The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, December 02, 1859, Image 4

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TA It It V XT’S utuvti :.r SELTZER APERIENT. This ratable and porMlatMoik inggprepared la eoofonalty with ttos-uily.l. i.f th* water- >,f 1M t Sr,t.-er | to Ctr-uvay. in a tn.*4 unit tM an*l |*w to t Usn. rat* u; iveruUy wnn. the Boat F*- *wbie nxowtti ndalts ns oftfo. M .dkwl :s®- sand a tHn. ItMic. s tb* iIUBI mtLIUT AND A. lihhA RLE Bnlino J\. por 1 o n t to tor. and u being retitlrd to .iscis: : idtoWnr tbs j many Mineral Por-- g to'atrra. F. dll** I'awdera. and other f etauUr article., hath from lu c—| mtSeaW and pnht **• tjr. It may b turd will, thr Into . to nil AU.iirt.ii ash rut u *•***. • iiuPit HS, n*m ur AfriTITK, •**. AHf* ALL MSILAI tVM ruun. rmm uaui uiciwst mthe SPRING and SUMMER SEASONS. Iti*pritctariy adapted t-*tb* wanteof Trarrlm by Sea i and Land. K. - ‘ .ta in h>4 ciiiuto. im-ma of St*. | drutarjr HaMs, Invalid* nr.d l'Miialt>r ta; Captains of \ . sarin and Planters will find it s roioable addith-u tv their hi.'lam. Chets. With those wh hare card it, it has high favor and U deemed hdtortoto- IX A TOnni* STATE OK THE LIVER_It yrndera j great in restoring healthy hlh.ii IM.OUT ASH KHEDM XtISM-lt give. U.e l*t t- ! ufactioH. hll-ii in* all iiifi.m>e>nr. r> -> tui-U-ua, and in many j cases effectually cuiinglbuae arili, t*d. ITS SUCCESS IN CASES OK URIVIL JNDIGE< TiOJt, HKAKTBI K AM> tXHTIVE.NEAS Prove* It to he Med cter of the grentert :HlStv ACIDITY W THE >T> >M At ‘ll. AND THE DISTRFS*- I INUSICKNESS so USUAL DURING PREGNANCY— Y.eltsspeedily,and with markedtuceeaa uid.r ita hea.lhiul IhJtnmce. IT AFFORDS THE GREATEST RELIEFTO THOSE AFFLICTKW WITH Oil SUBJECT To THE PILES— Acting ginUy uc th.- Imweto, t eetrahung all Irritating tecr* ti..n and thereby removing li ii.H.tninatorv Undone*. IN r act it ISINVALI'HLEIN aliVaskm where A GL. rLL APERIENT oil PURGATIVE is KhtjCIKKD. It i* ill the form of a lewder, can fully oat u;> in bottles, to 1 keep In anyc.imate. Slid Birr ly Ryuie, water poui.d up •n it to ad. ilgbtful rSkryeacewt kmrr) Taken in tr.e morning, it never interferes with the avoes- ! lion* of the dav. acting gently •• the syt-in. real. ring the , ®****lV power*, eickiat a knUhi and vi/w-ron* lone of the at. .mach.and creating an tlmticMy of nen.l amt ow of-p'rtta which give at to eyery enioymeiit. It al> enable*the in valid t moir many lmiewi,h |,.,preiiv. fn ni which L. n.'.d .duerwio- l-_ d.l-armt, and without which lißi.irkjuai* and diUrratong. Nninerou* i. damoni*!* fnon pr.. Wonaland other gentle toarflkekifßd -loading thwmcbuwttbe nanin. and ita I steadily thcreariug popularity f-r a*, riea of yewr* rtrenglv I cnarwnlre ita elttracy ami yninahie . hamster, and commend . U totoe for. toUenutiensdaa intellmnt pwI.IV. ! Plupm. J il * J<t Wbob-eal.. and StHail 1 JOHN A. TARRAN I A IH., |.i No. J.’ ( SI.. Cor. of N. T. jane It-ly I T oroy City ■HI & Mill i JLa to Cjrncr of (in,min i J/.>r,/u/i gireih JOHN B. FULLER, Propr. |VWU >UhHIIOS, and Arehilra.e*. eon W* *tatly m. band, ami w.wt .tin order. Ala*. PEW LAI'S, lUiUiiw 11 UhJ liaii.% 11n..!* Tfiiutiißf<i of ever? ‘ deecrtpti.Jn. Hrn. keta, Trn.w*. and all kinds ..f Scroll and • Satiatord a** l *#; Hour* Cantor. Ac. Ac. Any dedtod patter wwl. .110 ..rder at -lewt metre. Win Hi Tl’llN- ■ ING in all iU l.rsnch-*, nan,. pann.lled. and twtacon ! Jewel*, on stand and n.a.le to order. RalaHei* of all sod dsaerlpt. *>■ *r .Ac. Ae Maho=any. Rlark Walnnt. Oak, Cherry, m l ITne Malr Kei*. a*wedr work* din order. The pro r.” marked wean pattern ut the Nk**m.t toordrr to any part at the United States are |.* . ee huhdred feet mnatwd mearore Nil. —ttor of the larr-M dock* >4 Mould, nr* and Tiin. ■twr-. and rrratrat variety ..fpatt. rn*. menu actured. f the j eery beat material*, will always le t.jnd at tlm ratohliah laent. Planing with neat nee. and dwpwich. Termaeaeh. JOHN It. Kt T I.I,ER will al-'O nianulhctnre ’ hod giro particular attention to G-otliio Work, T dttonn hea. Pato ■ Bnihllf., a Ito. Houanvhc. Wto u*r frum <. ic.. fcA*‘r !• ortkf .l b4kc. Jtouud tuut Stju,ire Picket Pence, ,(r.. : Alao, dealer in Doorw. Sa*het anti IliindH. OtwerT detrrt tin*.. myrn*k.dnred of the bed material, and I warm t*A hUndiu any Climate. It,idoers’ Hardware, ami , •very article ia that h; tarnished at the low. *1 cash prieee. Marble, Mnrhleizctl Iron and Slate Man tles, Terra Ct>Ua, finickets. Trusses, Win dot* CWim, t( m e. tw Detjens and Itrawirga f.irai m*.l at hoil n<4ue nng I—Am THE ONLY ARTICLE 111 I MKT. WITH MI.IfEHE HOME AND EUROPEAN DEMAND. THR rewnn why. I* that by Nature’• own pr ices* n re Aorta the natural cdor | . rn...,.eM1 after the hair be come* erny ; sopplir* thr natural Suida, and thin, makes it JP w eu told bead-. M1...wa1l •landmff’.ild.iagand beat Iroui the scalp, <]titU and tones up the nerv, r. and thu* cures all nervou* headache, and my Iw relied upon locate alldbeaec* cf the -calp aid hair: It wtll H.-p and keep it Iran fhJßni; olf. ait rit sorr. u,wt asnuai nri it used hy the young twoie three time* a w ( eh. it will never fall or become grav; then, nalcr, read the following and ‘ Judge tor yourself: „ „ . . New Tong, Jas.S. ISIS. I Nrr*m. O. J. Wmn A Cos. tftrtflesiw.a. Having lieanl a g.aal deal aint Professor Wood* Hair Ke'ti.ruUve.and >ny ba r Mid quite grwv, 1 j made up my mind lo lay aride the pr. indice* whxh 1. to common with a great many person*, had aga'imt all manner ] of patent ir e.l cine*, and a vie >rt time *g> 1 ccemtienced using ! your article, to test it fur myself. The result ha* been so very latlsfartory that I am yery glad I didst,, and in )u.-tice to you, a* well ~ f,. r the ei. enurageinent of *<hei- who mav he a* gray a* I wa hut w ho having my prejudice withoM nv n-aaons f..r retting it aside :-re unwilling to give yon r a trial till it . t have farther proof, end the i*d { n-.f leh . .ye U,r lirn.-ton tion. I w rite you this letter, which von may show to any and. and also direct them to no for further pr,iof. who am ia and nut of the N. N. Wire R-iling Eslat.iitomei.t* evert- day. My hair is now its naluial color and improved in appearance everyway, being ghdeier, ami thicker and touch more healthy looking. 1 am. yours respectfully. . „ i IIKNKY JENKINS, tag. Cfeluml iaand Carroll Sf„ Hovtljn. m . _ LmacsniN, *u,Ki I* 11. 1-il Pm>r. ~o—Dean fit: how Hair Restorative ha*done much good m tide part of the e .untry. My hair has been ailghtly diminishing for several years, can *d. 1 suppose, from a slight bum when I was quite an infant. 1 have been ustog your llair Krstoialiveti r sit wrok* and 1 find that 1 have a S nhead • 4 hair nowrruwirq;, after having wo.l all I other remedies known, to no rffest. I think it Uie lo.el vai i liable rtioedv mow ettaid. amt advise all who arc alß.vtcd i that way to ,ie your r. netjr, Yodran phii>h U., J jou Honk pro;wr. Yours, Ac., S. *T. Mii.isletoS. _, fr|l. . ISS7. PBr. R - INmt Hr: \'Mr||air Rckf<>rm.v U rf\y’ ng itaeif benettcial to me The tr.-,.i. and also toe lack port ad ray bead hot Its rwv* ring—was In fact ram. I Imre used h-f two half tint V.ttlcsirf your R.-l-ralive. and now the top of my head Is well -,mid. .1 with a pivi.;*ing crop and yioing hair, and the front i* also receiving its I eiteft. 1 Lav* tried other fa. ;**Tjti. B* without .my lnr. it whatever. 1 think from ~.y w„ ircl.-dial ocmioeivdai, nv, I can induce many otto mto try it. hcu . r*a;n, *luliy, I>. K. TMIiMAE. M. I*. No. tot VmcPtreet. Th* Kri'Cilivr p i>tl In bs|]r> *4 three -ir**, ylr: large, medtom. and small : the n.-albold*’ pint, and retailed tor one dollar per tv l. : the median, M,i- at !el twenty , cent mor in proportion than the small, retai s for two h 4 lari per the large holds a quail, to |ar . ■ nt m- re ia protsytl'U'. and retails her three doPar* p*r bottle. O. J. to tarts A ctl, Pnnriet.a-. . u Ito adway. X. Y„ I to the great N. Y. to ire Rai.iug Kui llsWetl., and lit j Market f‘treet.t‘l. Louis. M-. Avr old nr ill oo* Ha, outers lib Kaavl Goss j Dlttus. let. 7,7 m. FES TI LI/E li s! GENERAL AGENCY. TIfK “In-1.-rugned rsq*. tfhlly aanonnee to planter! and O! r* l u.few. •!, that they aioeoi.daally rycmviwg. di r. iftttothe Llat lvas.l tr th- asrnuf .tiurer*. the f..l ’Wto* “*d*< ts-pen, r -t f. rfiT.'.-er* s-w all of which hav* bean thoroughly bd aslufactun! j tested, via: No. 1 lVmviati Guaii.., J'-miltn-rt. (•ti.-ttio, lihtalc't, Bujicr. Pbto|ihtuf Luitt, Ndtionul KgniKsfrr, Gruuutl Flitter. teed asgraalne. we d-.vU. at all time- be pr> iwrsd to furnish f*’!” ■ava. nah Mavl.-ly. PATTEN A MILLER. (,<■’( r.'-'if* \ <P <2r . ♦-10.00 l >A £ie ,l £ L t ?'^. fars ,:I •* mrm *’ “ City Cot { ovuan./rtl ’t’.sarwn ,vj’ • w*'” L- --d awl best oncan-re.: mmeyeinl >eh-.g |, ibe Lnltt and .-I ."el. TOI U LARtB HALLS i m writ lag. Commetolal u.* Ktr-png an. Lccttif*. l*sal time to eompk-t* a toll e *. b.wtt,. m | jf*’’’ >i'dh.i, aye gisd>u*ti g. u entrant*-.t *.*, J*®** * *• ’Yf td any htotaeew Bad mLhjTj to earn a talarv ~f men ‘ivmin.v ♦£3oo to 81000. RewWwto plenum i Flm Premiums for Best Writing b l **! :U><> i l YYe hesl and gr,-.i,st TsneSy m -v, V_ Halt is the l n: .q ■ f U u, M i r - Yvif Ovwameam. toto^ e *- [ . , .‘^*|"- RAnem and , neb we five letter ■tot*vlh-d \aw of the Cojegr. •eptWwly U *- l '* W r- to.JKNEINP. ■ *. :ar s>.,in. | City Residence FOR SALE. qtlllnmt deMmide and bswatifnl n. , 1 to. central pn.l of the ctyu m.w . M££. *3*. on the mod lihenl term*. ** JJ;;; Th*M<-,,<UlM<-nr acreut groowd. *„rr*. , , 4 M ; •a all rids-, to wmetsaml al'evs. * and in the mm* substantial manner. The Uon**v.tau.sss .uars -I’h fireplace in each, with wide pa*~Mc too-ugh in* middle id, be main building. U ud, * hnlhruoso. |s try, A re room vadcti-n-G, all b*w and Hij** •** ‘ . th* .< -I t e. i the .ut arc ail th* nsesuenry o il bu-utinga. Unmagr He* e. •told*, wwh ho.,- chkk.-n to*. s*e hoomr. A ton’ .- l*.m* at which basin ita f*s nwdMttogt ’*tlhTtoJ!tot..r Inoealiwh-rl. Alwshydianl and . asset ain * *7. bnridia a choice var e,y *4 phrwbhrry and rp.ll ~ r ’•'JJ* thrittf and ff ■wishing cmditton. . H *!+!, to ** n _ h.K.¥.AMI*. New Candy Factory,and BAKER Y. ORNAMKMTEIiChke.hnd Kthis.rappiindto Fhmtlio Wadding* nnd Fwrti re .according to order. AUtO, Onady by th* Bog, (manor wd for Merchant*.) of the beet warranted, nnd nt the lowest prices. Orden far the nhoeeo r for Drags,Unrdendead*,Mat- Fm;ts,Ac. promptly attend es to hy J. H. A W. 8. ELLIS, _ PovS—U Oherry Sueei. Uasma. Ga Frctili Arrival! •- tmmdltof. m^a.'aßaiKysii’toA. •I S “ ilga Heads, something new. In More. *ml for mkby GREEK A FREER AJI Biisfr’ Kfiuedy Hus*’ i* i* |>tlc Hemctljr Bibs’ l> ~*■ pTle Htsssdy Hit-.’ lij ,|s idle Utut.-ljr M-In* liy'spepllr llituiily Itltv** Uv. l*. |Hl<- iCeiurutjr min’ S>y ,ju |>tl( Itnuidy llil*.’ Otwytoprlr lltiiirily lilt..’ 1') m rtlr ll< ,ULily Hit*.’ K)s|m|Mi*- 111 mill)’ UUn U) .pi pti. it* iin tijr flue (He l.rir-t Sale ll:% I lie -t sale Kan (lie Latent Sale Hit. |lte ,1 Sole Hw tile l,sr,'r,l Sale , Use I.„rv.*t Sale 11. I lie lart;t<l Sale lias tit*- UaiiP't Sale lln. lit*- Largtsl Sale 11 .ta tlac Laijiitt Sate Os any Nrdlrine in tlti- Worlil. Os any >l*ll*l>e in llte World. Os any .Hrdhis* I** lit.’ WorlU. Os any “'I. dir l„r l,i tile Win Id. Os any Mnlltlur in Hie World. Or airy Medium to tin- World, Os ao>’ .MrdiCJiir lit liie World. Or any, im- iu lire World. Or airy *Tcll-lie in tin- World. Ot any Medlflur In tire to orlrl. lUU.OIKI I’.irU ■„•<- • KHi.UiNi Pm HMI.IKNI URi.iMIU I’.Lt hs;!. Hiti.OiHl f IrKMKId Pae leaded .HI Paekagrs !->:>.Urhl Paei.:i;> * IlKi.tNll luu.liJO Pathn^tt Sol.l To ilrorgla and SnutU Carolina >o!.I lu u,:d hsaUi Carolina hold l:i tlrorui.r and Sotiilr C arolina Sold In Georgia bmi! >ouiit larolln* _ Sold In Georgia and Soutlr ( a roll,in hold in aivd Soutlt Carolina Sold 111 Groitila arwl ‘i>otlt Cr,llt,a Sold in <;, ort!i:, nt.d Soul li Carolina Solti In u* ->i".ia and So util Carolina bold in Iscorglta and Sotrtii C uroilira In K.ruitocn Monlht, 1:: Ksnrtna Jlontlto. in Kunrlern jlontlir. In Koiii t*-e >ini,th.. In Kuurln-n .Montlr*. In Kourtern Mont it.. In Kourdeeu MutitUe. l:r Foui tecii Jlo.illr*. In l ourtren ‘lontli.* 11l FdUliiUl llol.tllv. It I* Warranted to Core It I. Warrant*-*! to Cure 111. \\ nrranlrd lo Cure It Is Warranted lot uie It I. W at ranted In C ure it I. W arrant*-*! lo Cure it I. to ansuitd to Cure It Is \\ arranteil to Cure It I* W airanted to Cure It I. Warranted to Cure If llii-e-ellnns are I'ollotved, It i)li erf Lins are l-'oUott**l, It Directions are i-'ullott*-d. If Dire* tlnus as* Followed, If Directions are Follutveil, If IMrt-clton. are Follntyed, If INrei lion, are Follotvrd, If DiieefTni. are l-'tsfl.ityeel It Dlrecfion. are Follotved, If i>li es tioiin are Follotoed, Any Case of llys|M-|mla Any C ase of II) aje |>*la Any Case of l)y |M |la Any Cone of Dys|><-|la Any Case ul D> *|.< Any Case of !) *|m |>.la Any Case us I)j ;a |>.la Any Case of I>y*|K-|isla Any Cave of Dy.pi-)>sla Any Case of Dy |., j,.la Elver Disease, Liver Disease, I-leer Disease, Liter Disease, Idver Disease, Elver Disease, User Disease, Elver Disease, User Disease, Elver Disease, Jaundice, Jaundice, / Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundie e, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, General Deldllfy, Cirneral Drtdllfy, Gincial IE HI Illy, General lElilllly. General Ihiil.liy, General IE hlllty. General DeMilty, General Debility, General Drillllfy. General DeMilty, Palpitation. Pal|illafloo, Pal|dtatlon, Pal|>ltallon, I*nipt Cal lon, Pa I pi (at lon, Fat |>ll a I lon, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpi tatlun, CHron Ic Diaiiloea, Cbronic DLII 111.1 -a. Chronic Dlarrlura, Chronic Dlarrltu-a, Claroidc Im-a. Chronic Dlarrltua, Chronic lHnrritcea, Clironlc Dlarrtiua, Cltronlc Diarrlui a, CUronlc Diarrlin-a, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, I- lu.L ltd.*, Glddlnr.*. Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Npirite, Depressed Spirits, Dipiruril Spirits, D< pressed Spirits, Depressed Splilts, Dcprrssa'l Spirits, Depresse-d Splrtls, Depressed Spirits, Dt pressed Spirits, Eoes of Appetite, lasss of Ap|M titc, Eos of Appetite, Eo.s of Ap|n titc, I*os of Appetite, lar.s of Appetite, Loss of Ap|M lit*-, Lovs of App< tile, laiss of Appetite, Eoss of Aj.petite. Pain lii Side and liaek. Pain In Side and Hark. Pain In Side- anil llsrk. Pain In Side anti Hark, Pain lu side nnd Uack. Pain In Side and Hark. Pain in Side anil Ita* k. Pain In Side and Hark Pain in Side and Hark, Pain In Side ami Hark, It Is Especially Adopted to It Is Ksprtlally Adopted to It Is 1-7. pi clotty %and pled to It Is Ksprrlolly Adopted to It Is F.*|h dally Adapted lo It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Es|ict lolly Adopted to It Is Ksprdolly Adapted ta It Is Ksin-dolly Adapt'd to It Is Esl>rdolly Adapted to Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female (oraplaints; F* male t urn plaints; Female C omplaint ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; It Produce* Rotundity of Form It Produce* llotundily of Form It Produce* I iol Modify of Form It Produces t(otuui!t<y of Form It Produces R'*fuodMy of Form It Produces llotundily of Form It Produces I tot nudity of Farm It Prod us • s Rotundity of Form It Pruducis Rotundity sf Form It Products llotundily or Form (n Females of a Tliln nnd < *pare Habit. In Females of a Tliln and rr Itabti. In Females of a Tliln anti h|Mre lluldt. In Femalei of a Thin and eipare llaMi. Ia B'emales of a Tbio and Vpare llultlt. In Females of a Tliln and Spare Habit. In Females ot a Tliln and ‘pare ILiblt. In Females of a Tbio and Spare lIaMJ It, Females of a TTiio and bpare liable la Ft males of a ’1 bln und Spare ll.bit. Bend ePnlafi Slump to tbe Proprietors lor their Pamphlet on - Disc uae* of Stom ach and Bowels.” W* AV. BLI'S A Cos.. Proprietor*. 3t>3 Broadway, New York. For Sale in Macon, byZKII.TN I HUNT. C'ai*|kctiii£ anil Oil t’lolhs Cik RitLLSi'srpetlEf. lev.ry >l* hadqualitlee,of T OU p**trv.V IvctsnJ Itnn-■:*. Dree ply, latTwn ar.d .“utarfit.e Kngs *• and Mats. Door OilCMh* ..tell widUofnsa H > nl to U test, rmttabli jrßsl!. sud Hiti-lg Ko- iu*. Coco* sod la 11. MstUt-g. la the atove g,-:> w< era rbow be Lrcest and lost a*sor Beat ia u-e Ci’y. Tn i- Ui t * irt liiC Tic til *ir Kml ir ’ k B* r. BO4* * v'JOHN KNICHT’S i t'll S* SH T ***\ , *D JM | 1 lL M 4v ~ *if I LHmv tmiLIIKIUHt.WITH lUPCRIOr r"ciLITIJ- Jl| HE , r 0 *Ju raorurc of tv t!V T 1 */* O TJ[ ®. L _f J N THI UII 8 I N C • • . For Sale.—A Bargain! ARiK'KAWAY and HARNESS, nearly new. Al a f*d KAMtI V HORSF. accusUsuei! to the Cttv >ud very geatle. Apply *t thb Olhce. ott 14 SCHOOL WANTED. k Tuui-r jaaa.a gnsiuele ot s SnnUu'ni Oallege. wat.lsa *\ -4lusUu*. * In. m * be. !lb> bcsltt*. tl'iul rvl*r ’ cßcegiv. *. Aitrre*s KIIU.-i of rrU Ultliett ” I cct 7tf Central Rail Road Office, Savannah. Get. Mth, 7h . I ON an t a’t- r Monday. Oct. SIR, during tbe senWii of the I l.egi.'alate. A M4VM.iI OSSM-I 4, -r train will I* ran Haily between Gor- J due mod Milledgeville. eoniievting both ways with CcuUal . Leave Gordon 11 :i p m., arrive at Mil'tilgevTlle li 15 a.m. I L**vc MiUedgsrlUc 8.45 p-m , airive at Guidon IM3 p in. Oclihi I • Ev>. W. AI)A MS, Uenentl Mip't. New Goods. FRESH CONFECTIONARIES. Henry Horne HAS lately returned from the Northern Market.*.and ha 111 More now, aid n receiving < on**iaiit!y a very choice Cmitec-tkiiiartM ail Family (*n>c* ricn, to which h nvit ’i the atleiit.oD of the Citizen** of AJacon ainl Muriound ng cu ntry. Ttokful for Ho* etc MMlitiglv li>*eral (utroringe etilnv* and f**r the l*a*t i'iir > tr I *. I respect d'\ U*g f.r a rottt;€uauce ♦f the a*ie, iioOsi7ii to *y |atre*iet® uriH their fav*r. FINE FURNITURE. FINK Parlcr Setts, R.>3e Wood, Mahogany and Georgia Walnut Furniture. Secretaries and book Cases, . .. _ and Book Case*. Bureaus of Rose Woop, Ma- tetfi.*’ hagaay and to alnut. X 1 B*-fa,Tete-a-Teies,Divani, if!A jJ Sociables, Ottomans, in Hair ~ and! Oiath, Flush, Brocatel, Ac. Arm, Rocking,Nurse, tew ing, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth, Pluth, Bro e-tel,Cane,Split Bottom,and every kind of Ohairknovß to the trade. BEDSTEADS. Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahogany, Bearh, Gum, c., High, Low, French and Cottage. Wadrobes of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnn and : Pine. Bates of all Patterns. Tables. Mahogany, Walnnt, Cherry, Pine, Extension Folding Leaf, Hquare, Round, Ac. Mattresses of Hair, Cotton, Moss and Patent Bprlng. Feather Beds, Pillars and Bolsters. Pine Mirrors, common Looking Glasses, Looking Glass ‘ Plates, Picture Glass. Window Shs les and ’ine Cornices. Buckets,Tubs,Dippers, Brooms, Brush Brooms, Feath er, Foot Ms t ,Ac. for tale on the most reason able terms. Lumber taken in exchange, or Lumber made up lathe wost fashionable st rlee of Furn ture to order. We have one of t.ielargest Pto>-ks of FINE FURNI URE lu the State, and we ire constantly manufac ring, and wish to sell. Call and see us. •wit i ran wnnrt STOVES! STOVES!! STBVESm At W. J. McElroys, THIRD STREKT, MACON, GA. n/\n Cooking Stoves, 75 Box and Parlor Stoves.— yDy Also a fine lot of Grates, comprising the fines and most vaaikD assortment of Piovcs ever offered public, among them'lie old favorite Ikon Witcb, war ranted to give satisfaction. Also the Victob Cook, made in Augusta, Georgia. Cheap for Casa or good Notes. —ALSO.— A well selected assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS consisting in part of Northern and Southern Wood Wilis, Brooms, Brushes, Counter tml Feather Dusters, Lanterns, Lamps, Steak Dishes, Tea Urns, Chaffing and Steak Dishes, Ac., Ac. Gas Fittixo done at short notice. Also, plain Gas 1 fixtures for sale. Peace, CiSTkKS and Wkll Pravs, of the most appro ved Patterns. Rubber Hose, Lead, Capper, Block Tin and Iron Tubes of all siaes, Steam Valves, Whistles, Guages, Cylender and Water Cocks of all kinds. Copper Stills, and Copper Plumbing. Tin and Sheet Iron work of al ’ kinds, done in the very best style. Lightning Rods put up at short notice. • Notice. On and after this date, all work done to order win be POSITIVKI Y CASH on delivery, and all accounts due when presented. Macon, oc* 9-ts W. J. MoELROY SI\CI! EZ’ SPECIFIC THAT GREAT IUIITTT THAT GKI.AT BUitl'V THAT UllkAT HKMRDY i THAT GREAT lOY KDY j THAT GREAT KKMKDV THAT CRRAI RELEDV THAT GHLAT KLVEDY SANCUf7,’ SPIXTFIC SAXUH VJC 81'ECIHC sanluke si'kcinc KANUIkZ’ BPUUIKIC RANCHIX’ SltllHC SANCinX’ SI'WIFIO RANCHKZ* Si'tUHC THE ONLY POSItUK Cl’ltK THE ONLY 1-OSHIVE CUKE lllE ONLY ITISITIVE (l UK THE ONLY 1-OSimK CCHE TIIK ONLY l IMITIVE Cl KK HIE ONLY tIKK UIE ONLY lYfoiriYC CUKE BRFOKR THE PEOPLE BLFoKK THE PEOITJS BEIOKE THE I'FXIPLK BEFOKK UIE PEOPLE BEFORE lllE PEOPLE Br Koi’.E THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPIJC FOR GONORKIKKA k GLEfT. I FOR GONORKIKKA A GLEET. j for gonorkhoca a gleet. j K,K GONOriRHO.A A GLEET ! IOK GONORKIKKA A GLEET. 1 FOR GOXORRIKK.A A GLEET. | IOU GONORKIKKA A GLEET. SAVIN A BIG DOCTOR’S BIIX saves a rig oixtors riix SAVEN A BIG IKXTOK’S BILL SAVES A BIG DfcCIOK’B BILL SAVES A 810 DOCTOR'S BIIX SAVES A 810 DOCTOR’S BIIX SAVIN A BIG DOCTOR'S BILL IS EASILY TAKEN IS FASII.Y TAKEN is easily taken IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY taken { LJ EASILY TAKEN j is easily taken HAS NO BAD TASTE lIAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO HAD TASTE I HAS No bad TAsTK has no bad taste has No bad ta&te WILL EiTICT A CURE to 11.1, KEIr lT A UTKK I WILE Ulin A LUKE to II.L KH'IJIT A CURE WIIX I.FEWT A CURE Will. EEEECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A LUKE WITH LESS TRODBIJ; WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LISS TROUBLE Wli.l LEafl TKOL'BLK WITH lIKS TROUBLE WITH I KSS TROUBLE Willi LIAS TROUBLE MORE PPEFDH.Y lIoKK SPKEMI Y MOKE SPEKDIIY , MOKE SPr EDII.Y MOKE SPKIDILY MORE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND I’IRMaM-NILY 1 AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY ITIAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY than any known remedy than any known remedy than ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY ! THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TEST ONE PACKAGE TEXT ONE PACKAGE T!>T ONE PACK AUK TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEsT ONE PACKAGE I Every Druggist and Country Merchant should keep a supply of tbi# valuable Remedy, not only from tbs Ita that accrue from its sales, but as an aei of philan thropy towards suffering bc.i.euity. It will be rued* to th# especial and pecuniary interest us all Druggists to purchase by W. W. BIJ! A 00., PROPRIETORS, 30* HiiOADWAY, NEW YORK. For Sstle In U —’—■m Alitoon. hy ZHILIN & IIUXT. J. J. MILLER. J. WAT NR MAN • MILLER 6c WATERMAN AUCTION AND COMMISSION ni;iMUA.\TS Macon, ■ ■ ■ Groorgia-, give psit'cular altestlon t,,tbe public and private 11 til-Id Meri t a,..lieeut,d 1-r,.1 rty .and every description, and will make prompt r, tuni# ~.r U.v Karan „v rusiasi-ia l"—J. B. A > . A. Ross, ‘I . K. Bloom, 1 J. V. Wider, L. M.lssufiE. Bond. Drsllil Mra.u facturcr's Batik. Mai on. Us. W.M. Davidson La Roche A ltell, it. Ilslierslun, A Sons, Brgbam, Baldwin A Cos., T. J. Walsh, Savannah, Oa. W. 0. Dukes A Son, Chariest, u, 8. C. aug 4—ly xkwfikmT TuirtT'rTiv Obiiyiiif oil Ur liuMbutf In all Its linucJu**. We iuaii • ke*[, Pnaeions'Cairisires, Boggles at,d Morrea. to litre pa as fled term, as anybody, to e also have the most ample oc ; oouimodatbms for Drove Slock. I to# would iay to the public thuttoe have taken the Ml Into | eur mouth In rariust. and can always he found with our Aar i arss os ready ta seive you ; w intend bv keeping a rlrafght leeyue. pulling tagellirr, end by buckling down clnseto bus tness, to succeed or break a (race. We shall never lirtftUuwt ; ; In bill Ling up for you au lung os you come up lo the lick loa and settle. Now It yon Want Ur to ag -.n, to r,l4i-trupand I not be tuik.j. In fset if rou don't want us to chick up too sioer, pat yunr shonlder to tbe wlwwl, give us a share, and If , you find a rlngle liact of ingratitude von may halter us. J KB.Very re.p*4-tf,illy, A DKRI/uLI) A JEF FEKB Opposite the Passenger Depot aminrau i Brown's hotel. pr 29-lt 1 JACOirS CORDIAL 10,000 Negroes i 0,00,0 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take. Notice Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Jacob's tiordial Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy •J Befoie The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, 111 Dysentery, In Dysenterv* Diarrhcea, Diarrh(ea, Diarrhcea, And Flux. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Sale in Macon, bv 7-fiILIN & HUNT. CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, U*7*mTmV~ *„MSti7r wegA t‘iiyW3t£lß. lßSks*. *“*-__* r*atiea..g.l -f1.%, JB V. . Sl ii—n it m. tn CHAN.CE OF SCHEDULE. ON and after Thursday, July 15th, 1858, the Trains will be run as follows: Leave Savannah 12 ’5 P. M.aud 11.45 P. M. Arrive in Augusta 7. it, A. M. aud 6.10 P. M. Arrive in Macon lI.UO P. M. and 9.00 A. M. Arrive in Milledgeville l.uti P. M. Leave Macon 10.45 A. M.atol 10.00 P. M. Arrive In Savannah T.Jd A. M. and 9.10 P. M. Arrivein Augurta 7-iO A. M. and .:i0 P. M. Arrive In Mineilgeville 1.10 P. M. Leave A„g,:s:a 15 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. Arrive In Savannah 7.20 A. M. and 9.'!0. P. M. Arrivein Macon 9.00 A.M. Mdll.OO P. 11. Passengers for [mints l-eyond Atlanta, on the Western A Atlavtlc Ball Road, will leave Savannah ou the 12.15 train, and arrive 1 u Atlanlaat 7.15 iievt moruing. Passengers fori Milledgeville nnd katonton will leave hr the 11.45 train. Both trains connect st Macon with the Macon A Western Road for Atlanta, anil with the South western Kail Road to Albany, Ainerlctis,Colnnibnsaud Mottlg- iiiery.iind at Millen with tlie Augusta and Havunnat, Kail Koud for Augusta and be North. (DO, to. ADAMS, luiy 30—ts Genera! Buperiutaudeut. LATEST NEWS BY THE IMTIC TUUn f |V> all whom it may concern, this is tonotilyth: pubik X that ISAACS isat home again, and t4>gs to assure his patrons that his Sa loon Is not a thing of a dav. Citizen* and the traveling public will find their eslablialiment open, not lor tbe Season only, but all Soasons of the year, and them.* ca'luic on uj. will at ail hour>. find our lartler sup plied with all the delicacies that tlie Mew York and other aiarket will alford. in the way of eatable* .%nd aoiueihinic icood to drink, and *ix dayaout of seven, more than can be found lit any Loum; in town, E. ISAACS A BRO’. Under Ralston's Hall, Cherry St. His Bill of Fare will every day. Be just the thing fur little pay ; And those, who at their place may eat. Will find in it all things complete— And going once, they then will know, That ISA ACS, to the PLACE lo go. to'e shall be happy to see our trlends, ensuring them that It • 111 be our umcmittlng care to please lnevery respect, as we latter ourselves, we have done till now. It may ,<e generally known that we have, to meet the wish es ol the Meulcal faculty. Imported hy ourselves, a verysupe rior quality of Pale Brandy, fine old Port, Sherry and Made ria, possessing all the Medicinal qualities, so much desired by them. Look at this Bill of Fare aud choose for yourself: OYSTERS, From New York. Savannah and Bruuswlck In the shell or by the measure, raw, fried, owed, or lu any way you waul them. Also. M,r In, [is and Crabs, to'ildFame of every variety, Venison and Beei St, £J!Slfee Mutt -n Chon- and Veal Cutlets, Han, and Eggs, /Tw Devil Ham and Deviled Teraplns, ‘ MOUNTAIN OYSTERS, TURTLE SOUP, Wood-Cock (} route, MuuuuSnGuvM, Squirrels, Wild J>uck*. Klsh,ard every lliia* tLjii tu epicure wauls, can ilwn)il)t wLen in M-.i.ion. Confectionaries & Fruit ISAACS, also keeps constantly on aMid 9k food assortment of <'onfref i,*i:n ri***, ORANGES, Ai'l’LES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, I nffL:r^to All of which can he purchasid at low prices for <’ %NH. Be at. K. MA.UM *v lllttl NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! RKCKIVKD DAILY AT URlilili & MU’! We would re*p**c4 r uliy li*onu tl.etltlser pof Vac n and k d cuiilry, Ibatoueof ourfliiu hast recent* ly returned Jou Ud- va lous N- rtbern Vlar* ktL, autl w* 1 4.w prepared to slow the fl tsl Stock of Family GROCERIES Aver offered In thismsrket. toiialaUog In | ar. ot Hiram Smith'll t'lour — Whole anil Half Hhlti. Sitoa Mill. A’.i I ~ti in our. Xetc //wr. ho t ‘ioi’ lhity' WTiTsivy I’hoice IU um unit Brandies. Hint 1,1 Urpunil Hu IT a r • , | all ijritil. *. Gree-i Seal Champagne, The la*4t kn iwu to iduw Cliquot Champagne, Hri-lsick Uhatnjugße, | lo* I’eote ‘* Half Pint “ Cases and Ba.ik*ts, i Cniuo Onffee, 1.1 j Java “ j Mo cj laigulrv “ fine Fr. urh 4'ttmdin*, Iff RIJ*. s’ K AhnimJc, Brazil Nut* t'.nrjii h Walnut*, I'hoirr l‘ig Bacon, I’hvirr Pig Ham*, Bar Mackerel, all s.ic Park-ay*. Choice Hte/ Tongue*, Choice pried Beef. Bologna i Sausage, I Mtult/ Vaperior Chewing Tot-a 000. on tlmuund Choice Ha van* Cigars, Fine (j*t Chewing Tobacci. The lar gest assoitmeiit o’ IT-IPtE WORKS rrer offered in this market. An vndles* varlbty hfTOTS. Emits ol all lid* Ac. sou ltV Kii|><’rior Cream Cheese Thankful for the Uls-ral IKVtrurogr bestow ed on us, we hop* hy renewed eaertum. lo enjoy ***, Inued fejn*r. Oct l>t GKEKK A FREEMAN. 4,4 Ma'. Pisa 01 St lilt Negroes Wanted. FWYHI highest cash price will bo paid for likely M TO Via NBOR OSS. Also for a gang of Plant*. Ma bqnu.. W. B. PHILLIPS, laatMacon. - *Ae-t’ 1 fifteejEftHES STAPLE DRY-GOOES. MESS. DUMLAP & HARRIS, I WOULI> respectfully announce to their friend**, and the public, that they huveenarged theii score, uhd arr now prepared to keep. aid shall k.ep a.t all tlmee. a s**ck <4 HKOOFKIES and BTAPLK DRV UOOI, second to noni Iti the city, and h> which th*lr atteuliou is iunt c rdUlly In* ; vited, The foil .awing la a list ol the leading urpc ea : 250 Bags Rio, Java and Laguii a Coffee. •200 Barrels A. 15. ands. SI C. VMS. 5100 Boxes TOBACCO. 250,000 CIC.ARS, from $5 to SCO 1 per thousand. 15 Bales Otnalmt’KM. 10 “ Korney. 10 “ Cotton T arns. 10 “ lslankot<i. 1200 pair of i\egro Slioo**. 100 Bales II l(s(>lAL. 200 Coils Rope. 250 Bbls. Liquor of every quality and ’ kind, from the finest Otard, l>ti|>ny & i Co** Isrands,down t<> Kectilii-d TVliisky I They hav ■ (-+•.> :i W,:.v stock of DANDLES. t'AXDT, 1 SOAI‘, I'H'KI.KS I’AINT-. (It. \ uo.l m fuitev ery iliing he I lantcror Merchut t **ai * ant In the lino id i I GrctccriosHiid Stu; It* Dry-(roods Don't fail to c--11 aid c*\. I amine their sotcc before purchasing tlaehere. [septJdtf l ObMhm I co., Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga., Offer, ns usual, at tlielr Old Stand, a lliuiet As* Hurtinciil of I’Vtl SLY <; ROCK It 3 IvS, OK every description and of the best quuiiiy. frtsli and *ood, lieinv constantly in receipt of new supplies from * the Northeru Markets, Sugars, Spices, M'irte Fish, Syrups, Citron., Herrings, Coffee, Orn n Fruits, In cans, Hams, Teak. Condiment* laird, Sweetmeat*, Sauces, Flour, Nuts, Cheese, lint r or, | Kaieins. Mackerel, Fork, i Aod otherartic'es too numerous to mention, comprising the j whole range of Family Grocery supplies. I We particularly invite the attention of dealers and other* : to our large and complete stock ot Candies, mauufartiirtil by j ; ourselves, of the very l est materials, and warranted to retain their hardness and brilliancy, whl.e the Imported Camtie* soon lose both and become worthless. We offer unrivalled i , nducemeuta to purchasers. Cakes, Ornamented &. Plain Os every variety, and made oi choice materials. Families j I and parties supplied at the shortest notice and on the most j < reasonable terms. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh Fish, in their Season. OUR OYSTER SALOON, 1 Wlllbe open for the reception of visitors, where we shall fw, keep constantly on hand duriugihe Fall and Winter, Krosh Oyter*i and 1 Kish. native and inuwuted. V / ol the beat qualities, and respectfully invite or ders. which shall he faithful 1 y ailed. net)—tf CARRIAGE MAKER'S HARDWARE. N.WIED, pv V t /\ \\ / / \ I ,1(t / "■ ‘1 [.•<•> wW. * Bud ‘ j \ I- ‘ ’’ I \/ / * \ \ c s / V j** £ i \ / Ah* <£ 2 a % VFull assortment of Wagon and Car riage Maker's Material fi>r .-ale at j Now York priees, adding freight, together with a full assortment of Hardware adapted to the of Planters, Smiths, Mechanics, &c. For Sale bv AATII VY WEED, oet 14 Macon, Ga. raoUAS BAKDKMAH. 0V1I) O. Sm> HARDEMAN & SPARKS^ m WARE HOUSES COMMISSIOBT MERCHANTS \XT ILL continue to give prompt attention at their yy FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, on the corner of 8d aud Poplar Streets, to all businei committed to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all the interests of their friends nd customers,they hope to receive iheir full share he public patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and otherprodn when required. vw- Planter’s Family Stores, also Fagging, Rope, k, (uruished at the lowest market rates. Macon, Aug*—tf \Mi AN l* BLilil D f'ACTOU V . Theon deraigned is stillprepared to manufactuie all kinds of WindowNiikii, It Ii ml >, l’niinc I lioorn and ('arpentry Work to order. Having always on hand, the beat seasoned and well assorted lumber, ht ■rill warrant his work to be of the most substantia!and durable description. He will also contract for any site or style of buildir.. and execute the same with all needful dispatch. Orde respectfully solicited. JOHN KNIGHT. [ pr3B—tf FISK’S BURIAL CASEST l > 08F WOO D.MahogaDy, Walnut .Covered and Plain 1V 0< ffins. Builders are in vited to call and examing my stock ol Marbleiaed Iron Chimney Pieces, Window Bash and Blinds, Panel Doors, Window Glass, Mahogany Balus ers and Newell. B. P. ROBS, tnarll—tf Ootton Av, Macon,Ga. snn>. MUSTARD, Clove*. hutmegs, I’epptr. At., which articles we have been extremely c nlful lo t-elc.i by personal in* |Bl ection ; tin* purest, freshest and cleanest that tan be ob tained which we shall Uavs keep O i hm and. I eptss,’*>, ts ZfilLIN & HI’NT. Macon, Ga JUST RECEIVED, RANDALL’S LIFE OF JEFFERSON, Complete in three Volumes. C|> 54 ~ir .1. M. WO A It 1 MAW. NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE! 31 ACOY. GEORGIA. mj T We are now opening a large and well* .“elected Mock ol licnN mid kliocm, ■Bm in the Stn e oil Seoond Street, !.* \t • cd near.y oj p *site Ma riue aid AltciiauiCa* Hank Agencies.— Stn k hiving be-n puthafed by one of onr firm niEkiT riroa tiie Eastern M antfacthieu r*u Cash, , ll r c can offer great inducements t/fjhoa* who wish to buy fur Cash. ! We prefer small proftdnlCasA. lhther tlisn large ones on time, where the go -d ui and solve at cuetointiTi pay the losj on G B<ltl to Ihe doubt ul one*. We shall keep constantly on hand a gen eral St<*ek lor LAUIEn. Miobioi*, MenN, Youths*. Boys* and Cni dren’s ‘ **r, and mlpo a large stock for Negroes. We invite all who wish to purclmre to call Ai.d s**e tin, | and we will convince tli**in tint!. *t ;an AND will skll as low as aw norrtK in Til* State. O* r work I* guarutite**d, I and where it falls to give saiDfacth n, we ifpuir free vs I chnrge. We respectfully solicit a liberal share of public natron’ ge. HKAKDKN A GAINES. R E I* 1111 l X G . 1 We have employed experienced workmen, and are pre pared to Repair all kinds ol work iu our line with i tallies and defpilch. kluich ?5, *i—t TO FARMERS • HW| I’.ALFS HEAVY Gt NSY BAIiGINU, OUU 1.0 0 licit* - 111) ’• l>umlcy iing.lhg njm Coils Mach in* B.ip-% l.t*) “ 11 u and Bpßn Jtupr, .O 0 i’uunds Tslst. We offer the above un favorable tc ins. July Si—ts J. H. A W. A. ROSS. Porter and Ale. OA < ‘ask s J offers* Jug Ale, _ v t 10 Casks bc.-,t Louiluu I’ortrr, ust received, GKEEH oc FKEEMAK 1 ~ DRS. M’DONALD & VAN GIESEN, ’ j XJBKTTXSWW, Washington Plofk, llarnn, Ga., BLKOTKICITY I SEUIN EXTRACTING lEKTH. MeiaOBALU*. Tooth Paste si way t >n hand and for side, . I'enlistseon le supplied with the tines! style of Tcelh. | also (Jold Foil, Gold and Hilver Piute and vs'ire, lutihe Fix tures, 4tc„ also with any kind of li.atrumenuor Muterialsoo thor notice. oct. Id—if Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, OiWk Backs Klo Coffee ,VJ Kai kn Java ami Lug. Coffee, 1-S iTilr Reflnydßugui, i.t •• Crushed and Powdered, .*■o “ hds New Urteana Sugar, SO Mils New Orleans Syrup, 10 Ids New Crop Molasses, 6 0 bushel. Beed Oats, to ” Corn Meal, i Casks BhnuEdera, 10 ‘ Bid**. SOO Sai ks Flour, For sale bv I*lo*B—tf AYItEB. WINOKIKLDACO. PCKE imiurt _-d Whits Wius Vinegar, at une Lullar | per Gallon, For sale at ULMtI HOKNE’f. 1 A Card. AFHACTICE extendingaverseverai counties, mnnva j ibelli di-taat film Macon, bus resulted In my Irequent ah nice from lli'sdty. Ful the purpo-r oMiffonilngiue niula I time u. attend lo my busine.-* inUli. clrtul’, I li' associated in niy practice with Col. K. “ a law)* of large practice and reputation, w l lose reside nee In Atlanta will authorise me in givii g coiistani and exc.udve st.entton to al’ rtii-v'a -d in mv Ivndsln ti ls rity. win remv inter- i L -t, sre now ,t ll wore ttrmly and thoroughly identified Mao.u.augl’— If O.A. LUO'IKiIMa \ KEROSENE OIL! Oltt:A T KKl> UCTION IN UUh ■*’. THE NEW YORK KEROSENE OIL CO. < Establish ei> 15.T4.) Amioimoo that, ltniinjt made gr.-ai improvements in tlia nutittifueture of Kerosene, they are now e mi Idea to otter it to the trade al A Reduced Price. The attention <>f oonsrim rs i.-* respoetfnlly called to tlie subjoin***! tabU*. tin* result of a pliotoinetm a! fXammatit'U. by Kn*i N. Kent, *l N*>i York, Chemist, and dated Feb. 3, lsit). MATERIAL. LAMP. > *=• “sr E't ■~ ” Kero i ne Vi’ B'.i l ‘d.lsl W * ltt Calin.heue .<'ampliene - i.i I.•.• •* •* !d Wind.■ nil--- S.dar 1.8'.i-’’ S!Vi 1 00 Id 00 Isird Oil- .Solar l-td"! 7m> 1 17 70 sin ri.i Oil .Solar 2JC 1 ••'(>) - -•>.'dt> 47 lhirtiiu.o l luid Laro* Wick 557* •'* *(• K -**•’ W Rj-1 ml lie orders from the Irude, ley Mail <>r Tele graph, tilled, on s | 'plication to Al VELYS Ast ii!*, 93 Pearl Street, N. Y. K FID tsKM'. is also to Ik- olitained at the Mamifae turer- Prices, (•fall the Wiiolesde New York Druo- L’ists. Grocer-. ( ampliene and liurning Fluid Maiiu faetiiivis and Dealers in l amps. x. U.—KrUOSUXE is th. tratfamnrk rs the Kero -rue 0.1 Cos.. (I ;ii 01/ ,is.:iy ”r. rauUuma .uja.nst using the suit I friule-uutek for ot/ur oils. (X-t 14 s\vAiy 3m DRY GOODS, Lntnite Blink, Mulberry Street. K. S. PRUDDEN & Cl), £ i rtATEFUT.f* t tbs li K t*rnl y<*ar. art* now \IT pn pared to exliibll a 1 .rge and select M-jck if FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS! Conßdciit of net being nxcelled either in leauty, t)lo or price. A Choice vaiiety ofricu lilt MSS GOODS VELVET AMi SILK R HIES. 1111 l a ll E AND HAV AHEKE SILKS, FIH LAUD SILKS. L*l7 I.AINK AND MERINO ROBES, ROBES HI. t UAMBRE, I’oI’LI.NS. VALENTI AS, BE LAINES. MERINOS CASHMERES! A large variety of SITAAVLS, new styles. VELVET Sc CLOTH CLOAKS.’ and Children’s CLOAKS, TALMAS & SACKS Vu s.s Triminira, Enihroideries ll* siery. Glove.-*, EMPRESS HOOP SKIRTS, a superior article, w irranted best quality. Our assortment ufUi-odsli rfam ly use is complete liUh linrus, Tout’llnff', Napkins, Tahlrdoths, Tabic Damask,Pillow Casing, Sheetings, Cottons, Flannels, and a’l the different varieties of ktai’ls: c;oons req iired for t) e trade, which we . tfer on the mM favorable * terms. [aept 21 dt ] N. S. I'KUIIKN A 00. FLINT HOUSE. Maoon, G-a. I FORMERLY known as the Macon House, on --XVJ * first Street, op|>site Patton, Collins A Co.’s, iir-MB has teei. recently Sited up with a large addition, 11: for the accommodation of Boarders and the travel- ■llSfffl ■ log Public, who will find it tothelr interest, if stop pirg a few da’ s in Macon, to give us a call and see for them selves. The Proprietor thankful tor past favors, flatters him selfthat by strict attention to will receive his share patronage. Passengers wishing to stop at the above house, when arriv ing :d the Depot will ask for Its Representative. The table shall not be inferior to any iu the substantial of life. Price of 33oard : For a single $ .50 Slipper, Lodging and Breakfast 1.55 Hy the Day 1.50 Smelt W r et*k.... 8.00 By the Month (Board and Lodging) 20.00 lan 55-ts T H<KS. H. FLINT. Proprietor. ipsii texm A.M.B ININGER & Cos (Establiflied 1778,) SOLE IMPORTERS, No. 338 Broadway, N. Y. This DELICIOUS TONIC, especially designed for the use of tho Medical Profession and the Family, possesses those intrinsic medicinal pro perties (Tonic and Diuretic) which belong to an Old and PURE GIN. The business of manufacturing spurious gins, and offering them as beverages, under the titles, “ Aromatic,” —“ Cordial,” — j Medicated,” etc., has become so com mon, that the public are justly suspicious , of nearly everything that is offered under similar forms, and the trade has thus been brought into disrepute. It has remained for our house (established iu 1778) to supply the pressing popular need, and to inaugurate a new era iu the history of the Trade. We trust that our established reputation—found ed upon eighty years of experience abundantly vindicates our claim to public confidence. TV. XJ. A comparison of “ Bininger** Old London Dix-k Ohi” with others bearing similar names, will establish iu superiority, and make other Caction unnecessary. Put up in Quart Bottles, in Cases of one and two dozen each, and sold through out the world by Druggists, Grocers, Ac. Druggists and Dealers Supplied with Wines and Brandies, I Direct from United States Warehouses. For sale in Macon, by Mubers & Lewis Cherry .Street, and nil prominent Druggists, (rimers. Jte. oet 12 FOR SALE. T'tllEtfulifecn?’r liAvkig penuaneuby iockb<l at the Hotel, will veil ftiin late ri Aith-nce. at present nccufiwd hv A. U. Butta. Eu. Tbt house contains six ruorns. with all nttfUfy on! tniiimnaa, a Hue witli a varuiy of fruit trees, shrubbery, Ac. For terms, apply ta JC. E. BROWN. Brown’s Hotel. ALSO, The iar*fe and coiiuiuhlious Building un the comer of Court Kouae Square and Mulberry street, known as the City Hall, at preat'iit by Thus. 8. Kilpatrick, as h Hotel, if uot wid by the that<>t depUmber it will be for rent. Also, two vacant Lots adjoining Mrs. E. L. Tracy’s, nu M.tjziiolia reet. Also, the LoU situated bet ween College and Oraiigestreeta, containing half an acre each knawn os the Todd Lota.— These iota are near the Wadtyan Female ami ara very desirable for tfwel'lnps. Also, two or tiuw Stores iu East Macon, for rent. } J osaes&ioii on the Ist ot October aext. lor Terma, apply to E. E. UKoWN. jufy W —ts at Brown’s Hotel. Macon. Go. BOOK BINDING. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS made to ord*.r for Court* and Counting’ Houses, anil the numliers printed ‘*n the pages without extra charge. Magazines, Music and Law Books Bound in neat and cheap styles. DAVID KOSB, fsor. Sd and Cherry St. sept 23 Over U. T. Rogers A Sea. I STRONG & WOOD, DEALERS IN BOCTS.SS3ES. LE&TBEE. HATS&CAPS. AT TIIKIU OLD STAM) (LY 2D, ST. Opposite Bostick & Kein's. J JA V E no- in sture, a Urge and me 11 selected assortment BOOTS AND SHOES, of every variety of i*tyle and nation, manufactured to oniw and to Mill this market, of BITS, mm & SBBIS.TJV LADIES’ HEELED GAITERS AND SLIPPERS, Misses’ Heeled Slippers Gaiters. CHILDRENS’ SHOES OF EVERY STYLE. Also, HATS and CAPS,<gp^ Os all Qualities and Styles, Ail of which will he sold on reasonable terms— in Thankful for pat favor', they invite those wi.-hingtopurexa* to cal* and examine their sleek it lure ptirehaeliing elsewhere net ‘( IS.’W_ ,f S A w Wrought Iron a. McQueen, MA.CO3XT, G-A.., \f.VNI FtcrUHEK of Wr.Kgbi Irion Railing *f ever) de;eriptioii. and for all purposes, noih Plain &. Ornamental, I From ihe lightest scroll Iron -iprotiie neavie-t Raldrg used, i H.’ lug an endless variety of ilesiens, pmchastrs cannot fall to he suited. Being entirely of Wrought ir-m Iheir strength cannot h* questioned, and lor beamy they cannot t*e surpassed any • w iiere. All kinds of Fancy Iron W< rk mail to order, l’ar- ■ ticular attention paid to making all kinds of Goometrical Stair Railing. | ion •’ ; For Sale. ONE of the moot durable residences in the city, when the subscriber now rtsides, c.>rner of Oak and Second Streets. The Lot contains three quart* rs of an acre, .and is high!) improved aith choice varieties of Feucfi, Apricots, Grapes one other fruits, and flowers. The dwelling contains ten Hooni, Ciooet* in six, and Ga? in all. Teriuaof piyment will be. Bii'lc easy. For particu lars. enquire of .1, i>e!.**at h* *r W.S. Brax.tly. If not sold lefoie Christmas, it wlTlbereult-d t an approv ed tenant. [dec. 14—tfj GEO. W. ADAMS. NEW FURNITURE. T> HE subscriber has just receiv t-d,and will continue to receive from the best New York City roanD ‘acturers, a large and handsome •• •ortment of the latest stylet of • / rCKNITIKE, CHAIKS, kC. He also manufactures Kujniture of he very best workmanship, and at the lowest market prices. The fol owing list comprises a part of ihe .rticles always on hand : , VkW I Tete atete, I Rocking chairs ofevery style, Parlor chairs, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Cane state3airi, Office aud Window chairs, Cottage chairs, Bedsteadsfram $3 to SIOO, Bide Boards, Wash stands, Corner stands. Wardrobes, Safes, Bureaux—Mahogany,Walnut and Rose Wood, Dining Tables, Folding and Plain Tables, Centre and Side Tables, Couches, Trunnel) Bedsteads, Cradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Book cases, Hat stands, Looking Glasses, Childrens’carriages and cabs, Window shades, Feather dusters, Ouried hair and cotton Mattrasses. B. F. ROSB. j CITY HOTEL YI aeon, Oeorgia. \T HOME—always ready to receive my old patrons and customers of the Hotel. I’leasecall at the old &f.u and op j (site the Conn House, :inu you will alwa-s flu-J the 1 ro- I prietor at his post. Table always as tjood as the Market will afford. Call and see—ls not sat isfactory, money refunded for all ex tra charges. T. S. KILPATRICK, Proprietor. I Sept-I—d Aw MONTPELIER FARM SCHOOL, MOSIIOF, COUNTY, GEORGIA. REV. CARLISLE P. B. MARTIN, PRES. HAVING purchased MoatpelW, that ceKbrated **at ol U N r Martin has traiis emd tLilher hi* FA KM SCHOOL fruin Henry county, N*place in all the South pui*e*ses more fa(iiitics or more peculiar advantages than doe* this fer the cduc* tion of y.iutb. The Fall S< ssion will commerce on the 2nh of July next, r oi further information addrt** the at Montpe* I iier, Ga. may 54 ts Osnaburgs, Yarns, &c. QA Buies Osnal-urg., 5Vr 20 Bales Yarns. 15 Bvies Macon and MHledgeville Sheetings, 10 Bales i* .--iieetirigs, 5 Bales Stripes, For sale by A YKES. WINGFIELD A CO. u-J--_ir Osnaburgs, \arns, Kerseys, &c. 1 50 ]iALES N °* l 175 ** Gs-orgia Ker*e\% 1 0 “ Macon Mit-iing. •0 •* “ Prilling, 2f, “ * 4 7 8 Mur ting, 2Ju “ “ Yarn*. F**i Sa c at Factory I‘ricef n D 14—If# J* r. xV W. A. ROW MACON LAMP STORE! ISTo. 11 COTTON AVENUE. CROCKERY, GLASS ANI> dim, COAL OIL LAMPS AND CHANDALIERS, | Fluid I.snips. Silver l’Uted Mare, Table Cutlery iiml Castor Frames , LOOKING CLUM.S Improved Coal Oil, BUKNINii FLL’ID CAM HIIN E AXI>ADCOHOL At Wholesale am! Retail , CHEAP FOR CA.SII CALL ANT) SEE US. BOLSHAW A HERZOG. L V IS 12 1 15 O 1> 1 LO6K HEBEI IF YOU WOUid bu 7 lhebesl Carriage, Kotkavtay, Buggy. Hack Wiigon, Jersey Wagon,* Piantaiiou Wagon, that will BI N liciitf:r, aud LAST LONGER, than any you can buy IN THE STATE, go to WOODKI FF A < <., GBIFFIN, Ga. HcSr*’ They keep a LARGE STOCK, and SELL LOW, especially for CASH ! A print/. Liverpool A London LIFE A FIRE INSURANCE OL 2 a SR H H- jm. m’ Xk 9 Office 50, Wall Stmt Rem A ori City. AI'TIKIKIZkD CAPITAL, £2,000,000 or $10,000,000. ‘ l*uiJ lip Capital, Surplun and He*-rxed Funds, FIVK MILLIONS OF DOLLARS: s*oo,ooo Invested in this Country. niRKCTORS IN NEW YORK I JAMES BROWN, chairman. FRANCIS GOTTEN, lh-.-uly Ch:ii,-man. GEORGE BAHCLAV, Esq. EUGENE DUIILH. E.q. JOSEPH GILLAKD, Jr., Esq. JOSEPH KiiWi EK. K-q. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr.. Eaq. ED F. SANDERSON, Esq. WM. S. U ETMOKK. E-q. EDWARD M. AKI’IIIHaYD, Eq. Pre hteiit Secretary, ALFRED I’ELL, Esq. CouLselof'he lfi-wnt. A. HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. AYERS. WIAGrIELD A CG., Agent*, TI’Ao u ill take Fire liisks. only. Macon, My 11th —ts ttaLUMIHA.TEO SHOW CARPS TNORFnuuing, haudsomely prinlid, only at X* ANDREWS’JOB OFFICE, Kaulcm HaU I Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in v. hk-h wc ] !av( , bored to produce the most effectual iilttiativ’ that can be made. It is a concentrated o .* of l’ara Sarsaparilla, so combined wit,, ot ; Ut su'istances of still greater alterative powi r - to afford an effective antidote for the div a .r Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is heh ‘ that such a remedy is wanted by those w suffer from Strumous complaints, and that 0/° which will accomplish their cure muq p r J e of immense service to tills large c-]as 0 f ] afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely fi , compound will do it has boon proven by t"xn t r iment on many of the worst cases to be fe, UI1( j ! of the following complaints: SCROrCLA AND ScROPUI-OYS CoMri.AiXys Eurmoxs and Ercttivi Diseases, Ulce*,’ ’ Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt ltm i ! Scald Head, Syphilis and Syphilitic \y. FECrioxs, Mercurial Disease, Dropsy’, Xei KAI.GIA OR TIC DOULOI REUX, DEBILITY, |) Vs ” pepsla and Indigestion, Eutsipelas, I{ om , or St. Anthony’s Fire, and indeed the vhul e class of complaints arising from Impurity of the Blood. j This compound will be found a great pro. motor of health, when taken in the sprite-, to expel the foul humors which fester mT th e blood at that season of the year. By th,. |, mc . , ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders . are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, bv ! the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the | vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ole structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your fe slings will tell i you when. Even where no particular disorder 1 is felt, jicople enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but witli this pabulum of life disordered, there can )r no I lasting health. Sooner or later something mast go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretonding to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the Y'irtuo of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis. led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. M<*t of these have been frauds upon the sick, lor they not only contain little, if any, barsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has follow ed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary rum of the diseases it is intend ’ ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions ea the bottle. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER ft CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, |1 per Bottle 5 Six Bottles for $5. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, 1 has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, ilist it is entirely unrecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied onto do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, TOR TILE CURB OB Costiceness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, riles, Itheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Itheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as 1 Dinner Fill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are tbs best aperient in the world for all the purpose* of * family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for SI.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physician?, States men, and eminent personages, hsve lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and tbe treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. ... • v Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayer’s, and take no others. The sir* want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by rk,ul oyti. L,. riirohacKer g: to., Zcilin & | Hunt, Macon, and by all druggists and deal- I ers in Mediqjm* everywhere. Haviland,Chichester A Cos., Augusta, Ga , ! wholesale agents. j CiIAKLIS KIVU).*. TANARUS! 0 IAS it. DAWSoX DAWSON & KiBBEE, Attorneys & Counsellors .-of n /Wk. aa’ 9 (lawkiiiNYille ami Vienna. Ga. Mr. K. will have entire collection*; Mr. D. all I iti jut ions, for lue present, with assistantvof liis partuer. i Hey will practice Law. and five attention tnoev t*n*ne*j I li it may be iulrusteil to their niouagetneiit, in the Counties ol | Pulaski, Lowndes, D*ly,'n, \\ i. x, UrtH.ks, Mi. Cos. I, Irwin, Fcbol*, Worth, I lelrair, CJiieh, Berrien, Coffee, Ware. >unter, Appling, l*aureu9, Lee, Fierce, I Twiggs, Miller, Baker, Dougherty. Iu ai'S KEME COURT, at Mac.di. llHlflUrtlla, Savannah, and uisv in uijuuifig Cviiuitie*. on necfcl AND In Federal Courts at Savnnnuli. j M.rrh 1. 18. VCi If ! Dare Chance for Investment Attention IVToolinnio® FOR SALE, THE WELL KNOWN KNIGHT'S BTKAM SASH A BLIND FACTORY. The Building ia entirely new, and the Machinery new stj; oftfcehert quality. It is a lucrative business and nar sq. • csUt.lishedtrade. The Buildin* and Machinery wUI b *•“ unUberai terms, with a lot of lumber, if desired. mays d— tt JOHN KNIGH I. T. CAKTWKIOHT. L. L. Musoxaa-S. I. T. CiUTM RIGHT & 10.. Produce, Forwarding and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 95 Front liim, MKM I’ll IS, Tenn.. DEALERS IN Flour. Bacon. Lard, Butter, Cheese, 7- ‘7 Whisky, Tobacco, Cigars, Hay, Gram and ProdStee Generally. Giders Solicited and Ircmptly Tided IIIEBEXCES: . . Hit,-A Small, Loulav lie. Ky.; D-aaiCi *<rd.Lo*'; ‘ Kv.; LLnia-i * Cos., llmiphis. Tenn.; Gallsav .V neil. Men J.hla. Tern;. COATES & WOOLFOLK VifilH m BHBffl a R f 2 itellu-de iian*Si-ark,. We wi.-I ew’eivo *° ’" u M-wortl.y if llejed ■.)( <•> ‘ ,**•**• he x business. Liberal advances mace in c.Uou wnea iud. Va-on. Felt. 31. (’.-*.—J tt PIANO FORTES! A. EC. GrALiE di 00. TAK E pieasuie.ia . „ , Inviiinx the AttciJ’-‘ ofAnisU’, Aiua i M , ‘JH’vu s, am! the A g**n rall\. tt the; . ,-r—VC W bCALi i >o KukTt juat iL IjU 1 (I iwluceJ. ‘lA* ing tleeiit for .i Njuar* • * ** J Klodo Kortft that % ■ • pr* :tcli UmGraiiti in v.*luint*of Boui*d. acd at tiif lime, av id the urgUn.'y appeamrev of lat thrt^-ccrw % t-trun ei,t directed oiir energies to the prod*iC*n* of dttidtrutum. Gar toil U rewardeUand we submit tee “ aithoat fi*:tr of cot;|ttiti<>u. .. t*ur pianos are aarr.nted to give entire stww‘ ■ wli* th* rordered from us direct, or x* and by any of our throughout tbe country ; aud a e to.icit a eoatmiigpcv 1 _ patronage which we have enjo> ed fr ihe last twen H-neHOwly A ’ VE^ E lhS:.SewYo.^ STATIONERS WAREHOUSE, No. 75, John Street, N. T. W. & C. K. HERRICK; lIiI’OKTKRiS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATIONER’ NATE a-e now urenan-d to offer to the trade. ,1 yy af the ouaa'ry, a fall ami compete •* s ' l goods in our com pi sine the uewest and m- *v “ slock of . __ -ms STATIONB TL ypH n the couutry. We rebpettfully lequestof buje* ion of our stock. Out tew ▼ aATTIT ILLUSTEATEI) TRADE CATALOG^* will be sent Free by Mall on applieaUpn jaue IS—ly