmiieation from I>a Soto. The < Viic Snuff Box, Tr tnce Tests, Skepticism t’nmasked. A tow copies of tins work, just received and for sale at this office, also at the Book Store*. October £L I*so. ts CAUTION. The article sf Whiskey, bow a> well known -Daly’* Aromatic VailV Whiskey,” has established a reputation so antverrel as render* it difficult for the mansfacturer to keep peace with the demand. Thi* ia the result of pe*ae T ‘ r!l i energy In its introduction, sustained hjr a determination adopted at the outset aad never for an instant departed from, that tu original purity aad unrivalled should ciiittauato the end. The coußare fate, attendant open all such successful ef fort*, ha* overtaken the manufocttirer. It ia Imitated by saacrupuloiia Irepoatoo. and aii inferior and spur..,us article It palmed uff upon the tsreimunity. to the great detriment of tae public as well a* hoary to the manulacturer, both ;n emolument and well earned repute. kvery effort hs !-n u.oteto guard again ,t th s piracy by a Uop) right of the La bek and by peculiar shape of the isdtie. 1 Csatiou the public against this imposition upon them aad upon my right*, and I earnestly desire such informa tion from those >M may posses* it, by hating been victun tied or otherwise, aa will enable me to protect the public aad myself by prose* i> me. to the utmost extent of the law. Tba Genuine “Daly’* Aromatic Val ev Whiskey” is put up la case* of 12 lUiea each, with light yellow labeL and sealed with yellow wax, with the proprietor*’ stamp on the wax, and fee-simile signature of the proprietor on lb* label. All other articles are imitations. ttr i'onaamerscan d-pei and upon getting a pure ankle when they huythe Val ey WnisXy. aa it is sold by the lotlle only. WM. H. DALY. IV South William at.. New York, Sole proprietor. r'rlt li’ Maon. by GREEK X FREE IAN. OE)X‘iiuled Bitti'rw. The qualities of this medn-ine has placed !t upon an uiiperishabla fonmlation. In destroying disea-a and inducing health it has no parallel. For tlie following complaints these Bitters are a kpe. ific, vis:— Dvpepsm. or Indigestion. Hrart Burn. A ruhto , Oafirram, Loan of Api’ttUt, Utadarha and Utnerml Dnbthty lu many section* of our country this preparation i* extensively used by physician* in their practice, anti it see nut to have restored many to health, who were apparently heyond the reach of tha healing art Sulyumed are a few tributes from well known phy sicians: M wsriai a. Tioga <’, Pa.. Aug. 3S. ‘M. I have used the oxygenated Hitter* ininy prm-tH-e with deenied success in debility and general rnslra tion le, an*l cuitMently ree,4iim-nd it in tteneral IvUlitv, and diaease- of the digestive organs. F. H. WHITE. M. H, Arams. N. T_ Sept. A hit. flnf/mei;— l have leva in the drug business the last fifteen years, and have Uever dd a medicine which has given such great iretisfactioii in ease* of ]>y*pep*ia os tha • >xy genaied Bitter*, and in tins dis ease 1 always recommend it. H. ts. F’ iWLER. Kcmuxovo*. Vt, Nov IX ISM. (itntlrmnn:— l am please,! to State, that i hatefried, the i ixygeinaied Hitters for Indigestion and Indshty and found immediate relief from using only a part of a liottle. 1 have the greatest confidem-e in it as a cure for I*ypepia and General Itotality, and re , ciniuend it witii much pleasure. Yours. Ac, JAM I>4 LEWIS, M H. Prepared by M. F iwli a fa. 80-ton. and mdd by E. 1.. vrtMuiaa, Hruggist. oct 14 K> eu Thaar who are Is the i oymenl of perfect healty frvqaeatfy have seed to have resource to toalc* a* pteem bvas of diaraat. We are never too well armored againat the aaaanltr of -the 11s that la heir to.” fiarh aa Uvigov alortkey may Sad la HOP TETTER'S BITTERS —a medi rea* akat saaot be taken regularly without givii g vitality aad elasticity to tkeayaUm. At this season, particularly, ta* strangest mas ia aat proof against tk* malaria, ia cer tala socUaaa af tk* evaxtry. la all ram of fever and ague. Ik* fitrrasa ia mor* potent than any amoaat ul gulaine wkUa tha mo*t daagerou* rear* af billlau* fever yield ta Ha woadarfel proveru,a. vt. have triad the medteira will sever ear aaather. for aay of the aUmeala which the Ua* vrrrva BnTaaa props ua to aabdve. To those who have not ad* the riper. meat, w* c.edially recommend an ear J applicatnre to the B.Trass, whenever they treat;, ken b disease* es tkedlgaetlve oegan*. Sold by druggists aad dealer* generally everywhere. . IV Daring our visit to Low*:, we were shoes l trough the T.akoealory es rerrdtUdd countrvmar,. Dr. J. U. Ayer, •aarcaly ena and we kavu baUeved what ia aaen there without proof beyond disputing. They eootumt a barrel es aolld Pi'la. about to n® J. vuaa.: 3 barrel* of Cherry Pectoral. ID.oui daw-i per diem. To what *■ InreaceiVatican, uat of humaa suffering Aeethte p,4at! ITdAMduom a day!! r.fty millloa of doaaa per year!!!— What acres aad U-vaaaad* of avra* of sick beds does this spread heft re the Imaginat on ‘ And * has aym;atLi*a and cueTrua, not al of this la taken by the vary aick. bat alas, mack of it la. ThiiCfiervy drop and this aagarrd Fill are to bathe c.anpreloe.dpaia and rag i -a and aiaklrg anrrnw— ike inheritance o*jr mother In bequeathed t like wholaflaa. liy of man. Here the infant darliaa baa beea touched too ear y by tk* bfigM that withers half our race. Iu little lung* art affected, aad only watcl.iag and waitiag rkall tell which **> its l.raaih avail tar*. This red drop oa IU table ia the foiiansa an which It* lift shall hang. There the blossom of Ik* world j**t burst ag lato wumaahoxi. Is atnekea al**.— Affsctlaa'a most assiduous car* care* ant, ate is Mill •way. The area meateager cornea nearer aid nearer every week. 1 kla Unit medicine ahail ga there, their last, perhaps their only hop*. TheMrong man has plaatrd la hi* ritkl*. tkiaant disease. 1 hia red drop by hi* dde ta helping him wrarel* with the taeiarabl* eneu.v ; the wlfa af his boson. *4 k* cheruhs of kla hea-t are waitr.g ia act aorrsw and mar. I*M lb* rod aa arhich they lean la tkia world be broke,.. O Kact.e.spars no skill, nor cn*>. a.*toil.'ox.vs the usnah wvktk*boM that bnmnuart caa give W^i.vstoM, Texas; -Vrw*. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKES CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. F-eyarv* frau, * prvacriptioa af Sir J. Clarke, H. D, Pkyvi oaa KxtraunlinarT to tha Uuert. well known lued'.oiae i* no Impoaitlan. •utre sure sad mfe remedy for Female Hiflkultir* sad obatrucrioaa. from aa; reuae whatever; aad although a powerful remed,, they Co* **** ■•♦kiag hurtful ta the To Mxrried Ladies. It la Peculiarly rotted. It wHL la a abort time, bring oa the monthly parted with regularity. Tama hua a*v* vtva* aixv xvowx to ran, want Tm * I ), hvTi*ga ox tbi Ixr rani or raurnurr ami wxu. •aaxavre. 1 r faU partkuiar*. get a pamphlet, free, of the agsat. aad postage stamp* enclosed to any authorized **lir-* m U ““ r * * b °** 1 *’ enutAi,UD * M Pl’l*. by return mail. fodd ia Hacca by Hxxakb A Caartax. sudsy ail rt , * • Druggire* throaghoet lSco**Wy. lap M 1 *.KY MKVJAiIOy Selected by Prof Schreiner. I Alß\ BELL, by Foster. 25 cts. Foster's Mnsic such a* Gentle Annie, and others, are all well known Tins song is ~n,. of Ins lest “ LET ME Klsrt HIM Ft ill MOTH F.II. Hr Ordsrav T '”* wr Jmve ever “GEN I I.E M.I.L'V GRAY.” Italto. 25 cent*. Halts IS one the anumr ..1 the Bohemian Girl. No fmlln-r I roiniiH iit nefumrv. I * £L4KK I HL\|{ AN AXLEL BIX*G f w Variation [ <*rU\ s<i cmtii. “NELLY GH AY.” witli variations, Gr.die, 50 44 EVER OF THEE.” with “ “ 6,1 Three of Grohe.s best an aiigemeiiis ou popular Mti-ie received weekly from which we aclect the k- >’ mi.l return the hoxA whi.-h Ihildishers will never fail to stick on hralrrs who have n>> Musical knowledge. Musi.- sent hy mail, postage }id. on receipt of the price marked. JollN < . Hf HREINER k son. Tflrjiraph copy. frrrfl KIMS, ffm f < his kering ASn s. iHuilianrM and other eclc- Maker*.; warranted in font, durability and fluiHhlu be flrat quality, mud *d<i m th Tery bet ru\ together witli a fine lot of Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, , Flutes, > lolin and Guitar String'. Musical Roxe*. 4e„ Ac, By E. J. JOHNSON X CO. DRESS CUTTING. Mrs- L. T- Lunquest, HAS arrived ia the cit. for the parpoae oi instructing Ladies in the beautiful art ot Cutting Dresses kfHr Replan or system at the celebrated s. T. TAYLOR, of New lurk, gfee wudiCf the pur* icto it n>) •tfuniViff • about tni* ty tern* bnt that it it a complete aiAtt c!fDT,fle pUn. which wi.l h* fcut.d adapt*d to the waLt of itfw Atiniif make i| their own apparel or having it made up unde* (heir own ripe?vision. lead en wfcn will da her ue honfr of a cal!, at the Floyd Fouee, will have ibe t-xp:ain*d to them, ard thoe who take kwxivfnuri wurranted aaf or no charge will be iu;de lor irtstruction. nov 15 ts Hair AVoi'k, IN JEWELRY AIB DEVICE to order. A Over 400 new designs for selections. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. TO ALL PERSONS OF TASTE! AN o|.p oir,-,d for a short tine to see a rnnet beautiflil releclion of STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS of every v*r etr. and rubric! rg a fine collection of Statuary Groups, and View* in all e,.ru of the world At DAXOIKX BLILDLYG, Seeond near Huiberry .street. Open trcai IS M. to 12 I*. Jf. ADMITTANCE 5) CENTS. av.l* THE BIJNYAN TABLEAUX. f|lHlS^l—did P> hating—aT,r4ttm of Bnayai.’a !>l!g*im I Progr-m. will la* of, nod lor exh ‘.iii.-n, lu af w ,ia>e at CoB ;ert Hall, in thiaedy. For p.rtLuiar* aee ML* es th da T- MV IdSt WHO WANTS A PIANO ? WE have on* of the moot magnificent Octave Piano* ever se-a in, and wsrrautad for ttir.-e Tears.— It will hr sold *lOl less tlun the val ia Cal! aid aee'it. nov 16—St J. K. WINTER A Cos. Clerk Inferior Court. ** are authorized ui announce E. D. Williams, >s an indepen dent candidate for the Clerkship of the In terior Court, of Bibb County, At the ensuing •lection in January next. nor 1G tde NOTICE. MY w \ft, Mary J. Pieresy, having left my House and pro tection miihffut cny-e <r pr<*vfHßiioii, nil |*erw>n are warned ng-iitirt crediting ker, hf l will iiot p*v h+r c .ntiwcu. 0 • BEaNJAMIN r. PIKKC&Y. Thf Ninth W t.-tern News will copy thre** itud for wgra the hill to thi* office. Nov. 16 St NOTICE. YY T E srr ronatatfly receiving G,da of every description, vt to wnich we tavlte the attention of buyers, ag thty wll! le s-.’a si Auction Prices. BOV 16 MILLEKX WATERMAN. Cotton Ave. COAL tvOR 1 lacksrr irbing pur.. *ea, for sal* at ff*vcn Dollars -T (*7) per t-.n. at Depot, bv nov 1* MILLAR X WATERMAN. Cotton Avenue. PAINTING! subsetil>. r .ruteful for p tst favors iespectfuily !n- X forms his :neii:sijd th puoliethst he hs formed s ptfiTbUtrship with ChrLtopher Burke Isle of New Yoikeity. LOVI ,V BURKE, PBSE.SISJ & DECOiATifE PAISTEBS PAPER lIANUERS, AC, Macon, ■ ■ ■ Georgia. AU orders in Town ocrr.untry punctually atleudrd to. aud all work Nniahed in the latest style* sl,l at nifderate prices. *n>.v 16 awiw 5m KINKY LOVI. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY! FREEMAN & ENGLISH HAVE ou haLdago,d aaaortn .nt of CARRIAGES and Ha on KSa, consisting of all the sty n general:; ket lnaKtpci. ry We a e also manufacturing a neat sty 1 ot Side and Kfcjitic Spriny Buggies, Roth light and heavy which w warrant aa good work aa 1* made anywhere, Alaoa f neral as-omnciit of CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, llAß ucss Hardware, Whips, Leath er, Carriage Varnish und Faint*. It III* i 11* IN4a in ttll brunches done at short notice. ■ ’ll ARLES i* on hand at the Plac‘atiun work and Horae- Shoeing a. usual. R. S. FRwKMAN, bov 16 ts H, T. ANwLISH. NEW & SELECT GOODSr C 1 ALL at oer old stand on Cotton Avenue and look > at our fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER fcPOOXS, FORKS, SILVER PLATED TEA SETS,* CASTORS, and a vrietjr of Fancv -A.rti.cles! Gold and silver Stao ta. les utff. I*.-hide twlatui.— Watelm. Clocks and Jewehrr. repaired in the liest manner. New jeer!- ret>hn-ed as i;o<m! as tlie origin al. Country Watch imkers -mn have their dirtieitlt Jol* doin’ at short notice, as we now have a Work man eompetent to do unyioh offered. PIANO F* >RTRs from tlie Fueurrh s ~f Nunns X Clark, and Hriiigs’ Patent Piano, wiiieh sjK*ak their own merit*. The world can’t cn-el them. Guitars. Violins. Flutes. Ai-cortluuis. liras, instrtiments ~f various kinds, tflieet Mu-ie. Instmctiou Books. Vie tin and Guitar String- of the liet <iu:i!uv. alwavs ou hand. CHEAP FUR f ’.ABH. J. A. X a 8. VIRGIN. Nov. I#. BOSTICK, KEIN & CO., WIXjIj 03? BU MONDAY, NOV. 14th, AT THEIR “HEAD QUARTERS/’ Jkn LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. Silks, Silks, Robes, Robes, Lace Setts, Embroideries, Velvet & Cloth Cloaks, Shawls Shawls* Carpets, Brussels Carpeting 9 Velvet “ 3 Ply & Ingrain “ Etc., Etc. Tlie subscriber* being desirous of reducing their LARGESTOCK OF DRESS GOODS, w ill oiler them from this datx* at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES For Cash, Or to prompt Credit customers on short time. Now is the time to make your se- Kctions, as we pledge ourselves to sell you Cheap (roods and Fresh Goods. tad’ Call and examine the Goods and Prices. BOSTICK, KEIN & CO. nov 12 BACON FOR SALE 7 O.X HhJ.4lenrMdcs.--Ju*’ received at O U act. 2h—U. UAHHEHAfI X URIFFUTB. COMING! GOING!! MORE NEW GOODS. RE< EIV El> thi ilav by Vxprewi % large Invoice of Pllk and Ih-Ulnr Rol-* 4 *, <’!•h anti V>l *et Cloak*, rcul and imitation Late JtcttA, *ial a variety id NovHUri at our “Head-Quarters.” Call and *,e them. BOSTICK, t KIN * CO. nov 4 ECONOMY! LLiraOUMCO., Have just openeiV* large and superior Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS & Umbrellas, Which they are selling very low for cash;: vud they respectfully ask the public to call and iurpect their Stuck. PLANTERS Having to supply their Negroes will tmd i’ to tlie'r interest to buy at the Cadi hoot and Shoe Emporium, Tri uguiar Block n*.at b> 11. I itch X Cos., Mocoa, Ga. Fall & Winter Trade. 1859. 1860. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO., HAVK just received and offer for sale on the most favorable term, the most elegant, extensive and varied stock of Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry. Solid Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Gas Fixtures, Fans, Cut lery, &c.. &c., &c., ever offered in th s market. A call either for pastime or to purchase and care ful comparison of qualities, styles und prices is res pectfully solicited. Mulburfy St, 3d door above Lanier House, Macon. Georgia. K J. JOHNSTON, G. S. OBKAR. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES of DELAWARE. For November, 1859. FRANCE, BROAD BE NT ,j- CO, Manors. f) The LegUUture of Delaware, at it lan! seMtion having granted tu Fmanck, Hbhadbenii & CO., (to the exc'uioii of all ttlier appitooiU.) a Lottery dinner for the encourage* went 4*f luteruai lmprovenient-* in the >tatc, toconiinue tor a fieriod of Twenty > van*, are u*w drawing In * limlngton. lh>, a aerie* of the most splendid echtinei* ever ofTervU to the public, bond* for one mil.ion of dollar* have been given ti the Mate, to secure the fuyment of all prize*. The drawing* lake place in public, and are under the Miperinteu dv-nce 4*r 'oruinia*iouer* appoint* and by the State, to inaure th*tr fnirioK*. Tee Manager*€All tlie attention of the public to the follow ng Splendid Scheme* t* l>e drawn during the present month. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE $70,0 00!! GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF DELAWARE. Class 13. To be drawn in Wilmington, on Saturday. November LO, 59 m m. z m m.c vi xc • 7d Numbers—l 2 lirawn Buliuta. SPLENDID SCHEME. l Pnte *:o.nro is #71.000 1 M.UOO !3(>"0 3 12,730 25.UW •t 3,0 a) Hl.’ 00 8 2 3.0 20 IS iu 3 ?,000 10,10 10 1.230 12.300 257 1,0"0 237,01 K) 63 2(10 13.000 65 l.'O 2.730 63 100 # 300 65 70 4.550 4,810 40 m,6 0 prizes, amounting tu . 11.202.000 IhUiW HatewsfiMk Qswtai M, EigLUm fit Mb A Certificate of Pa-kage of 26 Whales, costs 1029 00 loi. do. 26 Halves |149 30 I>n. do. 96 Quartern, 74 75 I>o. do. 26 Eighths 37 37 Grand Consolidated Lottery of Delaware. ON THE HAVANA FLAN! EXTRA CLASS EIGHT! To be drawn in Wilmington, Del.. Wednesday, Nov. 30,1139 EVERY OTHER TICKET A PRIZE! Prises Payable in Full, without Deduction! In these Lotteries every Prise u Drawn! 1 prize of. 130.000 I p it* of ■.5.000 • prlte of- 12.800 1 prizes of ........ 4 prise* of ........ #.<mn 5 i-rite* of ........ 9£‘o lo prizes of J.OfO 10 prizes of ........ 800 10 prizes cf ......... soil 100 prizes ......... jqo S,oro prizes jp And l?o Approximation prize* ranging from t v up to th 0 3.323 prizes! - • amounting to • • $331.500 While Tickets 410; Halve* $3; Quarter* 32,30. Priirk Paid Immediately after the lirattitD'. tW~ All ordara uddres*edto Fkaxck, BuoAi>neNT A Cos., Mauagvra, WiliiikTia'oit. m>!., will meti with prompt atten tion, and the prnted • ffic a! drawii g.i *ei.t a*oon it* over. K. FKANCK, bKOADBENT A CO. Get 14 lm Managers. WOOD, EDDY & CO.S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE <r 9 Nearly One Prize to every Nine Tieket*. WOOD, EDDY & C O. Managers, SiicceuNve* *<> S. sw AIN &. CO. The Fxtraurdinarv Drawing of Wood. Eddy 4 Co.’s s i gle NLiuinr Lotterie* wilt *ak- plaee iu public, under the uperiutendsnee af Swore Couiu i-ionera, at Augusta, Ua., as follows; Draws on Saturday, Nov. lith , 1851). Draws on Saturday, Nov. 12/A, 1859. 4T 9 Draws on Saturday. Nov. 19 th, 1859. mzz i 9 Draws oh Saturday, Nov. ‘Mth, 1859. 1 Grand Capital Prize of SIOO,OOO. 1 Prize of *3Ooun| ‘0 Prize* of. *2 ro# 1 Prize of. ’O.lkOi 100 Prize* of 1 OUO 5 Prize of. I'.DO I 100 Prizes of 500 1 Pnzesol luoOi )0U t'risoa of. <3O 8 Pr.zeaof SMM i 130 Pr.z.* et SOU APriIiUXIMATION PHIZES, 4 Prizes of 3‘oo Ppprox to dlU0.(k)0 Prize are 32 660 •• .fJOUU 2 100 4 “40““ 30000 “ 1 601 4 “30.1 15 ‘WO *• 1 200 4 “ ) “ 44 10 000 “ 900 to 44 100 *• “ i.UOU “ 2 tires “ 23 are 100 000 3 33il‘rizeaamounting to 3613.0U0 Whole Ticketss-20; Halves 10; (larters ORDINARY DRAWING TO TAKE I'LABE AH ABOVE 1 Grand Prize of $50,000. 1 •• Os , 20,000 1 “ of 10,000 1 “ Os 5,000 1 “ ts 4,000 1•• of 8,000 J ** of 1,500 W •• of wo too 44 of *<Bl 100 •• ts *OO 100 M of 160 U M ts Wo APPROXIMATION PRIZ ES. 4 prises of S4OO approx, to #50,000 prias are $l,OO 4 •• sm *• 20,000 “ are IJN 4 •• 250 lO,OOO •• are 1000 4 •• 228 •• 6,000 •• are *OJ 4 •• 200 “ 4,000 “ art 800 4 150 •• 8,000 “ are <K‘ 4 “ 100 44 5,000 M 20 are 100,000 5,455 Prises amonring to $890,000 Tickets slo—Hfilves s4—t|oarlers 12 50. WOOD, Ell BY X CO.S GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWINGS ON THI THREE NUMBER PLAN. CAPITAL PRIZE W < Takas place on the last Saturday In each Mauth. Whole Tickets S2O, Halves $lO, Qiaaters $5, Fight ht $2,50. Ia OrdeHfic Tickets or Certilcates, Encloee the money to oar address for the Tickets or dered, on receipt es which they will be forwarded by first mall. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any l!sure they may designate. The List of Drawn Numbers and Priaes will be sent U purchasers Immediately after the drawing. FT* Purchasers will please write their signatares plain, and dee their Po-t Office. County and fttate. Rernetnlrer that every priie is drawn and payable in full without deduction. fStr~ All prises ot sl,tgHi and under, paid Immediate ly after the drawing—other priaes at the usual time of thirty days. All communication-! strictly onnfldenttal. order. *..r Tl> kets or Certlleoter, by Mall or Ezprer* to b* directed to WOOD. JCDDY X CO., Augurta Georgia, or, WOOD. EDDY ACO . Atlauu. OeorgU. or, WOOD, EDDY X CO., WUniin gten, Delnws LOTTERIES ! E. C. BULKLEY, AGENT FOR WOOD, EDDY 1 CO.'S Celebrated Let!frits, Mftoon, Oa. • t&r See Advertisement. not 11—w ! mm. Hk)j; imn mrm m. ■ a • E. SAULSBURY TNFORMS hii friends and cuatomeia tliat he baa removed to tbp New and Kl p gnnt Brown Mune BuiM ng Two lioornfrom hi old directly opposite the |*iru-r Housaf, whuie c rfVrjA o u the lavoiat le trrtM, tiie of moM f lioico Mnckoof Ready Made Giothing * to be found lu the city. IheFtock is entirely NEW, C om 1 pTising, in part, black und la* cy rssrinterp Bants; Kin** OvorcciL*, of vnrintip Myl*n* Hell Velvet, Hllk and Mali M*ere V.Htu, Blmi'K and fancy l> std, Kr*tk ami |tujine?s Ctati. il Lm also *i c.tH.plcle hß&..r ment of Men's Furnishing Goods. Sucli as. Hosiery, Patent Shoulder Seam SMrts, Drawers. Gloves. Suspenilers, Cravats, Tier, Coibrs, Robe de Cham , bre, Ac. His Merchant Tailoring Drpart-rent 1 supplied with a i large ar.d superior Vtock of Cloths, Cssri meres Mid Vestings, J and 1* under the direction of a competent Cutter, j Macon, Nov. 2, IMS. ! D[ METHODIST o DEPOSITORY, j Cotton Avenue, DTacon, Ga. Qi CALL FOR u RELIGIOUS ti SCHOOL BOOKS, K; Blank Books, q STATIONERY, MUSIC &C. : nov 5 J. w. bl t uke. Agwit. S. W. COLLINS’ AXES, \\ WEED’S AXES, V TOWNSEND’3 AXES, \ FEN’N’S AXES, \ BRADLEYS AXES. \ l Grlr eSV?^ To Merchants. Owedeslron, n German nd Blister Stec*’. Boonton Nailo,QßorM Shoes, Horre >hoe Nailti, Axc4, Mioveln and spades: Roi>e Trace (’haiua. Curry Comb?, Ar.vila, Vises, Bellows, Ham mers, Store Trucks, Counter Platform Scales, Iron SMfea. Copying PrcHsos. Pocket ami Table Cullen’ for stlc at New Yoi* price#adding freight. NATHAN WEED. HAVANA FLAW, MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS ! BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Ou the Plan of Single \olllbere. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES OF GEORGIA. Authoii/.ed by a Special Act of t lie Legislature, for tha bne | fit of Academies and for other purpose*. HODGES, DAVIS & CO-, Managers, Macon, Oa. CAPITAL PRIZE S7o f ooo. TICKETS ONLY $8 00. Halves. 34 bO-Q'iarters 32 0) Eighth- 31 00. Prizes Buyable in Full, without Deduction Purchasers In huyb g 10 Tickets, when the numbers end in 1 2,3, 4, 3,6, 7,3, s, 0, are guaranteed a prize of 3; j, 00 Clss T Draws Os tuber, 22, 1859. “ 8 “ 29, “ “ 9 “ November, 5, ’59. “ 1 “ “ 12, “ 11 “ “ 19, “ *“l2 “ “ 2, “ 26.220 FRIZES AMOUNTING TO ! f8971,Q00. Will be distriouted according to the following G-Ft-A-NTID fcICIIEM E : To be drawn eveTy Saturday. 1 Prize of 70,(ICO 1 Prize of. 20.000 1 Prize of 1(1.000 | 1 Prize of. 5.000 1 1 r-iize of. (Xri | 1 J*iize <.♦ Ptizeaof. 1.000 i 5 Prizes of. .VW | 10 Prizesof. .toi) : SO Prizes ot ](sj I 100 Prizesof. to j 1M) Prizes ol !5 . 25,000 Prize* of. 5 Approximation Prizes. 4 ol $-W .ppr x.muting to #70,000 arc #1,200 4 of 2U) approximating to 90.W0 aic - c OO 4 of ISO approiiniating to 10.000 4of 100 approximating to s,<mQ 400 4or i*o approximatirg to tUHiO are *4s 4cf approximating to 2.000 are B*jo 12 of o approximating to I.ooft are 7-.0 ot 50 appropriating to AftO are 1 0^)0 40 of .'to xppr ximating to 900 are ),2ou j >4) of 20 approximating to 101 are I.#oq 400 <*f 15 approximating to 50 are 6,00* 400 of 10 approximating to 25 are 4,000 | 26,220 Prlr.Cß, amounting to j Certificates of PackagesoflOWhcle Tickets, 5ft",00 | “ “ “ 10 Half “ 215 so ** ** “ M 87. ** ** “ 10 Eivhth “ ®*bs Thll the risk, and which entitles the holder to all he diaws over #25. ‘Hi** Combiuatlon Lotteries on tbe Three Kumber Plau Are Drawn Every Day. Tickets from $1 to sl6, each. THE EXTRA CLASS On the CITY PLAN by which purchasers can select their own Numbers, amt pay any amount for Tickets, are Drawn every day. In Ordering Tickets or Certificates Enclose the tnonev to our addreM for the tickets ordered, wn receipt of which they wil! be forwarded by ft nt mall. Pur chasers can have ticket* ending in any figure tney may deaig natfli. ‘I be list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to pur cha**rs in mediately after the drawing. All prizes under #I.OOO payable immediately after the drawing. Notice to Correspondent*: Thoae who prefer not sending money by mail, can uim THE EXPRESS CO9IPANIES whereby money 6>r Tickets, in the sum of Eight Dollars aud upwards, con be sent us At Our Risk and Expense, from any citv, or town, where there h an Express Office. The money and order must be encloatd in a Govrrnufut Post (lllite Stamped Km elope, or the Express Companies cannot receive them. All Communications Strictly Confiden tial. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, aad give their Post Office, County and Mate. CinCULARB Containing full explanations our Schemes, Ac., will b forwauled. by muil, to auy one tending ua hU address A l.Nt of the number* that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one Is entitled to, will be published after dtawing iu the American Republic , Macon, Oa., a specimen copyot which will tesent tr* every purchaser. ▲ll orders lor Tickets should be addrtfcsed to HOUGE*, DAVIS A CO.. Maeoo Georgia. ST. CHARLES HOTEL CAIJIO, Illinois. Thi maguitlceat Hotel is now flni hed ami furuiahed tor the recaption of the (ravel line public. RAGSDALE, KIMBER .j* Cos., Proprietors. sept 23 w.ini FALL OF 1859 r ■ IV STaiJ • NOW RECEIVING A Maonijlcmt Stock, and will be sold at Price* tv Defy Competition, at HAIHU’N Notice to Debtorfi and Creditors. ALT. persona indebted to THOMAS P. STUBBS, late of i Bibb County, deceased, are request, and to n ake lnimedi- 1 ate psvmeLt, ana thtwe bavinie claims at at nut his estate to preaentthem fir payuxhL ’n terms of the law. Oct. 7, ®w. WM. LUNDY, Administrator, j Notice to Debtors & Creditors. ALL person* indent’ and to Terry Quinn late of Macon Oo„ deceased, are reques etl to make immediate Payment, and tnose haviua claims st his estate to pres, nt them for payment iu term* of the I aw. CLAMDIA QUINN, Admiui. t utrix, t .al -is NOTICE. APPT.ICATION will be made to the Court ot ordinary of Bibb County on tlie first Monday in D.ceniher next | for leave to sell the real estate of W llllam L.. and Sarah O LeConte, minor Children of William LeOcnte, late of Liber ty County, deceased, said real estate belne in Liberty Coun ty, oMBEPU LkUoNTK, Guardian, oct 6>h—Okl JAMES T. ELLIOTT, Attorney & Counsellor at Law CAMDEN, ARKANSAS, Will attend to all Business entrusted ta kirn in South Xr I him—, dec. 10,1338—1 y 2(34 ACRES. U7E have one place left, well improved, contain ing 264 acres, about one hundred of it woodland, which wc will sell low and divide to suit purchasers. Apply to ( has. Campbell k Son, or the subscribers. J. X. KING, Nov. 9, ISM.—tj THUS. N. KING. ROBINSON & LAKE’S Southern Menagerie V 1 RC t r S. C VRD. : 'lr Jolill Uobilisoli, foiiticrlr of tfc firm of iloitiNsoN & Eldued, now senior of flic firm of Robinson & Lake, is |>loase<l to announce timt in n few days his extensive, and c.oiiiiilt telv or"iinizl Troupe, will vfcit Macon, and would beg the public to recall that his exhibitions have ever been regarded ms entirely satisfactory. There lias been but one verdict in the South, and that lias been that Robinson & Eldred, when connected in business, always gave tbe best show of any company travelling. Mr. It. now pledges himself that his present Company is equal, aye, superior to any of his previous combi nations, and trusts the public will discrimi nate between his Troupe and the n amorous trifling little humbugs that steal the thunder ofdreat Exhibitions, and swindle the com munities through which they pass. His com pany will visit during its present tour, the whole country, from Mason ik Dixon’s line to the Florida-, ami from the Land of Flow ers to the base of the llocky Mountains, o that his old patrons will all have an oppor tunity to witness the entertainments of a Genuine Menagerie and Circus ; and are po litely requested to let the little humbugs pass by, and wait for the Rig Show. Posters and large Pictorial Rills will announce the exact time of the arrival of the Company. a LSKES great i>llsL fntCIS & MEWGERIE. ***” Superb Firmament Pavilion. ‘A ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTT MEN V b-NPV AND HORSES. Splendid and immensely liberal mBBcX design for the amusement and in \> /Vjajfcy struction of the people, in the wou | durful combination of these M \ tp TWO GREAT FAMILIES. Aided liy a great nnmlter of Lady and Gentlemen Professionals, cho sen from the Highest Role or Artistic Excellence. PROPRIETORS, ROBINSON & LAKE. MANAGER, COL. TANARUS, U. TIOMARSH. SAOVERTO. AGENT, H. RUGGLES, ESQ. Five Lady Riders and Danseuses. — Three No. 1 Vloums.—Complete Troupe of Talented Equestrians. — Grand Operatic Brass and String Orchestra. —Magnificent Collection of Rare Living Animals.—Splendid Ponies, and Educated Mules, Mp’ With a distinct Troupe of exqui nitely trained Juveniles, fur the production of Ballet, Pantomime, Comedy and Farce, to be substi —SjW.j tuted during the season for the old, V wornout aud wearisome after- TIIE LADIES. MADAME ROBINSON, so re nowned everywhere, will lead as usual, in her delightful science of Lady Equestrianism, exhibiting upon her beautiful and high met tled horses, the graceful yet con troling power which all ladies T T may, with instruction and prac w- l tlce, obtain over this nohlo ani- V- m!l * ’ an< ’ t *‘° ‘‘'S* l P o * n t of excel lenco and skill which may bo i/S, achieved in this invigorating aud agreeable exercise. MILE. ALICE, y Lp) Tho very incarnation of Beauty, £ 8 Grace, daring, dashing effect, style snd fiscinatiou. To attempt any thing like a description of this wonderfully brilliant Equestri enne, within tite limits of a sen tence in a newspaper advertise ment, would be absurd. We must refer tlie public to tho Press of tho United States and Europe. No tices will be found copied from the -afisjank leading Journals, in caclt iiper in iiSfc'A ‘.ypK which this advertisement appears. W Nf Differing entirely in stylo from pe.2 G&ifX all others, this Child of Genius L Viiloa with tlie moat perfect aban- O’-, Alim and fearlessness, iter magnifi w c, /” cent form assuming naturally the fv. gj j most graceful and classic positions, ft djff&fff her face lit up with a sweet smile ‘nie ¥ c ’ st of modest confidence, and iter fine 1 fd oye sparkling with genius nd LWT-f 3 pride of lier daily successes. Her Tn lmrso knows his mistress, seems to enter with all tho spirit of his generous nature into “* f,t in> general excitement which her immense achievements universally create. As they dash around the ■raSSFqjJsM®* arenn there is a splendid harmony oV daring stylo and grace, anil jfii deafening cheers'proclaim another -rfis- triumph won. mgkn \ LA FAiRIE KATE. \ From tho Principal Theaters, Bj#and Pike’s Grand Oi>era House, fef Cincinnati. “A gem fit for an imperial diadem. 44 jw'.'Vv So accomplished and fascinating B is this pretty Young American e .. ■— Denseuse, that sho lias been com -3 . . A pletely idolized by the elite of o ---k JyvJ Lyl i ciety, aud styled in compliment A TXjtt:- l\ th° “ Terpaichorean Divinity,” It (U/n ,j iboJ may be truly said that “Graco it ill her step,’’ and tlie most esteem •rot ‘■'* >uast rs have pronounced licr dancing faultless. Bold und vig | I_J| A— orous in execution, tliough sym t iw j-'t-'F C i nietrically petite in size, her form, stylo and self are the very “Poetry motion. 1 ’ Artistically correct ‘UblI yVU/ in every movement, yet with a t I t_f natural freedom of air mid effect <J-2l which bespeak genius and self re i , liance. A combination of art und talent is observed which make her Cf Erst the cynosure of every eye, ar.d the (ts >d°l *>f the audience. She will up fjjpCl' \ l>car iu all the role of tlie latest itallet, and in conjunction w ith fnLfCB J and lie. Alico in several splendid Rrif double dances. X MLLE. AGNES, . fy* /1 fbo charming magic wire figu- V* whose astonisliing perform • • ances have of late created so in • • tense a furore, will appear upon ff i lier mysterious Invisible Wire, in her chiLste, beautiful repreaenta- AA tion of “ Tho Graces.” This de- OKN a lightfu! Parlor Entertainment has X\ bet-n received in all the cities of the Union and Europe with that Ia 4 lasting delight which so graceful a AJb %. Poses could not fail to command, fff 1 TF 4 -^^*and Mile. Agnes is the recipient ’ of a thousand gems of well-merited ct * complinient from the cities, towns JP L and liamlets in which she baa bad ft ‘ ’JO tbe honor to appear. • R GUAM) ENTRANCE f Into tho Pen of Wild Beasts, and M Terrific encounter w ith a ferocious, f k untamed lion, by tlie lovely, fasci fiE 9 uating, graceful yet daring *) ‘ EUGENIE DE LORME, B 1 ‘ S2 lato from the Theater Erancais, 2/ Paris, and Theater Royal, St. *,i JR Petersburg. This thrilling and pV, //ft intensely interesting Performance gr* tf. /o— is also one of classic effect and hia - j, torical reminiscence, being in tended to represent one of those terrible scenes in Ancient History, when tlie Itoman Em|ieror Nero, yllfo has tho Christian ladies cast in fitxj among the Monsters of the Forest. Mdlle. Eugenie's enactment of tlie , ‘Sfe. tragedy is superb, and her control ’ over the animals so complete, as to enalde lier to go through with the great Act in perfect security. GRAND LEGATION FROM THE ~mm . court of momus. F jbK-’ .jl f BILL LAKE, the Southern Clown. SAM. LONG, the Universal Jester ESS* ‘CnN* and singing 44 Jlotley.” A d ARCHY CAMPBELL, the Rural 1 Mm/ Joker and “Farmer’s Almanac \g&Kjj WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ~ jC'er Tho great Russian Elk, 17 feet iPkmL high, captured in the wilds of Siberia, trained and tamed by Mr. John Koliinson, tho only one ever v * I THE HORNED HORSE. Supposed to be tho last of his The perplexity of Naturalists. THE WONDER OF THE AGE. Lions,Tiiers, Monkey*, Birds, Ostriches, ete. MASTER JAMES ROBINSON, f The principal Equestrian of the l ygk... world, just returned from his mighty triumph abroad, will ex thow’ daring feats upon his barebacked horse, which have so \ astounded the world, aud placed * iiirii upon the pedestal of equestrian ‘ ‘ MR. JOHN ROBINSON fcfdU f/.. xviH, at each eutertninment, per- JjlMff Ik f orm hi* handsome, highly-trained f* intelligent, and Wantifnlly-spotted I Arabian horse Abdallah, and also JFF jH9I r j,i e his great four horse Demon MR. WM. ODELL, the great A ? Dramatic Equestrian, Double Sum -7? ersetter, and lotaper. i X MASTER JOHN ROBINSON, L 1 second as an Equestrian to none in 11 V ,i, e world, save Master JAMES, Masters Du Crow, Angelo, Jen Wa J'A i her of others of etpial merit, make cn U p tho list of this Mammoth Equee- IfltFL/ A As the Price of admission is only , Le (Sv that charged for aCircus alone, the C 7 whole of the animals may be em- Dhatically conoidered, and are, a ± M FREE EXHIBITION to all pur- BM.. Chasing a Ticket tr. the entertain unlit at ROBINSON A LAKE’S AU UNDER ONI MAIIIIOTH TINT. fur Particulars set Pictorial am other Bills. NEW CASH CLOTHING STORE, AT SACLSBI P.VS OLD STAND, Opposite the Lanier Tlonsc. J . STRAHAN ]*3S Ofeil**i 9t Uii‘ fljUMl. r. nr*“ nil tciitTnl as v> f. Ml m f .si-;-.,hM,. K%:%lv Matte mvz b au a ‘ a ■ eb sl e. * Comprising*!! the Inti s’ styles > ow worn, which I flnilnive I lifaetnreiluie'er Ills own sep, r> bi.-n e*pre-s'v tor tills market. | Together with a large anil well > electeo .tic* of Gents’ Furnishing Goods, i Gnnaialiog if shuts, I’inli r Moris un.l Draw. rs. i bars. J sock*, G lows, sticks, Nt*c lit - , :uui chiet*. anil alt of which will he soli! at very low i rices FOR CASH. l'lirclia-ers are isut'cnla'iy requested i- tail ami examine before ili-y purchase, ireivhere. NewGm date tel ved weekly, per, from New *°r*. Macon. Oct. —3m .o 1 KAHAW. WATCH WORK. U T Eare pro] sued t.. have promptly anti well ‘lone r * at short notice unU fc • 1,*.l \v lK t>- j I’ Ki li for one year. F. J. J(*IINS l'l >N ,i t <*. I Vbblt’ Spc‘t;tiu*l< ‘S, IN Gold and Steel frames, Gold, Silver, Steel and . Common Specks. I A splendid assortment just received, Bv K. J. JOHNSTON & CO. I Great Sale ’ OF /\ ry* WEST END. .JUST OUTSIDE OP THE CORPORATE LIGHTS OF THE CITY OF MACON. It MILES WEST OF THE COURT HOUSE OX THE COLUMBUS ROAD! ONLY A Pew Hods from Tatnall Square! ON HIGH GROUND! AND IN Full view of Vineville. OUTSIDE OF TAXATION, FI!EE FROM MUSKETOES! AND THE MOST Desirable Building Lots Within Miles of our GROWING CITY! THESE Lots are laid out with Special Reference to those avlio want plenty of 811 bow Room, being from 1 ii(> ly 300 to 250 by 500 feet, and all fronting on Columbus Street. To those who contemplate locating in the vieinity of our beau tiful and healthy city, this is an op portunity seldom offered, as our city has a decided LEi\ 8 X U in this direction, and purchasers can Ret Choice Lots at their on prices, and on a CREDIT, AT THAT! I will sell the above twenty-one Lots, on the ground, AT AICTIOVI Without reserve at 11 o’clock., A. M. Saturday, November, 26th. One third Cash; balance, one and two years Credit. MOWEI'S?’ LoanaHo those Who buy Lots, and wish To Build. A Free Liue of Omnibuses will run from the City to WEST END, On the Day of sale. 4®“ For further information, ap ply to G. li. Roberts, OR AT MY AUCTION ROOM, When Slaps will he shown and all necessary information given. AMOS BENTON, Auct’r. I expect to sell, at the same time and place, a Lot of Likely Negroes FOR CASH. Nov. 12, 1859.—tds. PAINT, Wall, Cluster, Bruihea. Ac. Ac. Fmafeby sept so ZHILIN A HUNT. EVERY DAY. Brings Something New. NEW WATCHES, NEW JEWELRY, | New Fancy Articles, &c., AT THE tmr hj-c: m-ssu *>’ sejc mjz Opposite Lanier House, IND NEXT IK N tit TANARUS( * Mr. McEvoy’s Glass & Crockery Store. mHK subscribers would lake this method of m- I forming the citizens of Mae on and vieinity that ] i they have newly opened a splendid assortment of I : new and desirable goods. in the way of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Paled Ware. FANCY ARTICLES, &C., &C., I At the alsive place. Without taking up time,(for time, is money) to enumerate the artieles. will say that we have a genteel assortment of every thing listi- I ally kept in First Class Jewelry Stores, and overv dnv almost receivingnewadditiona of new j goods. Come and see them, nothing eh urged for showing goo.G. Imt take pleasure in doing so. We have decided on doing a Ca&h Business, which im trust will enable us to make Quick Sales and Small Profits. j Without saying any thing farther (which no doulit to j do would be useless) wo will invite you, with your ! l friends to call at the NEW STORE, and there find thingsas here stated: good and cheap, every article warranted to Drove as represented, if not the money w ill lie refunded without a murmur, j We would particularly invite the ladies attention to our assortment of Fancy Hair-Pins &. Head-Dresses. { Also tiie new and elegant patterns of Hair Jewelry. which will be made to order at shop notice, and at ! much less prices than lieretofore. Look Well to Your Time. Watches cleaned and repaired in the best manner. I warranted to give satisfaction, and nt reasonable pri , ees. Mr. Skin being a practical WATCH-MAKER, will personally attend to therepuirbig of tine Watch- j es. Clock and Jewelry, repaired by an experienced workman. < till Gold and Silver taken in exchange fur goods or I CASH will t>e paid for old Silver, i I*. S.—We have a fine 18 carat Gold Hunting cased Watches w hich can lie sold for Forty Dollars, and ! warranted good time keepers. V. W. SKIFF A ('<>., j Opposite Lanier House, Macon, Ga. I nov. 9.1859—t5. £/) • C'itv papers copy. CROCKERY, Coal OH and Fluid L^mps. W p. MSEVoy^i HOME AG AIN. I have ju.t Returned from Europe where I fought Tlio Xifirgct& Finest Stock of FANCY, GILT & WHITE CHINA ever in this market. Also a !ar*:e stock of com in ox and WHITE GRANITE WARE, Os the best t'at'em. dial come; to this cmin'ry. I would call the attention of Merchants, to niv samples now on hand, which lain sure are preferable to anything in this section.— I 1 hv ve a good ftocka-.ow on hand cf Waiters In setts, Coni Oil Lamps, Castors, Flu id Lamps, Goblets, Tumblers, CHINA TEA SETTS, &.C., CHEAP. I have a fthe In- of COAL <TL Xo. 1. to he here in a few dava All of the above goods are offered cheap to make room j fur stock coming iu. [pine 23] R. I’. M.EYUY. ’ cun m, iushs. it rpilß undersigned are agents fur the sale of Reese's I Manipulated Guano, are now prejrared to simply j planters in any quantities sit the same cost as if or- j tiered hy themselves. Are also agents for the sale of Mope's’ Nitrogeuized Super Phosphate of Lime. — j Will also have a large supply of the genuine I’eruvi- ‘ an Guano, all of which will be sold as low ms parties ■ can lav it down in this market AYERS. WINGFIELD, & CO. Not. 8. [COPY.] Montkziha, Oct., 24th. 1859. Messrs. Ai/rrs. Wingfield <• Cos : Dear Sir. —Yours of the Kltli inst., haslreen received its contents noted, 4c. In reply to your enquiry in 1 regard to the Manipulated Guano as a fertilizer—] am well pleased so far as I have tested its use. I np- j plied alotit 100 lbs. per acre on land that was la liy | worn, and not of the IhM when fresh. The product of the field where the Guano was applied is over 800 , lbs. of seed cotton ]>er acre. The same kind of land ! without the Guano produced about 400 lbs. per acre. ] Mv mode of applying the Guano, was by ih p isitiug it in the drill lie fore bedding up the land. I iiave not triedits use on corn, but have no doubt Imt it will succeed well. I shall use it pretty extensively on my next crop. Yours Respectfully. [Signed] KEUBfcN WRIGHT. Bthohville, Oct. 20th, 1559. Messrs. Alien Wingfield a- CO.. 31" eon. Dftvn Sir.: —The Manipulated (t nano bought of you Inst Spring (Re.-sc's, I thirl,• it was.) Inpprove of very | much. At this time, as , o crop is not gathered in j I cannot say what per e*. nt. it will pay. though the ‘ use of it on poor land pays a considerable per cent, j 1 shall continue the of it. Kespeetftillv rottrs. [Signed] ‘ ‘ W. H. BTROM. Nov- Q.-ts. j SANFORD’S LIVER XNVIGORATOR, N VER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entlrelv fmtuflmw*, and has become an : eataMisiivil fact, a Standout Medicine, known and approv ky all that lave used it,( (and istmwr nrtcdto with c<> n tide nee In all the dis [ • sfcr vlidi :t a recont- j mended. t fIC i It has cured thousand.-! r's .'witliin the last two 5-ears who mail givenr.tizUhiipi-( , ;ofrelief, as ti.c nnruerour in,-. I .ml eeititiiates ii ; j > po--e.-.-’ -how. The do- - nrut he a- apt ( ;ed to tin: teiufK-ratnen* Os the individual taking i'.j ;.c and used it: such quantities as to act gently i the how j * :eh. Ist the delates of y uif O Oudgmentguiiie yen in the us of the LI V EH IV( r -w tVIGOKATOH. anil it j will eure Liver Cohw nlsln•. If! inns At luclis, ll>’|ielola.j w jChriutie ItiHrih'ica, -tmiiner Complaints,] jllvseiitcry. Dropsy, s„,tr wtuntacli; JK] ;iml IMivencw, Chol ic. < hotel 11, Cholera; mmm ;>lorbus. 111.,.era In fa ntn m. Flatulence,; ;Jauadicc, Female UeakitCMM-s. ai 4 maW ;ue used sate -fuliv as an Oriliiitiry Family; OS MeJlriur. It at! cure s| i K HEAD \CHF.( ;(atli,„..;uidsean testify.) in twenty inimu*. i*> ■._ -two t,r three s, iMiiifulls arc tUri , -a. c,.mmencctncut of at tack. I “T ; All who use it an! ““ • -iv lug their testimony ii. its lavur. J ) MIX WAT PR IN TIIK MOUTH WITH TIIE INVIcOKATOH, AND e>WALLOW HoTII TO -.. „ , Price One Dollar |wr AJLfcO SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, OOMPOFNDIiD FROM Pure Vegetable fcixlrarts. and pit; tin in <;L\S!s C \-fc>, Air I'Llit. and will kcepin any tdimale. The Family Cnibard _■ ic I*lll i- > ger.tii ‘,nt.,c live (tat hart c which tliej IpioprleCr has ustdiuhi.- praetice mure than twenty; Ives Tie constantly Increis ; ,ta g il-tnand troni those aim liave ling use I the; li*lLl> and the Mon which all express Itq tregou to their use. h„- In- ; di.erd n,e to place thmi; ’■ w.tnui Uie resell of all.. The pi,.f,-son well know; til. at differeCl Ctuhartii* act on differe, t portioltsdfl W tihe bowels. The FAMILY CA-; :TH\hTIC FILL has. with doe refeii nee to this! t well t stablished fact, been compounded from a vai e-, f ;ty id the purest Yetetahle h-straets, which act alike! (on eveiy tart of lias uli roentaiy canal, and are! ;gond and safe in a icase.- whereaGathsrtie site-! ted such as Ilcraiigr tnonts < fthe tstoinsch,; —— twlcctdiicss, Fains in th * Hack nod Loins,! E£ ;Gisllienas, Fain and soreness over ;wh"le body, from sud den cod. which frequent- ;ly. if neglected, end in a long course ot Fever, loss; —ye ; „f Apix-lile, n Crcc|t ina hensation (if I'oldJ “■ (over the body. Host- j lessness Headache, oii ;wci hi in the Head, nil lu!lummatory Dtsean-J ■ ics. W ortltn in fAiildmi or Ad’tils, Klietiina-; (lisitt.agrea! Foriltcr ot llielllond and many dl--J .eases to which fit -h is hetr. tdo mimt-roiis to meiitun Ci .in this advertUement.— Dose, 1 to 3. ‘ * PRICE 30 CENTS. The Liver Invigorator and Family Cathartic Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold wholesale hy the ; trade in all the large towns. S. T. TY. SAN'DFORn. Manufacturer end Proprietor. 335 Broadwaf, JJ. Y. , Rrtailed hvnll Dniggi-t. Sold also hv ZEILIN A HUN OKO. PAYNE, and MLNARUt CASTLEN. Macon. june 17.— NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS. iCaiments—ot.e thousand do, lirs ,tthe,n’crr-tf,er snnvo, , The lave stmt nt wilt he sate and deslndde. ahuu dant and payments promptly met in Itonk or otnerwise. F. this office. | 5() DKIM> A T N A CO. ,XT mawhl cotum Ayer.n j Family Flour. e AA iA LBB. Knoxville City Mills Family Floor. 15 ij.UUU Bbls. Hiram S nltli Flour, received audio K J by [may Q] UEEEi FREEMAN’ j 1 GO Copies of “BEULAH ” Just received at n „ HO UIDM A A’SS. GETTING READY FOR CHRISTMAS. U, T F. an* ju t opening one of the must varied anil really sph-udid soclui tinns <d’ Fane) Goods ever offered in'Macon, consisting in part of: PE VRL AND SH ELL CARD ( ABEB, JEWEL BOXES. FORT MONIES. ’ VELVET. ( 1 I'Tir. 11l CK. KID \M> LEATHER PURSER, HAIR PINS. .) EWEL C tSK KTS k STANDS, OD< )R STANDS, INK Do.. SEGAR Do.. • FANCY V.WES. \Y\TCH STANDS, FANS, and many other articles too numerous to mention, which will lie sold :■ mm* ■ rc than they can lx- bought anywhere else, and notnis take. Call and sec them at JUIIN C. SCHREINER k SONS. At,- Telegraph copy. DR. B F. GRIGGS TWIENDERS bln services lip Cit ron# of Ma 1. con and vicinity. OKKIUKoi* IMumb Street, Oppoi-ite the D#pot, ncarthe Krwn House, when 1 he cah be found nt aii hours ot the Cay and nov 4 3m New Books! New Books! A,t BOARDMAN’S! \I"ISS SLIMMEVS WINDOW ; Sylvia’s World, oi I*l Crimes which the Law doesnot reach. nn-.*r and Tea; new Cook Book ; Kuittirur Work, t*v SJrs. The Students Hi me. The Student* Gibbon. LiddeiJ's History of Rome. Life in Amerita, l*y McKay.— i Up and down the ivnwaudi. Idyls of the King, ty Tennyson, i Napoleonic Ideas. Curiosities of Natural Histerv. Henry I St. John, Gentlemen. The Tin Trumpet. While it was | Morning. Almost, a Heroine. The. Glory of the House of ! 11. Farties ami their l*ijnciples. More of “Adam lledc Meinotmof Einpreat Catherine the Second ; Men, Women and Hooks; Thorne, Debit A Credit: L’Aniaur, by Mitchell; Mcuiohs of Vidocq; The Pillar of Fire, Ac., Ac. Also a host of New ,U \ F.MLE WORKS. liOV i COAL! COAL!! COAL !!! rfXilK MtlMcrinrrs hnvi- m liuiul atmut One Hundred ( ID**) I Tm.s of IVnnc-itc (.'ml, which tl ry will tell to close out Eiciit ifS) Dollars per l oust thpl„tKit. MII.I.EK .v WATERMAN, nov ssw ts Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. Gold Pens Warranted IN <liltd. Silver and Wood holders. An elegant as sorttneiit just otx-ud and for sale hv E .1. .InIINSON k CO. ] N >v. 5,1859—ts fce,. ■ Telegraph and Journal A Messenger copy. WOOD, HDDY iA CO.'S CELEBRATED LOTTERIES DRAW DAILY IN AUGUSTA, GA., • E. €. MJJLKLY, Agent, No. J, Granite Aliev, under Granite Hall, nov ssw o]>'-fOßite Lanier House, Macon, Ga. HOOKS, HOOKS, HOOKS, juri.k*! r/rif.Es: 7ijnr.Es: 17/i/es: 1 Pocket Biblefl, Family I'.ibles, 1 Instratcd Plt.lex Trivtt 151 blcs, iu Cidifcs ; Otbki with Clasps, and Bible- with out Clasp-, all soits i>t 1 tihies! ST t THIS Ell Y! ST A Ttoy El Y! St A TWEE'S y: PAPER! PKVS! I‘ 7.YA7 PAPER'. PEES! PESi I/.S! JXK! PJcPEtt: PEES! PEECILS! JEKI HI. A EE BOOKS! HI. A EK HOOKS! HI.A EK books: LEDGERS! .WEREA IS! < ASH BOOK'’! I.EIKiKRS! JOVREALS! (’ASH BOOKS / LEI Hi EES! JO CUE A IS! CASH HOOKS’. REi OR1) books: memobaedems: RKEOlllt BOOKS! HEM OR A X P E MS! RECORD BOOKS! MEMOBAEDEMS! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! ALBUMS! A LB E MS! A /.BE MS! ALBUMS! A I.BUMS! A 1.111 MS! A /.HUMS! A /.HUMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS! STEREOSCOPES! \ STEREOSCOPES! ■ _ STEREOSCOPES! Views of London, Paris. England, Scot'aud, Ireland, Group*, Statuary, Landscaper, Buildings, Ac. ; Splendid Assortment of Gift Books! Splendid Assortment ot Gift Books! Splendid Assortm<nt of Gifi Booksl All tiie Standard l',n ts in the richest Binding, Scott's, Cooper's and'.N .vile, in half Calf ami iu Muslin. Boseicood Writing Desks! Rosewood Writing Ihsks! Rosewood Writinj Disks! Mahogany Writing Desks! Mahogany Writing Desks! Mahogany Writing Desks! Morocco Writing Desks! Morocco Writing Desks! Morocco Writing Desks! Visiting Gnrds! Dlaying Cards! Visiting (Cards! Rtaying Cards! Visiting (fids! Playing Cards! Paintings! Engravings! (hi Paints! Crayons! Paintings! Engravings! (Jit Paints! (’t ayons! Paintings! Engravings! (lit Paints! Crayons! Webster's Pictorial Dictionary! Webster's Pictorial Dictionary! Webster's Pictorial Dictionary! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! AT BO AILUM; A3XT ’S, AT 30 ARUJVIAKr ”S. AT UOAFII3IVIA2V ’B, 1!5(.5/< inylon Block. Wash inylon Block. Was/ /nylon Block. nov D MIEMMfIW WOULD Inform friends and the public geneiallv, VT that they have uuw iu fti rr, and sic con.tjnily re ceiving, their FALL AHD WINTER STOCK, Os choice and select GROCERIES, | To which they would mostrespec fully invite the attention of oue and all. Planters and Merchants Will find it fcreatlr to thc?r intc rert to call and examr and our stock U fore *B|r else where. We are determine j to sell, profit or no j r fit. Quick Kile* and small margins, i* I our motto. Our stock ooujunU in pait oi 50 Bales Guiiny Ciotli. 150 Coils Hope. 1000 Pounds Baling 1 wine, j 2 a Bags Codec—Ja nu, Port PJco, Rio and Laxutra. 10 Cheats Black ar,(! Green lea. 150 Barrels ABAC Sugar. %> “ Crushed :n1 Pu wUered Sugar. 5 Boxes Loaf Mi^ar. 10 Hotheads Fine P3rt Rico, ■ 00 >acks Liverpool Salt. 1"0 Sacks Alum Sa t. 2*o Boxes Candle* 10 “ ** 10) BoxeaNo. lScap. 2o “ Family Toilet Soap. 75 “ A--"rted aid Fancy Candy. 10) Boxes Starch. ,o.j JxisSiurt. so noit, Haif and Quarter Kegs oi Powder. 20 Cans L'uck-shoi ting Powder, i !i0 Bags Shot. 103.U0U Cigars, vat'ous brands, l&tj Boxes Tohaccc. : 20 Cases Magnolia and Mount Vernon Tobacco. ’ SO Bate* Osnahaggx and Strip**, t 5 case* Homespun, Pleached, i 10 BalesOeorgtaKemey. ! 10 Aorthera “ ! !5 “ Blankets.ill rices ft I Baskets Piper’* Hcidsick wine. 2j •• La Pole ‘Vine. *5 “ Prince imperial Mine. 50 Cases Cabinet 3 fine. 75 CascsOingcran 1 blackberry Wme and Biahdy. lO) Barrels Rye an 1 Corn Whiskey. 10 “ Extra old & .'urbon. 75 “ Gin Rum in 1 Brandy. 10 Casks Madeira, Pert and Sweet Win*. 10 Cases London Lock Gin. 15 •• Boker, ar and Stoughton Bitters. •2i *• Lemon hymp. 20 Casks Ale and Pm ter. 10 Boxes Ginger brei erves, Prunes and Fig*. >0 *• Assorted Pi tkles. *0 “ Snper Garb. Soda. 50 Barrels and Boxes boda and Bntter Cracker*, !5 Boxes Herrings. 5 Sacks Ashton’s’ fable Suit. 5 Cases Ashton’s Table Salt. 12 Doz. Well Hue sets. ■ 15 Dor.. Bine Buckets. 15 Nests of Tube. 60 1)0*. Georgia I ion buckets. 20 Boxes Levcritl Axes. 24,000 Pounds White Lead and Zinc. 10 Barrels Linseed O 110 lO “ Tanners and Machine Oil. a *■ Castor oil. 2 Carks l.insei and Oil. 1 ••• pure sperm oil. I 5 Barrels Lemon syiup. - .. Rose Cordial. * Peppermint Cordial. | so Pounds sewing Thread. | 50 D*zen English ITckles. 10 “ Wi.rcestershire 2<) HbiK Clear liacoa -iues. 10 Casks Haius, 21) Kits Shad. ! 20 “ Mni kercl. j 20 “ White Fisll. 10 “ $1 Salmon. | 20 Cases Plantation Whisky. 2) * Pine Aeide Brandy. 5 Barrels CUT LOAF mi**. a “ S. Shell Almonds. -t “ Pec oi Nuts. •‘J “ BnzilN'nts. 25 Boxes. And, ru n’s Solace Tobacco. , Whole Half and Quarter Bairels Mackerel. 2o Firkins Prune fre h BnUer. 10 Bard, j 1 l)o. Corn Shellers. 1 10 •’ Brooms, j io f'ases Common Matches. 0 Gross German ID Cases New Cider. | f0 B Blacking. 10 Cnee* Cotton Cara*. 10 D, /.. Yeast Powd* rs. Hint* r„nnds Ground Paints in OH, ofall color* nov i c R o C K ER ir WAR B