The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, December 02, 1859, Image 3

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“ ECCE LEO REX ” At Mncon rot o\i: dai rOK OAK DAI OUV! for o\i: uiv ox.vt IIOMMV. Di:( RHREB lath. iioMiu. OIM’IKI i: mil,. <ioM)A\. DE€i:nßi:u iia. VAN AMB'JF.G'S TRAILED ANIMALS ? lu rwyMt.-ti.Hh villi ■ full aihl ‘<-ui|>l<- CIRCUS COMPANY or AVER!'*AX AND EUROPEAN STARK. nw. .rfwn t I aV* ( •'< Kwh. P M. 9 mJi, (AUil'K A Servants 25 ep*. NOTICE. \LL those cJn • w it,# sh ctv ,* Vac-or. w II i ,f.sel.l lie eu-'.e fr inllMl t,v tl r lire JL. •.* Fil ‘d A KD CURD. Tim gives FOE CASE Zeilin &c. Hunt, are now r. ceiling a \n y Urg. auortmeat .f lIRUv (IIKIICILS. IVSTKI UK SIS, PtKlT ■erj. lUh tb'cA tky sreirJlln# for nfc at etrrn*e’y low ar-efafa Wholesaling Px chi si cel y for Cash, j and upon no i thrr term*. I>r Flystcar* and Medicine TVrieri grnerxllT will tial It (intly w their tlvuliiit tu the r Bit., lev CASH DRUG STORE. sept * WANTED ! mto Negro Mm to w..r BtKut our I'vfocy. pU* [ brr, Ac. Two to cut I'urd W..J, Two wua.en to look. W**n soil In*. Kkquiß of MacuO. So*. —lm TANARUS, A G. WOOD. CROCKERY, Coal Oil and Fluid Lamps, W r. P. M^EVov^l MACON, CA, HOME AGAIN. 1 hotr jo t Returned from Europe wlrrc 1 liM Tlio linrgoGt <*• Finest (Mock <4 FANCY, GILT & WHITE CHINA mrl(ilii<Ait. Al*h’(ralwkrcmai>u4 WHITE GRANITE WAFE. Os the Ini huttnx that come. to th's onr’r/. 1 weald all the nth nttow t l Merchant*, lu nr tm: Ire new on hand. which 1 Bin wn am i-nferaltfe to w)Uu( in thi wcllut U.n>nwtddark bob- ua hac.i of Waller* In wit*, ( t*l Oil l*ni|M, I Bator*. Fin 14 I *lll l*, l.ullri. TuinMrr*. CHINA TEA SETTS. AC., CHEAP. I ham a Ifn* lot of COAL OIL K*. I. to be here in a few lift All of lholwp>4>ao --ffelrd ch* a|< lu mot* too. for slock cussing to. [jcceSJ R. r. McKVOY. Butt’s Map of Georgia. 12” A f.-w Copies of this new and elegant , Map of Georgia for Sale, at this < Mfice, CHEAP FOR CASH! Orders Respectfully Solicited Xov. 9. —ts. FOR SALE ISOOSEK.tfca-h -it Hhd) Übohi, aj Hunvls L*rd SO IWrr*U Vic* gar. • 2d ih'ikt biteiA, t! I. SliivrlflDd>>l tOi and I. UtKarU, t •! I. i AC*. ’ imill, Iff. BBAMMT and nil hi her OILS. For ealebx i~pt W) U!U.I A HI TT. BOLTING CLOTH. Wit PIECES of the eel* heated Dutch Aarbar Bland* a l)U bulimy Cloth,for mle al N.a torn*, I y j atilt—M. j. n. * a a. Ross. NEW BOOKS AND MUSIC. >'OL T. New Atwfiun a, hut • >pur|f<Va .VflbxAf. etr*u* AKkfet by \ir|l n, xprairt ALialAofiLf tauAUt I slpit. “A i uawei L'uphgnU. *U lacVa kei AwryMv, ItftjU Gurnic 9it ne, Uit by T. *. Arthur. Pr Ug *r> of i.y*e, “In u lub to ItevliiM.” ■ M.rS NlUtLfb't H Ua 1 >f her Talc*. “BisJ Hian*l,~ac*. itmi Ik. t. -kki.Lafreeh Ml'F ). Ait,n. IV<le, a h**. “Lae*.” I e MKkeist, la nr lu.atin*.-, IJM of the lie, IL,’ a alary nfi W. mtk't Life. Lili aa* Irate.* Rea HUM. far web, JJ A- P Kit’d A RDf*. e llilljn,.*’ biMoUfi “tscilit i* over all clner veai.r*,’ out e 4a lAe M eew,; nue t| J. J. A A. P. DR. A. P. COLLINS AA’ ILL wii .a promptly i-.all cuu kuthkei at LelMßca I’ uni Ifaiie) t hi.'.i'l SUfle, we aI be ‘t* del fa'* Charlt* I‘o'tin*. uctlis*—U Cl >M E;r NAKlESofal! hi a.Hal Whole**.* If t* ; L-ui by C. It. mthkAh A CD march 11 —It L'ml* Amu. WATCH WOF.K. U’E ore |>c-|j|vl t. late |H<xii|>rii ami ee l • (.lit HANNAH TLn lur nee.- year. L J. JnII.V'TMX 1 <V. TE U HEBfi A l.s: Tl itlKv Ilf anv>ttpiul<r4 aad cawnetmt, ■ y iraeliuuM btkhitf. or kwlanng.. a prat. II ei -’ rx*o- Uy wah*lP*. ei-uniiuA umi|vrav*th. Phvoval,Booth ly. I'ur rnrthrr iwrtMutaie * tdraw Uw authi r A a l*eiji - want. h*m,ne !* aal IU •* a per* maltolcvv lea . foe .pal i asm c fa. of the hrahla! bii>l II and 11 state Ik lehii’ fuiye lu J. J. M<>P,uls. hue Ah—tl* Ahhon.llr il'u..A a. TO RENT. ADWELUXO Horst aad STiIKK oa the Hoaetch K. and. *l* ul one mile frail Mao n ; U iitioii l arl Adjuiuiutf. TERMS CMt P. awdy mely to . B iVLIJi. Cott<* Aeeane. ~r t > MK- CUKDELL a.srlh. |Lc. —nit—ln* R. W. SINMS & 0. A. LOCHRANE HAVING a?*itialtd thenue.yea to the yeact Ice af the Law ut Mho* and AtiaaD. will la ta* wrad ci.untie* to their * rvuiU re*|*rt eljr. • ’oe MfvhNL.c'hbNiil.lh btacii. au^l-—tl NEW & SELECT GOODS. f ‘ ALL at 1 Mir <4.1 .kali.l ob < i.uu Aeeuue ami look v at ..ur hue iuneuiaul f WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER M’OOVS, FORKS SILVER PLATED TEA fc ETh. CANTOR*. Ami A xriety of Kanov ‘•• I ami -il\, r >p* <-ta. ie. vitl. P.-1.14e Dtoa*. — * it’ liiu. ilr. |, —fjewrlri. lepuied in tlm laut *niwr. V* purten pland ua (I<l lx the orijfin * Wau li-maker* cm hn*e their .lirti.-ult 4*'. itv at .lM>rt mdiee. il *e n> a have n W ork ’"•N* rt *i|eenl to do any jol. otfer. .|. nlVlTliKTBIIwni th.- Fm-i..rie* ..f Nunn* A i .rk. an-i I inane’ I'lUeut Piano, wim-h .H|aeak tlieir ■•*u , ueru. Tlie worhl i-autes<*d them. i*itara Hute*. A> .. .rdian*. Hraaw luetnimentn of art.** kind*. >heet Mn*a*. liuMrmYem H>k*. Vi— >>u an.) I, u.tar string* of the le*t iiuaiite. alwae* o* iuml. rHEAP Fußl'AnH. J. A. 18.8. VIRiilX. BEULAH. A hal nce,eed. had be n.'r by a *“'• J. W. BUMU. A*out, ROBINSON & LAKE’S Southern Menagerie AND V I ItC US. Will nxhibil on MON DAY A TU ESDAY Gth mi 1 l-Uh December. Often nt 1 und I) I*. M. 1 “hi. 1 1 1 day. Adtiii*eiou -all cent.*, Chil dren and Servant* half price. n .j ROB,NS °R * LAKH bvKu GREAT VES, enters & mewgebie. 7'""” , P erl) Firmament PavilioiL OI! HI'XDMD AKD ,-IVkKTT MkH Ik ‘-J&J Ab HOUCS. Splendid and imtn<>n*r>]y liberal ~W de*%w far the aiini*. .uent and in* V htruetlon of the |*>|.|.>, in the won if Jn ‘ Ucifui conalanation ot th.-o. *\ I & v'* TWO GREAT FAMILIES. | V AM—I by a gr-at n'imfvr <4 Lady and Gentlemen Pr<*f. **i.>uale f do* fa V- -A ,l ' n fr -m the Hi.nt-r Rule on Aarieric Kx. mu. e. tt MOMIITOH, ROBINSON 4 UKL UARAQER, COL. T. C. TIDMAISN. A A#f IRTB. ACtRT, H. RUQGLtS, ISQ. Fit * Lady UUlnr§ awl D>\wwn krr* So. 1 C'• nr m*.-—Complete Troup* of T- L hl’ I Fjtv>*tr*iuM. — * Ora ad Operatic Hr at awl String OrckeMm.—Mapmifhewi Collection *>/Hare Liriwj Animal*.—HpUmltd Nwl*f ItlowltA lWf(trilling Hortet, v *s /l I‘onies, ami Edur.Ued Males, _ “ Willi a di<tinct Troupe of exqai* * traiiHil Jnveuibi, for tbe pnwlu ts Hall t. P.iiitoiniiiie, IW’ ly atil Farce, to be subi-ti- < I lutwl duriug tbe Ku*m for the old, w.wnout and Wearisoino after the i,.%niE<. MADAME ROBINSON, no re- ~Sf -Sh Downed ex erywhere, will lead at Nnul, in her dcdiglitfnl acienoe of , La>ly Equestrianiaat, exhibiting , u|*m b'-r lk-iiitiful and hitch met tl—l home*, tbe graceful yet con troling |x>wer which all ladiun TT may, with 11-tru.ti . and prac fli’Jl lice, obtain over thi* noble ani- L Nil; and tbe l.igh point, of cxcel ifijmpr lei! -e and .-kill which may be fll achieve.l in thi* iuvigoratiug auil V®*V agreeable exercise. MLLE. ALICE. 4’ LjJ Y a The very in. arnati.* of Beauty, £ (trace, diring, dishing eff.t, *tyle sud farination. To atteni|.t any thing like ad -*cription of tlii* wonderfully brilliant E<(ue*tri enne, within the limit! of a a n tenee in an. w*pier advertise m-nt, w..n1.l he txl.sur.l We mutt r.-f r tbe public to tlie Prnwof the United State* and Europe. No tk-.-* will be found copied from the jrtPtv foa ling Journal*, in ra h paper in . .4oftVk which thi* advertisement api^ar*. III.: r.tig entir ly in style from , m i /. all oth-r*. thi* Child of (ieniu* with the most perfect altan [ii n and fearl.rasue**, her maguill a . cent form assuming naturally the tsl* j most graceful and Mamie iMMitioii*, tWl'v her f ire lit up with awt -mile ‘4 molest confidence, and her flue efi eye sparkling with genin* and prile of her daily (ucrewc*. Her a < Xf noble horse knows hi* mistress, seems to enter with all the of his generous nature into the general excitement which her e<*w. j, inini use achievement* universally create. As they dash around tlio * arena there is a splendid harmony E” V daring style and grace, and dwrniinit cheers pr<K’lailll usotkrr . - - triumph ns. fc*V \ LA FAIRIE KATE. |Hk \ From the Principal Theaters, tod Opera House, %sl>i ex •• A gens (It for an imperial f’ - \4 ! fadiad.-m.” mEV So accomplished and fascinating is this pr.tty Young Americaa r “ Denseuse, that she tuts lieen com gplet.dy iilotized by the elite of so- f ckty, and styled in compliment the •• Tcrp*i. L.rean llivttiity.'* It ‘ ioy be truly said that “Grace is lu ber step,'’ and the most esteem ed matters have pronounced her . dancing faulth ss it. Id and vig- ! ofou* in rxcsulii.n, though *ym- I metrically [wtitc in size, tier form, style and self are the very “Poetry ■ts moti.-n. 1 Artistically correct in every movement, yet with a natural freedom of air mid effect w ln< li be*|-ak genius slid self re e, ~ —* lian.-. Acm I itialk* if art and J rj* t-ilmt is obw-rxed wlo.di nk<- her ” fl/drl the cynosure of every eye, and the Mol of lie* aiidießc.'. Mie will ap pear in all the role of the latest Hal let, and in c..ig unction with Alice in several splendid H 4 double dance*. * ts ff MLLE AGNES. j | The charming magic wire figu- wb<u aMonialnng jsrf. rm #*®a ance* h.ixe of late mated so in • • tense a furore, will app<ar upon • _ J her mysterious InxinMe Win, in \ ftey her chaste, beautiful repr.weiua* tion if “ The Graces.” Thi# de fßfa. A lightful Parlor Entertainment has JT tii been receive.! in all the cities of to liii n and Eurpe with that VV’ Y F 1.- w Inch so grac. ftil a r.aes could not fail to command, r JPj*, mid Mlie. Agnes is the recipient •’“ 4 'x|| *’f a thousand gems of well-merited a * compliment from the cities, towns P L ami hamlets in w hich she has had ‘ W tbe honor to sp|*wr. C* f GRAND ENTRANCE / D Into tlie IVn of Wild Beasts, and ni Terrific encounter w ith a ferocious, | untamed lion, by the lovely, faaci- T i bating, gracefiil yet daring ’ EUGENIE DE LORME. yx late from tbe Theater Erancais, j 5” Paris, and Theater Royal, St. I Petersburg. This thrilling and K intensely interesting Performance is alo one if classic effect aud _ tori, at reminiscence, being in tended to represent one of Ab'e terrible ec nes in Am%nt History, Wf* when the lb .man Emperor Nero, JTvJfa has the Christian ladies cast in ‘ear* among the Monster* of the Foreet. Mdlle. Eugenie s enactment of the XV tragedy is superb, and her control Wto’ over the animals so complete, at to • . enat.le her to go through with the lyy great Act in {a-rfect security. GRAND legation from the i COURT OF MOMUS. C ny y BILL LA KE, the Southern Clown. S, ' j ’ LONG, Hie Universal Jester and singing “ Motley.” a ABCIIY CAMPBELL, the Rursl Joker and •• Fanner's Almanac WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE Tlie great Rummu Klk, 17 feet liiich, captured in tlie iM of Siberia, traiie**! afil taiue*i by Mr. j ■John iti-l’inaon, the only one Yer Meeo in this cuntry. 1 THE HORNED HORSE. So|ip>n>l to be the la-t of tiis The perplexity of HattirAlit*. J THE WONDER OF THE AGE.’ TT X*. Lions, Tiwrc, Monkrys Binli. Ostrichfs, rtf. C MASTER JAMES ROBINSON. \Jk The prin. i|*l rian of the vrorl.l, just returned fr.m hit mighty triumph, will ex baielai k—l horse, which have ‘so astounded the world, and ptoced * hiaiupou tbe pcxlestal of e.juetriau ifjV ,1/ \. Will, at each entertainment, per fciMJf It {orm liis handsome, highly-trained fit intelligent, awd twautifnlly-apotted AjlggLAK,tin l.,,i>e AldalUh. and also jit Y jpjK! fi,],. Li* great four hone lemoo MR. WM ODELL, the great ic K.jiiestrian, Double Sum acwtter. and Lea|wr. . I MASTER JOHN ROBINSON, L M —, ~n , i an Euoe*trian to none in U thTworld. save Master JAMES. IV\ VV/fX* Masters l*u Orowr, Angelo, Jen ! J\iQAyf \ [ aing*. Darrell. Rice, and a ntiin £ \~rnf I \ ber of others of *'iual merit, n.ake f \ „pthe list of this Mammoth Equee // .triau Party. UTTI ‘ M a* the Price of admission is. nly 1/ “ (2r that charg-i for afirm* alone, the . whole of the .-.ninial* may t* am- All m w phaticaltv r*in**'ter. ‘I. and are, a Jm* C Mkia FREE EXlllßlTliiN all |*r #*T \4^Aa th .. ine a Ticket t th* entertam tirX y m .-nt at ROBINSON A LAKES Pavilion. ts AU mil Ml MAMMITH TUT. r „, r .’tHulnn •* tutorial umi *• ■’ JT *sa*r mnu. Perfumery. Avery Litre s.sortm. at of Bwis'k | Also th* B. .4 celele-oled Hair oil*. C .logne*. Extracts, >of “*** I V ZKILIX A HI XT. Imported Genuinff Havana Segart, i rata ,*0 tu lOd l)l!Ar> per Ihffß’Aßd. Cabanas Brrras, very tar, i I—t re. Ike*c i- rta. Roadie. AIM.*. Tall pan. ete. I it. >.te tbe t*st jadgM for atrial of these *rirrs. Forsaie at HENRY HORNE’S Preserves. FREII and af andouhted good Make. Arn -ug the* Hew).a of Sluntah penrnf. Pl<’K LES BEST OnWEN BUTTER. EMiLIeH DIARY C'HKh-K. CIWI,R.V l-KFAM CHEESE. HEW TORE hTATE CHEE *F. Constantly ot. band at |.*t IS’ H. HORN Ed. WANTED! Vliiait- Tfat’lit’r'n Mil nation. I A YOUNG LADY from the north desire* a etaatlon la A. i at f- ii .nary r nriva'c taiuily at of the Plano F,.rte :i <1 Yccat 11 udc. ffhe cm furnish the best of •tfrrcuces. /ddreas, with ptftlcuiirs, C. C CiUiea Office a... e.a* C ROCKERY WARE VAW A MRTTDfI’Q wmsiEttßSTiiiiiii'fiy.. AT MACON* For Ouo Day Only * Monday, Dec, 19th 1859, DR. THAYER’S auADain^^m^, , Tlio Aoliiitf Union. TOM A: J HKKV. A PRIZE OF TWENTY FIV E 1> LL VltS will No !• - en to any m lu or l *y whoc tu rid the Mule tiir e Uiii**j* mur and ihe without f:t iin< off. dei EVERYDAY | Brings Something New. NEW WATCHES, NEW JEWELRY, New Fancy Articles, &c., AT THE * H'DBK w+z Opposite Lanier House, and next door to Mr. McEvoy’iS Glass & Crockery Store. r I'II K >ubs-nlM’i m w<ull tak* tlii— iim ilhml uK m -1 forming the* *itiz**uj* of Mlm*oii hii<l vicinity that | j they have newly <pen*<| a >|l ii(lil a-oitineiit of j n**w aiui in tin way *f Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Pated Ware, FANCY ARTICLES, &C., &C., At tlie place. Without taking ui time, (for , time i* nmnejn t. enumerate the article!,, w ill say tlmt wa haven geuteel m-aortmaiil of erery thing usu ally kept in First Class Jewelry Stores, and every dnv alimwt receiviiignewmltliliona of m-w j 1 glKul*. C.iiim- and <•<_• them, nothing charged fur showing , giMwls. I uit take iileasiirc ill doing ao. We have decided on doing a Cash Business, which we trn-t xxill enable us to make Quick Sales and Small Profits. Without saying any thing ftirtlier (which uodoiilitto | do would Im- useless) xvc will invite you, with your . friends to call at the NEW STORE, 1 and there find tliingsas here stated; jotsl and cheap. | , every article warranted to prove a* represented, if j not the money w ill Is- refunded without a murmur. I We would particularly invite the ladies attention . tu our assortment of Fancy Hair-Pins & Iliad-Dr esses. Also the n.-w and elegant |Kittern* af Hair Jewelry. whieh will !*• made to order at short notice, and at mileh less prii-es than heretofore. Look Well to Your Time. Watches cleaned and rejxiiredin Iheliest manner, warranted to give satisfaction, and at reasonable pri ces. Mr. Skiff being a practical WATCH-MAKER, will persoimllv attend to there|iring of fine Wateli ! es. i lock aud Jewelry, repaired hy all ei|.erieiiced 1 workman. old 1.,>1d and Silver taken in exchange for goods or CASH will I*- paid for old Silver. 1 p. S —We have a fine lSearat Gold Hunting eased , Watches which can lie sold for Forty Hollars, and warranted gi*~l time ki ejn-rs. V. W. SKIFF A CO., ! Opposite I-aliier House. Macon, Ga. i I iiov. #. lk-Vt— tt. Bfr Oitv |Ki|<er* copy. BOSTiCK, KEIN & GO. ; WIIjIj OPEN MONDAY, NOV. 14th, AT Til KIR “HEAD QUARTERS,” A. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS REDUCED PRICES. £ilks, Silks, Robes Holier. liStoe Setts, Embroideries, Velvet lV Cloth Cloaks. Shaw ls, Shawls, Carpels, Brussels Carpeting, Velvet 4 * 3 Ply & Ingrain 44 Etc., Etc. The hubtM’rihers <lenii’ous of reduciiijf their LAKGE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS,; will offer them from this date at GREATLY REDUCED PRtCES For Cash., Or to prompt Credit customers on short time. Now is the time to make your se ! lections, as we |>ledi;e ourselves to sell you ( 7, i’iip(iinntx an>l b'rmh (iimil se&~ Call and examine the (ioods and Prices. ItOSTICK, KEIN A CO. nov 12 m U’:mkw \b b r j ‘* Selected by Prof Schreiner. FAIRY ItKI.I. by Futer. 2J et*. Kii*ter> Mn*ii j aneii as Gentle Annie, ami ut hern, are all Well know u. | Thi* eiuig i- one of hi* l*-*t I.KI mF. K tss HIM FHI M< iTHKR. hy • rd*vay, 25 cent*. Thi* u*die of the licit *.n:g- xxr have ever 1 I.KNTI.F NF.LI.Y GR AY.” ltalfe 25 cent*. Italic i* nue tin - auilior of thi- Itolteiiiiau tori. N further comment •m ssurv. ’ IIAKK 1 11 FAR AN ANGEL SING,” Variatio. Crube. i cent*. | “NFI.I.V <•!! AA . ‘xvithvanatiuiii. tjiol*. SO - F.VER OF THF.FV with- “ 50 j Three of Grube.* l -l arralig.lileiit* ou popular air*. Mu.ii* received Weeklv from which we aeleet th. l'-t and return the f/n**wliieli Puhlinlier* wdl never fail to -tick on* who have no Musical knowledge. Minn *enl l<v mail, l.ntage piid on receipt of the prior marked. JnllNi .St HICKINKK iSt N. B*- Telegraph copy. DRESS CUTTING. Mrs- L. T Yiunquesi, HAS arrived ,n the eltv, for the puipoee ot luitructlng Ladle* ia the beautiful art of Cutting Dresses after tbe plan or nv-tem of the celebrated S. T. TAYLOR, of New YVr*. She wtabe. tbepub'le to uader**:tix4 that there I* no • Hunihug ‘ about tht* tern, but that it I* a complete and aientitlo t.l u, wbiih will tie found adaptid to the want id the*, and wni.g to make up their own apparel or having It made up undei their own n ipervUion. Ladie* who will do her the honor of a call, at the Floyd Fouae will have tlie ayatem explained to them, and those wl.o take lereoni fmiu b-r will tie warranted aaiifa< tlon, or o charge will be made tor instruction. nov 12 ts LOTTERIES ! E. C. HULKLEY, AGENT FOR WOOD, KDDY A CO.’S Cflrbrtfd Lollfrifs, Macon, Oft. Xpa;~ Set A Jttrtitemeat. BOV 11—W PTANOS! i g* y Elexantly carved Rosewood, and all the plain rarieliee O just reeelxed, and forl m the r 0 UT* Old Piano* taken In exchange. aprT—aAwtf 50 BUSHKLS UKIKUA, c‘ j ’ marct it—ts Cottoa Avenu sum 111. Mil IE. fPHF, Uiidorvigneii areagenl.for iheialeof Rme'* 1 MnnipnlatedGiiano. are now prepaml to supply planter* in any ipiantitic* at the name coal ii nr derail liy theaisclve*. Areal*.• agent* for the sale nf Maftei’ Nitriigenised Stirier Plm-phixte of Lime.— AAjil al.*o hate a an Gtmno, all of win. h will he .old a* low ul p.iitic* can lav tl dowu m tin* market. A A KltS. AVIN'tiFIKLIt, A CO. Nox. 8. rntPY.] .Moyrxr.l mi. Oct., 24th. ISM. M. j**rs. Atfri i. Wiatflirl‘l ts On 1 t* Six—l our# ..f the loth int„ lutabeen received it.* content* noted. Ac. In reply Ut your eminirjr in regard to the Manipulated Guano a* a fertilizer—l am well pten*ed *o far a* 1 have tested its use. 1 ii|>- plied al.tut inn Ih*. per aere on land that was l.ully worn, ami not of the lte-t w hen fre*h. The prialuet of the field w here the t htano wa* applied i* over sou Ih- of eottoii per aere. The same kind of land without the Guano prortOeed ataiiit 400 III*. t>er aere. My iimde of applying the Guano, was hy depositing ii ill the drill lf.<re liedding up the land. I have n..t tried it* use op corn. Imt have no dolitrt hm it will succeed well. I shall use it pretty extensively on my next crop. ■ Your* Respeetfullv. [Signed] UKI BfcN WRIGHT. Htr.imville, Oct. 2lHh, 1859. He* *r*. At/er* ll int/fie/tl if Cos., Macon. I*K ik Sin:—The Manipulated Guano lauight of you last Spring i (h-ese*. Itiiitik itwu.i i approve of very min h. At thi* time, as the erop is not gathered in I *a> what per cent, it will pay. though tha , use of it on p....r land pay* a considerable per eoiit. 1 shall continue the use of it. Respaetfullv vours. [Signed] ’ W. H. BYROM. Nov. w -ts. HANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, N VEn DEBILITATES. IT !• compounded entirely from Gums, and hit* become an *taMi*tifd fait, t Mandard M^dlcint*,known aiid appro?- ky fcll tliat bav? used i'.f land is now resorted to with eontldence in *ll the di- j ■:i**s for wliicfi it is recom mended. ; It haa cured thoMsand-; amb jwithin the two yearn wh< had gi veil up fall hopt-s( ~ (of relief, an the uuinerfaue ceitlflcatce ii j (my posseesion hliow. The dose must he iiUapt ‘ (ed to the ten pemmerit of the iudividiiul tukiii|j ir,/ _ (:u and ustd in such qiiimtitiee nn loact fcutly >u the bow < US Let the and elutes of y ut) ({(indtmientguide y#u in tlie vim; of the LI \ E R I.Vf K.OIt ATOM, and it will cure Ii v♦* r Cos in- :i I• Int • . Hi lonn At tacks, I) >a*p• pu i a ((’ Ii ro nlc Diarrhoea, Miuiiiier ( oii|*luinlH (ll)iieiiterv* Drop* y, I Hi.ttr HrlJp 2 ;ual (OkliienenN, Uiui* IC, < liolerii, ( h'.lmiJ mm ;Morhun, ( holura ln- Ia n tti in, Flaimeiirt*J .1 nun ilice. IVmale UenkiH MieM. aid maw ust and succ sofuliyasan Ordinary Kamil} ££ - Vf-|i<*i ia**. It will cure m|, H IIK.4I) UilF,f ?(an thousands cai testify,) in l\%nily iiilnulru, i|) ;i\\o or Ihrrr Tea* sfioonfull* are lukei j jut comnuMtcemciit of at tack. ) —] 5 All xx Im use il ari [ nixing tlieir te.-timouy In it* favor. I I MIX AA ATKII IV THE MOtTII WITH THE INAIGOHATOK, AMI aAA AI.LOW Ho 111 TO- GfcTllKlt. I’riee One Hollar perltotlle. ALSO SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, OOMrOUNUiD FROM Pure Yegetahle Kxtract* amt put up In lil.Atiti UA-Kt*. Air 11. ht. und xxill keep In any CUinale. ’ The t- miiily Ualluir-; • >|i’ Till is a gentle hut ac tive Oat hart c which ttu ; “ t proprietor has until iu his practice more than iweatyi CO (yes'*. Ihr constantly lucrem j _ Cit h and tnard from thoee who hare lor g u.-ed th*■ m—A :|'||,l> and the sMitipfuc tinn which ull expren, inf ■ to their use. hitH in duced me to place tht no f withiu the reach of all. The profi'.-s'on well know j mmm Itht different Cathartici act on different portions oft (the bowrl.n. The I AMILY 4 \-j ■“ (TII4HTIE FILL has. with doe reference to mu>r (well entjitilished fuct, lieen couipouuded front n \ar;e , (ty of the purest Vegetable Kitract-. which net alike! (on every [-art of the ali mentary canal, and are! (good ami /■ li* in All cases where a (htthar* l c (ed. such n* lie rs line* iilrnts if the Noinni lij ‘Mn , jiliiei*i, Fnln* i ll lilt* llnrk and Loin**.: Ua (4 onl|,*im>n. Fain and hifrnf in e r ili *. ; m li k* lNy f from den c* and, which frequent*. {ly. if neglected, end in n lok couis •of Fever. !••*; (of A||triil f a C reep ing at*iiMjiilnn of C old, * ;mer ili- Ihhlv, Rem- IrMfaii* hm lleadaetie, ot; Lmm (Hek-lii In llie Head,all In*!aniniuu>r> IMm-un-; 1 WUriUM in (liildren or Ad'illM, lilit’tinia-, <J ;lisin, a great Foi iller of ihe lllood and Biaaydb-J Jeuatf-to whl k flesnit heir, i too tiuii.eroii* to meution *i n this advertuctnent.— Dofae, 1 to if. ’ ) FKIC’K 30 C)R\IK The 1 Iver ln\ik r oralorand Kninily C'atlinrlle Fills 1 are retail* tl by 1 Ini^iettiresurJijr,srilulil wn>lessleb> the trade iu all the town*. 8. T. W. SANDFOItn, Manufacturer ; nd Projirletor. BroadwaA, N. Y. Ik tailed be all Hold aUobv /FILIN A HUN GICO. I’A VN fc, and hi t.\AKI it (.'ABTLEN, Macon, june 17, It.ali. D METHODIST 0 DEPOSITORY, : Cottoa Arcnue, Macon, Ga. (||( CALL FOR RELIGIOUS A SCHOOL BOOKS, K Blank Books, q STATIONERY, MUSIC &C. W BOV I. W. HUKKK. Agent. CETTING READY FOR CHRISTMAS. UJ K arc jn*t ii|M‘tiing <<nc < ,f the most xiiricd anil really *ph*n,liil s.-ch-i-timis of Fmik-x GimmJ* cvpr ulh-reil in Macon, noiisisting in part of: I*KARL ANU SHELL CARD CAtHSH. •IKAA KI. IU i.\KS. |1 IKT MON I KS. YKI.VET. < •I.oTII. RUCK. KID AND LEATHER I’URSPJA, JIAI It I*l NS. .1 KAV'KI. CASKETS .1 HTANHH, (limit STANDS, INK 1x... SUGAR l>o.. FANCY YACKS. WATCH STANDS, FANS. ami many nthrr article.* ton i‘umcrou* to mention, ‘wlih'li will 1* -ol<l ML-, m m wm. ■*: ■ * than they can !•<• bought any where el.*e. siul nomix- ! take. Call Mini ace them at JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS, sap Telegraph copy. DR. B F. GRIGGS r|IENI>KKS hie services to the i ilizen* of Ms -1 coo and vicinity. OFFH’E or Plumb Street. Opposite the De|ot, nearthri Brown House, where he can betouudat all hours of the day and ni|(ht. nov 4 m NEW CASH CLOTHING STORE, AT FAULSBCKY’S OLD STAM), Opposite tho Lanier House. J. STRAHAN lU* oi rnrd xt thr above .taint, x largr xml eueral x* i.rtun'ht of Failiiouablc lLa<ty Made m. Z M B W faTwS 9 Cotnprixlng all tU* lxtvst tylx* n*w worn, which he hail max uf.vlured unVrr hi.own -up-r-blon fi[rf*.!y f.r this mxikrt. ‘together with * Urge xml well .electeddock*f Gents’ Furnishing Goods, (jAdVixg of Shirt*. Under Miirti xml Drawer*. Collar*. S®k,su.prnder,Gloves, stocks. Needles, and llandker- I chirtx, ami all of which will !<# sold at verv low t rice. ’ roß<'A.*ll. are particularly teaiieated to call and examine before they purchaserl.-ewlieie. NrwUo*dre ceiveil wrekly, pi r Steamer, from New York. Macon. ()ct. 2k—*m J. STRAHAN. l J ©t>t)lo hs^)©ctncles, YN Gold and Steel fiamex, Gold, Silver, Steel and I Common Specks. A xulemlid assortment ju*t received, bv E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Fall & Winter Trade. 1859. 1860. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO., HW'E ju-t received and offer for sale n the most faxorahle term, the inoxt elegant, extensive aud i varied stock <<f Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Solid Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Gas Fixtures, Fans, Cut lery, &c.. &c., &c., ever offered in th * market. A call either for pastime or to purchase and care ful comparison of iptHlitics, styles and prices is res pectfully solicjtcl. Slulhurry Bt., od door aixna Lanier House, Macon, (Icorgia. E. J. JOHNSTON, G. 8. OBEAR. PAINTING! I r|lllK Mbfacrifn-r j mteful f<r pint favor* respectfully In X form* hii friendM nd tli‘public Uifat he bus formed * partnership with 1 biirtoj her Burke, late of New York city. i LOVI & BURKE, SKIMECIIMPMSM, PAPER HANGERS, &ti., Mftoon, “ ” “ Georgia. Allontenin Town or country punctually xl tendril to. aud all work flni-be<l In (b* latr.t style, aid at moderate price.. •novig.wAw vm _ HKNRY LOVI. New Books! New Books! BOARDMAN’S! MISS SLIM M EN'S WINDOW; Sylvia’. World, oi (’rime* which the Law doc*not reach. Ureukfaat, Din tier and Teanew (took Hook: Knitting Work, bv K” Partington. The Student. Home. Tlie Student* filbhr* -- Liddell * History of Koine Life in Ameri.*, by McKi . Up and down Uierliriwaddi. Idyl* of the King, by Tenn an. .iapoiejnlt idea*. Curiosities “f Natural History. Ii iry st. John, Gentlemen. Tbe Tin Trumpet. While it xai Morning. Almost a Heroine. The Glory of the Hou*. vl Israel. Parti--* xnd their Principles. M .reof ‘‘Ailnm Bide;” MemotrsofKmpresC*therl*etbe Second ; Men, Women and Books; Thorne, Del It A Credit: L'Amaur, bv Mitchell; M.molrs of Vlilccq ; The Pillar of Fire. Ac . Ac. Also a host of New JUVENILE WORKS. EOV 9 1 OO Copies of “BEULAH,” .Just received at novjt BOAKDMAVa. Family Flour. tm /xii<x LBS. Knoxville City Mills Family Flour. 15 ithla. Blram S nltb Flour, received and so 1 Kai .y [may 2] UKKK* i Kbit MAN j’ MDEMi b 6BIPH r VITOPLO Inform their friends and tha public generall*. It tint they have now iu store, xnd -re cmstantly re ceix ing. their FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Os choice aud select OBOOEBIES, i y , To which they would nv>*t re.*p#v fully Invite the attvaUon [ of one and all. : Planters and Merchants I Will find it greatly to their interest to call and aaam* our s'.a-k before nnrelixsing elsewhere. W * are d.ternslnea. to sell. | rotitor no i r tit. Q-lick .-ales lad small marglus, .• ! our n o:to. our sue k consists iu part of t JU todes Gunny Cloth. | 1J” Coil* Hors:. ii/j Pounds baling Twine, t.i’lag* coffee—Java. Port Rico, Rio and Laguira. 1* Ciiests Black and Green Tea. 13 Harre l * A It A C Sugar. ” Crushed and Powdered Sugar. 0 Boxes Lost sugar, ll) Hogshead* Flue Poll Hico. y./) rucks Liverpool Salt. jyO Sacks Alum Sait. 0 Bole: Adamantine Candle* ] 10 “ sperm )1,0 Boxes No. 1 Soap. , , “ Family Toilet Soap. f -j ** Assorted aud Fancy Candy. ]|.o Boxes Starch. ,„o Jars snuff. s ” Whole, ilalf and Quarter Keg* ot Powdar. , Cans Duck-shooting Powder. [..0 Bag* Shot. wU.OOO Cigars, various braLds. ■ JU Boxes Tot-acoo. i. Cases Magnolia xnd Mount Veraon TdbaedO. liaiesOsiiaburgs xnd Stripe*. .'Case* Hoineapun, Bleached. 10 Bales Georgia Kersey, j ’’ Aortliern ” “ Blankets.all prices * Basket* Piper'* Heidstck wine. TT “ I.a i’erle A Ine. ~, “ Prince In. pi rial Wins. ?- Ca-exCabin.t Wine. [” Cases Ginger and Blackberry Wiae aid Biaady. barrels Kyeaud Corn Whiskey, i” *• Extra old Bourbon. ;0 “ Gin Rum and Brandy, j® Cask* Madeira, Port aud Sweet Wine. < faxes Loudon Dock Gin. *(* “ Boker, and Stoughton Bitter*. -* ” Lemon Syiup. 4® Casks Ale and Porter. JO Boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Figs. JJ “ Assorted Pickle*. 49 •• Super Carb. Soda. ®0 Barrelsand Boxis Soda and Butter Crack .xs, *0 Boxes Herring*. 9 Sack* Ashton’s Table Salt. 9 Cases Ashton's Table Suit. IS Uox. \Vell Buckets. 2* Dos. Blue Buckets. 19 Nests of Tubs. 50 Doz. Georgia Pine Buckets. 20 Boxes Leveritt Axes. 2 ),000 Pounds White Lead and Ziuc. 10 Barrels Linseed Oil. 10 ** Tanner*'and Machine Oil. ; 2 ” Castor OU. j 3 Casks I.inseid Oil. 1 ... Pure Sperm oil. 5 Barrels Lcmen -yrup. S ‘* Rose Cordial. 9 ‘ Peppermint Cordial. 0 Pounds Sewing Thread. 50 De/.en Kng.isb Pickles. 10 “ Worcestershire -auce. 2” Hhds. Clear ltac*a “ides. 10 Casks Ilsn.a, 20 Kits Shsd. 20 “ Msrkerel. 20 “ White Fish. 10 ** |1 salmon. 20 Case* PI: nUtion Whlskv. 2) * Pine Anple Brandy. 5 Barrels CUT LOAF sugar. * “ S. Shell Almmids. 8 “ Pecan Nuts. 8 “ Brrzll Nuts. 25 Boxes, And, rsi n’s Solace Tolxicco. 100 Whole, Half and Quarter Bairxl* Mackerel. 2-i Firkin* Prime fresh Butter. 10 Lard, ! 1 Dox. Corn Shellers. 10 •• Brooms, | 10 Cases Common Matches. | 20 Gross Gt rruan “ i 10 Cases New Cider. 60 D< Blacking, j 10 Cases Cotton i lard*. | 10 Dr /. Yeast Pow.n r*. 1000 Poimcs Ground Paint* in Oil, ofxll color* Uov 4 BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS, nun / mm.rsi Him.Ks.’ HUH US! HI H IKS I HI H IKS I HI H IKS I HI H IKS I Pocket Bibles, Family Bible*. Illustrated Bible*. Trivet ■ hies, iu Case* ; <Tides with I'ltsp*. and Bibles with ont <J I*l*l >, ail 901 ts of 1i Vlen ! ST A TIOX Kit Y! ST A TIOX Kit Y! S .1 TIOX Kit Y! PA PKR! PKXS! l'KXt ‘IIS? IXHI PA PKR I PKXSI PKXt I LSI I.VKI I‘APKU! PKXS! PKXCILS! IXK! HI. A XX BOOKS! BL.IXK BOOKS! HI. A XK HOOKS! LKIXiKRS! JoUItXALS! CASK ROOK V IK In, Kits: JOURNALS! CASH ROOKS: lkookhs: .lomtXAis: pash hooks: RECOUP ROOKS! MKMOR A XDUMS! MKCOItP HOOKS! MKMOH A XP CMS! | RECORD BOOKS! ME MORA XP CMS! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! I) I AII IKS! DIARIES! IHARIKS! A LB CMS! AI.HI MS! A LHC MS! A IMP MS! A IB CMS! A IB CMS! AIRVMS! A I.KI-MS! I ALB CMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS! x STEREOSCOPES! , STEREOSCOPES! STEREOSCOPES! ! Yiewi of London, Parfo, England, Scot'and, Ireland, Groups, Statuary, Landscape*, building*. At. Splendid Assortment of Gift Hooks! Splendid Assortment of Gift Books! Splendid Assortment of Gift Booksl All the Standard Poets in the richest Binding. Fcult's, Cooper's and Irving’s Novel*, in half Calf and iu Muslin. : Kosetcood Writing Desks! j it use wood. Writing Desks! 1 Rosewood Writing Desks! Mahogany Writing Desks! Mahogany Writing Desks! Mahogany Writing Desks! Morocco Writing Desks! Morocco Writing Desks! Morocco Writing Desks! Visiting Cards! Playing Cards! Visiting. Cards! Playing Cards! Visiting Cards! Playing Cards! Paintings! Engravings! Oil Paints! Crayons! Paintings! Engravings! Oil Paints! Ciayons! Paintings! Engravings! Oil Paints! Crayons! Webster's Pictorial Dictionary! Webster's Pictorial Dictionary! Webster's Pictorial Dictionary! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! AT BOAUDMAN AT BO AHUM AN ’B, AT BOARDMAN ’B, Washington Block. 11 ’ash inyton Block. Washington Block. nov 9 • •- ,T 1 f 1 ‘l J / MS| W. COLLINS’ AXES, \\ WEED’S AXES, \ X TOWNSEND’J AXES, \ I'ENN’S AXES, \ BRADLEY * AXES. \ To Merchants. Swede* Iron, Refined Iron, Eneli.ib Inn, Plough Steel. Cut, Oern.Hii and Mister Stee', Boooton Nalle.JHor** Shoe*. Horeeh<** Naiii*, Axc<, Shovel* m.d >iade*: Hame*, Rope Trace Chains Curry Comb*, Alvll*. Vl*e*. Bellowr*. Ham- ! m ers, Store Truck*, Counter Platform Scales, Iron Snfc*. I Copy!ci|c Praia*. Pocket and Table Cutlery ’or sle at New i Voifc |tiice*adding freight. NATHAN WEED. NEW TIN FiIiSHE SHE! COTTON AVENUE, Maoou, • ■ - Groorgia. rilllE undesigned having opened. new iln nd Central furnishing Store on Cotton Avenue, licit ilor to Lk Lump fct. ir, where he expect.! to keep .11 kinds of TIN WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS which he offer* to the public at very low prices, a* he la ratified with “Quick Sales & Small Profits ” I .hull be ready at all times to fill unr order for tin w,r. ! either trull! the city or Country, at WHOLESALE a. well ‘ u RETAIL, CHEAP KOR Ca-H, at inf toother, A.C. An dmi n, who Is we 1 known a. a Tin Smith, wIH attend to the j manufacturing ot the House for me. i CASH paid for old Hags, or taken in exchange for j Goode. ALL KINDS OF TIN ‘W ORK done to order promptly, and WARRANTED To Give Satisfaction. I also with to Hire a GoodlTln Smith. A. L. AUDOUIN. I uct 15 swfcw —Cm I HAVANA PLAN, MORE PRIZES fflH BLANKS ! BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. 0.1 (he Plan of Single umbers. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES OF GEORGIA. Xuthorized by a Special Act of Die a!atre, for ths bene fit of Academies and for other purposes. HODGES, DAVIS & CO, Managers, Macou, Oa. CAPITAL PRIZE S^O.OOO. TICKETS ONLY $8 00. Hilvca 4 i (-Eighth- *1 00. Prize* Payable In Full, without DeJmilou Purchasers in huying 10 Tickets, alien the numbers end is 1 2, $, 4. 3. 67, t>, 0,0, ar* guaranteed a prize ot ♦'.5,01 CUs 7 Draws October, ii, 1559. “ 8 “ 29, “ “ 9 “ November, 5, ’59. “ 10 “ “ li, “ “II “ “ 19. “ “ li “ “ ie, “ 26.220 FRIZES AMOUNTING TO 0271,200. Will be distributed according to ttie tollcwing GtnAivrr) scheme > To be drawn every Saturday. 1 Prize of 70.000 1 Prize of..— 20.0U0 1 Prize of 10,000 1 Prze of 5.000 1 l’iue or. 5000 1 1 Prize of. 2,000 S Prizesof l.tao 5 Prize* of. 500 10 Prizesof. ,V ! 2U Prizesof UIU lUO Prizesof £0 lio Prizesof 25 25,000 PtUoaof. _ 5 Approximation Prizes. 4 of $-* approximating to 070,000 arc ♦1,300 4 of 2U) approximating to •.■•. (<) me eou 4 of 150 appro,(mating to lO.iszi *r. WJU 4of lUO appr. ximatina to S.oou are 400 4of 90 approxim.dll gto 3,000 are 30) , 4of 50 approximating to 2.000 are 320 j 12 of io approximating lo 1 000 are 7.0 1 20 ot 50 approoiiiiatlng to 500 are 1 000 40 of 30 appr. ximating to 300 are 1.2 *1 ! 80 of 20 approximating to lot are l.tWo I 4UI of 15 approxim .t ng to 50 are 6.000 400 of 10 approximatii gto SJ are 4,000 ‘ 26,220 Prizes, amounting to *271 200 1 1 eitifioate* of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets .'5 00 i ‘* “ “ 10 Half ** 27 50 “ “ “ 10 Quarter “ 13 75 “ “ “ 10 t iehth “ 6,57a This i tbe risk, and which entit!es the holder to alI he diaw over #26. Tbe Combination Lonnies an the Three Number Plan Are Drawn Every Day. Tickets from $1 to sl6, each. THE EXTHA CLASS On the CITY” PLAN by which purchasers can select their own Numbers, unit pay any amount Jor Tickets, are Drawn erery day. In Ordering’ Ticlccta or Certificates Enclose the mi nev to our address for the ticket* ordered, •n receipt of which they wtl! be forwarded by tl st mall. Pur chases can have tickets ending in any figure tney may desig nate. The .’is of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to pur cha***ra iniinediatelv afier the diawit g. All prizes under * ♦ 1,000 payable immediately after the drawing. •Nolle** lo t ‘ortctfpondrnts: Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use THE EXPRESS COMPANIES wheraby money fur Tickets, in the turn or Eight Dollars and upwards, .-an he sent us At Our Risk and Expense, from any city* or tow*n, where there i* ad Express Otttce. The money and ordtr must be tuclotxtl in a (iovernrarnt Post Office Stamped Km elope, or the Expre*s CompaLies cannot receive them. All Communications Strictly Confiden \ tial. Purchase*, will please write their signatures plain, aad give their Post Office, County and State. OinCULiAIIS Cortaiuing full explanations our Schemes, Ac., will b j for wauled. by n ail, to any one pending us his address A 1 isf of the number* that are drawn from the wheel, w ith the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will tie j publishtd after driiwing in the American Itcputlic , Mcon, liA., a specimen copvof w hich win in* sent to every purchaser. I All orders lor Tickets should be addrtssed to HODGE.-, DAVIS & CO.. Mucod Georgia. I - . _ 1 CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES 0F DELAWARE. For November, 1859. FRANCE, 11ROADBENT .J CO, Mang'rs. - o The Legislature of Delaware, at its last session having granted to Fuano*. BnOAi>B*NT Si t 0., (to the exclusion of all other appln zuu.l a Lottery Charter tor tbe encourage ment or Internal Improvements iu ihe Slate. lo continue tor a period of Twentv Mars, are now drawing in Wilmington. Delaware, a series’ of the most splendid schemes ever offered to the public, bonds for one million u! dollars have been given to the State, to secure the payment of all prizes. The drawings take place in public, and are ur der the superinten dence of Cotnmisoloaers appointed by the State, lo insure their fairness. . , „ ..... Tie Managers call thettent!*i otthe public to the follow ng Splendid Schemes to he drawn during the present month. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! GRAND CAPITAL PKI /. E S7O 000!! GRAND CONSOLIDATED ‘LOTTERY OF DELAWARE. Class 13. To lie drawn in Wllmingtou, on Saturday, November? 6, 5< Mi “ ■ H W*2 VI IKtC • 73 Numiiera—l2 Drawn Ballots. SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 Prize *70,070 is *7<t,foo 1 to 000 so duo 2 12,750 25,500 2 6.000 10.’ t S 25.41 .20000 5 • S.OOO lo.> 0 10 1.250 12.5 U) 257 1,0130 257,04) 65 200 65 1 9.750 65 100 # 300 *5 70 - 4.550 4.810 40 192.410 27,040 20 540,-00 82,396 prizes, amounting to *1.203,000 Tickets *7O, Halves *l6. Quarters *5, Eighths *2 50. A Certlticat* of Pa-kage of 26 Wholes, co.-ts *299 Ot Do. do. 26 Halves ,149 50 D<>. do. 56 Quarters 74 75 Do. do. 26 Eighths, 87 37 Grand Consolidated Lottery of Delaware, ON THE HAVANA PLAN! EXTRA CLASS EIGHT! To be drawn iu Wilmington, Del., Wednesday, Nov. 80,1859 EVERY OTHER TICKET A PRIZE! Prises Payable in Pull,without Deduction! In these lotteries erery Prise is Dratcn! 1 prize of *50.00u 1 prize of 26.000 2 prize of 12.800 1 prizes of ........ 4 prizes of ........ 6,000 5 i rizes of ........ 9,5 0 10 prize* of 10C 10 prizes of- fit*) 10 prizrs Cf 4f> 100 prizes ......... 500 8,000 prizes 25 And [sp Approximation prizes ranging from ♦■”■o up to *5-( 5,;|2J prize*! • - amounting to - - £331.304) Whole Tickets *10; Halves 8* ; Quarter* *2,60. Pri/es Paid Imniediatelj after the Drawlti". pr All orders adtlresiled to Franck, Bkoaibicnt jt L'o.. Man age*rs, Wilmington, Pel., will met t with prompt atten tiou, and the printed draw It. gs a*ooij m* over. K. FRANCE, BKOADBENT & CO. Oct 14 lm. M-*n*pf*r* . Itff mi fiIACHIERY m *** PKARL MHEIT, Y.. MILBANK & ANNAN, (St’C< ETHoKS TO A. 1,. AKXKHAK.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN lra A Wood Worktop Machinery, MANUFACTURERS FINDINGS. &C„ At C, aug 24—w6m National Police Gazette. fIIHIS Great Journal of Crimeand Criminals i* in its 12th X Year, and i* widely circulated throughout the country It contains all the Great Trial*. Criminal Cases, and approp.-'. ate Kilitorials on the same, together with information on Cri minal Matters, not to be found in any other newspaper. fW-SnlMcription*. 12 per Annum,; *1 for Six Months, tob remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their name*and the town, county and State where they reside plainly,) To R. A. SEYMOUR, Edltc r A Proprietor of the hutlODl- PfiN* pr J 4 d—II New York Olty. ST. CHARLESHof EL CAIRO, Illinois. This magnificent Hotel It now tin! bed tnd furuitked lor the reception of the travelling public. RAGSDALE, KIMREJt $ Cos., Proprietors. sept 28 w3m FALL OF 1859! Z3 ML* M TBT* H■ ■ Ka3 • NOW RF.CF.IVINO A Magnificent Stock, and will be sold at Prices f# Defy Competition, at K.4IK I) 1 * Notice to Debtors and Creditors. AM, persons indebted to THOMAS P. STUBBS, late of Bibb Countv. deceased, are requested to make immedt ate payment, and those having claim* stain* hi* estate to present them for payment, tn terms of the law. V Oct. 7,ffw. D M.hUMri, Administrator, j Notice to Debtors & Creditors. ALL person* indebted to Terry Quinn late of Macon Cos„ I deceased, are reques'edto make Immediate pay merit, and those Laving claims agaiu st his estate to present them for nay men t in terms ot the law, CLANIDIA QUINN, Administratrix. t s lit -8w _______ WANTED! A No. 1 WHEKI.WRIGHT and a good BI GGT THI VIM EH, to whom good wages and steady work wllllegiven. None hut perfectly sober and steady men need apply. WH. SERB INK. Americus, Ua. octrtf M mm 1 WOOD, EDDY Si CO.'S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! (iItAND CAPITAL PRIZE m * 9 < < N**rly One Prize U erery Nlae TlckeU. WOOD, EDDY & CO. Mauagcrs, Succesne* - ® * g. *w.4.V &. CO. The F.xfraordlimry Draviinx of WcM>d, Fdrfy A Co.V iN'.-inkr LoUviif* will tak* p'ne* in public, uuderthc uiierinlenci*iue of Swora Coin mi ‘loner*, at Augusta, Oa , a* fullowa: Draws on Saturday, Nov. ath, 1859. mrz rwaise Draws on Saturday, Nov. 12/A, 1850 ClLiim.9SPi ■■*, Draws on Saturday. Nov. 19/A, 1850. - ■ tte Draws on Saturday , 2G/A, 1859. 1 Grand Capital Prize of SIOO,OOO. 1 Prize of e-'.G.000 So Prize* of. *2 f0 1 Prize of. O.UHI lU.I Prizes of 1 WX) 5 Prize of 1,0 0 100 Prizes of stXi 1 Prizes of lO.DOo 100 Prizes of. 400 5 Pr.zesof s,Oki 150 Pr *• z * ;-o(i APPKOXIitATtON PHIZES, 4 Prize! of * , CO Ppprox to *IOO 04)0 Prize are *2 4TO 4 .*6O 80000 *• ; (go 4 ** 4 0 So 0(0 *“ 1 60) 4 •* 300 •* *• IS'KIO- *- 1 200 4 “ 200 *• “ lo 000 “ 800 29 “ 100 *• “ S.OuO •* • IkW SCo “ so are 10 1 1 3J0 3 JjoPriie* aniounting to 4613,0 0 Whole Tickets S3O; Ualves 10; (/BArters $.. ORDINARY DRAWING TO TAKE PL A BE AS ABOVE SPEIiIPIKD. 1 Grand Prize of $50,000. 1 “ of 20,000 1 “ Os 10,000 1 “ Os 5,000 1 *• Os 4,000 1 “ Os 8,000 l “ of I^oo 50 “ of 500 100 M of 4*4* 100 •* of S(H) 1"0 * of lio 100 • of 140 AIIKO\I>I4TIO\ PRIZES. 4priceiof |4OO appro*, to*.'.o,oooprlt#are *1,600 4 “ 800 “ 20,000 “ are 1,800 4 •• 260 “ 10,000 “ are Uh>o 4 “ 225 “ 5,000 “ are 900 4 “ 200 “ 4,000 “ are 800 4 “ 150 “ 8,000 “ are 600 “ 100 “ 5,000 “ 20 are 100,000 5,485 Prises amounting to $820,000 Ticketsslo—Halves %i —Quarters %i 50. wogd. edi*y a l*o.s GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWINGS ON THI THREE NtfWBEB PLAN* CAPITAL PRIZE a 4V o 4| Takas place on the last Saturday in each Msuth. Whole Ticket* S4O, liaises $lO, Qaaaters $5, Figtirha si,so. It OrdeHnf Tickets or Certificates, Inclose the money to our address for the Tickets or dered, on receipt f which they will be forwarded by first mall. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The List of Drawn Numbers and Primes will be sent tc purchasers immediately after the drawing. tv* Purchasers will please write tp,eir signatures plain, and give their Post Oflce. County and State. Itenurtnbsr tlist every prize i* .iiawu ami ill full without deduction. tV” All prises of SI,OOO and under, paid immediate ly after the drawing—other prise* at ihe usual lime of thirty days. Alicommunicatfonsstrictly confidential. Order, for Tit kvts or Certificate., by Al ail or Express lobe direct* and to WOOD, EDDY A CO., Augurta Georgia, or, WO*ill, EI>IY ACO . Atlanta, Georgia, or, WOOD, EDDY A GO., Wilmiugton. Del awa I WOOD, EDDY & CO.’S CELEBRATED LOTTERIES DRAW DAILY IN AUGUSTA, OA., E. f. BILKLV, Agnil, No. 1, Granite Aliev, under Grn.ite Hall, nov ssw Opposite Lanier House, Macon, Ga. DALY’S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY, For medicinal Use. HAS now taken that position iu the world', estimation, which justifies its proprietor iu claim’ng for it A SUPERIORITY UNRIVALLED, Produced, a. it ia, by a process known only to the Mann far turer, auit extruced flow Ihe choicest grain, whieh grows no* where but iu a f.vor. and locaily in the. Valley .| the Mouonga he.a, and containing no par icle of deleterious admixture; it has acquired a reputation for perhci purity and lutrinslc ex crllem e. tax* ed solely upon Its inherent lllelit, which tl.e Pro prietordus n.t intend, ss long as he tlie maoufac lure, .hall ever las fifelted, or in am nianiier al.owed to in. peach the correctness of the learned and Distinguished Chemists whosecertificattM we publish herevihh. ll* has heretofore refiuiueu from mukir.g public by adver- ! tine merit, the Extraordinary Medicinal Properties which this article is known to pozstss; and thissilence on his ; part Iras been Induced l.y a sensitive dread that the slightest suspicion should connect his name vzitn advertising empyri* 1 cism and the naustous jaigon of (Juack nostrum Circulars. But, for some time past, the proprietor has been iu con taut receipt ol un-ol cited testimonials from all pails of the Colin try, emaiia ing from Physicians of the highest reputation. and testimonials which speak with such emphatic aid un qualified approval of the unrivalled of tbe Aromatic Valley Whiskey as a Medicinal . Agent n all cases in which artificial stirou'ation has become requi ile—ln order to restore, r pair 4. r ast* ih- fur.ction? aid en nature—that he deerna It his duty, even at ihe haz ara of which he ha* spoken, to make known to the world. :ii the Bic-at puldic manner iOscsif4e, these extrar.rdln zry and in- | va uahle I rtiperii* * of thiaarticle of hi.* nuumtacture. It ia not hts purpose to recite in detail, a lLt ol those dis 1 f the human system which have been km.wu to be 1 most fav rably stTecVd by the use of ibis stimulant. They 1 are pariieulariy described iu the various tertioiOLials ii of. w h ch arc al ail times tot lie inspection of our friend- | lull which we 410 imt feel rt liberty, without special permis sion of the distinguisheiJ 1 ereona wL4> have sent them to us. t 4 par de In the public newipaper*. Suffice it to say, that the diseases alluded to comprises all such as ate incident to Tropical Latitudes, to a change of Climate or Diet, or to wy other cause which disartxnges or impairs the oyc • snt functions of the human sy.tem ; inducit g languor, iasri tudeand dt-prest-mn, and tne multitudinous ills flowing fron ik:s source. In all such cases the Aromatic Yalb-y Whiskey Acts as a Restorative, assisting the natural organs, by a stimulant which, both in charac’er an d> gree, a* inis to he in ail things most admirahlv filled to reinvig.iratr, amt to call tack that tone ami force of ac ton in the vital organs, so e.-sent al to physical health. Hit Is to this extent that the proprie*or know t himself to be j istiiied in claiming for his manufacture, Hygeuic propertiei and virtues which cannot be over-staled, nor over-vaiuid. itr universal use by The Medical Profession Is met* urgently recommenced. Already lias it foutu) Its •al into the principal public and private lmapitals in the countiy, and wbeuever it lias N.en ouceuwd. It Krthwith be comes a requisite. I lisve analyzed* sample of “Paly's Aromatic Vsliey key.” and find it to be a pure article, of fine lUvor, and with out any deleterious admixture. JAS.K. CHILTON, M.D., New Toik. firm Asszvnt's (irii. z, 32 Sonerset St., ) Boston. April 17tb. 1688. j Wn 11. Pact, Nvw Yorklnave made a chemical anai vsis of your Ammatic Nalley Whi-key, amt find it a pure, flue flavored I*ye Whiskey, containing no Injurious matter ot anykind and 1 would recommend it as snltaule for medicinal and public purpose*. CHAS. T. JACKsON, State Assay er, Wn. n. Dalt:—Yotir Aromatic Va'ley Wtiiskey is re ceived, and alter careful examination. I find it Entirely free from adulterating ingredients, so frequently used. JAS. J. MAl'Es, Anal)i icalChemist, N. Y. j fW~ Consumers can depend upon getting a pure articli • lieu they buy the Valley W liiskey, as it iss* id t y the holtli , and case ouly'. WM. H. DALY. 19 Sou'h illiam Street. NewYotk Sole I’roptietor- For sale In Macon by GREEK A FREEMAN. nov 2 s—nov A teb IVOTICB. AIM’LICATION will be mai'* to thcCouit ot ordinary o Bibb County ol- the first Monlay in D-cetui-er next for leave to sell the rial estate ot M illiam 1... aid Sarah O LeOotite. mini r Children of William LeCotite, late of Liber ty Crwutjr, duct used, said reel es*ate l-eiiig in Liberty Coun ty, JWSEt'll LuGOAITE, Guardian. Oct 6 li—>l JAMES T. ELLIOTT, Attorney & Counsellor at Lan CA MDEN , AUKANS AS, Will attend to all Business entrusted ta kirn in South Ar kansas. dec, 10,1358--It 204 ACRES. U’E have one place left, well improTed, contain ing 264 acres,aliout urie hundred of it woodland whieh we will sell low and divide to suit purchasers. Apply to ( has. < atupliell A Pott, or the suoserils-rs. J. N KING. Nov. 9, 1860.—t j THUS. N. KING mm. wmm W m. m • E. SAULSBURY INFORMS his friend* end eustomers that he hai* removed to the New and Ki-*aiit Brown Slone Building Twc* Doors from ais Old Stand, arid directly oppoaite u<e Lanier House, where k<s offers on the ouml favorable terms, one o! mott choice Blocks of Ready Made Clothing to he found io the city. Ihe Stock is entirely NEW. coni prizing, in purt, black and laz cy Caselmvre Pants; Fine Overcoats, of various styles; rich Velvet, Sill and sash mere Vests, Black and Fancy Dress. Frock and Business Coats. He has also a complete assortment of Men's Furnishing Goods. Such as. Hosiery, Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, Drawer*. ‘ (Hove-, Suspenders, Cravats, Ties, Coll-rs, Robe ds Chain bre, Ac. His Merchant Tailoring Department is supplied with a large and superior Stock of Cloths, Cassimeresantl Vestings, aud is under the direction of a competent Cutter. Macon. Nov. 2,1852. j Oysters, Game, &c. j C. H. FREEMAN, t CO, ARE now ready to erve Cuitomers in every style of tht Gastronomic art. with FJSH, FLESH, AND FOWL, attheirlating Saloon. Cotton Averin.':, Macon. They will have supplies of Fish and Oysters, by every train fren’ the Seaboard,as well asof beef. Game, Ac.,from Fulton market. Nvw York, by every Meamer. Tltey Itave also made arrangements for regular supplies ot Chickens, Turkeys. *c..from Cherokee Georgia, and Tennes see during the season, and solicit* call from their friends and . the public. nov. 19—ts < NOTICE. MY w|f, M.ry J. Pisrcey. having left my Housegnd pro. tot tii-q without cams or provocation, ail person, ara • .trued against crediting bci. aal will Dot pay her contracts. BENJAMIN T. riKKCKY. Tbe Sosth Western New* wll! copy three time*andfor wardlhe Mil to this offioe. Nov. Id *t 1 0 g Fall & Winter Millinery. Mrs. Ann Damour. XT AS just returned from New Tork if , XX witli her usual large and well se ll RK lected stock of the above Goods which 4* • ca ” f,e bouht as )ow aa* any Store in ’ ’’M the city. Her Parisian Hats are of the C cwMjX7*| Af latest importations, aud as to stvls and quality, cannot Iw surpasaed anvwhsre. •* They c insist in Velvet Silk, Leghorn and /AL 1 St aw. Ladies and Misses sizes; alto a JTm great * ariety of Mi.-se* Beaver, Silk, l^g | Wit and Mraw Hats ; a large variety of Nil Pompadour, Mcdallor. Maltese and | /,* “ ‘ French Lace sets, Ooilfures, Bridal I ftdhs. Head dresses and Nets; Curls of various styes: Wig. sije l.raids Back Braids, ornamental Combs and Hair I Puts, \ civets, cloths. Reaver Cloths, Cloaks and Basques : • a fine lot of Velvet bilk and Delaine Kobe* and Evening Dresses; a lull assortment of Fur Mantillas, Capes. Vlcto rtnes, tbitts un>. Muffs; Feathers, Flowers and Ribbons, of | iw.-t styles; Oneru HickK Mornposa Clouds, Thiliet and Me i rtno .Shawls,Ciocbe I rlnges, Aertbas. Ht op Skirts, Corset*. Bustles Ac. oct 76w 8. B. DAT, x. MAI'BB£N£T. DAY & MAUSSEHET, Watchmakers and Jewelers, MULBERRY ST., MACON, GA., HA VE now in store and daily receiving a rich and varied assortment of goods in theirline, consisting in part of Fine GOLD and SILVER WA TOTES, I Milieu’ GO Lit IF.t T* ‘llESfrom #SO so *220, Diamond Recast Dins and Finger Rings, Jt welry of erery dtm'eijdion I'locksin erery rariety Silrer and Plated ware o f rare and costly design andjinish. lh sides a Jtne assortment cf FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, &C., &C, f such as arc usually kept io the best establishments. Also a complete supply of Musical Instruments. \ lt)(.|\H from #5 toik?3, 11 WJOH From $1.54M0 (120. -V. 11. Watches and Jewelry repaired at short notice. oct 12—sw&w 6m* WINTER CLOTHING! XI. WXNSHXF HAS now in store one of the largest stocks of fiae To be found in the City or State. 110 brings his goods In Ihe piece or has them manufactuzeJ with the greatest care and In the latest styie. his stock of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS Is always large and complete. He invites particular attea • lion to his stock of “GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS” Manufactured exi res.riy for him. and Is the best firing shirt in ihe market. He is also for BARTHOLF’S “SEWING MACHINES,” Which he warrants to perform well. The prices have been greatly reduced. 2d Street, next doorto Strong A Wood, oct 19 B CAUTION Ffl OUR very gratifying success, particularly this Fall, Iu pleasing all who haveexamiutd ,ur selection ofl’rem Goods, has iu w ine quarters made us the subjects of consider able envy, and furnishedoceas-on for disparaging remarks.— <ur friends whenever thoy hear an-, such, in relation toelttirr the QUALITY. QUANTITY or PRICK of our Goods, be fore iielieving them, will do us tbe favor to cal! Id and see for thr mselves. We may state that we cannot prevent under handed efforts on the part ofw me to sell their goods, nor can we condezeend to retaliate. We can unly lnvlie an examina tion on the part of those, who, without reflection, mtgtit he for atimedeeelvi it by inch misrepiewntaltoua or “tricks of ilie trade ,';is thev are Uenoinimited bv those who stoop to ue them. M . W. PARKER A CO. oct 15 COBIING ! GOING!! MORE NEW GOODS. RECEIVED this day by Express a large lnvoicsci Ilk aud DeLaiue Robes, cloth aud Vel vel ('looks, Sa * nd imitation Lace Setts, and a variety ot Novelties at our Head* Quarters.” Call and see them. BOSTICK, KJCIN A CO. LOV 4 PIES, TARTS AMI DESSERTS. WineCfesm Tart Gooseberry a art. Mince Piea, Oocoanut Cutttanl*, Rhubarb lies, on Ml nee I*iem. Prune Tarta, entouflee. Peach Tart*, Apple Tarta, Charlotte de Ruesee, Jellies of all sA>l*?, CaLinet Piifldinga, etc. I'aiiii i**s desiring I h ssertH, •% ill pleat*** leave order* before o’clock, a. in., at. HENRY HORNE CONFECTIONARY. Gold Pens Warranted IN (lot.l, Silver ami Wowl hulilers. An elegant as sortment just opeml and for sale )>v E. A .loH'NSON i. CO. N iv. f>. 1856—ts Me - Telegraph and Journal A Messenger copy. FOR SALE! ON E HUNDRED acres4>fij*<Hl Woodland Laud lor sale, tour miles from the city, on the public road leading by W. LuLdey's. (nov ftvw.twtf] W. H, CAHOX L. N. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, OA. OFFICE nextto Concert Hall.over Payne's Drcsr StOM. anlO—ly Valuable City Property For Sale, n WELLING Flonw. with seven rooms Plastered through out. with £4**l Kreben,Sniok** H<.use and Stable: half atri* bt, Pause ln*tx l.uilt al><'Ul five yearh, near Ihe rchidence of Dr. S ruhecker. Terms llbeiul. Apidylo oct 1J- 3m JAMES >fcVMOUR. .1. ISK\\|| 4.T1, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Matron, Georgia, W1 LL practice in the Macon i ’ircuit, and in the connties of Mource. Puluam, U ilkin.-on and Sumpter. OFFIOE in Washington Block next door to J. M. Board inuriN Mo k St4ve. oct 26 WANTED TO HIRE! 200 IsXogrooa. fIIHK South Western Rail Rad Campany want to hire _l_ *2(K) Nesr Mt nta work on repairs ol their Road for the next year 1 1800), al>. 40 or .V) Negro Women as cooks and Shovel Hands, for which liberal nricen will le paid. Con tract can t*x- nade with J. M. Walden, Supervisor, Ft. Val ey ; Win. S Branl*-y # or with the subscriber at the office ia Macon. For pari iculara .address oct 26 wAsw 2rn VIKCiIL lOWERS. Erg. A Bup t. JUST ARRIVED. * LIKELY lotfif Maryland s*4 Virgin'*Negro.*, Plough IA. BuysandGirls. Also slew Good Washersand 1 rollers, and Cooks. Tlieir lives ate insured one vrar. and for sale on reasonable terms, at KUEL‘3 BKICK NEUKOMART, Pop ar Street. uov 9 Copartnership Notice, I HAVE m*sfciatcd with me my brother, FRANK ¥. STONE, fur tbe purpose of coiitinulng the Hat and Cap business. The business will be conducted hereafter under the firm name and style of CHAS. B. STONE & BROTHER. The unders’gned, thank'ul for the liberal patronage ex tended to him the past year, W4uld most respcctlully solicit a continuation of it lor the new firm. They will keep constantly on hand a superior stock of Hats ami Caps, w hich they w ili sell as low’ as any house In the City or State. CHAS. B. SIoNE A BKO. April 19. aJ-ast IR,eceivecL, BOHEMIAN FANCY COLORED AND CUT GLASSWARE, Os our own Importation ; Much of it is suitable for engrav ing for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Engraving on Glass Os every description, done to order iu our Store. Call aid see us. BOLSHAW & HERZOG. nor 2 CALL AND SEE The Beautiful I VO 111 TYPES at Wood's Photographic Gallery.. Which cannot t* procured elsewhere in Georgia, also a Largs collection of Photoouaphs. Porthaits in- Oil, Pa*- tkl asp AqbARKLL, A wurotvczk, Daoikr rkottms, Ac , as usual. nov 2 R. L. M'OOD. 7 WANTED F)JK first clast Tailor*—Stisdy employment and high ert price j-atd. WM. K. ARNOLD, oct li swAwtf A Uholx lot of Northern Apple-, various kinds, rrceived by e-.ii ,'teamer, rer sale by barr ..nd retail, togethtr with lht ,r' rtn,t,,t0 ’ tnU HANKY HORNE'S. COFFINS. ROSE WOOD, Solid Mahogany. Velvet, Stained, Cheap Vai.eered Mahogany Coffin., Also New Style Metallc Cases Superior to the old Styles. Old Pattern Metalsc Caaes at Lower Prices. tune 4—6 m T. A. O. WOOD. STEREOSCOPES. Al.AKGE.tiul lieautifal assortment of Stereoscopes, with a large number of views of all kinds, forsale.sluglv or by the dozen, at J. jl. BOAKDMAN’S, dec. 17—ts Washington Block Peru Wine. 1 invite tlie beet judges of Wine to the atiove, which can not te .uriutsscd iu tiavir and purity, Sherrv Brandy. Harmonla brand. Port Wine, of a very superior quality. Clarets,Chrieaula Rost, Moiiton.Pouiillac,etc. Saulelnes, of rerv fine t rands, at HENRY IIORNR’S. X /kikGVKK COATS of every style and variety, forseia lUlfcheap by (nov 27-ts E. WiNSHIP. JUST ARRIVED, X NEGROES-. PLOUGH BOYS A GIRLS, from 12 to 1z) •-■0 years ed, at NOKI.’K \egro Mail, oct 19 Poplar Street, Macon, Ga.